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Success Stories


1. My SP journey and Success 3 

2. Got My Boyfriend Back 8 
3. I Manifested Him Back! 14 
4. You Can Definitely Have Your SP! 16 
5. Never Give Up! 19 
6. Decided To Just Let Go 23 
7. How I Turned My Relationship Around 27 
8. Back Together With My SP 29 
9. SP Success Story - This Is Amazing 30 
10. It's Real, Here Is Proof 32 
11. My SP Superbowl Sunday Success Story! 38 
12. How I Used Neville Goddard 42 
13. Success Story 45 
14. Once Everything Clicked 48 
15. I Told You I'll Be Back 52 
16. SP Success Story + Few Tips 55 
17. An Example Of How  59 
18. It Really Works! 63 
19. My “Celebrity” Sp Story 64 
20. How I Manifested My SP 67 
21. How I Got My Sp 72 
23. After 9 Months of Silence 83 
24. I Manifested My Friend An SP 84 
25. Two Manifestations In One Go! 86 
26. Just As I Had Decided To Give Up… 89 
27. Alright folks, I Did It 90 
28. You Won’t FUCKING Believe It 92 
29. How I Manifested My SP Back! 95 
30. EVERYTHING Happened As I Imagined!! 98 
31. How I Got My SP Back 105 
32. My Success Story Finally! 109 
33. Finally My Success Story! 113 
34. Me And My SP Are Close Again 116 
35. Sp Is Back And I Finally Accepted Who I Am 117 
37. Manifesting An SP Absolutely Works… 119 
38. Over 2 Years No Contact....He's Back 123 
39. I Decided To Come Back 125 
40. My Sister Manifested Her SP 127 
41. Sp Success Story 128
My SP journey and success!!! 
English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes 
and this will be a long post… 
I wanted to write about my story to reassure everyone who's trying to manifest a SP 
that it is absolutely possible. 
The backstory is very long but I try to keep it as short as possible.  
My SP is an ex and never in my life I wanted to attract an ex back but I just couldn't 
get him out of my mind, trying to forget him or dating others just didn't work. 
We had been in a relationship from around 2004 to 2013, it was me who broke it and 
we remained friends.  
The time where the separation happened was a very confusing one for me and the 
separation never felt right to me but I didn't want to hurt him any further or be 
egoistical, so I kept with my decision. 
In 2016 we met more frequently again and my feelings for him became stronger and 
He wanted me back as well but I felt I had done an unforgivable mistake when I called 
it a day and that I had lost him, that things could never be as they had been again and 
oh boy, did that manifest but I didn't know about Neville back then. 
The more guilty and lost I felt, the more he would distance himself from me until he 
got into a relationship with someone else.  
He told me she wasn't the love of his life but he felt I didn't want him or otherwise I 
wouldn't have called it a day back then.  
Exactly what I had feared - that I had done an unforgivable mistake and he would 
never give me a chance again.  
I was shattered and an enormous neediness in me was created that led to much more 
drama. I did all the wrong things you could imagine. 
From late 2016 our contact that had been steady and almost daily even in the worst of 
times for years faded almost completely.  
By the middle of 2017 I found Neville but I was confused and also read a lot about 
Now and then I manifested little things, like messages or even a meeting with him but 
it soon went downhill again and I was faced with depression, self doubt and 
loneliness again. 
From February 2018 on nothing was happening anymore on the outside.  
When I wrote to him, no matter how caring, he would just ignore my messages.  
And yet I couldn't get over him.  
In the summer I started to study Neville much more seriously and also ditched all the 
other LOA stuff because I felt it was contradictory. 
For almost three months I would imagine him and me reconciling almost daily.  
I say almost daily because there were days where I would definitely fall back to the 
"old man" as Neville calls it and I felt like a fool doing these things.  
But the more I studied Neville, the more I could see the truth in this. 
It worked everywhere and always, so I tried to remember what he said about 
persistence and practice. 
After a while I added the nightly method to my routine.  
It wasn't easy in the beginning because I remembered all that had been said and 
done between my SP and me too well, it still hurt and we were in no contact for 
months now.  
But I persisted as good as I could.  
I also ditched the idea of reaching out to him although it was tempting.  
For the life of me I couldn't imagine him reaching out to me all by himself because 
when we had contact in the last two years, it was always initiated by me and he would 
only reply shortly and cold-ish if he wouldn't just ignore me. 

