Aim High 3 Student 39 S Book

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Tim Falla Paul A Davies Jane Hudson OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS CONTENTS ae A a Ss . Boe =e pio vinset tear Fenner ps8 Masha whohessdhe mas? ‘Fanta ep os tine Ect ‘ureneunecoonee 44 Sere spend aC cy henP rey vaste eccrammar ince 98 Gonna bors 2AUeloowe wie male pS Paste cnt Rec (Berman nen? eee (9? Grammar bier? ous nowN0-UF Us 2-2 we Anawsvecet 225 ner dane Se its (> comouteoe p32 temenory man 122Pat spe and preset preccant rea feveomna' mae sms ROUNDUP Units 3-99 pani yearson Ho Mad dt coon aes ‘oz emma toners werent $03 rman ‘Bcatealsene ow oun? ‘phe wo) p26 The wd awa (27 honing reetvecnse om omnia” otc a te) 99m ease) ‘Sieacsmrna 24 dyin 35 eset pre cntines stato ton mit) 100 Gmner ce igen prscoetnaiosasoutbcetr $I8t emmarhelde, ‘Sianisthomeste ty pence 85 rp en ate ‘ee me tt ncn ‘rowers 102 Gonna reece 105 Gammarus ps2imestgaing cine 53 Repo speach: uns et te oo ie, (04 Gemma are Mets aidan rating meno vey HOS Gmmar bdr ‘Sine png pezteatonsies 63 Scand conttoat Hiremrymemescwrorommcck Fog tame nee ‘tr Gemmar baa ramancmsnas este) 7oGeting tom Ad 27nd poco sane, andor eri. sh, ee ‘Gratamneny oe 109 Gemmer base omens ance pet eandio Kegarapreetthe.come ise) $uiDermanar ence ec put Gomer pes atandanis 989 Otemines cack ey, Seoteapemnr rs sete foe ‘Giana —— D113 Commer batce eee 36 An noma eter Hinrnews ethan fra wees 54 Alral ten sigs skint pag Lcd 22 Aoral te tng Ferisrmason oon say any auc soe — = Sieger oma nt =, soi (Greont esr 5 ion site Eten See i on ] On camera Surveillance BEFORE READING ok tthe tle and photos and answer the questions 4 What are Closest eleson (CCT) cameras 2 Where do you usually find CCTV eames? 3 nha other ways ar people watching us? rv eameras ein etapa as 8 ‘ets fseity orb in ren they fi speared 81953 andy te 190, het were already fo ers naar ‘Sets in and, Tay tee re ore ‘han or miion Cehvemneras ‘crs thecouney Thar ane ‘smear every oun pope ‘Thecamtens eer on dangers rg eka Wich new sofoare eye ately "exomiethefacs fon odes sd ew kind SFCLTV intheNehaends enter ees and Sutommelyntnthe pole feast Some OT ames can rennet te pope they se Watching Botha comers dst cath nina theywacha os amon alleen Err tie ‘ego shop e wes acing or rer! on pobletranmore eames rca etons El fesnsntrsacin tors andes aos Dann tncenng bette sho le crime Sone got nse om ve RD ag ao equi encasonag) tached tae When Youplckpone tes tee tie RED gen ‘RiomestgetoaOctV emer ad te cnera sar nig yee ee ny Osh es sch shoe hoy yey yo a rowan [Gh comers nd ngs are nos only ways otorag Sueracons, very tine you nae or ace selon Jour mobilephone te pone company knows the tober ae pne yous caling and ow lang thecal ane tts crea ole owetouyour est lean. The pao on se ths nomaton men theyre avesaing eu mes, © Units soncamen THIS UNIT INCLUBES ‘When you rad atest for ef time tt aad witout stopping Dost wony yu dont uncestandevey word ~ hy to unéestand the gene meaning Setyourelra time int oFfour minutes to ead th whole et. BE) sot iar about steins Aretheywatehag fom ‘pce? How much can they se? Asbo witha Cormputercan downlad Google Eat and get scelite ‘hots fe ente wold Pebape goverment are sig even more powerflsatliteso watch eles Scions of heres Ei bcawiensoeare stone you ar not necessary Satefrom sven liphapec internet, conneeons have ae computes nore wieable than eve before: en you te your eomputeria vite, ou a pohly sending and cing “one iow ean Coos taser inforon om yon empteo he wee and, inthe eouireco wiih whes yu OF Paes tomeody hese nal eye Toate pose’ nyo amps Thee eon ‘ser eterarye on he febour your Puro your oni en yout bank seco toners for exami dts eshrlogy aking vec an ens iy incon, Dt eo mang nea ipossble baste READ 1 Rea the Reagan vad the tet Match paragraphs UNDERSTANDING IDEAS (GB wh ve these hessngs (8), 1 Eyesinthesty 2 What are CCW cameras for 3 Imere surveitance 4 They row who you recalling 5 Sofetyon the sets 6 Watcbing shoppers ooooo0o @C.02)Ree he ext asin. Choose the comet ans. 1 Today there are CW cameras which know when acrine sn proses » idnaty people wha have commie ines beoe «can speak people I they ae geting nay. 1 couse dangetaus ileal behavout 2 CCTV eameas eon the ation of 8 one in fourteen peopl In Bran » fourmition people € criminasin tan, é evenbodyin ata 3 CCTV cameras eave a message rom RFD tags when 2 a shoplifter comes ito tne shop. 1 shopier tenia tem, « somebody tts up an tem that as goa tag 6 the camera sar ing ‘When yours mobile pone, the phone company can 3 the mane ofthe prion you ae speaking to, what you are sane. «how long youhave hd the phone, ft whereyou are 5 You can get stele phots ofthe won yuu 2 wor a govenment b gotoagovermen weds « worttor Googe 4 have computes 6 her you se thea, cookies 2 reo vey eter that you pe record your passwords and eal «ees you safe fom survelane, 4 exchange formation wth webstes, 1 theses in ondon were utyeuippe wth CCN camer bythe 19605, 2 Speci! CCV comes in the Nethertnds cn ecopize when someone sins shouting. 3 Some peopecrinksuvelane sos cminale coring aences 4 etecives ote contact phone companies to el them soe murder cases 5 Governments row ob spying on peop by ooking atsstaite ote, 6 The on pace you ae ste om surltance when you 1 tthe sentences intotwo groups: Arguments for suneilonce and Aguents gana sirellance, Can you addany mae? 1 suse of captired ages by pat companies, including the mesa 2 Suvellance dees peole or comming ie, 3 lfyou dort do antng wrong, then you have atl to Fear surveltana. 4 Survltance makes reybody fe guy. 5 Theres no way fling he cameras matching you are legal nt 6 Personal privacy snore inpatant than eathing cfiminat 7 More srvelnce msanethe poe can cleh mote “inal 8 Were 10 much on ecnology to sive soc problems. Pblesafety sore mparaat then personel pracy. 2 Answer the questions. sokat the text nd use you own ‘word andes, 1 What legal has do you thin CIV cameras rca? 2 Hom can Survie detec? 3 Why do youthink goverment might want to wath ther cae! 4 Who do you thnk weld instal "eyo aging progan"on a compte? VOCABULARY ‘Somebody is watching you 11 match he hgh vod inthe exh hese etstios. ‘Amachine rom which you can withdraw money 2 Thecareulwatchingo people who may have done something wong. 3 Tel somebody abou something dangerous 4 Against te an, 5 Inhabitants a stat ration, 6 Labels wich you tach oan tem eg, 2 suas) 7 Keeping check on soneting {9 People who steal om shops 30 Atte beginning at int. 2 1 15 People beet a To conmuniat ith somebody, To make someone decd not ado something. Poseble Weak and easy ata 2 doyou know these wos? attaches detect donload Incantact intheory Investigate satelite sotare Oncames 5 RereCTe sg Somebody is watching you ACTIVATE Campa thse sentences withthe care frm ofthe words fromthe box cashmachine cizen deter eg ily lteract monitor offender potential shopliter survellnce ap Valnerble wom workout 1 never shop in stores where te goods have no price Peony was going to study daa, bt then she ‘hanged her min in ov pycolsy. 3 Pisonsinmany ours are ovetfoning wth young 4 Pathates schol because she finds cut with ter eden, '5 The congestion charge in London sins to__ pele {rom évinginthe cy cen 6 Tobe success salesperson you must wet evenbody 26 17 My compute Seems to be ns month eae, 8 The of Pas re very proud of there, tovuses i's ada 9 The suspecs were apt under belo bng nests. 10 Conyou__how much cotta CCTV 11 Mostteactersuseteststo__the pages of thie tudes, 32 Ws _ trae though aed rate, 1B Theyoien__ us motto use compute without amas stare 14 Store detectives conned the ____ when they sew them tate the atop, 15-Alisoa went tthe to take out some money for tne weekend EXTEND Word formation: nouns 11 Usea suticto fom nouns om the vrs in th ox and ‘rt them inthe caret clu nthe chat You ay meee Techange the speling. sppeer asst atch detect develop exasperte ass ivesigte recognize test appearence 1 6 UoitseOncamere 2 Compltethe sentences with nouns fom execs. 1 She sent othe emalvthutIncluing the sae. 2 The poe have conatd les ofthe vm to helb themintiee 3 Tetehas been anew mone. 4 Ny grandmotherhaspeumenasa she's ben add totospaior 5 The ofamatked man in the bankcouse the ‘stoners pani 6 Wine te ld man Foes, we guctrantofe in Inthe case ofthe stoen 1 The shopping cene salle secant camer forthe —_— ot etninals. «8 one estado i, s the math was cancel 9 She loked atmewithno sin af__in her eves Verbs for looking ‘3 These ves ae usd fr deren kinds of looking Match ‘them wt the defnos s2pe glance gare cisere peek pear spot see Toloakatsb/sthfortongtine. er Tolookat sb / sth angi. Towateh sb / sh cate a aseover more about them To lok stab / sth wit your meth open, Tolookat sb shay To tytoseesb /sthwhenyou ant se ithe klexty. 17 Tolwakat sb ah ek and scraivey Tastes /shsudderye 4 Cree the conet verb nine sentences 1 We aigipe glared / peeked / peered at my bater in surpise When he anwned he wa sng home. 2 My fee stared/ lated peste / gape the bil fo 1 Second before handing ovr his rea cad 3 John peered / gaped (glared / peeked at is ser anariy when she dropped isp camer 4 Ourteacherspts/ peeks at/ lances at / observes us carly uring exams maka sre nob0g ie chestng Einra peeked / peered lore stared ints her raters basta See wit she ms hiding. 6 ty grandmoter ava lances / gape / peers sees oer the ope lasses instead of oning through the 7 stared at spotted /pecked at laced ata mistake when nas eal though my en. 1 ysis spends mostotneine lating / observing / esting / staring out te window. Cee weribeni pares en Present tense contrast EXPLORE 1 Lockatthe photo of rater and ites What are they wearing and dong? Use the ver inthe box lp ou ive old. shout smile take photo wait wear 2 Now read the dalogu. Fin al the examples ofthe present Simple ane present continous. Louis. Mury ap. That's the bus for school Spots day sa infheen minutes, Carolus second making a phot of you ous You're aways tating photos.’ realy annoying What do you with them al aro sual Send hem omy ends Lous ho are yo sending that phat to? Carol yond Laura She tes in Wen York, She's coming to say wth vs net month. Louis Why areyou sending here photo of me? aro Toshow hermyfaniy. Come on! he Buss avn 3- study the examples you found inthe llgue Then wie Sinple continuous foreach se inthe table Which to ‘ee efor to te tre? 1 forkabts and utes, 2 __teesomething happening now ost na a for esting annoying behaviour uth ava. 4 forapemanent station orf. 5 foraangementsin the ite. ‘ fortintsties and shales (eg ces Poromnes state vets Stave verbs decease or tustion, and ar net usualy sed nthe cotuous frm fnoy Ihe ioe hote prefer understand. belve remember forget want need belong ean rast EXPLOIT 1 complete the rest ofthdalogue wih the present single or presen continuous for ofthe verb in bracket, ‘aro Justa momen. My hone ec ngs Lau Hy Laura Pon the bus. We" (vale), {he schoo spots day hs aternoon Ye! fe oo) fond to My end Sally Comat walt touis he pha fom New York What (he sav? Carol Se quiet Lous Sor Laura. My brother”__ {always /interap me when Pm onthe phone 50 Louis Gel (oten go) out tthe weekend th tous (ou aug? atl have fo gon, aura But spo eay (Grist atv clock Let's speak later, 2 Complete these sete with te Information about ou Remember that the present continous can eer to caret ‘eins or fate arangement. Riweara 2 Igo 2 study 4 have. 5 tmwesring = 6 msdn rm going — Brim hoi Tes dr en yl evn jar of ee 3 Complete the setences withthe stative vrs inthe box below ‘eto eioy know mean sotundestand_ wen preter remember 2 Thatbiteblngeto ne, 21 “bopgycatesto tht ates 3 Mybratier to borom my leather jacet, 41 fissentence Canyou ein 51 whatyou—— 6 iat eu, Susns barbecue. yu. 4 Tne as 1 twothings youd ey ay 2 ‘wothings that are tappening in the cassoom now 3 wothigsyou'e dong next weekend me We met bey at 7 meting people? two fats about youre our fly, ‘two things tha perl ae alvays dng which ano ou ‘two things hat you ant Dt don need OR two things hat youre bu dort var Uae oneamea 7 Cultural dress VOCABULARY 1 Lookat the photos of people from ferent cuts. where do you thine peopl ve? 2 escibethe thes nthe photsin errs. Use two ies of dating hom the box foreach photo. Tes oo at ‘he other deems inwhicn outils ight you se then? 1 Gained prea atures checked kimono vine pa longseeved unie loose cress matching headscart patfemed sa pai eutban taton kt abpaca poncho até wooden sandals sf sal stn boats, 3 ite the adjectives used to deserve thes nthe correct ‘urn ithe char Then complte he cat wth the jective fom execs 2 Describing clothes enideiength bossy checed ctn decoraed fine fur kneelength tinen shalened ‘stipysuorg thick taht wide © Unt -Oncaner SPEAK ‘Use these phrases when ti possible ta gv an enact descstan, Wsakindof sabes. ook eo «noun itloots essortofsadatve WS okind phox. is obit eo herds Take tums to descibe the out ofthe people nthe photos in Vocabulary everese 1. Use ret adjectives Vocabulary rcs 2. Use phrases ror the Speoing tp. We arg of ag srs et te LISTEN 1 @GEDisten toa documentary about clothes in free counties and atswe the questions 1 hich ofthe ott nvocabulry exercise are descoed? 2 Why athe outs important these cultures? 2 G@CEHDuston again ad complete these phrases fom the docurertary. the ta eee 3 eats 4 dione Tesdaet 5 ule 3 Lookat the order ofthe eps of adjective inthe pases Inexrise2 Complete the ule inthe Look ut bot ‘loo, material an hope, [ when wenave more tan one adecve before a noun, | they usualy come in ths ore: B | » opinion » size or > texture & |» pattem or? De + noun 4 ‘ew th sentence wt the active a brackets nthe came pace 1 He's weanga pale tren st, mar) 2 [Baga pirflong tick bots Gop fine coor Fata. ad 4 Theyhave to wear shot Wickstns to school hacked) 5 She's wearing pair olcorfotable spy trousers. (cons) 6 Hleaivays wes sis later shoes to work lad) GRAMMAR Verb patterns: verb + infinitive / verb + -ing form EXPLORE 1 ead the text about tales and fatal fas, find ter verb inv ad icv +-Ing fr combinations ‘The public enjoy watching pore “and football fans expecially | spend many hours following their teams around the world to cheer them on. However, ke rice ate increasing and 0 are foabal salaries, The question i why do clubs pay thee player 0 much when many of| ‘hei fans card eo sce hem ply? THEFAN "Tore expec to watch every match, bu hit season Il probaly only manage tose my team ‘once. [avid going to the mor expensive matches =I could only ce hoz if pretended to be Journal Sometimes imagine getting «beter job so that I ould afford wo buy a son ck. cant help wondering if the cb pe he che pie up to py the players. They dont sem to understand, that ondinaty people dont have that sor of money ‘THE FOOTBALLER “Trefse olen othe argument that we sx pid too much, Mos people fal to elze hat players tan only hope to play until thi cay tires, And ‘what about my private ie? Lea fae leaving my house because ofa the pabliy which meas if want to go out awhole bunch of bodyguards come with me, Who do you think pay for chem Fn sorry I wont agp to crn lest people ca save on dhe entanc ee Complete the able wth th ver form conbiations fom exercise afor o we eg whiny EXPLOIT 1 Complete the text with be nitive ong orm of the verbs Inbadts, ‘THE CLUB MANAGER “Tort mean 1 son (ound urate ete fis but caststnd he) hem compa aout the rcs. Whey done ike“ (come) 1th grud they ‘ould watch the mach on Wedded (put {th pres so that wean upgrade the goad. They wee allig eour ia | ged eal singin ‘hesands and they eat expect” (ee) provements dou pong them Afr de lye, we managed ‘et some he bs tien I eae want sped ple we cant svdl (py cham god money 2 complete he sentences wth he nite or ing fom othe ‘ers from the box do-make play ty wateh 1 {dot eno oy ea, bt ave watching B Veantavid spa onVathome. leant imagine thing auto spon D sperdatotoftine sport Fvedecided "someting diet. 3 GBD tsten tof speaters match them wth our of the sontnces (8-8 fron our 2 ‘SPEAKER: 1 2 a 4 ‘ead the eum this bo. Then loka these sentences How doesthe meaning oft verb change? ers that change the meaning ‘Some wes can be followed by a fiatv orang ‘oun, thot any fence nesting ove to toe phates. Tove taking pte. ‘Some ves change meaning depending on whether they se folowe by an nitive og fom, eg ‘remember forget top goon ty eam rms! 1a Lusty remember lock the dot Irene teat ec he do) st 2 en dont remember etn the dot. Ar fst ae ey fig de 2 a |wow't forget to sed you posta never forget seen he Pram 3-2 Hestapped rato ie ends, b He stopped cating hs ens ‘She went on studying lng ae mirigh ater high schoo ne want onto study univers 5 a te sing bat re blared os, butl cul even stand up on the ks 7 _Woribook page Unik Oncemes 9 Win A letter to an exchange student READ Quickly rad the eters. Where Luc, George, lai and Sarah ver erie ® Hit Vm your exchange 1 a ay sam, See gene TT fete aco 7 private schoo! just outside | Bouma Tite. Se aE caley eae Ot crag yy sand pene eee ae cae Sart aiery De | @ tsa es ye on | stg se | Sill enatema ‘ra nee | Seen site | ecscreene 2" | @ aes peter uk tar ge eon alte | os pain ig ce = Soa lq Steinman al te tne 7 © Fn pho of een nd iterate hore riding » tot | ayy and bdeetn, nto nc ‘oft | gy 27 Me Sertenborcs art the Super Furry Aan 7| 1 hn pt Bh way. dos ve bg | ats te sete susy bin ma? eet | aes js ieee 10 Unit +Oncane ho ad my fue bende PREPARE 1 deri the top of exch paragraph (4-0) nthe eters ‘Chase fom there tpi skin for infomation abut he other ern hoot Spor, hobbies ang tests escrbng your own cur town vilage Ierodction ne general personel etal, frends 1 desctbing «phot ofyourends 2 ‘ate the setences (1-6 wih th gapsin the ters (G7). Use your ensnest exocige to elp yo. A Have ou go any oer or sists? 