The Magic of Aqueous Solutions of Ionic Liquids

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DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
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The magic of aqueous solutions of ionic liquids: Ionic liquids as a

powerful class of catanionic hydrotropes
Received 00th January 20xx, Ana Filipa M. Cláudioa, Márcia C. Nevesa, Karina Shimizub,c, José N. Canongia Lopesb,c, Mara G. Freirea
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

Accepted 00th January 20xx and João A. P. Coutinhoa*

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
Hydrotropes are compounds able to enhance the solubility of hydrophobic substances in aqueous media and therefore are widely used in the formulation of drugs, cleaning and personal care products. In this work, it is shown
that ionic liquids are a new class of powerful catanionic hydrotropes where both the cation and the anion
synergistically contribute to increase the solubility of biomolecules in water. The effects of the ionic liquid chemical
structures, their concentration and the temperature on the solubility of two model biomolecules, vanillin and gallic
acid, were evaluated and compared with the performance of conventional hydrotropes. The solubility of these two
biomolecules was studied in the whole composition range, from pure water to pure ionic liquids, and an increase
in the solubility of up to 40-fold was observed, con-firming the potential of ionic liquids to act as hydrotropes. Using
Dynamic Light Scattering, NMR and molecular dynamics simulations, it was possible to infer that the enhanced
solubility of the biomolecule in the IL aqueous solutions is related to the formation of ionic-liquid-biomolecules
aggregates Finally, it was demonstrated that hydrotropy induced by ionic liquids can be used to recover solutes
from aqueous media by precipitation, simply by using water as anti-solvent. The results here reported have a
significant impact in the understanding of the role of ionic liquids aqueous solutions in the extraction of added-
value compounds from biomass as well as in the design of novel processes for their recovery from aqueous media.

than in traditional surfactants and they do not form micelles

neither do they present a critical micellar concentration (CMC)
Introduction in absence of a solute.8,9 In addition to the increase on the
Advances in the dissolution of poorly soluble compounds in solubility, hydrotropes may also play a role in the stabilization
aqueous media play an important role in the formulation of of aqueous solutions, on the tailoring of their viscosity, and by
drugs, cleaning agents and personal care products.1-4 Moreover, modifying the liquid-liquid phase separation temperatures. 5
they are also of pivotal relevance in related industrial processes, The hydrotropy phenomenon was first reported by Neuberg in
such as crystallization and purification.5 Hydrotropes are 1916.7 The author demonstrated the increased solubility of
compounds used to increase the concentration levels of sparingly soluble compounds in water by the addition of alkali
hydrophobic solutes in aqueous solutions. Their ability to metal salts of various organic acids with short alkyl chains.
dramatically increase the solubility of sparingly soluble organic Albeit a large body of work during the past century addressed
compounds in water was already demonstrated. 6,7 They are a this phenomenon, its mechanism of action is still not fully
class of highly water soluble salts or molecules characterized by understood.7 In the past decades, three main theories to justify
an amphiphilic structure. Conventional hydrotropes used by the increased solubility of target compounds in water by the
industry are typically composed of a phenyl (hydrophobic part) role of hydrotropes were proposed.2 Some authors11-13
attached to an anionic group (hydrophilic part) where suggested that the hydrotropic-mediated solubilisation results
ammonium, calcium, potassium or sodium act as counter ions. 4 from changes in the nature and structure of the solvent, i.e.,
Although hydrotropes are used to improve the solubility of that a disruption of the water structure induced by the
poorly soluble compounds in water they are not surfactants; the hydrotropes occurs, allowing an increase in the solubility of the
apolar part, or hydrophobic moiety, of hydrotropes is smaller molecule of interest; The formation of solute-hydrotropes
complexes has also been proposed to explain the enhanced
solubility.14-17 According to this theory, the increase of solubility
a. CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials, Chemistry Department, University of is the result of a collective molecular phenomenon that takes
Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
b. Centro de Química Estrutural, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1049 001 Lisboa, place by the formation of molecular complexes between the
Portugal hydrotrope and the solute; 14-17 More recent studies18-24
c. Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, UNL, AV. República Ap. 127, 2780

901 Oeiras, Portugal

proposed that the co-aggregation of the solute with the
† Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: supporting figures and hydrotropes is the main mechanism behind the enhanced
tables were reported in supporting Information. See DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x solubilisation observed.

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Hydrotropes are interesting compounds from a green chemistry as sodium benzoate, sodium citrate and sodium View thiocyanate.
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perspective as they can replace hazardous co-solvents and The molecular-level mechanism ruling DOI:the
present, in general, a low toxicity and have a low induced by ionic liquids is also proposed and discussed based on

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bioaccumulation potential - their octanol-water partition experimental evidence obtained from Dynamic Light Scattering
coefficients, due to their hydrophilic nature, are usually lower (DLS) and NMR experiments and molecular dynamics
than 1.0.25 Moreover, and since the solubility of a solute in simulations.
aqueous media depends on the concentration of the
hydrotrope, their recovery can be easily achieved using water
as the anti-solvent (the greenest of all solvents). In this context,
the purity of the final product can be greatly improved by
further washing with water.26
The good solvation ability of ionic liquids (ILs) for a wide range
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

of solutes is well-known, and therefore, they have been

proposed as potential substitutes for the conventional organic
solvents employed in extraction and separation processes. 27-29 Fig 1. Chemical structures of (i) vanillin and (ii) gallic acid.
It has been shown that in aqueous solution the nanostructure
of ILs is, to a fair extent, maintained down to concentrations as Finally, the importance and relevance of the results here
low as 0.1 mole fraction, and that IL-based aqueous biphasic obtained are discussed in terms of their applicability in
systems display a tailored and remarkable extraction extraction and purification processes of biomolecules from
performance for a wide variety of compounds when compared biomass sources, where the design of novel cost-effective and
with conventional polymer-based systems.30 Furthermore, environmentally friendly processes could be envisaged.
while aqueous solutions of ILs have shown to be good solvents
for the extraction of added-value compounds from biomass,31
the use of ILs as hydrotropes has never, to the best of our Experimental Section
knowledge, been previously described or investigated. Chemicals
Previous works on the use of ILs for the extraction and
A large variety of ionic liquids (ILs) was studied in this work to
purification of phenolic compounds, such as gallic acid and
cover the effects of the cation and anion type and the cation
vanillin, have been reported.28,29,32-34 The large interest in
chain length. The ILs investigated are 1-ethyl-3-
vanillin results from its relevant properties for the human
methylimidazolium chloride, [C2C1im]Cl, 1-ethyl-3-
health, namely due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, radical
methylimidazolium dicyanimide, [C2C1im][N(CN)2], 1-butyl-3-
scavenger and antimicrobial characteristics.29 Likewise, gallic
methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate,
acid is a phenolic compound with important properties in the
[C4C1im][CF3SO3], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate,
health and nutrition fields – a result of its anti-inflammatory,
[C4C1im][SCN], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methylsulfate,
antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidative, phytotoxic and radical
[C4C1im][CH3SO4], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tosylate,
scavenging activities.28,35 These biomolecules are present in
[C4C1im][TOS], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide,
high concentrations in a variety of biomass sources, such as
[C4C1im]Br, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide,
fruits, vegetables and wood, and also in many residues from
[C4C1im][N(CN)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride,
industrial or agricultural activities.25,36-38 Their extraction from
[C4C1im]Cl, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, [C6C1im]Cl,
natural sources is usually carried out with mildly polar solvents
1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride, [C8C1im]Cl, 1-decyl-3-
such as alcohols39,40, due to their low solubility in water (the
decylimidazolium chloride, [C10C1im]Cl, 1-dodecyl-3-
solubility of vanillin in water is 12.78 g.L-1 and of gallic acid is
methylimidazolium chloride, [C12C1im]Cl, 1-tetradecyl-3-
12.14 g.L-1 at room temperature).41 Although no previous
methylimidazolium chloride, [C14C1im]Cl, 1-butyl-3-
studies on the hydrotropic solubilization of gallic acid were
methylpyridinium dicyanamide, [C 4C1py][N(CN)2], 1-butyl-1-
reported, the solubility of vanillin in aqueous solutions is
methylpiperidinium chloride, [C4C1py]Cl, 1-butyl-1-
already recognized to increase in the presence of typical
methylpiperidinium chloride, [C4C1pip]Cl, 1-butyl-1-
hydrotropes, such as nicotinamide, sodium salicylate, resorcinol
methylpyrrolidinium chloride, [C4C1pyrr]Cl,
and citric acid.42
tetrabutylammonium chloride, [N4444]Cl, tetrabutyl-
With the amphiphilic behaviour of ILs in mind,43 that seems to
phosphonium chloride, [P4444]Cl, tributylmethylphosphonium
be the driving force behind their ability to dissolve a wide range
tosylate, [P4441][TOS], cholinium chloride, [N1112(OH)]Cl, and
of compounds, the potential of ILs to act as hydrotropes was
tetrabutylammonium tosylate, [N4444][TOS]. The imidazolium-,
here investigated based on their ability to enhance the solubility
pyridinium-, and pyrrolidinium-based ILs were purchased from
in water of two phenolic compounds, namely vanillin and gallic
Iolitec. The tetrabutylphosphonium chloride and
acid, whose structures are depicted in Figure 1. The hydrotropic
tributylmethylphosphonium tosylate were kindly offered by
behaviour of ionic liquids was here evaluated by comparing the
Cytec Industries Inc. Tetrabutylammonium chloride,
solubility of the two antioxidants in aqueous solutions of ILs
tetrabutylammonium tosylate and cholinium chloride were
with that in pure water, pure ILs, and aqueous solutions of
obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. All ILs used have a stated supplier
common hydrotropes and some salting-in inducing salts, such

