Types of Semantic Transference in Pu-terms Cпицына

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One of the most important problems in the study of phraseology

is the problem of componential transference of meaning [Fedulenkova
2016: 80]. The problem is of special importance with the research of
business terms of phraseological character [Федуленкова 2016] as
they play a great role in the professional competence [Смирнова,
Тюрина, Федуленкова 2015: 286]. The theoretical base of our
research is A. V. Kunin’s conception of phraseological units [Kunin
1970: 38] that was developed by his followers [Федуленкова 2012: 9-
11; 2016: 100].
For our research, the ideas on differentiation of phraseology and
phraseomatics appeared to be of particular importance [Федуленкова
2018: 94]. Relying upon that paper, we managed to find out two
substantial groups of PU-terms in the bulk of the terminology of
phraseological character given in the dictionary under study [Downing
2009]. They are as follows:
1) full componential transference of meaning:
back door (p. 38) – an alternate way of entering a computer system;
back end (p. 38) – the part of a computer system not directly
interacting with the user; boat anchor (p. 60) (slang) – obsolete,
useless machine; thin client (p. 475) – a computer terminal with some
computational power built in; third party (p. 475) – someone other
than the maker of a machine and the end user; white hat (p. 527) –
someone who is in favor of computer security and has some expertise
in the field.
2) partial componential transference of meaning:
active color (p. 11) – the color currently selected (in a painting or
drawing program); active window (p. 11) – the window currently in
use, the one in which the user is typing, drawing, or making menu
choices; alpha channel (p. 18) – a channel that defines a selection;
rich text (p. 409) – text that contains codes identifying italics,
boldface, and other special effects; root directory (p. 415) – the main
directory of a disk, containing files and/or subdirectories.
To sum it up, the nearest target of the research is seen in the
studies of the mechanisms of the PU-term semantic transformations,
such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, etc.
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