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mr 'pyramid'

Any gods who sluzll cause this pyramid and

this construction of the King to be good and
sturdy, it is they who will be vital, it is they who
will be respected, it is they who will be
impressive, it is they who will be in control.
is they who will take possession of the crown. '
Pyramid Texts 1650
The Complete

Pyr -ds


556 illustrations, 83 in color

To Bruce Ludwig, for his steadfast support

Half-title: Old Kingdom hieroglyph for 'pyramid'/rom tire Tomb 0/ Ptahhotep I at Pyramids, Land and People 6

Saqqara. Title-pages: Tire pyramids 0/ Menkaure, Kha/re and Kilu/ll at Giza.

Contents page: The pyramids 0/ Kha/re and Khu/u at Giza.
Chronology 8

Any copy of this book issued by the publisher as a paperback is sold subject to the
condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or Map 10

otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or
cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition
including these words being imposed on a subsequent purchaser. Pyramids in the Landscape 12

Ii) 1997 Thames & Hudson Ltd, London The Giant Pyramids:

First published in the United States of America in 1997 by

Their Rise and Fall 14

Thames & Hudson Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10110

Reprinted 2001

The Standard Pyramid Complex 18

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 97-60232

ISBN 0-500-05084-8

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy,
recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior

permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed and bound in Slovenia by Mladinska Knjiga The Ka, the Ba and the Body Embalmed 20

Burial Rituals and the Pyramid Complex 25

This World and the Netherworld 28

The Pyramid Texts 31

The Pyramid as Icon 34


Early Legends 38

Mythic History of the Copts and Arabs 40

The First European Discovery 42

-- Napoleon's Wise Men 46

Belzoni and Caviglia 48

Digging by Dynamite 50

Lepsius and Mariette 54

Petrie at the Pyramids 56

The Great Expeditions 59 New Kingdom Pyramids 188

Recent Discoveries 66 Ahmose at Abydos 190
'Private' Pyramids 192
ill Pyramids of Late Antiquity 194


Origins of the Pyramid ­


Hierakonpolis 72

SUPPly and Transport 202

Royal Tombs at Abydos 75

Quarries 206

Archaic Mastabas at Saqqara 78

The NOVA Pyramid-Building Experiment 208

Saqqara: An Overview 82

Tools, Techniques and Operations 210

Djoser's Step Pyramid Complex 84

Survey and Alignment 212

The Short Life of Step Pyramids 94

Ramps 215

The First True Pyramids:

Meidum and Dahshur 97

Rise and Run 218

Giza: An Ove1'view 106

Trouble at the Top 222

The Great Pyramid of Khufu 108

The W01'kjorce 224

Djedefre at Abu Roash 120

Building a Middle Kingdom Pyramid 226

Return to Giza:
Pyramid as Landlord 228

Klzafre's Pyramid and the Great Sphinx 122

ISTS Pyramid Towns 230

Menkaure's Pyramid 134

Those vVho Serve:

The Passing of a Dynasty 138

Priests and Watchers 233

The Py1'amid of Userkaf 140

Loaves and Fishes 236

The Pyramids of Abusir 142

The Royal Workshops 238

The End of the 5th Dynasty 153

Pyramids of the 6th Dynasty 156


The Legacy of the Pyramids 240

Pyramids of the

First Intermediate Period 164

Visiting the Pyramids 244

Mentuhotep at DeiI' el-Bahri 166

FU1,ther Reading 246

The Pyramids at Lisht 168

mustration Credits 252

The Second Phase of

Middle Kingdom Pyramids 174

Sources of Quotations 252
Mudbrick Pyramids 175
Index 253
Late Middle Kingdom Pyramids 184
Acknowledgments 256
This powerful special effect was extinguished
when the outer casing of most pyramids was
robbed long ago. Where it remains, for example at
the top of Khafre's pyramid at Giza. the weathering
Pyramids, Land and People
of the ages has coated it with a tan patina. And so
what we mostly see today are the stripped core bod­
ies of the pyramids, composed of substantially
rougher masonry than the outer casing. Even the
Great Pyramid of Khufu, the finest of all. has a
core formed of cruder blocks, set with gypsum
The Egyptian pyramids are very human monu­ mortar. and sometimes a fill of broken stone. Other
ments. although their builders may have tried not pyramids have cores of smaller stones set in desert
to emphasize that fact. At dawn, as the sun rose clay, or a debris fill that slumped into low mounds
over the eastern cliffs, its rays caught the pyramids, when the casing was removed, or dark bricks of
energizing their sacred precincts with heat and mud and straw. In places on their exposed cores we
light well before the morning mists had lifted from can find evidence left by workers who practically
First to be ht 111 the mornmg the cool. sleeping valley floor. At high noon forty­ lived on the gradually rising pyramids during the
and catchlllg the last of the five centuries ago, when the pyramids were com­ years, even decades, that it took to build them.
sunlight 111 the afternoon, the
plete with their freshly smoothed white limestone In 19841 directed a project with Robert Wenke, of
brz!!ial1£e of thi! Giza
pymmids has been dZ1111ned by casings, their brilliance must have been blinding. the University of Washington, to collect samples of
the removal of thelr casing Only in this light can we appreciate the intensity organic material embedded in the fabric of pyra­
and a patina of age with which the pyramids symbolized the sun god. mids for radiocarbon dating. It was an amazing
ex inguished
n. climbing over the Great Pyramid looking to the apex of the Delta. From here to the entrance
Tamids was
u e f1ecks of charcoal left in the gypsum to the Fayum was a long, narrow section of the Nile
example at
uch close encounters with pyramids Valley which throughout Egyptian history would
. t the 'footprints of the gods', but rather the be the 'capital zone' and also the pyramid zone.
ina. And so
rims of the people': straw and reed, wood, West was the traditional direction of the dead and
core bod·
n .:; of rope and stone tools, flecks of copper the high western desert along the northern capital
~ b:,rantially
rds of pottery. zone became the burial ground for royalty,
. Even the
courtiers, officials and sacred animals. In the Old
,j alL has a geography of the pyr:amids Kingdom the seat of administration may have been
i h gypsum
heir lives were governed by rhythmic move- the chief royal residence in the valley below the
" one. Other along two cosmic axes, the ancient Egyp- clusters of pyramids.
. t in desert
were immediately aware of the cardinal Karl Butzer has estimated that the two areas of
IW mounds
; n:'. The sun rose and set over the beige greatest population density in dynastic times were
k bricks of
and bronze cliffs framing them on east and between Luxor (ancient Thebes) and Aswan (Ele-
N'd cores we
The north-south axis was defined by the lin- phantine) at the 1st cataract, and from lVIeidum at
. of the Nile, which channelled the flow of the Fayum entrance northwards to the apex of the Produce from the lands and
'" during the ~. ,;erTices and the administration of the land. Delta. In between was Middle Egypt, a geographic people of Egypt was delivered
hem. to the pyramids from estates
in [he Delta, travel was easiest up and down buffer zone with a lower population density. It is
\\'enke, of in Middle Egypt and the
o°i e as opposed to straight across. worth bearing in mind that the total population of Delta, This is a drawing of
:'<lmples of
o proximately 4,000 years before the founding Egypt at the time the Giza pyramids were built is an offering bearer from a
ic of pyra-
he modern capital of Cairo, Egypt's first 'capi- estimated to have been 1.6 million, compared with relief in the pyramid temple
an amazing
o. lemphis, began as a fortified settlement close 58 million in AD 1995, of Senwosret [ at Lisht,
3000 Be
Chronology Late Predynastic c. 6th dynasry
of the Early Dynastic Period Pepi I
1stdynasry 2920-2770
Pyramid Menes CHor-Aba); Djer, Wadj; Den, Adjib,
Pepi II 2246-2152
Semerkbet; Qa'a
Builders 7th/8th dynasties
including Ibi

dates uncertain
2nd dynasry 2770-2649
EfT ptian chronology and Hetepsekbemwy; Raneb; Ninetjer; Peribsen;
Kbasekbem(wy) First Intermediate Period
Ih, dalu 0/ dynasties and
pharaohs are slill the 3rd dynasry 2649-2575 9th/10th dynasties 2134-2040
subjecl of scholarly debate, Nebka 2649-2630 11th dynasty (Theban) 2134-2040
lrl"tll dU!erent systems
Djoser (Netjerykbet) 2630-2611 Inter I 2134-2118
proposed. The dates used
here are based on the
Sekbemkbet 2611-2603 Intef II 2118-2069
chronology developed by Khaba 2603-2599 Intef III 2069-2061
Professor John Baines and Huni 2599-2575 Mentuhotep 2061-2010
Dr Jaromir IVIalek and set
out in their Atlas of Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom
Ancient Egypt. Details of 4th dynasty 2575-2465 11th dynasty 2040-1991
those pharaohs who built
pyramids or are featured in
Sneferu 2575-2551 Mentuhotep I 2061-2010
the text are given in lull, Kbufu (Cheops) 2551-2528 Mentuhotep II 2010-1998
where 111101011. Djedefre 2528-2520 Mentuhotep III 1998-1991
Khafre (Chephren) 2520-2494
12th dynasry 1991-1783
Menkaure (Mycerinus) 2490-2472
Shepseskaf AmenemhetI 1991-1962
Senwosret I (Sesostris I) 1971-1926
5th dynasry 2465-2323 Amenemhet II 1929-1892
Userkaf 2465-2458 Senwosret II (Sesostris II) 1897-1878
Sahure 2458-2446 Senwosret III (Sesostris ill) 1878-1841?
Neferirkare 2446-2426 Amenemhet III 1844--1797
Shepseskare 2426-2419 Amenemhet IV 1799-1787
Raneferef 2419-2416 Sobekneferu 1787-1783
iuserre 2416-2388
13th dynasty 1783-1640
Djedkare-Isesi 2388-2356
Unas 2356-2323
Ameny-Qemau c.1750
Khendjer c.1745
14th dynasty contemporary
with 13th or 15th
The pyramid as temple
nd Intermediate Period It is true that the pyramids are pharaonic tombs, Pyramids, Land and People
- I-17th dynasties 1640-1532 but the tomb of a pharaoh of ancient Egypt was
far more than just the grave of a king. One of the
-ingdom hallmarks of the Egyptian state from its very
/z-20th dynasties 1550-1070 beginning in the 1st dynasty was the tradition cen­
1-2134 tred on the king as an incarnation of the god Horus,
.:: -er ain 109
_-\hmose (Amosis) 1550-1525 whose totem was the falcon. In the world of the
ancient Egyptians the falcon soared above all other
'rd Intermediate Period living creatures. vVhen an incarnation of Horus
~2040 died, the god passed to the next reigning king.
I-25th dynasties 1070-712
1-20-1-0 Physically entombed within the pyramid, the dead
_ - Iz dynasty 770-712 king became identified with Osiris, the divine
_69 l'\ubian and Theban Area) father of Horus. The pyramid complex was, in one
_ 'I Kashta 770-750 sense, a temple complex to the Horus·Osiris divini­
_ .0 Piye 750-712 ty, merged with the sun god in the central icon of
the pyramid.
e Period As a temple complex, the pyramid was also the
_ -0, dynasty 712-657 largest of what have been called 'pious founda­
:3habako 712--698 tions', that is, enormous endowments of people,
Shabatko 698--690 lands and produce, for the sustenance, upkeep and
Taharqa 690-664 service of a tomb, temple or pyramid. When the Two of the lesser pyramid
Tantutamun 664-657 Egyptians built the pyramids, they also founded builders: the 4th·dynas!y
new farms, ranches and whole new towns in the pharaoh Djedefre (top), who
_ 'liz dynasty 664--525 began a pyramid at Abu
provinces. The livestock and produce from these
estates flowed into the area of the pyramid com­ Roash, north of Giza; and the
'\echo I 672--664 5th-dynasty ruler User/wf
PsamtikI 664--610 plex where they would be redistributed to the work­ (above), who built a pYI'amid
(Psammetichus !) force and to the priests and special classes of adjacent to Djoser's Step
people who served the temple complex. So the pyra­ Pyramid at Saqqara and was
_ IIIz dynasty 525-404 mid was also an economic engine, and, especially also the first pharaoh to
_ liz dynasty 404--399 during the Old Kingdom, a major catalyst for inter­ construct a sun temple in
_ Itlz dynasty 399-380 nal colonization and the development of Egypt as addition to his pyramid, at
Iz dynasty 380-343 Abusil:
one of the world's first true states.
The complete pyramid played many roles: mas­
_ Id Persian Period 343-332 sive labour project; baker and brewer for hundreds
of consumers; colonizer of the Egyptian provinces;
,raeco-Roman Period 332 BC-AD 395 employer of farmers, herdsmen and craftsmen of
, roitic kingdom 300 BC-AD 350 all kinds; temple and ritual centre at the core of the
Egyptian state; reliquary of a king; embodiment of
light and shadow; and the union of heaven and
earth, encapsulating the mystery of death and
Products of the land and people of Egypt's old­
est kingdoms, in their pristine form the pyramids
were the closest mankind has ever come in architec­ (Left) The gl'eat pyramid
builders of the Old Kingdom:
ture to creating an illusion of transcending the Djoser (jar left), here d£picted
human condition. Their aura of otherworldliness in a l7/e·size painted statue.
still inspires the popular imagination to seek their built the world's first stone
origin anywhere other than the people who inhab­ pyramid, the Step Pyramid at
ited the lower Nile Valley between five and Saqqam. J(hufu (second 14t)
three thousand years ago. oversaw the construction of
the most magnificent
pyramid, the Great Pyramid
at Giza, but is preserved only
in this tiny ivory figuri1le,
ahout 5 em (2 in) high.
J(hafre (tlllrd left) is depicted
in this life-size statue, merged
in id£ntity with the Horus
falcon. Menkaure (near left) is
shown standing n.ext to his
queen, Khamerernebty.

300 km
----~2.,OO miles


• Thebes

• Aswan


NapataJ. Nuri

t Meroe.

[g] Sneferu's North (Red) Pyramid


Gisr el-Mudir

Sneferu's Bent Pyramid"" , .
"" L-epslusL
~ Pepi 11 Sekhemkhet ~rUnas
DAHSHUR Shepseskaf ~ III 181 Merenre ~rr.;;;;-

II South Mazghuna ~ South Dahshur B

L1bi Djoser~

II Ameny-Qemau
~ Pepi I Userkaf c;:

North Mazghuna III South Dahshur A 181 Djedkare-Isesi Te'

[8J Amenemhet 111 181 Amenemhet 11 ~ Unfinished.Pyramid
181 Central Dahshur "" S II KIJendjer
"" enwosret 111

FAYUM Moeris

j~"-' , •

'. '
Main Memphis

ruin field


[8J Amenemhet 111


[8J Senwosret 11

[8J Sneferu L1SHT
Amenemhet I

River Nile l

Senwosret I [8J [8J

I ,
o 10 miles
To Abu Roash
EGYPT Bkm (5 miles)

181 Menkaure
[gJ Khafre
o Kh,ufu

ZAWIYET EL-ARYAN 181 Unfinished Pyramid

B L~yer Pyramid



• Niuserre's Sun Temple
"areferef B • Userkafs Sun Temple
Glsr el-Mudir _5 xxv •• -181m B Sahure o 2km
L Niuserre ~N
:1<2 "~J L Neferirkare
o i mile

Userkafl8l .-

Archaic Memphis

',e d

Contours in metres

D 16m

D 19m

D 20 m

e r N; I e
D 21 m

R i V

D 25 m

D 35-65 m

2km D 75-115 m

0 1'mile
Nomes and basins
Through processes of erosion and deposition, the
Nile created a convex floodplain. That is, the high­
est land is nearest the river and, perhaps contrary
Pyramids in the Landscape
to what we might expect, the lowest land is closer
to the desert. In between were natural basins, ter­
raced downstream from south to north. The basins
were one of the largest and most basic landscape
features of the yearly cycle, forming an immense
natural irrigation system that was wiped out by the
Egypt was a cradle of civilization that allowed the modern dams at Aswan. Surrounded by dykes and
same basic language and culture to flourish for carefully managed, the great cell-like basins held
nearly 3,000 years. For most of this long history, water for six to eight weeks each year during the
pharaoh was 'Lord of the Two Lands', a reflection annual flood. In the last century, from Elephantine
of the natural division of the country into two to just north of the Fayum there were 136 principal
inhabitable parts: the Nile Valley and the broad basins.
Delta. Each pharaoh wore the double crown, com­ How did the ancient Egyptians organize this
bining the Red Crown of Lower (northern) Egypt landscape and its peasant farmers to provide the
and the White Crown of Upper (southern) Egypt. food and laboill' that supported pyramid building?
In shape, the Nile and its Y-shaped Delta can be During the last century such control involved inde­
compared to three of the plants that flourish in the pendent systems of basins, consisting of (rarely)
valley and which the pyramid builders petrified in one or (usually) several basins watered by a single
stone in carvings and columns: the palm tree, the feeder canal. The head of this canal was a breach in
lotus and the papyrus. Upper Egypt is the trunk or the Nile bank. Beginning in the 18th dynasty, the
stem; and the Delta is the palm frond, the lotus canals that seasonally channelled flood waters to
flower or the head of the papyrus. If the Delta is the basins were named with the hieroglyph of the
the lotus blossom, the Fayum is its bud. The Fayum human arm - they were 'armatures of water'. Each
is a large fertile basin, at various times filled by a basin system also had a tail-end escape to allow the
lake whose remains today are the brackish waters waters to flow back into the Nile after they had
of Lake Qarun. The lake was fed by the only major deposited their fertile silty slime. This was
tributary of the Nile in Egypt, the Bahr Youssef breached first, followed by successive openings in
('River Joseph'), which enters the Fayum by way of each transverse dyke back to the head basin.
-the ancient Hawara Channel. Field beds appeared at the bottom of the basins
from south to north. The Egyptians planted by
broadcast sowing - simply scattering the seed by
Stone for Pyramids hand - and this was best done soon after the basin
The ancient Egyptians favoured various stones for was drained when the beds were still wet. Draining
their pyramids and carvings. Over millions of years and sowing therefore needed to be closely co-ordi­
(primarily the Eocene, 65-35 million years ago) the nated and the basin administrators must have
sea covered much of Egypt, depositing sediments rapidly surveyed and identified field boundaries.
that became the limestone of Egypt's tableland. The southernmost Upper Egyptian basins were
Limestone was quarried for the cores of pyramids usually dry by 5 October, and the northernmost by
in block sizes often corresponding to the thickness 30 November. Sowing and growing took place in
of successive natural layers or beds. Finer limestone the season of peret, 'coming forth', followed by
for outer pyramid casings came from eastern shemu, 'harvest', and, beginning in late summer,
quarries across the Nile. Farther south, and formed
in older geological periods, sandstone was used for
akhet, 'inundation'. The three seasons each consist­
the last pyramids in the Nile Valley - at Napata and ed of four months, for a 12-month year.
Meroe. It was usual for a temple or large household to
Abydos. Granite was important as the second stone for own, rent or manage an assemblage of fields that
o pyramid casings, and often the primary material for may not have been contiguous and were not neces­
sarcophagi and burial chambers. Diorite and grey­ sarily near the house. In ancient Egypt as other
Key societies based on flood recession agriculture, an
wacke were highly prized for statues. Basalt was
• diorite
G granite long preferred for the pavements of temples. To archipelago of land holdings of different quality
Dquarlzite obtain these materials the Egyptians mounted spread throughout the country may have been an
m sandstone quarry expeditions to the places where these harder
basalt insurance against floods that were too high or too
D limestone and geologically older igneous rocks lay exposed ­ low. The Old Kingdom pyramids were among the
o alabaster the Fayum, the Red Sea Mountains and Aswan and
copper Qirtassi o earliest developers and owners of such land port­
.... lead rn its desert quarries. They also contained the copper folios. One of the most frequent scenes in the pyra­
100 km needed for tools, as well as gold, silver and iron, the
o 60 miles mid temples is a long train of offering bearers, each
last mostly used only in later periods.
personifying a village, estate or nome (p. 228).

:ition, the
the high­
p~ contrary

nd is closer
basins, ter­
The basins
,'c andscape
an immense
ped out by the
y d\'kes and
ba;;ins held
during the
36 principal

rganize this
prm'ide the
'd building?
nJl\-ed inde­
':1 of (rarely)

b\ a single
"a breach in
dynasty, the
ICI \'.-aters to
l~'ph of the F r admll1lstrative purposes, the ancient Egyp· and possibly Giza. Where perennial lakes did not Lake Dahshur, thl! last
water' Each "- di\'ided Upper Egypt into districts called occur, the pyramid builders could have created survivmg of the pyramid
to allow the -. with Nome 1 at Elephantine on the 1st them by widening and deepening the natural flood lakes on the desert edge,
er they had ;act and Nome 22 just north of the Fayum gives a haunting impression
basins that would then have served as the harbours of pyramid ecology Sneferu's
This was :rance. These names, each with a main settle· that every standard pyramid complex required. It is Bent Pyramid rises to the
openings m " hat developed into a 'capital', were estab· possible that older canals that still survive near the west.
ba;;in. b\' the 5th dynasty. The complete set of 20 escarpment at Saqqara and Abusir, particularly the
i the basins ,ern names, beginning with Lower Egyptian Bahr el-Libeini, are vestiges of ancient channels.
... planted by I of Memphis, and taking in the Delta, was There is a high place on the Mokkatam Hills
the seed by lished only in late antiquity. southeast of Cairo where one can look across the
- er the basin i" tempting to think that the names, and the valley and see, silhouetted in the desert haze, the
·et. Draining proto·kingdoms that amalgamated in the late pyramids of Giza, Abusir, Saqqara and Dahshur. In
;;ely co-ordi· :nastic to become the Egyptian 'state', origi· the valley below, the Nile no longer floods the
-", must have L'd in these basins. Certainly the communication basins. The nome centres and royal communities ­ A simplified cross·sectton of
undaries. ired for the sequential filling and discharge with their bakeries, granaries, breweries and multi· the Nile Valley between Sohag
ba,;ins were kI have been easier across the smaller basin tudinous workshops - have been replaced by the and Asyut. where the rzver
rthernmost by em,; such as those of the Qena Bend, from sprawl of Africa's largest city. The pyramids no runs next to the east
k place in rulers of Egypt emerged more than once. longer connect with living Egypt and so we have escarpment today, based on
i)llowed by lost sight of their original role in ancient Egyptian Karl Butzer's work A convex
ins and pyramids flood plain leaves high land
late summer, lives. But from the Mokkatam Hills, there is still the along Nile levees, and low
!: each consist· ~ch on the flood basins and the geography of sense of the pyramid field as one vast Memphite basm land towards the desert.
IT . lemphite region is now clearing up some old necropolis, the pyramids standing as giant tomb· The Nile has mIgrated
~household to nceptions. The average depth of the Nile stones of distant god-kings. eastwards through time.
. fields that \\'aters was not sufficient to float huge lime·
e not neces· WEST
ca ing blocks or granite beams to the foot of
.-pI as other pyramid plateau. Yet there is no evidence that Modern 65 m
Silts 3000 Be Nile
'culture, an o d Kingdom Egyptians cut perennially flood· to present Modern Earlier Nile channels
i i 60
erent quality nals transversely across the flood plain. canal Flood level

ha\'e been an he northern pyramid zone, from Dahshur to <1l

high or too and particularly in the area of Memphis, the ~<1l
e among the wed closer to the west bank during the early E 50
hand port­ "of Egypt's history. At intervals along the :J
- in the pyra­ Ji the desert were lakes that held water after 45
bearers, each ood receded. These probably existed in front 3
4 km

~ p.22.8). .Tamid sites such as Abusir, Saqqara, Dahshur .2 miles

The Giant Pyramids:
Their Rise and Fall
The march to near pyramid
perfection began with the
Bent Pyramid of Sneferu
at Dahshur (below).

(Above) Khufu's Creat

Pyramid at Giza was the
largest ever bUIlt, covering
5.3 ha (13.1 acres) and rzsmg
146 m (479 ft) at a slope 0/
around 52°

Sneferu (2575-2551 Be) also desert near the high cliffs at Abydos, each would
built the North (or Red) have been marked by a pair of large stelae and cov-
Pyramid at Dahshur (above). ered by a mound. These royal pit and mound
a true pyramId wzth a slope of
43°, and the pyramid at graves, together with imitation palaces in the form
Meidum. whIch he gave the of open rectangular courts defined by mudbrick
form of a true pyramId with walls down in the valley, are the architectural
a slope of 52° antecedents of the pyramids. While some are cer-
tainly monumental in size, they do not approach
the scale that emerges suddenly in the 3rd-dynasty
reign of Djoser (2630-2611 BC).
(Below) The giant pyramId Egyptologists trace the ultimate origins of even the The Step Pyramid of Djoser heralded the classic
appeared suddenly In the 3rd· grandest pyramids back to the modest pit graves of pyramid age, the 4th to 6th dynasties, also known
dynasty reign of D;oser, who the predynastic period, which were covered by sim- as the Old Kingdom. During these centuries the
buzlt the first pyramid and
mortuary complex in stone, ple mounds of sand and gravel. A little later, on the Egyptians built pyramids for their god-kings in a
which he surrounded by an threshold of the 1st dynasty (c. 2900 BC), the graves 72-km (45-mile) span of desert, between Abu
enclosure wall more than of the rulers and elite consisted of neat mudbrick Roash, northwest of Giza, to Meidum in the south,
1,600 m (5,250 ft) long. boxes, sunk in the desert and divided, like a house, near the entrance to the Fayum. Excluding the
into several chambers. The tombs of the pharaohs pyramids of Djedefre at Abu Roash and Sneferu at
of the first two dynasties followed this pattern, but Meidum as outliers, the 21 other major Old King-
with greater complexity. Situated far out in the dom pyramids stand like sentinels in a 20-km (12-
etch west of the capital the 'White Wall',
\\'n as Memphis, clustering at Giza,
e -Aryan, Abusir, Saqqara and Dahshur.
uk gigantic stone pyramids were built
course of only three generations: Sneferu,
a d Khafre. If Sneferu did indeed build the
p~'ramid as well as his two stone pyramids
, ur. his pyramids alone contain more than
n cu. m (124 miJlion cu. ft) of stone. All the
.nmids of Egyptian kings combined
WClDUo.uIIIg queens' and other satellite pyramids)
nl\' 41 per cent of the total mass of the
"of Sneferu, his son Khufu and grandson
. lenkaure still used multi-tonned stone
. r the third pyramid of Giza, but the total
Great r ........., ....... ,~ less than that of Djoser.
lfaS the 5th and 6th dynasties each king still built a
, coreriJlg but on a much smaller scale and with
_-I aJld rising
: ones and a core of stone rubble fill. In one
at a s!ojJe 0/
i3 is inferior construction; however, the
" accomplished the same pyramidal form
casing and less expense. At the same time
• each would ....,.. D1i'T':!.:mid temples increased in size, complexity
-'elae and cov- smanship in comparison with those of the
and mound -d\'nasty pyramids. True standardization
, in the form hed in the pyramids of the late 5th
by mud brick , and particularly those of the 6th. In spite mids was still in the north near the apex of the The Middle Kingdom
architectural difference in length of reigns, the pyramids Delta, but the margins had shifted southwards, mudb-ricil pyramid 0/
. me are cer- e (9 years) and Pepi II (over 90 years) were from Dahshur in the north, to Illahun and Hawara Amenemhet III and the OLd
not approach mical in their outer dimensions. at the Fayum entrance to the south. Kingdom stone North
3rd-dynasty Pyramid 0/ Sn1!/eru, seen
id building almost ceased during the First New Kingdom pharaohs built their tombs in a across the Dahshur !aile, the
1:Ci!rtl1ediate Period when unified rule gave way to communal royal burial ground, the Valley of the last remaining pyramid
de<! the classic .' cipalities. It was resumed in the Middle Kings, at Thebes (modern Luxor). Above the valley harbour !aile.
. also known _ . \\'hen the first pyramids were built with towers a mountain peak that takes the form of a
centuries the .- 'mall and broken stone in casemate or natural pyramid for the multiple corridors and
-kings in a ~__.. ,,7 walls, and later pyramids were built with royal burial chambers cut into the crevasses of its
bet\\'een Abu .......... ,,,·ck core. Sizes were not as standardized as lower slopes. Manmade pyramids were reduced to
in the south, Old Kingdom. Entrances no longer opened small superstructures above the rock-cut tombs of
Excluding the tl~' from the north side of the pyramid, the scribes, artisans, craftsmen and officials who
d Sneferu at _ .. ...-",,;,ages foJlowed a circuitous off-axis route to served the king and were employed on the construc-
ajor Old King· tion of the royal tombs.
...... h'""1 chamber. The geographic range of pyra·
In a 20·km (12· Throughout ancient times, Nubia (in modern
Three generations in the 4th northern Sudan) mirrored many facets of Egyptian
dynasty accomplished the buLii culture, including building pyramids as royal
0/ pyramid buiLding Later. tombs. More than 800 years after the last royal
more staneklrdized smaller pyramid was completed in Egypt, pyramids on a
pyramids reflect a less smaller scale began to be built for rulers of the
centraLized society.
Kingdom of Napata, beginning about 720 Be, and
the Kingdom of Meroe, ending about AD 350. In the
course af 1,000 years, about 180 royal pyramids
were built in Nubia, twice the number in Egypt.

-'6. First
<l> Intermediate
;Q Period

: : Old Kingdom :
: : : Middle ~ngdOm :
2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 Be

The Shape ~
of Pyramid Stepped mastaba, Funerary enclosure of
Saqqara Khasekhemwy, Abydos
Profiles of the major
pyramids, drawn to tlU!
same scale, from. the
earliest stepped mound of ;". ~::.

the 1st dynasty, through

the stepped pyramids of =,"!;;;i!~ Ci
the 3rd dynasty and the
massive 4th-dynasty
pyramids, to tlU! much Step Pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara Sekhemkhet, Saqqara Layer Pyramid, Zawiyet el-Aryan
smaller monuments of
!£lter Egyptian history.
According to one
chronology only 60 years
passed between the
completion of the Step
Pyramid of Djoser and
the beginning of the Creat 0.6,
Pyramid of Khufu. If so,
someone could have been Sneferu, iVIeidum Sneferu, Bent Pyramid, Dahshur Sneferu, North Pyramid, Dahshur
a small child wlU!n
Djoser's pyramid was
new, and lived to see, in
old age, the building of
the Creat Pyramid, wlU!n
'Egyptian masonry rose to
a peak of excellence'. The
giant pyramids represent
an accelerated cultural
development, comparable ~LC/
to our modern space
programme or computer
revolution. rt~*~Li ~Li
After the end of tlu! Khufu, Great Pyramid, Giza Djedefre, Abu Roash Khafre, Giza
5th dynasty, pyramid
entrances are no longer
consistently on the north,
and the passages and
chambers follow circuitous
routes, so that tlU! profiles
do not show tlU! interiors.

?Nebka, Unfinished Pyramid,

Zawiyet el-Aryan Menkaure, Giza Shepseskaf, Saqqara Khentkawes, Giza

L /'<\~\

~1J~1JLi ~Li
Userkaf, Saqqara Sahure, Abusir Neferirkare, Abusir Niuserre, Abusir Djedkare-Isesi, Saqqara Unas, Saqqara

