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Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests

Contest Chair : Amelia Dewi

Deputy Chair :
Chief Judge : Miranda Rumi
Toastmaster : Yulius Sikku
SAA : Dinny Rhaudatun Nuris
Room Set Up :
Vote Counters (2) : Angelika Huang
Timers (2) : Purwanto
Registration (2) :
Promotion : Senny Chaerani
Printing :
Refreshments :

Venue : Zoom meeting

CONTESTANTS – Speech Evaluation

1. Bhavesh Khetpal
2. Deni Surya
3. Natali Tjahjadi
4. Benjamin Whitaker
5. Ayu Wirawati

CONTESTANTS – Table Topics

1. Benjamin Whitaker
2. Ping Hendra
3. Batoro Aji
4. Eric Johnson
5. Yuliani
6. Deni Surya
7. Natali Tjahjadi
8. Andre Maure
9. Bhavesh Khetpal
10. Jhon Manurung

CONTESTANTS – International Speech

1. Natali Tjahjadi : Are You Happy
2. Ping Hendra : I’ll do it later
3. Bhavesh Khetpal : My pursuit of happiness
4. Benjamin Whitaker : The Last three miles
5. Batoro Aji : Be Present, because it’s a gift
6. Ayu Wirawati : My right time is mine
Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests

Time Person in Charge Remarks

10.00 SAA May I have your attention please:

Fellow Toastmasters, Distinguished Guests, Welcome to the Magical Bali
Toastmaster club contest

As we are about to start the contest, may I remind you:

 For audience, Please mute your audio and turn off your video
 No Picture/recording taking during the contest
 For audience, please rename your self as “guest”
Now everybody.. are you ready?
Before we begin with the Contest, I’d like to invite our contest chair to
open the contest
10.03 Opening the Good morning Contestants, fellow Toastmasters and Guests. Let me
meeting welcome you to the 2021 Magical Bali Toastmaster Club Contest. There are
(Contest 11 contestants who will compete today.
We will have three sessions which are evaluation contest, table topics
contest and International Speech contest

Now I officially open the contest

Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce you to today’s Toastmaster of the

Contest: (Yulius Sikku)
10.08 Toastmaster of Opening remarks
the Contest As said before We will have three sessions which are evaluation contest,
(TOC) table topics contest and International Speech contest

For your information, today’s winners will progress to the Area Contest.
The first and second winners of each contest will proceed to the Division
contest. Today’s 1st and 2nd placed winners will represent Magical Bali
Toastmasters club. The 3rd place winners will be the alternate and will
represent Magical-Bali if either the 1st or 2nd place winners cannot attend.
Before we begin the contest, I think it’s better for us to know the rules first.
In order to do that, please help me welcome our Chief Judge, (Miranda

Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
Good morning Contest Chair, Contestants, fellow Toastmasters and Guests!
10.13 Chief Judge The contestants, judges, timers and ballot counters have been briefed. The
(Chief Judge) contestants have drawn for the speaking order. They will be speaking in
this order.
1. Bhavesh Khetpal 5. Ayu Wirawati
2. Deni Surya 6.
3. Natali Tjahjadi 7.
4. Benjamin Whitaker 8.
It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible.
 To be eligible a contestant must:
o Must be in good standing
o Not presently, nor have declared the intend to run for
International, District or Area office
 All speeches are to be substantially original – any quoted material must
be identified during the speech presentation.
 The time of Speech Evaluation Contest is 2–3 minutes. A contestant will
be disqualified from the contest if the speech is less than 1 minutes 30
seconds or more than 2 minutes 30 seconds.
 The light will be activated as follows (ensure the timer(s) activate the
lights/cardboards as you indicate the time).
o Green Light at 2 minutes,
o Amber Light at 2 minutes 30 seconds
o Red Light at 3 minutes and will stay on until the speaker has
finished speaking. No notice will be given if a speaker goes
 In the event of connection failure, 30 seconds will be granted to the
 Timing starts with the first word uttered or when the speaker uses any
form of communication to the audience.
 There will be one minute of silence between contestants for the judges
to mark their ballots.
 After the final contestant, an additional 5 minutes will be provided for
the judges to rank the contestants. Judges have been instructed not to
consider time in their ranking of contestants.
 All judges and a secret tie breaking judge are known only to the Chief
 Protest may be entered by the contestants or judges to either the Chief
Judge and/or Contest Chair.
 Once the results have been announced, all decisions are final.
 For audience, Please mute your audio and turn off your video
The contest may now begin. I return the control back to the Toastmaster of
the Contest: (TOC)

Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
10.18 Toastmaster of the  And now let the contest begin…
(TOC)  I would now like to call upon our Sample Speaker (Voon Chun Miin)
to present the Sample Speech. The Speech title is: “Looks Like Me,
Sounds Like Me, But It’s Not Me”
 Let’s give a warm welcome to (Voon Chun Miin)
 Voon Chun Miin /“Looks Like Me, Sounds Like Me, But It’s Not Me”
 “Looks Like Me, Sounds Like Me, But It’s Not Me”
/ Voon Chun Miin
Sample Speaker
(Voon Chun Miin)  Sergeant-at-Arms, please escort the Speech Evaluation Contestants
to break out rooms. We will have 5 minutes silence so the contestant
could prepare the evaluation. Timer please time.
(all the contestants are given 5 minutes to write their evaluation, while in break
out rooms the contestants turn on their video)