8 Robis the one nthe een stipe shi. © Butdont wony my patents and spe Engh at home! D Both sands ate hom sles, oF cause E Ourhouseis abou? cm fom the sea Fy srancparent ve nthe same ilage £0 |e ther all thetine {6 There re ont about 200 students andthe facitesare realy good WRITE ‘When you wate ter, organize he lemation into {nur penn Cch aapaph sod son ove bey opie 1 Imagine you have 2 nawexhang student Plana eter Introducing outset tim ore. Choose topics for paragraphs 2 and othe Us n Prepare exes Make notes foreach pangaph Paragraph 1: intocuction gene personal ets graph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph: Askngforlflomatonabouthe cher pesot 2 Now wie afourparaaph eter of 120-250 words using your lan fom exc ee Webel page REVIEW DICTIONARY CORNER On camera LANGUAGE SKILLS 1 @G.B5) complete he calague with the words fram the bo. Then ster and check your answer Sally Hela. What aryout__ ere? Lala isely.t>___ tired a preseeformy baht bes 18 on Saudayard>___bnow hatto sein Sally Wl wat doashe lala He thes ___ twas att dont to buy him aD.” geting hon yer t___ging in someting speci this year, Sally *___pehavean uP payee? Lala ee does. Ae’ aay one his mas Sally Doesithe = tis own compute? Laila Wo, ut that's gate! can hn 2 pap ony opel tofndone ean fod ng ints eine? eyeomputerta 2 ead te ealogue agai. Gcle the cont ver fos inthe 1 Sally and Lata shop / ar shopping. 2 Sally didn’ expect to see / seeing al inthe tor 5 Lal Looks stoking fora ithe reser 4 Lala as fs having no idea watt buy. 5 aie’ broter spends ise ime tote sting to must 6 The computer belongs / is Belonging Lal 7 ails decides buying to buy compute for her bathe. 8 Shehopes ding ofind a apap cheep enough, 3 Conte the undtined mistakes. 1 meatcaling my cousin ast ight at gaat home intine 2 Thelin isang Manchester at 24.5. 3 Ase you mango go hme now? ‘They ed puting up helt, butthe wind was oo stone 5 Weareking ov new sco. 6 Dorerge ging my eer tyr teacher. 7 carp wakeup atthe same time every dy. 1 Canyouimagie aves fateyourown? ‘Synonyms: look, see, watch 1 Looks the example sentnces of verbs lok a, s6e and wotch and complet he sentences belo some Sentences more than ne answer maybe posible 1 My sister sreams ever tne hee spider, 2 They atthe hoa photo with some ends rit 3 My dod gets very exe ever time he__ is team play foobal Wewen to Hamlet atte theatre ast ight | esas ed man sting outside ne mart een dy 6 She_"_atmeand sled when sid ‘hte “heyhavetidetsto the mater onthe cen “he sore detectives busy a the moment. He 2 potential shoptit, ioms and expressions: colour 2 Lookup the colours inthse expression. Complete the ‘antance blow withthe expressions intiadkontwhite abluemeon the golden le een fingers avechering ave 1 The exam wentwel tut wort beleve the result unth sea tin black aie, 2 My cousin tives abou, owe only st him once in 3 The only person in my family wh Im uncle is earden aeaystooks beaut a sete pbc speaking fo prepare ‘akatyea wan oy bterehan, ‘a tld hersistet_—_—_sbeut er new out. because she dnwanto further feeling. Detectives wasted at oftime searching foro ld ct, hich ted out tobe 1 CAN .. Read the statements. hak abou your progres and tek) one ofthe boxes need more Exey rete sometines na iam can undersandn aie abot sureliance can se diterer peer esest tak shout the preset snake can dese cles can ier anduse alee ves pate, eanvete a leering melo on exchange sunt 7o7_Witiboos So heck paaee 10-11 Uns soneames 11 Lost in New York BEFORE READING {ack pth wrd ames your detinary and then answe ‘the questions. 1 Whatcan ease amnesia? 2 hat probies can a person with amaesi ave? 3 What can you doo help someboey wt amines? READ 1 Reo thetex quel. Which sentence st truck 1 Doug lst hs memery an has neve covered 2 Doug ost his memo But ater membered who he was 3 Dousosthis memory but as found isan and foes ir BT iC male (3 uly 2003, 235 yearald xgshnan cle Doug Bre alien a posto Coney end New Yor old the ple that hed tot nom his om a. ad woken few its ear on 2 subway ai, ith bumps on And aheaiache, and had oie where he was ging where hed bee, or who ewas."was sae he sd ate wes tang about the experience. ent know anything wae being inte dares” Dov eto pole sation basse hawt es {ogo Hews org hss nos tod oto possrsns ie Sesph Dhasebok, abn yoda ap enor The Pale wee ied rng ei Bete ssn ete anes Done Coneisundbospa.Ontsrane lage mete ‘Valoow itm The dot west tte Bs neney tts bool lm sete et ay, terenenbraobing sa som psand i peret told wes rE One rel ot ep {eon robe, acted that heh ony ever sen such, serous ares inthe moe anny ttl Doug Was ‘Sagnsed as saeing fom etal ogre ames heh s fetenel re. 2 Uta Memories 2 GCE) Read he tex gun. Put the event inte erin hich hey happen in Doe's ie 4 Staff atthe hospital fund 2 phone mamberin Dovs'sbos Doug woke upon soy train In NewYork The police sent Doug hospital 4 aug methisamty én ls ends ous worked in Paris 4 Anolé end made documentary about Dout's £ Natine ook hin hore. Fou went to pot salon ous tend, Nang, dented hin, oo08 oouoo \When you ans mul choice questions, rad the ‘uestion onan then fos forthe norman in the et \When you have found hecaneet plc inthe test rad the tions carefully and compare thar wth te text ‘Thenespal autores wou ea been ete. aly asin ta came across a phone mer EBV nhs pasebook wstbemombera en's moter. Doug une has Doug pone and when istnd, Nal plete him, she recomtzed his oc SE's that ou, Doo” she el." ant Ion ane trp Raeest ste Mal te dec ‘ou sn Rone “Noo tuned out be 3 RRHBSpatmet in domionn ‘Manat, which e shared wh wo dogs an tre parts Doug scorer that head prev ven Pr where hha ‘mae alot money wring the Stck exchange Apert he had got red ofthe busines vr, anes ead vested ane neo New orto itn fouryearcousein photogeahy. Now ht Dood dsconsedisierty, he ba oth ca chalengs He was woredaboutmeting isan ed ands. They Seemed te stages tin. Hs str od that tha changed blr hit memo los, he ad been ey sos and BGI bt rt shows notions Now he bas become ‘uchore rene ands are of ching is Teengs, e's happy wth hs ef and sty hs ow been ‘nfm. Anal ed ofhis edo Rupe Mery, as mage documentary abet Doug's earner expences ale Uotnom White ae 3. Read te Roocing tip. Choose the caret answer, Doug Buc mento the poe on Coney and 2 torponacine broasctortaip « to look for his passpoe atocata end “he oftrs athe pce statlon 2 knew ert wnstto 6, b gavehim oew name. € called Doug's fami {contacted the heath services, “he resus of hospital ests showed that. * Dous had organ on to spe, b he cou remember his childhood ce he knew very le aout he worl ‘he did know ning at “he phone number in Doues bag belongs to 2 anole Feng of b themathe ofa end of is € ater’ tates, 4 his moter, Before Dou ost his mam he hae 2 worked on Wall Stet taken photographs ors magazine in Pats € been a success stock broke 4 completed photography couse Sincehis memory loss, Dashes become more earoven. € lesen ng 4 tes conmunieatve, 4 Arthese sentences tuo fale? Corec the fe sentences, 1 Doug was weating wa cates whan he wakeup onthe subnay 2 Vere people hover had such eavous meow lossas Doug. Thehosptalauhortins ddr want ta else Doug unl ther knew who Rew 4 Doug tscovered athe was ute ich Doug recagrzed is ly ane ends Inet 6 ous sisters tink hat Ns personaly has changed since hismemory ss. UNDERSTANDING IDEAS Answer the questions. Lookat the tt nd wee your own words andes, 1 How do you thin aug Bruce las his enon 2 vin coulé the pollen about Doug fs hs appearance ‘dhe things he was caring? 3 Uy do you thik hehaspal refused to clschare Dog unt neha been detec? 4 Bayou nk Doug sally sue om amnesi? Up Why ne VOCABULARY Unknown white male 11 maton the highighted words nthe ext ith hese dfn. 1 Something hich st complete, 2 Shawnin afi. 3 Fiend and sociable 4 Aecompante by somone. 5 treaty atvarve. 6 The bone in yourhec that ptets your bra 7 inmate, Wate quickly ocartess, 9 Torlease somenady Yom hospi 10 Ver conta, 11 Seoustess, AZ Tobecome a memberafa club ora colege. 43 eel succestll wheal stato, 14 Abag thal you cary your back, 15 Simple shoes hays wear when sho 2 what prepostons ae wed with these actives Fd teen hnthetont. 4 supised__Garneaph 3) 2 tied (paagaph 3) 3 weed (ampraph 6) 4 scared tpengoon 8) 5 heppy—_—Garaeraph 7) 3 do you know these words? dmited apparety diagnosed downtown loss resigned stockeschange subway (Gee Wentookspagetz >) Ui 2-Menotee PTC Unknown white male ACTIVATE Complete these sentences wth the comet fm of he words from thebax. stonce balled cope discharge enol escot.fipfops outgoing paehy porray racket sri seveiy shall sunning ‘we gots mach wrk thet just ant___any noe Her feet were cold because she'd chosen wer Detectives the thieves othe pole statin, ‘They were by ther sons benaiut. One minute he was laughing ao oud and te nest he bust nto teas When they reatized heya een bored ny cl the pole 6 have paced fora ong tine samy Geman is 7 y parents ae completely erent my fers quite hy while mater iver, 18 Thestodent_—__" enact the top ofthe ext paper before ha anda 9 intherinsbaut iif, Pass is opis 10 Thefagon a pate sip taditonaly depicts 3 and rosso, 11 Mysinterlooked__on the eay othr wedng. 12 My botherwantsto gli so he's deed to at the local gm takeitof 14 The _—_ofthe str became dear the ese pares arved athe ae, 25 The doctors nting agin. EXTEND Adjectives + prepositions by Antony "Was ey heavy, So he decided tt down and ny grandmatherunti she stat 1 Readthe tok ot box. Then ccle the caret prepesiton In the sentences. [ hajecives + proportions | Some atecves are atowes by certain prepositions | when uses beore a noun or pronoun 3 | sot is merous about his exams Theyre upset about he domage ta thle. ane’ paren ee very proud of her. 1 Cats ey bape at his new mobile phone 2 msurpised off You You no usvaly so ruc 3 They wee ted of abet taveling to wok evr day 4 cla was upset about /ofherbad era rests 5 My brothers quite neous with / about st ay var 14 Uale2eMenares 6 He's ashamed of / th is trile behaviour yesterday. 7 ack’ parts ete mtied abut / ther so. 8 She's Scared of wih ih. 9. We'reallvery proudet at myst’ achiever. 10 Kevin anon weebored wth atwatching Ny, 3 they Phrasal verbs 2 ate phrasal vets (1-8) withthe definton (a 2 although 2 sop seeping 2 good 2 Stop working 3 breakdown © walt 4 holden ret 5 sate ® leave the house 6 wakeup 1 remain at hare 7 comeback 4 notheppen| 8 avin stare jourmey 3. Corplete the sentencesith a utable frm ofthe phrasal verbs rom exercise 2. 1 Lasnight er et thy ends to see ln athe 2 Ourear___ onthe way seal yesterday, 3 | tonite my homework 4 She "Ie because se dd set hr la, 5 His lanstogotounhesiy because he did 6 Mysister to meto_whle spe feted hein. 7 They al dao To avoid tet 8 We fomerom the mate erate, Phrasal verbs with up 4 Complete the sertncesnith a prasal verb with pom th box setup sive up up gewep speakup standup ‘lean up tum up When my bothers ros up hey mano be engines. 2 Wiehaveto——sverytime feather enes the aston 3 They ost because the best player didnt__forthe sims, 4 My mother's nays stingmeto__the then. 5 3t 730.4. eery ey, 6 niy brothers leds ving tect yt agai, but he sit gorge 17 hey sya ood pres are ping to___ asin sronth 3 sreanthesrou 00 workbook pages ony Past tense contrast EXPLORE 1 ead about one of Ton’ aly memories, What tenses re the vers mn blo nthe te: pst snpe past cntinueusor past perfec? "ac eas ol My aur alu hal come ost us th thr one, Who ry prens were chatting omy ‘an and uc, cous and went cio tay twos Faining ard the Sy was ey. We sat oun on the doo ard ‘started trvrg ses at ren nou Yo gen | tre stone it bounced of he ea, ended or my aut sd ries ‘ac and smashed te wise I alt tee wT a ‘done When my au an une eame asa T wos staring te rokn inser, 2 ‘Read and complet the rues inthe Lom thi! oxwith the ames ofthe tenses. ind examples ofeach alent ent Past tenses E ten we are narating events inthe past 1 Wecanusette———tosetthe scene 5S _srwas reining ord he wind ws bong, 2 Weusetre———_ foracton or events that happened one serrate ‘got home, et ov an tuned onthe 3 Weusethe——-foranactono event that interupte a badgound event we ee the forthe bacground eet Wiel wes having nner the phone ang. het were you doing en saw you? ‘4 Weusethe total aboutan event that happened before aatner evr in the est Foes hungry because had aro eaten ple, 3 Workin pis. suse the itference in meaning between 1 hen got to the pay, Kim apened er presents 2 hen ott the pay, Kim was opening he presents 3 han ott the pry, Kim had opned er presents EXPLOIT 1 chsethe comet tenes. 1 Dadi was rig hs while nsGEGORDY had th wash py ‘Theses we wee avg / eth ase the moi raed [had aed vg a 3 "anywere you cutie ie Norught wes Bg tet wating” 4 hen! aed wasabi hone, ymin ele hadheipesme win ny omen 5 ture nctes a worked shou we stopped were stopping tora 6 Tomas ing ad ren hone when he was crs cashed he cr Sy dad was etn wp got, hd was avg bret ana went had gone fo note 8 hd /woshavigahenache beave wast tng harteten since cay ble 2 Complete he tent Usehe past simple, the past continous and te past perfect form ofthe ves in brachts Syptvia’ ’s earkiest mer Ia abt» ee ey diy a ha gen (Ge) weave dala jet sie? — ia) eb 1? ta) a tide a ae Incense" a) ge feb he (ety teat a ade 2 pat et a a a ay te an ey he re at ana seins" Ger frau won We" go) a om te ain iy te a_i) ps oe wtcon reenter fy ely ay ashe Ga te et pron ae 3 ite notes about on your east memories Use the ‘uetions to lp you. 1 How ol were you? vnere were you? Who mere you wth? How wereyou etn? 2 Describe the scene What were you/ ener people dng? What es the wethe he? 2 What happened? Desi th evens How cd you fel? 4 Telthe cass about youreaiest meno, Uot2emenories 15 How did you feel? VOCABULARY 1 Look atthe phtas. How do you think the people el Use the aletvesin the Box Feelings amused confused delighted depressed lsappointedemayedeestie embarassed eg up fuious guy homesick inated. fslous rercus petied pleased releved upset, 2. ine adjectives rom exes 1. Can the clas guess which adjective youre ining? 3 Choose the best adjective bordto describe each person's elngs 4 twas fut and imorent ex ~ and passed acontsed GelemD cman 2 Twasamay tom home and miss ny fey, a cismayed.'b ranaus € homesite The shop assistant was very ie tone. aus b Jealous. € pleased ‘Welostthe match the ehertean saedinthe last ‘Eencus —» confused —_¢ dssppointed ogo sve my bother a message, nd be nized his fines pa, aleaiows b gully debe 6 Ny en spent the evening taking fo someone ae aleaiaus bramicee c-ecstie iy dad decided sng myth pary, but e's tere singe 2 pevifledb embarasced_ ¢ depmsted Ici get entation tothe der. Erenore ese di upset Breede irtee 16 unit2+ Memos LISTEN 1 QCD titento ve people recaing event in thes ‘Mac te speakers (1-3) wth five ofthe events 2 my ist day at pinay seneet¢getnglost, svagurentwtna end ¢ receinga great present © animporantexsmreukt —F Sfamiywessing speater1 [] speakers Speaker? [] Speaker F) 2 GLAD tstenagrin How did the people in execs 1 feel? Choose the best adjective om he boxfor each spe, speakers eight ebarassed [elous ives petied SPEAK 1 Workin pals. Which of he evensin stn execs have happent to you? How dd you eet atthe tine? 2 When sd you last fel this? Mate rote foresch active. 1 intated a emberasied 7 relved 2 nevous 5 upset B disappointed 3 delahted 6 canised 1 raed = site bread cers '3 Workin pais. Ask and answer questions using he actives inerie 2 used to EXPLORE 1 @GiW) Read and stn tothe comestion Find llth cramples of used to. aia ae Grandma Wo So we dd’tus oleae the visage veryoten 2 Read the Lar this! box. Chose the arct words nthe rule and complete the examples. sed to 1 We ise used tofocpat/ present ture habits or sustios that are now the same / ferent. My éoa "smoke, but he des ao. 2 The form of sedis the sare fora persons IMyporens etn tondon negative PA ave 0 ployer loterogativg eu —_walktoschol? Yes Tai. / Ne, mere bony? _ tive? 3 GOCLED tsten and repeat the santnces. How sthe's! ronounced in used 2)? Howto pronounced? 1 We used st and cat 2 We ct soto av the lage very an. 3 id you use to nate etevon? EXPLOIT 1 Complete the sentences with he afimative, negative or lncrogative form of edt and the vers inthe Dox be do tke ve spenk work 4 My sister ied to i this town, but she hates it nom 2 Where she before she vedn London? 3 She ary exc, btnon she goes runing rey ay 4 She" _any tala, bat rom she's atest fen 5 Nyimum "na bank, but he's unemployed now é The a woives before se became an 2 QCD usterto.cescipton ofa ghost tow. Why di: become ghost town? 3 GD Listen again. choose the conect words to ‘complete the sentences hou Falvew toy. 1 has / does’ havea papain of 3,00 rom, 2 People work don't workin the ald mines nom 3 People eat/ done inthe salon now 4 People uy | dart uy snacks atthe cate shop 5 Touts st dot vt ne town no, 6 eople can fear sty tthe hte no 7 Theres ent ose 4 ‘enrite he sentencesin execs 3 otha they re tue out Fave in the pas. Use te afi form feed 1 toed to have a popaaion of 2.000. 5 Taito your parens or andpaents and find out abou ite Inyour county ether 200 0 years ago Hake aes using these headings. 