~ L? D L~

~~~~~Li o
Q, =<ii>' 'Cii:;= c:::::::;:o;==>
11 ?~

Amenemhet I, Lisht Senwosret I, Lisht Amenemhet II, Dahshur Senwosret II, Illahun Senwosret Ill, Dahshur

.VIajor Pyramid Statistics
'haraoh Location Dyn. Base (m) Height(m) Volume (cu. m) Slope Satellite Queens' Ancient Name

)joser Saqqara 3 121x109 60 330,400

: khemkhet Saqqara 3 120 7 (unfinished) 33,600
'haba (?) Zawiyet 3 84 20 (unfinished) 47,040
:-:leferu (?) Meidum 4 144 92 638,733 51°50'35" ~ Sneferu Endures
::-: eferu Dahshur 4 188 105 1,237,040 54°27'44"/
~C · , eferu Dahshur 4 220 105 1,694,000
The Southern Shining Pyramid
The Shining Pyramid
· 'hufu Giza 4 230.33 146.59 2,583,283 51°50'40" ~ 3 AkhetKhufu
, \\i"et e)·Aryan • 'edefre Abu Roash4 106 67 131,043 52" ~ Djedefre is a Sehed·Star
· '~afre Giza 4 215 143.5 2,211,096 53°10' ~ Great is Khafre
-', 'ebka Z. el-Aryan4 200 (unfinished)
lenkaure Giza 4 102.2x104.6 65 235,183 51°20'25" 3 Menkaure is Divine
' ..epseskaf S. Saqqara 4 99.6x74.4 18 148,271 70° The Purified Pyramid
'hentkawes Giza 4 45.5x45.8 17.5 6,372 (upper) c. 74°
/~ :-erkaf
,- hure
Saqqara 5
Abusir 5
53°7'48" ~
50°11'40" ~
Pure are the Places of Userkaf
The Rishing of the Ba Spirit
ierirkare Abusir 5 105 c.72 257,250 53"7'48" Pyramid of the Ba of
Dahshur a eferef Abusir 5 65 (unfinished) The Pyramid which is Divine
of the Ba Spirits
lJ5erre Abusir 5 78.9 51.68 112,632 51°50'35" ~ 2? The Places of Niuserre Endure
kare-Isesi S.Saqqara 5 78.75 c.52.5 c.107,835 52° ~ 1 Beautiful is Isesi
na~ Saqqara 5 57.75 43 47,390 56°18'35" ~ Perfect are the Places of Unas
'j Saqqara 6 78.75 52.5 107,835 53°7'48" ~ 2 The Places of Teti Endure
pi I S.Saqqara 6 c.78.75 c.52.5 c.107,835 53"7'48" ~ 5 The Perfection of Pepi is
: "eme S.Saqqara 6 c.78.75 c.52.5 c.107,835 53°7'48" The Perfection of Merenre
\ Appears
pill S.Saqqara 6 78.75 52.5 c. 107,835 52"7'48" ~ 3 Pepi is Established and Living
S.Saqqara 8 31.5 21? 6,994?
•. UI Dara FIP 130
.menemhet I Lisht 12 84 55 129,360 54°27'44" The Places of the Apearances
of Amenemhet
wosret I Lisht 12 105 61.25 225,093 49°23'55" ~ 9 Senwosret Beholds the
Two Lands
..enemhet II Dahshur 12 c.50 Amenemhet is Provided
, \\'osret II Illahun 12 106 48.6 185,665 42"35' ~? or 1? Senwosret Appears
m"osret III Dahshur 12 105 78 288,488 56°18'35" 7
.. ~enemhet III Dahshur 12 105 75 274,625 57°15'50" Amenemhet is Beautiful
menemhet III Hawara 12 105 c.58 200,158 48°45' Amenemhet Lives
.1enemhet IV
--= : bekneferu S.Mazghuna13 52.5 (unfinished) 30,316
.. em'-Qemau
ndjer S.Saqqara 13 52.5 c.37.35 44,096 55°
kawes, Giza
4 ~ A
f3l- .- --- -8)'d" :~~- ~y
;~j, ~~~~Ll ~~Ll, e~Ll, ~Sf-Ll
'. Saqqara Teti, Saqqara Pepi I, S. Saqqara Mereme, S. Saqqara Pepi II, S. Saqqara Ibi, S. Saqqara


~ 6 ~
Amenemhet IV or
6 ,

I III Dahshur menemhet 1[[, Dahshur Amenemhet m, Hawara Sobekneferu, S, Mazghuna Khendjer, S. Saqqara S. Saqqara

pie was separated from an inner temple by a trans-
verse hall. Beyond were magazines, and, lastly, an
inner sanctuary - the whole route ending in a false
The Standard Pyramid door, the symbolic portal of the pyramid complex.
It was long thought that the pharaoh's funeral
Complex took place in the mortuary temple, but there are
problems with this (p. 25). We are certain at least
that it functioned symbolically as a kind of eternal
palace for the deceased king, for whom daily rituals
were carried out, including processions out and
The pyramids covered the tombs of divine kings around the pyramid, perpetuating his worship as a
and, late in their history, they marked graves of the god-king. From the mortuary temple a causeway,
aristocracy and high officials. They satisfy a princi- with walls and usually a roof, ran down to the val-
ple that the great Giza excavator George Reisner ley temple, the entrance to the whole complex. The
stated: 'Every substructure [grave] implies a super- classic complex required that the pyramid be near
structure which marks the site of the grave and the valley floor, where it could be reached by a
provides a place where the offerings to the dead canal, or a channel that held water after the annual
may be presented'. As the tomb superstructure, the Nile flood receded. At the same time the pyramid
pyramid was the central element in an assembly had to be far enough out in the desert on the plateau
that makes up the 'standard pyramid complex'. to have a dramatic approach. Its base was enclosed
We see the most basic elements in two extreme by one or two courtyards, defined by walls of stone
cases. Tombs in Lower Nubia (A-group), contempo- or mudbrick. Within the inner or outer enclosure
rary with the late predynastic in Upper Egypt, con- was a small satellite pyramid, a miniature double
sisted of pits sunk into the ground, covered by a that may have been associated with the king's ka or
ceiling of sandstone slabs, on which was construct- 'spirit' (p. 22). Many complexes include smaller
ed a mound of debris encased in drystone masonry. pyramids for queens and several are flanked by
Pottery was left at the base of the mounds, some of pits for the burial of boats, either real or imitation.
which had specially constructed offering places on These standard elements - pyramid, satellite
the west and south sides. We then turn to the pyra- pyramid, queens' pyramids, mortuary temple,
mids at Giza, as more complex versions of the same causeway and valley temple - are clear from a sur-
basic scheme - on a gigantic scale. The grave pit is vey of the remains of complexes along a stretch of
In the standard pyramid now carved out of bedrock at the end of a long cor- the Nile Valley from Abu Roash to Meidum. For th..e~
com/JIRx access via a harboul' ridor which points the king's soul to the northern Egyptians of the pyramid age, other eleme1j.ts ~on
or C(wal was necessary.
The valley temple, in essence circumpolar stars, or, uniquely for Khufu, is moved the valley floor might have been equally tandard.
nothing more than an up into the very body of the masonry. The pyramid These structures, concerned with th& ociety and'
elaborate portico, formed is simply the mound transformed to sublime geom- economy of the living pyramid, we(.e mostlY' 15~ilt
the entrance to the entire etry and expanded into a man-made mountain. in mud brick, and have therefol'ebeen lost-due to the
complex. From here the The offering place is now a mortuary (or pyra- wetter conditions of the . .fi~odplain'a~d modern
causeway ran up to the mid) temple on the eastern side, with a colonnaded urban expansion. Bpt we read,01 them in ancient
mortuary temple and
pyramid. court with black basalt pavement, granite pillars papyri and tomb-texts that relate to the functioning
and walls with painted relief carving. By the 5th of pyramids:'Recently,.. . researchers have recovered
dynasty a front or outer part of the mortuary tem- some remains of these missing elements.
.~. ,,'" /'



.~ b\' a trans-
and. lastly, an
in,\! in a false Queens' pyramids
. id complex.
oh's funera I
• bUl there are
~-ain at least
ind of eternal
daily rituals
,<on:; out and Satellite pyramid
('Ka tomb')
worship as a
a causeway,
wn to the val- MORTUARY TEMPLE

complex. The
nmid be near Open courtyard Entrance chapel
~ reached by a
Entrance hall
- ~r he annual
he pyramid
n the plateau
wa,; enclosed Five statue niches
walls of stone Transverse corridor
reI' enclosure
iarure double
~ king's ka or
lude smaller The stanc!a-ra arrang~ment, with its east-west ret III adapted it, as did his son, Amenemhet III for The standard pyramid
are flanked by axial alig.n(nent, of ;he classic Old Kingdom pyra- his second pyramid at Hawara. Although one or the com.plex, based on the
lor imitation. mid wmplex fi!»t appeared in simple form with the other layout is favoured, these later arrangements pyramid of Unas, but with
ramid. satellite the addition of three queens
~eldum pyramid (p. 97). It was almost immediately always include influences from both early types.
nuan' temple, pyramids as found at Pepi l's
and astonishingly amplified and expanded by At the end of 1,000 years of pyramid history in pyramid.
ar from a sur- I\hyfu's Giza complex (p. 108), and it remained Egypt, the non-royal 'private' pyramid complexes
g a stretch of eSsentially unchanged throughout the Old King- returned to the basic features of the simple mound-
t:idum. For th,e; ; dom. But the first pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara ed tombs: the pyramid as the symbol of both grave
1rt elemeI1tB ;on
had a different arrangement (p. 84). A long mound and resurrection, the chapel as a place to
11\- ;;tandard. ;;; north-south rectangular enclosure was defined by commune witb tbe dead and leave offerings, and
:;ociety a)ld" a niche-decorated wall with a single entrance at the the grave chamber below the hallowed space.
!:re most!y;l5uilt oar south end of the east side. The sudden explo-
Io5tduetothe :ion of stone building represented by Djoser's com-
and modern plex had a profound influence on later pyramid
The Two Main Pyramid Complex Types
m in ancient builders. In the Middle Kingdom, when the earliest DjoserType Post-Meidum Type
he functioning . leidum-type pyramid complexes were already Orientation North-South East-West
ha\'e recovered 'ading into ruin, pyramid builders returned, in a Entrance South end of east side Centre east side
ime of experiment and renewal, to some of the Parts N-S sequence E-W axial symmetry
ba ic elements of Djoser's complex. Enclosure wall Niched, no inner wall Smooth outer wall, occasionally
it is proper to speak of two basic types of niched inner wall
p~Tamid complex that were separate in conception, 1<a Tomb' South tomb, no satellite Satellite pyramid
bur mixed in later monuments. Dieter Arnold has pyramid
umented the curious switching between the Temple North or south temple, East temple, only
Ideal 'Djoser type' and the 'Meidum type'. Already simple or no east chapel north 'entrance chapel'
n the 5th dynasty Userkaf returned to elements of
:he Djoser type. Then in the 12th dynasty Senwos-

South tomb
('Ka tomb')

t .first IJyramid: Djoser's

mplex at Saqqara. Tins type
<IS superseded by the post- North temple
t£id/lm type, but elements
re returned to /atel:

A • ...
. , "
, , '.
The Ka, the Ba

and the Body Embalmed

'This Unas has come... His two wings having grown as

those of a falcon, feathered as thost' of a hawk. his ba
having brought him. his magic having equipped him.
You shall open your place among the stars in the sky.'
Pyramid Texts, 245. 250-51
When we visit the pyramids we walk on ancient
graveyards. The pyramids and their temples, and
the burials of kings, nobles and commoners,
express the unique ancient Egyptian idea of death.
(Above) A Simple predynastic Death is a ritual process for the living and the
grave, the body buried In a pit Egyptians marked their passage into the hereafter
beneath a mound. The body perhaps more than other ancient societies. For them
was naturally desiccated by
the hot, dry desert sands. death was not the end, but just one of the transfor­
mations in life's natural cycle. The final change in
(Above right) Early evidence status depended on the first duty in the housekeep­ sands. As time went on graves became more elabo­
of mummification: a human ing of death - the treatment of the corpse. rate, separating the body from the sand. Ironically,
arm from the tomb of King During life the body was called khet or irt! ­ these measures promoted decay instead of preser­
Djer at Abydos, with linen 'form', 'appearance'; the corpse was khat. Trans­ vation. The first steps towards mummification ­
wrappings and four bracelets.
formed into a mwnmy, it was sah, a word whose v.rrapping the body in linen - coincide with the
root is also used for 'to be noble'. Mummification development of tomb superstructures, just after
was not so much the preservation of the body as it the rise of the Egyptian state. An arm with ban­
had been during life, but the transfiguration of the dages and wearing four bracelets, dating to the 1st
corpse into a new body 'filled with magic', a simul­ dynasty, was found in the tomb of Djer at Abydos.
acrum or statue in wrappings and resin. In fact, mummification may have stemmed from
a practice diametrically opposite to preventing the
The origins of mummification body's decay. Petrie found evidence which suggest­
It is often stated that mummification was inspired ed to him that as early as predynastic times certain
by simple predynastic pit burials in which the body people were prepared for death's passage by allow­
was naturally desiccated by contact with the desert ing the body to decompose, with the skeletal parts

Canopic Vessels small square recesses for the canopic packages in

the south wall of the burial chamber. Ranefer's
canopic recess still retained his linen-wrapped
(Left) Alabaster canopic chest organs. The Giza tomb of Hetepheres contained the
of Queen Hetephe1'es 1, from oldest known canopic chest, carved of alabaster
her secret tomb at Giza. and divided into four compartments. When it was
opened it still contained packages, presumed to be
(Right) In Pepi I's pyramid, the queen's viscera, in a 113tron solution.
fragments of canopic jars
were found, and one tightly Sy the time of Meresankh III, Khufu's
wrapped package of viscera, granddaughter and wife of Khafre, the viscera
still retaining the shape of were placed in four separate jars. Later canopic jars
its jar. were fitted into the chests. One of Pepi l's canopic
bundles was found in his pyramid, mixed with the
In the process of mummification the Egyptians
fragments of alabaster jars that had once
removed the viscera - particularly the liver, lungs,
contained it and the others.
intestines and stomach - from the body in order, as is
Canopic is a word derived from a Greek myth
usually thought, to prevent decay. They were then
about Canopus, a sailor who died and was
wrapped up and stored in the tomb separately. At
subsequently worshipped in Egypt in the form of
Meidum, the tomb of Rahotep and Ranefer contained
a jar, and associated with Osiris.

then reassembled. Before preparing the mummy, and therefore with the food offerings in the tomb. This wonckrfully complete,
the objective was to remove all body parts that 'For your ka' was an Egyptian toast with food and life-sized wooden ka-statue of
\'ould pUb-efy. By early dynastic times the skeleton drink offerings similar to our salute 'to your health'. the 13th-dynasty king Auibre­
Hor was found in his tomb at
\\'as re-incorporated in a linen-wrapped effigy. Dis­ While residing discretely in each person the ka Dahshw; within tlw precinct
coveries in elite tombs at Meidum, on the threshold was characterized by its transferability and com­ of Amenemlwt Ill's pyramid.
of the pyramid age, show how dismemberment and monality. In Egyptian artistic convention the
recomposition of corpses was practised on the bod­ upraised arms of the ka hieroglyph represent an
ies of the most important people in the land. Well embrace. For the Egyptians an embrace trans­ >ltl'1
into the Middle Kingdom, human remains inside ferred vital force between two people, or between I'r~\
mummies are often little more than skeletons. gods and king. The ka was transferred through the
This observation is all the more intriguing when family lineage - it was generic and, in our terms,
we realize that dismemberment and decay in death genetic. For everyone, this life force extended back
were among the primary fears of the Egyptians. through countless generations to the creator god
Certain funerary texts from all periods contain, who transferred his ka to the gods, who, in turn,
along with such fears, positive allusions to the transferred theirs to the king. The king is the life
recomposition of the body. In the Pyramid Texts (p. force, the ka, of his people - 'the ka of the living'.
31) spells call for the recomposition of the royal At death one's Iw went to rest, subsumed back
body, implying a prior state of dismemberment. All into its generic folds. This return to commonality
his relates to Egypt's central myth about Osiris took place while the body was prepared and trans­
\'ho was killed and dismembered by his brother formed into the mummy. The ka then needed to be
~ th, reconstituted by his sister-wife Isis as the reactivated so that the spiritual transformation of
archetypal mummy and avenged by his son Horus, rebirth could take place and so that the link to the
he god incarnate in every king. land of the living, through the tomb, could be
Dismemberment renders something dysfunction­ established and maintained. For this to happen
more elabo­ al. In the tomb precinct, a liminal zone between this the deceased had to travel to join their ka, but
nd. Ironically, -arId and the Netherworld, the Egyptians seem to not as the body, bound up in its wrappings. It is
ead of preser­ M\-e been anxious to dismember things that might the ba that makes the journey.
mification ­ highly charged by contact with the dead. Struc­
:ide with the :ures associated with death and burial were some­ The ba
:. just after imes ritually disassembled and carefully buried If the ka is the generic life force, the ba is a per­
arm with ban­ --<parate from the body. The southern ships of son's individual renown or distinctive manifes­
ing to the 1st -hufu are particularly large and wonderfully com­ tation - the impression made on others. The ba
. rat Abydos. ete examples (p. 118). Another is the canopy has often been b-anslated as 'soul' and consid­
~ emmed from d under Khafre's satellite pyramid. Probably ered a part of the total human being along with
pre\'enting the - d for transporting a funerary statue, it had been the ka and akh. But detailed studies indicate that
'hich suggest­ hopped up and the pieces packed in a box, buried the ba and akh are entities in their own right.
times certain a blind passage under the pyramid (p. 126). The ba seems to have been a fully corporeal
ge by allow­ If one goal of mummification was to put away mode of existence with the ability, for instance,
skeletal parts d to incapacitate the dead, the point was also to to eat, drink, travel and copulate. It is represent­
a- emble the body to gain release in another ed by the hieroglyph of the ibis; from the 18th
ne of existence. The paradox of the bound dynasty it had a human head.
ummy was that it also allowed liberation and con­ The bas of gods were their manifestation in
';;ages in
;.der's nued life - not so the dead could haunt the living, nature - stars, inanimate objects, even other gods.
~ pped
t so they could be reborn in the Afterlife. The two A ba of Shu, god of the air, is wind. Likewise the
11 ained the
realms did, however, interact. In fact they were bas of the king are the manifestations of his power
utually dependent. For this reason the Egyptians - an armed expedition, for example. Cities had bas.
..en it was
-anted the spirits of their departed to be bound to Even inanimate objects like temple pylons, thresh­
'med to be
mortal remains - but confined to the other side ing floors, doors and sacred books had bas. During
: the tomb. The reassembled body served as an life this power was revealed primarily through the
hor for a spiritual reassembly on the other side body. With death the body becomes inanimate and
. the false door, a mysterious alchemy of a per­ so the former personality and status of a person
n's separate parts, the ka and the ba. were distilled into a being that could travel to the
realms of the Afterlife and then return to the tomb.
The ka In the Afterlife the ba could not function if the
_e ka is one of the most important dimensions of corpse was decaying and putrefying - it was for
human being in Egyptian thought, yet there is this reason that all potential for decay had to be
easy translation. It is written with the sign of stripped from the body. The Coffin Texts tell the
raised arms, bent perpendicular at the elbows. deceased 'thy ba awakest upon thy corpse', but for
haps the most succinct translation is 'life force'. this to happen the corpse had to be made 'firm',
The ka is associated with 'food sustenance', kau, 'established', 'stable', 'enduring', 'whole', 'sound'.

Tile l\a, the Ba
and the Body Embalmed

The ba hovering over a

mummy. from a New
Kingdom Booll of the Dead.

As in rituals around the world, Egyptian rites of plete entity, co-existing with the ka and the ba. Ar.
death and passage to a higher status involved a 'effective, equipped akh' comes close to our concep'
stage where the distinguishing features of life were of a ghost, for it could reach across the liminal zan
stripped and dissolved. As a coUection of excarnat­ of the tomb to have positive or negative effects on
ed bones, desiccated flesh and hair, the naked body the realm of earthly life. Being an al1h had its prac­
of a king looked like that of anyone else. The burial tical responsibilities in the world of the living.
ritual re-established social status and personality,
now realized as the ba. The Pyramid Texts speak of Pyramid as place of transformation
the royal insignia, the uraeus and the Eye of Horus, The success of an ancient Egyptian in the Afterlife
being given to the king. For passing through the depended on the burial rites and later offering ritu·
doors of heaven, the king puts on a ba-garment, the als in the tomb. For the king, the pyramid was th
leopard pelt of princely and priestly power. place of ascension and transformation. His inde­
As miraculous as this new mode of existence pendent modes of being - particularly his ka ­
may have been, it was still only part of the final stood at the head of all his living and dead subjects
transformation. A journey followed to the sky, to This was particularly true in the Old Kingdom.
sunlight. to the stars. In the celestial realms the when only the king's pyramid was inscribed with
deceased hoped to attain higher status, second only funerary texts. No wonder, then, that it was s
to becoming a god - resurrection as an akh. important to take care of his ka, for in a sense i'
contained the life force of all his living subjects.
The akh The names of pyramids show that they were per·
The Pyramid Texts speak of the king ascending to ceived as places of ascension and transformation
Nut, the sky goddess, leaving 'a Horus', a new liv­ Khufu's was Akhet, the 'Horizon', of Khufu. Bui!
The akh was represented as ing king, behind him. Joining the stars, the king on the word akh, the name signified not just th
the cl'ested ibis. This was tlU' becomes an akh. Akh is often translated as 'spirit' horizon but the 'radiant place' of glorification. A
final transjormatlOn of the or 'spirit state'. It derives from the term for 'radiant series of 5th-dynasty pyramid names contain a ref­
deceased. light', written with the crested ibis, as though the erence to the ba. Six of the 26 known pyrami .
crest transforms the ordinary ibis bird of the ba. names refer to the rising of the king, while five refer
The akh is the fully resurrected, glorified form of to his perfection. Five others affirm that the king iO'
the deceased in the Afterlife. Akh is also a word for 'established' and 'endures', while eight pyramid::
'effective', 'profitable', 'useful'. The reunion of the are named for the king's 'places' or 'till'ones' whier
ba with the l1a is effected by the burial ritual. creat­ 'rise', 'flourish' and are 'established', 'pure', 'divine'
ing the final transformation of the deceased as an and 'perfect'. As the kings ascended and re-estab·
akh. As a member of the starry sky, called akh-akh lished their courts in the Afterlife, generations 01
in the Pyramid Texts and the New Kingdom Book Egyptians moved as cohorts across death's thresh­
of the Dead. the king is free to move on and over the old to live again as a 'community of kas', focused
earth. Like the ba, the al1h was thought of as a com­ on the pyramid and its surrounding necropolis.

'Horus takes him to his fingers, that he may cleanse
this Unas in the]ackal [Anubis] Basin;
He will release the 1m of thiS Unas m the Morning
He will wipe off the flesh of the Iw. of his body;
He conducts the ka of this Unas and of his body to the
Burial Rituals

Great House.'
Pyramid Texts 268
and the Pyramid Complex

Burial rituals enacted at the pyramid ensured the

nnsfer of kingship from the dead pharaoh to the
-ing one. These rituals might therefore help us in whose name, Wel, means 'the Wrapper'. who was in
derstanding the function of parts of the pyra­ charge of those who changed the cadaver into the
id complex. Much of our information for Egypt- mummy. The 'Lector Priest'. 'one who carries the
funerals comes from scenes in tombs of high ritual', possessed knowledge which was key to the
fficials. since the king's funeral is never shown in transformation of the deceased into an akh.
__ . of the pictorial fragments recovered from pyra­ Flanked biT the two Kites and accompanied by
id temples. On the basis of such scenes the funer­ the others. the coffin was loaded on to a boat. Those
ceremony has been divided into 4. 5 or as many who had lived some distance from the necropolis
16 episodes. In typical Egyptian fashion there probably reached it by old river channels. canals or
re rituals embedded within rituals, for embalm­ a harbour-lake for the pyramid complex. For those
",. purification, burial and offering. This sacred who had lived in towns at the base of the pyramid
atre was probably seldom complete in all its acts plateau, there could have been a voyage on a token
except, perhaps. for the king. canal, perhaps indicated by scenes of the boat
towed by rows of men on the banks. The disassem­
and the ba. An he voyage of the dead bled boats ritually buried in pits outside Khufu's
to our concept r first glimpse of the opening scenes of the pyramid enclosure (p. U8) may have been used to
the lIminal zone eral pageant is in reliefs in 6th-dynasty tombs. carry the king's body on this voyage. Docking at
til'e effects on men shriek and wail. people fall to the ground, the pyramid harbour. the deceased was unloaded
I akh had its prac­ d their clothing and throw dirt on their heads as before the 'Doors of Heaven'. described in the Pyra­
the living. coffin is carried on a bier. Already we see a cast mid Texts as part of the watery celestial world. In
, characters who will remain the principals tomb scenes of the funeral, the doors were associat­
,formation luuughout the funeral. The Old Kingdom proces­ ed with the Ibu. the 'Tent of Purification.'
in the Afterlife n includes a woman labelled 'the Kite', either a
er offering ritu­ fessional mourner or the widow. Later there The Ibu and the Wabet Mourners, dressed in white.
p~Tamid was the
precede the coffin hauted
ere two Kites, identified with Isis and Nephthys, So far. the corpse had probably not received any along on a long-poled bier in
mation. His inde­ urners of Osiris. They are mentioned in the elaborate treatment. But before it could enter the tins scene from the New
ICUlarlv his Iw ­ _Tamid Texts. where the dead king is identified sacred necropolis it had to be purified. As we have Kingdom Book of the Dead
d dead subjects. - h Osiris. Also present was the 'Embalmer', seen, the 'cleansing' at some point involved the of Am.
Old Kingdom.
inscribed with
hat it was so
-or in a sense it
. -ina subjects.
thel' were per­
of l\hufu. Built
- -ed not just the
• lorification. A
.' contain a ref­
-nOlI'l1 pyramid
.i!. while five refer
that the king is
~ eight pyramids
'thrones' which
!'If. ·pure·. 'divine'
and re-estab­
. enerations of
. death's thresh­
of kas', focused
removal of most of the soft tissue. Where did this were performed in the Ibu, while the long period of
take place? Tomb scenes give the impression that desiccation foJlowed in the Wabet. Relief scenes in
almost immediately after arriving at the necropolis, the Giza tomb of Qar show his Wabel which is
the body was taken to the Ibu, or the Ibu en Waab, labelled 'Wabet of a period of time' and which has
the 'Tent of Purification'. similarities with the valley temple of Pepi II. Both
In tomb scenes the Ibu is a light construction of have three main central rooms, a long narrow blind
wood poles and reed mats shielding a rectangular corridor and one side taken over by magazines.
space, on or near the edge of a waterway, with Such individual correspondences between the
pathways and doors at either end. Comparisons valley temples of Khafre and Pepi II and features of
can be made to known pyramid valley temples, par­ 6th-dynasty scenes of funeral rituals - the edge of
ticularly those of Khafre at Giza and Pepi II at a canal or basin, two pathways, two entrances, a
The plan of Pepi II's valley South Saqqara. Along the front of Pepi II's temple, portico, the form of the 'Divine Booth' - have
temple reflects the main ramps ascended from the harbour to a platform, prompted suggestions that the valley temples func­
features of Qar's wabet,
highlighted above: two with doorways through small kiosks at each end. tioned as the Ibu, or the Ibu and Wabet combined. B.
vestibules or antechambers, Khafre's valley temple is also approached by two Grdseloff thought that the purification was carried
a blind corridor or stairway stone ramps up to a low terrace along the temple out on the roof of the valley temple and embalming
(below), main Imll and side front. In 1996 Zahi Hawass found tunnels in the in the vestibule. Herbert Ricke believed the whole
magazines (top of plan). bedrock beneath the ramps, with mudbrick walls process would have taken place in mud brick build­
forming a corridor, perhaps a token canal. After ings elsewhere, then ritually re-enacted in the val­
crossing this symbolic waterway, ramps lead to the ley temple. None of the eight excavated valley
north and south doors of the valley temple. The!bu temples - of 28 that probably existed - contain an
could therefore have been a temporary wood-frame obvious place for the processes of mummification.
and reed-mat structure on platforms in front of the
valley temple, if not part of the valley temple itself. Journey to the tomb
From the Ibu the body was taken to the Wabet­ The mummified body in its coffin was now pulled
from a word meaning 'pure'. In the tomb of Pepi­ by oxen on a sledge to the necropolis. At this stage
ankh this is called the 'Pure Place of Wrapping'. the coffin procession still involved the Kites and
Wabet is usually translated 'mortuary workshop' priests. The procession to the tomb also included
and said to be the place of embalming. It has been furnishing for setting up house in the Afterlife:
suggested that the royal Wabet could have been in linen, tools, weapons, pottery and metal vessels,
the mortuary temple. However, texts and pictorial ointments, oils and symbols of social status. Unfor­
representations hint that the Wabet was in the val­ tunately, no pyramid has been found archaeologi­
ley - perhaps the valley temple - and near the Ibu. cally with its burial assemblage intact, so we can
If the process of desiccation and partial dismem­ only guess at the riches it would have comprised.
berment lasted 70 clays, or a major part of 272 days An important ritual at the tomb was an invoca­
as noted in the tomb of Queen Meresankh, the !bu tion called 'coming forth at the voice'. The deceased
may not have been secure enough. Perhaps ritual was summoned to come and partake of the offer­
lustration and removal of the viscera and brain ings. As time went on, offerings became lengthier

Burial Rituals

and the Pyramid Complex

The funeral procession to the

Ibu and the Wabet, shown in
great detail in the 6th-dynasty
tomb of Qar at Giza.
A Ibu
B Wabet
1 'Kite'
2 Embalmer
3 Lector Priest

long period of , more complex. Hermann Junker counted 17 dif­ Dieter Arnold, among others, doubts whether the
. Relief scenes in ~nt ritual presentations in Old Kingdom tombs A Stage/or pyramid temples and causeway were in fact used
Habct which is ich he could relate to those for the king men­
. and which has ed in the Pyramid Texts, including censings, the Funeral? in the royal funeral ceremony. One argument is
architectural: rooms and doorways seem too small
of Pepi II. Both tions, gifts of cloth, cattle and fowl. With the for the passage of the funeral. From the mortuary
g narrow blind ition of a second set of utterances and rites for temple the body and grave goods had to be taken
magazlI1es. rif"ing the dead, or making them effective (akh), into the pyramid court and round to the north side
~ between the ritual grew so complex that a specialist, the of the pyramid to be carried into the burial
III and features of ...ector Priest, appears in 5th-dynasty scenes. The chamber. In the standard pyramid temples of the
~ - the edge of ning of the mouth' was performed to allow the 5th and 6th dynasties the exit to the pyramid court
~'O entrances, a -eased to breathe, eat and speak in the Afterlife. was at one end of the transverse hall separating
xtS of the 6th dynasty speak of 80 men who the front from the inner temple. Its doorways seem
Booth' - have
too narrow to allow the funeral to pass through. In
y temples func­ .ped set the lid on to the stone sarcophagus. This
Djoser's Step Pyramid complex, the route from the
I combined. B. y have been the full complement of workers but entrance hall through the mortuary temple and
'ion \\'as carried y could not all have fitted into the burial cham­ down to the burial vault is just as narrow. Arnold
and embalming . The final rite was 'bringing the foot' - erasing therefore thinks that the funeral rituals would have
-~\'ed the whole footprints of the officiants by dragging a brush, Pepi II's mortuary temple been conducted outside the pyramid complex in
mud brick build­ ng with more censing and libations. light structures, and the royal body conveyed into
cted in the val­ The focus of any tomb, including the king's, was the pyramid court by means of a side entrance.
. ca\'ated valley offering place and false door - the entrance to If the mortuary temple was not the stage for the
-'ed - contain an \etherworld. In both large tombs and pyramid royal funeral, what did it represent? At least one of
ummification. plexes, pictorial programmes included scenes
its aspects was as the deceased king's eternal
residence, its parts corresponding broadly to the


hunting, fowling, fishing and the delivery of

-trings. Both pharaoh and nobleman had statues palace of his lifetime. Indeed, it has the same basic
presenting the continued existence of the head of elements as large houses known from the
was now pulled
archaeological record: enclosure wall; vestibule; a
i~ ..-\t this stage household. In elite tombs the arrival at the
central meeting place in the form of a pillared hall
eli the Kites and pulchre is labelled 'landing at the Tjephet ('Cav­ or open court; a platform for the head of the house
b also included ern') of the Great Palace' and in the Abusir Papyri to receive visitors; private rooms. The innermost
n the Afterlife: five statue chambers in the mortuary temple are room, the offering hall, corresponded generally to
metal vessels, lied Tjephet. It seems evident that the pyramid Merenptah's palace
the royal dining room. Behind the false door where
. I;; atus. Unfor­ mplex embodied, at a higher order of magnitude offerings were placed, lay the magazines,
d elaboration, a ritual similar to that depicted in While there are debates as antechamber and burial chamber under the
d archaeologi­ to the role of pyramid
rae . so we can _ funeral scenes of late Old Kingdom nobility. mortuary temples in burial pyramid, corresponding to the inner foyer and
'e comprised. _e king 'moved' through the pyramid complex in l'itual, they do reflect the bedroom. The Pyramid Texts identify the burial
was an IllVoca­ cycle of rebirth and transformation that the principal features of royal chamber as the Pel' Duat, an allusion to the
'. The deceased neral ritual effected, even if the housekeeping of palaces, like Merenptah's at Netherworld but also to the Pel' Dual, 'House of
:;cath and burial required real but temporary struc­ Memphis. from the New Morning' or 'Toilet House' of the palace, where the
'e of the offer-
res, and side routes or ramps over the enclosure. Kingdom. pharaoh was bathed, anointed and dressed.
It.'Glme lengthier

This World and the
.\ come forth by day to any place where \ may wish to be.
\ have gained power over my heart, \ have gained power
over my breast. I have gained power over my hands. \
have gamed power over my feet, \ have gained power
over my mouth, \ have gained power over all limbs of
mine", I sit down. I stand up."

The Egyptians did not imagine the Afterlife as an

ethereal existence. Each person's hope and expecta·
tion was to be reborn fully corporeal, as expressed
in Chapter 68 of the New Kingdom Book of the
Dead (quotation above), Released from the bondage
of the bandages, the deceased had control over all
physical and psychic abilities. But the mummy did
not return bodily to this world, or walk through the
tomb's false door. carved in solid rock. It was plain
that offerings left at the base of the door were nOl
eaten. The resurrection of the dead happened in
another, parallel world. Food offerings were a token
meal shared with the dead, providing sustenance
just as stone simulacra of shrines, bodies (statues) pyramid zone. Since these stars revolve around the
and boats gave the dead protection, corporeality celestial north pole and neither rise nor set, the
and mobility in that world. In the same chapter of long, narrow passages sloping up from the burial
Nut, 'she of a tlwusand bas'
- the stG1'S and sun as her the Book of the Dead the deceased control more chamber in the northern sides of many pyramids
mantfestations - from the than their own limbs, they now also control air, were aimed like a telescope in their direction.
19th·dynasty royal tomb of water. rivers, floods, shores. The spell begins: Doorways that opened on each side of the sky
Ramesses V7 in the Valley allowed gods and kings to pass through but barred
of the Kings. 'Opened for me are the double doors of the sky, open commoners and foreigners. Such exclusivity may
for me are the double doors of the earth. Open for me are
the bolts of Geb; exposed for me are the roof... And the reflect that of the doors of pyramid temples which
twin peep·holes., . may have kept out all but the priests. The expanse
of the sky was conceived as the surface of a large
On the north side of his Saqqara Step Pyramid, body of 'fresh water' that the king and gods
Djoser emerges from his tomb, in statue form, into a crossed on reed floats. Numerous canals and lakes
statue·box. or serdab. which has just such a pair of or basins in this image imply the presence of land-
peep·holes to allow him to see out (p. 90). indeed, the sky had banks or levees on the west and
on the east. The Milky Way was the 'beaten path of
Celestial world and underworld stars', although it was also a watery way. Two
The oldest literature about the Afterlife, the Pyra· fields were prominent in the sky, the Field of Reeds,
mid Texts (p. 31), emphasizes the celestial world of a rather marshy area on the eastern edge, and the
the sky more than the earthly underworld. The Field of Offerings further north, near the Imperish·
principal elements of the topography of the After· able Ones. In fact. the vision is that of the Nile Val·
life were the sky, the abyss, the Duat ('Netherworld') ley at inundation.
and the Akhet ('horizon'). It was the king's destiny Nut was the personification of the sky. She was
to 'go forth to the sky among the Imperishable imagined as bending over the earth with her head
Ones' and to 'go around the sky like the sun'. in the west, where she swallows the setting sun and
The sky (pel) was inhabited by the Iws, bas, akhs stars, and her loins in the east, where she gives
and birds as well as gods. The Pyramid Texts men· birth to the rising sun and stars. This image works
tion the sun, the sky·goddess Nut. Osiris. Horus for sunset if Nut bends under the earth, suggesting
and even Geb. the earth god, as being there. The that she was conceived as a sky for the Under·
'Imperishable Ones' are the circumpolar stars, world. In the New Kingdom an image of Nut was
about 26" to 30° above the northern horizon in the carved on the bottom of royal sarcophagi, with her

The most dramatic
representation of resunection
from the Duat through the
pl'imeval mound was
conceived at the end of the
19th dynasty as an
embellishment the Book of
Caverns, a scene painted in
the tombs of the pharaoh
Merenptah and the queen
Tawosret. Altlwugh it is not
labelled 'pyramid', the mound
has the form of a regular
triangle split in half, with the
two sides slid apart like a
gigantic doorway The
pyramid has a black apex and
a blue watery middle band to
symbolize the path of the sun
through the black darkness
and blue waters of the
Netherworld. fnsicle each half
a god bends over a black
mound enclosing a face,
representing the god buried
within the Duat. The texts
label this, 'the Great God, the
Secret of the Duat'. Other
texts refer to this motif as
'the Secret Mound, in which
there is the interior of the
great mystery'. Below the
opened pyramid, with wings
outstretched for the
h'e around the :m in the ka·like embrace on the sides. The king's pre-dawn glow in the eastern horizon, and by the impending glory of dawn's
.- nor set, the b was also a cosmic womb, an idea articulated sunset flaming in the west, to see the area just flight, is the night form of the
I frum the burial he Pyramid Texts (616 d-f): below the horizon as the place of glorification. sun god with a ram's head.
many' pyramids Khufu's pyramid was Akhet Khuju. Here, and in The rising of the sun god
oU are given to your mother, Nut, in her identity of the takes place in the opening of
, irection. the Pyramid Texts, Akhet is written with the crest- the pyramid·gate. Other
I ."ide of the sky ed ibis and elliptical land·sign, not with the hiero· participants total 24, probably
has gathered you up, in her identity of the
h but barred ~cophagus, glyph of the sun disk between two mountains that representing the 24 hours of
xclusivity may III are ascended to her, in her identity of the tomb.' was used later to write 'horizon'. As the place where the day and night. The birth
id emples which the deceased becomes an akh, a suggested transla- itself is assisted by gigantic
•". The expanse This suggests that the sloping pyramid passages tion is 'Spirit' or 'Light Land'. arms thall'each down from
above 10 lijt out the upside·
'ace of a large 'cending to the burial chambers were seen in fact doumfigure of a child, a
'ing and gods ~ 'ascending' to Nut in the Netherworld. The word The living and the dead scarab and a sun disk.
canal::; and lakes l' 'Netherworld' was Dual, often vvritten with a All the cosmic skies and seas, and all the arcane Although this scene was
nceof land- tar in a circle, a reference to Orion, the stellar imagery, stem from the uncertainty about the voy· composed well over a
" the west and ,'pression of Osiris, in the Underworld. Osiris was age between this world and the Netherworld. At the thousand years after the
"beaten path of e Lord of the Duat, which, like the celestial world end of the journey, the Netherworld was a vague Pyramid Texts, the same
theme of renewal of creation
ery way. Two and the real Nile Valley) was both a water world reflection of this world - Netherworld celestial - rebirth - in the depths of
Field of Reeds, d an earthly realm. In the Pyramid Texts the geography was similar to the Nile Valley at inunda- the earth is expressed in
n edge, and the Jua t is connected to the earth or to a darker region tion; Netherworld society lived on in That City', pictures as it was in stone in
w he lmperish· .-ing primarily beneath. Aker, the earth god in the where the deceased could be influential if sheJhe tlU! massive pyramids of tlu!
f he Nile Val· I'm of a double Sphinx, was the entrance - became 'effective' - an akh. Old Kingdom.
Iready the Sphinx is a guardian of gateways. To continue an effective life beyond the grave, the
"k\·. She was Akhet is usually translated as 'horizon', where dead required living household members to attend
with her head land and the skies touch, but it meant much more in to the services of the tomb. In return for this, the
: ning sun and 'he Egyptian world concept. Written with the same living requested that their dead relatives use their
'he e she gives root as the word akh, the Akhet was where the dead influence to maintain the household, of which the
,;" image works ~'ere transformed into effective inhabitants of the tomb was a part. They made their petitions in 'let-
~nh. suggesting ~'orld beyond death. As part of the sky, it was also ters to the dead' written on bowls, linen, stelae or
for the Under· he place into which the sun, and therefore the king, even jar stands and deposited in the tomb. Once
e of Nut was ~'as reborn from within the Duat. It is not hard to established in the Netherworld, the deceased was
.phagi. with her imagine the early Egyptians being inspired by the just beyond the veil of the false door. Maintenance

of the household and transfer of the estate were the head of the entire Egyptian household supremely
This World and the
real motives behind the burial rituals, the tomb and effective (akh) in the Netherworld. With the sur-
all the weird imagery of the Netherworld. The one rounding tombs of members of the court and royal
who buried the deceased head of the household family, the pyramid necropolis was a stone simu-
inherited the estate; the prince who buried the dead lacrum of 'That City'. Its role was to carry the king
king in his pyramid inherited the kingship. The as head of the living kas, and therefore the entire
most immense tombs - the pyramids - made the community with him, to the new life after death.

The In the New Kingdom, just as the pyramid as the royal

burial place was replaced by a natural pyramidal
and below, registers show the architecture and
denizens of the Dual which is divided into 12
Netherworld mountain above the subterranean tombs of the Valley
of the Kings, new funerary texts emphasized a
hours. In the 5th hour a pyramid-like mound rises
to interrupt the three registers. Above the pyramid
in the Netherworld in and under the earth. As opposed to
the dead flying up to the celestial light, the sun god
is a small mound of sand - a stylized grave. Both
grave and pyramidal mound are subterranean, as
New Kingdom comes to the dead with his entourage, journeying indicated by a stippled band to represent sand.
down the Nile of the night in his barque. Within this From the apex of the pyramid a head emerges,
imagined realm are underworld pyramids that in some versions identified as 'the flesh of Isis, who
elaborate themes hinted at in the Pyramid Texts. is over the Land of Sokar'. Sokar, the most
This new genre of funerary composition, at first mysterious form of the god Osiris, Lord of the
exclusive to the king's tomb like the older Pyramid Netherworld, is the core of the scene, awakening
Texts, decorated the walls of the royal tombs in the inside his ellipse or 'egg' within the pyramidal
Valley of the Kings. For convenience the texts are mound. The texts state that not even the sun god
called 'Books': the Book of Caverns, Book of Gates, can penetrate Sokar's chamber, but his passage and
Book of Aker. As with the Pyramid Texts of a his words to Sakar in the sealed chamber set off a
thousand years earlier, they contain variations on the reaction within the 'egg'.
creation theme, now played out as a journey The exchange between light - the sun god - and
systematized into 7 gates, 21 doors, 7 heavenly cows, darkness - the cavern of Sokar - allows .
14 mounds and 12 caverns. These are illustrated map- resurrection to take place at the end of the night
guides to the Netherworld. The oldest is Amdual, the journey, when the scarab beetle Khepri pushes the
'Book of What is in the Underworld', which first ball of the sun through the gates of the horizon, as
appears in the reign of Thutmose I (1504-1492 Be). the mummiform Osiris slips back into the Dual.
The journey of the sun god in his night form of a The renewal of creation in the depths of the earth
ram-headed man is depicted in the central register of allows the king's soul to ascend from the tomb just
the walls of descending corridors of tombs_ Above as it allows the sun to rise again.

.... ' : •.. : . ..:.: .. : . . .:. : : :~. '.' .' ... .. : :... .'

...... : ....
. .. ,'. ',' ~ : ::

_ Id supremely ·.-\s for anyone who shall lay a finger on this pyramid and
With the sur· this temple which belong to me and to my double ... , he
un and royal will be judged by the Ennead and he will be nowhere and
, a stone simu· his house will be nowhere; he will be one proscribed, one
carry the king
'ore the entire
who eats himself.'
Pyramid Texts, 1278--79 The Pyramid Texts
•after death. The route through a pyramid complex leads finally
o the great stone false door at the back of the offer-
ing chapel. On the 'other side', behind solid mason-
're and ry. deep under the pyramid, lay the most intimate
- 012 rooms of this house of eternity: the burial chamber most recent royal edition, in the small pyramid of
'lnd rises and antechamber. Beginning with the pyramid of Ibi, includes spells unknown in older ones. This
, ep\Tamid tnas at the end of the 5th dynasty, the walls of suggests a fair degree of fluidity and individual
r;l\·e. Both
these chambers were inscribed with vertical choice of repertoire for each king. On the basis of
;.mean, as columns of texts from Egypt's - indeed the world's both archaeological and historical evidence, schol·
. :'dnd.
- oldest religious literature. The Pyramid Texts are ars recognize references to the Old Kingdom state,
a tantalizing, yet confusing, literary window on to and therefore date their earliest composition to the
: Isis, who
e meaning of a pyramid complex. period after the unification.
j the The Brugsch brothers, Emile and Heinrich, made During the First Intermediate Period and Middle
- kening he initial discovery of Pyramid Texts in 1881 in Kingdom, Pyramid Texts were also inscribed in the
;nidal . e pyramids of Unas, Teti, Pepi I, Merenre and tombs of high officials. They were then subsumed
- ~un god epi II. Kurt Sethe prepared the first definitive edi- into the Coffin Texts, found inside the coffins of
.. ~sage and . n of the texts, numbering 714 individual sayings important people. Pyramid Texts were still includ-
r fer off a r spells. New texts found in 1925 in the pyramids ed in the tombs of officials in the New Kingdom, in
. Pepi II and his queens, Neith, Iput and Wed- the Book of the Dead and in Late Period funerary
ten extended the number to 759. French excava- papyri. The can also be recognized, after radical
ns in South Saqqara, under Jean Leclant, have reworking, in New Kingdom temple ritual. Copies
tinued to find new texts in the last two decades. of Pyramid Texts have been found in Late Period
In spite of great repetition of the spells and their tombs and sarcophagi. The fact that such copies,
-equences, the 'editions' of Pyramid Texts differ carefully executed in Old Kingdom style, include
. m one pyramid to another. The oldest edition, spells both known and unknown in Old Kingdom
hat of Unas, contains only 283 of the known texts editions, hints that the known Old Kingdom texts
d includes ones not found in later editions. The are a selection from a larger body of texts.

. :: , ..
Categories of Pyramid Texts
.,''holars have recognized five major categories of spells:

1 Dramatic Texts include spells of lament, beings. For example, Spell 220 hails the crown as
-;Jells of the offering ritual, and spells relating to the king takes possession of it: 'He comes to you, 0
he provision of the king's crowns, to the Crown! He comes to you, 0 Flame; He comes to you,
roduction of equipment to the grave, and to the o Great One; He comes to you, 0 Rich in Magic.'
ning of the mouth and other statue rituals. The The Hymns and Litanies may have been composed
~amatic Texts take the form of recited speech and during the 4th dynasty.
re5cribed action: 'raise up before him' (the
~eased), 'lay on the ground in front of him'. Some 4 The Glorifications - the Sal1/nt, literally, 'that
.- the texts suggest that the speaker and the which makes one into an Akh', form the largest part
'ecipient take on the roles of gods in the prescribed of the Pyramid Texts. The oldest glorification

'rual action. The formulation of the Dramatic spells, probably carried out at the tomb during the
,,,xts may date to the 2nd and 3rd dynasties. funeral, mention the sand tomb (pT 1877-78) and
the mudbrick mastaba (IT 572c-e). Many of the
:2 Hymns with Name Formulae set the cult Glorification Texts are, however, the youngest
-"nbols, actions and ritual objects of the Dramatic Pyramid Texts, composed during the 5th and even
Texts in the context of mythical stories or as late as the 6th dynasty.
:lusions, sometimes by adding, 'in this thy name
.-' or simply 'as'. 5 The Magical Texts consist of short protection
'.- spells for channing snakes and other dangerous
: : ..... ' Pyramid texts inscribed before
... '. :.. ~:.;
3 Litanies are structured as verse and consist of beings. From their form of speech, they are judged the portcullises in Pepi 1's
numerations and sequences of names and name to be the oldest texts, dating to the early Archaic pyramid, translated in the
- ~mulae pertaining to particular divine things and Period. opening quote.

The pyramid of Unas at Like the programmes of statues and reliefs in the Fragmented myth and ritual
Saqqara is the earliest to pyramid temples, the overall theme of the Pyramid The Pyramid Texts make allusions to myths, par-
contain Pyramid Texts. Texts was the eternal existence of the king in the ticularly the central pageant of Osiris and the con-
A detail is shown oPPosite.
Afterlife. However, it has not been easy to recognize flict between Horus and Seth over the inheritance of
a completely coherent treatment. The texts do, how- the kingdom, but never provide a coherent narra-
ever, have a decided emphasis on the sky realm of tion of the stories. Instead there are, scattered
the sun god, an emphasis which makes scholars throughout, fragments of myths, as though th
suspect Heliopolis as the place where much of the story as a whole is too potent for outright telling.
corpus was conceived and formulated. The king Opinions differ as to the purpose of this poetic
joins the extended family of the gods; in fact, his discourse, draped like a curtain of ritual and magic
death and resurrection is a homecoming. He boards around the innermost chambers of the pyramid.
the ship of the sun god and voyages through the For the Egyptians, word and its effect were per·
sky and the various fields of the Netherworld. ceived as one and the same. Kurt Sethe considered
Alternatively, the king flies to the sky as a falcon, the texts a free-form amalgamation of spells that.
kite or goose, or leaps upward as a grasshopper. Or inscribed permanently on the walls around the
he is assisted in his ascent by the natural forces like king's body, allowed him to be transformed and res-
wind and hail storms. His destiny is both the day urrected, a view which many agree with. Others.
and the night sky, for he joins the northern Imper- while not disagreeing, also see them as the script of
ishable Stars. As they identify the dead king with the funeral rituals. The idea that parts of the Pyra-
Osiris, the Pyramid Texts also present a chthonic mid Texts were recited in particular contexts i,
Underworld dimension of the Afterlife. made compelling by directions like 'words to be

king. The rest of the offering ritual speaks of the
king being dressed, anointed and fed, as he was in The Pyramid Texts
the private rooms of the royal residence during life.
On the east gable of the antechamber is also the
famous 'Cannibal Hymn' in which the king flies to
heaven through a stormy sky: '... impressive as a
god who lives on his fathers and feeds on his moth-
ers ... ' We should understand this 'cannibalism' in
the light of the ka as the communicative life force
that is passed down from Creator to the gods to the
king and from parent to child. We should also not
forget that the eastern wall of the antechamber
faces the 'virtual' exit from the underground apart-
ments of the pyramid - the false door embedded in
the east flank of the pyramid at the culmination of
the mortuary temple. Beyond the antechamber are
the standard three niches, sometimes referred to as
serdahs as if for statues. However, they could a)so
have been magazines for storing provisions, sym-
bolically transferred into the pyramid chambers
from the offerings presented before the false door.
Altogether, the arrangement of Unas's Pyramid
poken', by the dramatic form of spells comprising Texts reflects the order in which Unas would read
.e opening of the mouth, by instructions for ritual them after rising from the sarcophagus, moving
tions and by the texts which have as their object through the burial chamber, antechamber and
-purifications, censings, presentation of clothes and along the corridor. Although Unas's body remains
intments, and the consecration of the pyramid. It in the burial chamber, just as Osiris remains in the
muld be perverse to think that the offering ritual Duat, his ba awakens, releases itself from the body
The flow of Pyramid Texts m
muld not have been performed in the offering hall and proceeds through the Duat towards sunrise. the chambers under Unas's
f the mortuary temple. The antechamber, east of the burial chamber, the pyramid. In the entrance
'Duat', serves as the Akhet, that region between the corndor the emphasiS IS 011 a
Text, architecture and cosmos Duat and the day sky, just below the horizon. In the rising from t1w The
In James Allen's recent 'reading' he looked at the pyramids of Teti, Pepi I and Pepi II, the corridor three east recessed magazines
p\Tamid of Unas - the oldest and most complete between the burial chamber and antechamber is are opposite the false door in
the offering hall of the
rendition. He examined the placement of the spells inscribed with texts about passing through the pyramid mortuary temple.
n the walls, the direction of their narration and the marshes at the edge of the Akhet, the place of The goddess Nut was carved
oups of spells. Two ordering principles emerged. transformation where the king becomes an 'effec- into sarcophagi from the New
First, the narrative flows away from the direction tive spirit' (akh) who is able to rise at davm and to Kingdom onwards.
'hat birds and animal and human hieroglyphs face function in the Afterlife.
Ial the texts progress from right to left except on the
False door of
~ 0 myths, par- north walls of the burial chamber and antecham- mortuary temple
iIi,; and the con- ber where they are read left to right. This is in order Direction of . . . . . Protective spells
inheritance of '0 follow the second rule: the texts move from sunnse ,..-~

mherent narra-
are, scattered
mside the tomb outwards. Thematically. the texts
-a I into two broad sets: one for the burial chamber /
a,; though the nd another for the antechamber.
(fight telling. On the western gable of the burial chamber are King's response
of this poetic :-pells to protect the dead king against snakes, scor- Resurrection
r ri ual and magic pions and other threats. Similar protective spells ()/.
ritual found on the east gable of the antechamber. / Protective
f the pyramid. spells
, ~rtect were per- The king's private apartments are thus framed by
the considered apotropair texts, just as outside the pyramid, the
of spells that, causeway and small vestibule contained scenes
-all~ around the hat protected the passage through the pyramid
"formed and res- mmplex. Parallels between interior text and exteri-
~ \\·ith. Others, r sign and symbol are evident in the opening spell
em a~ the script of f the offering ritual on the north wall of the burial
part:; of the Pyra- chamber, which talks of seizing enemies. The To sky

Ollar contexts is - enes at the lower end of the causeway showed BURIAL CHAMBER
. 'e '\\'ords to be he gods holding ropes binding the enemies of the Sarcophagus

its faces is a winged sun disk in relief. Below are
two wedjat, sacred eyes, and below them are three
ne/er (,beauty' or 'perfection') signs; below these
again we find the hieroglyph for the sun disk.
The Pyramid as Icon flanked by the name and titles of Amenemhet III.
The whole composition can be read as: 'Amen·
emhet beholds the perfection of Re.' The sacred
eyes are those of the king himself. Like the name
of the pyramids - 'Sneferu Gleams', 'Great i
Khafre' - the eyes tell us that the pyramids were
'Atum Scarab! personifications of the dead kings who were buried
When you became high, as the high ground, and revivified within them.
when you rose as the ben-ben, in the Phoenix Enclosure,
in HeliopoJis, Pyramid and ben- ben
you sneezed Shu,
you spat Tefnut, and you put your arms around them, as The phrase 'beholds the perfection of Re' is one of
the arms of ka, that your ka might be in them.' many indications that the true pyramids were seen
Pyramid Texts as symbols of the sun. The identification of the
pyramid with the sacred ben-ben stone in the .tem-
The pyramid was above all an icon, a towering ple of Heliopolis is another sign that the pyramid_
symbol. It has been said that the Egyptians did not were sun symbols. To understand the ben-ben we
distinguish sharply between hieroglyphic writing, must begin with Atum, probably the earliest god
The full hieroglyphic
determinative for 'pyramid'. two-dimensional art and relief carving, sculpture worshipped at Heliopolis. An aspect of the sun god.
Could the red band at the and monumental architecture_ In a sense, the pyra- he is the 'old' sun of the evening as opposed to Ra
base signify that pyramids mids are gigantic hieroglyphs. But why a pyramid? at noon and Khepri - the scarab beetle - the morn·
were thus painted. as some And how should we read the pyramid glyph? ing sun. Atum was also the oldest creator god; in
have tlwught? Or is it a his most primeval form he was the singularity
vestige of the redgranite Pyramid and pyramidion within the primeval waters of the Abyss. The root.
casing at the base of some
pyramids, such as I<hafre's, The word for pyramid in ancient Egyptian is mer. tm, in Atum's name means 'complete', 'finish'.
Menkaure's and There seems to be no cosmic significance in the yet also 'not-be'. In later texts Atum is 'Lord of
Neferirkare's? term itself. I.E.S. Edwards, the great pyramid Totality' and 'the Completed One', and in the Pyra-
authority, attempted to find a derivation from m, mid Texts he is 'self-developing' or 'self-evolving'.
'instrument' or 'place', plus ar, 'ascension', as 'place Atum is a chthonic god - virtually everything that
of ascension'. Although he himself doubted this exists is part of his 'flesh', having evolved as hi,
derivation, the pyramid was indeed a place or 'millions of kas'. How did this evolution begin'
instrument of ascension for the king after death. According to Pyramid Text 527,
Our word 'pyramid' comes from the Greek, pyra- 'Atwn is the one who developed, getting an erection in
mis (pI. pyramides), 'wheaten cake'. The Egyptians HeJiopolis.
The pyramidion of had a conical bread loaf called ben-ben, which was He put his penis in his grasp that he might make orgasm
Amenemhet Ill's pyramid at also the word for the capstone of a pyramid or the with it,
Dahshur (p. 1 79). The eyes tip of an obelisk - ben-benet, named after the ben- and the two siblings were born, Shu and Tefnut.'
are the pharaoh's, gazing up ben stone, the sacred icon in the temple of Helio- Shu, the god of air and atmosphere, and his sis-
from within his pyramid to polis, the oldest centre of the sun cult. ter Tefnut are the next generation of primeval gods.
the beauty of the sun.
The capstone or pyramidion is the complete
pyramid in miniature, bringing the structure to a
point at the same angle and with the same propor-
tions as the main body. Stadelmann found the
earliest pyramidion at Sneferu's North Pyra-
mid at Dahshur (p. 104), made of the same
limestone as the casing and uninscribed.
A number of pyramidions also survive Atum (creator god)
from Middle Kingdom royal pyra- I
mids and from the small pyramids I I
of non-royal tombs of New Shu (god of air) Tefnut
Kingdom and later times (p. I I
186). AmenemhetlII's pyra- Geb (earth) Nut (sky)
midion, of hard black
stone, from his pyra- I I I I
Osiris (underworld) Isis Nephthys Seth
mid at Dahshur, is the
most complete royal
Horus (god of kingship)
capstone. On one of

I • f Below are The genealogy leads to Geb (earth) and Nut (sky)
I:hem are three \'ho beget Osiris, his sister and wife, Isis, his broth-
. below these er and adversary, Seth, and Seth's counterpart
, he sun disk, . -ephthys. Osiris and Isis beget Horus, the god of
enemhet III. ingship. Thus kingship goes back to the Creator.
d as: 'Amen- ther texts relate Atum's erection and ejaculation
_. The sacred • the ben-ben pyramidion through a cosmic pun on
ike the names 'he rool, bn, which is associated with procreation
"':. 'Great is ::nd could mean 'become erect' or 'ejaculate'.
Tamids were Bn could connote the idea of swelling in general.
were buried The concept of Atum's masturbation was that he
xpanded as a mound (bnnt) in the abysmal waters
f \Jun. The Egyptians must have envisaged this
• the Nile Valley land emerging from the receding
. Re' is one of a ers of the annual inundation. Within a few lines
ids were seen this text that speaks of Atum's primeval mound,
- tion of the theologians are mixing metaphors with impun-
e in the tem- ... associating Creation with the image of the
the pyramids -<arab beetle and the ben-ben at Heliopolis. In the
ben-ben we me breath, Shu and Tefnut are said to come forth,
earliest god : onomatopoeia, from Atum's sneezing (ishesh)
- he sun god, !1d spitting (iff).
pposed to Ra As an image of the primeval mound, the pyra-
It: - the morn- d is, therefore, a place of creation and rebirth in doing on his pyramidion. If we could look through Tlw pyramids magically
creator god; in Abyss. The Phoenix, Benu in Egyptian, the 'picture-window' of the pyramid, its temples combined the darkest and
:.he singularity :;>pears in the tapestry of the Heliopolitan creation and its underground apartments, we would better most dense pl'imeval earth
bE..,;. The root, and the rays 0/ celestiall1ght,
yth both by virtue of its sound-similarity with appreciate the pyramid complex as a royal house,
mplete', 'finish', II-ben, and because it returns after long periods to with its gate house (valley temple), entrance corri-
1 is 'Lord of natural habitat, which the Egyptians pictured as dor (causeway), vestibule, courtyard, portico and
and in the Pyra- PFamidal perch of sticks. reception room (court and statue chamber),
.. ·seli-evolving'. antechamber to the private quarter, dining (offer-
\u\·thing that unlight and the pyramid ing) hall, and, furthest back, the most intimate
e\'olved as his h ben-ben and pyramid may have symbolized apartment where the king sleeps in death only to be Pyramidal icons (from left to
lution begin? rays of the sun, particularly as they appear reawakened, bathed, and clothed before reappear- right): 2nd-dynasty depIction
ining through a break in clouds - the pyramid is ing in the celestial court.
0/ the benu (phoenix) bird on
the so!£lr disc at the apex 0/
an erection in .s the immaterial made material. The Pyramid What makes the arrangement unlike any house the ben,ben; a New Kingdom
xt speak of the sun's rays as a ramp by which is the pyramid itself, towering above the most inti- benu bird from tlw tomb of
make orgasm king mounts up to the sun, just as the older step mate rooms. It is the pyramid that merges this eter- Ramesses VI; an obelisk
Tamids may have been seen as giant stairs, But nal house with that of the gods - the cosmos. The named as the embodiment
Tdnut.' of Osiris - this, like the !£lte
p\Tamid was much more than a magical device pyramid is a simulacrum of both the mound of
e. and his sis- funerary image 0/ Osiris
the king to mount to heaven. It was a place of primeval earth and the weightless rays of sunlight,
prinleva I gods. inside a dark step pyramid,
."'ical and spiritual transformation that tied the a union of heaven and earth that glorifies and rejfects the chthonic aspect
, ascent to the creation of the world and to the transforms the divine king and ensures the divine 0/ the pyramid as primeval
Iy rebirth of the sun. rule of the Egyptian household. mound.
There is evidence that the ben-ben stone was
ally cone-shaped and the pyramid is the easiest
. to mimic this in monumental architecture.
we have to keep in mind the original appear-
of the pyramid when most of its surface was
-Iy covered with smoothed white limestone. The
ted light must have been so brilliant as to be
I t blinding.
;;1 t
There is a kind of 'picture-window' principle to
h of Egyptian art and architecture that might
Ir to the pyramid as a stone model of immateri-
;;unlight. In one sense the pyramid may have
I ~ a gigantic reflector, a stone simulacrum of
-' ,ys Seth
light and a window to the sky, as though we
e inside the mass of stone looking out at the
light, exactly as the eyes of Amenemhet III are
the Sphinx, Amenhotep II (c. 1427 BC) acknow·
ledges both Khufu and Khafre, Khaemwaset (c.
1250 BC), son of Ramesses II and High Priest of
Memphis, appears to have done some restoration
Early Legends work on 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyramids at Saqqara
and Abusir, and other Old Kingdom tombs, includ-
ing Shepseskaf's Mastabat el-Fara'un,
The New Kingdom rulers did not, however,
restore the names of the builders of monuments at
Giza. In fact, there is evidence that they removed
,[Khaemwaset] has inscribed the name of the King of the fine limestone, alabaster and granite of
Upper and Lower Egypt. Unas, since it was not found on Khafre's pyramid temples at the same time that
the face of the pyramid. because the Setem Priest.. ,much they restored the Sphinx in the form of the god
loved to restore the monuments of the kings of Upper
Horemakhet. In the Ramessid Turin Canon of king-
and Lower Egypt.'
ship, there are hints that the 4th dynasty was
Inscription of Khaemwaset (19th dynasty) undergoing some folkloristic rewriting, For
instance, the suspiciously uniform lengths of reign
Abandoned in antiquity - Huni 24 years, Sneferu 24, Khufu 23 and so on -
By Middle Kingdom times (11th to 13th dynasties), might well be simple estimates of a generation on
the early Old Kingdom pyramid builders, such as the throne,
Khufu (Cheops) and Khafre (Chephren), were The 26th dynasty saw an attempt to resurrect the
already characters of legend rather than history, glory of the Old Kingdom, At Giza there was an
Some 550 years after Khufu, his pyramid temple active priesthood of the Sphinx as Horemakhet and
and those of his successors seem to have been there were also people calling themselves priests of
stripped of their reliefs, since blocks and pieces Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, Ironically, the wor-
By the time of Ramesses JJ
(1290-1224 Be), the Sphinx were reused in the core of the 12th-dynasty pyra- ship of the powerful kings who built the largest
at Giza had become an object mid of Amenemhet I at Lisht (p, 168), Amenemhet's structures in Egypt was now carried out in the tiny
of pilgrimage, O/ficials, pyramid was itself abandoned well before the New Temple of Isis, built against the southernmost of
scribes, military LEaders, Kingdom era of Moses and the Exodus, the pyramids of Khufu's queens (GI-c) in the 21st
builders and sculptors all The pyramids were thus relics of a bygone era, dynasty. A small stela there related another story
made their way there and LEft their stone quarried for other buildings and their about Khufu, namely that having found the Isis
behind small commemorative
temples in ruins, But the names and sequence of Temple in ruins he restored the images of the gods.
stelae. The scribe Montuhel'
kft the oldest depiction their builders were known from king lists and there and repaired the headclress of the Sphinx, The style
of the Giza pyramids were occasional attempts to restore the revered of the text and the deities mentioned all point to its
on his unique stela, monuments of the ancestors, In his stela set up at having been written in the 26th dynasty; the story
was no doubt told to give greater antiquity and
authenticity to the fledgling cult. But its erroneou
implication that the Sphinx and Isis Temple
predate Khufu shows just how far the perceived
history of the site was slipping from fact.

Greek and Roman travellers

In the writings of the Greek historian Herodotus
we do indeed find a mixture of fact and folktale
about the pyramids, When he came to Egypt
between 449 and 430 BC the hieroglyphic script was
still read and pharaonic religion still practised, but
his report makes us wonder whether the cult of
Khufu and his sons in the Isis Temple had been
abandoned. The priests who informed the curious
Greek gave a decidedly negative account of Khufu:

'[he] brought the country into all sorts of misery, He

closed all the temples, then, not content with excluding
his subjects from the practice of their religion, compelled
them without exception to labour as slaves for his own

Khuf1.l had already appeared in a slightly bad light

in the legends of the Westcar Papyrus (probably
dating from the Second Intermediate period, but
- Re) acknow- copying an older document), but it was Herodotus 1st century AD, Pliny the Elder mentioned the vil-
emwaset (c. who established the erroneous and now virtually lage of Busiris (Abusir) at the foot of the pyramid Early Legends
High Priest of ineradicable association between pyramid building plateau, whose inhabitants would climb the pyra-
restoration and slave labour. Khufu's pyramid undoubtedly mids for tourists - just like their modern counter-
- '" at Saqqara required massive toil, but Herodotus's credibility is parts in the village of Nazlet es-Samman (though it
. ·ombs, includ- strained when he goes on to report that: would have been altogether more difficult when the
pyramid casing was still largely intact).
'no crime was too great for Cheops: when he was short of
not. however, Another myth became attached to the pyramids
money, he sent his daughter to a bawdy-house with
monuments at instructions to charge a certain sum - they did not tel I when, towards the end of the 1st century AD, the
he\· removed me how much. This she actually did, adding to it a Jewish historian Josephus included pyramid build-
granite of further transaction of her own; for with the intention of ing among the hardships that the Hebrews had had
e time that leaving something to be remembered after her death, she to endure during their years of labour in Egypt:
fTI1 of the god
asked each of her customers to give her a block of stone,
and of these stones [the story goes] was built the middle 'for [the Egyptians] enjoined them to cut a great number
non of king-
pyramid of the three which stand in front of the Great of channels for the river, and to build walls for their
d\'nasty was P\Tamid.' cities and ramparts, that they might restrain the river,
Titing. For
and hinder its waters from stagnating, upon its running
gths of reign When Herodotus visited the pyramids Khufu's over its own banks: they set them also to build pyramids,
23 and so on- causeway was intact, with 'polished stone blocks and by this wore them out.. '
eneration on decorated with carvings of animals ... a work.,. of
hardly less magnitude than the pyramid itself.' It This idea persists in the popular imagination,
resurrect the had taken, he was told, 10 years of 'oppressive although we now know that the largest pyramids
here was an slave labour' to build; the pyramid took 20 years, were constructed over a mi]]ennium before the era
remakhet and of the Hebrews.
hoes priests of 'including the underground sepulchral chambers on the By the Roman period the Egyptian language was
hill where the pyramids stand; a cut was made from the
ll\. the wor- \ile, so that the water turned the site of these into an
written using the Greek script From the 3rd
ill the largest ISland.' century AD onwards, the Egyptian language was
out in the tiny Coptic. Once Constantine converted to Christianity
thernmost of Two centuries after Herodotus, the Egyptian priest in AD 312, 3,000 years of pharaonic culture came to
,I<) in the 21st , lanetho compiled his Aegyptiaca - possibly to cor- an end. The Copts began to destroy the pagan
another story rect the chronology of Herodotus - which we know monuments of their ancestors and the last person
found the Isis only through the edited and abridged versions of to read the hieroglyphic script died sometime in
, of the gods, Josephus (c. AD 70), Africanus (3rd century AD) and the 4th century AD. When the ancient inscriptions
inx. The style Eusebius (4th century AD). Our framework for became cryptic, real knowledge of the pyramid
all point to its ancient Egyptian history is sti]] based on builders drowned in a sea of myths and legends,
nasty; the story , lanetho's king list, grouped into 30 dynasties, and and the pyramids fell silent.
r antiquity and he is the first source to organize the kings from
its erroneous , lenes to Unas into five dynasties. (The New King- About 25 Be, the Roman DOOR OF THE SOUTH PYRAMID OF DAHSHUR.
bis Temple dom Turin Canon gives the 39 names of this period geographer Strabo reported a AS SHEWN BV THE EXISTING DOORW"V.
r the perceived as a single lineage.) Manetho must have based his movable stone, high up and in
'act. grouping on popular tradition and the sequence of the middle of DiU! of tlU! faces
he pyramids. He credits Khufu, written 'Suphis', of Khufu's pyramid, that
allowed access to the
with building the Great Pyramid, and, far from Descending Passage. Since
. n Herodotus being wicked, with writing the 'Sacred Book'. any 'trap door' in the original
and folktale Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 Be. building would have
le to Egypt For the next 300 years, down to Cleopatra VII, the compromised the pyramid's
:phic script was land was ruled by the Ptolemies, descendants of security, this could only have
. practised. but Ptolemy m Soter, the great general who hijacked been provided later - perhaps
for tourists to reach the
r the cult of Alexander's body and took it to Egypt, where he subterranean chamber.
pie had been ,_ad gained control. In 30 BC Egypt became a Roman On the right is a hypothetical
ned the curious province - and a major tourist attraction. On every reconstruction by the British
!It of Khufu: rrave]]er's itinerary, just as today, were the Giza Egyptologist WM Flinders
Pyramids and the Sphinx, Memphis and the Apis Petrie, based on pivot holes he
misery. He house, and - up the Nile Valley at Thebes - the found at the entrance to the
:ih e~cluding Bent Pyramid at Dahshur.
Colossi of Memnon, the Temple of Karnak and the
. n. compelled
'-alley of the Kings. Off the modern tourist trail
- for his own
\-as the Labyrinth - the temple of Amenemhet III's
Hawara pyramid, now levelled.
ghtl\' bad light The Greek author, Diodorus Siculus, in Egypt
,TUS (probably around 60 BC, reported the Great Pyramid casing as
e period, but mact, though possibly missing its capstone. In the

'Then Surid ordered the building of the pyramids, had
the sciences recorded in them, and had the treasures and
pieces of sculpture put into them. Finally, he set an idol
Mythic History of the to guard each of the three pyramids ... After his death,
Surid was buried in the "Eastern" [Khufu's] Pyramid, hiS
brother Hujib in the "Western" [Khafre's] one, and Hujib's
Copts and Arabs son. Karuras in the "Pied" [Menkaure's] Pyramid.'
Coptic legend

In AD 395, the Roman empire split in two - east and

west - with Egypt under Byzantine control. Two-
Books such as The Thousand and-a-half centuries later, in All 642, Egypt was
and One Nights carry tales of conquered by the Arabs. The pyramids, being
hidden treasure in the Great of such obvious antiquity, became linked with
Pyramzd. One such legend CQ)4)lOl'lLY CAL1.ED, l~ ENOLAN.D,

tells of the Caliph al-Mamun legendary and fabulous events.

breailing through the north THE ARABIAN NIGHTS'
face. Some stones say he The pyramids and the Flood
found a vase with limitless ENTERTAINMENTS. A Coptic legend tells of King Surid who lived three
water. a golden casket with centuries before the flood. His dreams foretold
future chaos and only those who joined the Lord of
man and an animated
cockerel of precious By EDWARD WILLIAM LANE.
the Boat would escape. The tale is a blend of both
stone_ the Judaeo-Christian story of the Aood and ancien
Egyptian themes_ Surid may be a corruption of
ILl.USTaATED BY l!ANY ltUS01l&D ESGRAVISGS 0:-; WOOD, Suphis, a late form of Khufu; his city, Amsus. i
Memphis; and the Lord of the Boat is an amalgam
of Noah's ark and the barque of the sun god.
One popular Arab legend maintained that the
Great Pyramid was the tomb of Hermes - the
Greek counterpart of the Egyptian Thoth - who.
]ike Surid, built pyramids to hide literature and sci-
ence from the uninitiated and preserve them
through the flood. The Yemeni Arabs believed the
two large pyramids to be the tombs of their ancienr
kings, one of whom defeated the Egyptians - per-
haps a distant memory of the Hyksos invasion in
the 2nd millennium Be.
Embellishments of the Arab legends abounded,
including of the Surid story. The 15th-century his-
torian al-lVIaqrizi reported that the king decorated
the walls and ceilings of his pyramid chambers
with representations of the stars and planets and
all the sciences, and placed treasures within such as

'Al-Mmnun's breach' is 7 m
(23 ft) above the pyramid's
Original base; the original entrance is
entrance 17 In (56ft) above the base
and to the east. It is possible,
howevel; that al-Mamun's
breach in fact already existed
and had been made by the
ancient Egyptians, who were
familiar with the interim:

There is evidence that the
ancient robbers knew just how
far to go to get around the
granite plug blocks.

·eapons that did not rust and glass that bent Although it is not known
hout breaking. Maqrizi also says that, according when or by whom the
t ) the Copts, Surid was buried in the pyramid sur-
Sphinx's nose was broken
away, careful examination of
rounded by all his possessions. If Surid is a memo- the face shows clear evidence
ry of Khufu, this may not be so far from the truth. of how it was done. Someone
hammered long rods or
The breach of al-Mamun chisels into the nose, one
Legends of treasures hidden within Khufu's pyra- down from the bridge and the
d mid persisted. They found their way into the tale of other under the nostril. Once
in place, the implements were
)- The Thousand and One Nights, along with a story used to pry the nose off to the
hat Caliph al-Mamun, son of Haroun aI-Rashid, right (south).
wa the first to break into it, around AD 820. With
:h !;reat effort, he forced a passage with iron picks and
LTowbars, and by pouring cold vinegar on to fire-
heated stones. There is indeed a breach - now the
ourist entrance - below and to one side of the orig-
ee mal entrance. But just when the pyramid was vio-
lid lated remains a puzzle, though it is possible that it
of was in ancient times. It seems that whoever carried
~th ut the operation aimed straight for a point oppo-
~nt :ite the juncture of the descending and ascending
of passages before turning east to break through
, IS beyond the granite plugs. Saite Period (26th
am dynasty) priests perhaps made repair, since at this
time there was an attempt to restore Old Kingdom mids, were u ed for walls in the growing city of
the monuments. If the passage wa forced in pharaonic Cairo. The plunder of casing stone from the Great
the times, however, it must have been gaping open in Pyramid continued during succeeding generations
Iho, [) 820 - and presumably any repairs would have until the outer mantle was finally stripped bare.
1- been detectable. Mamun's men may have enlarged Abd aI-Latif also enthused about the Sphinx,
lem the passage made by ancient robbers. already known by its modern Arabic name, Abu (Below) In AD 1196, Malek
the These confusions do not inspire confidence in the Hal, 'Father of Terror'. He described its handsome Abd al-Aziz Othman ben
Yusuj, son of Saladin,
ient hdoricity of the story of al-Mamun. Accounts of face, 'covered with a reddish tint, and a red varnish mounted a concerted attack
per- wild events and fabulous discoveries inside the as bright as if freshly painted'. He specifically men- on the pyramid of Menkaure
[lm PFamid increase our doubts. A more sober, and tions the no e, which leads us to think that it was to dismantle it and remove its
perhaps more trustworthy, version is that of Abu still intact, contrary to indications that it may have stone. Eight months' work
ded, :zalt of Spain. He tells of Mamun's men uncover- been mi sing as early as the 10th century. It is cer- merely damaged the
his- mg an ascending passage. At its end was a quad- tain that someone removed it before the early 15th pyramid's northern face. Such
enormous - and unsuccessful
ated rangular chamber containing a sarcophagus. 'The century when another Arab historian, al-Maqrizi, - efforts increase our
bers lid was forced open, but nothing was discovered wrote about it. The nose was long gone, at any rate, admiration for the skill of the
and excepting some bones completely decayed by time.' by the time apoleon visited Giza in 1798, although ancient builders in creating
·has But doubt is cast again by Denys of Telmahre, the he is often blamed for its removal. such durable monuments.
Jacobite Patriarch of Antioch. He accompanied
lam un's party and states that the Great Pyramid
PII \·as already opened at the time of their visit.
lis uarrying the pyramids
The 12th-century scholar, Abd aI-Latif, describes
he pyramids as covered with indecipherable writ-
-ted ng - probably the graffiti of visitors, some per-
haps from pharaonic times. His observation implies
ere hat much of the casing at Giza was still intact
\·hen he visited. By that time, nevertheless, the
pyramids were being systematically quarried for
uilding stone. Abd aI-latif reports the destruc-
tion of a number of small pyramids by the Emir
Karakoush during Saladin's reign (AD 1138-93). It
tTlust have been Karakoush who removed the satel-
I e pyramid south of Khafre's pyramid, and who
gan dismantling Khufu's subsidiary pyramids.
her stones, probably from the two larger pyra-

The First European


ness of Rome was that of Greece. With the traY

reports came the realization that behind the grea
ness of Greece lay that of the Near Eastern civihza
tlons, including Egypt. Travel became safer whe
Egypt came under Turkish rule in 1517 and Sulta
Selim I confirmed protection for French traders an
pilgrims. The invention of the pnnting press In t
mid-15th century allowed the details and images
such travellers' voyages to the pyramids to be mor
widely disseminated.
Travellers eventually became 'antiquanes' wh
In the 16th century, began to retneve artifacts an
ancient manuscripts for the growing number
European collectors and for libraries and mu
ums. A thriving trade in antiquities grew, whic
Included mummies, the embalmed bodies
ancient Egyptians. These had already been a mar
(Above) For those who had 'And some men say that they be sepultures of great lords,
keted commodity for 400 years; the 'mummy pin,
never been to Egypt, that were sometime, but that is not n-ue, for all the com
of Saqqara were a major attraction.
Imagmation was the only mon rumour and speech IS of all the people there, both

means by which they could far and near, that they be the garners of Joseph.'
Seeing and imagining
picture the Splunx and Those who could not visit Egypt themselves had t
pyramids. The renowned VOlage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile
depend on their imaginations. A case in polOt .
17th-century Jesuit scholar
and polymath Athanasius Around the time that Abd ai-Latif recorded his Athanasius Kircher (1602-80), conSidered by so
Kircher, for mstance, drew experiences, the Crusaders were returning to 'the Father of Egyptology'. The drawings of tI'M
the pyramids m ] 674 with Europe With Intnguing tales of what they had seen pyramids and Sphinx in his Turns Babel, pul}
huge double-door entrances, in the Near East. A trickle of pilgrims soon became lished in 1674, reflect his ability to conceptualiz.
no doubt since he saw the a stream of travellers who wished to amaze and rather than to depict accurately.
pyramid as a mausoleum.
Ku'cher had read that the astound when writing their travel memoirs. We also have to wonder about the illustrations
Sphmx was a large bust some of the 15th- and 16th-century voyagers wh
proJectmg from the sands, so Telling tales did make their way to Egypt. 1t is clear that man_
he illustrated it as a classical One of the domes of St Mark's In Venice has a 12th­ of these illustrations could not have been based or.
bust, with the rounded breasts century mosaic of the pyramids as Joseph's gra­ sketches made at the site. Having covered a grea
of the female Sphmx of the naries, an Idea first suggested by the 5th-century deal of ground and seen many things, these writeI'
Oedipus legend.
AD Latin writers Julius Hononus and Rufinus. This must have had to rely on memory when th~
(Above nght) The pyramids image was repeated by many early visitors, even recorded their travels, and their Vision of the monu
Mp~redasgranan~lna though direct observation should have convinced ments would have been conditioned as much b.
mosazc m St Mark's them otherwise. Likewise, Mandeville's VOlage what was familiar to them as by the exotic stru
cathedral, Venice. (quoted above), supposedly an informed guide, was tures they had all too briefly beheld. So when the.
concocted in the 14th century by a certain Jean drew the pyramids, they based their images or.
d'Outremeuse, who had never made the journey. more familiar steeply angled classical monumen
The Renaissance saw renewed interest In the Kircher promoted the idea, still potent today, tha
pagan past. It was known that behind the great­ the pyramids contall1 some mystic significanc

peans tended to
sent the pyrarmds 111
that re/keted their own
udes and cultural values,
r than as they actually
ared The angles of the
u'ere often inaccurate
Impossibly steep.

'ith the travel ile such fanciful notions about the pyramids Jean Chesneau mentioned that the other two pyra­ This woodcut (above) is from
ind the great­ still current, some of the early visitors, such mids at Giza were not 'made in degrees'. Did this Relation of a Journey Begun
~'lern civiliza­ George Sandys who visited the pyramids in mean that their inner, stepped cores were not in 1610 and shows the /Joet
and traveller George Sandys
e safer when 0, accepted the idea that the pyramids were the exposed? Prosper Alpinus, one of the first Euro­
and his party visiting the Giza
511 and Sultan bsof kings. peans to attempt an accurate measurement of the pyramids Sandys agreed with
h traders and Early travelogues also contain ambiguous hints pyramids, wrote in 1591 that the viceroy of Egypt, the classical authors that the
n press in the t when the pyramids were stripped of their Ibrahim Pasha, enlarged the entrance to the Great pyramids were not built by
and Images of er casing. In 1546, Pierre Belon observed that Pyramid 'so that a man could stand upright in it'. Hebrew slaves, nor were they
ids to be more third Giza pyramid was in perfect condition, as This must indicate a widening of the passage of al­ the granaries of Joseph, but
were zn fact the tombs 0/
I had just been built. But what about the attack Mamun. Those who entered next brought a new
Egyptian kings.
iQuanes' who, Othman in 1196, as reported by ai-Latif (p.41)? approach to the study of the pyramids.
artifacts and
~ number of
- and muse­
grew, which
led bodies of
y been a mar­
'mummy pits'

1579 de Monconys 1650
selves had to 1556 Helferich Boullaye-le-Gouz 1743
-a....:.e in point is Thevet Pococke
f' dered by some
wi ngs of the
he Image of the Sphinx through the Centuries Norden
Irns Babel, pub­ ok Europeans some time to focus accurately on once again a European with rounded hairdo and
conceptualize :mage of the Sphinx. In Andre Thevet's bulky collar (perhaps the way travellers remembered
lIIogmphie de Levant, published in 1556, seven the protruding and weathered layers of the neck).
illustrations of " after visiting Giza, the author related that the All these authors render the Sphinx with its nose
voyagers who .inx was 'the head of a colossus, caused to be complete, though it had been missing for centuries.
lear that many de by Isis, daughter of Inachus, then so beloved Richard Pococke's illustration in his Travels is
been based on -' piter'. He pictures it as a very European curly­ closer to the Sphinx's actual appearance than
covered a great -ed monster with a grassy dog collar. Johannes anything previously published, except the
_, these writers .ferich, another much-quoted visitor to Giza, tells illustration, 'Bau der Pyramide', by Cornelius de 1799
.is travelogue of a secret passage by which the Bruyn. Indeed, it seems as if Pococke extracted his Casas
ry when they
'ient priests could enter the Sphinx and pretend Sphinx bust from de Bruyn's drawing, down to the
n of the monu­
t>e its voice. Helferich's Sphinx is a pinched-face, gentleman gesturing with his left arm under the
as much by
nd-breasted woman with straight hair. The only Sphinx's headdress. Again, both drawings render the
exotic struc­ _e his rendering has over Thevet's is that the hair nose more or less complete. Frederick Norden's
- when they :: ests the flaring lappets of the headdress. depiction is more accurate and includes the broken
ir images on ;eorge Sandys stated flatly that the Egyptians nose. The Sphinx of Casas, though painted slightly
1[31 monuments. resented the Sphinx as a harlot. Balthasar de later, shows the nose once more complete. It was with
ent today, that nconys interprets the headdress of the Sphinx as artists of Napoleon's Expedition, such as Dutertre, 1822

:;ignificance. md of haimet, while Boullaye-le-Gouz's Sphinx is that the Sphinx began to be faithfully rendered. Dutertre

In the midst of the quirky illustrations and odd 480,249 sq. ft (44,615 sq. m). Greaves counted t
The First European
ideas of the 17th century came the first scientific steps (207 or 208) as he climbed the pyramid.
--- reports about the Great Pyramid of Giza. described climbing a mound of rubbish to the ori
inal entrance, in the 16th course of masonry, op
The scholars enter since the pyramid had been stripped of its out
John Greaves (1602-52), Professor of Astronomy at casing. Following the Descending Passage,
the University of Oxford, first reviewed the exist­ worked out its slope as 26 degrees. He marvelled
Pyramidographia: ing literature and then went to Egypt to study the the Antechamber with its portcullis slab and t
pyramids for himself. He dismissed all the accounts smooth granite walls of the King's Chamber, givin
OF THE of the Giza pyramids having been built by biblical the dimensions and position of the sarcophagl,b
figures or legendary kings. From the classical This early scholar even noted the basalt paveme
PYRAMIDS sources, he concluded that these monuments were east of the pyramid that hinted at the existence
erected by Cheops (Khufu), Chephren (Khafre) and the mortuary temple.
By IOHN GREAV.E~, Profdfor
Mycerinus (Menkaure), as tombs for the security of Another clue in the murky history of pyrami
of AA:rooorny in the Uoivc:rl\ry

the body because of an ancient Egyptian convic· destruction was added when Greaves wrote tha
tion that this would ensure the endurance of the while the stones of Khafre's pyramid were not
~ FMri'~ &_f'1J14'pm, ('.",lItt1JA
iJ J;[1l1tp ftt) ",;,,1 ~uJII1Jt,.J P,..41ItI.utm /tUJfJg.. soul. Greaves set out to produce detailed measure­ large or as regularly laid as in the Great Pyrami
rtm,&f~~'i."" Bdl"C1,li~.2.Obrm.cap.p •.
ments of Khufu's pyramid with the best available the surface was smooth and even and free
~ instruments and a rigorously scientific approach. inequalities or breaches, except on the south. Toda
Ptinto::l.lOrGuTgl B~,(.eF.3r.d 3retObe fok!:1f
I He calculated that the Great Pyramid had a perpen· casing remains only on the upper third of the sec
his Chopin So D-::nflm,Church7~rd
inFlect-nrw I646. j7.­ dicular height of 499 ft (152 m, it is in fact 146.5 m ond pyramid.
tall), a slope height of 693 It (211 m) and a base of Benoit de Maillet was the French Consul-Gene
in Egypt from 1692 until 1708, during which peri
Greaves's Pyramidographia he visited Khufu's pyramid over forty times.
of 1646 included the first plan and section of the superstructure are not
measu1'ed cross-section of the
pyramid and its mtemal good as those of Greaves, but his drawing of t
passages (left). The passages and chambers is more accurate. T
Ascending Passage is not zn lengths and proportions of the Ascending Passa
correct proportion and the and Grand Gallery are nearly correct, as are the d'
Descending Passage ends ferent parts of the well shaft. The Descending Pa
abrujJtly at the pyramid base, sage was still unknown beyond its juncture wi
for it had yet to be cleared to
the Subterranean Chambe1: the Ascending Passage.
He also gave the dimensions Between 1639, when Greaves was at Giza, a
of all knowl1 passages and 1692, the second pyramid must have been stripp
chmnbers. De Maillet's 1735 to its present condition, because de Maillet me
publication mcludes a cross­ tions that the casing stones remained only at tlt
section with details more top. He also called for a survey to produce an aCCl.
accurate than Greaves's
(centre), although the rate map and documentation of all the ancie
proportions of his pyramid Egyptian sites - a plan to be executed a centu
are too tall al1d steep. later by the Napoleonic Expedition (p. 46).

Davison's Chamber is till

lowest of five stress·
relieving chambers abov(
the King's Chamber and
was reached through a
breach in the top of the
wall at the upper end of
the Grand Gallery
The full pum and precise
dimensions of the interior
of Khufu's pyramid were only
revealed over time (seen here
m Borchardt's profile of
1922). In 1765, Davison Grand
entered the lowest of the five Gallery
stress-relieving chambers built Davison's
directly over the King's Chamber
Chamber: The four chambers
above were then still to be

~. . . "\
- .-, \.


which penod
. times. HIs r m travellers to antiquaries Norden's Travels, published m 1755, marks a Norden's draWing of 'The
i.lTe are not as ughout the 18th century travellers took up the great advance m documentation, no doubt owing to Sphinx and pyramids of Giza'
, and came to Egypt not only to describe what his profession as an artist and naval manne archI­ from his Travels published In
wing of the 1755. Norden produced the
accurate. The : saw but also to make accurate records. Travel­ tect. Sent by King Christian VI of Denmark to first good map of the Giza
ding Passage evolved into geographical catalogues, and explore Egypt, Norden travelled all the way to Derr pyramids. showing the ruins
• a~ are the dif­ luded the ancient sites and monuments. One in NubIa. of the mortuary temples of
--endmgPas riquary was the Jesuit Claude Sicard, who trav­ The English diplomat and traveller Nathamel Khafre and Menkaure, as well
juncture wIth in Egypt between 1707 and 1726. He docu­ Davison (d. 1808) is credited with bemg the first to as the causeways of Khuftt
nted 20 of the major pyramids, 24 complete enter the lowest of five stress-relieving chambers and Menkaure. Uniike most
other illustrators of the flme,
at GIza, and pIes and over 50 decorated tombs. above the King's Chamber in Khufu's pyramid. The Norden's profile and fuilface
been stripped Foremost among the 18th-century antIquaries German onentahst Karsten Niebuhr had searched drazVlngs of the Sphinx show
\Iaillet men· the Englishman RIChard Pococke and the Dane for It m vam, apparently after hearing about it from the break of the nose and
"led only at the riderik Norden, both in Egypt in 1737. Pococke's a French merchant named Meynard. Since Niebuhr weathered outlznes that are
K1uce an acCll­ map of Giza IS eXb-emely schematic and his profile describes the chamber as being drrectly above the essentialLy correct.
II the ancient f the Great Pyramid is borrowed from de Maillet. King's Chamber, albeit of a lower height, it seems
ted a century His report is curious m other ways and includes a that someone must have entered before Davison.
.-t6). descnption supposedly of Khufu's causeway. He Davison was accompanied by Meynard when he
d scribes it as being 20 ft (7 m) wide, 1,000 yds (914 entered the pyramid on 8 July 1765, although Davi­
m) long, built of stone, and reinforced by 61 circu­ son alone crawled through dirt and bat dung to
.mber is the lar buttresses, 14 ft (4.3 m) 111 diameter and spaced enter the chamber that would henceforth carry hlS
stress· at 30 ft (9 m). This in no way fits the causeway name. Its floor consisted of the same nine granite
'lb( rs above
foundation that runs to the east from the pyramid. blocks that roofed the King's Chamber below,
'amber and
!.rough a The enigma clears, however, when we realize that although in Davison's Chamber the surfaces were
lIP of the Pococke was describing the arches in the floodplain unfinished. The chamber was roofed by eight large
plr end of north of Khufu's pyramid. Built under Saladin granite beams smoothed on the undersides.
lry from blocks taken from the Giza pyramid, the arch­ When Davison entered the pyramld, recent rams
es ran westward and then south towards the pyra­ had washed away some of the sand and debris
111d plateau. choking the Descending Passage. He saw that the
Pococke's idea that the pyramids were made by passage sloped away mto the bedrock beneath the
encasing natural mounds of rock calls to mmd the pyramid, and followed it mto the darkness for 130
assertlOn of another 18th-century traveller, the Scot ft (39.6 m), where he encountered debris that sealed
James Bruce: 'anyone who will take the pams to it off. Davison also investigated the well shaft. He
remove the sand will find the saliel rock there hewn descended from the bottom of the Grand Gallery to
mto steps'. Bruce must have noticed that at the a depth of 155 ft (47.2 m) where the well, too, was
northeast corner of Khufu's and the northwest cor­ closed off with rubble. It was to take more than 50
ner of Khafre's pyramids the bedrock is left in the years to discover a link between the two choked
cores of the pyramids, and fashioned into steps. passages (p. 48).

French enlightenment, of an anCIent sea
edge. The military campaign would ulti
but the reconnaissance of an anCIent
stands as the real achievement of the ex
Napoleon's Wise Men Bringing Egypt to Europe
Napoleon ordered leadmg French
assemble a team of savants and survey
survey of all Egypt that de Maillet had
and which Norden began. Over 150 n
personnel were assembled as the Comm::
Arts and Sciences. One could not have h
better team to document the sites and m
of ancient Egypt - Just before the major 0
of plunder and destruction that would begin
heels of the Expedition. There were surveyo
and minmg engmeers; mathematicians, chern
botanists and astronomers; archaeologists, ar
teets, artists and pnnters. There were also stude
from the military engineering school and rec
graduates of the civil engineering school. M
only learned of their final intended destinati
after the fleet had passed Malta.
Opposing Bonaparte, after he marched acr
the desert to seize CaIro, were the ruli
Mamelukes, descended from Georgian and Arm
ian slaves who were trained as a military elite. Fi
hundred years earlier they had taken Egypt f
themselves, heavily taxing the native Egyptla
with whom they had little affinity. When Napoloo
met. the Mameluke army at Imbaba, west of Ca'
Depicted by the draughtsmen 'On approachmg these colossal monuments, their he is reputed to have pointed to the dIstant pyra
of the Napoleonic expeditzon. angular and mchned form dimmlshes the appearance of mids of GIza, proclaiming, 'Soldiers, forty centuri
the pyramzd of Mezdum their height and deceives the eye ... but as soon as he
look down upon you from these pyramids'.
seemingly rzses from the begms to measure by a known scale these gIgantIc
mound of rubble that productIOns of art. they recover all their immensity .. ' The Mamelukes were easily defeated in this 'Ba
surrounds It. This rubble tIe of the Pyramids', and scattered into Upp
Vivant Denon, Travels In Upper and Lower Egypt
Includes the remains of the Egypt, where Napoleon's General Desalx pursu
caszng, possibly destroyed as A major threshold m the study of ancient Egypt them for ten months. The French took over Calr
long ago as the New was crossed with the great expedition led by but shortly thereafter, in early August, the Enghs~
Kingdom. Napoleon Bonaparte to Egypt in 1798. France's rev­ destroyed their fleet in Abukir Bay. The strand
olutionary government wanted to strike a blow at expeditlOn gave birth to the Institut d'Egypte, com
theIr foremost enemy, England. Rather than posed of the savants of the Commission on Ar
attempt a full-scale invaSlOn across the channel, and Sciences and military and admmistratIve 0
however, Napoleon decided to take control of ciaIs. Over the three years that the French remain
Egypt, dredge the canal linking the Red Sea and the in Egypt, commission members spread tbrougho
Mediterranean, and thereby short-circuit England's Egypt, collecting artifacts and specimens, mappi
A panoramic and picturesque trade with India. Napoleon had m mmd the prece­ the entire country, documenting arcbaeologica
view of the pyramid field of dents of Alexander's and Caesar's Egyptian enter­ SItes, and recording individual monuments, irri
Saqqara, from the prises. This was not to be just a military and tion syst.ems, and the flora, fauna and culture
Description de l'Egypte. political conquest, however, but a reVival, through contemporary Egypt.
, at of knowl­
ultimately fail,

scholars to
-e\ws for the
had proposed,
- non-military
_ mmlSSlon on
-e hoped for a
nd monuments
jar onslaught
begm on the
.., f\'eyors, clv1l
n~. chemists,
logists, archl­
also students
I and recent
.:; hool. Most

narched across
the ruling
and Armen­
itary elite. Five
en Egypt for
\'e Egyptians
'hen Napoleon
west of Cairo,
distant pyra­ e French scholars had to forfeit much of their was required to hold the entire set. Instead, a Louts Fran~ois Lejeune's
erial. mcluding the famed Rosetta Stone, dunng reduced popular account of the Expedition and the 1806 pamting of The Battle
forty centuries
rom plicanons of the commission's departure monuments of Egypt was out by 1802. Entitled of the Pyramids. In this
amids' deciSIVe encounter of 21 july
ed in thIS 'Bat­ Egypt along with the French retreat in 1801. Voyage dans ta Basse et la Haute Egypte. it was the 1798, French troops unikr
into Upper : managed to keep hold of a good deal of their work of Vivant Denon. the command of Napoleon,
Desaix pursued erial and carry it to France, however, by threat­ ikfeated the Mameluke rulers
k over Cairo, to throw it in the sea or burn it rather than Napoleon's men at the pyramids of Egypt and drove them
t. the English it over to the British. The artists of the commission created prCClse from thetr Cairo power base.
views of many of the pyramids. Colonel Coutelle The three Giza Pyrmmds can
_The stranded be seen m the background;
d'E:gypte, com­ e fruits of labour and the architect ].M. Lepere undertook a detailed Napoleon himself is on
i>"ion on Arts - in Paris, the material was gathered together study of the mterior of Khufu's pyramid while the horseback at the far right of
oinistratlve offi­ serres of volumes named the Descrzption de surveyor E.F Jomard and engmeer and artist Cecile the picture.
rench remained 'Pte, Itself a veritable monument. The prinCipal re-measured the superstructure, including the
d throughout , covered antiquities, modern Egypt, natural height of each course of stones. The views of the 'Soldzers, f01'fy centurtes look
ens, mapping ry and a topographical map. Those on antlqui­ Sphinx and pyramids they produced are impres­ down upon you from these
appeared between 1809 and 1818 (the final vol­ sionistic but accurate. The next step in scientific pyramids' The message on
uments. irriga­
of antiquities plates in 1822). The complete graphic imaging - large tme-ro-scale contoured tlus bronze medaL
I and culture of
-riptwn required 837 copper engravings for maps of the Giza Plateau and Sphinx - was only
illustrations. An engraving machine was achieved in the late 1970s. In 1801, Coutelle and
eloped by Nicolas Jacques Conte which resulted Lepere began to dismantle Pyramid GIII-c, the
productions of an exceptionally hIgh standard. westernmost queen's pyramId of Menkaure, in
~ estimated that the machine could complete the hope of findmg an undisturbed burial. They
jrree days work that would have taken an artist abandoned their efforts after removing the
months by hand - no small conSideration with a upper north quarter of the pyramid.
k of this magnitude. It IS iromc that with the massIve French effort
The Descrzption was a window for Europe into at accurate documentation began the era of
Xl years of ancient Egyptian civilization. Never­ plunder and destructive, non-systematic excava­
, It was hardly something that every family tIOn that was a hallmark of Egyptian archaeology
Id afford - a complete custom-designed cabinet and pyramid exploration in the 19th century.

financed excavations and amassed collecti
which they then sold, obtaimng funds for furt
work m Egypt. Drovetti's treasures mclude the
lection that forms the foundation of the Egypt'
Belzoni and Caviglia
Museum m Turin. One of Salt's best-known find,
the colossal head of Ramesses II, now m the Bri
Museum. The rivalry between Drovetti and
found fertile ground at Giza, the setting also
some of Egyptology's most remarkable charact

'[ reached the door at the centre of a large chamber. I The sailor and the strongman
walked slowly two or three paces, and then stood still to In the late 18th century Italy produced two unJik
contemplate the place where] was. Whatever it might be, heroes of Egyptology. They shared first names ar
I certainly considered myself 10 the centre of that pyra·
a passion for the antiquities of the Nile; and
Belzoni's mam contributIOn mid, which from tlme Immemonal had been the subject of
to pyramid studies was /ns the obscure conjectures of many hundred travellers, both were also possessed of adventurous, fearless s
openmg of the unknown ancient and modern.' its. Giovanm Battista Caviglia (1770-1845), born
upper entrance of Khafre's Glovanm BellOm, NarratIVe Genoa, spent his early life sailing a merchant s
pyramid (below) at Giza In around the Mediterranean. But this uneducat
1818. When he reached the Even after the departure of Napoleon's fleet, Egypt temperamental seaman's real vocation turned
bunal chamber, he found an remained a battleground for Anglo-French rivalry. to be Egyptology. Caviglia was employed by se\
Arabic inscrtption. 'the
master Mohammed Ahmed,
But the 'campaign' now took the form of a bitter al European collectors to find objects. His 0
quarryman, has opened them, competition to see who could obtam the best antiq­ obsessive interest in religion led to a conVIction t
and the Master Othman Uities. French efforts were led by Bernardino chambers wlthm the Great Pyramid held my,
attended thiS opemng, and the Drovetti (1776-1852), an Itahan-born diplomat who secrets. From 1816 to 1819 he therefore explored
King Ali] Mohammed' This had fought With Napoleon's forces. He was French pyramids and tombs of Giza and he was the fir
suggests that the pyramid Consul-General in Egypt from 1802 to 1814, regam­ carry out major excavation on the Giza Plateau.
may have been entered SIX to
eight centunes earlier. Bones
ing the post m 1820. In 1816 Henry Salt was Caviglia explored Davison's Chamber in
found in the sarcophagus appointed Consul-General representing British Great Pyramid (p. 45) hopmg to find a secret r
later proved to be those of mterests. He had been trained as an artist and trav­ but found mstead solid rock. In 1817, he descen
a bull. elled extensively m the East and Egypt. Both men into the vertical shaft known as the 'well'. Brea
1l1g difficulties halted him, m spite of attempt
(Below nght) A lithograph of clear the air by burning sulphur. Cavlglia t
a drawmg by M. GauCl shows decided to work down through the Descending P
Belzom in TurkISh dress, and sage. After clearance allowed him to pass about
appeared as the frontispiece m (200 ft), he smelled sulphur and realized he
to his Narrative. Tins
Important book aPPe01'ed m found an opening to the 'well'. Thus Cavigha \\
December 1820 and was the able to demonstrate that the well was probably
record of Belzoni's work at shaft hnked to the Descending Passage for
the pyramids, temples, tombs,
other excavatIOns in Egypt
and NublO, and elsewhere.
The bOO/I appeared in two
volumes, one a quarto and
the 0 ther a folio with 44
colour plates.

;ed collectiOns, ancient workmen to escape after the Ascending Belzoni and Giza
d;; for further Pa:isage had been sealed. Cavlglia also found the After hIS arrival m Egypt, Belzoni went to GIza and Belzom and Caviglia
mclude the col­ nfinished Subterranean Chamber. explored the Great PyramId - at one pomt havmg
IC the Egyptian Henry Salt later paid Cavlgha to excavate the to be extncated from a passage m which he became
:-known fi ds IS phinx. In the course of this work. the Itahan found wedged. He also viSited the pyramids of Saqqara
-il the British ;;mall open-aIr chape between the monument's and Dahshur, but his greates contribution to the
'etti and Salt - repaws, with the famous Stela of Thutmose IV. study of the Giza pyramIds was opening the prevI­
• ting also for Ca\-igha also found fragments of the beard of the ously unknown upper entrance of Khafre's pyra·
able characters. 'phinx; one piece IS now m the British Museum. mId. MetIculous observatIon led him, after one false
The promismg career of thIS dedicated, hard­ start, to the true entrance. Belzom was anxIous to
an 'orklng amateur ended after a bnef collaboratlOn enter before Drovetti, who was rumoured to be
'ed twO unlikely ·jth Colonel Howard Vyse who came to Egypt In about to blast the pyramid open using dynamite.
't names and 5 (p. 50). Vyse had employed Cavigha to assist He hired local villagers to clear the rubble blocking
• . 'ile; and both him In hlS explorations of the pyramids and was the opening. He then made his way through the
. fearless spir­ exed when the Italian spent all his time looking upper passage to the horizontal passage, where The first major excavation
I 5), born in ,r 'mummy Pits' mstead. In 1837, Caviglia settled on the Giza Plateau was by
with great effort he raIsed a portculhs slab, and Camglia, whose commISsion
I merchant ship n Pans where he became a protege of Lord Elgin. finally, after almost a month, he reached the bunal allowed hIm to roam the
;; uneducated, The second Italian was Giovanl1l BattIsta Bel­ chamber itself. Any hopes of find1l1g an intact bur­ monuments at will with his
- n turned out z.)ni (1778-1823), born m Padua. Half-facts abound Ial chamber were soon dashed by the SIght of the excavatIOn workers. In hIS
yed by sever­ ..Jbout the life and exploits of thiS ambitious and half-open sarcophagus. Jts fine gralllte ltd lay in major exterIOr prOject, he
jeets. His own t.'Ccentric man. Some say he planned to become a two pIeces. An Arablc mscnption on the wall cleared the front of the Great
I convictiOn that monk, and it seems that he studIed hydraulics. In Sphinx, and found an open­
revealed that the chamber had already been oil' chapel between the
-d held mystIc ny event he spent several years travelling, eventu­ entered, probably in the 13th century. forepaws, where rulers from
re explored the lIy becommg a cIrcus strongman m London - a While exploring Khafre's monument, Belzoni New Kmgdom to Roman
• \'as the first to calling eminently suited to the great strength of had a team working at the third Giza pyramid. But times worshipped the colossal
;1Za Plateau. -his giant of a man, 2 m (6 ft 6 111) tall. Belzoni's rest­ a disagreement WIth Salt put an end to this work. bedrock statue. The altar at
hambel' in the - nature soon saw him on hIS travels again, thIS Although Belzoni's mstmcts were leading him m the outer gateway of the
d a secret room, 'ime accompamed by his Irish WIfe, Sarah. In 1814, chapel still had the ashes of
the direction of the entrance, it was Howard Vyse the last sacnfiaal fire burned
;_ he descended a contact in Malta directed hIm to the EgyptIan who would use gunpowder to blast his way into to the Sphmx, probably In late
·well'. Breath­ court of Mohammed Ali, in an ill-starred attempt to Menkaure's pyramId 19 years later. Roman times.
,f attempts to capitalize on his knowledge of hydraulics. Fate
a\'igha then brought hIm into the circle of Europeans interested
- endmgPas­ n antIqUIties. In 1816 Belzoni began collecting
pass about 60 objects for Salt. The consul suggested that he work
realized he had 'ith CavlglIa, but collaboration with a nval did not
. (avlglia was appeal - in fact, he even took offence when Cav­
'2;3 probably a 19lia's clearance of the Sphinx was mIstakenly
-sage for the :redited to him m an 1818 Bntish publication.
'Towards the end of this work gunpowder was used
great effect.. '
R. Howard Vyse and]. Pernng, Operatlo

Digging by Dynamite
Richard William Howard Vyse (1784-1853) wa.:
English army officer who first viSIted Egyp
1835. Like many of his tIme, his interes in
pyramids stemmed from strongly held rehgi<
beliefs. He met Cavigha in Alexandria in 1836
began excavatmg with hIm at Giza the same y
Vyse soon found the Genoese mariner unprod
tive, however, and m 1837, the year Vyse was
mated to Colonel, he began a collaboration with
engineer John Shae Perring (1813-69) with the
of exploring and documenting the pyra
Together they established a camp m the tomlk
the eastern cliff at Giza. Work went on nIght
day, with shifts of workers on several sites at 0
Confident m Pernng's ability and trustworthi
Vyse returned to England later in 1837, leavmg
new assistant to carryon the work with his fi
W'hen the caVIty created In the cial backing. Perring drew maps, plans and pro
back of the Sphmx by Vyse's of many of the pyramids - from Abu Roas
gunpowder was cleared in Glza, Abusir, Saqqara and Dahshur - that he
1978 under the direclion of
Zahl Hawass, /t was found to
Iished in three folio volumes, The Pyramid!.
contain not only Vyse's driU Czzeh. Vyse reproduced Pernng's drawings a
hole but also a large chunk of smaller scale m his own three-part Operations
the Sphmx's headdress with ned on at the Pyramuls of Czzeh In 1837.
its relief-carved pleatzng Another contributor to Vyse's publication
the Sinologist and Egyptologist Samuel Birch
"...., "
the British Museum. Vyse investIgated the p_
mlds a mere 15 years after the brilliant decip
ment of EgyptIan hieroglyphs by Jean Fra
All in a Day's Reis, 7 Men, 99. Children, 66. Champollton, but Birch was able to supply not
the text and give a rough translatIOn of the m
Work ... Great Pyramid.
Excavation on southern front.
tions that the team was finding in and on
mastaba tombs that surround the Giza pyram
24 February 1837 King's Chamber Birch's crude transcriptions of the glyphic \\'
Davison's Chamber
Northern Au--channel. include their Coptic equivalents. Written lar
with the Greek alphabet, Coptic had been rea
Second Pyramid. long before Egyptian hieroglyphs; mdeed an un
Lower Entrance.
Excavation for base at north-western angle. standing of Coptic was mvaluable in Champolli
Quarries. decipherment of hieroglyphs.
Third Pyramid. Excavation by force
ExcavatIon for base at north-eastern angle. At GIza, Vyse cleared the lower entrance of
Bndge in the southern dyke. pyramid of Khafre by blastmg apart the gnu:
plugs that blocked it. Belzoni had entered the p_
SphInx. Boring. mid from the upper entrance and suspected
existence of the lower entrance when he saw
descendll1g passage, closed with debris, fp
One day's work from Howard Vyse's Operations inSIde the pyramid.
Carried on at the Pyramids of Cizeh in 1837. Vyse Although Perring and Vyse carried out val
(kft) records that on this day the clearing of the
Northern Air-channel proved impossible and that documentation of the pyramids, Vyse, despite
the boring of the Sphinx had reached a depth so evident admiration for the monuments, had
far of 9 ft 8 in (2.95 m). He notes that the Maltese, qualms about dismantlIng parts of the pyram
Turks and Arabs were afraid to go out at night ­ using boring rods in the search for hidden c
unlike his English assistant who spent every night bers or blastll1g his way through obstacles \
for five months in Menkaure's pyramid. dynamite. Opposite his view of Menkau
queens' pyramids, Vyse wrote of the mIddle p_

,,'as used with mid (GIll-b) that it 'was prepared for boring by he said, rather contradictorily, 'being unwilling to
removing the stones from the top of it, as r expected disfigure this venerable monument, the excavation Digging by Dynamite
g. Operations .. o find the sepulchral chamber by penetrating was given up and several feet of boring rods were
through it.' Vyse ploughed straight through the left in it.'
1853) was an centre of the superstructure without finding an
~ited Egypt in addition to the passage to the subterranean burial The pyramid of Menkaure
interest in the chamber, which contained a granite sarcophagus Vyse also burrowed straight into the core of the
held religious holding a young female skeleton. Written in red on pyramid of Menkaure, beginning from the chasm
'a in 1836 and the roof of the burial chamber is the name of that Saladin's son had made in AD 1196. Just off the
the same year. . lenkaure, confirming the ancient sources that the central axis of the pyramid Vyse turned his tunnel
.ner unproduc­ third Giza pyramid was the tomb of that king. downwards and forced it to the base of the pyra­
Y\'se was pro­ Wondering if a chamber existed in the body of mid, requiring his workers to come up out of the
ration with the the Sphinx, Vyse ordered his men to drill straight pyramid every time a new blast took place. But he
) \\·ith the aim down from the top of the back. When his boring found no new passages or chambers in the super­
he pyramids. rods became stuck at a depth of 8.2 m (27 ft), Vyse structure. Eventually Vyse located the entrance,
In the tombs of rdered the use of gunpowder to free the rod, but, instructed his men to clear it and, having paid
t on night and
I sites at once.
stworthiness, Campbell's Chamber (left),
7. leaving his topmost of the jive stress·
relieving chambers of
with his finan­
Khufu's pyramid, was
ns and profiles reached after Vyse dynamited
Abu Roash to upward from Davison's
- that he pub- Chamber. It contained graffiti
Pyramids of which included the name of
. drawings at a the pharaoh Khufu (right).
Operations Car­ The other chambers were
named after prominent people
l 37. (sections below.' left, looking
publication was west; right, looking north).
uel Birch of
ted the pyra­
'lIiant decipher­
- Jean Franc,:ois
upply notes to
of the inscrip­
in and on the
Giza pyramids.
glvphic words
Written largely Lady
d been readable Arbuthnot's
deed an under­ Chamber------}Ld-r=::;:r.ho=~
Champollion's Nelson's

ntrance of the son's

...,ber.. . .
rt the granite
ntered the pyra­
suspected the
hen he saw the \
debris, from

ried out valuable

yse. despite his
roents, had no \"','
the pyramids,
if hidden cham­
obstacles with
f Menkaure's
e mIddle pyra­

Menkaure 's pyramid, with its them, made his way mto the interior and the bunal Vyse were able to reconstruct it. With great di
three queens' pyramids In the chamber with the artist Edward Andrews who pre­ ty Vyse's men removed the sarcophagus for
foreground. The mlddk pared many of the plans and sectlOns illustrating port to England, but it sank to the bottom of
pyramid (Gfll·b) was built
the works of Vyse and Perring, As with BelZOni in Mediterranean during a storm, along with the
of lzmestone, but like the
westernmost of the three Khafre's pyramid, the Arabic graffitI on the walls transportmg It, the Beatnce.
pyramzds it appears not to Jrnmediately declared that they had been preceded, With the fragments of the sarcophagus lid,
have been cased. In the granite-lined burial chamber they found the excavators also found human bones, linen \\
original stone sarcophagus but the lid was missing pings, and parts of a wooden coffin, An mscrip
and the sarcophagus lay empty, Pieces of the lid on the front of the coffin Identifies its occupan
were found in the bedrock· hewn 'Upper Apartment' the 'Osiris [deceased] Menkaure, given life for
above the burial chamber, from which Perring and born of the sky, the sky goddess Nut above you
Curiously, the style of the coffin shows that it .
Salte (26th-dynasty) date, and radiocarbon anat
of the bones points to the Chnstlan penad,
coffin and bones are now 10 the BritIsh Museum
This apparent 'bunal' of Menkaure some 2.
years after he lived and died must, in fact,
reburial and may relate to an inscnptlon on
granite casing Just below the entrance to the .
mid, Diodorus Siculus had noted this 10scrip
but it was only found in 1968 when debris
cleared from the pyramid's base. It gives the}
(unfortunately damaged), month and day
Menkaure was buried in the pyramid, and s
that the k10g was given a nch buriaL One thea.
that the inscription may date to the time
Khaemwaset, son of Ramesses II, who earned
lot of restoration work at Giza, These myste .
facts, like the bones of a bull found in the sarco
gus of Khafre, hmt that the history of the p.
mids is not always as straightforward
EgyptologIsts may think.

The pyramid of Khufu

Vyse imtially directed his dynamite operation.
the pyramid of Khufu to its south SIde, where
thought he might blast open a second entranc
about the same level as the northern entrance,

Perring's cross-section of
Menkaure's pyramid (left) is
a meticulous record of his
excavation of the site, He
found the true entrance and
.., reached the vaulted burwl

chamber. Within its red

granite walls was the royal
sarcophagus, made of basalt
and in typical Old Kingdom
palace fa(ade S(yle, J.IIhen
clem"ing the chamber before
the burial chamber (below).
he discovered human remains
and a fragment of coffin lid,
with Menkaure's name, but in
a style not In use until many
centurzes after hIS death.

great difficul­ gave up only after creating a large hole in the core
gus for trans­ ~asonry. Excavating down to the bedrock, Vyse

~ bottom of the did, however, uncover some of the original polished

\\'ith the ship casing blocks of the pyramid, together with a pave­
~ent that extended out from the base.
hagus lid, the Vyse's gunpowder-blasting archaeology did
linen wrap­ :Tlake one highly notable discovery in the Great
:\n inscription Pyramid. Caviglia had begun to dynamite his way
occupant as along the south side of the stress-relieving chamber
n life for ever, that Davison found in 1765, hoping to find a com­
above you., ,.' munication with the southern air channel that
;vs that it is of 1V0uid lead him to a secret room. After falling out
carbon analysis with Caviglia, Vyse came to suspect that there was
period. Both another chamber directly above Davison's since he
h \Iuseum. could thrust a yard-long reed through a crack and
me some 2,000 up into a cavity at its northeastern corner. He there­
in fact, be a fore directed his dynamiting straight upward,
criprion on the whereupon he found, over three and a half months,
to the pyra­ the four additional stress-relieving chambers, all
is inscription roofed, floored and walled with granite except for
n debris was the topmost, which was gabled with limestone him'). One of the gangs might have been called
gi\-es the year blocks so that the weight of the pyramid did not something like, 'how powerful is the great White
and day that press down on the chambers below. Vyse named Crown of Khnum-Khuf!' In spite of the extreme dif­
'd, and states these chambers after important friends and col­ ficultyof getting up into the Relieving Chambers, a
One theory is leagues: the Duke of Wellington, under whom he fair number of visitors have followed Vyse since
the time of had served; Admiral Nelson, hero of Trafalgar; the 1837 opening. They have, unfortunately, freely
carried out a Lady Ann Arbuthnot, wife of Lieutenant-General added their graffiti to that left by the workgangs
~ mysterious Sir Robert Arbuthnot, who visited the pyramid just 4,600 years ago,
he sarcopha­ after the discovery of the chamber on 9 May 1837; The single instance of the king's name as simply
_ of the pyra­ and Colonel Campbell, the British Consul in Cairo. 'Khufu', again as part of a workgang name, is
tforward as Just as significant as the amazing architecture of found on the south ceiling towards the west end of
the Relieving Chambers was Vyse's discovery of the topmost chamber (Campbell's Chamber). Since
numerous graffiti in red paint dating from the time nobody had entered this from the time Khufu's
the pyramid was being constructed. Along with workmen sealed it until Vyse blasted his way in,
operations at levelling lines, axis markers and directional nota­ the gang names clinch the attribution of this pyra­
ide. where he tions were the names of the workgangs compound­ mid to the 4th-dynasty pharaoh, Khufu. Workers'
d entrance at ed with one form of Khufu's name, such as graffiti in red paint have since been found in other
entrance. He 'Khnum-Khuf' ('the creator god Khnum protects Old Kingdom pyramids, temples and mastabas.

analysLs, meticulous recording of detail and ou!­
standing finds. As well as the Denkmaler, Lepsiu.
also published a personal account, Discoveries i
Egypt. The 15,000 casts and antiquities LepslU::
Lepsius and Mariette
brought back form the core of the Berlin Museu
Among the many pyramids Lepsius investlgat
was the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. He removed from
the southeast part of the substructure a door lmtt
and frame inscribed with the name of the k1l1
together with some of the blue faience tiles fro
the wall. In 1843, the team excavated at Hawara .
the Fayum, at the so-called Labynnth. The site ha
been described by Herodotus and Strabo; the for
mer regarded it as a wonder of the world ev
greater than the Giza pyramids. This vast campI
was, m fact, the mortuary temple of the 12th
dynasty ruler Amenemhet III - the largest of a
mortuary temples - which lay adjacent to hiS pyra­
mid. Much of the structure of the Labyrinth ha
been destroyed over the centuries as it was quar
'From the Labyrinth these lines come to you .. We have ned for its lime. LepslUs also began excavations or
also made excavations on the north side of the pyramid, the north face of the pyramid but failed to find a
because we may expect to discover the entrance there; entrance.
that IS, however, not yet done.'
While studying the pyramids, Lepsius formula
Karl Richard Lepsllls, Discoverzes in Egypt ed his 'accretion theory', which held that the size
Fortunately, diSCIplined scholarship and the recog­ a pyramid was dictated by the length of reIgn of i
nition of the importance of preserving and record­ builder. Others have smce questioned this and t
ing the legacy of ancient Egypt gradually took theory lS now discredited. Subsequent research ha::
precedence over the more brutal excavation meth­ shown that some pyramids, such as those of DjO­
ods of the early 19th century. and Sneferu at Meidum, were indeed enlarged OY
Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-84) was a formidable the course of successive building stages. [t seem::
scholar and is Widely held to be the greatest Egyp­ the sizes of most were predetermined, and alar
tologist after Champollion. Having first studied pyramid like Khufu's may slgmfy that it was begu
classical archaeology in Germany, he went on to by a king m the prime of youth, as opposed to 0
study Egyptology in Paris. In the 1830s he pub­
[(arl Richard Lepsius (above) lished several papers on hieroglyphs, including a
recm'ded and documented famous letter to Professor Ippolito Rosellini at the
many of Egypt's pyrarmds lYl
University of Pisa that transformed the study of
his masszve work, the
Denkmaler. Most of the the subject. Lepsius's contributions to Egyptology
plates were based on the are numerous, but undoubtedly hiS greatest is the
drawzngs of Ernst 12-volume Denkrnaler, the massive work on the
Weidenbach, such as the one monuments of Egypt, containmg 894 folio plates
of Meldum shown above. and published after hIS death. Five volumes of text
Lepsius's map of the pyramId
field of Saqqara (detail nght) were prepared from hIS notes and appeared
was a model of detail. between 1897 and 1913.

The expedition of Lepsius

LepslUs's massive work was the result of a survey
of Egypt and Nubia ordered by King Frederick
William IV of Pruss13. As leader he appointed Lep­
sius, then lecturer m philology and comparative
languages at Berlin. In preparation, Lepsius spent
four years touring the collections of Europe,
recording details of artifacts and copymg inscrip­
tions; he not only studied the Egyptian language,
but also the practical skills of lithography and cop­
perplate engravmg. In 1842, Lepsius and his team
set out for Egypt. Their three highly productive
years were characterized by careful, methodical

tail and out­ who came to the throne in his later years, and who The Step PyramId at Saqqara
ler, Lepsius possessed the confidence, and longevity, to take from Lepsius's Denkmaler.
D1~,coveries m 3uch a colossal enterpnse to its summit. The artist of this particular
ities Lepsius
plate was J Frey.
Berlin Museum The birth of the Antiquities Service
.-\uguste Mariette (1821-81) was a bnght young
- investigated man with varied interests and an inquiring mind. In
l removed from 1842, he read the papers of one of his relations,
a door lintel :'-Jestor I'H6te, who had been a draughtsman on the
of the kmg, Egyptian expeditIOn of Champollion and Ippolito
ce tiles from Rosellini. Mariette's fate was sealed. He studied
at Hawara in anCIent Egyptian language, art and hIstory, and
The site had CoptiC; he wrote articles and papers and finally
:trabo; the for­ secured a post with the Louvre. In 1850, that insti·
\\'orld even rutlOn sent him to Egypt to buy Coptic manu
\'a:;t complex scnpts, but he began excavating mstead. At
of the 12th· Saqqara he found and excavated the Serapeum
largest of all where the sacred Apis bulls had been buned in a
t to hIS pyra· great catacomb.
Labynnth had Then, JI1 1858, Ferdinand de Lesseps, in charge of
it was quar­ the Suez Canal project, pressured the ruler Said
e.xcavatlons on Pasha to place Mariette in charge of all EgyptIan found, which were rapidly copied by Emile
li ed to find an antIqUIties. This he did, naming Mariette mamur of Brugsch and, unofficially, by Flinders Petrie. The
a new national AntiquitIes Service, a position that pyramid of Merenre was entered Just before
ius formulat· would be held by a Frenchman until 1952. With the Mariette's death, and more were penetrated by his
that the sIze of founding of the Egyptian Museum at Boulaq (later successor, Gaston Maspero. As Maspero explained:
of reign of its moved to GIza, and finally to Qasr el-Nil), to gather
ed this and the and display anCIent works of art, the 'reign of 'The discovery of the Pyramids of Pep! J and of Merenre
research has \1ariette' began. For the next two decades he car­ at the place where the theory affirmed that they would be This rare photograph (below)
'e of Djoser ried out field archaeology at 35 sites throughout the
found, decided me to direct the attack on the entIre front was taken before Mariette
of the Memphlte Necropohs, from Abu Roash to Llsht. fimshed clearzng the valley
enlarged over country. His work practices and methods were cnti­ Rapid success followed. Unas was opened on the 28th temple. It shows a gramte
tl es. It seems cized by some of the next generation of Egyptolo­ February, Pepl fl, Nefenrkera [NeferirkareJ on April 13th, beam fallen between the
ed. and a large giSts, but they were advanced for his time and his and that of Tetl on the 29th May. In less than a year, five pillars. ThIS and other pieces
I it was begun output has never been equalled. of the so·called "dumb" pyramids of Saqqara had in the temple were blown
posed to one Also at Saqqara Mariette dug huge trenches, spoken .. ' apm't to remove them.
revealing tombs of all periods in what had been a
national cemetery of pharaonic Egypt (pp. 62-3),
tncluding many dating to the pyramid age. Unfor·
runately, however, he never produced a proper map
of the tombs, and many were covered by the shift­
ing sands and lost agam.
Manette's second major discovery, after the Ser­
apeum, was Khafre's valley temple which was visi­
ble above the debris of the ages only as a series of
PItS and stones. He partIally excavated the interior
of the valley temple in 1853 and completed ItS
clearance in 1858 by removing a shallow layer of
sand that still covered the floor. In the course of
thiS work Manette blew apart some collapsed
structural elements and other major pieces to
remove them from the temple. Frustratingly, he
published almost nothing about what he found
inSide the temple. However, one of the finest mas­
terpieces of ancient Egyptian art was found by
Mariette 111 the valley temple - the dionte statue of
Khafre hImself.
During 1880, the last year of Mariette's life, the
foreman of the Antiquities Service, Mohammed
Chahin, opened the pyramid of Pepi I at Saqqara.
ThIS was the first in which Pyramid Texts were

Smyth's so-called pyramid mch (see box). The thl.'l
nes of pyramldologists like Piazzi Smyth rested
measurements that claimed to be accurate to a ma
ter of fractions of inches. But all this was argu
Petrie at the Pyramids
at a time when massIve mounds of debris still c
ered the base of the pyramId.
With the debris banked agamst the SIdes of t.
Great Pyramid, Petrie measured its exteri
through an elaborate set of triangulatIOns th...
encompassed all three Giza pyramids. He resol\'
William Matthew Flmders PetrIe (1853-1942), the the positions of the corners and the lengths of t
'Father of Egyptian archaeology', was a bright sides trigonometncally. By this method he ab
child. When not yet six, he learned the hieroglyphic established the positions of many other paID
alphabet and, encouraged by his father, he later ineluding on the pyramids of Khafre and Menka
Tins photograph taken in combined interests in mathematIcs and measure­ reo Unfortunately, Petrie's tnangulated map \\
1880 shows Peine outszde the ment with archaeology. Between 1875 and 1880 he never published on a scale larger than the page of
rock tomb tI1 which he lived surveyed a number of BritIsh sites, !Deludmg paperback.
durmg the two wmter seasons Stonehenge. Then, In 1866, Petne read Charles Some continued to believe 10 Piazzi Sm~
of his pyramid survey. These Piazzi Smyth's Our Inherxtance in the Great Pyra­ regardless of Petne's measurements. Earlier th
quarters were three small broken mto one room, mzd and became excited by the possibility of recon­ century, the structural engmeer David DaVId
Petne managed a com.fortable cilmg science with religion. Although he did not actually used Petrie's figures m creative way
co-exzstence with the dogs belIeve in Smyth's extreme religious notIOns and 'prove' the theories of Piazzl Smyth, and even f
who mhabited the area, the concept of BritaIn as a lost tribe of Israel, he more ambItious claims.
controlled the rats and rmce fully adhered to the idea of the pyramid as a gigan­
wzth traps, and coped with the tIC scale model of the Earth's circumference. Petrie after Giza
heat and the loun'sls by
workmg In his underwear 'if In 1880, havmg become convinced of the need for During 1888 and 1889, Petrie followed up LepsIU::
pmk, th~y kept the tourist al another survey of the Great Pyramid, young Petrie work of 1843 by IOvestigatmg the site of RawaI"'"
bay, as the creature seemed to arnved in Egypt. Petrie's meticulous survey of the He excavated what remained of Labyrinth and
him too queer for inspectIOn.' pyramid m fact proved the death knell for PiaZZl adjacent pyramid of Amenemhet III, where

IX).The theo­ entered the flooded burial chamber and found two
yrh rested on sarcophagi and burnt human remains.
.fine to a mat­ Petrie excavated the pyramid of Senwosret II at
was argued Illahun in 1887-8, but failed to find the entrance
bris still cov­ and passage to the burial chamber, with its red
granite sarcophagus, until the foHowing year. In
sides of the one of the shaft tombs just outside the pyramid, he,
irs exterior together with Guy Brunton, found the exquisite
lations that Jewellery of Princess Sit-Hathor-Iunet, now in the
He resolved Cairo Museum and New York's Metropolitan Muse­
ngrhs of the um of Art. He also searched unsuccessfully for a
thad he also passage or chamber underneath the subsidiary
) her points, 'Queen's Pyramid' of Senwosret II, even though he
and Menkau­ carved out two criss-crossing tunnel systems, and a
ed map was deep vertical shaft, directly under the pyramid. It is
he page of a strange that there are apparently no passages or
chambers under this small pyramid considering
Piazzi Smyth, that Petrie did find the remains of a chapel at its
Earlier this north side, where someone must have been wor­
'id Davidson shipped.
ti\'e ways to Petrie continued his pyramid investigations at
and even far ;\1eidum, where he uncovered the small limestone
temple next to the pyramid of Sneferu, with its two
uninscribed stelae. He also examined the two
anonymous pyramids of Mazghuna, south of . . ..". _..·.. . . 1

~ ~.,-
Petne's plan of the
up Lepsius's Dahshur. They date to the 13th dynasty and closely I
triangulation of the survey
e of Hawara. ~esemble a number of other pyramids of that peri­ !~. of 1881, from The Pyramids
rrinth and the od discovered at South Saqqara and Dahshur by and Temples of Gizeh,
Ill. where he Gustave ]equier and Sami Farag respectively. publlshed in 1883.

Piazzi Smyth and the Pyramid Inch

Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900) was Astronomer Moses was also based on this inch. Piazzi Smyth
Royal of Scotland and Professor of Astronomy at further believed that the British were descended from
Edinburgh University. He surveyed Khufu's pyramid the lost tribe of Israel, and that the chambers and
in 1865, armed with the theories of John Taylor, passages of the pyramid were a God-inspired record,
author of The Great Pyramid: Why Was It Built? & a prophecy in stone of the great events in world
Who Built It?, published in 1859. Taylor, who based history, made by scientifically advanced ancestors of
his ideas on the records of travellers, took a number the British. His theories are contained in Our
of mathematical coincidences and declared that the Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1864), and the
Great Pyramid was built 'to make a record of the three-volume Life and Work at the Great Pyramid
measure of the Earth' - similar assertions are still (1867). In 1874 the Royal Society rejected his paper on
being made today by alternative pyramid theorists the design of Khufu's pyramid, as they had Taylor's,
such as Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock. One and Piazzi Smyth resigned in protest.
of Taylor's claims was that the Egyptians knew the
value of 1t and that they used an inch close to the
British inch to form their cubit of 25 inches. Taylor
JoUeryas determine the pyramid's presented a paper on the subject to the Royal
Piaai Smyth. la titude. He produced Academy, but it was rejected.
! measure drawings of the pyramid, Heavily influenced by Taylor, with whom he
ry swface and sitch as that slwwn above, corresponded, and by his own religious views, Piazzi
Creat Pyramid. /Ising his 'pyramid inch '. In Smyth set out for Egypt - having been refused a
'1/1ipment to recognition of his work the grant to defray his expenses. He too had come to
till/elisions of Royal Society of Edinburgh
awarded Piazzi Smyth agold believe that the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built
precise angle
-Ii as the medal. He was not the only with just enough 'pyramid inches' to make it a scale
Passage, and a 'pyramidiot', however, as model of the circumference of the Earth, and that its
'llcd camera to many others were also perimeter measurement corresponded exactly to the
Iti/ interior and prodUcing theon:es and number of days in the solar year. These ideas were
r illstruments drawings linking the tied to his belief that the British inch was derived
. make pyramids with the stars 01' from an ancient 'pyramid inch', and that the cubit
, -alCltlations and the Bible, among other things. used to build both Noah's Ark and the tabernacle of

Postcards, Mark
Pyramids Twain,
and Early

, A laborious walk m the flaming sun brought

the us to the foot of the great Pyramid of Cheops.
It was a faIry vIsIon no longer. It was a

Rise of corrugated, unSIghtly mountall1 of stone. Each

of ItS monstrous SIdes was a WIde staIrway
whIch rose upward, step above step, narrowmg
Tourism as It went, till it tapered to a POll1t far aloft 111
the aIr. Insect men and women ... were creepmg
about ItS dizzy perches ... we were beSieged by a
The sight 0/ tourists The first pyramid postcards began to appear around rabble of muscular EgyptIans and Arabs who
travelling by camel to the the end of the 19th century. Perhaps surprisingly wanted the contract of draggll1g us to the
pyramids (above) was a they are a valuable source of information from a
common one in the 19th­ top ...Each step bell1g full as hIgh as a dinner­
period when there was a lack of documentation of table; there being very, very many of the steps;
century. The mad to the important excavations by Mariette and Maspero at
plateau was jfanked by a an Arab havll1g hold of each of our arms and
the Sphinx, and just before the massive clearing spnngmg upward from step to step and
canal and, eventually, by
a trolley line that could operations of the Great Expeditions. snatchll1g us with them ... till we were ready to
transport the ever-increasing Some of the postcards show the pyramids during famt. who shall say It IS not a lively,
numbers 0/ tourists. full flood of the Nile. a sight lost since modern control exhilarating, laceratmg, muscle-strammg, bone­
For about six to eight of the river level, but a potent, annually recurring wrenchmg and perfectly excruClatmg and
weeks, when the flood waters image in ancient times. Postcards showing partial exhaustmg pastime, climbmg the PyramIds?
were calm (top and below), inundation reveal the catchment patterns of the ...Twlce, for one minute, they let me rest. ..and
the ancient Egyptians could valley floor at the base of the pyramid plateau, then contmued theIr mamc flight up the
see the inverse 0/ the pyramid possible clues for ancient canals, harbours and PyramId. ,
re/lected in the inundalion settlements.
waters. It is interesting to A year before the opening of the Suez canal in 1869
speculate whether they saw in an elevated road was built from Giza to the pyramid
this image the union 0/ the
plateau to facilitate visits by attending royalty. most
sky and Duat (Netherworld).
notably the Empress Eugenie. At the same time, the
Mena House Hotel was built at the base of the
plateau, below Khufu's pyramid. A roadway led from
the hotel to the foot of the pyramid, just below its
entrance. Modern tourism was now in full swing.

The excavator IS a destroyer; and the object which he
destroys IS a part of the record of man's history which
can never be replaced or made good. He must approach
field work with a full consCiousness of that fact. The
only possible Justification for his proceeding IS that he
endeavour to obtam from the ancient site which he
destroys all the hlstoncal evidence which It contains.'
The Great Expeditions

George Reisner

Most of what we know about the sites of Egyptian

and Nubian pyramids - some 300 monuments
spanning three millennia - was excavated in little After 23 years of Mariette uncovering tombs, tem·
more than three decades near the turn of this cen· pIes and pyramids, EgyptologIsts from Egypt, Ger
tury by great expeditIOns. Our experiences of the many, France, Britam and the United States were
un brought pyramids are far different from those of the late eager to dig for themselves. When Gaston Maspero
f Cheops. 19th- and early 20th-cenlury excavators, who were took over as Director of AntIquities he began
'a the first to peel back the protective soil and expose granting concessions to scholars who directed large
one. Each the evidence. But when we visit the sites today we cleanng operations funded by foreIgn institutions
If\\·ay often still see them under the influence of the maps and benefactors, while others worked m the employ
narrowmg and reconstructions of these pioneers. Their of the Antiquities Service.
aT aloft In records, often a mIxture of documentation and per­ Maspero took an interest in the young Flmders
creepmg sonal interpretation, have become standard tem­ Petrie, an 'insistent exponent of controlled method'
ieged by a
plates of Egyptology. and of the importance of digging for mformation.
Arabs who
This explosion of large excavations (not just at Petrie respected all the details of anCIent material George ReIsner (above),
othe Director of the Harvard­
a dinner· pyramid sites but throughout Egypt and Nubia) culture - nol Just fabulous archItecture and art
was partly the outcome of Mariette's tight control objects. None the less, the great expeditIOns used Boston Expedition at the
the steps; pyramIds, in his early fifties.
'arms and of archaeology from 1858 until his death in 188l. huge numbers of diggers and basket carriers, as
Below IS hIS 191 7 camp at the
and Sometimes called 'Manette's Monopoly', hIS posi­ well as mil11ature railways, to move the enormous Nun pyramIds m the Sudan.
ready to tIon allowed him, like the pharaohs of old, to con­ accumulations of sand and debris from the pyra­ Here 1,070 shabtis of Kmg
script masses of corvee labour from local villages. mid complexes and their cemeteries. The quality of Taharqa are bemg numbered

The Great Expedition

From 1902 to 1908 a

German expedition, directed
by Ludwig Borchardt,
excavated the 5th-dynasty
pyramids at Abusir: The
pyramid of Niuserre in the
background, is to the left of
the pyramid of Neferirkare.
The inner stepped structure
of the latter, the largest of
the group, is clearly 1Jlsible.
Here the excavators are
working on the remau'IS of
the elaborate mortuary temple
of Sahu1'e, whose pyramid is
the northernmost of the
group. The temple '.I pavement
was black basalt, its central
court had 16 red granite
columns, and the limestone
wails above a granite dado
were filled with coloured

this large-scale archaeology varied. As evidence dynasty pyramid complexes and the sun temple of
poured forth, much was destroyed for ever, but Niuserre, while the Americans were uncovering tht
much was retrieved. Under Ludwig Borchardt, the 12th-dynasty pyramid temples and cemeteries at
Germans pioneered architectural documentation Lisht. Between 1916 and 1918 Reisner also excavat·
and interpretation. The American George Reisner ed at Meroe, Napata and Nuri, capitals of tht
showed an interest in stratigraphy and site forma­ Nubian rulers of the 25th dynasty and subsequent
tion as he made advances in archaeological photo­ local rulers down to the 4th century AD.
graphy and comprehensive systems of site and Then, in the late 1930s, the great expedition
artifact documentation. Reisner and Petrie trained began to wane. At Giza, Reisner was losing hl~
many young archaeologists, most of whom went sight as early as 1932, but he continued on at Har
on to direct their own excavations, becoming famil­ vard Camp, dictating his books and directing minor
iar names to future generations. clearing operations necessary for his reports on tht
These were exciting times for pyramid archaeo­ mastaba field. In 1924--8 Borchardt carried out
logy. At Giza, Reisner was clearing the complete small-scale investigations at Saqqara, Abu Ghurob
profile of Menkaure's pyramid - from the royal (Abusir) and Meidum, and at Giza he participated
statuary and temples to the town. Together with in JR. Cole's survey of Khufu's pyramid. In addi·
Hermann Junker he was also clearing the great tion to the old age and infirmities of their leaders,
mastaba fields on the east, west and south of the decline of the great expeditions has been
Khufu's pyramid. The Germans uncovered the tem­ ascribed to the new attitude of the Antiquities Ser·
ples of Khafre's pyramid in 1909-10. In 1926 Emile vice towards foreign institutions. Growing nation­
Baraize began to clear the Sphinx and most of its alism was combined with a feeling on the part of
temple for the Antiquities Service (still under the Egyptians that the ancient monuments were
French direction). Meanwhile, Selim Hassan, on their cultural property, in addition to the world'_
behalf of Cairo University, mounted an Egyptian heritage, particularly after tensions with Howard
expedition, equal in scale to those of his foreign col­ Carter over Tutankhamun's treasures. Turmoil in
leagues, that cleared the mastabas and rock-cut Europe may have also have contributed to the
tombs of the Central Field between the Sphinx and demise of the great expeditions. The Second World
Khafre's pyramid. At Saqqara, c.M. Firth and J-p War brought a halt to such work. Some, such a_
Lauer were revealing the multifarious elements of Walter Emery and Jean-Philippe Lauer, picked up
Djoser's Step Pyramid complex. At Abusir, the Ger­ where they left off when the war was over, but th
mans under Borchardt were clearing the great 5th­ new excavations were often on a different scale.

Years Monument Site Excavator
Pyramid 1887-88 Senwosret 1's pyramid Illahun WM.F. Petrie
Explorations, 1888-89 Amenemhet III's pyramid Hawara WM.F. Petrie
1891 Sneferu's pyramid Meidum WM.F. Petrie
1887-1950 1894 Senwosret I's pyramid Lisht j.E. Gautier and G. Jequier
1894-95 Amenemhet II's pyramid
Senwosret III's pyramid
Amenemhet Ill's pyramid Dahshur j. de Morgan
1896-7 Archaic royal tombs Abydos E. Amelineau
1898-1901 Niuserre's sun temple Abu Ghurob 1. Borchardt and H. Schaeffer

(Baron von Bissing Expedition, DOG)

1899-1900 Archaic royal tombs Abydos WM.F. Petrie (EES)

Ahmose's pyramid Abydos A Mace

1900 Layer Pyramid Zawiyet el Aryan A Barsanti (SAE)

Unas's mortuary temple Saqqara A. Barsanti (SAE)

1901 Ahmose's pyramid Abydos T. Currelly (EES)

Djedefre's pyramid Abu Roash M. Chassinat

1902-08 Sahure's pyramid

Neferirkare's pyramid
Niuserre's pyramid Abusir 1. Borchardt (DOG)

1902-32 Western Field Giza G.A. Reisner (phoebe Hearst Expedition HMFA)

1903-7 Mentuhotep 1's tomb Deir el-Bahri E. Naville and H.R.Hall (EEF)

1904-5 Unfinished Pyramid Zawiyet el Aryan A Barsanti (SAE)

1905-08 Teti's pyramid Saqqara j.E. Quibell (SAE)

1906-10 Menkaure's pyramid Giza G.A. Reisner (HMFA)

1906-34 Senwosret 1's pyramid Lisht AM. Lythgoe, AC. Mace and A. Lansing (MMA)

1909-10 Khafre's pyramid Giza U. Holscher (von Sieglin Expedition)

Sneferu's pyramid Meidum WM.F. Petrie and G.A. Wainwright (EES)

1910 Amenemhet Ill's pyramid Hawara WM.F. Petrie

1910-11 Layer Pyramid Zawiyet el-Aryan G.A. Reisner and C. Fisher (HMfA)

Mazghuna pyramids Mazghuna E. Mackay (under Petrie)

_un temple of 1911-31 Mentuhotep 1's tomb Deir el-Bahri H. Winlock (MMA)

covering the 1912-14 Western Field Giza H. Junker (DAI)

cemeteries at 1913 Senwosret 1's pyramid IIlahun WM.F. Petrie and G. Brunton (EEF)

also excavat­ 1913-16 Nubian pyramids Kerma G.A. Reisner (HMFA)

pitals of the 1915-23 Nubian pyramids Gebel Barkal G.A. Reisner (HMfA)

d subsequent 1916-18 Nubian pyramids Nuri G.A. Reisner (HMFA)

1918-19 Nubian pyramids El-Kurru G.A. Reisner (HMfA)

expeditions 1920 Amenemhet 1's pyramid Lisht AC. Mace (MMA)

1920-22 Teti's pyramid Saqqara C.M. Firth and V Loret (SAE)

s losing his
Pyramids of Khuit and
ued on at Har­ Iput Saqqara c.M. Firth and V Loret (SAE)
lirecting minor 1920-23 Nubian pyramids Meroe G.A. Reisner (HMFA)

reports on the co. Cairo University 1920/2-38 Khufu's pyramid Giza Various SAE and Selim Hassan (SAE)

t;. carried out DAr Deutsches 1924 Shepseskaf's mastaba S. Saqqara G. Jequier (SAE)

Abu Ghurob Arclwologisches 1924-32 Eastern Field Giza G.A. Reisner (HMFA)

participated Instituts, Abteilung 1925-35 Western Field Giza H. Junker (Vienna Academy)

ClII1id. In addi Kairo 1926-35 Sphinx Giza E. Baraize (SAE)

DOG Deutschen Orient·

1926-36 Pepi II Saqqara
heir leaders, Gesellschaft
G. Jequier (IFAO)

n- has been EEF Egypt Exploration

1926-39 Djoser's Step Pyramid Saqqara C.M. Firth and j.P Lauer (SAE)

tiquities Ser­ Fund 1928-29 Userkaf's pyramid Saqqara CM. Firth (SAE)

wing nation- EES Egypt Exploration 1929 Unas's mortuary temple Saqqara C.M. Firth (SAE)

Society 1929-30 Sneferu's pyramid Meidum A. Rowe (UMP)

n the part of
HMFA Harvard Museum of 1929-31 Khendjer's pyramid S. Saqqara G.Jequier

uments were
Fine Arts Anonymous pyramid S. Saqqara G.Jequier

o the world's !FAa Institut Franfais 1929-35 Central Field Giza S. Hassan (CO)

; \'ith Howard d'Archeologie 1936-38 Sphinx Giza S. Hassan (SAE)

'. Turmoil in Orientale 1936-39 Unas's mortuary temple Saqqara J-P. Lauer (SAE)

ributed to the MMA Metropolitan 1936-56 1st dynasty mastabas Saqqara W Emery (EES)

and World Museum of Art 1937-38 Unas's causeway Saqqara S. Hassan (SAE)

me, such as SAE Service des 1937-49 Unas's pyramid Saqqara

Antiquites de AH. Hussein and S. Hassan (SAE)

r. picked up I'Egypte 1945 Djedkare-Isesi's pyramid S. Saqqara AH. Hussein (SAE)

O\'er, but the UMP University Museum, 1945-49 Sneferu's Bent Pyramid Dahshur AS. Hussein (SAE)

trent scale. Pennsylvania 1950 Sekhemkhet's pyramid Saqqara Z. Goneim (SAE)

Mohammed Zakarta Coneml
aeft). then Chief Inspector
of AnlzqultteS at Saqqara.
points out a detail m the
unfinished 3rd·dynasty
pyramid of Sekhemkhet that
he discovered and excavated
from 1952 to 1956. Alttlough
he !/iscovered some ;e1jle/lery
m the ~ es, the d1aIJas er
sarcop UlgUS proved to be

/tJ_ ----.\

Tomb of Horemheb 00 Tomb of Maya

Boat pits

-- -
~ OOL~J\3f~

(;21 ...:
mastaba tom s ~Old Kingdom tombs

'-..1!h yramld d1


eM. Firth. assisted bv
Quzbell. began i' : james
of Djoser's St ;vPyesngatlOn
complex at S e ramld
ason ~ara In 1924.
,_"'I....--fi-..L--"z,rJ,, / - brought
Dio ~s a statue 0
'P. '90 A va st er chamber- ­
J sermtnes
courtya~ '7fi1::;;;:/ex 0
buddmgs man
lmitatiot; of y carved 11
was d natural forms ---­
saw gra the !lally'revealed. Firth
. of need
an forI the analytical
v skills
Jean-Phili arc utect and
asS! d ppe Lauer was
Th gne to the excavati
ephato<1raph h on.
aerzal 0> sows an
Q tvjastabaof
View of the Step

COt pie .

~ Ptah-hoteR
of the campn. x al the onset
----....Y azgn of 1933.


o 200 m
o 600 It

;:-..:::::::-'-::~:;;;J0·0 rjghlj-'fIiR SI
Inaof Djoser t~P
ramld .1' U . e
Ihe p OJ serkaf, and
yramld of T. .
en with
rums of Its fiunerary the

Menk~~'S ~ Menkaure's
qu ns' pyramid
pyra.ids ~


GII-b, ca

GIIi? )

51.• 'Workmens' barracks'

lmens' barracks'

The Western Cemetery

(above). Set out on a plan latd
down at the time of Khufu.
Its mastaba tombs were built
on streets and avenues and
assigned to high 4th~dynasty
officials. Notables from the
5th and 6th dynasties,
expanded the field to the foot
of [{hufu's pyramid. At the
end of the pyramid age,
smaller tombs and shaft
graves were dug mto the
streets and avenues of
mastabas of their forebears.
o 200m
o 600 It

(Left) Pierre Lacau, Dlrector~

General of the Egyptian
Antiquities Service, and the
engineer Emile BaralZe began
the clearance of the Great
Sphinx in 1925. As Baraize
cleared the debris from the
statue, he immediately began
repazrs, replacing anciently
restored masonry with Reisner's excavation of
modern celnent, and shOring 'Queens' Street', alang
up the head with cement and Khufu's thl'ee queens'
limestone blocks. They pyramids. would lead his
excavated for a total of crew to the un-marlled tomb
/1 years, yet published not of Hetepheres. the mother
a single excavatIOn report. of Khufu.

'- . 65
tectural survey of pyramids from the Old through
the Middle Kingdom. They used earlier publica­
tlons and their own visual inspections and mea­
surements and published eight volumes, in whIch
Recent Discoveries they meticulously described each pyramid.
The German Archaeological Institute embarked
on a study of Middle Kingdom architecture in 1976.
Its director, Dieter Arnold, moved to the Metropo!:
tan Museum of Art, New York, 111 1984, but contm
ued his work and resurrected the museum's Llsht
Although the foundations of pyramid studies were expedition. At Abusir, the Czech Institute of Egyp­
laid by the great expeditions. we have learned a tology, University of Prague, under Zbynek Zaba
great deal from excavations and surveys carried and later Miroslav Verner, examined the pyramid
out since the end of the Second World War. Major in detail. Ramer Stadelmann began an investiga­
expeditions have been initiated, but much work has tion of Old Kingdom Dahshur, while the French
also been done simply documenting and conserv­ Archaeological Mission to Saqqara initiated a full
ing massive quantities of material uncovered by examination of the 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyrami
earlier expeditions. Today we reclear sites and re­ complexes. At Giza Zahi Hawass excavated an
examme results, or excavate to fill specific gaps cleared severa] areas: the far Western Cemetery,
(such as the North Pyramid at Dahshur or Ranefer­ Menkaure's pyramid, the so-called Workers' Ceme­
ef's pyramid at Abusir). We also excavate to learn tery, the eastern side of Khufu's pyramid and eas'
more about the social and economic conditions that of Khafre's valley temple.
inspired pyramid building and made it possible.
Work was resumed immediately after the war by Modern technology and the pyramids
Walter Emery at North Saqqara, excavating the A wide range of modern techniques is increasingb­
Archalc mastabas. In 1945 J-P. Lauer returned to being brought to bear on probing the pyramids,
the Djoser complex. Abdelsalam Hussein, for the often to answer very targeted questions. For
The chambers of Ranefere/,s Antiquities Service, began the Pyramids Study instance, in the 1980s R. and D. Klemm surveyed
unfimshed pyramid at Abusir Project, with the aim of systematically surveying, quarries throughout Egypt With the aim of deter­
In the course of excavation by clearing, documenting and conserving all the major mining the sources of stone for the pyramids from
the Czech Mission at this pyramids. After Hussem's death, Ahmed Fakhry Abu Roash to Meidum by means of trace analysl
pyramid field. Behind is
Nefenrkare's pyramid. with took on the project, which was never completed. And in 1984 we radIOcarbon dated 64 samples of
stages of its construction Between 1963 and 1975 Vito Maragioglio and organic material extracted from the pyramids and
clearty visible. Celeste RinaldI undertook a comprehensive archi- associated structures. The dates, after calibratIOn.
Old through were on average 374 years earlier than one of the version, Upuaut II, into the southern 'air shaft' of
!arlier publica­ major accepted chronologies. During the 1995 sea­ the Queen's Chamber. The robot crawled 65 m (213
ons and mea­ son more than 300 samples were collected from ft) up a 45° slope when it was stopped by a smooth
nne , in which monuments ranging from the 1st-dynasty tombs at limestone plug from which two copper pins projec­
ramid. Saqqara to Djoser's pyramid, the Giza pyramids, a ted. A small fragment of copper lay on the floor
, te embarked selection of 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyramids and just in front. The find was labelled a 'door' though
ecture in 1976. Middle Kingdom pyramids. These dates will shed in fact nothing larger than a small rat could get
I the \l!etropoli· new light on Egyptian chronology. through it, so perhaps slab is a better description.
. but contino Khufu's pyramid in particular has been investi­ The Sphinx has also been intensively investigat­
useum's Lisht gated by a battery of modern scientific survey ed. In 1978, SRI International of California, with
'ture of Egyp­ techniques. In 1986, at the request of Ahmed the EAO's Science Section, conducted a remote
r Zbynek Zaba Qadry, President of the Egyptian Antiquities Orga­ sensing, subsUliace survey of the Sphinx sanctu­
. he pyramids nization (EAO) , two French companies undertook a ary and temple. A preliminary survey in collabora­
an investiga­ microgravimetric study of the pyramid. The tech­ tion with Ain Shams University in 1977 found
. e the French nique, normally used for assessing the foundations various anomalies: one - in front of the forepaws­
mitiated a full of dams and nuclear power plants, measures the suggested 'a cavity or shaft'. The SRI team con­
ty pyramid density of structures. Results indicated that the ducted a more detailed resistivity survey and
xcavated and pyramid's macrostructure consists of 34 major results were checked with acoustical sounding. The
c:rn Cemetery, 'blocks' with a low-density block near the top, and team investigated confirmed anomalies by core
'orkers' Ceme­ blocks of heterogeneous density below. This might drilling and direct observation with a borescope
ramid and east correlate with the mastaba-Iike chunks of masonry camera. Five holes were drilled, but the researchers
in the cores of Khufu's queens' pyramids and found no significant cavities other than those that
lVIenkaure's pyramid. Analysis of the microstruc­ occur naturally in limestone.
ture found an anomaly west of and below the hori­ A team connected with the SRI International Sci­
increasingly zontal passage to the Queen's Chamber. ence and Archaeology Project at Giza, under my
the pyramids, Gilles Dormion and Jean-Patrice Goidin, two direction, cleared the floor of the Sphinx sanctuary
questions. For French architects associated with this study, drilled and with Zahi Hawass I carried out excavations in
emm surveyed three small holes in the passage to investigate the the northeast corner of the Sphinx sanctuary. In (Above) A team from Waseda
e aim of deter­ University in Khufu's Queen's
anomaly. The holes penetrated through compact 1979-83 I was Field Director and then Director of a Chamber. (Below) Ulrich
PFamids from limestone, limestone debris and mortar, and sand, five-year project to provide scale architectural Kapp of the German
ace analysis. then more limestone debris. The fact that in one drawings of the Sphinx and its site. Each individ­ Archaeological Institute who
6-t samples of drill hole the end of the sand was not found, ual stone of the masonry layers on the Sphinx was contributed to the Sphinx
, pyramids and prompted speculation of a hidden chamber. It is documented (p. 128). The drawings became essen­ survey by thl! American
. er calibration, more likely that the layers are simply the packing tial for the EAO's work on the Sphinx from 1988. Research Center in Egypt.
between the limestone walls of the passage and the
core masonry of the pyramid. In 1987 a Japanese
team from Waseda University (Tokyo), led by Saku­
ji Yoshimura, carried out a remote sensing survey
of Khufu's pyramid. The Japanese team confirmed
the same anomaly and they also recorded data that them the possibility of a tunnel enter­
ing the pyramid under the south side.
In 1990 a French team of Jean Kerisel, Jean­
Bruno-Kerisel and Alain Guillon studied air pollu­
tion inside the King's Chamber and subtle evidence
that it is sinking towards the south. On this side the
great granite roof beams show pronounced cracks.
Jean Kerisel returned in 1992 to investigate the Sub­
terranean Chamber with ground penetrating radar
and microgravimetry. In 1995 he obtained permis­
sion to drill into its bedrock floor in search of a cav­
ity but none was found.
Perhaps the most widely reported investigation
took place in 1992. In an official project of the Ger­
man Archaeological Institute in Cairo, under its
director Rainer Stadelmann, and the Supreme
Council for Antiquities, robotics expert Rudolf
Gantenbrink mounted a miniature video camera on
a wheeled robot and sent it up the 'air shafts' of the
King's Chamber. The next year he sent a new

Years Monument Investigator
Recent 1951-52 Sneferu's Bent Pyramid
Dahshur Ahmed Fakhry (SAE)
Pyramid 1951-70 Teti's pyramid Saqqara MAFS
1954 Khufu's boat pit (east) Giza K. el-Malakh (EAO)
Explorations 1955-57 Userkaf's sun temple Abusir H. Ricke (Swiss and German Institutes)
1960 Khafre's satellite pyramid Giza A. Hafez Abd el-'AI
1961-69 Khufu's complex Giza H. Messiha
ARCE American Research 1963-67 Sekhemkhet South Tomb Saqqara ].P. Lauer
Center in Egypt 1963-present Nubian pyramids Sedeinga M.S. Girogini/A. Labrousse
CEOUGCentre d'Etudes 1965-67 Sphinx Temple Giza H. Ricke and G. Haeny, Swiss Institute
Orientales de 1966-71 Pepi I's pyramid Saqqara MAFS
l'Universite de 1966-73 Menluhotep I's tomb Deir elBahri D. Arnold (DAI)
Geneve 1967 Khafre's pyramid Giza 1. Alvarez (UC, Berkeley, Ain Shams and EAO)

DAI Deutsches 1968--88 Pepi I's mortuary temple South Saqqara MAFS

Archiiologisches 1971-72 Merenre's pyramid South Saqqara MAFS

Instituts, Abteilung 1971-73 Settlement dump Giza K. Kromer (Austrian Institute)

Kairo 1972-73 Pyramid tombs Tabo, Napata Ch. Maystre (CEOUG)

DOG Deutschen Orient­

Gesellschaft 1974--76 Unas's mortuary temple Saqqara MAFS

EAO Egyptian
1974--78 Giza pyramids Giza SRI International, remote sensing

1976 Tombs of the Intefs Luxor D. Arnold (DAD

1976-78 Userkaf's mortuary temple Saqqara ].-P. Lauer and A. Labrousse (MAFS)

EEF Egypt Exploration 1976-83 Amenemhet lJI's pyramid Dahshur D. Arnold (DAI)
Fund 1977 Khentkawes's pyramid Abusir M. Verner (Czech Mission)
EES Egypt Exploration 1977-78 Sphinx Giza M. Lehner and Z. Hawass (EAO)
Society 1977-present 1st-dynasty royal tombs Abydos G. Dreyer and W. Kaiser (DAI)
HMFA Harvard Museum 1977-present Sneferu's North Pyramid Dahshur R. Stadelmann (DAI)

of Fine Al'ts 1978 Sphinx Giza SRI International/EAO

lFAO Institut Franrais 1978-79 Provincial pyramid Elephantine German and Swiss Institutes of Archaeology

d'Archeologie 1979-83 Sphinx Giza ]. Allen and M. Lehner (ARCE)

Orientale 1979-present Pyramids of Meroe Meroe F. Hinkel

MAFS Mission
1980 Unfinished Pyramid Abusir M. Verner (Czech Mission)

1980--81 Sinki pyramid South Abydos N. Swelim and G. Dreyer

Franraise Ii

1981 Seila pyramid Seila Univs. of California, Berkeley/ Brigham Young


MlVlA Metropolitan Univ.

Museum of Art 1981-87 Raneferef's pyramid Abusir M. Verner (Czech Mission)

ROM Royal Ontal'io 1982 Pyramid of Tia and Tia Saqqara G. Martin (University College, London)

Museum 1982-85 Userkaf's pyramid Saqqara Ali el-Khouli (EAO)

SAE Service des

1984 Sneferu's pyramid Meidum Ali el-Khouli (EAO)

Antiquites de
1984--86 Nefermaat's mastaba Meidum Ali el-Khouli (EAO)

1984--88 'Private' pyramids Saqqara S. Tewfik (Cairo University/EAO)

SCA Supreme Council 1984--89 Senwosret I's pyramid Lisht D. and D. Arnold (MMA)

of Antiquities 1985 Lepsius 'Pyramid' I Abu Roash N.Swelim

UCLA University of 1985-present Archaic enclosures Abydos D. O'Connor and w.K. Simpson

Callfornia, Los (Univ. of PennsylvanialYale Univ.)

Angeles 1986 Sneferu's Bent Pyramid Dahshur ]. Dorner

UMP University



Excavation under wayan the

eastern side of Sneferu's
North Pyramid at Dahshur m
1983. Rainer Stadelmann of
the German Archaeological
Institute has studied the
pyramId m detail. To the
right can be seen intact
casmg blocks, some restored.

Years Monument Site Investigator
1986 Lepsius Pyramid L (50) Dahshur R. Stadelmann (DAI)
1986 Khufu's pyramid Giza A. Qadry, microgravimetric survey
1986 Khufu's pyramid Giza G. Dormion and].P. Goidin
1986 Djedkare-Isesi's pyramid South Saqqara S. el-Nagar
1986 Pepi I's satellite pyramid South Saqqara A. Labrousse
1986-91 Workers' installations Dahshur R. Stadelmann (DAI)
1986-present Ma taba field Dahshur R. Stadelmann (DAI)
1987 Khufu's pyramid Giza S. Yoshimura (Waseda Univ., Tokyo)
e 1987 Sphinx Giza S. Yoshimura (Waseda Univ., Tokyo)
1987 Seila pyramid Seila N. Swelim and Brigham Young Univ.

1987 Khufu's boat pit (west) Giza National Geographic

-and EAO) 1988-95 Pepi I's queens' pyramids South Saqqara MAFS

1988-89 'Workmen's barracks' Giza M. Lehner (Yale Univ.)

1988-present Settlement remains Giza M. Lehner (Oriental Inst./ Harvard Semitic Mus.)

1988-present Sphinx Giza SCA

1988-present Senwosret II's town Illahun N. Millet (ROM)

1989 Settlement Giza Z. Hawass and M. Jones (AMBRICI SCA)
1990 Khufu's valley temple Giza Z. Hawass (SCA)

1990 Khufu's pyramid Gi7,a ]. Kerisel,].-B. Kerisel and Alain Guillon

1990 Sphinx Giza UNESCO

1990-91 Lepsius Pyramid XXV (25) Abusir M. Verner (Czech Mission)

1990-present'Workers' cemetery' Giza Z. Hawass (SCA)
1990-present Gisr el-Mudir Saqqara I. Mathieson and H. Smith (Nat. Mus. of Scotland)
I 990-present Senwosret III's pyramid Dahshur D. Arnold (MMA)
1991 Sphinx Giza R. Schoch, T. Dobecki and ].A. West
1991 Unas's valley temple Saqqara A. Moussa and A. Labrousse (MAFS) Zahi Hawass surveys the
aeology 1991 Amenemhet 1's pyramid Lisht D. Arnold (MMA) burial chamber of Khufu's
1991-97 Pyramids of Iput and KhuitSaqqara A. Labrousse and Zawi Hawass (SCA) satellite pyramid, which he
1991-present Dra Abu el-Naga Luxor D. Polz (DAIIUCLA) discovered in 1993. Hawass
1992 Sphinx Giza 1. Marzouk and A. Gharib also found the capstone of
1992 Eastern Field Giza Z. Hawass (EAO) the small pyramid.
m Young 1992 Khufu's Queens' pyramids Giza Z. Hawass (EAO)
1992 inetjer's galleries Saqqara P. Munro (Berlin and Hanover Univ. Mission)
1992 Sahure's pyramid Abusir Z. Hawass
n) 1992-93 Unas's causeway Saqqara A. Moussa (EAO) and A. Labrousse (MAFS)

1992-95 Khufu's pyramid Giza ]. Kerisel

1993 Khufu's satellite pyramid Giza Z. Hawass

1993 Khufu's pyramid Giza R. Stadelmann and R. Gantenbrink (DAl)

1993 Neferhetepes's complex Saqqara ].P. Lauer and A. Labrousse (MAFS)

1993-present Djedefre's pyramid Abu Roash Giza Pyramids Inspectorate/IFAOI

Univ. of Geneva

1993-present Ahmose I's pyramid Abydos S. Harvey PennsylvaniaNale Univ. Expedition

1994 Senwosret III's temple Abydos ]. Wegner PennsylvaniaNale Univ. Expedition

1995-96 Khafre's valley temple Giza Z. Hawass (SCA)

1995-96 Lepsius Pyramid XXIV (24) Abusir M. Verner (Czech Mission)
1996 . Menkaure's pyramid Giza Z. Hawass (SCA)
1997 Queen Khuit's pyramid Saqqara Z. Hawass (SCA)

In 1987 the Japanese applied the electromagnetic of Astronomy and Geophysics carried out a study
sounding technique to the Sphinx. They believe of the ground below the Sphinx using shallow seis­
they found evidence of a north-south tunnel under mic refraction and found no evidence of cavities.
the Sphinx, a water pocket below the surface near Unlike the other two Giza pyramids, the base of
the south hind paw and another cavity near the Menkaure's pyramid was never freed from debris.
north hind paw. Both rear anomalies are probably In 1996 Zahi Hawass began to clear its west and
part of the 'main fissure' that cuts through the south sides and found an unfinished statue, which
Sphinx site. Robert Schoch (Boston University), was roughly shaped fyom granite in the Ramessid
Thomas Dobecki and John Anthony West carried period. The discovery fits other evidence that New
out a survey in 1991 of the Sphinx using seismic Kingdom pharaohs quarried the Giza pyramids for
methods to support a theory that it predates the 4th stone. In September 1996 the team uncovered a row
dynasty. But in 1992 Imam Marzouk and Ali of large limestone foundation blocks laid on end
Gharib of the Egyptian National Research Institute along the south side of the pyramid.


from the annual Nile flood, he would rise again. At

Hierakonpolis we find the earliest association of
king, mound and Horus, god of kingship. The
Origins of the Pyramid Greek name of the site means 'City of the Falcon',
the symbol of Horus; its ancient name was Nekhen.

Hierakonpolis Archaeological evidence suggests it was an impor­

tant predynastic centre, perhaps a kind of capital of
southern Egypt. Close to the beginning of the 1st
dynasty (c. 2900 BC), settlements scattered across
the low desert and up into the Wadi Abu Suffian ­
Reconstruction of a reed and Temple and mound the valley that cuts the high desert cliffs - coalesced
wood shrine In the form of To the ancient Egyptians the mounds that covered to form the walled town of l ekhen.
the Per Wer or 'Great House'. their protodynastic graves may have been an image In one corner of the town is an enclosure sur­
This type of stnlcture may
of the primeval mound, the fertile land from which rounded by mudbrick walls, within which is
have stood on the Nekhen
mound. all creation grew. Thus priests 'planted' the king's Egypt's oldest known temple mound. It is here that
body in the earth mound of his grave, and, like new basic concepts of Egypt's divine kingship appear
seedlings on the first mounds of earth to emerge to have originated. Excavations by ].E. Quibell in

The pavilion shown in/rant

of the shrine structure (below,
left) is based on the festival
pavilion of Narmer depIcted
on the 1st-dynasty ceremonial
macehead found in the Mam
Deposit (left). Access to the
top of the mound of Nekhen
may have been by a similar
staircase, although the
ceremony depicted was
probably conducted at Buta.

(Right) The sacred enclosure

was surrounded by a wall of
(Below) Map showing the mudb1'lck, which may have
location of Giza, Saqqara, replaced one of wood and
Abydos and Hierakonpolis. reed matting
(fJelow) Two life·sized statues
of kneeling attendants. One,
made of limestone had
dete1'iorated considerably
because 0/ the wet soil
conditions. They may have
stood either SIde 0/ the
entrance jJassage.
(Above) Door socket in the
form 0/ a pn'soner with his
hands tied behind his back.

1897-8 -and in the following year by F.W. Green

revealed features ranging in date from late predy­
nastic (c. 3200 BC) to New Kingdom (c. 1425 Be)
Green attempted to sort out the principal layers and
their relative levels. Layer 1, just above the dese
surface, contained predynastic material deposite
o '00 km Hierakonpolis. before the temple was built. Layer 2 is of yello\
o 60 mIles clay containing flints and predynastic pottery.

Id rise again. At
a. ociation of
-ingshtp. The Middle Kingdom
of the Falcon',
A sanctuary was built on the
e \\-as \Iekhen. mound, possibly in Middle
was an impor·
d of capital of
ing of the 1st
Kingdom times. with five
ttered across chambers. A falcon consisting
Abu uffian­ of a copper body with a head
iffs - coalesced and plumes of gold was
ritually buried in the centl'al
enclosure sur· chamber, probably in the New
~in which is Kingdom. This 'reactivation'
of the mound shows how
Iris here that significant it was to latel'
Un hlP appear Egyptians.
j.E_ Quibell m

I (Below) BodIes of Kzng

Narmer's enemies brought
I­ to the temple threshold by the
I falcon of Horus at the prow
I of a boat.

by FIN. Green The circular mound, contained by a revetment, or

The Narmer palette. of necked beasts may represent
m late predy­ retaining wall, of coarse sandstone blocks laid in
greywaclle (dark green slate) the two halves of the country
(e. 1425 Be). horizontal courses, was built on top of Layer 2. It commemorates the mctones now forcibly united. The other
'pallayers and measures 49.26 m (162 ft) across, with the courses
of King Narmer. whose name suk shows a kneeling
\'e the desert is inscribed within the serekh. pmoner, probably a Lower
stepped at an angle of 45°. We do not know its orig­

One side shows the king, EgyptlOn, bemg smItten by

'al deposited mal heIght because the top of the mound was prob·
wearing the red crown of the kmg who here wears the
. 2 is of yellow ably cut down when later buildings were erected. A Lower Egypt m a triumphal the white crown of Upper
pottery. temple was built around the mound, probably near processIOn. The strange long­ Egypt.

the beginning of the 1st dynasty on the evidence of south end of the east side - of the later temple
Origins of the Pymmid­
Layer 3, which surrounded the mound and con­ entrance, and, significantly, it corresponds to the
tained abundant charcoal and fire reddened earth, location of the entrance to Djoser's complex. To the
as well as pottery sherds of the protodynastic peri­ northeast Quibell found life-sized statues of kneel­
od and 1st dynasty. These traces of a conflagration ing attendants.
Main Deposit suggest that the structures consisted of reed mat­ Another object in the deposit was the great lime­
Maceheads, including ting and wood, the traditional type of architecture stone macehead showing Narmer seated at the top
Narmer that was imitated in stone by Djoser in his pyramid of a stairway at some kind of ceremony. The scene
Narmer 'Wedding' complex. is thought by some to represent an occasion that
Palettes, including The mound must have been a 'high place' for a took place at Buto, a predynastic Delta capital and
Narmer palette chapel in the form of the Per Wer, 'the Great northern counterpart of Nekhen. However, it 1
'Two Dog' palette House', which was the name of the national shrine tempting to see the stairway to the raised platform
Flint knives
of southern Egypt at Hierakonpolis. As the mound as a stylized rendering of a mound like that at
Archaic statuette of
was the highest place in both town and temple, a Nekhen, which must have had a stairway or other
Ivory wands temporary shrine for the ruler might have been set form of access, though no evidence for one was
Small carved ivory and up on ritual occasions. One such shrine is depicted found.
faience votive figures on the Narmer macehead from the Main Deposit, a
Animal figurines, collection of objects found immediately outside the The mound in mythology
including scorpions or mound, to the northeast. These constitute some of Later Egyptians certainly believed that the mound
scorpion tails and the oldest and most archetypal icons of kingship at Hierakonpolis was extremely special to the cult
monkeys, birds, frogs, ever discovered in Egypt. of Horus. They built a sanctuary centered on the
dogs, hippopotamuses, mound, possibly in Middle Kingdom times, consist­
a boar, gazelle The Main Deposit ing of five chambers - recalling the five niches that
Stone and faience vessels This mysterious cache consists of many objects, became standard for the sanctuaries of pyramId
Model vessels including flint knives, small and large decorated temples from the time of Khafre onwards. In the
Pottery vessels
stone maceheads, faience figurines, slate palettes centTal chamber a beautiful falcon fashioned of
Stelae fragments
and a concentrated heap of ivory figurines and copper plate with a head and plumes of gold wa~
wands. Almost all are in the style of the protody­ ritually buried in an upright position on a standard_
nastic and Archaic (early dynastic) periods. Green This carefully designed burial made the mound a
thought that the cache lay upon or within Layer 3. virtual tomb of the sacred cult of Horus of
Without doubt, the Narmer Palette is the most Nekhen, and reactivated the late predynastic
striking object in the cache - both a monument of shrine. It was a symbolic replanting of the divine
early Egyptian kingship and a blatant pictorial seed of the deity, who would emerge from the
statement of the forcible union of southern with mound which, to the Egyptians of the dynastic
northern Egypt. It is named after the king who is period, must have seemed to date back to the begin­
written with the hieroglyph of the catfish (nar) and ning of time.
chisel (mer) in the sel'ekh panel (the stylized palace Egyptian literature about the Afterlife is replete
fa<;ade used for royal names). Narmer was a king of with references to divine mounds. The oldest of all,
the protodynastic period who preceded Hor-Aha, the Pyramid Texts (p. 31), refer to the Creator,
The Rites of the Mound of probably the first king of the 1st dynasty. Atum, rising as a mound in the enclosure of
femme are depicted at the A few clues suggest that the palette was found Heliopolis. In a sense, every Egyptian temple of
Edifice of Tarhaqa and the almost in its original position, close to the entrance later times was the primeval mound situated
Temple of Osms Heka Djet of the Archaic temple. It lay near a slotted lime­ middle of its own defined sacred place. In the New
at Karnak. The falcon perches
on the lotus sprouting from stone slab and pavement and 9 m (30 ft) west of a Kingdom 'Rite of the Mound of Jemme' a gigantic
the mound, the risen form limestone door jamb with a basalt pivot socket in pair of arms, one belonging to Geb, the primordial
of the falcon 'planted' in the the form of a prisoner with hands bound behind his earth-god, and the other to Horus, god of kingship,
Hierakonpolis mound. back. This is generally the place - towards the lifts up a large mound. A lotus, symbol of rebirth.
springs from the mound and provides a perch for
the Horus falcon and the feather of truth, Maat
The scene represents the transfiguration of Amun.
in this case into the falcon as a sun symbol and
keeper of Maat, the concept of order in the uni­
verse. In the Old Kingdom, the pyramid was th
mound of t.ransformation and the pharaoh was th
keeper of Maat.
The mound at Hierakonpolis can therefore be
seen as closely prefiguring the Rite of Jemme, and
as such it symbolizes a basic concept behind the
greatest sacred mounds that the Egyptians ever
constructed - the Old Kingdom pyramids.

later temple The ancient Egyptians believed that the first
ponds to the pharaohs hailed from This, of which Abydos was
mplex. To the the religious centre. At Abydos the high desert
arues of kneel- cliffs form a great bay bisected by a V-shaped

he great hme­
ravine. Egypt's earliest kings may have seen this
cleft as a passage into the Afterlife, for they built
Royal Tombs at Abydos

Red at the top their tombs below it on a spur extending from the
ny. The scene rocky cliffs and overlooking the wadi that runs to
I occasion that the edge of the cultivation. Modern Egyptians call
fa capital and thiS burial ground Umm eIQa'ab, 'Mother of Pots',
owever. it IS because of the enormous mounds of fragments of and Narmer. Then suddenly, near Narmer's small
• ised platform pottery left by ancient Egyptian pilgrims. tomb, is the startlingly larger and more complex
Id like that at For several generations before the 1st dynasty it tomb of Hor-Aha, equated by some with Menes,
rav or other had been a traditiOn for local rulers to place their first king of the 1st dynasty.
for one was tombs far out in the desert near passages tlu-ough Hor-Aha's tomb was built in stages, as were so
the high cliffs. For example, protodynastic rulers of many later mastabas and pyramids. It began as a
Hierakonpolis built their tombs in the Wadi Abu double chamber-tomb but ultimately consisted of
Suffian, where Michael Hoffman discovered them. three large mudbrick-lined pits. The kmg may have
hat the mound These tombs must have been built about the same been buried in the central one, the brick hning of
cia I to the cult time as the Nekhen temple mound (p. 72). which served as a protective shell around an inner
nrered on the At Umm el-Qa'ab, Gunter Dreyer has revealed wooden chamber. FormIng an entourage for the
imes. consist­ how a constellation of royal tombs developed from king are 34 small pits - the graves of courtiers who
ve mches that a galaxy of graves reachmg back into the pre­ were possibly sacnficed. Analysis of human bones
~ of pyramid dynastic penad. Cemetery U, forming a remarkable shows them to be almost all of males, no older than
nwards. In the record of state formation. In the midst of the 25. Curiously, the bones around the last chamber
I fashioned of crowded small pit-tombs, larger mudbrick chamber were those of young hans.
of gold was tombs stand out. Tomb Uj is the largest, with a bur­ The tomb of the next king, Djer, was the largest
on a standard. ial chamber that once housed a wooden shrine. 1st-dynasty burial at Abydos. Its roofed space of
~ the mound a Inside, Dreyer found an ivory heqa sceptre, the very 12 x 13 m (39 x 43 tt) was probably the limit that
of Horus of hieroglyph for ruler. The tomb is a model of a could be covered by timber. matting and mud. Djer
e predynastic house, with 12 chambers, a central court and sym­
• of the divine bolic slit-doors to magazines contaIning hundreds (Right) Tomb Uj, of a local
trge from the of Egyptian and imported Palestiman pots. Some late predynaslic ruler. in
the dynastic of Egypt's earliest hieroglyphs show that great rev­ whIch Gunter Dreyer found
some of Egypt's oldest
· to the begin­ enues already flowed to the ruler buned here from
hIeroglyphs and hundreds of
provincial estates and beyond. The tomb as replica Imporled PalestInian vessels.
~Iife IS replete of the 'great house' provisiOned by the entire land Even at this early stage, the
Ie oldest of all, carries on mto the Old Kingdom pyramIds. tomb IS a sImulacrum of a
the Creator, Between Uj and the tomb of Hor-Aha, about 150 great house, provIsIOned
enclosure of years later, is open space except for 11 rectangular from afar.
tian temple of tombs. Three, each consisting of two bnck-lined
iruated in the pitS, belong to the kings of 'dynasty 0', who ruled
ceo In the New Egypt during its gradual ullIfication - In-Hor, Ka Anedjib

~~ ¢
e' a gIgantic
e primordial
Id of kmgshlp, Khasekhemwy
hoI of rebIrth. (2nd dynasty)

a perch for CEMETERY U
r truth. Maat.
. n of Amun,
n -~'mbol and
~~~~ Diet
It:r in the uni­
amid was the 'V~ Den
waoh was the
therefore be The royal cemetery of Umm
el-Qa 'ab, at Abydos. A
jemme, and
constellation of large royal
~ behmd the tombs emerged from a galaxy o 100m
_'Ptians ever of smaIJRr predynastl.c graves I I
mids. (far nght). o 330 It

has 318 attendant graves, many marked with stela. Dreyer suggests that the hidden tumulus above
Royal Tombs at Abydos Of 97 inscribed stelae, 76 belonged to females, 11 to the burial chamber but below the desert surface ful­
males and 2 to dwarfs. These were probably service filled a magical role as the primeval mound ensur­
staff, priests and entertainers of the king's house ing resurrection. He postulated a second mound
and not high officials, who were drawn from the above the buried tumulus - about 1.5 m (5 ft) high
king's immediate family, and may have been buried above Djer's tomb and only 20 to 40 cm (8 to 16 inl
in the large niched mastabas at Saqqara (p. 78). high above Den's - based on the supposition that a
Retainers graves around the royal tomb must have been marked by more than a
tomb of King Den, where How were the graves marked? pair of stelae, and also because this would have uti­
priests, dwarfs and women At least from the time of Djer, stone stelae, with the lized the excess sand from digging the grave.
of the royal household were name of the ruler in a serekh, were set up near royal A clue to the superstructures may lie in Hoff­
buried. Thezr large numbers
graves, probably on the east side. But scarcely any man's study of Tomb 1 of a protodynastic ruler at
and the faclthat many were
marked with stelae is one other evidence of a tomb superstructure has been Hierakonpolis. Careful excavation around the rec­
argument that the cemetery found. Discussion has focused on the tomb of Djet, tangular mud brick-lined pit revealed the existence
at Abydos (shown in the map where the thick walls of the tomb supported a thin­ of a wood-pole and reed-mat shrine, surrounded by
below, based on Petne) is the ner wall retaining a mound of sand. Reconstruc­ a similarly built enclosure wall. Could such a super·
true royal 1st-dynasty burwl tions range from a low mound to a great stepped structure have existed above the royal tombs at
ground. The tombs included
mastaba. All, however, run into the difficulty that, Umm el-Qa'ab? The wood and reed-mat shrine
elements oriented to the
southwest - the direction of as Petrie recognized and as Dreyer confirmed, the would have replicated the wooden shrine in the bur­
a great cleft in the hzgh cliffs top of the mound would have been below the desert ial chamber, just as the surface mound replicated
surrounding the Abydos bay surface, possibly concealed by a second roof. the subterranean one.