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DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
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1-alkyl-3- N,N- dialkyl N,3-dialkyl
alkylimidazolium pyrrolidinium N+
[CnCnim] + [CnCnpyrr] + R2 R1
[Cn-3-Cnpy] +
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

R1 R1
N,N- dialkyl tetraalkyl tetralkyl
piperidinium R4 P+ R2 phosphonium R4 N+ R2 ammonium
[CnCnpip] + [Pnnnn] + [Nnnnn] +

[N1112OH]+ Na+ sodium

- triflate
Cl- chloride Br- bromide N - [SCN]
O S O methanesulfonate)
O- [CF3SO3] -
Tosylate N
Dicyanamide Methylsulfate
O S [TOS]- -
[N(CN)2]- [CH3SO4] -

Benzoate [C6H5O7]3-

Fig. 2 Chemical structures of the anions and cations of all ILs and salts investigated.

purity of at least 98 wt%. Before use, aiming at reducing the

water and volatile compounds contents to negligible values, all Solubility of antioxidants
IL samples were dried under constant agitation and vacuum Each antioxidant (vanillin and gallic acid) was added in excess
(10-2 Pa) at a temperature of 323 K for a minimum of 48 h. After amount to each IL aqueous solution, pure water or pure IL, and
this procedure, the purity of each IL was further checked by 1H was then equilibrated on an air oven (at given temperatures (±
and 13C NMR and confirmed to be > 98 wt %. In ESI is reported 0.5 K)) under constant agitation using an Eppendorf
a summary table of the chemicals used in this work (Table S1). Thermomixer Comfort equipment. Previously optimized
The deuterium oxide used was acquired from Aldrich with > equilibration conditions were established: stirring velocity of
99.96 % D atoms. The 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d4 acid 750 rpm and equilibration time of at least 72 h. After the
sodium salt (TSP) was from Aldrich with > 98 % D atoms. Sodium saturation was reached, all samples were centrifuged at the
benzoate (NaC7H5O2), > 99.0 wt % pure, was supplied by same temperature of equilibration in a Hettich Mikro 120
Panreac, sodium thiocyanate (NaSCN), > 98.0 wt % pure, was centrifuge during 20 minutes at 4500 rpm to separate the
supplied by Fluka, sodium chloride (NaCl) > 98.0 wt % pure, was macroscopic solid and liquid phases. After centrifugation, all
from ChemLab, sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7), > 98.0 wt % pure, samples were put in an air bath equipped with a Pt 100 probe
was from JMGS, sodium tosylate Na[TOS] > 95.0 wt % pure, was and PID controller at the temperature used in equilibrium
from TCI and sodium dicyanamide Na[N(CN)2], > 96.0 wt % pure, assays during 2 h. Then, the samples of the liquid phase were
was from Sigma-Aldrich. All of these compounds were also dried carefully collected and diluted in ultra-pure water, and the
before use. The chemical structures of anions and cations of all amount of vanillin and gallic acid was quantified through UV-
ILs and salts investigated are depicted in Figure 2. spectroscopy, using a SHIMADZU UV-1700, Pharma-Spec
Vanillin, > 99 wt % pure, was supplied by Acros and gallic acid, > Spectrometer, at a wavelength of 280 nm and 262 nm,
99.5 wt% pure, was acquired from Merck. Both antioxidants respectively, using calibration curves previously established. In
were used as received. all experiments, control samples at the same compositions, but
The water employed was double distilled, passed across a without antioxidant, were used. At least three individual
reverse osmosis system, and further treated with a Milli-Q plus samples were quantified for each mixture and temperature.
185 water purification apparatus.

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However, in some systems, the mixture composed of dynamics simulations were carried out using the DL_POLY 2.20
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antioxidant, IL and water created a biphasic liquid-liquid package. 49he runs were performed with DOI:cubic10.1039/C5GC00712G
boxes with sides
system. In these situations, the amount of IL and vanillin in both of at least 5 nm, 2 fs time-steps and 2 nm cutoff distances. Ewald

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

the top and bottom phases was quantified by UV-spectroscopy summation corrections were performed beyond those cutoffs.
as described before. The IL aqueous solutions were modeled using either 101
[C4C1im][N(CN)2] ion pairs or 105 [C4C1im][SCN] ion pairs mixed
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) with 4600 water molecules. The vanillin-water mixture was
To evaluate the presence of IL-solute aggregates, as well as to modeled using 100 vanillin molecules and 4600 water
determine their size, solutions composed of [C 4C1im][TOS], molecules. Finally, the vanillin-IL-water systems were modeled
water and vanillin were analysed by dynamic light scattering using the aforementioned quantities of IL and vanillin mixed
(DLS), using a Malvern Zetasizer Nano-ZS from Malvern with 4600 water molecules.
Instruments. Samples were irradiated with red light (HeNe All simulations started from low-density configurations that
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

