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Earth Science- Grade 12

Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 1 - Module 2: Minerals and Rocks
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Author: Rosalina B. Fantilaga

Reviewers: Jean S. Macasero, Shirley Merida, Duque Caguindangan, Eleanor Rollan,

Rosemarie Dullente, Marife Ramos, January Gay Valenzona, Mary Sieras, Arnold
Langam, Amelito Bucod

Illustrators and Layout Artists: Jessica Bunane Cuňado, Kyla Mae L. Duliano

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Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, Ph.D., CESO V
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Table of Contents

What This Module is About ................................................................................................................... i

What I Need to Know .............................................................................................................................. ii
How to Learn from this Module ............................................................................................................ii
Icons of this Module ...............................................................................................................................iii

What I Know ........................................................................................................................................... .iii

Lesson 1:
Composition and Structure of Minerals ..........................................................
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................
What’s New: Anticipation Guide (Minerals: Pre-reading
What Is It ........................................................................................................................
What’s More: Anticipation Guide (Minerals: Post-reading
What Is It: Terms to Remember...............................................................................
What’s More: Bubble Chart .......................................................................................
What I Have Learned: Self- test...............................................................................
What I Can Do: Online Browsing and familiarize different kinds of minerals
Key to Answers

Lesson 2:
Properties of Minerals ........................................................................................................
What’s In ........................................................................................................................
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................
What’s New: Examine the pictures
What Is It: Two questions given to assess the understanding of the concepts.
What’s More: Venn Diagram ..................................................................................
What I Have Learned: Self -test ..........................................................................
What I Can Do: Make a collage of the different kinds of minerals showing its
Summary .....................................................................................................................
Key to Answers
Lesson 3:
Classification of Rocks
Rock Cycle
What’s In ........................................................................................................................
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................
What’s New: Anticipation Guide (Pre-reading)
What Is It: Diagram of the Rock Cycle
What’s More: Anticipation Guide (Post-reading)
What I Have Learned: Identify the process of rock cycle
Classification of Rocks

What’s In ........................................................................................................................
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................
What Is It: Word: Classify the Rocks ..................................................................
What’s More: Word Analysis .................................................................................
What I Have Learned: Self-test ............................................................................
What I Can Do: Visit an area of your place .....................................................

Summary ................................................................................................................................................
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Key to Answers ....................................................................................................................................
References ............................................................................................................................................
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Module 2
Minerals and Rocks
What This Module is About
This module deals with the relationship between minerals and rocks. It is
important that we gain knowledge of the materials that make up the Earth’s crust.
Rocks and minerals are significant in the formation of earth as an inner planet. The
minerals that we will emphasize on this module are those which are rock-forming
and those which are highly important in our economy. It is necessary for use to have
a good understanding of the physical and chemical properties of minerals because
this will help us in identifying rock-forming minerals. By learning these earth
materials, we will have a good grasp of the various earth processes.
This module will help you understand the key concepts that will answer the
questions pertaining to minerals as the building block of rocks and the solid materials
that are the core of the earth processes.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

• Lesson 1- Composition and Structure of Minerals
• Lesson 2- Properties of Minerals
• Lesson 3- Classification of Rocks

What I Need to Know

Learning Objectives

In this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical

properties (S11ES-Ib-5);
2. Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic (S11ES-Ic-6)
B. They have a specific, internal, crystalline structure.
C. They have a specific, predictable chemical composition.
D. They can be identified by characteristic physical properties.
11. Which of the following elements bonds with silicon and forming silicates?
A. calcium C. oxygen
B. hydrogen D. Sodium

12. Which of the following characteristics refer to the tendency of minerals to break
forming smooth flat surfaces?
A. cleavage C. streak
B. conchoidal D. fracture

13. Which of the following is the most common mineral on the Earth’s surface?
A. feldspar C. olivine
B. mica D. Quartz

14. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of minerals?