Gunter Dreyer l'econstructed

the tomb of Djet as a double
mound. It was madled by a
stela showing Djet's name
inside a woodframe and reed­
mat palace fafade. Was it also
covered by a wood and reed
shrine, as reconstructed for
Tomb 1 at Hierakonpolis?
Umm el Qa'ab
royal cemetery:
late predynastic,
1st-2nd dynasty
(see p. 75)


royal enclosures

New Kingdom
o BOO m

o 2500 ft

1[::.~] Osiris temple

~ ;,= =-01---'-1
Iumulus above Developments in tomb architecture rectangular court. The earliest examples are now i

en surface ful­ Seven kings and one queen (Merneith) of the 1st defined by the surrounding subsidiary burials, but "
mound ensur­ dynasty built tombs at Abydos, expanding roughly later ones have niched mudbrick enclosure walls.
~nd mound towards the southwest, the direction of the great Khasekhemwy's is the largest, covering over 5,000
m (5 ft) high ravine. The wall of the mound over Djet's tomb has sq. m (53,820 sq. ft). Such structures, with their
em (8 to 16 in) an overlap at the southwest corner, making a false niched faGades, may be models of the palace enclo­
position that a flap-door corresponding to a niche in the tomb sure of the living king (the style is often called
: more than a below - a precursor to the classic false claar. Dreyer 'palace faGade'). Most are practically empty, but
uld have uti­ ascertained that a second stairway and chamber those of Khasekhemwy and Peribsen have a small
le grave. added to the southwest of Den's tomb was for a building that sits askew inside the entrance at the I
ay lie in Hoff­ statue of the king, making this a prototype of the southeast corner. This may have housed the king's
rna. tic ruler at serdab chambers in Old Kingdom tombs. statue or offerings made to him.
round the rec­ As rulers continued to build their tombs at Aby­ One interpretation sees these enclosures as full­
• the existence dos the main pit became deeper and the wood scale replicas of the open courts for royal display in
~ rrouncled by shrine around the burial chamber was fitted closer the palace. Another view is that, located at the edge
_'uch a super­ to its walls, leaving no space for magazines. Petrie of the cultivation, they perhaps played a role simi­
:al tombs at summarized other principal changes: lar to the valley temples of the pyramids, in which
t?d-mat shrine 'By Merneit[h] these [offering] chambers were built case the wadi forms a kind of natural causeway to
'ne in the bur­ separately [round the burial chamber]. By Den an the mounded tombs. Perhaps, like the valley tem­ After he had found a row of
d replicated entrance passage was added, and by Qa the entrance was ples, the enclosures were associated with the bncks that may have belonged
turned to the north. At this stage we are within reach of 'purification tent' and 'mortuary workshop' (p. 25). to a mound Inside
the early passage-mastabas and pyramids.' Khasekhemwy's valley
In both form and location of the entrances, the enclosure (bottom left), David
A break in the sequence at Abydos for the 2nd enclosures can also be seen as the precursor to the O'Connor reconstructed the
dynasty makes tracing royal tomb development niched wall that surrounds Djoser's complex, while 'proto-pyramid' slightly north
into the pyramid age difficult. No tomb has been the mounded grave moves inside the enclosure as and west of centre, a position
found here for Hetepsekhemwy, the successor of the stone mastaba and, finally, the Step Pyramid. occupied by the temple mound
Qa'a in the traditional king list and the first king of Can these structures be precursors of both valley at Hierakonpolis (toP) and
[)joser's Step Pyramid
the 2nd dynasty. However, one of two enormous temple and pyramid enclosure? Both were masonry (bottom right) in their
sets of underground galleries at Saqqara is replicas of structures in less durable materials that respective enclosures.
ascribed to him. The last king of the 2nd dynasty, veiled, and at the same time revealed, something They also have in common
Khasekhem, changed his name to Khasekhemwy, royal and divine. When painted, the enclosure of entrances at the far south end
'The Appearance of the Two Powers' apparently Khasekhemwy, like the Saqqara mastabas, repre­ of the east side and the east
after the conclusion of civil strife. His tomb at Aby­ sented screen walls made of wood frames and end of the north side (the
first phase of [)joser's
dos is a marked departure from the square pit­ colourful reed mats. In plastered and painted mud­ enclosure). The enclosul'es
tombs, consisting of a long, irregular pit, divided brick, it was a more solid version of other Abydos are not shown to scale.
into 40 magazines. enclosures that had perished (as, perhaps, did the
tomb superstructures at Dmm el-Qa'ab), leaving
Valley funerary enclosures only the rectangles of subsidiary graves.
At the juncture of the wadi with the cultivation, the David O'Connor recovered traces of the floor of
1st- and 2nd-dynasty kings built the second ele­ Khasekhemwy's enclosure. Near the centre he
ment of their tomb complexes at Abydos - a huge found a short line of bricks laid at an angle, sug­
gesting the upward spring of a vault or tumulus.
The large royal enclosures of O'Connor suspects that these are the remains of a
'0- alse door 2nd-dynasty kings simulated
woodjrame and reed-mat mudbrick mound - a 'proto-pyramid'. He compares
structures in plastered and the mound within the rectangle to the temple at
pamted mudbrick. Hierakonpolis and the Djoser enclosure. Even more
dramatic was the discovery of a row of 12 buried
boats, east of Khasekhemwy's complex. Each
wooden boat is contained in a mudbrick casing,
plastered with mud and whitewashed. Lengths
vary from 19 to 29 m (69 to 95 ft). This ghostly fleet
strengthens the comparison of these valley enclo­
Boat pits ....--.,.\\\ I~ sures to pyramid temples, which were docking
'Western Q e'''':::::::::::::::=t1. places to the Netherworld.
With Khasekhemwy we are only years away
M~M", [ ) Dj"
from the 3rd dynasty, Djoser and the first great
stone pyramid complex. But before Djoser, we must
800 m
Merneith \Qt 1 .
. ...... ;~•..
come to terms with the curious possibility of
another royal cemetery of the first two dynasties at
2500 It Saqqara.

On the west side, a wide wadi rises like a natural
ramp up into the Saqqara plateau from an old lake
basin northwest of where the Archaic settlement
may lie buried. Like the wadi at Abydos, this was a
Archaic Mastabas at Saqqara
path from the land of the living to the realm of the
dead. Flanking this route, along the very edge of
the high cliff towering above the town, Egyptians
of the 1st dynasty built a string of large mastaba_
with niched faGades.

Both literary tradition and archaeological discover­ Monarchs or nomarchs?

ies inform us of a moment 4,900 years ago when Walter Emery excavated most of these mastaba.
the conquering overlords from the Qena Bend between 1936 and 1956. As his excavations pro­
moved their administration of the Two Lands gressed, the sophistication and size of the deepl\'
northwards to just below the apex of the Nile Delta. recessed, niched mastabas presented a real contras
They called their new capital 'The Wall' - more to the contemporary royal tombs at Abydos, which
familiar to us as Memphis. Towards the end of the were mostly variations of pit-graves. The nichin
2nd dynasty it was known as lneb Hedj, 'The White of the mastabas is similar to that on the earlie t
Wall'. Both the name and its hieroglyph suggest serekh panels, the stylized representations of the
The 1st-dynasty cemetery of that it was a fortified enclosure with a series of bas­ palace-faGade enclosure bearing the king's Horu,
hIgh offidals on the plateau tions. The British Memphis Project is finding evi­ name. So do the Saqqara tombs belong to kings and
edge at North Saqqara. dence that the oldest settlement was close to the queens? Not on the basis of the niching alone, for i
Emery concluded they North Saqqara escarpment. Directly across the occurs on a wide range of Archaic tombs and
belonged to flings and queens, Nile, thousands of Archaic tombs at Helwan indi­ seems to have generally designated high status.
but names of certazn officials
were found on seatings or cate a missing settlement on the east. The twin At first Emery saw the Saqqara mastabas as the
other texts assodated with the towns must have formed the jambs of the 'gateway tombs of nobles and assigned mastaba 3035 to an
tombs. to the Delta', as Memphis would later be known. official called Hemaka, the name found on sealing:;
along with that of King Den. As he continued to
excavate, however, he ascribed the tombs to royalty.
o not only because of their size and fac;ades, but
1650 ft~ - : : ; ; - - ­
-N -c?J ~ because of their contents. On jar sealings in masta­
ba 3357 he found only the name of the first king of
--/ the 1st dynasty, Hor-Aha - concluding therefore
that this was his tomb. Other large mastabas con­
tained seal impressions of almost alJ the other 1st­
dynasty kings, and stone vessels with the names f
the queens Merneith and Herneith.
This left scholars with two sets of apparently
royal tombs: one at Saqqara, near the new capital.
the other at Abydos, legendary homeland of the 1
dynasty. Some therefore thought that the tombs at


3500 Ui EE!B3
••~5.0:•• ,IlJJt!J

3507 3111~

0 300 m
I i i
0 100 It

'ke a natural Abydos were symbolic, false tombs, or cenotaphs, As for the argument that the Saqqara mastabas
n an old lake to ensure the presence of the king's spirit in the old are bigger and therefore must be royal tombs, when
settlement home ground during the Afterlife. In later times it the Abydos pit·graves are combined with the valley
-. thIs was a was the practice for elite Egyptians to build ceno· enclosures they present a total arrangement that is
realm of the taphs at Abydos, the cult centre of Osiris. larger than the Saqqara mastabas. The presence
'ery edge of On the other hand, others view Abydos as the also at Abydos of extraordinarily large groups of (Above) Saqqara mastaba
n, Egyptians 3505; (below) the Abydos
true royal cemetery and see the Saqqara mastabas retainers' burials with their many small stelae, as tomb and valley enclosure
e mastabas not as royal cenotaphs but as tombs of high offi· well as the large stelae of rulers, all point to Aby· of Qa'a
cials. Seal impressions of such people, who held dos as the true burial ground.
titles like Nomarch, Governor, Councillor, Treasur·
er, and 'Ruling in the King's Heart', are found Symbolic architecture
. mastabas almost as commonly as those of kings. Moreover, The Saqqara mastabas are massive structures com·
vations pro· Emery recovered the stone stela of a man named parable to fortified city walls, which some see as
the deeply Merka near a large niche or false door of mastaba the inspiration for their fac;ades. But when we con·
real contrast 3505. Merka was a nomarch (Adj·mer), Captain of sider the decoration painted on the plastered sur·
bydos, which the Royal Ship and Controller of the Palace. He face of the niched walls, it is apparent that the r ­ -,
The niching was also an fry Paat, 'one of the paaf, a class of builders also had something else in mind. Recessed I
the earliest patricians. panels are painted yellow to imitate wood, while the I ,

ions of the forward, broadest faces are painted in varied pat· I
ing's Horus (Left) The inscribed panel terns of squares, crosses and lozenges. These are I ,I

, 0 kings and from the stela of Merka, a the patterns of woven mats that the 1st·dynasty I I

alone, for it high official, found near the builders knew from their daily lives. They were
I , I

main niche at the south end I I
tombs and simulating the wood·frame and woven reed· mat I
of mastaba 3505. Some see I
h status. structures such as formed the Per Wer and the Per I ,I
tabas as the
it as conclusive evidence that
the large mastabas at North Nu, the predynastic shrines that became emblemat·

I»a 3035 to an Saqqara belong to holders ic for Upper and Lower Egypt. I
don sealings of high office under the kings, Like later false doors, which were abbreviated I
continued to and not to the kings versions of these niched fac;ades, the broader L _ ,I
b to royalty, niches of the mastabas were contact points
fac;ades, but between this world and the Netherworld. Tucked One argument in favour of
in masta· into several niches of mastaba 3503 ­ which some the Saqqara maslabas being
first king of still ascribe to Merneith, but which contained seal· the royal tombs is thmr size.
mg therefore ings of an official, perhaps Seshemka - Emery However, when the total
arrangement of tomb and
'lastabas con· found offering dishes still in place after nearly fIVe valley enclosure at Abydos is
the other 1st· millennia. Even more dramatic, and peculiar to the combined, they comprise a
the names of (Below, left and centre) 1st·dynasty mastabas of North Saqqara, are hun· much greater area.
Modelled cattle skulls with real dreds of clay ox heads with real horns attached ­
apparently horns surround mastaba
3504, possibly a symbolic
for instance arranged along the bench and in the
• new capital, herd. Such skulls were found recesses of mastaba 3504, ascribed to Djet but asso·
d of the 1st also at olher mastabas, but in ciated with sealings of an official named Sekhem·
he tombs at fewer numbers. ka. These may represent offerings or a living herd.

," .. ~ l
3038 '_ I

(Right) A light reed·mat

enclosure is solidified in a
painted mudbrick mastaba.

Egyptologists have long been frustrated by a els whose false doors were too narrow and low tf
Archazc Mastabas at Saqqara lack of precedent for this earliest monumental have been exact copies of real doors. The elaborak
architecture with its sophisticated exterior decora­ niching of this fictive architecture accentuated tlk
tion. We may be missing a long evolution of fortifi­ painted rendering of reed mats and wood frame. I
cations, towns and tombs of early Delta was a way to 'show the construction' of the skeleta;
communities, such as Buto, largely unexcavated. system while freezing it for eternity in mudbnck
But it is important to realize that the maslabas, like Some burial chambers had real posts and reed mar:,.
the Abydos valley enclosures, are simulacra ­ mod- on the walls - the 'inside' of the 'reed shrine'.


Mastaba 3507 with an

interior vaulted tumulus over
the burial chambel' Above the
substructure 0/ the standard
mastaba, the intel'ior was
divided into a chequerboard
pattern 0/ smaller magazines
that sometimes contained
additional bUl'ial goods.

Changes in the design of the 1st-dynasty mastabas at In mastaba 3507, Emery found a low rounded
Saqqara do suggest incipient forms of elements of tumulus above the burial chamber. Set within the
the later pyramids, an aspect that still convinces some rectangular niched wall enclosure, the mound
Egyptologists that they are royal tombs. North of completed the basic pattern of the early
mastaba 3357, ascribed to Hor-Aha, are a set of model Hierakonpolis temple and the later Djoser complex. In
buildings and two large terraces extending up to mastaba 3357, reed mats stuck on the walls perhaps
walls lining a boat pit. The whole looks like a imitated the interior of a reed enclosure - a
simulated quay or dock with goods off-loaded and forerunner of Djoser's apartments below his pyramid,
stored in the model buildings. Could this arrangement where the reed mats are rendered in blue faience tiles.
be a precursor to the mortuary temple, such as on the But it is in mastaba 3038, from the reign of Adjib,
north side of Djoser's Step Pyramid? Mastaba 3505 that we find the closest precedent to Djoser's Step
(ascribed to Qa'a, but probably belonging to Merka) Pyramid. The entire substructure, in a 4-m (13-ft)
has a more developed north chapel that is closer to deep rectangular pit, had mudbrick walls rising to a
Djoser's pyramid temple, although it also fits in the height of 6 m (19 tt). Three sides of this structure
development of chapels of tombs of high officials. were then built out to form eight shallow steps rising
It is in the very core of the mastabas that features at an angle of 49°. This would have been an oblong
develop which appear to be compelling precedents for step pyramid except the remaining side was left
the later pyramids. In mastaba 2185 we see for the uncovered. In the final building phase a niched
first time great stone beams over the burial chamber. enclosure wall was erected all round and the area
Mastabas 3036 and 3035, belonging to the officials within entirely filled with sand, thus completely
Ankhka and Hemaka, have a stepped entrance burying the stepped mound.
corridor built into a sloping trench that approaches When Emery stripped away the niched mastaba to
the burial chamber from the east. The corridors reveal the stepped mound, Egyptologists were struck
feature the first portcullis grooves and slabs, the by its similarity to the image of a stepped mound
sliding stone door that would be used in pyramid associated with the name of King Adjib etched on
passages throughout the Old Kingdom. As well as pottery, stone vases and ivory tablets from both
improving secUlity, these arrangements have the Saqqara and Abydos. On top of Adjib's mound is a
functional advantage of allowing the burial chamber stela with hieroglyphs that read 'Protection around
and magazines to be entered for the funeral even after Horus' (i.e. the king). Could this innovative stepped
they had been sealed by the superstructure. Earlier mound buried inside mastaba 3038 have been so
mastabas must have been built after the occupant had renowned that it became closely associated with
been interred and could not be re-entered. King Adjib?

\- and low to
The elaborate
nruated the
d frame. It
f the skeletal
in mudbrick.
and reed mats
:hrine'. I I

The image of a stela, which

reads 'Protection around
Horus', on a stepped mound,
along with the name of the
1st-dynasty pharaoh Adjib.

The stepped tumulus inside

the niched mastaba 3038
(above and right), associated
with seatings of Adjib. A
chamber with gmnaries was
located to one side of the
central bzaial chambe!:

(Left) A view into the interior

of mastaba 3500, with the
great stone portcullis slabs
still blocking the entrance

ft) long and entered by passages from the north.
the basis of seal ImpreSSions found withm the
they are considered to be the tombs of the first and
third kings of the 2nd dynasty - Hetepsekhemw:
Saqqara: An Overview
and Ninetjer, both of whom, unlike Peribsen ana
Khasekhemwy later m the dynasty, did not hav
tombs at Abydos. The tombstone of the secon
kmg of the 2nd dynasty, Raneb, was found m t~
area, suggestmg that another royal tomb remaifu
to be found.
Stadelmann believes that the galleries were on
topped by long mastabas, SImilar to Djoser's Sout
Tomb. He also links these tombs with the hug
empty rectangles formed by low wa]\s further wes
out in the desert. According to Stadelmann, thes­
empty precmcts are the counterparts to the valle.
enclosures of Peribsen and Khasekhemwy at Aby
dos, although here the sacred precincts are farth
west into the desert whereas at Abydos they ap'
east of the royal tomb and down near the culti\'a
tion. Others date the rectangles to the 3rd dynastv.
Why are Djoser's and Sekhemkhet's pyramid:
and these mysterious empty rectangles so far ou
into the desert? If we look at the map of Saqqara
WIth south at the top as the ancient Egyptian:,
vIewed theIr world, we see that the Abuslr Wadi i
a natural causeway connectmg the ftoodplai
below the northern point of the Saqqara Plateau t
the front of the Djoser and Sekhemkhet enclosur
and the two anonymous royal rectangles. At t~
A mew of the Saqqara The Saqqara plateau hosted 11 royal pyramIds, mouth of the wadi there may have been a lake, per·
pyramid Judd from Giza. more than any other site in Egypt. This is not haps formmg a harbour Just beside the early settl
counting the satellite pyramids, queens' pyramids ment at the foot of the escarpment.
and Shepseskaf's mastaba. In the mIdst of the PyramId builders abandoned Saqqara for a1mO$
pyramIds were the many hundreds of tombs of the entirety of the 4th dynasty as the clamour
officials great and small, ranging in date from the buildmg jumped south to Meidum then to Dahshur
1st dynasty to the Coptic period. The entire necro­ dunng Sneferu's reIgn, and was thereafter focu
polis extends across the central plateau for 2.5 km on Giza for three generatIons. Only With the pa
(1 V2 miles) from the northern tip of the row of Ist­ mg of that dynasty, around 2472 Be, did Shepseska:
dynasty tombs to south of the pyramid complex of come back to build hIS giant stone mastaba a
Sekhemkhet, and for the same distance from the South Saqqara.
eastern escarpment to the enigmatIC great empty
enclosure, the Gisr el-Mudir, west of Djoser's pyra­ Return to Saqqara
mid. If we include the pyramid fields of Abusir to Userkaf, the first kmg of the 5th dynasty, return
the north, and South Saqqara, Its natural exten­ to the heart of central Saqqara and built hIS pyra·
sions, the necropohs is over 7.5 km (4 miles) long. mid squarely beside the east wall of the Step Pyra­
This city of the dead m stone and sand is the mid enclosure, at ItS far north end. ThiS positi
otherworldly counterpart of the livmg cIty of must have been very Important to the kmg. Loca
Memphis. Memphis migrated southwards to stay mg hIS pyramId here, he had to straddle a depr ­
ahead of the sands drifting m from the desert as the sion, perhaps part of the so-calJed moat tha
chmate became increasingly drier throughout the surrounds the Step PyramId enclosure.
Old Kingdom, and to follow the Nile as It retreated The 5th-dynasty pyramid complexes at Saqqara
eastwards. As the city moved so did the necropolis each required access to the valley floor vIa a cause­
up on the high desert. way. Ideally thIS would run through a natural wad
The centrepiece of the Saqqara tableau is the that sloped gradually enough to avoId the need fo:"
Step Pyramid of Djoser (the Horus Netjerykhet). a huge foundatIOn ramp. This determmed wher
When the kmg's builders began thIS unprecedented the builders could situate a pyramId complex. Ne
creation m stone, the Site may have already been a eVidence recovered by the British team at Memphi
royal reserve. Immediately south, there are two and Saqqara indicates another determll1mg factor
large sets of underground gallenes, over 130 m (427 Each complex may have been sItuated to tak

d 1km

advantage of natural lakes along the desert edge.

o 0.5 mile
the north. On
with1l1 them, Such lakes were left after the annual floods receded
f the first and or were stranded as the course of the Nile moved. N
, epsekhemwy Userkaf's causeway, never excavated, probably ran ~ Shepseskaf
Peribsen and through the wadi that now contains the tourist road [8J Pepi II
did not have up to the plateau. t!lIlbi
,f the second The four kings who followed Userkaf built their
It! found in the pyramids in a cluster at Abusir. Again, the lake in
omb remains the Abusir 'bay' could have furnished a common
harbour. As the kings added to the Abusir pyramid
ie~ were once cluster they followed a practice that we have seen
Djoser's South 111 the 1st-dynasty royal cemetery at Abydos, and
-ith the huge also at central Saqqara and Giza, that is to extend
further west, 111 a general southwest orientation.
Near the end of the 5th dynasty Djedkare-Isesi
South Saqqara lakes?­
[8J ~ Merenre
delmann, these
- to the valley built his pyramid at South Saqqara on a point over­ Djedkare-Isesi
mwy at Aby­ looking the mouth of the prominent Wadi el-Tafla,
s are farther which probably furnished a low, ponded area suit­ [8J Pepi I
:dos they are able for a pyramid harbour.
ear the cultiva­ Unas built his pyramid close against the Step
3rd dynasty. Pyramid enclosure, at the far west end of the south
t's pyramids side. Like two guard posts, the pyramids of the +-­
Main Memphis ruin field
les so far out first (Userkaf) and last (Unas) kings of this dynasty 500 m east (see inset)
p of Saqqara flanked the precinct of their ancestor, Djoser. As
m Egyptians with Userkaf, the selectlon of the site for his pyra­ SAQQARA
. busir Wadi is mid must have been of considerable importance to unaSlake?~

he floodplain Unas, since it required that he build an extremely

qara Plateau to long causeway to reach the floodplain. It ran
et enclosures,
ngles. At the
leen a lake, per­
through a minor wadi to yet another of the natural
lakes along the desert edge.
When Teti, first pharaoh of the 6th dynasty, built

~U_nas~ U
the early settle­ his pyramid northeast of Userkaf's, a necklace of
pyramids from the 3rd, 5th and 6th dynasties Djoser
qara for almost
the clamour of
. n to Dahshur,
eafter focused
extended diagonally from northeast to southwest
across the central Saqqara plateau. The orientation
is approximate, although a line can be drawn con­
necting the northwest corner of the pyramid of
with the pass­ Sekhemkhet, the pyramid of Unas (but off centre),
the southeast corner of Djoser, the southeast cor­ o Lepsius 29
did Shepseskaf
mastaba at ner of Userkaf and the centre of Teti. A small pyra­
, ,
,, , . l ~,
'.. .. ~ .........

mid, almost destroyed (of Merikare or Menkauhor),

east of Teti's extended the line of pyramids a little :-. .,"\
I ..,'
" .. ....,

farther northeast to the edge of the escarpment. ~

I ' " .... '

na, ty, returned Pepi I and two of his sons, Merenre and Pepi II,
·,, ,
built his pyra­
he Step Pyra­
returned to South Saqqara and built their pyramids
on the shoulders of the Wadi el-Tafla. This part of · I
~ " \,
This position Saqqara lines up with the principal ruins of Mem­ ~'?" .. Archaic Memphis? ... I.
t>- . .
eking. Locat phis dating to the Middle and New Kingdoms. The <f9(9 \, '\
ddle a depres­ Greek name Memphis probably derives from the 1j~ ", "
name of Pepi 1's pyramid, Men-ne/er Pepi, 'The Per­ ~.:> ...... ,
lied moat that
_'e;;at Saqqara
fection of Pepi Endures'. His pyramid town may be
located under the modern village of Saqqara. Pepi

..... --- .. ABUSIR

r \'la a cause­ II chose to build his pyramid close to the mastaba Abusirlake
a natural wadi of Shepseskaf. After Pepi II, the pharaohs would Raneferef

build no major pyramid complexes for more than Khentkawes'l~

d the need for o
1, km (>..

Neferirkare ~
150 years. The pyramid of an 8th-dynasty ruler,
1mile ;Z'"
lineel where o
complex. New Ibi, and that east of Teti's, if it belongs to Merikare OJ Nius~ [8J
~ Merenre
mat Memphis and so dates to the 9th dynasty, were the last pyra­ -0 Djedkare-Isesi 0 I2J
"s -[8J
nnining factor. mids built at Saqqara. These small pyramids were <II 'Pepi 10 " Sahure
a teel to take the final gasps of the Old Kingdom pyramid age. a.
:' Main '-,
, Memphis I
,/ ruin field ,/
,, ,, Unas
lake?~ sekhemkhet~
(Rainer Stadelmann has modified this scheme), \\
get a major expansion every three years, if \\

Djoser's Step Pyramid

divide the six stages into the 19 years of Djoser'
reign. Even doubling his reign to 38 years - co
ceivable if the 19 years were biennial taxation yeaJ'o

Complex - gives us a major alteration every six years.

When the builders began to transform t
mastaba into the first pyramid they built a cru
core of roughly shaped stones with a fine limesto
casing and a layer of packing in between. Th
It would be hard to overemphasize the dramatic technique had been used also for the mastabas. B
leap in architectural size and sophistication repre­ now there was a profound difference: they abar
sented by Egypt's first royal stone complex, the doned horizontal beds and began to build in accr
Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. Djoser is the tions that leaned inwards. They also used bigg
name given to this king by New Kingdom visitors and better blocks that they no longer needed
to the site over a thousand years later. But the only pack with large amounts of mortar of tafla - t
royal name found on the walls of the complex is the local tan-coloured desert clay. Instead, the clay \\'3:
Horus name, Netjerykhet. In 1996 Dreyer found used only as an aid to setting each block on a ~
Stages in the evolution Netjerykhet's mud sealings at Khasekhemwy's that inclined with the accretion layer.
of the pyramid: from Abydos tomb, suggesting a direct link between The Egyptians also built the surrounding stru
Klwsekhemwy's mound them. As for the monumental record, prior to tures and enclosure in stages. Werner Kaiser poin
within an enclosure at Abydos
(toP), to Djoser's simple Djoser the most common material for large build­ ed out that the first, smaller, stage, is simIlar to t
mastaba within a rectangular ings was mudbrick. Abydos valley enclosure of Khasekhem¥.'y. Dj
stone enclosure (centre) at Then, within Djoser's 19·year reign (2630-2611 er's original mastaba is off·centre in the first end
Saqqara, which was then Be), his architect Imhotep, Chancellor and Great sure, like the mound O'Connor hypothesizes f
covered by hIs great Step Seer (i.e. high priest) of the sun god Ra, built the Khasekhemwy's enclosure, and that within t
Pyramid Step Pyramid and its huge enclosure. A limestone enclosure at Hierakonpolis (p. 77).
wall, 10.5 m (34 ft) high and 1,645 m (5,397 ft) long,
contained an area of 15 ha (37 acres), the size of a
large town in the 3rd millennium Be. Within was a Western massifs Boundarv
vast complex of functional and dummy buildings, Chapel of the South Tomb
(Opposite Page) A unique including the Pavilions of the North and South,
pyramid complex: the success
large tumuli and terraces, finely carved faGades,
of Djoser is echoed through
later antiquity in the tradition ribbed and fluted columns, stairways, platforms,
that this king, and his shrines, chapels and life-sized statues. There was
architect, fmhotep, were even a replica of the substructure, the South Tomb.
the inventors of stone The centrepiece was the Step Pyramid, rising in six
architecture. We see many steps to a height of c. 60 m (197 ft), containing
familiar forms for the first 330,400 cu. m (11,668,000 cu. ft) of clay and stone.
tIme here: the first colonnade,
the first hypostyle, porhea. life­ The Step Pyramid complex is such a basic tern·
plate of Egyptian art and architecture that it is The South Court
SIzed statues, torus-moulding
and cavetto cornice, and, of easy to take it for granted. But the implications of
course, the first pyramid the architecture for changes in the government of
Many structures in the Egypt and political control of people's lives are Colonnade entrance --=---------'
complex survived as members
of the hieroglyphic sign-list astounding. Consider one of many facts about the
of sacred buildings, a complex that has major implications for human Evidence suggests that the builders partiall.
'vocabulary of forms'. The labour: the builders did not form the recesses of the buried the dummy structures of Djoser's enclosu
3rd-dynasty builders inherited huge stone enclosure wall before they laid the - the Pavilions of the North and South, the Sou
many of these forms from blocks, as modern masons would. Instead they Tomb and Sed Chapels - almost immediately aft
predynastic wood and reed hand·carved each recess into the face of the already they built them in the first stage. Likewise the.
structures and petrified and encased the king's mastaba in fine limestone in t
perpetuated them in the Step laid masonry, an enormous task since there were
PyramId complex. They kft 1,680 recessed panels on the bastions and dummy first stage and then only a few years later entirel.
the doors of the complex open doorways, each panel more than 9 m (30 ft) tall. covered it with the Step Pyramid - an act which. i:.
forever. inviting latel' Stadelmann is right, they may have planned fro
generations of kings and Building in stages the beginning. The half-submerging of the dumm.
their designers to come in and The pyramid was built in stages, progressing from buildings must have signified the chthonic, under·
to see, and to build their own an initial square mastaba to the final six-step pyra­ world aspect of existence after death. And the ful
variatzons. The actual
entrance colonnade, now mid. According to Jean-Philippe Lauer, the main envelopment of the mastaba conforms to the pal·
restored, is shown opposite, excavator of the site, there were six stages (Ml . M2 tern of early Egyptian monuments that successi,'
bottom kft. - M 3 • PI . PI' - P2 )· Assuming that this is correct stages conceal earlier ones. Tomb building appeaTh

his scheme), we o have been part of a larger ceremonial cycle, an

\'ears, if we act of consolidation and renewal that necessitated

car,; of Djoser's burying finely crafted structures. The Egyptian

years - con­ penchant for simulation receives one of its greatest

. Itaxation years expressions here. The stone enclosure wall imitates

-IX years. one of mudbrick; the ceiling stones of the entrance

ransform the passage, the Sed chapels and the Pavilions of the

y built a crude \forth and South imitate wooden log beams; traces

a tine limestone of paint indicate that many fa~ades and pillars in

between. This fine limestone were painted red to imitate wood.

e mastabas. But With certain elements, it was enough that their

nee: they aban­ form - their image - was present in the fa~ade; the

) build in accre­ mterior could be abbreviated. Yet not all the build­

a1: used bigger :ngs in the Djoser complex are dummy fa~ades.

nger needed to Lauer has distinguished between functional versus

of tafla - the
fictional structures. The fictive architecture served

'cad. the clay was the king's ka in the Afterlife. The functional may

:h block on a bed have been necessary for the actual conduct of the

cr. funeral ceremonies. Djoser's funeral cortege could

rrounding struc­ have negotiated an elaborate course through the

ner Kaiser point­ buildings, a statue of the king at every major turn

, is similar to the symbolically allowing the procession to pass. But,

- khemwy. Djos­ given the fact that many entrances and passages

in the first enclo- are scarcely wider than 1 m (31f4 ft), it would have

r hypothesizes for been far more convenient to bring the royal body
that within the and its accou rements into the complex by way of a
ramp over the enclosure in its northeast corner.

Pyramid cut away to show Northern temple Djoser's Step Pyramid in il.'
final stage rose ill six sltps I,
massifs Boundary ma
Altar stages of constru~c~tio~n~:::::tl::;~::::::=====:;:::::::=::t:::::::~ a helghl 0/60117 (196' til.
wilh a meaSllrillR I:! I .r
109 In (397.1' 358fl)·

Evidence of ramp
__""""""" over northeas' corner
of enclosure wa

Enclosure wall with
bastions and dummy
Court of the serdab

builders partially
r Djo er's enclosure J
xl - uth, the South
immediately after
[ 01

e. Likewise they

ine limestone in the
years later entirely
id - an act which, if
ha\'e planned from
:ring of the dummy
he chthonic, under-
death. And the full
niorms to the pat­
~nt,; that successive
Ib building appears
0 lOpm
0 300 It
had been reused with their decoration -scending corridor
Inside the Step Pyramid neglected, must have formed the roof \\' packed like the (
burial vault - the earliest known examp >se who succeede
ceiling. This motif, one that the Egypti ried in the heart ,
over royal tomb chambers for centuries, TUcture fully che
one of the paradoxes of the pyramids. D~ rieved from the ,.;
lie after death underground, under million. nen. a finer linen h,
of masonry, but the roof of the chamber i . d bones - a techni,
the night sky, to which his soul is free to fly. ncient mummies of
The fact that this burial vault was scrappel rt'Cent radiocarbon d
P, another built parallels the multiple buildin t>nturies younger th,
rebuildings above ground. When it was deci
expand the mastaba into a pyramid, the new ~
structure covered the descending corridor
made it impossible to keep the central shaft (
They were filled and covered with masonry
another way had to be contrived to bring in the
royal body. A new access was bwlt, beginning as a
M, open stairway trench north of the pyramid temp •
while the centre of the descending corridor was Id
Central passage ~::=~=:~.~:==::::=:J
King's apartment
open. In the narrowest parts of the new acce-"
First robbers' passage there was no room for anything wider than a metT~

Granite burial vault The granite vault

Djoser's final resting place was a vault consi tin
four courses of well-dressed granite blocks. it
Shaft galleries I-XI
opening a cylindrical aperture towards the no
'Ond. Once the royal remains were laid to rest.
lOle was blocked with a granite plug weighin
Profile mew of the Step The above-ground elements of Djoser's pyramid
Pyramid, looking north, tons, with four grooves to guide the ropes used
complex are only one part of the story. Below, the
showing the stages in the lower it. Above the burial vault the builders
Egyptians created an underground structure on a
building of the created a small room to give them space to I
scale previously unknown, quarrying out more
superstructure, and tangle the plug. Nothing of this remained for m
of shafts, galleries and than 5.7 km (3 1/, miles) of shafts, tunnels, cham­
archaeologists - it must have been destroyed .
chambers of the substructure. bers, galleries and magazines. The only precedent
ancient explorers who emptied the shaft, probat' •
is the 2nd-dynasty royal underground galleries a
in the 26th dynasty - but the form of this 'man
short distance south of the Djoser complex, one of
vre chamber' could be worked out on the ba. i.
which is assigned Hetepsekhemwy. In fact, Djoser's
the one found intact in the South Tomb.
Western Galleries are almost aligned with Het­
Space inside the vault was restricted, and La
epsekhemwy's, but are several orders of magnitude
believes the body was placed in a gilded ,,'
larger; they are also the least explored part of the
box. Once body and granite plug were in place.
pyramid's substructure. A central corridor and two
parallel ones extend over 365m (1,198 ft), connect­
ing 400 rooms. These and other subterranean fea­
tures - impressive enough - surround one of the
most complicated tangles of tunnels and shafts the
Egyptians ever created, below the pyramid itself.
A great Central Shaft, 7 m (23 ft) square and 28 m
(92 ft) deep, was dug for the burial chamber. To
remove waste as the shaft got deeper, a descending
corridor was built, joining the shaft from the north.
Above and around it masons were building masta­
ba !\II,. Others began work on the king's burial vault
at the bottom, bringing in materials by the descend­
ing corridor. The final vault was of granite, but
Lauer found evidence that there had been an earlier
one with walls of alabaster and a pavement of dior­
ite or schist. Numerous fragments of these costly
materials were found packed around the vault. But
most interesting were limestone blocks with large
five-pointed stars in low relief. These blocks, which
mation hidden or descending corridor was filled. Djoser's body was [)joser's undergru/lll
h~ roof of the fil~t now packed like the core of a battery and no doubt complex of passages.
11 ~xample of a star those who succeeded him believed his remains, stainvays and chamb
Eg~'ptians placed buried in the heart of he pyramid, rendered he is one of the most CI
under any pyramid. .
Ctnturies, embodies structure fully charged. Mummy parts were aU the robbers' twun .
:ramids. Ojoser may retrieved from the vault: underneath outer coarse shown here. The dial!
Ild~r millions of tons linen, a finer linen had been used to model tenons (left) shows how the I
•chamber is 'open' to and bones - a technique characteristic of the most substructure persjJect
I ~ iree to fly. ancient mummies of the Old Kingdom. However, 1'elates to the pyrami,.
I wa~ scrapped and recent radiocarbon dating shows them to be many
11 iple buildings and centuries younger than Djoser.
Ie'I1 it \\'a decided to
amid. the new super· The king's subterranean palace
rKIing corridor and Well before the expansion of the mastaba into the
I.'t'nn·al shaft open. pyramid, masons were at work on passages sur­
I w'th masonry and rounding the central shaft. To the north, west and
. t'd to bring in the south, they tunnelled long armatures ending in
. beginning as an transverse galleries, from which they began to cut
p~Tamid temple, crude perpendicular magazines. A stairway from F
7 corridor was left the descending corridor took a series of turns and
- he new access corridors, ending in an eastern chamber. Here,
'lder than a metre. craftsmen were far advanced on an exquisite deco­ Retaining walls

ration of faience and limestone. Rows of blue round rim of shaft to

keep it open through - ­

faience tiles with raised bands of limestone simu­ mastaba (M~)

a 'ault consisting of late a reed-mat structure - perhaps the king's

'aIl1 e blocks, its only palace. Blue also evokes the watery associations of
ward, the north the Egyptian Netherworld. The decoration was
e laid to rest, the organized into six panels. Three on the north side
plug \\'eighing 3.5 were topped by an arch supported by simulated Central shaft: 7m
square, 28 m deep
'he ropes used to djed pillars. One contained the real doorway; the
he builders had limestone frame bore the name and protocol of Net­
,;pace to lower jerykhet (Djoser). Three southern panels framed
mt'd for modern false door stelae, showing Djoser performing a rit­
n destroyed by ual run and visits to shrines. This chamber was
the ,;haft. probably never completed - the builders left the east wall
Ii this 'manoeu­ roughly hacked from the rock and the decorators
un the basis of seem to have finished in a hurry. All four walls of MagaZine Gallery II
T,mb. two further chambers were covered with the blue­
·cred. and Lauer tile inlay and the doorways were framed with Djos­
a gilded wooden er's name. These must represent the inner private
\'~re in p.lace, the rooms of the pa lace.

The roof of [)joser's granite

bunal vault, with the 3.5 ton
granite plug Nothing wider
than 1 m (3'/4 ft) could be
inserted into the

..Joground Second access to
-passages, sUbstructure begins as trench
:/Ill chambers north of pyramid temple - - - - - - - , , . . . ......
" 1II0st complex
, yramid. Not
. r'- IUllnels are
" The diagram
,.. pcrspertive
" pyramid.

Open pit and

stairway in floor
of court of
pyramid temple

First robbers' 2 ge

(end of Old Kingoom?)


Central passage:
original stairway
descent to central
--""'r£------shaft, covered by
expansion of
pyramid P,'

Gallery 4-5-g, for

-~-- storage of food


The serdab is aligned with

King's apartment, the killg's private apartment,
West walls inlaid with with its blue-tiled chambers,
blue faience tiles under the pyramid. as can be
seen in the plan It is also just
in front of the door of the
mOl'e public front part of his o 50 m
, .
~------:::f--t+--.,;~,,==;:;~ Three false door stelae
---+-- N
eternal house. The eastern o 150 It
showing Djoser gallen'es are highlighted.

~ Djoser's Step Pyramid

Djoser's statue in its serdab
(below), representing the king
emerging from hlS przvate
Netherworld apartment below
the pyramzd.

With eyes once tnlatd with

rock crystal, Djoser's statue
(above) gazed out through
peep·holes m the serdab box,
tilted upwards 13° to the
northern sky where the !?Zng
jomed the cil'cumpolar stars,
his brethren. A replzca statue
now occupies the serdab.

The eastern shafts and galleries

Yet another, deeper substructure below the pyra-
mid was begun when it was still a mastaba. Eleven
vertIcal shafts were dug, from the bottom of which
long gallenes extend to the west. GallerIes I-IV
were used as tombs: two mtact alabaster sarco-
phagi and fragments of others were found. The end
of Gallery III widened Into a room, cased with fine
limestone, where the hip-bone of an 18-year-old
woman was found. A seal impreSSIOn gave the
Horus name of Djoser and, tantalizmgly, the titles
'Treasurer, Chief Lector PrIest and Builder of
Nekhen' - the first two were held by Imhotep.
Recent radiocarbon dating deepens the mystery of
Djoser's tomb once more: one set of female remains
dates to generatIOns before Djoser's time.
GaJleries VI-IX contamed a remarkable coJlec-
tion of stone vessels. Stacks of plates and cups -
mostly of alabaster but also of other fine stones -
added up to a staggering total of around 40,000
vessels. Many bore inscriptions revealmg that the Once painted to brmg It to
majority were not made for D]oser, but probably life. Djoser's anginal statue
belonged to hiS royal ancestors. Perhaps, like the is now In the Cairo Museum.
- -'
female remams that date so early, the vessels were
salvaged from the already plundered 1st-dynasty
It IS Inscribed with IllS name,
as f(zng of Upper and Lower
egypt, heir of two crown
mastabas a Saqqara. The Step Pyramid was not goddesses, Nekhbet (south,
only a vocabulary of forms passed on to the future, vulture) and Wadjet (north,
but also a repository of the past. cobra), Netjeryklzet of gold.

89 90
entered by a round aperture. Remarkably, the
The South Tomb wooden beam used to lower the granite plug was
still in place with tTaces left by the ropes still vis)·
By all Egyptological reckoning the Step Pyramid ble. Incorporated into the masonry of the manoeu
itself is a functional royal tomb. But in Djoser's vre chamber were blocks of fine limestone with
complex, in addition to the Step Pyramid, we find relief-carved stars - remains of a previous vault.
the enigmatic South Tomb. Below it the builders The granite vault is similar to the one under the
replicated three essential features of the substruc­ pyramid, but it is much smaller, and its interior was
ture of the pyramid: the descending corridor; cen­ covered in green traces of copper. What was placed
tral shaft with the granite vault; and the king's in this vault, too small for a human burial? Various
palace with its blue-tiled chambers. As under the suggestions have been made: that it was a fictive
pyramid, the builders blocked the descending corri­ tomb for a ritual death during the Beb-Sed cere­
dar except for a narrow stairway to allow them to monies when the king renewed his vital forces; that
bring in whatever it was they placed in the vault. it was the home of the king's ka; that it was the bur­
About halfway down the corridor a side chamber ial place of the royal placenta, preserved from birth
was found filled with large jars. On top of these the until death; that it was for the burial of the crowns:
workmen had left a wooden stretcher, box and or that it was a symbolic reference to the old tomb~
King Djoser performing posts from a baldachin that resemble those of Bet­ at Abydos, be they actual or fictive burial places.
the cerem.onial heb-sed run, epheres's cache at Giza (p. 117). Lauer thought it might have been for the king's
holding the household deed ­ Robbers had done far less damage to the South internal organs, removed during mummification.
to the whole of Egypt. This is Tomb than the pyramid itself, so excavators found though in later times the canopic chest containing
one of the false door steli1e in the manoeuvre chamber intact. The walls were of these was placed in the same chamber as the body.
the blue-tiled chambers of the
South Tomb. Three stelae large limestone slabs and the underside of the stone The entire South Tomb complex may have been
were located under the mam ceiling beams had been rounded to imitate palm intended for the king's ka, and the Egyptians often
pyramid, and three under the logs. As in the pyramid (though here at the south gave the ka special funerary treatment by the sepa­
South Tomb. rather than the north end), the burial chamber was rate interment of a statue. There is compelling e\'i·
dence that Khafre's satellite pyramid was used for a
statue burial. The South Tomb may thus be seen a
the precursor of later satellite pyramids. The wood­
en stretcher, box and poles found in the magazine In
the South Tomb may be the ritually disassembled
parts of the apparatus used to carry such a statue_
All indications point to the fact that the South
Tomb was finished first: the king's inner palace i,
far more complete than that of the pyramid. Cham·
ber r has six panels identical to those under the
pyramid, with blue faience tiles laid on a limeston
backing imitating reed-mat fa<;ades with a vaulted
top supported by djed columns. One contained the
real door from the vestibule. In another chamber (Ill
three more panels contain false door stelae, while
the fourth contains the real door exiting to a shan
corridor. Two more chambers are covered, like their
counterparts under the pyramid, with blue faience
inlay. The blue-tiled chambers are one of the most
impressive features of the Djoser subst-ucture. Ye
the product of this extraordinary care and craft .
manship was never intended to be seen by livin
eyes; it was meant instead to ensure something in
the king's existence after death. The clue to what
that was lies in the false door stelae, which form the
pictorial and textual determinative to the entire
underground complex. In the darkest, most inacce ­
sible place the Egyptian builders could devise, the~­
used the best of their nascent abilities in relief art
and text to depict the king in perpetual communica·
tion, not so much with his living subjects, as with
the netjeru, the gods and denizens of the Nether­
world, where the king's mat palace was now part of
the watery, sacred region of primeval reed shrines.

narkably, the Djoser Underground Western Galleries
. e plug was
;JpeS still visi·
r he manoeLl­
mestone with
us vault.
ne under the Stairway
Shaft of the
interior was South Tomb

I was placed
llfial? Various
was a fictive
Heb-Sed cere-
I forces; that
was the bur­
red from birth
lhe crowns;
he old tombs
burial places.
r the king's
ummification, I
Shaft of the
Shaft of the Galleries Shaft of the
-t containing token palace beneath the Pavilion of the Pavilion of the
ras the body. (Building Askew) Step Pyramid South North
lay have been
~"ptians often
l by the sepa­
mpelling evi­
a used for a
u be seen as
rl . The wood­
ie magazine in
Inside the South Tomb
di assembled
ch a statue.
hal the South Mastaba superstructure _______________
nner palace is Descending stairway
from west
'famid. Cham-
under the
n a limestone
-jth a vaulted
contained the
,. chamber (II) Magazine L: 18 x 1.6 m,
telae, while for food offerings
ng to a short
Central shaft:
mel. like their 7 x 7 m, 28 m deep (Below) First burial chamber
h blue faience with limestone ceiling studded
Ie of the most with. stars above and below
Stairway bypasses
tructure. Yet manoeuvre chamber (not (interim).
and crafts­ shown) and granite vault
;een by living Three false door stelae
mething in showing Djoser in Chamber II
• clue to what
hich form the bers I and II,
. valls inlaid
o the entire blue faience Second burial vault of
,most macces­ -1---1- granite. Interior: 1.6 x 1.6 m,

Id devise, they h.1.3m

in relief art
Chambers III and IV. Walls
Icommunica­ inlaid with blue faience tiles
jeels, as with
the Nether­ Blind corridor, 8.8 x 0.9 m
'now part of
Ireed shrines. Chambers represent inner rooms of

wood-frame and reed-mat building

Chamber I
The Short Life of Step
It might perhaps be expected that a long line of
comparable step pyramid complexes would
follow Djoser's. But while many specific elements
were borrowed by later generations, the rectangu­
lar step pyramid complex did not endure.

Sekhemkhet's Buried Pyramid

The pyramid of Sekhemkhet at Saqqara, south­
west of Djoser's, was an attempt to build another
such complex, but it was abandoned soon after it
was begun. [n the Turin Papyrus Djoser's succes­
sor, Djoserty, is given a reign of only six years. This ~ - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -- -~

accords well with his identification as the king with ,,

the Horus name Sekhemkhet, whose pyramid never
rose above the surface of its rectangular enclosure.
It has been called simply the 'buried pyramid' but extension
Despite its unfinished state, its base dimensions and the angle of incline sug­
Sekhemkhet's pyramid
contams a curious mystery ­ gest that it was probably intended to rise about 70 South
m (230 ft), in seven steps - higher than Djoser's. Tomb
a blocked burial chamber
containmg a umque sealed In building the pyramid the masons used the
sarcophagus (below) that was same technique as Djoser's: accretions leaning
absolutely empty '-------- -------------------­
inwards by ~5°, with sloping courses of stone laid
at right angles to the incline. As the pyramid was 0,..., 1",0,0 m
unfinished it never received its limestone casing, 300 ft
-+-------.. N

but considerable progress was made on the sub­ °

structure. An unfinished set of galleries forms a D­ In the centre of the chamber lay an alabaster sar
shape around the pyramid underground. cophagus. On top were two bands of plant material
At the end of the entrance corridor. past three possibly a funerary wreath. Analysis, however
sets of blocking that appeared intact, and under the proved it to be bark and decomposed wood. TIl4
dead centre of the pyramid, the excavator, Zakaria sarcophagus is unique in being made of a sing
Gonelm, found the burial chamber. Roughly rectan­ piece of stone with a sliding door at one end. It W~
gular, it was left unfinished. Corridors led to gal­ only with great difficulty that the excavator rai'
leries, again unfinished. that may have been part of the panel - which he described as sealed with mor
a planned 'apartment', like that built for Djoser. tar - to find the sarcophagus empty. Some dispute
whether the tomb was unviolated, but GDneim wa:,
sure it remained as the builders had left it.
Sekhemkhet's South Tomb was also discovered ­
or rather its foundations and part of a destroyed
mastaba, as this too was never completed. A wood·
en sarcophagus with the remains of a two-year-old
child, as well as stone vases and jewellery of 3rd­
dynasty date, were found at the end of a simpl
widening of the entrance corridor. Something hap­
pened at court that ended work on the most impor­
tant monument in the land. But the child in the
South Tomb is not Sekhemkhet. He reigned i.
years and is shown in adulthood in a relief at WadI
Maghara in Sinai. The mystery remains unsolved.
The Layer Pyramid of Zawiyet el­


chamber, 8.9 x Another 3rd-dynasty king attempted - and failed­

,h. 4.55 m
to complete a step pyramid complex. Less is known
about the Layer Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Aryan than
even Sekhemkhet's. It occupies a site about 7 km (4
miles) north of Saqqara, on a ridge above, but not
far from, the floodplain. In this, the pyramid depart­
ed from the trend set by Djoser and Sekhemkhet
who built far out in the desert.
The pyramid's superstructure is typical 3rd­
dynasty masonry, consisting of 14 accretions,lean­
ing inward against a central core. Each accretion
layer was built with a dressed outer face, with
coarser masonry backing and thick seams of clay
as mortar. Completed, the pyramid would probably
have risen in five steps to a height of 42-45 m
passage (138-148 ft). No traces of casing were found, per­
haps because this pyramid too was never finished.

(Left) Sekhemkhet's pyramid (Above) The Layer Pyramid (Right) The Horus name 0/
teWal1 was intended as a stefl of ZaUllyet el-Aryan, perhaps J<haba was found Inscribed
pyramid probably of seven belonging to Khaba, was also on vases in a mastaba near
steps, but was never finished. begun as a step pyramid. The the pyramid.
Its base length was 120 m Inward-leaning accretions are
North extension (394 ft). A northward Visible in what remains today

extension of the enclosure

covered a wall of bastions

and niches, cased in fine

limestone, like Djoser's

enclosure wall.

Burial chamber,
3.63 x 2.65 m,
------ N h. 3 m

. labaster sar­ Its substructure is so similar to Sekhemkhet's

,lant material, that there can be little doubt that scarcely any time

is, however, elapsed between the two. No trace of a burial was

Ii wood. The found and a side passage leads to galleries again

t of a single clean and empty - as if the workmen had only just

ne end. It was left. Perhaps, indeed, this was the case, with the

avator raised premature death of the king. A clue to the identity

led with mor- of the king whose pyramid this was is the Horus

me dispute name Khaba, found inscribed on stone vases in a

Gonelm was mastaba north of the pyramid.

discovered ­ The base length 0/ the

r a destroyed uncompleted Layer Pyramid r-,---



ed. A wood­ was 84 m (275 ft) and it was I "


,, ,:
I "

two-year-old probably intended to rise to a ,

height 0/ up to 45 m (J 48 ft). I '

ellery of 3rd­ It is entered by a flight 0/

I '


I 32 magazines
l of a simple steps in an open t1'ench. A
ething hap­ sloping passage runs to thR I

~ most impor­ bottom 0/ a vertlcal shaJt ,

child in the from which an unfinzshed ~~---------------

~ reigned six
passage leads south. A lower

passage also lead, south to a

lief at Wadi stairway and honzontal a 50 m

unsolved. 1-1-----.,--', --+-- N

passage to the burtal chamber. o 150 ft

o 5m
The Enigma I
15 It

of the
Provincial Step

(Right) The step pyramid of two, but their similarity to one another suggests tha'
Sinki, at Abydos. Excavated they were part of a single building programme by
by Nabil Swelim and Gunter one king - perhaps Huni, father of Sneferu, to judge
Dreyer, it had ramps and by a large granite cone inscribed with his name foun
accretion marker bricks still in
pliJce. (Fm> right) The pyramid / at Elephantine. A further pyramid is tentatively
ascribed to Huni. In 1985 Nabil Swelim surveyed a
at Zawiyet el-Meitin. (Below) large rock knoll at Abu Roash that Lepsius had seen
The pyramid at Seila.
covered with mudbricks and numbered 1. A passage
in the north side slopes down to a chamber of the
Seven step pyramids are known in the provinces. The kind found in pyramids of the early 4th dynasty.
southernmost is on the island of Elephantine. Three Though it is unique for this period in being built of
more are near ambos, Edfu and Hierakonpolis (at el­ mudbrick, Swelim dates it to the end of the 3rd
Kula). The next is at Sinki near Abydos. A solitary dynasty or the start of the 4th, and assigns it to Hun
small pyramid is found in Middle Egypt at Zawiyet The small step pyramids may mark the locations
el-Meitin. Another, at Seila, overlooks the Fayum from royal residences near, but outside, major religious aJ~
atop the desert spur between it and the Nile. political centres. They would have been temporary
The purpose of these small step pyramids is a residences occupied during visits of the king or his
mystery. It has been suggested that they mark the representatives during a journey through the land to
homelands of royal consorts, that they are the sacred collect taxes and give judgments. The pyramids
places of Horus and Seth, or that they are symbols of spaced out along the provinces of Upper Egypt migh
the primeval hill. So far, none has been shown to have also be connected with the early organization of the
a burial chamber or ancillary buildings such as country into nomes (provinces).
chapels. In 1987, the Brigham Young University These pyramids may therefore have been symbob
Expedition did, however, find a fragmentary offering of living sovereignty, hinting that the step pyramid
slab, two stelae - one of which was inscribed with the stood for more than the royal tomb, the marker of a
name of Sneferu, first king of the 4th dynasty - and dead king. It is interesting that Huni took the pyrami
scant traces of a mudbrick causeway on the east side to the provinces just before people and produce wou
of the Seila pyramid. This adds Seila to Sneferu's be brought from the provinces to the core of the
pyramid at Meidlll11 and two at Dahshur. The five Egyptian nation for building the largest pyramids of
southern pyramids are different from the northern all time.

The Provincial Pyramids

Elephantine Edfu ElKula ambos Sinki Zawiyet Seila
South el-Meitin
Onentalion 17°NW -N E-W - 12° l\rw -E-W - 20° N\¥ 12°NW
Max. preserved
height 5.1 m 5.5m 8.25m c. 4.5 m c.4m 4.75m 6.8m
Base length Average 35-36 cubits 18.6m 18.39 m c. 35 cubits On 2nd On 3rd
18.46 m 35.5 cubits 35.09 cubits accretion: accretion:
35.23 cubits -18.3 m, 25m,
35 cubits 48 cubits
43 cubits
Edfu South. Slope angle 13° - 13° < llo 10° ? > 10° _10° - 14°
Steps 3 (3) 3 3? (3) 3-4 4
ElephantIne. respectively
King Huni ?Huni ? Huni ?Huni ?Huni Sneferu

Transition at Meidum
In many ways Meidum is the most mysterious of
all the great pyramids. Embedded within the puz­
The First True Pyramids:

zles of this pyramid and its surrounding necropolis

are distant events that transformed Archaic Egypt Meidum and Dahshur

into the classic Old Kingdom pyramid age.

When Sneferu, the first king of Manetho's 4th
dynasty, came to the throne in around 2575 Be,
Djoser's was the only large royal pyramid that In his 15th year on the throne Sneferu and his
crests that stood complete. Sneferu would become the greatest court moved to the area around Dahshur (p. 101).
ammeby pyramid-builder in Egyptian history by construct­ But then, during the last 15 years of his reign,
ru. to judge ing three colossal pyramids (at Meidum and the according to Rainer Stadelmann, he sent his work­
- name found Bent and the North pyramids at Dahshur) and the ers back to Meidum to fill out the original step
'ati\-ely smaller one at Seila - a total mass of stone that pyramid as a true pyramid (E3). The pyramid at
- n-eyeda exceeds even that of his son Khufu, in the Great Meidum thus represents the very beginning and
2 had seen Pyramid at Giza. the end of Sneferu's pyramid-building programme.
I. A passage Like Djoser's Step Pyramid, Meidum was built in Today Meidum consists of a three-stepped tower
r of the stages, beginning with a step pyramid of seven rising above a sloping mound of debris. The usual
dynasty. steps (El). Before the builders fi nished the fourth or assumption is that the tower was left after the outer
ing built of
fifth step, the king enlarged the project to a pyra­ casing and packing that filled in the steps was
'he 3rd
mid of eight steps (E2) which was completed in quarried away. Indeed, Petrie recorded that the
ms it to Huni. (Below left) The first time
. e locations of Sneferu's first 14 years. Previously it was suggest­ pyramid was still exploited as a quarry in his day.
the method of corbelling was
religious and ed that Huni was responsible for this pyramid, An alternative, and controversial, suggestion was used to roof a burial chamber
emporary based solely on the need to identify a large royal that the tower and debris resulted from the collapse was at Meidum. Like the
king or his tomb for this king. However, the ancient name of of the pyramid while it was under construction. eastern chapel, the chamber
.:h the land to IVIeidum, Died Sne/eru ('Sneferu Endures'), and the Excavations, however, have now cleared away a was left unfinished, lacking
.Tamids fact that Sneferu's name, unlike Huni's, appears in large part of the debris and recovered various later the fine dressing of the
r Egypt might
texts at the site, all point to the former as the remains but no 4th-dynasty ropes, timbers or work­
zation of the builder of Meidum from start to finish. ers' bodies - discounting the theory of a sudden (Below rtght) A cross·section
collapse. of the pyramid at Meidum
.ken symbols Construction techniques for the superstructure reveals the stages in its
. ~p pyramid were initially in the old step pyramid style, with building and also the different
marker of a styles of construction. Initially
accretions of stone courses laid at an inward slope.
k the pyramid the masons used the
Better quality stone, laid in more regular courses,
;>roduce would traditional inward-leaning
re of the was used for the outer faces of the accretions, and accretions, but more l'egular
" pyramids of fine white Turah-quality limestone for the exterior courses were employed for the
surfaces of the steps. final stage.



On 3rd
-+8 cubits

- 14" ,

Sneferu E1 E2 E3

.- .........

(Above and opposite) The Inside the pyramid sage may have. been for a door as fragments
pyramid of Mezdum towers The interior arrangement of the Meidum pyramid wood were found here.
above the Nile Valley where was an innovation and one that would become stan­ Two rooms or niches open off the corridor, pro\).
it narrows to the thin capital
zone and pyramid district dard. A long passage from near the centre of the ably for storing plugging blocks before they we
running north from here for north face led to the burial chamber. Sneferu's used to seal the corridor. At its end is another ver "
70 km (43'12 miles) to the workmen built the lower part of the passage in an cal shaft leading up into the burial chamber. Cedar
apex of the Delta. Today the open trench cut into the ground and filled with logs embedded in the masonry half way up t
pyramid stands as a three­ packing. This is not unusual, but they built the shaft may have been used to raise a sarcophagu,
step tower, rising from a chamber at the approximate original desert suJiace into the chamber - or to facilitate its removal.
mound of debris.
and extended the narrow passage, which descend­ Sneferu's builders were evidently experimenti
ed from the entrance, up into the body of the pyra­ with ways to create a central room within the pyra­
mid, opening about 16.6 m (54 tt) from the pyramid mid mass. In place of the thick granite beams tha
base, just above the first step. roof Djoser's vaults, they used a technique of cor
The small chapel on the east Towards the bottom of the descending passage a belling for the first time, with each course of block::
side of the pyramid was
added when Sneferu's short vertical shaft opens in the floor. A little above a certain height projecting inwards until the:
builders returned to create a beyond this, just before a horizontal section, a slot two walls almost meet. It is remarkably small, 5.9
true pyramid. However, when carved into the walls, floor and ceiling of the pas­ (19 ft) long and 2.65 m (9 ft) wide, perhaps intend
the pyramid was abandoned a as a kind of coffer in its own right. though it wa::
second time the stelae in its never finished. Spanning the walls near the top
court were left blank, perhaps the chamber at the north end the workmen fitt
because of the rise to power
of the powerful and
more logs, one of which survives. These may al
'Tower' visible today have assisted in raising the sarcophagus. But
ambitious Khufu.
trace of a sarcophagus was found in the chamber
Burial chamber, 5.9 x
Petrie recovered pieces of a wood coffin of 't
2.65 m, h. 5.05 m,
early plain style' at the bottom of the shaft, whic
are now in University College, London.

Transformations of a
pyramid: from £1, a step
pyramid of seven steps, to
£2, a step pyramid of eight
steps, to £3, a true pyramid
with a slope of 51 0 50' 35".
Its base length was around
144 m (473 ft) and it was
92 m (302 ft) high. Meldum
Descending represents the beginning and
passage: 58 m
long; 0.85 m
end of Sneferu's reign, and
the transition from the
wide; h. 1.65 m
h. 2.7 m Archaic to the classic pyran
Horizontal age. On the lWl'th side the
Vertical shaft, long sloping passage to the
passage with
h. 6.5 m
two recesses for burial chamber must have
plug blocks been planned from the outsl!t

The pyramid complex
A large rectangular enclosure wall, only traces of
which survive, surrounded various elements of the
pyramid complex that were also to become stan­
dard. On the south side of the pyramid a small
satellite pyramid may have been completed, though
it was badly destroyed when Petrie found it. Inside,
a short sloping passage led to a burial chamber
from the north. In the debris on the east side of the
sma]] pyramid a fragment of relief with the legs of
a falcon was found, perhaps all that is left of a pair
of stelae topped by the Horus falcon, like those in
front of the satellite pyramid of the Bent Pyramid.
Another feature that would become standard is
the causeway. Petrie's team excavated a long chan­
nel, running from the east-southeast in a straight
line towards the pyramid centre, that they called
fragments of the Approach. It is south of the final causeway and better organized and set apart to the west of the
is perhaps an earlier version. Both are cut as chan­ pyramid. This was the seed of the concept that
rridor, prob­ nels into the bedrock and were paved with mud and would find its fu]]est expression in Khufu's Western
re they were had mudbrick sides. The causeway differed, how­ Cemetery at Giza. Most of the tombs, however,
another verti­ ever, in having completed side wa]]s of limestone. were left incomplete and unused with the move to
laffiber. Cedar Dahshur and the second abandonment of Meidum.
way up the The royal necropolis
sarcophagus Meidum was the first newly established elite Return to Meidum: the true pyramid
emoval. necropolis since Hor-Aha inaugurated the 1st­ It was probably in the 28th or 29th year of his reign
~erimenting dynasty cemetery of officials at Saqqara. Just as that Sneferu ordered his workers to return to Mei­
thin the pyra­ the pyramid of Meidum is transitional from the dum to transform the step pyramid into a true
e beams that step pyramid to the true pyramid, so the necropolis pyramid (E3) with a slope of 51 0 50' 35", practically
ique of car­ for which it is the centrepiece represents an unfin­ the same as Khufu's. They increased the length of
l of blocks ished transition from the old to the new. the sides and extended the interior passage up
ards until the The builders tried at first to replicate the pattern through the added masonry, which was now laid in
mall,5.9m at Saqqara, with the king's funerary monument to horizontal courses, first seen in the upper part of
haps mtended the south and a series of large mastabas for high the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur (p. 102).
hough it was officials along the eastern escarpment to the north. r;:--",
ear the top of Mastaba 16 belonged to Nefermaat, one of Sne­ ~ ~ ~~: Western' !::
rkmen fi tted feru's sons, and, close to the pyramid, was mastaba Cemetery
r--··~ ­
e may also
lagus. But no
he chamber.
17 - anonymous but probably the tomb of another
prince. In addition there was an idea for a cemetery ~_:_~;J mm:;­
coffin of 'the
• haft. which :.O\'s complex
:a.. ; • (Above) In the chapels 01
Mastabas ~f -~_~':;. Nelermaat's mastaba (16)
'of a 1st-3rd
. ({:~~,
Mastabas the artists experimented with
tomb decoration. The figures
£1. a step SAQQARA ,~' 1--------13' "..1: were deeply cut and filled with
II steps, to
nid of eight --' MEIDUM
coloured paste. This restored
panel reads: 'He made his
true pyramid hieroglyphs in writing that
51 50' 35". Western cannot be erased. '
:as around
The development 01 the royal cemetery
and it was
necropolis can be traced Irom

II. Meidum Sneferu's
Archaic Saqqara (1), where
s reign, and
. m the
classic pyramid
the elite tombs were lined
along the escarpment, to an
organized but unfinished
western cemetery at Meidum


~x.1 " :-. '.'

:·:'Mi~tab• • •
.. :~':':

'. Masta,bas'for
rth side the (2), to neat rows 01 tombs . . . ':."_. I:".~~~,'_' Mastaba.·.:~ :"~'::.,
~ . ':"-:\:~""'_.:-~.p::, .
..7 :. '. offlciais···

ge to the west and east of Khulu's

must have pyramid at Giza (3). Plans are
m the outsel. not at the same scale. 2 • • • • . • ·: ••t•• : ......-:.;'.

(Left) Plan of Mezdum. the
Satellite pyramid dark band, 14.5 m (46 ft)
Enclosure wall: Wide, around the enclosure
236 m (N-S) x wall is Petrie's 'chip and stOll
218 m (E-W) dust bed pavement' A female
skeleton was found m the
Peribolus Tomb. Mastaba 17
...-'-.-1--+-- Peri bolus tomb
(below) was filled with
lzmestone chips from the
----- Chapel Mastaba 17 construction of the pyramid
(E3?). In the granite
sarcophagus which still stalld!.
in the niche at the west end
was the rifled mummy of a
prznce, but we do not know
hiS name.

a 100 m
I "
a 300 ft

(Above) Two 1'01md·topped Other elements appeared that, in more complex having completed the filling out of the old ste
stewe, the chapel and form, became customary m later pyramids. A small pyramid as a true pyramid. 1£ so, the constructio
causeway of the Meidum stone temple was built against the centre of the debns and embankments would have covered tl'k..
pyramzd. Had the stewe been
inscribed, like siml/ar ones at eastern base - so minuscule that it may have been a lower, finer masonry that the robbers usually strip
Dahshur, people approachmg commemorative chapel to the long and not a true first. The appearance of Meldum today, in thG
from the causeway would mortuary temple, because Sneferu finished the case, would be that of a pyramid under construe
have seen the Horus falcons pyramid as a cenotaph rather than a tomb. The tIon, as well as one that had been partly stripped.
as if perched on the roof of chapel's interior plan has the same winding pas­ One sigmficant, but overlooked, clue can Ix
the chapel. But the stelae were sages found in front of the chapels of DJoser's Step found In the two distInct types of debns. The lower
left completely blank.
Pyramid complex. In a small unroofed court were type covered well·preserved casing, while the upper
two round·topped stelae, 4.2 m (nearly 14 ft) tall. type corresponds to areas of casing that are badl.
(Below) The casing and A long causeway, cut Into the bedrock and weathered. From thIS it can be deduced that the:
packmg stones of the £3
phase of the Meidum unroofed, reached from the pyramid enclosure to lower layer was deposited soon after the casing \-I-a:,
pyramid were laid the valley floor. We might expect a valley temple at laid, while the upper part was deposited dunn
hortzontally. the lower end of the causeway, as with later pyra­ and after pIeces of casing were dislodged fro
mids, but the excavators found only long mudbnck higher up the pyramId and came crashing dOlm.
walls. GIVen the unsophIstIcated forms of other ele­ Could this lower debris include the remains of the:
ments at Meidum, the causeway may have led to a origmal construction embankments?
simple enclosure and landing platform. [n truth, because there has been so much ston
robbing we simply do not know to what extent the
The second abandonment? builders finished the Meidum pyramid. Two step::­
Sneferu's two stelae in the eastern chapel were seem to have disappeared between the VISit 0
never inscribed WIth his serekh but were left com­ Shaykh Abu Mohammed Abdallah in 1117-19 and
pletely blank - a fact that seems inexpltcable gIVen that of Norden m 1737, when the pyramid had
our understanding of the Egyptian belief that, three steps as today. In 1899 M.A. Robert, Inspector
devoid of a name, a monument (like a person) of the Register of Land Survey, ascended the Mei·
would have no identity. Perhaps it was the king's dum pyramId to plant a pole for his survey. At thl:
unexpected death and the ascent to the throne of an summit he had the impreSSIOn that the highest step
aggressive young prince, Khufu, that caused work was never fil1lshed. Some inscribed Greek and three
to be frozen so suddenly. We can conjecture that the small hieroglyphs indicate that there was access t
builders had finished the pyramid's third stage (E3) the top of the pyramid in anCIent times. And Robert
and only the fine dressing of the chapel walls and did not need to make a hole to plant hIS survey flag.
the stelae inscriptions remained to be completed. In the centre of the top step there was already a
1£ the pyramid was later stnpped by looters, why hole, which has been interpreted as the socket for a
did they spare the lower part of the caSIng and the rod that the builders planted for sighting diagonal
stelae? Perhaps they had access to the upper part lines as they raised the true pyramId mantle up and
via ramps that the builders had left in place, never around the old step pyramid.

fcidll1n: the
-III (46ft) Dahshur
Uiclosure Dahshur
'chip and stone For whatever reason, in about the 15th year of his lake
lit'. A female
reign Sneferu abandoned Meidum and moved 40
nd ill the
.\lastaba 17 km (25 miles) north to Dahshur. Here he founded
,('/th another new necropolis - all the more unusual since
jrom the Meidum itself represented the first time a royal
the pyramid necropolis had been laid out at a virgin site since
nite the founding of Saqqara. One suggested motive for
. h still stands
the move was Sneferu's desire to be closer to the
he Ii'est end
UIIIIJ/yoj a apex of the Delta and to the increasingly important
do not know Trade with Syria and the Levant.
At Dahshur Sneferu built two large pyramids ­
,he Bent Pyramid and the North, or Red, Pyramid.
The two are roughly aligned - the east side of the
Bent Pyramid
:--':orth Pyramid approximately lining up with the (Sneferu)
west side of the Bent Pyramid. A long causeway
~ Amenemhet III
from the Bent Pyramid runs to what is often
described as the first valley temple, but which in
fact is some distance into the desert. Northeast of
the Bent Pyramid a cemetery of mastabas was
begun. Decorated with relief-carved chapels, the DAHSHUR
the old step tombs were for the elite of Sneferu's court.
If construction In 1986 Rainer Stadelmann excavated Lepsius
covered the pyramid number 50 (L). It is 250 m (820 ft) east of
usually strip
oday, in this
the North Pyramid, and consists of the base of a
pyramid that was barely begun. On the east side
•• •I ••
nder construc­ were large limestone blocks and a brick ramp that
may have been intended for building the subter­
•• ••
• I •
•• Old Kingdom
Iy stripped. •••• mastabas
clue can be
ri -. The lower
ranean apartment. The pottery in the vicinity
appeared to be 4th dynasty. · ..
hile the upper Middle Kingdom pharaohs also chose Dahshur ~ - -~-)~ ~ -: Amenemhet II

at are badly as the site for their pyramids, beginning with '--;'-~fr~, . North or Red Pyramid

.~.~ ..~'~.~."~~O~ '~_b; ~r

ced that the .-\menemhet II. Those of Amenemhet III and Sen­
the casing was wosret III are of mudbrick. and in some ways D
-ited during Amenemhet III's looks like a mudbrick version of
. lodged from the Meidum pyramid. Interestingly, just as Sneferu
fa hing down. had serious structural problems when building his [g] Lepsius L (50)
remains of the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur because of the unstable
desert sand, gravel and clays it was founded on, so
much stone Amenemhet III, building on a similar surface,
hat extent the encountered subsidence and cracking. This proba­
id. Two steps bly explains why he built another pyramid at
n the visit of Hawara, just as Sneferu built a substitute pyramid
n 1117-19 and to the north of the first at Dahshur.
Two of Sneferu's sons, Nefermaat and the anony­
pyramid had ~ Senwosret III
ben. Inspector mous prince of mastaba 17, were buried at Mei­
mded the Mei­ dum. Another son, Kanefer, was buried in one of
surwy. At the the cluster of tombs near the pyramid of Amen­
highest step emhet II. These three sons should have inherited
,reek and three the throne which passed instead to Khufu - who access to may have been very young when he began to build
- _-\nd Robert his pyramid. This perhaps explains the confidence
with which he started out on his gigantic pro­ The Dahshur pyramid zone.
- survey flag.
The Middle Kingdum
:as already a gramme at Giza.
pyramids favour the plateau
socket for a Despite having built two giant pyramids at edge, close to the cultivation,
h ing diagonal Dahshur, one of which was to be for his burial, Sne­ while Snejeru's Old Kingdom
mantle up and feru was apparently still not content and returned pyramids are jar out into the
to Meidum to finish off his pyramid there. desert.

t N

1 km
0.5 mile
The Bent Pyramid was then continued at a muc
The Bent Pyramid decreased slope of around 43° to 44°, giving it a
pronounced bend. It may have been at this poin
When Sneferu abandoned his step pyramid at Mei­ before the upper part was finished, that the deci­
dum and moved north to Dahshur, there was as yet sion was taken to begin a new pyramid at Nord'
no blueprint for a true pyramid. To us, with a clear Dahshur. Around the same time, perhaps the 30th
image of the shape of the classic pyramid, with a year of Sneferu's reign according to Stadelmann
slope of 52° or 53°, this may seem strange. It was, work also began on the satellite pyramid.
however, a time of great experimentation, compa­ Other changes in construction methods are di_­
rable to the period when Djoser's architect Imhotep cernible. Both core stones and casing stones are
was building the Step Pyramid. larger - the casing ones very much so - than in the
3rd-dynasty pyramids. However, no great care \\'<e,
How the pyramid got its bend taken to lay the internal masonry neatly. Substan­
The old step pyramids had faces that sloped about tial spaces between the stones are simply filled
72° to 78°, certainly too steep for a true pyramid. with limestone debris and even tafla in places. Gyp­
There is evidence within the core of the Bent Pyra­ sum mortar was just beginning to be used more fre­
mid that it began as a far smaller pyramid with a quently, which, unlike the desert clay mortar, had t
slope of about 60°. But structural problems with be specially prepared using fuel. It was this combi­
subsidence soon set in. Emergency measures took nation of a lack of good mortar, carelessly laid
the form of an added girdle around the stump of blocks and, most importantly, the unstable dese
With more preserved casing
than most pyramzds, the Bent the pyramid, forming a slope of just under 55°. surface, that caused the structural problems.
Pyramid reveals that These early stages were constructed using the
plunderers began stripping traditional method of laying the courses with the (Below) The sliding portcullis
the fine limestone from the stones sloping inward. Even at the reduced angle it blocking system in tlw western
come1'S and from bottom to appears that there were still major problems until, passage, zvith the block In the
top, as is evident here. open position. This is perhaps
about half way up, the builders began to set the an indication that the hzgher
courses horizontally. It had become clear that the chamber was originally built
inward-leaning courses, far from aiding stability, for Sneferu's burial.
actually increased the stresses on the pyramid.

Sneferu's Bent Pyramzd ­

'The Southern Shining
Pyramid' - had a base length
of 188 m (6] 7ft) and a
height of 105 m (345 ft). Its
angle of slope was 54° 27' , ....
44" up to the bend, and 43° Upper burial
22' tlwreafter chamber:
7.97 x 5.26 m,
h. 16.5 m

blocking systems Northern entrance and
passage, I. 74 m

Western entrance
and passage, I. 65 m

Satellite pyramid:
base length 53 m,
h. 32.5 m Causeway

The arrangement of passag.

and gallery leading to the
chamber in the satellite
pyramid is a forerunner of
the Grand Gallery in Khufu',
pyramid, but here tlw
Two stelae chamber is too smail for a
human burial.

Jed at a much
. giving it a
at this point,
that the deci­
mid at North
laP the 30th
.hods are dis­
I stones are
- han in the
reat care was
~ Iy. Substan­
imply filled
1 places. Gyp·
d morefre­
Dortar, had to
this combi­
arelessly laid
table desert

Inside the pyramid The pyramid complex Sneferu's Bent Pyramid, with
The Bent Pyramid is unique in having two internal At the centre of the eastern side of the Bent Pyra­ its satellite, looking northwest
to southeast.
structures, with entrances on the north and west mid is a small chapel. As at Meidum the contrast
sides. From the north side a long, sloping passage between this tiny structure and the giant pyramid A stela from Sneferu's Bent
leads to a narrow antechamber with an impressive is very striking. Stadelmann points out that the Pyramid showing the seated
corbelled roof. The burial chamber, also corbelled, small chapels of both Meidum and the Bent Pyra­ figure of the king
is above this antechamber and was perhaps mid were not part of the development of the large
reached by a stairway or ladder. All this building, mortuary temples, rather they were intended to be
plus a vertical shaft on the precise central axis of simple shrines for pyramids that Sneferu complet­
the pyramid, would have taken place in a trench ed as cenotaphs.
sunk into the original desert surface. Initially the Bent Pyramid's chapel was a very
The second passage runs from the west side of simple affair composed of two walls of Turah lime­
the pyramid, through portcullis blocking systems, stone roofed with slabs, which was expanded by
to another burial chamber, again with a corbelled mudbrick walls. Within it was an offering place
roof. This is at a higher level than the first. Here consisting of a slab that took the form of the hiero­
leNay once again, structural instability is evident as the glyph for offering, 'hetep', a stylized loaf of bread
chamber was completely shored up with balks and on a reed mat. Behind this, two rolilld-topped ste­
scaffolding of great cedar beams. lae, the stumps of which remain, were formerly
Some time after both chambers were construct­ inscribed with the names of Sneferu.
ed, a connecting passage was made between them. A causeway, also with walls of Turah limestone,
It was definitely built later as it was hacked ran from the pyramid complex to what is often
through the masonry by someone who knew exact­ called the first valley temple - a beautiful small,
nl of passage ly where the two chambers were. We can only spec­ rectangular structure. On the back wall were six
IliJII{to the ulate why Sneferu decided to have this duplicate statues of Sneferu striding forth. In front of and,
,satellite arrangement in his pyramid. One suggestion is that curiously, blocking these statues were two rows of
rWll1erof the western system may be a vestige of the South five rectangular pillars. A courtyard beyond had
7)' ill Khufu's
7l the
Tomb of Djoser, the long passage emphasizing walls carved the earliest representations of the
mallfora once again a general southwest orientation, as in estates of the king bearing produce towards the
the 1st-dynasty royal burial ground at Abydos. statues of Sneferu (p. 228).

This structure is in fact a combination of both Remarkabl
The First True Pyramids:
mortuary and valley temple, with features that are The North Pyramid pyramid's cal
Meidum and Dahshur
developed later in both. It has the court, pillars and of the strue
architectural statues found in later mortuary tem­ In around his 30th year on the throne, Sneferu inscription a
ples, and it is situated about halfway down to the abandoned the Bent Pyramid as his burial place, rather than;
valley. A second causeway probably ran from this although, as at Meidum, he later completed it. found near t
to a dock or landing-stage. Instead, he began work on the North, or Red, Pyra­ stripping the
In terms of both its masonry and internal struc­ mid which was built at the gentler slope of 43° 22'
ture, the satellite pyramid is an important link in from the beginning. In many ways this was more Inside the
the transition to the Great Pyramid of Khufu. It elegant than the Bent Pyramid, where the builders The North P
was built using the new method of laying courses obviously struggled and experimented with vari­ tion of the dl
horizontally. This, however, presented the masons ous solutions to the structural problems they were Bent Pyramic
with a new problem: the slope of the pyramid now faced with. The North Pyramid shows none of this corridor desc
had to be cut into the outer face of the casing stone. - it is a neatly planned and executed construction, t"\VO almost i

o 200 m There is evidence that in the process of cutting and built with an efficient use of materials. belled roofs
setting, the masons often accidentally broke off the Rainer Stadelmann has been working at North advance of t
o 500 It
passage lead~
sharp lower foot so that patches had to fitted. Its Dahshur for over a decade. In the course of his
outer casing is built on a platform, which, on a sub­ excavations of the debris at the base of the pyra­ up to deter n
lime scale, is also found at the Giza pyramids. In mid he found hundreds of pieces of the fine lime­ (50 ft) tall, bui
recent years, thanks to Stadelmann's excavations, stone casing. Many of these have graffiti inscribed Fragments 01
we have learned that Sneferu's North Pyramid was on their rear faces by the work gangs. One from a burial chamt
also built on a limestone platform. corner bears the hieratic (shorthand hieroglyphic) whether or nc
The internal structure is in some ways an abbre­ inscription mentioning 'bringing to earth year 15'. From SnefE
viated version of the Great Pyramid's, with a This refers to counting year 15, which, if biennial, ro ra ise the (
descending and an ascending passage. A small is equivalent to the 30th year of Sneferu's reign. body of the p
notch in the ascending passage, where it increases Some 30 courses higher Stadelmann was able to he increaS1l11
in height to a miniature Grand Gallery, adds weight place a casing stone dated only four years later ­ with the god r
to the supposition that that structure in the Great this gives us a very clear picture of the length of rures, but wil
Pyramid was indeed intended for the storage of time it took to build such pyramids. pvramid is a ,
plugging blocks. A wood piece fitted into the notch
could be pulled by rope to release the plugs. The North, or Red, Pyramid
The pyran­
Just as in the South Tomb of Djoser, the burial at Dahs/illy. The 'Shining Egyptologi I,
chamber of the satellite pyramid is far too Pyramid' had a base length 'he mortuarY
small to have contained a human burial. of 220 m (722 ft) and a "!1id chapels p
height of lO5 m (345 ft). Its Antechambers:
It may instead have been for the ritual 3.65 x 8.36 m, p\Tamid - \'
angle of slope was 43° 22~
interment of a statue of the king. h.12.31 m chile that bel
On the east side of the pyramid was an offer­ r .::ented a hu

1l1g place with two more round-topped stelae Burial chamber:

-one the I
inscribed with Sneferu's name. On the north side, 4.18 x 8.55 m, h. 14.67 m Pyramid -5
The causeway reaches 210m pproach Khl
(689 ft) to the 'valley temple'
just below the entrance, there is a very curious
of Sneferu'S Bent Pyramid. In emplacement or pit for some sort of cult activity ­ t!<1\'e been fin
fact the temple is not down In perhaps the burial of offerings. the time
the valley but far up a narrow
wadi that might have been The cult of Sneferu
partially jl{)oded dUi'ing the By contrast with the pyramid-building kings of
season of inundation. Two of
the kzng's name stelae stood
Giza, who seem to have been entirely
at the southern corners. ignored by Egyptians of the Middle
Kingdom, the cult of Sneferu took
root and prospered in succeeding
periods. It was at the valley temple of
the Bent Pyramid that this cult was focused. '"
Why this was so is an interesting question. Per­ Descending pas
haps it was because here at the Bent Pyramid we
have a fully completed complex. Although Sneferu
was probably not buried here, his name was com­
pleted on various stelae and so this was where his
life continued. Ironically, this was also the pyramid
complex that ran into severe structural problems
and tested the builders' nerves to the greatest

Remarkably, Stadelmann also found pieces of the
pyramid's capstone. This was a simple culmination
of the structure - a block with no carving or
;rone, Sneferu inscription and made of good quality limestone
burial place, rather than any costlier matenal. Its pieces were
. completed it. found near the base, rejected by those who were
or Red, Pyra­ stripping the outer mantle of its fine limestone.
- pe of 43° 22'
this was more Inside the pyramid
the builders The North Pyramid's substructure is a continua­
ed wlth van­ tion of the developments seen at Meidum and the
ms they were Bent Pyramid. From high up in the pyramid a long
none of thIS corridor descends to ground level. At thIS point are
construction, two almost identical tall antechambers with cor­
belled roofs of great finesse, technically far in
rking at North advance of those at Meidum. A short horizontal
• course of his passage leads from the second antechamber, high
of the pyra­ up to deter robbers, to a corbelled chamber, 15 m
the fine lime­ (50 ft) tall, built within the masonry of the pyramid. Stadelmann was able to reconstruct the plan of
rnffiti Inscribed Fragments of hwnan remaInS were found In the the temple from the scant remains. There was a
. One from a burial chamber, but it has not been ascertained stone chapel on either SIde of an inner sanctuary
hieroglyphic) whether or not they are from the royal mummy. whIch may have contained a false door stela. North
earth year 15'. From Sneferu to Khufu we witness the struggle
to raise the chamber from ground level into the
and south of the temple, courtyards retained round
sockets in the soil for potted plants or offerings
I·ch. if biennial,
neferu's reIgn. body of the pyramid. Perhaps this is a reflection of made in connection with the funeral, features that
nn was able to the increasing identification of the king not just seem far more ephemeral than the great stone Giza Mortuary
with the god Horus, who soars above all living crea­ temples deSIgned for long-term cults. temple
ur years later ­
tures, but wIth the sun and ItS rays, of which the Although a few possible traces were found east ~N
f the length of
pyramid is a symbol. of the mortuary temple, a substantial causeway oI
200 m
appears never to have been built down to the valley o 500 It
The pyramid complex temple. Rudimentary remains of the latter were
Sneferu's North Pyramid,
Egyptologists eagerly anticipated the excavation of seen at the end of the last century but have never with his Bent Pyramid in the
the mortuary temple at the North Pyramid. Pyra­ been systematically excavated. It was here, howev­ background.
mid chapels prior to this - at Meidum and the Bent er, that the deo-ee of Pepi I was found, exempting
3.65 x 8.36 m, Pyramid - were very small, simple structures, the khentlu-she of the pyramId town from taxation,
h. 12.31 m while that belonging to Khufu's Great Pyramid rep­ along with their fields, trees and wells - in this case
resented a huge leap in both scale and complexity. it was the double pyramId complex of Sneferu. The
The mortuary temple of the
None the less, the mortuary temple of the North lack of a causeway linking the two temples is per­ North Pyramid was destroyed
Pyramid - Sneferu's probable burial place - did not haps further evidence of a hurried conclusion to all but for traces at ground
approach Khufu's in grandeur. Indeed, it seems to the completion of the North Pyramid, which level. Its pyramzdion or
have been finished hurriedly, perhaps by Khufu at Stadelmann believes was Sneferu's final restIng capstone was reconstructed
the time of his father's death. place. 111 the temple's enclosure.

(Above) A fragment of casing

Descending passage, from the base of the North
62.63 m long Pyramid with the graffito
'bringing to earth the western
corner [stone] [countmg] year
15... two cubits', that IS
Sneferu's 29th to 30th ref!nfll

Giza: An Overview

60 m
bank [ 20
o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 m

The GIza Plateau conszsts of The pyramids at Giza were built over the span of It is certainly clear that at Giza, more than ever
a plate of limestone called the three generations - by Khufu, his second-reigning before, cardinality was a principal concern. Khufu's
Mokkatam Formation. Its son, Khafre, and Menkaure. Any overview of these pyramid is laid out with its sides oriented almost
regular surface is zdeal for
buildzng and it was here that colossal human achievements in stone must take exactly to true north - the greatest deviation I
the 4th-dynasty Egyptians into consideration the natural geology of the land under 5', and the 4th-dynasty builders took pains to
created the most carefully they were built on. The southeast corners of the ensure that major parts of the pyramid complexes
deSIgned of the l~Oyal pyramId pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure are would align. The Giza diagonal line passes close to
clusters. To the northwest IS nearly aligned on the great Giza diagonal that runs the diagonal of Menkaure's first subsidiary pyra­
an embankment of fossils, about 43° east of true north, almost perpendicular mid (GIlI-a), the front of Khafre's mortuary temple
called nummulites. Down the
to the dip of the plateau. This follows what geo­ and Khufu's first subsidiary pyramid (Gl-a). The
slope to the southeast a
sequence of layers alternates logists call the strike of the Mokkatam Formation, west sides of Khufu's and Khafre's pyramids are
hard and soft stone. The that is, a line perpendicular to the slope_ When you close to alignment with the fronts of the pyramid
Egyptians cut away the so/tel' walk along the side of a hill without going up or temples of Khafre and Menkaure respectively; and
layers to remove the hardel~ down, you are following its strike. By aligning the south side of Khafre's pyramId aligns with the
layers zn blocks for the themselves to this, the builders ensured that the south wall of the Sphinx Temple. These alignments
pyramIds, tombs and temples.
Known as Member II and l//, bases of the three main pyramids were at approxi­ are out by just about the amount that we would
thIS stone IS VIsible in the body mately the same level, although the base of expect from methods of sighting and measuring
and head 0/ the Sphinx. Khafre's is about 10 m (33 ft) higher than Khufu's. using long cords across a kilometre of sloping
Further south rzses the Maadl Some religious or cosmic impulse beyond the plateau. The great northeast-southwest Giza diag
FormatIOn, contaznmg many purely practical may also have influenced the onal ends to the southwest at a small hillock of the
fissures, wadIS and gullies. ancient surveyors, though we can only speculate Maadi Formation that may have been useful as 2
ThIS area was quarried for
what it was. Perhaps the diagonal pointed north­ 'back sight' for the ancient surveyors, which they
stone and taf/a (the natural
desert clay) for pyramid east to Heliopolis, the home of the ben-ben, and could use to align points across the plateau.
support structures. southwest, in the direction of the Netherworld The formal symmetry of the pyramid complexes
entrance of the first royal cemetery at Abydos. at Giza inspires many pyramid enthusiasts to look

The three pyramIds at Giza.

TheIr breathtakzng accuracy
and alignment has znspired
much theorlzzng

Dare than ever for more alignments, always with the suspicion of In such a rigid organization of space, with three A computer reconstruction
ncern. Khufu's hidden meanmgs or lost treasures. A theory of giant pyramid complexes fitted into one necropolis, of the Giza pyramIds, with
ll"iented almost Robert Bauval suggests that the Giza diagonal is some delineation of borders was needed. While the possible harbour lappzng
- devIation is at Khafre's valley temple and
inspired by the stars in the belt of the constellation each pyramid stood within its own narrow enclo­ the Sphznx Temple.
took pains to Orion, which the Egyptians saw as a symbol of sure, the Egyptians also divided the plateau into
mid complexes Osiris. But when the map of Orion is positioned three huge rectangular precincts by means of stone
passes close to over that of Giza and nearby pyramids, it is clear and clay walls. These are still well preserved
Ibsidlary pyra­ that there are stars in Orion for which there are no around the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure, but
ortuary temple matching pyramids, and pyramids for which there much less so around Khufu's.
!lid (GI-a). The are no stars in Orion, or any other constellation. Over the course of three generations builders
. pyramids are continued to position major architectural elements
f the pyramid The classic pyramid complex at Giza. Yet during this time work was interrupted
pectively; and At Giza the pyramid reached its apogee and the in the reign of Djedefre, who went north to Abu
aligns with the standard features of the Old Kingdom pyramid Roash (p. 120), and perhaps during the few years of
leSe alignments complex - the mortuary and valley temple - were a king between Khafre and Menkaure who may
that we would expanded and formalized. Sneferu's small chapel have begun the unfinished pyramid at Zawiyet el­
and measuring and inchoate valley temple at the Bent Pyramid, Aryan (p. 139). The last major royal sepulchre at
·cre of sloping and his hastily finished pyramid temple at North Giza was the tomb of Khentkawes (p. 138). Her
fl.est Giza diag­ Dahshur, are replaced by large, well-built temples mastaba-like tomb had a large doorway opening to
Uhillock of the with a vastly increased use of hard stone, pillars the mouth of the wadi that had been the main con­
een useful as a and statues. With Menkaure the size ratio between duit for construction supplies. The channel that
, which they A plan of the Giza plateau
pyramid and temple changed 1Jl favour of a gave birth to the Giza necropolis thus became the shOWIng the major
llateau. reduced pyramid and an enlarged temple. The approach to the tomb of the queen mother who per­ alignments and the many
lII1id complexes causeways of the Giza pyTamids reached nearly a haps gave birth to a new dynasty that moved its different elements that make
u iasts to look kilometre east to valley temples close to the flood­ necropolis to Saqqara and Abusir. up this clasSlc pyramId cluster.
plain. Khufu's was the longest and it may also have
been he who built the huge southern boundary wall
at the mouth of the Main Wadi. Wall and causeway -N
defined an area of harbours, settlement and possi­
bly a palace at the foot of the plateau (p. 230).
The cemeteries of mastaba tombs east and west
of Khufu's pyramid, representing another advance
m formal orthogonal design, are organized in the
streets and avenues of a preconceived plan. Reisner
Maadi Formation

excavated these cemeteries and saw the necropolis

Covingtonrs Tomb
as a 'community of kas' for the court of Khufu to

reign over in the Afterlife. Here is the realization of t::l

the unified cemetery begun west of the Meidum )

pyramid and the more loosely organized rows of o 500m
mastabas east of Sneferu's Dahshur pyramids. o 1650 ft Main Wadi
The only known figure of the
pharaoh who built the largest
pyramzd in Egypt is thiS tiny
The Great Pyramid
figurine, around 76 cm (3 in)
high, found at Abydos.
Khufu's Horus name, Her­
of Khufu
Mejedu, is inscribed on the

King's Chamber with

relieving chambers above

'Queen's Chamber' Grand Gallery

Enclosure wall

Two southern ~
boat pits ~



Eastern boat pit -~"L;~~=---_c:::::::

~,."",---- Boat pit


Queens' pyramids

The Great Pyramid, built by Sneferu may have ruled Egypt for nearly half a cu. m (95,350,000 cu. ft) for his pyramid, causeway,
Khufu who came to the century, in which time he completed his three giant two temples, satellite pyramid, three queens' pyra­
throne around 2551 Be, was pyramids at Meidum and Dahshur. His son mids and officials' mastabas, means that Khufu's
called Akhet Khufu, 'The
Horizon of Khufu' Its base Khnum-khuf ('the god Khnum is his protection'), builders had to set in place a staggering 230 cu. m
length is calculated as 23033 Khufu for short (Cheops in Greek), chose the Giza (8,122 cu. ft) of stone per day, a rate of one average­
m (756 ft) and it rose to a Plateau, 40 km (25 miles) north of Dahshur, to size block every two or three minutes in a ten-hour
height of 146.59 m (481 ft), begin building his own pyramid complex. In terms day. If Khufu did not equal the total mass of his
with an angle of slope of of its size, the technical accomplishment of its con­ father's monuments, he came close in his single
51 0 50' 40". Its orientation is struction, the great concern for cardinality and the pyramid and far surpassed his father's pyramids in
3' 6" off true north. In
organization it represents, Khufu's pyramid was size and accuracy.
addition to this astonishmg
achievement, Khufu also built another astonishing leap forward. The Great Pyramid contains about 2,300,000
three queens' pyramids, boat Rainer Stadelmann, in his study of the reigns of blocks of stone, often said to weigh on average
pits and a satellite pyramid, the early pyramid builders, concludes that, like his c. 2.5 tons. This might be somewhat exaggerated;
only recently found. father Sneferu, Khufu reigned longer than the 23 the stones certainly get smaller towards the top of
years given him in the Turin Papyrus, compiled the pyramid, and we do not know if the masonry of
some 1,400 years later. Even with a reign of 30 to 32 the inner core is as well-cut and uniform as the
years, the estimated combined mass of 2,700,000 stone courses that are now exposed (the outer fine

During our survey of
Khufu's pyramzd. we noted
that of a total of 921.44 m
(3,023ft) of original pyramid
baseline, only 54.44 m (179
ft) remains, much of it badly
worn, while only 212. 48 m
(697It) of the foundiltion
platform survive. It is on the
basis of these remnants that
the amazing accuracy of the
original building is
reconstructed by surveyors.

white Turah limestone casing was stripped off The mortuary temple was demolished down to ~=",,-;=
long ago). On the other hand some of the casing bedrock over the centuries. It is square and much
stones at the base may weigh as much as 15 tons, larger than the small chapels associated with the
and the large granite beams roofing the King's Meidum and Bent pyramids. What remains is some ..'.:-, Causeway,
Chamber and the stress-relieving chambers above it black basalt pavement of an open court, sockets for
.... I. 739.8 m
have been estimated to weigh from 50 to 80 tons. the granite pillars of the surrounding colonnade ..
Such statistics, while repeated frequently, never and western recessed bay, and the bedrock cuttings ".,
d 9
cease to astound.
As for accuracy: the base is level to within just
for the outer wall. The walls were of fine limestone
carved in relief. This is the first time we find granite
\\. .'
2.1 cm (under 1 in); the average deviation of the and basalt combined to construct a truly large tem­
sides from the cardinal directions is 3' 6" of arc; and ple. There was an inner sanctuary and storage '.':\
the greatest difference in the length of the sides is rooms, but it is not known whether the five statue _N '\
4.4 cm (f% in). Why such phenomenal precision? niches and false door that became standard later o 200 m .:.
For the royal designers such exactitude may have were already part of the plan. a
1-1 "

boat pit 500 It ""

been imbued with symbolic and cultic signifIcance Khufu's causeway walls must have been covered '-'j-~-~:.~:-~

that now eludes us. A more practical explanation is with fine relief carving - as we know from the testi­
that it may have been a response to the architectur­ mony of Herodotus and the discovery of a few
al disaster at the Dahshur Bent Pyramid. To avoid a carved pieces. Its foundations rose to an astonish­
repetition the builders founded the outer casing on ing height of more than 40 m (131 ft) to carry the Computer-generated
a specially levelled platform constructed on the corridor from the edge of the plateau down to the diagrams of Khufu's Great
bedrock (p. 212) - leaving a low massif of natural valley temple. East of the escarpment these foun­ Pyramid, showing the
rock inside the pyramid. dations were still extant at the turn of complex internal structul'e.
The Great Pyramid, like those built by Sneferu, this century. A basalt pavement is proba­
consisted of casing and core stones, laid in horizon­ bly the remains of the valley temple (p.
tal courses, with packing blocks in between. Large 232). It is otherwise completely unknown
quantities of gypsum mortar were poured into the and its form remains totally hypothetical.
id. causeway, often wide interstices between the core stones. As well as his own pyramid and tem­
•queens' pyra­ Greatest precision was achieved in the fine outer ples, plus boat pits (p. 118), Khufu also
that Khufu's casing; the core, which is what we see now, was less built three pyramids for queens (p. 116),
ring 230 cu. m carefully laid, though it is still a marked improve­ and cemeteries of mastabas - to the west
one average­ ment on the internal fabric of previous pyramids. for his highest officials and to the east for
- in a ten-hour At the corners and towards the top higher quality his nearest royal relatives - all laid out in
I mass of his limestone was used because of the need for greater a systematic, unified fashion. Khufu's
• in his single precision and control. satellite pyramid, perhaps for his ka,
r', pyramids in remained undetected until recently, when
The pyramid complex
it was discovered by Zahi Hawass during
ut 2,300,000 All the standard elements of the pyramid complex
cleaning operations. It is tiny, only 20 m


on average were present, though they have mostly since disap­

(66 tt) per side, and has aT-shaped
exaggerated; peared. The finished pyramid was surrounded by a
descending passage plus chamber. The
ards the top of ~ ~>-'-.
Turah limestone wall, over 8 m (26 tt) high, enclos­
side walls of the chamber lean inward, '..;f1 ~
emasonryof ing a court, 10.2 m (33 ft) wide, paved in limestone.
like a tent or canopied structure, a form - -_.~- - ~"'.~ ---~~--'_::.
miform as the Access to this court could only be gained via the
that matches the galleries under the east
the outer fine valley temple, causeway and mortuary temple.
side of Djoser's Step Pyramid. -"1'-'

The Great Pyramid
A computer reconstruction
0/ the Giza pyramids. The
interior 0/ Khuju's pyramid
is explored overleaf
at Pyramid
ramitis. The
.. U/il 's pyramid
introduce a sarcophagus the size of that found in
Inside Khuju's Pyramid the King's Chamber.
The so-called Queen's Chamber (misnamed by
Arab explorers) is higher up in the pyramid,
reached via the Ascending Passage and a horizon-
tal passage. It lies exactly on the east-west centre
axis of the pyramid and was almost completely fin-
ished, with only the walls and floor still to be
dressed down. The junction of the Ascending Pas-
sage with the horizontal passage leading into the
Queen's Chamber was originally roofed. Evidence
for this takes the form of holes for large beams for
holding blocks that roofed the horizontal passage
and provided a continuous floor from the Grand
Gallery to the Ascending Passage.
The Queen's Chamber was therefore totally
closed off - a characteristic of a serdab, a room for (Right) Rudo!
the ka statue - the king's spiritual double - such as robot, Upllau
the statue of Djoser sealed in a stone box at the video camcra
north side of his Step Pyramid. With a total height shaft of the
of 4.7 m (15 ft 5 in), a corbelled niche in the east Chamber, )11: _
square. It lea
wall could certainly have contained a larger-than- about 65 m ,_
life statue of the king. limestone plu~
After the cramped and difficult crawl up the embedded C"I
Ascending Passage, about 1.05 m (3% ft) wide and
a little taller, the route to the King's Chamber sud-
denly opens out into the breathtaking Grand
Gallery. At the top is what is known as the Great
The passages and chambers Inside Khufu's pyramid we find developments that Step, followed by the antechamber and finally the
inside the Great Pyramid: are unique in pyramid evolution and remarkable in King's Chamber. Entirely constructed out of red
some argue that the (Below) TIll ~u
Subterranean Chamber and
the entire history of architecture. Many Egyptolo-
gists have long accepted Borchardt's suggestion
granite, this room is impressive for its simplicity
and resonance.
Chamber I,.
so-called 'Queen's Chamber' below the plat
were each in turn intended for that the pyramid's three chambers represent two Above the King's Chamber are five stress-reliev- reached b)' II •
the king's burial but were changes in plan, with the abandonment of the Sub- ing chambers, each with the same floor area as the Passage, lcl/ll
successively abandoned as terranean Chamber, believed to be the original respective chamber below. At the very top, the angle of 26
plans changed. However, it is intended burial chamber of the king, and then the stones are cantilevered in the form of a pent roof to m (92ft 6 ill
possible that the entire inner pyramid ma:
Queen's Chamber, in favour of the King's Chamber. distribute the weight and stresses of the mountain another 30.3
complex was conceived and
built according to a unified Several clues, however, combine to make it probable of masonry above. This is an innovative and inge- through the II
plan Old Kingdom pyramids that all three chambers and the entire passage sys- nious arrangement, for which there are few paral- without del'ia
frequently have three tem were planned together from the outset. Three lels and no precedent. Graffiti left by the work a centimetn /I
chambers. Here the two lower chambers seem to have been the rule for Old King- crews on the walls add a human element. Names of orientatioII.
rooms were probably planned dom pyramids.
fro171 the outset to cater for From the original entrance - offset by 7.29 m (24
different aspects of the king's
spiritual welfare. ft) east from the centre axis - the descending pas-
sage plunges down through the pyramid, ending in
the Subterranean Chamber. This was the classic
pyramid substructure: a corridor descending to a
chamber at or below ground level, as seen at
Meidum. But here, for the first time, the chamber
was carved out of the solid bedrock, though it was
never completed.
One of the real puzzles of this chamber is a
small, rough passage leading south from one cor-
ner. Only one man could have fitted at the end of it,
mching forward into the blind rock with hammer
and chisel. Where was it intended to lead? If it was
to another room, the Subterranean Chamber cannot
have been for the king's burial, as this was always
the last chamber of a series. Moreover, the
Descending Passage is simply too small to

found in The 'air shafts' extend like
antennae through the body 0/
the pyramid/rom both the
amed by " King's and the Queen's
p~Tamld, ",.chambers. Those from the
horizon- K(flg'S Chamber penetrate all
t centre theY.v<lY to the outside, though
!etely fin- very PiJ~ibly the pyramid
ill to be casing cl8s€d off these purely
cultic sha/ts.:jvhich may also
ling Pas- have been on~~ally plugged
10.5 x_
into the in the chamber.' '\ h. 5.8 r-
earns for
pa sage 'Air shafts'
Ie Grand oriented to - - - - " "

e totally
room for (Right) Rudolf Cantenbnnk's
- 'uch as robot, Upuaut f], carried a
at the video camera up the southern
al height shaft of the Queen's
the east Chamber, just 20 cm (8 in)
square. It was stopped after
er-than· about 65 m (213 ft) by a/me
limestone plug with two
up the embedded copper pins.
ride and
aber sud-
nall~' the
of red
(Below) The Subterranean
impliClty Chamber lies 30 m (98 ft)
below the plateau surface. It is
-·rellev- reached by the Descending
ea as the Passage, which slopes at an The so-called Queen's
op. the angle 0/26° 34' 23 "/or 28.8 Chamber was certainly not
roof to m (92 ft 9 in) through the lor the burial 0/ a queen.
pyramId masonry, and then 1-i?ry probably it was a sealed
,untaw another 303 m (99It 5 in)
od inge- room/or a special statue 0/
through the natural rock the king, representing his ka
para!- without deviating more than or 'spiritual/orce'. This is
Ie work a centimetre in angle or suggested by the existence of
ames of orientation. a corbelled niche, 4. 7 m (15 ft
5 in) high, on the east wall 0/
the chamber, which may once
have held such a statue.
A square pit at its base was
deepened by early treasure·
seekers. The 'Queen's
Chamber' lies exactty on the
east-west centre axis of the
pyramid. Its walls and pented
ceiling are of fine limestone.
A few objects were reportedly
found in the northern airshaft
in the late 19th century, now
on display in the British
Museum (inset, right).