4 wanspot 3 ertarinment 6 food and dink 6 Tatne nss about ours, Unt2éMewories 97 Ritts Notes READ 1 ead the notes. hs Sendra aS = Catly stoned. She ws lokng for you at school She wanted 0 remind you about the thestre tomorrow evening. She's got the tckete You cancal hor tek on Sou 2 ishavnes pane 6st26, but she wort be back stare om 3 hs gol ickts forthe theatre? Basa ese 4 cantrotathe shops TA Renenaidne se sentences contain phrasal verbs. Find them in the Simoke mee 2 ues can phrasal ves Fd hem 1 isconing reform wots vr? 6 lartamiaghone rn cos vn? Peon 9 IspiptosceBentomornt 2 Fen pali_"™—fom he conerson, {nual crs tan Baa 5 femenberfolock the house, Se mac of Ion hve ne 6 looted sero ‘the al 0. . tego to on 0154 85621 the dpc cold you pone chee an 1 Yaveanether 4 85626 {cet shep on ura ite oe PREPARE 1 ea the Wing tp dat east one cojnction rom the ‘We can often on shotsontences together by using ‘onuntion The sls conjunctions and ‘escoo. I wale have. igh Schoo and waledome. ‘iyto use these ther cnjnctions as wel, to short stetencesandinprovethe sl of our writing: s becuse but even towgh since 20 though whereas while 2 Use conjunctions fom th Wing tipo compte the ‘sentences. Sometimes more than one answe psi 1 stenedo muse __ walked the shops. 2 fmaat going Pars les too expensive, 3 Thecomar shops egansive fori the "upemaret ie much ape, 4 feast hungry, he ad eaten whl iz 5 ibe tack et, dort wa forme WRITE Imagine that you vein fia an are ging aa othe ‘weed, ite ante to your fata nich ous Sart Te hag tle ply on Saturday ~ pst Ce Cet ans Pad ware peg aa col a ft strts thst 730 end rel be | ei en ma sn el him herwhere youve one remind him [er to Go something + skh /herto buy sone food dink, ‘wh him er god weekend, + say uhen your be hone, oe Wiosie page 18 Unita Memories REVIEW Memories LANGUAGE SKILLS 1 @CAD) complete the salogue wth the words rom the bot Then tsten nd check your anaes, ‘andy Youte new hee ae yeu? Simon Yeslam.imavechee' month. ‘andy Where>__sou ve before? ‘Simon nthe cout, ?__togotoa sol inthe nest vig. ‘andy Howdidyou__togetia cheat? ‘Sion Bybus.|wsed'__getypat soda cath ebestosctoot ‘Andy Didyu ever thebus? ‘Simon Oniyone It __ wang athe nd ofthe oa ‘hen read” fron ny Pt + home get, bathe aback the bus op the bushad”—__ haute. ‘andy Sowhat*__? ‘Simon My pares mde walt school hat dy. aston lometesandit" me reatythve haus Tree __ hw sehol bs agit 2 Read the islogue agin and answer the questions. hen i Sinan move? her i non ive before he moved? ow ai Sinan use to goto sehael? hat ime Sinan ue ope? hat was Simon cog when he relied he had fegtten somebng? 6 What aa Sinan forgotten? 7 Hom longi t take Sn to wake school? 13 Choose the correct otds to complet the sta. Daeg Ly ‘Word building: nouns from adjectives 1 find the nouns of the aclectvs in brackets Complete the 41 Tem was solony and slow that we el aseep with bedon. ore) 2 Te exam instuctons were iar and caused ot of (consid) 3 Rubyslfered fom __when she osteo, which made itmar Mel ds new one. depressed) 4 Hexgotoverhis___when he was selec forte football earn by jing ie volybalteam (sappcining) 5 When my ser doped the plate, hei er and ceened vp themes. embarassing) 6 Viner he saw the damage toh carhe was speechless wath Curbus) 17 tty siterhadneveratered fom ‘weno Canada (hese £8 ty" abourmy cing test got worse when go Int the a eras). ‘Synonyms: memory 2 check the mearing ofthe words ia the box and mate the vw the conect einions. tore sre ‘memorbila menos! memory remembrance ‘ender souenie 4 The aby to remender things or someting that you remember 2 Something you kee 10 remind you of somes you have beer onhaday. Something that males you member something. —_ ‘hinting about and showing respect fr somabody w is sens ‘Things hat people ty because they ae connected wih 8 famous penn or eet. Something that slo emind people ofan event or CAN .. Read the statements. Thin about your progress a ck) one ofthe boxes Hace vei fc No olen: pce isdn " can understand a agar ale about a ranwiolostismenon, ean dese my ates memory. sng ier part tees, ean ese ho fe ean ak about tings at wre tenth pastbut ent om ean ite nee. Worst Sov hekpapes 16-19 Unit2-Memeries 19 aes Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Dither pcxstithows nt te ae ht home 0 Copal Dan Ives oe Thad ns se Suite Tene ona evar tiga un eth ed lag and {Sings emi B nea ‘Soe Merce al Mebane re bi spor and oth en ter hot “had nity edhe tg ou have se ‘hing a hy ak ae fos? "hee sleigh pei ihe Ered fete sd pn tye pce Hon Ae tht 4 Dame we Sayed Pte So od "REE now id the doa, ou havea fh es, Copp “i fH ed ee. He was she wor pt th re sed. Sh tied loo ear ame? “wel Te hea tin aye i De Lisacy"Bat te gusto iid he hae “Money sid he qui. “Of couse Fin tadpole mse “wt opp hve hee i iy pocket ype aft we Pe Snr lf doce "Weld he wae fewer elie? Tr ek a id he ie, wit agree wl ou ear torts Fivpepnee dp acta the yoo ed Hedlnwihe snu hve hat web Enthotleh rye 1 Lookat these ofthe Book and he istration ané check the meaning ofthe words inthe bo. Which wards do you ‘expect oni the tent? Reb the text and check. 2 @CiDead tees again and anserthe questions. 1 hat id in the nara ake to SquieTelawne’s ase? 2 Whowae in? 3 Why mas Sql Telawneynterestedin Flint? 4 watinformatin di ins book onan? 5 Why ere the men alighted when they looked atthe map? 20 therture comers Biography ‘eee seins ‘We opegd the cots aa fund ro tings — 1 book arte papee Te bok gave» it fall ‘he maney Eis hadaten om ciferent ships uring tseny years a sea, The doce opened the papet and found amap ofan land. There svat th cate marked pai Seseral names chat had been added ater These twee thee hig crosses wo in he noth of te ‘land and one inthe southwest Beside the Tasteross were the wos Moa of the eresrre fer Ontheback oft paper heap Tl te. Spyglass shuldes the Now of [Norch Nera. Skelton Ian Ear Sou asiand by Ease "The squire and De Livesey were delighted 13 Answer the question. Lickatthe eta use our own ‘words and ideas to expin your answers. 1 Hom deste writer show that De Livesey was calm and ent man? 2 Inwhat ways Sque reauney cern? 3 Te cor asm, You have the thing that they were looking for Rave ou? Who You nk they rte to? 4 Imagine you sie oTasure land wth SquieTeloney, Dr Livesey and in Wit paragraph about the dy you inal escovered the weasue Deserbe the ean, the rents an your fet ESOP Rare Stereotypes? READ 1 eae the text no has the most negative view of ondones Samanta or Ami? Look the peop nthe photagrah, Theyre sting ‘ose together on an undergrad eran, tut they ere ‘taking to each oer. The how the werk sees Londoners: quit, reserve nena, [But how scowraza is this imoressio? We acted Die ‘resident of London ta gi ther opine ‘Sm, age 1, ets born eee Saver ener te see fact we the 2 good oka. But were probaly ie gloomy ‘sd pocsimitc. When comes to spare fo example, ‘we cheer co the British eampactars ard tame, bt ‘ve arent realy surprioed when the oe, Wa ect Underachovere tthe norm. Ithhk Amaro are ‘ferent they expetta win! ‘ean, 261. osha a Lae oa ea “Whi Lovtoners re enya raed Poga have drt chat toy dons) holo a rau {rd oe of them wr oe ecgns De ‘eigen the sree Ifa Pa oe ands re nf pened moa ry in in Poe, rich pool Pelion tas Eg re es ‘ony get tno hr, he eyo gat Snow hom hen ther enema ‘ami, ape 1 Bris, born a London, Piston parents. “London isa truly mfr ey | thik es re to 2 that mare than ene in ree of he ly pepo along to en ethnic minority group and you can haar ‘2eu 300 erent lnguages here. New pecle ere ‘rng ath ime. a the oy change dey by ny. 88 very competi, fast-moving ple, Most Londoners ar focuad, and rer et of work they nom wht thay want nd how to gt 2. Match the opniars abut Londoners wth the three people WiteSSam), | Geannal or A (ni 1 Theyarertvey welcoming 2 They work ver had 3 Tey don ato es other very, 44 They've gota good srs ofhumout 5 Thoyreambitous, 6 They aren optimistic LISTEN ooo000 1 @GD usentofourteenagers opinions about people {fom he own country. What re thir nationalities? Choose from the words nthe bee. Nationalities ‘Anetcan_Argntlan Austin. Baslisn Canadian Chinese Eepian Fenh German panece Polish usslon Spain Takis ‘han Junko cm 2 @CW uisen again. tasen wo opinions (1) wth each person. Wie R Rosana), (than, uno} oC Cen) ‘ext teach opinion, 2 The/reusuly polte ane formal ih stanges. ' Therrevey pati «Te revery tative, 4 Teyrehare-erting, © Tey ere eee, h oo Thy don theo skater motions Theyre vey generous They ute wa ard fend WRITE AND SPEAK gooooo 1 How woul you descibepaope from: your own tow oF ity frm another country you know? Choose alecves fromthe boxer your ow iess and make nots. ‘ent Juntieraly oxime pessimistic sous / funy tale / uit" hardworking I ay tude /ptte ambiws/ ambtious eared terse sean geneous wise umelable sroqant/ mest 2 Red your ots tothe ase, siilgrounéap 1-221 Reversing roles BEFORE READING 1 Lookatthe photos and read the Reading tip. What bs ate ‘he wemen dlag? Choose fom the job inthe bx labourer mechanic nurse plumber surgeon freahter 2 pisces these question wth pate Inwhat ways are man stable or thes jo? Invent ways ate women suable forthe be? THIS UNIT INCLUDES. Use the tle andthe plewes to make predctone about whats inh te. READ 1 aad the ents uit, reckyou answers to Before Reading exer A man’s world? Serving the community Whe fifi tee sEeeanemty fempecpethen tobe men Hower, tose he seca in Far and ior ee aoe omen Open omnis Ka ebb Tejas ‘een 2 and pal or Sie ecenio ‘Whenshtecane Gevhonge flowing iene ‘odbieinde whol othe gon net tinea fei Sap inaep ‘heme cocmmanacc etn nina iprdings lg par ofthe dy cae ie conmanity 2Soue ire prevention. We vis RRB expan how ‘epee sith i acetone ta i ‘cochingrooe le? "Nevertheless, many worn az being BEB he profession bythe 24-hour aay expeced of fitefighters. “Breryone needs aurangements wichin theirjobt explains Women’ Liaison Officer Ruch Ward “Family fiendly working hours would arace more women ‘wthe profession beeate hey could have thet cee aswell asafanily life. Whar moe could anyone want?” A tough job Bue 344s ew gang it Monae inthe south of France. Caomet wake char ens therefor eps may besupesed find tale eno are worten ‘When Hervé Malige advertised for women who wanted to become mechanics, hereceived 120 applications After ‘estsand interviews he eose ilteen. They included nurs, a secretary a beauty therapist and tw ight atendants. They all wanted a chance co wot ia this traditionally male environment. “Think loc of people omen moe he cpu nla coe tn naenle ‘eth somebody who doen ie hem a they dont Undetstand nyhing! Algough mox-car echnical men, the sinaton is Rchanging Men ae arsng ler che profesion and women se omning ic Why? ina word technology nthe puss Eeings mechan wars physically ond ry jo Now etre much more complicated an thy wed tbe You need pacence nd inelignce o workout wh the problem, oe sength, Many people Bel hehe mash job moce sable for women thm oemen 22, Us -Nineto foe 2 GIB) cnooee the comet answer. 1 Before Kath Secamethe manager fhe fire station a altne crew manages has been male 1 She ha worked in nee see for oe fen ye «there had ony been ane fra einterin et gion, 4 she mas chosen as the best reghttin the county. Themain objective of tee sence todays a wo encourage peopeto jon the professlon. ' to show czens how communi bette € to stp res fon happening to del mor etc with Fes thar ike there are 00 many female fefihers. 3 working arangement for eters nee to change, «€ womer shout become firefighters because the hous the amy mre imprtan than ting 30. 4 Tre women whe wota ase 4 apple the fb because 2 they mere unemployed 1 hey hag jst i are. hey were ted of marge apr, 4 they waned to work mechanics For ere Mati the advantage female mecharies isthat 2 they hag ess, 3 they dort undencandanyingsbout crs € the atc female cistomers 4 the enya cater. 6 New cars requte methane to spend moretime ‘geting diy, B sng thar muscles wating fr wk. (nding sltons. 3. Read the text again Ar these sentences role? Conet the fle sentences, 1 Kath Webb runs thee station inher ome tow, 2 ath say people med diferent sls to become & fatter noma 3 ngerera women cont ind the lng hous fefigntr has to wot 4 Ruth Wad thinks tat people ae happy in thea asa fhed umetbe, 5. Whats surpsng bout Base 34 tha no men work thee 6 Ftcen women spied to work he garage 7 The woren ad elfen obs beer working atthe sage, but wanted change. 1 The ofmehanic is changing because crs re etng sini 9. Nowadays mechares need o use thelrbans mre than hey before, UNDERSTANDING IDEAS ‘Anse the questions oot at the test and use your own words snaiders a nat qualities do you think the Crew Manager a re station shouighave? ow doyeu think Beiter educate people nthe Commun about re pevertan? 3 Wat do you tine atts women to become mechanics? 4 Inwhat way do youthinenen cate ae mote comphated VOCABULARY ‘Aman’s world? ‘Math the highlighted words inthe text th these Aetnitions. 4 canbe changed 2 Tome somebody nt want to do someting 5 Tobin that someote hones. 4 Physaly acu 5 Pooplewho vein apace 6 Stony 7 ‘alway, without hind. 8 Quaitis and expeterc, 9 Tocextnglsh, ost meting buming. 10 Special poten. 1 Things that you must oor eed the 2 Prise or agreement 3 Responsible fo, 14 Tobe very goad at dag something 5 Amave aoe imparted 2 Doyou know these words? Tare pplication complied environment revert ain undemest visor > Unit +Ninetofve 23 PCT Aman’s world? ACTIVATE Complete these ertnces wth the comet fam the words ‘rom the bo, Commitment emphasis excel flexible gradually inchage of insinctvely promotion putoff put out requrrent eden hi tugh tt 1 Maks lastmonth ands now the office manage 2 Nook retghes ner sihousto_the fre. 3 The forthjab ar compute aac anda frien lange 4 Teacher re wsualy__ aout when students hand intherhomenork. Workingasa freighters ___job, The police otcer __"_”Sgppedio tp when she sow ‘he Geli of hisbece He was ableto comet the math because head 3 family 5 People ave Been _ __wothing in etatbecaus ofthe long hous endow pay, 9 Myboss puts more onthe quay of my work, ‘ater han he que, 30 My cousin ar very god wth umber ane they trates 11 The ocal____areangy abouthe pans to build anew Dison inthe area 12 Alapalams mst hve appropte manageert 2 atch he jos nthe both hese professions ls, buster chil pychlegst eiserant canespondent ouncior estbutorectr Ananda nat soe stockbroker suppiy eather wholesaler 1 eveatin 4 sovenment 2 banking 6 nance 5 mecia 3 haw 6 real Separable phrasal verbs '3 atch the phrase verbs t-8) wth the dtnons (a PaBCc gta 8 tum down Caniovitatn) alt 4 Rea the Lookout box ew he words in bold in these sentences using a phrasal ver rom exes 9 anda saltabe pronoun [1 Some transitive phrasal verb are separable, which | means there are two gossible positions for the abject. 3] Beattie nt panna anaes Scere mopar es Tf 13 Rachel was ereadng sare noth, but shes adapting ber nn ston 14 est my bother sore money Because!__ him to ay me bok, 15 Nylater works a acounts.He's__ payin the bls EXTEND Professions: 1 Lookat thes oFobs. Decide which cater they belong to. Some obs may falinto more han one eatery. Decide hich Jos naive: lca pilot astonaut bulder carpenter cea nner Clecclan engineer Righestendenthaesser lanyerlony diver nanty nurse nut school teacher lumber sectay sitar 4 helping or loan ater people fig sent wring wth smal ere or bbies © working wih Reavy machiney 4 geting cy © hvngSpeizes knowdge 2 Ua Wine tote 1 You fave to remeve your shoe befe you can gn Yoo rave take fe beer ou cn go 2 Theshop assistant ound the pie inthe catalogue 3 Torsmether spoke ober sn angi: reaing thewindon 4 They canceled the ce because ofthe fo. 5 ty aut colts me ara my cousins rom schol very dey, 6 ‘ia averted ae so ht heparan maul be ng. 17 Theteacher dstbited the book before sting te homenork. 18 My boter elected the job because the salary was ‘a0. Wate Defining relative clauses EXPLORE 1 ead the tex Fede eltve pronouns, Read the Zoku box Which eltive pronouns in exerse 1 eanyoureplce with hr in deiing relive canes, we often uz tha nsead oF ich. Informal Engsh we can slo use thot instead ao, ee ‘Achiny sweep a person who ‘lense nies of chinney I the st thls oh mas doe by sali bore ‘tho were homeless or ned nan Crphanage (An pang a ace ‘sere cles wih pret re) ‘The bors had tli up se the hina and oma the dt ‘tom the vals ida caper wich wan of eal roa ‘This was sendy dangeovs and fen the chien lo sotstuckin he chanel ehiaey sweep recived no ‘ane othr wes ht hey were omtines e oder ‘thing ty the pope wie aes they sme ‘Complete the rules wth the lative pronoun wh, whose, here and whieh 3 oativ pronouns: wha whose, where and which E a Weuse———forthings and animals 2 We use for peste 3 Weuse— forpaces 4 We use to inet possesso. Defining relative causes A defining eave cause comes immediate aera noun and ges us infomation about that nou, can be Inthe mid or athe end ofa seen ‘She's the vet who load ater my ca. The has where my aster works is nonmous. EXPLOIT 1 Complete the questions, using tlatve proncuns who, here, which and whos. Then answer hem 1 Wat do yeucalla place here people goto watch ims? 2 vhatdoyoucalapenon.———-jobistodesign bulrgst 3 What do you ca woman foodin restaurant 4 What you cal amen, ‘What oyu cal shop feodané in 6 nado you cle peson 17 Wiratéoyou calla mache progam! 8 Wt doyoucata parson suent toes ones andsenes record ideo pines? youcanbuyalhnés of isin charge ofa stopor records W pace ofwotksa Complete the ext wth wo, whose, hich and where. Inthe pas, bth ad nt den ware erplaed by ie callers oo owed cogs The chien on wrk Iver. Aare ashe? job ites ttranspt the coal rom the col fc tote sara. Te el cn wat he place» te mers eee current desing The coo Waspelinoweor'+ wane age bx on wel ‘The rier ued the ery chain was tached twa speci belt he was wating Somtinesthe ber ws Ide bya younger hil ealed arse "pushed ‘he con behind Th wb baking works the children hata wekin strom pesgevaya’ were les than one mer high Ther banger brother and srs often worked atthe eatrasce othe mine, pening sd olay thedaort leo tesurice. 