Modelling and Analysis of FRP-strengthened Masonry Panels: Ernesto Grande, Gabriele Milani, Elio Sacco

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Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Modelling and analysis of FRP-strengthened masonry panels

Ernesto Grande a , Gabriele Milani b , Elio Sacco a,∗
a Department of Mechanics, Structures and Environments, University of Cassino, Via G. Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino, Italy
b Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat 1, 44100 Ferrara, Italy

Received 21 March 2007; received in revised form 3 October 2007; accepted 3 December 2007
Available online 22 January 2008


The aim of this paper is the development of suitable mechanical models able to reproduce and, hence, to predict the response of masonry
structures. In particular, the study is addressed to the modelling of strengthened masonry structures in which the introduction of new types
of reinforcement, particularly the FRP (fibre-reinforced plastic) materials, strongly affects the structural response through complex interaction
mechanisms between masonry and strengthening elements.
In this paper two different approaches able to model the behaviour of un-reinforced and reinforced masonry structures are proposed. The first
one is based on a micro-mechanical and multiscale analysis combined with the use of the kinematic and static theorems of the limit analysis;
in this case a rigid-perfectly plastic constitutive relationship is considered for the masonry material and for the FRP–masonry interaction. The
second approach is based on the use of macroscopic models. In this case, the constitutive relationship for the masonry material accounts for the
softening effect throughout the use of a smeared crack approach. Moreover, different modelling strategies and constitutive laws are adopted for
the FRP-reinforcement addressing particular regard to the delamination phenomenon.
Numerical computations are developed for un-strengthened and FRP-strengthened masonry panels. The obtained results, in terms of the global
response of the examined panels, are compared with the data available from experimental tests and interesting aspects are remarked.
c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Masonry; FRP reinforcement; Constitutive modelling; Structural analysis; Validation

1. Introduction of-thumb or empirical formulae adopted to evaluate the

safety of masonry buildings. In particular, nonlinear models
Civil and historical masonry constructions can present implemented in suitable finite elements formulations currently
significant states of degradation due to the action of different represent the most common advanced strategy to simulate the
possible causes. In fact, the damage of masonry structures structural behaviour of masonry structures.
can be induced by degradation of the construction materials, The problem of performing reliable analyses becomes
deficiencies in the design and action of new loading conditions. even more important when a decision is required about
As a consequence, the evaluation of the structural safety state of the opportunity of repairing the construction and to design
masonry buildings represents an important task for the engineer. the strengthening. Moreover, in the last decades the use of
Although the masonry construction technique is very old, the innovative FRP (fibre-reinforced plastic) materials for the
analysis of masonry buildings is still a difficult problem, despite strengthening of masonry structures has received great interest
the fact that many efforts have been done by civil engineering
in the scientific and industrial world. The main problem in the
researchers in this field.
development of accurate stress analysis for masonry structures
In fact, in the last decades, the scientific community has
is the definition and the use of suitable material constitutive
demonstrated great interest in the development of sophisticated
laws. In the last twenty years several authors, (e.g. van Zijl [1],
numerical tools as an opposition to the tradition of rules-
Berto et al. [2], Pietruszczak and Ushaksaraei [3]), have
proposed different modelling strategies to predict the structural
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0776 2993659; fax: +39 0776 2993392. response of masonry structures and, consequently, to assess the
E-mail address: (E. Sacco). safety level of existing buildings.

c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0141-0296/$ - see front matter
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1843

Notation t(k) Versor perpendicular to s(k)

tFRP FRP thickness
The following symbols are used in this paper: u ix x (u iyy ) ith node horizontal (vertical) velocity
ũ M,i Masonry velocity in the direction of the
Aeq (Ain ) Assembled equality (inequality) constraints reinforcement
matrix for the lower bound LP problem uss Vector of interface directions velocities
à Assembled equality constraints matrix for the U Assembled vector of kinematic unknowns (UB
upper bound LP problem limit analysis)
A(i) Area of the ith triangular element X LP optimization variables
b Body force xs Abscissa measuring points on rollers
beq (bin ) Right-hand sides of equality (inequality) con- (k)
Xi j (y) Vector containing geometrical information of the
straints for LP problems unit cell and subdomain
b̃ Right-hand sides of equality (inequality) con- Y M (∂Y M ) Unit cell (boundary of the unit cell)
straints for the upper bound LP problem α Macroscopic model, parameter which controls
b f (b) Width of FRP (width of the support) the shear stress contribution to the failure
c1 Constant; assumed equal to 0.015 in Eq. (14) β Macroscopic model, parameter which controls
CTE (CTI ) Assembled right-hand sides of masonry lin- the coupling between the normal stress values
earized failure surface inequalities in continuum γ Macroscopic model, parameter which controls
(interfaces) the shear stress contribution to failure
CTI FRP (CTFRP ) Assembled right-hand sides of masonry/FRP γM Partial safety factor for masonry
interface (FRP) linearized failure surface inequal- γfd Reducing code factor, assumed equal to 1.2 or 1.5
ities Γ̇ E Interface jump of velocities field of element E
E (i) Typical triangular element in FE limit analysis Γ Fd Design specific fracture energy of the FRP-
E FRP Young’s modulus of FRP reinforcement strengthened masonry
fb Ultimate shear strength of the interface 0̇ Assembled masonry/FRP interface jump of
f d+f ( f d−f ) Failure tensile (compressive) strengths of the velocities field
reinforcement corresponding to the failure of the ∆u I Jump of velocities vector at each interface
FRP or to the delamination of the FRP–masonry
∆vi (∆u i ) Normal (tangential) jump of velocity on an
interface, node i
f mk Characteristic value of the compressive strength (k)
ϑs Angle of the kth FRP strip with respect to the
of masonry
horizontal direction
f f dd Design bond strength
λ Load multiplier
f mtm Masonry average tensile strength I FRP ,ass
f f dd,rid Reduced value of the design bond strength λ̇ Assembled masonry/FRP interface plastic mul-
G f cx (G f cy ) Fracture energies in the compression range tiplier rates
for x- (y-) direction λ̇ Assembled FRP plastic multiplier rates
(q) −(q)
G f x (G f y ) Fracture energies in the tension range for x- λ̇ E FRP (λ̇ E FRP ) FRP plastic multiplier rates, element E,
(y-) direction node q associated to τ (q) = f bd (τ (q) = − f bd )
lb Bond length of FRP elements +(q) −(q)
λ̇ E FRP (λ̇ E FRP ) Masonry/FRP interface plastic multiplier
le Optimal bond length of FRP elements I I
(k) (q)
lw kth FRP strip width rates, element E, node q associated to σss = f d+f
(k) (q)
ls kth FRP strip length (σss = f d−f )
Ls Supports length σ Microscopic in-plane stress tensor
m and n Generic triangular elements σ ss Reinforcement stress vector
nΣ = [α11 α22 α12 ]T Versor in the macroscopic stress σ Reference yield strength
space 6(Σi j ) Macroscopic in-plane stress tensor (i j compo-
NE Typical node of an element E, kth FRP strip nent)
Si j Vector of global linearly independent unknowns σcx (σcy ) uniaxial compressive strengths along x (y)
in the homogenization model σt x (σt y ) uniaxial tensile strengths along along x (y)
Sk Failure surface of component k (kth subdomain), σxNx (σxNy ) [σ yy N ] Horizontal, (vertical) [shear] stress on

