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SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – School of Business Management, Bangalore

Program: MBA Trimester VI

Course/Module : Social Psychology and Organizational Module Code:

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Term End
Lecture Practical Tutorial Internal Continuous
Examinations (TEE)
(Hours (Hours (Hours per Credit Assessment (ICA)
per week) per week) week)
(Marks - 40
(Marks - 60 )
in Question Paper)
3 3 Marks Scaled to 60 Marks Scaled to 40

 Introduce the scientific findings of social psychology
 Discuss how people influence, and are influenced by others around them
 Describe the social conditions in shaping behaviours, beliefs and perceptions of individuals
 Explain methods to reduce aggression and to help attract individuals
 Discuss how, when and why individuals help one another

After completion of the course, students would be able to :
 Understand the concept of Self in the social world
 Examine social judgments, belief patterns and demonstrate persuasion
 Analyse group influence, conformity and prejudice
 Apply methods to reduce aggression
 Examine the importance of building close relationship

Detailed Syllabus: ( per session plan )

Unit Description Duration

1 1 - Social Psychology - Self in Social World 3

Theories of Social Psychology

Self-serving bias

2 2 - Social beliefs and judgments 3

Perceiving our social world

Judging our social world
Explaining our social world
Expectations of our social world
3 3 - Persuasion 3
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – School of Business Management, Bangalore

Paths to persuasion
Elements of persuasion
Extreme persuasion – Cult indoctrination
Can persuasion be resisted – Attitude inoculation
4 4 - Group influence 3

Social facilitation – Presence of others

Social loafing – facilitation vs loafing
Group Polarization
Group Think
5 5 - Conformity 3

Classic studies – Asch & Sherif

What predicts conformity
Why conform?
Who conforms?
Do we want to be different?
6 6 - Obedience 3

Classic studies
What breeds obedience
7 7 - Prejudice 3

Power of prejudice
Cognitive source of prejudice
Consequences of prejudice
8 8 - Aggression 3

Causes of aggression
Influences on aggression
Reducing aggression - Catharsis
9 9 - Attraction 3

What leads to friendship & attraction

What enables close relationship
How do relationships end?

10 10- Positive Psychology 3

Happiness Defined
Determinants of happiness
Money and Happiness
Optimism and Resilience
Total 30

Text Books:
Myers, D., Sahajpal, P., and Behera P., (2017). Social Psychology, 10 Edition (Special Indian Edition),
McGraw-Hill Asia
 Misra, G. (2009). Psychology in India: Social and Organizational Processes. Delhi. Pearson.
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – School of Business Management, Bangalore

Reference Books:
 Misra, G. (2009). Psychology in India: Social and Organizational Processes. Delhi. Pearson.
 Baron, R.A., Branscombe, N.R., Byne, D. and Bhardwaj, G. (2010). Social Psychology (12th
Edition). Delhi, Pearson Education, India.
 N.K. Chadha (ed) (2012) Social Psychology: McMillan Publishers , New Delhi
 Singh, A. K (2015). Social Psychology, 1 Edition, PHI Learning, Delhi
 Social Psychology by Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robert M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers,
9th Edition, Pearson Publication

Any other information :

Details of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) : 60 Marks

Test Marks : 25
Term Work Marks : 25
Details of Term work : 10
& Term-End Exam :40

Dr. Sreeleakha P
_________ ____________
Signature Signature
(Prepared by Concerned Faculty/HOD) (Approved by Dean)

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