4 compet sentences (1-7) wth elatve causes (0-2 ding wh, where, which or whose. People wo vat to ec azzounts need tobe geod a mathe 2 Thewemen fsa musieon, 3 Thevehicle lca trator. 4 The person inmy ani" uncle 7 Thevila waver earth bach 2 peopl cord 1Vpraranmes 3 Vi ns olen 6 isusedon fms 4 Sia are hoppy and motored f= wentiobecome ects F wespentourhoiaas eamsthe most monty hich ob waste wos, thechiney sneep's oF the hurr’? Can yuthinket any jobs that re worse? Uni 3 +Winetofive © 25 By The world of work VOCABULARY 1 Read the adverse ech ob ‘skilled? + menia? = challenging? ‘stressful! srnardag? + monotonoie? (people eork parson orb cl etre Working es ‘Spm 09 po, Monde Friday Yous rk nama team nso poe ad del ith pe You ill ‘orn £7 SD on oar Th ore chalga, @ Werden opined receptor werk |DFACTORY WORKERS | needed fra company ‘lime nourbnk You wilbeincuge afte |] Producing white goods. Previous ect! reponse yer le aoe Mie || expense ue, branes sal LISTEN 1 @EDusen toe gre show, hats my be What arate wo jobs? 2 QCD conplete te questions fromthe game show, ‘Then listen ago and che ‘Questions for ake 1 Do you silly wark__? 2 doyeuworkin 7 3 Doyen alatat money? Doyeu weakwiih ——-matiney? Doyou vist peopis > Questions for ty 6 Doyouworketayour___7 7 boyeuworkan sn Te? 1 Doyou have specie 9 Doyou look soni 10 Doyeuwear cathe foryour wor? SPEAK 1 Look atthe potas. atc do these people do at Experienced sales rep witha proven trac record needed {e'workfor efizzy dias company. Yout ares wil cover [2 the hot af gland and Seottnd Car provided en 2 Lookst the verbsin the box Match he atts withthe obs neers. ‘Actiiesatwark bantam eas char meetings eal wih castors aw up cantacts ‘ep up wih pew eoogy aise with atam Imeetdeadines opatemaciney por on sls Reus Uolasd da workon an assembiy ne dea wh euler 3 veh activity are tese workers ing? Match sxe the ‘tvs in execs 2 th the sentnce. 4 Nelo, Fut Labels. How can help you? dl xh caress 2 ereare the les that ned be given othe design department toy 3 “Of, eveyone Les lok at he Fistitem othe agenda 4 ‘ast month we sold 1050 fers, That's 2 5% increase 5m galgon a vinng course tomorow to lean about the new sofware package {6 "What sbou the ago? animal would be 08 How about aion?“Ora cesta (om workbooks pases) 26 Unt dinette vee Aes || renee ‘on? what oo inka os ar et congue Say pane, }|_ Coconino @ SALES REPRESENTATIVE 2 Workin ats. yas my job” Remember, you can aly answer "Yes orn Use he qunsons In cen exercise 2 and thik of more questions sng words rom Vocabulaty trees 3 and uu) —_ Non-defining relative clauses EXPLORE 1 Rea the text uly. Whats Water ORoure's ob and vy does doi Wilter O'Rourke, who works a8 ticket inspector fom trans in New Jersey, i rch mao, fa fet his salary, which is around $0,000 a year, is just pocket money to Mr O'Rourke, whose favestments ‘earn him about $2 milion each year. So why does he choose 1 work? The answer i that Mr O' Roush, ‘who was bora in 1938, has alway loved train, For ‘im, working ons crowded tain in New Jersey is ‘more fun than relaxing in Flori, where he hast houses. “There's no place that Prather be, he sas, “Tdoa't need the mabey. 1 need the jo” 2 ead the tex aga, ignring the rltve causes in be, oes the text make sense wthout them? 3. Read the Leom his Box and choose he conect words to competethe ls, sete reitve cause i bln execs 3 to elp you Non defining relate causes 1 Avon-cefing lave dause cones immediately bette afters noun and gives us information aout 2 Hasta formation tothe sentence, Te sentence ‘makes sense doesnot make sense who. acy department stores eof te lrges hap In ‘he worn New York. ‘Macys deparinet lr, which sin Mew Yorks ‘ofthe largest shops in hemo 3 tis sot separated fom the main couse by zane rst Tn won-definng lave couse, we ure who, whos, here and heh, butwe donate ta, 00K ourt EXPLOIT 1 Complete the text withthe relative clauses 6 «which makes tosand games Who Ras wore wh Jack sige 1975 \erere is son and pandeien ve ‘wo willbe 90 yeaa ext manth hic started atjusiet aweak ‘who are planing ig 90" birthday ary fork Joc Barnes tle upatsnen odockewey lorsing and cathe he bus to work He har ben an employee ate JB as 8 Sons actors! for more ‘han 6 yea Tha tine his ‘slay 20 000%) Jack's collegues, ‘donor belive rh ck weer rte ‘Helons bis) Work too euch” sys Bl Taner 1 He als about sowing 19 Auta, shar hel meer doi 2 combine the two simple sontences tomate one sentence Usea nondening rete cles, 1 HeSon won facto He Ive in Spain. er on woes in Span, werkt 2 My sister wants tobe a musica, She plays the vn, 3 TéliketovistSudegham Palace The Queen ves thee 4 Vie myrew phone an the bus bough tet wash. 5 Marin speaks fue tan. Hs mum comes fom Ro, 6 Lastmonth sted aml. My sandather was bom there yunele ears att money Re works fora bak TreFera 550 cen go 320km /h. Rasa 53 ve ergre. 9 Joes going to tc maths univers, Hs ister isin yes 3 Make a Uist of ve fame people, We a singe sentence hou each person, Taras Edson etd eb 4 ead a sntencetotheclass. The ds eso expand the Sentence ith entrain about the femus person. Uni 2-Ninetofive 27 CTS A job application READ ese the ter quel. Answer the gustons, 1 What ois Sande appying fo? 2 Where id she work last sumer? 3 When ean she tt wo? ia 12 Bech ree asc Anton pend 3 7a Lites 1 oe 9 e200 aS er, rn ng ye ot of ttn hg a pry which was advertised in last Saturday's newspaper. [ZI have considerable experience of working in catering. Last tan ese ys se ae ua et on 1 oan te en ae roi mt be hg ne DD cess ser iy eres Gem te cal wr 2 ioe uckes so ey gi cpr 9 Ca ee Fa ey eptatin wth porte se ero yo er St re eae tute ee sot eee oy me Tenet ‘oer yt ‘er iy Sanden Blunt Sana Bat PREPARE 1 Inviich paragraph (2,3 or) does Sandra mention: 2 references that she can send? ‘he ob shels apatite when she can sa" work? where she sam th jd avert? her persona ques? her experience of working in catering? ooooo0 ‘voi si nfomal gression in formal ets. Find Some foal expression hathave the sane mearing. 28 Ut Mine tore 2 Find more fomal way ofeying the underined phrases inSendr'steter 1am ting task autor the abo chen helper ‘veo ot cating ‘Thethings hada do thr incldedtakng ones, Ihnk Pata rable, arawoking and enthusiastic "ean gy references. ‘ual alk oi he restaurant and ak abut my application ae toface Tan tart werk on 25 [msendng my cy, WRITE 1 Read thejob adver Thnkabout wha uses and experience you might red forth job, Make notes. 2 witea formal eter of 120-150 words, applying forthe job. Folow the iting pm bow. + Menton th job youare apling for and wher you sau the aver, Paragraph 2 ‘+ Takabout why you ih forthe jb, Menton personal nee and eevatexpeene and esponsbites Paragraph 3 + Ustyur personal ates and oferta send reietnces Parsaraph + Sayyouwoue kee came foran renew and when youre avaiabe + Saywhen you couldstart wok, ae Weribook pase REVIEW Diao ameel aay On camera ‘Making nouns: professions ikndunek aia 1 Use your dctonary ond the profession famed fromthe 1) 4.20) complete the calgve with the words rom the ‘box Then sen and check your anes Samira_Aveyou'__ anything special tonight? ly Yes. ferdonr thm. Samia. Viw's An ily Shesagit?_paysonmyvoleytaitean You row, te ones fathers that biyelon Samia Whchyelam cardoyous > Tily—Theyelow sporsca*__ ira pted at the end fora Samia Oh, Ron The carry other” _ gay vwhee'____ you gang dimer? ‘ly Were ingot sh estan toon. Samia whiehone? Tily Theor we cleat my bith st yet Samira Youreantheplacewhich” _hase dus ly Thatsightve_ataetorBo'dae, Samira Wel Ihopeyeu "gpd everng ead the daigue aga on the sentences, sing a relaive claus, “iy ishavng nner wih Am Any plays on her velba ‘Amy father dees yew sportscar He paksitat the nd of Sains ond ‘Soma’ rote kes th spots cr Any'fathe vest Ty has booked a oe aa fish restaurant. She Caleta herbirthy thet aya, ‘Sari tes the prawns. They seve them inthe feb resturant. ‘One ofthese setencesis cot and fe contain mistakes it relative causes, Cet the ncoret sentences 1 My arate, who hed eight chile, ce as yet 2 atta, whic as been used in cathing for ve 5000 yes, comes fram the Goseyplun plat 2 pata tea type a coat that tis worn in very cl laces Te Mage alls hich tey were formed ring the st ice age, ar onthe border between Conada andthe USA. 5 Madogascr whch 5% athe word's plants and animals lve, fan ilone of he eos of Aca ‘Tha’ the boy who fs metab was tle, words in old Complete the Sentences, {A peso wroloos after the acount of company isan deena 1 person who Mustrates books and magisines sn ‘%peson no cans hing by payngmusicis a ‘person who ean ning by taking pts i ‘parson who wods in polities isa__. ‘person whe dot selene seach 58 Forming vetb phrases 2 Look up the words bel and match them with the verbs a the boro make vert pases. fake be Abin tend sgn nin make 1 filinanappcaten oom 5 promoted 2 Scontrat 6 someone 3 snimeriew —* sedundont ers 7 your tesgnation 3 complete the setenees withthe phrases fom exert 2. Youmaynesdte change tem. Thankyou for your application. We'd the to invite you ta ated Beery a8 12.30 on Monday eh aru 2 te ‘rth ob and et ith the recap, 3 Were calebating wih my athe tonight because he to senior manage. 4 Thecompans dlgray bal so eveyone thinks there gongto| 3 1 the nen shopping cent, but in tit Gong orcometing more pemanent 6 Nebeen ofee newb 0 tenor 'm going to ta. boss. Tre could plinth book tl the author wit he pushing company. T CAN... Read the siatomens Thiek about your poses and tek”) one ofthe boxes, voce" Emhicumen" EEEytorsert Tran understand ad escttos mapane ail abautgender and ok andesite a peon thngor lace ‘ig ein relive dates, "ean ak atoutjobs and or, ean conc use non detaing lative caves can we eter apphingor aah. Woriboots So ekpapee 26-27 Units Ninetofie — 29 71 W Body and mind All ir BEFORE READING Anse the questions wth a parte. 4 oyou think ou have god memory? Wy? Why nt? 2 What sortofthings are you good a remembeing? 5 What do you tent forget? the mind Ifyou den understand a word, read the whale sentence again and loo or elues tthe meaning. or example a This text you may not understand the wor snd you read the woe sentence you can deduce tht is spe of Alok ti aten not necessary to now the erat taslion ‘ofthe word io understand the gst of the aril, The Memory Man ‘Can you remember people's faces but not their names? ‘Are you bad at remembering people's birthdays? How ‘many things have you forgotten this week? According to Andi Bel, you needit be forgecl ever agin Andi Bell, now in his fortes, used to be unemployed. (He hasbeen training his memory for around fffen years, afer being HRGHAR by an acl he read about the amazing memory man, Dominic O’Brien. In 2002, he bet his hero O'Brien atthe World Memory (Championships for che fist time, an EFS hich EREBOIEG him our oF his ll exisence tao che public eye Andi has broken many memory records and is cerreatly the speed memory champion, He has correctly a pack of card in jus 31.16 seconds.“ So how does he do i? Andis method is san unusual but simple one. Journalist Lar Barcon met thi and wrote an accounc of his technique. » . READ 1 Read the tex qu. Which sentences fle? 1 Aandi Bl can remember eveything that happens in is i, 2 Andi Bel can memorae things very ui. 3 fa el ins that eveyone can npn ther memo mre today so ht Antal cn ts haw to improve mmymamery. Ines han ona oI hav 8 working BARI tro past 1.000 years isto ight ays And *hnk ft oom in abuldng you know very welI tink he rouse grew pi. ] What your ‘iat oom? he a, "eur hing oem sin te aoarth cent says “(]Then us bec the door have toimaghe a water lack tind mec SuSings invention in hina. ve aver suena water oc, magi somethin tke a Ban water By tre nd oft ve put Mare Poot he tom fhe sta, ‘Quse Vitra he an he Mens Lisa ne ring room, Whatovr wi my mathr sy? ‘Tre bas at you wesc sgn then oa pars ant he om pending on when hey hppa 2 Read the text agin Complete it wih the missing sentences. ‘here sone sentence ou donot ned to use. ' “imagine he Batt of astngsin the middle fhe rom By isithat some people have beter memories than shes? Tome, Mozart rom ss, he atl inthe mid of my chen D He ls me we'e ging toca each roam a dierent eu. Ee can also remember the order of oer 1,000 cats in one tout F Now heis a menoyy grandmaster ho has won he Wot mon Championships tree tines, 3 QB) choosethebestanswes, 1 hadi Bt 2 has leas ad afantastie memory. b dldrthave ajo when he started to train his mean «has been amemon grandmaster for een years. 4 as only went whet he Beane a memo bandas. 2 Andi stared taining his memar because {he read an acl about Danie OBrien ' hewarted te meet his ero, Domini are, €hewarted town the Wor Memory Csmponships, 4 eas ed po oreting tings ‘eto get to Besnove ‘di says thet everybody can BRB nom his tech Youtave todos tine of Be tgs yo ‘nd put hem in titer cas yur min \te arg, you can pp toler ‘o,have you been ping ttn you ‘reese any exces font paso oe 3 Ani teaches Lae Baton to meroie 4 ten rooms ina bung he noms. b histor evets forthe pest 1,000 years ten rooms nthe boas she gre up 4 ditehton Incrderto memories vets and people ara haste 4 visualize them net tthe dot. 5 pretend they ae fms composts «Imagine she tka in the evens 4 suaize hem a aso te house, 5 fadl says his tecnine 2 isbest used for stdin. b isbeter or some pope than others is undo ering anything you need to remember 4 canony beused or memorsinghisteral events, UNDERSTANDING IDEAS Answer the questions Look te txt end use your own words andes, 1 How 6 youhink An memorzs pack cass fast? 2 Canyouthinkofeter stators where nds techrique would be wen 3 Why do you thnk And e's meron tcique works? 4 Wir do youth re the tres most npetnt itor eres nyour eure? VOCABULARY The Memory Man 1 Match he ighighted wordsin the txt with thse Aetintios. 4 Anundestandng of someting thosh aring. 2 tad somebody wantty co someting 3 ohityouroot ganstsometing and almost al oer, 4 Tomore aroun. 5 Tohave picture of something in yuri 6 Consideng the most ingot ft. 7 Someting ou have dave suceshiy though working har 8 Thre fc. 9 Tormake paiva se! something. 10 Lea soyou can remenberl ea, 11 Notineretng or ect. 12 Torake acomnecon with something, 13 Alaa then eopbood. 14 Tahoe good eect. 15 Arye lackthat user the shadow rm a pec of metal totelthetine. 2 doyoulnow these ord? sign centuyapengan_foniar forget histocalpariularsayatenton ait Bodyanéinind 31 RCC The memory man ACTIVATE Complete these sentences wth the cect form of he words from theboe. fschieverent apaly assdte bene catapult dull ‘sently Inspire knowedge manoewte memoice paray stumble sundial isle 1 leas dark sight, 5 id's my bates bite and 2 lalwors_—_thesmetofoses wih ny ates garden, 3 Wine ois beta stone, ewes onto he rosa 4 ur civenays very row and so ts ery dl 5 Everybody wll _ fromthe government measures to sve the economy ‘ thee f sucess is ard wo 7 inthe past peopleuseda——— totalte tine 1 Theres to second stent as wel rina. 9 Thepsychooaitoidusto———eurieal house and ‘elim about 19 Carmen reeled a price orher outstanding ___inthe competion 11 Ourhiehen sve oo, owe keep he bute inthe instead ofthe id, 12 Some people thik that ie ilbcame vey, when they, 133 My___of wal grosrapy sited 14 Therap speech asta study hard, 15 Wehae some hemial formule forthe ex, EXTEND ‘Word formation: verbs. 1 Use a suf to fom vs from the wordsin the box ‘ite them inthe comet eau nthe cat, You may need {ochange the speling. sctve alien clear diferent example memary public Simple visual 2 Complete the sentences ith verbs rom exe 1 The explanation was eo complicates for us £0 ou teachersingiied 2 He "tha phone number ofthe campany sath he aud callhen tte. 3 Wshate towns bul 32 Unita Body ad nad whtths ate looked ike before the 4 That pols __the syle of reitectur pel of the eihtenth centr 5 The palin di notwantta Be misunderstood, she is poston 6 Aaysrakein the house wil___an alarm. 7 Theyre going tothe compeition wer inthe local press. 