Llanos 2 Lesson Planning

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Name: The 5 W’s Reading Comprehension

Grade Level: Second Grade

Suggested Group Size: Partner Collaborative Groups

Subject: English Language Arts (Reading)

- ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and
how to demonstrate an understanding of key details in a text


The student will be able to read an assigned short story and outline
details including the who, what, when, where, why, and how to improve
reading comprehension skills.

● The Magic Pool Story
● The Five W’s Graphic Organizer Worksheet

Hand out printed short story “The Magic Pool” and the graphic
organizer worksheet. Students (with a partner) will read and
understand the complete story. After students finish reading,
students will discuss and together fill out the five w’s of the
story on the graphic organizer. After all groups have finished,
the teacher will have students share answers and
collaboratively fill out five w’s organizer on the whiteboard.

Students will turn in their individual worksheets and be given a
grade by completion and accuracy. Out of ten points, students
should have reasonable answers in all categories.
The Magic Pool

One day, Evan and his friends, Zoya and Jamal, walk in the woods and find a magic pool.

They hear a strange voice say, "The water in this pool changes to whatever you want.
Just shout out a word as you jump in."

"I'm first!" says Jamal.

Jamal jumps off the edge and screams, "MARSHMALLOWS!" Sure enough, Jamal lands
in a pool full of fluffy white marshmallows.

"Wow!" says Zoya. "I want a turn."

Jamal comes out of the pool and the water is back to normal.

Zoya jumps in and shouts, "MONEY!" She lands in a pool full of dollar bills.

"My turn!" says Evan, as Zoya climbs out.

Evan stands at the pool thinking of what he might yell. Just as he is about to jump in and
shout "BANANAS," a big bird flies above him and poops on his head. Evan is so
surprised that he says, "OH POOP!" You can guess what happens then. Poor Evan.
Name: __________________

The 5 W’s

Who was involved?

What happened?

Where did it happen?

When did it happen?

Why did it happen?

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