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Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon

Talisay, Sorsogon City

CQIP- Self-Assessment- S.Y. 2018-2019

DOMAIN: LEARNER DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 Remarks Suggestions/Recommendation
The curriculum is fully
8.1 1 The curriculum is aligned with the school’s PVMGCV 3 aligned with the School’s
The vertical and horizontal
articulation of the
The vertical and horizontal articulation of curriculum across all
2 3 curriculum is clearly The articulation should be synchronized.
learning areas and grade level is clear.
observed across all learning
areas and grade levels.
Teachers have agreed procedures and guidelines in reviewing Procedures and Guidelines
3 3 are reviewed twice a year.
and improving the alignment twice a year.
Learners’ experiences are
Learners are articulate in connecting their learning activities and
4 3 articulated in their School’s
experiences to the school’s PVMGCV.

Rating 3.0
The aims of the curriculum clearly articulate a well- balanced The aims of the curriculum
8.2 1 development of the physical, spiritual, intellectual, psychological, 3 are well balanced.
cultural and creative dimensions of learners.
Varied relevant programs
Relevant programs address the learner’s needs, interest and
2 3 address the needs of the
Learner’s potentials are
Learners recognize the ways their talents, interests and
recognized and developed
3 potentials are developed through curricular and co-curricular 3
through curricular and co-
curricular programs.
Rating 3.0
The curriculum in different learning areas and grade levels
engages learners to discern and integrate Gospel values that are The curriculum is integrated
8.3 1 relevant to the concerns for peace and justice, care for creation, 3 with the Gospel Values and
love for one’s country, gender sensitivity and responsible use of SDG’s.
all forms of media.
2 Learners participate in service-oriented activities and advocacies 3 Participation of learners in
service-oriented activities
appropriate to their age and level of maturity.
are commendable.
Rating 3.0
The curriculum is integrated
The curriculum provides a variety of cognitively demanding and
with different kinds of
developmentally appropriate programs and activities that
8.4 1 3 programs and activities in all
integrate moral and religious formation in all learning areas and
learning areas and grade
grade levels.
Classroom discussions and
other situations apply
Learners apply Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in familiar
Higher Order Thinking Skills Provide on-going formations/ workshop
2 situations in the practice of their faith and relationship with GOD 3
(HOTS) specifically in their on the integration of HOTS
and the whole of creation.
faith and relationship with
God and other creation.
Rating 3.0
Integration of faith and
The religious education program integrates faith and Filipino
Filipino culture are
8.5 1 culture and life with emphasis on the development of enduring 3
emphasized in the religious
education programs.
Programs on popular
The program gives attention to popular religiosity and Filipino Religiosity and Filipino
2 3
culture in order to find their meaning in the light of faith. culture are given meaning in
the light of faith.
Expression of faith is
3 The program develops appropriate expression of faith. 3 developed through various
Learners’ positive values are
manifested through their
reflections, relationship with Needs intensification of programs for
4 Learners are able to discern positive values. 3
teachers, fellow students, Teachers in the integration of HOTS
and interaction with the
Rating 3.0
The curriculum is adhered to
New Programs and courses that will
The curriculum adheres to national standards, aspires to national and international
respond to the 21st Century Education
8.6 1 international benchmarks and promotes 21 st century education 3 standards in promoting 21st
Create Ladderized and Diploma TESDA
and lifelong learning. century education and
lifelong learning
Learners apply knowledge in different situations and assume Learners applied knowledge
2 3
their role according to their Christian identity and mission in the in varied situations in
accordance with Christian
global community.
identity and mission.
Rating 3.0