corresponding to bricks or mortar a node N of an element

S block (S mortar ) Block (mortar) failure surface τ Interface shear stress
S̃ hom Homogenized material strength domain τ (k) Tangential stress acting at the interface masonry/kth
s (k) kth FRP strip thickness FRP strip
s(k) Direction versor of the kth FRP strip τb Shear stress at the interfaces
1844 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

obtained by means of a simple equilibrated and admissible

ϕ̇ Rotation velocity at the supports micro-mechanical model. The unit cell is subdivided into
Ω Generic masonry wall a finite number of subdomains and for each subdomain, a
Ωf Reinforced part of a wall polynomial expansion of the micro-stress field is assumed.
Ωm Un-reinforced part of a wall In this way a lower bound approximation of masonry
failure surface is obtained, numerically solving a standard
linear programming problem for several assigned directions
Taking into account the heterogeneity of the masonry
of the macro-stress field. The macroscopic strength domain
material, which results from the composition of blocks joined
so recovered is finally implemented in limit analysis FE
together by mortar beds, the models proposed in the literature
(finite elements) codes (both lower and upper bound) and
can be categorized in the three different classes briefly
entire un-reinforced and reinforced walls are analyzed at the
described below.
collapse. FRP strips contribution is taken into account by
• Micro-models consider the units and the mortar joints assuming that masonry and FRP layers interact by means of
separately, characterized by different constitutive laws; interfacial tangential actions. Furthermore, a limited tensile
thus, the structural analysis is performed by considering strength for the reinforcement is also considered. In this way,
each constituent of the masonry material. The mechanical the delamination phenomenon is taken into account in the
properties that characterize the models adopted for units and framework of limit analysis only in an approximate way.
mortar joints, are obtained through the experimental tests It can be remarked that the limit analysis approach is based
conducted on the single material components (compressive on the use of a perfectly plastic material response of masonry,
test, tension test, bending test, etc.). This approach leads FRP and of FRP–masonry interface, i.e. the softening effect
to structural analyses characterized by great computational cannot be considered in this framework. As a consequence, the
effort; in fact, in a finite element formulation framework, first approach could fail in some cases.
both the unit blocks and the mortar beds have to be Therefore, more sophisticated models able to take into
discretized, obtaining a problem with a high number of nodal account masonry damage can be adopted. In fact, the masonry
unknowns. Nevertheless, this approach can be successfully is characterized by a typical softening behaviour, essentially
adopted for reproducing laboratory tests (e.g. Lofti and due to the formation and growth of the cracks in the bricks
Shing [4], Giambanco and Di Gati [5], Alfano and and mortar joints. Indeed, masonry shows a softening behaviour
Sacco [6]). not only in tension, but also in compression and in the case
• Micro–macro models consider different constitutive laws of shear stresses, i.e. when the mode II fracture is active. This
for the units and the mortar joints; then, a homogenization latter mechanism consists of a slip of the brick–mortar interface
procedure is performed by obtaining a macro-model for under shear loads.
masonry which is used to develop the structural analysis. In the nonlinear FE method, the presence of the
Also in this case, the mechanical properties of units and strain softening results in several computational troubles
mortar joints are obtained through experimental tests. The as localization and spurious mesh sensitivity [12]. With
micro–macro models appear very appealing, as they allow the purpose to overcome such difficulties, many authors
us to derive in a rational way the stress–strain relationship have proposed the introduction of mathematical conditions
of the masonry, accounting in a suitable manner for (localization limiters) in the material model. In particular, a
the mechanical properties of each material component. simple and quite effective technique able to prevent the mesh
Moreover, this approach can lead to effective models objectivity and localization is the crack band model proposed
(e.g. Luciano and Sacco [7], Milani et al. [8,9]). by Bazant [12]. In this case, a regularization of the energy
• Macro-models, or macroscopic models, are based on the dissipation is achieved by assuming that the inelastic work
use of phenomenological constitutive laws for the masonry is uniformly distributed over an equivalent length h which is
material; i.e. the stress–strain relationships adopted for related to the area of a finite element.
the structural analysis are derived by performing tests on A further modelling problem is related to the simulation
masonry, without distinguishing the blocks and the mortar of FRP-reinforcement behaviour, which are possibly glued on
behaviour. A macroscopic model could be unable to describe the masonry external surfaces. Indeed, the FRP strips behave
in a detailed manner some micro-mechanisms occurring in as a linear-elastic material until a perfectly brittle failure
the damage evolution of masonry, but it is very effective occurs; some modelling difficulties can arise when the possible
from a computational point of view when structural analyses decohesion between the FRP and the masonry is considered.
are performed [10,11]. Different approaches can be developed in order to reproduce the
With the aim of reproducing the behaviour of FRP- presence of the FRP strengthening and its possible decohesion.
strengthened masonry panels, in this paper two models, On the basis of the above discussion, a macroscopic model
based on a micro–macro and a macromodelling approach are accounting for the damage and softening is also adopted in
presented, adopting different constitutive laws and yielding this paper to reproduce the behaviour of reinforced masonry
criteria both for masonry and FRP strengthening. structures. Nowadays, several FE codes include the possibility
The first model relies on a homogenized limit analysis to perform nonlinear analyses by considering the material
approach. The homogenized strength domain of masonry is damage and softening. However, the use of these codes is not
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1845

Fig. 1. Model adopted for the homogenized limit analysis approach. (a) Heterogeneous model; (b) un-reinforced masonry homogenization; (c) macroscopic
approach (masonry homogenized + FRP).

always easy, particularly when new structural features must be detailed description of the examined cases, particular regard
simulated. In fact, in these cases, it is important to exploit the has been addressed both to the phase of parameter setting and
capabilities of the codes developing suitable strategies based on to the comparison between experimental and analytical results.
the combination of special elements available in the FE codes. Finally in the Section 5 of the paper, concluding remarks are
In this paper, the commercial nonlinear FE code DIANA reported, reviewing the proposed models features in the light of
9.1 [13] has been used; different numerical models obtained the obtained results.
from the combination of constitutive laws and special features
implemented in DIANA are adopted to simulate the behaviour 2. Limit analysis with homogenization model
of the reinforced masonry, with a critical discussion of the use
of the available elements. In this section, a homogenization approach combined with
In particular, two different models, denoted as MA and limit analysis suitable for the evaluation of the collapse loads
MB, are assumed for the masonry material. Model MA and failure mechanisms of FRP-reinforced masonry panels is
is an orthotropic elastic-perfectly plastic continuum model presented.
with a Hoffmann failure criterion, whereas Model MB is The application of FRP strips on masonry (Fig. 1(a)) is
an orthotropic softening continuum model including a Hill- treated by adopting a simplified multistep approach.
In the first step, denoted here as micro-scale (Fig. 1(b)),
type yield criterion in compression and a Rankine-type yield
un-reinforced masonry, regarded as a periodic heterogeneous
criterion in tension (see [10]). For FRP-strengthened panels,
material, is substituted with a homogeneous macroscopic
only Model MB is adopted for masonry.
Regarding the behaviour of the layer between masonry material using a homogenization technique. In particular, an
and the FRP strengthening, it can be simulated by adopting estimation of the homogenized un-reinforced masonry strength
“special” elements (interface elements) which connect the domain is obtained by means of a micro-mechanical model
nodes of the mesh of panel to the nodes of the FRP elements based on the lower bound theorem of limit analysis, as proposed
or, in a simplified manner, adopting “special” constitutive laws by Milani et al. [8,9].
In the second step, macro-scale (Fig. 1(c)), FRP-
for FRP-strengthening elements. In this paper, for the FRP
reinforcement strips are introduced on the already homogenized
strips, two different models, denoted as MRA and MRB, are
masonry material.
used. Both models consider the reinforcement perfectly glued
Adopting an associated flow rule for the constituent
to the masonry support. In model MRA the reinforcement is
materials, a lower bound approximation of the homogenized
modelled by a linear-elastic constitutive relation, whereas in
strength domain S hom of un-reinforced masonry can be
model MRB a bilinear constitutive relation characterized by
obtained, as proved in Ref. [8], by solving the following
brittle behaviour is adopted, assuming different values of the
axial strength of the FRP elements. In both cases, the FRP
strips are modelled using truss elements directly connected to Z
 1
the nodes of the mesh of the panels.  6 = hσ (y)i = σ (y)dY M (a)
|Y M | Y M

