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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

I need to pass the Praxis exam to be accepted into the education program at UNLV. I will

be going there to receive a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. If I do not pass the three

sections of Praxis, they will not even let me into the program, regardless of grades here at CSN.

The passing score in Nevada for the reading, writing, and math praxis exams are, in the order

given, 156, 162, and 150.

Exam Preparation

To prepare for the practice of Praxis, I have read up on what is necessary for the Praxis,

as in what I need to score to pass. I have also taken two practice exams before, about a year ago.

I have, since then, briefly reviewed what I need to know to pass the exams. Other than that, the

only way I have prepared is by taken math and English classes at college, which has covered the

material I saw in the practice tests, even if preparing for this specific exam was not the actual

purpose of the classes.

Exam Results

I scored a 71% on the Practice Praxis reading exam. This means that I am borderline

passing on this and am too close to failing. I scored an 83% on the practice Praxis writing exam.

This means I am likely to pass this exam, but this score is without including the essay answers

that would be included in the real Praxis, so that should be kept in mind. I scored an 83% on the

practice Praxis math exam as well. Like the writing one, that means I am likely to pass the real

exam if I were to take it now.

Future Exam Preparation

Before I take the real Praxis exam, I will be doing a lot of studying and preparing. I will

be overlooking the materials given and doing more practice tests. I will be repeatedly going over

the material that will most likely be covered, especially the material that I see I seem to struggle

the most on when doing the practice tests. While I am glad, I passed all three practice exams, I

would like to work on getting higher grades, even if it is just practice. Especially on writing,

since scoring will usually be given without any scores for the essay portions. I want to feel more

confident when taking it than I do now. I am happy that I did so well without the actual studying

I plan on doing, but I want to do better. Since I plan on taking it in June, I will be spending the

weeks between school ending and the exam to brush up on everything and make sure I know the

material that might be on there better.

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