8 Wis every parents eponsity to teach teicher to “between gond and bt 9 Themanagers dein edue the workforce has im fom th sta Compound adjectives [Acomoound adjective a single adjective made up of & | wo or mor words These words are inked together ith 2 & | omen to show tat hey ae par ofthe same adic, open-minded grened shortsighted 3 ake compound ajc withthe wods in Aand to complete sentences (1-0, ind tide ended minded rarow cold skinned sighed level short ——‘lobded heated ‘aie fe aed’ hades 1 Apeson who wites wh heirighthand ie righ-hoded, 2 Someone who isveycieie 3 Anerson who deer wory about what people sty about them is 4 Someone who wont cep new ess is, 5 Apeson wth ightcooured haris 6 Someone who iscalmand sense 7 person who very generous i '8 Someone who canon se things wich ae ver eats 4 Complete the sentences with a compound adjective frm ceteie 3 1 My ssteris extremely Se aay knows ‘hate doin a ict stustion 2 hm ‘soihaveto wear gasses, ‘The employes ar avays complaining ebouthe manages, bathe's ven He dean seem ocr. 4 Most people nny ony ae ut my brother avaye ues hse iy grndmetneris anys sing us presnt. She's the rest pesort kno ‘ rope burneasiy inthe sn 7 Tea css tings my older beter ny mere beens he's s0 1 Repiles re avimals ng Past simple and present perfect contrast EXPLORE 1 ead the text Find althe pst simple anc presen paret ves Sebosen ox has oan arin fee ning nba woe 18 The sort begonnkonen ithe be Harn hae a ran cl orp verse ax rc oy con Te ‘cles cube eres, os wal een bul eben once si re rong hes cvs ete Hes na ae ‘aye bean ho hig a none Goel! ebestan ba appeared enV arombs oes, hii beck oman 205 when he append ome Sond fn Casino yale See he os arg hs bec ery pel: ron ‘tener eras Han be ate snow aah ‘Seborien hos never fou ee ‘stn has juroad ors he rote Pare onda Dah’ ts coordi! anges bale and ‘monument ew Ya. 2 ead the Lean his box and match the vers you found inthe 1 weuse the past simple to takabout completed events inte pas (en wth weds hat eetoa ished {ime ester, wo yas 90). et tendon ist weoken, 2 Weuse the present perfect 2 tosayhon lang acura sition has exited often wih rans. Der es ved tat ous or ie ers » totakabout an experience inthe past. The eactine ofthe experienc snot important ‘Have you ever been oars?” "No heven'." «totale ebout events that ar connected th he present or exariple, news an een event) We Sometimes use aleady, ust and ye. "lim here” No, he's ust gone” ‘eas Rterence: page 100 EXPLOIT 1 GCA complete te inevew. Use the pst simp ar resent perfect em oe verbs in races Then listen faneeheck ‘Suze Bowmen so fede Feeders ty to dea deep ‘posible in the son single nah ofa, whut ‘brething apparatus ate When isdyousac (a ee? ‘Suzie |*_ nau yf even 20 rate How os ___(@score) that youhad talent or reding? ‘Suzie Wel,*___ be) goo swinmersice avery young age tate |"__ Gn rar cauld old ry breath fora ngtine unde wt, Kate How many wot ods, (een? ‘Suzie |*__ fre ves aru hope tobesk Kate '___you____thve ay searmoens? Stale No, nately Save shacks? Coin past, reo oe aco, bt they (ootbe Irestesinme 2 Find hetie expressions nthe boxin the loge in ‘eri 1 Then 26d them tothe char below | Q00%) later onoweoccasion since sofer ast simple esterday laste presen perfect this morning fora ayers ve 3 Askandanswe questions about what you have done this weal Use the pase the boc and your ow eas Nese hich tenses are used ask the wo question Inthe xan, tothe cinema? playcomputer games? eat? "eed ary god books? do nyhomework? do any spor? oe poow wy ee tha wa Saori page 07 Woribookepage30 Unites odyaing 38 SKILLS Body idioms VOCABULARY 1 Mach the body atoms inthe box wth definitions 1-10. Body idioms. te sameone’s heed off seteoidfeet_gesometing of your chest Heep an ey on someone somthing. payitby ar Poke yournese int something pullsomeane’s eg putyourfot init splthas wet someone's am 4 Tobecome aad do something. tc fe) 2 Tosayorco someting thal makes someone enbaressed or upset 3 Tomake sure that someone or someting is sae, 4 Toarge about uimporont dea 5 To play joke on sarcone by making then belive Sovething tha so ue 6 Torelyinaveryangry way. 7 Topesuade someone todo something, 8 Totyto become nolan something tat doesnt cence you 9 To decide what to do as things happen, nstead of pianninginaovance 10 Tota about somthing that youve been woryingsbou. 2 Looks pictures (1-6 and compete the sentences ung ‘he comet fom ofthe idioms rom ent. 3h Unite Body and mind 1 Wen he sa how many people were inthe aulene, he (cl etabout ging hi epech 2 Bob dent nave ine rca, but ike and Inthe nc Bd st down ln i 3 They Kevin to the wana, 4 wine tlé oy mom about ny eile exams ests, Ras 5 The woman neat when asked t open the incon 6 weaned to ccusste mat pie, bt Rob LISTEN 1 @C usin to tedialogues. Match enen dialogue wth anidion fom Vocabulary exes 1. 1 Dialogue foe yr noe ink somirg 2 Dislogve2 3 Dialogue 3 4 Diaagues 5 Disiegoes 2 @CWusten the dogs asin. Ansner the questions. 1 Whats Vanesa nes? 2 vipat id Rachel tel ay? 3 Wy does ab say he nats to home? 4 nat does Anthony wet tabu? 5 Whats ferent aboa Kees dy? SPEAK 11 Workin pas. Askand aswer questions vith Have your ‘ver abouthese injures, the answers yes, ek another ‘uesion sing the wordin brace, 1 twisted youranle? ow!) & hada sineck? (Why) 2 broken boner (wid) § pulls muscle? Which? 3 dslocctedatinge? owt) 6 had aching tee? (Why?) coe J bipheeeae eee fore the dims Kom Vocabulary exer 3 Actoutyour dialogues Idiom ist as. Can they guess what the CELIO Present perfect continuous EXPLORE fea the tet. Lookat the versin blue and complete the ue the Learnt bo Scents at Prawa Colege have been geting eater tis temo aterda hthour yoga class bore ter lessons star. The inate was Setup by teacher Manan Dhar wh hasbeen working lhe school for jst cvera moth Ive aays ed ing pysie exer, bu yoga is god for your min as wel as your body’ says. heb you corcanale. My students ave only ed eh yoga sessions, aut soe they stared they been studying much harden as. Toye also | | ‘been sleeping bots thee mare awake: ‘nd wha otha sits irk? Sani Haryad is loking ramarkaly es atthe en ofthe dy, considering he's ‘been siting in lssons forth ls i hours. ve been doing yoga since he begin of em ad have so much tare energy noe says. Te alway haded in is eek’ assgnnent so foright Im ging go for arn in the park it some fend. Present pete continous \Wefom he preset eect continous wth hve —_ +? ani the ing fo af ever, \Weusetepsatpeec eomnamse te kon 1 an acon that begpn nthe past nds n Dropess. We ater use for or since os how angi hasbeen nprogess. "ve ben earn English for sya 2 am action tar has recently stopped and which "explains the present station, Pred. hve been sleping wl, EXPLOIT 1 Complete the questions and answers ung the preset Defect continous an information om the tex 1 Whyte sudents Pravda Colge ben gen up ate titer "To atend 2 yoga dass” 2 “How ong Mancan Dhati__ atthe school Forlust vera month” eam rast 2 What efect has yor had onthe students? he aver andthey bee: 4 ow ng ‘Soni Hayadi_——_—in lessons Forschous" 5 How on San yout Sincethe beginning after: 2 Read te questions and carpet the anes wth he presen perfec contin orm a the ets nthe bos. cat notfeal an paht st work 1 Wyo you tt ave bee ing na afm, 2 Win reyou going ote doctors? en wel 3 Wy have you got pat inyourha? 1 he cet 4 Why areyour hands city? Inthe gaat, 5 Why are you hungy? 1 coca al dy. 6 Why yourlahet? 13 Read the Look outbox Fad another example ach le from the tet in Expo reson pefect simpler preset pereetconinuaus? We use the present pedet simple nthe present perfect cominuois Tithe actions ished and compet, {vedere ay homes, going to teh Te 2 we want say how often an action Pas happened ‘She's broken her logtves times, 3 with sav verse, ove, now, remember, ec) Seno them for eon 0x our! “4 Complete the sentences, Use the preset pret single or ontncus far ofthe srs in brace. 4 thove bem amin ha) Engh or ve years, 2 Youcanhaveyaurbosebacknow. 1 ead 3 1 Gena Tor since ay. 4 Youteakup you_(eny? 5 How many tines yoo {see that fim? 6 1 ook tories torages bath tt ind em ye. 7 kun "(hop all morning She on lt of presents 8 He "(oy hishomenock, buthe (nt hye 5 Givoreasons forthe svatons belo, using the preset prrfec simple or continous, 1 Youtook ted Fe bu ing fol 2 Youook col. 3 Your ches are wet nd diy, 4 You look ed op 5 Youlook tae TT Geanar Sader pageTOT Units Bodyandmied 35 An informal letter: giving news READ 1 ead the tors qu Wha illness or njury do Emly ane ale ech have? La] See ct Noein 2 tae ten 1 dee er ou pon al ig Slovet-cluem es ow Tiare tr sn eng Tee ow ic re Ga fa nt Oot io ere Tenia ge wo bes faye an nf 2 hm ety ep te prey sow Tei ee ri an reg a id he Tougher Osta oneal 3, fetal ae ttn ot Ce 2 ‘Sepa ets el ine lg om gre ‘Tato rou CAbte g Vanet ow eal Der Rat ‘Thanks fry etter. Tt at week an ely mote ime lgh! Tm ff sha ty wth tener don {ee Mencken trees Tn fey Eig ofl thet. bumped ine Say en her strat eshnd Gus hal ar mun ean rin schol eae ctr helo Weal it yeu gees yee satel Ye" new sh in Ldn no, ow ct? Hove You nede od of finds Dont ‘eget eo orl on Se may guste be te ‘ohne sre yor men. ve Jule 5 Why dnt we et aathar Ldn on ean? casey ge the tin do ee 2 Answer the qustins. 1 whathas Emly been ding at school? 2 iy dese Em's mum ast home uate? 5 Wot nove herd and her thes bough? 4 hatha Salis mam been coin 5 Wial does Sue do? {6 Where does Rose goto schol non? 36 Units Body nd mind PREPARE 1 WrteB nxt to the proses for beginning 2 etter and next tothe phrases or slang the end a te. Phrases for nformal ates 4 Sony hae wien apes 2 That'll my news now. Teas geato hear om you. must dash ~ Nua me for ne, "ett fish areas tm unig out of pace ‘hanks for youre. beter stop hers geting ite ‘rat's alfornay. belt 2 vom, 9 How se you? Oooocooos 2 ind he phrases (1-7 the eters. Then match the phrases ith he fonctions (9) 1 Enoughofallth 5 Whathaveyou been up? 2 Whydovtwe..? 6 Dowveb (es, Dow), 3 Guces what 7 She sends herve 4 toads olove 2 Intoducng surpssingnens 'b making sugzeston € asking for news of heather peson 4 ending he eter «changing the subject makings stong request 1 sending sretgs From someone ee WRITE 1 sk notes for ar foal eter end who has moved ay fom your own. Tao the plan Below. ragaph i+ Sarit an apropos phase ‘palate font wing Sooner. Paragraph 2: Give news about yourset Paragraph: Give news about your fiends and) orfemih Paragraph &: Ask qveons about your en ‘in informa eters, we suai ase everyday language. Weenamaly ue sont forms nstead oon ferns, 2 ead the witing tip Then wie eter of 120-150 words, ‘sing your notes om emis 1, Ue phrases rom pa Worbook pages REVIEW DICTIONARY CORNER Body and mind LANGUAGE SKILLS. 1 @9G.26) complete the calogue wth the words om the box Then stn apd check you anaes, amy calin.1'__ know you played teva Colin. ly Yes eben? waste, Harry When? youstae (ally Abautenyeust ve aba ‘music and myprets*___ me vob formy sh bit. bee eon ere Hany iveyouever™ Calin Ye? coca a my muse oot amy Wer'syournea eonert? (olla onsuraay night Weve been _ fort %__thelastsicmant Harry Wet god corsa. hen, Goin Tanke, input atin xteat 2 cad he dialogue asin. Complete the setences wth ‘the past simple present pert simple or presen’ pce ootiuaus torneo the vert In brackets 4 olin.__teviln for about ten yer. (oy) 2 He mse al iste ov) 5 Misparnis_ him avin aris iho. eve) 45 He ainesons since he was i ae). 5 He in several concers this muse ehoa, (aie pany 6 fe forthe next cancers ments. (pects) 3. Usothe words tomate sentences. Use the pst sinale, resent erect imple or resent erect continous. 1 se my walt ester ow long you J know your best end? Gall/neteb herhomeork ye My pres ot sleep wel ast ight We/ see hat thee tines Rober [ay / amperes al ay aday ow lng / our brn study at ules? Where yu buy ou ew motile phone? Homophones 1 Chackthe meaning of-he two homophones in bold Ciel the coreztwrdln each sentence, 1 Tepanis; was ecemely embarassed when he played the wrong Ghord) ere 2 Adsaught 7 aft cane troup he open door wich ‘made evenbody shiver 13 There's ee etn the shone, sth bathroom ees foding 4 Thenew hosp was opened by the mare / mayor othe ty. 5 Maze / Maize le therost widely rown crop the 6 Vie ac the most étcous choclate mousse moose for essen. 7 mas vey emetonal fn and atthe end thee wate teas / des everbods ees 1 She docs mind re whe of an ees but she rever ets theyoke otk Collocations: parts of the body 2 ook up verbs (1-6) ard match them wih nouns (@- to make expressions. 1 lea 2 yourfirges 2 css yourhead 3 ned « yourshouldes ro 4 yourthost 5 she « yourfoot 6 up youreyeooms 3 te senerces with cressons from execs 2. ede a hat he begining of i peech T CAN... Read the statements Tink about your progress andck ) lone of the boxes Eee ERss22°" Ey sonsins to EEE pace tiem, an andersanda magazine alle stat ho tmpove aurea ean core use the past sinple and rest per snple "ean akabout pars ct body and can comet use thesresent pect leant ater gg news. Wooo a heck pages it Gedy andnind 37 Bee Great Expectations by Charles Dickens fla, wild marshes divided by the black line of when he saw where Ins posting. “Oh he said Aerie AE Cee sect ag sound of these in the distance. ‘if le you tive, which | haven decided yer?” seen aeceegtees ey coer ceege ed andeghl EMS Oa STi a teed Sy hau a Anse i ciceiiusatersinrs SAG Ste ne et 1 answered, pointing to thie ny whole life food. If you don't, oF you tell anvone about “Oh! Don't cut my throat, sie I begged in ‘ne tt youe hese out “promise Til de i, sg’ T answer, 1 was badly feighened and my whole Body was eembling "You se he continued, sting unpleasant, “1 eave with @ young man, a fend of mine, ‘ho Feast oss" ear and ete then el ind you, wherever yu are, and bel have your beat So bring the fle and he food to that wooden, sheler over there, ead tomorow morning, if “Tellme your name, boy! Quick" he sad sil Iholing me. "And show me where you live!” "My name's Pip, sic And I lve i the village over there! He picked me up and tumsd me upside- dovwn. Noching fell our of my pocker exeee & piece of old bread. Heat tin to bites, ihe & ‘og, and put me back onthe gravestone "So, where are your mother and fates?” he youwaneto keep yourhes, thats. Remember, asked You promised 1 ead the text and id out wha the main characte 4 Later, Pip iss ss Heysham, ay who ha grown Istheman hat he meets: ‘dina darken room wearing wedding ces and a thie banescapedconic?’ ¢ astiloa floors in her hal Look tthe lustation, Wiles shor paragraph about what you think happened to her ond 2 GG ead the text again and answer the vty she tives tke that. ‘uesins. 1 Winatwas ip ding en the man suddenly apps? 2 yas Pip fihead othe man? 3 Wa does Pip ive wth? iy? 4 ha does oe Gary 6? 5 What does the man orer ip toda? 3-Anse the questions Look at the et, and se your 7 ‘nm words arden o explain our neve, fe 1 Why do you think Pip wasin the churned? ‘ 2 what does the mans appearance tel you about hin? 3 Why desthernan need ie, and why does he haat Pipe 4 nat do you tink happens next? 38 teratie Comer? SS OE aes Fast Food Addicts 2 Maton he sentences (wth the gaps (1-4 inthe et “There sone sentence al ou do 9a eed READ ‘A ‘eople da’ goto sep thin and wake up aes sala ncdorali's ayer Bed Leman 1 ead the text igporing the gaps Explain in your own words 8 However, the bilhastot ended the exguments about hy Some teenagers the USA sued McDonl', responsi. (They araues that Metoralesdelbertely mised them Int mikang tat he eesebargers and ther procs were helt and nuts foe, 1 These new burgers were ger, and higher in than the andod burgers. (ther sini welt ogsnt ft fo companies the Usthave azo fale, LISTEN 1 @GD tise totheeamarican teenagers talking about et and ifestyle. Rass the question foreach pron, 1 Hom mary hous af does he she watch per dy? 2 How manytines swe oes he/she do ene? 3 Does she et hethiy? 2 @CDusten again. avethe sentences tre or ae? Tony hes wathingfins. ony walks, plays eal and goes suring. In 2002, several obese teenagers inthe USA sued “ony never ens junk. NeDonal’s,cleining that the company was esponsible «Fen does watch Vilthere are any good Cader eer lvee) cae aaa programmes on orste has 0 alatof homework. had nat woened them about te healt probleme tha can Pi Lens eileen + result om eating 00 much sly, hight food and einking | § faer"s mum eatsun TV diane he, ‘oo many sugary inks: betes, high blood pressure and 5 5 ‘Chis usually lays bsktbllat the weekend ‘obesity The mother of one ofthe chilren who atthe | Crs fay somatineshave taearoy mean the ‘ge 0f15 weighed more han 180 klogams, id her orth Satement 1 ys bleed dcDonalts as i ee eta Som.) WRITE AND SPEAK cDonsis jet the dai Yat they were responsible for 1 Workin pal Ask andaewer the questions. Mak ate of these tonnes heath problems “L]Theundetstanding_Yourparine"s anes. ef wha hamburgers and French es do as been with 1 Doyou eer stk od? Why? How ter? Usfor long log tine! he added The judge agreed and «2 ‘Inyouropinon coy have heat ie” ss damisedthe case, sing sl the place ol halonto | 3 Howmary ous ay oyu spd wating? paeeesee ce cna 4 fon note arise en co Wecphdeartocaculonauytcaneea | _ 3 Mtcouldyoud tle yer tele heabie? me the company hat otto them 2 Tete class boat yop, Cin 200s, the Us Howse of Reteseraives passed bil | = wich acme tn th Cheese Rede ‘rch hare te pec oto el actin art thefod nny The sn sce eee 0 sieges ht ot ood ect, rd ham no selling fastfood the same, in @ way, 2s drug-dealing? Sills Round-Up 5-4 39 THIS UNIT INCLUDES Visions of the future BEFORE READING Look tthe pictures showing vison ofthe wat fy years from now 1 Descrbe them. 2 Which one waste come tus, nyo opinion? READ ‘When you're looking For spect infomation ins text, ‘eag the frst sentence ofa paragraph ote tls you wate whole pararaph e aout Fifty Years On 1 SicDaid King, fomer selene adviser tothe Bits Goverment Ifwedor ee cate ensions, he ath i bee warmer rll and he oes wl People wl Teck ian am casa teas cating orercovdegin rany ies hare he popu aad ong Ces ee Lenn ance Yr wl elspa der wa By 20, nara cu bee ei canine ul sale haan ewe etolhe woul oh on sour 11 Read the Rong ti. The rea he ets and math the exper (1-6) wth the ois (o-h. Thee ee two eta {opis that you dor edo ue 2 icv searches onthe inte, 1 SiDavid ng bvepaing the human body 2 Francs Collns€ machines that thik os hemes 3 J. Rchar Gott @ mnenable enerey 4 Elen eberkats_ ele expectancy 5 Potertonig fie space race 6 Erctoni’ the water shor B pobl warming 2 Francis Cong, goats ity years om ow ins of peo wi ve pst he age of 100andrenan es, The wl happen became web eo ‘tay ears ete cade at ine bst ayo Feat ‘sno prve osssin lina, We oes hg Uheristtes nbe gororetat cause care coin te ‘Seas la mayne be le Prastig aba ty years fm, he rst port custo fo soy might Ho ng cn tumans hi? a How ong we vat 3 Richard Gott phystst Daring est fy ars, ou lane mg ste a ‘alaroste. Tae a psy haha Ear cout ht bya caer heh say atl Haan cous deappea, ate te dosausanhuaeas of ar specie oe The bt nay orale anf fom einton sto stupa, Sef-sunpring