However, over the months of doing what Neville says we should do, things started to 
change in me.  
The first thing was that my depression faded.  
Yes, I still had very bad days in between but they became less and less.  
Overall I started to feel good and weirdly (to me it was because mentally and 
emotionally I came from a very dark place) optimistic again.  
I started to care more for myself, for my appearance and well being.  
I would start to enjoy my old hobbies again, I would reconnect to friends (many of my 
other relationships had gone downhill over this miserable period as well, almost my 
entire life was a nightmare to be frank) and I started to feel pleasure in myself and life 
That alone was a big success for me. 
Ironically I had a huge meltdown when I registered here and posted for the first time to 
this sub.  
In the weeks before I had also felt as if I had become indifferent to my SP and had 
stopped doing SATS a few days before because something in me would just block 
them as unnecessary and as nothing on the outside happened...  
Well, you can imagine - I did fall back to the "old man" once again.  
Also, I started worrying, as I remembered some of the LOA stuff I had read, that it may 
just not be possible or right to attract a specific person.  
I never wanted to "force" someone to love me after all, etc.  
But the replies I got here and what I read in the comment sections showed me how 
stupid and unnecessary my doubting was. 
And only 2 days later (November 2018) he reached out!!!  
All by himself and I thought I was dreaming because it wasn't only one message.  
He would, after ignoring me for weeks and months, shower me with messages just like 
in the old days.  
I didn't post about it here because I wanted to watch how this would go and there was 
something not so nice happening in between.  
He started sexting me and I felt used and started doubting the process again.  
But I now knew better.  
I realized that I had been so needy and doubtful before that he was again myself 
pushed out. 
And I revised it... I would go to bed and imagine my true end goal - him and me 
together as a truly happy and deeply connected couple.  
From then on, things started to change dramatically.  
He apologized, he phoned me (we hadn't phoned since last December), he told my 
cousin that he was absolutely unhappy in his relationship for a very long time, that she 
was just a rebound for him because he had always wanted me and that he was 
thinking of calling it quits with her since the beginning of their relationship. 
He's texting me daily now, all by himself, we phone and share a mutually respectful 
and meaningful contact.  
When I don't have time, he asks me if something is wrong and that he's thinking of me 
all the time.  
He, who would ignore messages and calls from me for months, reaches out and even 
gets impatient if I don't reply to him within hours sometimes.  
We want to meet soon and would have done so already, but he's quite ill at the 
We've also talked about our relationship and we take it slowly now as his girlfriend is 
about to move out and as he's ill.  
He needs some time to recover from all of this. 
Sometimes these days I'm sitting here and am just amazed as to how easy all of this 
has become, remembering my desperate times and the thoughts and feelings of 
having him lost forever.  
I love him, as a human being alone and I'm so grateful. 
The most important thing is that I have the total belief now that everything Neville 
teaches is nothing but the truth and whatever happens, whatever I desire, I know I can 
create or re-create it. 
I'm also grateful beyond words for this sub where I learned so much and I want to 
thank you all who helped me and inspired me deeply. 
Also, I truly hope this post will be inspiring to all who are struggling.  
My story wasn't easy at all.  
I've wasted literally years feeling utterly down and depressed and it took me years to 
truly comprehend that I had done all of this to myself, that I created everything with my 
thoughts, negative beliefs and assumptions.  
Stick with Neville and Neville only.  
He's the key knowledge that can and will help you to get rid of all your problems.  
It can be hard sometimes, but I started reading his books or listening to his lectures 
every few days now, so that I won't ever fall back to the old pattern. 

