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Activity: Bringing the story of ‘Romeo and

Juliet’ in to the Modern World.
Date 17.7.13 Duration 1 hour Group Size 20 Age range Year 6
Learning Objectives:
 To be able to analyse and interpret a Shakespeare play.
 To be able to work co-operatively.
Success Criteria:
 I can develop my role playing skills.
 I can analyse and interpret a Shakespeare play.

 I can work co-operatively with others.

 Questioning the class (Use key questions to check children understand).
 Refer back to success criteria.
 Self Assessment linked to LO and success criteria (AFL).
 Evaluate ideas in plenary.
 Listen to peer discussion.
 Target Group (Speaking and Listening)

Activity, including introduction, main activity and conclusion

Starter activity:

Intro- Teacher led: Do they know who he is? Short discussion between pairs about him. Teacher writes down a
few facts from the class. Children listen to background information on the Tudor Playwright (5 mins). Show P.P.
of William Shakespeare to class. Discuss that recently we have studied one of his plays ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and
that the children will be engaged in role play activity. (5 mins).

Main teaching

Children put in to pre arranged groups of (4-5 children). The pupils will be given envelopes containing a specific
scene from the play. The envelope contains instructions about their roles and what they need to do. The groups
will focus on a set scene which they will act out in front of their peers later on. Each group needs to decide on a
scribe to write the short playscript, but all pupils involved (5-10 mins).

Independent Activities

Children sit on carpet area in their groups and discuss their ideas, making notes, acting out and putting together
their playscript (15 mins). Teacher to float around groups making sure they are on task and sticking to the
learning objectives. Each group is given a maximum of 5 minutes to perform their scene.

The children need to then act out their scene in front of others. Pupils self assess at the end to support AFL.


Use the assessment cards to help knowledge and understanding of the session.

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