'0.5 x 5.2 m,
h. 5.8 m

(Above) Between the Grand

Gallery and the King's
Chamber, three sliding
granite portcullis slabs were
the final defence against
anyone would had reached
this far in an attempt to
s violate the royal tomb.
,', Grand Gallery,
46.7 x 2.1 m,
h. 8.7 m

The Grand Gallery is a

stupendous achievement: the
roof soars to 8.74 m (26ft)
and is the glorious
culmination a series of
corbelled roofs seen at
Meidum and Dahshur: The
corbelling does not reach to

the very top, however - the

final gap is spanned by slabs.
Along the sides are regularly
spaced matching holes in
lateral benches and in the
walls. These are generally
believed to be sockets for large
Descending Passage, wooden beams for holding
I. 58.5m back the blocks which sealed
the Ascending Passage -
which would make this
beautiful construction
basically a parking space
and slipway.

is ons)
The Great Pyramid

of Khufu

The King's Chamber, with

the royal sarcophagus. Nille
great granite beams stretch
across the roof, each more
than 5.5 m (lSft or 10
cubits) long and weighing
25 to 40 tons. Never before
had the Egyptians spanned
such a wide space in stone.
There are signs that the great
beams had begun to crack
even while the pyramid was
under construction, although
the Egyptians had created olle
of the most remarkable
structures in architectural
history to prevent it. liVhen
the priests made their final
exit in 252S BC, they sealed
the tomb by sliding three
portcullis slabs down slots
in the side walls of the
The red granite
the workers are combined with that of the king - mann of the German Archaeological Institute in sarcophagus near the western
wallo/ the King's Chamber
here Khnum-Khuf. Cairo. He sent a small robot camera up the southern was the final resting Place 0/
Khufu's sarcophagus was made of the same red passage. It came to a halt, after about 65 m (214 ft), Khufu's body. The room itself
granite as his chamber and is on the exact central in front of a plugging block with two copper pins is like a sarcophagus, lined
axis of the pyramid. Petrie noted that the sarcopha- sticking out of it. Investigations halted at this point with red granite and
gus is fractionally wider than the doorway into the and the meaning of the block, and what, if any- resonating with every
chamber and it would therefore have to have been thing, lies beyond, remain mysteries. murmur and footstep. The
sacred room was probably
put in place in the chamber as the pyramid was already robbed of its contents
being built around it. Sealing the tomb some time between the end of
If the King's Chamber was the burial room and When Khufu's priests and workmen left the King's the Khufu's reign and the
the Queen's Chamber was a statue serdab, what Chamber for the last time, they sealed the tomb collapse of the Old Kingdom
was the purpose of the Subterranean Chamber? chamber by sliding portcullis slabs down three (c. 2134 BC). Those who first
Rainer Stadelmann suggests that its rough and slots in the side wall of the antechamber. Then, as a violated the stone box and
robbed the royal mummy
unfinished state may represent the Underworld second line of defence they released the huge gran- probably made the prominent
cavern. Rather than the first chamber to be built, it ite plugging blocks stored in the Grand Gallery by break in the corner of the
is possible that it was the last, and still under con- knocking away the beams holding them. These slid sarcophagus in order to lift
struction when the king died and work was frozen. down the ascending passage, thus blocking it. the heavy lid.
A symbolic function should also be attributed to The men probably made their escape by slipping
the so-called 'air-shafts', which had nothing to do down the so-called 'well' or 'service shaft' cut into
with conducting air. No other pyramid contains the west wall at the bottom of the Grand Gallery.
chambers and passages so high in the body of the This was no robber's tunnel as some have believed,
masonry as Khufu's and so the builders provided but was probably cut to conduct air down to the
the King's Chamber with small model passages to bottom of the descending passage, so that work
allow the king's spirit to ascend to the stars. could continue on the Subterranean Chamber. Once
There are similar 'air-shafts' in the Queen's they arrived at the descending passage via the ser-
Chamber though here, mysteriously, they did not vice shaft, the pyramid sealers could climb up past
penetrate through the walls of the chamber itself. the plugged mouth of the ascending passage and
In 1872 an engineer called Waynman Dixon, work- out through the original entrance of the pyramid.
ing for Piazzi Smyth, knowing of the existence of They probably plugged the section of the descend-
such passages in the King's Chamber, searched for ing passage from the mouth to its junction with the
them in this chamber too. He tapped the wall till he ascending passage - the third line of defence for
found places that sounded hollow and broke the king's burial. The entrance in the face of the
through. pyramid would have been sealed with a limestone
Recently these passages have been investigated block that the builders hoped - in vain - made it
by Rudolf Gantenbrink, working for Rainer Stadel- indistinguishable from the pyramid casing.

113 , .
The Great Pyramid TheE
of Khufu
een's P~T
,tinal po~
(Right) Khufu's eastern .:,sage cut
cemetery and queen's landoned I
pyramids before the discovery , lnging
of the satellite pyramid.
This was found when 20hl
Hawass removed the modern
road Visible In the photograph
and cleaned the area.

(Below nght) The remams of

Khufu:S satellite pyramid m
front of the rzght-hand
queens' pyramid. The boat pit
between two of the queens'
pyramids may In fact belong
to the satellite pyramid,
parked at ItS eastern side.

The Queens' Pyramids

Khufu built three pyramids for queens, labelled,
north to south, GI-a, GI-b and GI-c. In contrast to
the levelled foundation of hIS own pyramid, these
accommodated the slope of the ground, so that
their bases are neIther level nor perfect squares.
They may have been planned to an ideal length of
88-89 cubItS, one-fifth of Khufu's, and, WIth a slope
near 52°, each rose about a-fifth of ItS heIght. As
with Khafre's, the bedrock for the bottom course of
casing IS cut to different heights and angles, so that All three have a passage on or near the centre
the top of the first course could be levelled with a axis, slopmg to a chamber that makes a westward
Plans and profiles of Khufu's minimum of cutting. turn, probably for manoeuvnng the sarcophagus_
three queens' pyramids (kft
Each queen's pyramid had a stepped Internal The burial chambers, west of the centre axis, were
to right GI-c, Cl-b, Gl-a).
These lay In a row on tlw nucleus. GI-a has thin stone retainmg walls visible cut out of bedrock and lined with masonry.
east side of Khufu's pyramid, in its denuded top. Scrutiny of GI-c, the most com­
each with a sloping passage plete, reveals three inner tiers or steps of mastaba­ Which queens?
leading to a chamber, with a like chunks. Backing stones, equal in size and hue The first pyramid to the north, GI-a, may have been
right-angled turn leading to to the nucleus, obscure the tiers. Near the bottom is for Hetepheres, thought to be the mother of Khufu
the burial chamber. We can
a packing layer, between core and casing, of small (p. 117). Gl-b mIght belong to a queen Meritetes,
guess at the Identities of tlw
original mtended occupants blocks of soft yellow limestone - seen on all three who lived through the reigns of Sneferu, Khufu and
of these pyramids, but they pyramids - and, finally, remains of fine limestone Khafre, based on an inscription found in the chapel
are not certain. casing with exquisite Joins. of the first mastaba to the east, that of Kawab, an
'eldest son' of Khufu. One theory is that the male
occupants of mastabas closest to the small pyra­
mids were sons of the respective queens.
The southernmost pyramid, GI-c, could belong to
a queen Henutsen, a name known only from much
later, In dynasties 21-26, when the chapel at the
centre of the eastern base of this pyramid was con­
verted to a temple of the goddess Isis under the epi­
thet 'Mistress of the Pyramids' (p. 38). All three
pyramIds once had similar chapels, smaller equiva­
lents of the great mortuary temple of Khufu. But
only that of GI-c survives with its walls Intact,
thanks to Its conversIon. The mortuary chapel of
Gl-a is now entirely missing, robbed down to
bedrock, and only the foundations of Gl-b remain.

The Burial 0/ Hetepheres

Queen's pyramid GI-a was begun 28 m (92 ft) east of

its final position, as indicated by the beginning of its
passage cut into the bedrock. Aligned with the
abandoned pyramid on the north is the deep shaft
belonging to Queen Hetepheres. In 1925, while George
Reisner was absent in the United States, his
photographer was setting up his tripod when one leg
sank into the ground. Investigation led to the
discovetyof a sealed shaft and stairway. The shaft
was extraordinarily deep (over 27 m or 89 ft) and was
blocked with masonry from top to bottom - which
took weeks to clear.
At the very bottom of the shaft was a chamber,
where the excavators found a beautiful alabaster
sarcophagus and, in a niche in the western wall, a
small alabaster box with the string around it still in
place and its sealing intact. This was the canopic
chest for the Queen's internal organs.
from the moment of discovery, however, it was
apparent that this assemblage was a reburial, since
the pottery was smashed and linen lay disintegrated
among the remains of the boxes that had once
contained it. Pieces of furniture that had been

I?econstruction of the burial

jammed into the chamber could be reconstructed Hete/Jheres's reassembled
assembly of Queen
from surviving gold foil although most of the wood canopy and items of
Hete/Jheres, based on
had deteriorated. On top of the sarcophagus were furniture. On the front panel
I?eisner's meticulous
beautiful long poles belonging to a canopy in the of the canopy was found the
excavation of each individual
form of early papyrus bud columns. This canopy, if HOI'us name (below) Neb­
fragment of the disintegrated
reassembled, would fit exactly into the chambers of Maat, 'Lord of Truth', that
remains. The great bed
the queens' pyramids. There were also the parts of
is Snefel'u.
canopy was found dismantled.

two sitting chairs, a carrying chair, a tube for walking

lear the centre sticks, a headrest and two sets of silver bracelets.
a westward What we have here is the private boudoir of a queen.
rcophagus. The first name found in the tomb was that of
Sneferu. But then other texts came to light that
ntre axis, were
contained the name Hetepheres. She was called
'Mother of the King' and 'Daughter of the God' and it
became evident that she was the wife of Sneferu and
mother of a reigning king. Seal impressions included
may have been the name Her-Mejedu - the Horus name of Khufu.
her of Khufu The sarcophagus was empty and Reisner noted
!fen lVleritetes, that the contents of the chamber were in the reverse
eru. Khufu and order usually found in tombs. Why? Reisner thought
d in the chapel box
that Hetepheres had originally been buried at
of ({awab, an Dahshur but her tomb had been violated and her
that the male body stolen. Khufu's men did not tell him of the
he small pyra­ missing body and he arranged for a reburial at Giza,
:ens. in a deep, unmarked shaft for safety. Other
explanations are possible, if not entirely satisfactory.
uld belong to
I suggested that her body is missing because it was
nly from much
removed to the burial chamber in GI-a, after the first
chapel at the
pyramid was begun and then abandoned, perhaps
"amid was con­ with a new set of equipment. The original shaft was
under the epi­ then filled in and forgotten until stumbled on by
38). All three Reisner's photographer some four-and-a-half
aller equiva­ thousand years later. Yet another line of speculation
.f Khufu. But sees this unmarked burial (or reburial) of a queen
walls mtact, mother's grave goods as an indication of disputes
uar\' chapel of over the royal succession_ It is not certain that
>bed down to Hetepheres was the mother of Khufu, who survived
, GI-b remain. three older brothers.

prow and stern are in the form of papyrus stalks, been beyond tt
The Great Pyramid Khuju's Boats the stern one bent over. It is thus a wooden replica is now missin
of Khufu
of a type of papyrus reed boat perhaps dating rather than be
The large number - and size - of boat-shaped pits back to the predynastic period - another example o have contal
east of Khufu's pyramid give it the appearance of a of the Egyptian fondness for simulating their earli- hough the buii
royal port authority or docking place on the jour- est reed structures in more durable materials. A if they had w,
ney from this world to the Netherworld. One pit is cabin, or inner shrine, is enclosed within a reed-mat [he boats wen
parallel to the causeway and therefore at the very structure with poles of the same papyrus-bud form buried, but wh)
threshold of the mortuary temple. On either side of that we see in the canopy of Hetepheres (p. 117). The boats cc
the temple, to the north and south, are two even The second boat pit, just to the west of the muse- mechanisms fOi
larger boat-shaped pits, possibly for boats to trans- um, was investigated in 1985 by a team from \'estwards with
port the king to stellar destinations. Next to the National Geographic with the Egyptian Antiquities the rising sun-
queen's pyramid (GI-a) is a fourth boat-shaped pit authority. A hole was drilled through the limestone mto a different
and, recently, a fifth has been found east of the beams and a tiny camera inserted. It was hoped \-ith the royal
newly discovered satellite pyramid, perhaps for the that the pit had been so well sealed that the air ~nse highly ch<
symbolic transport of the king's ka statue. inside would have last been breathed by the ancient dismantled and
On the south side of the Great Pyramid are two Egyptians, but there were obvious signs that this ~ide the fu nerar
further boat pits that are often discussed together was not the case. However, it was ascertained that -ood canopy fa
with those mentioned above, but which in fact the pit did contain the disarticulated parts of a 11)- disassemb
differ in one important respect. They are long, boat, lying in approximately their correct relative satellite pyram
narrow and rectangular rather than boat-shaped, positions, though the pit was shorter than the fully- It seems prob
and they contain the disassembled parts of real assembled boat would have been. bun
boats. These southern boat pits do not seem
to have been part of the symbolic
The royal barques layout of the whole Khufu
The two southern boat pits were discovered in complex but rather are
1954, each covered by a roof of huge limestone a deliberate, ritual
slabs. When one of the slabs was raised from the disposal. Signifi-
first pit, the planking of a great boat was seen, cantly, the pits
completely dismantled but arranged in the sem- would have
blance of its finished form.
The boat was removed from its pit, piece by
piece, under the supervision of Ahmed Youssef, the
master restorer who worked on Hetepheres's funer-
Pyramid as port authon'ty of ary furniture (p. 117). Made of cedarwood, the
the Netherworld: the eastern 1,224 separate parts had numerous U-shaped
side of Khufu's Great holes so that the boat could be 'stitched' togeth-
PyramId IS occupied by the er using ropes made of vegetable fibres. After
remains of his mortuary many years of painstaking work, the boat
temple (of which just the was finally reassembled like a giant jigsaw,
basalt pavement survives),
the foundation of his and is now housed in its own boat-shaped
causeway, boat pits, queens' museum next to the pyramid. When reassem-
pyramids and mastaba tombs. bled the boat measures 43.3 m (142 tt) long. Its

(Above) The existence of a

second boat In the unopened
boat pit was confirmed when
a tiny camera was inserted.

When the first boat was

restored (far right), signs
for prow, stern, port and
starboard, similar to phyle
names in work gangs and
temple priesthoods, were
discovered on the planks.
FUS stalks, been beyond the pyramid's enclosure wall, which Master craftsman Ahmed
IS now missing. Both the pits are rectangular, Youssef with the boat of
'Oden replica
rather than boat-shaped and are also too small Khufu that he reassembled
haps dating after it had lain buried in a
mer example to have contained the fully assembled boats ­ pit for 4,500 years.
g their earli­ though the builders could easily have achieved this
matenals. A if they had wanted to. It appears therefore that
un a reed-mat the boats were intended to be dismantled and
ru -bud form buried, but why?
(p.117). The boats could have been symbolic transpor
t of the muse­ mechanisms for the king to ascend to the heavens­
a team from westwards with the setting sun and eastwards with
Ul AntIquities the rising sun - but the indications are that they fall
e limestone into a different class of objects. Items connected
was hoped with the royal funeral were considered in some
that the air sense highly charged. To neutralize them they were
b: the ancient dismantled and buried separately, close to but out­
igns that this side the funerary precinct. Another example is the The displacement of this boat
ren:ained that wood canopy for transporting a statue, found, ritu­ is 45 tons. The maximum
rl parts of a ally disassembled in an extra shaft outside Khafre's draft is 1.48 m (5 ft). It is
rreet relative satellite pyramid (p. 126). 5.9 m wide with a total length
It seems probable, therefore, that these complete, of 43.3 m (142 ft). It was
than the fully­ found in 1,224 pieces,
but wholly disassembled, boats were con­
comprising 656 major parts
nected with Khufu's final earthly of the boat, all originally
voyage - to his pyramid. stitched together with rope,
with severa/lines of mortice
and tenon joints across the
hull, as seen in the diagram
(below left).

%is/ence of a
I the unopened
rjirmed when
as inserted.

'boat was
- hi}, signs
port and
Iilar /0 phyle
f:(lIlgs and
.ds. were

Djedefre, Khufu's son and successor, 8 km (5 miles)
to the north on a hillock overlooking the Giza
plateau. By moving to this spot, Djedefre's pyramid
was nearer due west of Heliopolis, centre of the sun
Djedefre at Abu Roash
cult, than Giza. Perhaps he was motivated by reli­
gious reasons since Djedefre is the first pharaoh we
know to take the title 'Son of Re'.
It has been suggested that Djedefre's removal of
his funerary monument from Giza, its destruction
and Khafre's return to Giza indicate a split between
The first phinx? The face the sons of Khufu and conflict over the succession.
of Djedefre in a magnificent However, Djedefre's cartouche was found, with
dark purplish quartzite head workers' graffiti, on the limestone beams covering
found at Abu Roash. The
king is shown wearing the Khufu's boat pit, showing that he oversaw his
nemes crown. The scant father's funeral. The French Institute/University of
remains of the original Geneva Abu Roash Expedition, begun in 1995
surface behind the headdress under Michael Valloggia, is finding little evidence
turn outwards, suggesting the of destruction dating from the Old Kingdom,
beginning of a lion body. Now rather it is from the Roman period.
in the Louvre, it is one of
several magnificent pieces of Today nothing remains other than the stump of
sculpture found in the boat pit the core around a natural hillock. Core masonry
east of the pyramid of and mortar adhere to the bedrock massif which
Djedefre. would have been preserved in the middle of the he casing, as II
pyramid, as in Khufu's and Khafre's. Great quanti­ mid, and as op
ties of granite from the casing lie all around. A al coursing 0
number of blocks have a 60° slope, indicating to baseline now ;
The very pronounced alignments between the some that Djedefre intended a step pyramid. Others 348 ft), the re
pyramid complexes at Giza show considerable con­ have suggested that he was planning to build a 57 m (187 ft), at
cern for unity of design over three generations. An mastaba, like the later tombs of Khentkawes and do not know t
anomaly in this, however, is the pyramid built by Shepseskaf. However, step pyramid accretions gen­ ;;orne 20 granitl
erally had a much steeper slope of 72-78° and the fragment of a
The work of the Franco· mastaba of Shepseskaf has an angle of 65°. So it hieroglyphs for
,, ,,

, ", , Swiss team at Abu Roash is

revealing new details about
was previously concluded that Djedefre was build­
ing a very steep pyramid, like the first stage of Sne­
~tadelmann sUl
~'ork on the un,
,, Djedefre's pyramid. It was feru's Bent Pyramid at Dahshur.
, ,, probably intended to be 106.2 The Franco-Swiss excavations at the north cor­ Inside the p
m (348 ft) to a side. There is
, uncertainty about the exact ners and centre of the base of the pyramid have From Sneferu 1
Satellite pyramid , \
, angle of slope, with evidence revealed a foundation bed with a 12° slope. If the triving to buil
I ,

" for 48~ though it has been casing blocks were laid at this angle, the pyramid
I ,
I ' body. Djedefre
"""'''''''''"..,.,.,.--.----- , suggested it would have been slope is reduced to 48°, though the team suggests a be an his sub
nearer 52° Its theoretical range near 52°, which would conform to Sneferu's
height is between 57 m (187 ound, 23 x H
Meidum pyramid (E3) and Khufu's. This would more deep. An
ft) and 67 m (220 ft).
mean that Djedefre's masons returned to inclining )ng and slop
t:ntrance pas
The enclosure of Djedefre's nto the corridc
::-~,~:_'-'-~;""" " ,:::" ,,:::, -- - -:, '=====~ pyramid also departs from its 'llasonry SUggl
:: : "1:-'" :_Satellite pyramid Enclosure ~lier style of
counterparts at Giza. As a
:: ~:'-_\_: rectangle oriented

" north-south, it may be the The pyrami

"" --. --- - --­ - - - - - - ---1
first revival of the 'Djoser·
" , The Franco-Sw
" : Shaft, 21 x 9 m, type'. The mortuary temple is here was an ir
" : c. 20 m deep shifted north of the pyramid's
"" 'lOrth pyramid
"" east-west centre axis. The
"" llbe~~i--Entrance pyramid is located on a high ,ntain the mo

" passage, I. 49 m Plateau, approached by an emple appear
"" extremely long causeway. fotick fieldstont
"" rm compartrr
~ to Stadelm
" Causeway, I. 1,700 m
pyramid. Tl
ps at Giza
rructures were
km(5 miles) Djedefre's mortuary temple
jng the Giza viewed from the pyramid,
erre's pyramid looking southeast, towards
ltre of the sun Giza (upper right). Being so
far north, Djedefre's pyramid
Iyated by reli­ was located due west of
pharaoh we Heliopolis, which lay across
the valley (upper left). The
'e' removal of form of the mortuary temple
_ destruction resembles workshops around
~plit between
a courtyard. Were temporary
structures simply converted
he succession. into a temple for the
found, with unfinished pyramid?
~s covering
• OYersaw his
l.;niversity of
egun 111 1995
linle evidence
)ld Kingdom,

the stump of
re masonry
massif which
middle of the the casing, as in the bottom of Sneferu's Bent Pyra­
_Great quanti­ mid, and as opposed to the finely levelled horizon­
all around. A tal coursing of Khufu's casing. With the north
indicating to baseline now accurately determined as 106.2 m
[T3Il1ld. Others (348 ft), the resulting theoretical height is between work on the pyramid stopped. Workshops and
in to build a 57 m (187 ft), at 48°, and 67 m (220 ft), at 52°. We still habitations also occupied the northeast corner of
IeIltkawes and do not know how far building progressed above the inner enclosure. Just beside the northeast cor­
ccretions gen­ some 20 granite courses at the base. Petrie found a ner of the pyramid, layers of chips remained of a
-2-78° and the fragment of a throne of a diorite statue, with the vast stoneyard for working pyramid blocks. Per­
Ie of 65°. So it hieroglyphs for Men..Ra, most probably Menkaure. haps some of the walls were ancillary to the con­
efre was build­ Stadelmann suggests that he undertook restoration struction of the pyramid and were finished quickly
tageof Sne­ work on the uncompleted pyramid. as some kind of cult emplacement. A deep recess in
the core masonry at the back of the 'temple' was
he north cor­ Inside the pyramid perhaps for a false door.
pyramid have From Sneferu to Khufu we have seen a continual A boat pit against the south side of the temple
~ slope. If the striving to build chambers higher in the pyramid recalls the one just outside the entrance to Khufu's
the pyramid body. Djedefre returned to the earlier concept and temple. A covered corridor led from the northeast
~suggestsa began his substructure as a colossal pit in the entrance of the inner enclosure to the mouth of the
m to Sneferu's ground, 23 x 10 m (75 x 33 ft) and c. 20 m (66ft) or causeway. Just outside this corridor, recent excava­
This would more deep. An access corridor was 49 m (161 ft) tions discovered a cache of votive pottery. Similar
led to inclining long and sloped at an angle of 22° 35'. The caches have been found near the entrances to the
entrance passage and burial chamber were built temples or enclosures of the pyramids of Sneferu
into the corridor and pit. Scant remains of roofing at Meidum and Dahshur, Menkaure, Shepseskaf's
•'Ji Djedefre's mastaba and Raneferef's pyramid. It indicates a
parts from its masonry suggest that it was reminiscent of the
t Giza. As a
earlier style of Djoser. sustained cult service for Djedefre.
The height of the knoll on which the pyramid
may be the
The pyramid complex was built, some 20 m (66 ft) higher than the Giza
r the 'Djoser­ The Franco-Swiss team has now ascertained that plateau, meant that an extraordinarily long cause­
uary temple is there was an inner enclosure, 6 m (20 ft) from the way was needed to reach the valley - perhaps
; Ihe pyramid's
axis. The
north pyramid base, and widening on the east to 1,700 m (5, 577 ft) long. The tentative, cursory and
, It'd on a high
contain the mortuary temple. Djedefre's mortuary diminutive character of the pyramid is a striking
rhed by an
temple appears hastily built. It is formed of rather counterpoint to the size of its causeway. Djedefre's
ouseway. thick fieldstone walls, finished with mudbrick to pyramid was less than a quarter of the base area of
form compartments and chambers (chapels accord­ his father's, Khufu, at Giza. Perhaps, already an
ing to Stadelmann) around an open court east of elderly man when he came to the throne, Djedefre
the pyramid. This configuration is similar to work­ knew that he might not have many years left to
shops at Giza and elsewhere, and perhaps the complete his pyramid, and chose a smaller design ­
structures were simply left when Djedefre died and he is said to have reigned for only eight years.

Return to Giza: Khafre's

Pyramid and the Great Sphinx

Khafre's pyramid was called

'Great is Kha/1'e'. The
simplicity of the chamber and
passage system may reflect
the builders' experience of
problems in building
chambers high in the body of
the pyramids of Sneferu and
Khufu. Its base length was
215 m (705 ft), rising to a
Satellite pyramid
height of 143.5 m (471 ft)
at an angle of 53° 10'.

The double ent

IIggest to SOIll,

lall from alar

'maller pyrallli.

Portcullis c/OSII

.( re built Into

Causeway Subsidiary chamber " the la/va 011

rliontal carr.

Djedefre was succeeded by Khafre, another son of granite, the pyramid was cloaked in Turah lime­ utsJde face:
Khufu. Two older brothers had been in line for the stone. Only the upper quarter of the casing remains 'r : rather th
throne before Khafre and we might perhaps imag­ - apparently a reflection of the robbers' practice of 'his le\-el the
ine him as a rather young man - youth, at least, stripping first the corners and base and then work­ fore the~'
could account for the extraordinary confidence he ing upwards. Just beneath the lowest surviving pace. What
showed in laying out a square 215 m (705 tt) to a course of casing stones, a band of regular stepped ese masol1I
side, to form the base of a pyramid that stood core stone is visible. The rest of the surface down 'hafre's \\'as
shoulder to shoulder with his father's. Khafre's to the base - the greater part of the pyramid ­ Id-building
pyramid is in fact the smaller of the two, but he dis­ consists of very rough, irregular, loose stones. :\mong it:
guised this by founding it on bedrock some 10 m What is this loose lower band? Is it packing ncei\'ed a,'
(33 ft) higher. It also has a slightly sharper angle of between core and casing, exposed when the casing " hen\'orld I
slope, 53 0 10' to Khufu's 51 0 50' 40". A very slight was torn away? That seems likely until, climbing hafre's P~T;
twist can be discerned at the top, introduced the corners of the pyramid, one sees that this irreg­ .cks \\'eigh;
because the four corner angles were not quite ular masonry seems to continue for some depth , ne piers pr
aligned correctly to meet at the apex. into the pyramid body. The discontinuity might :t corne'
indicate different building styles, perhaps even a r giant dod
The blocks of surviving The pyramid hiatus and then resumption of building. Alterna­
casing at the top of Khafre's
'ed into tt
pyramid are not flush, The pyramid was founded on a terrace which the tively, the core masonry may simply have been laid !>em'een th
suggesting they were cut to ancient builders cut down by c. 10 m (33 ft) below in a more regular fashion towards the top in order
the pyramid's slope before the original bedrock surface to the northwest, but to allow the builders greater control (p. 222).
setting However, the built up with large blocks of masonry at the oppo­ The casing stones at the top of the pyramid are In
unevenness may be due to site, southeast, corner. This compensated for the much smaller - about 1 cubit thick (c. 50 cm/20 in) ­
settling when lower courses 0
natural c. 3-6 slope of the Mokattam Formation. than the casing stones which survive at the bottom 'Jafre'" pyre
were robbed.
Apart from the bottom course of outer casing in of Khufu's pyramid and those of his queens. Their J : , One b

[(hafre's burial chamber
(left). The black granite
sarcophagus was originally
sunk into the paving of the
chamber. A square hole in
the floor at the west end of
the south wall probably held
the canopic chest.

The lower bedrock chamber

(right), with a pented roof
can perhaps be seen as the
equivalent of the
Subterranean Chamber or
Queen's Chamber of [(hufu's

Upper descending
passage, granite-clad


The double entrance passages

suggest to some a change in
plan from a larger to a Lower descending
passage, h. 1.19 m
smaller pyramid base.
Portcullis closure systems
er descending were built into the beginning
of the lower and upper
horizontal corridors.

Turah lime­ outside faces are often staggered by a few millime­ about 11.54 m (38 tt) above the level of the base; the
:a-ing remains tres rather than flush. This might suggest that at other runs from in front of the base line at ground
, practice of this level the outer slope was cut into the blocks level, near the centre of the northern side. Like
md then work­ before they were laid, due to reduced working almost all pyramid passage systems, its does not
I t surviving space. What we can say with confidence about align with the centre axis of the pyramid, in this
~lar stepped these masonry variations is that even now - and case lying a little more than 12 m (39 tt) to the east.
urface down Khafre's was the fifth of the giant pyramids - pyra­ It has been suggested that the pyramid was origi­
the pyramid ­ mid-building techniques were still largely ad hoc. nally intended to be larger, or that its north base
stones. Among its many meanings, the pyramid was line was first planned to be 30 m (98 ft) further
I it packing conceived as a port from which the voyage to the north, so that the lower passage, like the upper one,
en the casing Netherworld began. The broad terrace to the east of would have been entirely within the body of the
llJItil, climbing Khafre's pyramid is made of massive limestone masonry. But it is hard to imagine that there was an
that this irreg­ blocks weighing up to hundreds of tons. Huge lime­ earlier plan for a larger pyramid, such is the sculpt­
ome depth stone piers project beyond the northeast and south­ ed unity of the pyramid terrace, enclosure wall and
tinuity might west corners of the terrace, looking like slipways pyramid base. What we are seeing is more likely
erhaps even a or giant docks. Five narrow boat-shaped trenches evidence of a vacillation between two different pas­
Iding. Alterna­ carved into the natural rock extend into the recess­ sage systems in the course of building.
ve been laid es between the two piers and the mortuary temple. The lower passage descends at an angle to a hor­
lie top in order izontal corridor, 1.7 m high (c. 5 ft 8 in). A sub­
.222). sidiary chamber opens off the horizontal section,
Ie p~Tamid are Inside Khafre's Pyramid cut out of the bedrock and with a pented roof. The
.50 cm/20 in) ­ purpose of this chamber is not entirely clear. It may
~ at the bottom Khafre's pyramid contains two descending pas­ have been a serdab chamber, equivalent to the mis­
I queens. Their sages. One begins in the body of the masonry, named 'Queen's Chamber' in the Great Pyramid.


- - --- - --- --- -

Alternatively it may have been simply used for \'ere t\\'o gra
storing offerings. At the end of the horizontal sec­ a corridor n
tion an ascending passage rises, reaching an inter­ \'ere four
section with the other passage, itself descending to "he fore pan I
the bedrock from high up in the masonry of the ed of t\\'o
pyramid. ba~'s and t~
Since the bedrock was left nearly 10 m (33 ft) \'ere suppo
high in the northwest corner of the pyramid while ,f granite,
the tops of the burial chamber's walls are at the ranches off
level of the pyramid terrace, the chamber must Deen sugg
have been built in a pit similar to that in Djedefre's ood at the
pyramid at Abu Roash, though not as deep. The The rei
roof of the burial chamber is composed of pented, lenkaure _
limestone beams like the 'Queen's Chamber' and the lZe and n
uppermost of the five relieving chambers above the led until
burial chamber in the Great Pyramid. er. Bu \'hI
__ ha\'e
The sarcophagus
The burial chamber is at a right-angle to the axis of
the passage system, putting the sarcophagus in
this case very close to - but not directly on - both
the north-south and the vertical axes of the pyra­
mid. Khafre's sarcophagus is of black, hard gran­
ite, half embedded in the very thick paving which
once covered more of the chamber floor. Its lid lay
in two pieces. A pit cut into the floor of the chamber
probably held the canopic chest - the first example
of this found in a pyramid. Its lid would have been . ed ha
formed by one of the paving slabs of the floor. .. he form
Khafre's mortuary temple,
causeway foundation and
Belzoni, having rediscovered the entrance to the ,;eated statuI:::
valley temple are the best upper passage, made his way into this chamber in Our excavatic
preserved of the three Giza 1818 but found to his disappointment that he was of Khafre's p
complexes. Khafre added the Satellite [gJ not the first to enter it in post-pharaonic times. that we shoulc
Great Sphinx and its temPle. pyramid Curiously, bones found in the sarcophagus turned These gallene
The burial chamber of out to be those of a bull, In a much later period but a royal we
Khafre's pyramid must have bulls were buried as symbols of the pharaoh him­ a fragment a
been built in a pit cut into the self or of Osiris. Rainer Stadelmann has suggested
bedrock massif that these bones were probably an offering thrown Below] Twenty
into the sarcophagus at some unknown later date ~r Khafre were
by intruders, long after the king's body had been the T-shaped Iw
temple tw/ple, lit only I
robbed and lost. ,11 the walls at CI

The Pyramid Complex

The mortuary temple
Causeway, I. 494.6 m Khafre's mortuary temple marks a real architectur­
al advance - being both larger than previous exam­
ples and for the first time including all five
elements that were to become standard. It consists
--+----<.~ N of a fore part, forming an entrance to the main
court, and a back part. The fore part was construct­
o 200 m
ed of megalithic blocks of limestone, quarried
I , ' nearby. The use of huge blocks to form the cores of
o 600 fl the walls, which were then encased with finer quali­
ty stone, was introduced by Khafre. The inside of
his mortuary temple was almost entirely lined with
Valley The causeway enters the mortuary temple near
temple the south end of the front. Immediately to the left

lply used for were two granite chambers and at the other end of crown of the south, with a back pillar painted to
lOfizontal sec­ a corridor running along the front of the temple imitate granite. The pillar projects in an upside­
Five Features of
hing an inter­ were four more chambers, lined with alabaster. In down 'L' over the crown, as did the colonnade roof Mortuary Temples
d cending to the fore part of the temple the entrance hall consist­ over the pillars of the court of Khafre's mortuary Five standard features of
my of the ed of two sections, one transverse with recessed temple. Intriguingly, we have a series of striding later mortuary temples were
bays and the other rectangular. The roofs of both royal statues wearing the crown of the south, first found in Khafre's:
1 an entrance hall;
10 m (33 ft) were supported by columns made of single blocks usurped by Ramesses II but made much earlier.
2 a broad columned court;
'_Tamld while of granite. A long, narrow, slit-like chamber Their bases fit closely the sockets around the court 3 five niches for statues of
~I are at the branches off from each end of the first hall. It has of the Khafre mortuary temple. Further study the king;
harnber must been suggested that huge statues of the king once should confirm whether or not these derive from 4 five storage chambers;
in Djedefre's stood at the back of these dim passages. here. 5 an inner sanctuary - a
a deep. The The reigns of Khafre and to a lesser extent The inner walls of the court may have been deco­ pair of stelae, a false door
;ed of pented, Menkaure saw an explosion of statue making - the rated with reliefs above a certain height. Beyond or a combination of both.
The five niches may
rober' and the size and number of Khafre's statues were unparal­ the court were five niches, now badly destroyed, for relate to the completed five­
lers above the leled until the New Kingdom, almost 1,200 years more statues of the king. Behind them are five fold titulary of the king, or
later. But while hundreds of pieces of smaller stat­ storerooms, perhaps for the offerings made to these the five phyles. The Abusir
ues have been found, no fragments of any larger five statues. At the very back of the temple, against Papyri indicate that in the
ones remain from the mortuary temple, though the pyramid itself, was the inner sanctuary, proba­ 5th dynasty, three of the
: to the axis of there were over 52 in Khafre's complex of life size bly with a false door niche. A stairway-ramp in the niches held statues of the
king as ruler of south and
rcophagus in or larger. This is because they were removed intact northeast corner of the temple climbed up to the north Egypt, and as Osiris.
:tly on - both by royal order, possibly in the 18th dynasty or by roof, while from the northwest corner of the pil­
of the pyra­ Ramesses II, and recycled for other royal projects. lared court a corridor led to the paved pyramid
:k, hard gran­ Next in sequence came the open court, the pillars enclosure. Outside the temple were five boat-pits,
paving which of which, encased in granite, were so broad that two on the north and three on the south, and possi­
oor. Its lid lay they formed piers around the courtyard. In front of bly a sixth was planned. They are carved into the
the chamber them were 12 granite statues standing in pits or rock in a boat shape; two still retain roofing slabs.
first example sockets in the white alabaster floor. Holscher sug­
uJd have been gested that these were standing statues of the king The valley temple
the floor. in the form of Osiris. But Herbert Ricke argued for Down the causeway Khafre's valley temple, marvel­
Iltrance to the seated statues of the king wearing the nemes scarf. lously well preserved, unlike the mortuary temple.
chamber in Our excavations of the 'workmen's barracks' west Its major chambers are in fact very similar to the A view into the interior of
that he was of Khafre's pyramid produced a clue suggesting fore part of Khafre's mortuary temple. This is not Khafre's valley temple. with
granite lining, pillars and
uaonic times. that we should reconsider the form of these statues. surprising, since, as a gateway or portal to the lintels intact. The corridor on
hagus turned These galleries turned out to be not living quarters whole complex, it more or less encapsulates, within the right is the continuation
11 later period but a royal workshop (p. 238). Among the finds was a single temple, the architectural pattern of an of the causeway into the
pharaoh him­ a fragment of a model of the king wearing the entrance. temple.
1<1 suggested
fering thrown (Below) Twenty·three statues
;\'Tl later date 0/ Khafre were placed around
ody had been the T-shaped hall 0/ his valley
temple, lit only by narrow slits
in the walls at ceiling heighI.

II architectur­
~vious exam­
ding all five
rd. It consists
~ to the main
Fa construct­
ne, quarried
m the cores of
th finer quali­
The inside of
ely lined with

r temple near
ely to the left
A quay or revetment in front of the Sphinx Tem­ directly over six storage chambers, arranged in two
ple was revealed by drillings, as much as 16 m (52 storeys of three, embedded in the core masonry of
ft) deep. It probably continues south in front of the the T-shaped hall. The court represented an 'above',
valley temple, from which point ramps lead to the open to the sun, while the chambers were the The largest
two doors of the temple - perhaps symbolizing the 'below', a dark and chthonic aspect of the temple. Khafre's reig
duality of Upper and Lower Egypt. In 1995 Zahi Symbolic conduits lined with alabaster, a mater­ sal piece of
Hawass recleared the area, revealing that the ramps ial especially identified with purification, run from body is carvt
cross over tunnels framed within mudbrick walls the temple's roof-top courtyard down into the deep, Egyptians w
that formed a narrow corridor or canal running dark chambers. The statue sequence starts just out­ tions again
north-south. In front of the Sphinx Temple the side the door to these chambers from the T-shaped pharaohs lili
canal runs into a drain leading northeast, proba­ hall. The symbolic circuit runs through the entire some 1,200 yl
bly to the quay buried below the modern tourist temple, taking in both the chthonic and the solar
Location ~
plaza. Both entrances were flanked by a pair of aspects of afterlife beliefs and of the embalming
lions or, more likely, sphinxes, 8 m long (26 ft long). ritual, for which the valley temple was the stage The Sphinx \
All that remains are shapes described by lever according to some Egyptologists (p. 25). he very ba
sockets and the cuttings for the statue bases. lar secondar
The valley temple was built of megalith­ The satellite pyramid Khafre's pyr"
ic core blocks sheathed in red granite. The Pyramid GIl-a, the satellite pyramid of Khafre, has \'ards, take
temple entrances were closed with huge been almost completely eradicated by stone rob­ 'phinx ditch
single-leaf doors, probably of cedarwood. bers - only the outlines of the foundations and a :auseway a
Between the two entrances runs the few core blocks now remain, positioned on the cen­ Khafre's vall!
vestibule. Here the walls were of simple tre axis of Khafre's pyramid. Satellite pyramids are :phinx with
The diorite statue of Khafre, red granite, originally polished to a lustre, thought to derive from the south tomb of Djoser robable that
found by Mariette in the and the floor was paved with white alabaster. A and may have been for the burial of statues dedi­ Close stud:
valley temple vestibule. The door then led to a T-shaped hall, which constituted cated to the ka, the king's spiritual double and vital Teological la~
wings of the Horus falcon the greater part of the valley temple. This again force. Khafre's satellite pyramid furnished evidence mes of Kt
are folded around the king's was sheathed with polished red granite and white to support this. It has two descending passages, the e sequence
headdress in a gesture of alabaster, and its roof was supported by 16 single­ second on the centre axis of the pyramid but out ~ this comp
protection. It was one of Imposed of
23 that originally would have block granite pillars, many still in position today. beyond its base. This passage extends beneath the
A kind of internal cosmic circuit was incorporat­ pyramid, ending in a dead-end and a small niche. In !)at run thr .
lined the T-shaped hall of the
valley temple. ed into Khafre's valley temple, comparable to the this niche was a wooden box containing pieces of The standarc
larger symbolic circuit of the pyramid complex as a wood that had once formed an item of furniture. Ie. with a
whole. This circuit began in the cross-bar of the T­ Reassembled by Ahmed Youssef, this turned out to ods. came
shaped hall. Dim and mysterious, the only light be a frame of cedarwood in the form of a sah net­ hinx body.
came through narrow slits at the top of the walls. jer, or divine booth, which had been deliberately ­
Statues of Khafre sat in pits along the walls. There ritually, it seems - chopped into regular-sized esign ani
(Below) A reconstruction of are 23 statue bases, though the one at the centre of pieces. In tomb scenes, for example one from the e lion wa
the statue-carrying shrine the leg of the T-shaped hall is wider and perhaps tomb of Khufu's granddaughter Meresankh, the -ienr :\ear
found in pieces under che ype
Khafre's satellite pyramid, was counted twice, making 24 in total. Were fumi­ sah netjer is depicted holding the queen's statue as
.~ body __
shown here on a transport gations and libations performed to a statue of it is ritually drawn along towards the tomb.
sled. A depiction of such a Khafre for every hour of the day and night? Or did
sled and statue shrine is the statues represent the deified parts of the royal
shown in a relief from the body, as H. Ricke and S. Schott thought?
tomb of Queen Meresankh III The statue sequence continued along the cross­
(below right).
bar of the 'T' and ended at a doorway leading to a
corridor from which a stairway ramp wound clock­
wise up and over the roof of the corridor and exited
on to the roof of the valley temple. On the south
side of the roof was a small courtyard, positioned

ranged in two by the intelligence of the pharaoh, guarantor of
masonry of
The Great Sphinx cosmic order, or maat. The sphinx, in the design
Return to Giza: Khafre's
Pyramid and the Great Sphinx
an 'above', achieved by the time of the Great Sphinx, survived
leTS were the The largest of the hundreds of statues built in for two-and-a-half millennia in the iconography of
, he temple. Khafre's reign, the Sphinx was the first truly colos­ Egyptian civilization. The nemes headdress was
-ter, a mater­ sal piece of sculpture in ancient Egypt. The lion the particular way of folding the scarf that was
bon, run from body is carved to a scale of 22: 1 and the head 30:1. exclusive to Egyptian kings. The flaring sides of
into the deep, Egyptians would not carve statues of such propor­ the royal nemes scarf replaced the lion's mane to The Great Sphinx stands
tarts just out­ tions again until the reigns of New Kingdom bring the human head into proportion with the guard before the pyramid of
the T-shaped pharaohs like Amenhotep III and Ramesses II, lion's chest. Khafre, for whom this fusion
some 1,200 years later. The Great Sphinx, however, has a smaller head of man and lion was sculpted
IJ h the entire
in about 2500 Be. Towering
and the solar and headdress in relation to the lion body than in
Location and geology 20 m (66ft) above the
embalming the classic sphinx form, and a considerably elon­ spectator, it was the first truly
:as the stage The Sphinx was carved from the natural bedrock at gated body. It is not a question of the head being colossal royal sculpture in the
is). the very base of Khafre's causeway. The rectangu­ recarved, and cut down out of proportion; the lion history of ancient Egypt, seen
lar secondary enclosure wall which surrounds body by itself is too long. The explanation seems to here looking across the
Khafre's pyramid complex would, if extended east­ lie in the specific geology of the location. Huge fis­ limestone core blocks of the
temple dedicated to it.
f Khafre, has wards, take in the Sphinx. The south side of the sures cut through Members I and II - the bottom
The different geological layers
by stone rob­ Sphinx ditch forms the northern edge of Khafre's two of the three geological layers from which the the phinx was carved from
dations and a causeway as it runs past the Sphinx and enters Sphinx is carved (p. 106). The greatest of these fis­ (p. 106) account for the
led on the cen­ Khafre's valley temple - the close association of the sures runs right across the thinnest part of the variation in preservation
~ pyramids are Sphinx with Khafre's valley temple makes it most Sphinx's body. As they isolated the block of stone of its parts. The head was
probable that the Sphinx was carved for Khafre. that was to become the statue, the Egyptians carved from a much better
mb of Djoser building stone (Member llJ)
. tatues dedi­ Close study by geologist Thomas Aigner of the encountered this serious defect and realized that it than the soft layers of the
uble and vital geological layers in the Sphinx and the individual would prevent them from finishing off the curve of body (Member II), while the
ished evidence stones of Khafre's temples enabled us to unravel the rump and the haunches, the hind paws and the base is carved from a petrified
~ passages, the the sequence of quarrying and building that creat­ tail. It is quite likely that they elongated the body to hard shoal and coral reef
ramid but out ed this complex. The valley temple was probably compensate for it. (Member l).
beneath the composed of huge blocks quarried from the layers
all niche. In that run through the upper part of the Sphinx body.
ning pieces of The standard large core blocks in the Sphinx tem­
I of furniture. ple, with a soft yellow band between two harder
turned out to bands, came from just below chest height in the
of a sah net­ Sphinx body.
deliberately ­
regular-sized Design and iconography
, one from the The lion was a solar symbol in more than one
Ieresankh, the ancient Near Eastern culture. It is also a common
een's statue as archetype of royalty. The royal human head on a
. omb. lion's body symbolized power and might controlled
The builders of the Sphinx Sphinx Tem~
began by quarrying a
U-shaped ditch. then sculpting
the lion body from the
reserved bedrock block. Stone
was removed in the form of
colossal blocks which were
used to build lhe core waDs Temple ----......
of the valley lemple (the upper
layers) and the Sphinx
Temple on a lower terrace
to the east.

Sockets to
statues ot

The Sphinx Temple service may never have begun. Twenty-four red
The floor of the Sphinx Temple is c. 2.5 m (c. 9 ft) granite pillars formed a colonnade and ambulatory
lower than the Sphinx terrace. cut down into the around a central courtyard. The court is an almost
hard stone of Member 1. The temple seems to be exact copy of that in Khafre's mortuary temple.
specifically dedicated to the Sphinx, but we know with colossal royal statues before huge pillars made
very little about it because there are no known Old of core blocks of locally quarried limestone. But
Kingdom texts that refer to either the Sphinx or its here there are 10 rather than 12 statues, perhaps
temple. By the time that a cult of the Sphinx was because of limitations of space. The court statues
activated in the 18th dynasty. the Old Kingdom sat in sockets cut in the floor in front of each pillar,
temples at Giza had long been abandoned. bringing the base of the statue flush with the
Khafre's builders did not complete the Sphinx alabaster paving covering the bedrock floor. Each
Temple, leaving the exterior without its intended court pillar was encased in red granite to match the
granite casing, which perhaps explains the absence statues. We can only make educated guesses about
of priests and priestesses dedicated to its service architectural symbolism in a text-less temple.
among the Old Kingdom tombs at Giza - temple Ricke, who studied this temple (1967-70) was keen

Sphinx Temple axis _ _ "t-- - - - - j ' j - '- - - , The Sphinx Temple and
Khafre's valley temple sit side Return to Giza: Khafre's
by side, in a neat line. They Pyramid and the Great Sphinx
also share the same
megalithic style of masonry.
The north shoulder of
Khafre's causeway is the line
Temple of the south wall of the
Sphinx ditch. These are some
of the reasons why Kha/re is
thought to be the builder
of the Great Sphinx.


Sockets to



statues of
to do so. On the basis of New Kingdom parallels he

suggested the colonnade pillars represented the 24

hours of the day and night. The end statues may
have been double, making 12. For Ricke these, too,
may have symbolized 12 hours of the day and/or
night, or the 12 months of the year.
The Sphinx temple is unique in having two sanc­
tuaries, one on the east and the other on the west,
each at the back of a recessed bay such as was first
t)'-four red seen in Khufu's mortuary temple. The dual sanctu­
d ambulatory aries were perhaps associated with the rising and
i an almost setting sun. When the granite casing was intact on
tuary temple, 30m its inner walls, the eastern sanctuary would have
e pillars made
o I been a well-defined sacred space about the size of a
tone. But o 90 ft small closet. In front of each sanctuary there are
tu ,perhaps two pillars which Ricke interpreted as the arms and
rourt statues legs of the goddess ut. On the ceilings of New
f each pillar, Kingdom temples ut is depicted bending over giv­
~h with the ing birth to the sun in the morning and swallowing
. floor. Each it in the evening. Working at Giza over the seasons,
e 0 match the I was intrigued to discover that, viewed from the A photogrammetric elevation
of the Sphinx from the south,
~ es about Sphinx Temple at the equinoxes (21-22 March and showing a patchwork of
.-\ temple. 21-22 September), the sun sets at the southern foot ancient and modern
'10) was keen of Khafre's pyramid along the line of the Sphinx restoration masonry.

Phase I Phase III Egyptian Antiquities

. ,.­ 18th dynasty (7) Graeco-Roman Service 1960s-70s

,.. ..~,
c. 1400 BC 332 BC-AD 642
Phase II Emile Baraize • Missing stone
26th dynasty (7) 1925-26
....... )

""/ '
: c. 664-525 BC
""" Phase I recut for Egyptian Antiquities
Natural rock
Phase II, fallen Service 1940s

/l :-.:

Computer What did the Sphinx originally look like? To find

the answer I first spent five years (1979-83) mapping
Modelling the the Sphinx, assisted by Ulrich Kapp of the German
Archaeological Institute who produced front and side
Sphinx view drawings with photogrammetry. An overhead
view was painstakingly mapped by hand with
measuring tape. More recently computers have been
brought in to digitize the maps and create a 3-D
wireframe model. Some 2.5 million surface points
were then plotted to put 'skin' on the skeletal view.

temple axis. In ancient times it would have passed Restoring the Sphinx
over the western colonnade, across the court and Repair work on the Sphinx began some three-and­
into the eastern sanctuary, possibly illuminating a-half millennia ago and has continued throughout
any cult image within. At the very same moment the statue's history. The worst deterioration ­
the shadow of the Sphinx and the shadow of the patches where the masonry flakes and crumbles ­
pyramid, both symbols of the king, become merged affected Graeco-Roman and modern repairs from
silhouettes. The Sphinx itself, it seems, symbolized 1926 to 1988. Major excavations were begun in
the pharaoh presenting offerings to the sun god in 1926 under the supervision of the French engineer
the court of the temple. It was during the brief Emile Baraize. Unfortunately, his 11 years of work
reign of Khafre's predecessor, Djedefre, that the were never published and many different phases of
fifth, 'son of Re', element of the king's name architecture around the Sphinx were dismantled
emerged. The first true sun temples were built later, without ever being properly documented. Prior to
in the 5th dynasty, but the Sphinx Temple must be the massive reconstructions of the veneer masonry
counted as the first solar-oriented temple associat­ from 1981 onwards, the Roman restoration consist­
ed with an Old Kingdom pyramid complex. ed of small brick-sized stones, seen for instance on
At the summer solstice the sun sets in the same the paws. Baraize reset much of it that he found
place on the horizon for three days before its setting tumbled. This relatively soft white limestone deteri­
position begins to move back towards the south orated badly. The soundest restoration work dates
again. During those three days, viewed from the to I the pre-Roman pharaonic period, when the
Sphinx Temple, it sets mid-way between the two ancient Egyptians chose large limestone slabs (old­
largest Giza pyramids. Whether by chance or by est phase of restoration) and in general selected
design, the pattern this forms is the hieroglyph for durable masonry which developed a brown protec­
horizon, akhet, the sun between two mountains, tive patina.
writ very large indeed across the Giza skyline. Akh What is the date of the oldest repairs? The
meant 'to glorify'; akhet was 'the place of glorifica­ answer lies tucked between the forepaws of the
tion where the sun sets' and also a circumlocution Sphinx in the shape of the scant remains of a
for 'tomb'. Akhet, or horizon, was the name given to small, open-air chapel built in the 18th dynasty by
the Great Pyramid of Khufu and, in certain textual Thutmose IV The chapel was excavated by Cav­
contexts, also to the entire Giza necropolis. iglia in 1816 (p. 48), when it was in a much more

There was no need to add a
face to our reconstruction of
the Sphinx since it already has
one, minus the nose. This
single element was added by
overlaying an alabaster face
of Kha/re in the Boston
Museum of Fine Arts, whose
features closely matched those
of the Sphinx. The profile of
the nose was taken from the
famous diorite statue of
Kha/re (far leftY- The
computer model was then
used to reconstruct the Sphinx
as 18th-dynasty Egyptians
might have done: they
restored the lion body with
masonry cladding and very
possibly added a statue of a
pharaoh, perhaps Amenhotep
II It was his son, Thutmose
"' To find
Jv. who carried out the
restoration. When he became
) mapping king he added a granite stela
e German
which became the centrepiece
,. .nt and side
of a chapel between the
~ Q\-erhead
forepaws_ We drew the Sphinx
with over the photogrammetric
,have been elevations, then contoured it
ea3-D so the computer could produce
:e points a three-dimen.sional image.
e aJ view.

;)(I1e three-and­
led throughout
Ie erioration ­
d crumbles­
repairs from
ere begun In
rench engineer
years of work
!!rent phases of
!re dismantled
ented. Prior to
eneer masonry
lJ(ltion consist­
f r instance on
hat he found
-tone deteri­
. on work dates
d. when the
ne slabs (old­
eneral selected
I brown protec­

. repairs? The
repaws of the
remains of a
dynasty by
cated by Cav­
I a much more

Thutmose's granite stela has made other, less
Return to Giza: Khafre's
Pyramid and the Creat Sphinx constructive, contributions to Sphinx studies. It
depicts the Sphinx couchant upon a high pedestal
with a door in the bottom. This is most likely sim­
ply an artistic motif to bring the recumbent Sphinx
In the upper part of his to a height equal with the shoulder and head of the
'Dream Stela', set up in the king. However, that has not stopped it nurturing
embrace of the Sphinx
(opposite), Thutmose IV the persistent legend that beneath the Sphinx there
makes an offering to the is a hidden passage or temple.
Sphinx in the form of the [n origin, the stela is a reused lintel of a doorway
god Horemakhet. from Khafre's mortuary temple. Given the enormity
of the lintel, it probably derives from the temple
complete condition than today. The centrepiece of entrance at the upper end of the causeway. [n fact
its back wall is a granite stela, weighing 15 tons the pivot sockets on the back of the stela match
and 3.6 m (12 ft) tall, erected by Thutmose IV and those in the threshold of the temple. Given also the
dated to the first year of his reign, 1401 Be. Called match of the earliest restoration stones to what is
the Dream Stela, this commemorates his accession left of those of the walls of the causeway, it
to the throne and tells the story of how, as a young appears that the masonry of Khafre's complex was
prince (though not crown prince) on a hunting stripped in the 18th dynasty. This continued into
expedition in the vicinity of the Sphinx, he fell the 19th dynasty. [t may seem strange or unlikely
asleep in the shadow of the statue's head - indicat­ that pharaohs would strip the temples of Horus­
ing that sand then lay up to its neck. While he slept, User-ib, Khafre, to resurrect the cult of the Sphinx
the Sphinx, as the embodiment of the sun (and as HOfus-in-the-Horizon, Horemakhet. But since
primeval king) in all its aspects - Khepri-Re-Atum every pharaoh was a new incarnation of the god
- appeared in a dream and offered him the throne of Horus, perhaps their individual monuments were
In the New Kingdom the
Sphinx was seen as an image Upper and Lower Egypt in return for repairing its regarded as simply the communal property of
0/ the sun god, and it is body and clearing the sand. The text breaks off, but Horus.
possible that this was what at the top of the stela Thutmose etched a scene of When its cult was reactivated in the 18th
was intended also when it was himself giving offerings and libations to the dynasty, the Sphinx became the focus of a great
created in the 4th dynasty. Sphinx. The Dream Stela is compelling evidence for mudbrick complex, a kind of royal national park
Another interpretation is that dating the oldest restoration work to the reign of around the ruins of Khafre's 4th-dynasty temples.
the Sphinx originally
represented the king as a Thutmose IV, about 1,1 00 years after Khafre, not Amenhotep II built a temple on the higher terrace
presenter 0/ offerings to the only because of its story, but because the limestone northeast of the Sphinx in the first year of his
sun god in the open court of blocks framing the stele are uniform with the reign, dedicated to the Sphinx as Horemakhet.
the Sphinx Temple. restoration on the Sphinx's paws and chest. Behind Khafre's valley temple was the resthouse of
the pharaoh Tutankhamun and in front there was a
typical Amarna-style villa, probably also a royal
resthouse. A broad viewing platform and stairway

---- fronted the Sphinx. Scores of stelae commemorate

the visits of royalty, princes, kings and commoners
during the 18th dynasty and later New Kingdom.
Several show a royal statue standing between the
paws of the Sphinx, just at the base of its chest and
in the protective embrace from the rear. This was a
very typical 18th-dynasty configuration. Behind
Thutmose's stele, not only is there room for such a
statue, but there is a huge block of masonry which
could have served as a plinth for a statue 6-7 m
(20-23 ft) in height - colossal in its own right.
New Kingdom in criptions refer to the Sphinx
sanctuary as Setepet, 'The Chosen'. In their first
year of rule, pharaohs came to the chapel between
•• the forepaws to make dedications to the Sphinx and
to be ordained and confirmed in their position. [n so
doing, they participated in a hypostasis of royal
power from living pharaoh to the ancestral king of
the 18th dynasty (probably Amenhotep In, through
ancient kings like Khufu and Khafre and ultimately
to Horemakhet, the primeval god-king whose image
towered above them in the form of the Sphinx.

e other. less
IIlX studies. [t
I high pedestal
~t likely sim­
bent Sphinx
head of the
d it nurturing
lie phmx there

of a doorway
the enormity
the temple
way. In fact
stela match
Given also the
II to what is
• causeway, it
complex was
oontinued into
e or unlikely
of Horus­
of the Sphinx
t. But since
,n of the god
urnents were
property of

in the 18th
~ of a great
national park
ty temples.
higher terrace
, year of his
resthouse of
lIt there was a
al 0 a royal
I and stairway
lid commoners
. w Kingdom.
between the
its chest and
. ThIS was a
'ation. Behind
m for such a
aasonry which
tatue 6-7 m
the Sphinx
In their first
hapel between
phmx and
-i of royal
tral king of
t'P ID. through
d ultImately
whose image
Menkaure's pyramid was base area is h
named 'Menkaure is Divine'. mids of Kha
Smaller than his predecessors' height of 65­
pyramids at Giza, its has a
Ii' of the bui
Menkaure's Pyramid base area 0/ 102.2 x 704. 6
m (335 x 343 ft). It rose to
around 65 m (213 '/4ft) at
ancient build(
at Giza for al
an angle of 51° 20' 25". The were doubtle~
two descending corridors may ion is that ao
indicate that it was planned to now to place
be much smaller, or that a
passage had been intended to endowments,
open as high on the exterior er of his pen
of the pyramid as Khufu's. dent in the re
Stadelmann accounts for the hroughout tf
upper passage as a conduit -hrank, the IT'
for air for the builders. In the comple:




Burial chamber


Room with 6
niches Mortuary temple

Menkaure's queens' pyramids When archaeologists drew lots for excavating Giza (Right) The east-west
present some fascinating on the balcony of the Mena House Hotel in 1899, the rectangular chamber, hewn
evidence. The eastern one was concession for Menkaure was won by George Reis­ from the bedrock, has been Antechamber,
finished in granite and seen as an earlier burial 14.2 x 3.84 m,
limestone casing It has the ner. He knew beforehand that, while the smallest of chamber, with the niche at its h. 4.87 m
T-shaped substructure of a the three Giza pyramids, its temples could provide west end for the sarcophagus.
satellite or ka ·pyramid and it the richest finds (his assistant, Arthur Mace, had lndeed, the niche resembles
lies close to the centre axis of reconnoitered the site). Indeed, Menkaure's pyra­ bed-niches in ancient
the main pyramid. It did, mid offered a uniquely complete pyramid profile. Egyptian houses. A passage
however, contain a granite Reisner, ahead of his time in recording and excava­ at the back leads to the space
sarcophagus and it had an above the granite ceiling
eastern chapel, suggesting it tion technique, was able to reconstruct much of the beams of the lower chamber.
was re-used for a queen's story of this pyramid: he could study the pyramid
burial (although it has been and its burial chamber, the queens' pyramids, the apart from token patches around the entrance to
suggested as the place for the mortuary temple, the causeway and the valley tem­ the pyramid and behind the inner mortuary temple.
king's mummification). The ple. Becau e Menkaure died after at least 26 years Along with the actual burial, freeing the pyramid
other two small pyramids of rule, leaving his complex unfinished, its remains face seems to have been an integral part of activat­
were either built intentionally
as step pyramids or left represent a very revealing 'frozen' moment. The ing the tomb. Handling bosses are still visible on
unfinished, which suggests work was completed in mudbrick, apparently in many of the undressed granite blocks.
that, at least here, core and haste, by his uccessor Shepseskaf. Menkaure's pyramid lies at the far end of the
casing did not rise together. The upper part of the pyramid was finished in Giza diagonal and on the very edge of the Mokat­
traditional Turah limestone. At the bottom, 16 tam Formation, where it dips down to the south and -oer,
courses of red granite casing were left undressed, disappears into the younger Maadi Formation. Its 3.16 m


ure is Divine'.


izLI. its has a

base area is less than a quarter of that of the pyra­

mids of Khafre and Khufu, and with an original
height of 65-66 m (213-16 ft), it represents about
YlO of the building mass of Khufu's pyramid. The
spite of its reduced size, however, Menkaure's com­
plex used a great deal of granite, which was
always more costly to quarry and transport than
the softer limestone.
Menkaure's Pyramid -

02.2 x 104.6

jV. It rose to
ancient builders were perhaps running out of room
213 1/4 ft) at
at Giza for another huge pyramid. However, there Inside the pyramid
il 20' 25". The were doubtless other forces at work. One specula­ The entrance lies about 4 m (13 ft) above the base of (Below left) The east-west
corridors may rectangular chamber, which
tion is that as the son of the sun god, pharaoh had the north side of the pyramid. A descending pas­
I u'os planned to
some see as an earlier burial
now to place more emphasis on temples and their sage slopes down at an angle of 26° 2' for 31 m (102 chamber, was probably
r. or that a
endowments. and less on the pyramid as the mark­ ft) to a horizontal chamber, where there is a series of
CII intended to

constructed to help
II the exterior

er of his personal tomb. In a process already evi­ panels carved with a repeated very tall and stylized manoeuvre the granite lining
os Khufu's.
dent in the reign of Khafre - and which continued false door motif. This is the first purely decorative of the actual burial chamber
COUllts for the
throughout the Old Kingdom - while the pyramid element inside a pyramid since Djoser's. The lintel (below centre) and to insert
as 0 conduit
the huge granite beams of its
shrank, the mortuary temple expanded in size and spanning the entrance to the horizontal passage is
builders. ceiling These were carved in
in the complexity and expense of its decorations. In carved as a drum roll representing the rolled up an imitation of a curved
reed-mat curtain. A horizontal passage with three vault.
portcullises leads from here to a rectangular
antechamber, oriented east-west, with the east end (Below) In Menkaure's
granite-lined burial ch.amber
Howard Vyse found his
beautiful dark stone
sarcophagus, carved with
niches and panelling It was
removed to be taken to
England, and was lost when
the shiP carrying it sank

(Bottom) The rough·hewn

'cellar' with six niches may
derive from Khufu's
subterranean chamber. It may
also may be a precursor of
the standard three-niche
eastern room in 5th- and 6th­
dynasty pyramids. which was
probably used to store the
food offerings for the royal ka

.2 x 3.84 m.
4.87 m

Position of
he entrance to
IOrtuary temple.
ng the pyramid Burial chamber.
part of actlvat­ 6.59 x 2.62 m.
Chamber with h. 3.43 m
: ,till visible on 6 niches
k. Niches: 2.57
x 0.70-0.90
far end of the m. h. 1.4 m Descending passage.
Ie of the Mokat­ :>anelled 31.7 x 1.05 m. h. 1.2 m
o the south and chamber,
Formation. Its 3.63 x 3.16 m Entrance

directly under the vertical axis of the pyramid. satellite pyramid and was later taken over as a bur­
Menkaure's Pyramid Another passage opens in the wall of the chamber ial place for one of Menkaure's queens, perhaps
directly above the point where the horizontal pas­ Khamerernebty II. All three queens' pyramids had
sage enters. After a short horizontal section, this mudbrick chapels and presumably all received
passage slopes up into, and stops, in the pyramid burials of queens; the body of a young woman was
core. The upper passage was probably abandoned found in the burial chamber of the middle pyramid.
when the floor of the antechamber was lowered.
A short passage slopes westwards from the mid­ The mortuary temple and causeway
dle of the floor of this antechamber, leading down Menkaure began his mortuary temple, as had
to the burial chamber. On the right of the passage Khafre, with core blocks of limestone that were
is another chamber with four deep niches in the quarried locally. The largest of these, found at the
east wall and two in the north. Similar chambers northwest corner of the temple, is the heaviest
appear in the later mastaba of Shepseskaf and known at Giza, weighing over 200 tons. Archaeo­
(Below and opposite)
Menkaure's mortuary temple may be forerunners of the three chambers to the logical evidence suggests that building in stone
included the five elements that left (or east) in the standardized substructure of ceased abruptly and the entire temple was finished
appeared in Khafre's: an 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyramids. in mudbrick by Shepseskaf, Menkaure's successor.
entrance hall; broad court; At the end of the passage, the burial chamber The original intention was to encase the temple in
statue niche; storage was constructed within a rectangular space carved granite. In the north corridor we see very clearly
chambers; and inner out of the bedrock and entirely encased in granite. how work was progressing. Menkaure's masons
sanctuary, though the five
statue niches were possibly Its ceiling has the appearance of a round barrel had just started bringing in a series of granite
replaced by a single colossus vault, but it was carved into the undersides of huge blocks on both sides of the corridor. They were cut­
of Menkaure. In his valley slabs of granite laid in the form of a pented roof. ting back the large limestone core blocks to ensure
temple Reisner found several Inside Vyse found a beautiful dark sarcophagus that the front faces of the granite blocks were flush.
very fine statues of Menkaure with recessed or 'palace fac;ade' panelling. It was The unfinished granite casing was concealed by a
accompanied by the goddess empty and its lid was missing, although fragments casing of mudbrick which was plastered and
Hathor and nome deities, and
also one (shown with its of the latter were found, along with the bones and whitewashed. Though it has all disappeared today, The valley
findspot) with one of his wrappings of a male body in the upper chamber. when Reisner stripped away the mudbrick casing To find the val:
queens. Unfortunately, the sarcophagus was lost at sea on he found bright red paint on these core blocks Df the causewc
the ship Beatrice. marking levelling lines, measurements and the 'Uary temple.
The sarcophagus contained a names of the work gangs. 'he most marY
mystery - a wooden coffin Among the finds in the mortuary temple were ancient Egypti
inscribed for Menkaure as fragments of royal statues. These included the ng forth in tI
though it was the coffin in head, chest, lap, knees and shins of a larger-than­ -hamerernebt
which he was laid to rest. But life alabaster statue of Menkaure that must have The valley t
its style dates it to the Saite been the centrepiece of his entire complex. Origi­ \'adi, closing,
period at the very earliest. nally it stood at the back of a tall and narrow 'or constructio
Radiocarbon dating has east-west hall at the end of the centre axis of the 'Tenerations. E
proved that the human bones temple. From here, the king looked across the open builders that t
found in the upper chamber court, through the entrance hall, and down the line mplexes at I
date to the Christian period. of the causeway to the land of the living. Behind "lhases. First.
Recent radiocarbon dating the great statue, on the other side of the back wall lenkaure in
of mummy parts from of the mortuary temple, at the base of the pyramid, locks, and latl
Djoser's burial vault show there was probably a false door. rick by She~
them to be much later than The statue represented the king emerging rabably durir
the 3rd dynasty, while through the false door, symbolic portal to and from letely rebuilt
female bones from under the underworld of the pyramid. There he received ooding.
the Step Pyramid date cen­ the offerings brought to him as head of his house­ In the teml
turies earlier than Djoser. hold for eternity and projected his divine force und the ba
Such findings suggest that through the pyramid complex and out into the Nile lenkaure. Fw
burial practices in pyra­ Valley for the good of all Egypt. ry. he found t
mids were more complex Had Menkaure's pyramid complex been complet­ e magazines
than we can appreciate. ed, the causeway would have been walled and 'ere the triac
roofed and extended all the way down to the valley mong the gre;
The queens' pyramids temple. It is conventionally stated that Shepseskaf c.ach of these ~
Three queens' pyramids were completed the causeway, but in mudbrick rather 'AI crown of
built to the south of Menkau­ than limestone. However, it does not stretch beyond lIbrace of tw
re's pyramid. Below the east­ the point where it meets the west side of the old 'her a deity
ern one was aT-shaped Khufu quarry. From this point down to the valley ,meso
substructure, suggesting it temple the causeway was probably never more In some of 1
was initially begun as a than a construction ramp for delivering stone. Egypt, Reisr
over as a bur­ Menkaure's pyramid, with the
leens, perhaps great gash in its north face
made by Othman in AD 1] 96.
pyTamids had Below it, some intact granite
all received casing is visible
'ddle pyramid, Queens' pyramids

auseway ~ r;======;,


!ruple, as had
tone that were
, found at the
the heaviest
ons. Archaeo­
ding in stone
was finished
llfe's successor.
the temple in
ee very clearly
.aure's masons
n of granite
They were cut­ _Causeway
ks to ensure I. 608 m
k were flush.
concealed by a
plastered and
ppeared today, The valley temple and pyramid town houses of the pyramid town first crowded up
dbrick casing To find the valley temple, Reisner projected the axis against the front wall of the temple and then began
core blocks of the causeway from the entrance hall of the mor­ to be built over the wall, invading the courtyard of
nents and the tuary temple. His first pit brought to light one of the temple (p. 232). The pyramid town became a
the most marvellous pieces in the entire history of kind of sacred slum, expanding as the numbers of
ry temple were ancient Egyptian art: the dyad of Menkaure strid­ its tax-exempt inhabitants increased. So we begin --+--, N
e included the ing forth in the embrace of his principal queen, to detect the discrepancy between royal intention
f a larger-than­ Khamerernebty II. for the pyramid complex and popular reality. At the o 1~q m
Valley ,
that must have The valley temple lies at the mouth of the main back of the valley temple Reisner found an offering temple 0 300 ft
complex. Origi­ wadi, closing what had been the principal conduit place still in position with ash from the last offer­
III and narrow
Iltre axis of the
for construction materials brought to Giza for three
generations. Evidently it was clear to Menkaure's
ings made to the few statues kept intact in dark
inner chambers.
across the open builders that this was to be the last of the large
d down the line complexes at Giza. The temple was built in two Inner sanctuary
~ living. Behind phases. First, the foundations were laid out by
t the back wall Menkaure in huge, locally quarried limestone
of the pyramid, blocks, and later the temple was completed in mud­
brick by Shepseskaf. Then, in the 6th dynasty,
king emerging probably during the reign of Pepi II, it was com­
rtal to and from pletely rebuilt after it had suffered grievously from
lefe he received flooding.
d of his house­ In the temple's small offering space Reisner
. divine force found the bases of four alabaster statues of
:lUt into the Nile Menkaure. Further back in the very inner sanctu­
ary, he found the remains of other statues. And in
Open court
. been complet­ the magazines flanking the rear central sanctuary
~n walled and were the triads of Menkaure, which also rank
m to the valley among the greatest pieces of ancient Egyptian art.
tl1a t Shepseskaf Each of these shows the king wearing the tall coni­
udbrick rather cal crown of the south, striding forth in the
t tretch beyond embrace of two gods, one the goddess Hathor, the
ide of the old other a deity representing one of the Egyptian
to the valley names.
Iy never more In some of the earliest stratigraphic excavation o 25 m
in Egypt, Reisner retraced the process by which the

ring stone. o 50 ft

Khentkawes's tomb measured
45.5 x 45.8m (149 x 150 ft),
17.5 m (57ft) high, with a
slope of c. 74° On the granite Pit for burial

The Passing of a Dynasty

gate of her tomb an incised
portrait of the queen mother
(below left) showed her

wearing the uraeus and false

beard - symbols of kingship.

___ N

oI Above and be.
Causeway Cnfinished Pyl
o 150 ft with 5th­ lawiyet el-Ary,
and 6th­ mtended to me
dynasty 200m (656 x
houses sloping passag
hurial chambel
3-18 ft) long J.
tha t this maSSl
fGS worked all
a .l'ear.


Like her name, 'In-Front-of memory was preserved by people who lived in a
Her-Kas' (i.e. her ancestors), The Tomb of Khentkawes series of houses in one of the oldest planned urban The
the bedrock tomb of structures in Egypt. These houses were arranged
Khentkawes stands before the In the course of excavations of the Giza Central in a linear settlement along Khentkawes's cause­
pyramids of her pharaonic
lineage, Khufu, Khafre and cemetery in 1932-3, Selim Hassan investigated a way and to the south in an L-shape. There are hints Yet another f
Menkaure. With a mastaba· strange tomb. Once assumed to be that of Shep­ that the southern extension comprises an impor­ "he 4th dyna,
like superstructure and chapel seskaf, it in fact belonged to Khentkawes, a female tant house, perhaps even a token palace. Immedi­ 7.awiyet el-A
doors open wide to the ruler of the end of the 4th dynasty. Her remarkable ately southwest of this block is an enclosure of ....elongs to a
eastern approach that was tomb has a base consisting of a large cube of walls and rooms that Selim Hassan called the val­
flanked by her 'pyramid' cl1d MenkaUJ
bedrock reserved as the stone around it was quar­ ley temple of Khentkawes. Merging into the front en overlool
town, this queen mother
closed the Giza line and may ried for the great pyramids. On top of the cube is a of Menkaure's valley temple, it is, in fact, an exten­ ~nd hieroglj
have helped give birth to the masonry structure resembling a mastaba. Khen­ sion of Menkaure's pyramid town enclosed by a eel as Nebka,
5th dynasty. tkawes's name was found on a great granite gate, thick wall. The pivot socket of its northern gate­ -as perhap~
Her pyramid town itself extraordinary as an entrance to such a royal way was formed by the base of a statue of Khafre, Baufre, the B
consisted of 10 modulo.r tomb. The lower bedrock section was encased in with the pivot hole in one of the royal feet.
houses along her causeway. The meas\
fine Turah limestone at the steep slope of about The tomb is at the edge of the wadi that was the Jate this unf
At the west end a Io.rger
'house' with thicker walls may 74°, the same as the accretion layers of the earlier conduit for the building projects at Giza over three -nished, the 1
have been part of her wabet step pyramids. The top masonry is slightly vault­ generations. By positioning her tomb at its mouth, • ) Khafre's. I
(p. 26). The southern ed, like Shepseskaf's mastaba. Khentkawes, the queen who may have been transi­ -ails of tiele
extension, consisting of The interior, though badly damaged in ancient tional to the kings of the 5th dynasty, symbolically :;iza pyraml<
separate buildings, a court times, has some similarities with Menkaure's. From closed the passage to the great Giza necropolis. e pyramid;
with granaries, terraces and a granite-lined hall hewn into the bedrock cube a On the tomb's granite gate Selim Hassan found a
a tunnel under the causeway, deep, squar
was for administration, short, sloping passage leads down to an antecham­ title that translates either as 'The Mother of Two Imilar in siz
possibly a token royal ber, a set of magazines and a burial chamber con­ Kings of Upper and Lower Egypt' or 'The King of ti9 ft) deep. P
residence. structed in granite. As with other royal pyramids, Upper and Lower Egypt and Mother of the King of blocks of
the tomb has a boat pit, near the southwest corner­ Upper and Lower Egypt'. The mystery deepened ( I ' a massi,
once again the direction that was so important from when Miroslav Verner found a pyramid of a Khen­ f a long reil
the 1st-dynasty tombs at Abydos. tkawes with the same titles at Abusir (p. 145). Both rm of a gr
One of the most interesting aspects of this ruled as kings in their own right but seem to be a The cover
pyramid is its associated settlement. The queen's generation apart. ""11pty.

Pit for burial
:", . ":
, ' , passage
", "'1'"
~_ .:
,, ,,
:,' ,I


Enclosure, 665 x 420 m

~l 1 Causeway passage
with 5th­
and 6th­ ?~~L __ :::7

~ dynasty

: :
: '''!
Burial chamber,
3.95 x 4.65 m
l.__.__ ~.---j
6 niches Burial chamber \LJ
(magazines?) 7.79 x 3.85 m,
h. 4.9 m o _50 m
~ -+---N
Antechamber o 150 ft

'ho lived in a Shepseskaf's giant mastaba

planned urban The Unfinished Pyramid at
The Mastabat el-Fara'un measured 99.6 m (327ft) by
were arranged Zawiyet el-Aryan
74.4 m (244 ft) and had a
:kawes's cause­ slope of about 70°, reaching
Menkaure's successor, Shepseskaf, chose to be a height of about 18 m
There are hints Yet another puzzle associated with the passing of buried in South Saqqara, under a huge mastaba, (59 ft).
an impor­ the 4th dynasty is the large unfinished pyramid at 99.6 m (327 ft) long by 74.4 m (244 ft) broad, origi­
lace. Immedi­ Zawiyet el-Aryan. It has been suggested that it nally encased with fine limestone, except for a bot­
enclosure of belongs to a pharaoh who ruled between Khafre tom course of red granite. With an outer slope of
called the val­ The arched roof of
and Menkaure for such a short time he may have 70°, it may have risen in two steps and certainly Shepseskaf's granite burial
into the front been overlooked in the king lists. Hieratic (short­ took the form of a Buto shrine - a vaulted top chamber is carved into the
fact, an exten· hand hieroglyphic) inscriptions have been translat­ between vertical ends. A corridor descends at 23° undersides of the ceiling
enclosed by a ed as Nebka, or Wehemka. Others see Baka, which 30' for 20.95 m (69 ft) to a corridor-chamber fol­ slabs. j

northern gate­
was perhaps later remembered as Nebkare or lowed by three portcullis slots and a passage to an
atue of Khafre,
Baufre, the Bicheris of Manetho's king list. antechamber. A short passage slopes down to the
1I feet.
The measurements, in any case, compel us to west to the burial chamber. Its ceiling, like Menkau­
ldi that was the
date this unfinished scheme to the 4th dynasty. If re's, was sculpted into a false vault. Remains were
Giza over three
finished, the pyramid would have been close in size found of a hard dark stone sarcophagus, decorated
Jb at its mouth,
to Khafre's. It has a large secondary precinct with like Menkaure's (p. 135). From the southeast of the
ve been transi­
walls of fieldstone and clay, like those around the antechamber a narrow corridor leads to six niches,
:, symbolically
Giza pyramids and of similar dimensions. Inside the equivalent of those in the tombs of Menkaure
the pyramid a long, sloping passage leads down to and Khentkawes, and the precursor of the three
Hassan found a
a deep, square pit, like that of Djedefre (p. 120) and small magazines that would become standard. The
. lather of Two
similar in size: 11.7 x 24 m (38 x 78 ft) and 21 m mastaba was surrounded by a double enclosure
,r 'The King of
(69 ft) deep. At the bottom it was paved with gigan­ defined by mudbrick walls. A small mortuary tem­
r of the King of
tic blocks of limestone and granite. Clearly, this ple on the east had an offering hall and false door,
ery deepened was a massive project, begun in the full confidence flanked by five magazines. There were no statue
mid of a Khen­ of a long reign. The granite sarcophagus took the niches though part of a statue of Shepseskaf was
;ir (p. 145). Both form of a great oval tub, sunk into the pavement. found in the temple. To the east lay a small inner
u eem to be a The cover survived but the sarcophagus was court and a larger outer one. A long causeway led to
empty. a valley temple which has never been excavated.

The Pyramid of Userkaf

With Userkaf, probably a son of Khentkawes,

Manetho begins a new dynasty, the 5th. It is inter­
esting that Userkaf returned not just to Saqqara
but also chose a site as close as possible to the com­
plex of Djoser, building his pyramid at its exact
northeast corner. Unas, the last king of the 5th
dynasty, placed his at the opposite southwest cor­
ner. Userkaf also returned to the pyramid form.
Userkaf's reign was short - under 10 years, per­
haps even as few as seven (c. 2465-2458 Be) - and
his pyramid, 'Pure are the Places of Userkaf', was
much smaller even than Menkaure's. It was origi­ the pyramid. From here a horizontal corridor ran The pyran
nally encased in fine limestone, but this disguised a for 18.5 m (61 ft), partially clad with granite and The positIon
core masonry that was so haphazardly laid that plugged with blocks of the same stone, fragments ificant depa
when the outer casing was stripped the pyramid of which survive. In the middle of the horizontal ?~Tamid com
slumped into a large heap of rubble. The choice of corridor was a huge portcullis slab and beyond this the centre
core masonry in this case may have been as much opened a T-shaped magazine. The corridor ran to 'TOm hIS mor
related to the geology of the Saqqara formation ­ an anteroom exactly on the pyramid's vertical axis. -<luth SIde.
A granite head of Userkaf
from a colossal statue that which consists of thin layers of limestone - as to From here another short corridor led west to the erms of Ide<
must have stood in the temple any change in building practices. burial chamber. This was the basic pattern for a - h dynasty t
court. pyramid substructure that would persist through un cult at HE
Inside the pyramid the Old Kingdom. rigins of thl
All the elements of the pyramid's substructure The burial chamber was originally lined and ddition to t
were constructed in a deep open shaft sunk below paved with fine limestone. Its roof was pented, con­ gan to bu
ground level before the pyramid itself was begun. sisting of huge limestone beams leaning against 'serkaf's at ,
A passage descended to the construction trench, each other. The sarcophagus, empty when archae­ ... hIS mort
the base of which was 8 m (26 ft) below the base of ologists found it, was made of basalt. uld ensure
into It all
The pyramid of Userkaf, Satellite pyramid \'iation fraJ
called 'Pure are the Places of xpediency, (
Userka/, measured 73.3 m Open court JOr to the ea
(240 ft) to a side. The slope \abil Swel
5 statue niches
was 53° and it rose to a "lOat complet
height of 49 m (l61 ft). :'!~::::::::"--'i';
Queen's : :: .I sides, as d
pyramid: ;: rln the qual
~! :ex. Userkaf
re wall and
Descending ~Entrance the pyral
passage, I. 18.5 m -tern side
\ Vestibule Offering chapel ~rkaf's rea
Causeway 0 50 m he south n
f-I----,r" ecise reasol
o 150 It
serkaf to pI
Offering chapel
Userka/,s temple is in a very another p,
unusual position, on the south eter Arnol
of, and turned away from, the
pyramid. There may be \'een the'
ideological causes or practical leidum-tYPE
Burial chamber, ones, due to a possible moat -auseways (p
7.87 x 3.13 m around Djoser's complex. reen the
4.14 x 3.12 m
Some of the finest relief
carving in Egyptian art
decorated the 5th-dynasty
pyramid temples. This
fragment is from Userkaj's
mortuary temple.

d corndor ran The pyramid complex Middle Kingdom pyramids, Userkaf returns to the
III granite and The position of Userkaf's mortuary temple is a sig­ 'Djoser-type' elements: a north-south rectangular
e. fragments nificant departure from the plan of the standard enclosure and, by placing his temple on the south,
the horizontal pyramid complex. He separated his offering chapel, an entrance at the far south end of the eastern side.
nd beyond this at the centre of the eastern base of his pyramid, The mortuary temple seems to have had ele­
:vrridor ran to from his mortuary temple, which he moved to the ments standard to every pyramid temple from the In the 5th and 6th dynasties,
, vertical axis. south side. Some have interpreted this change in time of Khafre on, if in a different arrangement. pyramid chambers roofed by
eel west to the terms of ideology. We know that the kings of the The causeway entered the pyramid enclosure near huge pented limestone beams
. pattern for a 5th dynasty became increasingly involved with the the southern end of the east wall. A doorway led to were the rule, as seen here in
ersist through sun cult at Heliopolis, as hinted at by the legendary a vestibule and then to a kind of entrance hall. That the chamber of Userkaj's
satellite pyramid.
origins of the dynasty in the Westcar Papyrus. In in turn led to an open court with a colonnade
Illy lmed and addition to their pyramid complexes kings now of monolithic granite pillars. A colossal head of
pented, con­ began to build special solar temples of which Userkaf was found in the debris. South of the court
!aning against Userkaf's at Abusir was the first (p. 150). By plac­ was a small columned hall. Beyond, were the five
, when archae­ mg his mortuary temple on the south, Userkaf statue niches - the statues of the king would have
L would ensure that the sun's rays would shine direct­ faced the pyramid in this position - a sanctuary
1y into it all year round. Others see this dramatic and storage chambers. Not only was the temple
deviation from an established tradition as simple moved to the south side, but, exceptionally, its ele­
expediency, due to the fact that the ground was ments are oriented towards the south rather than
poor to the east. the pyramid, as in all other mortuary temples.
abil Swelim has pointed to evidence of a large The offering chapel, of which only traces remain,
moat completely surrounding Djoser's enclosure on consisted of a central room, containing a quartzite
all sides, as deep as 25 m (82 ft), which could have false door, with a narrow chamber on either side.
been the quarry for the core stone of Djoser's com­ Like the mortuary temple, the chapel had a floor of
plex. Userkaf's pyramid fitted between the enclo­ black basalt. The walls had a base of granite but
sure wall and the eastern side of this depression ­ were completed in Turah limestone, carved with
but the pyramid combined with the temple on its very fine relief offering scenes. Userkaf's causeway
eastern side would not. If the 'moat' did exist, has never been traced to the east and his valley
Offering chapel Userkaf's reason for moving his mortuary temple temple remains to be discovered.
50 m
to the south may have been practical. Whatever the Userkaf also built a satellite pyramid, 21 m
----r-' precise reason, it seems that it was important for (69 tt) square, with a T-shaped substructure and a
150 It
Userkaf to place his pyramid in close proximity to chamber with a pented roof as in the main pyra­
the already ancient Djoser complex. And herein lies mid. Yet a third pyramid, just south of and outside
is in a very yet another possible reason for his peculiar layout. the enclosure wall, was apparently for a queen
JI/, on the south Dieter Arnold has pointed out the vacillation whose name is lost. It measures 26.25 m (86 ft) to a
oll'ay from, the
maybe between the 'Djoser-type' pyramid complexes and side and probably rose to a height of c. 17 m (56 tt).
s or practical 'Meidum-type' with eastern mortuary temples and Its substructure was a smaller version of Userkaf's,
I possible moat causeways (p. 18). While switching back and forth without the magazines, and the pyramid had its
. complex. between the two is more characteristic of the own mortuary temple, decorated with reliefs.

where the quintessential icon of the pyramid, the
sacred ben-ben, lay in an inner sanctuary of the sun
temple. The Abusir diagonal was broken by
Niuserre, who inserted his pyramid between
The Pyramids of Abusir
Sahure's and Neferirkare's, his father. In addition to
the four pyramids of kings, there are the smaller
pyramids of Khentkawes, two, perhaps for queens
(Lepsius XXIV and XXV), and an unfinishi'r1 pyra­
mid, possibly of Shepseskare.

Several places in Egypt are named Abusir. The

Arabic word derives from the Greek name, Busiris, The Pyramid of Sahure
which in turn stems from the ancient Egyptian, Per
Wsir, 'Place of Osiris' - the multiple Abusirs When Ludwig Borchardt excavated Sahure's com­
reflecting the myth of the murder of Osiris, whose plex in 1902-8 he found a great wealth of relief
body was cut into pieces and buried at different carving. Walls of 4th-dynasty pyramid temples Satellite
places. The pyramid field of Abusir is a northerly pyramid
had also been decorated with reliefs, but here, with
extension of the Saqqara necropolis. It lies on the a vast reduction in the size of the pyramid, there is Open
desert slopes northwest of the Abusir lake that a proportionally greater emphasis on decoration.
served as a natural harbour for the pyramid com­ The core of Sahure's pyramid was formed of Entrance ,­
plexes. Just south of the lake are the great 1st­ roughly shaped blocks of limestone from quarries hall
dynasty mastabas located on the high ridge (p. 78). to the west of Abusir. It consisted of five or six
The 5th-dynasty pyramid field
at Abusir shows once again Userkaf initiated the royal cemetery at Abusir steps, with the blocks loosely held together with
the concern for alignment as by building his sun temple slightly north of the mud mortar. In the north side a wide 'construction
noted at Giza. Here the plateau where his successors would create a pyra­ gap' allowed the builders to work on the inner ---/'I
diagonal was interrupted by mid cluster. As at Giza, three of the Abusir pyra­ structures while they raised the pyramid core all
Niuserre. Just to the north, mids - of Sahure, eferirkare and Raneferef ­ around; this gap was later filled with debris. 50, r
at Abu Ghurob, are the two align on a northeast to southwest diagonal along
remaining sun temples of six 100 It
their northwest corners. Miroslav Verner, director Inside the pyramid
known from inscriptions to
of the Czech mission at Abusir, suggests that the Sahure's pyramid was entered by a passage open­ Causew,
have been built by 5th·dynasty I. 235
pharaohs. two diagonals converge at the site of Heliopolis, ing on the north side, just east of centre, near the
floor level of the court. A short, sloping section
lined with red granite was blocked at the bottom by
.. N a granite portcullis. The pa sage next ascended
Sun temple of Niuserre
slightly, now lined with limestone. A short, granite­
o 500 m

lined, horizontal section led to the burial chamber,
o 1500 ft with a gabled roof of three tiers of enormous lime­
Sun temple stone beams. The substructure had been badly
of Userkaf damaged and when Perring entered the burial Land,
chamber in the early 19th century he found only a
. Pyramid of pyramid (of

single fragment of a basalt sarcophagus.

Pyramid of N f .k Shepseskare?)

Raneferef e em are \
The pyramid complex OoL'e) An eSI

~ ~ i-:::~:J
111 (107,64,
At the front of Sahure's valley temple, the waters of cf carvilla,
Pyramid of
Lepsius XXI\ ~ , Niuserre L_'-_-~_; the Abusir lake lapped up to the main entrance, .JJs of Sa/1I11

XXV-Ell~Y; J /
where there was a landing ramp. A canal or inlet rragmellts
Lepsius Pyramid of led to a secondary entrance to the south, perhaps lrG/('}/ here.
7 o~C8 D
Pyramid of
I Sahure indicating that the palace lay in this direction. A rtllary temj
1(11 records
'b'b'" wall here could belong to the pyramid town - 'The
Khentkawes CJ ar (toP), iI,
Soul of Sahure Comes Forth in Glory'. pic goddes~
The front ramp led to an elegant portico, the roof lire (centre.
of which was decorated with carved and painted .1 his barql'
golden stars on a blue background and supported
by eight granite columns with capitals in the shape
of palm fronds. Here, as throughout Sahure's com­
plex, was an interesting contrast of stones: the
floor was black basalt; the dado was red granite;
and the upper parts were fine limestone, decorated
with painted reliefs featuring the king as a sphinx
trampling on his defeated enemies.

p\Tamid, the
afyof the sun
broken by
mid between
In addition to Pyramid court
re the smaller
Ips for queens Offering hall
finishC'rl pyra­
5 statue niches
Transverse corridor


hure's com­
ealth of relief
amid temples
but here, with
ramid, there is
ra formed of Entrance

from quarries hall

of five or six
ogether with Inside the valley temple a T-shaped hall gave At the south side of Sahure's
~ 'construction direct access to the causeway, 235 m (450 cubits or mortuary temple was a sacred
771 ft) long, leading straight to the entrance hall of service entrance jor deliveries
on the inner ----<.~ N
to the temple magazines.
rarnid core all the mortuary temple up on the plateau. For their Inside, the walls were
debris. o--~-"
50 m entire length, the walls of the causeway were deco­ decorated with scenes of Nile
of- 100 It rated with reliefs, including scenes of gods leading gods and offering bearers.
prisoners taken from Egypt's traditional enemies. This small portico also gave
passage open­ Causeway, Such scenes were meant to ward off any evil or dis­ access to the satellite pyramid.
I. 235 m
entre, near the T-shaped order that might threaten the security of the inner
Sahure's pyramid 'The Rising
ping section hall temple. Sahure's are among the oldest known reliefs oj the Sa Spirit'stood 78. 75
the bottom by of this genre, which would be placed at temple m (258ft) square and 47 m
next ascended entrances for the next 2,500 years. (154 ft) high, with a slope
hort, granite­ The plan of the mortuary temple has been called of 50° 11 ' 40". His satellite
urial chamber, the 'conceptual beginning' of all subsequent Old pyramid was 15.7 m
Kingdom examples. A granite-framed doorway led (30 cubits, or 51 ft 6 in) to
'Ilormous lime­ a side, 11.55 m (38ft) high,
ld been badly to a clo ed corridor around a pillared court. Reliefs with a 56° slope. This artist's
w the burial Landing ramps
on the north wall show the king fishing and fowl­ reconstruction is based on
e found only a ing, while on the south he is hunting with his Borchardt's.

(Above) An estimated 10,000

sq. m (107, 643 sq. ft) of fine

Burial chamber,
e. the waters of relief carving covered the
12.6 x 3.15 m
nain entrance, walls of Sahure's complex, a
Satellite pyramid
. canal or inlet few fragments of which are

redrawn here. In the

Entrance passage,
uth, perhaps w. 1.27 m, h. 1.87 m
- direction. A mortuary temple the goddess

id town - 'The Seshat records booty gained

in war (toP) .. in his valley

temple goddesses suckle

,rtico, the roof Sahure (centre) and troops

rl and painted greet his barque (bottom).

and supported
- in the shape Causeway
hure's com­
f stones: the
, red granite;
ne. decorated
as a sphinx Portcullis

courtiers. It is certainly not by coincidence that Inside the pyramid
The Pyramids of Abusir themes of capturing wild game are played out on As with Sahure's pyramid, the substructure was
the walls of the dark corridor surrounding the open very badly damaged. A descending corridor led
court - a bright clearing tamed by the king, the from near the middle of the north side, roofed with
guarantor of order. The colonnade of the court is great gabled limestone beams that discharged the
supported by granite pillars with palm capitals, weight to either side. The burial chamber was
each with the insignia of Sahure. A white alabaster covered with three layers of such beams. No trace
altar stood in the court. Reliefs on the walls show of the sarcophagus was found inside.
the king's victories over Asiatics and Libyans,
including one scene showing the king about to exe­ The pyramid complex
cute a Libyan chief while his family beg for his life. Neferirkare's mortuary temple appears to have
Beyond the court is a transverse corridor, sepa­ been finished in haste. The inner temple with its
rating the front from the inner temple. On the east five statue niches and offering hall were built in
wall are reliefs of sea voyages - one of the earliest stone, but the court and entrance hall were complet­
examples of this subject on walls flanking a temple ed in mudbrick, with wood columns in the form of
threshold. Small chambers to the west were deco­ bundles of lotus stalks and buds. Only the founda­
rated with processions of offering bearers, each tions of the causeway and valley temple had been
personifying an estate. Side doors gave access to built when work stopped. When Niuserre later took
more magazines, where all the goods hunted, cap­ over the site of Neferirkare's temple for his own val­
tured or cultivated were stored - if perhaps only ley temple, the entrance to Neferirkare's complex
symbolically. A small alabaster stairway directly was moved up to the mortuary temple. So, appar­
on the temple's main axis led up to a chamber with ently, was the administration of the pyramid which
five niches with an alabaster floor and a double-leaf normally would have focused in the town near the
door. Each would have held a statue of the king.
At the heart of the mortuary temple is the offer­ Neferzrkare's pyramid was

ing chapel with the false door, only fragments of called the 'Pyramid of the

which survived. The floor of this chamber was Sa of Neferirkare' The

25 m
paved with white alabaster. Originally it contained length of the base was about
50 It
105 m (200 cubits. or 344 ft)

a black granite statue and an offering basin with a and the faces of the steps

A statue of Sahure. builder

of the first pyramid at Abuszr. drain of copper tubing. In the north wall a granite incline by about 73". Had the

doorway led to five rooms, two of which also had conversion to a true pyramid

limestone basins and copper drains, part of a com­ been completed, it would have

plex drainage system that ran through the temple. risen to about 72 m (236 ft)

Sahure's satellite pyramid is in a similar position at a slope of 54"

to Khufu's, at the pyramid's southeast corner. This (Opposite) Since Niuserre

would be its standard place until the end of the Old usurped Neferirkare's

Kingdom. It was ;;urrounded by its own small court unfinished valley temple, the

entered qy a portico with two round granite pillars entrance, rudimentary

inscribed with Sahure's titulary. pyramid town and

, MagaZinE
administration moved
up to the front of the

mortuary temple.
The Pyramid of Neferirkare \
Neferirkare ascended the throne after his brother

/ " \
Sahure. Although he may have been advanced in \

age when, for unknown reasons, he rather than

, /

Sahure's son became pharaoh, Neferirkare attempt­ "
ed to build a pyramid that exceeded his brother's in /

size. Evidence suggests that it was planned as a , /

step pyramid, rising in six tiers of well-laid,

limestone retaining walls. However, on the , ,,
south and west sides some of the loose
masonry remains from what must have '­
filled in the steps, suggesting that the step
pyramid might have been transformed to a true
pyramid. It is certain that at a later stage the ............

builders began to enlarge the pyramid by adding a

girdle of masonry and a casing of red granite. It
seems the lowest course was laid, but not Antechamber I
smoothed, and the pyramid was never finished. I
........ 1,.

tructure was
corridor led
, roofed with
. harged the
hamber was
2ffiS. No trace

»ears to have
m1ple with its
were built in
were complet­
in the form of
y the founda­
pIe had been
Ferre later took
r his own val­
tare's complex
pie. So, appar­
1)'Tamid which
own near the

valley floor. Thanks to this, one part of the admin­ Contrasting pyramid clusters:
_N the slumped cores of the
istrative archives, the Abusir Papyri, was pre­
served. Nine or ten houses were built, probably for Abusir pyramids form a line
o 25 m
in front of the giant pyramids
o 50 ft those in temple service (p. 234). Over time the wood­ of Giza in the background.
en columns and roofs must have deteriorated and
the inhabitants hid the columns in mudbrick walls
'1\ that were part of new rooms.
" I ,,
" I \
" I \ The Pyramid of the Queen Mother
/ " I
" I On a limestone block from Neferirkare's pyramid

found by Perring was a graffito mentioning 'the
, King's Wife Khentkawes'. She also appeared as
\ Neferirkare's wife in a relief of the royal family on
\ Inner another limestone block from the site, along with
\ sanctuary The pyramid of Neferirkare,
his son, Raneferef. It was only in the 1970s, howev­ looking northwest across the
5 statue er, that the Czech expedition identified her as the
\ niches
mortuary temple of Queen
\ owner of a small pyramid at Abusir. Khentkawes's pyramid.
\ Open
\ court
\ Entrance hall

Burial chamber

;' -- Descending passage


.......... .1,

As with the superstructure, the substructure of

The Pyramids 01 Abusir the pyramid was badly ruined. The Czech team
ascertained that the mortuary temple was built in Pit for burial
two stages, and the entrance of the first included chamber _
square limestone pillars painted red and inscribed
with Khentkawes's name and titles. Similar pillars,
gracing an open court, show the queen holding the
papyrus wadi sceptre and wearing the royal uraeus
on her brow, thought to be exclusive to kingship.
A granite false door was embedded in the west
wall of the offering hall that backed on to the pyra­ Hypostyle_
mid. Next to the hall, three deep recesses probably
held statues of the queen. Carved and painted relief
Queen Khentkawes, shown in scenes covered the walls of the inner temple depict­
a relieI Irom the court 01 her ing processions of estates, agriculture and sacri­
mortuary temple. Like the fices. On one fragment she is given the same title as
Khentkawes at Giza (p. 138), Sanctuary ~
Khentkawes at Giza (p. 138). But the two are proba­ of the Knife I
she wears the uraeus 01
kingship and holds a papyrus bly not the same person - this one was the mother
sceptre, symbol 01 northern of Raneferef and Niuserre. Verner has suggested
Egypt. that the title should be read as 'Mother of the King
of Upper and Lower Egypt, [exercising office as]
Khentkawes's pyramid is south of eferirkare's The King of Upper and Lower Egypt'. :\n open trent
pyramid and near its centre axis - the position The idea that Khentkawes II ruled as pharaoh in he stone for t
occupied by the satellite pyramids of Sneferu's her own right is supported by the second stage of entrance pas~
Bent Pyramid at Dahshur and Khafre's at Giza. her mortuary temple. It was extended to the east :tructure rna:
This location hints at a link between the function of and had the east-west axial alignment characteris­ died. Only on
satellite pyramids, related to the king's ka, and the tic of kings' temples. Five storage chambers were completed, wi
role of the queen mother, who transfers the royal ka added south of the entrance. Khentkawes also had at a slope of '
from one generation to the next. A date inscribed on her own satellite pyramid, for which stone was ow mastaba.
a block of the pyramid indicates that construction diverted from an enclosure wall of the pyramid. ,)f clay into
paused in Year 10 of an unnamed king. On another Khentkawes was worshipped at her small pyramid wonder the p~
block, the word 'Mother' was added above 'King's for 300 years, until the end of the 6th dynasty. Her he fragment~
Wife', perhaps when work resumed. Had a son of temple yielded another collection of papyri, which, Here the C,
Khentkawes become king, enhancing her status? like those from Neferirkare's, provide a literary win­ he idea of 1
dow on to the life of a pyramid complex dynasty pyra
When complete, Khentkawes's around a tall,
pyramid would have stood 3rd dynasty, ,
about 17 m (56 It) high and The Pyramid of Raneferef 6. If this wa~
25 m (82 It) square at the
base, with a slope 01 52°. The
Czech team, under Miroslav The last pyramid on the Abusir diagonal was long
Verner, retrieved the major known as the Unfinished Pyramid. In 1974 the
elements 01 her mortuary Czech Expedition began to excavate it, suspecting
temple, though the inner part it belonged to Raneferef, an ephemeral ruler whose
was badly destroyed. She had mortuary temple was mentioned in the Abusir "'hree sets of I
jive storage magazines and busir, writtel
her own satellite pyramid. A Papyri. Their research showed that the pyramid
potter's workshop occupied was indeed left unfinished, but was made function­
- :-Jeferirkare
one corner. al for the cult of Raneferef. The site was less dis­ ~ntury, have I
turbed than others because there was no towering osener-Krieg,
pyramid to attract robbers, and most of the temple _e original at-,
had been finished in mudbrick rather than the lime­ 'jedkare-Isesi
Satellite pyramid
stone used by manufacturers of mortar. Thus the qqara but n
unfinished pyramid ironically provides much infor­ -ersee the me
Potter's workshop ---+--J-L-"J mation about how pyramids of this period were , :\.busir. Nef,
built, and how they functioned as ritual centres. -<:\'eral main c
Second '>Chedules of
Raneferef's builders levelled the site and laid out
the square for the pyramid base with sides of 65 m Jaily and man
(213 ft 3 in) - a respectable size, slightly smaller -tivals. The)
than Sahure's. In the middle of the square they dug .:uard duties, c
Magazines : the workfO!
10m a pit, in which the burial chamber would have been
, --j---" N inventories e
30 ft Entrance built while the core of the pyramid rose around it.

ubstructure of
le Czech team
was built in Pit for burial
first Included chamber
and Inscribed
imilar pillars,
n holding the
royal uraeus
o kingship.
led in the west
n to the pyra­ Hypostyle
es probably
tI painted relief
emple depict­
lUre and sacri­
me title as Sanctuary
\'0 are proba­ of the Knife o 25 m
~ the mother o 50 It
has suggested Entrance
~of the King (3rd stage)
ing office as]
An open trench, left to allow the builders to bring in accretions should have resembled the layers of an The unfinished pyramid of
I a pharaoh in the stone for the burial chamber, later contained the OnIon. Instead, the excavators discovered that the Raneferef was begun with a
and stage of entrance passage. Although now missing, the sub­ core consisted of an outer retaining wall of four or base length of 65 m (213 ft
3 in ). Its mortuary temple
:ted to the east structure may have been finished when Raneferef five well-laid courses of limestone blocks and an stretches out along it - the
t characteris­ died. Only one step of the core, however, had been inner line of smaller blocks framing the trench of L·shape is due to an added
hambers were completed, which was quickly faced with limestone the burial chamber. Between these two walls was a third stage consisting of a
wes also had at a slope of 780 , leaving the tomb In the form of a fill of poor-quality limestone, mortar and sand. columned courtyard and the
. h stone was low mastaba. The top was finished off with a layer 'Sanctuary of the Knife' - a
the pyramid. of clay into which desert stones were stuck. No The pyramid complex slaughter house for sacrificial
animals. Since the pyramid
mall pyramid wonder the pyramid is referred to as the 'Mound' in Verner believes the first stage of Raneferef's mortu­ was never finished and the
dynasty. Her the fragments of papyrus found in its temple. ary temple was finished quickly, between the king's substructure is now
papyri, which, Here the Czech team had the opportunity to test death and his burial - a period of perhaps 70 days. completely missing, a
a literary win­ the idea of Lepsius and Borchardt that the 5th­ [t was a small rectangular building, unusually ori­ reconstruction is not possible.
lex dynasty pyramids were built in steps in accretions ented north-south, at the centre of the east side of
around a tall, narrow central core, like those of the pyramid platform. An entrance on the south led to
3rd dynasty, albeit not with inward-leaning cours­ a vestibule and three chambers, including the offer­
iferef es. [f this was the case, under the capping layer, the ing chapel with a red granite false door and an

nal was long

d. In 1974 the temple - knives, vessels, jewellery, boxes, etc.
The Abusir Papyri
it. suspecting
ral ruler whose
Accounts of products and materials supplied to
the temple, their use or storage, as well as financial

N,'' ' '"'"

in the Abusir Three sets of pyramid archives have been found at transactions. These are key to our understanding of
Abusir, written in hieratic, a cursive form of the economic function of pyramids. They record the
I the pyramid
hieroglyphics. Papyri associated with the pyramid goods flowing in from royal estates, and also from
made function-
of Neferirkare, found by local villagers earlier this royal residences and other institutions. Neferirkare's
was less dis­ century, have been studied and published by Paule sun temple, which has not been found, seems to have Khentkawes !81
a no towering Posener-Krieger. The fragments, only a fraction of played a special role in this.
of the temple the original archive, date mostly from the reign of Architectural records form a small but interesting cED
,. than the lime­ Djedkare-Isesi, who built his pyramid at South category. These relate to inspections of the masonry
rtar. Thus the Saqqara but required a good administrative system to of the temple, checking for damage.
d much infor­ oversee the mortuary cults of family members buried One fragment of this last category gave a clue to the
period were at Abusir. Neferirkare's papyri can be divided into existence of Raneferefs mortuary temple which was
'Ua I centres. several main categories: subsequently located by the Czech team. Another
'te and laid out Schedules of priestly duties in the temple relating to archive was discovered inside it, which is still being
h ides of 65 m daily and monthly ceremonies, as well as important studied. It seems to contain similar categories as
lightly smaller festivals. They stipulate offerings, sacrifices and Neferirkare's archive, as well as a number of royal
lQuare they dug
guard duties, as well as outlining the organization decrees. It also includes a mention of the Sanctuary
of the workforce (p. 233). of the Knife. Another archive, also still being studied,
uld have been
Inventories of the furnishing and equipment of the was found in the mortuary temple of Khentkawes.
fa e around it.

bulls could be slaughtered during a lO-day festival.
The Pyramids of Abusir The Sanctuary of the Knife was in operation for a
short time before the third stage of the temple shut
it down and it was used for storage.
A columned courtyard was added to the front of
the temple in the third stage, giving the whole
arrangement a T-shape. A new entrance was sup­
ported by two six-stemmed papyrus columns,
while 24 wooden columns lined the court. Only the
bases remain, but the imprint of the shaft on one
A limestone statue of indicates that they were palm columns.
Raneferej, shown in the
embrace oj, and merging
his identity with, the Horus The Pyramid of Niuserre Open
falcon, god of kingship. court
The statue was found in Magazines
his mortuary temple. It was perhaps Shepseskare who made a start on
another pyramid between Sahure's and the sun EntranCe)
temple of Userkaf. It consists only of the base of , j
the pyramid core and the beginning of the pit and Causeway
altar. Verner believes Shepseskare, who perhaps trench for the substructure. It was never finished,
reigned for a short time after Raneferef, might have and when Niuserre came to the throne he had to
built this small chapel, because two mud sealings complete the pyramids of Neferirkare, his father,
with his Horus name were found in the vicinity. Khentkawes, his mother, and Raneferef, his brother.
It is certain, in any case, that it was Niuserre who He did not finish the possible pYJamid of Shep· Pylon'
added the sprawling complex of mudbrick walls seskare, perhaps because that pharaoh was buried
and chambers. This second stage enveloped the in a large mastaba that had been prepared before he Satellite
earlier stone chapel and spread to the east, extend­ assumed the throne for so short a time.

ing the entire length of the pyramid. The entrance Niuserre reigned for more than 30 years but his
in the centre of the east side was marked by two pyramid is smaller than Neferirkare's and closer in
limestone lotus-stalk columns. Immediately inside, size to Sahure's. He seems to have wanted to remain
a transverse corridor led to five large magazines. within this family of kings and inserted his pyra­
Two wooden cult boats were ritually buried in one, mid in the space in the angle between Neferirkare's

along with thousands of carnelian beads that may pyramid and Sahure's. Spatial limitations may
have adorned them. In the the northern part of the therefore have determined the size of this pyramid.
temple were 10 more magazines, arranged in two The pyramid core was built in steps and was origi­
pairs of five. Here another cache of administrative nally sheathed in fine limestone as shown by some
papyri was found, as well as numerous objects casing blocks found still in position.
including stone vessels and flint knives.
The southern part of the temple was taken up by Inside the pyramid
one of Egypt's earliest known hypostyle halls. Four From the entrance at ground level in the middle of anite. Limes
rows of five wooden columns supported the roof. the north side a passage ran horizontally for the l)ave stood nea
Only the imprint of the columns remained on the thickness of the casing and then sloped down to a Niuserre's b
limestone bases, but this showed that they took the chamber blocked by three granite portcullises. ng the bases 0
form of sheaves of lotus buds. Among many frag­ Beyond, the passage continued at a more gentle cau eway win
ments of statues found in the ruins of the court, the slope to the antechamber, deviating, ~lightly to \-ith reliefs, a~
most beautiful shows Raneferef with the Horus fal­ ensure that the threshold between the antechamber Ion trampling
con. Papyri inform us that the largest statue, in and the burial chamber was on the pyramid's verti­ \'as a field 0
wood, was a special focus of cult activities. There cal axis. The antechamber and burial chamber Because it wa~
were also small wooden statues of Egypt's tradi­ were clad in fine limestone and roofed with the 'he causeway
tional enemies - Asiatics, Libyans and Nubians ­ standard three tiers of enormous limestone beams, ·0 the entrano
that were probably attached to the lower parts of each 10 m (33 ft) long and weighing 90 tons. d\'oid the olde!
the throne or dais on which the main statue stood. dl shape but H
One of the most remarkable features of Ranefer­ The pyramid complex >Us ones, part
ef's complex was added at this stage- the 'Sanctu­ Niuserre took over the terrace and foundations that -hapel is in its
aryof the Knife'. Its name was found in texts from had been prepared for Neferirkare's causeway and east side of n
the temple, as well as in inscriptions on vessels for valley temple. The valley temple was entered by a -hamber. Five
animal fat. A wide entrance allowed workers to portico with two rows of four columns in the form lblong magazi
bring in animals to be ritually slaughtered in the of papyrus bundles. Inside, the pavement was red granite fal:
court in the northwest corner of the building. Evi­ black basalt, with walls of fine limestone with Immediatel}
dence from the papyri indicate that as many as 130 painted relief decoration above a dado of red atue niches,;

o-day festi val.
eration for a
:he temple shut

I to the front of Satellite 5 statue

mg the whole pyramid niches
Cl.I1ce was sup­
rrus columns,
rourt. Only the
Ie haft on one

'Pylon' Magazines 'Pylon'

Inner sanctuary
erre Open
court Square

L;z:'5rr~ antechambefl"r~~~ \ \\ _
lade a start on
. and the sun Entrance
of the base of
'of the pit and Causeway
never finished, o -~, 25m
f-I ---"
red granite. Fragments of reliefs from the outer Niuserre's pyramid was called
rone he had to o 50 It temple depict members of the court; in the mner 'The Places of Niuserre
temple, Niuserre enters the company of the gods. Endure'lt measured 78.9 m
are, hIS father, (150 cubits, or 259 ft) square
ref, his brother. For the first time there is a small square antecham­ and 51.68 m (164 ft) high
amid of Shep­ 'Pylon' ber, its roof supported by a single pillar, that leads with a slope of 51° 50' 35".
IOh was buried in turn to the offering hall. Relief fragments depict This view is looking north,
l)3J'ed before he / Satellite
scenes of homage. Another new element in this across the corner of
lie. pyramid complex is a pair of massive blocks of masonry Neferirkare's mortuary
3 portcullis temple. Niuserre built his
~ years but his blocks at the corners of the pyramid court. These
chamber mortuary temple in an L­
• and closer in appear to be the precursors of the great shape in order to avoid older
mted to remain pylons at the front of later Egyptian mastabas to the east, and to
erred his pyra­ temples. Niuserre's satellite pyra­ usurp his father's causeway.
on eferirkare's mid within its own enclosure had He also usurped the
nitations may the standard T-shaped substructure of foundations of his father's
valley temple to build his own.
r this pyramid. passage and chamber. At the southern edge
and was origi­ of the pyramid cluster are two badly destroyed
own by some possible pyramids, Lepsius XXIV and XXV, which
may have belonged to queens of Niuserre.