Got My Boyfriend Back. Here's What I Did… 
I'm so happy that I get to write a success story here.  
Yours helped me so much, and I'm grateful to offer you mine so you can see what I 
did, and hopefully I can help at least one person to not give up with whatever they are 
So a little background quickly on our relationship.  
We dated for just over one year, moving in together shortly after starting dating.  
Long story short, it went bad quite fast because I had so many insecurities and stuff. 
He broke up with me on December 30th (just gone) and I moved out the same day. 
Anyway, we sorta tried to work it out for the next week but then on the 6th of Jan he 
called me and basically said he wants to end it for good etc.  
He was blunt and rude, and seemed to be unfazed at the idea of saying goodbye.  
He gave me nothing to work with or no hope so I was crushed. 
I had watched the secret as a kid but forgot about it.  
But then like 2 years ago I watched an LoA based video on how to manifest a text.  
It worked within 5 minutes and it was VERBATIM.  
But then for whatever reason, I never pursued that further and kinda forgot I did it.  
So the day after we broke up, the LoA popped into my head again and I wanted to try 
to use it to get him back.  
That eventually led me down the path of discovering Neville's teachings, and that's 
when things started to click for me.  
I knew this was the correct way of doing things.  
It resonated with me and I knew it was going to work. 

I became a little obsessed with it, not gonna lie.  

