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…………Stuff ………..

1. Trust everyone, but always lock your camel up at night.

2. Everyone likes clear directions with a due date.
3. Do not permit improper behavior unless you want it to go on forever.
4. It is a business – do what’s best for the Company.
5. Doing other people’s work is a rookie mistake.
6. Bending rules is OK – Breaking the rules can result in loosing your livelihood.

 If you find someone sleeping at work…get the foreman to work it

 If you find someone reading a newspaper…. nothing to say since the Internet is
essentially the same.
 If you find someone using the Internet improperly…. if newspaper stuff, who cares.
But if porn, you go to HR
 If you find someone acting with discrimination…go to HR.
 If you find someone goofing off allot….get the foreman to work it.
 If you only hear about these things, and not find them yourself…. entrapment causes
a culture of distrust. Never entrap. The idea of teamwork is important.
 If you need to fire someone…. Get HR to do it, otherwise get them out of the field.
 If you need to hire someone…. Convince your boss and boss’s boss to help out.
Replacement folks are an EZ sell.
 If you need to convince someone of having to do something they don’t like…keep
asking “What-IF’s”…. like what if you work days? Give them an option out? Give
a special assignment?
 If someone files a grievance against you…. grievance is great, but until they decide
who wins, I’m still the boss.
 If your boss cracks and fly’s off the handle…. you keep a cool head.
 If your unit lines up pitch to a clean oil system…”use the process”
 If your vacuum column looses vacuum…”use the process”
 If your unit is loosing preheat and capacity due to fouling…”insist the tech’s to get
an answer”
 If your unit monitoring system does not recognize these values…”insist on what’s up
and get your tech person to KO out.”
 If your unit has a relief to flare or atmosphere….(use the process Luke)… like HCU,
“nobody is at fault”
 If your unit runs unreliable….”you suck”
 If your department does not have leadership….”you are the leadership”
 If your department does not have the skills needed….”move people, don’t expect to
change a person”
 If you don’t know all the skills that are needed….”talk to ones who do”
7. What does the job entail?
 Develop the budget
 Develop the department values
 Develop a great, autonomous team.
 Increase Moral
 Ensure the units are reliable
 Ensure the equipment is maintained properly (not like Delaware City)
 Take care of the shift foreman – do their dirty work since they need to go back and
face the music. All they get is a pain in the AXX.
 Ensure that the units are environmentally correct.
 Ensure that the units are community conscientious.

8. How do you go about these takes?

9. What does it take to be successful?

 Reliable.
 Increase throughput.
 No outstanding personnel problems

10. Which task is the most important?

11. How do you relate to the maintenance and technical organizations?

12. What hard side or soft side skills do you need or should you have?

13. How do you impress and get the next job.

14. What are the next jobs that can be built upon this experience?

15. How many staff?

16. What is the optimum overtime rate?

17. What staff positions are absolutely needed?

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