coy on Mas. Wl wee ara enogh od [eto reey ec eset pte expo te? 4 len Heb, ile "eleven ho ure we wll have steno a ase damaged body prs bow aga. Fe oars fom "ow ew be be logrowna gers, og oe year Sorat new Irbs.Osctesson be ea pete ‘fasta couse bok pina cons al sears toragenee Vin ty yrs rer nt nd alsconng boy wb selon o heath Problems ct many ey pop 5 Peter Nori, deco ressrch t Googe Tey, pope al one wetve sees ons ages etext on enema Ae orn hy pe afew Fey rds oa sereh eng nema, ty year row cpl wl aly dacs trode wh the comput reseae be eompder vl rid us wth itn report of eaten we equ en ait» Titov alta, rapt acy ak te om casimleconenaion 6 Ere Hon, principal researcher at Microsoft Research lnftyyeastne, cuts ibe rach moe it hn tay Thy wi Pa eel war lea rent pln ane aoe, Compu wl el pepo dent cones Under each cary arian rd ergeing fom ae language to ana, Sate boy wile sete exe nt ‘unin yas ie tle crpurs lak nga (Ssovarou nthuman set. u 202) Reed he tex again. Math the sentences wth he expe (0-6, Which exper pedis tata ty yar tne omputes wl ores who being supensed? ‘wewilbeableta gow new armen legs? rachins wl tart tat? rrachines wl be ableo ner erent languases? thehuman ace mig become exe? humans wil be ing Atarctes? medicine wil become completely prsontres? mast people wil have changed something about ther bacies? search engines wil ms longerbe used? ‘het lb &poulaionexplsion i some majors] people willbe abletodeteminetheownBespan? _sovemments might sop pavngforspace rave?) INDERSTANDING IDEAS joo oooooo0o look tthe ext and answe the questions. Use youronn words eas ‘What problems do you nk people mig have i they ive pst the age of 1002 What do you tik arte main obstacles to setng up space ‘lanyon Mars? Which pans of nebo so you think wile mast feauertiy ‘epatedot placed in 060? How do you rink intligent computes would be most seu? VOCABULARY Fin 1 2 4 5 7 5 0 ty Years On atch the highlighted words inthe ext wth these defn, To str something new “think about something in log wy. Toon song azn To pie someting to someane. dime andes “Yasltng spontaneous it another anguge Tamake samehing snl ‘ous medine to mab someone wel gsr ‘compte programme ha aot fr infration. “The roti of having Wo many people in lace sudden disaster ‘Someting ht wzkn propery. Ineigen Too someaherein ane rumbers. Dangerous on abe oe someone, Do youkrow these mois? coastal clony comet incon gensticcode polar pescbe se¥supporing —_Waboaienaese Units souhawe” CeCe Fi fty years on ACTIVATE Complete thse sentences withthe coved frm ofthe words fo rhe bo Catastrophe ack Intpret fetvestenng fin ancl avecrowdng prove reason reduce regenerate seach engine setup ‘smart test 2 ‘The hoe wl ve ws tes, but they wont _any eo. ‘When my father as younger he Fis awn carpe. ‘uraircondtoning Started, sok was Homing out ot aiietead ool, Bran cl ono. My sister really without ston vary mh, mtyingio the amount of cocoate et. on oes your doar a sare fost? Thetsunami caused many eats and milion of gous of damage twas Ifthe ae destroys ‘She posses aller exams {9 One ofthe main problems facing the iy of Toys 10 Sting accents ten eu in broken —_ 11 Walaa canbe Fa person fas pothada 12 Maram enjoyed __forher English an tayton ‘alleaguesdsinghe conference. 13: Nyporertsryio_—_ wih menstea fut tel me oft 1 Many people __tothe department soe when they hea bout te sae 15 Google's awelionn EXTEND Compound nouns 11 Read the Lok out! bx an id earpoind noun to atch tooKourt ‘these deitns inthe text on pages 40-4, 4 Polltion caused byburing Fosse. cate emissions 2 Thearangenent ofgenes that contol our devloprent 3 eres tat connect apart ofthe bey tthe ba | Avot or prase that you tpe to find ination about someting. 5 Travling beyond Eanh to fin ot about our sola sytem, compouné nous ar fomed by ing wo nouns oan asietve anes na. spaceroe venewabie every ats + ourtre 2 match (-8 wit @-19 w make compound nouns used to {alcabout the endrnmect 1 solr. a species 2 enone ban 3 carbon © fect 4 ahval 4 5 endangered warming 6 sreerboure Fenians 7 9c forest, 8 rain pone ‘3 Complete the sentences wth compound nouns fom erie 2 1 any forests have been domaged by aed ran 2 Theis eauingthe ents atmosphere to heaton 3 ilause te iebes to met 4 Nostofine Aaron Is in raz 5 Te __help opotecthe ear fom har radiation rom the sun 6 Coalburing over Stutons ae» sue of 7 Some_—~ean on be sen ina, 8 ea renenae source of ener Verb + noun collocations 4 choose she comet er clot wth exch oun, 1 Gees) eoeforrtin 2 dT make resench 3 meet treatises 4 eld / make imponant scorers 5 prevent / meet ares 6 make prevent clits change 7 teduce west carbon esis 18 make /domistates, 5 complete the sentences wth aves + nou colocation, ‘sng verbs fom exe 1H goverment dor ake measures to reve dint charge more nail dates hoc 2 Eniroimenal oganztns ike Grenpeace can i about eet fain. 3 Conpuiss have hepa! sense Agere ob sto carats ofour ges, Pharmacists have dewaped anew dug hc act the rin, 6 Developing counties soul avid mae by developed cums. 7 Tecompeny nas ver fine because fled to the = speced by the gover ent 1 Firings ae tng by deviping planes wth iferert eres Woriboas pane out Inthe the ng Modals and first conditional EXPLORE 11 Read the test andthe Leo this box. Find an example of these srcturesin the tent: may, might, oud dw yoyo pred th ite cf echnalgy, yo probably sett bay wrong rediin mde byt, he eed Bn 1 ik there ny be od mat for fv cmptesa tS a ih cutis thew be ce compart people Hones, an ashi he Preseli pec ot. rng ran el iene wich ue i al ‘nd hich goes wo” So ha wil beth ssn oda ten yes a ow? Susy, as es tl wtdhs may heute woes wh feet fins. Fr exo, hey cal be nbie pes, 73 players ond puso al." lb te lina mobile geht ocd’ nog by isa nth ps, be ight be ight Specuatig and pricing wort» might could » may» wil probably» wi 1 etalk about possbitiy inthe ature, we can se may, might cul folowed by abase orm. Might nd could sugest weaker pssbity tan may. He may / ight / could baa compute. 2 Weuse mayo or might ot forthe negative —we do rot se couldnt, 3 To make preditions, we can ese il. When we ae not eran we use hina proboby. ‘el robb rain tomar 2 ‘Read th Lom this bos. Can you find sentence inthe ist ‘andiical inthe tot in exec 1? 2B Firstcontonat E 1 We often make predictions with the fist condition E _tryoubuye lepto, you be able to work anywhere 52 wecan use oy mighror couldn the main cause, ‘you mite able, you might be famous. EXPLOIT See clean ea eer Lo Saeere pis ; stoyne 2 GGDD usten to we youn people making predictions bout the tue ofthe pane Whos more optimists Satin orsains? 3 @ZOD tstenagsr.compite Main ane Sains redictons using the caret forma the verbs the be, become change desroy find have it te owen notredice use 1 we dot ved aon emisslon, the wor ciate val hg, 2 Ipetel_vey expensive eople__ their careless 3 ifwe robots ta da lt of meratabs, everbody ——— ere tinea hobbies and lation 4 eden cres fora mloreiscses, people 5 Wafuge metoite the Eat venting. 4 Say whether you agree riage wth the predictionsin ‘exes 3. Gh reason Complete these rections abou the fate wth your own Ideas, Tent the ds Do they agree? 1 everbody ves pas the ge of 100. 2 the worl clmatebecomes wamet 3 computer games sat lok ana fel exact the same asrealife, = Unit s+ Ourture 42 By Gadgets VOCABULARY 1 Read the summaries of si gndgete forte fate, Then mateh(&-F wth photos (1-6). eee Gadgets for the future A Ths wating mate fate ofthe ae Eanes viet iit crenyor dates nad ot ‘er sr toobendy 8 Tis igi com unconsetona, beat Fawee wi new en he future, Wr a Mamet ar eye il bare eg Oe pas © This robe yaur ler the linac dese. ean your fare sore work tr deap. Wah era eoaopy ure tab tan ta echo an 1S power slo a a ‘Ths free standing mirror can be . Undo a ony rd ton ated Teron tress {owt we rat Nong ‘ih ar eae te ovabunt este aie a e S Ths ital pcan ignored i prenaae ase rg ase, end ean pe boas ete ea he eure eg, F ‘he ore hte parc nt Ermuseiowrs te aera ‘eae the tamer ul OE surounted by opdas snr Uns + ou tue 2 Complete the deitionsusing the bluewords in exercise 1 1 Soncmeans connect soune waves 2 somethings treduces he amount of work thatyouhave toda ean sing 2 electron stem to record or ‘storenfomation wie ges igh-qualy esl. eons sig the mest modern or advanced rhode rears using human tues ike Fingers eyes iden peor 6 Hfsometing s__, it isnot considered noel or ceptable by mos people 7 rears amusing or fanny ina sgt cay wy ‘ means he geet, best or wos. 9 ta producti sometiirg thats completely ne, that people have neve Seen before, 10 An cecal tal tht wrk without being connected oa power sup bywiresis—— 41 Isomechngis” does damage the envennent, Worbasks pase LISTEN 1 GOD) tnten to Ben and aly discussing new gadgets ona webs Answer the questons, 1 Whe does en warty something fr and why? 2 What does he decide ee? 3 oxs Sal thinkthe new gadgets wil catch ono no? 2 @EWusen asain ae complete he abe apes eens 2 SPEAK Discuss these questions he reson for your answers. 1 ih ofthe ages Vocabulary exercise wl ‘aterm? \Why igh people natwantouee then? 3 hich ones wilyeu dente have in our house? 4 hat are some other imovaive oes for gadgets forthe ‘user (The te cn nc ee Cain tt tet ete space») ert Eg Future perfect and future continuous EXPLORE ‘Rea the tex. Whats Mascom planing tod? Ita good plan, Inyourepnon? twenty yea’ tne, aventiois hk makers wil he rom oto ewan ng 9 do one Tey fae been ‘Sener snd td vein. Th beeing or new Severus That's why he Micon Nat! cai & ping Bas hotel onthe moon ows space have exe oye nsec ion re, bat Manion pam are not tn = hye ely he end 1 his ea the emp wl ve fede design fr he Lar Palace Hotel Soom aera tel esr re ing wes Read the Leo hs! bo. Find examples the uur perfect and fturecomnuous In th text in exercise 1. Then compete the nes, Future erect and utr oti 1 We form the future pect wth witha + past parle his tine mest werk Rove done mye, 2 We form the future coniuus with willbe» ing orm This tine nest eek be dong ny exons 3 Weusethe fue totakabouta completes action inthe ite 4 We oe the fate progressinthe fe total about an action ‘Grammar Reece pase 102 EXPLOIT 1 Lookat Macon’snetable forthe hotel onthe moon. Then complete the sentences wth the ature prec or fire ‘etinous form fhe verb in brace, "ee 2000 Slat el ok sa nek ane Ser 282 ‘Sati aes Irom Ag 2082 Fei big be ‘ee 2082 Tain sat Sa u 2083 acon int aio iy Ao 2088 1 Inlly2030, Maxam wil be bling oul the atl 2 Intarch 2033, they oul the ote 3 Injune 2032, they Goo for stato worn the rate 4 tnlune 2033, they 5 rom August 205, eyes) the hotel. 6 By uust 2023, thera the tat 7 (ua tre ta ImAugust2033, the Fstguess (a athe hotel By November 2033, ere gues iis hele olay, 2 Conplte he test sboi Joes ture Use theft prec. fre continuous fom ofthe verb in the bo, 40 dive eam fad. not get anied native share have eave tn ve yeas tine fe ef schoo. computing couse and!”___ aon Maybe ¢__alototmoneyin yb. m1 {expensive cart "__with my parents. Phas V__anatwith some enc. hope that afancie= butt" yet oe 17, '3Thinkabout your own ie one yer rm now Wht wl you ave dane? Tek (7). oss the things nthe Ut. ‘finish tisbook C] + haveabinnaay — sdosomeems F) + tenescoot = spurt E]estatunverty = seeajoo CE] exmatatotmoney 4 Askand answer question about you ie none years. Use thet rm exec and your own iets. 5 ind out what your asemates wil be doing a 1 eight edo this eveig. 2 sicodocktomenom norig. 3 rine scocktomorau arn 4 midday nen Satur, Ido est Sturdy. 15.89 ponent Daenbes, ear TT) Units orhtre 45 DOTS An essay: for and against READ ‘Read the taskblow andthe 5. Doe the wer generally agree or lage withthe statment nthe tsk? In which Daegraph isthe wits pinion early stated? “Twenty yeas rom now, the wad wie abate place owen Do you agree or disagree wit this statement? (lve reasons. 11 The modern wore is changing tater than st anytime itor Tha erating probleme for (04 planet, butt sso creating new and excing ‘ppotunies. Twenty years rom now, which wil ‘ake the most dilerence to our ves ~ the problems ‘or the opportunites? That i he key question. 22 Many peop a pessimistic abou the fture of ‘ur planet. Thay bleve tat ene regions wil be Luninhabiable Because of global warming. Others argue that tha world wil become more ané more polluted, ui it no longer sae or heathy pace to the. itis te that global warming end potion have both increase rapiy during th past twenty yeas, e/Inreac at he same rate during the oat tery yeas, th station wil bacome dase, 33 nthe ether hand, here are many reasons to be ‘optimist about the Kate During te net twenty year, there wl be important advances in medicine {nd tecnelogy. Our Ives wl be healer and tore ‘erjoyabe because doctors wil be able to cure most Binesses What is mere | Beev that ecient, vil ind way to slow Gown of even prevent global ‘rarming. in concsion | btve tate wi be beter twenty yours tem now. Athough there are seraus prebens facing the wold don think thatthe stuation wil got ‘ut of cont belo science wl acvance qucky ‘nought tnd soko, PREPARE 1 Wate (-€ wth paragraphs 1-8 inthe tet. 4 Asunmar ofthe writer's opaon An inroduction othe mains, «Evidence to supper te oppose side ofthe argument from the wer epon. 4 Evidence suppor the wits nm aio, 46 Units sour fate Le 2 Read the Look out bo find an example on tink + nig tesa ne, tink won des rotsound na beter to use enh + i Hinktwont pasempsmame, 2 don think pass mena 7 in Eras tooxoun, 3 he sentences expressing you ay ideas ofthe yen ity eas Use thinker don nk» wi 1 robots place actor workers 2 doctors beable ate mos eco 3 non diseases /appew 4 oxdnay people e nuc erer 5 computers / be much reaper 6 global waming/ caus serous problems 7 Scents vert nenfore of tonspor 8 chidren/ spend alo! tie paying outside 9 ost people /Uve muh longer WRITE 1d tetas below anathink abou your ow pinion. Useides fom Prepare ese 30 hlp you iy yes om now fe wi be much ear and heater fo ery feple tan is oy Do you are or sare wth the statement? Give reasons. 2 Complete the paragraph plan with your ides fom execs Paragraph 1 Intoducton Paragraph 2: Arumertagsinst Paragraph’: Aigumert ior Paragraph Surman 3 Rea the Witing tip. Then ite an essay of 200-250 words fotoing your plan rom exrese 2 Remerber that we nal se the present implein future time clauses besrning whe, ment reach my sites people wil rete uch ter People wl have to fd greener eernatives to cos when Fossils in ot (iattock ge > REVIEW Our future LANGUAGE SKILLS 1. @(Z05)compiete the dslogve with he words fom the ‘box The listen and checkyour anaes. Emma Whatdoyou nant do whenyou ov schoo Li? Lily wantt goto ues btm pass ny enams fdovtpass,myparers> be verycasea yous at nvesy fous ty high enough Me medcne. ~ sy eens rin. Emma Wich orvesy lye gots? Lily 1+ tinrtmove say fom home tf. ut \rsay?___to gn abroad to impove yen Emma So what doyouthnkyeu'tbe® inten yeas tly well? _frishadm dag, sot pbb »___weaingasan east alae 0 | sumed, have st*_asacoctor and ibe eating pons Fthaps be? in another one. Who knows 2 Read the alogue agin Cle the cone ver fom. 1 ly passes her ex, she might | wil ot university, 2 Hee parents lj may be ana she fils 3 Snewillb leaving / wl have le univers inten yes tine 4 inten years'tme she my / wil have ob as an 5 she qualifies asa doctor, sheave worked / ibe working in hosp. 3 Complete the sentences wih theft simple tre entinous er ure perfect orm of the we bracts 1 Byte time my athe res, he___for oer forty ‘yeas (wr) 2. ort pas my eams his tem, |_much harder nostern (ao 3 icant wate he mate tonight becouse he__ his arenes (20) ‘4 We the report iy ight atthe atest (0) 5 fyourateine nner |~——-the washing up.) 6 rans omen, Asha to ues. (ve) 7 Dortcallme inthe nest ox becuse! tower, (eine) 1 By thetineweanveatthehatelwe__over 11000 kn (ie) DICTIONARY CORNER Compound nouns: computing 1 Joina word in Ato a vorin 8 to make compound nouns Ther complete the setences Blow. Checkite compound nouns ee wien 8 one wos or wo words, ‘A chat hard Seach soft user wed 1B dk engine mane room ste ware 1 There was anntestng discussion on he soon sa fede to send 3 ore 2 Visteur “ond the latest cecount pice fo 3 Inthe ature peopel no langeruse @____totook Fernfomation one iter, 4 Any bad wou tang te ne Caled computer chnidan 5 Please nteryour and yor password 6 Aconputer wil ony svea fle you copy ort the soshe Prefixes 22 match he prefs wih thei defnons ‘to mir muh pre sub 2 bafoe ast 2 less thas below 5 very smal 13 Complete the sentences using the words In rahe end the caret rei, Chekthe menang of he em words. 1 They worora lage miiorlempany (tina) 2 Theinventon oftte asthe fist sto produce porate aestosin 3967 i) 3 Lens anion, whe asthe oral champion athe ge of23, nasaleaoyuten is (ooh) [ke watching fre is itheyRave rash ies) They wee ited» the _of efi the ay beforeitopened tthe publ fen) T CAN... Rea the sstemens. Thitk about your progress andes () lone ofthe boxes egy etn Ieatsseeror iematines tne rocice oor. a BES cn undestand end acto pens econ ne fue xn spect about eure sd ake peters. cantkabot computes encom. canta about action inte tre and whe thy wi happen. an it anes presening my elion over egaisa satement Woribooks Sa eckpoges 07-03 Unis Ourftre 47 6 Telling tales Was he who he said he was? BEFORE READING ea the Rea ti. aok vp he word impstorn your tionary. Answer the questions wth pater 1 Why might pean cei to become an impos? 