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the 
σ (y) · n(y) antiperiodic on ∂Y M (b)

micro–macro model is presented, deriving the upper and lower ∂ S hom = max{Σ }| (1)
divσ (y)
  = 0 onblock YM (c)
bounds of the collapse load. In Section 3 the macro modelling 
σ (y) ∈ S ∀y ∈ block


approach is described, presenting two material models for the σ (y) ∈ S mortar ∀y ∈ mortar

masonry and for the FRP–masonry interface. Section 4 deals

with numerical applications regarding five un-strengthened where Y M and ∂Y M are the unit cell and its boundary, re-
and FRP-strengthened masonry walls. In this part, after a spectively (Fig. 1(b)); h·i is the average operator; ∂ S hom is the
1846 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

 
1 4k
  
  X
[Σ11 Σ22 Σ12 ] = λnΣ =

 
 

 

 Z h Y k=1
  
(k) (k) (k)
max{λ} σ11 σ22 σ12 dY (a)
  
∂ S̃ hom = P ≡ [Σ11 Σ22 Σ12 ]T |
  such that  Y
  
σi j = X(k) (y) SiTj y ∈ Y k (b)

 
 

 
 

 
 

 (k)
σ ∈ S k k = 1, . . . , 4k max (c)

 

 

Box I.

Fig. 2. Subdivision of the elementary cell in subdomains for the micro-mechanical model.

boundary of S hom ; S block and S mortar represent the bricks and subdomain and Si j is the vector of global linearly independent
the mortar strength domains, respectively. unknowns.
Condition (1)(a) defines the macroscopic stress Σ as an Since the polynomial stress field in Eq. (2) is equilibrated
average of the microscopic stress σ on the periodic cell, and satisfies periodicity conditions, problem (1) reduces to the
whereas condition (1)(b) represents the continuity of the micro- (non)linear programming problem given in Box I.
stress vector between two adjacent unit cells. Condition (1)(c) In Box I
imposes micro-equilibrium on the cell and condition (1)(d) • ∂ S̃ hom is the boundary of the approximate homogenized
represents the material admissibility for blocks and mortar, strength domain S̃ hom ;
respectively.  T
• P ≡ Σ11 Σ22 Σ12 is a typical point of the surface
An approximate but satisfactory estimation of masonry
∂ S̃ hom ;
homogenized strength domain S̃ hom can be obtained by T
• nΣ = α11 α22 α12 is a unit vector in the macroscopic
adopting the simplified micro-mechanical model [8,9]. One-
stress space Σ11 Σ22 Σ12 , such that λnΣ represents a
fourth of the periodic unit cell is subdivided into nine
geometrical elementary entities (subdomains), as shown in macroscopic stress state belonging to ∂ S̃ hom ;
Fig. 2, so that the whole cell is subdivided into 36 subdomains. • S k stands for the set of admissible stresses of the component
A plane stress state is assumed for masonry and polynomial (unit or mortar) belonging to the kth geometrical subdomain.
distributions of degree m are assumed a priori for the stress A refined piecewise linear approximation of ∂ S̃ hom can be
components within each subdomain. In this way, (m + 1)(m + obtained by collecting a sufficient number of stress states P on
2)/2 unknowns for each subdomain representing polynomial ∂ S̃ hom , evaluated by solving problem given in Box I.
coefficients are introduced. In this way, a lower bound approximation of the
In order to reduce the number of unknowns, continuity of homogenized masonry strength domain is recovered. Such
the stress vector at each internal interface between adjacent strength domain is implemented in lower and upper bound FE
subdomains, equilibrium equations inside each subdomain and limit analysis codes and static and kinematic limit analyses of
anti-periodicity conditions are imposed. In this way, the typical masonry structures reinforced with FRP strips (structural level)
i jth component (i, j = 1, 2) of the micro-stress in the kth are performed.
subdomain can be written as:
2.1. The lower bound approach
(k) (k)
σi j = Xi j (y)SiTj y ∈ Yk (2)
In this section, a 2D lower bound FE limit analysis
where, for each value of i and j, Xi j (y) is a vector which procedure, based on a modification of the equilibrated
contains only geometrical information of the unit cell and of the triangular element proposed by Sloan [14], is presented.
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1847

Fig. 3. Geometry of a typical reinforced masonry wall, FE discretization and geometrical properties of FRP strips.

Fig. 4. Linear stress interpolation inside a triangular element and continuity of the stress vector on the edge between adjacent elements.

A reinforced masonry wall Ω = Ω f ∪ Ωm is considered, actions due to the presence of the reinforcement strips:
with Ωm and Ω f the un-reinforced and reinforced part of Ω
respectively. The reinforcement is constituted by FRP strips; t div σ + tb − 2τ = 0 (3)
(k) (k)
the typical kth strip is characterized by width lw , length ls where b denotes the body forces and τ is the interface shear
and fibre direction identified by the angle ϑs , as schematically stress vector. As a linear interpolation is chosen for the stress
reported in Fig. 3. The unit vectors that are parallel and state within each element, 2 equilibrium equations can be
orthogonal to the fibre direction of the kth strip are denoted written for each element, one for the x-direction and one for
by s(k) and t(k) respectively. A finite element discretization is the y-direction. Such equations can be re-written in terms of the
performed by ensuring that there are no elements in which the nodal unknown stresses and of the shear actions τ (i) as follows:
masonry is only partially reinforced, as shown in Fig. 3.
Thus, a typical element E (i) ∈ Ω f is constituted by a central tA(i)
eq σ
= −tb(i) + 2R ϑ S τ (i) (4)
masonry layer of thickness t, subjected to a plane stress state,
and by two additional external FRP layers of thickness s (k) . where:
It is assumed that only shear stresses τ (i) with direction s(k)
h i
η1 ζ1 η2 ζ2 η3 ζ3
• A(i)
eq =
2A(i) 0
ζ1 η1 0
ζ2 η2 0
ζ3 η3 , with
(see Fig. 3) can act at the interface between the masonry and
the reinforcement. In a typical element E (k) ∈ Ωm , the stress ζ i = x j − xk , η i = yk − y j , i = 1, 2, 3; k = 2, 3, 1; j =
is assumed varying linearly, in agreement with the assumption 3, 1, 2;
adopted in Ref. [14]. • A(i) is the area of the ith element;
(k) (k) (k)
In this way, 9 unknown nodal stress parameters are • R ϑ S = cos ϑ S sin ϑ S ;
introduced for each element, so that 3 stress parameters
(i.e. σxNx σxNy σ yyN
, see Fig. 4) are associated at each node • σ (i) , b(i) represent the 9 nodal unknown stresses and the
(k) body forces vector relative to the ith element, respectively.
N E of an element. Statically admissible stress discontinuities
can occur between adjacent triangles, assuming only the stress Regarding the external FRP layers of the typical element
vector continuous at interfaces. E (i) ∈ Ω f , only the stress σss parallel to the fibre direction
For each E (i) ∈ Ω f , 2 equilibrium equations for the central is assumed acting, whereas the other stresses are enforced to
masonry layer are imposed by taking into account the shear be zero, i.e. σtt = σts = 0, as reported in Figs. 3 and 5.
1848 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Fig. 5. Shear stress distribution on masonry/FRP interface. (a) masonry layer, (b) FRP layer.

