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Speak like Americans

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Speak like Americans

Steps to read a word out correctly:

1. If you see a 1 syllable word, the best policy is to guess the
vowel of the word, and read it: beat – bead – bee
2. If the word is 2 or more syllables, such as eligible follow the
- Divide the word in to syllables: e/li/gi/ble (4 syllables)
- Afterward, identify vowels in the syllables, read all the
syllable. Remember, you don’t want to miss any syllable of the
- Then, identify word stress: e/li/gi/ble; read it longer, louder
and higher.
- Finally, reduce the unstressed syllable: e/li/gi/ble
3. Possible problems:
Sometimes, it’s difficult to identify syllables, e.g. social,
Sometimes, it’s difficult to identify vowels in the syllables, e.g.

* social = so/cial (not so/ci/al); typcially = ty/pi/cally (“a” is

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Speak like Americans


1. In most American words, prefixes are not stressed. When they are
stressed, the word is often a noun:
Noun Verb
object object
present present
produce produce
Practice both the noun and the verb in one sentence:
They might object if the object is not removed.
They will not permit you to enter without a permit
A farmer can produce a lot of produce
copy measure promise service
affect demand honor notice
purchase study alarm design
market practice sample total
attempt exchange
2. Stressed prefixes
Every- : Everyone, everybody
Grand- : grandfather, grandmother, grandchildren

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Speak like Americans


1. Meanings determined by stress on the suffix
adj/n verb
alternate alternate
duplicate duplicate
appropriate appropriate
Practice both the noun and the verb in one sentence.
Can you estimate when the estimate will be complete?
She'll graduate from graduate school next spring.

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Speak like Americans

2. Suffixes that don't affect stress.

2.1. –ABLE: This suffix forms adjectives

dispose – disposable excuse-excusable
manage- manageable predict -predictable
reparable or reparable comparable or comparable
2.2. –AL: This suffix forms adjective
comic – comical critic - critical
logic – logical convention - conventional
occasion – occasional vocation – vocational
2.3. -LY, -ALLY: These suffixes form adverbs
basic – basically critic - critically
thorough - thoroughly
Exception: negatively or negatively ; relatively/ relatively
2.4. –LESS: this suffix forms negative adj
Mean – meaningless care – careless
Home – homeless job - jobless
2.5. –NESS: this suffix forms negative nouns
Happy – happiness sad – sadness
Fresh – freshness bright – brightness

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Speak like Americans

3. Stress is placed on the syllable before the suffix

3.1. –ITY: This suffix forms noun:
serene – serenity secure- security
mature – maturity sincere- sincerity
-BILITY: primary stress is placed on “bi”, practice
capable – capability available - availability
responsible – responsibility eligible - eligibility
3.2. -IVE, -ITIVE, -ATIVE: these suffixes form adjectives
impress – impressive compete - competitive
permit – permissive declare - declarative
describe – descriptive repeat - repetitive
decor - decorative
3.3. -ION, -SION, -TION: These suffixes form nouns
convert – conversion rebel – rebellion
collide – collision Connect – Connection
Exceptions: supervision television
In longer words, pay attention to both the primary& secondary stress:
repeat – repetition constitute – constitution
institute - institution substitute - substitution
3.4. –IFY: this suffix forms verb
class – classify clear - clarify
simple – simplify beauty - beautify

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Speak like Americans

3.5. -IAL, -CIAL, -TIAL: these suffixes form adj

memory – memorial commerce- commercial
territory - territorial resident - residential
3.6. -IAN, -CIAN: these suffixes form nouns
comedy – comedian library – librarian
canada - canadian
3.7. –IC: this suffix forms adjectives:
empathy – empathetic sympathy - sympathetic
energy – energetic apology – apologetic
3.8. -ISH this suffix typically forms adjectives:
Self – selfish cherish (v) – diminish (v)
Style – stylish English – British – Spanish
3.9 -EOUS this suffix forms adjectives
Courage – courageous
Advantage – advantageous right – righteous /ˈraɪ tʃəs/

Exception: hide – hideous /ˈhɪdiəs/, courteous /ˈkɜr ti əs/

economy - economic - economical
geography - geographic - geographical
radiolysis - neurolysis
3.11. –UAL: this suffix forms adjectives:
Act – actual linguist – lingual
Sex – sexual cause – causual
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Speak like Americans

3. Stress is placed on the second syllable before the suffix

3.1. -graph: this suffix forms adjectives
Photograph Autograph
3.2. -ate: this suffix forms nouns/verb/adj
Immediate duplicate
Originate certificate
3.3. –ator: this suffix forms nouns
Alligator refrigerator
Accelerator accomodator
3.3. –ary: this suffix forms nouns
Library dictionary
Necessary occationary

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Speak like Americans

4. Stressed is placed on the sufixes

4.1 ee/eer/ese : these suffixes form nouns
Vietnamese Japanese
Employee Referee
Volunteer Overseer
Pioneer Engineer

4.2 -ique : this suffix forms nouns

Antique boutique
Unique critique
4.3 -aire: this suffix forms nouns
Questionaire millionaire
5. Names, titles, date, time
Barrack Obama
The President of the United States
Sep, 20th, 2009
7.40 a.m.
(please be referred to Moon ESL video)

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