A. possess a crystalline structure C. definite chemical composition
B. formed by inorganic processes D. either liquid or solid

15. Which of the following is the most abundant mineral group on the Earth's crust?
A. carbonates C. silicates
B. oxides D. sulfides

16. Which of the following refers to ability of minerals to reflect light on its surface?
A. Streak C. fluorescence
B. luster D. color

17. Which of the following is said to be the most unreliable (variable) diagnostic pro-
perty of minerals?
A. luster C. crystal form
B. hardness D. color
18. On Mohs hardness scale, which is the softest mineral?
A. apatite C. quartz
B. calcite D. talc

19. Which one of the following is NOT one of the eight most common elements in
Earth's crust?
A. aluminum C. carbon
B. calcium D. potassium

20. Which of the following best suits the definition of a mineral?

A. clastic and mafic C. naturally occurring and crystalline
B. foliated and amorphous D. organic and solution

21. Which of the following refers to an aggregate of one or more minerals?

A. compounds C. mineraloids
B. elements D. rock
22. Which of the following leads to formation of an igneous rock?
A. at great depth within Earth C. by changes in mineral composition
B. by crystallization of molten rock D. by the weathering of pre-existing rocks

23. Which of the following is produced when limestone undergoes metamorphism?

A. phyllite C. marble
B. mica schist D. gneiss

24. Sedimentary rocks account for about how much in the total percentage of rocks
found in all continents?
A. 20 C. 50
B. 35 D. 75

25. Which of the following does NOT refer to sedimentary rocks?

A. may contain fossils
B. may be economically important
C. hold important clues to Earth's history
D. formed because of heat and pressure at depths
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Composition and Structure of
1 Minerals

What’s In

Are the minerals present in dietary supplements and the minerals we are talking
about here the same?

No. From geologic perspective, a mineral must be naturally occurring crystalline

solid. Minerals found in dietary supplements are human-made inorganic compounds
that contain elements needed to sustain life. These dietary minerals typically contain
elements that are metals- calcium, potassium, phosphorus magnesium, and iron.
Although these two types of “minerals” are different, they are related. The sources of
the elements used to make dietary supplements are in fact the naturally occurring
minerals on Earth’s crust. It should also be noted that vitamins are organic
compounds produced by living organisms, not inorganic compounds, like minerals.

What’s New

Learning activity no. 1a: ANTICIPATION GUIDE

Write Yes if the statement is true, otherwise, No if the statement is not correct.
Write your answer in the pre-reading column. Do not answer the post reading yet.
You can answer the post reading column after you have reading the characteristics
of minerals below. You are given only 5 minutes to answer the statement below.

If you are done in answering the pre-reading column, set aside your

Pre-Reading Statements Post Reading

(write your answer (write your answer
before reading the after reading the
text below) text below)
1. Is a mineral solid? 1.
2. Is a mineral naturally occurring crystalline materials? 2.
3. Is a mineral has definite chemical composition? 3.
4. Is a mineral organic substance? 4.
5. Is a mineral an aggregate of rock? 5.
4. Chemical composition: Most minerals exist as chemical compounds composed
of two or more elements. The chemical formula of salt, or halite, is NaCl. A few
minerals, consist of only one type of atom such as graphite (carbon, in this case),
therefore, the chemical formula for graphite is written simply as C. All minerals are
defined by their chemical composition. Quartz, for example, has the chemical
formula SiO2 .The gemstone amethyst is a form of quartz that is colored pale to deep
purple by the presence of the impurity Iron (Fe).

Figure 1: An example of rose quartz Figure 2: Quartz (amethyst)

5. Orderly crystalline structure: Minerals are crystalline substance which means

the chemical composition of a mineral is reflected internally in a regular, repeating
arrangement of atoms, called the crystal structure of the mineral. The crystal
structure of halite is shown in Figure 2a and Figure 2b is cubic shape. The cubic
shape of salt crystals very clearly reflects the right-angle bonds between the Sodium
(Na) and Chlorine (Cl) atoms in its atomic structure.

Figure 2a: structure of sodium Figure 2b: The cubic shape of salt
chloride crystal crystals results from the regular
the crystal

Through organic and inorganic processes, minerals are formed. A few

naturally occurring substances called mineraloids have characteristic chemical
compositions but are amorphous (having no definite shape). Opal is an example.

What’s More
Now, you are done reading the text. To check your understanding from
the discussion above, it’s time for you to answer the post reading part of the
anticipation guide. Try to compare your answers with your pre-reading
answers. Check the correctness of your answer but please be honest.

Properties of Minerals
What’s In

Learning Concept

Now that you have gained knowledge about minerals, it is time for you to
know about the properties of minerals. Take note of the following points:

❖ Minerals are identified using a set of properties.

❖ Looking at more than one property is important when identifying minerals .

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify a mineral by using their physical properties such as color, luster,

streak, cleavage, and hardness etc.
 Compare and contrast the minerals by using their properties physical and
chemical properties. Understand that it is necessary to examine more than
one property to identify a mineral.