 Bhavesh, please pin the timer, check video and audio. Our 1st
contestant is Bhavesh Khetpal, Bhavesh Khetpal

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots,

 Deni please pin the timer check video and audio, Our 2nd contestant
is Deni Surya, Deni Surya

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots,

 Natali, please pin the timer check video and audio ,Our 3rd
contestant is Natali Tjahjadi, Natali Tjahjadi

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots,

 Ben, please pin the timer check video and audio, Our 4th contestant
is Benjamin Whitaker, Benjamin Whitaker

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots,

 Wira, please pin the timer, check video and audio. Our 5th contestant
is Ayu Wirawati, Ayu Wirawati

(After the last contestant):

Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
We will now remain silent until all judges have completed their
assessment (5 min of silence), timer please time

Let’s give all of the contestants a big round applause for their well-done

That concludes the first part of today’s contest.

11.00 Toastmaster of the Now we move on to the Table Topic Contest.
Contest I would like to call upon the Chief Judge to explain the rules for Table
Topic Contest. Help me welcome our Chief Judge, (Miranda Rumi)

11.03 Chief Judge Once again, good afternoon Contest Chair, Contestants, fellow
Toastmasters and Guests!
(Chief Judge)
The contestants, judges, timers and Ballotcounters have been briefed.
The Speech contestants have drawn for the speaking order. They will
be speaking in this order.
1. Benjamin Whitaker 6. Deni Surya
2. Ping Hendra 7. Natali Tjahjadi
3. Batoro Aji 8. Andre Maure
4. Eric Johnson 9. Bhavesh Khetpal
5. Yuliani 10 Jhon Manurung
It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible.
 To be eligible a contestant must:
o Be in good standing
o Not presently, nor have declared the intend to run for
International, District or Area office
 All speeches are to be substantially original – any quoted material
must be identified during the speech presentation.
 The time of Humorous Speech Contest is 1 – 2 minutes. A contestant
will be disqualified from the contest if the speech is less than 1
minutes or more than 2 minutes 30 seconds.
 The light will be activated as follows (ensure the timer(s) activate the
lights/cardboards as you indicate the time).
o Green Light at 1 minutes,
o Amber Light at 1,5 minutes,
o Red Light at 2 minutes and will stay on until the speaker has
finished speaking. No notice will be given if a speaker goes
 In the event of connection failure, 30 seconds will be granted to the
 Timing starts with the first word uttered or when the speaker uses
any form of communication to the audience.
Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
 There will be one minute of silence between contestants for the
judges to mark their ballots.
 After the final contestant, an additional 5 minutes will be provided
for the judges to rank the contestants. Judges have been instructed
not to consider time in their ranking of contestants.
 All judges and a secret tie breaking judge are known only to the
Chief Judge.
 Protest may be entered by the contestants or judges to either the
Chief Judge and/or Contest Chair.
 Once the results have been announced, all decisions are final..

The contest may now begin.

11.08 Toastmaster of the  And now.. .Let the Table Topic Contest begin...
Contest  Sergeant-at-Arms, please escort the Table Topic Contestants to break
out rooms, except Benjamin Whitaker who is the first contestant
(TOC) (while in break out rooms the contestants turn on their video)

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 1st contestant is: Benjamin Whitaker
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Benjamin Whitaker “A head full of fears has no space for dreams” /
“A head full of fears has no space for dreams” Benjamin Whitaker

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the second contestant Ping Hendra to Main

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 2nd contestant is: Ping Hendra
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Ping Hendra “A head full of fears has no space for dreams” / “A head
full of fears has no space for dreams” Ping Hendra

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the third contestant Batoro Aji to Main room

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 3rd contestant is: Batoro Aji
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Batoro Aji “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A head
full of fears has no space for dreams” Batoro Aji

Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the fourth contestant Eric Johnson to Main room
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 4th contestant is: Eric Johnson
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Eric Johnson “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A head
full of fears has no space for dreams” Eric Johnson

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the fifth contestant Yuliani to Main room
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 5th contestant is: Yuliani
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Yuliani “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A head full of
fears has no space for dreams” Yuliani

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the 6th contestant Deni Surya to Main room
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 6th contestant is: Deni Surya
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Deni Surya “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A head
full of fears has no space for dreams” Deni Surya

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the 7th contestant Natali Tjahjadi to Main room
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 7th contestant is: Natali Tjahjadi
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Natali Tjahjadi “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A
head full of fears has no space for dreams” Natali Tjahjadi

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the 8th contestant Andre Maure to Main room
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 8th contestant is: Andre Maure
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Andre Maure “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A
head full of fears has no space for dreams” Andre Maure

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the 9th contestant Bhavesh Khetphal to Main
Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 9th contestant is: Bhavesh Khetpal
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Bhavesh Khetpal “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/” A
head full of fears has no space for dreams” Bhavesh Khetpal