Furthermore, the stress component σss is assumed varying programming problem is derived at a structural level:
linearly inside each FRP element. n T T o
max λ|Aeq XT λ = beq , Ain XT λ ≤ bin
Equilibrium is satisfied by imposing the following additional (6)
equality constraint inside each element, that corresponds to
impose the equilibrium along the directions s: where λ is the load multiplier at failure and X contains
h i the (assembled) masonry in-plane stress parameters, the
s (i) η1(i) η2(i) η3(i) σss (1,i) (2,i)
σss (3,i) T = −2A(i) τ (i)
σss reinforcement stress vector σ ss and the interfaces shear

stress vector τ . Matrices Aeq and Ain collect the coefficients
of the equilibrium equations, previously discussed, and the
where: coefficients of admissibility inequalities, respectively, whereas
(i) beq and bin are the corresponding right-hand sides.
• ηq = t¯k − t¯j , q = 1, 2, 3; k = 2, 3, 1; j = 3, 1, 2
(Fig. 5).
2.2. The upper bound approach
Additional constraints on the nodal stresses of each FRP
element are imposed in order to ensure the continuity of the The upper bound approach adopted in this section is
stress vector along the edges of adjacent triangles. based on the formulation originally developed by Sloan and
It can be demonstrated (Fig. 5(a)) that such condition is Kleeman [15], which assumes a triangular discretization of the
(3,i) (3, j) (2,i) (1, j)
satisfied by imposing σss = σss and σss = σss where domain and possible discontinuities of the velocity field along
i and j are adjacent elements with common nodes (3, i) ≡ the edges of adjacent triangles.
(3, j) and (2, i) ≡ (1, j). For each element E, two velocity unknowns per node i, u ix x
Admissibility conditions for the reinforcement layers are and u iyy (one along x and one along y, see Fig. 6(a)) are
imposed on σss stress for each element in the form − f d−f ≤ introduced.
σss ≤ f d+f ∀i r = 1, 2, 3 where f d+f and f d−f are the Jumps of velocities at interfaces are supposed to vary
failure tensile and compressive strengths of the reinforcement linearly, thus four unknowns collected in the vector ∆u I =
respectively, corresponding to the failure of the FRP or to the [∆v1 ∆u 1 ∆v2 ∆u 2 ]T are introduced at each interface. The
delamination of the FRP–masonry interface. In a similar way components of the vector ∆u represent the normal ∆vi
shear interface actions τ are assumed to satisfy the inequality and tangential ∆u i jumps of velocities (with respect to the
τ (i) ≤ f b ∀i where f b is the ultimate shear strength of discontinuity direction) evaluated at nodes i = 1 and i = 2
the interface, evaluated according to the indications contained of the interface (see Fig. 6(b)).
in [22] (Appendix B). For any pair of nodes lying on the interface between
Equilibrium constraints, boundary conditions on stresses two contiguous elements m and n, the tangential and normal
and admissibility conditions for masonry, FRP and interfaces velocity jumps can be written in terms of the Cartesian nodal
masonry/FRP are suitably assembled and the following linear velocities of elements m − n; thus, four linear equations for
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1849

Fig. 6. Upper bound limit analysis. (a) field of velocities and plastic multipliers rates. (b) jump of velocities on interfaces.

E,ass I,ass I FRP ,ass FRP,ass
min CTE λ̇ + CTI λ̇ + CTFRP λ̇ + CT λ̇

( eq eq
à U = b̃
such that

I FRP ,ass

I,ass E,ass FRP,ass
λ̇ λ̇ ≥ 0 λ̇ ≥ 0 λ̇

≥0 ≥0

In Eq. (9) CTE and CTI represent the assembled right-

hand sides of the inequalities which determine the lin-
earized failure surface of the homogenized material in the
continuum and in the interfaces, respectively. CTI FRP and
CTFRP are the assembled right-hand sides of the inequali-
Fig. 7. Field of velocities on FRP and on the interfaces masonry/FRP.
ties which determine the linearized failure surfaces of the
each interface are obtained by assuming the form: interface masonry/FRP and of FRP, respectively. U =
E,ass I,ass I FRP ,ass FRP,ass
[u M λ̇ ∆u I,ass λ̇ 0̇ λ̇ uss λ̇ ] is the
eq eq eq
A11 u Em + A12 u En + A13 ∆u I =0 (7) assembled vector of kinematic unknowns and collects the vec-
tors of assembled nodal velocities u M , elements plastic multi-
where u Em and u En are vectors with six components, collecting E,ass
the velocities of elements m and n, respectively, and A11 , A12 ,
eq plier rates λ̇ , jump of velocities on interfaces ∆u I,ass , inter-
A13 are matrices which depend only on ϑ the angle (Fig. 6(b)). face plastic multiplier rates λ̇ , masonry/FRP interface jump
Further kinematical variables are introduced, as schemati- of velocities 0̇, masonry/FRP interface plastic multiplier rates
I FRP ,ass
cally shown in Fig. 7, in order to model the effect of the FRP λ̇ , FRP velocities uss and FRP plastic multiplier rates
strengthening. A sliding mode between masonry and FRP is λ̇ .
considered by introducing a linear field 0̇ of interfacial jump The terms CTI FRP λ̇
I FRP ,ass
and CTFRP λ̇
in Eq. (9) are
of velocities inside each element E ∈ Ω f . On the other hand,
the total power dissipated at masonry/FRP interfaces and on
a possible plastic dissipation due to the failure of the FRP sub-
FRP, respectively. Within each triangle E of area A, it can be
jected to axial stresses is taken into account, hence a linear field
shown that the power dissipated at the interface masonry/FRP
uss of velocities inside each FRP element, acting along the fibre
(k) is expressed by the linear equation:
direction ϑs is introduced.
The following compatibility constraint involving uss , 0̇ 3
and ũ M occur for each node i ∈ E (i) , with E (i) ∈ Ω f , see PIEFRP =
+(q) −(q)
f b λ̇ E FRP + λ̇ E FRP (10)
Fig. 7: 3 q=1 I I

u ss,i = ũ M,i + Γ̇iE (8) +(q) −(q)
where λ̇ E FRP and λ̇ E FRP are the plastic multiplier rates of the
E represents the velocity in the brickwork, evaluated
where ũ M,i triangle E associated to node q and corresponding to plastic
along strips directions at node i. dissipation on interfaces when τ (q) = f b and τ (q) = − f b ,
After assemblage operations, a linear programming problem respectively.
is obtained, in which the objective function consists in the In a similar way, the power dissipated in the FRP material
minimization of the total internal dissipated power: can be written as:
1850 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Fig. 8. Anisotropic Rankine–Hill model implemented in DIANA [13]. (a) Rankine–Hill yield condition. (b) Hardening–softening law for Hill criterion. (c) Softening
law for Rankine criterion.