What’s New

Examine the pictures below. Can you identify these

minerals by looking at them?
It’s time for you to know the different properties
of minerals, so that you can easily identify
the minerals found in your surroundings.


Minerals differ from each other in chemical composition and architecture, and
these factors produce distinctive physical properties that enable minerals to be

Minerals are solids formed primarily by inorganic processes. Each mineral has
an orderly arrangement of atoms (crystalline structure) and a particular chemical
composition, which provides it a singular set of physical properties. Minerals can be
identified by their color, luster, streak, cleavage, hardness, and even by their
chemical composition. Using these properties is one way a Geologist defines and
identifies what kind of mineral a specimen is.

1. Crystal form – The external expression of a mineral that reflects the orderly
internal arrangement of atoms. A crystal may be a solid, homogeneous, displaying
an orderly array of atoms and should be in any size. The shape of a mineral’s
crystal is determined by the arrangement of atoms within it. Some crystals have
smooth, planar and regular geometric shapes. These are what most people think of
as crystals. These crystals rarely occur in nature, however, to develop those
beautifully-shaped crystals, the mineral must have unlimited space for growing.
When minerals start to form solid structure, microscopic crystals form and
grow. This results from the cooling of molten material or through precipitation from a
solution. These tiny crystals will continue to grow until they run out of space. Their
shape will simply reflect the form of the void which they grew. A nicely shaped crystal
such as a geode will be formed if the growing crystal runs out of material before it
runs out of space. Examples of which will include pyrite and quartz.

A. Pyrite B. Quartz (variety: amethyst) C. Quartz (variety: white)

2. Luster – This property describes the appearance of a mineral when light is

reflected from its surface. Is it shiny or dull: does it appear as like a metal or like
glass? Generally, the first thing you notice when identifying an unknown sample is
the mineral’s luster. Minerals that have the appearance of metals, regardless of
color, are said to have a metallic luster, like pyrite crystals. Minerals with a
nonmetallic luster are described by various adjectives. They may be described as
vitreous (glassy -like crystals), pearly, silky, resinous, and earthy (dull). Some
minerals appear somewhat metallic in luster and are said to be sub-metallic.

Minerals with a metallic luster look like metals such as steel or Copper. They
possess characteristics of being shiny and opaque, even when watching through a
skinny edge. Many metallic minerals become dull or earthy when they are exposed
to the elements for a long time (like Silver, they tarnish). To determine whether or not
a mineral exhibits a metallic luster, you may want to check out a recently broken part
of the mineral and exposed it to light. Minerals with an earthy luster exhibits earth or
dirt like features. Like metallic minerals, these are completely opaque, but dull. One
example is rust on Iron or tarnish that forms on metals. Vitreous luster is like that of
a shiny glass which may vary from translucent to transparent. Remember that glass
can be almost any color, including black, so don't be fooled by the color. Also, a dark
piece of glass may appear to be opaque if its thick enough. If you hold a thin edge up
to the light you should be able to see light bleeding through. Minerals with a waxy
luster look like paraffin, typically translucent but dull. Moreover, minerals with pearly
luster have an appearance almost like a pearl or that of an abalone shell –
translucent and glossy. When exposed to sunlight, a rainbow effect is displayed on
the surface (similar to an oil slick).

A. Pyrite B. This rock contain gold & copper

3. Color – This is the most obvious feature of a mineral but often an unreliable
diagnostic property. Many minerals are found in several colors. This is may be
attributed to the impurities added to the minerals. Some may have extra chemicals in
them that give them an unexpected color. One good example is quartz. Due to
impurities, quartz may have variety of colors including pink, purple (amethyst), milky
white, and even black.

Quartz (white & amethyst)

4. Streak – This color of the mineral in its powdered form, which may or may not be
the same color as the outward color of the mineral. Streak is useful for identifying
minerals with metallic or earthy luster. Streak is obtained by scratching the mineral
on an unpolished piece of white porcelain called a streak plate. When the mineral is
rubbed across the plate, it produces a powder of that mineral, the reason that the
streak plate is harder than most minerals. When the excess powder is blown away,
what remains is the true color of the mineral. Streaking reveals the internal color of
the mineral thus it is more reliable than color in identifying minerals.
5. Hardness – This refers to a measure of the resistance of a mineral to abrasion or
scratching. Geologists use a standard hardness scale, called the Mohs scale. It
consists of 10 minerals arranged in order from 10 (hardest) to 1 (softest).