Instruction is supported by an ICT plan to address the demands Instructions are supported Full utilization of ICT resources.
8.7 1 3
and challenges of the changing time. by ICT. There are some units the needs repair
School Policies and Practices
School policies and practices facilitate an effective approach in
2 3 are put in place in the use of
the use of ICT to support contemporary student learning.
Conduct Personnel ICT Training
Teachers and learners have access to an integrated ICT system ICT system and resources
3 3 Value Formation for the use of
and resources. are provided and accessible.
The development of skills
The development of skills for independent learning and research for independent learning
4 3
is ably supported. and research are properly
Rating 3.0
Some of the personnel are Continue to pursue eligibility
All academic personnel meet the basic professional preparation
9.1 1 2 on the process of meeting requirements and graduate studies to
and government and licensing requirements for their positions.
the basic qualifications. meet the basic qualifications.
Academic Personnel
Academic personnel participate in professional development
continue to participate in
2 activities to improve their skills in facilitating the total 3
professional development
development of the learner.
Personnel have shared
They have shared understanding the school’s PVMGCV to which understanding of the
3 they are expected to align the school’s curricular and co- 3 School’s PVMGCV in the
curricular programs. school’s curricular and co-
curricular programs.
Personnel participate in
programs in developing and
Actively participate in developing and implementing programs as
4 3 implementing holistic
their commitment to holistic learner development.
development of the
Rating 2.8
Professional learning culture
The school promotes a professional learning culture with team is promoted through
9.2 1 3
learning, integration and dialogue. collaboration, integration
and dialogue.
The school has adequate provisions for the personnel’s The school provides
2 continuous formation through professional learning communities 3 continuous formation to all
to ensure development of learners. personnel.
The personnel find ways to improve instruction and the academic Attendance to trainings,
3 performance of the learners through participating in professional 3 seminars and professional
conversation with colleagues about classroom instruction. fora.
They provide meaningful and relevant learning experiences and Varied teaching Provide trainings, benchmarking,
4 activities which translate into improvement in learners’ academic 3 strategies/methodologies mentoring, and classroom observation is
achievements. are provided. on-going.
Rating 3.0
21st century skills are
Teachers provide meaningful and relevant learning experiences
9.3 1 3 continuously developing the
that develop 21st century literacies for lifelong learning.
Spiritual formation is
Teachers consistently ensure the spiritual formation of the
2 3 integrated in the teaching
learning process.
Rating 3.0
School Personnel observe
The school personnel uphold the dignity of the learners by
the existing policies that
9.4 1 implementing existing policies that protects the rights of the 3 .
protect the rights of the
Personnel observe the
They recognize and appreciate their diversity and are responsive diversity of the learners and
2 3
to inclusive education. responsive to inclusive
Differentiated learning
Classroom activities are built on learners’ interest and abilities to activities are provided to
3 3
address the diverse and special needs of the learners. address students/pupils
Participation in classroom
activities, encounters and
Learners participate in classroom activities, encounters and
4 3 dialogues are encouraged
dialogue and accept their differences.
thereby accept their
individual differences.
School personnel develop
School personnel demonstrate their caring relationship with the healthy and caring
5 3
learner that makes them feel secured, valued and appreciated. relationship with the
6 The relationship between the teachers and the students is 3 Harmonious and respectful
relationships are promoted
harmonious, they show respect for one another. among teachers and
Rating 3.0
Student assessment is
Student assessment is consistent with results- based monitoring consistently and objectively
10.1 1 and evaluation system that is centered on the attainment of total 3 conducted, monitored and
learner development. evaluated for the total
development of learners.
Teachers provide authentic learning situations and performance Authentic learning situations
2 tasks designed to elicit service and communion as indicators of 3 and performance tasks
meaningful learning. design are provided.
Collaborative approaches
Effective transfer of learning is ensured as students learn in order
are done by teachers in
3 to serve others and be in communion with them, and not learn 3
classroom situation to
just for themselves.
ensure transfer of learning.
Rating 3.0
There is a well-planned and scheduled system of gathering,
Formative feedbacks and
analyzing and using student assessment results based on
other assessment tools for
10.2 1 standards to improve teacher effectiveness in guiding and 3
teachers and students are
personalizing instruction, increase student learning and provide
regular and timely formative feedbacks to student.
Rating 3.0
The implementation of the curriculum and the quality of teaching Regular monitoring of
and learning are regularly monitored and improved by the teachers is done through
10.3 1 3
administrators, teachers and students, individually and classroom observation,
collectively using standard-based assessment. mentoring, and coaching.
Data from varied forms of standards-based assessment are Assessment forms are used
2 3
collected from the monitoring. as references for Evaluation.
Administrators and teachers analyze and use data from formative Data from formative and
3 and summative assessments to continuously upgrade the 3 summative are used to
curriculum, teaching and learning. upgrade curriculum.
Self-assessments of students
Students use self-assessments as a means to know how their are bases for their progress
4 3
learning is progressing toward the standards. in their academic
Rating 3.0

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