laser, wavelength of 565 nm) and the intensity fluctuations of were subjected to equilibration runs under isobaric isothermal
the scattering light (detected at a backscattering angle of 173°) ensemble conditions (p= 0.1 MPa and T= 373 K with
were analysed to obtain an autocorrelation function. The Nosé−Hoover thermostats and barostats with relaxation time
respective software (DTS v 7.03) provides the particles’ size constants of 1 and 4 ps, respectively). After 1.3 ns, the density
average and their distribution. The radii of each aggregate was of each system reached constant and consistent values,
determined from the DLS measurements using the Stokes– indicating that equilibrium had been attained and possible
Einstein equation assuming spherical aggregates, and a low ergodicity problems had been overcome. Finally, several (at
volume fraction of the dispersed phase. Consequently, the least six) consecutive production stages of 1.0 ns each were
determined values must be considered with caution and performed, and the combined results were used for the
regarded as approximate ones. Samples were measured in interaction, structural and aggregation analyses of the studied
disposable polystyrene cuvettes at a temperature of 298 K. Data systems.
were then acquired in the automatic mode, ensuring that Interaction and Structural Analyses
enough photons were accumulated for the result to be The pair radial distribution functions gij(r) between selected
statistically relevant. The software also incorporates a ‘data pairs of atoms or interaction centers were calculated up to r =
quality report’. The solution viscosities and refractive indexes 2.5 nm distances in the usual way.50 Total static structure
were previously measured to the DLS measurements. factors, S(q), were also calculated from the MD trajectory data
Two types of experiments were carried out. In the first set, using a previously described methodology. 51
aqueous solutions of 0.80 (IL/water) of [C4C1im][TOS] Aggregation Analyses
were prepared. Then, this stock solution was used to prepare The aggregation analyses of the [C4C1im][N(CN)2], [C4C1im][SCN]
different solutions with variable amounts of vanillin, namely ILs and their mixtures with water and vanillin focused on five
0.73, 0.62, 0.55, 0.49, 0.44, 0.40, 0.36 and 0.34 In the types of issues: (i) the evaluation of the connectivity between
second set, an aqueous solution containing 0.64 of the charged moieties of the molecular ions that compose the
[C4C1im][TOS] and 0.73 of vanillin was diluted with so-called polar network; (ii) the estimation of the interactions
pure water aiming at maintaining the hydrotrope and vanillin at between the IL ions and the water molecules; (iii) the
a constant ratio. In order to avoid the presence of micrometric calculation of the aggregation state between the IL alkyl side
aggregates and to remove all the dust particles, before the chains; (iv) the evaluation of the connectivity among the vanillin
measurements, all solutions were homogenized in an ultrasonic molecules and an estimation of their aggregate size; and (iv) the
bath and then filtered using a 0.2 mm PTFE membrane. calculation of the connectivity between the IL ions and the
vanillin molecules.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy All these types of connectivity analysis are based on previously
described algorithms52,53 that generate neighbor lists for
The 1H NMR spectra were obtained for several samples placed selected interaction centers, in a three-stage sequential
in NMR spectroscopy tubes containing sealed reference process:First, the different types of interaction centers are
capillaries with D2O and TSP as the internal reference, and at defined. In the analyses of type i) the selected interaction
298 K. The 1H NMR measurements were performed on a Bruker centers are the center of mass of the imidazolium ring of the
Avance 300 spectrometer operating at 300.13 MHz. cation (im) and the center of mass of anion. For type ii) analyses
we have selected the oxygen atom of the water molecule and
Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MD) all nitrogen atoms of the [N(CN]2] anion or the nitrogen and
Two ionic liquids, [C4C1im][N(CN)2] and [C4C1im][SCN], were sulfur atoms of the [SCN] anion. Type iii) analyses were
tested using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. They were conducted considering all the carbon atoms of the butyl chain
parameterized using the CL&P atomistic force field44-46, which is of the cation, except the carbon atom directly connected to the
an extension of the AMBER and OPLS force fields47 specially imidazolium ring. For type iv) analyses the selected interaction
designed to study ionic liquids and their homologous series. centres are all non-hydrogen atoms in the vanillin molecules.
The water and vanillin molecules were modeled using the SPC Finally, type v) analyses were conducted by selecting all non-
model48 and the OPLS force field, respectively. Molecular

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hydrogen atoms in the cation or anion of the IL and all non- The gallic acid solubilities in aqueous solutions of
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hydrogen atoms in the vanillin molecule; [C4C1im][N(CN)2] and [C4C1im]Cl, and DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
vanillin in aqueous
Second, a connectivity threshold for each case is established by solutions of [C2C1im][N(CN)2], [C4C1im][TOS] and [C4C1im]Cl

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considering the corresponding gij(r) data between the selected were studied in the whole concentration range, from pure
interaction centres.52 In case i) such threshold was set to 0.8 nm, water up to aqueous saturated solutions of these compounds
corresponding to the first coordination shell limit of the gij(r) at 303 K. The influence of the ILs concentration in the solubility
data between the center of mass of the imidazolium ring of the of gallic acid and vanillin is depicted in Figure 3. The detailed
cation (im) and the center of mass of anion. In case ii) the values of solubility, and respective standard deviations, are
threshold was set to 0.35 nm (based on the water-anion reported in Supporting Information- Table S2. The graphical
correlation data), and in cases iii) to v) the threshold was set to representation in other units, namely concentration of
0.5 nm, corresponding to average intermolecular contact biomolecule ( vs. concentration of hydrotrope (
distances between non-hydrogen atoms evaluated from the 1), and concentration of biomolecule ( -1) vs. weight fraction
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

corresponding g(r) functions; of hydrotrope (wt%), are also presented in Supporting

Third, the use of the threshold criteria allows the computation Information- Figure S1.
of closest-neighbor lists for each interaction center for all S and S0 represent the solubility ( of each biomolecule
recorded configurations in the MD trajectories, thus in the aqueous solutions of hydrotrope and in pure water,
ascertaining the connectivity between the selected species. respectively; therefore, S/S0 represents the solubility
When the interaction centers belong to different species — enhancement.
cation-anion in case i), anion-water in case ii) and ion-vanillin in
case v) — the analyses will yield aggregates with a built-in
alternation between species (e.g., in a polar network cations are (S/S0) Biomolecule
directly connected to anions and vice-versa). In the case of 40
interaction centers belonging to species of the same type —
butyl-butyl in case iii) and vanillin-vanillin in case iv) — the
corresponding aggregates correspond to clusters containing a
single type of molecule/residue.
Finally, five different statistical functions were used to 20
characterize the network/aggregates that emerge from the
connectivity lists.52-53 These include (i) P(na), the discrete 10
probability distribution function of finding a given interaction
centre in an aggregate of a given size (composed of na species);
(ii) Ni, is the average number of first-contact neighbors of a
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
interaction centre; (iii) Ni(na), the average number of neighbors
[IL] /
within an aggregate of size na ; (iv) Rd(na), the ratio between the
longest distance between two atoms belonging to the same Fig. 3 Influence of the ILs concentration in the solubility of gallic acid in aqueous
solutions of () [C4C1im][N(CN)2], and () [C4C1im]Cl; and vanillin in aqueous
aggregate of size na and the simulation box diagonal; and (v) solutions of () [C2C1im][N(CN)2], (▲) [C4C1im][TOS] and (×) [C4C1im]Cl at 303 K.
Lines are guides for the eye.
RV(na), the ratio between the apparent volume of an aggregate
of size na and the volume of the simulation box. These five The results obtained show a synergetic effect of the two
statistical tools have been introduced and described in more solvents on the solubility of the two antioxidants, with aqueous
detail elsewhere.52 solutions of IL displaying a much higher capacity to solubilize the
antioxidants than any of the two pure solvents, and with
solubility enhancements that may reach 40-fold. These results
Results and Discussion are thus clear evidence of the exceptional capacity of ILs to act
Aiming at investigating the potential of ILs to act as as hydrotropes. In an attempt to determine the minimum
hydrotropes, the solubilities of vanillin and gallic acid were hydrotrope concentration (MHC), also referred to as the critical
determined in several aqueous solutions with variable aggregate concentration (cac) by some authors56, for
concentrations of ILs and compared with the results obtained [C4C1im]Cl, [C4C1im][TOS], and Na[TOS], the solubility of vanillin
with common hydrotropes and salting-in inducing salts. The was measured in aqueous solutions with salt concentrations
solubilities of vanillin and gallic acid at 303 K in pure water, ranging between 0.01 and 1.5 (hydrotrope/water). The
measured in this work, are (11.12 ± 0.03) g.L -1 (0.073 mol.L-1) results reported in Figure 4 do not allow the clear identification
and (14.38 ± 0.41) g.L-1 (0.084 mol.L-1), respectively, and are in of a MHC for any of the IL-related hydrotropes investigated,
good agreement with data previously reported in the including Na[TOS]. These results show, in agreement with
literature.41,54,55 All the detailed data along with the respective various authors,10,56,57 a continuous variation in the solubility
standard deviations are presented in Supporting Information- instead of a clear change in behaviour attributable to a critical
Table S2. phenomenon. While the MHC concept has been extensively
used in the interpretation of the hydrotropic behaviour, it has
Effect of the IL concentration

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pure water, () [C2C1im]Cl, () [C4C1im]Cl, () [C6C1im]Cl, () [C8C1m]Cl, ()
recently been dismissed by several authors that relate it with [C10C1im]Cl, () [C12C1im]Cl, (▬) [C14C1im]Cl, () [C2C1im][N(CN) 2],Online
View Article ()
[C4C1im][N(CN)2], () [C4C1py][N(CN)2], () [C4C1py]Cl,DOI: () [C4C1pyrr]Cl, ()
less accurate experimental measurements (as demonstrated by [C4C1pip]Cl, () [C4C1im][TOS], () [C4C1im][SCN], () Na[C 7H5O2], () Na[SCN],
(▬) Na[C6H5O7], () NaCl, () [N4444]Cl, (+) Na[TOS], () [P4444]Cl, ()
Subramanian and Anisimov58-60, showing that “droplets in [N4444][TOS], (+) [P4441][TOS], and () Na[N(CN)2]. Lines are guides for the eye.