Table: Mohs scale of mineral hardness

Relative Scale Mineral Hardness of Some Common Objects
Hardest 10 Diamond
9 Corundum
8 Topaz 8.5 Masonry Drill bit
7 Quartz
6 Potassium
Feldspar 5.5 Glass, Pocketknife
5 Apatite
4 Fluorite
3 Calcite 3.5 Copper Penny
2 Gypsum 2.5 Fingernail
Softest 1 Talc

6. Cleavage – A mineral that exhibits cleavage consistently breaks, or cleaves,

along parallel flat surfaces called cleavage planes. Some examples are exhibited by
the following: halite, calcite, and fluorite as shown in the table.

Figure 2.15 Common

cleavage directions
exhibited by minerals.
(Photos courtesy of E. J.

7. Fracture – Minerals that don't exhibit cleavage when broken have exhibits fracture
like quartz. Minerals that break into smooth curved surfaces like those seen in
broken glass have a conchoidal fracture. Others break into splinters or fibers, like
asbestos, but most minerals fracture irregularly. Fractures are generally rough or
irregular, instead of flat, and thus appear duller than cleavage surfaces. Some
minerals fracture in a way that helps spot them. There are other kinds of fracture that
exist in nature such as fibrous, splintery, or irregular.
8. Specific gravity –The specific gravity of a mineral is the weight of that mineral
divided by the weight of an equal volume of water. The specific gravity of water
equals 1.0, by definition. Most silicate, or rock-forming, minerals have specific
gravities of two .6 to 3.4; the ore minerals are usually heavier, with specific gravities
of 5 to eight. If you compare similar-sized samples of two different minerals, the one
with the higher specific gravity will feel the heaviest; it has a greater heft. For most
minerals, relative density isn't a very noteworthy feature, except for some, high
relative density is distinctive (examples are barite and galena). The average specific
gravity for mineral is around 2.7.

9. Other properties
a. Taste – The salty taste if halite makes it easy to identify
b. Smell – Sulfur smells like rotten-egg.
c. Elasticity –A thin sheet of mica will bend and elastically snapback
d. Malleability- Gold for example is widely use because of its ability to be
hammered and turn into sheets.
e. Feel – Minerals like talc and graphite are easily identified due to the distinct
feeling they give to the observer; talc feels soapy while graphite feels greasy
f. Magnetism – Some minerals with high Iron content like hematite can easily be
identified using a magnetite.
g. Double refraction – Some mineral like the transparent calcite exhibits double
refraction when light passes through them. When a printed material is placed
under it, the text will appear double.
h. Reaction to hydrochloric acid – Like calcite and other carbonates, some
minerals react rapidly to weak acids. When exposed to acids, these minerals
will effervesce (fizz) indicating the release of Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas.


Approximately 4000 minerals have been named and new ones are identified
each year, but only a few dozen are common. Eight elements make up the bulk of
these minerals, and represent more than 98 percent (by weight) of continental crust.
The eight elements that compose most rock forming minerals, are: Oxygen (O),
Silicon (Si), Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K),
and Magnesium (Mg). Oxygen (46.6% by weight) and Silicon (27.7% by weight) are
the most abundant elements in the crust of the earth.
All silicate minerals have the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron as their fundamental
building block. In some silicate minerals the tetrahedra are joined in chains; in
others, the tetrahedra are arranged into sheets, or three-dimensional networks.
The term ore is employed to denote useful metallic minerals, like hematite
(mined for iron) and galena (mined for lead) which will be mined for a profit also as
some nonmetallic minerals, like fluor¬ite and sulfur, that contain useful substances.
There are different kinds of minerals. They are classified according to their
properties, chemical composition or uses. Table 2.1 lists the common groups of
minerals with corresponding examples and uses.

2. Fill the table below by identifying and grouping the minerals used to
demonstrate each physical property.

hematite pyrite (2) sulfur potassium feldspar calcite(2)

quartz (3) biotite diamond magnetite copper fluorite (2)
corundum topaz (2) talc halite galena earthy (goethite)
feldspar moscuvite

Streak Color Hardness Luster Cleavage

What’s More
Using the Venn diagram below, pick two minerals to compare and contrast.
Name at least 3 similarities and 3 differences between 2 minerals.