3  different values of the axial strength of the FRP elements,

AX +(q) −(q)

PFRP = f d+f λ̇ E FRP + f d−f λ̇ E FRP (11) has been used. In both models, the FRP truss elements have
3 q=1
been considered directly connected to the nodes of the mesh
(q) −(q) of panels without using interface elements. The choice to avoid
where λ̇ E FRP and λ̇ E FRP are the plastic multiplier rates of the
the use of interface elements is justified in the following.
triangle E associated to node q and corresponding to plastic
(q) (q)
dissipation of FRP when σss = f d+f and σss = f d−f
3.1. Un-strengthened panels: Model MA and Model MB
eq eq
Finally, Ã and b̃ in Eq. (9) denote the overall constraints
The two adopted nonlinear constitutive models used for
matrix and constraints right-hand sides, respectively, and
simulating the behaviour of masonry are characterized by
collect velocity boundary conditions, relations between velocity
different yielding criteria and nonlinear behaviour.
jumps on interfaces and elements velocities, constraints for
Model MA is an orthotropic elasto-plastic continuum model
plastic flow in velocity discontinuities, constraints for plastic
with Hoffmann yield condition [16] and characterized by an
flow in continuum and compatibility conditions among uss , 0̇
elastic-perfectly plastic behaviour in tension and compression.
and u M .
The adopted yield condition is an extension of the Hill
It could be remarked that a typical drawback of the
model [17] and it can describe different yield strength in tension
application of limit analysis theorems to the study of masonry
structures is represented by the assumption of an infinite ductile and compression. An associate flow rule is adopted for this
behaviour of the material. Even if limit analysis results fit well yield criterion. The reader is referred to Hoffmann [16] and
experimental collapse loads in many cases of technical interest, DIANA [13] for further details.
it should be verified whether too large strains, incompatible In this model the effect of softening behaviour of masonry is
with the masonry behaviour, occur in the structure. Therefore, neglected. For this reason a further model, including different
more sophisticated models, able to take into account masonry softening laws in tension and compression, is adopted in the
damage and the interface decohesion, are adopted in the case of Model MB.
following section. Model MB is based on the studies conducted by
Lourenço [10] and it consists of an extension of classic
3. Macro-modelling approach formulations of isotropic quasi-brittle materials. In this model,
different yield functions for tension and compression behaviour
With the aim of simulating the structural behaviour of are considered: a Hill-type yield criterion in compression
masonry material, FRP strengthening and the interaction and a Rankine-type yield criterion in tension. A graphical
between masonry/FRP elements, different models for the un- representation in terms of the full stress vector is shown in
strengthened and FRP-strengthened panels have been adopted. Fig. 8, where the material axes are assumed to be defined by the
In the case of un-strengthened panels, two different bed joints direction (x-direction) and the head joints direction
models labelled as Model MA and Model MB have been (y-direction).
proposed for the masonry. Model MA is an orthotropic elasto- The yield surface adopted in the compression region is a
plastic continuum model, whereas Model MB is a softening rotated centred ellipsoid in the full-plane stress space and it
anisotropic elasto-plastic continuum model. is characterized by different compressive strengths along the
For what concerns the FRP-strengthened panels, the Model material axes. The nonlinear behaviour of the Model MB is
MB has been adopted to simulate the behaviour of the masonry characterized in compression by a parabolic hardening followed
material, whereas for the FRP strips, two different models by parabolic/exponential softening and in tension by an
have been used, labelled as Model MRA and Model MRB. exponential tensile softening. In both tensile and compression
In Model MRA a linear-elastic constitutive relation for the behaviour, different fracture energies for vertical and horizontal
FRP elements has been adopted, whereas in Model MRB axis are considered (i.e. G f cx and G f cy for compression; G f x
a bilinear constitutive relation (brittle behaviour), assuming and G f y for tension).
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1851

Summarizing, the two presented masonry models are where all the symbols are defined in the list of symbols at
characterized by different features. The first model (MA) the end of the paper. Here it is worth noting that γ f d is a
is simpler and it allows us to determine the values of factor that takes into account the modality of the application
the parameters governing the model by means of standard of the reinforcement system (it is assumed to be equal to 1.20
experimental tests. The second model (MB) is more complete if the reinforcement is applied according to the indications
as it accounts for the special orthotropic character of the contained in chapter 2 of [22]), or equal to 1.5 if this condition
masonry and, moreover, it considers the softening behaviour; is not satisfied; γ M is the partial safety factor for masonry
on the other hand, the evaluation of all the parameters (seven material [23], assumed to be equal to 1.0 for q obtaining the
strength parameters and five inelastic parameters) governing E FRP ·tFRP
characteristic value of bond strength; le = 2· f mtm is the
the model requires the development of nonstandard laboratory optimal bond length of FRP corresponding to the minimal bond
tests. length able to carry the maximum anchorage force.
In the code, the term Γ Fk is also introduced and it represents
3.2. FRP-strengthening models: Model MRA and Model MRB the characteristic value of the specific fracture energy of the
FRP strengthened masonry. In particular, when the debonding
One of the most important aspects in the application of involves the first masonry layers, in [22] the following relation
composite materials for strengthening structural elements is is proposed:
the adhesion between the reinforcing and reinforced materials. p
In particular, when delamination from the support occurs, the Γ Fk = c1 f mk · f mtm [ f in N/mm2 ] (14)
effectiveness of the reinforcement vanishes. This phenomenon where all the symbols are defined in the list of symbols at the
is very complex to model, because it involves materials with end of the paper.
different properties (masonry, FRP and glue layer) and depends In the light of these considerations, two different models
on several parameters. Some experimental and numerical have been adopted for the FRP elements in the framework of
investigations have been conducted in the last decades for a macro-modelling approach. In the first model (denoted as
concrete structures but only in the last few years the decohesion MRA) a linear-elastic behaviour has been considered while in
problem has been investigated for masonry structures [18–21]. the second one (denoted as MRB), an elastic-brittle behaviour
Experimental studies demonstrated that the decohesion occurs has been adopted.
because of the failure of the masonry material; in fact, the It is worth noting that, for both the adopted MRA and
delaminated FRP presents a not negligible layer of masonry MRB models, truss elements have been used for FRP,
material on the debonded surface. imposing a “perfect adhesion” between the nodes of trusses
A rigorous methodology to directly take into account in a and the corresponding nodes of the mesh of the panels, so
numerical model the behaviour of the layer between masonry avoiding relative displacements between the masonry and the
and the FRP reinforcement is the use of the interface model reinforcement. The delamination phenomenon between FRP
concept. According to this model, the forces acting on the and masonry support has been accounted in a simplified
interface are related to the relative displacement of the two sides manner, i.e. adopting special constitutive laws for truss
(masonry and FRP). The use of this model is rather complex elements. This choice could be questionable but it simplifies
because it implies the knowledge of the parameters that define the numerical model and, moreover, it allows us to obtain
the behaviour of the FRP/masonry layer. In fact, even if from solutions which are in satisfactory agreement with experimental
the experimental tests available in the technical literature some evidences.
common aspects have emerged, such as for instance the quasi- In principle, as announced above, an enhanced modelling
brittle behaviour and the mechanisms of separation of the FRP could require the use of interface elements to model the
from the bricks surfaces, the heterogeneity of the masonry behaviour of FRP/masonry interaction.
material and the reduced number of performed tests, do not Indeed, several interface constitutive laws are implemented
allow us to have at disposal a sufficiently wide data set to in commercial computer codes, which are commonly based on
completely assess the interface behaviour. the assumption that damage state of the interface elements is
In [22], a simplified approach is proposed to evaluate function of the history of the relative displacements occurring
the delamination phenomenon. In fact, it is suggested to between the nodes of the interface and it does not depend on
evaluate the maximum strength f f dd of FRP elements using the damage evolution of the support material.
the following relation if the bond length lb is smaller than the On the other hand, experimental evidences show that FRP
optimal bond length le : decohesion occurs because of the damage of a consistent layer
of masonry support. In this way, the mechanical properties of
this layer depend on mechanical properties of the masonry and
lb lb
f f dd,rid = f f dd 2− (12) on its actual state, e.g. on the level of damage of the masonry
le le
support. As a consequence, a structural model which does
or, the following relation if lb ≥ le : not consider the coupling between the interface and masonry
s damage appears unreliable.
1 2 · E FRP · Γ F K This implies that sophisticated models affecting the complex
f f dd = √ (13)
γ f d γM tFRP FRP/support interaction mechanisms should be developed.
1852 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Fig. 9. Geometric dimensions [mm] and FRP strip arrangement of the examined panels.