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aqueous solutions of hydrotropes are caused by the
contamination of the non-ionic hydrotrope by trace amounts of For a more detailed analysis of the IL structural features (anion
hydrophobic impurities”) or to a faulty interpretation of the nature, cation core and cation alkyl side chain length), the
experimental data.57,61 Russo and Hoffmann57 also showed that Setschenow equation62 was used:
NMR chemical shift and surface tension data are not applicable log( S )  K  C
S0 Hyd Hyd
to determine the MHC of short-chained ILs. According to these
authors57, these compounds “form aggregates of less defined where S and S0 are, respectively, the solubility ( -1) of each
size and shape and in more gradual concentration dependent biomolecule in the hydrotrope aqueous solution and in pure
transitions than is known to occur for surfactant molecules”. water, CHyd is the concentration of hydrotrope in aqueous
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

Attempts carried out in this work to establish the MHC of some solution ( and KHyd is the hydrotropy constant (kg-
1.mol). The hydrotropy constants, K
[CnC1im]Cl, with n ≤ 6, by surface tension measurements Hyd, were estimated for each
confirm the results reported by Russo and Hoffmann57 (cf. system studied and are reported, along with their standard
Supporting Information-Figure S2). deviations, in Table 1.

Table 1 KHyd values for the various hydrotropes studied in the solubility of vanillin and

gallic acid at 303 K ± 0.5 K.

Selectivity =

Hydrotrope KHyd (kg-1.mol) ± σ

0.5 KHyd Van/ KHyd GA

Vanillin Gallic acid

[C2C1im]Cl 0.406 ± 0.006

0.01 0.10
0.10 1.00
1.00 10.00
10.00 [C4C1im]Cl 0.706 ± 0.014 0.786 ± 0.041 0.90
-1 -1
[hyd] /mol
/ molhyd .kgwater
water [C6C1im]Cl 0.966 ± 0.031
[C8C1im]Cl 1.344 ± 0.042 0.885 ± 0.013 1.52
Fig.4 Influence of the ILs concentration in the solubility of vanilin in aqueous
solutions of (●) [C4C1im]Cl, () [C4C1im][TOS] and () Na[TOS] to evaluate the [C10C1im]Cl 1.365 ± 0.064
minimum hydrotrope concentration (MHC). Lines are guides for the eye.
[C12C1im]Cl 1.442 ± 0.038
Effect of the IL chemical structure [C14C1im]Cl 1.488 ± 0.023

In the studies reported hereafter, aqueous solutions of ILs with [C4C1im]Br 0.646 ± 0.012
concentrations up to 1.6 (hydrotrope/water) were [C4C1im][SCN] 0.978 ± 0.017* 0.703 ± 0.016 1.39
used to study the impact of the IL structural features upon its [C4C1im][TOS] 1.584 ± 0.053 1.035 ± 0.048 1.53
ability to enhance the solubility of the investigated antioxidants. [C4C1im][CH3SO4] 0.808 ± 0.031
The results for a range of ILs and salts on the solubility of vanillin [C4C1im][CF3SO3] 0.842 ± 0.024
at 303 K are depicted in Figure 5. The results for gallic acid are [C4C1im][N(CN)2] 1.335 ± 0.021* 1.013 ± 0.049 1.32
similar and are presented in the Supporting Information- Figure [C2C1im][N(CN)2] 0.819 ± 0.039
S4. These results emphasize the role of the ILs chemical [C4C1py][N(CN) 2] 3.721 ± 0.036# 1.238 ± 0.023 3.01
structure on their performance as hydrotropes, while [C4C1py]Cl 0.800 ± 0.058 0.775 ± 0.036 1.03
highlighting their superior capability when compared with
[C4C1pip]Cl 0.826 ± 0.037 0.716 ± 0.015 1.15
conventional hydrotropes and salting-in inducing salts, e.g.,
[C4C1pyrr]Cl 0.666 ± 0.023 0.660 ± 0.042 1.01
Na[C6H5O7], Na[C7H5O2], Na[TOS], Na[SCN] and Na[N(CN)2].
[N1112(OH)]Cl 0.323 ± 0.011
1.6 [N4444]Cl 1.321 ± 0.009 -0.731 ± 0.009 -1.81
[Vanillin] /

[P4444]Cl 2.684 ± 0.007 -0.744 ± 0.007 -3.61
1.2 Na[SCN] 0.099 ± 0.002 -0.022 ± 0.001 -4.50
Na[C7H5O2] 0.515 ± 0.003 0.228 ± 0.003 2.26
0.8 Na[C6H5O7] -0.393 ± 0.008 0.559 ± 0.004 0.70
NaCl -0.126 ± 0.002 -0.078 ± 0.002 1.62
0.4 Na[TOS] 0.745 ± 0.034 0.427 ± 0.025 1.74
[N4444][TOS] 1.542 ± 0.065# 2.306 ± 0.096# 0.67
[P4441][TOS] 3.977 ± 0.098# 2.832 ± 0.035* 1.40
*Forms two liquid-liquid phases with IL aqueous solutions at concentrations above
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 10 wt %; # Forms two liquid-liquid phases with IL aqueous solutions at
[Hyd] / molHyd.kgwater-1 concentrations above 5 wt %.
Fig.5 Influence of the hydrotropes (ionic liquids and conventional salts)
concentration in the solubility of vanillin in aqueous solutions at 303 K: (---,)

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The higher the KHyd values, the higher is the ability of a given governing the hydrotropy. This trend also discards the
View Article Online
compound to act as a hydrotrope. The hydrotropic capacity of possibility that the hydrotropy of ILs DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
could be related to
the different ILs and salts upon the solubility of vanillin follows clathrate formation as proposed by Rogers and co-workers66,67

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

the order: Na[C6H5O7] > NaCl > Na[SCN] > Na[N(CN)2] > and Rebelo and co-workers68,69 to explain the enhanced
[C2C1im]Cl > Na[C7H5O2] > [C4C1pyrr]Cl > [C4C1im]Cl > Na[TOS] > solubility of benzene in pure aromatic ILs. UV spectroscopy of
[C4C1py]Cl > [C2C1im][N(CN)2] > [C4C1pip]Cl > [C6C1im]Cl > the solutions here studied also rules out the formation of
[C4C1im][SCN] > [N4444]Cl > [C4C1im][N(CN)2] > [C8C1im]Cl > complexes as no changes in the spectra of the solute or the ILs
[C10C1im]Cl > [C12C1im]Cl > [C14C1im]Cl > [N4444][TOS] > were observed (cf. the Supporting Information- Figure S5).
[C4C1im][TOS] > [P4444]Cl > [C4C1py][N(CN)2 > [P4441][TOS]. This
pattern reflects the effects of the cation core, anion nature and 2.8

KHyd / kg.mol-1
alkyl side chain length in ILs through their ability to act as
hydrotropes. Furthermore, the results obtained for gallic acid
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

allow the evaluation of the effect of a broad range of cation 1.6

families and anions upon the hydrotropic effect. The hydrotropy
effect increases in the following order: [P 4444]Cl ≈ [N4444]Cl >> 1.0
NaCl > Na[SCN] > Na[C7H5O2] > [N1112(OH)]Cl > Na[TOS] >
Na[C6H5O7] > [C4C1im]Br > [C4C1pyrr]Cl > [C4C1im][SCN] >
[C4C1pip]Cl > [C4C1py]Cl > [C4C1im]Cl > [C4C1im][CH3SO4] > -0.2
[C4C1im][CF3SO3] > [C8C1im]Cl > [C4C1im][N(CN)2] >
[C4C1im][TOS] > [C4C1py][N(CN)2] > [N4444][TOS] > [P4441][TOS].A -0.8
detailed discussion on the effect of the chemical structures of
the ionic liquids cation and anion is presented below.