~ the middle of granite. Limestone figures of fettered enemies may Sun Temples of Abusir The Abusir pyramids, looking
ontally for the have stood near the exit to the causeway. across the ruins of Userkaf's
Niuserre's builders made great use of basalt, lin­ Ancient documents, including the Abusir Papyri, sun temple. The Swiss and
'Ped down to a German expedition were able
e portcullises. ing the bases of the walls of the entire length of the inform us of six sun temples, one for each king of to reconstruct the four major
a more gentle causeway with it. Above, the walls were decorated the 5th dynasty except Djedkare-Isesi and Unas. phases of the temple's
ng slightly to with reliefs, again showing the king as a sphinx or The name of Sahure's, 'Field of Re', was found on a construction.
Ie antechamber lion trampling his traditional enemies. The ceiling
l}T3mid's verti­ was a field of blue, studded with golden stars.
urial chamber Because it was intended for Neferirkare's pyramid,
)()fed with the the causeway had to bend quite sharply to bring it
tone beams, to the entrance of Niuserre's mortuary temple. To
tons. avoid the older mastabas the temple had an unusu­
al shape but kept the principal elements of previ­
ous ones, particularly Sahure's. The inner offering
IUndations that chapel is in its traditional place at the centre of the
causeway and east side of the pyramid, lined up with the burial
entered by a chamber. Five statue niches, complemented by five
m in the form oblong magazines, flank the offering chapel with its
pavement was red granite false door and offering slab.
estone with Immediately north of the entrance to the five
dado of red statue niches, a deep niche contained a huge lion of
Four phases of a sun temple: block of masonry in the mortuary temple of parts of a granite obelisk - a new form that The causewa)
1 a mound in a rectangular Niuserre. We know that Neferirkare's was called Neferirkare erected in Phase 2 to match the obelisk its length by I,
enclosure; 2 Neferirkare sets 'Place of Re's Pleasure'; Raneferef's was 'Re's Offer­ he had built for his own sun temple, as seen in its pathways ran
a granite obelisk on a pedestal which would
building, with two shrines in ing Table'; while Menkauhor's was named 'The hieroglyphic name. A pedestal building clad in
front; 3 Niuserre rebuilds the Horizon of Re'. But archaeologists have found only quartzite and granite replaced the temple's central reluctant oxel
inner enclosure in limestone two sun temples, those of Userkaf and Niuserre. In mound, with a winding corridor up to the roof and believed thatt
and extends outer enclosure, layout both resemble a pyramid complex - with a a sacristy. In Phase 3 the enclosure and the area statue shrines
(re)builds valley temple; valley temple, causeway and upper temple. around the obelisk were again completely rebuilt. It iTont of the oc
4 inner enclosure cased in was probably Niuserre who added an inner enclo· At its lower
mudbrick, new altar, stalls Userkaf's 'Stronghold of Re' enclosure arm
and benches added. sure wall and chambers of limestone that were not
Userkaf's is both the first sun temple to be built by completely dressed before the next phase, 4, saw emple. Now,
Symbolic mound a pharaoh in addition to a pyramid and the first the exterior surfaces cased in plastered mudbrick. business of sl
royal edifice at Abusir. The only precedent is the A mudbrick altar at the east side of the pedestal might be mor
4th-dynasty Sphinx Temple at Giza (p. 128), which building belonged to the last phase, although previ· attached to th
appears to have been dedicated to the sun and may ous stages must also have had one. No signs of would have ri
have housed ritual activity similar to that carried burning were found around the altar, which was emples. The s
out in the later sun temples. surrounded by a curiously diminutive enclosure he Knife was
Userkaf's sun temple was named Nekhen-Re, wall compared to the towering granite obelisk. Sim· mortuary tem)
'Stronghold of Re', after the ancient name of Hier­ ilar small partition walls describe two stall-like pie was ever 1
PHASE 1 akonpolis (p. 72). Herbert Ricke, who directed exca­ fields immediately east of the altar. The Palermo broad court ar,
vations of the site in 1955--7, ascertained that, in its Stone mentions that in the reign of Userkaf two causeway of G
Pedestal building earliest form, the upper temple may well have con­ oxen and two geese were sacrificed daily in his sun mals may hav(
tained the principal elements of its namesake: a rec­ temple, but the partitions hardly seem adequate for bly later, encle
tangular enclosure and a central mound. One of the holding live animals. rounded outer
early forms of the sun temple's hieroglyphic name More curious yet are five low benches made of - nctuary of t
Obelisk shows a mast projecting from a mound, perhaps a mud and broken stone. Ricke thought they were The valley t
symbolic perch for the sun god in falcon form. places for setting out offerings - like the open-air been extensivi
As with so many pyramids, the temple under­ altars in the sun temples of Akhenaten more than a reconstructed i
shrines went several major transformations - four in this millennium later - or low benches for priests. Here 'iderably mon
PHASE 2 ,:;ented by pyra
case - following one upon another before the previ­ the correspondence between the five benches and
ous one had even been completed. This continuous the five phyles into which priests and labourers emple of Nil
construction process was not the work of Userkaf were organized (p. 224) is made more compelling by _'iuserre may
Obelisk alone, however. Neferirkare and Niuserre were a small stela labelled Wer ('Greaf) phyle found com· building is rect
responsible for later stages on behalf of U erkaf, pletely hidden inside one bench. No additional ste­ dinal directiom
the progenitor of the dynasty who staked the fami­ lae were discovered in the next two benches, and Iy - in the diree
ly claim to Abusir as their eternal home. the last two were left unopened. 'uggested that
The upper temple was so badly ruined that Ricke Several features of this sun temple would have oriented to stal
could retrieve only the major elements and consid­ made the movement and slaughter of sacrificial -ky just before
erable deductive skill was required to piece together animals less of a problem than in the pyramid tem· emple was a k
small architectural fragments. Among these were pIes, with their narrow doorways and sharp turns. tices that took r
The front se
5 benches
but may have 0
zines. An open
gular granite p

11Dc@ 0
elements behi:
\'hether there r
---~ N nly five. If fi\
50, m ( :;> 'he five niches
150 It
Kingdom pyral
could also relal
temple and to
Five niches alsl
(Centre) An early form 'he central mOl
of the hieroglyphic name aher which th
of Userka/'s sun temple \'hich our SurVI
includes a mound
sUl'mounted by a mast. . iuserre's'l
(Right) A schist head of a Valley temple In addition to h
statue of Userkaf found in un temple, Niu
Open court
his sun temple. ,f Re'. In the

'w form that The causeway was divided into three lanes along Heinrich Schaeffer and Ludwig Borchardt found
ch the obelisk its length by low, thin mudbrick walls. Two narrow evidence that, like Userkaf's sun temple, Niuserre's The Pyramids of Abusir
as seen in its pathways ran on either side of a central roadway was also first constructed in mudbrick and then
ding clad in which would have been wide enough for driving rebuilt in stone. Why was this so? The renewal of
ruple's central reluctant oxen up to their fate on the hill. Ricke both temples might have commemorated Niuserre's
o the roof and believed that the side paths may have aimed at two celebration of the Sed festival. On the other hand,
and the area statue shrines, if these had already been set up in the transformations could reflect changing ideas
~ ely rebuilt. It front of the obelisk in Phase 2. about sun temples, analogous to developments seen
m inner enclo­ At its lower end, the causeway entered a walled in the earliest pyramids.
• that were not enclosure around the sides and back of the valley Like the valley temples of the 5th-dynasty pyra­
phase, 4, saw temple. Now, we might consider that the messy mids, Niuserre's was little more than a monumental
ed mudbrick. business of slaughtering and butchering animals gateway forming the entrance to the causeway. It
)f the pedestal might be more easily carried out in installations lay within an enclosure defined by a thick wall.
tlthough previ­ attached to the valley temples, after which priests Borchardt thought this was the enclosure wall of a Pedestal
e_ No signs of would have ritually offered the meat in the upper surrounding town but he did not investigate the bUilding

ar, which was temples. The slaughter hall named the Sanctuary of assumed settlement, so it remains conjectural.
ltive enclosure the Knife was built right in front of Raneferef's The valley temple's layout was only partly
e obelisk. Sim­ mortuary temple, but only because no valley tem­ retrieved because its remains were few and stood in
two stall-like ple was ever built for his pyramid. However, the knee-high ground water. A pillared portico of four
-_ The Palermo broad court around the valley temple and the wide palm columns formed an entrance through a pylon­
f Userkaf two causeway of Userkaf's sun temple suggest that ani­ like fac;ade clad in white limestone. In addition to
:laily in his sun mals may have been led up it: the early, and possi­ the main doorway on to the causeway, porticoes on
m adequate for bly later, enclosure walls of the upper temple had either side gave access to narrow corridors.
rounded outer corners - a feature also found in The causeway ascended to an impressive terrace
:nches made of 'Sanctuary of the Knife'. formed by extending a natural hillock to provide a
Ight they were The valley temple of Userkaf's sun temple had platform on which the upper temple was built. In
e the open-air been extensively quarried for stone, but Ricke the first phase, mudbrick walls formed a grid of
en more than a reconstructed its plan from fragments. It was con­ compartments filled with debris. Thick mudbrick
or priests. Here siderably more than the glorified gateway repre­ retaining walls also formed the sides of the terrace.
-e benches and sented by pyramid valley temples, or by the valley In the second phase a casing of yellow limestone
and labourers temple of Niuserre's sun temple, even though blocks was added over the retaining walls.
e compelling by Niuserre may well have built this one also. The The upper temple was set within a rectangular _N
hyle found com­ building is rectangular but not oriented to the car­ enclosure oriented to the cardinal directions. A T­ oI 50 m
additional ste­ dinal directions, pointing generally - but not exact­ shaped entrance hall had five granite-lined door­ a 150 ft
1'0 benches, and ly - in the direction of Heliopolis. Ronald Wells has ways. Those on the centre axis gave on to a broad Valley temple
suggested that causeway and valley temple were rectangular court, dominated on the west by the
Iple would have oriented to stars that would have ascended in the obelisk, 36 m (118 ft) tall, built of limestone blocks.
~ of sacrificial ky just before sunrise around 2400 Be, so that the It stood on a pedestal in the form of a truncated
le pyramid tem­ temple was a kind of astronomical clock for sacri­ pyramid, itself 20 m (65 ft 6 in) high, and built of
md sharp turns. fices that took place at dawn. limestone with red granite around the base. The
The front section of the valley temple was lost
but may have contained an entrance hall and maga­ Niuserre's sun temPle has
zines. An open court with a colonnade of 16 rectan­ elements in common with
gular granite pillars is certain. The few surviving pyramid complexes, including
elements behind the court left Ricke unsure restricted access through a
valley temple. A simulacrum
whether there had been seven niches in the rear, or of a barque was docked off
only five. If five, it bears a strong resemblance to the southeast corner.
the five niches in mortuary temples of most Old
Kingdom pyramids since Khafre. The five niches
could also relate to the five benches in the upper
temple and to the five phyles of priestly service.
Five niches also echo the five chambers built over
the central mound at the original Nekhen temple
after which this complex was named and with
which our survey of pyramids began.

Niuserre's 'Delight of Re'

In addition to his extensive rebuilding of Userkaf's
sun temple, Niuserre built his own, named 'Delight
of Re'. In their excavations of 1898 to 1901,

Niuserre - builder of a bones were found, in contrast to such evidence in :\lot only are V\
pyramid at Abusir and a the abattoir next to the pyramid of Raneferef. Per­ found in text~
sun temple at north Abusir: haps offerings were ritually purified by laying them \1enkauhor, t
on the alabaster altar. The channels and basins cer­ after Niuserre
tainly suggest that liquids were involved. A similar because Menl·
but smaller installation was found north of the 6th-dynasty d
obelisk, with seven more basins, this time of lime­ But Stadelma
stone and containing three drainage holes each. small unfinisf
From the entrance hall a right turn led along a Pyramid cann
corridor to a set of magazines built against the pyramidXXD
north enclosure wall, probably for short-term stor­ 165) at Saqqar
age of offerings. At the east end a stairway led to
the roof. A left turn in the entrance hall led to corri­ TheP)
dors with a wealth of fine relief carvings. These
include one of the earliest scenes of the Sed festival
of the king's renewal. In a section that attached to Djedkare-Isesi
combined height equalled or surpassed that of the pedestal building the three seasons were depict­ moved 6 km (:
Niuserre's pyramid. In front of the obelisk and ed. Fragments of the harvest (shemu) and inunda­ tirst pyramid
aligned with its centre axis stands an altar consist­ tion (akhet) seasons were preserved, but the season round excep
ing of five slabs of white alabaster. The central ele­ of 'coming forth' (!Jeret) was lost. Djedkare's pyl
ment takes the form of a circle, 1.8 m (6 ft) in Just outside the enclosure of the upper temple a 'The Sentinel',
diameter, flanked by four slabs with the top carved huge mudbrick model of a boat, 30 m (98 ft) long, ing the villagl
in relief as the Hetep hieroglyph - a stylized conical was found. This colossal simulacrum of a ship per­ 'Beautiful is Is
bread loaf on a reed mat. This is the sign for 'offer­ haps signifies the mythic boat in which the sun god y and its ext
ing', 'satisfied' or 'peace', commonly found at the sailed across the ocean of the sky. It also hifits that before publish
base of false doors in Old Kingdom tombs. The the sun temple, like the pyramid complexes, was core of the
whole arrangement can be read as 'May Re be satis­ seen as a symbolic port to the world of the gods. entrance was c
fied'. There were no obvious signs of burning ­ )f the north si
perhaps burnt offerings were placed on another Meaning and function 'he offering pI,
offering table fitted to a granite socket nearby. The two sun temples found comprise at least six 'Taces of a sm;
Certain features were interpreted by Borchardt building or rebuilding projects. This has led to the
as belonging to a large 'slaughter court', including intriguing idea that the various phases of the two
Inside the I
fragments of a limestone pavement that had been known monuments are in fact the six temples men­ .-\ granite-linel
raised 15 cm (6 in) above the level of the surround­ tioned in texts - for instance that Nekhen-Re was orizontal cor
ing court. Channels carved in the upper surface per­ rebuilt and renamed Sekhet-Re. But one argument 'ollowed by t
haps ran to a row of nine large alabaster basins against this is that in the tombs of officials of the another passa:
that still survive. Each basin, about 1.18 m (3 ft 8 in) sun temples more than one is mentioned, as though mg off the am
in diameter, had a series of small, circular shallow they were functioning at the same time. An burial chambe
dips, between 24 and 26, carved around the rim. inscribed block from Sahure's sun temple was -eature we ha
Borchardt thought that originally there were ten found in the masonry of Niuserre's pyramid tem­ _[enkaure, Sh
An alabaster altar still stands basins, and that the channels drained fluids - either ple, so perhaps the missing sun temples were chamber, cons
in the court of Niuserre's sun n) deep, was
the blood of sacrificed animals or the water used in destroyed for their stone.
temple. It can be read as a J;abled limesto
giant hieroglyphfor 'May Re cleaning up after the sacrifice - into them. However, Suggestions as to the significance of the sun tem·
be satisfied' in the four Miroslav Verner doubts whether this was a place of pIes are numerous, for instance that they were mor­ Fragments (
cardinal directions. slaughter at all. No tethering stones, flint knives or tuary complexes for the sun, or for the king in his J;old filament
identity as the sun before birth and after death. - altered amol
Another idea is that they were places where the f the basalt s
communion between the sun and the king could be . It was sunk
consummated, ensuring the welfare of the land. :anoplC chest.
The Abusir Papyri give us a glimpse of the func­
tioning of Neferirkare's sun temple. On papyrus
The pyram
scraps and fragments we read of provisions deliv­ -\lthough une)
ered by canal twice daily from the sun temple to the :an be discernl
pyramid. One ox a day was slaughtered and the illage of Saq(
f\' temple bel
meat sent over to the pyramid. Bread and beer were
also delivered from the sun temple, suggesting that The symmetn
they may have been produced nearby - perhaps in leared, but fr;
the valley enclosure. The 5th-dynasty pharaohs '"lchly adorned
seem to have built their sun temples to be a sacred ril to a court s
filter for the goods that sustained their pyramids. !dIm columns
ch evidence in Not only are we missing four of the six sun temples
Raneferef. Per­ found in texts, we are also missing a pyramid for
~y laying them Menkauhor, the king who ruled for eight years
after Niuserre. Dahshur was a suspected location
lIld basins cer­
'ed. A similar
north of the
because Menkauhor's pyramid is mentioned in a
6th-dynasty decree relating to Sneferu's pyramid.
The End of the 5th Dynasty
time of lime­ But Stadelmann's excavations established that a
oles each. small unfinished pyramid northeast of the North
m led along a Pyramid cannot be Menkauhor's. However, Lepsius
i1t against the pyramid XXIX, the so-called 'Headless Pyramid' (p.
hart-term stor­ 165) at Saqqara is a possibility. In Djedkare-Isesi's temple
there is a clear separation
tairway led to between the front and inner
allIed to corri­
lTVings. These
The Pyramid of Djedkare-Isesi
1 o
50 m
temples. For the first time a
Queen's pyramid includes
the Sed festival reduced versions of most of
'\at attached to Djedkare-Isesi ruled for 32 years or more. He oI " ft
150 the standard elements of the
were depict­ moved 6 km (3% miles) from Abusir and built the king's complex.
first pyramid in South Saqqara, relatively new =-"'--H- Sanctuary
) and inunda­
but the season ground except for the mastaba of Shepseskaf. W - - - H - Satellite pyramid
Djedkare's pyramid is now aptly named el-Shawaf,
'The Sentinel', for it stands on a high spur overlook­
~~WFr~~~~=;;;:;;;H-5 statue niches Queen's

lpper temple a pyramid

m (98 ft) long, ing the village of Saqqara; its ancient name was
Il of a ship per­
'Beautiful is I esi'. It was badly damaged in antiqui­ 3 portCUllises
ich the sun god ty and its excavator, Abdel Salam Hussein, died
al 0 hints that before publishing his work. As with Niuserre's, the , Corridor-chamber

I,mplexes, was core of the pyramid was built in steps. The Descending
of the gods. entrance was at ground level, just east of the centre passage
of the north side. Here for the first time, except for
the offering place at the Bent Pyramid (p. 103), were
traces of a small limestone entrance chapel. Causeway
at least six
has led to the Burial chamber,
Inside the pyramid 7.84 x 3.1 m
of the two
temples men­ A granite-lined passage sloped down to an almost Antechamber, -+1.----\--~I------" §'k:~~=:ll--'
\ekhen-Re was horizontal corridor-chamber lined with limestone, 4.02 x 3.1 m
one argument followed by three portcullis slots. Beyond was
officials of the another passage, ending in an antechamber. Open­ Djedkare-Isesi's pyramid,
ing off the antechamber to the west was the oblong 'Beautiful is Isesi', had a
Iled,asthough base length of 7875 m
l1TIe time. An burial chamber. To the east were three magazines, a
(150 cubits, or 258 ft) and
n temple was feature we have seen developing in the tombs of a slope of 52° It rose to a
I pynmid tem- Menkaure, Shepseskaf and Userkaf. The burial height of around 525 m
temples were chamber, constructed in an open shaft 9 m (29 ft 6 (l72ft)
m) deep, was roofed with three layers of large
of the sun tem­ gabled limestone 'rafters'.
they were mor­ Fragments of alabaster and a faience bead on a
the king in his gold filament were found in the burial chamber.
d after death. Scattered among the debris were enough fragments
ces where the of the basalt sarcophagus to be able to reconstruct
e king could be It. It was sunk into the floor, as was a niche for the
of the land. canopic chest, origmally concealed by a slab.
IJSe of the func­
The pyramid complex
e. On papyrus
roviSlOns deliv­ Although unexcavated, the course of the causeway
m temple to the can be discerned sloping in a straight line under the
htered and the village of Saqqara. It joined the front of the mortu­
j and beer were ary temple between two massive masonry pylons.
ggesting that The symmetrical temple has yet to be completely
)y - perhaps in cleared, but fragments of reliefs mdicate it was as
ty pharaohs richly adorned as those at Abusir. A long vestibule
to be a sacred led to a court surrounded by a colonnade of granite
mpyramids. palm columns. Vestibule and court were paved in
alabaster. Magazines on either side of the vestibule
The End of the 5th Dynasty were reached by passages at each end of the trans­
verse corridor separating the front from the inner
temple, which here was more of a separate build­
(Right) A gallery of brightly ing. A door and small stairway led to the standard
painted relief scenes would chamber with five statue niches, followed by a
originally have lined Unas's square antechamber with a single column, whence
causeway, 750 m (2,460 ft) another turn opened into the offering hall. On either
long, lit by a slit in the great
side, the inner temple was filled with long narrow
ceiling slabs.
magazines. Between the mortuary temple and the
enclosure wall of the pyramid complex were four
large open courts. In one was the satellite pyramid,
with a T-shaped substructure. Another court might
have been for animal slaughter or purifications.
A queen's pyramid situated off the northeast
corner of the mortuary temple has, for the first
time, smaller-scale versions of many of the stan­
dard elements of a king's pyramid. These include:
its own enclosure wall; an offering hall; magazines; 'lias's pyramid,
a square antechamber with a single column; a room lie Places of UII
positioned where the five statue niches are normal­ 7. 75 m (11 0 Cll
ly found; and a colonnaded court. It even had its i) square, 43 m
own small satellite pyramid. u(h, with a sloP'
In the valley below the pyramid, granite archi­
traves and walls of limestone and mudbrick were Sanctuary
retrieved, perhaps part of the pyramid town or satellite
even the palace. Excavations also recovered lime­ 5 statue niches pyramid
stone statues of prisoners with their hands tied
behind their backs, calves, part of a sphinx and a Open court
lion support - the realization in the round of
themes in the reliefs on pyramid temple walls.
Unas lay in the good earth,
symbolized by his coffin,
enclosed in a wood and reed­ The Pyramid of Unas
mat screen etched in the walls,
the equivalent of the niched
Archaic mastabas. He was the Unas, the last king of the 5th dynasty, may have • N
first pharaoh to have his reigned over 30 years (c. 2356-2323 Be), but his o 50 m
burial chamber inscribed with pyramid is the smallest of all known Old Kingdom I i

Pyramid Texts. pyramids. It is located between the enclosures of o 150 ft

Djoser's pyramid and Sekhemkhet's. Unas thus

completed a historical and architectural symmetry of the foot of the sarcophagus was the canopic ncient by his
- the pyramid of Userkaf, the first king of the 5th chest. A few fragments of a skeleton found in the TTlust have seel
dynasty stands at the opposite, northeast corner. In pyramid in 1881 are now in Cairo Museum. ent and cult
selecting this place Unas also put his pyramid tem­ Unas's chambers are the first since Djoser to be ~e sacred u tt(
ple directly over the substructure of the 2nd­ decorated. Around the sarcophagus the walls are rramid, Unas
dynasty tomb assigned to Hetepsekhemwy. lined with white alabaster incised and painted to -ithout having
The entrance, in the middle of the north side, represent a reed-mat and wood-frame enclosure. n unreliable p
opened not in the pyramid's face but at ground level Unas thus lay inside his black coffin, representing
in the pavement of the pyramid court. Traces the earth, within the divine reed-booth open to the The pyrami
remain of a small entrance chapel. sky, covered by the gabled ceiling with golden stars n choosing tl
on a field of blue night sky. More significantly, the d\'antage of
Inside the pyramid remaining walls of the burial chamber, antecham­ ~st of the PYI
From the entrance a passage slopes down to a corri­ ber and a section of the horizontal passage are cov­ :auseway and
dor-chamber. This is followed by the usual horizon­ ered with vertical columns of intricately carved rbour for hi~
tal passage, with three granite portcullis slabs. The hieroglyphs - the earliest example of the Pyramid rrangement a
passage then opened into the antechamber, directly Texts (p. 31). Each hieroglyph is painted blue, per­ The causew:
under the pyramid's centre axis. To the east, a door­ haps an allusion, like Djoser's blue-tiled chambers, rnpressive of ;
way opened to a room with three recesses. To the to the watery aspects of the Underworld. • was equal to
west lay the burial chamber, with its basalt sar­ Unas's chambers contain only 283 of more than natural route
cophagus still in place. Sunk in the floor to the left 700 known spells, some of which were already very "TIents. These c

Unas's pyramid, 'Perfect are
sure, suggesting it was falling into ruin. In the roof More than 1,000 years after
the Places of Unas', was Antechamber,
of the causeway a slit was left open, allowing a Unas, Khaemwaset; a son of
5775 m (110 cubits, or 189 3.75 x 3.08 m
shaft of light to illuminate a gallery of brightly Ramesses II and high priest
ft) square, 43 m (l41 ft)
of Memphis, had an
painted reliefs. Only fragments were found, but
high, with a slope of 56°
inscription carved to record
these hint at the astonishing array of scenes his restoration of Unas's
that once covered the walls: ships trans­ pyramid. Djoser's Step
• uary porting granite palm columns for Pyramid, visible behind, was
Satellite the temple (p. 202); crafts­ already falling into ruin when
Ltue niches pyramid men working gold Unas built his tomb.
and copper; estate
court labourers gathering
figs and hone~ and
harvesting grain; and
lines of offering bearers. Other
scenes included bearded Asiatics and
battles with enemies, and wild animals,
such as lions, leopards and hyenas.
Two boat graves, each 45 m (148 ft) long, lay side Granite columns with palm·
frond capitals graced Unas's
by side immediately south of the causeway at its temples. This pair flank the
Entrance uppermost bend. From here the causeway led
southern entrance to his
straight to the granite temple doorway that Teti, valley temple.
Unas's successor, completed and inscribed with his
, the canopic ancient by his time. The wise men of the court name to commemorate the act. In plan, the mortu·
t n found in the must have seen what was happening to the monu· ary temple follows Djedkare's, marking the transi·
luseum. ments and cult of former kings. By etching in stone tion to the standard arrangement of 6th·dynasty
oce Djoser to be the sacred utterances and spells deep within the pyramid temples. This consists of an entrance hall;
the walls are pyramid, Unas would enjoy their effect continually colonnaded court; transverse corridor separating
and painted to without having to depend for ever on the services of the front from the inner temple; statue chamber
rame enclosure. an unreliable priesthood. with five niches; square antechamber with its sin­
"n, representing gle pillar; offering hall with a granite false door;
th open to the The pyramid complex and the satellite pyramid. There are variations: for
. h golden stars In choosing the site for his pyramid Unas took instance, Unas's pylons were not as massive as
'gnificantly, the advantage of two natural features. A long wadi those of Djedkare; the palm columns of the court
nher, antecham­ east of the pyramid provided a good route for his were thinner and taller and the single column in the
.- ge are cov­ useway and opened on to a lake which formed a antechamber is quartzite - from the Gebel Ahmar
tricately carved harbour for his valley temple, with a sophisticated ('Red Mountain') near Heliopolis - a hard stone par­
f the Pyramid arrangement of ramps, quays and a slipway. ticularly associated with the sun.
inted blue, per­ The causeway must have been one of the most Unas's pyramid had already fallen into ruin by
. iled chambers, impressive of any pyramid: at 750 m (2,460 ft) long the New Kingdom. Khaemwaset, son of Ramesses
orld. it was equal to Khufu's. Though the wadi provided II and High Priest at Memphis, left an inscription
t3 of more than a natural route, gaps had to plugged with embank· on its south side referring to his restoration work,
tre already very
ments. These contained blocks from Djoser's enclo· thus causing the name of Unas to live again.


- - - - - ----- .
- - - - ------------- -
Pyramids of the 6th Dynasty

(Right) Teti's pyramid with Teti is listed as the first king of the 6th dynasty,
the ruins of his mortuary though there is no evidence of a break in succes­
temple in the foreground and sion from Unas. Teti's queen, Iput, was the mother
Djoser's Step Pyramid behind. of Pepi I and probably a daughter of Unas. Certain
of Teti's high officials, whose mastaba tombs are
immediately north of his pyramid, had also served
under Unas. One, named Kagemni, must have seen
the building of three pyramid complexes.

The Pyramid of Teti

Teti chose a spot in North Saqqara, at the southern
end of the 1st-dynasty mastabas and northeast of
Userkaf's pyramid. He may have been anxious to
include his pyramid in the diagonal formed by
Userkaf, Djoser, Unas and Sekhemkhet, but it pre­ the lid and only a few fragments of the mummy The satellit
sents a puzzle as to the location of his valley temple survived. As with Unas's chambers, the walls of place south of
and pyramid town, both of which are missing. the burial chamber, antechamber and the last part m (30 cubits,
Teti's pyramid stands above relatively high ground of the horizontal passage were inscribed with Pyra­ rounding it W(
and an enormous embankment would have been mid Texts, but here they are far more damaged. eastern side a
needed to carry a causeway, also missing. -tone basin Wi
Teti's pyramid follows the prototype established The pyramid complex
in the late 5th dynasty and its dimensions are prac­ Stone robbers also left little of the mortuary temple Pyramids (
Teti's private apartment tically the same as those of Djedkare-lsesi, and of but its plan conforms to a standard scheme, follow­ Two royal we
under his pyramid: looking his successors Pepi I, Merenre and Pepi II. The core ing the essentials of Djedkare and Unas. One varia­ with their ow
from the three-niche chamber was built in steps and accretions made of small, tion is the entrance, as the causeway may have been north of Teti's
through the antechamber to locally quarried blocks and debris fill. Some blocks shifted south of the central axis in order to miss
the burial chamber and court official>
sarcophagus. The wooden of the fine outer casing are preserved on the east Lepsius pyramid XXIX (p. 165). If this belonged to mastaba, whie
beam is a modern support side, but most of it was removed, causing the core Menkauhor, it would already have stood in Teti's p~Tamid. A. L
for the ceiling to slump into the rounded mound seen today. time. A long, narrow corridor led to a doorway on Khuit's pyram
The entrance is at ground level on the centre axis the mortuary temple's central axis. This led in turn m 1897-9 and
of the pyramid and was simply covered with heavy to a vestibule with a roof decorated with stars. -ated by Z. H
flagstones, with a chapel built directly over it. Pivot In his colonnaded court Teti returned to the :23 ft) of its or
sockets indicate that the chapel was closed by dou­ square granite pillars of the 4th-dynasty and Loret could
ble-leaf doors. The side walls had painted reliefs Userkaf. A rectangular alabaster altar in the centre ,imple reason
depicting offering bearers and the roof was a mas­ retained traces of reliefs. Similar altars are known ,-ith sides 15.'
sive limestone slab decorated with stars. In the from emplacements or fragments in the mortuary 65°, was buill
back wall was a large false door of black basalt. temples of Sahure, Neferirkare, Niuserre and Unas. urial chamb(
Magazines arrayed on both sides of the court and 'he north side
Inside the pyramid vestibule were entered via the transverse corridor. a chapel on tl­
Teti's substructure is similar to Unas's, on a slightly The small alabaster stairway to the statue chamber -hamber with
larger scale. A granite-lined passage slopes down with its five niches is well preserved but not the Imestone falSI
to a corridor-chamber followed by a horizontal pas­ walls of the niches. Each niche had a double-leaf Iput's rema
sage, with three portcullises. The antechamber lies doorway with a granite frame inscribed with the roughly dress
under the centre of the pyramid. To the east is a titles of the king. The offering hall, entered by a 'hieves had b
room with three niches; the burial chamber opens vestibule and square antechamber with a single pil­ <llong with fri
to the west. The basalt sarcophagus is well pre­ lar, had a vaulted ceiling. At the west end, against bracelet. Five
served and is inscribed, for the first time, with a sin­ the pyramid, was a false door resting on a quartzite The room wa
gle band of Pyramid Texts. Robbers broke through foundation block and framed with limestone reliefs. ewl of the s