For the last 2 weeks I have completely absorbed myself in this.  
Watching lectures on YouTube, listening to success stories, reading them and other 
Neville things, etc.  
I would come home from work and spend hours studying his teachings.  
It ended up becoming about more than getting him back and more about discovering 
our awesome power as creators, as is usually the case, but my original desire was still 
there and I was going to keep it up until I got it. 
I experimented with different techniques and I didn't really have a rigid routine at first.  
I tried SATS but kept failing to find a good scene to replay.  
I kept automatically recalling scenes from the house that we shared, but that made me 
unhappy because our relationship at the time was unhappy.  
I needed to find a new scene but one which indicated that we were once again 
together but this time in a new, healthy relationship.  
I made it way more complicated than it needed to be by OVER-THINKING the scene.  
Any scene would have sufficed, as long as my subconscious could link the scene to 
my wish.  
And I was creating it, so of course it could.  
I just wanted to do everything right, because I wanted this to all to happen as quickly 
as possible. 
Then as I learned and read more, it became apparent to me thanks to some helpful 
comments, that if I saw myself with this person for the rest of my life.  
Why was I even bothering to imagine us dating, when I could just imagine us being 
happily married?  
That would take care of the dating aspect and it would take care of the texting/calling 
It would take care of literally everything in between.  
It was a massive weight off my shoulders.  
It was also easier to think of a scene for SATS.  
I thought of dancing at our wedding.  
It felt so natural and real to me.  
Far more natural and real than any "dating" scene I had tried to imagine.  
So that's what I stuck with.  
I still had issues with it not being vivid though, but still I kept trying. 
It felt so incredibly normal for me to imagine being married to him, that I finally 
understood what it meant to live in the wish fulfilled.  
Everything that he talks about, everything that everyone else talks about, it finally 
I just ​knew​ that it was done.  
I knew it was already done.  
I could ACTUALLY let it go, comfortably and naturally. 
This was only YESTERDAY!  
I walked around in a state of complete bliss and contentment all day yesterday and all 
day today.  
I knew I'd gotten my wish.  
I didn't miss him anymore because he was already with me.  
I didn't want a text from him, nor was I expecting one.  
Why would I anxiously wait for a text when we were already married! 
So what happened today?  
He texted me.  
He told me he wanted to talk.  
We met up.  
He told me he wanted to date me again. 
It has been 2 weeks since we broke up!  
2 weeks!  
I didn't practice the Law of Attraction before this, and I had no idea who Neville 
Goddard was prior to 2 weeks ago! 
What made it finally happen was imagining a scenario that felt right.  
Like it felt normal, natural, all that stuff.  
That allowed me to disregard my physical circumstances, and to actually feel that I 
was already there.  
I didn't even do SATS properly!  
And it still worked! 
So it really IS just as simple as believing it to be done.  
But you have to believe it, so it has to be realistic for you in a way. 
A couple of things: 
I got sad every single day.  
As soon as I got sad, I looked at more Neville lol.  
It seriously just never fails to brighten my day.  
I absolutely refused to give up.  
I got overcome with fear and negativity many times, but I always counteracted it with 
something positive.  
Literally every day I would say things like "so-and-so loves me, really wants to talk to 
me, he has no bad feelings towards anymore."  
When he texted me today he was exactly how I pictured him.  
He had completely softened.  
I changed the way he felt about me just by believing it which is where a strong sense of 
self comes into it.  
You have to believe you are good enough, so that you can fully believe they think 
you're good enough so that you can tell yourself they think these things, and really 
believe it.  
I don't have social media.  
I stayed away from any news websites, movies, or TV because they were keeping me 
from focusing. 
So all I really did was affirmations and a very bad attempt at visualizing, but it allowed 
me to get to the stage where I genuinely felt that my desire had already been given to 
me, and so it was.  
The very next day: 
Now even if it hadn't happened the next day, I wouldn't have minded because there 
was no rush.  
After all, I felt like I already had him. 
This stuff is real.  
I am almost expecting to wake up tomorrow and it was all a dream.  
But it's real, because I made it real.  
I am almost in a state of disbelief that this actually worked.  
I have so little experience with it. 
So PLEASE don't give up if you want to.  
This will not fail you if you do it correctly.  
You don't have to do it perfectly, as in my case, and it can still work.  
But don't give up.  
Don't ever stop until you get exactly what you want.  
If you ever get discouraged, please just read a Neville book or listen to a lecture, or just 
go back onto Reddit because I promise you that your persistence will be rewarded. 
Feel free to PM if you would like more details or anything :) 
I Manifested Him Back! 
Ok, so here is my story.  
It will be short because of my poor English, but I still want to share it here with you.  
One year since the breakup, six months of no contact.  
He hated me and said he never wants to see me again.  
There was also a third party involved...  
After 3 months of doing SATS we met out of the blue and he handed me a copy of his 
new book in which he gave thanks to me.  
I got so excited but we lost contact again for one month.  
Every night I was visualising him lying in bed with me, kissing me and telling how 
much he loves me.  
I also imagined small sweet scenes during the day, like our mutual friends saying how 
happy they are that we are together again and so in love.  
Well I got no wishes from him during Christmas but somehow I managed to remain 
I was literally ignoring the situation.  
I am a daydreamer so didn't find it that difficult.  
SATS was usually a great experience for me but suddenly something has changed.  
I couldn't force myself to do it.  
I started to feel strong resistance.  
Two weeks ago, I stopped doing SATS.  
I felt like: it is possible I'll need to give up.  
But during the day I was still imagining us together.  
And I found here a great post about 'everyone is you pushed out' so I started to 
imagine what he thinks about me and how he sees me.  
This probably helped the most because, guys, yesterday we met at a party, talked 
almost all night and then I slept at his place.  
We were lying together in bed just like I imagined it before, no making love just kissing 
and talking.  
And he told me exactly what I wanted to hear!  
I manifested this guy back saying that he missed me and loves me!  
He, who didn't care about me at all for a year!  
Can you imagine it?  
I am still in shock. 
lunaticeee - 
You Can Definitely Have Your SP! 
I'm currently attracting someone else but I wanted to share this old (success) story of 
mine to encourage others that truly anything is possible if you believe and imagine 
your wish fulfilled and sorry for my English in advance! 
I'm from Europe and years ago I became interested in Ancient Egypt etc.  
As time went by, I fell in love with the country and I used to watch Egyptian movies 
from time to time.  
I spotted this one actor and I thought that he was just heavenly.  
Not even my usual type but I decided I want to get to know this man. 
I had zero real life connections to Egypt and this actor was a HUGE star there.  
Though he had social media accounts, he had thousands of followers and I doubted 
that he himself was watching this stuff at all, so although I've sent him a nice message 
via social media once, I never got a reply and that would have been the only chance.  
Or so I thought. 
But I persisted.  
I used to watch his interviews, googled his photos and imagined meeting him, getting 
to know him etc.  
He was my perfect fantasy so to speak, it made me happy and I just felt it real.  
In my mind I had a special connection to this man. 
A year or so later the bridge of events started to unfold.  
I was in a FB group about politics that had absolutely nothing to do with Egypt etc., 
but there was an Egyptian guy whose posts I liked and we got in touch.  
Turned out, he's good friends with my actor about whom I had almost forgotten 
because other areas in my life had become so busy. 
However, through this new friend from the FB group I found the PRIVATE profile of my 
actor and I just sent him an invitation which he accepted.  
But then I did nothing.  
As said, I was very busy with other stuff.  
Again, three months passed and then on my birthday I got a message by my actor 
wishing me Happy Birthday.  
I couldn't believe my eyes!  
Even with this private profile he didn't seem to interact much with other people.  
I doubt he congratulated just everyone on his friends list or else he would have had 
much to do! 
Long story short: after I thanked him for his birthday note, we got in touch and 
exchanged messages regularly.  
He became very interested in my life and personality and offered to meet me!  
And we did, because at that time he traveled to France and Italy quite often, 
I even got friends with one of his nephews of whom I had watched photos about a 
year earlier, too.  
It was all so lovely and I still appreciate him a lot! 
I'm certain I could have even ended up in a relationship with him as well (and again, 
he's famous in Egypt and adored by hundreds of women who may be much hotter 
than me, LOL) because he showed clear signs of falling in love.  
But at that time I had "chosen" my current SP.  
However, the actor who I love for his personality and talent and I are still friends. 
I do think living in the end here was maybe easier for me because we didn't have a 
history like I have with my current SP but there you go and I'll need to remind myself 
on this:  
If you can manifest a famous actor from another continent to whom you have 
absolutely no connection and who doesn't even know you exist, you can manifest 