Effect of the ionic liquid cation

As depicted in Figure 6, the solubilities of vanillin and gallic acid Fig. 6 KHyd values for vanillin (red) and gallic acid (blue) using Cl-based hydrotropes.
decrease only slightly in presence of NaCl, reflecting thus the
weak salting-out effect of this inorganic salt. It is also worth mentioning that the hydrotrope effect is often
This trend suggests that neither Na+ nor Cl- have a significant solute specific, as shown by [N4444]Cl and [P4444]Cl, both
effect upon the solubility of the two antioxidants in water as Na + presenting large KHyd for vanillin but not for gallic acid. The
and Cl- are both ranked in the middle of the Hofmeister series63. strong variations on the hydrotropy selectivities, calculated as
Therefore, and in order to better evaluate the isolated impact K (2)
Selectivity  HydVan K
of given cations and anions, a series of sodium salts and chloride HydGA

ILs were used in this work. reported in Table 1, also clearly emphasize that the solute
The various cations studied cover aromatic (imidazolium and specificity of the hydrotropes can be of high value to design
pyridinium), cyclic non-aromatic (piperidinium and extraction and purification processes. In eq. 2, KHydVan and KHydGA
pyrrolidinium), and non-cyclic non-aromatic (phosphonium and are the hydrotropy constants (kg-1.mol) of vanillin and gallic acid
ammonium). Figure 6 depicts the values of the hydrotropy respectively.
constants obtained for the solubility of vanillin and gallic acid in The results here reported reveal that, while most common
aqueous solutions of Cl-based hydrotropes.With the exception hydrotropes present aromatic anions in their constitution, the
of the cholinium-based IL that seems to present only a small hydrotropic effect can be induced by both aromatic and non-
effect upon the solubility of gallic acid (K Hyd=0.323 kg-1.mol), all aromatic cations. There are few cationic hydrotropes known 1,
other ILs cations lead to an important hydrotropic effect. It and only in the past few years some sparse works using
should be remarked that the quaternary ammonium- and quaternary ammonium-based salts were reported.70-72 In
phosphonium-based ILs have opposite effects on the solubility summary, the results here obtained clearly support that ILs may
of vanillin and. gallic acid. constitute a novel series of cationic hydrotropes.
Although the formation of solute-hydrotrope complexes based Effect of the cation alkyl side chain length
on ··· interactions has been used to explain the hydrotropy
Figure 7 depicts the variation on the solubility of vanillin in
concept14-17, the results here obtained clearly show that the
aqueous solutions of [CnC1im]Cl ILs, with 2 ≤ n ≤ 14, along the
hydrotropic effect cannot be explained as resulting only from
hydrotrope concentration.
··· interactions (between the aromatic antioxidant and the
The results depicted in Figure 7 clearly show two different
aromatic cation cores) as the non-aromatic cations studied also
behaviors. For ILs from [C2C1im]Cl to [C6C1im]Cl, the hydrotropy
induce a significant increase on the antioxidants solubility.
constant increases with the cation alkyl side chain length, with
Results that confirm this evidence were obtained, for instance,
the solubility following an exponential dependency with the
with the non-aromatic [C4C1pip]Cl and [C4C1pyrr]Cl. This is in
hydrotrope concentration, as predicted by the Setchesnow
good agreement with various authors8,13,64,65 that have
equation. On the other hand, for the ILs with longer alkyl side
previously ruled out ··· interactions as the dominant effect
chains ([CnC1mim]Cl, n = 8 – 14) the solubility of vanillin along

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with the IL concentration no longer obeys Eq. (1) and all the other hand, sodium chloride and sodium thiocyanate have
View Article no
compounds have a similar impact upon the solubility significant effect upon the solubility ofDOI:
two antioxidants
irrespective of their alkyl side chain lengths. These two patterns even with the latter inducing a slight salting-in behaviour.

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

suggest that two different mechanisms of enhanced solubility
are at play on these systems. For the lighter compounds 1.8

KHyd / kg.mol-1
([CnC1mim]Cl, n = 2 – 6) the hydrotropic behavior is witnessed.
As it results from the formation of co-aggregates between the
solute and the hydrotropes, as discussed below in more detail, 1.2
the hydrotropic efficiency increases with the cation alkyl chain
However, for ILs with self-aggregation ability in aqueous
solution (above [C8C1mim]Cl74), the hydrotropy is replaced by a
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

micellar solubilization mechanism. For these compounds, the 0.0

enhancement on solubility is very active at low concentrations
of IL, close to the critical micellar concentration, but quickly
seems to saturate at around 0.2 -1, above which a much -0.6
weaker effect upon the solubility is observed. Indeed, for higher
hydrotrope concentrations (around 1-1.2 molIL.kgwater-1), the
hydrotropic effect of [C6C1mim]Cl upon the solubility of vanillin
becomes more important than that observed with ILs of longer
alkyl side chains.
log (S/S0)

1.2 Fig. 8 KHyd values for vanillin (red) and gallic acid (blue) using [C 4C1im]- and Na-
based hydrotropes.
0.8 Most conventional hydrotropes have ammonium, calcium,
0.6 potassium or sodium as counter ions,4 but the effect of the
0.4 counter ion is seldom explored. However, the results here
reported reveal that the role of the counterion could be highly
relevant, as demonstrated by the KHyd values presented in Table
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
[Hyd] / molHyd.kgwater For vanillin, the hydrotropic efficiency of the anion of the
[C4C1im]-based ILs follows the series:
Fig. 7 Influence of the ionic liquids concentration in the vanillin solubility at 303 K:
(), pure water, () [C2C1im]Cl, () [C4C1im]Cl, () [C6C1im]Cl, () [C8C1im]Cl, Cl- < [SCN] - < [N(CN)2]- < [TOS]-
() [C10C1im]Cl, () [C12C1im]Cl, and (▬) [C14C1im]Cl.
while for gallic acid, the trend on the enhanced solubility by the
These results are in good agreement with the results by Shimizu [C4C1im]-based ILs follows the rank:
and collaborators23-24, that based on the Kirkwood-Buff (KB) Br-< [SCN]- < Cl-< [CH3SO4]- < [CF3SO3]-< [N(CN)2]- < [TOS]-.
theory of solutions, shown that “micelle formation reduces the Knowing that NaCl induces a minor salting-out of gallic acid and
solubilization efficiency per hydrotrope molecule”. vanillin in aqueous media, the anions in compounds displaying
a KHyd lower than chloride have thus a deleterious effect upon
Effect of the ionic liquid anion the cation hydrotropicity. Chloride and all the anions to its left
on these series do not present a hydrotropic behaviour and thus
Most hydrotropes industrially used are anionic, and often do not contribute to enhance the solubility of the studied
contain a phenyl group.4 Along with the evaluation of ILs as biomolecules. Dycianamide and tosylate anions display,
hydrotropes, the effect of some common hydrotropes was also however, the opposite effect. Tosylate, a common name for p-
ascertained. toluene sulfonate, is indeed a well-known hydrotrope1-4; yet,
According to the results presented in Table 1 and Figure 8, the the action of [N(CN) ]- as hydrotrope is, to the best of our
only salts that seem to display hydrotropic activity for both knowledge, here reported for the first time. Both anions
biomolecules are sodium benzoate (KHyd of 0.514 kg-1.mol for contribute to a further enhancement of the cation
vanillin and 0.228 kg-1.mol for gallic acid) and sodium tosylate hydrotropicity in a synergistically, almost additive, manner.
(KHyd of 0.746 kg-1.mol for vanillin and 0.428 kg -1.mol for gallic While in the previous section it was shown that ILs are a novel
acid), i.e., those with an aromatic anion. The sodium citrate is class of cationic hydrotropes, these results suggest that when
only able to enhance the solubility of gallic acid (KHyd = 0.560 kg- combined with an anion with hydrotropic capacity an even
1.mol) whereas it seems to decrease the solubility of vanillin
more powerful catanionic hydrotrope is generated.
(KHyd = -0.393 kg-1.mol) in aqueous solutions. As shown in Figures 3 and 8, the hydrotropic effect of the
These results again confirm that the hydrotropicity may be studied compounds is, in general, stronger upon the solubility
strongly solute dependent, allowing thus the design of an of vanillin than of gallic acid. The K of vanillin is 1.2275 while
extraction process based on the hydrotrope selectivity. On the

