How To Find A Job You Love

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How to find a job you'll love

In order to determine what job you would enjoy, you have to ask yourself a few

What did you want to be as a child?

While it might seem strange to go back to your childhood dreams, they might not be far
off from what you would be happy doing. Whatever that might have been, the desire to
do so had to come from somewhere.

Think back to that dream job. Even if you no longer want to have that job, it could help
you figure out what drives you. For example, those who wanted to work in law
enforcement might be driven by justice or helping people. If you wanted to be a teacher,
maybe you liked school and working with kids. Tailor your motivators and your strengths
to find that perfect position.

What would your friends or family say that you are good at?

Sometimes, talking to the people closest to you helps make more informed decisions.
Ask your loved ones what they think your strengths are, and what job would allow you to
use those skills. When you ask other people, you can gain additional perspective that
you might not have considered. What you think your strengths are might not be what
your friends and family think of first.

Who was your biggest role model growing up?

Similar to talking about your dream job as a child, you might think about who you
idolized growing up. Did you love this person because they helped people? Did they
have special skills that you wanted? Did you find similarities in their abilities with your
own? By thinking about why you looked up to this person, you might find a job that
would be good for you. Even if you did not consider it as a child, it might help uncover
your true goals and desires.

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