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College of Southern Nevada

Personal Philosophy of Education

Priscilla Llanos

EDU 201 - 3001

Olivia Grant

November 29, 2020

Choosing a life long career can be a difficult task, but when you find something that you

love, you can’t wait to begin. I have chosen to pursue a career in teaching so that I may make a

positive impact on the life of a child. The ability to give them the skills and confidence to be able

to achieve anything they set their mind to is unparalleled. The responsibilities of a teacher are

substantial but knowing that you are making a direct impact on the lives of others is the greatest


My experience in elementary school was a huge part of why I would like to become a

teacher. The environment my teachers created inspired creativity and thought, both of which

made me fall in love with learning. I would say that the things I learned in elementary school

have stuck with me and made a greater impact on the person I have become more so than other

experiences I have had in my educational career. This idea has made me want to create that safe

environment I had when I was a child. Elementary school is an integral part of a child’s

education and it can the difference between a student falling in love with learning or not. Clark

County School District is a fast-growing and ever-changing district where every classroom is

different. Diversity in CCSD makes it hard to understand how your job will change from one

year to the next. Being able to understand students’ needs and adjust as needed is something I am

prepared to do in order to ensure success.

I believe progressive teaching in elementary education is essential to ensure students not

only learn about the topics they are required but that they also develop social, teamwork, and

critical thinking skills. Schools in the US began by teaching rural children about family values

and religion. Throughout history, topics such as math and reading were added and required

curriculum was constantly amended to fit societal needs. As technology continues to advance,

children are learning more stuff in shorter time periods. Skills that can not be learned online are
interpersonal skills that they will need in the future for social interactions and jobs. As children

lean to more independent learning, it is still important that they learn how to make decisions and

interact with others.

Teaching children of different races, cultures, socioeconomic statuses, and religious

beliefs should not be seen as a challenge, but rather an opportunity to embrace the uniqueness of

each individual person. Diversity allows students of different backgrounds to work together and

find solutions together. The extremely diverse environment that is CCSD has so many students

that each bring their own thoughts. No two classrooms are the same, and it is important to adjust

accordingly. I believe that with the right guidance, all students can learn and exceed in their own

ways. I strongly believe that by allowing students to have input on how they would like to learn

as well as the option to make changes on what does not work, gives everyone equal opportunities

to succeed.

The most important quality I will have when I become a teacher is the ability to build

strong relationships with my students. Allowing students to feel safe and confident enough to

voice their opinions not only develops their communication skills but also lets me know when

something is working or when there is a problem. I hope to build successful relationships with

my students and always listen when they have something to say so that they will feel comfortable

in my classroom.

In order to achieve my goal of becoming an educator, I will complete my college

education at the College of Southern Nevada. I will then transfer to the University of Nevada Las

Vegas and there complete my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. During the course of

my post-secondary education career, I hope to begin working for the Clark County School
District in a support staff position. The completion of all of these goals is essential so that I may

successfully become a teacher.

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