Moreover, a further important aspect which is not For all these reasons, the proposed very simple, but quite
well reproduced by classic modelling approaches could be satisfactory, models are adopted throughout this paper to
remarked. Indeed, the damage of the masonry material is reproduce the FRP and FRP–masonry interface behaviour.
generally treated by considering continuous models. For
instance, the masonry model adopted in this paper is based on 4. Numerical applications
the smeared crack approach with strain softening. The main
feature of this method consists of representing fracture in a On the basis of the proposed models and numerical
smeared manner [24]: the effect of infinitely many parallel approaches, several nonlinear analyses have been performed
cracks of infinitely small opening, that are considered to be with reference to un-strengthened and FRP-strengthened
continuously distributed over the finite element, is modelled panels. The obtained results in terms of the global response of
by reducing the material stiffness and strength in the direction the panels, have been compared with the data available from
normal to the cracks after the peak of strength of the material experimental tests.
has been reached.
4.1. Experimental cases
When a certain level of damage occurs in the masonry,
macro-cracks start to develop. The presence of the fractures Five masonry panels with and without CFRP (Carbon FRP)
induces local stress concentrations at the interface layer strips reinforcement are examined (Fig. 9). Two typologies
bridging the crack, leading to local redistributions of the of panels with different dimensions and geometric aspect are
interface stresses. This phenomenon could influence the bond considered: a panel without openings of dimensions 290 ×
strength and, hence, the overall behaviour of reinforcement and 270 mm2 , here denoted as PAN-A and a panel of dimensions
it could be not properly reproduced by considering continuous 416 × 414 mm2 , labelled as PAN-B with a central rectangular
damage models. hole of dimensions 184 × 156 mm2 . Different CFRP strip
As a final comment, it could be emphasized that masonry arrangements characterize both PAN-A and PAN-B: horizontal
structures contain heterogeneities, i.e. discontinuities, which strips (PAN-A1), symmetrical diagonal strips (PAN-A2) and
are due to the presence of mortar joints. Of course, such asymmetrical diagonal strips (PAN-B1), see Fig. 9.
discontinuities cannot be considered adopting a homogeneous For these panels, several results are available from a previous
continuum model. experimental investigation conducted by Milani et al. [25]. The
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1853

Fig. 10. Mechanical properties adopted in the homogenisation model for mortar joints reduced to interfaces.

Table 1
Mechanical characteristics of the components of the panels

Brick average compressive strength ( f b-m ) 15.66 MPa

Mortar average compressive strength ( f c-m ) 2.13 MPa
Masonry average compressive strength ( f m-m ) 6.76 MPa
Fibre C1-30 tensile strength ( f t-RP ) 3430 MPa

Table 2
Masonry mechanical parameters (Model MA)

Young’s modulus along x-direction (E x x ) 1412 MPa

Young’s modulus along y-direction (E yy ) 1050 MPa
Poisson’s ratio (νx y ) 0.1762
Shear modulus (G x y ) 367 MPa
Mass density (γm ) 1.6E−9 N s2 /mm
Compressive strength (σcx ; σcy ) 6.67 MPa
Tensile strength (σt x ; σt y ) 0.7 MPa
Shear strength (τx y ) 0.33 MPa

Fig. 11. Comparison among homogenized strength domain, Hoffmann

experimental tests were performed by statically increasing the anisotropic failure surface and Rankine–Hill failure surface in the principal
external load applied through steel plates located on the upper stress state.
part of panels as shown in Fig. 9.
compression. The reinforcement is constituted by high-strength
The obtained results in terms of pushover curves (i.e. load
carbon fibre ribbons (commercial identification: Mbrace Fibres
applied versus displacement measured through displacement
C1-30”) with nominal tensile strength value furnished by the
transducers fixed on the steel plates that transfer the load
manufacture (MAC S.p.A.).
to the panel [25]) show key aspects induced by the
CFRP reinforcement on the global response of the panels. Regarding the parameters used in the numerical applications,
Furthermore, the examination of the cracks path during and two different strategies have been adopted to deduce masonry
after the tests shows important information both on the and FRP mechanical parameters.
effectiveness of the numerical model here proposed and on the The mechanical properties of the bricks and mortar,
contribution of the reinforcement. obtained from the experimental tests, have been firstly
used in the homogenization approach (see Table 1 and
4.2. Parameters setting Fig. 10). Subsequently, adopting the homogenization technique
proposed in [8,9] and with reference to an elementary masonry
The mechanical parameters adopted for the proposed models cell, some of the mechanical parameters adopted for masonry
are shown from Tables 1–4. These parameters have been material in the phenomenological approach (Model MA and
deduced both from experimental tests [25] and from theoretical Model MB) have been obtained. Nevertheless, since no
considerations, also by making use of the indications contained information both on the fracture energy and the parameters α,
in [22]. β, γ were available (see Model MB), these parameters have
In particular, uniaxial compressive tests were conducted on been chosen according to the experimental results obtained
bricks, mortar and masonry specimens in order to determine by Lurati and Thurlimann [26] and Van der Pluijm [27,28]
material compressive strengths, according to the Italian on masonry specimens characterized by similar mechanical
Code [23]. For the mortar material, classified by the Italian properties.
code as M4, preliminarily bending tests were conducted on In Fig. 11, a comparison among the strength domain
specimens of dimensions 40×40×160 mm3 and the resulting 6 obtained by the homogenization approach, the Hoffmann and
samples obtained after failure in bending were tested to uniaxial the Rankine–Hill criterion is reported. It can be emphasized a
1854 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Table 3
Masonry mechanical parameters (Model MB, MRA, MRB)
Young’s Modulus along x-direction (E x x ) 1412 MPa
Young’s Modulus along y-direction (E yy ) 1050 MPa
Poisson’s ratio (νx y ) 0.1762
Shear modulus (G x y ) 367 MPa
Mass density (γm ) 1.6E − 9 N s2 /mm
Tensile Strength along x-direction (σt x ) 8.0E–1 MPa
Tensile strength along y-direction (σt y ) 2.0E–1 MPa
Compressive strength along x-direction (σcx ) 8.0 MPa
Compressive strength along y-direction (σcy ) 6.67 MPa
Fracture energy in tension along x-direction (G f x ) 2.0E − 2 N mm/mm2
Fracture energy in tension along y-direction (G f y ) 2.0E − 2 N mm/mm2
Fracture energy in compression along x-direction (G f cx ) 5.00 N mm/mm2
Fracture energy in compression along y-direction (G f cx ) 10.0 N mm/mm2
Factor that determines the shear stress contribution to the tensile failure (α) 1.73
Factor which couples the normal compressive stresses (β) −1.05
Factor which controls shear stress contribution to compressive failure (γ ) 1.2
Factor that specifies the equivalent plastic strain corresponding to the peak compressive stress (k p ) 8.0E–4