Pyramids of the 6th Dynasty
a 50 m
a 150 It

Entrance chapel


5 statue niches

~~~~~,*;;:Jk Satellite pyramid

f the mummy The satellite pyramid was found in its standard vessels of alabaster, pottery and copper, alabaster Teti's pyramid, 'The Places of
. the walls of place south of the inner temple and measured 15.7 slabs inscribed with the names of sacred oils, and Teti Endure', measured 78.5
nd the last part m (30 cubits, 51 ft 6 in) square. In the court sur­ model gold-leaf covered copper tools. Although m (258 ft) to a side and rose
to 52.5 m (172 ft) high at an
ibed with Pyra­ rounding it were two basins of red quartzite on the robbed, this burial assembly seems to have been far angle of 53° 7' 48". The
, damaged. eastern side and a third on the west; a small lime­ more meagre than that of Hetepheres at Giza. enclosure measured 200
stone basin was placed somewhere on the north. cubits (105 m) N-S by 243
cubits (127.57 m) E- W
rtuary temple Pyramids of Iput and Khuit The Pyramid of Pepi J
- heme, follow­ Two royal women of Teti's court were favoured
nas. One varia­ with their own pyramids, in separate enclosures Teti may have exhausted the topographical oppor­
may have been north of Teti's pyramid and behind the mastabas of tunities for pyramid complexes in Central and Audran Labrousse's computer
model of Pepi 1's pyramid
order to miss court officials. Iput's pyramid was originally a North Saqqara. Pepi I returned to a spur of high complex. Except for the
is belonged to mastaba, which her son, Pepi I, transformed into a desert in South Saqqara. defined by the broad Wadi central court. all chambers
• tood in Teti's pyramid. A. Labrousse ascertained the position of Tafta on the south. His pyramid is now reduced to a and magazines were dark
a doorway on Khuit's pyramid, lost since the excavations of Loret low mound, about 12 m (39 ft) high, with a large covered spaces.
This led in turn in 1897-9 and Firth in 1922, but it was only exca­
~1th stars. vated by Z. Hawass in 1997. It still stands for 7 m
'eturned to the (23 ft) of its original 20-m (66-ft) height.
th-dynasty and Loret could not find the entrance of Iput's, for the
tar in the centre Simple reason that it had none. The small pyramid,
tars are known with sides 15.75 m (52 ft) long and a steep slope of
the mortuary 65°, was built over a vertical mastaba shaft and
rre and Unas. burial chamber. A small red granite false door on
the court and the north side was part of an 'entrance chapel' and
\-erse corridor. achapel on the east side had its own court, statue
tatue chamber chamber with three niches, and offering hall with a
ed but not the limestone false door and a granite offering slab.
ld a double-leaf Iput's remains were found in a cedar coffin in a
robed with the roughly dressed limestone sarcophagus. Although
l entered by a thieves had broken in, Iput's skeleton was intact,
'th a smgle pil­ along with fragments of her necklace and a gold
~t end, against bracelet. Five crude canopic jars were also found,
on a quartzite The room was filled with limestone chips to the
estone reliefs. level of the sarcophagus lid. On this were model

__ N
archaeology. The pink granite canopic chest, with
Pyramids of the 6th Dynasty oI 50 m
,I its lid, was still set into the floor niche in front of
o 150 It the sarcophagus. A complete packet of viscera, pre­
sumably Pepi 1's, lay close by - the tightly wrapped
bundle retaining the shape of the alabaster jar
5 statue niches which once held it (p. 22). On both the interior and
exterior of the sarcophagus of hard, dark stone
Satellite was a line of Pyramid Texts; around it the walls of
pyramid the chamber were decorated with the motif of the
reed-mat booth. As in the pyramids of Unas and
Teti, the room to the east of the antechamber was
left uninscribed.

The pyramid complex

Like all the Saqqara mortuary temples, Pepi 1's had
suffered grievously from lime makers, but three
Corridor-chamber decades of study by the French have shown that it
3 portcullises had all the essential components of previous tem­
Satellite pyramid
ples. A number of limestone statues of prisoners,
3 magazines
broken at the neck and waist, were found in the
southwestern part of the temple where they had
Pepi l's pyramid, 'The crater in the centre dug by stone robbers. It was in been brought to be thrown into lime furnaces. Each
Perfection of Pepi is this pyramid and Merenre's that the Brugsch broth­ represented a kneeling man, his hands tied behind
Established' followed the ers discovered Pyramid Texts in 1881. The pyramid his back, belonging to Egypt's tracjitional enemies.
highly standardzzed pattern of and its mortuary temple have been systematically Remains of similar statues were found at the pyra­
the 6th dynasty. Though now
badly destroyed it is estimated cleared and studied by the French Archaeological mids of Djedkare-Isesi, Teti and Pepi II. Lauer sug­
to have been 78.75 m (258 ft) Saqqara Mission (MFAS), beginning in 1951 and gested that they lined the two sides of the
to a side and 52.5 m (172 ft) directed by Jean Leclant since 1966. causeway to signify the conquered peoples of the
high, with an angle of slope north and south. Alternatively they may stood
of 53° 7' 48". Inside the pyramid under scenes of the king's victories in the mortuary
Pepi 1's substructure is similar to Teti's, with the temple.
difference that the Pyramid Texts have expanded to Pepi 1's valley temple and pyramid town have
cover more of the walls. Vertical columns of hiero­ never been excavated, nor has his causeway, except
glyphs were painted green, the colour of freshness, for a few metres in front of the mortuary temple.
growth and renewal. In the course of restoration However, the line of the causeway revealed by con­
work, the French made a rare find in pyramid tours may point to the valley temple under the allu­

The burial chamber of Pepi I

vium in the bay. The name of the pyramid and its
town, Men-nefer Pepi, 'The Perfection of Pepi is
after the impressive work by Established', extended in the Middle Kingdom to
the French Mission. who the settlement around the nearby Ptah temple, and
found the black stone
sarcophagus (below) and was handed down in Greek as Memphis.
canopic chest. with one packet Pepi I's satellite pyramid was in a better state of
of the king's viscera (p. 22). preservation than the mortuary temple. Statue
Thousands of fragments of fragments, parts of stelae and offering tables found
Pyramid Texts were restored in the debris indicate that the cult of Pepi I contin­
like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. ued into the Middle Kingdom, though the pyramid
was falling into ruin by the New Kingdom. In 1993,
on the south slde of the main pyramid, the French
found another inscription of Khaemwaset, in

ic chest, with
he in front of Pyramids of the 6th Dynasty
r viscera, pre­
htly wrapped
alabaster jar The ruins of the pyramid and
e interior and mortuary temple of Pepi l, in
:l dark stone the course of clearing by the
i the walls of French Archaeological
Mission at Saqqara.
•motif of the
of Unas and
chamber was

Pepi 1's had

. but three
hown that it
previous tem­
of prisoners,
found in the
'lere they had
urnaces. Each
tied behind
ional enemies.
ld at the pyra­
n. Lauer sug­
ides of the
>eoples of the
" may stood
I he mortuary
(Left) A copper statue of
rid town have Pepi I and one of his sons,
\\'ay, except possibly Merenre, found in
rruary temple. one of the five chambers
'ealed by con­ on the temple mound at
under the allu­
rrarnid and its
In of Pepi is which he describes how he recalled for posterity the (Above) Two of the bound
Kingdom to proprietor of a pyramid he had found abandoned. prisoner statues that may
But the most dramatic finds of the last few years have lined the court of
lh temple, and Pepi I's mortuary temple.
hi. have been the queens' pyramid .
As the king plants trees in
better state of orderly rows in the court
Queens' pyramids (the columns) and clears a
emple. Statue
tg tables found An enormous accumulation of debris and sand space of wild foliage (the
Pepi [ contin­ covered an area south of Pepi 1's pyramid. In 1988 court), so he ties the hands
the French team used electromagnetic sounding to of 'wild' nomadic peoples on
h the pyramid Egypt's margins. They had
dom. In 1993, look for boat-pits and queens' pyramids that they
been deliberately broken at
lid, the French suspected might be buried here. Possible emplace­ the neck and waist.
aemwa et, in ments for three small pyramids were located and
soon an apex stone and casing stones of a small
pyramid emerged. Eventually three pyramids
were cleared, all about 20 m (65 ft 6in) square,
roughly aligned in an east-west row. Each had
its own enclosure and small offering temple.
They were ascribed to the 'Queen of the West',
'Queen of the East' and 'Queen of the Centre'.
On the fallen east jamb of the mortuary tem­
ple of the eastern queen was an image of the
queen, with her name, Nebwenet, and her titles.
The western queen's identity is preserved only

as 'eldest daughter of the king' on a small obelisk a gigantic slab between this room and the ante­
in front of her pyramid. The name of the central chamber hung suspended after robbers had
queen, [neneklInti emerged when her visage, name removed much of the [ower supporting walls. But
and titles were found on jambs and small obelisks the black basalt sarcophagus was in good condi­
flanking the door to her temple. tion, its lid intact but pushed back. Amazingly, it
The French team suspected yet a fourth queen's still contained a mummy, apparently that of a
pyramid - a suspicion confirmed by the discovery young man, as the hair was braided into the side
of a stela inscribed with the name of Merytytyes, a lock of youth. The great anatomlst of Egyptian
royal wife and daughter. Recently a fifth queen's mummies, G. Eliot Smith, considered it an intrusive
pyramid has been located. These women of Pepi's secondary burial, possibly of the 18th dynasty.
court would be deeply appreciative of the work of Unfortunately the mummy, now in Cairo Museum,
the French, who are fulfilling one of the highest has not yet been properly studied. When the French
hopes of literate ancient Egyptians by ensuring team cleared the burial chamber they found the red
that their names live on after death. granite canopic chest, with its lid, in front of one
end of the sarcophagus.
The Pyramid of Merenre The pyramid complex
with a limest'
On the pyramid's north side, the French found two
another smal
Pepi ['s eldest son and successor, Merenre, reigned corner stones of the entrance chapel in position,
Queen Nebwenet - taU and and an elliptJ
slender in 6th-dynasty style ­ only a short time. Although we are uncertain just along with fragments of reliefs of deities walking
he base of ti
from her pyramid chapel. how short, it was probably only nine years. Merenre towards the king to greet him as he entered their
.'·est end of t
probably planned his pyramid to the same stan­ world. [n the mortuary temple, the offering hall was
"lad only beel
dard dimensions (150 cubits square, 100 cubits tall, paved with limestone. Traces of an offering table
he templeml
53° 7' 48" slope) as his immediate predecessors,
'\ slab of Ii
although an exact survey has yet to be done and so
dos IS inscrib
we do not have precise details or plans.
porary texts,
The pyramid is 450 m (1,476 ft) southwest of
ieroglyphs Co
Pepi ['S and the same distance directly west of
:areer spann
Djedkare's. [t is unusual for a pyramid to be located
lerenre. Und,
due west of an older one but perhaps Merenre
opper Egypt
wanted to use the Wadi Tafta as his harbour. He
-N ringmg back
would have needed a causeway that spanned a drop
o 50 m
of 27 m (86 ft) over a distance of only 300 m (984 ft).
,;arcophagus -
b 150 ft A linear feature may be the beginnings of an
Merenre's pyramzd was badly embankment. Th
destroyed and has yet to be
fully cleared or surveyed. It Inside the pyramid
may have been planned to
Pep I [l was th,
The substructure is very similar to Pepi ['s, includ­
follow the dimensions of ance. His py
ing the distribution of Pyramid Texts. The
his predecessors' pyramids. (?(' [Pepi II] is I
Brugsch brothers were the first archaeologists to
Xl years acce
(Right) The bunal chamber enter, by crawling through a robbers' tunnel around
longer than
with the sarcophagus and the lowered granite portcullis slabs. Inside the bur­
?yramid sour
canopic chest. ial chamber the huge limestone ceiling girders and
cross the Wa,
tram the mas
lTIg reign, Pei
150 cubits C
52.5 m/172 ft

•pi Irs pyrami,

~,tablished and
Ie standard sil.'
.58 JO square,
172 ft) high. /,(.'1
." slope 0/ 53"
spite his 94-.\'£
I and the ante­ The small copper statue vated by Gustave Jequier (1926-36), however, it had
robbers had accompanying the larger been reduced to a low mound. The core comprised
rring walls. But striding figure of Pepi I five steps, with retaining walls of small irregular
in good condi­ (p. 159), is thought to
represent Merenre. stones set in tafla and ile mud, the whole encased
mazingly, it in heavy blocks of Turah limestone laid without
tly that of a mortar. The retaining walls are reminiscent of con­
rd into the side struction ramps at Giza. In effect, the descendants
. t of Egyptian
of the Giza masons built the pyramid core in the
:d it an intrusive same way as the earlier ramps, with material far
18th dynasty. easier to mould and manipulate.
~ Cairo Museum, A unique feature of Pepi II's pyramid was an
'hen the French immense girdle, 6.5 m (21 ft) wide, added after the
v found the red pyramid had been completed. It has been uggest­
in front of one ed that the builders wanted the pyramid to resem­
ble the hieroglyph for 'pyramid', with a band
across the base, or that they were worried
with a limestone trough at its side were found, and about its structural security. In the standard­
irench found two another small offering table against the north wall ized pyramid complexes of the 6th dynasty
apel in position, and an elliptical depre sion in the pavement. Only we see little of the successive rebuildings that
r deities walking the base of the granite false door remained at the characterize earlier ones. Considering Pepi's long
he entered their west end of the hall. Some of the relief decoration reign, and if pyramid building was indeed part of a
'offering hall was An alabaster statuette of
had only been outlined and not modelled. Work in ritual cycle, the girdle perhaps celebrated one of his Pepi JJ as a child, found near
an offering table the temple must have stopped when the king died. Sed festivals. the five statue niches of his
A slab of limestone from a small chapel at Aby­ mortuary temple.
dos is inscribed with one of the very rare contem­ Iput II --+-1...L,l\.
porary texts about the building of a pyramid. The Neith The pyramid complex of
PeN JJ is the culmination of
hieroglyphs convey to us the voice of Weni, whose Old Kingdom development,
career spanned the reigns of Teti, Pepi I and with three queens' pyramids,
Merenre. Under Merenre, Weni became Governor of a classic mortuary temple
Upper Egypt, which gave him responsibility for and valley temple fronted by
bringing back stone for the pyramid, including the ramps and broad esplanade.
sarcophagus - trips he describes in great detail.

Valley temple
The Pyramid of Pepi II
Pepi II was the last Old Kingdom ruler of any sub­
stance. His pyramid was fittingly named 'Neler-ka­
Satellite pyramid
Re [Pepi II] is Established and Living' since he lived
100 years according to Manetho and ruled 94 years ----N
- longer than any other pharaoh. He located his oI 50 m
pyramid south of Merenre's and Djedkare-Isesi's o 150 It
across the Wadi Tafla, and only 120 m (394 Ft) away
from the mastaba of Shepseskaf. Despite such a
long reign, Pepi Irs pyramid was the standard size Landing ramps
- 150 cubits (78.5 m/258 Ft) square and lOa cubits
(52.5 ml172 ft 4 m) high. By the time it was exca­

Antechamber, 3.69 x 3.15 m

Pep? If's pyramzd - 'Pep! is

Established and Living' - was
the standard size - 78. 75 m
(258 ft) square and 52.5 m
(J 72 ft) high, with an angle
0/ slope of 53" 7' 48",
despite his 94·year reign.

have that tho
Between the r
mortuary ter
lpen core, pel
The north I
rive magazin(
o a small ves
rou te to the c
was once mo
ng enemies a
-he antecham
nal quartzite I
-15 officials m
"ing sat enth:
Anubis and b
[ othing re
..nd of the 01
'aulted roof.
(Above left) The pyramid of Inside the pyramid decorative programme from Sahure's complex. The -he king seatt
Pepi II looking northwest over
From the entrance a passage sloped down to a cor­ lower part of Pepi's causeway showed the king, Behind him s
the ruins of Wedjebten's
pyramid, with packed stone ridor-chamber with a star-studded ceiling and transformed into a sphinx and griffin, trampling on ,f up-raised a
and clay core walls typical walls covered with Pyramid Texts. Here Jequier his enemies; the upper part had scenes of offering ere receivinJ
of the complex. found fragments of alabaster and diorite vases, bearers. The causeway changes direction twice to mg were me
perhaps for perfume, and a golden spatula. These take advantage of the most even slope. f the pyram
(Above right) Pepi II spears a may have been used in a ritual performed at the At either corner of the east wall of the mortuary pIgeons, gaze
hippopotamus, thus asserting temple was a kind of proto-pylon that temple
closing of the pyramid corridor. A further section 'ine, beer an
his control over the forces of
chaos in a relief from the of the horizontal passage, lined with granite, was builders had been developing since Niuserre. A i cattle bein
front vestibule of his blocked by three portcullises. door on the central axis of temple and pyramid led ea tured prise
mortuary temple. The inner chambers were covered with a gabled to a vestibule where reliefs depicted the king's tri­ )jedkare's, bl
ceiling decorated with stars. Single gigantic lime­ umph over human and animal forces of disorder­ lund here. E
stone blocks form the north and south walls of the the latter in the form of a hippopotamus, which the -aist before t
burial chamber. Around the black granite sarco­ king harpooned from a boat. Around the open court
phagus, inscribed with the kings titulary, the walls was a colonnade of 18 rectangular quartzite pillars. ueens' p)
were decorated in the niched pattern of the sacred Each was decorated on the side facing into the Three queem
reed-mat booth. At the head and foot ends, the dec­ court with figures of the king and a god. Notwith­ -ith entranc
oration featured false doors, painted green, topped standing the pillars and granite doorways, there yramid. Nei
with a name plate of the king. Two low walls west seems to have been a cheapening of materials and Idest. Flanki
of the sarcophagus supported the lid until it was decoration - the court was paved in limestone and \'0 small ob
pushed sideways to seal the king's mummy. Only the walls of the open court were undecorated. les, indicati
the niche of the canopic chest remained in the floor, A doorway at the south end of the transverse ife of Pepi
together with its granite lid. corridor opened to the court with the satellite pyra­ owed the q
mid which was 15.75 m (30 cubits, 52 ft) square and .ad five mag
The pyramid complex had a slope, like most late Old Kingdom satellite '1 offering ha
If, as we suspect, there were pyramid towns below pyramids, of 63°. The 'I-shaped passage and small lOr, missing
the tombs of Djedkare, Merenre, Shepseskaf and chamber were left unsmoothed. The door at the The pyram
Pepi II, a substantial line of settlements must have other end of the transverse corridor led to the main lpe. It was 1
extended along the base of the escarpment by the pyramid court, where three basins sunk in the a limestoll
end of the Old Kingdom. Unfortunately it has never pavement may have collected libation water. Tamid. An
been excavated. Patches of relief from the east wall of the trans­ "ering bean
Visitors could gain access to Pepi II's valley tem­ verse corridor belonged to scenes of the king per­ r closed t:
ple either from the desert or from the harbour via forming the ritual run of the Sed festival. Also wn to the
ramps up to an esplanade and platform. A single recovered was a scene from the Festival of Min. A ncullis. Fo
door, framed in red granite and inscribed with Pepi relief of the king about to execute a Libyan chief in echambere
II's name and titles, opened into a small hypostyle the presence of his family is a near-exact copy of a Id Texts. A,
hall with eight rectangular pillars. The walls were scene in Sahure's mortuary temple. Reliefs on the east reme
decorated with reliefs of the gods receiving the entrance to the inner temple depicted the king burial ch,
king, the suppression of enemies and a hunt in the being suckled by goddesses. The five statue niches pty red gr<
papyrus thickets. Other rooms were undecorated. were framed in red granite; the middle one was r. with her
From the scattered fragments reconstructed by slightly larger and still held the limestone base of a 'ore it. Aro
Jequier it seems Pepi II's artists copied much of his life-size royal statue - the only direct evidence we niched an,

have that these niches did indeed hold statues. Neith's own satellite pyramid was 10 cubits (5.25
Between the niches and the offering hall, as in other m, 18 ft) square, with a miniature passage blocked Pyramids of the 6th Dynasty
mortuary temples, is a masonry massif with an with stone. A rectangular chamber was filled with
open core, perhaps a serdab for hidden statues. sherds of pottery vessels. Three alabaster vessels
The north doorway of the statue chamber led to were perhaps used in the embalming of the queen's
five magazines, while that to the south gave access body, or they may have been for offerings for the
to a small vestibule and square antechamber on the queen's ka. Between Neith's satellite and main pyra­
route to the offering hall. In the vestibule the king mid 16 wooden model ships were buried in a shal­
was once more shown suppressing disorder, slay­ low grave - perhaps the queen's own funerary fleet.
mg enemies and hunting wild animals. The roof of Iput II's pyramid complex was built on to the
the antechamber was supported by a single octago­ southwest corner of Neith's. It had all the same ele­

){,/) nal quartzite pillar. Here as many as 100 deities and ments, including a satellite pyramid, small obelisks
45 officials received the king. On the north wall the at the enclosure entrance, vestibule and court, inner
king sat enthroned, protected by the jackal-headed offering temple and magazines, here approached by
Anubis and by Nekhbet. a long corridor with several turns. A queen named
.. . . i \ ' . Nothing remained of the false door at the west Ankhes-en-Pepi was buried between the enclosures
end of the offering hall, which was covered by a of Neith and Iput, without a pyramid of her own.
vaulted roof. Fragments of reliefs reveal scenes of Near the southeast corner of Pepi's enclosure
e' complex. The the king seated before a table laden with offerings. was the pyramid of Wedjebten, another daughter
!lOwed the king, Behind him stands a small figure with the symbol of Pepi I and wife of Pepi II. Like the other two, her
fin, trampling on of up-raised arms on his head - the king's ka (p. 22), tomb contained Pyramid Texts. A small vestibule
nes of offering here receiving kau, 'food sustenance'. Before the and plain court led to a chapel with an alabaster
rrection twice to king were more than 100 dignitaries and residents offering table inscribed with her name. The walls of
ope. of the pyramid town bringing ducks, geese, quail, the chapel were decorated with reliefs of the queen
of the mortuary pigeons, gazelle, goats and antelopes, cattle, fruit, before a goddess and scenes of slaughtering cattle.
n that temple wine, beer and bread. On the east wall were scenes A fragment depicted the base of a throne, similar to
ce Niuserre. A of cattle being slaughtered. Pepi II's complex also a relief in Neith's chapel. Because of the glimpse it
and pyramid led featured prisoner statues as did Pepi I's, Teti's and offers of the role of a pyramid in the economics of
ed the king's tri­ Djedkare's, but much greater numbers have been the Afterlife, the most remarkable feature of Wed­
of disorder­ found here. Each had been broken at the neck and jebten's pyramid is her secondary enclosure. Inside
:amus, which the waist before being cut into smaller pieces. were chambers resembling houses and magazines.
KI the open court Inscriptions refer to a family line of priests. Each A legal document etched
Quartzite pillars. Queens' pyramids beneficiary had a chamber and small courtyard in in stone: the doorway to
facing into the Wedjebten s secondary
Three queens of Pepi II had their own pyramid ­ which they set up proxy symbols of their real
enclosure was inscribed
I a god. Notwith­ with entrance chapel, temple and tiny satellite households and tombs. By being so honoured, they as 'gate of the estate' of
doorways, there pyramid. Neith's was the finest and probably the were allowed to share the endowment of her funer­ a family line of Wedjebten's
of materials and oldest. Flanking the entrance to her enclosure were ary estate, just as she had a share of Pepi II's. priests.
in limestone and two small obelisks inscribed with her name and
ldecorated. :itles, indicating she was the daughter of Pepi I and
the transverse wife of Pepi II. Reliefs on the walls of the court '~u"!. ~1 ;t1:1¥~tu ••)
T~ ~~?:w"If~"'P
he satellite pyra­ showed the queen and offerings. Her small temple
52 ft) square and had five magazines, a chamber with three niches,
IDgdom satellite 1r '
geand small
an offering hall with presentation scenes and a false
door, missing before ]equier's excavations.
The door at the The pyramid was 24 m (78 ft) square with a 61 0
r led to the main slope. It was built around a three-step core encased 1(1
m sunk in the
IOn water.
in a limestone girdle like that around the king's If.
pyramid. An entrance chapel contained scenes of
-a11 of the trans­ offering bearers. In the south wall a granite false
of the king per­ door closed the descending passage which sloped
ed festival. Also down to the burial chamber, blocked by a single - - - - t ·.. N
tival of Min. A portcullis. For the first time in a queen's pyramid o 20m

a Libyan chief in the chamber and passage were inscribed with Pyra­ I I
o 50 It
_~xact copy of a mid Texts. As in the king's pyramid, a magazine to
Ie. Reliefs on the the east remained uninscribed. The flat ceiling of The secondary enclosure
~picted the king the burial chamber was carved with stars. Neith's around Wedjebten's pyramid
'ive statue niches contained small houses and
empty red granite sarcophagus stands in the cham­ offering chambers of priests
middle one was ber, with her canopic chest of the same material and their kin who shared in
tone base of a before it. Around it the walls were decorated with the queen's estate, as she
rect evidence we the niched and false door pattern. shared in that of Pepi 11. . .E''''~.___'>_'_ _ _....

the Old Kingdom. Here Jequier found fragments of -ere reinforCt
Pyramid Texts for a king named Hakare-Ibi. In the rial chamb

Pyramids of the First Turin Canon, Ibi is given only two years of rule. His
pyramid is similar in dimensions and layout to the
queens' pyramids of Pepi II - 31.5 m (60 cubits or
'-'lm tombs ir.
-h dynasty. ,
.-ramid, and
Intermediate Period 103 ft) square.
The pyramid's core of small stones took the form
id's own of
ith a cartow
of a double girdle around the trench in which the
inner chambers were built. Foundations for the
outer casing were laid into a trench around the core, Le,
In spite of archaeological and documentary hints of but it seems the builders never began to put the cas­
instability, the abrupt end of the Old Kingdom ing in place. In the north side of the pyramid a pas­ cemetery nl
pyramid sequence still surprises us. The Turin sage lined with Turah limestone sloped down to a e First Intel
Papyrus ends the 6th dynasty with a Queen Nitok­ horizontal corridor. The walls of the passage and ere was an I
erti (Nitocris) - reminding us of Khentkawes at the burial chamber were inscribed with Pyramid Texts. lid, Wadi 51,
end of the 4th (p. 138). But Nitokerti's rule followed A huge granite block in the west end of the burial h- or 10th-d:
a long period when an elderly Pepi II ruled over a chamber held the sarcophagus. On the east side of fJonymous p
deteriorating kingdom. Manetho lists the next the pyramid, a small mudbrick chapel was built, _"9) may have
dynasty, the 7th, as 70 kings in 70 days. approximately on its centre axis. An entrance on Thepyram
the north side of the chapel gave indirect access to ,p' (or 'Heac
an offering hall with a rectangular basin set in the -as laid out \
The Pyramid of fbi floor in front of an emplacement for a stela or false IDS. Masper
door. A round alabaster platter and an obsidian e site in 19:
The 8th dynasty is listed as 27 kings in 146 years, mortar may have been used in rituals. The south III~- all that
but we know of only one ruler who attempted to side of the chapel was taken up by magazines ndation. al
build a pyramid. Begun on a low knoll near the opening off a central courtyard. de. The entl
causeway of Pepi II, this small pyramid is in the north:
marked contrast to the great pyramid complexes of e passage t
The Pyramid of Khui
r. indicatinl
(Right) Plan of the small
:~~,- ----- ----- - -- --- ~?:
e broken lid
, , In the absence of a unifying pharaoh local rulers
pyramid complex of fbi. Its ,
ite of reaso
base length was 31.5 m Burial I
took on the prerogatives of kingship during the "tudy by JOI
(l 03 ft) and it was an chamber ,, ,
First Intermediate Period, around the end of the 3rd wciations \
estimated 21 m (69 ft) high. I
: millennium Be. One of these built a pyramid at Id has not
Today (below) it is in a very Entrance
, Dara in Middle Egypt, near the western desert romir Mile
ruined state. Piles of mud
and limestone chips remain , entrance to the Dakhla Oasis. Its excavator, Ahmed -ner. More
from the core; the burial ,
Kamal, believed it was a mastaba, but the mud­ ramid is ne
chamber, roofed now with ,
, brick superstructure with rounded corners had

modern concrete, is covered sloping sides and a square ground plan with a base
with Pyramid Texts. length of 130 m (426 ft 6 in) - nearly equal to the Terre
base of Djoser's Step Pyramid.
(Below right) Plan of a
From the entrance an alternately sloping and
pyramidal tomb of a local r a second
ruler, possibly Khui, at Dara horizontal passage runs to the door of a burial nd. The fOt
aI 30 m
chamber, 8.8 m (29 ft) below the base level of the
in Middle Egypt. Today it !
11th dyne
stands just 4 m (l3 ft) high. a 50 It pyramid. The walls of the last part of the passage est of a loc
~eclared hin
,.­ d he and I
, - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.
eir tombs,

cha~~i:;_jj- - --~=J
.uld later
'ley are kno
, , Entrance w·. becaus,
-a~'S at their
- '...!
"1" cut inrc
pth was re,
)--- ------ --- - --- - - - - -'. of the rQI
lonnade. S.
----...... N laft tombs (
__tinction, ir
a 50 m
I was th01
a 150 It a mudbril

IIld fragments of were reinforced with pilasters, and both it and the
Iakare·Ibi. In the burial chamber were lined with limestone robbed
~rs of rule. His from tombs in a nearby cemetery, apparently of the
d layout to the 6th dynasty. A block found in a tomb south of the
i m (60 cubits or pyramid, and which may have come from the pyra·
mid's own offering temple, had an offering scene
~ took the form with a cartouche with the name Khui.
ICh in which the
ldation for the
around the core, Lepsius Pyramid XXIX
an to put the cas­
e pyramid a pas­ A cemetery near Teti's pyramid was in use through
I ped down to a
the First Intermediate Period. Among those buried fa<;ade. In the Abbott Papyrus, a report of a com­ Only the foundations remain
the passage and there was an early 12th-dynasty priest of the pyra­ mission into the plundering of royal tombs written of the aptly named 'Headless
~ Pyramid Texts. mid, Wadi Sut ('The Fresh Places') of Merikare, a about a millennium after they were built (c. 1115 Be) Pyramid' that Lepsius
~d of the burial numbered 29, located in this
9th- or 10th-dynasty ruler. It was suspected that the it was said of the tomb of Intef II that its 'pyramid area east of Teti's pyramid at
the east side of anonymous pyramid that Lepsius numbered XXIX was crushed down upon it, its stela is set up in front Saqqara. Even its owner is
ha\)e1 was built, (29) may have belonged to this king. of it, and the image of the king stands ... with his not known for certain.
An entrance on The pyramid - in Arabic the 'Pyramid Without a hound, named Behka ... '. In 1860 Mariette found
direct access to Top' (or 'Headless Pyramid') - is east of Teti's and this stela, with not one but five hounds, the upper·
basll1 set in the was laid out with little regard to the cardinal direc· most named Behka. However, Dieter Arnold has
r a stela or false tions. Maspero entered it in 1881 and Firth cleared established that it was found in an offering chapel
Ilnd an obsidian the site in 1930 but did not produce a plan. Practi· east of Intef II's tomb. There is no evidence that the
mals. The south cally all that remains of the superstructure is the Intefs' tombs were surmounted by pyramids at all.
p by magazines foundation, about 52 m (100 cubits or 170 ft) per
side. The entrance is approximately in the middle
of the north side. Two granite portcullises sealed The lntefs built their saff
the passage to the antechamber and burial cham· ('row') tombs in the el- Tarif
r<hui ber, indicating that a burial had taken place, and
plain at Thebes. The design
can be seen as the conceptual
the broken lid of a fine sarcophagus was found. In beginning of the great
raoh local rulers spite of reasons to link the pyramid with Merikare, complex of Mentuhotep
hip during the a study by Jocelyne Berlandini pointed to stronger Nebhepetre further south.
he end of the 3rd associations with Menkauhor (p. 153), whose pyra­ The plan and reconstruction
ilt a pyramid at mid has not been located. Recently, however, are of the tomb of Intef II
• western desert o 50 m
Jaromir Malek has argued for Merikare as the I I !

. cavator, Ahmed owner. More investigation of this little-explored o 150 It

la, but the mud­ pyramid is needed to settle the question.
led corners had
plan with a base
2fly equal to the Terrace Tombs of the Intefs
lely sloping and For a second time rulers emerged from the Qena
:Ioor of a burial Bend. The founder of the line that would emerge as
ba e level of the the 11th dynasty was simply a nomarch and chief
n of the passage priest of a local temple who was named Intef. Intef
1declared himself King of Upper and Lower Egypt
and he and his successors (Intef II and III) built
their tombs at el·Tarif at Thebes, opposite what
would later become the great Karnak complex.
They are known as sail tombs from the Arabic for
Entrance 'row', because of the rows of columns and door­
ways at their west end. An open trapezoidal court
was cut into the sloping desert until sufficient
depth was reached for a fa<;ade with columns hewn
out of the rock. The king's burial was behind this
colonnade. Side doors opened into chambers and
shaft tombs of royal followers, with no substantial
distinction, in plan at least, from the king's.
It was thought that the royal tomb was marked
jy a mudbrick pyramid in the court or above the

crowned the building - making the whole structure
a stylized reed-mat 'divine booth'. The 'booth'
enclosed a central edifice - a masonry-filled build­
ing, of which only the square base remained.
Mentuhotep at Deir el-Bahri
In the Abbott Papyrus this tomb, as well Intef
II's (p. 165), is referred to with the word for 'pyra­
mid' (mer). Further, the hieroglyphic determinative
for the temple in later texts and graffiti is a pyra­
mid. For these reasons the central edifice has been
reconstructed as a solid limestone-clad massif
Mentuhotep ('the god Montu is satisfied') Nebhe­ which formed a podium for a pyramid. This recon­
petre ('Lord of the Steering Oar of Re'), listed as struction placed Mentuhotep's monument neatly
Mentuhotep lor II, was the fourth king of the 11th into any iteration of Egyptian pyramids. But Dieter
dynasty. He came to the throne in around 2061 Be, Arnold has now shown that there probably never

reuniting the kingdom after the First Intermediate was a pyramid above Intef's tomb and so by the late
Period. His tomb complex was a gigantic saff tomb, Ramessid period of the Abbott Papyrus mer may
much larger than those of the Intefs, in a deep bay have been a general term for 'tomb'. Arnold also
in the cliffs on the west bank of Thebes called Deir pointed out that the walls of Mentuhotep's edifice 9,-:;' .~;; :,/ :¥c):!J
el-Bahri. Excavations by Edouard Naville in 1903-7
and Herbert Winlock in 1920-31 were incorporated
would not support the weight of a pyramid and no
casing blocks with the angled face of a pyramid
," ~ <

in a new study of the monument by Dieter Arnold. were found. This central icon of Mentuhotep's com­
He clarified four distinct phases (A, B, C, D) in plex was, in Arnold's view, simply a solid building /(;p <;,
which Mentuhotep's builders created his complex. capped by a cornice. It perhaps symbolized the ~-:)

Rather than clear a terrace in the desert as his primeval mound and therefore carried some of the
Mentuhotep was one of the predecessors had done for their saff tombs, Men­ same meaning as a pyramid. More recently Stadel­ enclosed the
most important kings in the tuhotep reserved the entire Deir el-Bahri bay. He mann has reconstructed a rounded Osirian mound nly a tiny ~
long history of Egypt. He can defined his temple precinct with a wall built of nat­ within the edifice - a tempting parallel to the he walls of t
be compared with Djoser in ural field stones across its wide mouth. He may well mound inside the Archaic mastabas at Saqqara aged to fill it
creating a unique and colossal have conceived and built the main part of his tem­ (p. 80), but completely hypothetical. "ing was the
temple and funerary complex )f costly star
ple at about the time he changed his Horus name to
as a monument to the The royal tomb
resurrection of the kingdom. 'Uniter of the Two Lands'. around Djose
The two complexes are alike At the base of the cliff a T-shaped terrace was From the ambulatory a doorway led to a cloistered Behind thl
in having been expanded in partly built of masonry and partly carved into the court at the beginning of the leg of the T-shaped omb entran
several distinct phases. rock. A ramp rose from the forecourt to this terrace. terrace. In the centre of the court and on the centre tone hypost
Mentuhotep's tomb complex, On the terrace, low walls bordered a platform on axis of the temple the king's tomb opens as a rec­ 'iO octagonal
however, was a gigantic saff -tatue of the
or terrace tomb, several which an ambulatory was constructed of thick tangular trench. Near its mouth is a socket for an
orders of magnitude larger limestone walls decorated inside and out with altar or offering table. The trench becomes a tunnel, 'he face of t
than those of the Intefs painted relief carving. The corners of the exterior descending through the bedrock. Niches in thewalls altar table a
before him. walls had torus moulding, and a cavetto cornice contained human figures from wooden models of ascended till
'. .0--- Burial chamber bakeries, butcheries, granaries and ships, but none \'as the cent!
of the model architectural settings survive. From -eature, natu
this point, the sides and vaulted ceiling of the Instead of en
tunnel are clad in sandstone. The cladding then :omes forth f
Hypostyle hall
Q N suddenly ends, leaving the rough bedrock exposed. Qurn, rising ~
Central edifice, .p'~" -._ The burial chamber is a marvellous structure, en seen a:

22.2 ;::u~a:ry ~. ; t built in a cavern hewn 44.9 m (147 ft) below the
level of the court and at the end of a tunnel 150 m
(492 ft) long. [t is a granite vault with a pent roof
'ew Kingdol
'alley of the
At the enc
TreePit! ; ...... and side walls cut with a slight outward lean. emple must
Forecourt / Three-quarters of the floor space was taken up by he east, wit I
Fieldstone wall an alabaster shrine with a top formed of a single 'he lower ter
I gigantic granite slab. The shrine probably once t>difice. A ME
o 300 ft ~'ay running
~ust have di
Passage to burial chamber Rock-cut niche
Central edifice for his mor
(foreshortened), I. 150 m with statue of king
Ambulatory One of the
'garden' 01
-lower beds. ,
f the king a
\'ay in front

hole structure
I'. The 'booth'
lIfY-filled build­
b, as well Intef
-ord for 'pyra­
c determinative
affiti is a pyra­
rlifice has been
e-c1ad massif
nid. This recon­
ument neatly
nids. But Dieter
probably never
d so by the late
pyrus mer may
b'. Arnold also
uhotep's edifice
~yramid and no
e of a pyramid
ntuhotep's com­
a solid building
ymbolized the
me<! some of the
recently Stadel­ enclosed the king's mummy in its wooden coffin. had been decapitated before they were buried in the (Above) The remains of
Osirian mound Only a tiny space was left between the shrine and pits. Also in the garden was a grove of 53 tamarisk Mentuhotep's compleN. No
parallel to the the walls of the chamber but the builders had man­ trees and a large sycamore fig. name of the temple or of
any of its parts has been
)a at Saqqara aged to fill it with slabs of black diorite. The buried In the second phase of the complex a mysterious found in the numerous texts
king was therefore enveloped by successive shells feature, the Bab el-Hosan, had been built in the fore­ and reliefs. But 12th-dynasty
of costly stone, reminiscent of the fragments found court. It took the form of an open trench, enclosed texts refer to the entire Deir
around Djoser's chamber. by mudbrick walls. The trench becomes a tunnel el-Bahri bay as 'The Valley
d to a cloistered Behind the colonnaded court that covered the which leads to a chamber, in the centre of which a of Nebhepet-Re' and to the
f the T-shaped tomb entrance Mentuhotep built the first grand vertical shaft descends to another, unfinished temple itself as Akh Sut
ebhepetre - 'Glorious are
nd on the centre stone hypostyle hall in Egyptian architecture, with chamber. Arnold sees this as the first royal tomb, the Places of Nebhepetre.'
opens as a rec­ 80 octagonal columns. At the west end of the hall a which became a cenotaph by sealing a ritual burial
a socket for an statue of the king once stood in a niche hewn into inside it when the new tomb was prepared. After (Above, left) The central
'COmes a tunnel, the face of the cliff. Directly in front of it was an Phase C, the burial chamber of the Bab el-Hosan edifice of Mentuhotep's
hes in thewalls
altar table at the top of a stairway ramp that lay directly under the central edifice of the temple. complex was reconstructed
lden models of
ascended through the hypostyle hall. This statue Howard Carter excavated this feature and in the by Winlock as a solid massif
forming the podium for a
hips, but none
was the central focus of the entire complex - every chamber under the temple he discovered a statue of pyramid (toP). This long­
urvive. From feature, natural and architectural, led to this point. the king, carefully wrapped in layers of fine linen accepted view has been
ceiling of the Instead of emerging from his pyramid, Mentuhotep like a mummy. In the centre of the room a shaft, challenged by Dieter Arnold.
• cladding then comes forth from the mountain. The peak called el­ perhaps a symbolic link to the Nile of the under­ In his view, the structure was
~ock exposed. Qurn, rising slightly to the south, may have already world, dropped to a rough grotto. simply a solid building capped
-Uous structure, been seen as a natural pyramid, and during the by a cornice (below).
7 ft) below the New Kingdom pharaohs were buried below it in the Meaning
a tunnel 150 m Valley of the Kings, behind Deir el-Bahri. Given Arnold's reconstruction of the central edifice
:ith a pent roof At the end of the third phase, the Mentuhotep as a solid building with the outline of the 'divine
outward lean. temple must have resembled a step pyramid from booth', the Mentuhotep temple does not, strictly
:a taken up by the east, with three tiers formed by the fa<;ades of speaking, belong to tht; series of royal pyramids.
med of a single the lower terrace, the ambulatory and the central Some doubts remain, however, on the grounds of
probably once edifice. A Memphite element was the broad cause­ its description as a 'pyramid' in the Abbot Papyrus.
way running down to the valley. The valley temple Beautifully painted reliefs in the complex contain
must have disappeared when Ramesses IV levelled many of the same themes found in Old Kingdom
it for his mortuary temple. pyramid temples: the king as a sphinx trampling
One of the last elements added to the temple was enemies, fowling, fishing, hunting a hippopotamus,
a 'garden' of pits for trees and two rectangular sowing, harvesting and reaping. The whole com­
flower beds. A series of standing sandstone statues plex was a combination of royal tomb and temple
of the king as Osiris stood facing the processional to the deified king, and to Montu-Re and Amun-Re,
way in front of the tree pits. All 12 statues found the new state god.

economic importance of the Fayum. At Lisht, a
canal called Bahr el-Libeini, thought to be an old
Nile channel, swings west to run close to the
escarpment at the foot of Amenemhet 1's pyramid,
The Pyramids at Lisht
perhaps providing a harbour.
Amenemhet I returned to the approximate size
and form of the late Old Kingdom pyramid com­
plex. The core of his pyramid was made of small
rough blocks of local limestone with a loose fill of
sand, debris and mudbrick. Perhaps the most
Another king began a large tomb that might have remarkable feature is the fact that it included frag­
replicated the principal elements and scale of Men­ ments of relief-decorated blocks from Old King­
tuhotep's complex if it had been finished. It is situ­ dom monuments - many from pyramid causeways
ated in a bay on the other side of the Sheikh Abd and temples, including Khufu's. Granite blocks
al-Qurna hill, south of Deir el-Bahri. Whose tomb from Khafre's complex went into the lining and
was this? Two kings also called Mentuhotep fol­ blocking of Amenemhet 1's descending passage.
lowed the first, taking the names Seankhkare and We can only conclude that they were picked up at
Nebtawire. The long-accepted attribution to the for­ Saqqara and Giza and brought to Lisht to be incor­
mer made sense. He was the next ruler, graffiti of porated into the pyramid for their spiritual efficacy.
his priests were found nearby, and his short reign
of about 12 years could explain why the complex Inside the pyramid
was unfinished. Recently, however, Dorothea The entrance to the pyramid was in the now-stan­
Arnold has argued that it was actually begun for dard position, at ground-level in the centre of the llso bricks wit
the founder of the 12th dynasty, Amenemhet I, north side. Above it was an entrance chapel with a :aience inscribE
before he transferred his residence north, perhaps red granite false door at the back. A passage, -\menemhet', t
only in the last decade of his 30-year reign blocked with granite plugs, sloped to a shaft direct­ -\nother name.
(1991-1962 Be). His new 'capital' was named Iti­ ly below the vertical axis of the pyramid. Ground Exalted', found
tawi, 'Seizer of the Two Lands'. water has prevented anyone entering the burial 'emple. A lime
chamber in modern times. r offering tabl
t'Cjuipment. Tht
The Pyramid of Amenemhet I The pyramid complex -igures represel
Very little of Amenemhet 1's mortuary temple was Among relief
Picking up the pieces to Iti-tawi's exact location is unknown, but if it was left standing for archaeologists. It was built on a ') the reign of
resurrect the pyramid age: Amenemhet 1's pyramid town it would have lain terrace cut into the hill lower than the pyramid.
Amenemhet J incorporated 'aithful reprodl
fragments of Old Kingdom close to the desert edge near the modern village of Foundation deposits, in holes covered by limestone \'as hard to tel
tombs and pyramid complexes Lisht, midway between Meidum and Dahshur. One slabs, included an ox skull, paint grinders and eliefs embeddt
in his own pyramid. attraction of the site may have been the growing model vases of pottery and alabaster. There were pYramid temp]
piled down an
.;on and succes
-ather and sor
menemhet l. .
'vns for a Sed
'lose to or in r
nwosret [ see
locks from th
bel Senwosret
- a satellite py
e pyramid an,
'l(lgments of n
rocessions of
The valley tem
'. too, lies belm
_-\round the p
- limestone ar
ed members
ried In mast
e of the pyl
-re evidently
1<111 stone obj
m. At Lisht, a Tomb shafts for royal women
ht to be an old
close to the Shaft for burial chamber
het 1's pyramid,

proximate size Entrance chapel

I pyramid com­
made of small
III a loose fill of
llaps the most
included frag­
rom Old King­
mid causeways -N
Granite blocks a 50 m
the lining and b 150 ft
ding passage.
ire picked up at Entrance
'"ht to be incor­
Vertical shaft
piritual efficacy.
Burial chamber
(below water level)

n the now-stan­
centre of the also bricks with plaques of copper, alabaster and these women, including the king's daughter, Amenemhet J (above left)
:e chapel with a faience inscribed 'The Places of the Appearance of Neferu, principal wife of Senwosret I, the king's re-established the pyramid
rk. A passage, .-\menemhet', the name, perhaps, of the pyramid. mother, Nefret, and another wife, efrytatenen, complex as royal tomb, albeit
with Theban elements - two
to a shaft direct­ .-\nother name, 'The Perfection of Amenemhet is mother of Senwosret 1. terraces for pyramid and
,ramid. Ground Exalted', found elsewhere, may refer to the pyramid William C. Hayes has pointed out that there is a temple and an open causeway
ring the burial emple. A limestone false door and a granite altar lack of grandeur and a certain degree of provin­ Rows of tombs on the west
r offering table are all that survive of the temple cialism in the pyramid complex of Amenemhet 1. were for royal women. The
equipment. The altar is carved with Nile gods and Although he revived the general Memphite pattern, pyramid had a base length
figures representing the names bringing offerings. some elements are Theban in origin: the style of of 84 m (276 ft), a height
of 55 m (180 ft), and a
my temple was Among relief fragments found were some dating certain reliefs, the two terraces of pyramid and 54° slope.
was built on a o the reign of Amenemhet but which were such temple, the central shaft to the burial chamber and
IJl the pyramid. -aithful reproductions of Old Kingdom style that it the open causeway. It was Senwosret I who moved This relief from the pyramid
of Amenemhet J has Khufu 's
'ed by limestone ~'as hard to tell copy from original. Some pieces of the standard Memphite pyramid complex closer to cartouche and probably came
I grinders and reliefs embedded in the foundations came from a its former level of sophistication before pyramid from his mortuary temple
, er. There were yramid temple of Amenemhet I that had been building reached a final stage of experimentation. at Giza.
ulled down and they also included the name of his
,;on and successor, Senwosret I. It is probable that
ather and son were co-regents from Year 20 of
-\menemhet 1. The reliefs may reflect the prepara­
IOns for a Sed festival for the older king who was
lose to or in his 30th year of rule when he died.
mvosret [ seems to have rebuilt the temple - relief
locks from the second temple with both names
..iliel Senwosret I as 'the king himself'. No evidence
a satellite pyramid has been found.
The causeway ran m a straight line on the axis of
pyramid and temple. Although it was unroofed,
gments of relief indicate it was decorated with
rocesslOns of foreigners, estates, nobles and gods.
e valley temple has not been excavated because
• too, lies below ground water.
Around the pyramid was an inner enclosure wall
of limestone and an outer one of mudbrick. Privi­
leged members of the king's family and court were
buried in mastabas between the two. On the west
"ide of the pyramid 22 tomb shafts in two rows
'ere evidently for royal women. Fragments and
mall stone objects give us the names of some of


- - - - - --------------
and puts it in the class of the pyramids of Djedefre found. The ch;
The Pyramids at Lisht The Pyramid of Senwosret I and Menkaure. Today, however, all that remains is ,'pouts in the
a smallish hillock with its casing preserved up to \"ater to drain
Senwosret I chose as his site a prominent hill about eight courses in one spot. The pyramid's core is one chapel was m<
2 km (1% miles) south of his father's pyramid. It of Senwosret 1's innovations. A skeleton of eight door, of whid
may have had its own pyramid town named Khen­ walls radiates from the centre to the four corners \"all panels to I
emsut, 'The Places [of Senwosret] are United'. How­ and the middle of each side. The walls are built of The entrance'
ever, this could refer specifically to his pyramid. huge, roughly shaped blocks which decrease in size and stacked oj
Kha-Senwosret, 'Senwosret Appears', written with towards the top. Each of the eight triangular sec­ ..;cenes of the k
the sign of a fortified enclosure, might be the name tions is subdivided by three cross walls. The result­ able, with line
of the town. On foundation tablets the name of the ing 32 compartments were filled with slabs of stone
pyramid was inscribed as Senwosret Peteri Tawi, set in steps. Backing stones rest on the steps, side the r
'Senwosret Beholds the Two Lands'. behind the pyramid's outer casing, which together -\ Ithough the'
Maspero ascertained that the pyramid belonged form an exoskeleton. The framework and fill must 'hat of Amen
Senwosret I's pyramid is to Senwosret I in 1882 when he found objects with have been built together as the pyramid rose. 'able and has n
the first to have an internal the king's name inside. Excavations by ].E. Gautier Senwosret's masons used wooden cramps to join
skeleton of limestone walls -\rnold was at
forming compartments filled and G. ]equier in 1894 were followed by work by the adjacent casing blocks, as shown by sockets cut for he basis of c<
with roughly shaped stones. Metropolitan Museum of Art between 1906 and them and actual examples incised with Senwosret's .,egan with a I
Nine subsidiary pyramids 1943. Arnold renewed study at the site from 1984 to name. A small step was cut in the foundation f the pyram
plus one satellite pyramid are 1987. More traces of pyramid-building have been blocks and the lowest course of casing was laid onder the pyr:
more than in any other single found here than at any other pyramid. Quarries on directly above it, so that the baseline of the pyra· ~nstruction tu
pyramid complex. The the southeast, southwest and south of the pyramid mid was formed by the court pavement. Rather
pyramid's base length was -\r a higher Ie'
200 cubits (lOS m/344 ft), furnished stone for its core. Ramps led from the than providing support, this arrangement weak· yramid passa
and its intended slope was quarries and harbour to the pyramid. ened the casing: multiple patches are visible where xcept the king
49° 24 ~ which gives an ideal The base length of Senwosret 1's pyramid - 200 it survives and east of the entrance a crack zig-zags The lowertu
height of 61.25 m (201 ft)· cubits - surpasses all pyramids since Neferirkare, down the pyramid. Arnold believes another source -ation of a del
of instability was an open construction shaft under -as built - as
Outer enclosure with the pyramid. The builders' struggles are further nd Zawiyet el·
9 queens' pyramids demonstrated by the unevenness of the base - up - h dynasty. Fr
to 13-15 em (5-6 in) difference between the ~Tamid pas'
entrance and two of the corners. 'ater, Arnold
The entrance to the pyramid opened in the pave· ust lie 22 to 2
ment of the court in the middle of the north side. It When they t
Entrance has been completely destroyed but fragments of e builders fil
chapel reliefs from the chapel that once stood over it were ar the surfao
on and buried
'Tlud - the same
--N Sanctuary e pyramid. T
o 100m e granite blo
I I '
o 300 It ned the pyr
<1trance where
e funeral, the
Satellite \ Entrance hall
T<lnite plugs, v
Causeway xactly. It is lik<
(Below) The Entrance Cut fore they hac
and sloPing construction Satellite ecorated entra
passage used to bring in pyramid ssage, each j­
materials for the burial
-ractures radial
chamber were superseded by
the final, higher granite-lined :\rnold belie
pyramid passage. ,mb robbers IT
Jt long after I
.1 'mantled the
empts, tunn,
king and
orkmen follO\
Burial chamber 'here it went
(below water level)
und the rema:
Present water level chamber
I that the pll
Middle Kingdom water level -.... ­ JOden boxes,
eath and par
of Djedefre found. The chapel fitted into a niche in the casing.
hat remains is Spouts in the shape of lions' heads allowed rain
reserved up to water to drain off the roof. The back wall of the
lid' core is one chapel was mostly taken up by an alabaster false
~eton of eight door, of which only fragments were found. Short
Ie four corners wall panels to either side were decorated with gods.
III are built of The entrance wall had scenes of butchering cattle
:lecrease in size and stacked offerings, while the side walls carried
rriangular sec­ scenes of the king,with his ka, seated at an offering
III . The result­ table, with lines of priests and offering bearers.
1 labs of stone
on the steps, Inside the pyramid
'hich together Although the burial chamber of Senwosret I, like
'k and fill must that of Amenemhet I, now lies below the water
id rose. table and has never been entered by archaeologists,
cramps to join Arnold was able to make certain observations on
sockets cut for the basis of careful analysis. Senwosret's builders
th Senwosret's began with a preliminary ramp or stairway north
the foundation of the pyramid's north face, the Entrance Cut.
ing was laid Under the pyramid this ramp probably became a
ne of the pyra­ construction tunnel, though it has never been seen.
ement. Rather At a higher level, and built later, was the sloping
gement weak- pyramid passage, too narrow to bring in anything
visible where except the king's body and burial goods.
a crack zig-zags The lower tunnel would have facilitated the exca­
another source vation of a deep pit in which the burial chamber
'on shaft under was built - as in the pyramids of Djoser, Djedefre
are further and Zawiyet el-Aryan (Unfinished) and those of the Rather than follow the robber's tunnel deeper into The pyramid of Senwosret J
the base - up 5th dynasty. From the slope of this tunnel and the the pyramid, Maspero's workmen hammered away is now only a low mound, just
between the pyramid passage, and from the rise in ground 30 m (98 ft) of granite plugging before - as would 23 m (75 ft) high. Here, the
end of one wall of the
water, Arnold calculated that the burial chamber happen to later archaeologists, including Arnold in internal framework skeleton
ned in the pave­ must lie 22 to 25 m (72 to 82 ft) below the surface. 1984 - they were halted by sand filling the passage is visible through the debris.
the north side. It When they began the sloping pyramid passage, and by water seeping through the masonry.
Jt fragments of (he builders filled in the Entrance Cut apart from Arnold believes the sand may be fill left by Sen­
ood over it were near the surface. Wood beams were laid in this sec­ wosret's workers to prevent the first granite plug
(ion and buried in limestone chips and sealed with from crashing into the horizontal passage to the
mud - the same materials as hauling tracks around burial chamber. A slight deviation of the passage is
me pyramid. This must have formed a slipway for a clue that Senwosret followed the 5th-dynasty pat­
he granite blocks - each weighing 8 tons - that tern of a burial chamber directly below the centre
lined the pyramid passage, except near the axis, perhaps entered from the antechamber to the
enh-ance where the lining is fine limestone. After east. If Senwosret's burial chamber is indeed under
he funeral, the passage was sealed with enormous the vertical axis of his pyramid, it lies a frustrating
granite plugs, weighing 20 tons, that fit the passage 7 m (23 ft) from the archaeologists' stopping point.
exactly. It is likely that the builders brought them in Both Amenemhet I and Senwosret I showed a
before they had completed the small and delicately concern for placing chambers so deep that they
decorated entrance chapel. The plugs slid down the were close to the level of the water table even when
passage, each hitting the next with a force that left they were built. Amenemhet II, Senwosret II and
fractures radiating through the blocks. Senwosret III would also use shafts and sloping
Arnold believes a large group of professional passages to reach down close to the subterranean
omb robbers made their way to the burial chamber waters. This is one of several aspects that demon­
not long after the pyramid had been sealed. They strate a desire to connect with the realm of Osiris.
dismantled the entrance chapel and, after repeated
attempts, tunnelled their way around the granite The pyramid complex
ming passage blocking and lining of the passage. Maspero's The valley temple has never been found, although
workmen followed the robbers' tunnel to the point it may lie under sand dunes and a Roman cemetery.
r where it went round the second plug. Here they The causeway was originally open, like those of
eQ found the remains of the spoils from the king's bur­ Amenemhet I and Mentuhotep, flanked by lime­
Ial that the plunderers had left behind: pieces of stone walls. A quarry inscription shows that it was
wooden boxes, alabaster containers, a gold dagger built as late as Year 22 of Senwosret. In the next
'heath and parts of four alabaster canopic vessels. stage, a roof was added which required narrowing

the passage by adding limestone blocks inside. final phase, a small bath with a pottery pipe to attempt. Robt
Every 10 cubits there were niches, in which almost drain it was installed. Here priests could ritually they cleared
life-sized statues of the king were placed, wearing cleanse themselves before entering the outer enclo­ pieces of woc
the red crown of Lower Egypt on the north and the sure to serve the cults of the queens' pyramids. nothing remai
white crown of Upper Egypt on the south. Eight Senwosret I surrounded his pyramid with two The outer ~
complete statues were found, and some additional enclosures, defined by a outer wall of mudbrick brick walls, i>
bases. It is not certain if the walls were decorated and an inner enclosure wall of stone. The interior ains priests'
with relief scenes, but a painted dado was stippled and exterior faces of the inner enclosure wall were "'alls, hauling
red and black to imitate granite. decorated with 150 serekh panels. building, num
A doorway on the south side of the upper end of Senwosret's mortuary temple was already badly )f model dish
the causeway was connected to a small mudbrick destroyed when first excavated in 1894. It suffered western part, ,
building for priests or attendants. Mudbrick walls further in later years, so that only a few blocks sur­ Thepyrami
parallel to the stone walls of the causeway created vive in place. Comparison with Old Kingdom exam­ royal enclosuft
a secondary lane on either side - a feature common ples reveals that it was very similar to mortuary ombs of high
to Middle Kingdom causeways. At the upper end, temples from Teti to Pepi II. The front temple lay he Vizier M(
the outer lanes broadened into small courtyards within the outer pyramid enclosure and the inner Imhotep, the H
with a gate leading into the pyramid's outer enclo­ temple within the inner one. All the standard ele­ his ancestor \
sure. Arnold's excavations in the northern court ments of the late Old Kingdom are present, though ankh, who hac
revealed that it had been used first as a site for cut­ there is no evidence that alabaster, basalt or diorite burial chamb(
ting hard diorite, then for preparing gypsum. In its were used and granite was used only sparingly. hose attachec
In 1894 Gautier cleared a rectangular pit in an about the large
Senwosret I in Osiride form, A side panel from a throne of open area between the front temple and the enclo­
wearing the Crown of the one of the statues found in a sures of two subsidiary pyramids. It contained 10 The nine Sl
South. This is one of a series pit in the mortuary temple. complete limestone statues of Senwosret I seated .-\lso within th(
of statues that lined the south Horus and Seth - here Lower on large, block-like thrones. These may have been 'Tlids, all abou
side of the causeway Those (north) and Upper (south) .\·hich seems tc
on the north side wore the Egypt - tie papyrus and lotus set up under the colonnade of the temple court, but.
Crown of the North. stems around a stylized as Arnold points out, they show no signs of weath­ uated in its 01'
windpipe, the hieroglyph for ering and the court lacks sockets for them. Perhaps hare one; ead
unity The whole is topped by the sculptors stopped work and the statues were '1orth. The ang
the cartouche of Senwosret [ buried after plans for the temple decoration were range of late (
changed. The five niches in the statue hall- which \rith the exce~
Arnold reconstructed on the basis of Old Kingdom mids seem to b
parallels though there were no traces - probably 'Testing a clos
held standing statues. romen. In thei
Senwosret I built the last of the satellite pyra­ tUlly avoid the I
mids and the only one known in a Middle Kingdom Rather than
pyramid complex. It is more complicated than oeginning, the:
most, with two subterranean chambers and evi­ Jng time. Pyra
dence of two or three phases of construction. In its .a te as the reigr
first phase the pyramid was 15.75 m (30 cubits, 52 ,; curious, ther
ft) square and the same height. The slope of 63° 26" -heir chapels \1
06' conforms to Old Kingdom satellite pyramids decoration, the
from Sahure on. In a later phase an enclosure wall oeen finished.
was added to form a court entered by a doorway on ~eceived a buri,
the north. About the same time the pyramid was .;cattered aroun
enlarged by the addition of a layer of casing and 'hose around 5,
backing stones on the north and west, making a hamber associ
new base length and height of 18.38 m (35 cubits, The owners
60 ft), bringing it closer to the standard Old King­ en identified
dom ratio to the main pyramid of 1:5. \-ife of Senwos
The main shaft to the underground chambers <ranite pieces.
lies under the southeast quadrant. At the bottom, ,ide leads to a
two corridors led to chambers, both encased with Imestone. Thi>
limestone slabs. They are situated on the same axis \'ith limestone,
but the northern one is slightly larger. Apparently 'he floor is a ret
the pyramid was built over the shaft before work .\·as not found,
was finished, so a new shaft was cut east of the :anopic chest.
centre of the pyramid's north side. Those cutting been neither cOl
the new shaft seem to have had difficulty finding Pyramids 2 a
the chambers, only reaching them on their third the north to fac

ttery pipe to attempt. Robbers also found the chambers. Either structure and a second to the east for access to the
could ritually they cleared them completely (except for some chambers after the first was sealed by the north The Pyramids at Lisht
he outer enclo­ pieces of wood) or found them already empty, for chapel. Around Pyramid 2 were found many frag­
m:' pyramids. nothing remained for the archaeologists. ments of relief decoration from the east chapel and
mid with two The outer pyramid enclosure, defined by mud­ from a painted shrine that stood within it, as well as
I of mudbrick brick walls, is a busy archaeological area. It con­ of 32-sided columns inscribed with the name of
_The interior tains priests' houses, granaries, low mudbrick princess Itayket. Her burial chamber, sealed with
ure wall were walls, hauling tracks and slidcways left over from mortared limestone slabs, was simply an extension
building, numerous shallow pits for ritual burials of the entrance corridor. Although robbers had
already badly of model dishes, ox bones and beads, and, in the made a hole wide enough only to bring out small
. It suffered western part, a mudbrick boat pit. object , no trace of arcophagus, canopic chest or
ew blocks sur­ The pyramid cemetery extended well outside the coffin were found. Pyramid 3 sat over a main burial
'ngdom exam­ royal enclosure. Here large and impressive mastaba chamber and a set of five burial niches. The main
11' to mortuary tombs of high officials are found, such as those for burial chamber, as under Pyramid 2, was formed
unt temple lay the Vizier Mentuhotep with its own causeway, by casing the end of the corridor with limestone
• and the inner lmhotep, the High Priest of Heliopolis, named after slabs. It was blocked in three places by limestone
e :tandard ele­ his ancestor with the same title, and Senwosret­ slabs slid sideways on wooden skids in grooves cut
iJresent, though ankh, who had a copy of the Pyramid Texts in his into the passage. The chamber was almost filled by
lasalt or diorite burial chamber. Numerous small shaft tombs of a beautiful quartzite sarcophagus and canopic
paringly. those attached to these great households scatter chest. Pyramid 4 also contained a quartzite sar­
gular pit in an about the large mastabas. cophagus, but it was found parked in a crude side
and the enclo­ niche outside the limestone-cased burial chamber.
It contained 10 The nine subsidiary pyramids There is no evidence it ever received a burial.
. ret I seated ,-'\Iso within the outer enclosure are nine small pyra­ Red granite pyramidions may have crowned all
ma~' have been mids, all about the same size except Pyramid 1 nine pyramids - fragments were found close to
mple court, but, which seems to have been the first built. Each is sit­ Pyramids 3 and 5. Remains of an over life-sized
igns of weath­ uated in its own enclosure, except 8 and 9 which granite female statue were found by Pyramid 6.
r them. Perhaps hare one; each also had a chapel on the east and Although Pyramids 8 and 9 form a pair, 9 was built
:Ie statues were north. The angle of slope varied from 62° to 64°, the with a core of mudbrick perhaps when, as Arnold
Jecoration were range of late Old Kingdom ubsidiary pyramids. suggests, all available building stone had run out.
1Je hall- which With the exception of Pyramid 1, the small pyra­
Old Kingdom ids seem to be paired: 3-4, 4-5, 6-7 and 8-9, sug­
leeS - probably gesting a close relationship between two royal Subsidiary Pyramids 0/ Senwosret I
women. In their alignments and spacing they skil­ Pyramid Enclosure Base
satellite pyra­ fully avoid the corners of the outer enclosure.
iddle Kingdom Rather than being planned as a set from the 1 100x75c 40c
beginning, the series was built incrementally over a 52.5 x 39.37m 21m
mplicated than
rnbers and evi­ long time. Pyramid 9 may have been constructed as 2 72x54c 32 c
-truction. In its late as the reign of Amenemhet II or Senwosret II. It 37.80 x 28.35 m 16.8m
m (30 cubits, 52 is curious, therefore, that, while the pyramids and 3 50 x 50c 32c
lope of 63° 26" their chapels were completed, including the relief 26.25 x 26.25 m 16.8m
ellite pyramids decoration, the substructures seem never to have
4 46x43 c 32 c
rt enclosure wall been finished. In fact it is not certain whether all
24.15 x 16.8m
~y a doorway on received a burial. Although there are several shafts
22.575 m
ile pyramid was cattered around the base of each pyramid, none of
those around 5, 6 and 9 led conclusively to a burial 5 48x47 c 31 c
,. of casing and
chamber associated with the pyramid. 25.20 x 16.275 m
"'est, making a 24.675 m
m (35 cubits, The owners of only two of the pyramids have
rtdard Old King­ been identified. Pyramid 1 is assigned to Neferu, 6 49 x 56c 30 c
wife of Senwosret I, on the basis of three inscribed 25.725 x 15.75 m
granite pieces. A shaft in the centre of the north 29.4m
round chambers
At the bottom, -ide leads to a gently sloping corridor paved with 7 49 x 49 c 30 c
h encased with limestone. This leads in turn to a chamber, lined 25.725 x 15.75 m
n the same axis with limestone, under the centre of the pyramid. In 25.725 m
rger. Apparently the floor is a receptacle for the sarcophagus, which 8 47x86c 30 c 1
laft before work was not found, and an unfinished niche was for the 24.675 x 15.75m
, cut east of the canopic chest. Neferu's chambers appear to have 45.15 m
e_ Those cutting been neither completed nor used. 9 Same as 8 30c ?
iifficulty finding Pyramids 2 and 3 had two shafts each, one from 15.75m [c = cubits]
III on their third the north to facilitate the construction of the sub­


- -- -
cross compartments were filled with sand. Wh

the pyramid was dismantled for its stone, the man~ Thel)
limestone chips left behind prompted the moder
The Second Phase of Middle name, 'White Pyramid'. Its ancient name was Djei
Amenemhet, 'Amenemhet is Provided'. Since ~

Kingdom Pyramids casing stones have been found we do not know the
angle of the pyramid and as the base has nev
been adequately cleared its exact length is aL
unknown, though it is about 50 m (164 ft).

Amenemhet II began what Arnold sees as a second Inside the pyramid

phase in the development of Middle Kingdom pyra­ The entrance is in the middle of the north side..
mids. Amenemhet I and Senwosret I, while incorpo­ corridor slopes down to a short horizontal passa
rating innovative elements into their pyramids, blocked by two portcullises, one of which slid ver
were trying to revive the pyramid complex of the tically and the other sideways; beyond is the buria
late Old Kingdom Memphite tradition. Amenemhet chamber. Four niches are connected to the chamber
II gave this up and no consistent development is one at either short end and two in the wall opposi
apparent in the pyramids that followed. Those who the entrance corridor. These have been compared
designed and built pyramids in the 12th dynasty the eastern niches of the Old Kingdom, thought
seem to have been experimenting with new forms be for offerings or statues.
combined with old elements borrowed from earlier The sarcophagus, composed of sandstone slah:-.
llth- and 12th-dynasty complexes, the late Old was set into the floor against the west wall. Imme:­
Kingdom and even the 3rd dynasty. diately in front of the entrance to the chamber
New forms included long rectangular enclosures. shaft drops a little less than 2 m (6 ft) to a passa
Senwosret Ill's was oriented north-south, while leading north directly below the entrance corridor

Amenemhet II's was east-west. Amenemhet II situ­
ated his pyramid near the escarpment about
halfway along the Dahshur plateau. From now on
royal pyramids would alternate between Dahshur
A square hole sunk in the floor at the end of th
passage may have been the receptacle for
canopic chest. The weight of the pyramid wa:
diverted from the flat ceiling of the burial chamber

I Ii
-t--_" N
and the area around the mouth of the Fayum.
Amenemhet II's is one of the most poorly investi­
gated and documented in the long sequence of
by a hidden roof of six pairs of huge beams tha
lean against one another.
oI 50,m
t pyramids. Jacques de Morgan excavated the site in The pyramid complex
o 150 ft 1894-5, but devoted much of his attention to the Amenemhet II returned to a broad, open causewa.
Amenemhet II's hybrid discovery of the jewellery and personal items of that sloped steeply down to the edge of the culti\'3
complex: a long rectangular two princesses, Khnumet and Ita, whose burials he tion, but no one has searched for his valley temp
precinct, as in the 3rd found among the row of tombs west of the pyra­ At the point where the causeway enters the pyra
dynasty, orientated east-west mid within its enclosure wall. mid enclosure on the middle of the east side, 1\\
as in the 4th, and with Because of its proximity to the edge of the culti­ massive structures recall the pylon-like thickenin
massive pylons, as in the 5th. vation, the pyramid was quarried for the Turah in the same position in mortuary temples si
A pendant from a Queen's limestone which formed the casing and the core Niuserre. The space between the massifs may
tomb west of Amenemhet II's skeleton of radiating walls, similar to the frame­ the entrance hall, but beyond that almost nothing
pyramid. work in Senwosret I's pyramid. Here, however, the known about the layout of the temple.

Entrance passage and burial

chamber of Amenemhet Ill's
pyramid. The fl.a.t ceiling was
protected by a roof of gabled
beams. The hidden lower
chamber was for the canopic


:h sand. When
one, the many The Pyramid of Senwosret II
ed the modern
l3.n1e was Dje/a Senwosret II built his pyramid overlooking the
ded'. Since no
o not know the
opening of the Hawara Channel from the Nile Val­
ley to the Fayum basin, near the modern village of
Mudbrick Pyramids
)(l, e has never lllahun. His choice reflects the growing importance
length is also of the Fayum in the Middle Kingdom. The pyramid
&1 ft). was built around a stump of yellow limestone that
was reserved in four steps when the perimeter was
levelled. On this core, radial and cross walls were
e north side. A built of limestone to form a framework of compart­
izontal passage ments that were filled with mudbrick. Mudbrick
\'hich slid ver­ was also used to build the upper part. The bottom
iIld is the burial course of the fine limestone casing was set into a
o the chamber, foundation trench cut into the rock as a precaution
Ie wall opposite against settling. As an additional measure, the base
:en compared to of the pyramid was surrounded with a cobble-filled
m, thought to trench to drain off rain water.

andstone slabs, Inside the pyramid

t wall. Imme­ Petrie spent months searching without success for
the chamber a the entrance to the pyramid, due to the fact that
ft) to a passage Senwosret II's pyramid marks a complete departure
rrance corridor. from the usual arrangement of an entrance on the
he end of this north. Instead, the pyramid is entered by a narrow
ptacle for the vertical shaft at the east end of its south side. The
e pyramid was king's body and burial goods were probably carried
burial chamber down this shaft, but it was too narrow for the sar­
lUge beams that cophagus and blocks of the burial chamber, which the water table. The corridor continues, rising at
may have been brought in by a wider shaft farther slight angle, with a chamber on the west. After an
south, hidden beneath a sloping passage to the antechamber at a right-angle, a short additional
tomb of an unknown princess. This disguise, section leads to the burial chamber, entirely clad in
open causeway which required a radically new position for the granite and with a gabled roof. This lies not under
!e of the cultiva­ pyramid's entrance, may be the architects' solution the centre of the pyramid but under its southeast
. valley temple. to the risk of the pyramid being robbed. That they quadrant. The red granite sarcophagus takes up
enters the pyra­ regarded it as sufficient seems to be indicated by
Ie east side, two the fact that there was no blocking in the corridor. The pyramid of Senwosret II Senwosret II's pyramid, the
·like thickenings At a depth of 16 m (52 ft 6 in) below the surface had a base length of 106 m first of the giant mudbrick
.' temples since the construction shaft opens into a horizontal corri­ (348 ft). With a slope of pyramids, was built over
dor which runs to a hall with a vaulted ceiling. 42° 35' it rose to a height a reserved bedrock stump.
massifs may be of 48 6 m (159 ft). Inside, all that remained of
llmost nothing is From a niche at the east end of the hall a 'well', the the king's burial goods was
pIe. bottom of which has never been reached, drops to this uraeus. The cobra's body
was of solid gold set with
green faience, feldspar and
carnelian, the head was
carved from lapis lazuli
I with garnet eyes.
~J !i
- r­
dl J--..--... 11

Entrance Queen's pyramid
Burial chamber,
shaft 5 x 3 m, h. 3 m

o 100 m
300 ft
Construction ~'Entrance
Antechamber chapel'

the west end of the burial chamber. In front of it, an another strong Osirian symbol. It would have bet­
alabaster offering table was inscribed for Senwosret interesting to see if these new ideas found expre:­ The Py
II. From the southeast corner of the chamber a sion in the mortuary temple on the east side of t~
short passage leads to a side room where Petrie enclosure, but its ground plan is unknown. Num :ret III
found all that was left of the royal burial, lying in ous fragments attest to the use of granite \\-i mid northt
the dusty debris - a gold uraeus that once adorned incised decoration. Senwo ret retained a broa uilt direct
the king's head band. Leg bones, presumably of the open causeway but we do not know how it attach ricks laid
king, were also found. to the enclosure or temple. . are of d
A passage opens in the south wall of the corridor Within the north side of the outer enclosure. t !Zed mould
between the antechamber and burial chamber and builders began eight mastabas by isolating bloc ­ inscribed
then almost loops around the burial chamber, re­ of bedrock that they then built over with mudbri omonito
entering it in the northwest corner at the head of - the same method a the pyramid. These were mortar - i
the sarcophagus. Stadelmann has pointed out that addition to the tombs of princesses. At the nor' h limesto~
this last section allows a symbolic exit of the king's end of the row is a small pyramid, originally 27.6 ps formed
spirit to the north - it would then pass through the (90 ft 6 in) square and rising to a height of 18 m (: r--< rested a
pyramid to emerge in the 'entrance' chapel built in ft). Although Petrie discovered foundation depo i ch. of rou
the traditional spot at the centre of its north side. he never found a single passage or chambl '~ee cours
This arrangement reflects the old idea of the king's beneath the pyramid, despite exploring it with tu d the out!
ascension to the circumpolar stars, but there may nels and a deep vertical shaft. He did uncover t builders la
be an additional theme in the circuitous corridor. It remains of a chapel at the north side. Part of mg ton ­
created a subterranean 'island' - an important name on a vase, together with its position, are tt mudbrick
A diorite statue of the young
Senwosret II, from Nag-el­
symbol of Osiris, whose worship was on the rise only evidence that the pyramid belonged to to tie ca i
Medamud. during the 12th dynasty at Abydos. The 'well' and queen. If it is a satellite pyramid, it, and not 'ore togetht
the cobble-filled trench may also be reflections of wosret I's is the last satellite pyramid, though th
the Osiris myth. are traditionally south of the mortuary temple. Sclllcosrt/
Senwosret II's causeway has never been im-e:;' pallded to c
The pyramid complex gated. The location of the valley temple is knO\ r-type comp'
The inner enclosure wall had limestone casing that but its ground plan was destroyed. Immediately
rar sOllth en
was decorated with niches, which, like Senwosret the northwest of it lay the foundations of pan Ii
I's, is a nod to Djoser's complex and Archaic funer­ Senwosret II's pyramid town, named Hetep SeJllf N
ary enclosures. Rows of trees of unknown variety ret, 'May Senwosret be at Peace'. The footprint
were planted parallel to the outer enclosure wall of this town is one of the basic documents for
mudbrick. The grove surrounding the 'mound' is study of the history of Egyptian urbanism.

In the tomb of Sit-Hathor·

The Treasure of fllahun Iunet, daughter of Senwu.
II and aunt of Amenemlu
Ill, were found her canopi,
In 1913 Guy Brunton and Petrie examined the jars (left) and a pectoral
plundered tomb of a princess named Sit-Hathor­ (below left) with the cadou
Iunet. They found her red granite sarcophagus and of Senwosret II (the rever.
side is shown here).
canopic jars, but very little of her funerary furniture
until they discovered a recess, plastered over,

containing five boxes, two of which were of inlaid

ebony. These contained the princess's necklaces, 'de the py
bracelets, anklets, scarab rings, mirror, razors and
cosmetic containers. This 'Treasure of Illahun' al51 'de Morg
included a diadem formed of a band of gold ador _Tamid, tur
with a uraeus similar, though smaller, to that found re, in Now
the king's pyramid. Her mirror was a disk of sih'er ·r's tunnel tl
with a black obsidian handle in the form of an ope real entrano
papyrus, partly plated with electrum, with a face ,nh end oj
Hathor. Two pectorals of chased gold inset with under the
semiprecious stones revealed details of the life and hamber. A
death of the princess. One formed the hieroglyphiL e burial ch
name of Senwosret II, her father, and the other \\"a" "imilar to tl
the name of Amenemhet III, her nephew.
urial charr
were camp

luld have been The pyramid of SenwosretlIl
~ found expres­ The Pyramid of Senwosret III at Dahshur had a mudbrick
core. covered with a casing of
'east sIde of the fine limestone - blocks of the
Urnown. Numer­ Senwosret !II returned to Dahshur to build his casing were bonded with dove­
f granite with pyramid northeast of Sneferu's North Pyramid. It tail cramps (below. right). On
lained a broad was built directly on the desert gravel with a core of its east side was chapel.
,ho\\" it attached mudbricks laid in stepped horizontal courses. The
bncks are of different sizes, suggesting that stan­
er enclosure, the dardized moulds were not used. Some still retained
. latmg blocks signs inscribed with a finger in the wet clay, appar­
'f with mudbrick ently to monitor work. The bricks were laid with­
d. These were in out mortar - instead sand filled the seams.
~ :\ t the north Turah limestone blocks joined with dovetail
riginally 27.6 m cramps formed the casing. The bottom
eight of 18 m (59 course rested on a foundation, built in
Ildation deposits, a trench, of roughly squared blocks
or chamber on three courses of mudbrick.
ring It with tun­ Behind the outer casing
did uncover the the builders laid
I -ide. Part of a backing stones on
position, are the the mudbrick
I belonged to a steps to tie casing
it. and not Sen­ and core together.
Did. though these
uary temple. (Below) Senwosret's enclosure
. 'er been invest1­ was expanded to create a
'Djoser-type complex, with
emple IS known south temple and an entrance
i Immediately to at the far south end of the The pyramid's side length is
Btions of part of east side. calculated as 105 m (345 ft).
Queens' pyramids Casing blocks were found with
ed Hetep Senwos­ -N
The footprint of an angle of 56° 18' 35 ",from
o 100 m
I which the original height was
cuments for the King's burial
worked out as 78 m (256ft).

the granite sarcophagus filled its west end and a (Below) A black granite statue
If Sit-Hathor­ niche in the south wall was for the canopic chest. In of Senwosret llJ from Deir
ia of Senwosret the north wall a blocked opening is a corridor that el-Bahn·.
,- Amenemhet communicated directly with the entrance passage.
Id her canopic Above the vaulted granite roof of the burial cham­
i a pectoral
,ith the cartouche ber Arnold found a second 'stress relieving' gabled
. [[ (the reverse roof of five pairs of limestone beams, each weigh­
'I here). ing 30 tons. Above this was a third, mudbrick vault.
All that was found in this part of the pyramid
were pottery vases and pieces of a bronze dagger
East Temple with an ivory handle. There was nothing but dust
in the sarcophagus. The lack of a canopic burial or
"ere of inlaid other objects, and the absence of a blocking sys­
" necklaces, side the pyramid tem, prompts the question whether Senwosret III
It. razors and
Ii IlIahun' also Jacques de Morgan, the first archaeologist to enter was buried here. He built another tomb, perhaps
If gold adorned the pyramid, tunnelled extensively into and under his real burial place, at Abydos (p. 178).
r. to that found in before, in ovember 1895, he hit upon an ancient
disk of silver robber's tunnel that led him to the king's chambers. The pyramid complex
Irm of an open The real entrance lay outside the pyramid's base at As with so many other pyramid layouts, Senwosret
. ,,-ith a face of the north end of west side. From here a passage III expanded his in at least two phases. In the first,
'd inset with lopes under the pyramid, then turns south to an his outer enclosure was nearly square and con­
- ,f the life and
antechamber. A small magazine opens to the east tained the inner enclosure wall, the pyramid with a
e hieroglyphic
and the burial chamber lies to the west, an arrange­ small temple at the centre of its east'side and an
, he other was
ment similar to that of late Old Kingdom pyramids. 'entrance chapel' at the centre of its north side and
he"'. The burial chamber was built in granite but the shaft tombs of royal women. In the second phase,
:ails were completely whitewashed with gypsum; the enclosure was extended both north and south.

zines and entrance chamber. The walls were dec the nort~
Mudbrick Pyramids rated with panels containing the royal name a .- of gra'
titles. These, like the interior decorations, were ex he four
cuted in very high relief. Based on compari cipalshaft
with Old Kingdom chapels, fragments of scenes N)nnectin
deities moving towards the king must come fr ophagus a
an antechamber in which lower registers sho\\ : ..-\nothe
The king as double·plumed rows of officials and the slaughter of cattle. :\ d with n
griffin trampling his enemies inner offering chamber seems to have had the sta 'h were in
- order defeats chaos - on the dard repertoire: the king enthroned before an off . -senebti. I
pectoral of Merit, from her ing table, with rows of offering bearers, the offeri
tomb under the north side of -r gallery d
list, cattle slaughter and gifts. he name
Senwosrel Ill's pyramid
enclosure. The south temple was also completely destroy rreasure..J
probably in Ramessid times, though Arnold cou 'ret 11 al
The southern extension enclosed a new temple. A read its outline in the preserved foundations. n\\'osret I
causeway was also added in this phase. fragments suggest two sections: a forecourt, wi ure. belon
No valley temple is known so far. The eastern papyrus bundle columns, and rear sanctuari many 01
mortuary temple is small in comparison to previ· Fragments of lotus columns were also found.
ous examples but it was so thoroughly destroyed reliefs depicted the king in the typical cloak \\'(1
that it is hardly possible even to reconstruct its for the Sed festival. Deities, such as the ram·headl
plan. Arnold sees its size as evidence of the decline gods Khnum and Herishef, played a prominent r
of the traditional mortuary cult. reduced to the Arnold believes the south temple may be a precu
offering hall with granite false door, storage maga- sor of New Kingdom mortuary temples at The1:Je­

Senwosret Ill's We should include Senwosret Ill's Abydos tomb in

our survey because its layout has many similarities
the ingenious devices, to reach the final chambers a
the end of a curving passage. On tearing down mu
Abydos Tomb with a pyramid complex. That Senwosret should
build another tomb, which some see as his cenotaph,
of the cladding here which could have hidden the
royal burial they found nothing. But when they
at Abydos is consistent with a rising interest in the removed the quartzite facing of a previous chambe1
In addition to a long and cult of Osiris in the Middle Kingdom. It was about they found their royal quarry. Behind the claddin
curving substructure, this time that the tomb of the 1st·dynasty king. Djer, the west wall lay the granite sarcophagus, fitted in
Senwosret Ill's Abydos at Abydos (p. 75), was remodelled as a tomb of Osiris. niche, while the canopic chest was built into the
complex included a small Senwosret Ill's complex is immense. Stretched out opposite corner of the chamber. The lid had been
terrace on the cliff, a large over 900 m (2,953 tt), it consists of two main parts: an forced up and broken and the sarcophagus emptied
T·shaped enclosure, a long extensive subterranean tomb that opens within a T­ A long road connected the great enclosure with a
desert road and a temple shaped enclosure at the foot of the cliffs; and a temple near the cultivation, which consisted of a
- all aligned on a mortuary temple at the edge of the desert. limestone chapel flanked on either side by magazin
northeast-southwest axis.
The tomb opens via a long dromos in the north and houses. The central building was fronted by a
side of the court at the back of the enclosure. The heavy mudbrick pylon and forecourt with fluted
builders used a variety of defences - dummy columns. As in many pyramid temples, an altar or
chambers, entrances hidden high in chamber walls, offering table stood in the northwest part of the col.
Tomb passages filled with blocks and shafts - against An elaborate system of channels facilitated the
robbers. But endlessly persistent thieves got past all draining of purification water or other fluids. Relie
fragments show that the decoration was similar to
Old Kingdom offering halls, but a new element is th
Cliff terrace i1 frequent reference to Osiris. Two large seated
'''''''''''''''''i~.r'''''''''''' i:~- Sarcophagus quartzite statues of the king graced the front of tht
'n: ~1L chapel inscribed for Senwosret III, 'beloved of Osin­
The PyYl
N Khenti-Amentiu, Lord of Abydos' and 'beloved of
Wepwawet, Lord of the Necropolis'. Smaller calcite
statues stood in the back hall.
There is evidence of 200 years of cult service to '
200 m
memory of Senwosret III in this temple. The heart
the layout is the tomb, with one of the most comple
defence systems of any royal sepulchre. Yet it was
made to look like a cenotaph. Perhaps Senwosret a
his planners thought that the best defence of all \\'a­ ~ excav"
to bury the royal mummy in the 'false tomb', the .-\rnold \'
ft) abov
Temple II cenotaph in the tradition of Abydos, as opposed to
id locatio
the pyramid, which for generations had traditional
been the king's real tomb. e advanta
• build a p

<Ills were deco­ On the north of his pyramid was a subterranean Amenemhet !If's Dahshur
royal name and gallery of graves for royal women, more complex pyramid contained more
'3tions, were exe­ chambers and passages than
than the four superstructures might suggest. A any other pyramid since the
on comparisons principal shaft gave access to a long vaulted corri­ 3rd dynasty
Jt:J\ts of cenes of dor connecting four sets of chambers, each for a
must come from sarcophagus and canopic chest, plus one or two
egisters showed niches. Another gallery on a lower level communi­ Offering hall -Hc=~g,;r=::J
er of cattle. An cated with 8 niches containing sarcophagi, two of
lave had the stan­ which were inscribed - for princesses Ment and
!d before an offer­ -+-- N
Senet-senebti. In a pit in the central corridor of the
weI'S, the offering lower gallery de Morgan found a chest, once inlaid oI 100m
with the name Sit-Hathor, containing 333 pieces of o 300 It Houses

letely destroyed, her treasure. A gold pectoral spelled the name of

ugh Arnold could Senwosret II and a scarab was inscribed with that
foundations. The of Senwosret III. The next day he found another The pyramid, 'Amenemhet is
: a forecourt, with treasure, belonging to Princess Merit, which con­ Beautiful', had a base length
rear sanctuaries. tained many of the same elements as Sit-Hathor's of 105 m (344 ft), an angle
re also found. The but was even more extensive. It included a pectoral of 57° 15' 50", and an
_~ical cloak worn estimated height of
of Senwosret III and another of Amenemhet III. 75 m (246ft)
the ram-headed On the south side of the king's pyramid were
od a prominent role. more tombs of royal women. In 1994 the shaft of Entrance -_'--~ Queen's burial

may be a precur­ chamber

'mastaba' 9 was discovered. A tunnel leads to an Aat's burial

mples at Thebes. antechamber, burial chamber and canopic chamber chamber --\c----\>\--A

King's burial

actually under the southwest corner of the king's chamber

pyramid. A granite sarcophagus fills the west end

final chambers at of the burial chamber, the floor of which was lit­
aring down much tered with pottery, wood, a few alabaster fragments
!al'e hidden the and scattered bones. The name Weret, wife of Sen­ South tombs
J II'hen they
wosret II and mother of Senwosret III, was found
rel'ious chamber
nd the cladding of on a canopic jar and an inscribed board. It is inter­
phagus, fitted in a esting that the queen mother was buried under the
- built into the southwest quadrant of her son's pyramid, given the
_he lid had been emphasis on that direction throughout pyramid
,phagus emptied. history. Outside this corner of Senwosret's enclo­
enclosure with a ure was a mudbrick-vaulted building buried in the
consisted of a desert. Immediately to the east of this was a 'fleet' In contrast to his father's north-south enclosure, A tower of Inudbriek IS Iii.
'f ~ide by magazines with many elements reminiscent of Djoser's com­ remnant of Ihe mrc "I'
of at least six wooden boats, possibly more, each 6
Amenemhel Ill's pyramid at
. I'as fronted by a m (20 ft) long. One or more wooden sleds were pfex, Amenemhet III returned to the east-west lay­
Dahshur afler the uul. r
un with fluted buried along with them. out of the post-3rd-dynasty pyramid complex. For casing 0/ fille linUS/Oil. IUld
pies, an altar or In 1997, Dieter Arnold's investigations uncovered his second pyramid, however, at Hawara, he pre­ been robbed.
:t part of the court. evidence that the seven superstructure bases north ferred the Djoser-type of layout.
, 'acilitated the The pyramid's core was formed entirely of mud­
and south of the pyramid in its inner enclosure
ther fluids. Relief
belonged in fact to small pyramids and not brick without a framework of stone walls. The
,n was similar to
mastabas, as had previously been thought. large mudbricks bear symbols impressed with a
new element is the
large seated
-ed the front of the The Pyramid of Amenemhet III
II, 'beloved of Osiris­
<and 'beloved of at Dahshur
.IS'. Smaller calcite
Amenemhet III, son and successor of Senwosret III,
.; of cult service to the ruled for 46 years. A builder's graffito from his
emple. The heart of pyramid casing dates to Year 2, suggesting that he
,f the most complex began his pyramid as early as the first year of his
'pulchre. Yet it was reign when he was about 20 years old. Jacques de
rhaps Senwosret and
. [organ excavated the pyramid in 1894-5, and
- defence of all was
Dieter Arnold worked here in 1976-83. At only 33
'false tomb', the
I'dos, as opposed to m (108 ft) above sea level, it is one of the lowest
: ,ns had traditionally pyramid locations. Perhaps Amenemhet III wanted
o take advantage of Lake Dahshur, but his deci­
ion to build a pyramid here would be its undoing.
The western stairway entrance leads to two sets The substn
of passages and chambers for two queens under _'uperstructun
the southwest quadrant of the pyramid. The first Amenemhet r:
to the west ends in a rectangular chamber with a part of the qUE
niche for a canopic chest for a queen named Aat. limestone. It n
Here the canopic niche is in the east wall and, as in he builders \01
the king's layout, it was above a stairway leading to ·tresses. The \
the burial chamber. After a short passage and two down the ceili
antechambers is the burial chamber which contains ,;orne places u[
Aat's sarcophagus. Although thieves had been When the set
finger in the wet clay. The outer mantle was inside long before archaeologists, they overlooked frames to bud
formed of Turah limestone casing and backing two maceheads, seven alabaster cases, in the form ng them with
blocks, both joined by dovetail joints or cramps. of ducks, an alabaster unguent jar and scattered -:ased unfinisht
Remarkably, the pyramidion was found in 1900 pieces of jewellery. The canopic chest was broken ")()fed them wi
in debris along the eastern base. The edges of the but complete and one of the four canopic jars wa roar beams t,
underside are bevelled to allow it to be set into a present. Like the king, Aat had her own ka-chapel rs. While sue
socket of the casing block below. Near the base of reached by a corridor leading south from her nuing to bui
(Above left) An unusual all four sides is a band of hieroglyphs; on the side entrance corridor. uestion. Like:
archaizing statue probably that would have faced east is an additional design. Arnold believes that Aat's burial complex wa
showing Amenemhet III On est, Amenem
the pyramidion intended for Due to its good condition, it has been questioned planned from the beginning of the pyramid. Before What went
his Dahshur pyramid (above, whether it was ever set in place. When Amenemhet work was finished, plans were changed to include .unded the p}
right) Amenemhet's eyes III began a pyramid at Hawara, his Dahshur pyra­ the burial of a second queen, east of Aat, with a here the clay·
'Behold the Perfection of Re'. mid was not abandoned - was the pyramidion kept layout similar to Aat's. Once again, robbers had y ground wat,
Carved from black granite, it in the temple, like the ben-ben of Heliopolis? entered but left some of the queen's possessions: an nd corridors
measures 1.87 m (c. 6ft) per obsidian vase decorated with gold bands, three
side and 1.31 m (4 ft 3 in) uilders placee
Inside the pyramid alabaster duck-shaped vessels, granite and nstructions \'
high. The composition
represents Amenemhet IIL The pyramid has two entrances, opposite each alabaster maceheads and jewellery. She also had deviceabov
resurrected from (and as) the other at the south end of the east and west sides. her own ka-chapel, located, like those of the king
mound of his pyramid, For the first time since the 3rd dynasty these take and Aat, exactly under the southern rim of the The pyrami,
looking towards the sungod. the form of stairways and lead to more chambers pyramid. Here Arnold found parts of her stone spite of the
and passages than in or under any other pyramid shrine, originally encased in gold and containing a ~ve, Amener
since the 3rd dynasty. The eastern stairway ends in ka statue - parts of a feminine wig remained. A mple, causew:
a small chamber with a vaulted roof. A niche high canopic chest may indicate that in this period each !th-dynasty v:
in the south wall was for the king's canopic chest. A ka burial had its own set of canopic vases. The lIy cleared.
short stairway in the north wall leads to a series of bones of Aat and of the second queen show that n courts bu
corridors, corridor-chambers and side chambers they were aged 35 and 25 respectively. d side walls (
strung out underneath the entire east quadrant of Corridors connected the kings burial compart­ _'Ion-like gate'
the pyramid. In the burial chamber the sarcopha­ ments with those of his two queens and probably od to the entr;
gus lies at the west end, just east of the pyramid's facilitated bringing in construction materials. The ck of the sece
central axis. The entire substructure is cased in plethora of turning corridors and chambers may The mortuar
Amenemhet l!I's Dahshur white limestone. mirror the winding ways of the Netherworld. But :troyed so the
sarcophagus was a reduced Directly under the south baseline of the pyramid there is also a clear logical and spatial order to the a' reduced to
copy in granite of Djoser's a chamber lined with Turah limestone is a ka­ principal elements. To the north lies the burial lumns and ar
enclosure wall, including a chapel, with six more small chapels beyond the chamber containing the sarcophagus with a pair of trance chape
larger doorway bastion at the pyramid's baseline. These form the counterpart of eyes at the north end of the east side for the occu­ pyramid is
far south end of the east side. the burial chamber and the six chambers of the pant to look out in the direction of sunrise and re ­
A pair of eyes at the opposite e of the cal
end are, magically, the king's, king and may have had the same significance as urrection. The canopic chest lay to the south, on a 1ms identifiec
who gazes in the direction of Djoser's South Tomb and later satellite pyramids. It higher level and overlooking the stairway down to .-\at may hay
the rising sun, image of seems the satellite pyramid has moved in and the burial chamber. Farther south, and at the sam ar 20, after \0\
rebirth. under the main pyramid - as do the queens tombs. level as the burial chamber, was the tomb of the ka. ) entrance s
en trance cor
ed to the cei
I3mbers and 0
j- may havi
!3inst collapse
Fragments of
nd in the buil
nt that the cul1

~ds to two set The substructure and most, if not all, of the ried out here, though it may previously have been a
queens under superstructure of the pyramid, were finished by masons' workshop. The name of Amenemhet IV Mudbrick Pyramids
amid. The first Amenemhet III's Year 15, though a considerable was found in the valley temple and it may have
=hamber with a part of the queens' layouts had yet to be encased in been during his reign that the pyramid was
• n named Aat. limestone. It must have been about this time that reopened to place sarcophagi in two chambers.
t wall and, as in the builders were alarmed by obvious structural Arnold wonders if these could have been for
"ay leading to tresses. The weight of the pyramid was pushing Amenemhet IV and the last regent of the 12th
ge and two down the ceilings and walls so that they sank in dynasty, Queen Sobekneferu. Two more burials
· which contains ome places up to 3 cm (2 in) below the pavements. bring the total to six royal family members laid to
eves had been When the settling of the pyramid caused door rest in the pyramid.
they overlooked frames to buckle and pushed walls apart, fractur­ The guardianship of the pyramid was lax by the
. in the form ing them with long fissures, the workers quickly beginning of the 13th dynasty. Local inhabitants
If and scattered cased unfinished narrow rooms with mudbrick and began to build granaries in the valley temple and
t was broken roofed them with mudbrick vaults. They brought in the first breach of the pyramid happened about
3I1opic jars was cedar beams to roof and buttress broader cham­ this time. There is evidence of restoration work
r O\m ka-chapel bers. While such measures prevented collapse, con­ perhaps 100 years later, when King Auibre Hor and
uth from her tinuing to build in costly stone was out of the his princess Nubheteptikhered were buried in two
question. Like Sneferu, whose Bent Pyramid is due of the 10 shaft tombs in the north side of the outer
aI complex was west, Amenemhet III began another pyramid. enclosure. Were they descendants of the king's
pyramid. Before What went wrong? Amenemhet Ill's planners household, ruling, according to the Turin Canon, 12
lIIged to include founded the pyramid too close to the valley floor kings after the end of the 12th dynasty?
t of Aat, with a where the clay-like bedrock was further weakened
. robbers had by ground water. There were also too many rooms
possessions: an and corridors beneath the pyramid; and the The Pyramid of Amenemhet III
id bands, three builders placed too great a trust in their ceiling at Hawara
granite and constructions which provided no real stress-reliev­
_'. he also had ing device above the king's chamber. Buried in the floor of the valley temple of Amen­
lOSe of the king emhet Ill's Dahshur pyramid, the German excava­
1ern rim of the The pyramid complex tors found an architect's model of a pyramid
of her stone In spite of the fact that it would not be the royal substructure (p. 227). While some details differ,
md containing a rave, Amenemhet III's Dahshur pyramid had a
rig remained. A temple, causeway and valley temple. His is the first For his pyramid at Hawara,
this period each 12th-dynasty valley temple to be located and par­ possibly called 'Amenemhet
opic vases. The tially cleared. It consisted simply of two broad Lives' Amenemhet Jl1 chose
~ueen show that open courts built on ascending terraces. The front the 'Djoser-style' complex,
Iy. and side walls of the first were thickened to form a with a long rectangular
burial compart­ north-south enclosure. The
pylon-like gateway. A short section of causeway
pyramid's base length was
and probably led to the entrance and then continued from the 105 m (344 ft). It rose about
D materials. The back of the second court to the pyramid enclosure. 58 m (190 ft) at an angle of
5 chambers may The mortuary temple was almost completely 48° 45~
etherworld. But destroyed so that it is only an informed guess that it
atial order to the ,,"as reduced to a front court with papyrus-bundle
I lies the burial columns and an offering hall. The existence of an
• with a pair of 'entrance chapel' in the centre of the north side of
;de for the occu­ he pyramid is not certain. Attached to the north
unrise and res­ -ide of the causeway is a rectangular block of
D the south, on a rooms identified as priests' houses. Entrance
Itlirway down to Aat may have been buried in Amenemhet Ill's
•and at the same Year 20, after which the pyramid was closed. The
If tomb of the ka. two entrance stairways, the king's chamber and
antechambers, the queens' burial chambers, and
the entrance corridors to the three ka chapels were
filled to the ceiling with limestone blocks. Other
chambers and corridors were filled with mudbrick.
This may have been a precautionary measure
against collapse, although corridors and chambers
in the Hawara pyramid were similarly filled.
Fragments of Aat's false door and offering slab
found in the buildings on the north of the causeway Burial chamber
hint that the cult of the queens may have been car­ 'Blind passage'


---- ----------------
male ruler, at I
'urrounded b
tombs that he
covenes as WE
mids - Nefen
reduction in I
pyramid it m
that Amenerr
him in his bl
were incorpor
Dahshur pyra
for Neferu-ptc
with a red g
, -eferu,ptah's:
"ooden coffin:
Despite the fact that it now there are similarities with Amenemhet Ill's second tinues as a short passage hidden in the ceiling. It 'act that the
lacks its limestone mantle, the pyramid at Hawara. In his Year 15, Amenemhet III was intended to be blocked by a massive slab of closed only or
mudbrick core 0/ Amenemhet returned to the site of his grandfather's pyramid at quartzite, weighing 20 tons, that could be slid side­ large quartzite
Ill's pyramid at Hawara is n smaller blo
still impressive. However, its the entrance to the Fayum, choosing a long spit of ways from a niche in the wall.
vast temple, the legendary low desert. In design and location, this pyramid The ceiling passage leads to a second chamber. .'ing's (and qu
Labyrinth 0/ Roman tourists, was a complete departure from that at Dahshur. from which two passages depart. The first runs '0 close the
has been quarried down to a Richard Lepsius explored the Hawara pyramid directly north. Petrie thought it was another blind nstalled the
layer 0/ stone chippings. in 1843. He mapped walls that he thought belonged passage and he had difficulty exploring it because 'mall pillars:
to the large mortuary temple south of the pyramid, it was filled with mud and water. The mud is proba­ r --ted in turn (
which he correctly identified as the site of the bly disintegrated mudbrick that filled the passage. he vault. Whe
legendary Labyrinth. Petrie also explored the pyra­ It is possible that the so-called blind passage might ries (that Pe
mid, reaching the burial chamber only after two in fact lead to a south tomb, like that in the Dahshur rops descend,
seasons and great difficulty. pyramid. The second passage, once closed by a 'Iose the vault
We are not certain of the name of Amenemhet wooden door, makes a right-angled turn and runs t buckle as
Ill's Hawara pyramid. Rock inscriptions in the directly east. At a point just under the southeast e pyramid;
Wadi Hammamat speak of statues quarried for a diagonal of the pyramid is a third chamber. After nsured that tl
building named 'Amenemhet-ankh, Who Always another right-angled turn the passage continues. ress directly
and Forever Lives in the House of the Fayumi, hidden again in the ceiling and intended to be yond the sid
Amenemhet III ruled/or
Sobek', possibly a name for the whole pyramid closed by another large quartzite slab. The third '1 the sides of
46 years, and, like his 4th­
dynasty predecessor, Sne/eru, precinct; Sobek was the crocodile deity of the such arrangement is under the northeast corner, uartzite roof
built two large pyramids, Fayum. The pyramid core was constructed entirely the only one actually closed by its quartzite block­ mestone bloc
albeit with mudbrick rather of mudbrick with an outer mantle of limestone. ing slab. From here a short passage leads to an '<.'Cond roof of
than stone cores. Like Sneferu, Amenemhet III built his second pyra­ antechamber. A channel in the centre of its south l<lirs leaning ;;
mid at a lower angle than his first, and probably for wall opens into the trench containing the burial uilt a third va
the same reason - as a precaution against the threat chamber, slightly west of the pyramid's centre.
of collapse. The anxiety of his builders is reflected The burial chamber is a technical marvel and Pyramid co
even more strongly in the plan of the substructure. completely innovatory. It is beautifully carved from "11e layouts of
a single piece of hard sandstone or quartzite, in the different tha
Inside the pyramid form of a rectangular 'tub', measuring 7 x 2.5 x 1.83 ')gical as well
The ground at Hawara was little better than that m high (23 x 8 x 6 ft), set into an open trench. Thi leasuring 385
under the Dahshur pyramid, but the builders incor­ was a considerable accomplishment since Petrie closure, oriel
porated changes to protect the king's burial cham­ estimated it weighed 11 0 tons. Before roofing the , the Middle
ber from robbers and from the weight of the chamber, the king's quartzite sarcophagus, it lth Djoser, thE
pyramid. There are far fewer tunnels and chambers plinth decorated with niches, a second smaller sar­ trance was a
and the main burial chamber was built near the cophagus and two canopic chests were placed in it. 'here, as in SE
base level of the pyramid. Although working under difficult conditions - the -ay approach
The entrance, west of centre on the south side, is chamber was submerged in ground water - Peb'ie trance and tr
a stairway corridor sloping down to a level deeper reported finding bits of bone inside the coffins. 'hich here is s
than the burial chamber. At the bottom of the stair­ In the antechamber Petrie found an alabaster parently sud
way is a small chamber from which a short passage offering table elaborately carved with depictions of Ion that it wa
leads to a dead end. Amenemhet Ill's builders then food with hieroglyphic labels, and duck-shaped a unique me
elaborated a device used in the Abydos tomb of bowls. These objects bore the name of a princes lled it the I
Senwosret III: the route to the burial chamber con­ Neferu-ptah. From Djoser to Amenemhet III, the endary Lab}
male ruler, at the centre of a pyramid cemetery, was
surrounded by royal women and it is the women's Roof block Mudbrick Pyramids
tombs that have given us some of the richest dis­ r - - -..-r----------.. .-,- --..,
coveries as well as the greatest puzzles of the pyra­ I I
Mudbrick vault
mids - Neferu-ptah presents one of these. With a I I
reduction in the number of chambers under the I I
pyramid it may have been a logical development I I
that Amenemhet Ill's favourite was buried with I I

him in his burial chamber - two queens' tombs II r~

were incorporated within the substructure of his I I
Dahshur pyramid. However, in 1956 another tomb
for Neferu-ptah was found, southeast of Hawara,
with a red granite sarcophagus inscribed with
Neferu-ptah's name, along with other objects. In the
waterlogged sarcophagus, were traces of two
wooden coffins and fragments of linen bandages. Burial chamber Burial chamber Sarcophagi
The mystery of eferu-ptah is heightened by the
the ceiling. It fact that the pyramid burial chamber could be It is all the more frustrating, therefore, that the The burial vault of
massi ve slab of closed only once. Its roof was composed of three temple is almost completely lost to us. Quarried Amenemhet III (above) was
large quartzite slabs, one of which was propped up since Roman times, very little is left except a foun­ protected by triangular lintels,
uld be slid side­ gabled beams and a mudbrick
on smaller blocks to leave a space to introduce the dation bed of sand and limestone chips, which only
vault. The last great quartzite
econd chamber, king's (and queen's?) mummy and coffins. In order hints at its vastness. This was not a labyrinth in the ceiling slab was lowered to
The first runs to close the burial vault, the Hawara builders sense of nested passages and blind corridors. Its close the vault (above, left)
~ another blind installed the first known sand lowering device. complexity instead arose from the replication of by an ingenious device. Sand
ring it because mall pillars supporting the raised ceiling block small courts and shrines, in an arrangement that which had supported props
rested in turn on sand filling shafts to either side of Strabo called 'a palace composed of as many small­ holding up the block was
'Ie mud is proba­
the vault. When the sand was removed by side gal­ released via side tunnels,
led the passage. er palaces as were formerly nomes'. allowing the huge piece of
1 passage might leries (that Petrie took for robbers' tunnels), the All the Classical authors write of multiple courts stone slowly to descend to
in the Dahshur props descended and the ceiling slab with them, to but disagree on the number. Herodotus spoke of 12 its resting place.
lee closed by a close the vault. Not only would this quartzite vault main courts, and said the visitor was conducted
d turn and runs not buckle as easily as the masonry chambers of 'from courtyards into rooms, rooms into galleries,
~ the southeast the pyramid at Dahshur, but the builders also galleries into more rooms, thence into more court­
chamber. After ensured that the weight of the pyramid would not yards'. He mentioned lower rooms or crypts devot­
e continues, press directly on it. The ceiling slabs extended ed to the sacred crocodile Sobek, noted also by
intended to be beyond the sides of the vault to rest on a ledge cut Pliny the Elder. Close to the south side of the pyra­
lab. The third in the sides of the bedrock trench. On top of the mid Petrie found remains of two great granite
ortheast corner, quartzite roof the builders set a row of triangular shrines, weighing 8 to 13 tons, each containing two
Quartzite block­ limestone blocks. These were then covered with a figures of the king. These may have stood near
age leads to an second roof of high gabled limestone beams set in their findspot at the back centre of the temple. Did
tre of its south pairs leaning against each other. Above this they they occupy a central place like the five statues in
ing the burial built a third vaulted roof of mudbrick. the Old Kingdom pyramid temples? Also close to
id's centre. the pyramid Petrie found the remains of a colossal
ical marvel and
Pyramid complex as Labyrinth granite statue of the king.
\lIly carved from The layouts of Amenemhet III's two pyramids are Other fragments must have belonged to statues
. Quartzite, in the o different that we might wonder if there were ide­ that stood in the chapels and courts, including ones
;ng 7 x 2.5 x 1.83 ological as well as practical reasons for having two. of the crocodile god, Sobek, as well as other deities
pen trench. This ~1easuring 385 x 158 m (1,263 x 518 ft) the Hawara like Hathor and an unusual palm goddess, statues
lent since Petrie enclosure, orientated north-south, was the largest of the king and offering bearers. Stadelmann sees
~fore roofing the of the Middle Kingdom pyramid enclosures. As these statues, probably assigned to their respective
sarcophagus, its with Djoser, the pyramid was in the north while the 'booths' and courtyards, as the translation into
:xmd smaller sar­ entrance was at the far south end of the east side three dimensions of flat painted relief scenes that
were placed in it. where, as in Senwosret Ill's layout, an open cause­ graced the walls of prior pyramid complexes. But
conditions - the way approached from the east. Between the the rows of chapels recall most strongly the Heb
ad water - Petrie entrance and the pyramid lay the 'mortuary temple' Sed court of Djoser, which was more abbreviated
the coffins. which here is something of a misnomer. This was than the Labyrinth's fabled colonnaded courtyards.
IIld an alabaster apparently such an extraordinary architectural cre­ It seems fitting that Amenemhet III, who built the
th depictions of ation that it was seen by visitors in Classical times last major royal pyramid complex in Egypt, bor­
IIld duck-shaped as a unique monument in a class of its own. They rowed and elaborated the architectural expression
me of a princess called it the Labyrinth, comparing it with the of 'the palace composed of smaller palaces' from
nemhet III, the legendary Labyrinth of Minos at Knossos in Crete. Djoser, the builder of the first great royal pyramid.

Left) The pyral
outjzern Mazgl
/>ase length of [;
Late Middle Kingdom I 72 ft). Thoug.
omplicated sub
uperstructure 1
Pyramids rillished.


Amenemhet III is succeeded in the king lists by his

son Amenemhet IV. There is no known funerary
complex for this last king of the 12th dynasty,
although one of the unfinished pyramids of the
late Middle Kingdom may have been intended for
him. Another possibility is that he was buried in
Amenemhet III's Dahshur pyramid, along with his Burial
successor, Queen Sobekneferu who ruled for a few
years in her own right. From the late 12th dynasty
to the end of the 13th, while some 50 rulers are
mentioned in texts over a period of about 143 years,
only six to eight pyramids are known, not all of side_ An offering hall with a vaulted roof wa .'"' pyramid c
which were completed. Sites range from extreme attached to the southwest corner of the court. larger scale th,
South Saqqara in the north to Mazghuna, south of The chapel indicates that a cult began, eve re was neve
Dahshur. Once again, the lakes at the edge of the though the pyramid superstructure was never fin­ he substructu
desert, particularly Lake Dahshur, may have had ished. When excavated, the core consisted of one or )emau but is
much to do with the choice of these locations. two courses of brick, laid on edge on the desert yramid there
gravel. No outer casing stones were found although he 12th dyna,
a foundation trench indicated the intended pyramid 'Outh after Am
The Pyramid of Central Dahshur baseline. The entrance opens in the centre of the mce kings w,
south side to a stairway with shallow steps and '11ajor pyramid
A poorly known pyramid south of Amenemhet II's side ramps sloping to a short horizontal passage. The passagE
may belong to this period. Fragments of limestone At this point is the first of two great portculli .Jack on itself
reliefs and the track of a causeway leading east­ blocks. The lower part of the passage is blocked by 'hamber - a r.:;
wards suggest some degree of completion. A frag· a granite slab, so that when the plug was slid into 'ingdom pyral
ment bearing the royal name Amenemhet could be place from its recess, it blocked the continuation of -ay descends j
derived from Amenemhet II's complex, or possibly the passage at the higher level. From this higher ~Tamid. From
belong to Amenemhet IV. The site was badly dam­ opening another stairway ramp descends to the l(lssage turns
aged by digging for a petroleum pipeline in 1975. second portcullis. This is similar to the first except airway, slopil
that the plug was left open. From here the route to recess with a g
the burial chamber was a series of corridors ng 42 tons, op
The Mazghuna Pyramids arranged in three turns around the burial chamber. lide over a ql
The southern Mazghuna A service chamber at the head of the burial cham­ klssage and in
pyramid had a wavy-wall Amenemhet IV and Sobekneferu have been sug· ber had a floor trench for introducing the burial )nce in place,
enclosure and a fairly
complicated substructure. gested as the owners of two unfinished pyramids down into the coffer. In this antechamber were -all of quartzi
at Mazghuna. However, the names of neither of found an alabaster vessel in the form of a trussed The passage e
Portcullises Burial chamber these regents have been found at the sites. duck and three limestone lamps. A single block of last a secone
The southern Mazghuna pyramid, about 4.8 km red quartzite fills the chamber and is, in fact, an Ithough the bl
(3 miles) south of Sneferu's Bent Pyramid, was sur­ inner burial chamber like Amenemhet III's mono­ n antechambe
rounded by a wavy-wall of the kind that we begin lithic vault at Hawara. Receptacles for the coffin The burial c
to see at earlier Middle Kingdom monuments. A and the canopic chest were carved in the interior. ms vault, mad,
broad entrance and vestibule were built into the far Robbers made their way inside and left only a small e coffin recep
east end of the south side of the enclosure_ Around alabaster kohl pot and a piece of glazed steatite. III the canopic
the vestibule the ground was covered with a thick The arrangement for closing the lid is another (less than
layer of limestone chips, suggesting that it was a feature borrowed from the Hawara pyramid. Two e sides of th
work yard such as were found at the upper ends of large pieces of the lid rested on the rim of the vault. e north, the Ii
the causeways of Senwosret I and Amenemhet III with a gap between. Slabs supported the missing This would ha\
at Dahshur. A mudbrick chapel occupies the centre lid piece and rested on sand-filled shafts. When the nd locked in J
0;: . .,_ _~_2::..:o~ m N of the east side of enclosure consisting of a large sand was removed through side tunnels, the prop Ide recess. All
° 30 ft central chamber, or court, and magazines to either carried the middle part of the lid down. -en the plug b

(uft) The pyramid of
southern Mazghuna had a Entrance l-------­ Plug block

base length of 52.5 m
(172 ft). Though it has a :i
complicated substructure, the Burial chamber ;[ I------L---r Sarcophagus
superstructure was never -Jt_-,­ lid
(Below) Great granite plugs
Entrance slid sideways from niches over Slide
a granite threshold, sealing
the pyramid passage of the
southern Mazghuna pyramid. Portcullises N
o 25 m

Sliding block Doorway o


50 tt +


lUlted roof was A pyramid at north Mazghuna was planned on a sarcophagus, the workers covered it with plaster (Above) The northern
the court. larger scale than the southern one. The superstruc­ which they also coloured red. On the painted sur­ Mazghuna pyramid was
ult began, even ture was never begun, and the system of closing faces they sometimes added series of vertical black never finished, nor did it ever
receive a burial- the lid of
re was never fin­ the substructure - which resembles that of Ameny­ strokes bounded by fine horizontal lines. the sarcophagus was parked
llSisted of one or Qemau but is more elaborate - was not used. The Outside the pyramid, mudbrick walls formed a in its chamber and the
on the desert pyramid therefore may date well after the end of causeway approaching from the east. This must blocking slab that would have
e found although the 12th dynasty. Its position as the next pyramid have been the route for bringing in the massive been slid across to lock it in
ntended pyramid south after Ameny-Qemau's may not be significant, plug blocks and burial vault, as well as other build­ position was in its recess.
the centre of the smce kings would shift back and forth between ing materials. One block was found on the cause­
l3.lIow steps and major pyramid sites. way where the builders may have left it when work
~ntal passage. The passage to the burial chamber here doubles was abruptly halted on this pyramid.
great portcullis back on itself in a U-shape before arriving at the
age is blocked by chamber - a pattern also found in a Late Middle Burial chamber
ug was slid into Kingdom pyramid at South Saqqara. A short stair­ The Pyramid of Ameny-Qemau
Ie contmuation of way descends from the north on the east side of the
From this higher pyramid. From a square chamber at the bottom, the One of the few 13th-dynasty pyramids to which we
descends to the passage turns a right-angle and continues as a can attach a name is located close to the southeast
II> the first except stairway, sloping to the first portcullis chamber. A rim of Lake Dahshur. Broken canopic jars from the
here the route to recess with a gigantic quartzite plug block, weigh­ pyramid bore the name Ameny-Qemau. His pyra­
of corridors mg 42 tons, opens to the north. This was meant to mid was originally about 50 m (164 ft) square. The
e burial chamber. slide over a quartzite slab across the base of the burial chamber was shaped from a single block,
the burial cham­ passage and in front of a quartzite lintel at the top. like Amenemhet III's, with the receptacles for the
cing the burial Once in place, the assembly would have formed a sarcophagus and canopic chest formed together
1 echamber were wall of quartzite; the plug, however, was left open. into the interior, like the north Mazghuna pyramid.
,rm 0 f a trussed The passage continued with right-angled turns, The lid was slid on to the coffer from the entrance 0 25 m
ingle block of past a second portcullis similar to the first, end of the chamber, after which it was locked in Of-I--s..,.o-tt----"
d is, in fact, an although the block was smaller, and finally ends in place by a sideways sliding portcullis slab.
mlhet [II's mono- an antechamber on the north of the burial chamber.
for the coffin The burial chamber was filled by the sarcopha­ The pyramid of Ameny­
ed in the interior. gus vault, made from a quartzite monolith in which Qemau, today barely visible in
rlleft only a small the coffin receptacle was fashioned in the north end the surrounding landscape,
~lazed steatite. and the canopic compartment in the south. Scarcely originally had a base length of
approximately 50 m (164 ft).
the lid IS another 2 em (less than 1 in) of clearance was left between Its substructure is now very
Ir3 pyramid. Two the sides of the vault and the burial chamber. To badly damaged.
e rim of the vault, the north, the lid was still parked in a low chamber.
ned the missing This would have been slid over the top of the vault
-hafts. When the and locked in place by a slab pushed over from a
tunnels, the props Side recess. All exposed quartzite was painted red,
down. even the plug blocks. After carefully smoothing the
wall was a yellow quartzite false door. Fragments antechamber
The Pyramid of Khendjer of reliefs show standard scenes of offering bearers. branch north
The inner enclosure wall was of limestone, pat­ quartzite coft
terned with niches and panels. This replaced an blocks, the cof
Satellite pyramid
earlier wavy wall of mudbrick, which has prompt­ is generally c
ed Stadelmann to suggest that the wave-form wall queen rather 1
may be an abbreviated form of the niched wall, the king. Ho"
built as a provisional substitute under time con· mlds, which \\
straints. A blocked, unfinished stairway in the Jf the main p
southeast corner of the outer enclosure may indi­ complex at Li
cate an earlier plan for the pyramid substructure, with masonry,
or the beginning of a south tomb for the royal ka
that was never completed.
The pyramid entrance is towards the south end
of the west side. A stairway ramp leads down to a
portcullis chamber similar to those of the Mazghu­
na pyramids. The huge portcullis block in its recess , uthwest of I
was never slid across the passage. A second stair­ lUre for anoth
way of 39 steps continued on the same axis down ength of abol
to a doorway that had been closed with a double· planned on a I:
leaf wooden door. A second portcullis, also left enclosure wall
open, lay just beyond the wooden door. c\-idence of cu
Rather than indicating that the royal burial never \'as two pyrar
Khendjer was a pharaoh of the middle of the 13th took place, the open portcullises may suggest that. :-entre of the e,
dynasty whose Asiatic name may hint at Syrian or ultimately, these mighty closing devices were 'for ,ne was polish
Palestinian ancestry. He sited his pyramid in far show'. When the king was alive, he and his officials "Oughly finishl

South Saqqara, between Pepi II's and Senwosret no doubt inspected work in progress. They would midions in fror
III's. This is the only known 13th-dynasty pyramid have been satisfied that such gigantic blocks of the rructure was I
to have been completed. Originally it rose to a hardest stone would protect the king's final resting {)uld be broug
.; .'
height of 37.35 m (123 ft) at a slope of 55° from a place. However, once the pharaoh died it may have
... ~ .... :: pyramid's com
base 100 cubits (52.5 m/l72 ft) square. Today its been relatively easy for a work crew to avoid the 'mgAmenem
l'======:!J ruins rise just 1 m (3Y4 ft). The core was mudbrick, strenuous task of closing the plug blocks - particu· is Dahshur p~
with a mantle consisting of backing stones and a larly when other crews and even the palace had yramidions IT.

150ft r casing of limestone. Fragments of a black granite

pyramidion were found on the east side.
Two enclosure walls surrounded the pyramid.
The outer one contained, in the northeast corner,
moved to another location.
Khendjer's second portcullis was installed at the
corner of a trench in which the burial chamber was
placed before the pyramid was built above it. The
mid. No inscri
'here else on 1
This unfinisl
The complex of Khendjer at the only subsidiary pyramid known from the 13th chamber was formed of a single huge quartzite rate substruc
South Saqqara is the only dynasty. A mortuary temple on the east side spread block in which receptacles for the coffin and lazghuna pyr;
pyramid completed in the
13th dynasty. It had a base across both inner and outer enclosures. All that canopic chest were carved. Two quartzite beam I chamber s"
length of 52.5 m (172 ft) and remained of the temple were parts of the pavement formed the roof. Once the quartzite portculli \ long stairw,
rose to a height of 3735 m and bits of reliefs and columns. A north chapel was blocks and the sarcophagus chamber were in posi· ee large sid
(123 ft) at slope of 55° built against the inner enclosure wall. In its north tion, the builders roofed the corridors and built a ider chamber
gabled roof of limestone beams above the burial lIns parallel t
A black granite pyramidion, chamber. In addition they constructed a brick vault "1lese lead to a
restored from numerous to relieve the weight of the superstructure. ueat portculli:
fragments, once brought The mechanism for closing the vault after the e main buria
Khendjer's pyramid to funeral was the same as in the Hawara and south
its point. rmed from a,
Mazghuna pyramids. The props of the northern ]50 tons an
ceiling slab rested on sand-filled shafts. When the mpartments
sand was drained through tunnels, the ceiling slab -as intended t
lowered on to the vault. It would have been neces­ lied shafts. Li
sary to scoop out the last of the sand, and workmen 111 was never
probably used short wooden supports to allo\\' ops.
them to do this. The workers escaped through the .\n unusual j
tunnels, which they filled with masonry. Finally, north of th
they paved over the openings into the corridors. m the anted
The small subsidiary pyramid had a simpler cor· d of closu
ridor and closure system. A stairway ramp leads to '1leny-Qemau
a corridor through two portcullises to a central Iy sliding lie
oor. Fragments antechamber from which two burial chambers The superstructure of
ffering bearers. branch north and south. Both of these contained southern South Saqqara
limestone, pat­ pyramid was barely begun,
quartzite coffers. The lids were found propped on but it was planned to have
i replaced an blocks, the coffers never closed. This small pyramid a base length of 78. 75 m
ch has prompt­ is generally considered as the burial place of a (258 ft) and had a well-built
'<Ive-form wall queen rather than as a satellite, or ka, pyramid of and elaborate substructure.
niched wall, the king. However, while the last of the ka pyra­
nder time con­ mids, which were always on the south or southeast
tairway in the of the main pyramid, was found in Senwosret I's
ure may indi­ complex at Lisht, it too had two chambers lined
d ubstructure, with masonry, on the north and on the south.
r the royal ka

the south end

The Southern South Saqqara

50 m
, '
150 ft t
eads down to a Pyramid

of the Mazghu­
ock in its recess Southwest of Khendjer's pyramid lies the substruc­
• second stair­ ture for another unfinished pyramid. With a side
arne axis down length of about 150 cubits (78.75 m/258 ft) it was Burial chamber
with a double­ planned on a larger scale than Khendjer's. A wavy
rullis, also left enclosure wall surrounds the site, but there is no
r. evidence of cult buildings. A remarkable find here Second
.'<11 burial never was two pyramidions before the entrance near the burial A pair of pyramidions was
ly suggest that, centre of the east side. Both are of black granite ­ chamber found at the entrance of the
'vices were 'for one was polished smooth while the other was only southern South Saqqara
and his officials pyramid, although the
roughly finished, with a truncated top. Two pyra­ was provided in a niche off one corner of the cham­ pyramid's superstructure
They would midions in front of a pyramid for which the super­ ber. This second burial chamber has been consid­ was hardly begun. Were
-c blocks of the structure was hardly begun suggest that capstones ered a queen's burial room or a 'decoy' to thwart they meant to be raised as
, final resting could be brought to the site well in advance of the robbers. However, if they got this far, robbers could the pyramid was being built,
lied it may have pyramid's completion - a note of caution against hardly have missed the main chamber. Another in order to solve the problem
w to avoid the using Amenemhet Ill's pyramidion as evidence that possibility is that it is a ka tomb, but these are usu­ of transport to the top?
ks - particu­ his Dahshur pyramid reached its apex. One of the ally to the south of the main chamber.
the palace had pyramidions may have been for a subsidiary pyra­ Stadelmann points out that the workmanship of
mid. No inscription was found on them, or any­ this tomb - the masonry of fine Turah limestone
installed at the where else on the site, to indicate the name of the casing the corridors, painted in places to imitate
ial chamber was king for whom this pyramid was begun. granite, the unsurpassed construction of the burial
ilt above it. The This unfinished pyramid has a surprisingly elab­ chamber, and the elaborate closure system, to
huge quartzite orate substructure, similar to that of the north which we can add the large base length laid out for
he coffin and \Iazghuna pyramid in the way the route to the bur­ the superstructure, suggests that the pyramid was
Illlrtzite beams ial chamber switches back on itself in a V-pattern. begun for a significant, or at least an ambitious,
'1zite portcullis A long stairway ramp leads down to the first of ruler. His plans for the Afterlife, however, did not
leT were in posi­ three large side portcullises. There are the usual come to fruition, at least not in this monument.
r" and built a wider chambers at the turns, and a blind corridor There may be at least two more pyramids of the
ibove the burial runs parallel to a shorter stairway and chamber. 13th dynasty near Ameny-Qemau's in South
ted a brick vault These lead to a narrow passage, past the other two Dahshur. These were first noted by Dieter Arnold