Mineral 1 Write 3 Mineral 2

Write 3 differences similarities Write 3 of
of both differences
2. Identify the minerals

Streak Color Hardness Luster Cleavage

hematite quartz diamond copper calcite
pyrite fluorite corundum pyrite halite
biotite sulfur topaz earthy (goethite) fluorite
quartz talc quartz galena muscovite
magnetite topaz potassium calcite feldspar

Self- Test

1. F 6. T
2. T 7. F
3. T 8. T
4. F 9 .F
5. T 10. T

Classification of Rocks

What I Need to Know

To understand the relationship between minerals and rocks, imagining a

Choco Mucho chocolate bar might just help you! It is made up of several different
materials: chocolate, wafer cereal crispies coated, and caramel. A rock is like that
chocolate bar. There is an aggregate of distinctive components that makes it. Mainly,
these components are the minerals which you have just learned from the previous
lesson. Rock components and origin are used to identify them.
Learning Objectives
After reading the text, this lesson student should be able to:
1. draw the diagram and explain the rock cycle; and
2. classify the different kinds of rock based on their mode of origin.

What’s In

Why study rocks? As you have learned in the previous topic, minerals are
the building blocks of rocks. Rock is composed of one or more minerals. These earth
materials, rocks and minerals have great economic value and the earth processes
from which they originate, determine their properties.

In this lesson, we will discuss the classification of rocks based on their

mode of origin. Before examining each group as igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rock, we will view first the rock cycle, which describes the
interrelationships among these rock groups.
Complete the Rock Cycle diagram by placing terms from a word bank into the

(Molten rock)


2. 10. 8.

7. Heat &
3. 11

4. 6.
Cementation & compaction
Classification of Rocks

1. Igneous rock form from magma that cools and solidifies in a process called
crystallization. Crystal size depends on the rate of cooling. The faster the rate of
cooling is, the smaller the crystal; this is because, there is less time for crystals of the
same chemical composition to group together. On the other hand, the slower the rate
of cooling, the bigger the crystal sizes are; this is because the longer time for cooling
is, the more the time for crystals of the same chemical composition to group
together. The texture of igneous rocks is classified into four (4): 1) fine-grained, 2)
coarse-grained, 3) porphyritic, and 4) glassy. Texture among minerals refers to the
size and arrangement of crystals.

Types of texture
Texture Description Example
1. Fine-grained fast rate of cooling

2.Coarse-grained slow rate of cooling

3.Porphyritic (two two rates of cooling
crystal sizes)

Andesite porphyry
4. Glassy very fast rate of cooling


Igneous rocks can be categorized based on their texture and mineral

composition. Felsic rocks are usually made up of the light-colored silicate minerals
like Potassium feldspar and quartz. More examples of this are granite and rhyolite.
Rocks of intermediate composition contain plagioclase feldspar and amphibole such
as andesite. Mafic rocks (e.g. basalt) contain abundant olivine, pyroxene, and
calcium feldspar

Classification of Igneous Rocks

Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

There are two groups of sedimentary rocks based on the source of the material.
1. Detrital sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of materials that
originated from pre-existing rocks and was transported in the form of sediments as a
result of mechanical and chemical weathering. Common examples of this rock
classification include shale (most abundant), siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate or

Classification of detrital sedimentary rock name.

Sediment Detrital Rock name Example
Gravel Conglomerate or

Sand Sandstone

Silt Siltstone

Clay Shale

2. Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed when the dissolved substances from pre-
existing rocks are precipitated by either inorganic or organic processes. Precipitation
may occur directly as the result of inorganic processes or indirectly as the result of
life processes by water dwelling organism like snails and clams that produce
Calcium carbonate and is said to have a biochemical origin.

Common sedimentary rocks

1. Limestone is the most abundant chemical sedimentary rock. It is made up of
Calcium carbonate and forms either by inorganic means or as the result of
biochemical processes.
“Identified Biochemical Limestone”

a. Coquina is a coarse rock composed of poorly cemented shells and shell

b. Chalk is a rock made up almost entirely of hard parts of microscopic organisms
that are not longer than the head of a pin.
c. Travertine is a form of limestone (CaCO3) that is deposited by hot springs or as a
cave deposit. This type of limestone is commonly seen decorated in caverns
or as a deposit when groundwater containing Calcium carbonate
2. Microcrystalline quartz (precipitated quartz) are very small crystals which cannot
be seen by the naked eye. Examples include chert (light color), flint
(dark), jasper(red) and agate(banded)

3. Evaporites form eventually when the water saturated with salt evaporates but
leaves the deposit behind such as rock salt and gypsum.

Fossiliferous limestone

Coquina Chalk Rock salt

4. Coal is made up mostly of organic matter, it is the end-product of the burial of

large amounts of plant material over extended periods. Lignite and bituminous coals
are sedimentary rocks, but anthracite is a metamorphic rock. Anthracite is formed
when bituminous coal undergoes metamorphism, and although it burns more
cleanly, it is not as widespread and is more expensive to mine.