Fig. 12. Schematic representation of the bond length of FRP truss element number 5 and values of the design bond strength along FRP strips.

good agreement between all the admissible stress sets. Some and different values for the strength of the FRP elements. In
differences occur in certain regions particularly for the Hoffman particular, the strength of FRP elements has been evaluated
strength domain. according to the relations (12) and (13) and for each truss
For what concerns the mechanical parameters adopted for element (node-to-node of the mesh of the panel) the bond length
strengthening elements, two different constitutive laws have lb has been assumed equal to the distance between the middle
been considered. In the case of the Model MRA, a linear- section of the truss element and the closest edge of the FRP
elastic behaviour has been assumed with a stiffness value (Fig. 12). In Fig. 12 the values of the bond strength of the
equal to Young’s modulus of the FRP-strengthening (E FRP = FRP elements have been depicted for PAN-A1 and PAN-A2
160,000 MPa) and without limiting the axial strength of reporting on the horizontal axis the FRP element number of the
FRP elements. In the case of model MRB, an elastic-brittle FE model. It is noticeable that the truss elements near the edges
behaviour has been considered by adopting an elastic stiffness of the panel present strength values less than the design value
value equal to Young’s modulus of the FRP strengthening f f dd .
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1855

Table 4
FRP-strengthening mechanical parameters (Model MRA, MRB)
Thickness of FRP reinforcement (tFRP ) 0.2 mm
Elastic modulus of FRP reinforcement (E FRP ) 160,000 MPa
Factor c1 [22] (c1 ) 0.015
Factor γ f d [22] (γ f d ) 1.2
Factor γ M [23] (γ M ) 1
Fracture energy [22] (Γ F K ) 0.073 N/mm
Design bond strength [23] ( f f dd ) 164 MPa

Fig. 13. Mesh used in the homogenized limit analysis approach. (a) PAN-A1
series. (b) PAN-A and PAN-A2 series.
Fig. 14. External force-point P vertical displacement. Comparison between
For PAN-B1 (Fig. 9), because of the small length of the numerical and experimental results. (a) PAN-A series. (b) PAN-A1 series. (c)
PAN-A2 series.
diagonal FRP strips, the axial strength of the trusses has been
assumed the same for all the elements of each diagonal strip. The second set of numerical simulations refers to the series
In particular, the average values of the axial strengths of the PAN-B and PAN-B1 (Fig. 9) and they regard a masonry
trusses of each strip have been assumed (i.e. f f dd = 90 MPa wall with a central rectangular opening subjected to a vertical
for the truss elements of the longer strip and f f dd = 79 MPa concentrated load applied on the top edge.
for the truss elements of shorter strip). For what concerns limit analysis simulations, a linearized
4.3. Comparison between experimental and numerical results Lourenço and Rots [29] failure criterion for joints reduced to
interfaces has been used, see Fig. 10 for a synopsis of the
In this section, the accuracy of the numerical results obtained mechanical properties adopted. It is worth noting that joints
by means of both the micro–macro and phenomenological compressive strength f c adopted in the numerical simulations
approaches proposed in Sections 2 and 3, respectively, are is assumed equal to the experimental masonry compressive
assessed through a comparison with experimental results. strength value, because of the fact that both 3D effects and
The first set of analyzed examples refers to the series PAN- brittle behaviour of bricks cannot be reproduced with the
A, PAN-A1 and PAN-A2 (Fig. 9), consisting of masonry panels rigid-plastic homogenization approach at hand. According to
acting as deep beams. experimental data, see Table 1, for bricks a Mohr–Coulomb
1856 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Fig. 15. PAN-A, PAN-A1, PAN-A2 series numerical results from the homogenized limit analysis approach: stress distribution at collapse and field of velocities at
collapse. Detail A: crushing failure of the supports. Detail B: shear failure under the point of application of the load. Detail C: diagonal failure. Detail D: flexional
behaviour of the support due to the horizontal reinforcement. Details E: enhancement of panel diagonal strength due to inclined reinforcement.

failure criterion in plane stress has been adopted with f c = primarily involve masonry compressive crushing and shear
15.66 N/mm2 and, as usually assumed, f t = 1/10 f c . It failure. Finally, a linearization of the homogenized failure
is worth underlining that experimental evidences show that surface with 50 planes was used for performing both static and
tensile strength ranges between 1/10 and 1/20 of compressive kinematics limit analyses.
strength. Despite this relatively wide variability, numerical For the macro-modelling approach, the nonlinear static
computations show that, in the worst case, the difference analyses (push-over) have been performed by adopting, for the
between failure loads for the examples analyzed in this paper discretization of the panels, four and three-node isoparametric
obtained by assuming respectively 1/20 and 1/10 is lower plane stress finite elements. In this case, during the incremental-
than 10%. Such a small difference is mainly a consequence iterative procedure, the external load was increased at each
of the failure mechanisms of the analyzed panels, which iteration by directly increasing the external force vector. The
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1857

arc-length method was adopted and the linear stiffness iteration

method was used, adopting the energy norm criterion to check
the convergence at each step.

