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Least Severe Level 1 - These behavioral issues can be disruptive to classmates but are

not too severe. A verbal warning at the time of the problem could suffice. These
problems could have underlying problems as to why students could be doing them, so it
would be best to ask about the issue at a later time. If the problem persists, could lead
to harsher disciplinary measure.
• Talking without raising hand
• Getting out of seat without permission
• Eating in class
• Bringing toys to class

Level 2 - These behavior problems are detrimental to a student’s education and their
classmates’. They should be corrected immediately and students should be warned of
the severity of their mistake immediately in order to avoid further issues. Some of these
instances may have more severe cases that would require an immediate send to the
administrative office. If this type of behavior is repeated even once, parents should be
• Talking Back
• Disrupting others/Abusive conduct to others
• Sleeping in class
• Habitual Tardiness
• Inappropriate Familiarity (kissing, hugging)
• Unauthorized leaving of class
• Noncompliance
• Defacing school or other’s property
• Using a cell phone during class

Most Severe Level 3 - These behavioral issues are most severe, dangerous, and subject
to immediate withdrawal from the classroom setting and sent to administration.
• Possession of a weapon
• Truancy
• Theft
• Cheating, plagiarizing or lying
• Using racial obscenities
• Using profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures towards another student
• Fighting with another student
• Throwing objects
• Teacher assault or verbal abuse
• Harming classroom pets

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