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Dr.H. Roberia, S.H., M.H.


Telemedicine or Telehealth (1)
The word telemedicine became prominent in health
care in the early 1990s.

Telemedicine Definition 1 Telemedicine Definition 2

Telemedicine involves the use of modern information Telemedicine is health care carried out at a distance.
technology, especially two-way interactive
audio/video communications, computers, and
Telemedicine Definition 3
telemetry, to deliver health services to remote Telemedicine—the use of advanced telecommunications technologies to
patients and to facilitate information exchange exchange health information and provide healthcare services across
between primary care physicians and specialists at geographic, time, social and cultural barriers.
some distances from each other.

Telemedicine Definition 4
The World Health Organization (WHO - 1997) makes a distinction between telemedicine and telehealth: If telehealth is
understood to mean the integration of telecommunications systems into the practice of protecting and promoting health,
while teiemedicine is the incorporation of these systems into curative medicine, then it must be acknowledged that
telehealth corresponds more closely to the international activities of WHO in the field of public health. It covers education
for healtht public and community health, health systems development and epidemiology, whereas telemedicine is
orientated more towards the clinical aspect

TELEMEDICINE  teleconcultation: patient - doctor TELEHEALTH  communication: patient – source of health

care advice or expert system
Adam William Darkins and Margaret Ann Cary, “Telemedicine and Telehealth” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.
Telemedicine or Telehealth (2)
Telemedicine—the provision of Telehealth is seen by some authors
health care services, clinical as being a more encompassing term
information, and education over a than telemedicine, which they define
distance using telecommunication as restricted to interactive patient
technology—existed long before the physician teleconsultations.
History …
(i) The first transtelephonic “electrical stethoscope” was demonstrated in England in 1910 (Brown, 1910); (ii) As early as 1924,
researchers were describing the potential of a remote “radio doctor” who could both see and be seen by the patient (Institute
of Medicine [IOM], 1996); (iii) In 1950, radiological images were transmitted for the first time, between West Chester and
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Gershon-Cohen & Cooley, 1950); (iv) medical image transmission (Jutras & Duckett, 1957); (v)
some of the first telemedicine reports were of group therapy (Wittson, Afflect, & Johnson, 1961); (vi) education and training
(Menolascino & Osborne, 1970); (vii) (Willemain & Mark, 1971); (viii) televisits to community health workers (Straker,Mostyn,
& Marshall, 1972); (ix) home care (Mark 1974); (x) nursing interactions (Cunningham, Marshall, & Glazer, 1978); (xi) telemetry
(Fuchs, 1979); The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was also central in the early development of
telemedicine (Fuchs, 1979) ... (xii) The beginning of the 1990s saw the rebirth of telemedicine
Mariene M. Maheu, “E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.
Telemedicine or Telehealth (3)

Telecommunication technologies are being

used to change the health care industry in At their best, these technologies
unprecedented and irreversible ways are enabling delivery of health care
to remote patients and facilitating
At their worst, they leave decision makers with far too
many choices about the best use of technology, too information exchange between
little technical training with which to make those generalists and specialists
choices, and too many unanswered questions about
efficacy, costs, security, privacy, ethics, risk
management, return on investment, and other
important matters.

Mariene M. Maheu, “E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.
In 1999, e-health surfaced as a popular
e-health groundswell is being led
term that refers to Internet-based
by people who are not health
health care delivery (McLendon, 2000)

E-health refers to all forms of electronic health care delivered over the Internet, ranging from
informational, educational, and commercial “products” to direct services offered by
professionals, nonprofessionals, businesses, or consumers themselves. E-health services
encompass the “five C’s”: content, connectivity, commerce, community, and clinical care (Lee,
Conley, & Preikschat, 2000), to which some would add a sixth: computer applications in the
form of application service providers, or ASPs (Savas, Parekh, & Fisher, 1999).

Mariene M. Maheu, “E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.

Many sectors are in a favorable position to gain from advances in health

care telecommunication technologies. These technologies promise to
address three of the leading problems faced by the U.S. health care
1. Maldistribution of health care resources, including facilities and
2. Limited access to health care resources for specific segments of the
population, including people living in rural or geographically isolated
areas and those who are physically confined or who are not well enough
to travel
3. Continued rise in the cost of health care, including the costs paid by the
public and private sectors (Bashshur & Lovett, 1997)

Mariene M. Maheu, “E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.
Telehealth Solutions to Health Care Problems

Enhanced Health Care Access

Enhanced Information and Training for Health Care Providers
Improved Information and Support for Patients
Reduced Health Care Costs
Improved Distribution of Resources
Reduced Professional Isolation and Stress
New Business Opportunities for Health Organizations
Enhanced Efficiency

Mariene M. Maheu, “E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.
Manfaat TIK dalam Yankes

Efisiensi akses biaya

pelayanan Kesehatan
bagi masyarakat Peningkatan kualitas
pengelolaan penyakit

Efisiensi pembiayaan Mengurangi tingkat kekeliruan,

fasyankes (RS) menghemat waktu, dan
mengurangi limbah kesehatan
Quote dari Badan Perlindungan Konsumen
Nasional (BPKN):
“teknologi informasi semakin memainkan peran Efektivitas pengelolaan sediaan
signifikan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan
secara luas, termasuk sektor Kesehatan.”
farmasi dan alat kesehatan

State Licensure for Professional Practice

the practitioner-patient relationship, such as
Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Technology communication, abandonment, informed
consent, and liability

Electronic Medical Records and Related Issues of Confidentiality

Malpractice Issues

Staff Training expensive, time consuming, and frustrating

Practitioner and Patient Acceptance

Mariene M. Maheu, “E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine” Dibuat oleh: Dr. Roberia, S.H., M.H.
Tantangan TIK-Kesehatan
& Perlindungan Hukum

Keamanan Data dan Akses terhadap Jaringan

Informasi Digital Internet

Telemedicine Kompetensi SDM

Berbasis Komunitas Kesehatan dalam
Penguasaan TI
“saat ini”
 UU No. 11 Th 2008 ttg ITE dan
perubahannya UU No. 19 Th
2016  PMK No. 269 Th 2008 ttg Rekam Medis (RME…?)
 UU No. 36/2009 ttg Kesehatan  PMK No. 1171 Th 2011 ttg SIRS
 UU No. 44/2009 ttg RS  PMK No. 001 Th 2012 ttg Sistem Rujukan
 PP No. 82 Th 2012 ttg PSTE  PMK No. 82 Th 2013 ttg SIMRS
 PP No. 46/2014 ttg SIK  PMK No. 19 Th 2016 ttg Sistem Penanggulangan
 Perpres No. 72/2012 ttg SKN Gadar Terpadu
 PMK No. 46 Th 2017 ttg  PMK No. 31 TH 2018 ttg ASPAK
Strategi e-Kesehatan  PMK No. 20 Th 2019 ttg Peny Pelayanan
Nasional Telemedicine antar Fasyankes

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