2 What soto peape mie an imposter want oe? 3 What punishment compat receive they te { siscovers? You dont ave to understand every word in text, bt you can use a ition lokup kay words. ‘Tm your long-lost son? ‘Aver go yearsag,arich woman G80, Orton met Lady ‘nBugland elled Lady Tiehbore put Tichbore i Pats, She advertismentsinnowspaersarotind was French and bed the worl They RANONREE ht she was taught Roger to speak Jockin for nes abou he son, Si Roger thelangagefuenty Tihbore, who had been ona ship called When she sa Orton The Bella tavelingack fom South shewsssohappy to -Anerica in 1854 The Bella bind, and. have he RSA son allpasengers were presumed ONE, back, even hough be TwtLady Tebome refed to belee "looked athe diferent that Roger ad id adcoulda speak word of reach, Lady Blvenyarsafterthe accident Lady Tiehborae promised ‘Tichborne woeved eter fom Orton that he would lawyer in Scney, Australi, The ewer receive 300 a year, Once Lacy exolined tate was representing Thora ad atte hi, anyother smi called Arthur Orton Orton hd tok_fends and aly member the thelamer that hevas Lad Ticibore's sme However, several meer ofthe son lady Teborne asked family er diated with the situation, anol family servant ho was ow gga the man vasa pst livingin Sydney tovisitOrton and but Lady Tchborne ignored them, ‘otto his incedibe story. The servant remembered alin, When Lady Tebhoene die Orton dark-haired youngman butfound wanted to cai all ofthe family and and (Orton tobe fat with ight brown hair. money fom Lady Tichbore's younger However, Orton could remember so son, Henry, The fay hied layers to ran details about the family that he investigate him, and in 1874 there was 8 soon SVEN the servant that he famous Ml that lasted 188 days. Over ‘wat Se Roger 100 fH claimed that Orton was Ants tangle THIS UNIT INCLUDES. Sit Roger. However, the ayers prove that Orton had been bora in London, the sn of butcher. There found gut and he was Been to ten years in prison fr his lege) behaviour. Many people who had supported him refused to believe the ‘rath end started a protest in the sets cf Loon. However, hen hele prison in 1884 everyone had forgotten him In 1885, Orton Sif that he had been at impactor all along, but ater the died he was innocent. He did in ein 1898, and his eof stl bears ‘the name Sir Roger Tichborne! READ 1 Read tees quit. Match four ofthe ties £-5) with paragraphs (°0). 1 Tecase comes to coun 2 SirogeTenboms lost at sea? 3 Ameeing nfarope 4 The impostor ate 5 Newsom Austate 2 G28) eas the sentences. Do they refrto Roger Tehbome or Arthur Onn? We RF or AO inthe box, He eas im wth dark brown ha evas fat wth ght brown hae, ehaébeen bor in tondon. Htehasleamt Hench a ei He toe to South Ames, He isted Pas. He mero pion forte years He ie uring a lng seo voyage, oooo0o0000 3 Choose the best answers 1 Lady Tetbome put adverisaments in nenspapers because 8 she wanted a catat her son an The Be » she dn ete that The Gell ha sunk she thought that er on was sil aie {@ herson had’ writen ane fr lng tine 2 The Astin oer contacted Lady Tnbome because ‘a hevasherson 'artur Onan Rad to him that he was Sige Teborne «he saw ote ofthe newspaper advertisements 4 Arinur Otonwarted feta to Elan 2 When afomerfsmiy sevant met Otann Australi 1 he was sure tht Orr was Lady Tenbome's an ects Orton could remember lot of tings about the fami bbe cd think that Onon was Lady one’s son because hes fatter ands hair wos feet caloue «he was’ surf ton nas Lady Tichbore’ son, «be id hn was Lady Tern’ son bat he tld at tha: he as comin 4 Lady Tebome 4 taught tonto speakFench when heave in Pi ae taught sirRogerta speak French, © coul peo rene but Sr Roger hci lear the language. 4 ass happy becouse Orton cou spe French, {2d Tenbomebeeved Oran mashes son ‘nso dither ary ad ee » butt amino Onan. € butane ora belived Onn. 4 but some member ofherfamiy though she was, 6 Aton’ ta! 1 he sete he wai Si Roger tne jy betinved toy. «he wae found gui, 4 1oowinessessaidhe was a butch [Mtr Oran ame out prion 2 nobody eet hin nd he le fourteen years later, peor man everyone sls that ve was an impostor peopl protested the streets Landon, «he ales sisted athe mae Si Roger, UNDERSTANDING IDEAS ‘Anse the questions. oo} at the eet and use your own words naidess 1 Why doyou thnk that Lay Tehbore fused to eleve that her son was dead? 2 What questions de youttinkthe servant asked thar Oton Insyneytcoraboratehie soy? 2 What do you think madesore members ofthe emily suspitods of Athur ten? 4 Wy you think everoody had forgten Artur Oton hen hele prison? VOCABULARY {Ym your long-lost son 1 Mate he highghied words nthe ext wth hese definton. 1 People who appearin 2 Aeourtase, 5 Loved very much 4 Ver happy 5 The twelve people court who decide criminals tly orn. 6 fei doing someting wont. 7 Thestate ofbeing vey 8 ade someone beer omething 9 Saying at someone a done somthing but having roproot 10 Tachecka stony 11 Gena punishment, 32 Dedinthe ater 13 Made something knot the pb 14 Gone down unde the tes, 45 Apesson who pretends bbe someon els onerto ek peop, 2 Doyouknow thse word? bear clin satisfied fuenty gully hie ‘egal presumed —m—) sto say wha they rom about Unit Tengtales a TTI I'm your long-lost son ACTIVATE Complete these sentences witht fromthe box arc form ofthe wors silepe announce confess caolace condboate crown Impostor uy oveyed poverty precious sentence sink tal witness 1 The secured 2 lage past ofthe fait oun before he was univer, 2 He ams ver lite mney sis family ve fn extreme 13 Herein questioned fortwo hous, te man the crime. 4 ASmallchld__ysterdayn is neighou's ‘iri pol 5 Th goverment ___thttaxes ould further Se ths week {6 set nobody would believeth 7 The women est profether the anc had jeweler Fom he thieves [5 The _ofthe wo bankrobberwille eld on suesdayneweek. 9 ttook ong tie o__them tat wa ight, btn the end he agree, 10 The pole questioned he cami brater in orto sta, 11 Thejodge—theranto spend sicmantsin psn, 432 They ware hen he hear about thelr promtion 13 Tivee had seen the brlr eve the house ang a teloson set 14 The tve member oth the evden, 15 Thelawyer muse happen EXTEND Crime and punishment 1 Usea lctonaytomatchthe people n cout (0-9 wth the actions (1-10) below. Some of he people are matched with roe than ane action. stened arta __thathis lent was atone when the 2 a judge 4 aviness B thejary fe the posecution « theacaused the defence 1 pleads ely or ot uty 2 Sy topove the secured I uly 3 “Lischargee witha crime bythe plc, 4 semenes he ccsed, 5 Isacquited or sent prion. 6 eand tne ceed 7 ghee eidence dng theta, 18 find te accused guy ont ety 9 — appens in cout 10 reachavercict, 50 units Teing tales 2 complete the sory withthe verbs in bol fom exec You ay hve to changete fom of he ver. ‘The pac cat Yann while he wae tying tb eel’ shop. He ad aken is san Mel wh i Hoth ‘vee darth temp robbery and hey ‘nr fir ek Te pron ido ‘or matali ome be opto esate The defence toy ta sage hd not nega om prtan ‘he cre. oth Yann Mel net uit tthe Charge After hearing the evidence, the ary thee veri. They*__ Yan uty and Mi ot ly of thecrme. Te alge Yann ts yearn pron, br Mie Negative prefixes 13 Read the Look outbox nd fine the negative aletvesio the exon page 8. 5 [2 Were the preties an, as, lr and ito make adecives negate. Iiconfonadle dlscetented informat 2 Before m and p we usualy use im: impasse 3 Before re usually wei nesponsibie 4 Before we usually aii: gia! 00x o% 4 ake negative aeectvs rom the wordsin the box and write them inthe cect column inthe abe, ‘ecepible agreeable dedsve honest legible erate natu prac! satenal reeant sable ble vmacep a a ae '5 Complete the semencesusing the active bracts with ‘negative prefs om the ook outbox. 1 Themanlookec very ny afer pending he nightin 3 police cl. a) 2 The|urywere—_togethome ater the ong (atin 23 They could’ ea he eter Beaute the handwrng Was completely ego) 4 Thecouttoom was vey an rabody knew whee test (oanzed) 5 Rar e850 eat prosery you werk haus. (eauay 6 Thewires stated eying but the amr was heres esti) oo WorRbooe pages as CELIO Reported speech: statements EXPLORE 1 Read he ext Does it iclude any diet spect? Palp Arai | — (One rin 1871, to men eae Slack red atthe Sn Fcc ofe oat bunessran Cale George fers and a tthe ad ome to ee important tunes wah ir They wee eying a sal eth bag end Amoi tld Roberts that tented ind They tat thy has ued the ured na sere action ‘he weak Blea at thy were ooking fr busreseren to ine inthe mine An expert examined te domonds ard rd hy wee ges il be en a Fe was hapy to rut hare an than News oft nea ne spread quay and inthe loving weiss of asinesaran | [Be toured of ols to Amada Sli When ome of {he even waste Wt the set locaton Aol and Sack ‘el they would a her here the ne dy Ae them {hat hy could fr darvncs themes ane wen they id | ‘hey soon find some, Bu twas a a ase nc Amo a Slack had bout the daronde Landon for $35.00 turd to he USA stared tem nthe exth The dares vere | real i te rine was ike Aral and Sack eppeared with | ‘660000 eves meney | 2 Read the quotations blow of what ws sad Fn ines in the text in ents that atch them. 1 Weve come to discuss important busines wth you" “teomains dlamonds” We found te eiamandsinascret cation last week “Were ooking fr businessman o vet nthe nine” “Tru nappy aves ere and om "Weta you thers tomonn 7 "Yucan dig forthe damondsyouseives’ 5 ‘ Compare the quotations in exercise 2 wth the pts ofthe {ext that you found. Complete he table wth he comet tenses and words present simple poe ene 2 pasteontnuous 3 pastsimple ast pert ool Read pin nthe eae this bo. Fin examples of Pronouns that change when yeu change fom diet 0 "eported speech nexerses 12nd, When you change cto repated speech 4 the pronouns often exangs yo, they. ysl, use 2 line expression often change td, tomarc, ester st month ‘ean rms ‘esd pint 2in the Leo his box. Match the ine resins (1-5) with etme expressions 2). tadey 2 there week tonight the mont eto rowtwesk © tharaay vystereay 4 thateigh lastmonth © the day before EXPLOIT 1 chargethereparted speech dct speech, 4 is fens sola that ey had bee the etal the yer bore ‘We wet oe feta la yor (ur teachers that wold ve us ary mor tne ‘any sid that he nadaised hi amen, os sa that her ther int speak Engh, Dur cousins ai that ey wer stchng or ter exams the et day My mother si that could borow hercar hat ight. ery sui that he heen the weak before sayand et you say who you aretking to, use lr sy ‘ey old me tot they woul come Tey said tome thatthe woud cane Wen you dat say whe youre talking, us oy. Tey sid ht Oey out came. ou must use ay and nt tel ith ean words het goodbye nathing thank you amhing, twox oun Read he Lok out boxand complet the stences wth salir tol Thenrertethe sentences es reprted speech. 1 dont balve your sty actos le. “ex id oh ster at he diet ele her on 2 Tyespetall my mone his masher 3 "Wellbe in Londontoponon she rend 4 anivedyeseday’ Many 5 ou ais sol Ra ack his iter, 6 ‘imnot serine» ya, suse to her ster. 7 -ecantseeyouuntnent wes ey me. (oe Woribook pages Unite eTeingtales st Investigating a crime in the home 2 @GBDuisen ezsin.compiete the nspectrs rates tom VOCABULARY i 1 manermesnnenamaneoneanecans — | ga uy inte eae i “rs: pm Pa ry House and garden apron armchair balcony basin ae + See aera ae ie cece aos | ire. ne ‘saucepan sheers sink sofa stepladder stool stove Wacol "van cating *__ in te 5. 4 = Great poe Te od Agpenen n' int’ pm, eee ee Coren | ert edu ab histo Ea oe. 1 @EBD mitionsre Lord Snodbury has been murdered. Lady Snadbur os srry ®_in te Usten oe interviews wth spect Foxwho is inventizating chee , 9a vpn tar niet a et he ‘the murder Mate the people (4) wth the Gestion: f = eee) vs | eR et 8 1 wanke the prin | eer 2 Harald ® Lord Snort Leconte pnttnnss| 3 LondAgenon € Lal Sebun/s on aha 2 Lady Sod 4 tecone ee SPEAK [Wen you are expessig a concasin you have reached ater something nas happened or something has been & ssi use as nave, mgt have an can't hove 3 |use musthave when yu think the conclusion i tue Use might hve when ou tnk the consi is, possible. Use cor have when yeu think the cancion s impossible 1 Read the Lok outbox nd match he sentences 1-2) ith the mesninge@-0. 1 Matha must have murdered Lord Sracbuy 2 Martha might have murdered Lad Sodan 3 Marha cart hae muered Lord Snotbar 2 ifs inposte that rts murdered Lad Sood » itseems conain tha mathe murdered Lore Sodbury. € Its pssibe that Mache murdered ar Snoddy. 2 Workin pairs Who do yu think murders or Snob? Discuss te evidence inthe interviews ane the plete — 3. ete forwho you think te Lord Snodbuy. Check your answer on page 108. 52 Unt Tetng tales ng i 3 Compare the questions ithe dope wth the repoted Reported speech: questions Senos in exe 2m hose teat mors a EXPLORE the te soto comet wee Reported questions In vepored questions: 1 thereporing er ask ay tl 2 the tense changes ae ten he same as for eported statement. (See pg? $1 necessary) 3 te subject comes bebe / fe the ed. ' we use / dont use deo a 5 we usell/ that when we report yes/no questions 1 @EAD) complete interview vith te cuestiors. Then listen and checks EXPLOIT Canyou deste hin? Pe you sure? 1a he ealogue. Then complete thet hat id you set ob Cant go out toni? Wy ae you sing, Inspector? Mum where aeyou snag to gt Do ou rcogize any ofthese en? fob wart ply Ft, ow many men di ou see? Mum Nave you gt mach homework? you Reve alackst these tos? Rob No, Raven The teacher id he ws ay, Have younad a cup oft? Mun ‘OK Do you want eat before you ob Yes, pleases thre ary pasta? Police spector Good mares, Me Brown. Coma in aos fob sted ff cul gh that igh, Meroe Ye, hve, thankyou His mum ase him ca Fates as you fevequesons. Rob old otal then she Peg homework He sid he it roe sim the men tuning oto the post fice He added atthe teache*___ 2 is mum agree that he could pout and shea him Rob sald he did and asked Mr Brown Two. One ofthe was caning on " eee maiay r Mr Brown Fe was ite a He ad log dark sian owas wesingjesns and slater jacket. 2 it down sk questions askyour partner. Use ierent a : tense or ve rom th bexin each gueation Mr Brom Yes, ofcouse reset simple _presercontnueuspattsimple " ——___ presen pec can 7 ‘Me Brown Un etme se Yes he's inl fm ht nd af bo do ona? ‘Me Brown Yes, absolutely ceain,__ Pap tatcoet lati a ‘Because we arestd hi thle moran irae ere + One par om eam ss and answers question from 2 crown went home ar od his we about the interven. erese 2 + One peson rom team? hast remember and ep tne ‘uestionand ase see te of te ea ac ad th ed bags “Fiat, the inspector asked me i ha a cup ota, which was very kind, But just ha one yoy then ‘heated me what seen, oI old her about the man [And she ake me i could describe him. Wel, Ieould, ‘ofcourse Then che asked me 1 would have ok at ‘ome photos and asked me i ecognized any ofthe ten in them, And ia the man withthe gunt She shed me if Twas sre. But Fé recognize him anywhere. ‘The inspector had a ig gelnon her face so V asked her ‘way she was sing. She told me they ad aves the tan that morning” | Unit Teng tales 58 Citund A formal letter: making a reservation READ (WEEKEND) COOKE RY COURSE | Learnt cok modem Bs shes ina Wadtona sting Stay nour beast ourey house hotel ner the ead the advertisement for weekend couse. Would you enlay cooker? 2 ead the notes tht Tyler aed tothe advertisement Then ‘ead hs ete. What infomation does he forget once? ‘Dear Ma Woatherby | ie reales teiares | Slee | Sera | See aeeeea | sterarecitsee: | ae a | Fs eee eta omcereerremise | nr al been ane tara ea Semen ane aoe nS | { 5h Unt Tetingtales PREPARE 1 Fite pases inthe et. 1 Aphiase for eferngbackto 2 teephane conversation 2 Amore formal way fang ant 3 Aphvase meanings nom wth vo bed! 4 Four diferent way ofmaing ole requests a ev eaten posse Plaase 4 Wous — 5 Apivas tat enites 2 ely tthe ete 6 The phase tha comes immediatly before the senders Rea the Leo hist Bo Find ou veto with wo objecsn theater, verbs with two obec 1 Sarre vs canbe alowed by bath an ndet ands ‘dct abet ‘uy cousin wrote me eter. John boughs grandmother some flowers. 2 Te ndiet objet ems stands sual & son The det bjt usual thing 2 FFwe mathe iectobjecto come est, we must put ‘ofr bforethe ince abject, My cousin rae eter tome Joh bough some oer orbs grondmater (amar teen paseo 3 Rewrite he sentences, puting the iret objec fis. 1 Ganyou doa avout le me? an yes do we 3 vt? 2 Would you ming showng youre to ws? 5 Sheraadherporm tote ae, 4 Me cooked gine for is end 5 fm gaingtotelthat sary tomy bath 6 They ddr oer any Bod te theives WRITE 1 Plana formal tert Ms Wester making a reseraton Ince the nformatin ‘he ites of your stay and the ruber of guests | oor Covet some Information you gave onthe phone bonefendis vege fend tne hotel needs 19 know i) request brochure lea the hot has one ‘ak an adatonal wquestorinsucon 2 ite a onal eter of 320-250 weds makings reseriaton Use your nts from exerci Worn ng REVIEW DICTIONARY CORNER Telling tales LANGUAGE SKILLS 1 GID compere the salogve wth the words rom the ‘box Then sen and ceckyour ants, annua an elo, ary. Wheres Shure We ca stata en ary dor? aon He spoke thimyeserday. hewas cami hen ‘an Didhe!__wttime be?_ bee? Wary Wo,hediért __himithe___ me topickhimupbuthesadhet__togototne ‘octet. ‘Alan We hes probabil wang Sethe dat then Hany Hecate. e?___metrat is sppoinment *__a9s0anditest celeknan ‘lee visyeuaskni was seong th doce? ary —No,tutheted™ wou ona fre ‘Alan Wrydovtyeu clin andsk'\_ he's fon Harry — zoe he at ast Now he's eine ou canask i asl ‘Read the logue aga and complete the reported speech ith the comet Tom fhe ver in Bracket, 1 Alan ashes Hany where Shaun) 2 Wary sid he rota) 3 ary sid hathe ta Stnun the day before. pea) 44 Harold lan Put Shaun-— tothe doctors) 5 Alan sid that Shaun protaby stil to see the doctor. a | 6 Haysld hat Shaun te appointment for 3.3. (rate) 7 Alan asad Hany ithe_y Shaun had ose the doc. eon) 8 Hanytod An te__askShaunabouthe doctor's appainment inset a) Rewrite the diet speech as reported speech 4 "dot eat meat’ lames sald 2 “Arey going tthe math next week” Rta asked me, 3 “treo the fim yesterday Bb tole Se, ‘4 parents have bought anew ca Trl Us. 5 ‘Conyourorter oat? Tony ested Mr 66 "wor fxg tcl you tonight’ tld his mater. 