4.3.1. Panels PAN-A, PAN-A1 and PAN-A2

Experimental load–displacement curves for the three series
of panels here analyzed show that the introduction both of
a horizontal reinforcement (PAN-A1) and a double diagonal
reinforcement (PAN-A2) results in an increase of the ultimate
It is worth noting that (Fig. 13) all the series were placed
on two steel plates of length L s equal to 40 mm, disposed at
the lower edge extremes and positioned on little steel rollers
allowing rotation of the supports.
In the FE limit analysis code, the effect introduced by the
steel rollers was considered imposing for the lower bound a
R L /2
bending moment on the supports M = t −Ls s /2 Σ yy xs dxs equal
to zero, where L s is the support length, t is the masonry
thickness, Σ yy is the vertical stress in correspondence with
the edges of the elements adjacent to the support and xs is
a horizontal abscissa measuring support length with origin in
correspondence with the middle of the support (see Fig. 13(a),
where the triangular mesh used in the limit analysis approach
for PAN-A1 series is shown).
In a dual manner with respect to the lower bound approach,
in the upper bound approach, a rotation velocity ϕ̇ was allowed
on the supports constraining vertical velocities of the nodes Fig. 16. External force-point P vertical displacement. Comparison between
belonging to the support to have a linear dependence on vertical numerical and experimental results. (a) PAN-B series. (b) PAN-B1 series.
velocities vs− and vs+ = −vs− of the nodes with abscissa
xs = ±L s /2, so that ϕ̇ = 2vs− /L s (see Fig. 13(b), where the For the strengthened panel PAN-A1, it is worth noting
triangular mesh used in the limit analysis approach for PAN-A that the macroscopic anisotropic plasticity model with elasto-
and PAN-A2 series is shown). brittle behaviour of the FRP elements (Model MRB), exhibits
In the macro-modelling approach it was observed that a force–displacement curve in excellent agreement with
the rotation allowed by the steel rollers does not affect the experimental data, also in the post-peak range. On the other
numerical results. Consequently, in order to simplify the used hand, the use of an elastic behaviour for FRP strengthening
models, steel rollers have not been modelled both in the un- leads to a strength value of the panel and to a corresponding
strengthened (PAN-A) and the strengthened panels (PAN-A1 displacement greater than the experimental ones (the difference
and PAN-A2). in terms of strength is about 12% while in terms of displacement
In Fig. 14, (i) the force–displacement curves of the point of it is about 21%).
application of the external load (centre of the steel plate) from
In contrast to PAN-A results, in this case the limit analysis
the phenomenological approach, (ii) the ultimate load from the
approach gives strength values similar to experimental ones (the
lower and upper bound limit analysis and (iii) the experimental
maximum difference is about 23% for the lower bound and only
force–displacement curves are reported for all the panels of the
3% for the upper bound).
series PAN-A.
For the un-strengthened panel (PAN-A), it is interesting to The results obtained for PAN-A2 case show that MRA and
notice that the results obtained by using the limit analysis MRB models give almost identical results both in terms of
code and the Model MA (elastic-perfectly plastic) of the peak-strength and post-peak behaviour (the difference between
macro-modelling approach are almost identical and furnish a the experimental and theoretical strength value is equal to 4%).
strength value less than the experimental one. In particular the Limit analysis gives strength values less than the experimental
maximum difference between the theoretical and experimental ones (the difference between experimental and numerical
strength values is equal to 36% corresponding to the case failure loads is equal to 24% for the upper bound approach and
of lower bond limit analysis approach. On the other hand, 35% for the lower bound).
the theoretical force–displacement curve obtained from the In Fig. 15 the deformed shapes at collapse and the principal
anisotropic plasticity model (Model MB) compares well with stress distribution at the ultimate state obtained by means of the
the experimental data. In particular, the peak-strength, the limit analysis approach are reported for PAN-A, PAN-A1 and
stiffness and the softening behaviour are well reproduced. PAN-A2 series respectively.
1858 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

Fig. 17. PAN-B series numerical results. (a) macroscopic model MA, stress distribution at collapse at maximum load level. (b) macroscopic model MA, deformed
shape at maximum load level. (c) homogenized limit analysis approach, stress distribution at collapse. (d) homogenized limit analysis approach, field of velocities
at collapse. Detail A: compressive failure and formation of a compressed pier under the area of application of the load.

As the lower and upper bound FE simulations show, in PAN- For both PAN-B and PAN-B1, the adopted theoretical
A1 series the horizontal strip acts as a tie. Even though the approaches lead to results which are in good agreement
two-strut model of the un-strengthened case remains essentially with the experimental data (the maximum difference between
unchanged, both the compressed sections increase as well as the experimental and theoretical strength values is less than
the intensity. In PAN-A2 series the principal stress distribution 16% corresponding to the lower bound approach adopted for
at collapse and the failure field of velocities result in a PAN-B).
change both of the direction of the compressed struts and In the case of the un-strengthened panel (PAN-B) it
in the failure mechanism. The deformed shape at collapse is interesting to notice that the force–displacement curves
shows compression near the supports, shear under the load and obtained from the macroscopic plasticity models MA and MB
delamination of the diagonal reinforcement. differ both in terms of peak-strength and stiffness values. In
particular, the curve obtained from the Model MA shows a
4.3.2. Panels PAN-B and PAN-B1 stiffness reduction that starts from a load value equal to 43%
Experimental results collected for PAN-B and PAN-B1 of the peak-strength of the panel. This effect was not observed
series show that the introduction of the FRP reinforcement does during experimental tests.
not determine a significant improvement of the load bearing Similarly to PAN-A1 series, in the case of PAN-B1 it is
capacity. In fact, failure occurs in both cases for compression worth noting that the macroscopic anisotropic plasticity model
of the vertical masonry strut under the point of application of with elasto-brittle behaviour of the FRP elements (Model
the load. This is captured by the numerical models adopted in MRB), exhibits a force–displacement curve in good agreement
this paper. with experimental data. On the contrary, the adoption of an
In Fig. 16, the external force–displacement curves of the elastic behaviour for the FRP strips furnishes a limit load of
point of application of the load are reported, as well as the the panel and a corresponding displacement greater than the
failure load obtained by means of the lower and upper bound experimental ones (the difference in terms of load is about 9%
FE limit analyses. while in terms of displacement is about 10%). On the other
E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860 1859

Fig. 18. PAN-B1 series numerical results. (a) macroscopic model MRB, stress distribution at collapse at maximum load level. (b) macroscopic model MRB,
deformed shape at maximum load level. (c) homogenized limit analysis approach, stress distribution at collapse. (d) homogenized limit analysis approach, field of
velocities at collapse. Detail A: the inefficient disposition of the reinforcement leads to a stress distribution at collapse similar to the un-reinforced case.

hand, also limit analysis predictions of the ultimate load are in ultimate load have been compared with the experimental ones.
good agreement both with experimental data and Model MRB. Deformed shapes at collapse and principal stress distribution at
Finally, in Figs. 17 and 18 the deformed shapes at collapse the ultimate state have also been reported.
and the principal stress distribution at the ultimate state In all the examined cases, the macroscopic phenomenolog-
obtained both with the limit analysis and the macroscopic ical approach based on an orthotropic plasticity model for ma-
approach are reported for PAN-B and PAN-B1. These results sonry and on an elastic-brittle behaviour for FRP strengthening,
confirm that the introduction of FRP strengthening does not reproduces the experimental behaviour well both for pre- and
affect the stress distribution. post-peak range.
On the other hand, also the adoption of a homogenization
5. Conclusions limit analysis leads to ultimate load values in some cases in
good agreement with the experimental ones.
With the aim of reproducing the structural response of Both experimental failure loads and load–displacement
un-strengthened and FRP-strengthened masonry panels, in curves are satisfactorily reproduced with all the adopted
this paper a homogenized limit analysis and a macroscopic models. However, the post-peak behaviour is captured well
phenomenological approach have been adopted using different only when brittle phenomena are taken into account, i.e. when
constitutive laws and yielding criteria. models MB and MRB are used.
In the modelling process, particular regard has been The proposed models are able to capture the resistant
addressed to the phase of parameter setting and to the modelling mechanism of un-strengthened and FRP-strengthened masonry
strategy adopted to reproduce masonry/FRP interaction panels. In particular, information about the load capacity and
phenomena. Simplified models able to take into account the the post-peak behaviour (i.e. the ductility) can be deduced in
delamination of the FRP from the support have been proposed order to assess the efficacy of the reinforcing system. It is also
both for the macroscopic and the limit analysis approach, also important to underline that the simplified approach proposed to
considering the indications contained in [22]. take into account the contribution of the reinforcement is able
With the aim of assessing the adopted theoretical models, to reproduce the delamination process of the FRP strengthening
the obtained results in terms of force–displacement curves and when the strips are not mechanically fixed to the masonry
1860 E. Grande et al. / Engineering Structures 30 (2008) 1842–1860

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