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for gallic acid it is 0.72,75 suggesting that the hydrotropic not fully water miscible, leading therefore to the View
formation of
Article Online
solubilisation may be more effective for more hydrophobic two liquid phases: one water-rich phaseDOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
with little solute and
solutes. Yet, this general rule may be overruled by specific hydrotrope (IL) and another phase rich in hydrated IL where the

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

interactions that could explain the significant differences in biomolecules are highly soluble.
solubility observed between the two compounds, suggesting
that the hydrotrope-solute interactions on the gallic acid Effect of temperature
aggregates are of a different nature than those with vanillin, The temperature impact on the hydrotropic solubility of the
being this the cause for the hydrotrope selective enhancement biomolecules investigated was also evaluated. For that purpose,
of solubility. The results reported in Table 1 suggest also that the solubility of vanillin was investigated in aqueous solutions
the cation and anion may have different roles in the hydrotropy, of [C2C1im][N(CN)2] and sodium benzoate. Figure 9 shows the
with the cation effect being dominated by the hydrophobicity effect of temperature upon the KHyd values between 303 and
of the solute while the anion seems to present specific 323 K.
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

interactions. This may however be related to the specific nature 1.2

of the solutes here studied and their hydrogen bond donor

KHyd / kg.mol-1
abilities that can be matched by the anions hydrogen bond
acceptor nature that is absent in the cations.
In summary, the results here reported clearly show that the
capability of ILs to act as hydrotropes selectively enhancing the
solubility of each compound depending on the IL
characteristics, on the solute hydrophobicity and, in general, on
how the solute interacts with and participates in the formation
of aggregates in aqueous solutions of ILs as discussed below.
A curious and unexpected outcome was observed for some of 300 305 310 315 320 325
these mixtures for which, above a critical concentration of IL, a T/K
Fig. 9 KHyd temperature dependency for the solubility of vanillin in aqueous
biphasic system was formed as shown in Figure S6 (cf. the solutions of () [C2C1im][N(CN)2] and () [Na][C7H5O2].
Supporting Information). The systems, for which two phases
were observed, are reported in Table 1. As the solute does not The data concerning the influence of [C2C1im][N(CN)2] and
present a salting-out inducing nature, which could explain the sodium benzoate on the solubility of vanillin at 303, 313 and 323
biphasic system formation under the same light of the K are presented in Supporting Information- Table S3.
formation of IL-based aqueous biphasic systems (ABS)30, the In general, a significant increase in the solubility of vanillin with
coexisting phases were quantified by UV-spectroscopy and an increase in temperature is observed. This enhanced solubility
NMR spectroscopy was employed in order to understand the promoted by hydrotropes is even more striking when compared
phase separation and shed further light upon the mechanism of with the increase of the solubility of vanillin in water with
hydrotropicity evidenced in this work. temperature, which is quite low as shown in the Supporting
The top and bottom phases of the biphasic system created by Information- Figure S7. This trend, resulting from a decrease in
vanillin, [C4C1im][N(CN)2] and water were quantified by UV- size and increase in number of the aggregates with temperature
spectroscopy, and the bottom phase revealed to have twice the as revealed by DLS, suggests that the effects of the hydrotrope
concentration of IL and 5 times more vanillin than the top concentration and temperature can be combined to achieve a
phase. Aqueous solutions of [N4444][TOS] and [P4441][TOS], at maximum effect at both the solubilisation and the recovery of
concentrations approximately of 0.28 mol IL.kgwater-1 and 0.62 the solute, as discussed below.
molIL.kgwater-1, respectively, were also tested for the
solubilisation of vanillin and gallic acid. In all situations, the Dynamic Light Scattering.
system separated into two liquid phases. For the first system,
In order to probe the mechanism of hydrotropy previously
the bottom phase showed almost 21 times more [N 4444][TOS]
highlighted, some of the aqueous solutions containing vanillin
and 18 times more vanillin than the top phase. For the second
and hydrotropes we analysed by dynamic light scattering (DLS).
system, the bottom phase presented almost 20 times more
This study started by the evaluation of the presence of
[N4444][TOS] and 12 times more vanillin than the top phase. To
aggregates in aqueous solutions of IL or vanillin. No aggregates
gather further insights into the molecular-level mechanisms
were observed in aqueous solutions of [C 4C1im][TOS] at 0.64
responsible for the phase separation at given concentrations of
molIL.kgwater-1 or vanillin close to saturation (after
hydrotrope and antioxidant, NMR spectra were collected for
homogeneization of the mixture on an ultrasonic bath at room
each phase. All the systems analysed further confirm that,
temperature). DLS measurements were then performed for
unlike for IL-based ABS, there is not a significant separation of
solutions of variable concentrations of vanillin in 0.64
the IL and demixing inducer between the two aqueous phases.
molIL.kgwater-1 of [C4C1im][TOS]. The results depicted in Figure 10
These observations suggest that, unlike the pure IL that is
confirm the presence of aggregates that increase in size with an
hydrophilic and thus completely water miscible, the IL+solute
increase of the vanillin concentration.
aggregates, whose presence is demonstrated and discussed
below, are of a different nature, being more hydrophobic and

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An aqueous solution of vanillin at 0.73 mol.kgwater-1 and IL at 0.80 region presenting negative deviations due to the favorable
View Article Online
mol.kgwater-1 was then diluted with pure water aiming at DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
polar interactions with water, in particular the C(2) proton
evaluating the change in the size of aggregates at a fixed which presents a very large shift resulting from its hydrogen

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

vanillin/IL ratio. As shown in Figure 10, an increase in the size of bond with the solvent. The protons of the alkyl chain, in
aggregates with the vanillin/IL concentration is also observed. particular those of C(7), C(8) and C(9) have the opposite type of
These results clearly establish the presence of aggregates in deviations as they have poor interactions with water as
aqueous solution, but only when both the hydrotrope and expected.
vanillin are present, and show that the molecular mechanism The 1H NMR spectra of ternary mixtures water-[C4C1im]Cl-
which dominates the hydrotropy is related with the formation vanillin were collected for mixtures at fixed vanillin
of hydrotrope-solute aggregates. Dhinakaran et al.42 proposed concentrations of 0.05 mol·kg-1 and 0.13 mol·kg-1 while varying
that the increased solubility of vanillin in conventional the IL concentration from 0.1 to 1.4 mol·kg -1. As shown in
hydrotrope solutions is justified as a collective molecular Supporting Information- Figure S8, no significant chemical shift
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

phenomenon, possibly occurring by the aggregation of the deviations of the vanillin were observed in any of these
solute with the hydrotrope due to improved hydrogen-bonding. solutions. 1H NMR spectra were also collected for vanillin
The most detailed and comprehensive studies on the solutions with concentrations up to 0.43 mol·kg -1 prepared from
hydrotropic solubilisation were recently reported by Shimizu an initial aqueous solution of IL at 1.13 mol·kg -1. The chemical
and co-workers.10,23,24 They clearly established, based on the shift deviations of the IL protons are presented also in Figure 11
interpretation of experimental data using the fluctuation theory within the blue ellipse. Unlike what was observed for the vanillin
of solutions, that the mechanism of hydrotropic solubilisation is that seems to suffer no effect from the IL in a much broader
dominated by the hydrotrope-solute aggregation.23 In the same concentration region, the effect of the vanillin upon the IL is
line, the results here reported show that the solute molecules quite significant.
must take part in the aggregation process of the hydrotrope, 0.8
thus forming co-aggregates with the hydrotrope molecules in 0.4
aqueous solution. The formation of a stable co-aggregate
ΔδH / ppm

depends on the molecular structure of both cation and anion,
as well as on the functional group(s) of the solute, that would -0.4
control their interactions further responsible for the formation -0.8 4 8

of stable aggregates. The variation of the aggregate size when -1.2
3 7
2 6
the ratio vanillin/IL is changed (yellow circles in Figure 10), or
kept constant (green triangles in Figure 10) suggests however 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
that the aggregates formation does not result from a [IL] /

stoichiometric complex between vanillin and the IL, unlike was

Fig. 11 1H NMR chemical shift deviations of [C 4C1im]Cl in aqueous solutions relative
previously observed by some authors for the solubility of to pure [C4C1im]Cl (5.7 mol·kg-1 ): () H(2), () H(4), () H(5), () H(6), () H(7),
() H(8), () H(9), and () H10. Effect of the vanillin concentration within the
benzene in aromatic ILs.66-69 blue ellipse.