ructure. great portcullises to an antechamber and then to and Rainer Stadelmann. They have yet to be
vault after the
the main burial chamber. This chamber was again explored and so beyond their probable Late Middle
-ara and south
formed from a colossal quartzite block, here weigh­ Kingdom date, little else is known about them.
f the northern
109 150 tons and with the sarcophagus and canopic The half-dozen attempts to build pyramids in the
hafts. When the
compartments hewn into its interior. The chamber traditional zone of the Memphite cemeteries attest,
the ceiling slab was intended to be closed by the system of sand­ on the one hand, to the confidence of kings early in
lave been neces­ filled shafts. Like the portcullises, this closure sys­ their reigns and a persistent presence of skilled and
d, and workmen tem was never put into effect, the lid was left on its experienced teams of royal quarrymen, masons
~ports to allow props_ and work crews who could, for example, hew and
ped through the An unusual feature is a second burial chamber to haul gigantic blocks. On the other hand, the same
13 omy. Finally, the north of the first, entered by a small stairway pyramids, of which only Khendjer's may have been
he corridors. from the antechamber. This chamber had the same completed, testify to short reigns, and, as Kemp
ad a simpler cor­ kind of closure system as in the pyramids of pointed out, to the 'inability to promote the con­
ay ramp leads to . meny-Qemau and north Mazghuna - a horizon­ struction of a monumental court cemetery' by the
to a central tally sliding lid. A separate canopic compartment ruling households.

thin, pointed pyramids. Simple plastering or wh Intef VI in
wash replaced stone casing on these mudb 1ht have
pyramids, which have all but disappeared. h·dynasty (
were apparently capped by pyramidions, as sh, '1nelled into
New Kingdom Pyramids
by that of Sekhemre-Wepmaat Intef V It is da
aged, but the four sides are inscribed with the na
lagers are •
in his coff
and titles of the king_ 'ural rock, fJ
A small cult chapel, probably with a vaulted c . With the I
ing, was built in front of and sometimes again: ' ped arrows_
small pyramids. The pyramid of the tomb d-mounted~
ubkheperre Intef VI, which Mariette excayatt'(, 1',)lz is also
1860, must have been on the higher ledge of r -al pyramid
above the terrace on which the chapel t ~ of Dra .-\t
although Mariette did not report finding remain' ~metery of
a pyramid. He did find two small obelisks insoi ·~rsification.
with the royal name and titles, and similar 0 were burie<
may have flanked the fronts of all the chapels. T ds. dominal
tomb robbery papyri also suggest that a stela s along the
placed at the back of the chapel. A pit or stain '1 1913 H.E
which led to the rock-cut burial chamber was ,u lsuring onl)
in the floor of the chapel or in an open front cOUr' 66", in the ill
This was the sum of our knowledge until L '1tuhotep's (
when the first systematic archaeological invesn 'e belonged
tion of the Dra Abu el-Naga cemetery was ~ 'her of Ahrr
by Daniel Polz for the German Archaeological I
tute in Cairo, later in collaboration with the Uni\
- .. LI_ _- - - - '
sity of California at Los Angeles. The royal to
have not yet been located with certainty, but P
has found three or four rock-cut tombs that are Ii
Iy candidates. One of these, in addition to two Jar.
forecourts, has a mud mass that could be
remains of a pyramid. A passage leads to a t:
Now covered In spoil heaps, On the eve of the golden age of the ew Kingdom, with four pillars where a vertical shaft drops 1
the Dra Abu el-Naga plain as they struggled to reunite Egypt, pharaohs of the (33 ft). From the bottom a pa sage, already clear
was once crowned by a line 0/ 17th dynasty would build the last royal pyramid in the 1920s, leads to an anthropoid recess sunk
thin, pointed royal pyramids.
tombs in Egypt. the floor which once contained the wooden coffi .
It is interesting to compare these results with t
Pyramid tombs of the 17th dynasty descriptions of local villagers who found the to
Opposite Karnak, already the temple of Amun in
the late Second Intermediate Period, lies the Dra
Abu el-Naga cemetery. Here a landing, personified
later as Khe/et-hzr-nebes, 'Opposite her Lord', was
the start of the road to the royal tombs. In later
times it led to the wadi road to the Valley of the
Kings. The 17th-dynasty pyramid tombs stretched
from here to Mentuhotep's causeway to the south.
Until recently, our sources of information about
this series of six or seven royal tombs were very
limited. They are listed, along with those of the
11 th dynasty, in the Abbott and Leopold-Amherst
Papyri, reports of a commission appointed during
the reign of Ramesses IX in the 20th dynasty to
investigate allegations of tomb robbing (p. 165).
Excavations, carried out under the authority, but
unfortunately often in the absence of Mariette,
were mostly unpublished. There was also some
iJlicit digging by villagers from nearby Qurnah.
The pyramids at Dra Abu el- aga were probably
not much more than 20 cubits (10.5 rn/34 ft) at the
base. They must have appeared as a row of very

ring or white­ of Intef VI in 1827, 33 years before Mariette. They
The rishi coffin of Intef VI,
h e mudbrick
ppeared. They
might have seen the interior as it was left by the
20th-dynasty commission, 'in the course of being
Coffin from Ora Abu el-Naga. It was
made of wood and originally
lions, as shown tunnelled into by thieves' but not yet robbed. The Styles gilded. The name rishi comes
·f V It is dam­ villagers are said to have found the mummy of the from the Arabic for feather.
J with the name king in his coffin inside a sarcophagus cut from the
natural rock, free-standing but attached at the bot­ In the 13th dynasty the inner coffin was a black
varnished rectangular wooden box with painted
h a vaulted ceil­ tom. With the king's body were two bows, six fiint­
decoration and a lightly vaulted lid with vertical
m against the tipped arrows, a diadem on the king's head and a
ends. By the time of Intef V coffins were bulky
the tomb of gold-mounted scarab over his heart. wooden cases in the form of a wrapped mummy
e excavated in Polz is also revealing the context of these last with a massive foot and the nemes headdress. The
r ledge of rock royal pyramid tombs. In the plain at the northern type is called rishi, the Arabic for feather, because
chapel stood ­ part of Dra Abu el-Naga the expedition is clearing of the painted, and later inlaid, decoration
ding remains of a cemetery of household tombs with great social depicting the wings of a bird folded round the
Ii ks inscribed diversification. He estimates that some 17,000 peo­ body. The human-headed bird transformed the
d similar ones ple were buried in this cemetery of Theban house­ coffin into the image of the ba, or soul.
he chapels. The holds, dominated by the pyramid tombs of the Tutankhamun's magnificent golden coffins are the
that a stela was kings along the hillside. most refined examples we know.
In 1913 H.E. Winlock found a small pyramid, Four of the more primitive rishi coffins of the
pit or stairway
measuring only 8 m (26 ft 3 in) square, with a slope 17th dynasty were found buried in the debris of
lIl1ber was sunk
the lower Dra Abu el-Naga plain. These are
len front court. of 66°, in the area called Birabi at the north foot of
reburials, perhaps by the same priests who
edge until 1991, Mentuhotep's causeway, which he thought might
transferred many of the later royal mummies from
'cal investiga­ have belonged to the tomb of Kamose, the elder their tombs in the Valley of the Kings to hiding
ery was begun brother of Ahmose 1. places for safekeeping, re-discovered in 1881. A
l3eologicalInsti­ 17th-dynasty rishi coffin found in the Deir el-Bahri
1th the Univer­ cache contained the body of Seqenenre Tao II,
rhe royal tombs father of Kamose and Ahmose. The massive
-rainty, but Polz proportions of these coffins convey the same mix
lb that are like­ of power and provincialism as was evident in the
.on to two large art of the earlier Theban revival of the 11th
I could be the dynasty. Kamose and Intef VII had particularly
crude coffins which were probably hurriedly
leads to a hall
borrowed from a non-royal- other royal coffins
haft drops 10 m
were covered with gold leaf.
already cleared The coffins correspond to Winlock's assessment
d recess sunk in that 'the kings who were buried in this cemetery
'ooden coffin. were a far remove from the mighty and
results with the extravagantly wealthy Pharaohs of great periods'.
found the tomb a 5m

15 ft
\ Royal tombs in the New Kingdom
Whenever the Egyptian kingdom expanded to the
(Above) Could this be the
pyramid of Kamose? This is full extent of traditional territory - from the Delta
what Winlock suggested when to Elephantine - the royal tomb removed itself far­
he found this small pyramid, ther from the local cemetery. We have seen this at
only 8 m (26 ft 3 in) square,
with a slope of 66° near the Umm el-Qa'ab in Abydos, where the 1st-dynasty
south end of Dra Abu el­ royal tombs move away from the crowded predy­
Naga. nastic cemetery. The giant pyramids of the early
Old Kingdom achieve exclusivity by sheer size as
well as location and by the axial layout of the tem­
ples and causeways.
When the New Kingdom was inaugurated by
Ahmose I's defeat of the Hyksos, the royal tomb
once again became removed. And now the artificial
pyramid as the central icon of pharaoh's tomb was
finally abandoned. Monarchs buried themselves in
(Left) The pyramidion of the communal royal cemetery of the Valley of the
Sekhemre- Wepmaat Intef V
Kings. The peak called el-Qurn, whose patron god­
was found at Ora Abu el­
Naga. It is inscribed with dess was Meretseger, 'Lover of Silence', served as a
the king's name and has a natural pyramid over the next 500 years for the
slope of 60° kings of the 18th to the 20th dynasties.


- - - - - - ------ - -
Ahmose at Abydos

Ahmose I (1550-1525 Be) was probably buried in

one of the pyramid tombs at the southern end of
Dra Abu el-Naga, but he also built the last known
royal pyramid in Egypt at Abydos. It was part of a
long axial layout of cenotaph and temple, similar to
I temple
I and south of Senwosret Ill's, stretching from the
I edge of the cultivation to the high cliffs. The temple
I was connected to a pyramid and had its own town,
~ Tomb an arrangement that was the last nod to the Old
I Kingdom pyramid complex, functioning perhaps
I as a combination of valley and mortuary temple.
The core of the pyramid was composed of loose
\ j stone and sand. As most of the outer casing was

robbed the pyramid had slumped into a mound but

was perhaps originally 100 cubits (52.5 m/ln ft)

square. Two intact courses of casing stone sur­

vived at the eastern base when explored by Arthur long-sleeved garments, fallen in battle. One be: noraph are a
:[J ~:t~~nhee~f Mace at the turn of the century, from which he esti­ the name Ipep, possibly referring to Apophi-. Thinnire l'\'om
,;e my l\Iajes
I mated its angle as 60°. He dug a tunnel from the Hyksos leader, while another has part of the
I 'llid and chap
I north side into the centre of the pyramid without Hut Waret, Avaris, the Hyksos stronghold at mument of I
finding any chambers. The next excavator, c.T. ed-Dab'a. A second smaller temple was dedicat
I Currelly, seems to have been especially concerned Ahmose's wife, Ahmose-Nefertari, at the soutlle king sti~
o 200 m I
I t I about where Ahmose 's workers dumped all the corner of the pyramid. \'ed with a
bedrock from hollowing out the cenotaph (see _- and pe

below), and decided it had been used to fill the pyra­ The tomb complex "1udbrick sh
Ii!] mid, leaving no inner passages or chambers. Two large houses in the town have plans wh rear of the
I In the space that separates the pyramid from the appear to be mirror images, with smaller struc r the culti\'
temple on the east side Mace found a peculiar semi­ to either side. Each possibly consists of a ( rther into t
circular mudbrick deposit or structure that may be house with servant rooms and magazines. o the bedn
the remains of a ramp, or an inner temple like those may have had a similar function in the admmi. in similar
of the Old Kingdom. The temple plan as known so tion of Ahmose's pyramid temple to the large h t it is muc
far consists of a massive wall on the east with a es in the Middle Kingdom town of Illahun. ed. The e
central doorway to a kind of forecourt. Two pits in It is likely that, as with Senwosret III's layou
the floor on either side of the entrance may have roadway marked the axis of Ahmose 's comp
been for trees. From the forecourt a doorway leads On this line Ahmose built a special shrine for
to a square court. Rows of foundation blocks at the grandmother, Queen Tetisheri. It is a massive m e are en,
back might have supported the pillars of a colon­ brick building, similar in form to a mastaba, wi rridor the
nade. Beyond lies an inner court where little was a grid of debris-filled retaining walls forming 13.11 \\'ith ni
Ahmose I's Abydos pyramid j 18. Fron
was one element of his axial found except patches of pavement and four circu­ core. A corridor reaches into the centre of this Ilk..
complex, 1,200 m (3,937ftJ lar granaries along the back wall. and at the back was a remarkable stela inscribed asimpleg
long, orientated, like the Recent excavations under Stephen Harvey of the Ahmose for his grandmother. In the lunate at Quickly an
cenotaph of Senwosret J and Pennsylvania and Yale University Expedition have top the queen grandmother is shown twice. ht: en a onl
the Archaic royal tombs, both recovered 2,000 fragments of painted relief that seated, wearing the vulture headdress of qu It lies ac
also at Abydos, from once adorned the temple, as well as pieces of torus while her grandson presents her with offerin . p\Tamid
northeast to southwest.
mouldings, cornices, square pillars, memorial ste­ The hieroglyphic text quotes the king inform ,.; as delibe
lae and a star-studded ceiling. Some of the reliefs his wife, who is also his sister, of his plans for Tn;. .ngthe At
may have narrated Ahmose's campaign against the ing a pyramid in the memory of their grandmo • Ill's sun
Hyksos. Tantalizing fragments show bridled hors­ '1 indeed have called to mind the mother of my mo ..11 directio
es, once harnessed to chariots, archers firing bows the mother of my father, the Great Royal Wife and Ro. 'hat north
and Asiatics, with their characteristic beards and Mother, Tetisheri, the justified. Her grave chamber an n througr





(Above) A casemate mudbrick

massif (21 x 23 m or 69 x
75 ft), housed a stela from
Ahmose I, honouring his
grandmother, Tetisheri. He
called the structure a pyramid.

(Left) A subterranean
winding way of Osiris was
provided for the western end
0/ Ahmose I's complex, in
hurriedly hewn passages and

lattle. One bears er cenotaph are at present upon the soil of the Theban the queen grandmother on this alignment fits the Ahmose I's grandmother,
o Apophis, the ..nd Thinnite Nomes, it is true, but I have told this to you idea that it is the queen mother who ensures trans· Tetisheri, is shown receiving
part of the name because my Majesty has desired to build for her a mission of the royal ka from one king to the next. offerings on the top of a stela
pyramid and chapel in the Sacred Land (Abydos) near
The final element in Ahmose 's great layout was in her mudbrick shrine. She
ronghold at Tell he monument of my Majesty.' was bearer of the vital ka
'O.s dedicated to a set of terraces built against the high cliffs to the force of Ahmose's royal
at the southeast The king stipulates that the pyramid is to be southwest of the cenotaph. Caches of votive ceram­ lineage or clan.
endowed with a lake, land, livestock, plantations, ic vessels, model stone vases and boats with oars
priests and personnel. The 'pyramid' must refer to were buried near the south end. The ascent up the
the mudbrick shrine where the stela was erected at terraces was from the south by a series of steps up
ave plans which the rear of the chapel, rather than the pyramid through odd trapezoidal rooms. On a higher level a
maller structures nearer the cultivation. long corridor ran further south. At the end was a
ists of a core Further into the desert Ahmose had a cenotaph small chamber with a limestone dais, possibly the
lagazines. These '"lit into the bedrock. Its curving subterranean route base for a statue of the king looking from the
n the administra· - again similar to the Abydos tomb of Senwosret southwest, down the long line connecting his ter­
the large hous· III. but it is much more hurriedly and less skilfully races, cenotaph, the shrine of his grandmother, his
lIlahun. e.xecuted. The entrance is a pit no larger than an pyramid and his town and temple.
et III's layout, a rdinary person's tomb and an initial horizontal
mose 's complex. 'lassage is so low that those who enter must crawl
ial shrine for his
a massive mud·
mastaba, with a
n hands and knees. Rooms on either side of the
'lassage are crudely shaped and left unfinished.
The corridor then begins to wind and turn, ending
\ N

ralls forming the a hall with nine pillars on either side making a
~tre of this mass otal of 18. From here the way rapidly descends to
ela inscribed by end in a simple grotto.
the lunate at the o quickly and poorly was this cut, it seems to
wn twice. She is ve been a only a token winding Osirian under·
Idress of queens, 'arld. It lies across the great axial line through
,. with offerings. empie, pyramid and grandmother's shrine. We can The arrangement of pyramid
king informing e this as deliberately aligned to the Nile's orienta­ and temple at the valley end
'JOn along the Abydos bay, or, if Ahmose's and Sen· of Ahmose I's Abydos
i plans for mak· complex rejfRcted Old and
ir grandmother: 'osret Ill's surveyors paid attention to the true
Middle Kingdom pyramid
er of my mother,
cardinal directions, these long axes were laid out complexes. An inner temple
f3.\ Wife and Royal mewhat northeast-southwest, a significant ori· o 30 m may lie buried between the
ave chamber and "Illation throughout pyramid history. A shrine to o 100 ft pyramid and temple.

pyramids were built of mudbrick above the clla
and were hollow in order to relieve the weigh
the roof. A niche in the east side of the pyrar­
contained a statue of the deceased, somen
(Private' Pyramids
kneeling and holding a small stela. Many limes
capstones of such pyramids have been foo
inscribed with figures of the tomb owner prai_
the sun god and seated before a table of offerin

Return to Saqqara
After the pyramid was given up as the marker and At Saqqara, the 18th-dynasty tombs of high ~I
symbol of the royal tomb it disappeared from phite officials took the form of small temples WI
funerary architecture for about two centuries. pyramid of mudbrick sometimes built at the \
Towards the end of the 18th dynasty, necropolis end on the stone roofing slabs of the chapel. In
workers and high officials began to build small 19th dynasty tombs included stone pyramid b
pyramids above their so-called 'private' tombs. on the ground immediately west of the chapel.
Although there was no concept of 'private' as In 1982, south of Vnas's causeway, Geoffrey _
opposed to royal in the modern sense, the pyramid tin discovered the pyramid of Princess Tia, a si
was simply no longer the exclusive prerogative of of Ramesses II, and her husband of the same na
the king. Archaeologists have also found remains of Further east, Sayed Tewfik excavated more Jar
small New Kingdom pyramids at sites ranging Ramessid tombs with pyramids. The tomb of
from ubia to Memphis. Their size was further two Tias consists of a paved forecourt with a s
reduced in proportion to the chapel than the 17th­ portico, a massive pylon gateway, a colonna
dynasty royal tombs. court with a deep shaft in the centre descendin
the burial chambers, an antechamber with
Workers' pyramids at Deir el-Medineh columns, and an offering hall. A small pyrarr
The artists and craftsmen employed on the great made of solid rubble encased with limestone.
royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings had their set slightly askew to the west side of the chapel
own cemetery above the workers' village of Deir el­ pyramidion was brought to Britain in 1722; dra
A series of small pyramids Medineh, on the opposite side of the cliffs shielding ings made before it was lost around 1792 pr
once perched on the hillsides the royal necropolis. On the terraced slope above the scenes on its faces.
above the royal workmen's their tombs perched small pyramids. The tombs
town of Deir el-Medineh. consisted of a court enclosed by a stone or brick Lower Nubian pyramids
Below is a possible
reconstruction of such a tomb wall with an entrance from the east. In the dark During the 18th to 20th dynasties small pyra
and opposite is one that has shade of the colonnaded western side of the court tombs were built at Aniba and Soleb in
been reconstructed at the site. was a chapel with a barrel-vaulted ceiling and Nubia. They were provincial imitations, with m
painted wall scenes. It was presided over by the fications, of those at Thebes. The pyramid \
image of the tomb owner etched on a stela set in a attached directly to chapels with vaulted roof
recess in the back wall. Deep in the bedrock lay the were entered from small courtyards surrounded
burial chamber, its walls painted with scenes of the high walls. From the centre of the court a ~
gods and the deceased in the Afterlife. The small descended to the burial chamber. Rather than
element vastly exceeding the other in size, the CI
bination of court and chapel were proportional
the little pyramid. Here is perhaps the most ab
viated form in its long history of the essential
ments of a pyramid complex: the pyramid a
central symbol of both grave mound and resu
tion, the chapel as a place to commune with
dead and leave offerings, and the entrance t
grave chamber set within a hallowed space.

Saite pyramids
Another kind of pyramid tomb, with an inte
dome or cupola, was built at Thebes and Abyd
the Saite Period (26th dynasty, c. 600 Be). For
time after Mariette found such tombs at Abyd
1858, it was believed they dated to the Middle KI
dom. The discovery of similar tombs at Theb
the Austrian Archaeological Institute ascertai
their later date. The domed interiors of the s

IDo\'e the chapel
the weight on
of the pyramid
lSed. sometimes
. Iany limestone
'e been found,
I owner praising
•e of offerings.

'of high Mem­

I temples with a
built at the west
he chapel. In the
e pyramids built
. the chapel.
lY. Geoffrey Mar-
Tia, a sister
( the same name.
rated more large
fhe tomb of the
oort with a small
I)', a colonnaded
tre descending to
llJl1ber with two
, 'mall pyramid.
h limestone, was
of the chapel. Its
in in 1722; draw­
nd 1792 preserve

, mall pyramid mudbrick pyramids are similar in structure to A reconstructed pyramid

leb in Lower ancient Egyptian granaries and ovens, with a cor­ belonging to one of the tombs
belled vault. Domed tombs are known as early as in the workers' cemetery at
I 'ons, with modi­
Deir el-Medineh. Thebes.
e p~Tamids were the Old Kingdom - in recent years Zahi Hawass has
liaulted roofs that excavated a whole series of domed tombs in the
surrounded by cemeteries south of the Sphinx, but with exteriors
(Below) Section and plan of
the court a shaft dome- or beehive-shaped, rather than pyramidal.
a pyramidal tomb at Abydos.
Rather than one The Abydos pyramids were built on a rectangu­ The corbelled vault resembles
r in size, the com­ lar base or plinth. Attached to one side was a small ancient Egyptian granaries
~ proportionate to rectangular chamber, entered at ground level by an and ovens.
the most abbre­ arched doorway, and containing a stela of the
the essential ele­ deceased. A shaft in the floor led to a lower cham­
e pyramid as the ber with a small side passage to the burial chamber
tlIld and resurrec­ under the pyramid. A false floor separated the bur­
mmune with the ial chamber from the cupola which was corbelled
he entrance to a up in the body of the pyramid, resembling, in sec­
ed space. tion, the corbelled chambers of Sneferu in his Mei­
dum and Dahshur pyramids, although here the
cupola is much larger in proportion to the pyramid.
with an internal
and Abydos in
600 oc). For some
mbs at Abydos in
(Left) Two of the four
decorated faces of the
pyramidion of the two Tias. -·_· - ,

. .
the Middle King­
bs at Thebes by
'lUte ascertained
, r of the small
The deceased worship Ra­
Harakhte, Atum and Osiris.
A small human-headed ba­
bird standing behind each
deity is labelled' Osiris Tia'.
~.' 1
L.... ..... J

The 800-year hiatus
The emergent New Kingdom Egyptian state made :._----[
Nubia a province of Egypt, ruled by the 'King's Son
of Kush'. The southern limit of Egyptian control ,i~.
Pyramids of Late Antiquity
may have been Gebel ('mountain of') Barkal, where
a Temple of Amun was built. When the New Kin .
: !f



L__ .

dom declined into rival principalities, Egyptian I

control of Nubia was lost, probably already by
1070 Be. Historical and archaeological records are
relatively silent about Nubia and Sudan for the fol­
It is rather daunting to reach this point in a cata­ lowing two centuries. Then a new Kushite kingdom
logue of Egyptian pyramids - already covering emerged suddenly and with force on the stage of
1,000 years and over 90 royal pyramids, including Upper Egypt.
subsidiary and satellite pyramids - only to realize As early as 770 Be a powerful ruler named Kash­
that twice as many, about 180, were built in Nubia ta hailing from Napata, at the foot of the Gebel
over the course of another 1,000 years. The Nubian Barkal, took control of Lower Nubia and Upper
sequence begins more than 800 years after the last Egypt as far as Thebes where he had his sister
royal pyramid was built in Egypt. Reviving the tra­ installed as 'Divine Adoratice of Amun', a position
dition of the royal pyramids was only one way in that had become as politically significant as High
which Nubia was an upstream reservoir of ancient Priest. The Thebans hailed Kashta as King of
Egyptian culture well into late antiquity. Upper and Lower Egypt. It was Kashta's successor
The first kingdom of Kush, as the land was Piye (formerly read Piankhi) who countered princi·
known to the Egyptians, grew from a trading post palities in middle and northern Egypt. Piye led a
established on Egypt's periphery as early as the campaign that he described in stelae set up in the
Middle Kingdom. Its centre, the town of Kerma, temples at Karnak, Memphis and Gebel Barkal.
lies just below the 3rd cataract. It was ruled by Only the last survives. It is a remarkable document. Above) Plan an
kings whom the Egyptians of the 12th dynasty part history and part literary recitation that casts dzat remains oj
apparently regarded a threat, judging by the series Piye in the traditional role of Pharaoh, the restorer He was the first
Nubia - a reservoir of royal of fortresses built in Lower ubia. In the final of order against the forces of chaos. There were .'cars to be bUl'i~
pyramids long after they had lJyramid.
phase of the cemetery at Kerma, huge round tumuli now four rulers calling themselves 'Kings of
ceased to be built in Egypt were built over great underground circles subdivid­ Egypt'. And there was Tefnakhte, self-proclaimed
itself Above the 3rd cataract
the principle pyramid ed by walls. The unmummified body of the king Lord of the West. All are listed in the great stela
cemeteries are at el-Kurru, was placed on a gilded bed, surrounded by trea­ submitting to Piye in person except Tefnakhte, who
Gebel Sarkal, Nuri and sures and the bodies of servants, nobles and wives sent tribute and a token letter of surrender. Prior to
Meroe. who went to their death as part of the royal funeral. the ceremony of submission, Piye set off to
Heliopolis to worship the sun god and celebrate hi
coronation. The rites included an intimate moment he tombs of I
with the sacred ben-ben. dynasty, Shaba
• Kerma 'Mounting the stairs to the great window to view Re in mids once stoe
the Pyramidion House. The king stood by himself alone. en entirely rE
Breaking the seals of the bolts, opening the doors; view­ It is commO!
ing his father Re in the holy Pyramidion House; adorning by seeing the
the Morning Bark of Re and the Evening Bark of Atum.'
p~Tamid tomb
Piye returned to Napata as the founder of a ce . non-royal, 'priv
tury-Iong Nubian dynasty - the 25th - of kings of -\1though the
Upper and Lower Egypt. It seems fitting that Piye removed when
made his pilgrimage to the primal archetype of the eneh indicate
Egyptian pyramid, the ben-ben, for he was the first .JxJut 8 m (26 f
king in 800 years to be buried in a pyramid. -\ stairway of ]
he burial chan
trench and cov,
The Pyramids of EI-Kurru Diye's body hac
n the middle oj

100 km
Piye built his pyramid at el-Kurru, 13 km (8 miles)
downstream from the Temple of Amun at Geb I
Barkal. It is presumed that the residence of the
Napatan kings lay nearby, although it has never
- four corner,
~d, so that th
nch. While 1
ment, Piye wa
been found. When Reisner directed excavations at
o 100 ';'iles _'le, since fra)
el-Kurru in 1918-19, only one pyramid was still long with rem
standing. Under low mounds of rubble he found mal complemer

>tian state made ;-----0--------/ ~~~~Iber
00 0

l¢20. : ~ ~
_. the 'King's Son
, ,
~gyptian control
Barkal, where ! .-: : : -' '- . .

the New King­

ilities, Egyptian : ~: Stairway
,--------- -
---­ Reminiscent of early Egypt,

iibly already by the royal Napatan tombs

'cal records are developed from gravel tumuli

dan for the fol­ /I

and mastabas within

'ushite kingdom /\ Q 5m rectangular enclosures to

on the stage of ,'"
I \

0 15ft
monuments similar to the

, i
'private' pyramids of the


er named Kash­ ,, \ \

New Kingdom.

, '\
t of the Gebel ,, ,
,, , \
bia and Upper , \

If had his sister

Unun', a position ,,I
, " \

, \
ificant as High \

,hta as King of
hta's successor Burial


countered princi­ Stairway

~ _-pt. Piye led a
-!ae set up in the
Gebel Barka!.
-able document, (Above) Plan and profile of
itation that casts what remains of Piye's tomb,
raoh, the restorer He was the first king in 800
years to be buried in a
laOS. There were
Ives 'Kings of
" self-proclaimed
the great stela
Tefnakhte, who
urrender. Prior to o 50 m

I I ','

Piye set off to o 150 ft

and celebrate his
intimate moment the tombs of Piye and his successors of the 25th The chapel, which had been built over the stairway (Above) The royal cemetery at
dynasty, Shabako, Shabatko and Tanutamun. Pyra­ after the funeral, was completely destroyed. el-Kurru contained the tombs
ids once stood above these tombs, but they had The pyramid of Piye's successor, Shabako, was of Kashta, Piye's father, five
ow to view Re in
earlier generations and Piye's
by himself alone. been entirely removed. similar in layout but the burial chamber was entire­ successors - Shabako,
the doors; view· It is commonly assumed that Piye was inspired ly subterranean, with a vaulted ceiling cut in the
House; adorning
Shabatko and Tanutamun.
by seeing the royal pyramids in Egypt, but his natural rock. The burial chamber was entered by a The cemetery also contained
ing Bark of Atum.'
pyramid tomb bears a closer resemblance to the short tunnel from the bottom of the entrance stair­ 14 queens' pyramids.
founder of a cen­ non-royal, 'private', New Kingdom pyramid tombs. way which began far enough east of the mortuary
!5th - of kings of Although the superstructure had been entirely chapel to allow the pyramid to be entered after the
fitting that Piye removed when Reisner cleared it, the foundation chapel was built.
I archetype of the ench indicates a pyramid with a base length of There were also 14 queens' pyramids at el-Kurru,
)r he was the first about 8 m (26 ft) and a slope of probably about 68°. 6 to 7 m (20 to 23 ft) square, compared to the 8 to 11
PFamid, A stairway of 19 steps opened to the east and led to m (26 to 36 ft) of the king's pyramids. Northeast of
he burial chamber cut into the bedrock as an open the royal cemetery, Reisner found the graves of 24
trench and covered with a corbelled masonry roof. horses and two dogs. Four of the horses belonged
l-Kurru Piye's body had been placed on a bed which rested to Piye, four to Tanutamun; each group may have
n the middle of the chamber on a stone bench with formed a chariot team. Ten horses belonged each to
u, 13 km (8 miles) four corners cut away to receive the legs of the Shabako and Shabatko. The animals had been sac­
Amun at Gebel bed, so that the bed platform lay directly on the rificed, decapitated - the skulls were missing - and
residence of the bench. While this was a native Nubian arrange­ buried standing. The bodies were draped with
h it has never ment, Piye was probably embalmed in Egyptian beaded nets hung with cowrie shells and heavy
led excavations at ryle, since fragments of canopic jars were found, bronze beads. They also had silver collars and gild­
>.'Tamid was still long with remains of shabti servant figures, a nor­ ed silver plume holders. Are these horses compara­
rubble he found 'llal complement of contemporary Egyptian tombs. ble to the boat burials of earlier pyramids?

The Pyramids of Nuri
(r ~ bTIJ / N
(Left) The pyramid field

of Nuri. This cemetery
il ./)
contained 21 kings together
with 52 queens and princes,
» ~ .fj - n ... til (Right) Plan and section of
the pyramid of Taharqa, the
first to build his tomb at
I ~ ~ ~'PJI~~1!\l1 ~I ' Nuri.
~ ~~ il:- ~'11'- II II I~ ~'Y

~~ ~) (~~JI)

jl \ ll I ~ ~'\k? V
1/~~~~'~~~ Burial

! I ~'j; !' ,' ;~b~"m

~(!/Taharqa, the penultImate king of the 25th dynasty
(the Tirakah of Il Kings 19:9) moved to Nuri, a site
(Below) A shabti - 'answerer' on the other side of the river from Gebel Barkal, for
,-, o 20 m
,I '
' I i I
- of Taharqa. His pyramid his pyramid. At 51.75 m (170 ft) square and 40 or 50 ,
I '
o 50 It

tomb contained 1,070 of m (131 or 164 ft) high, Taharqa's was the largest , ,, '

these servant figurines (P, 59). ,, ',

pyramid ever built at Nuri. It is unique among the

Nubian series in having two stages. The first pyra­
," \,,
, Preserved buried a
mid was encased in smooth sandstone. Drawings height in 19 6 nry, using
and written reports of the early 19th century indi­ prramid
cate that the truncated top of the inner pyramid First chapel at el-Kurr
could be seen projecting from the disintegrating 9 tt). Th
core of the larger, outer pyramid. The outer pyra­ were deco
mid was the first of a type with stepped courses Stai 'he pyrami,
and planed corners; its angle of slope was 69°. By :!Ods. The ~
the time Reisner worked at Nuri the inner pyramid . were stan
had been much reduced in height. An enclosure the antechamber doorway. Another set of step fie chapel
wall formed a tight corridor around the pyramid. to the corridor from the west end of the nave. 1" qa's suco
No traces of the chapel were found. whole arrangement is similar to the Osireion, :-. sometirr
Taharqa's subterranean chambers are the most subsurface temple and symbolic Osiris tomb bu :arive Conf~
elaborate of any Kushite tomb. The entrance was by Seti I at Abydos. Taharqa was buried in g :--.iapatan
by an eastern stairway trench, north of the pyra­ Egyptian fashion. - hion am
mid's central axis, reflecting the alignment of the During his reign Taharqa had increasingly co pie shabtis
original smaller pyramid. Three steps led to a door­ into conflict with the expansionist Assyria: royal mum
way, with a moulded frame and cavetto cornice, empire. His successor, Tanutamun, having brie , crooks ar
that opened to a tunnel, widened and heightened received the submission of all the Delta lead ~ scarabs, g
into an antechamber with a barrel-vaulted ceiling. was then forced back by the Assyrians to Napa ngers and t
Six massive pillars carved from the natural rock Napatan rule of Egypt ended when Psamtik n anthro~
divide the burial chamber into two side aisles and a established himself as sale ruler of a united Egy nlaid with I
central navg, each with a barrel-vaulted ceiling. but the kingdom lived on in Upper Nubia, With 'en more I
A re;tangular recess was cut into the floor to marked silence about Egypt or other foreign po inlays wit
receive the sarcophagus, of which no traces sur­ ers in monumental texts, Tanutamun's succe ::. The bod
vived. There were four rectangular niches in the ruled a territory that extended from the 1st catara Be) were p
north and south walls and two in the west wall. The to the White Nile for another 350 years. Ita's, weigh
entire chamber was surrounded by a moat-like cor­ Tanutamun returned to el-Kurru to build . were car
ridor entered by steps leading down from in front of pyramid, but 21 kings and 53 queens and prin he Book oj

(Above) In our reconstructed
ancient Egyptian bakery,
bread and yeast expert Ed
Wood bakes the kind of bread
that may have once sustained
flour and ferment. We also discovered a cache of tion squares, these were made of alluvial mud, the pyramid builders, based
large bell-shaped bedja pots used for baking bread. mudbrick and stone rubble, and had originally on evidence from our
Old Kingdom tomb reliefs show these pots being been paved with clean desert clay. excavations (left). We used the
stacked and heated over an open fire, perhaps to We initially speculated that these enigmatic characteristic bedja pots,
'temper' their interiors with oil and grease to pre­ shelves and troughs might have been used for lay­ some of the commonest and
crudest pieces of Egyptian
vent sticking. Along the east wall of both bakery ing out bread to be counted by scribes, an activity pottery and yet among the
rooms were egg-carton-shaped baking pits, lying illustrated at the bottom of the relief scene from the most interesting They are
beneath a cake of ash. Pots placed in these pits tomb of Ti. However, a fine ashy deposit that con­ shaped like large bells, with a
would have been filled with dough, covered with tained fibrous organic material covered the floor. bevelled rim and conical
more upside-down pots and finally surrounded by We had to drip a liquid consolidant on larger pieces interior. The walls are very
hot embers to bake the dough. to prevent them blowing away in the wind. By thick and full of chaff temper
which burns out leaving a
Bread and beer were the principal rations of scraping back delicately we retrieved gills, fins and high porosity.
ancient Egypt, sustaining any labour project. But other parts of catfish and schal (Synodontis). These bread moulds comprise
did this pot-baked bread feed a workforce, or could Wilma Wetterstrom, our palaeobotanist, examined 40-50 per cent of Old
- g he it have been specially made for temple offerings or soil from the troughs under a microscope and found Kingdom ceramic finds.
, diggin ceremonies? It is in fact much easier to make bread it full of tiny broken fish bone. Catfish breed soon
a backhoe by simply slapping dough against a hot surface, after the inundation that turns the Nile Valley into a
about ZOOm like the Bedouin and other nomads do. The ancient lake and spawning ground.
I reyealin Egyptians had only emmer wheat and barley; they This part of our huge, orthogonally laid-out
m of poi­ had little or none of our far more glutenous building was used, it seems, for processing fish.
uld We triticum aestivum or bread wheat. This meant that Fish decomposes quickly, especially without refrig­
ta\Clted two despite leavening, loaves were very heavy indeed. eration. How was it stored? The systematic layout
. integrated Working with National Geographic and bread and suggests large and organized - probably seasonal­
what were yeast expert Ed Wood, we built a replica of this harvests. The fish must have been dried, and per­
bakery and made bread with emmer and barley haps smoked and salted. The troughs and benches,
bakeri flour and locally cultured wild yeast. The resulting as well as being working platforms, may have
"here loaves were massively heavy units of starch and served as a ventilation system as the fish were laid Delicate remains of a}ish
e 'h. The:.e calories. Each would have sufficed to feed one per­ out on reed frames. We had, literally, found loaves gill or fin, found in our
hold \\Cl er: son for days. Pot baking may have been the Old and fishes - sources of starch, calories and protein excavations in the area of
Kingdom answer to the need to mass-produce that could have fed a workforce. The entire installa­ the bakeries.
bread to feed large numbers of people. tion probably dates to the reign of Menkaure - the
Attached to the bakeries was a huge mudbrick end of pyramid building at Giza. Since his pyramid
building. A patch of its interior at the southeast complex was unfinished when Menkaure died,
corner had been exposed and we uncovered a cache a pyramid workforce was being fed at the
of pottery dishes, including small bowls that were time our bakeries were in operation. So far we
probably jar covers and cylindrical ceramic pieces have only excavated the upper layers of the
used as bases to stand conical-bottomed vessels site. The deepest, and oldest, layers, exposed
upright. There was also a series of low shelves in the backhoe trench, reveal large burning
(about ankle height) with partition walls only c. 20 pits, perhaps the remains of camp fires of a more
cm (8 in) high. Extending well beyond our excava­ loosely organized labour force.

Pyramids of Late Antiquity

(Above) A computer­
generated diagram of King
Aspelta's tomb of the 6th
century Be. By this time
pyramid substructures at

Nuri had been increased

by two or three chambers.
Pyloned chapels were
~ decorated with relief carving

Stairway (Above centre and left)

Pyramids at Nuri - these
small pyramids have on the
whole survived relatively well.

20 m
0 50 ft

Preserved were buried at Nuri under pyramids of good

, height in 1916 masonry, using blocks of local red sandstone. The The Pyramids of Meroe
" uri pyramids were generally much larger than
/ First chapel those at el-Kurru, reaching heights of 20 to 30 m The last king to be buried at Nuri died in about 308
(66 to 98 ft). The chapels built against the eastern Be. Thereafter the site of Meroe, between the 5th


faces were decorated with reliefs, and a stela built and 6th cataracts, rose to prominence, and kings
into the pyramid masonry showed the king before began to build pyramids there. With the exception
the gods. The substructures, like the superstruc­ of three or four generations of pyramids near
tures, were standard. Stairway trenches to the east Gebel Barkal, Meroe remained the royal cemetery The pyramids at Meroe were
formed from stepped courses
,. et of steps led of the chapels gave access to chambers, which for 600 years, until AD 350. It had been the site of of good masonry blocks
of the nave. The Taharqa's successors increased to two or three the royal residence before it became the location of quarried from the local red
the Osireion, the rooms, sometimes inscribing the walls with the the royal cemetery. The transfer from Napata may sandstone.
iris tomb built ')iegative Confession' from the Book of the Dead.
buned in good The apatan royals were mummified in Egypt­
ian fashion and accompanied in their tombs by
llCI'easingly come multiple shabtis - Taharqa's alone contained 1,070.
I" nist Assyrian The royal mummies were adorned with gold jew­
having briefly ellery, crooks and flails for the kings, green stone
Delta leaders, heart scarabs, gold chest pectorals and gold caps
Tians to Napata. on fingers and toes. The bodies were laid in small
hen Psamtik I wooden anthropoid coffins covered with gold leaf
a united Egypt, and inlaid with coloured stone. Outer coffins might
er Nubia. With a be even more elaborate, covered with gold and
ther foreign pow­ stone inlays with the motif of falcon and vulture
mun's successors wings. The bodies of kings Anlami and Aspelta
mthe 1st cataract (568 Be) were placed in huge granite sarcophagi.
~s. spelta's, weighing 15.5 tons, and its lid, weighing
u to build his 4 tons, were carved with Pyramid Texts, chapters
leens and princes from the Book of the Dead, and Egyptian deities.
the whole cultural and political development star ­ 'lad been plUl
ed from Meroe'. The cemetery record shows Meroe \'idence that
to have been a 'place of consequence' as early as the nd silver jewE
reign of Piye. Lesser royalty and officials were uivers of ar
buried there as early as the 7th century BC. 'O.ppmgs. we
The heartland of Meroitic territory, the moder mps, bronze
Butana, was known to Classical authors as th ttery. The (
'Island of Meroe'. Although bounded on three sid ined wine;
by rivers - the Nile, the Atbara and the Blue Nile­ \ccompanyinl
most traffic from apata took the road along he !raves were c
Wadi Abu Dom that cuts across the great bend G pparently sal
the Nile from the 4th to 6th cataracts. This hean· nimals, inclu
land was repeatedly a refuge for Napatan ani )gs, were ai,
Meroitic kings when they retreated from world e entrances c
powers who penetrated the Nile corridor. Meroe la~ The steep-si
just beyond the reach of the Roman Empire. t ndstone, 10 t
which it was tied economically by trade. e pyramids'
The settlement of Meroe is about half a mile ea,' t now ead
of the river and its cemeteries lie in the desert fur mooth bands
ther east. The first major king to build his tomb a here the face,
Meroe was Arkamaniqo (the 'Ergamenes' .so have this f,
Diodorus), who ruled when Ptolemy II (285-247 Bl ~Tamids are
was king of Egypt. Arkamaniqo built his pyrami 'e the torus r
in the South Cemetery, in use since the time of Piye n temples, fo:
Another king and a queen built pyramid tomb i i height.
the South Cemetery before the crowding caused b~ Towards the
more than 200 individual graves prompted kings t IOn apparent
move across a narrow valley to a curving ridge pyramids, .
begin the North Cemetery. There is a third clust blocks ben
of pyramids at Meroe in the West Cemetery. Th a poorly cOl
brick-faced and rubble pyramids of lesser roya ere built of n
''have been as early as 590 Be: in 591 Be Psamtik II, family members are surrounded by a galaxy ( rface. Meroe':
the Egyptian pharaoh, had campaigned into Tubia. graves, many richly furnished, of the importan AD. may hay
He seems to have defeated King Aspelta's troops households of Meroe. 1"ns and in its
and may have marched on apata. But the reason The J orth Cemetery is the source of the famol!: Jnomy. The I
for, and date of, the transfer are still unresolved. Ferlini Treasure, discovered in 1830 by the Italia t:roe was OVi
Peter Shinnie, who excavated at Meroe, pointed explorer, Giuseppe Ferlini (in pyramid Beg. '. 1 . Aided by
The pyramid field of Meroe
was huge and crowded. It was out that it is not certain that the royal residence was belonging to a queen, Amanishakhto, of the late L trade routE
in fact divided into the West in fact ever at apata, since the settlement there century BC). It consists of gold rings, necklaces ani d the Noba,
Cemetery (plan above), the has not been found. It is known, on the other hand, other ornaments that he reported he had take thwest of t
South Cemetery and the that Meroe was settled as early as the 8th century from a 'secret chamber' at the top of one of t reats. AnothE
North Cemetery. The BC, so 'it may be that it pre-dated Napata, and that southern n
pyramids. This apparently prompted subsequen
drawing above is based on
FW Hinkel's reconstruction treasure seekers to lop off the tops of many other;; xum in the Et
of the northern group. But the valuables could only have come from
pyramid substructure, entered, as Reisner ascer The end of
tained, by the standard eastern stairway descend e re-emerger

ing to a blocked doorway in front of three adjoinin . of 800 year

chambers. Two of the chambers had square pillarc of an arch

carved from the natural rock, while the third, inner I re to anotr

most, chamber was smaller. Ceilings were slightl_ iar more nun

vaulted in earlier chambers, and round vaulted i ,.<J and owne

later ones which were much more roughly hewn. sehold thar
At Meroe, the body was buried in the innermCk e. But we she
chamber in a wooden anthropoid coffin placed on patan and 1\11
raised masonry bier, sometimes carved with divin relation to pc
The pyramids at Meroe were figures. Relief scenes in the chapels located again, nsiderably sr
decorated with reliefs, often
showing the ruler seated on a the east sides of the pyramids included depiction tddle Kingdo
throne in the shape of a lion, of mummies. This, and the remains of canopi hagus, for ir
as here, /rom the pyramid of equipment, suggest that the royal body was sril part of his
Arqamani (Beg N 7). mummified. Although all the royal tombs at Mer menemhet III'

>pment start­ had been plundered, Reisner's excavations found Burial
:ho\\-s Meroe evidence that bodie had been adorned with gold chamber Pyramids of Late Antiquity
, early as the and silver jewellery. Archaeologists retrieved bows,
fficials were quivers of arrows, archers' thumb rings, horse
: BC. trappings. wood boxes and furniture, bronze
. the modern lamps, bronze and silver vessels, glass bottles and
hors as the pottery. The chamber nearest the entrance con­
,n three sides tained wine amphorae and food storage jars_
he Blue ile­ Accompanying kings and wealthy people to their
d along the graves were companions and servants who were o 10 m

great bend of apparently sacrificed at the time of the funeral. f----------',

• ' This heart­ Animals, including yoked horses, oxen, camels and o 30 It
. _-apatan and dogs, were also slaughtered and interred outside
ed from world the entrances of the burial chambers.
·dor. \I1eroe lay The steep-sided pyramids of Meroe were built of
. n Empire, to sandstone, 10 to 30 m (33 to 98 ft) high. As at Nuri,
de. the pyramids were stepped and built on a plinth,
If a mile east but now each triangular face was framed by
(Left) Plan and restored
I the desert fur­ smooth bands of raised masonry along the edges profile of the pyramid at
'Id his tomb at where the faces met. The pyramids at Gebel Barkal Meroe (Beg N6) where the
Ergamenes' of also have this feature. Where the upper parts of the so-called Ferlini Treasure
n (285-247 Be) pyramids are preserved, these lines are rounded, Burial chamber - b l l - l - J " was found.
·It his pyramid like the torus mouldings on the corners of Egypt­
he time of Piye. Ian temples, for the upper fourth of the total pyra­
ramid tombs in mid height. It is the very duration of a standard form that is
ing caused by Towards the end of the Meroitic period, degener­ most impressive about the Nubian pyramids. This
pted kings to ation apparent in the substructure also appears in standardization is more consistent and persistent
ur\'ing ridge to the pyramids, which return to a smooth face. Cas­ than that of the late Old Kingdom pyramids, sug­
a third cluster ing blocks become much smaller and they are laid gesting a conservatism of royal ubian culture (Above) An armlet from
on a poorly constructed core. The latest pyramids over a sweep of history equivalent to the span from the pyramid of Queen
.emetery. The e Amanishakhto.
f lesser royal were built of rubble and brick and had a plastered Djoser to Ahmose 1. The pyramid came to ubia
by a galaxy of surface. Meroe' decline, beginning in the 1st centu­ already evolved in its relative proportions, with
the important ry AD, may have been due to changes in trade pat­ substructure and chapel crystallized in the Egypt­
terns and in its distant relationship with the Roman ian ew Kingdom.
e of the famou economy. The reason most commonly cited is that Meroitic civilization was the last bearer of tradi­
by the Italian :\1eroe was overrun by its traditional tribal ene­ tions and symbols dating back to most ancient
amid Beg. .6, mies. Aided by the camel, the Blemmyes disrupted Egypt. When the kingdom disintegrated around AD Two of the pyramids
. of the late 1st old trade route. Cattle-herding tribes, the ubai 350, the pyramid as the marker of a royal tomb of Meroe as restored by
. necklaces and and the oba, from the savanna to the south and finally became extinct. FW HinkeL
I he had taken southwest of the Nile, may also have been major
) of one of the threats_ Another power was growing just beyond
ed subsequent the southern reach of Meroe - the civilization of
of many others. Axum in the Ethiopian highlands.
come from a
• Reisner ascer­ The end of the pyramids
airway descend­ The re-emergence of the royal pyramid after a hia­
three adjoining tus of 800 years is an interesting case of the trans­
d quare pillars fer of an architectural idea from one region and
•the thIrd, inner­ culture to another. The Nubian pyramids are small­
were slightly er, far more numerous, considerably more standard­
und vaulted in ized and owned by more members of the royal
lUghly hewn. household than those of Egypt's classic pyramid
in the innermost age. But we should con ider the expenditure of the

ment start­ had been plundered, Reisner's excavations found Burial

ho\\-s Meroe evidence that bodies had been adorned with gold chamber
Pyramids of Late Antiquity
- early as the and silver jewellery. Archaeologists retrieved bows,
officials were quivers of arrows, archers' thumb rings, horse
_. BC. trappings. wood boxes and furniture, bronze
:. the modern lamps, bronze and silver vessels, glass bottles and
uthors as the pottery. The chamber nearest the entrance con­
on three sides tained wine amphorae and food storage jars.
the Blue Nile­ Accompanying kings and wealthy people to their
road along the graves were companions and servants who were o 10m

great bend of apparently sacrificed at the time of the funeral. f----------l,

This heart­ Animals, including yoked horses, oxen, camels and o 30 ft

r _-apatan and dogs, were also slaughtered and interred outside
from world the entrances of the burial chambers.
·dor. Meroe lay The steep-sided pyramids of Meroe were built of
IW1 Empire, to sandstone, 10 to 30 m (33 to 98 It) high. As at Nuri,
rade. the pyramids were stepped and built on a plinth,
fa mile east but now each triangular face was framed by
(Left) Plan and restored
the desert fur­ smooth bands of raised masonry along the edges profile of the pyramid at
ild his tomb at where the faces met. The pyramids at Gebel Barkal Meroe (Beg N6) where the
Ergamenes' of also have this feature. Where the upper parts of the so-called Ferlini Treasure
n (285-247 Be) pyramids are preserved, these lines are rounded, Burial chamber -Ic:ol'----'-----" was found.
·It his pyramid like the torus mouldings on the corners of Egypt­
e time of Piye. ian temples, for the upper fourth of the total pyra­
ramid tombs in mid height. It is the very duration of a standard form that is
lding caused by Towards the end of the Meroitic period, degener­ most impressive about the Nubian pyramids. This
pted kings to ation apparent in the substructure also appears in standardization is more consistent and persistent
:urving ridge to the pyramids, which return to a smooth face. Cas­ than that of the late Old Kingdom pyramids, sug­
a third cluster ing blocks become much smaller and they are laid gesting a conservatism of royal Nubian culture (Above) An armlet from
..emetery. These on a poorly constructed core. The latest pyramids over a sweep of history equivalent to the span from the pyramid of Queen
were built of rubble and brick and had a plastered Djoser to Ahmose I. The pyramid came to ubia Amanishakhto.
of lesser royal
by a galaxy of surface. Meroe's decline, beginning in the 1st centu­ already evolved in its relative proportions, with
. the important ry AD, may have been due to changes in trade pat­ substructure and chapel crystallized in the Egypt­
terns and in its distant relationship with the Roman ian New Kingdom.
of the famous economy. The reason most commonly cited is that Meroitic civilization was the last bearer of tradi­
V b\- the Italian Meroe was overrun by its traditional tribal ene­ tions and symbols dating back to most ancient
-amid Beg. .6, mies. Aided by the camel, the Blemmyes disrupted Egypt. When the kingdom disintegrated around AD Two of the pyramids
I. of the late 1st old trade routes. Cattle-herding tribes, the Nubai 350, the pyramid as the marker of a royal tomb of Meroe as restored by
_necklaces and and the oba, from the savanna to the south and finally became extinct. FW Hinkel.
he had taken southwest of the Nile, may also have been major
~ of one of the threats. Another power was growing just beyond
ed subsequent the southern reach of Meroe - the civilization of
of many others. Axum in the Ethiopian highlands.
come from a
. Reisner ascer­ The end of the pyramids
airway descend­ The re-emergence of the royal pyramid after a hia­
f three adjoining tus of 800 years is an interesting case of the trans­
td square pillars fer of an architectural idea from one region and
! the thIrd, inner- culture to another. The Nubian pyramids are small­
were slightly er, far more numerous, considerably more standard­
'lind vaulted in ized and owned by more members of the royal
ughly hewn. household than those of Egypt's classic pyramid
in the innermost age. But we should consider the expenditure of the
ffin placed on a Napatan and Meroitic kingdoms on their pyramids
rved with divine in relation to population size, which may have been
located against conSIderably smaIIer than Egypt's in the Old and
ded depiction . fiddle Kingdoms. Aspelta's colossal granite sar­
lin of canopic cophagus, for instance, may have been a much larg­ , .
; ':';~ ~ .... ":""
I body was still
ombs at Meroe
er part of his gross national product than, say,
-\menemhet III's quartzite burial vault. ~~"r:·::~.



Long-distance transportation
Supplies of fuel and food were carried on the small
cargo ships which are frequently depicted in the
relief decoration of Old Kingdom tombs. They are
Supply and Transport
distinguished by a hooded matwork cabin at the
stern and produce-laden decks. More problematic
were the much heavier materials which had to be
transported to the pyramid sites. The Unas cause­
way reliefs depict a barge carrying two of the large
granite columns with palm-shaped capitals tha
were actually set up in Unas's pyramid tempi
The inscription refers to 'the coming of th
barges from Elephantine, laden with [granite]
columns of 20 cubits'. Most likely this figure indi­
cates the combined length of both: 20 cubits i,
equivalent to 10.46 m (34 ft), whereas Una "
columns range from 5.5-6.5 m (18~2l ft) in height.
This still represents a very considerable load..
The columns are depicted resting end-to-end on
sledges which are raised off the deck by a SUPP0rl
Transporting granite palm His majesty sent me to Yebu [Elephantine] to bring a framework of beams or girders. These suppor ,
columns by boat from Aswan granite false door, and its libation stone and granite
probably relieved the weight on the deck, but they
for Unas's pyramid temples. lintels, and to bring granite portals and libation stones
This scene comes from a for the upper chamber of the pyramid 'Merenre-appears­ could also have had a role in loading and unloadin
relief in Unas's causeway. in-splendour', my mistress. - critical operations given that a 40-ton block 0
granite, like those in Khufu's pyramid, would cap­
Inscription of Weni
size any boat if it rolled too far to one side.
The pyramid site had to be constantly supplied R. Engelbach proposed that Hatshepsut's grea Jund at Lisht
with building material to ensure that the work granite obelisks were loaded and unloaded from the -\menemhet I al
rolled on at a regular pace and the pyramid com­ large barges illustrated in her Deir el·Bahri temple Hauling tracl
plex was completed during the king's lifetime. Most by means of an earthen embankment, which would Tlg stops a 2-tOl
of the stone for the three Giza pyramids was quar­ have been built up around the barge as high as the ng soft sand,
ried from the plateau itself, downslope from the deck. Once the obelisk was loaded, the barge could . VA pyramid
great northeast-southwest diagonal on which the have been dug out again. A possible means 0 ransport road~
pyramids are aligned (p. 106). But a massive unloading is that the transport barge was brough 1 m (36 ft) acre
amount of limestone was also imported from else­ into a narrow canal and great cedar beams thru, hips and mort
where. The fine, white homogeneous limestone beneath the load between the supports. With the rovide a solid
used for the outer casing is of a quality not found ends of the beams resting on the canal banks, the mestone chips
locally. It was brought to Giza from the quarries to barge could then have been weighted with balla, rface. Above
the east of the Nile - Mokattam, Maasara and, prin­ and slipped out from under the load. "a lubricant tc
cipally, Turah. Granite, the other major type of The 6th-dynasty official Weni describes how he . the sledge ov
non-local stone in the pyramid complexes, was transported an alabaster offering table from Hat· .-\ number of
brought from Aswan. Gypsum and basalt were nub and granite from Aswan for the pharaoh r stone being I
imported from the Fayum and copper from Sinai. Merenre's pyramid, which he refers to as 'my mi,· 'ually pourin~
Wood was required for levers, tracks and sledges; tress'. His boasts about these achievements con· nt of the slel
alabaster for statuary and temple pavements; trast with the silence of 4th·dynasty officials
gneiss for statuary; and dolerite and quartzite to though the latter had been responsible for tran.·
make tools for pounding and polishing. porting far greater quantities (and greater individ·
Bulk building material was not the only resource ualloads) of granite and alabaster.
brought to the plateau. Considerable quantities of
fuel were also needed for forging and servicing cop­ From canal to pyramid site
per tools, slaking raw gypsum to make mortar, and Weni's account suggests that the peoples of Lower
for baking bread and brewing beer to provide the Nubia assembled boats locally from native wood.
workers' rations. This fuel consisted of small trees When ships were built of larger and costlier cedar
and scrub which were systematically harvested from Lebanon, the pieces were stitched together
from the Egyptian landscape. Food supplies includ­ with rope so that they could be taken apart and
ed grain, fish, fowl, sheep and cattle - providing reassembled. Once these pieces became worn, pyra·
starch, calories and protein ~ which were probably mid builders reused them like railway sleepers in
brought in from provincial lands specifically set tracks for dragging heavy stones on sledges over·
aside for the purpose of feeding the pyramid com­ land from the quarry to the canal or river and then
plex (p. 228). again to the building site. Such hauling tracks were

don the small
picted in the
bs. They are
cabm at the
'ch had to be
Unas cause·
'0 of the large
capitals that
amid temples.
ng of these
ith [granite]
l figure indio
20 cubits is
reas Unas's
it) in height.
iderable load.
end-to-end on
by a support
bese supports
deck, but they
and unloading
ron block of
id, would cap·
, to one side.
epsut's great found at Lisht near the 12th-dynasty pyramids of

ded from the Amenemhet I and Senwosret 1.

I·Bahn temple Hauling tracks had to be hard and solid - noth·

which would ing stops a 2·ton stone block more quickly than hit­
a hIgh as the ting soft sand, as we soon discovered during the
e barge could OVA pyramid-building experiment (p. 208). The
;ble means of transport roads which survive at Lisht are up to
• was brought 11 m (36 it) across and consist of a fill of limestone
r beams thrust chips and mortar with wooden beams inserted to
rts. With the provide a solid bedding. Over the beams a layer of
mal banks, the limestone chips and white gypsum provided a solid these is from the tomb of the 12th-dynasty noble­ (Above kft) Boat timbers
ed wIth ballast surface. Above this, alluvial mud must have acted man Djehutihotep, at el-Bersheh, which shows 172 were reused to form hauling
as a lubricant to ease the movement of the runners men pulling a statue. The Egyptians did also use tracks at Lisht, east of
ibes how he enwosret I's pyramid.
of the sledge over the track. cattle to drag stones or to assist humans in pulling.
Jble from Hat­ A number of tomb scenes depict statues of wood This is depicted in a number of scenes and was (Above right) Twenty men
r the pharaoh or stone being pulled on sledges, with one worker confirmed by the discovery of the carcasses of easily pull a 2-ton block on
to as 'my mis­ u ually pouring liquid (probably water) under the draft cattle in builders' debris at the 11th-dynasty a sledge along lubricated
evements con­ front of the sledge's runners. The most famous of Mentuhotep complex at Deir el-Bahri. transport tracks for the
nasty officials, NOVA pyramid·building
~ible for trans­
~eater individ­
:' ,\,. l\ "":;;'111\ ii: ;;; ., ; to, . ("~
n' , •• ~ -<£'>t<.
experiment (p. 208).

V' ­

pIes of Lower ,
IJ1 native wood.

d costlier cedar
i ched together
lken apart and
me worn, pyra­ Hauling a nobleman's colossal
ray sleepers in statue: J 72 men are shown
1Il sledges over·
pulling the estimated 58-ton
statue of Djehutihotep in a
r river and then relief from his tomb at
g tracks were el-Bersheh.

SUPPly and Transport

Transformation of the Giza

plateau: around 9 million
cu. m of stone were quarried
and moved at Giza over three
generations of the 4th
dynasty. This is a reconstruc­
tion of the Giza plateau as it
might have appeared near the
end of Khufu's reign.
From the small knoll visible
at the bottom, left of centre,
Khufu's architect could have
planned his necropolis. To his
lower right was the mouth of
the wadi where the harbour
would be positioned, as shown
here. To his left a bowl-shaped
hollow could serve as a
quarry for tajla clay and
small stones used in
enormous quantities to build
ramps and secondary
structures. The hypothesis of
a segregated workmen's
community here has not been
supported by the last ten years
of investigation. The high
part of the Mokattam Forma­
tion in front was perfect for
founding the pyramids. To the
right and behind was an ideal
area for settlement and the
economic infrastructure of
pyramid building
The location of Khufu's
valley temple was estimated
from the contour lines of
maps available in 1985, when
this reconstruction was made.
Since then our knowledge has
grown dramatically - not
least by the discovery of the
location of the valky temple.
We have also learned not only
that the ;Wodplain in the Old
Kingdom was much lower
than was believed, but that
there is an extensive Old
Kingdom settlement that may
once have covered an area of
200 ha (494 acres). Its
archaeological remains first
came to light in 1989, when
the American-British
consortium, AMBRIC, began
to install a sewage system for
a suburb of modern Cairo
which reaches up to the foot of
the Giza plateau (p. 232).


Limestone quarrying by channelling

Between the main Khufu quarry and the SphilLX
lies a triangular area of rock honeycombed with
tombs. Some are cut into and under rectangles of
bedrock the size of small houses, separated by cor­
ridors wide enough for an entire tour group to walk
through today. These rectangles are quarry block,
left by 4th-dynasty quarrymen; the tombs were cu
much later. The reason we can still wander througJ-o
these silent stone corridors, once filled with the
Each pyramid ideally had a quarry close at hand chink of stone hammers and the chanting of work
that supplied the bulk of the stone for the pyramid ers, is that the rock was not exploited as deeply a:
core. The location of the quarry and the nature of in the main quarry. And that is also why this are
the local stone must have been prime considera­ offers valuable evidence of ancient quarrying.
tions for the pyramid builders. At Giza, the Khufu The vast quarry blocks would have been subd
quarry is now a huge, horseshoe-shaped bite miss­ vided by narrower channels - just wide enough f •
ing from the plateau, some 300 m (985 ft) south of one workman, who would cut his way through wi
the Great Pyramid. Its floor at its deepest is an a pick. In a few places, almost detached from t
extraordinary 30 m (98 ft) below the original sur­ parent rock, blocks remain about the size of th
face. The calculated amount of stone removed ­ forming the core walls of Khafre's temples. Th
c. 2,760,000 cu. m (97.5 million cu. ft) - compares and the Sphinx ditch were probably the quarries f(
neatly with the total 2,650,000 cu. m (93.5 million those temples, which must have been the last e
cu. ft) in Khufu's pyramid. ment of Khafre's pyramid complex to be built.
Too neatly in fact. There should be more missing Why start by carving such extraordinarily wi
than this: modern masons and quarrymen estimate and deep channels, if the blocks they separate (If'
that between 30 and 50 per cent of stone was wast­ only going to be subdivided further? The an w "Quired to mate
ed in the extraction of the stone. However, the quar­ lies in the absence of iron tools in ancient Egypt. I :men, 322 cu.
ry extends an unknown distance to the south, modern quarries, 'channels are cut all around JaW been quarr
beyond the line of Menkaure's causeway - traces of block and then small slots are cut along its batt ing about the
it were cleared here by Abdel Aziz Saleh for Cairo bed and iron wedges hammered in until the bloc k). That figu
University in 1980. And much stone was taken cracks from below. With only tools of stone, \Hll nsa te for otheJ
from the Central Wadi, which served as a conduit or copper at their disposal, the ancient quarrym
for other materials such as Turah limestone and had to use large wooden levers to detach block, her types I

granite. We can be certain that most core stone was and needed considerably more room to manoeU\T' ne fine limest(
Granite blocks were cut not quarried locally. More specifically, this was proba­ In Menkaure's quarry, just sDutheast of his p) -a quarried at
with copper or bronze, but bly the quarry which furnished the bulk of the core mid, great lever sockets are still visible. They f ile Valley. The
were separated from the stone for Khufu's pyramid. Cut into the towering low one of the softer, thinner bands of the roc ep within the
bedrock by channels pounded west face of the quarry is a series of 4th-dynasty layers at Giza, facilitating the separation of bloc beds of hi
out with hammer stones. Jarrymen tunn
Here the beginnings of such tombs, three of them for children of Khafre - evi­ of the thicker, harder stone above. Some have Sil
channels can be seen in a dence that this quarry had fallen into disuse by or gested that these slots were not for levers but f poorer matel
block of granite at Aswan. during Khafre's reign. wooden wedges, the stone cracking as the soak t along what
wood expanded. However, there is some doubt til.. ey then extrac
this would work and the most likely reconstructi Ierely to cover
is that once a block had been freed except for I 2,379,842 cu.
base, rows of men would pry it up using levers. me 934 km
ere quarries wI
How many quarrymen? Khufu's bu
To build the Great Pyramid in 23 years (the mi Id passage, el
mum length for Khufu's reign), 322 cu. m (11,37 d Menkaure'~
cu. ft) of stone had to be quarried daily. How man lumns of 5th­
quarrymen would this require? Our NOVA p) for false door
mid-building experiment (p. 208) provided a use - much as 45,0 1

comparison: 12 NOVA quarrymen produced 1 was quarried

stones in 22 days' work, or 8.5 stones per day. B mgdom. Yet so
though they worked barefoot and without pow to be develor
tools, they had the advantage of a winch with a: re used at thi~
iron cable to pull the stones away from the quarP -en pried awa~
face. An additional 20-man team might have ~ shipped no]
needed for this task in Khufu's day. Even assumi nite pieces f(
that an extra 20 men (making a total of 32) \\' 'al chamber

d the SphillJ(
'combed with
rectangles of
ated by cor­
group to walk
•quarry blocks,
,mbs were cut
nder through
lied with the
ing of work­
as deeply as
why this area
'e been subdi­
"de enough for
: through with
ched from the
ize of those
emples. This
e quarries for
• n the last ele­
be built.
rdinarily wide
y separate are
er? The answer required to match the daily rate of the NOVA quar­ 5.5 m (18 ft) long, as were many columns. It seems The larger the final block,
'ent Egypt. In rymen, 322 cu. m (11,371 cu. ft) per day could still inconceivable that large enough boulders existed; the wider the channel for
have been quarried by 1,212 men (1 cu. m (35 cu. fO more likely they were separated by channelling. separating from the bedrock
all around a had to be. Monoliths for
I ng its bottom being about the average size of a pyramid core In the case of granite, however, the channels
Khafre's temples were
until the block block). That figure can be expanded further to com­ were worked with hand-held pounders of dolerite channelled out 0/ a quarry
of tone, wood pensate for other advantages of iron tools. (p. 211), a hard stone like black granite. This tech­ southwest 0/ the Sphinx.
nt quarrymen nique is well attested for the New Kingdom and
I detach block,
Other types of stone many hundreds of pounders have been found in the
to manoeuvre. The fine limestone for the outer pyramid casing quarries at Aswan. There are also numerous chan­
~ t of hIS pyra­ was quarried at Turah and transported across the nels pounded out by hand and unfinished blocks
. ible. They fol­ Nile Valley. The quarries now form galleries cut where a single man has worked away the surface.
lds of the rock deep within the limestone escarpment. To follow When I tried my hand at this it took five hours of
ration of block the beds of highest quality stone, the ancient pounding to produce a patch measuring c. 30 x 30
me have sug­ qnarrymen tunnelled in and under the overburden em (12 x 12 in), worked down by c. 2 em (% in). To
(" !e\-ers but for of poorer material. Beginning with a 'lead' shelf be 'sent to the granite' was surely to be condemned
a the soaked cut along what would become the gallery ceiling, to the grimmest of the pyramid builders' tasks.
me doubt tha they then extracted the stone in terraces or banks.
reconstruction Merely to cover Khufu's pyramid, about 67,390 cu.
d except for it m (2,379,842 cu. ft) of Turah limestone was needed.
ing levers. Some 934 km (580 miles) to the south at Aswan
were quarries which yielded the granite blocks that
lined Khufu's burial chamber and plugged his pyra­
-ears (the mini· mid passage, encased Khafre's pyramid temples
12 cu. m (11,371 and Menkaure's pyramid, and were used for
laily. How many columns of 5th- and 6th-dynasty pyramids, as well
ur .\lOVA pyra­ as for false doors, offering tables and pyramidions.
rovided a useful As much as 45,000 cu. m (1.5 million cu. ft) of gran­
produced 1 ite was quarried in the Aswan quarries in the Old
per day. But Kingdom. Yet some claim that granite working had
without power yet to be developed and that only natural boulders
I \'inch with an were used at this period. These would simply have
from the quarry been pried away along natural fractures, shaped
NOVA quarrymen produced
night have been and shipped north on great barges. However, the 186 blocks in 22 days by
Even assuming granite pieces forming roofing blocks of Khufu's hand, but with the significant
lof 32) were burial chamber and relieving chambers were over advantage of iron tools.

The question of how the ancient Egyptians buil
pyramids of such extraordinary size and precisio

The NOVA Pyramid­

has spawned many theories but less experimenta;
archaeology. I teamed up with Roger Hopkins, a
stonemason from Sudbury, Massachusetts, and a

Building Experiment
team of Egyptian masons, quarrymen and labour·
ers, to build a small pyramid near the Giza plateau.
in an experiment filmed for the NOVA televisio
programme. Working in the shadow of the Grea
Pyramid, pressures of a film schedule allowed IJ::
(Right) The critical first only three weeks for quarrying and three for build­
course 01 the NOVA pyramid ing, so we were forced to use tools and technolo _ "ing ston
is leve/kd. as the ramp covers not available to the ancient Egyptians. Our masoru,
the base. Our pyramid was lund tha
just 9 m (29lJzlt) to a side. used iron hammers, chisels and levers - their ances­ be mon~..
dwarfed by the Great Pyramid tors had only wood, stone and copper. And Roger ling. ]u.
in the background. brought in a front-end loader for shifting and \'er block.
ting the stones of lower courses so that we would ·S. a rope \
have time to test different methods at the top, wheT pulled b\' UI
restricted space created special difficulties. : behind. 1'1
(Centre) We tested a .' around
suggested method of raising 'ely that s
heavy blocks by levering The up a ramp 1
lramework of industrially ,'s lifetime. F,
planed timber was rather JOden sled
unwieldy and wood was in <lyof mo\'in
short supply in ancient Egypt.
\'ered. simp
(Below) Levering was rye IS an opel
requiredlor the topmost '. on soft
stones. but now working space o<:d lumber.
was restricted and in order to a urface of
get purchase the levers were \\'e used ro
very long and high
leces of \\'00
was the rna
, )f the sled
T a continua

pulling the I
':.'d task. If h
sledge and
'Tack. A hu~
needed to n
With neithe
mechanIcal I
r trlcted a~
ificial slid€
'ed a much IT
we built r
then filled
. On top \\
pieces. folk
of those at
-ledge coul
:uccess. In (
.' ntations,
'Tackways a'
o t likely IT
bulk of thf

ing stom
e it is wldel
blocks (p.
_~tians built Our aim was to test some of the current theories
and precision of armchair pyramid builders and tryout ancient
experimental techniques as authentically as possible. We knew
Hopkins, a that to fully replicate pyramid building would
- tts, and a require nothing less than replicating ancient Egypt­
and labour· ian society. Although we failed to match the best
Giza plateau, efforts of the ancient builders, it was abundantly
~'A television clear that their expertise was the result not of some
. of the Great mysterious technology or secret sophistication, but
e allowed us of generations of practice and experience.
I wee for build·
and technology Moving stones
Our masons We found that stones weighing as much as 2.5 tons
- their ances· could be moved by our NOVA workmen simply by
~..-\nd Roger tumbling. Just 4 or 5 men were able to lever up and
. 'ng and set­ flip over blocks of less than 1 ton. To shift heavier
that we would blocks, a rope was looped around the top and it was
the top, where then pulled by up to 20 men, with a couple more on
lties. levers behind. This technique was ideal for shifting
stones around the construction yard - but it is most
unlikely that sufficient stones could have been tum­
bled up a ramp to build a whole pyramid within a
king's lifetime. Faster methods were needed.
Wooden sledges on rollers offered a much quick·
er way of moving stones, even though, as we soon
discovered, simply loading a block on to a wooden
ledge is an operation requiring considerable skill.
. ext, on soft sand we built an artificial trackway of
planed lumber, though ancient tracks were wider,
with a 1urface of hardened gypsum or packed clay.
Then we used rollers consisting of small, cylindri­
cal pieces of wood. The lynchpin of the entire oper­
ation was the man who received the rollers from the
back of the sledge and put them down in front, cre­ posed that it was achieved by levering. Martin Isler Getting to the point: NOVA
ating a continually rolling roadway. With 12 to 20 proposed that there were temporary stairways in masons begin to trim the
men pulling the load at a swift pace, his was a very the middle of each pyramid face for levering up casing from the top
downwards. We had just three
skilled task. If he laid just one roller at an angle, stones. weeks and 44 workmen to
both sledge and load immediately followed it off When we put levering to the test. unforeseen dif­ build our pyramid consisting
the track. A huge number of rollers would have ficulties emerged. A set of levers is needed on two of 186 stones and measuring
been needed to move the stones up on to the pyra­ sides to lift a block: one side is raised and support­ 6 m (20ft) high. It would have
mid. With neither abundant supplies of wood, nor ed, then the other side is levered up to bring it level. fitted neatly on to the top of
the mechanical lathe this method must have had As the stone is rocked upwards it is supported on a the Great Pyramid, in whose
shadow we built it.
only restricted application. stack of wood. This required two deep notches in
Artificial slideways, as found at Lisht (p. 203) each side of a block, which are not found on pyra­
proved a much more efficient method. In our exper­ mid core stones. Lever sockets are occasionally
iment we built two parallel retaining walls which found in casing stones, but they are clearly for side
were then filled with debris to create an inclined adjustment. More critically, the wooden supports
ramp. On top we built a roadbed with wooden were precarious and unwieldy, in spite of our using
crosspieces, following the approximate specifica­ planed lumber. Similar difficulties arose with the
tions of those at Lisht. We found that a 2·ton stone fulcrum, which had to rise with the load. It seemed
on a sledge could be pulled by 20 men or fewer. to us, therefore, that some system involving a ramp
This success, in conjunction with evidence of tomb or ramps was the most likely method used.
representations, remains of ancient embankments Many pyramid theorists resort to levering to
and trackways at Lisht, convinced us that this was explain how the capstone and the topmost courses
the most likely means the Egyptians used to bring were set, since by that level there was simply no
in the bulk of the core stones. longer room for ramps (p. 222). However, to climb
the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre and look down
Raising stones their steep slopes and narrow steps is to realize that
While it is widely agreed that ramps were used to great bulk of the pyramid could not have been
:'aise blocks (p. 215), several theorists have pro­ raised in this way.

Right angles, verticals and surfaces
The levelling of the pyramids, in all its finesse, wa~
probably achieved with simple wooden instru­
Tools, Techniques
ments and plumb lines. The set square enabled
right angles to be laid out or checked, while the

and Operations
plumb bob, suspended from a rod, was used
for vertical adjustments. The square level - an
A-shaped wooden frame with legs of equal length
- was used for levelling surfaces. When its plumb
bob (suspended from the corner where the two
Like all technology, ancient or modern, pyramid arms of the '1'\ join) aligns with the mark at the cen­
building was based on tools, techniques and opera­ tre of the crosspiece, the surface on which the two
tions. The Egyptian builders used their simple legs are standing is level.
tools - such as plumb bobs, string, rope, wood, It was long thought that the bases of pyramids
stone hammers, sledges, copper chisels and saws ~ were levelled by channelling water (p. 214). How
in certain techniques - measuring, aligning, chis­ ever, water-lifting technology in the Old Kingdom
(Below) Ancient wooden tools:
a square level with plumb bob elling, levering, cutting and polishing and so on. was limited to simple shoulder-poles with pots
(toP); set square (left); and The techniques were then combined into the opera­ slung on either end. For levelling operations for a
vertical plumb rod (right) in tions, and operations into the technical ensembles pyramid like Khufu's with a base area of 5.3 ha
Cairo Museum. that built pyramid complexes. (13.1 acres), an impossibly large quantity would
need to be carried up to the plateau - to say nothing
of the problems of the water evaporating before Smoothing
a levelling trench could be filled to the requisite The many ac
height. cover the pyra
c. 8 mm (Y3 in
Drilling and sawing very hard stone 'imply will no
How ancient builders cut through stone as hard as tent with wha
granite and basalt remains one of the truly per­ dam: massive
plexing questions of pyramid-age masonry. Drill in small increr
holes in granite showing pronounced striations sur­ Nick Fairpl,
vive in many different 4th- and 5th-dynasty monu­ ing with my tl
ments. Whatever was used to cut it had to be at chisel workinl
least as hard as the hardest of the minerals that 'triations left
granite is composed of - quartz. but also preci,
It is most likely that a copper drill or saw wa chisel curled a
employed in conjunction with an abrasive slurry of resharpen his
water, gypsum and quartz sand. The copper blade often than by
simply acted as a guide while the quartz sand did estimates tha
the actual cutting. I have seen dried remains of this required for e
Ancient Egyptian masons slurry, tinted green from the copper, in deep saw
drilled and sawed hard basalt facing.
(below right) and granite. cuts in basalt blocks in Khufu's mortuary temple.
Copper blades probably Bronze - a harder alloy of copper with some tin ­ Pounding
guided the gypsum and sand was probably not used in Egypt before the Middle Dolerite pounc
that did the actual cutting Kingdom. of channelling

,urfaces (Far left) A block of
Turah-quality limestone in
front of the North Pyramid
at Dahshur (left) still retains
thumb-width chisel marks left
from small copper chisels.
. was u. Hundreds or even thousands
le\'el - an of these tools must have been
equal length used to dress the acres of
n its plumb casing on a giant 4th-dynasty
here the two pyramid.
'l3fk at the cen­
'hich the two

of pyramid.
(p. 214). How
(Below) Mushroom-shaped
hard stones with grooves over
Old Kingdom the head have been found at
with POL Giza. Possibly a kind of
rations for a proto·pulley, they may have
area of 5.3 ha guided ropes for sharp turns
uanrity would in the direction of pull.
- to say nothing
rating before Smoothing the pyramid casing at Aswan. They were initially pear-shaped ham­
the requisite The many acres of fine Turah limestone which merstones, but through use they became increas·
cover the pyramids were dressed using chisels only ingly rounded as the mason repeatedly turned
c. 8 mm (Y3 in) wide. Wider blades of soft copper them to exploit a new percussion edge when an old
lld stone simply will not work on stone. But it is also consis­ one wore away. Weighing c. 4-7 kg (c. 9-l5Ib), they
, one as hard a tent with what we know already of the Old King­ had to be held in two hands. Once fully rounded
the truly per· dom: massive projects were invariably undertaken they were no longer as useful as pounders, but a
masonry. Drill in small increments repeated innumerable times. number have been found beneath very heavy sarco­
triations sur· Nick Fairplay, the English master carver work­ phagi at Giza, suggesting that they were recycled
ynasty manu· ing with my team, studied the evidence of ancient as pivots and rollers - primitive ball-bearings.
it had to be at chisel working. Not only is he able to identify the
minerals that striations left by the edge of an individual chisel, The mystery tool
but also precisely at what point the corners of the Examples of these have been found at Giza, appar­
:trill or saw was chisel curled and forced the workman to stop and ently dating to the Old Kingdom. They are mush­
brasive slurry of :'esharpen his tool. This had to be done far more room-shaped with one or two holes through the
'he copper blade often than by modern masons using steel tools. He stem and three parallel grooves cut into the head. It
quartz sand did estimates that a full-time tool sharpener was has been suggested that they could have been bear­
:i remains of this required for every 100 chiselmen working on the ing stones or proto-pulleys, with the stem inserted
l)er, in deep saw facing. into a pole or scaffold and the grooves acting as
rtuary temple. guides for rope. There is no rimmed wheel, as in a
. with some tin­ Pounding true pulley, but the direction of pull could probably
lefore the Middle Dolerite pounders were used in the laborious work have been changed by running the ropes through
of channelling out blocks from the granite quarries the grooves.

(Left) Dolerite pounding

stones were grasped in two
hands and used to shape
granite. Smaller ones were
sometimes hafted into
wooden stick handles to tap
out finer detail.

Building the Base of I Constru
Khufu's Pyramid The ancient su,
Survey and Alignment /zave achieved a
hree ways:

a) with a sel .\
Qile leg of WI ."i
-quare is placec.
__ --0(- _ ... qlready establis
Orienting the pyramids: by the stars... the perpendicu/l
Old Kingdom builders achieved amazing accuracy 'rom the other ~
IS flipped and II
in orienting the sides of pyramids - the greatest
r, repeated. The c.
deviation of any of the four sides of Khufu's pyra­ perpendicular I,
mid, for example, is under 3' 26" of an are, or less account the sm.
than Y15 of 1°. I.E.S. Edwards argued that such pre­ Tror between II
cision could only have been achieved by observa­ positions - ex0/v
tion of the stars. His method involved building a lrowing With I,
The building sequence of the northeast corner of fl) long, this set-.
circular wall a few feet in diameter and tall enough
Khufu's pyramid (above and diagrams): numbers larger than any
to exclude all but the night sky from the view of a indicate existing features or ones known from ancient Egypt. £
person standing inside. Acting as an artificial hori­ traces, or that exist at other places around the base perpendicular it
Finding true north by zon, the wall had to be absolutely horizontal ­ 'hort considerill
bisecting the angle of rising of this pyramid and queen's pyramid GI-c. Featur~
Edwards suggested that this could have been are shown at correct relative scale. xtended more 1
and setting of a star over 754ft}.
a circular, level wall, as achieved using water contained by mud banks. A
The builders first extended a reference line
suggested by I.ES Edwards. person in the centre of the circle facing north would b} with a 3-4-.
(1) oriented to true north. The next step was to lay
The length of the north line select a star and mark its rising and setting points The 'Sacred' or ,
out a square with precise right-angles. The massif riangle - three £
achieved would be the radius at the top of the wall. These points would be of natural rock retained in Khufu's pyramid (2 and ide, four on tIll
of the circle. extended to the foot of the wall using a plumb line above) prevented the builders from measuring the ;l'e on the hypot.
and joined to the centre of the circle. North was the diagonals to check the accuracy of their square. right-angle. Su
bisection of the angle of the lines at the centre.

II The foundation The extraordinarily accurate massif (2) were incorporated beyond the extrapolated lines III The The pyramid's Ji
levelling of Khufu's pyramid into the platform as successive of the platform (12). ses slightly abo
platform was achieved on the surface of courses were built up. The setting line of the course 'II into the bedr.
the foundation platform, not At the northeast corner of foundation platform (9) (15). The settin;,
the bedrock. This platform the platform was a very large would have been erased as (16) for the fool
(10) was composed of slab (11). Its extraordinary large slabs were brought in. It asing is set back
Turah-quality limestone slabs size may indicate that this would also have been covered lie marking the
with occasional backing stones was the first corner to be by the extra stock of stone on f Ihe foundatiol
of loeallimestone (stiPPled). established. The socket the front face of the slabs. A 13). The extra !
The steps of the bedrock actually extends 0.9 m (3 ft) line of rectangular holes (8) andling bosses I
runs along the east and north 1sing stones arc
sides of the pyramid. The
II holes could have held posts to
which cord was pinned to
form an outside reference line. IV Deft 'Ie pyramid bas,
The lines of the front/ace l!l finally delim
(4, 9) and upper edge (13)
the pyra /zen the pyramic
of the platform would have base
mplete and the
been marked on each slab as
t from the cash
it was laid by measuring in
fed pyramid co
from the reference line. When
cubits (l 0. 5 m
slabs were dragged in, part of
,m the foundatl
the line could have been
all sides, boun,
removed and later restored.
closure wall (1:
No post-hole (14) marking
Slabs of the sa
the corner of the east and
Ihe foundation
north reference lines has been
,ught the pavel
found. If the perpendicular to
'h the platform
the east reference line had
IJIpletely hid its
been established by an
1 ), leaving the :
intersecting are, however, it
ing (16) as th
would not have been needed.
'eline of the py

I Constructing a right-angle
The ancient surveyors could seem to be present in the several/eatures of Khufu's
have achieved a right-angle in design of Old Kingdom pyramid.
three ways: mortuary temples, though the In laying out the pyramid
evidence is inconclusive. Here base it was necessary to fix
a) with a set square a unit of 7 cubits (l royal the setting line for one side
One leg of an A-shaped set­ cubit = 0.525 m x 7 = 3.675 of the plat/arm (4). The next
square is placed on the m or c. 12 ft) is used because step was to establish the
already established line and this is the average spacing corner (5). Exactly 10 cubits
the perpendicular is taken between the series of holes (5.25 ml17 //4 ft) due north
from the other leg The square along the sides of Khufu's of the northeast corner of
is flipped and the operation pyramid (see below). the foundation plat/arm is a
repeated. The exact This method establishes a round hole (6). An arc from
perpendicular takes into perpendicular line 14.7 m (48 the corner point (5) touches
account the small angle of ft) long (0.525 x 7 cubits x 4) another hole (7), due east of
error between the two - longer than that obtained this and on the extension of
positions - exaggerated in the using a set-square. Note that the north line of the platform.
drawing With legs 2.5 m (8 the triangle could not have This one is rectangular like
!;;[ corner of
ft) long, this set-square is been much larger without those of the reference lines.
s): numbers
larger than any known from hitting the bedrock massif However, the perpendicular
I"Il from
ancient Egypt. Even so, the c) by intersecting arcs
established by intersecting
r lund the base
perpendicular it provides is arcs with centres at points
The intersections of two arcs
1 GI-c. Features short considering the line was 5 and 6 falls neither along
obtained by stretching and
extended more than 230 m rotating cords of the same the north plat/arm line (9)
(754 ft) nor along the line of holes
radius from two points on the
-e line b) with a 3-4-5 triangle on the north side (8). But the
same line also establishes a ancient surveyors could have
, ep was to lay The 'Sacred' or Pythagorean perpendicular. Some have
. The massif triangle - three units on one measured from any
doubted that this method was perpendicular to establish a
rramid (2 and side, four on the other and used because the elasticity of
, easuring the five on the hypotenuse - gives reference or setting line.
the cord would give inaccurate
eir square. a right-angle. Such triangles results, but it might explain

III Thefir The pyramid's first course examples on Gre. Once again,
rises slightly above the step sections of the reference line III
course cut into the bedrock masslf could have been taken out
(15). The setting line when a casing block was
(16) for the foot of the brought in, and then replaced.
casing is set back from the Two blocks have been
line marking the upper edge wedged up on rollers to cut
of the foundation plat/arm their joint sides parallel before
(13). The extra stock and they are put into position and
handling bosses (17) on the the pyramid slope marked on
casing stones are modelled on their fronts (p. 220).

IV Definil The pyramid base would have slabs were custom-cut and set
been finally delineated only in an irregular mosaic.
the pyraml when the pyramid was Today the pavement is
base complete and the extra stock completely missing at the
cut from the casing blocks. A northeast corner of the
paved pyramid court extended pyramid and the diagram is
20 cubits (10.5 m or 34 ft) therefore based on a patch
from the foundation plat/arm preserved at the north side of
on all sides, bounded by an the pyramid, and along the
enclosure wall (19). north side of Khufu's
Slabs of the same thickness mortuary temple.
as the foundation platform At this stage the holes for
brought the pavement flush stakes along the reference
with the platform and lines, were no longer needed,
completely hid its front face so the masons closed them
(18), leaving the foot of the with small stones (20) before
casing (16) as the visual covering them with the court
baseline of the pyramid. The pavement.
...or by the sun? Levelling the pyramid base Given the fao
Survey and Alignment Late, rather arcane texts that deal with the found­ As with their orientation, the levelling of the pyra­ like Khufu's h;
ing of temples mention 'the shadow' and 'the stride mids was an extraordinarily precise feat. The base tt) from the g
of Ra', the sun-god, hinting at a method using the of Khufu's pyramid is level to within just 2.1 em would have b
sun. This could have been based on the fact that the (c. 1 in). It has been argued that this was achieved right. Accorcli
sun rises and sets in equal but opposite angles to using water: Edwards, for example, suggested that would in fact I
true north. In this method, a pole, or gnomon, is set banks of Nile mud were constructed to form an ial than the p}
up, using a plumb line to make it as vertical as pos­ enclosure which was flooded with water. A grid of Petrie faile<
sible, and its shadow is measured about 3 hours trenches was then cut, the bottom of each at a uni­ pyramid becal
before noon. That length becomes the radius of a form depth below the water. But the impracticality metres of limE
circle. As the sun rises the shadow shrinks back of working with chisels and stone hammers in clay. This deb
from the line and then lengthens in the afternoon. water is clear. What might have been possible was in the 1920
When it reaches the circle again it forms an angle to dig a network of channels, then flood this and remains of tt
with the morning's line. The bisection of the angle mark the level of the water's surface on the sides. into the quan;
is true north. Once the water was drained off, the channels could mid. At Lisht I
The sun-and-shadow method may perhaps not be cut to a standard depth from those marks. mids were ma,
be as accurate as that based on stellar observations Such a theory might work for pyramids like Mei­ no substantial
and is certainly less consistent through the year, dum and Dahshur which were built on desert sur­ ever its preciSl
being more exact during the solstices. However, the faces and may have flatter bases. But in building been made of
next operation the ancient surveyors had to per­ the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre the ancient ficial combina
form was extending the line to the length of a pyra­ masons started on a sloping plateau c. 7-10 m chips is pre
mid side without any deviation. For the NOVA (23-33 ft) higher than the eventual base and in each plateau.
(Above) The entrance to pyramid experiment, Roger Hopkins used a gno­ case left a massif of rock in the body of the pyra­
mon 1.38 m (4Yz ft) high to produce a line 1.45 m mid. They only levelled (and then approximately) a The configl
the descending passage of
Khufu's first Queen's pyramid. (4% ft) long. As his ancient predecessors might strip around this massif and in the case of Khufu' The question (
A notch is clearly visible in the have done, Roger repeated the operation, producing pyramid it was the surface of the foundation plat­ produced a wI
lintel which may mark the a series of north lines, checking the orientation of form that was precisely levelled, rather than the the straight-or
axis of a satellite pyramid the pyramid line as he went. Perhaps it is more real­ bedrock. For Khafre's pyramid the ancient builders ramp either bl
that was never built. floor and lean
istic to envisage gnomons erected along the base of cut down the northwest corner by 10 m (33 ft), but
---------,.,~ the pyramid than a series of circular actually built up the opposite, southeast corner. zags up just (
walls and artificial canals. Any levelling technique using water must take pyramid or Ie
into account the problem that water lifting and ramp. It has a.
transport in the Old Kingdom was probably limited L'vo Holscher,
to pots slung from shoulder poles. Even if all thi against the fao
water had been carried up to the plateau, it would mid. But apart
more than likely have evaporated or drained away casing was thel
before any measurements could be completed. Such dence: the pro\'
practical hurdles make all theories using water dos, and Sekh
unworkable. 'tep pyramids,
allel ramps (p.
The outside reference line argue that the
At roughly regular spacings parallel to the sides of tones were le1
both Khufu's and Khafre's pyramids are lines of each course. A
holes. They form a double line of staggered pairs. TT1ent suggests
each c. 30 em (12 in) in diameter around Khafre' ide movement
the pairs spaced c. 10 cubits (5.25 m or 17 1/4 ftl ones of the VE
apart. The spacings are not so accurate as to be gthe bulk of
incremental measurements of length. Rather. The straight
stakes in these holes perhaps carried a referenoe yramid has ha
Finding north by the sun.
line, tied from one stake to another, for measuring rms have bE
A pole, or gnomon, is made
perpendicularly to establish the final pyramid base­ -hether it wou
vertical with the aid of plumb.
line. At the same time they could have been used a.: ne face. To eli
True north is the bisection of
'ould have to
the angle of the shadows cast
a levelling reference by all being marked or cut to
by the pole before and after
the same height. rder to build
noon. A row of poles would
A section of cord and stakes could be taken ou rder to maint
give a series of north lines
whenever a block had to be moved in, and then .;nit of rise in t
that could serve as a check on
closed up again by replacing the stakes and extrap­ ramp would he
extending the reference line
olating from the line still in place. Finally, the -as raised, ine
for the pyramid base.
e pyramid its
ancient builders would cut the stones to form the
baseline of the pyramid. "lanpower and

Given the fact that the stones of a giant pyramid
of the pyra· like Khufu's had to be raised as much as 146 m (479
ear. The base ft) from the ground, if a ramp was indeed used it
. just 2.1 em would have been a colossal structure in its own
was achieved
. uggested that
right. According to some ideas about its shape, it
would in fact have required as much or more mater­

~ to form an ial than the pyramid itself.

'3ier. A. grid of Petrie failed to identify the quarry for Khufu's
each at a uni· pyramid because it was filled with millions of cubic
impracticality metres of limestone chips, gypsum, sand and tafta
e hammers in clay. This debris, partially cleared by Selim Hassan
possible wa in the 1920s and 1930s, probably includes the
flood this and remains of the construction ramp, pushed back
on the sid into the quarry as the workers completed the pyra·
han nels could mid. At Lisht ramps for the Middle Kingdom pyra·
marks. mids were made of mudbrick. But at Giza there is
lITlids like 1ei­ no substantial deposit of Nile alluvial mud. What·
on desert sur­ ever its precise configuration, the ramp must have
in building been made of locally available materials. This arti·
the ancient ficial combination of gypsum, tafta and limestone
~u c. 7-10 m chips is present in truly vast quantities on the
- and in each plateau.
: of the pyra·
roximately) a The configuration of the ramp
:: of Khufu'. The question of what kind of ramp was used has
ndation plat· produced a whole spectrum of possible answers:
a her than the the straight-on or perpendicular ramp; the spiral
·ent builde • ramp either built on the pyramid or sitting on the
m (33 ft), bu floor and leaning against it; the ramp which zig­ the four corners free for backsighting, still consid­ In building our NOVA
stcorner. zags up just one face (again, either built on the ered by some to have been important for maintain· pyramid (p. 208) we
pyramid or leaning against it); and the internal ing control of the pyramid slope.. constructed an inclined ramp
'3 er must take of retaining walls of tajla,
er lifting and ramp. It has also been suggested, for example by Alternatively, the ramp may have been spiral·
limestone chips and gypsum.
lbably limited Uvo Holscher, that ramps could have leaned shaped, winding up and around the pyramid. One The ramp rose 1 m (3'/4 ft)
["en if all thi. against the face of each step of an inner step pyra­ form of this was suggested by Dows Dunham, fol· in a length of 14 m (46 ft)
eau, it would mid. But apart from failing to explain how the outer lowing his work with George Reisner at Menkaure's to reach the top of the first
drained awa~ casing was then added, this also contradicts the evi· pyramid at Giza. He suggested a total of four course of the pyramid at its
dence: the provincial pyramid at Sinki, South Aby­ ramps, one running from each corner. Clinging to northwest corner and then
pleted. uch wrapped around three sides
u;;ing water dos, and Sekhemkhet's pyramid, both unfinished the pyramid, they would wind anti-clockwise up
of the pyramid.
step pyramids, have perpendicular rather than par· and around it as it grew, running on top of an
allel ramps (p. 217). Finally there are theorists who embankment founded on the stepped, undressed
argue that there were no ramps; rather that the courses of each face. This form of ramp would
a the side of
stones were levered up to the requisite height for require far less material than the straight·on type,
- are line of
each course. As we have seen, the NOVA experi­ not needing to start so far out from the pyramid to
ggered pai~
ment suggests that levering was practical only for achieve a functional slope. It would also leave the
lllIld Khafre'••
side movements, final adjustments and setting the face relatively free for control of the rise and run of
m or 17 1 4 ft
stones of the very uppermost courses - not for rais· the pyramid itself. In this interpretation the
curate as to be
l11g the bulk of the core and casing stones (p. 208). undressed outer casing courses would have to be
rength. Rather.
The straight-on ramp against one face of the rather step-like to support the embankments. Evi­
ied a reference
pyramid has had strong advocates, and a variety of dence of unfinished casing stones on the north side
for measurin
forms have been devised. One disagreement is of Menkaure's pyramid shows that there at least
p~Tamid ba.
whether it would have covered all, or just part of, the unfinished faces, still with their handling boss·
e been used ~
one face. To cloak only part of the face meant it es, were not step-like and probably could not have
larked or cut would have to be extraordinarily thin and tall in supported such a ramp.
order to build the upper part of the pyramid. In A related theory suggests a zigzagging ramp
lld be taken ou order to maintain a functional slope - about one going up one face of the pyramid. It has many of
!d in. and then unit of rise in ten units of length - the straight·on the same problems as the spiral ramp. I investigat·
- and extrap­ ramp would have to be lengthened every time it ed a model of a spiral ramp which, rather than rest·
. Finally, the was raised, inevitably slowing down the work on ing on the pyramid itself, is like an accretion
. to form the the pyramid itself and using up vast resources of (similar to the accretions of the early step pyra­
manpower and materials. On the other hand, it left mids) that actually leaned against each face of the

pyramid. The entire ramp is like an envelope, built he additiona
up at the same time as the pyramid and almost stones at the
completely cloaking it, with a roadway on top. I \\'asa major
arrived at this configuration by studying the topog·
raphy of Khufu's pyramid - the ramp would stan Archaeolo
at the mouth of the quarry and run for 320 m (1,050 Knowing the ~
ft), the distance to the southwest corner of the pyra· make deduc
mid, gaining a total rise of 37 m (121 ft) at a slope of ramp. It wa I
about 6° 36'. A ramp of very similar dimensions i, ramp, runnin!!
described in the Papyrus Anastasi of the late ew near the top
Kingdom, when one scribe taunts another over been impra
whether he could build a ramp of such·and·such urses. To m
specifications. The next section of road bed would have begun to l
rise along the west side of the pyramid for a length pyramid ro e
of 250 m (820 ft) (slightly longer than the base of also unlikely
the pyramid) at the increased slope of 7° 18'. It then 3wr the area
would run along the north side, and so on for 11 mid, since we k
turns all the way up and around the pyramid. The here early in h
angle of slope increases from ]0-12°, to 14°, and fiti reveal that
finally for the last 40 m (131 ft), approaching the lials was undt
very top, it is as steep as 18° 39' - probably t \'hile the Ea
steep - and the builders may also have been run· '1earest relati\'e
ning out of room. A few pyrar
Other theorists disagree with this suggestio itu, so most di
because it involves entirely cloaking the pyramid cal. Ramps ha'
They believe that the builders depended on havin pyramids. For I
a clear view of masonry already completed in order ~rpendicular
to control the rise and run of the pyramid face "rom quarries
However, as we shall see, the Egyptians were at Saqqara, ab;
already in effect cloaking the pyramid surface b~ And at Sinh
leaving extra stock of stone on every casing sto 'abil Swelim I
that they set (p. 220). Sighting back to already lai :onstruction of
masonry cannot have been a significant way place, perpend
controlling the rising pyramid. eps. And, a~
Stadelmann has suggested a ramp to one corner roadbeds that·
which then leant against one side, much like t nd ramps sur
first part of the preceding model, for the midd' uch as that of
part of the pyramid. For the lower part, many sma At Meidum t
The form of the ramps that straight·on ramps fed the pyramid. At 120 m (39 -:rack or possib
supplied materials to the
workforce as the pyramid rose ft), a series of small ramps rested on the stepp ng from the
is a persistent puzzle and one faces that would be filled in after the pyramidi ad directly 0\
that has given rise to a and corners had been delivered. .ected, reaches
number of different ideas for Finally we must include the internal ramp pr "estern side. J
configurations, from a zigzag posed by Dieter Arnold. This would not need t , am the east, 1
ramp up one face of the start so far away as the straight·on ramp becau, ':auseway than
pyramid to an internal ramp.
In fact most of the other part of the rise is actually in the masonry of the ..\,er, it does al
suggested variations can be pyramid itself. However, there is little evidence ir -ifth and sixth
broken down into one or a support of such a configuration in the giganti E2, which led I
combination of two main pyramids, although there are construction gaps' hin and start
types: a straight, sloping pyramids of the 5th dynasty for building the inter· ramp up to the
ramp up one face of the nal burial chambers. At the art!
pyramid; or one or several
ramps that begin near the The OVA pyramid building project (p. 208) Ie \'0 transport

base and wrap around the me more sympathetic to the idea of ramps tha uarries. ComI
pyramid. It is possible that a clung to the pyramid face. Casing stones left pr .;and, they Cal
combination of the two was jecting further than the others - whether an entir 'l1plying that t
used, with a straight sloping course or individual stones staggered across t s base-and,
ramp up against one side and face - could have served as a foundation for ar he ramp clun!
rising to about a third of the
pyramid's height, which from embankment and roadway. Evidence that may su mposed of V\
this point wraps around the port this configuration has very recently come' e east, mar~
pyramid (third row, right). light: Zahi Hawass's excavations have revealed th... ,sing stones.

velope, built the additional stock left on the undressed casing
and almost stones at the base of Khufu's queens' pyramids
;ay on top. I was a major protruding portion of the blocks.
. g the topog­
II' would start Archaeological evidence
320 m (1,050 Knowing the position of Khufu's quarry helps us
of thepyra­ make deductions about the configuration of the
)at a slope of ramp. It was unlikely to have been a straight-on
dimensIOns is ramp, running directly from quarry entrance to
the late New near the top of the pyramid, since it would have
another over been impracticably steep to reach the higher
h-and-such courses_ To maintain a workable slope it would
d bed would have begun to overshoot the quarry by the time the
for a length pyramid rose to two-thirds of its final height. It is
an the base of also unlikely that any ramp would have extended
7 18'. It then over the areas to the east or west of Khufu's pyra­
- on for 1Vt mid, since we know that he was building cemeteries East of Khufu's pyramid and south of the The Sinki pyramid at South
p~Tamid. The there early in his reign: hieroglyphic texts and graf­ queens' pyramids and the mastabas in the Eastern Abydos, a small step pyramid
_ . to 14°, and fiti reveal that the Western Cemetery for high offi­ Field, archaeologists from Cairo University exca­ with its ramp sllil in situ
against one face.
roaching the cials was underway by year 5 of Khufu's reign, vated two parallel walls, formed, like so many other
- probably too while the Eastern Cemetery of mastabas for his secondary walls at Giza, of small broken stone set
\ave been run­ nearest relatives and queens had begun by year 12. in tafla clay. One of the walls is thicker and made of
A few pyramid ramps have been discovered in segments c. 10 cubits (5.25 m or 17 ft 3 in) long.
• suggestion situ, so most discussion on the subject is hypotheti­ Because the excavators cleared the debris between
the pyramid. cal. Ramps have been found at small, 3rd-dynasty them they now describe a corridor, but we suspect
lded on having pyramids. For example, a surviving ramp makes a that they were retaining walls - the debris fill being
leted in order perpendicular approach over the enclosure wall the body of a ramp or construction embankment.
PFamid face. from quarries to the west of Sekhemkhet's pyramid Similar structures have been found, for example an
:ptians were at Saqqara, abandoned very early in construction. embankment which still leans against the incom­
id surface by And at Sinki, South Abydos, Gunter Dreyer and plete southern wall of the mastaba field to the west
')' casmg stone Nabil Swelim discovered a frozen moment in the of Khufu's pyramid. And George Reisner found
o already laid construction of a tiny pyramid with ramps still in construction embankments filling an unfinished
-ficam way of place, perpendicular to its sides over the lower room in Menkaure's mortuary temple.
steps. And, as we have seen, evidence of the Much of pyramid construction, including ramps
i> to one corner. roadbeds that ran along the top of embankments and embankments, was simply the engineering of
On the basis of archaeological
much like the and ramps survives at the sites of later pyramids, huge amounts of limestone chip, tafla and gypsum. evidence, Borchardt
for the middle such as that of Senwosret I at Lisht. One advantage of this material was that once struc­ reconstructed a very thin and
ilrt. many small At Meidum there is what appears to be a hauling tures were no longer needed, it easily disintegrated high straight ramp at the
At 120 m (394 track or possibly the remains of a ramp approach­ into its constituent parts when struck with a pick. pyramid of Meidum.
n the stepped ing from the southwest. This h-ackway seems to
e pyramidion lead directly over the satellite pyramid and, if pro­
jected, reaches the higher courses of the pyramid's Ii
mal ramp pro­ western side. Another so-called ramp approaches II
d not need to from the east, though this is more likely an earlier ,, ,
, 1/
I \
ramp because causeway than a construction ramp (p. 99). How­ ;' \

na oryof the ever, it does align with a recess in the face of the
/ \ r--------'"
/\ I \
Ie evidence in fifth and sixth steps of the second step pyramid,
m the gigantic E2, which led Borchardt to reconstruct it as a very
ruction gaps in thin and startlingly high straight-on or sloping
ilding the inter­ ramp up to the pyramid face at that point.
At the North Pyramid of Dahshur remains of
>jeet (p_ 208) left two transport roads approach from southwesterly
of ramps that quarries. Composed of compact chips and marly
tones left pro­ sand, they come in very close to the pyramid,
ther an entire implying that the core stone was hauled right up to
"fed across the its base - and so lending support to the theory that
dation for an the ramp clung to the pyramid. Two other tracks
that may sup­ composed of white limestone chips approach from
ntly come to the east, marking the delivery, perhaps, of the
-e revealed that casing stones.

met at the top at the central point - so that they lit­
erally did not miss the point.
Egyptian masons determined slopes with a mea­
surement called seqed, the amount that a face
Rise and Run
slopes back for a rise of one cubit. A set-back of
one cubit for a rise of one cubit results in a 45
slope. In thi way slope can be achieved by measur­
ing units of rise and run. To create the slope of
Khufu's pyramid, for example, the ancient mason,
could have measured up by 14 units and iri by 11.
The geometry of a pyramid is deceptively simple: a The first pyramids were built of inward-leaning
square base with its centre point raised to create accretions, with the blocks - including the casin
four triangular faces; or, alternatively, a series of stones - laid on a bed that inclined with the angle of
squares within squares, each decreasing in size and the accretion. The outer face of the casing block
raised slightly to create the slope, or rise and run, in therefore formed the slope of the pyramid. It wa,
the face. When building a pyramid on a monumen­ only in the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur that Egyptian
tal scale absolute precision is crucial. If the four masons began to lay horizontal beds of masonry
diagonal lines deviated, the builders would have to Casing blocks now had to be trapezoidal, with the
twist the top to make them meet - as can just be slope of the pyramid face cut into their outer face.
detected at the top of Khafre's pyramid. It is a persistent idea that the builders main­ 'hort distance
A key question in pyramid construction is there­ tained the slope by sighting back to already laid east diagonal
fore how the ancient Egyptian masons controlled masonry. However, during building, the pyramid mapping of :
the diagonals and axes of the square as they built surface was probably obscured by debris and results may cas
the pyramid upwards. They had to ensure that all ramps. Also, throughout construction there wa. controlling rise
rough extra stock of stone left protruding on the
casing stones on the lower part of the pyramid The inner
This makes us wonder if there were clean lines and :\s we have
diagonals or a smooth face to sight back to befoll leidumasa
the very last stage, when the builders smoothed the t to eight step
casing from top to bottom as they dismantled the were sheathed i
construction ramps and embankments. enough to sern
The most compelling evidence indicates tha 'he true pyram
guidelines marking the plane of the pyramid faCt did. But while
were cut into each casing block as it was laid - ir: ,riginally a stel
effect, the masons created the face of the pyramid true of most I<
block by block as it rose, but hid the face behind ning with the E
extra stock of stone. Although this is certain, it ha:, he core could h
been said that this method alone would have resu] 'lightly or corr
ed in deviations to the overall face - that any err there is the qUI
would be cumulative. But errors would also han' '1lids were built
been compensating - a deviation in one block offw 'heorists, follO\'
by a different deviation in another. Also, check :alled 'girdle st,
against deviation could have included referen Passage of the
markers for axes and diagonals on the core, and or ..;ent the accreti
the ground some distance away. he simple fact
dynasty pyram
Distant sight reference markers ain either way.
In Ancient Egyptian Masonry (1930), Somers Clark Khufu's que(
and R. Engelbach, architect and engineer, hypothe -ertainly had (
sized that as the ancient builders worked on t wever, forme
truncated body of a pyramid they aligned the axe­ Irnestone blod
and diagonals by eye using backsights on t :orner of GI-a
Not all pyramids were built in casing stones were favoured. ground some distance away. This possibility ha:, hey are proba
the same way, and methods 3 Later pyramids had rough never been properly investigated. nd building t
varied greatly through time: masonry cores. Between core Over the years at Giza I have come across po. e ~vere Emu
1 Pyramids of the 3rd­ and casing was a layer of ble socket holes for marker posts. One, for examp little more th
dynasty were built of inward­ backing stones. 4 From now filled with ancient debris and covered \\1
leaning accretion layers. Senwosret III onwards top of the tl
2 In the 4th-dynasty well-built pyramids had cores of modern gravel, lies to the north of Khufu's pyram ger stones th
horizontal layers with shaped mudbrick, with a fine casing and appears to align with its centre axis. There i tween remail
dashed series of notches carved in the rock f100 ckingof sma

hat they Ii . (Left) The three queens'
pyramids of Menkaure reveal
with a mea­ details of their construction.
that a face Two of them were perhaps
never completed.
.-\ set·back of
ult- in a 45
~bymea UT'
e the lope 0
ancient rna n:
and in b~' II.
the ca in
h the angle
ca:ing bl
:ramid. It \\a:,
that Egyptian
of rna 11I1.
idal. with the
outer face.
builder- main­ short distance from, and aligned with, the south­ (Right) The southernmost of
already laId east diagonal of Khafre's pyramid. Systematic Khufu's queens' pyramids
. he pyram mapping of such marks has hardly begun: the (CI-c), with the stepped inner
: debris and
core and finer limestone
results may cast much light on ancient methods of casing still visible. Small holes
- here
controlling rise and run. in the corners of the core
ding on
masonry blocks align with the
ht' pyramid. The inner step pyramid pyramid diagonals. Three
clean lin and As we have seen, Sneferu began his pyramid of tiers are visible, each made
back to bef Meidum as a seven-step pyramid and then enlarged of rectangular blocks of
.:moothed masonry. Occasionally,
it to eight steps (p. 97). At both stages, the steps vertical seams can be detected
<fu-mantled were sheathed in white limestone with corners fine in these tiers, possibly
enough to serve as a reference for the casing of E3, reflecting the division of the
the true pyramid, as some theorists believe they workforce into competing
did. But while we can be certain that Meidum was gangs. Softer and smaller
originally a step pyramid, the same is probably not packing stones lie between the
backing stones and the casing,
true of most large 4th-dynasty pyramids, begin­ while the upper part of the
ning with the Bent Pyramid of Sneferu. However, pyramid is a huge mass of
the core could have been built as a stepped nucleus, loose, irregularly shaped
slightly or completely ahead of the casing. Then limestone boulders.
there is the question of whether inner step pyra­
mids were built, as at Meidum, of accretions. Some Menkaure's subsidiary pyramids were also built
theorists, following Borchardt, believe that the so­ with a stepped nucleus. The first, GIII-a, was begun
called 'girdle stones' through which the Ascending as a satellite pyramid for the king and completed as
Passage of the Great Pyramid was carved repre­ a true pyramid. The other two are something of a
sent the accretions of an inner step pyramid. But puzzle. The fact that the outer masonry of the steps
the simple fact is that the masonry of the large 4th­ is so well finished leads some to conclude that GIII­
dynasty pyramids is too complete for us to be cer­ band GIII-c were intended to be left as step pyra­
tain either way. mids. Others believe these stepped cores were
Khufu's queens' pyramids, Gl-a, Gl-b and Gl-c, meant to have a mantle of packing and casing, cre­
certainly had each a stepped inner nucleus, not, ating true pyramids. This would have left little
owever, formed of accretions. Thin walls of small room for eastern chapels, so some believe that they
imestone blocks at the denuded top and northwest were once encased as step pyramids, like Djoser's.
corner of Gl-a might be taken for accretions, but Yet they show no residue of casing or packing, as
hey are probably provisional walls for marking does GIII-a. If stepped because they are unfinished
and building the steps of the nucleus. It is said true pyramids, it means that, here at least, the
hese were four-step pyramids, but the fourth step entire stepped nucleus was built before being filled
- little more than a pile of roughly shaped stones out and encased.
n top of the third tier. The tiers are obscured by That Menkaure's own pyramid was built in steps
ger stones that filled in the steps. At the bottom, or tiers, each of mastaba-like parts, is hinted at by
tween remains of the casing and the core, is a the patterns of core masonry showing in the great
lacking of small blocks of soft, yellow limestone. gash in its northern face.

Setting Casing Blocks and Pyramid Slope Controls
The masonry
These diagrams illustrate the 1 Corner block moved above
itself too rou
first stages of setting corner its setting position on rollers. for the outer
casing blocks and the first Only the underside is dressed. 'tepped nue!
blocks to either side. They all 2 Side joint faces of corner casing so tha
show the northwest corner of block dressed. laying in the
a pyramid, though the point 3 First normal blocks moved and on to its
of view alternates from in on each side of corner
looking southeast (straight on block with undersides only of Khufu's ql.1l.
at the corner, I and JIO, to dressed. Side joint faces c. 5 em (2 in)
northeast (II and IV). Steps dressed parallel with matching core masonry
1 to 16 are the same on either joint face of corner block. pyramid dia
side of the corner block. Exact join controlled by needed to veri!]
measuring with cord. been for pegs •
reference squan
iacial lines in
4 Corner block set down off with the correct angle, placed 7 Pyramid face line marked
,tring might
rollers into its final position. against the vertical smoothed on top surface of corner
Jf the stepped I
5 Measurement made from face of block. block. Top surface dressed
provisional \\a1
outside reference line (for first Extra stock on front of along outside of pyramid.l~

course at base only) to mark block bevelled away from slope lines.
and cubit nota
pyramid baseline on joint line. Corners themselves 8 Second normal block 01/
At the back I
faces of corner block. (as opposed to joint faces of each side moved in.
lenkaure's pyr.
6 Slope (rise 14 units, run 11 corner blocks) left unbevelled 9 Side joint faces cut pamll.
man (p. 41), the
units) marked on joint faces so as not to obliterate the with matching joint side of
red painted ven
of corner block, using either a extension of the pyramid face firs t normal block.
:re axis. A h
plumb line or set square made line.
made by ancie
remains to be
he core maSOD
ntrances of tilt
~ueen's pyrami~
,'all of Menkau;
masonry block
10 First normal block on 12 Measurement made from 'lOtches exist in
either side moved up to join outside reference line to mark 'lers of Khufu'_
with corner block. Extra pyramid baseline on opposite -eem to be alig
dressed stone on joint face joint face of first normal rithout further
protrudes above and in front blocks.
of join with corner block. 13 Slope (rise 14 units, run se of such m
11 Extra stock on front faces 11 units) marked on opposite 'e must look
of first normal blocks bevelled joint faces of first normal luilders actualll
away from slope line as blocks. Extra stock on front of lZe how the py
marked and bevelled on joint block bevelled away from slope Jurse, as soon
faces of corner block. line. -hafre rose abO'
res, the builde
s by measuri
14 Pyramid face line marked
on top of block. Top surface esigning sll
dressed along outside of any given p(
pyramid face lines. 'lcient buildeI'
15 Top surface of blocks
finely dressed inside pyramid -a a large ma
face lines to prepare bed for hambers and p
next course of casing stone. cked around
16 Second normal blocks ter casing. Th
drawn up to repeat steps 'ance of the c
10 to 15, While there n
(Right) To mark the angle of ce markers an
the pyramid slope the builders \ idence indic;
could either measure in from :igned the sl(
a plumb line or use a wooden
set square made at the
~ngle of slope ividual casin:
fi tted one to
required angle. ught into tt

Controls marked on the core masonry bottom had been dressed. Once a casing block had
The masonry of these step pyramids was clearly been brought to its place next to its neighbouring Rise and Run
itself too roughly constructed to act as a reference stone, the still-exposed opposite and top join faces
for the outer slope. But it is possible that the would be dressed smooth. But before these faces
stepped nucleus was built in advance of the outer were obscured by other stones, they would be
(Below) The granite lower
casing so that guidelines and reference marks for inscribed with a line marking the position of the courses of Menkaure's
laying in the casing could have been transferred up sloping face - perhaps by measuring up and in set pyramid at Giza were left
and on to its steps. On the southernmost pyramid increments from a plumbed line or using a wooden partially undressed and so the
of Khufu's queens, GI-c, we have found small holes set square of the correct angle. Then, crucially, the extra stock of stone was
(c. 5 em (2 in) diameter) in the corners of the tiers of extra stone on the front face of the casing block never cut away to achieve the
core masonry blocks that appear to align with the was chamfered or bevelled as far as this line. pyramid's final smooth face.
(Inset) I am pointing to the
pyramid diagonals, though more mapping work is At the final stage in the construction process, line and bevel that guided the
needed to verify this impression. These could have when the ancient masons removed the ramps and trimming of the pyramid face
been for pegs that held the string to mark an inner dressed down the face of the pyramid, they knew from the extra stock left on
reference square for measuring out to the pyramid precisely how much stone to shave away to achieve the casing blocks.
facial lines in the casing. On the other hand, the the smooth, flush plane of the pyramid face: they
string might have guided the less precise building simply stopped at the point where the seams
of the stepped nucleus. This was the purpose of a between adjacent stones closed up to a fine joint.
provisional wall with red painted levelling lines Evidence that this procedure was used can be
and cubit notations at the northwest corner of GI-a. seen in the granite lower courses of Menkaure's
At the back of the chasm on the north face of pyramid. These were left partially undressed, prob­
Menkaure's pyramid, created by Saladin's son Oth­ ably when building halted at the king's death, and
man (p. 41), the stones of an inner tier still bear a so still carry the extra stock of stone that would
red painted vertical line marking the pyramid cen­ have been cut away. Where stones have fallen away,
tre axis. A host of other marks on the pyramids the blocks still show the line marking the slope of
made by ancient masons, architects and surveyors, the pyramid face on their side and top joint faces.
remains to be studied. There are crude notches in
the core masonry on the centre axes above the
entrances of the Bent Pyramid's satellite pyramid,
queen's pyramid GI-a, the back side of the west
wall of Menkaure's mortuary temple and the upper
masonry block of Khentkawes's Giza tomb. Similar
notches exist in core or backing stones at the cor­
ners of Khufu's and Khafre's pyramids, where they
seem to be alignment markers for core masonry.
Without further study, the discussion of the pur­
pose of such marks must remain speculative, but
we must look at the evidence that the ancient
builders actually left in the stones as we hypothe­
size how the pyramids might have been built. Of
course, as soon as the pyramids of Khufu and
Khafre rose above the bedrock massif left in their
cores, the builders could have controlled for square­
ness by measuring the diagonals.

Designing slope stone by stone

At any given point during construction, what the
ancient builders were probably confronted with
was a large masonry square, within which were
chambers and passageways in the case of Khufu,
packed around with core masonry and then the
outer casing. The core may have risen somewhat in
advance of the casing and packing stones.
While there may have been distant sight refer­
ence markers and controls marked on the core, the
evidence indicates that the ancient masons
designed the slope of the pyramid face into the
o slope
individual casing stones as they were cut and cus­
tom fitted one to another. As the casing blocks were
brought into their intended positions, only the
vives (the at
And althoug
it is missm
down, the th
Trouble at the Top
core had be
Turah casing
dressed very
from each co
carefully can
ing course by
The joint
satellite pyra
ticularly subt
join; rather
underside of
\\'i th four tria
-tone beneath
he two fitted
the pyramidio

The potential
experiment (p. _
he last few
cramped to c
loader which
There was litt
ness of the w
asters. Still, di
between one e
Surviving casing blocks at the At the apex of Khafre's pyramid a slight twist is an ramps extended to the higher regions. But for t another tell us
top of Khafre's pyramid (top) indication that the highest courses posed particular very last stage he proposes a series of step-r ,:;ometimes just
are not quite flush - perhaps problems for the ancient builders. Custom cutting constructions supporting ramps running right manual for pyr:
because they were cut before mental era of th
being put into place due to the of the casing blocks one to another may no longer the top. Once the capstone or pyramidion wa
problems of working in the have been possible by this height. The surviving place, the steps could be filled in or removed by Setting the _
restricted space at the top of casing blocks at the uppermost reaches of Khafre's builders as they descended. moment. First
the pyramid. There are pyramid not only grow steadily smaller and thin­ Many theorists fall back upon the technique Itself and impn
different theories to explain ner, but they are no longer flush - the stone projects levering to explain how stones were raised to t perpendicular c
how the topmost courses were along the horizontal and vertical joins by millime­ very upper reaches of the pyramid. Dieter Arnol much nervous
laid in these difficult how precisely t
conditions. One suggestion tres. These features might be the result of settling for example, envisages the final stones being Ie'
(above left) is that there was caused by robbing of the casing lower down. It is ered into place from a wooden platform reached b. prayers, they ac
a series of small ramps also possible that these blocks were cut before a stone stairway. At a height of 100 m (323 tt) abO\ :houlders and I
running around the very top; being laid into place. On Khufu's pyramid - a fea­ the base, 97 per cent of the pyramid was already 1 up the spiral rar
another consists of a wooden ture not noted before - the quality of the core stone place; in other words, the upper 46.5 m (152 ft 6 i 1\' heavy and it \
platform at the top of a large becomes gradually finer in the last several courses represented only 3 per cent of the total volume mg or turning b
stone stairway (above right). position withau'
that are preserved before the top, until it almost masonry. It is possible that despite all its attenda
matches that of the Turah limestone casing. This difficulties (p. 209), levering was the best option f Zahi Hawas
reflects the need for greater control as the pyramid completing this small remnant of the pyramid. carving from t
neared its apex. pyramid of Sah
Clearly, we should be wary of assuming that The diagonals and the pyramidion ng, singing and
what worked at the bottom was likewise successful As soon as building rose above any massif he capstone; pe
nearer the top. The problems of raising and bedrock in the pyramid core, the square of experienced ac(
manoeuvring stones were most extreme at this outer casing could be controlled not only by ref capstones too.
level. There was simply no longer room for the ence to the course below but also by measuring There is little
kinds of ramps we have been discussing. Stadel­ diagonals. Evidence from the satellite pyramid "rmg in ancier
mann hypothesizes that the bulk of the pyramid Khufu, newly discovered by Zahi Hawass (p. 69 fJave been foune
mass was built first by means of several straight­ shows that this operation continued all the way u:: mprovised - ml
on ramps to all sides, later a single large straight-on to the apex. This is one of only two Old Kingdo ion capstones.
ramp to one corner, and then by shorter, lean-to pyramids for which the pyramidion (capstone) ur giant pyramids

vives (the other is the North Pyramid at Dahshur).
And although the stone that fitted directly beneath
it is missing, Hawass has identified the next one
down, the third from the apex. By this height, the
core had been capped and building was entirely in
Turah casing stone. On the top of this third stone,
dressed very finely with a bevel, are lines running
from each corner to the centre - the builders were
carefully controlling the square of each diminish­
ing course by reference to the diagonals.
The joint between the pyramidion of Khufu's
satellite pyramid and the next stone down was par­
ticularly subtle. It is not really a mortice and tenon
Join; rather the diagonals have been cut into the
underside of the stone to create a convex surface
with four triangular faces. The upper surface of the
stone beneath would have been concave so that (Above and right) The
the two fitted together neatly and the stability of capstone of Khufu's satellite
pyramid as Zahi Hawass
the pyramiclion was assured. found it, lying upside down.
Though it is badly weathered,
The NOVA experience the convex base where it
The potential for 'trouble at the top' was amply joined the missing second
demonstrated in our NOVA pyramid building casing stone underneath is
experiment (p. 208). Levering became necessary for still visible. The third stone
down (right) was similarly
:he last few courses, since conditions were too cut to receive the second.
cramped to continue using the modern front-end
loader which had accelerated work further down.
There was little space to lever and the precarious­
ness of the wooden supports caused some near dis­
asters. Still, differences in masonry and technique
between one early Old Kingdom pyramid and
another tell us that ancient building methods were than ours, since the point can be cut off to make a
sometimes just as ad hoc. There was no standard capstone of any size. However, it is a much greater
manual for pyramid building in the early, experi­ distance from the bottom to the top. Pyramidions
mental era of the giant pyramids. found near the bases of Middle Kingdom pyramids
Setting the NOVA pyramidion was a dramatic (p. 186) may indicate that they were intended to rise