7 ite dos your sister work? my ands ested me {8 "How ca you reakyeur eg” Pas eun akes im Checking parts of speech 1 Match the words (2-1) withthe deitons (2-1. Use you ictionary tout he words re nouns (oradjectves (as). 14 nomeess oa 2 homemade 3 homesick 4 homens 5 housebound ‘ Chouserala housekeeper rouse pou alithe people whol none house unable tog out base you areal or "person who ipl to ook ater house having na bane paving reat attention to keeping the house cesn and dy ‘Sad because ou a ens fom home ‘made at home, notbovaht ina shop sng owards home ‘Synonyms: say 2 check the meaning othe words in the box and complete the Sentences. Usa the ist ene, ‘eee engule grin muter respond. steam whisper ye tisrtbue es ge “Uy backs hurting “Mia tht er myth ‘Now much sit ne ‘Because | don wniof |. “Hd under here the woman ——_ uit. ‘Tra’ tpi the man under breath, ‘Nell donning she CAN .. Rood the statements. Think sout your progress an tk) one the boxes, need more eines Nooo MEXAE) Teanandestand a ecourtofafamous rinetentheentury cour ae eanrepo what ate pope ve od lean ecice who commited cine ean epare questons wih ther people ave asad cane alter making resent, Wook Se eek pages 50-54 nit eting aes 55 TTT ey The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [issk 00 for informing. me about this Interesting cas Holmes sid Tread about itt te me, bur {beard none of te deta “The newspaper gies the fac tat everybody Jnows, Now t wane yout tell me all te xe ‘gt that you know What do you know sbout the suang? tone” ‘Thaven oi anyone these ther fy sid ‘DeMrtmesTam aman of ever, as you Lue have aivays beted thar there ae senile explanations fe everthing | so wast to sy ‘emhing tha ould op Hey fom coming toline a he Hall. Bar T lel ou te dene Tat ere ein the pore "nthe mons bef his death’ De Mace went on, ‘Sir Chae wast sty worn tan Fi wagner to breaking dow, He bleed he sor ofthe Hound ofthe Bsr He rls fo go ou at right He on ated me wise 1 td sen any Suarge sal or bse he cy of hound on te moor at night. He aay go very ‘edhe hed ii “Trenember ding up tothe Plone evening houther weeks before edie, Hear oning {tte doo wert up ids bn staring A someting Behind mes Thee wae lk of Hse ed oy soraching moviag beeen thts fr ook Bess ao Tea ee oe Tet took forthe arial rd bat Se Chars was wey word Taye wh Hin al the evening ewe hen hat ee me theold paps have rad yon, Wha oat 1 eae the tex and fn ot who's whe Maten people (1-5) witha. 1 Drlotimer 2 the deceased ome of Basel Hal 2 Sirteny—b Sirchaer butler 3 Sirchares —¢ thedetecine 4 Bammore —& SirChares doctor 5 MrHoines © theheirte Besar Kal 2 @ GD head the teagan and answer the questions 1 Why i Morimerbeeve in sensible explanations? 2 Why mas Si Charles wore before his death? 3 What SirChaes se wher Nortmer vist? ‘4 WhateldBarymre sy that was une 5 What aid Norimer se las tothe body? 56 erate Comer 3 Biography ty na, res nn share A he Cnn Boe me tote oy ss the es eveiag may be imporant when you conser | ‘wae Rppened onthe ight a i eth, Shenae heres font Chak? body he sem someone o ech me Teheked al | sheen The ad tem 0 oa ty ‘But Bacyore sd ne thing ht was not tye, He aid that he were no er pons on Soe | sy. Bord, They were we eto the Boh, Bel ey wee fe a de" “Foor? asked aes, i “Nee Foon sid Moria, | ‘Kwa ata ed aes | De Mormerloled at os tangy for a moment, His wice eames whip a8 be os hey wee te fons of «| "Nir Holmes, they were ts of 8 suge hoa 23 Arsmershe question. Liokat the extend use our ow words ard dest expan your ase 1 Doyou think OrMriarwasteling he ruth? Why? J Wyre ‘iChat believeth stan ofthe Hound ofthe Baskeriles What do you tik happened ft? ‘Achat pin oyu ink Martiner stared nk Sir hates mighebe rah 4 Wy do youthinkorter whispered when he explained about the ftps totes? 4 what doyou thnk happeed onthe night ofS Chale eth? Wrteyouronm onlsons Use must hoe, might Ihave and cantare, Myth or reality READ 1 ead he text lgroing the gaps, Anse the questions with ‘youronn lessen options, 1 Wy do you think so many people have epotedsehtngs sta monster 2 Why do youtink ison prodced 3 fake pate? 5 Why do you tik Spring waled 60 yar before dmiting that he ato nasa hoon” Loch Net ea ent ent ind ot 8 pep pc ort ry bce fe sd ry {ita bce onto te hone Nes os \Ness Monster' [] spice of the nub of sghengs, { ther wat yl ic ed 194 when peso | caciWitn a kmen pgp] | Tekan white por ey shoved ranch (eaock dime betenlne ope nal ae Set Paice cet tom ina be omen ET Nowra er pope te es pos we Tey sald tha the Loch was ely 10,000 years old, much too recene | Pag err pf yee peepreslaciron {te poo we pot a Tan 1, cme cs record Waal fd red pono feocHelad sid wn ced Spintec males | tote fa mor Sips a 0 es | Spring red uth warfare | Abou Whe potove tke erston enol | ster rpor fs tare sce Hoy pe at ‘believe thar something strange lives there." [_} And you don't ‘need vik Loch Nett oa for the monserYou can ve | ‘rrvlcnescound later Nesie rele nent | 2 Match the sentences wits the gaps tn the tox (1-4). Theres fone sentence that you de not ned 23 Wilson sad that his peo showed the manstr, Infact scents ares oaing sing boas, submarines «There have been mant repos of strange resturei Legh ess since the ih cent. But Wison always came trate photo was genuine, Pesiosaus fading eels and sal ese ne they lvedin deepwater, LISTEN 1 escrte the pho iereisthe create Wat do you tink right ber 1 The east stoes of Sscuateh came fom Nati ‘americans ves the Noth Wes. 2 In 1884 somemen cpr creature that hey named ‘Tack’ taste & man aut aller and strong, 3 They cr take nce backto Landon becouse the eat set want eaves home, 4 Alber Ostman dame tht he spent icdays camping in ‘he mountain, 5 Alber Ostman listo 3 years tet 6 In 1968, boy saw Saauatch wl es hing 7 Sasquetch swine wih 9 pink ce, WRITE AND SPEAK 1 magne that you have ten Sasquatch. Make notes about hat youve sen. Die + what you wer doing whenyou swt hat Rote te 1 hate * howyeu ected wher you sam i 2 Workin pais. Roleplay dalague ving your ate fom ‘rere 1. One of yu isthe wines, the ethers news ta aba Sag Sts Rome s-6 57 Special friendships BEFORE READING ose the questions. 1 ow do you cee a te end? 2 Whats the diferancebebeen a ood fend anda tue Fane? READ 1 ead the Roodng tp Thea lok iy though the et below and decide what type of tet 2 a newspaper report B an oninearile © anifomal tes 4 ale descption eee Is there such a thing as a true friend? by Jason Powell TWsisatpcthts doseto my hear tert eto the arse tothe questonnanoutayearage. Fr. tel ou somatirg-yousahnearand2s0 tends nyt, bat ni sclte wt your ove rend aque supe when Irsadstouttisoctiramagsane sire he te da me lok count it creas onmy mabe mse raesin thes ae iets rae tsthe sare on anja pra Howe, madre sap andasemyset ho walla verted shal tcryonor hacer emergency? Thee ere cay onan psp ett ponina omer ‘rsa upsets eee pegltrt reg ae mye ends One gesont dey horse. emenber herve Fister vassurtetgpasttre gestalt lesura cers when gt grea teeags boy ina hear rg set oppedand watched rawr Hewes cbt thesamesge as, butler take de aningln cmon. ‘tera east wheskhr How wrongs Ate dye | wasting wegrsnedtthesame boy inthe gym and wesrted hating Weg oe el ana uaery eee tes whekhardertmatahin dilerettommastal Hewes tps teragerkame andes reresiedn dorgthesame satel ‘ngs ase weve beste goeterds ers, si 7+ Fiedsip Be aware of what pe of xt you are eting ‘ind a nfrmation you epact tnd in Tis wl make itesler to understand te text ‘Tremostinpranttinglvattsedy sneer de sorvcneby what oka Pope atin et ob ety because btn st Thay shots ne (ofideuraostherespason Ore othe tira laimvomest sot ebishs unseat svar gods. nde oesrtaktoo man questo eoplelk hatae very gen, ied these das hen eweretcenthegoardotenpecple Cathinkbeyendtherowncewene ard pasoralcoces tt seretnas ute sth sb eared gos eal fom Sa myanove tthe oussten teheesucnathrges ate fen resounding TReae be people hae ays theefrjeu. Teywoetmdiaurtamstthe te iat somatirg mpi they wo! me youcal hem nite mide othengeecaseyourendsameanetbakto Ty tyouse! nedtime Oe, you wore uo eure ends el 2. ead thetite and he ext quickly Find ot what the witer’s answeristo the question nthe tle. 3 GQI6) Read he text again. Ae these semences tre fie? Conc te le ones, 2 The wer isinterezed nthe subject oft ends 2 Thewiterteok patina suverin magazine 3 The writer ha ong ends names on his mabe phone contac 4 Te wite nade considered who hs tue ends were Lunt red about he suey The fact that Rab cet wale mates sference when people meet him forthe fit tine {6 The witer and Rob have ol lt of things commen, ‘Thewiter thinks lee aieh than abe 18 Thewiterbelevesyou can cal te rend wheneveryou 4 Choose the best answers. 1 The witer ed that peopl il make about 350 fends 2 bp doing e magazine savy 2 byesing toa lise conve diving tettime at eel 4 ving the whale of hie, 2 When hewitt sD he 2 recogrized hi though they be god ends. © drt thinker gto, 4 wanted to ply basktal wth hi, 3 Tere lear that you cant know a perso just by 2 playing sport wth new. 3 looking at them. € listening them, 6 hating other 4 The wer thins thtmany people these dys dort have 3 do much exc, 3 tinkabout themes, © think about other. 6 tezd many books. 5 Te ier soys that yu wllony know who yourtre sends are 2 ihamomentat rss inthe mile of he ih, € ityovte ina wheetrae 4 you aselts af questions UNDERSTANDING IDEAS ‘Ansmer the questions. ookal he ext and use your own words tnciders. 1 Hom ithe magazine survey fet ne wir? 2 hy doyoutink te wer opp to waen ob when he fistsannin? 5 What are some ypc obligations and personal concerns that teorapes have these? 4 doyouthink the witerthnisitsimporant to ave te ‘ens? Wy Wy ak VOCABULARY Isthere such athing 2s true fiend? 1 Match he highlighted words i the ext wth these Asintions. 1 Waking wehout hal 2 Rea, note 3 Verioud 4 Shared by two or more people 5 Averyqulkview f someting 6 Achalrwth wheels fore person who cent wat 7 Wat wil happen youd not do someting 8 Wores, 9 Kpenon whose toyourprobers 10 To behave tarde somone 12 Tospeakwnen someone alee speaking 13 Things you have tod, 11 Tom an opinion abot someone. 35 Very ste or busy, 2 oyou know these word? admire aera beyond css tine rere Suey urslsh Weribookepaget Wei 7 Friendship 59 ROTC Is there such a thing as a true friend? ACTIVATE Complete the sortenes with he correct form othe mods in the bo. ashouldertocryon_dloseto ry heat concer genuine tlmpse incomman inteniptudee ablation ‘onthe go otherwise resounding saunter teat wheskhle 1 Smateiden oes twin rave a comversaton. 2 realy respect my paren because they ever my Findon te appearance. 3 Mysses___me ike abby because tne Youngest inte ail. 4 Siobhan's _atwodk mean that she spends vexy Iietine wth het 5 Hensdtouses iste 6 vegstafew___ about chars wor this tem. 7 My moter never ss down She's ava, 5 Once ally fends have tured up, we down the roadto seo. 9 Myrumis realy undestandng, She's pest ned ther parents when thee fora wie afer he broke 10-Aferthe show caughta__of my othe eoingthe aay down 00 oUt up up with tbe jurshe for something 4 eatdow, thinkofsemething 5 admire someone ‘ awe en seven 7 tolerate something 8 reduce 2 complate te serenceswith he caret form a the tee: at pirasalverbsin exes 3. 1 My sisters ales et wh er best red again so they art taking teach he. 2 an" peplewhe have schieved tn te 3 Hannah taste forth schoo, 4 Dominic dows Kepin touch with his brothers Because he doesnt te iy credit card is evomous! eed to spendingforawhle 6 Chalote "hr yourge ser because se diet setounvesiy, 7 Bly not ig his homework The teacher int {8 How do you___your cousins? They so nos! ‘Read the Look ov bo. hen chose the caret words, ‘heate 11 dont get on with my sster because we've go rohing 12 yfateras so angry when he ek he room athe closed the doorwitha bane 13. Thesebiectoffotbalisvey__beease's my fovoute spar 14 You shuld take an umbels today, __you might sett 15 Thepars agreed that he paitng was 2 Passe, EXTEND ‘Three-part phrasal verbs 1 Reade Lookout bx. Complete the thee ga phrasal ‘vers withthe words inthe bos. Then mate hem wth heir rearing. Some vaca veroshave more fan wo pas These Phase vers ar used wih an object an they te Inseparale, runout of lek forward to took our 60. nie 7 fendship 3 I [Sere adecves an nave an ed and on sing fore § | ore /bovng teres intresting 2 Thee adjective says tow people feel Iwas gute surprised wien read abou this he -ingadecvedesefbes the people or things that cause the etn The resis of he mage Suva ere supising. 1 We eal ejoyes the in. was ver entrained] 2 =. Sues hal for her eras nd he sits re en satisfed/ atityng. The chr were esate fscnting byte clowns perfomance. 4 ind itauiterghoned/ghteing when abi dog Jumps up at me 5 was eal aficultmateh andthe payers wer eshassted / exaust by he ee {6 My brother wast amsed / amusing by the joke is fends pay o i 7 Tis weaterisvery pressed depressing. realy gts ne doun, {8 Ny mother was annoy / annoying when sid her's lost ack, Comparatives and superlatives EXPLORE 1 Complete the txt withthe comparative or supeiatie form oft acjectves in rales, Modex Ue becoming (fast and (ect), but at the same tine, people are becoming (Gooated), These ays, people in thee tenis and thirties are finding it‘_ (cut) to soialie because they work harder and have’ ___(initet) secial dls, IV more common for people ew fetace and people often ve far anay fom tel fies, ‘hey ean make fends at wok but for many, fendehip socites ae a"__ tect) option bacase they allow them to meet aa of people more quiely and ina less stressful exvienment. These group opaiae social atts ke group holidays, yoga dase, tals and demonstrations. Same societies even afer advice nes and ‘nancllhelp to members. You probably watt get en with everyone but there wil be someone you get on ith the Dest and find you have the most ommon with. I may be_ (cay than it usd to be to make frends wih the help of these new groups. For many, isthe "(empl and*___ (sense cae. ‘Thec ocetie can lo oiler the lene dangerous choice 2s yu ae in a vegstee roy. 2 WEMusten ans eheckyour answers to execs ‘Do you think endeip societies sound ur? ve reasons, 3 Read the Learn hist box Then match the words in bie in ‘the tet wth th explants (1-3). Comparative and supedative adverbs Weusualy frm comparative and supeitive adverbs wth more end mast Honever we adder fo some seve Pose civemoresowit um ives ister than dd less nd lost {esse the opposite of ore, east ithe apposite of mos le an use themvith adjectives and aves. ho fished he eerie atic? 1 comporative farm ofan ajc wth ss. 2 asuperitive form ofan adjective with as. 3 comporative form ofan sever ith moe. 4s comparative fm alan adverb wth 5 esuperative form ofan inepular aver, Comparison 1 Vie can make compaisons wth simple nouns and tlsowth causes She's more confiet thon her trot. She's ls tate ton she sed be 2 Wetter use a suettiv wth the presen perfect ‘devs Hes theses! person ve ever met EXPLOIT 1 Read sentence A. Then omplte sentence 8 so hat tears ‘the sin, Inet the wer in brackets. 1A tardonisnt as coded 2 Toye, B Londen ss eroded nn Toyo. Oss) 2 A Ivenever met anyne ricer than Tom 8 ton ret he) 3 A Wer as gota beer ole than Phoebe, 8 Kerntalie Phoebe mow) 4 A Tis the easiest question B This is" question. iu) 5 Roger fester war than Dat 8 Roger. Dan (ith) 2 Askand answer questions with mostor last andthe present Dtfec wth eer. Use the prompts and your own ideas. 1 sttessulexm /take sensible person met 2 isaloted pace [vist 5 goadcoice/ make 3 romantcim see 6 challenging book ead Uni 7 finden 6 ‘as woe rel ea pie onc es Relationships VOCABULARY 1 Gheckthemesnng ofthe Blue words. Compete the sentences wth aitoyser ever. ‘good tend 1 acksyeuupin an argument 2 onde nyo 3 fallout wih you 4 gets on wet thou 5 hangs outwith you é agp in touch withyou & 9 lores touch with you 10 makes wp ater se argament 31 pute up wtnyou 12 Hands up toryou 2 Read and complete he story wth the comet prepesons don I 0 out pth ‘remeer the dy fell *_with my best, friend Nee. We ned een end fr oer tree Years and wa ha always got + slly wal \We wes tohang___ with a big wou af trencs trom eu elass and we cones teen other al the time, We ays used to stand” for each oer uni the dy had an argument with rend of ers calle Lar, who I dt he very ‘much. | expected Necean aback me butinsnad she et me'__by taking Lara's Side. tte few ays we vade*__, but cur friendship wos pvr the same aftr a, Inte ent ost touch __hewhen iat zhao, bt | think she Kopi touch wit Lar, Work pases 62 Unt7Fienehip LISTEN 1 @EWustentofourspesters talking about ating ‘edt ren Match te names ofthe speakers tthe ‘en() rout] etna) ra 2 witea setenceto summarize each ofthe stories, Usea ‘verb fom Voabury exe Ben Pe‘ ed stare hanging ou wth ler toe Pak is Etna Ss rate 3 @EWtisten asin and make a noe the tine ‘eipresson each speak uses, Vodyer tk SPEAK you have mero prepare efor speaking, make a note of words and pases you argon toned Read the Sealing tip and nae rots abouts tine when You fell outwith end Tel yur story toa pre sing the ‘verbs rom Vocabulary everese 1 tne expression fom stn ‘rere 3 and your notes tohel ou

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