5.0 While the protons on the polar region further increase their
Peak / nm

deviations from what was observed due to the mixture with

4.0 water, suggesting that novel polar interactions between the
vanillin and the ring protons are happening, and as will be
3.0 confirmed below by the MD simulations, the chemical shifts of
the protons on the alkyl chain have the opposite behaviour,
with their deviations decreasing and approaching the values for
1.0 the pure IL, suggesting thus that the environment of the alkyl
chains becomes again less polar. These results suggest that the
0.0 chains may be interacting with the non polar regions of vanillin
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 or organizing themselves into non-polar domains. The
[Vanillin] / molecular picture that can derive from the 1H NMR spectra is
one of the reorganization of the IL cations in solution due to the
Fig. 10 Aggregates size change with the vanillin concentration: () constant
hydrotrope concentration, i.e., different vanillin/IL ratios, and () constant ratio presence, and their interactions with, vanillin molecules.
between the vanillin and hydrotrope concentrations.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance The existence of co-aggregates between the hydrophobic solute
1H-NMR and the IL ions in aqueous solution was further probed by
spectra were collected for aqueous solutions of
Molecular Dynamics simulations. Three types of model system
[C4mim]Cl in a concentration range from 0.1 up to 5.73 -
1 (pure IL). The results are presented in Figure 11 and show were considered: i) aqueous solutions containing the
hydrotrope (ILs based on the 3-butyl-1-methylimidazolium
regular chemical shift deviations with the protons of the ring
cation combined with either the thiocyanate or the

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dicyanamide anions, [C4C1im][SCN] or [C4C1im][N(CN]2]); ii) View Article Online

aqueous solutions containing the vanillin hydrophobic solute; DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
and iii) aqueous solutions containing both the hydrotrope and

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

the hydrophobic solute species. Simulation boxes containing
the pure IL were also produced in order to act as a reference for
the aggregation patterns of the ionic species. All molecules/ions
were modelled according to well-known and tested atomistic
force-fields commonly used for mixtures of ionic liquids with
molecular solutes/solvents (cf. Experimental Section).
In order to match the concentration ranges of the aqueous
solutions tested experimentally, we used simulation boxes i)
containing 101 [C4C1im][N(CN]2] or 105 [C4C1im][SCN] ion pairs
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

together with 4600 water molecules, corresponding to identical

IL weight fractions of 0.2000, or to concentrations of 1.220 and
1.268, respectively; ii) containing 100 vanillin
molecules in 4600 water molecules (this is well above the
solubility limit of vanillin in pure water and, as expected, the
simulations yielded a vanillin-rich droplet segregated from a
water-rich phase); and iii) 100 vanillin molecules combined with
101 or 105 hydrotrope ion pairs and 4600 water molecules.
Taking into account the KHyd values listed in Table 1 for the
[C4C1im][N(CN]2] and [C4C1im][SCN] hydrotropes (0.978 and
1.335 kg-1.mol), the simulated vanillin-IL-water mixtures should
contain a single phase in the case of the [C 4C1im][N(CN]2]
hydrotrope mixture and two phases in the case of the
[C4C1im][SCN] hydrotrope mixture. The use of relatively large
concentrations of hydrotrope and vanillin in the simulation
boxes (close or above the solubility limit of vanillin in the Fig. 12 Simulation snapshots and discrete probability distribution functions of
aggregate sizes, P(na) for different types of system and aggregate type. (a-b) Ionic
aqueous solutions) is related to the necessity of having liquid aqueous solutions; (c) Water-vanillin mixture; (d-e) Vanillin in ionic liquid
aqueous solutions. (green graphs): ionic liquid polar aggregates (strands); (blue
adequate statistics in the MD run trajectories and ensuing graphs): anion-water network; (red graphs) vanillin clusters.

structural and aggregate analyses. Moreover, by comparing the

different systems at similar IL and vanillin mole or weight Figure 12 shows five snapshots of the equilibrated simulation
fractions allowed us to compare directly the distinctive boxes. Boxes a and b highlight the structure of diluted solutions
aggregation patterns that occurred in the different situations. of the hydrophilic [C4C1im][N(CN]2] and [C4C1im][SCN] ILs in
water: the continuous polar network that is the hallmark of
most pure ionic liquids is broken into smaller aggregates, that
nevertheless can still incorporate in some cases a few tens of
alternating ions —the size distribution probability functions,
P(na), of those polar aggregates can be seen in the graphs with
green bars in Figures 12a and 12b.
In other words, the “dissolved and diluted” IL is not simply a set
of isolated ions solvated by water molecules, but rather a series
of small (and not so small) filamentous ionic strands
incorporated within the liquid water matrix. Aggregate analyses
of those strands show that the number of neighbours of each
ion in a given strand (calculated using the Ni(na) described in the
Experimental section) is never much larger than two, which
confirms the non-branched and filamentous nature of the
aggregates. Moreover, their estimated volume-to-length ratio,
RV(na)/Rd(na), is generally below 0.03, which means that their
shapes can be approximated to elongated prolate ellipsoids.
The incorporation of such strands in the aqueous solution can
be further probed by the analysis of anion-water aggregates
(graphs with blue bars in Figures 12a and 12b) that show that
the interactive centers of the anions (the nitrogen atoms of
dicyanamide and the sulphur and nitrogen atoms of
thiocyanate) undergo specific H-bond-type interactions with

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the hydrogen atoms of the water molecules and help to create mixing of the vanillin molecules in the aqueousView phase. The
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small networks of alternating water molecules and anions that average number of vanillin neighbours, DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
Ni, within the broken
can contain a few tens of species. It is interesting to notice that vanillin clusters drops from the original 9.8 value to average

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whereas around 80% of the water molecules do not contact any values of 5.3 and 5.2 in the aqueous [C4C1im][N(CN]2] and
anion (at the tested concentrations the ionic liquid only [C4C1im][SCN] systems, respectively: the clusters are not only
occupies less than 20% of the total volume of the solution), the smaller but are also intermeshed with other species.
remainder 20% of the water molecules become part of clusters
that are composed of several anions. In fact, the size
distribution of the clusters mimics the distribution of the IL
clusters present in the solution. In other words, the interactions
between the anions and the water molecules help to stabilize
those filamentous IL clusters in the midst of the aqueous
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