moment. First the workmen fashioned the stone with the pyramid as it was built. Once our pyra­
itself and improvised a wooden support with four midion was in place, the NOVA workmen began the
perpendicular crosspieces to carry it. Then came task of trimming down the pyramid face, freeing it
much nervous standing around and argument over from the extra stock of stone left on each block, just
how precisely to proceed. All of a sudden, with as their ancient counterparts must have done to the
prayers, they acted in unison, hoisting it on to their major lower parts of their completed pyramids.
shoulders and shouting encouragement, they set off
up the spiral ramp nearly at a run - it was extreme­
ly heavy and it was clear that there could be no rest­
ing or turning back. It was a huge relief to get it in
position without injury or disaster.
Zahi Hawass recently discovered a relief stone
carving from the causeway of the 5th-dynasty
pyramid of Sahure at Abusir which depicts danc­ (Right) Setting the capstone,
"dion ing, singing and celebration following the setting of or pyramidion, of a pyramid
the capstone; perhaps the tension and relief that we must have been a particularly
experienced accompanied the setting of ancient difficult and dangerous
capstones too. operation, as we discovered
There is little evidence of comparable stone-car­ in our own NOVA pyramid­
building experiment.
rying in ancient Egypt, although wooden biers
have been found. But it is quite likely that similarly
improvised - methods were used to raise and posi­
tion capstones. And of course even those of the
giant pyramids need not have been much bigger
in place within 30 m (98 ft 6 in) of the base, so that
the higher courses involved far fewer stones.
It is probable that skilled builders and craftsmen
were in the permanent employment of the pharaoh.
The Workforce Although the exact numbers are speculative, we
know that the mass of the workforce was made up
of crews of peasant conscripts numbering prob­
ably 2,000 men. Each crew comprised two gangs of
1,000 with each gang divided into five groups
called zaa, a word that in the Ptolemaic Period was
How many workmen built the largest pyramids? translated as the Greek work for 'tribe' - phyle - of
Was it tens of thousands, or even more? Take, for 200 men. The phyles themselves consisted of ten
example, the Great Pyramid of Khufu: with about divisions of 20 men (or maybe twenty divisions of
2,300,000 blocks not only is it a stupendous monu­ 10 men). The competing gangs had names com­
ment in terms of size and precision, but we must pounded with that of the reigning king, such as
reckon with its having been built in 23 years or less, 'Friends of Khufu' or 'Drunkards of Menkaure'.
the length the Turin Papyrus gives for Khufu's The five phyles of a gang always had the same set
reign (a longer reign is a possibility). Rainer Stadel­ of names: the Great (or Starboard); the Asiatic (or
mann has calculated that to complete the work, the Port); the Green (or Prow); the Little (or Stern); and
ancient builders had to lay c. 340 blocks a day (a the Last (or Good) Phyle.
single block being approximately 1 cu. m (35 cu. ft)). It is possible to separate the general task of
Considering that daylight hours allowed at best a pyramid building into its constituent operations
ten-hour working day, an astonishing 34 blocks and roughly calculate how many men were needed
must therefore have been laid per hour - one every for each. We have already done this for quarrying
two minutes. (p. 207); the other two major operations of building By the sa
Surely this must imply a workforce numbering were hauling and cutting/setting the stones. block on a lu
into the tens of thousands, if not more? Herodotus Because the pyramid of Khufu seems the most by 7.5 men. If
(writing, admittedly, over 2,000 years after Khufu's problematic simply by being the biggest, it will moved 10 sto
pyramid was completed) claimed that the pyramid continue to be the basis of our analysis, one of a move the stone
was built in 20 years by 100,000 men. It is possible variety of ways to estimate the workforce. empty sledge ­
- and more credible - that he meant this as an daily from q
annual total, with teams of 25,000 working three­ Stone haulers There are pain
month stints, rather than the number at Giza at any Let us assume that the stone haulers could move 1 tion. More di\ .
one time. A figure in the range of 20,000-30,000 is km (0.62 miles) per hour en rotite from the quarry to the lower leve
generally accepted. This might seem remarkably the pyramid. The return journey was done with an ramps, and t
few, but there are other facts to consider. There is a empty sledge and so was much faster. The distance fewer could \\'
Despite the seemingly tremendous 'slop factor' in the pyramid core, with from Khufu's quarry to the pyramid, a c. 6° slope. less space and I
impossible statistics, the many irregularly-shaped stones and a fill of small­ could probably therefore be covered in 19 minut the stones of
pyramids of ancient Egypt er stone fragments and debris - this in spite of the by 20 men pulling a 2.5-ton block. Certainly, thi this estimate of
were very human monuments. fact that Khufu's pyramid has probably the best­ was well within the capacities of the NOVA team. quoted but need
Our own NOVA pyramid
showed that teams of men laid core masonry of any pyramid. Building would The French Egyptologist Henri Chevrier, experi­ larly near the a1
could easily pull blocks of have been considerably speeded up by this lack of menting with moving large stones during his work core are by no
the required size. precision. And the bulk of the pyramid mass was at the Karnak temple, found that 3 men could pull a near the base m
I-ton block (% ton each) over a track lubricated Perhaps one
with water to eliminate friction. Research mto rate. If we hal
European megaliths has shown that one man can only 5 stones p
pull even more, as much as V2 ton. And during the needed to lay 3
building of the NOVA pyramid (p. 208), we found division, that gi
that 10-12 men could easily pull a 2-ton block mate of 1,360 st
mounted on a sledge up an inclined roadway. Fur­ seems eminentl~
ther insights are provided by the famous scene
from the tomb of Djehutihotep which depicts the Stone setter
moving of a large colossus over a lubricated sur­ What about the
face (p. 203). That statue would have weighed c. ­ on the pyramId:
tons, given the scale and size indicated by the tomb room for more t
scene and assuming it was alabaster - it was proba· block. If we a&
bly being pulled from the alabaster quarries near our experience I
Hatnub. There are 172 men shown, each therefore to push and adj'
pulling c. V3 ton. Modern trials confirm that this i. further 2 mason
possible on a fairly friction-free surface. necessary for th
he base, so that Calculations suggest that two
tones. crews of 2,000 could have
accomplished the huge feat
and craftsmen 2,000 of quarrying, hauling and
of the pharaoh. crew setting the stones for the giant
speculative, we Old Kingdom pyramids.
rce was made up Crews were divided into two
wnbering prob­ gangs - the two names in this
,ed two gangs of 1,000 gang 1,000 gang diagram were found in
graffiti from Menkaure's
to five groups 'Friends of 'Drunkards of
pyramid temple. Normally,
maic Period was Menkaure' Menkaure' gangs consisted of five
ribe' - phyle - of groups, or phyles, always with
nsisted of ten the same five names. Only the
ry divisions of 'Little' and 'Green' phyle
lad names com­ names were found at
Menkaure's temple. The
king, such ao:
translations here are
of Menkaure'. abbreviations ('Great' and
1<id the same set 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
phyle phyle phyle phyle phyle phyle phyle phyle phyle phyle 'Last' are often written 'who
. the Asiatic (or 'Great' 'Asiatic' 'Green' 'Little' 'Last' 'Great' 'Asiatic' 'Green' 'Little' 'Last' are in the 'Great' or 'Last').
(or Stern); and Phyle names are similar to
~H Io ~fb~ ship parts: 'Great' ­
starboard; 'Green' - bow;
general task of
'Little ones' - stern. The
tuent operations hieroglyph for Asiatic (setj) is
(20 men x 10 in each phyle) (20 men x 10 in each phyle)
n were needed problematic. It is most often
for quarrying read as the word for port (ta­
ns of building By the same ratio (V3 ton per hauler) a 2.5-ton With an extra couple of handlers, we have 10 men wer). No boat correspondence
n the stones. block on a lubricated, level surface could be pulled per block. Like modern masons, the cutters proba­ is known for the 'Last' or
by 7.5 men. If we assume that a division (20 men) bly worked inwards from the corners along the line 'Lowest' phyle name which
ms the most
could have been read as
biggest, it will moved 10 stones per day - allowing one hour to of each pyramid face. But if we add two additional 'perfect' or 'beautiful'. Phyles,
13lysis, one of a move the stone to the pyramid and return with an crews starting in the middle of each face and work­ in turn, were subdivided,
rkforce. empty sledge - then 340 stones could be moved ing outwards - the total number of setters on the probably into either ten
daily from quarry to pyramid by 34 divisions. casing would be 160. The casing stones would have divisions of 20 men, or
There are points to note on both sides of this equa­ been the most time-intensive because they were twenty divisions of 10 men.
could move 1 tion. More divisions could work simultaneously at custom cut and bevelled as they were laid (p. 218).
,m the quarry to the lower levels, when there may have been many On Khufu's pyramid, supposing 34 stones were
done with an ramps, and therefore a higher hauling rate. Far delivered per hour (an average for the whole pyra­
er. The distance fewer could work nearer the top, where there was mid) and that the stone setters could keep pace,
lid. a c. 6° slope. less space and ramp gradients were steeper. Also, with 10 men setting 1 stone per hour, 340 setters
~ in 19 minut the stones of Khufu's pyramid are not all 2.5 tons ­ were working on the entire pyramid. Our estimates
. Certainly, thi~ this estimate of the average block size is frequently of the pace of work may be too tight. If we double
:;'OVA team. quoted but needs more study. Many stones, particu­ the time for setting, arriving at a figure of c. 680
he\Tler, experi­ larly near the apex, are smaller, while those of the setters - it still means an average c. 1,000 or fewer
during his work core are by no means all neat, 2.5-ton cubes, and workers would have been needed for the task of
men could pull a near the base many blocks exceed 2.5 tons. cutting and setting the stones of Khufu's pyramid.
ITack lubricated Perhaps one hour per stone is too demanding a Our calculations suggest that Khufu's pyramid
Research into rate. If we halved it, so that each division moved could have been built by two crews of 2,000. Of
aat one man can only 5 stones per day, 68 divisions would then be course many others were required besides quarry­
And during the needed to lay 340 stones per day. At 20 men to a men and stone haulers and setters. A crew was
_ ), we found division, that gives us a perhaps more realistic esti­ probably necessary just for building ramps and
I a 2-ton block mate of 1,360 stone haulers. The point is that it still construction embankments. Also needed were car­
!d roadway. Fur­ seems eminently practicable. penters to make tools and sledges; metal-workers to
e famous scene make and sharpen cutting tools; potters to make
ich depicts t Stone setters pots for use in food preparation and for hauling up
lubricated sur· What about the men cutting and setting the stones water to prepare mortar; workers to carry the
-e weighed c. ­ on the pyramid? As Petrie noted, there is simply not water; as well as bakers; brewers - and no doubt
ed by the tomb room for more than 8 handlers per average 2.5-ton others. It is possible that the numbers building and
,. - it was proba­ block. If we assume 4 men on levers (in line with maintaining the infrastructure of Khufu's pyramid
er quarries near our experience on the NOVA pyramid) and 2 more rose to 20,000, perhaps even 25,000. But while that
each therefo to push and adjust, that gives 6 men. Add to that a implies a very large settlement, it also reinforces
rID that thi, further 2 masons to do the trimming - particularly the point that the pyramids are human monuments,
ace. necessary for the casing - and we reach a total of 8. entirely achievable by the 4th-dynasty Egyptians.

as Barry Kemp's estimate of the maximum year!_ areas for Sl
grain rations stored in the large houses of Sem\·o. quantities

Building a Middle Kingdom ret II's pyramid town of Illahun (p. 231).
Middle Kingdom masons used dovetail crami>"
to join structurally important blocks to compen I
Local limes'
the pyrami
on the nor
Pyramid for the lack of the extraordinarily fine joins charac
teristic of Old Kingdom casing blocks. Arnold esll
the cause\\'a
sections of
mates that 12,000 wooden cramps were used i formed of
Senwosret I's pyramid complex, each inscribed 203). Alar
with the king's name. Numerous patches and by mudbric
By focusing on the giant Old Kingdom pyramids in cracks in the preserved casing of the pyramids mid from ttlt:
considering the question 'how were the pyramids Senwosret I, Senwosret III and Amenemhet III are mid, Arnol
built?' we overlook the very different methods used evidence of problems that seem to have plagued mudbrick rar'
later. Middle Kingdom pyramids have produced a Middle Kingdom pyramid builders ~ settling and close proxi
wealth of information, both about the unique subsidence. At the pyramids of Senwosret [ and steep ramp_
design of each, and about masonry techniques that Amenemhet III at Dahshur these problem were and that th~
were standard to all pyramids. exacerbated by the fact that they were built over a to the pyralI7
open shaft or extensive chambers and passage i tulated ram~
Middle Kingdom innovations soft ground - 320 m (1,050 ft) of tunnels and T
When Amenemhet I began a pyramid at Lisht, no rooms under Amenemhet Ill's. The substructure The contIC
large royal pyramid had been built for 190 years, his Hawara pyramid - of which an architecI',. On the undr
and so expertise may have been lost and experience model was found in his Dahshur pyramid - was a and casing:
forgotten. The core of his pyramid was composed attempt to remedy these weaknesses and set the most intrigul
of small rough blocks of limestone with a loose fill pattern for later pyramids. (p. 181). Weaknesses i pyramids. F
of sand, debris and mudbrick. Senwosret I's inno­ the foundations were another source of instability kinds of th
vation was an internal framework of walls with The foot of Senwosret l's pyramid sloped directly scribes. For I
stone slabs set in steps in the compartments to a 15-cm (6-in) step down, while Amenemhel'. in separate II
between. Backing stones rested on the steps and Dahshur foundation of three limestone cou men in char
were in turn covered by the casing. Amenemhet II's was retained only by tafia clay and mudbrick. port. The rou
builders also used a masonry frame as did Senwos­ or 'removal
ret II's, though the compartments of the latter were Organizing the landscape
The shippin
filled with mudbrick, which was also used for the More transport roads, remains of ramps and stone­ of stone de
upper pyramid core. Mudbrick was used for the dressing stations have been found at Lisht than a embankment
cores of all subsequent Middle Kingdom pyramids. any other pyramid site in Egypt. They tell the story embankment'
Dieter Arnold's intensive study of Amenemhet of how this landscape was organized for buildin They are al
III's Dahshur pyramid allowed him to estimate the pyramids. Arnold was able to ascertain the I or 'delivered
size of the workforce needed to build a mudbrick tions of the quarries, landing quays and acc who may haw
pyramid. The total, rounded up to 5,000, is the same wadis for Senwosret I's pyramid. He even identified The second
signs that so
The Workforce for Amenemhet Ill's Dahshur Pyramid:
text. These
'read' by the il
40 brick makers: 10 brick moulders with 3 for the pyramid temple. 150 masons could have hewn out of service
assistants each could turn out 500 bricks daily: 10 x raw blocks, plus 100 for the fine dressing. known hierog
500 x 350 working days/year x 15 years to build the 1,500 stone transporters: 30 workers could have such as pitchf
pyramid =26,250,000 bricks. pulled one 2-3 ton block per day up the slope to the believes the rna
I 50 clay, straw, sherd carriers: for 5,000 bricks pyramid = 750 men hauling 25 blocks per day. The home towns,
daily, with donkeys. same number could have transported stone from the maller villag<
600 brick carriers: 1 man could have carried 4 east bank quarry to the river. for the subdi\
I bricks, 5 times a day to the pyramid = 300 carriers 200 sailors: 3 barges with combined crews of about of lOmen m
and 6,000 bricks a day. Fewer men were required if 100 men could have transported 25 blocks a day; have been bo
donkeys were used. For the ascent up the pyramid, doubled for simultaneous coming and going. ome teams a:
2 bricks per man, but 10 such shorter trips per day, 600 stone lifters: the maximum for moving the whose estates
requiring another 300 brick carriers. stones up to the course under construction. Arnold
30 sand carriers: the sand filling the joints favours the use of levers and stairway ramps.
between bricks (10 per cent of the pyramid) could 1,500 auxiliary workers: carpenters, controllers,
have been provisioned by 30 men making 10 trips sculptors and painters, as well as bakers, brewers,
each day to the pyramid = 300 baskets. potters, sandal makers, weavers and water carriers.
250 stone cutters: Arnold estimated 122,000 Additional nautical crews to bring granite columns, \(

blocks in the casing, around 3,000 smaller blocks architraves and sarcophagi from Aswan.
lining chambers and corridors, and 130,000 blocks Total: 4,77Q

imum yearly areas for storing and dressing stone by the massive Rainer Stadelmann
,of n\\'os­ quantities of limestone chips and granite dust. discovered a draft plan of
1). Local limestone for the core was quarried south of Amenemhet [[['s innovative
t: ail cramps Hawara pyramid substructure
the pyramid. Granite was brought in and dressed
compensate - in the form of a small
on the north. Fine casing limestone was carried up limestone model buried in
in: charac­ the causeway. Along the routes from the quarries the floor of the valley temple
Arnold -ti­ sections of slipways and roads are still preserved, of his Dahshur pyramid. The
-ere used in formed of wood sleepers made of boat parts (p. long approach corridors of
ch inscribed 203). A large, debris-filled mudbrick ramp, flanked the actual Hawara pyramid
pa ch and by mudbrick towers, sloped 8° up towards the pyra­ We often describe pyramid-building in terms of are here foreshortened, but
p\Tamid of one of the enormous,
mid from the southern quarries. Closer to the pyra­ labour recruited in military fashion or the wage­ sideways sliding, blocking
mhet 1II art: mid, Arnold identified the levelled remains of labour of a large modern engineering project. Cou­ stones is shown in wood. The
ha\-e plagued mudbrick ramps on the south and west sides. Their pled with this is a popular notion of the pharaoh as antechamber, burial chamber
- settling and close proximity to the pyramid suggests rather totally autocratic. Both images obscure the way in and the system for lowering
\\"osret I and steep ramps. The fact that they were of mudbrick which pharaoh's power was woven through the fab­ the last ceiling block, as at
blems were ric of ancient Egyptian society, and the degree to Hawara, are allfaithfully
and that they must have run nearly perpendicular
built O\-er an rendered. As a 'visual aid',
to the pyramid are major differences from the pos­ which labour for large-scale, 'public' works was it may have been particularly
pa - g m tulated ramps used to raise stone at Giza. organized by towns, villages, estates and house­ important to show the
unnels and '?i holds in descending order. 'Forced' as opposed to differences in level.
-trucrure of The control notes 'voluntary' labour may be a modern distinction, not
an architec', On the undressed parts of some paving, backing applicable to this flow of men from the provinces.
id - \\-a an and casing stones are inscribed marks, perhaps the Pyramid building was perhaps regarded as a ritual
and - t the most intriguing evidence from the Middle Kingdom act embedded in social custom and tradition.
't:akn - - in
pyramids. Felix Arnold has distinguished two The towns mentioned in the control notes so far
of in -tabilit)
kinds of these 'control notes': for controllers and recovered are predominantly in one area of Middle
.ped directl_
scribes. For the controller, a complete note recorded, Egypt; around the old capital, Memphis; Heliopolis
, menemhe',
in separate lines, the date of transport, the work­ and the Delta. This distribution is strikingly simi­
,ne cour: , men in charge of the stone and the stage of trans­ lar to the pattern of internal colonization of the Old
udbrick. port. The route began in the quarry: 'brought from' Kingdom (p. 228). Was the raw labour for the
or 'removal from' the quarry are common notes. Old Kingdom pyramids gathered from the newly
The shipping of stones is mentioned, and we read colonized areas?
p::; and stone­ of stone delivered at the mereyt, harbour or
Li:ht than a embankment. Stones are 'brought from the (Right) Map by Felix Arnold
: ell the :tOl1 embankment' and delivered to 'storage enclosures'. showing the geographical
for buildin origin of the workmen
They are also 'brought or 'dragged' to the pyramid mentioned in the control notes
in the loea· or 'delivered to the ramp'. Cowherds are mentioned he studied. Lower Egyptians
and ac who may have driven oxen for pulling stone. are often designated without
-en identified The second type of note takes the form of larger specifying a particular town.
signs that sometimes overlap the more meticulous
text. These are team marks, perhaps written and
'read' by the illiterate workmen, who rotated in and
out of service for two to four months. Some are
known hieroglyphs while others are invented signs
such as pitchforks and crossed sticks. Felix Arnold (Below) One of the control
believes the marks may have identified the workers' notes documented by Felix
home towns, the made-up hieroglyphs representing Arnold at the pyramid of
smaller villages. The team marks may also stand Senwosret [ at Lisht. The
for the subdivision of work gangs - tjeset, 'troops', longer, more detailed note is
for the controller and scribes,
of 10 men in the Middle Kingdom. In fact they may
while the larger, somewhat
have been both place-names and troop divisions. clumsier marks are team
Some teams are named after the householders to marks - this one is of the
whose estates they were attached. 'Memphis team'. ,Go~?· ,~q 16

Pyramid as Landlord

Colonies, pyramids and the emergence

of a centralized state
The puzzles of how the Egyptians built the pyra­
mids are endlessly fascinating. Less obvious but
more significant is the broader question of how the
pyramids helped to build Egypt. The beginning of
the pyramid age coincided with the emergence of a
programme of internal colonization which saw the
founding of new villages (mul) and estates (hul)
throughout the Egyptian hinterlands. Such founda­
tions contributed produce to pyramids, temples or
elite tombs, creating a flow of resources from the
periphery to the core of the state. In this way, pyra­
mid building had a key role in forging Egypt as the to be built. One of the Palermo Stone annual entries dynasty hi
world's first centralized nation state, unlike the for Sneferu reads: 'the year of creating 35 estates oryof a kl
city-state pattern that developed in Mesopotamia with people and 122 farms [ranches]'. The estates a share of
and orth Syria. of Sneferu are depicted in the 'valley temple' of his dynasty offi
Estates and ranches were being founded in the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur (p. 103). They are person­ estates in h
Delta as early as the 1st dynasty, but evidence ified by female offering bearers (the words niul and after king l
increases at the time that the giant pyramids began hut are both feminine nouns), each carrying a stan· 'Userkaf i,
dard on her head with Sneferu's name and the signs Sahure ('Ha
A comparison of the for mul and hul. One group follows the 16th nome Spirit Bel
distribution of the estates of of pper Egypt, the oryx. Their names - 'Joy of Sahure'). It
Sneferu and locations of 3rd­ Sneferu', 'Dancers of Sneferu', 'Road of Sneferu',
dynasty monuments. The titles inclu
latter cluster in the Qena 'Sneferu is Luscious of Pastures' and 'Nurse of Userkaf ana
Bend and the narrow part of Sneferu' - are reminiscent of ranch names during Also In t
the Nile Valley below the apex the colonization of the American West. The known in the Delta
of the Delta, while the estates estates of Sneferu were mostly in the broad valley temple of H
are distributed in the broad areas of Middle Egypt. Only a single name and began pro\'!
valley of Middle Egypt and four estates for Lower Egypt are preserved, but as to provincia
the Delta hinterlands.
Helen Jacquet has shown, there is a general prepon­ leaders were
derance of Old Kingdom estates in the Delta. of temple i
Such relief carvings of lines of offering bearers estates, were
were a kind of title deed to newly claimed parcels land that c
of land. Every tomb and pyramid was an economic They grew i
nexus, the centre of an engine of production, stor­ proVinces, a
age and redistribution. In its simplest form an holds in their
estate was called a hut ka, an estate of the spirit or fabric of the
pious foundation. A group of people would settle By the late
on virgin land with draft animals and equipment, family membt
overseen by a superintendent who lived in a large monial func
manor. Goods and livestock produced were offered to be people •
to a particular cult foundation whose focus was the family. A tru
9 10,0 km tomb and the statue of the deceased within it. cials no long;
o 60 miles hold, but who
The redispersal of power and goods and
• Settlements and cemeteries of resources This created 0
3rd dynasty
• King Sneferu's estates In time, pressures built up against the centralizing centralized pl
drive of early pyramid age colonization. In the 5th throughout ttlt


Personified estates (left) it. This process was paralleled by the transition
shown bearing offerings, from from the giant pyramids to the smaller standard­
reliefs from Sneferu's valley ized pyramids of the later Old Kingdom.
temple, attached to his Bent
Pyramid at Dahshur (above). From internal colonization to empire
At the end of the Old Kingdom, with the collapse of
the 6th dynasty, Egypt fragmented into local war­
annual entri _ dynasty high officials and priests serving the mem­ ring principalities. By the Middle Kingdom the land
-ng 35 estates ory of a king in his pyramid temple began to claim that the Old Kingdom pharaohs had taken over or
J. The estat a share of the produce from its estates. The 5th­ newly settled for manorial estates must long have
temple' of hi dynasty official Nenkhefetka, for example, lists 14 been tied up in hereditary rights and alienated from
1ley are person­ estates in his tomb at Saqqara, two of them named cult centres like Giza and Saqqara. What had once
-ords niut and after king Userkaf (called 'Ladder of Userkaf' and been an active economic engine had ground to a
carrying a stan­ 'Userkaf is Beautiful in Spirif) and three after complete halt, its monuments dismantled, their
and the sign Sahure CHathor Wishes that Sahure Lives', 'The stone dumped into constructions like Amenemhet
he 16th nome Spirit Belongs to Sahure' and 'The Flood of I's pyramid at Lisht. Yet the inexorable processes of
rmnes - 'Joy of Sahure'). It is no coincidence that Nenkhefetka's colonization and expansion were still under way.
d of Sneferu', titles include priestly functions in the pyramids of The Delta and broad areas of Middle Egypt contin­
and 'Nurse of Userkaf and Sahure . ued to be areas of new settlement and land alloca­
names during Also in the 5th dynasty enormous tracts of land tions, but these areas now featured sophisticated
t. The known in the Delta were given to the sun god, Re, and the town centres in their own right. Middle Kingdom
:he broad valley temple of Heliopolis. Later Old Kingdom pharaohs pharaohs turned their attentions to the Fayum,
gle name and began providing endowments and tax exemptions where the lake had receded leaving new land to
rved, but as to provincial temples. In Upper Egypt, the nome exploit. Senwosret II and Amenemhet III built large
neral prepon­ leaders were in charge of the temples. Their share pyramids at Illahun and Hawara along the gateway
the Delta. of temple income, and their own local funerary to the Fayum.
ffering bearers estates, were locked into hereditary claims to the Egypt was now also looking outside its borders
!aimed parcels land that competed with distant cult foundations. in a major way, beyond simple trade for coniferous
an economIc They grew in power, building large tombs in their products, wine and oi1. Middle Kingdom pharaohs
lfOduction, stor­ provinces, and becoming miniature ruling house­ defended Egypt's frontiers with fortifications like
npl t form an holds in their own right, albeit still embedded in the Amenemhet's Wall of the Ruler at the northeastern
~ of the spirit or fabric of the united kingdom. Delta, and the string of forts near the 2nd Cataract.
p e would settle By the late Old Kingdom the king's immediate Eventually, after the collapse and resurrection of
and equipment, family members increasingly assumed a more cere­ the kingdom in the Second Intermediate Period,
lived in a large monial function and high officials were beginning Egypt expanded into empire. In the ew Kingdom,
red were offered to be people other than senior members of the royal garrisons were stationed throughout Palestine up
focus was the family. A true bureaucracy was emerging, with offi­ to Syria and in Lower Nubia - Nubia was now sim­
:I within it. cials no longer so intimate with the royal house­ ply a province of Egypt. The early Old Kingdom
hold, but who did now take a share of the produce, pyramids had not only helped to set Egypt on the
LDd goods and services offered to the pyramid temple. course of becoming a fully consolidated kingdom
This created centrifugal forces that dispersed the and a true nation state; the processes they put in
centralizing centralized power of the early Old Kingdom motion were finally to culminate in one of the
on. In the 5th throughout the colonies originally intended to feed world's first empires.
We have examined the standard elements of the With p)
pyramid complex - the pyramid itself, the templ~ the Egyp
and the causeway - the elements designed for eter­ pyramid 2A
nity. Each pyramid also had a pyramid town, usual­ dencemay
Pyramid Towns ly at the foot of the plateau, where priests, official:,.
and guards lived, plus all the personnel needed te
Abusir, bu·
support and supply them, while the pyramid func­
tioned as a ritual centre. And was this separate
exception. _
from the sizeable, perhaps temporary, accommoda­
ital at Amar
tion for the huge workforce that must have been
of apractic
Was all the produce and livestock from provincial required to build each pyramid?
estates literally brought to the pyramid necropolis? dynasty to
Or was only a token offering delivered here, while Capital and 'great house'
the major part was taken elsewhere? Inscriptions at In discussing pyramid towns we must consider the
overseers of
Niuserre's sun temple list an annual inflow that siting of the royal household and the role of Mem­
workforce, _
The Giza necropolis as it included: 100,800 rations of bread, beer and cakes; phis, often referred to as the 'capital' of Egypt. In
seers of Ii
might have appeared towards 7,720 loaves of pesen bread; 1,002 oxen; and 1,000 Old Kingdom Egypt, the closest approximation to a
cook and ;)
the end of the 4th dynasty, geese. We might imagine even greater amounts for capital city in the modern sense was the residence
'great hou
looking from southeast to a pyramid like Khufu's. Somewhere, somehow, it all of the king. While the king would have had prm-in­
to a site su
northwest, with the three tions, then
giant pyramid complexes had to be stored, processed and redistributed. cial palaces, it is a long-accepted idea that a princi­

complete. The flood plain is Where were the installations and apparatus for pal royal residence lay close to the pyramid
makers and
shown with modern contours. receiving such amounts of goods and materials? complex while it was under construction.
- to say no

vKhufu's satellite

Location of Khufu's-------­
valley temple revealed
by basalt pavement "
AMBRIC sewage trencr


' ;­

<>' '



kmems of the With pyramid and royal residence thus linked, required by their households - must have moved
If. the tempI ' the Egyptian 'capital' was fairly mobile within the with it in large numbers.
igned for eter­ pyramid zone along the ile Valley. The same resi­ Indeed, the 5th-dynasty official Senedjemib men­
ld town, usual­ dence may have been used by successive kings who tions in his tomb that, as well as constructing a
- 'ts, officiaL favoured the same necropolis, as at Giza and pyramid for Djedkare-Isesi, he also built him a new
nel needed to Abusir, but Menes's founding of a new town at palace called 'Lotus Blossom of Isesi'. The num­
pyramid tunc- Memphis was perhaps as much the rule as the bers are difficult to read, but it seems to have mea­
this separate exception. Akhenaten's famous but short-lived cap­ sured around 1,220 x 440 cubits, or 640 x 231 m
:. accommoda­ ital at Amarna may be the best-preserved example (2,100 x 758 ft). Even if this refers to the outer
u.::t have been of a practice followed by the other pharaohs. enclosure, it was still larger than the base of
Inscriptions such as that found in the 5th­ Khufu's pyramid and comparable to the enclosure
dynasty tomb of Nikanesut at Giza illuminate the of Djoser's Step Pyramid - not an inconsequential
organization of larger households. His included 2 structure.
't consider the overseers of the estates, 11 scribes, a director of the Tomb texts suggest that the people buried in the
role of \JIem· workforce, 2 directors of the dining hall, 2 over­ cemeteries around the pyramids were prominent
r of Egypt. In seers of linen, a seal bearer, 3 butchers, 2 bakers, a residents of nearby pyramid towns. The names of
ximation toa cook and 5 butlers. If the royal household - the these towns are often nearly identical to those of
he residence 'great house' and greatest of households - moved the pyramids. Djed Sneferu ('Sneferu Endures') was
lave had pro\-in to a site such as Giza or Abusir for three genera­ associated with Sneferu's Meidum pyramid, while
~ that a prinCl­ tions, then the butchers, the bakers, the sandal­ his two Dahshur pyramids were accompanied by a
he p~Taml makers and all the rest of the dependent workforce double town, northern and southern Kha Sneferu
Ion. - to say nothing of other officials and everything ('Sneferu Appears'). At Giza, two settlement names
are known, the northern Gerget ('Settlement') of
Khufu, and the southern Tjeniu ('boundary mark', The 'Wall of the Crow', with
a colossal gate which may
'cultivation edge') of Khafre. The former may have have been the entrance to the
been around Khufu's valley temple and the latter Giza necropolis.
may have extended south of Khafre's valley temple
and the large stone boundary wall, known now as
the 'Wall of the Crow'.
Until the 5th dynasty, pyramid towns, with their
population of craftsmen, farmers and necropolis
guards, were administered by a second generation
of princes. They and their progeny were in charge
of the king's priesthood even after the royal court

.·. t
had moved on to another site. Later, the towns were
governed by middle level and lower officials who
sewage trench
enjoyed the income and tax-exemption that went
with residence and service in a pyramid town.
~~o;in~est side Senwosret II's pyramid town at Illahun housed

an estimated population of several thousand. In the
' O l d channel (for western and southern parts there were 220 small
~u harbour?) houses, while the northeastern sector was occupied
-~ ~ by just nine or ten substantial urban estates, proba­
~_SHE/F --­ bly inhabited by the senior officials of the king.
o<HUFU " Barry Kemp has compared these households to the
wooden models discovered in the Middle Kingdom
tomb of Meketre, Chancellor to Mentuhotep I (Neb­

hepetre). Among them is one of a large porticoed
- '" - , ~aghlOUI street wall

house with a pool in a grove of trees, as well as a

bakery and a brewery, carpentry and weaving
shops, and also a granary. Like the Meketre models,
g each large Illahun estate had a core house with a
portico facing away from the street, and a garden
court. Each also had a granary. Kemp has estimat­
ed that collectively these granaries could have
stored enough grain to feed 5,000-9,000 people
annually. It seems that the inhabitants of the small
dwellings in the rest of the town must have worked
for and in the large households in return for their
sustenance and livelihood.

have encompassed far more than the small housing Provi .
near his temple. Where should we look for it? Inside the
ducted to
The ra-she he perSOll!
The Abusir Papyri (p. 147) form our key documen­ is fragm
tary evidence for the life, society and economy of a offerings
living pyramid. Among other interesting institu­ the base of
tions, they mention something called the ra-she. pIe is an
which seems to be a crucial component in the pyra­ tombs w
mid complex. It is written with the sign for a mouth theka, vi
and the alphabetical sign for a pool or basin, hence 'ka of the r
its literal meaning is something like 'mouth life force
(entrance) of the basin'. The papyri reveal that it entto child
was a place of deliveries, storage and production. householch.
Why was it called ra-she, 'entrance to the basin') pharaoh. r
And where was it? Stadelmann's study of the use of imakhu,
the term she - such as khentiu-she (p. 234) and she MaIekha
en per a'aa (the she of the pharaoh) - led him to and it sigm
conclude that it signified a royal precinct. Inscrip­ a tomb of a
Sacred slums tions mention the planning, measuring and open­ or redistri
Archaeological traces of other pyramid towns sug­ ing of shes with names like 'Thrones of the Gods', recorded in
gest small communities of mudbrick houses that 'Libation of the Gods' and 'Nurse of the Gods', provisionin
become more crowded and shabby after the site of names that Stadelmann links to Archaic enclosures Menkaure,
the royal necropolis moved on. Reisner excavated around royal tombs at Abydos and Saqqara. It is
an agglomeration of small houses in front of also possible that they were individual names of The evol
Menkaure's valley temple. The tax-exempt pyra­ agricultural basins that held the annual inundation Tombtex
mid town had expanded in a disorganized way, -like the named basins of Upper Egypt in the 19th early pyram
crowding up against and eventually invading the century AD. If each pyramid complex was attached
temple - small mud huts, storage bins and grain to its own basin, the ra-she would have been the
silos filled the temple's open court. Meanwhile the interface between the world of the dead and that of
cult of the king was maintained, perhaps in the the living, between pyramid precinct and flood
mortuary temple and certainly in a small, dark basin, with the pyramid town and the khentiu-she
sanctuary at the rear of the valley temple. organized on adjacent levees and high ground. The
This pattern - a small group of mudbrick hous­ ra-she would then be the entrance to the valley
Menkaure's valley temple es next to a temple deteriorating into a kind of ensemble, where the valley temple, harbour, canal
(centre) was overtaken by the
sacred slum after the royal house moved on - has and pyramid town were located. At Giza that would
residents of his pyramid town
who invaded the front of the been taken as the model for the Old Kingdom pyra­ place a pyramid town on the stretch of low desert
temple with their houses and mid town. But Menkaure's facilities for the storage between the Nile Valley and the high pyramid
granaries (top and bottom). and processing of produce from his estates must plateau.

In the late 1980s a project revealed extensive evidence

Lost City of of Old Kingdom settlement spreading out far beyond
At a point about due east of the south side of
Khufu's pyramid, the trench cut through massive
the Pyramids? the Giza pyramid plateau underneath the modern
city. Major works, by a consortium known as
mudbrick walls of a very large building - could this
be a palace? Unfortunately the section provided by a
AMBRIC, to install sewers involved a network of sewage trench is less than ideal for archaeology, and
trenches and borings in the valley floor east of the it was quickly refilled, leaving many questions
Sphinx and pyramids. The archaeology was directed unanswered.
by Zahi Hawass and monitored by Michael Jones. Later, in 1994, construction work turned lip a huge
Remains encountered over a wide area included the limestone and basalt wall, 500 m (1,650 tt) east of
foundation of Khufu's causeway and a basalt Khufu's valley temple (seen in the photograph, left).
pavement that probably marks his valley temple. Its orientation matches certain older drainage
In a deep trench along a modern canal a channels in the area and it may mark the border of
continuous layer of mudbrick buildings began about the flood basin or harbour fronting Khufu's valley
50 m (165 ft) south of the possible location of the temple. The pyramid settlement attached to the giant
valley temple. Here, perhaps, lay Gergel Khuju pyramids of Giza was more than a small cluster of
('settlement of Khufu'). Thousands of fragments of planned houses that later turned into a slum. The
everyday pottery, bread moulds, cooking pots, jars, evidence points to a sort of proto-city - downtown
trays and bowls turned up, as well as animal bone, Egypt during Giza's heyday - which continued to be
grinding stones and large quantities of charcoal inhabited by priests who maintained the cults of the
and ash. Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure.

e mall housing Providing and provided

)Ok for it? Inside the mortuary temple daily services were con­

;r key documen­
ducted to the memory of a pharaoh and the deity
he personified. Our understanding of temple ritual
is fragmentary, but we do know that it centred on
Those who Serve:

d economy of a
~ting institu­
lied the ra-she,
offerings presented before the royal statues and at
the base of the false door. In essence, the entire tem­ Priests and Watchers

ple is an elaboration of the place in the simplest

ent in the pyra­ tombs where food offerings could be presented to
-ign for a mouth the ka, vital force of the deceased. The king was the
or basin, hence 'ka of the living' and the entire community shared a was administered by an imy-ra: 'overseer' (literally,
like 'mouth life force passed from creator god to king, from par­ 'one who is in the mouth'). There were wabu, purifi­
ri reveal that it Imy-ra
ent to child. The social reflection was a hierarchy of cation priests, and kheri-heb, a lector priest who
ld production. (overseer)
households, the 'greatest house' being that of the read the ritual. There were also the hemu-netjer, lit­
ce to the basin'? pharaoh. The funerary reflection was the concept erally 'servants of the god', a title listed in the Wabu Kheri-heb
Jdy of the use of imakhu, sometimes translated 'honoured'. Jaromir tombs of highly placed Egyptians, but which (purification (lector
(p. 234) and she MaJek has shown that it could mean 'provided for', could also be held by simpler folk like priest) priest)
h) - led him to and it signified receipt of a share of offerings from craftsmen and farmers from the nearby
lrecinct. Inscrip­ a tomb of a higher status household, by a wedjeb, pyramid town. Hemu netjer
Ilring and open- or redistribution. A man named Netjerpuneseut In the late 5th and 6th dynasties a
of the Gods', recorded in his Giza tomb that he was 'possessor of more complex social and religious organization (Above) The organization of
of the Gods', provisioning' from six kings: Djedefre, Khafre, emerged contemporaneously with the dramatic pyramid temple personnel in
ehaic enclosures Menkaure, Shepseskaf, Userkaf and Sahure. reduction in pyramid size, the expansion of the the early pyramid age.
d Saqqara. It is mortuary temple and the development of the stan­ (Below) A relief from the
;dual names of The evolving temple administration tomb of an important
dard temple components. The Abusir Papyri from householder showing offering
mual inundation Tomb texts indicate that temple organization in the the temples of Neferirkare, Raneferef and Khen­ bearers bringing produce to
:gypt in the 19th early pyramid age was fairly simple. The pyramid tkawes are a textual window on the operation of a the tomb from his estates.
lex was attached
d have been the
dead and that of
cinct and flood
the khentiu-she
ugh ground. The
ce to the valley
" harbour, canal
-Giza that would
eh of low desert
e high pyramid

uth side of
; h massive
ng - could this
provided by a
chaeology, and

rned up a huge
- ft) east of
ograph, left)·
'he border of
-hufu's valley
hed to the giant
-nail cluster of
a slum. The
continued to be
he cults of the
In a relief from the small Oth
square antechamber in the be part
inner mortuary temple of
Pepi II, officials with the cation
highest titles in the Old a time)
Kingdom bow to the king 'those \
They include Overseer of hemu-ll
(all?) Khentiu·she, who is not tions til;.
distinguished by costume or plemen
insignia from those of lower
status. tomb i
site ph)
At ..
vised b.

pyramid temple at about the time of these changes. transformation of all raw materials into sacred sus­
In the Tables of Service the temple personnel are tenance for the pyramid and its clientele. Although
divided into two broad groups: the hemu-netjer, the the title khentiu-she is only known from the reign of Dail\
older title, and the khentiu-she. While the literal Djedkare-Isesi on, Paule Posener-Krieger and Rain­
meaning of the latter term is straightforward ­ er Stadelmann believe that the institution goes back
'those in front of the she' - its actual meaning, and to the time of Sneferu. A decree of Pepi I protecting
the nature of these people, are more problematic. the khentiu-she of Sneferu's double pyramid town
In the New Kingdom khentiu-she seem to have indicates that the town and its inhabitants must
been 'gardeners'. Translations of its Old Kingdom date back to the time when the pyramids were built.
meaning range from 'settler' or 'tenant farmer' to The hemu-netjer seem to have been less tied to a
'palace attendant'. The problem again lies in the specific pyramid. In the Abusir Papyri they appear
word she, which was used for ideas as diverse as to be of a higher status than the khentiu-she: they
'cultivated land', 'lake', 'quarry', 'workshop'. The do not transport meat and provisions; they are list­
solution lies in the translation 'basin' and the ed first; they received their allocation of offerings in
awareness that the Nile Val1ey was organized into the inner sanctum of the offering hall; and their Pyramid
annually flooded basins (p. 12) that were virtual titles sometimes indicate middle to high rank. It eternal Po
lakes, with trees and gardens on the banks. As we seems, however, their status did not preclude them resembla
have seen, from ancient texts we know of institu­ from performing what seem to us fairly menial palace. H.
tions like the ra-she of the pyramid, and the 'she of tasks alongside people of lower rank. Thus we find attended
netjel) 01
Pharaoh', perhaps the funerary precinct. However, a Judge and Scribe on guard duty over temple pot­ orgamzel'
if, as noted above, each pyramid complex was tery with a dancer and a Coiffeur of the Palace. phyle of _
Organization of service in
Neferirkare's temple, both fronted by a large basin, which was part of a total However, we gain a clearer understanding of the into secti,
rotating and permanent, as ensemble of pyramid town, palace, harbour, canal pyramid temple if we realize the importance of a who Se1"n
revealed in papyri found in entrance (ra) to the basin (she), the attachment of title like Coiffeur - one who actual1y touched the 10 on a,.·
his mortuary temple. the khentiu-she to both the palace of the living king divine body of the god-king. Royal coiffeurs had a
and the temple of the deified king makes sense. special importance in the intimate parts of the tem­
The khentiu-she were residents of the pyramid ple. The fact that those who touched the king's per·
town to which they may have been tied from birth. son and prepared his meals had significant roles in
Many who hold this title compound their name the innermost part of the pyramid temple fits with foyer or yes
with that of the king in whose temple they served. our understanding of the pyramid chambers as the
This made them members of the eternal equivalent of the private rooms of the
king's extended household, which palace. When the king emerges from death each
included all classes - farmers, morning, his servants attend him before he strides
gardeners and, later, high offi­ forth as the statues in the front part of the temple.
Inspector cials. In the Abusir Papyri the The khentiu-she and hemu-netjer served
of Priests younger khentiu-she were together in phyles, the same organizational unit hemu·netj,
Assistant Assistant particularly occupied with as the building crews and with the same names. 'servants of .
the transportation of Each phyle was divided into two sections, so god' - fumicra
10 Hemu-netjer 10 Hemu·netjer Purifiers temple and
meat and other provi­ that a half-phyle served one month in ten. The statues of ki
10 Khentiu·she 10 Khentiu·she Scribes sions into the temple, divisions were named with single hieroglyphs, with incen.
while elderly mem­ denoting ideas like 'strength', 'life', 'dominion'.
'Parasite' phyles Artisans, potters, bers did guard This rotating involvement in the temple cult
pot-washers, duty. Together allowed greater numbers to experience the elabo­
Heriu-nesti (Those Who Sit in my Place) handymen they formed a rate symbolic programme and awe·inspiring effects
human filter of statuary and chiaroscuro of the pyramids than a
TOTAL = c. 300 PEOPLE for the permanent staff would.

Others served in the temple but did not appear to Besides these any given shift would include about
Those who Serve:
be part of the rotation, including the wabu ­ purifi­ 20 khentiu-she and hemu-netjer, giving a total of Priests and Watchers
cation priests - the lector priests (possibly three at around 220. Adding the lector priests, the non­
a time) and a group called kheriu-nesti, literally rotating personnel, scribes, artisans and 'parasite
'those who sit in my place', perhaps the heirs of the phyles', the total reaches 300 to 350. Posener esti­
hemu-net)er and khentzu-she. There are also indica­ mated about 70 to 100 people for the rotating ser­
tions that the regular rotating personnel were sup­ vice of Raneferef.
plemented by phyles attached to the mastaba [n death pharaoh's palace moved from the valley
tombs in the necropolis. Posener called these 'para­ up to the pyramid - the primeval mound at the cen­
site phyles' since their role in the temple rotation tre of the sun's rotation. The deceased king would
probably gained them a share of its revenue. awake each day, be coiffeured, dressed and pre­
At Neferirkare's temple the phyles were super­ pared to meet (or be) the lord of heaven - so long as
vised by an Inspector of Priests and an assistant. the daily ritual was conducted by those who serve.

o sacred sus­
Ie. :\lthough
the reign of Daily Service What happened on an average day in a pyramid
temple? Each day there were apparently identical
- the ritual meal- followed, but it is not clear if this
took place before the statues in the court of the front
and Rain­ morning and evening rites centred on a ritual meal. temple, in the offering hall, or both. It consisted of
ngoes back In the Pyramid Texts the king had five meals a day, libations and a wiping of the offering table.
I protecting three in the sky and two on earth. The earthly meals Purifications, censings, ritual meals and libations also
~Tamid town were the responsibility of those who served in the made up the burial ritual. A further feast of each
itants must temple. This ritual meal required the opening of the lunar month focused on the statue of the king as
were built. mouth ceremony on the royal statues in the five Osiris, lasting from the day of the moon's invisibility
I - tied to a niches at the interface between front and inner to the appearance of the first quarter. Elaborations on
hey appear temples - standard since Khafre. Each statue the ritual sequence were also enacted for feast days of
tili-slze: they represented a different aspect of the king. The Abusir deities like Sokar and Hathor.
hey are list· Papyri reveal that the centre statue represented the At the end of the ceremony one of the khentiu-she
offerings in king as Osiris, while the two at the ends portrayed and one of the hemu-netjer emptied the basin that
him as king of Upper and Lower Egypt. We are not had collected the libation water into an outlet
II; and their Pyramid and temple as the sure of the meaning of the other two. under the east wall of the offering hall. Here
high rank. It eternal palace with
resemblances to the living Each shrine (tjephet, 'cavern') was opened in we see the importance of the drainage
lude them turn for a presentation of cloth and an unction systems such as are found in the
fairly menial palace. Here the dead king is
attended by priests (hemu­ of sacred oil, accompanied by a recitation of mortuary temple of Sahure (p. 144).
Thu \\-e find netjer) and khentiu-she, sacred formulae for each statue. The Basin, ewer, papyrus roll with
temple pot- organized into phyles. Each khentiu-she unveiled, cleaned, dressed ritual and other equipment
Palace. phyle of 200 men was divided and adorned the statues, while were then carefully
anding of the into sections of 100 men, the hemu-netjer fumigated accounted for and
rtance of a who served for 1 month in with incense. The put back
touched the 10 on a rotating basis. offering ceremony
iffeurs had a
of the tem­ Court = visitation
king's per­ court or hall
cant roles in into
Entrance hall = front
pIe fits with foyer or vestibule chests.
tarnbers as the The Raneferef
ms of the Papyri inform us
til death each that each phyle had its
re he strid own set of sacerdotal
the temple. equipment.
r served Then followed one of the most
.tional unit hemu-netjer intriguing aspects of the daily ritual. A jar
lme names. 'servants of the of natron water was half-emptied in quadruple
god' - fumigate salutations to the king. It was then carried away by
ecrions, so
temple and a khenti-she. Each evening and morning one of the
ten. The statues of king hemu-netjer and one of the khentiu-she took the jar
I oglyphs, with incense and circumambulated the pyramid, sprinkling it
'dominion'. with sacred natron water. The journey was called
emple cult 'the way of the hem-netjer when he goes around the
the elabo­ pyramid'. The pair departed from the south door of ~
iring effect the inner temple and returned through the north door,
mids thana making a clockwise tour that symbolized the circuit
of the sun.

Loaves and Fishes

So far our reconstruction of the pyramid com­

~ munity has depended on the evidence of
tomb scenes and inscriptions, the Abusir
Papyri and analysis of the Giza landscape. It
was not until 1988-89 that we actually began to
excavate. This finally allowed us to test our theory
that the workers' settlement and pyramid support east, making us question our interpretation. The
Seal impression from the structures were in the area of low desert at the corridor was filled with garbage - ash, sherds and
pedestal building mentioning south-southeast limit of the Giza plateau, just bone, as well as mud seal impressions - probably
the wabet (the kneeling man beyond the quarries, supply route and harbour. cleared from the pedestal building. Several impres­
with a pot on his head and This region, designated Area A, lies south of a sions mention the wabet of Menkaure. Wabet
with water pouring over his flour and
pharaonic wall, 200 m (656 ft) long (the Heit el­ means embalming workshop but it may have signi­ large bell­
outstretched arms).
Ghourab, 'Wall of the Crow'), which may have been fied something more extensive, namely the entire Old King
a boundary wall of or within the ra-she (p. 232). An royal unit that equipped the grave, including work­ stacked az
imposing gateway topped by three large lintels was shops and possibly storage for food offerings. 'temper'
perhaps a sublime entrance to the entire necropolis. The evidence of these mud seal impressions, the vent stick
Our first excavations were northwest of a large small size of some of the storage compartments in rooms w
soccer field on the outskirts of Nazlet el-Semman, the pedestal building and the fact that it was so beneath a
where a tarmac surface had just been laid and thoroughly cleaned out in ancient times led us to would ha
floodlights installed. Pyramid-age deposits includ­ suspect that something more precious than grain more up
ed pottery and walls exposed by villagers digging was stored in this building, perhaps that was part hot embtT.'
sand for the nearby stables. of the overall effort to equip the grave. Bread a:
ancient E
Granaries or workshops? Feeding the workforce did this
In 1988-89 we excavated a rectangular building 9 x In 1991 we again found ourselves playing the role it have
6 m (30 x 20 ft) with stone rubble walls and a floor of archaeological firemen. A machine, digging ceremoni
of desert clay. It had been so thoroughly cleaned sand for a nearby building project with a backhoe, by simply
out in ancient times that there was very little debris had gouged a huge trench in the desert about 200 m like the
on the floors. On either side of a low central divid­ (656 ft) to the east of our 1989 excavation, revealing Egyptian
ing wall was a row of rectangular pedestals c. 60 massive mudbrick walls and huge deposits of pot­ had little
cm (24 in) high, separated by spaces of c. 20 cm (8 tery, especially fragments of bread moulds. We triticum ae
in). Too close together to be pillar bases, they were a cleared around this trench and excavated two despite lea
mystery. Tomb scenes suggested they might have rooms, where below a thin layer of disintegrated Working \\
been supports for grain silos in a granary. The gra­ mudbrick we found black ash filling what were yeast ex
nary in ancient Egypt was designated by the term clearly two bakeries. bakery an
shenuti, actually meaning double granary. This, it Unlike the pedestal building, these bakeries had flour and I
seemed, might explain the two rows of pedestals. not been cleaned out. Vats (or the holes where they loaves Wert
Yet other clues emerged, particularly in a corri­ had stood) were still embedded in the ash. These calories.
dor connecting this building with another to the would have been for mixing dough or to hold water, son for da.
Kingdom a:
The bakery scene from the bread to f
5th-dynasty tomb of Ti at Attached
Saqqara is the most complete building. A
one known from ancient
Egypt. The relief shows corner had
the stack-heating of bread of pottery
moulds, the pouring of the probably jar
I· dough, the opening of the used as ba"
moulds and the removal of upright. T
the loaves. (about ankle
cm (8 in) hi

tion. The (Above) In our reconstructed
herds and ancient Egyptian bakery,
- probably bread and yeast expert Ed
eral impres­ Wood bakes the kind of bread
that may have once sustained
lure. Wahet flour and ferment. We also discovered a cache of tion squares, these were made of alluvial mud, the pyramid builders, based
have igni­ large bell-shaped bedja pots used for baking bread. mudbrick and stone rubble, and had originally on evidence from our
the entire Old Kingdom tomb reliefs show these pots being been paved with clean desert clay. excavations (left). We used the
ding work­ stacked and heated over an open fire, perhaps to We initially speculated that these enigmatic characteristic bedja pots,
~ngs. 'temper' their interiors with oil and grease to pre­ shelves and troughs might have been used for lay­ some of the commonest and
ions, the crudest pieces of Egyptian
vent sticking. Along the east wall of both bakery ing out bread to be counted by scribes, an activity pottery and yet among the
lartIl1ents in rooms were egg-carton-shaped baking pits, lying illustrated at the bottom of the relief scene from the most interesting They are
it was beneath a cake of ash. Pots placed in these pits tomb of Ti. However, a fine ashy deposit that con­ shaped like large bells, with a
led us to would have been filled with dough, covered with tained fibrous organic material covered the :floor. bevelled rim and conical
. than grain more upside-down pots and finally surrounded by We had to drip a liquid consolidant on larger pieces interior. The walls are very
13 was part hot embers to bake the dough. to prevent them blowing away in the wind. By thick and full of chaff temper
which burns out leaving a
Bread and beer were the principal rations of scraping back delicately we retrieved gills, fins and high porosity.
ancient Egypt, sustaining any labour project. But other parts of catfish and schal (Synodontis). These bread moulds comprise
did this pot-baked bread feed a workforce, or could Wilma Wetterstrom, our palaeobotanist, examined 40-50 per cent of Old
-ng the role it have been specially made for temple offerings or soil from the troughs under a microscope and found Kingdom ceramic finds.
. digging ceremonies? It is in fact much easier to make bread it full of tiny broken fish bone_ Catfish breed soon
a backhoe, by simply slapping dough against a hot surface, after the inundation that turns the Nile Valley into a
about 200 m like the Bedouin and other nomads do. The ancient lake and spawning ground.
. revealing Egyptians had only emmer wheat and barley; they This part of our huge, orthogonally laid-out
i of pot­ had little or none of our far more glutenous building was used, it seems, for processing fish.
moulds. Ve triticum aestivum or bread wheat. This meant that Fish decomposes quickly, especially without refrig­
:avated two despite leavening, loaves were very heavy indeed. eration. How was it stored? The systematic layout
integrated Working with National Geographic and bread and suggests large and organized - probably seasonal­
what were yeast expert Ed Wood, we built a replica of this harvests. The fish must have been dried, and per­
bakery and made bread with emmer and barley haps smoked and salted. The troughs and benches,
Jakeries had :flour and locally cultured wild yeast. The resulting as well as being working platforms, may have
~ 'here they loaves were massively heavy units of starch and served as a ventilation system as the fish were laid Delicate remains of afish
h. These calories. Each would have sufficed to feed one per­ out on reed frames. We had, literally, found loaves gill or fin, found in our
hold water. son for days. Pot baking may have been the Old and fishes - sources of starch, calories and protein excavations in the area of
Kingdom answer to the need to mass-produce that could have fed a workforce. The entire installa­ the bakeries.
bread to feed large numbers of people. tion probably dates to the reign of Menkaure - the
Attached to the bakeries was a huge mudbrick end of pyramid building at Giza. Since his pyramid
building. A patch of its interior at the southeast complex was unfinished when Menkaure died,
corner had been exposed and we uncovered a cache a pyramid workforce was being fed at the
of pottery dishes, including small bowls that were time our bakeries were in operation. So far we
probably jar covers and cylindrical ceramic pieces have only excavated the upper layers of the
used as bases to stand conical-bottomed vessels site. The deepest, and oldest, layers, exposed
upright. There was also a series of low shelves in the backhoe trench, reveal large burning
(about ankle height) with partition walls only C. 20 pits, perhaps the remains of camp fires of a more
cm (8 in) high. Extending well beyond our excava­ loosely organized labour force.

the New Kingdom, particularly that of Aten at Tell
el-Amarna. Barry Kemp identified its galleries as
the temple bakeries on account of the millions of
fragments of bread moulds found there. Earlier
The Royal Workshops
excavations there had also produced evidence of
craft activity, including faience figures and inlay, a
sculptor's trial piece and bronze rings and nail .
These galleries clearly had a variety of functions;
perhaps, despite being separated by a millennium
or more, those attached to Khafre's pyramid housed
\. ", "'. " ~ .. "'. ( . \."'" ",... \/(~:~:::'" ?.r·"<.\) (, similar - and similarly diverse - activities_

:ron\1"-~ "F1" 'jJ1; :- /-. ~cE;~

The galleries had been filled in by sand, so that

only the spines of the walls were visible. Excava­
tion showed that the entire structure had been
'-P.. . meticulously cleaned out in ancient times. Occa­
sionally, however, we found parts of tools, such a.
sandstone rubbers, made of consolidated sand in a
gypsum matrix rather than sandstone proper, and
i<tJ used for abrading and polishing surfaces. Embed­
ded in corners and the floor were fragments of
malachite, feldspar, carnelian, copper and a piece
of faience tile.
Finally, in the very last few days of the excava­
tion, we reached shallow deposits that had not been
cleaned out. In these we found pottery, a bead, bone
and plant materials, collections of basalt chip.
unworked pieces of granite and a flint core with
flakes broken from it lying close by. Most exciting
of all was a collection of tiny statue fragment.
none longer than an index finger. They included a
black-painted lion's paw; a lion sculpture, perhap.
a gaming piece; and parts of human statues, proba­
r" bly royal figures. These included a finger-length
figurine of the king striding forth, wearing the
Industrial installations Khafre's galleries shendyt kilt and the crown of the south. His eyes.
connected with the Giza
pyramids. Each of Khafre's When we began excavating in 1988-89, our interest eyebrows and beard are painted black and while
galleries (plan above right) was not in finding more tombs, temples or statues, one leg was clearly broken off, the left arm had
were about 3 m (lOft) wide ­ already the focus of two centuries of excavation at been sawn off at the shoulder in a smooth, straight
about the maximum width Giza. What we sought was evidence of the settle­ cut. This was a sculptor's trial piece. To achieve the
that can be roofed with palm ments and economic system that supported first correct proportions and feel, the craftsman carved
log and plant material. pyramid building and then the functioning pyra­ it and then shaved off those parts not to be includ­
Evidence of such roofing was
found in impressions on mud. mid complexes. An obvious starting point was the ed in the final sculpture.
Thresholds were made of immense rectangular enclosure along the western That this was the refuse from a craft workshop
limestone paving which must side of Khafre's pyramid. Perpendicular walls was finally confirmed by the discovery of a frag·
have run the entire length of extend like the teeth of a comb from the west wall ment of a statuette of the king wearing the crown
the galleries. The gallery walls of this enclosure which is 450 m (1,476 ft) long, of the south, standing against a pillar from the top
were pointed with mud from describing about 75 galleries, each 30 m (98 ft) long of which a short roof projects. The whole is paint·
the Nile Valley and had floors
paved with a mix of tafia and and 3 m (10 ft) wide. With another set leading from ed red and stippled black to imitate granite. The
alluvial mud. In Menkaure's the north wall, there are nearly 100 galleries in all. piece represents a large statue in a temple court
enclosure (plan above left) In 1881 Petrie excavated two of these galleries with the projecting roof of a colonnade, as found
evidence of working copper and, despite finding fragments of royal statuary, only in the courts in Khafre's mortuary temple and
and alabaster was found, as concluded that they were workmen's barracks. the Sphinx temple. This figurine, too small to be a
well ovens, probably for They have been labelled as such on most plans of working scale model, is a miniature conceptual
baking bread, other ovens
perhaps for pottery Giza published since. But if people reside in an area piece. It was created in the process of deciding
manufacture, possible for any length of time they generate considerable what was to be executed on a large scale and dis­
reception halls, and storage quantities of refuse, such as sherds and ash from carded when its head broke off from the back pillar.
pits for pots, foodstuffs and hearth sweepings. There is little evidence of this The fact that the galleries had been so carefully
water: here - in fact the area is surrounded by visible emptied implied that some of the material worked
bedrock. Rather the galleries resemble the similar there was precious. So too did the galleries' loca­
comb-like galleries associated with the temples of tion, well away from the sites hypothesized as the

major areas of settlement on the Giza plateau. in pyramid building. Significantly, a large cache of
However, two more substantial deposits contained alabaster boulders and fragments was discovered
a mix of cooking bowls, plant remains, animal bone in the open court. This suggests that the installa­
and craft-related items. This is a caution against tion in fact served Khafre's pyramid complex, for
ascribing one simple function to these galleries. which immense quantities of alabaster were used.
Many might be empty because they were never If so, that would explain the curious shape of
fully occupied or used. We might even wonder if Menkaure's precinct walls. Their 'elbow' enabled
they were to some extent symbolic - the above­ them to incorporate this installation, which then
ground equivalent of the extensive subterranean continued in operation after Khafre's reign. As
galleries along the west side of Djoser's Step Rainer Stadelmann has suggested, we may be look­
Pyramid complex. ing at the hemut-semit, the desert or necropolis
workshop referred to in workmen's graffiti on the
The alabaster workshops granite blocks partially casing the walls of
Another set of workshops is known at Giza, this Menkaure's mortuary temple.
one lying south-southeast of Menkaure's pyramid.
It forms part of the great secondary wall defining The 'hidden aspect' of pyramid
the huge precinct around this pyramid. Here, the building
wall does not describe a neat rectangle, but swings Menkaure's workshop installation was founded on
considerably south of due east to form a large and buried by deep layers of construction debris ­
'elbow'. In the early 1970s a team from Cairo Uni­ stone, gypsum and tafla. Pyramid building was in
versity under Dr Abdul Aziz Saleh excavated what large part the manipulation of massive amounts of
seems to be a small industrial community, nestling this material. Indeed, much of its infra tructure
in the crook of this 'elbow'. might be lost beneath it. When Khufu began build­
This installation shows a far more laissez-faire ing, most of the plateau was free for workmen's
arrangement than the Khafre galleries. It consists installations and settlements, but for Khafre and
of a broad open courtyard and small house-like Menkaure this was no longer the case and any sup­
structures built against the sides of the thick port structures that were in the way would have
precinct wall. In some of the buildings there is a been razed and dumped elsewhere. This engineer­
small room containing a dais, probably the founda­ ing of rubbish in-filling occurred on a vast scale.
tion of a bed. Sloping rows of pedestals surroun­ Barry Kemp has dubbed it the 'hidden aspect' of
ded by troughs may be supports for making reed pyramid building.
baskets and containers. Two structures contain In the early 1970s Karl Kromer excavated an area Fragments of small limestone
figurines, perhaps 'trial
ovens which could be pottery kilns, and there are to the southeast of the industrial installation in the pieces' from galleries west
also 12 horseshoe-shaped hearths perhaps used in Menkaure enclosure, suspecting there might be a of Khafre's pyramid.
making and sharpening copper tools - a huge task settlement there. But though he found settlement
debris, it had all been dumped at this spot. There
was also a ramp of construction debris leading up
to the dump. This ramp, Kromer suggested, may
have been created by the razing and dumping of a (Below) The precinct walls
village or installation because they stood on the site and galleries west of Khafre's
pyramid seen from the top of
of a new pyramid - probably Menkaure's since seal Menkaure's pyramid, looking
impressions bearing the names of Khufu and north. (Left) One of the
Khafre, but not Menkaure or Shepseskaf, were galleries attached to the north
found. wall, after excavation.
developed project an image of King Tut. An attempt to render A Roman pyramid: the (Opposite) Perhaps as far
Ictural simu­ the idealized serenity and supreme confidence in tomb of Gaius Cestius, removed from the original
tone simu­ the royal expression of the ancient Egyptian built in 12 Be. pyramids as it is possibiR to
imagine, the Luxor
Hawing the sphinx results here in a blank stare. Hotel/Casino Pyramid in Las
" tructure i Vegas, guarded by a sphinx
em that it i From Rome to the 20th century whose eyes shoot laser beams.
d Thus the Between ancient Egypt and Las Vegas, a trail of
e immaterial pyramids can be traced through time and across
d - a giant continents. Ancient Rome carried the pyramid Pyramids have inspired
artists and architects through
LIn temple at from the close of antiquity to Renaissance Europe. the ages: Piranesi
The best-known, still standing, was built for Gaius incorporated them into his
)11 towering Cestius in 12 Be, in the reign of Augustus. Measur­ designs for fireplaces (toP);
and sym­ ing 36.58 m (120 ft) tall, it is built of brick-faced Ledoux designed a pyramid
ative on the concrete covered with marble slabs, rising at a far furnace for a foundry
rramid com­ more acute angle than the classic Old Kingdom (centre); and Bou/lee created a
plan for a pyramid cenotaph
I elements in pyramids and closer to later Egyptian and Nubian (bottom).
the work of pyramids. Another, larger pyramid stood in the
ep's origi­ necropolis on the Vatican Hill, but was reduced to a toria, garden shrines and mausolea. Claude-Nicolas
tatues of small remnant by the 16th century, and there may Ledoux (1735-1806), who immersed himself in
the king' have been more among the tombs that once lined Freemasonry and mystical ideas, designed a gun
ugh the the roads leading to Rome. foundry for Chaux with pyramids as casings for
!pen forever, Following the fall of the Roman Empire, pyra­ the furnaces at the corners. His smoking pyramids
x was con­ mids were kept in the collective consciousness by appear to have been crossed with volcanoes.
d to a cer­ savants writing on Rome's antiquities, or artists Following Napoleon's Expedition to Egypt,
ex, we are recasting Egyptian motifs into very un-Egyptian greater archaeological correctness came to Egyp­
combinations such as obelisks mounted on step tianized designs, with the publication of the
lcienr Egypt pyramids, or obelisks mounted on balls. In the 17th Description de I'Egypte, and the earlier and more
the Luxor and early 18th centuries ever more accurate travel­ accessible volume by the artist, Vivant Denon, pub­
ircus Cor­ ogues became standard sources for designers. lished in 1802. These sources were augmented by
pyramids Small Cestius-type pyramids were built on the work of artist-travellers such as David Roberts
lAD. In 1972 pedestals and podiums in cemeteries and gardens. (1796-1864) and John Frederick Lewis (1805-76).
m to La In the last quarter of the 18th century designs were The 19th century saw a profusion of Egyptian­
. ecture a drawn up for larger pyramidal monuments, some­ ized houses, gardens, parks, sphinxes, architraves,
imilar in a times on a scale rivalling the largest pyramids in salons, pylons, bridges and pediments. In Germany
itecture a Egypt. Mercifully, most were never executed. commemorative pyramid monuments were built
ed lexicon of Two opposite sources influenced 18th-century for princes. In England, Thomas Harrison
lOCient pa t. visions of pyramids. Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1744-1829) designed a monumental pyramid very
Egypt, or, (c. 1720-78) popularized Egyptian motifs in his similar to the Egyptian pyramids in its propor­
version of extraordinarily ornate Rococo designs for cafe inte­ tions. At Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire James
taken indi ­ riors, fireplaces and fantastical scenery. On the Bateman (1811-97) and Maria Warburton created
f pharaon­ other hand, Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) an Egyptian court and sphinxes in stone, but with
the pyTamid appreciated the purity and simplicity of Egyptian pylon entrance and a great truncated pyramid all in
capital at buildings, especially the pyramids. clipped hedge.
ramid were French architects combined the sublimity of
n 30 Piranesi's Egyptianizing with the simplicity of
:fJ angle. form that Herder emphasized in visions of huge
ory of an monuments of simple mass and symmetry.
o-Egypto' Etienne-Louis Boullee (1728-99), a leader of this
!liar beam, movement, designed monuments in the form of
nged so that colossal sarcophagi, triumphal arches, domes and
offend no pyramids. He used the large surfaces of pyramids
ambiva· to achieve an awesome, mournful effect. One of his
panel that cenotaph designs was a gigantic truncated pyra­
render the mid with a slope close to the Old Kingdom monu­
the pyra­ ments. In another design, for a mortuary chapel,
.te{l" llQ')' "R(\1111pp l m .vprprl t-hp ",lA\QR of ,;> hllm> rwr~".,;rl pupn
.0Duu'tt: JDweleu We SIVjJe UI d nuge pyramid even
of Giza, more. He designed pyramids to convey the 'terror
a car­ and desolation of death'.
beam that In Europe and Scandinavia pyramids were built
that or designed for sepulchral temples, a dairy, crema-

House Pyramids
The Late 20th-Century Pyramid Revival
Many people have turned to the pyramid form for
their dwellings. Perhaps the best known house
pyramid is that built by Jim Onan and plated with
gold in Wadsworth, Lake County, Illinois. Burt Rutan.
'America's most innovative designer of airplanes,
rocket ships, and other fast-moving objects' designed
a three-story hexagonal pyramid. Al Pecor, a
Wisconsin native, hypnotherapist and craftsman,
built a white pyramid house in the Sonoran Desert of
Arizona, south of Phoenix for his wife, Diane. The
pyramid rises 13 m (45 ft); the interior rooms include
much Egyptian paraphernalia. The guest room
features a green carpet sarcophagus in which visitors
lie and gaze at the stars through two huge triangular
windows forming the pyramid peak.

Long Beach Pyramid

California State University at I'-ong Beach built a
$20-million Physical Education Pyramid, 56.62 m
(178 ft) tall and 105.23 m (345 ft) square at the base.

In the late 20th century AD, a new revival has

spawned more pyramids, not to house dead bodies or
to commemorate the great, but for business and
pleasure, housing bustling, living bodies.

Cleveland Pyramid
Cleveland is the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame, a $92-million collection of pop music
memorabilia and interactive computers housed in a
five-storey glass pyramid on the North Coast Harbor.

Galveston Pyramid
The Rainforest Pyramid, located in Galveston, Texas
is 38 m (125 feet) tall and is made of 1,700 pieces of
glass set on to a steel frame. It houses the world's
largest indoor rain forest. A pyramid shape was
chosen because it offers optimal lighting conditions
and it deflects hurricane-force winds.

Grand Rapids Pyramid

Steelcase Inc. built a $lll-million Corporate
Development Center and office building near Grand
Rapids, Michigan in the form of a broad sleek steel
pyramid that rises from the prairie at a low angle to
seven levels.

Pyramids on the threshold of

the 3rd millennium AD house
a variety of functions for the
living (ToP) The Galveston
Pyramid houses an indoor
rain forest. (Centre) The Long
Beach Pyramid is a modern
temple to physical fitness.
(Right) The Grand Rapids
Pyramid forms the corporate
headquarters for a modern
business. (Right) The new
centrepiece of the Loultre
Museum in Paris is a glass

Pyramids were common grave markers in
It was designed by Advanced Structures Inc. in 19th-century cemeteries, such as the pyramid
Venice California for the architectural firm of Hugh
mausoleum to 'Mad Jack' Fuller MP built in 1812 in
& Donald Gibbs. This is a fractal pyramid, composed
the churchyard of St Thomas Beckett in Brightling,
of many smaller pyramidal 'blocks' forming a
'multiple-layer space grid'. The pyramid contains East Sussex, or the many pyramids (and obelisks)
6,800 moveable seats for spectators, a health club and in Highgate Cemetery, designed by Stephen
meeting rooms. Geary in 1830 for the London Cemetery Company.
In America, 19th-century Egyptian revivalists
Desert of Louvre Pyramid favoured obelisks, the greatest of which was
ne. The In the 1980s LM. Pei created a sensation by designing the Washington National Monument designed by
..; include a high-tech glass pyramid entrance in the court of the R. Mills in 1833.
r>om French bastion of culture, the Louvre. The base was The most bizarre idea for a pyramid, one that
ich \'isitors composed of stone and exposed concrete, and the would have rivalled the Great Pyramid, was con­
'riangular pyramid of custom-cast stainless-steel fittings and ceived by Thomas Willson in 1824 and published in
untinted glass. Because of its stark contrast with the 1842. In the spirit of Boullee, Willson proposed
older buildings, the glass pyramid created much
a 'pyramid to hold five million bodies', built of
controversy. The French Ministry of Culture and the
brick faced with granite, to cover an area of 7.3 ha
Louvre director, Michel Laclotte, chose to complement
the glass pyramid with another, this one inverted and (18 acres) near Primrose Hill, London. Surpassing
subterranean, as part of Le Carrousel du Louvre, a St Paul's in height, the steep pyramid, topped by an
complex of parking lots, fashion houses and obelisk, would contain 94 tiers of vaults.
restaurants between Pei's pyramid and the Arc de In 1882 another Thomas Willson, perhaps the
Triomphe. The inverted pyramid, providing light and son of the above, designed a pyramid mausoleum
visual focus, hangs like a chandelier down into the for the assassinated US President Garfield. This
underground mall. The inverted pyramid was would be topped by an obelisk, with an inner dome
designed by Pei, Conn, Freed & Partners. The protecting the catacombs. The Egyptian Revival
projected cost was $ 2.5 million. continued unabated into the early 20th century
with small pyramids and obelisks serving as grave (Above) Pyramid as tomb
Memphis Tennessee Pyramid markers and commemorative monuments. Howard once more, in the monument
In the late 1980s Memphis embarked on the of Maria Christina of
Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922
construction of 32-storey, $75-million pyramid sports Austria, 1798, designed by
heralded a second Egyptian revival. Had the Nazis
arena along the banks of the Mississippi River. Called the sculptor Antonio Canova
the Great American Pyramid. It houses a 20,000-seat been successful, dark foreboding pyramids might (l757-1822).
arena for basketball and other events. have been built in the mid-20th century. Wilhelm
Kreis and Albert Speer looked to the designs of
The San Francisco Pyramid Boullee and Ledoux for inspiration.
The headquarters of the Transamerica Corporation,
San Francisco is so elongated and stylized that it Form and function
barely squeaks into the 'pyramid' category. The The modern pyramids on the cusp of the 3rd mil­
48-storey, 260-m (853-ft) tall building (including the lennium AD retain the form but invert the function
spire) may be the only 'pyramid' that sways when of the giant Egyptian pyramids of the 3rd millen­
shaken by earthquakes. While it is almost twice the nium Be. The ancient pyramids were massive, solid,
height of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the base is 'dummy' hieroglyphic buildings, powerful symbols
smaller. It was designed by William 1. Pereira.
that focused society and cosmos. The modern pyra­
Construction began in 1969 and was completed in
mids are light skeletal structures whose purity of
1972. The corporate advertising motto is 'the power
of the pyramid working for you'. form nods to their ancient counterparts but which
otherwise have no intrinsic metaphorical value.
The ancient pyramids contained the most exclusive
and inaccessible space - the burial chamber of the
king, a place of death and arcane ritual. The interi­
ors of the modern pyramids are designed to be
optimally accessible to as many people as possible
for work space and popular entertainment.
The pyramids of ancient Egypt enclosed physi­
cal death and celebrated spiritual rebirth. The mod­
ern pyramids celebrate physical recreation but do
not explicitly intend to be spiritual. However, there
is a lightness of being in most modern pyramids.
Their purity of form - four points for the base,
square on the earth, and a centre point drawn up
towards heaven - conveys the uplifting of spirit
that has inspired the human career.

joins the original passage system just pa t the
Visiting the
junction between the Descending and
Ascending Passages. From here it is a crouch
in the great south court with a perfect view of
the Step Pyramid. Many tours turn right (east)
to'cross into the court of the Sed Festival
and a climb up the very narrow Ascending
Passage until the Grand Gallery. At the top of
booths, where Lauer has reconstructed the
king's dais and a few of the stone models of the
the Grand Gallery, after ducking through the reed-mat shrines. From the court of the shrines
Antechamber, one enters the King's Chamber. to the north visitors pass the east side of the
Modern roads have a powerful effect on how we The Boat Museum is well worth a visit. A pyramid and the ruins, on the right, of the
see the pyramids today. They channel visitors truly sublime creation in organic material rather pavilions thought to represent northern and
into pyramid sites along routes that often do not than stone, the boat is a powerful hint of the southern Egypt.
match the conduits of the ancient landscape. sophistication and grandeur of the society that On the north side of the pyramid is the
However, no matter how you approach them, the built the pyramids. serdab box, tilted up towards the northern sky,
giant pyramids seldom fail to astound. If there II: The Sphinx and Khafre's complex. A second and containing Djoser's statue (now a replica).
is time for study, there is nothing better than major approach to Giza is from the east. The mortuary temple is on a higher terrace,
comparing the drawings, maps and plans of the Originally it was by water (at least seasonally); mounted by stairs from the serdab. It is badly
pyramids to ground truth. Equipment for the today it is a paved road through the bustling ruined, but restorations have made some of its
more exploratory traveller might include a book suburb of Nazlet es-Semman. This route takes plan recognizable.
such as this, pen and paper to note observations the visitor into the north doorway of Khafre's Most visitors retrace their steps to pass by
and questions, a camera for visual notes, and, valley temple, through its well-preserved rooms the deep pit of the south tomb, embedded in the
essential for the interiors, a good flashlight. For and up the hallway leading to Khafre's southern enclosure wall. Here, a modern stair
all visitors, a hat and supply of water are causeway. Standing on the bedrock shoulder of leads up on to the wall, past the cobra frieze.
necessary, as for sites throughout Egypt. the causeway, visitors look down into the From here, the large tumulus along the western
It is beyond the limits of these pages to Sphinx enclosure. This, too, may soon be side of Djoser's enclosure looks like a massive
describe how to see all the major pyramids. reorganized. bank of debris - extensive galleries, never
Fortunately, several of the most significant are The enterprising visitor might walk the thoroughly explored, lie below its entire length.
found in the accessible sites of Giza and length of Khafre's complex, for it is perhaps the From the top of the enclosure wall, on clear
Saqqara. Less frequented, but open to the most complete of any Old Kingdom pyramid. days, the southern view includes the mounds of
public, or soon to be, are the sites of Dahshur, Near the pyramid, the mortuary temple is badly the pyramids of South Saqqara, Shepseskaf's
Abusir and Meidum. My remarks on vi iting ruined compared to the valley temple, but the giant mastaba and, farther south, the pyramids
these pyramids are given in order of major features can be discerned. You may enter of Sneferu and Amenemhet III at Dahshur.
accessibility from Cairo. Khafre's pyramid on its north side with the II. Other Saqqara pyramids. As with the Giza
general Giza ticket. pyramids, those at Saqqara are arrayed
Giza Ill. Menkaure's pyramid is approached by car or diagonally northeast-southwest. Farthest to the
Tickets to visit the Giza plateau are purchased foot from the north, by turning off the modern southwest, beyond Unas, lie the ruins of the
at the base of the modern road leading past the road past the west side of Khafre's pyramid. unfinished pyramid of Sekhemkhet. The layout
Mena House Hotel at the end of the Pyramids This pyramid, too, can be entered with the is not easily recognized close up, but the
Road. The interior of the Great Pyramid of general Giza admission ticket. Its vaulted burial entrance trench and the niched white limestone
Khufu and the Khufu Boat Museum need chamber is small and elegant. wall along the north side of the first building
separate tickets. Tour leaders purchase tickets Outside, the granite casing is unfinished, and phase can be seen. From the mounds of debris
for the entire bus which then takes visitors up careful observation will reveal how the masons inside the enclosure, the huge low-lying
the paved road to the north side of Khufu. On had already designed the sloping face of the enclosure called the Gisr el-Mudir is visible to
foot, this approach is grand, as Khufu rises on pyramid into the blocks, so that it only remained the west.
the plateau, but the pathway affords a limited to dress back the extra stone. If you walk Descending from Djoser's south wall, one
overall understanding of the whole Great around to the east side of the pyramid you can comes to Unas's pyramid. The Pyramid Texts
Pyramid complex. Ancient visitors probably enter the mortuary temple. Looking down from on the walls of its chambers are hailed as the
approached Giza from the north only rarely. the ruined entrance of this temple, the world's oldest written religious literature.
In the evening you can watch the Sound and causeway is a simple band of dark mud and Unfortunately the moisture from thousands of
Light from seats east of the Sphinx and stone lining. The valley temple has disappeared tourists has caused the blue hieroglyphs to fade,
Khafre's valley temple. The script is decades beneath the sands since Reisner excavated it. and for some time the pyramid has been closed
old, but lasers have been added recently that to visitors. It is hard to see much of the plan of
project, for example, the interior passage and Saqqara the mortuary temple, although the granite
chamber system on to the Great Pyramid. There is much to see at Saqqara - here J limit frame of the entrance door has been restored.
A reorganization of the Giza Plateau for my remarks to pyramids. The modern visitor Walking down Unas's causeway, with low
tourism may soon be implemented. enters the necropolis from the east, before the walls and pavement that still exist or have been
I. The Great Pyramid of Khufu. The original ruins of Vnas's valley temple, marked by two restored, gives one the sense of what these
access was from the east, via the valley temple palm-form granite pillars that have been structures were like. Part way down are two
and causeway, elements now lost under the restored. Tickets are purchased at the booth on huge stone-lined boat pits.
modern town. Admire the exquisite stonework the right. Ascending on to the plateau, the low For Pyramid Texts the visitor must now go to
of the casing near the centre of the north base mound of Teti's pyramid is on the far right, Teti's pyramid, to the northeast of Djoser's and
(the blocks to the west are restored), but also while Vserkaf's pyramid, looking like a pile of Userkaf's, on the other end of the Saqqara
observe the 'slop factor' in the core. Where the rock, is ahead, slightly to the right. diagonal. There is not much to see of the
core stones are preserved you can find chisel I. Djoser's Step Pyramid dominates modern pyramid itself and the temple, like that of Unas,
marks from the skilled hand of a mason who tours of the Saqqara Plateau as it must have was practically levelled by lime manufacturers.
worked 4,600 years ago. On the east side you visits in ancient times. In the 3rd dynasty, the The pyramids of South Saqqara - Djedkare­
will find the patch of black basalt pavement of broad wadi leading up from the Abusir lake to Isesi, Pepi I, Merenre and Pepi II are harder to
the mortuary temple's court, between two huge the north may have been the main access. get to: either a drive along a desert track west of
open boat pits. Three queens pyramids offer The entrance to Djoser's enclosure was at the the main Saqqara Plateau, or, to Pepi II and the
much evidence about building techniques. far south end of the east side. Here modern Mastabat el-Fara'un of Shepseskaf, a road
The pyramid is entered by a tunnel blasted tours file through a doorway, barely 1 m wide, through the modern village of Saqqara, which
through the solid masonry. The visitor today and down the colonnade entrance hall to emerge skirts round the cultivation edge.

Dahshur defined by the better masonry of the retaining preserved sun temple of Niuserre. Prominent on
The site of Dahshur has recently been opened to walls, in the lower part of the core. This was left the hill are the core of the enclosure wall and of
the public. Tickets are purchased at the end of open for building the chamber and passage, the obelisk pedestal. The ruins of the valley
the road from Dahshur village, about 20 km then filled with looser material. temple have been reclaimed by the desert sands.
south of Saqqara, just before ascending the II. Niuserre. To view the other Abusir pyramids, At the top the causeway core walls are
plateau. retrace your steps back to the southeast corner preserved, which open out to a broad court with
I. The North (Red) Pyramid can be entered with of Sahure's pyramid, and walk the diagonal the remains of the obelisk pedestal. Straight
some physical exertion. Here a powerful expansion of the necropolis to the southwest. across the court is the large alabaster altar. A
flashlight is certainly useful. Climbing up the The next pyramid in space but not time is piece of relief carving on a broken granite block
modern steps gives a sense of how the builders iuserre's. You arrive near the ruins of a pylon near the northwest corner of the altar bears the
had to locate the entrance high up in order to that thickened the front eastern corner of the name of the temple, 'Delight of Re', with the
make a long descending passage to a burial court. To the south is the pavement of the court, obelisk on its pedestal as the ideogram. North of
chamber close to ground level. A wooden and the ruins of the inner part of iuserre's the altar you will find large pieces of limestone
scaffolding and stairway from high up in the mortuary temple. Niuserre bent his temple into pavement carved with low channels. These are
second antechamber leads to the burial an L-shape, and the leg of the 'L' brings you to thought to have been part of the terrace on
chamber. Pits in the floor were dug by those in the entrance hall, roughly outlined by large which animals were slaughtered. They may
search of treasure. Look up at the exquisite pieces of basalt dado. The causeway, diverted have drained to the nine large alabaster basins
« pa - by
corbelling, which also crowns the antechambers. from Neferirkare's complex, is flanked by basalt lined up to the east. Three more alabaster
Outside, a walk around the northeast corner pieces which lined the lower parts of the walls basins, less elaborate and with three drainage
mbedded in the
of the pyramid brings you to the remains of for its entire length. holes each, are on the north side of the pedestal.
rn stair
the mortuary temple, as excavated and partially III. Neferirkare. Proceeding southwest, you pass
tOOra frieze.
reconstructed by Rainer Stadelmann, with the southeast corner of Niuserre's pyramid, now Meidum
the western
a rna -iw
the reconstructed limestone capstone. a rounded mound, to look down across the low Meidum is 50 km south of Saqqara, 70 km
U. The Bent (Southern) Pyramid. A desert road traces of Neferirkare's mortuary temple. Very south of Cairo, and so you should plan a full day
. ne\-er
leads from west of the orth Pyramid to the little remains, although the major outlines can for a trip from Cairo and back. The site is best
tire lengrh.
Bent Pyramid, a good walk if not taken by car. be seen. Look up at the southwest corner of reached by the Upper Egyptian highway from
n clear
The western entrance can be spotted as a small eferirkare's pyramid to see the masonry layers Cairo. You turn off the main road to drive west
mounds of
pseskaf­ opening high up in the casing on its west side, that prompted Egyptologists to think through the village of Meidum, then out into the
but is not easily accessible. At the northeast Neferirkare first intended a step pyramid. desert south of the pyramid.
the p~T3mids
Dahshur. corner, the path of the causeway is still visible IV. Khentkawes. Crossing the irregular ground The pyramid looks like a tower, complete in
. h the Giza as limestone chips. A walk down the causeway at the south of Neferirkare's pyramid, you look its own right - although we know that the shape
yed brings you to the ruins of the so-called valley down on Khentkawes's pyramid and temple. is the result of rebuilding and robbing - rising
temple, of which little is visible. A walk along The pyramid is badly ruined - the pit of the from a prominent white mound of debris. As
.Fanh t to he
the east side of the pyramid brings you to the burial chamber opens through the loose debris. you follow the road west of the pyramid there is
ruins of the
. The layout remains of the small chapel, with the stumps of Not much remains of the inner stone temple, a government rest facility. On the north side of
two stelae and the stone canopy that protects a although the bottom of a pillar, painted red and the pyramid is the antiquities authority outpost
,but he
e lim tone
hetep offering slab. Rounding the southeast inscribed with the Queen's figure and titles, for tickets. When you arrive at the end of the
_ building corner of the Bent Pyramid, you come upon its remains standing. Only a small corner of the paved road, Dr Ali el·Khouli's excavations at the
small satellite pyramid. Ahmed Fakhry found satellite pyramid remains standing within its northwest corner give a clear view of the
"of debri:
·Iying remains of two more stelae on the east side. The mudbrick enclosure. Farther east, and better masonry of E3 that filled out the step pyramid
II" i:, \'isible to
entrance to the satellite pyramid is open, but the preserved, are the walls of five magazines. and created a true pyramid. You see the intact
passage is sanded up and is not accessible. Beyond Khentkawes to the south, you see the Turah-limestone casing, with blocks laid
wall, one The Middle Kingdom pyramids at Dahshur partially excavated ruins of the 'pyramids' that horizontally. Behind is the yellow limestone
yramid Texts are far from the beaten tourist tracks. The Lepsius numbered XXIV and XXv. which is packing material between core and
pyramid complex of Senwosret III is now being V. Raneferef's pyramid, the last to the casing. Higher up you can see the limestone
hailed as the
erature. excavated by Dieter Arnold, and is off limits. southwest, may be accessible once the site is corners of El and E2 peeking through the
lhousands of opened to the public. Here is a good example of masonry of large core blocks used to fill out E3.
Iyphs to fade. Abusir the very beginning of a 5th·dynasty pyramid­ The pyramid is entered by climbing up a
been closed Abusir is soon to be organized for more easy a low mastaba with a central pit and a short wooden stairway from the top of the
. he plan of access. The site is approached by a west turn off construction gap on the north side. Only bits of debris, followed by a crawl through the long
granite the road between Saqqara and Nazlet es­ pavement and walls remain of the inner stone descending passage. As you climb the vertical
Semman near Giza, through the bustling town temple, but the mudbrick walls of the rest still shaft to the burial chamber, note the large cedar
ledl restored.
ray. with low of Abusir, if coming from the south. stand to a surprising height, retaining much of logs embedded in the masonry. The burial
I. Sahure. Recently the area of Sahure's valley their gypsum-plastered surface. chamber is small and unfinished. Note the
or have been
fun th e
temple has been cleared. Sahure's causeway, of VI. The Sun Temples are a good walk south over stump of a cedar log just above the entrance
:n are two which the foundation is well preserved, deliver the sands from the Abusir pyramid cluster. You shaft, another higher up, and a complete one
you to the mortuary temple's entrance hall and can take the high ground, which means walking across the top - remnants of the system for
. must now go to court. Two of the granite palm·capital columns up and down desert hillocks, or the low desert lifting the sarcophagus into the chamber'
Djoser's and have been re-erected and bases of other columns close to the cultivation. The ruins of Userkaf's You may walk around to the east side of the
e qqara can be seen. The ambulatory is recognizable sun temple come first, although if you are not pyramid on the debris, or along its base. This
and parts of Sahure's titulary are visible on looking for them you might not notice them. All brings you to the small mortuary temple or
eeof the
e that of Una . stone fragments. Nearer the pyramid, the inner that is left of the upper temple are scattered chapel. From high up you can see the track of
temple is a jumble of stone, but various parts large stones from the obelisk pedestal, the the causeway shooting towards the culti\'ation_
ara - Djedkare­ are quite well preserved. terrace of the court and the spoil heaps of From below, you see protruding aboye the
are harder to The pyramid is a fallen heap resulting from excavations. To the west, is a jumble of large chapel roof the tops of the stelae. Each should
!It track west of
the removal of the outer casing. A recent stone pieces, including parts of a huge quartzite have been carved with the Horus falcon j)<5ched
Pepi II and the earthquake has left the entrance and burial drain. Many of the limestone pieces have etched on Sneferu's serekh, but were left blank par.
~.a road
chamber in a precarious state, and so the hieroglyphs of the workers' notations. Almost the mystery of Meidum. The location " he
aqqara, which pyramid should not be entered. Stand back from nothing can be seen of the valley temple. satellite pyramid, at the far west end of ·he
the entrance to observe the 'construction gap', Moving south you approach the better south side, is marked by pits in the debn­
Land and water management in ancient Egypt: (1977), 2-14

Further Reading Baer, K., 'The low price of land in Egypt',jARCE 1 (1962).
Bennet. H., 'Agyptische Baukunst und Pyramidenkult'.

jNES 12 (1953). 257-73

Eyre, C. J., 'The water regime for orchards and plantations

Brovarski, E., 'The Doors of Heaven', Orientalia 46, no. 1

Abbreviations in Pharaonic Egypt',jEA 80 (1994) 57-80


AA Agyptologische Abhandlungen Gardiner. A.H., The Wilbour Papyrus, Vol. 2. Commentary

Drioton, E.. 'Review of B. Grdseloff, 'Das Reinigungzelt",

ASAE Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte (Oxford, 1948)

ASAE 40 (1940), 1007-14.

BABA Beitrage zur agyptischen Bauforschung und Menu, B. (ed.). Les Problemes institutionels de l'eau en Grdseloff, B., Dos ilgyptische Reinigungzelt (Cairo, 1941)
Altertumskunde Egypte ancienne et dans l' Antiquite mediterraneenne, -'Nouvelles donnees concernaut la Tente de Purification'
BdE Bibliotheque d'Etude BdE UO (Cairo, 1992) ASAE51 (1951),140
BlFAO BuUetin de l'Institul fran,aise d'archeologie Schenkel, W, Die Bewasserungsrevolution im alten Agypten Ricke. H., Bemerkungen zur agyptischen Baukunst des
orientak (Mainz am Rhein, 1978) Alten Reiches II, BABA 5 (Cairo, 1950)
BMFA BuUetin of the Museum of Fine Arts Willcocks, Wand j.I. Craig, Egyptian Irrigation, 3rd ed.. Schott, S., Bemerkungen zum agYPlischen Pyramidenkult.
BSFE BuUetin de la Societe fran,aise d'egyptologie 2 vols (London, 1913) MBA 5 (Cairo, 1950)
CAj Cambridge Archaeologicaljournal The Pyramids, their Rise and Fall Spiegel,]., Das Auferstehungritual der Unas-pyramid, AA.
CdE Chronique d'Egypte Kemp, B.j.. 'From Old Kingdom to Second Intermediate
23 (Wiesbaden, 1971)

CRAIBL CampteRendus de l'Academie des Period', in Ancient Egypt, A Social History (Cambridge,
Stadelmann, R., 'Totentempel 1', LA, 694--9

Inscriptions et Belks-Lettres 1983),71-182, see 86-92

-'Taltempel', LA V1.2 (1985), 189-94

CRIPEL Cahier de Recherches de l'lnstitut de Stadelmann, R., Die grossen Pyramiden von Giza (Graz,
This World and the Netherworld

Papyrologie et d't-gyptologie de LiUe Austria, 1990). See 258-62

Allen,]., Genesis in Egypt: The Philosophy of Ancient

DE Discussions in Egyptology The Standard Pyramid Complex Egyptian Creation Accounts, WK. Simpson (ed.), vol. 2

EG Egyptian Archaeology Simple A-group burial twnuli (New Haven, 1988)

GLECS Groupe li'1{JUistique pour ks etudes ChamirJ-stimitiques Smith, H., Preliminary Reports of the Egypt Exploration Allen, j.. 'The cosmology of the Pyramid Texts', in].P

GM Gottinger MiszeUen Society's Nubian Survey (Cairo. 1962). See 64--9 Allen, et al. (eds), Religion and Philosophy in Ancient

JARCE foumalof the American Research Center in Djoser-type vs. Meidum-type

Egypt (New Haven, 1989), 1-28

Egypt Arnold, D., 'Das Labyrinth und sein Vorbilder', MDAlX 35

Gardiner. A.H., The Attitude of the Ancient Egyptians to
JEA journal of Egyptian Archaeology (1979),1-9
Death and the Dead (Cambridge, 1935)
jNES journal of Near Eastern Studies -Der Pyramidenbezirk des Konigs Amenemhet III in Hornung, E., Agyptischen Unterweltsbucher (Zurich, 1972)
jSSEA The SSEA journal Dahschur. Band 1: Die Pyramide, vol. 1 (Mainz, 1987) -Das Amduat. Die Schrift des verborgenen Raumes, AA 7.
KMT KMT A Modem journal of Ancient Egypt 13 (Wiesbaden, 1963-67)
LA Lexikon der Agyptologie 1. TOMB AND TEMPLE -'Zu den Schlusszenen der Unterweltsbucher', MDAIK 37
MDAIK Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archilologischen The Xa, the Ba and the Body Embalmed (1981),217-26
Instituts, Abteilung Kairo Dismemberment and mummification: Lesko, L., The Ancient Egyptian Book of Two Ways
MIFAO Memoires publies par les membres de Assmann,]., 'Death and initiation in the funerary religion of
(Berkeley, 1972)
l'lnstitul fran,aise d'archeologie orienlale du ancienl Egypt', in].P Allen, et al. (eds). Religion and
Piankoff, A., The Tomb of Ramses VI, Bollingen Series.
Caire Philosophy in Ancient Egypt (New Haven, 1989), 135-59,
vol. 49.1 (New York. 1954)
NARCE American Research Center in Egypt see 137-9.
-The Mythological Papyri, BollingeI1 Series, vol. 49.3 (Ne\\
Newsletter Hermann, A., 'Zergliedern und Zusammenfugen.
RdE Revue d'Egyptologie Religiongeschichtliches zur Mumifizierung'. NUMEN 3
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VA Varia Aegyptiaca (1979), 345-58

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barque, see boats colonization 9, 227. 228
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basin irrigation 12-13, 152, 232; system 12-13
colonnade 154, 155, 190. 192
columns: lotus 144, 148, 178: palm 144, 153, 155.155. 202:
Battle of the Pyramids 4 7 papyrus 148, 178
Baufre (4th dynasty prince) 139 Constantine 39
Page nwnbers in italics refer to illustrations beer 202, 230, 237 control notes 227
Belon, Pierre 43 copper 92,114,157,169,202,206,210,238; statues 73. 74,
A-group 18 Belzoni, Giovanni 48-9, 50, 52, 124 159,161
Aat 180 ben-ben 34-5, 35, 106,142,180,194,240 Coptic language 50; legends 40-1
Abbott Papyrus 165, 166 Bent Pyramid 13, 14,39,44,99,101,102-4,102, 103,105, corbelling 98, 105
Abd ai-latif 41,42 107,109,146,154,181,184,218,219,228,229; 'valley core, of pyramids 6,12,140,156,161,163,164,168,179,
Abu Ghurob 60, 142 temple' 103, 104, 104, 228 182, 190, 218, 219
Abu Roash 14,18, 36, 50, 55, 66, 96,107,120-1,121,124 Berlandini, J 165 cosmology 28-30, 32-3, 34-5
Abusir 15, 36, 38, 39, 50, 60, 60, 66, 82, 83,107,141,150, Birabi 189 cramps, dovetail 170, 180, 226
152,153; diagonal 83, 142; lake 83,142; papyri 27, 145, Birch, Samuel 50 Crusades 42
146,147,149,152,232,233,234,235,236; pyramids 13, Blemmyes 199 Currelly, C.T. 190
82,142-52,142, 145,149,223,231; see also individual boat pits 80, 109, 118, 119, 138, 173, 179 Czech expedition, Abusir 66,66,142,145,146,146,147
pharaohs boats 23, 25, 28, 77, 123, 118-19, 119, 125, 138, 148, 151,
Abydos 14, 72,74-7, 77,78, 79,82,82,84,84,92,96,96, 152, 155, 163 d'Outremeuse, jean 42
103,106,138,161,176,177,178,178,182,189,190-1, Book of Aker 30 Dahshur 13, 15, 34, 36, 49, 50, 57, 66, 82, 97. 99,100,101-5,
190,191192,193,193.196 Book of Caverns 29, 30 101,107,108,113,146,153,168,174,177,177,179,179,
Abyss 28, 34, 35 Book of Gates 30 180,180,181,182,183,184,187,193,214,217,226,231;
accretions 54, 82, 94, 95, 97,147,156,218 Book of the Dead 24, 24, 25, 28, 31, 197 Lake 13, 13, 15, 179, 184, 185; see also Bent Pyramid;
Adjib80, 81 Borchardt, 1. 44, 60, 60, 111, 142, 147, 151, 152, 217, 219 North Pyramid
agriculture 12-13, 146, 228-9 Boston Museum of Fine Arts 131 Dakhla 164
Ahmose J 189, 190-91, 190, 191,199; pyramid 190-91 Boullaye-Ie-Gouz 43 Davidson, David (pyramid theorist) 56
Aigner, T. 127 Boullee, Etienne-Louis 241, 241,243 Davison's Chamber (relieving chamber, Khufu) 44, 48, 51,
air shafts 112, 114 bread 202, 230, 236, 237; moulds 232, 236, 236, 237, 237, 53
Aker29 238 dawn 6, 33
akh 20, 24, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 130 breweries 225 de Lesseps, Ferdinand 55
Akhenaten 150, 231 brick makers 226; carriers 226; marks 178, 226 de Morgan,j.174, 177, 179
akhet (inundation) 12 British Museum 48, 49, 50, 52 de Monconys, Balthazar 43
Akhet (horizon) 28, 29, 33, 33, 108, 130 bronze 210 de Bruyn, Cornelis 43
alabaster 90,117.125,126,137,144,152,153.154,156,157, Bruce, james 45 Deir el-Medineh 192, 192, 193
158, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 171, 176, 179, 180, 184, 186, Brugsch brothers 31, 55, 158, 160 Deir el-Bahri 166-7, 167, 168, 177, 189,202,203
202, 224, 239 Brunton, G. 57, 176 Delta 7, 12, 189, 227. 228. 229
alignments 57,106-7,120,134,142,156,212-14 burial chamber 15, 27, 31, 33, 49, 80, 81, 87, 92, 99. 154, 156, Den 76, 76, 77
Allen, james 33 164, 165, 180, 185, see also individual pyramids Denon, Vivant 46, 47, 241
Alpinus, Prosper 43 burial rituaI25-7, 126 Denys of Telmahre 40
altar 144, 148, 150. 151, 152, 152, 156, 166, 169, 178 butchering 148, 15(}-1, 171 Derr, ~u bia 45
Amarna 231, 238 Buto 72,74,80 descen'Ping passage 39, 44. 45, 48, 56, 98, 111, 112, 123
AMBRlC 204, 232 Butzer, K. 7, 13 Description de I'Egypte 36, 46, 47
ambulatory 166, 167 Diodorus Siculus 39, 52
Amduat30 Cairo 13,41,46,204 diorite 12, 87, 167, 182, 202
Amenemhet 1168-9,168,169,174,202,226,229; pyramid Cairo Museum 210 divine booth 26
38,168-9,169,171 Cairo University 217, 239 djed pillars 88, 92
Amenemhet [J 38, 101, 171. 173, 174, 184, 226, 229 Caliph al-Mamun 40, 41 Djedefre 9, 14, 107, 120-1. 121, 122, 130: pyramid 14, 120-1.
Amenemhet III 19, 35, 39, 101, 176, 176, 179-83, 179, 180, canal 12, 13, 25, 26, 202 124, 139, 170
181,182, 183,184,185,189,199,226,226 Cannibal Hymn 33 Djedkare-Isesi 83, 147, 149, 153, 155, 156, 162,231,234:
Amenemhet IV 181, 184 Canopic chest 22, 92, 117, 123, 124, 153, 154, 158, 158, 162, pyramid 83, 153-4, 153,154,158,160,163,171
Amenhotep [J 38, 131, 132 173,177,178,179,180,182,184, 187; jar 22,157,171,185, Djehutihotep 203, 203, 224
Amenhotep III 127 195; niche 22, 180 Djer 22, 22, 75, 76, 178
Ameny-Qemau 185, 185, 189 canopy 117, 118 Djet 76, 76, 77
American pyramids 242-3 capital city 7, 12, 202 Djoser 9,14,14,15,54,83,88,90,95,103,111,121,126,
Anastasi Papyrus 216 Carter, H. 60. 167 166; galleries 84, 87, 90, 92, 239; Step Pyramid 14, 16, 27.
ancestors 29-30 cartouche 51, 165, 169 ~~~~~~~~~~n~M~~~
Ani 25 casing 6, 7, 12, 20, 94, 95,100,102,109,122-3,122,151, 84-93,84,85,86,87, 88,92,97,98,100,102,104.109,
Ankhka (1st-dynasty) 80 156, 170, 17l, 172, 174, 176, 190, 199, 211, 213, 216, 218, 136,140,141,154,155,155,156,156,164,166,171. 176.
Anubis 163 220, 221, 226, 227 180, 181, 182, 183, 199, 240
Apophis (Hyksos king) 190 cataracts 12, 196 dock, see quay
apotropaic scenes 33 cattle 199, 202, 227; draft 203; skulls 79, 79 dolerite 207, 211, 211
Archaic Period royal tombs 176, 190 causeway 18,27,33,35,36,70,82,83,99,100, 101, 103, 104, Dra Abu el-Naga 188, 188, 189, 189, 190
Archaic Mastabas 78-81 107,108,120,121,143,149.150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 167, drainage, in temples 144, 172, 235
Arkamani-qo (Meroitic ruler) 198 169, 171. 172, 181, 184, 185, 189, 202; see also individual Dreyer, G. 75, 75, 76, 76, 77, 84, 96
Arnold, Dieter 19. 27, 66,141,165,166,167,171,172,173, pyramids drilling 51, 210
174,177,178,179,181,187,216,222,226,227 Caviglia, Giovarmi Battista 48-9, 49, 50, 53, 130 Drovetti, Bernardino 48, 49
Arnold, Dorothea 168 cedar 103, 118, 126, 202 Duat 27, 29, 30, 33, 58
Arnold, F. 227 cemetery 99, 107, 109, 138, 165. 187. 188, 189, 193, 194, 194, dummy buildings 84-5
Asiatics 155, 190 197,198 Dunham, D. 215
Aspelta (Meroitic ruler) 197, 197, 198, 199 Cemetery U, Abydos 75 dynasty 0 75
Assyria 196 cenotaph 79, 100, 103, 167, 190, 190, 191
Aswan 7,12,202,206,207,211 Cestius, Gaius, pyramid of 241. 241 earth-god 28
Asyut 13 Champollion,jean Fran<;ois 50, 54, 55 Edfu 96
Atbara (river) 198 chapel 97, 100, J03, 141, 153, 154, 156, 157, 163, 164, 168, Edwards, LES 34, 212
Atum 34, 35, 74, 193, 194 170, 171, 173, 176, 177, 181, 184, 188, 197 Egyptian Antiquities Organization 54. 65. 67
Auibre Hor 23,181 Chesneau, J 43 el·Kula 96
Avaris 190 Chevrier, H. 224 el-Kurru 194, 195,195,196-7
Christianity 39, 52 el-Qurn 167, 189
ba 20, 22-4, 24, 28, 33 circumpolar stars 18, 28, 90, 121, 176 el-Tarif 165, J 65
Bab el-Hasan 167 Clarke, S. 218 Elephantine 7, 13, 96, 189, 202
Bahr el-Libeini 13, 168 coffin 25, 26, 52, 98, 136, 157, 183, 184, 188, 189, 189, 198 embalming 22-4, 25, 27
Bahr Youssef 12 Coffin Texts 23, 31 Emery, W. 60, 62, 66, 78, 78, 79.80
bakeries 9, 13,225,236-7,237,238 Coiffeur 234 enclosures, Archaic 77, 232; pyramid 14.
Baraize, E. 60, 64, 65, 130 Cole, JR. 60 125,141,166,169,172,173.174,177,179.181. 183. 1 .1,-
Engelbach, R. 202, 218 hemu-netjer 233, 234, 235 khenliu-she 105, 232, 234, 235
England 46. 52 Herder, johann Gottfried 241 Khentkawes I (Giza) 107, 120, 138, 138, 140, 146. 146
entrance chapels, see chapels Herneith 78 Khentkawes [] (Abusir) 138,142, 145--B, 145, 146.14
estates 9. 228, 229, 230. 231 Herodotus 38-9, 54. 109, 183, 225 kheperu 20
hetep ('offering') 103, 152 Khepri 34, 132
faience 74, 88, 92, 153, 169, 175 Hetepheres 22, 65, 92, 116, 118. 157 kheriu-nesli 235
Fakhry, A. 66 Hetepsekhemwy 77,82,87, 154 Khnumet (princess) 174
falcon 31, 72, 73,74, 74,99.126 Hierakonpolis 72-4, 72. 74.75,76, 76, 77,77,80,84,96, ~fu~~mlli~a~~~~~~n~.1
false door 9, 27, 28, 31, 33, 77, 79, 80, 92, 105. 120, 135. 136, 159 106.107,108,108, 114.116, 119, 121,123, 132; bloch
141.146,155,156,157,169,171,178,181,186,207,233; Hinkel, F. 199 202,225; building pyramid of 212-13,214,216.217.21
principle 240 Hoffman, M. 75, 76 219,221,222,224,239; casing 109; causeway 39, 45.~:
Farag, N. 57 Holscher, U. 64, 125, 215 109,118, 168,204,232; cemeteries 99,116,217: Gerg£/
Fayum 7,12.14,15.168,174,175,182,202,229 Hor-Aha 74, 75, 78, 80, 99 Khufu 231, 232; Grand Gallery 44, 45, 56,104, Ill. 11
Ferlini Treasure 198, 199 Horemakhet (Sphinx) 38,132,132 114; King's Chamber 44. 45, 67, 109, Ill. 112.113. 1H
Ferlini, G. 198 horizon 24, 28, 29, 132 114,207; mortuary temple 109, 129,169,213; palace
Firth, e. 60, 62, 63 Horus 9. 20, 23, 24, 28,34,35,72, 73,74,78,80,82,83,90, 204; pyramid 74, 16, 25, 29, 38, 39, 39, 40, 40. 43. 44. -l:
fish 202, 237, 238 90,96,99,100,105.108,108, 117,126,132,148,166 47.48,49,51,52-3,54,56,56.57,58.60,65,66.67.99.
flood 12-13, 28, 152 Huni 38, 96 99,102.104,107,108-19,108, 109, 111, 119. 120. J~l
fortresses 194 hunting 143. 144, 155, 163 122,124,134,135,155,204; quarries 206, 215. 217:
foundation platform 104, 109, 116, 212. 213, 214. 216 Hussein, A.S. 66, 154 'Queens Chamber' 67, 67, Ill, 1/1, 112, 114. 123, 12.
France 46-7 Hyksos 40,190 queens' pyramids 65, 67, 116-17, 116, 119,217: satelh
French Archaeological Mission at Saqqara 66, 158, 159 hypostyle hall 148, 162, 167 pyramid 69,109,116. 116, 144, 222-3, 223; Subterrane:;
fuel 102, 202 Chamber 67. Ill, 112, 112, 114, 123, 135; valley tern
Fuller, 'Mad jack' 243 Ibi 31, 164 204,232
funeral 25, 27, 27. 32, 80, 85, 194 ibis 23,24 Khui, pyramid 164-5
Ibrahim Pasha 43 Khuit, queen 157
galleries 82, 88, 90, 94, 109, 238-9, 239 lbu 25--B, 27 kingship 72, 74
Gantenbrink, R. 67, 114 lIIahun 15, 176, 190, 226, 229, 231 Kircher, Athanasius 42, 42
garden 167 lmhotep 84, 84, 173, 240 Kite 25. 26
Gautier, ].E. 170, 172 Imperishable Ones. see circumpolar stars Klemm, R. and D. 66
Geb 28. 34, 35. 74 incense 235 Kreis, Wilhelm 243
Gebel Ahmar 155 Inenek/lnti, queen's pyramid of 160 Kromer. K 239
Gebel Barka1194. 194. 196, 197, 199 inheritance 30 Kush 194
geology 12-13, 106 innertemple 18. 142, 154. 172
German Archaeological Institute 66, 67. 67, 68 Intef J 165, 166 labour, see workforce
Gharib, A. 69 Intel 11165, 165, 166 Labrousse, A.157
ghost 24 Intel 1I1165. 166 Labyrinth 39, 54, 56, 182, 182, 183
Gisr el-Mudir 82 Intef V 189 lakes 13, 13, 83, 142, 155, 185, 191; pyramid harbours 13.
Giza 13, 14, 15, 18, 36, 38, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 60, 64-5, 65, Intef VII 189 lapis lazuli 175
66,67,70,72,82,83,92,99,105,106-7,120,122-32.134, inundation, see flood Las Vegas 240, 240
136,138.142,142,146.150,157,161,168,169,227,231, Jputll163 Lauer, J-P. 60, 62,63,63,66,84,87. 158,240
232; geology 106-7; plateau 47, 48, 49, 58, 58, 106,107, Iput 31, 56, 157 Layer Pyramid, see Zawiyet el-Aryan
108, 121. 204-5, 206, 215. 230-1, 236, 238-9; pyramids iron 12,206 Leclant, J 31
6,7.6-7,22,26,36,39.43,43,44,45,47,54,56,67,97, irrigation 12-13 lector priest (kheri-heb) 25, 27, 27, 233, 235
104,106, 107. 109,120.134,139, 745; quarries 206; see Isis 23, 25, 30, 35, 43,1l6, 174: Temple of 38, 116 Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas 241, 241, 243
also Khafre, Khufu, Menkaure Ita (princess) 174 Leopold-Amherst Papyrus 188
gold 73, 74, 175, 176, 179 Itayket (princess) 173 Lepsius, KR. 54, 54, 55, 56, 96, tOl, 147, 182
Goneim. Z. 62,94 lti-tawi 168 Lepsius pyramids 24. 29, 50, 142, 153, 156, 165
graffiti 51,53.104,105, 114. 120, 179,239 ivory 74,177 Lepsius 'Pyramid' J (I) 96
grain 202 Lepsius pyramid XXJV (24) 142. 149
granaries 190, 231, 236 jacquet, H. 228 Lepsius pyramid XXV (25) 142, 149
granite 87, 109, 114, 121, 124, 126, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, jequier, G. 57, 161, 162, 163, 164,170 Lepsius Pyramid XXIX (29), see the Headless Pyramid
141,142,144,146,148,152,155,155,162,164,166,168, jewellery 57, 147, 174, 174. 176, 176, 177, 178,180,198.199 Lepsius Pyramid L (50) 101
169,173,175,176,177,179,180.180.202,202,206,206, jones, M. 232 letters to the dead 29
207, 210, 227 josephus 39 levelling 210. 212
Grdseloff, B. 26 junker, ]-I 27, 60 levering 202, 206, 208, 209, 222, 223
Great Pyramid, see Khufu Lewis, Frederick 241
Greaves, john 44 ka 20, 22-4, 28, 29, 30. 33. 34, 85, 92,107, Ill, 126, 146, 163, Libyans 144, 148
Green, F. W 72 180, 186, 189, 233 limestone 12, 90, 92,105,109,140,147,148,157,158.160.
Guillon, A. 67 ka-chapel 180, 181 163,164,171,172,173,176.178,181. 202, 206. 227, sec
gypsum 102, 172. 177, 202, 203 Kagemni 156 also Turah limestone
Kaiser, W 84 lion 126, 127, 149, 155
harbour 18, 18, 162, 168,204. 226,227 Kamose 189, 189 Lisht 7, 55, 60, 168-73, 202, 203, 215, 2J 7,225, 226, 229
Haroun ai-Rashid 41 Kapp, U. 67, 130 litanies, see Pyramid Texts
Harrison, Thomas 241 Karnak 39, 74, 165, 188, 194 lotus 12,74, 74
Harvey, S. 190 Karakoush 41 Louvre Pyramid 243, 243
Hassan, S. 60, 64, 138 Kashta 194, 195 Luxor 7.15
Hathor 137, 176, 183,235 Kemp, B. 187, 226, 231, 238, 239
Hatnub 202, 224 Kerisel, J 67 Maadi Formation 106, 106, 134, 217
Hatshepsut 202 Kerma 194 Maasara 202 .
haulers 209, 224-5 Khaba 95, 95 Maat74,127
hauling tracks (see transport roads) Khaemwaset 38, 52, 155, 155, 158 maceheads 72,73.74, 180
Hawara 15, 19, 39, 56, 175. 180, 181, 182, 182, 183, 184, 186, Khafre 9,15,22,38,55,74, 106, 116, 122, 125, 125, 126, 132, Mace, A. 134, 190
226, 227, 229 139,141,233; casing 6, 122. 122, 222, 222: causeway 124, magazines 18,27,33,75,77,80,80,81,137,141,149,152.
Hawass, Z. 26, 50, 66, 67, 69,109.116,193,216,222,223, 125,125,127,129; complex 127. 206, 207; mortuary 154,157.163,184.190
232 temple 45, 124, 124-5, 128, 132. 238: pyramid 6. 34, 40, Maillet, Benoit de 44, 45. 46
Hayes, We. 169 44,45,48,49.52.56,60, 107,116,120, 122--B, 122, 123, Main Deposit, Hierakonpolis 72, 74
Headless Pyramid (Lepsius XXIX) 153.156, 165,165 124, 727.129,135.138,139.146.151,168,206,214,218, Malek,]. 165, 232
Heb Sed 92, 151, 161, 169, 178, 183; court 84 221; quarries 207; satellite pyramid 23, 92,126,126; Manetho 39, 97, 161, 164
Helferich. johannes 43 Southern Tjeniu 231; valley temple 26, 66. 107, 124, 125, manoeuver chambers, Djoser 87, 92
Heliopolis 31, 34, 35, 106, 121, 142, 151. 155. 173. 180. 194, 725,126.126, 128, 129; workshops 238.239.239 Mansouriyah Canal 231, 232
227, 229, 240 Khamerernebty 9, 136. 137 Maragiogl io, V. 66
Helwan 78 Khasekhemwy 77, 77.82,84.84 Mariette, A. 55, 55, 58, 59, 126, 188, 192
Hemaka 78. 80 Khendjer 186, 186 Martin. G. 192

Maspero, G. 55, 58, 59, 64, 171 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'private' pyramids 19. 195
Mastaba 16, see Nefermaat 191, 196, 198, 207, 228, 231, 237 Psamtik 1196
Mastaba 17 99, 100, 101 Ninetjer82 Psamtik II 198
mastabas 31, 53, 60, 65, 66. 76, 77, 7&-81. 79,80, 81, 84, 84. Nitokerti (Nitocris) 164 Ptah Temple 158
87,88,90,95.101,107,108,1] 9, 138, 142,148, 149, 154, Niuserre 142,144,146,148-9,150, 150, 151,152. 153: purification priests (wabu) 24. 25
156, 157, 164, 166, 169, 173, 190, 217, 235 pyramid 60, 142,142,148-9,149,152, 152,156,162; Purification Tent 25. 26. 77
Maundevile, Sir John 42 Sun Temple 60,151,151,152,230 pylons 23.149.153,174.181.192
Mazghuna North Pyramid 57, 184-5, 185, ] 85. 186. 187; nomarch 78-9 pyramid complex 18-19, 18, 19,25-7.31. 33. 35. 36.~.

51 t>:>. ~~. lUI IU5. South Pyramid 57, 184-5, 184, 185, 186 nome 12, 229 107,109,141. 183.190, see also indi"idual pnamicb
I~bh:b meal, temple service 235 Norden, Frederick 43, 45, 45, 46, ]00 Pyramid Texts 28. 29, 30, 31-3. 34. 55. n 154-5. 156. 1", .
ZH. D6. ~1~. ~I, Medinet Habu 74, 74 north pole, celestial 28 160, 163, 173, 235
"3~ 39. 45. ~5. Meidum 7,12,14, 14, 15,18,19,22,23,46,54,54,57,66,82, north 212, 214 pyramid towns 105,137, 730--2. ~
Ill> 21~. ("WI 96,97-100,97,98,98,99, 100.101,102,103.104,105, North Pyramid, Dahshur 14,15,34,66,68,97,101,104-05, pyramidion 34. 34, 35, 105, l05, 173. 180. 180. 186. IK.
56 1'-1.111.1/3. 107,108,109,111,113,168,193,214,217,217,219,231, 104,105,177,217,222,223 187,188.189,
11112.113.114. Approach 99, 217; ramps 217; satellite pyramid 99. 217 NOVA experiment 202, 203, 206--7, 208-9. 208, 209.214.
J ~IJ; palaCl' Meketre 231 215, 215, 216, 22], 223, 223,225, 225 Qa 77,79,80
~I' 43. -l-l. 45. Memphis 7, 13, 15,27, 38, 39, 40, 55, 82, 83, 155, 155, 158, Nubia 15, 18, 54, 59, 192, 194, 198, 199, 202, 239; pyramids Qadry, A. 67
6..1 tlti,til. 99. 192, 194, 227, 230, 231 192,194-9 Qarun. Lake 12
PIl 1/". 120. 1~1. Menes 39, 75, 231 Nun 34 Qena Bend 78, 165
.. _ :-l.21/: Menkauhor 150, 153, 165 Nuri 59, 60, ] 94, 196--7, 196, ] 87, 198 quarries 136,151, 156, 171.178, 182,183.187. ]97.20'1-
12. 14 In. 123: Menkaure 9,15,38,44,51,52,53,83,106,107,121,137,139, Nut 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 52, 129 206--7,215.227
11~_:?1;.:-3tdli t." 225, 233, 236, 237; causeway 45, 134, J36, 206; mortuary quartzite 141,155,156,157.162.173. 182. 185. I . I 'I. 1..
~ ~. btemmean temple 45, 64,134,136,136; pyramid 34, 40,41,49, O'Connor, D. 77, 77,84 202
1 -. ,""Iley temple 5(}-1, 53, 56, 60, 64, 67, 69,107, 120, 134-7,134, 135, 137, obelisk 150, 151, 202 quay 80.104, ]23, 126,155
140,154,170.207,215,219; quarry 206; queens' obsidian 164, 180 queen mother 138, 145-6
pyramids 47, 50, 64, 134,134, 136,219.2]9; Offering Ceremony 31, 33 queens' pyramids 18.108,109. 116. 15~. 159. 163. 195. 1".5.
sarcophagus 52, 135,136; valley temple 64,134,136. offering bearers 13, 228, 228, 233 see also individual pyramids
137, 232, 232; workshops 238 offering chapel 31, 103, 141, see also chapel Quibell,].E. 62, 63, 72. 74
Mentuhotep (1 or il) Nebhepetre 165, 166-7, 166, 167, 168, offering hall 27, 33, 35,178,184
171, 188, 189, 203, 231 offering rituals 24, 27, 31 Ra 84, 214
Merenptah 27, 29 offering table 103, 158,161,163,166, 169, 175,202,207 ra·she 232, 236
Merenre 83,156,159,160,161,162; pyramid 15,31,55.158, Ombos96 radiocarbon dating 6, 66, 88, 90. 136
16(}-1,160 opening of the mouth ceremony 20, 27, 31, 33, 235 Rahotep22
Meresankh 26 orientation 106, 212, 214 Ramesses II 38, 48, 52, 125. 127, 155, 155
Meresankh III 22, 126 Orion 29, 107 Ramesses VI 35
Meretseger 189 Osiride statues 172. 172 Ramesses IX 188
Merikare 89, 165 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ramps 204, 215-17, 222, 226, 227
Merit 178, 179 107,124,125, ]42, 167,171,176,178, 191,19],193,196, Ranefer 22
harboulS 13. ~ Merka (1st dynasty official, Mastaba 3035) 79, 79, 80 235 Raneferef 145,146--8,152; papyri 147. 1~8. 235: pn"3mKl
Merneith 77, 78, 79 Othman ben Yusuf 41,43 66,142,146--7,147, 148, 150, 151
Merae 15, 60,194, 197-9, 197, 198, 199 Othman's breach, Menkaure 41,137 Re 34, 150,151,229; Son of 120,130
- l.j1) Merytytyes 160 reed-mat and wood-frame 26. 79. 80. 88. 92.154. I 1._
• Metropolitan Museum of Art 57,170
Milky Way 28
pool (patricians) 79
palace 107, 231, 234, 235
reference line 213, 214, 219, 221
Reisner, GA 18,59,59,60,64,65,107 I I I. 13-1. 136. 1
'moaf, of Djoser 82,141 palace fa<;ade 77, 78, 79 195. 196, 215, 217
models 166, 23] Palermo Slone 150, 228 relief decoration 109.125, 141, 142. 1~3. 143. I 9.1.;3.
Mokkatam 13, 106, 107, 122, 134, 202, 204 Palestine 229 156,16(}-],162,163.165, 172. 1, .-,
Montu·Re 167 palettes 73, 74 186,190,197,198,202,202
Montuher38 palm 12 resurrection 28, 32
mortar 7,102, 109,202,203,225 papyrus 12, 31 Ricke, H. 26, 125, 128, 129, 150. 151
mortuary temple 18, 26, 27, 44, 104, 105, 107,125, 135, 143, pavement 18, 213 Rinaldi, CA. 66
144, 158, 160, 172. 181, 186; see also individual pyramids Pavilions of the North and South 85 rishi coffins 189
mortuary workshop, see wabel Pei,I.M.243 Rite of the Mound of Jemme 74. 74
mud sealings, see seal impressions Pennsylvania·Yale University Expedition 190 ritual, burial 25-7
mudbrick 77,77,79,99,175-83,182,184,188,191,192, Pepi 127, 83, 105,156,161,161, 234; pyramid 19, 22, 31, ritual meal 235
193, 218, 216 31,33,55,83,157-60,157, ]58, 159,163 ritual run 88, see also Heb Sed
mummification; mummy 22, 22, 23, 24, 28, 42,156,160, Pepi][ 83,137,156,163,161, 162, 162,163,164; pyramid robbers 92,102,156. 157; stone 92. 102. 156. 15~. 1- . 1-
166,197, 198 15,3],33.55,161-3,161, ]62,234 173, 178, 180, 183, 187. 189
myth 32 Per Nu (Lower Egyptian shrine) 79 Robert, M.A. 100
:- J.:,...... 15;. 15S. ]60. Per-wer (Upper Egyptian shrine) 72,74, 79 Roberts, David 241
_v..!.. :!f.J6. 227. sa: Napara 15, 60, 194.196,197,198,199 perel (coming forth) 12 Rome 42, 241, 241
Napoleon 36, 41, 43. 44, 46--7, 47, 48, 241 Peribsen 82 rope 7,118
Napoleonic Expedition 46--7 Perring. J,S. 50, 52. 52, 53, 142
Narmer 72, 74, 75; armer Palette 73, 74 Petrie, WM.F. 39, 55, 56--7, 56, 57,58,59,60,77, 77,97,98, sacrifice 15(}-1, 152, 198
National Geographic 237 99,114,145,175,176,182,183,215,225,238 safftomb 165,165, 166
natron 235 phoenix 35. 35 Sah-netjer ('divine booth') 126
Naville, E. 166 phyles 224, 234. 235 Sahure 144, 150. 152,223,229.233; p"ramid 14~--l. I L
Nebka 139 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 241 143,148, ]49,150, 162: mortuary temple 60.1-1 -
Nebwenet 159, 160 pit graves 14, 18, 22 162,235
necropolis 30, 99, 230 Piye 194. 195, 195, 198 Saladin 41, 45, 51, 221
eferirkare 144, 150; papyri 147,233,234; pyramid 34, 55, plug blocks 87, 98, 104, ]68, 171, 184, 185 Saleh. AbdeJ Aziz 206
60,142,144-5,144, 145,148,150,170; temple 152,156, Pococke, Richard 43, 45, 45 Salt. H. 48, 49
235 Polz, 0 188 Sanctuary of the Knife 148
Nefermaat 99, 99, 101 popu lation size 7 sand lowering device 183, 183, 184
1 13~. 141. ]49. 152. Neith, queen 31. 163 portcullis 31,44,49,80,81, 102,103, ] 13,114,123,135, sandstone 12, 196, 197
Nekhbet 90, 163 148.154,156,164,174,184,185,186 Sandys, George 43, 43
Neklien 72. 72.74,75,151,152 Posener-Krieger, P. 147,234.235 Saqqara 13, 15, 26, 31, 32, 36, 38, 46. ~9. 50. 54. ;.; 5-
nemes 120, 125, 127, 189 potters 225 62.62, 63, 63.,66. 67, 72, 77. 7&-81. 1 . 19. I. 2
,~,Jlhtl}",~.?o') 014 01.') .pottery 6. 18, 26. 157 84,90,94,99,99,101,107,139. 140. 1~7. 15.1 154 --
Netherworld 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28-30, 31, 33, 58, 75, 77, 79, pounders 206, 211. 211 1'5'8; 1bO, 1m 11J4: l~ i'<fI:f 1~2 2?2~1jll'll:'·. "-
85,88,89,92,106.107.123,154,163,180,187,192 precincts. around pyramids 232, 236. 238, see also also Step Pyramid
Netjerykhet, see Djoser enclosures, pyramid sarcophagus 26, 31, 33. 52, 57, 89. 9~. 98. 114. ] 11 J -
niche 33, 80,109,151,154, 156, 163, 166, 171, 173, 174, 176, priests 25, 26, 128, 229, 230 124,135,136,140,142.153,'
177,189 prisoner statues 148, 154, 158, 159 160,162,164,165, j7G.
181,182,183.186.187,189,197,211 Syria 228, 229
Sit·Hathor·Iunet (princess) 57, 176, 176
satellite pyramid 18, 92, 98, 102, 109, 126, 134, 141, 144, 149, tafla (desert clay) 84, 102, 204, 215, 217, 226, 239
155, 180: see also individual pyramids Tanutamun ubian ruler) 195, 195, 196
scarab 35, 189 Tarhaqa (Nubian ruler) 59,196,196,197
Schaeffer, H. 151 Tawosret (20th dynasty queen) 29 For his friendship, support and advice through the
seal impressions 78, 79, 84, 117, 148, 236, 236 Tefnakhte (Third 1ntermediate Period) 194 years I would like to thank Zahi Hawass, Director
seasons 12 Tefnut34 General of Giza and Saqqara for the Egyptian
Sed festival. see Heb Sed Tell ed·Da'ba 190 Supreme Council for Antiquities. I am also grateful for
Seila pyramid 96, 96, 97 temple ritual 31, 233, 235 the help and co·operation of the entire staff of the Giza
Sekhemkhet 62, 82, 83, 94, 94, 95, 95, 154, 156,215, 217 temple service 233-5, 234, 235 Pyramids and Saqqara Inspectorates of the Supreme
Sekhemre·Wepmaat Intef V 188, 189 Teti 156-7,156,161; pyramid 31, 33, 55. 63,83,156-7,156, Council of Antiquities, particularly Sabry Abd al Aziz.
Sekhet·Re 152 157,158,163,164; mortuary temple 156, 156, 172; Director for Giza, and Mansour Radwan, Senior
Senwosret I 169, 172, 172, 173, 174, 176, 184,190, pyramid queens' pyramids 157 Inspector at Giza.
7,170-3,170, 17],174,203,203,217,226 Tetisheri (Ahmose [grandmother) 190, 191, 197 My work on the subject matter of this book would
Senwosret !l17l. 173, 176, 176, 179; pyramid 19, 57, 175-B, Tewfik, S. 192 not have been possible without the support of David
176, 226, 229; pyramid town 170,231; queen's pyramids Thebes 15, 39, 166, 192, 193, 194 Koch, Bruce Ludwig, Jon Jerde, Matthew McCauley,
179 Thevet, Andre 43 Frank Blanning and James Allen. I thank them for
Senwosret III 101, 171, 177, 177, 178, 178, 179, 183, 190, Thoth40 serving as directors of Ancient Egypt Research
191,226 Thousand and One Nights 40, 41
Associates (AERA). James Allen has been a steadfast
Seqenenre Tao !l189 throne 172, 163
supporter and teacher, and I have benefited from his
serdab 33, 77,111,114,123,163; of Djoser 63,89,90 Thutmose IV 49, 130, 131, 132, 132
serekh 74, 78, 172 Tia 192, 193 scholarship, comments and advice. I wish to thank
Seth, god 23, 32, 35, 96 tjephet ('caverns') 27 Rainer Stadelmann for his inspiration, guidance and
Sethe, K. 31 Tomb Uj 75, 75 contribution to our knowledge about Egypt's pyramich
Seti I 196 tools 7, 26, 202, 206, 210-11, 225, 238, 239 For sharing thoughts, results of their work and
Shabako 195, 195 torus moulding 199 photographs, I am grateful to Jean Leclant, Audran
Shabatko 195 tracks 171, 173, 202, 203, 203, 209, 226 Labrousse, Miroslav Verner, Dieter Arnold and Nabil
shabtis 59, 196, 197 transverse corridor 18, 144, 154, 155 Swelim. McGuire Gibson, David Schloen, John
she ('basin') 232, 236 trees 167, 176, 190 Swanson and Peter Lacovara provided many inspiring
shemu (harvest) 12 Turah limestone 97,103, 109, 134, 138, 141, 161, 164, 180, and insightful discussions.
Shepseskaf 120,134,137,139, 154, 162, 233; Mastaba 38, 82, 187,202,206,207,211,223 I would also like to thank Aidan Dodson for reading
83,120, 136,139, 154, 161 Turin Canon (papyrus) 38, 39, 94, 108, 160, 164, 181 the manuscript and offering comments and
Shepseskare 142, 147, 148 Tutankhamun 60, 119, 189 suggestions. I am grateful to William Kelly Simpson,
Shinnie, P. 198 for his teaching and guidance during my years at Yale
ship 23, 202, 202, see also boat Umm el·Qa'ab 75, 75, 76, 77, 189
University, and for introducing me to Thames and
Shu, god 23, 34 Unas 20, 31, 32, 38, 39, 83, 149, 154-5,154, 155,156,202;
Hudson. I am grateful to Lawrence Stager and
Sicard, Claude 45 pyramid 19, 33, 33, 62, 154-5, 154, 155,156,158,192
simulacra 80, 151, 152 Underworld, see Netherworld everyone at the Harvard Semitic Museum for their
Sinki pyramid 96, 96, 215, 217, 217 Unfinished Pyramid, see Abusir; South Saqqara; Zawiyet support during the time that I prepared this book. I
Sithathor (princess) 57, 176, 176 el·Aryan thank William Sumner, Director of the Oriental
sky 28, 58 Upuaut 11 robot (Gantenbrink) 67,112 Institute, for his patience and support. Tom Jaggers
sledge 26, 179,202.209 uraeus 146, 146, 175, 176 and John and Peggy Sanders were more than generous
Smith,G. Eliot 160 Userkaf 9,82,140,142,149, 150-1, 156; pyramid 19, 63, with the time and creativity they put into computer
Smyth, Charles Piazzi 56, 56, 57, 114 82-3,140-41,140, 141,154,229,233 modelling and illustration. I am grateful for the survey
Sneferu 14, 14, 15, 34, 38, 54, 57, 82, 96, 97, 98, 98, 99, 100, work of Ulrich Kapp, for whose collaboration I thank
101,102,105,104,105,107,108,116,121,153,181,182, valley temple 18, 26, 77, 100, 103, 107, 151, 171, 181; see also the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo, and
184, 193, 219, 228, 228, 229, 231, 234; pyramid town 234; individual pyramids David Goodman, Senior Surveyor for the Giza Plateac
see also Meidum, Bent Pyramid, North Pyramid valley enclosures 14,77, 77, 79 Mapping Project (GPMP), who, for many years, has
Sobek 182, 183 Valley of the Kings 15,30,39,167, 188, 189, 192 been my friend in the field and who designed our
Sobekneferu (12th dynasty queen) 181 Verner, M. 64, 138, 142, 146, 147, 148, 152 survey control system. I thank John Nolan and Wilma
Sokar 30, 235 viscera 92,117,158
Wetterstrom for their collaboration in the fieldwork
solstice 130 vulture 90
and back home. I am grateful for the support of The
soul 23, 24 Vyse, Howard 49, 50, 52, 52, 53, 136
southwest 76,103, 106, 138, 191 American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE), and its
Speer, Albert 243 wabet 25-B, 26, 27, 236, 236 Directors, Terry Walz and Mark Easton. Particular
Sphinx 29, 38, 39, 40, 40, 42, 43, 47, 49, 51, 58, 60, 64,65,67, wadi 77, 78, 82, 155, 188 thanks go to Amira Khattab, Assistant Director of
69,106,122, 126, 127, 127, 128, 129,130,131, 132,132, Wadi Abu Suffian 72, 75, 83,160,161 ARCE, and Amir Hassan Abdel Hamid, who has acted
193,206,240; Temple 106, 107,128-30,128, 129, 132, Wadi Hammamat 182 as Project Manager for the GPMP This is another book
150 Wadi Maghara 94 that owes its existence to the editorial, design and
sphinxes 29,120,126,142,149,162 Wall of the Crow 231, 231, 236 production team at Thames and Hudson.
Stadelmann, R. 34, 66, 67, 69, 82, 84, 97, 101, 102, 104-5, Waseda University 67, 67 This book would not have been possible without the
108,114,121,124,134,153,166,176,183,186,189,216, Washington National Monument 243 love and support of Julia Cort and her extended family
222,224,232,234,239 water; levelling by 210, 244; lifting 210 I am deeply grateful for the understanding and
stars, decorative 87,92,142, 149, 156, 162, 162, 154; wavy·walll84,184 support of my sons, Ramsi and Luke Lehner. In my
orientation using 212; see also circumpolar wedjat eyes 34, 34, 180, 180 own Archaic Period, my sojourn in Egypt would not
statues 8, 9, 33, 55, 84, 90, 103, 107, 125, 126, 128-9, 132, Wedjebten, queen 31, 162, 163, ] 63 have happened without the support of Hugh Lynn
136,136,137,141,144,148,149,154,158,159,161,162, Weni 161, 202
Cayce, the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Norrene and David
163, 167, 172, 172, 176, 177, 180, 182, 192, 202, 203, 203, Wenke, R.6
234,235 Westcar Papyrus 38,141 Leary, Sam and Rufus Mosely, Arch and Ann Ogden,
stelae 14, 29, 38, 49, 57, 76, 78,78,81,99,100,103,103,105, White Wall, see Memphis Ursula Martin and Joseph Jahoda. Extending from my
132,132,150,190,191,193,194,197 Winlock, H. 166, 167, 189, 189 own predynastic until now, this book stems ultimately
step pyramids 96, 102,215, 218, 219 work gangs 224-5, 227 from the encouragement and sense of quest
Step Pyramid, see Djoser workers settlement 230, 236-7 engendered in me by my parents, Paul and Ethel
stone vessels 90.148,162 workforce, size 200, 224-5, 227 Lehner, and my mother's fascination, from as far away
Strabo 39, 54, 183 Workmen's Barracks 238 as North Dakota, for the distant land of Egypt.
stress relieving structures 44, 53, 109, 111, 181 workshops 238-9
Sudan 194 Yale University 190
sun 6, 35, 129, 130, 141, 180 Yoshimura, S. 67
sun·god 31, 152 Youssef, A. 67, 118, 119
sun temple 130, 149-51, 152
survey, ancient 212-14 Zaba, Z. 66
Swelim, N. 96, 141 Zawiyet el·Aryan 15,95,95,107,139,139,17]
sycamore 167 Zawiyet el·Meitin 96, 96


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