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots
please? And Escort the 10th contestant Jhon Manurung to Main
 please pin the timer, check video and audio
 Our 10th contestant is: Jhon Manurung
 The Topic is “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”
 Jhon Manurung “A head full of fears has no space for dreams”/ “A
head full of fears has no space for dreams” Jhon Manurung

12.03 Toastmaster of the Now we move on to the International speech Contest.

Contest I would like to call upon the Chief Judge to explain the rules for
International speech Contest. Help me welcome our Chief Judge,
(TOC) (Miranda Rumi)

12.08 Chief Judge Once again, good afternoon Contest Chair, Contestants, fellow
Toastmasters and Guests!
(Chief Judge)
The contestants, judges, timers and ballot counters have been briefed.
The Speech contestants have drawn for the speaking order. They will
be speaking in this order.
1. Natali Tjahjadi 4. Benjamin Whitaker
2. Ping Hendra 5. Batoro Aji
3. Bhavesh Khetpal 6. Ayu Wirawati
It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible.
 To be eligible a contestant must:
o Be in good standing
o Not presently, nor have declared the intend to run for
International, District or Area office
 All speeches are to be substantially original – any quoted material
must be identified during the speech presentation.
 The time of International Speech Contest is 5 – 7 minutes. A
contestant will be disqualified from the contest if the speech is less
than 5 minutes or more than 7 minutes 30 seconds.
 The light will be activated as follows (ensure the timer(s) activate the
lights/cardboards as you indicate the time).
o Green Light at 5 minutes,
o Amber Light at 6 minutes,
Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
o Red Light at 7 minutes and will stay on until the speaker has
finished speaking. No notice will be given if a speaker goes
 In the event of connection or light failure, 30 seconds will be granted
to the speaker.
 Timing starts with the first word uttered or when the speaker uses
any form of communication to the audience.
 There will be one minute of silence between contestants for the
judges to mark their ballots.
 After the final contestant, an additional 5 minutes will be provided
for the judges to rank the contestants. Judges have been instructed
not to consider time in their ranking of contestants.
 All judges and a secret tie breaking judge are known only to the
Chief Judge.
 Protest may be entered by the contestants or judges to either the
Chief Judge and/or Contest Chair.
 Once the results have been announced, all decisions are final.

The contest may now begin.

12.13 Toastmaster of the  And now.. .Let the International Speech Contest begin...

(TOC)  please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 1st contestant is: Natali Tjahjadi
Speech Title : Are you happy?
Natali Tjahjadi/Are you happy?
Are you happy?/Natali Tjahjadi

 Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 2nd contestant is: Ping Hendra
Speech title : I’ll do it later
Ping Hendra/I’ll do it later
I’ll do it later/Ping He

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 3rd contestant is: Bhavesh Khetpal
Speech title :

Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
Bhavesh Khetpal/Speech Title
Speech Title/Bhavesh Khetpal

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 4th contestant is: Benjamin Whitaker
Speech title : The last three miles
Benjamin Whitaker/The Last Three Miles
The Last Three Miles/Benjamin Whitaker

Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 5th contestant is: Batoro Aji
Speech title : Be Present, Because it’s a gift
Batoro Aji/ Be Present, Because it’s a gift
Be Present, Because it’s a gift /Batoro Aji
Can I have one minute of silence while the judges mark their ballots

 please pin the timer, check video and audio

 Our 6th contestant is: Ayu Wirawati
Speech title : My right time is mine
Ayu Wirawati/ My right time is mine
My right time is mine /Ayu Wirawati

(After the last contestant):

We will now remain silent until all judges have completed their ballots
and the ballots have been collected by our counters (5 minutes of

 Interview of the Contestants

Let’s give all of the contestants a big round applause for their well-done
speeches. (Hand out the certificate of participation)

Congratulations to all of you!

Now, it’s time for us to hear the results. Please welcome back the Chief
Judge, (Miranda Rumi)

Area G4 District 87
International Speech, Table Topic & Speech
Evaluation Contests
13.05 Chief Judge Announcement of Winners & Award Ceremony

(Chief Judge) I’d like to remind you that this evening’s winners will progress to the
Area Contest, whose winners will proceed to the Division contest
Today’s 1st and 2nd placed winners will represent our Club. The 3rd
place winners will be the alternate and will represent the area if either
the 1st or 2nd place winners cannot attend. Drum rolls please!

13.20 Contest Chair Closing Remarks

(Contest With the completion of the Award Presentation: Speech Evaluation,

Chairperson) International Speech, and Table Topics Contests have come to an end.
I’d like to thank the judges, contestants, the Toastmaster of the Contest,
the SAA, the Timers and our distinguished guests for coming to support
and cheer this evening. I hope that you have enjoyed the contest and if
this is your first time at a Toastmasters’ event, please don’t forget to
follow Magical-Bali Toastmasters Club social media on IG, Facebook, and
Magical Toastmasters TV YouTube Channel, so that you can get more
information about our club and join our next meeting.

See you all again very soon!


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