solution. This complex and unique structure will play an

important role in terms of hydrotropy (see below).
It must also be stressed that, unlike the polar moieties of the
ions, the alkyl side chains of the cations (butyl groups in the
present case) do not form noticeable aggregates. The
corresponding aggregate size distribution functions (not shown)
indicate that around 65% of the butyl chains remain isolated
from each other, some 24% form pairs, and the remainder 11%
are aggregated into clusters with just 3-5 chains. This confirms
that the role of these short-tailed ILs as hydrotropes cannot be
attributed to surfactant-type effects such as the possibility of
micelle formation.
Figure 12c shows the above-mentioned vanillin-rich droplet
segregated from a water-rich phase. In this case, the MD
trajectory evolved naturally to a situation of liquid-liquid Fig. 13 Discrete probability distribution functions of aggregate sizes, P(na), and (as
demixing (albeit at a nanometric scale due to the size limitations insets) pair radial distribution functions, g(r), for different types of aggregate type
and pairs of interaction centre. (a-b) size distribution of cation-vanillin aggregates
of the simulated system) and illustrates nicely the difference and cation-vanillin interactions in the systems with (a) [N(CN)2]-induced and (b)
[SCN]-induced hydrotropy. (c-d) size distribution of anion-vanillin aggregates and
between the one-phase situation of the hydrophilic IL aqueous anion-vanillin interactions in the systems with (c) [N(CN) 2]-induced and (d) ) [SCN]-
induced hydrotropy.
solutions (boxes a and b) and the two-phase split that occurs in
the hydrophobic solute system (box c). It is important to notice In order to check the origin of the hydrotrope effect one must
that both types of system have similar solute concentrations. analyse in detail the interactions between the IL strands and the
The graph in figure 12c shows the size distribution function of vanillin molecules.
aggregates containing vanillin molecules. The distribution Figure 13 shows relevant aggregate distribution functions along
shows that most vanillin molecules can be found in very large with selected radial distribution functions that probe the
aggregates comprising most of the vanillin molecules present in intensity of different ion-vanillin interactions. Figures 13a and
the system (one of such droplets is the one represented in the 13b show the aggregate size distribution functions
snapshot) in equilibrium with a few vanillin molecules isolated corresponding to the alternate clustering of 1-butyl-3-
in the aqueous phase (the small bars in the left-hand side of the methylimidazolium cations and vanillin molecules.
graph). This distribution illustrates the aforementioned phase The “van-cat” distribution function of figure 13a corresponding
separation. The average number of contact neighbours, Ni, of a to the [C4C1im][N(CN]2] aqueous solution shows that only 11%
given vanillin molecule within the droplet is around 9.8. of the cations or vanillin molecules are not in contact with the
Figures 12d and 12e show hydrotrope effects in action, when an other species and that most of them are part of very large
aqueous solution containing an ionic liquid is mixed with clusters with 140 < na < 185 (with a maximum probability
vanillin. Both snapshots illustrate that the integrity of original around na = 170).
vanillin droplet (Figure 12c) is broken and several fragments are These mixed cation-vanillin clusters are formed due to
solvated by the hydrotrope-water solution. Interestingly, the favourable interactions between the two species, not only
distribution functions of the polar aggregates and the anion- dispersion forces between their less polar moieties (the butyl
water network (green and blue graphs, respectively) show only chain of the cation, the aromatic ring and ether group of
small shifts to smaller aggregation sizes relative to the vanillin), but also between specific interaction centres located
analogous functions of Figures 12a and 12b. This means that the in each of them. One such interaction —between the oxygen
small ILs strands stabilised by their water-anion interactions atom of the hydroxyl group of vanillin (OH) and the most acidic
continue to exist in the presence of the vanillin molecules. On aromatic hydrogen atom of the imidazolium ring (HCR)— is
the other hand, the vanillin aggregate distribution functions quantified in the inset of Figure 13a that shows the
(red graphs) show noticeable shifts relative to the situation in corresponding pair radial distribution function. Integration
Figure 12c: the presence of the hydrotrope is promoting the

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below the first peak of the g(r) function shows that about 35% from aqueous media. Since the solubility of theView antioxidants
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of the vanillin-cation contacts involve a OH-HCR interaction. (and any other solutes) largely depends DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
on the IL (hydrotrope)
Figure 13b shows that the vanillin-cation clusters in the concentration, and their solubility is far superior to their

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[C4C1im][SCN] aqueous solutions (120 < na < 185, with a saturation values in pure water, the results obtained combined
maximum probability around na = 160) are not as big as those with the hydrotropy concept suggest that the recovery of the
found in the [C4C1im][N(CN]2] solutions. The comparison of the solutes from the hydrotrope aqueous solution can be attained
two insets of Figures 13a and 13b also point out to slightly by a simple dilution with water, combined or not with a
weaker OH-HCR interactions in the latter case. This is consistent decrease of temperature.
with the lower KHyd value found for the [C4C1im][SCN] solutions,
when compared with that of the [C 4C1im][N(CN]2] solutions. Pure vanillin a)

The difference between the two hydrotropes is even more

noticeable if one compares the vanillin-anion cluster
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

distributions and the corresponding g(r) functions (Figures 13c

and 13d). In both situations, the vanillin-anion cluster sizes are
Vanillin after precipitation d)
always smaller than the corresponding vanillin-cation clusters.
This is due to the fact that the anion is also involved in strong
interactions with the water solvent and is responsible for the
stabilization of the IL strands in the midst of the aqueous
solution. Nevertheless, the dicyanamide anion is more able to
form larger clusters with the vanillin molecules than its
thiocyanate counterpart. Those larger clusters are a
consequence of the stronger H-bond-type interactions involving
a) b) c) d)
the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group of vanillin and the
Fig. 14. a) appearance of commercial vanillin and respective 1H NMR spectrum; b)
nitrogen atoms of the [N(CN]2] anion (inset of Figure 13c), vanillin dissolved in 0.80 molIL.kgwater-1aqueous solution of [C 4C1im][TOS] at 303 K;
relative to the same type of interactions involving the nitrogen c) precipitation of vanillin with the addition of water and decrease of temperature;
and d) recovered vanillin and respective 1H NMR spectrum.
and sulphur atoms of the [SCN] anion (inset of Figure 13d).
In summary, the present MD simulations can explain, from a Since the vanillin solubility is extremely sensitive to the
molecular perspective, how short-chained hydrophilic ionic hydrotrope concentration and temperature, as shown before,
liquids can act as hydrotropic agents: i) in the concentration some tests on the recovery of vanillin from aqueous solution by
range where hydrotrope effects are noticeable, hydrophilic ILs further dilution with water were carried out. For this purpose,
are not completely dissociated but form ionic aggregates an aqueous solution with 0.81 mol.kgwater-1 of [C4C1im][TOS] was
(strands) of a few tens of ions; ii) those strands are stabilized in prepared and saturated with vanillin (0.82 = 125
the aqueous medium by anion-water interactions; iii) most of IL at 303 K.
cations are organic in nature and can therefore interact with To recover the vanillin, an equal volume of water was added to
organic (hydrophobic) solutes. Such interactions are not the vanillin-IL-water solution aiming at decreasing the
restricted to dispersion forces between the nonpolar moieties hydrotrope concentration to half of its initial value. The
of the cation and the solute molecules (which can nevertheless decrease of the hydrotrope concentration in solution from 0.81
be quite important) but can also involve other specific to 0.36 mol.kgwater-1 led to the precipitation of (59 ± 1) wt% of
interactions (e.g. between H-donors and H-acceptors and  the initial vanillin in solution (Figure 14).
interactions); iv) the formation of cation-solute aggregates will The expected value for the vanillin recovery, calculated from
promote the dissolution of the hydrophobic solute in the midst the solubility curves previously measured, is 61%, which is in
of the ionic liquid strands; v) since these strands are anchored good agreement with the experimental results obtained.
to the aqueous solution via their anion-water interactions, the The precipitated vanillin was recovered by filtration, washed
end result will be the dissolution/dispersion and stabilization of with cold water and dried. The macroscopic appearance of the
the organic solute molecules in the aqueous solution. recovered vanillin is the same as the initial compound, while its
purity was ascertained and confirmed by 1H NMR (Figure 14).
Recovery of solutes from solution These simple essays show how the compounds dissolved by
The results of enhanced solubility in aqueous solutions of ILs hydrotropic action can be recovered using water as anti-solvent
here reported also suggest that the high performance to induce their precipitation. This behaviour can be used with
demonstrated by these aqueous solutions in the extraction of remarkable advantages on the field of IL-mediated extractions
biocompounds from biomass31 may be a major outcome of this of added-value compounds from biomass. In fact, it is well-
enhanced solubility created by the hydrotropic behaviour of the known that IL aqueous solutions are excellent solvents for the
ILs, and not only from the biomass disruption as commonly extraction of alkaloids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, among others,
accepted.76,77 This being the case, the nature of the hydrotropic from natural matrices.31 Although several works demonstrated
solutions discussed above can thus be used not only for the the high potential of IL aqueous solutions, the
extraction but also for the recovery of the target compounds isolation/purification of the target compounds as well as the
recovery of the solvents for further use has been seldom

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DOI: 10.1039/C5GC00712G
Published on 21 May 2015. Downloaded by North Dakota State University on 22/05/2015 04:39:47.

Green Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

Ionic liquids are powerful catanionic hydrotropes with cation and anion synergistically contributing to increase the solubility of
biomolecules in water.

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