Bituminous coal

Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

3. Metamorphic rocks (“changed form" rocks) are formed from igneous rocks,
sedimentary rocks or even from other metamorphic rocks. Metamorphism is the
change in the mineral’s composition and texture of the rock when subjected to high
temperature and pressure within the earth; there is transformation of pre-existing
rocks. The degree of metamorphism is shown in the rock's texture and mineralogy.
1. Low-grade (slight changes) e.g., shale becomes slate
2. High-grade (substantial changes) causes the original features to be obliterated.

Metamorphic settings
1. Contact or thermal metamorphism takes place when the rock is intruded by
magma. Here, change is driven by the rise in temperature within the host rock
surrounding a molten igneous body.
2. Regional metamorphism occurs when a large area is affected due to large-scale
heat and pressure such as mountain building. When this happens, metamorphism
produces a great volume of metamorphic rocks.
6. Which common mineral is composed entirely of silicon and oxygen?
A. Calcite C. Olivine
B. Diamond D. Quartz

7. What characteristics of a mineral refers to resistance to abrasion?

A. cleavage C. luster
B. hardness D. streak

8. Which mineral is easily soluble in water at room temperature conditions?

A. Diamond C. Olivine
B. Halite D. Talc

9. Which element is the most abundant in the Earth's crust by weight?

A. Carbon C. Oxygen
B. Chlorine D. Sodium

10. Which one of the following is NOT true for minerals?

A. They may be liquid, solid, or gas form.
B. They have a specific, internal, crystalline structure.
C. They have a specific, predictable chemical composition.
D. They can be identified by characteristic physical properties.
11. Which of the following elements bonds with silicon and forming silicates?
A. calcium C. oxygen
B. hydrogen D. Sodium

12. Which of the following characteristics refer to the tendency of minerals to break
forming smooth flat surfaces?
A. cleavage C. streak
B. conchoidal D. fracture

13. Which of the following is the most common mineral on the Earth’s surface?
A. feldspar C. olivine
B. mica D. Quartz

14. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of minerals?

A. possess a crystalline structure C. definite chemical composition
B. formed by inorganic processes D. either liquid or solid

15. Which of the following is the most abundant mineral group on the Earth's crust?
A. carbonates C. silicates
B. oxides D. sulfides

16. Which of the following refers to ability of minerals to reflect light on its surface?
A. Streak C. fluorescence
B. luster D. color

17. Which of the following is said to be the most unreliable (variable) diagnostic pro-
perty of minerals?
A. luster C. crystal form
B. hardness D. color
Common elements of the earth crust
Lesson 3 Classification of rocks
Anticipation Guide Post-reading
1. YES
2. NO
5. YES

Rock Cycle diagram

1. crystallization
2. Igneous rock
3. Weathering, Transportation, & Deposition
4. sediments
5. lithification
6. sedimentary rock
7. metamorphism
8. metamorphic rock
9. melting
10. heat & pressure
11. weathering & erosion
12. weathering and erosion

Classification of rocks
Igneous rock Sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock
granite gypsum anthracite
rhyolite shale quartzite
obsidian arkose marble
pumice sandstone slate
scoria conglomerate gneiss

Word Analysis
1. basalt
2. shale
3. melting
4. weathering
5. sheeting

Multiple Choice
1. D 7. D
2. D 8. C
3. C 9. C
4. B 10. B
5. D 11. A
6. A 12. D
1. B 14. D
2. C 15. C
3. C 16. B
4. A 17. D
5. A 18. D
6. D 19. C
7. B 20. C
8. B 21. D
9. C 22. B
10. A 23. A
11. C 24. D
12. A 25. D
13. A



Tarbuck, Edward.J, Lutgens, Frederick. K. and Tasa, Dennis. 2009 Earth Science
Tarbuck, Edward J., Lutgens, Frederick. K. 2004 Earth Science 10th ed(Phil. Ed).

MELC4_Project EASE Integrated Science Inside the Solid Earth: Lesson 2 Minerals
and Rocks

Johansson L., Alderton, Westholm, D., 2015 in Reference Module in Earth Systems
and Environmental Sciences

Photo: Rosalina B. Fantilaga

Web Resources: minerals by chemical group, name U.S. Geological Survey, minerals in U.S. Link to all state geological surveys minerals>rocks
https://www.Sciencedirect. com/mineral resources

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City

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Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
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