Hope this post helps! 

TaylorBurton111 -
Never Give Up! My SP Story. 
I've been thinking about whether to post this or not, but I'm just gonna let my 
excitement get the better of me. 
Here's a bit of a story for you newbs getting doubtful.  
It’s a really long post, and I apologize for it but I'm way too happy right now that I just 
feel that I need to share this. 
I've had a crush on a coworker for the past 2 months.  
We got along fine, we joked around and all but it was clear that we were nothing more 
than acquaintances.  
Thing is, I gave up on her because she was seeing another guy, a professional 
The guy is popular, funny, talented, he's fit, he travels often and what not.  
How could I ever hope to compete with that?  
I've had no talent, no charisma, I'm shy, I don't lift, I'm a bit chubby and my 
self-esteem was at its lowest point as of late.  
I was discouraged.  
All I had left was to hope for a chance to be with her. 
That is until last week. 
You see, I was searching for some stuff about the law of attraction last week.  
I was looking for ways to change my mindset, and instead I found the LOA stuff.  
While re-educating myself on the LOA subject, I stumbled upon various posts which 
were recommending Neville Goddard.  
So I googled "neville goddard reddit" to find out more about the guy, since he was 
appearing quite often, and that's how I found this sub.  
After reading many success stories and on how to apply the method, I decided to give 
it a try.  
I used the basics, SATS.  
I visualized me and my SP just hanging out, she was smiling, hugging me, and she 
was telling me how much she loved me. 

Last friday we had a bit of a party at work, we talked and joked around for a bit, 
nothing out of the ordinary.  
Then us two and our boss stayed for a while after the party (we both have a really 
strong bond with our boss since we've known her for quite some time now, so we're 
like family to our boss).  
They started talked for a bit, while my introverted butt stayed quiet for the most part.  
Then my SP confessed that she wasn't so comfortable with her current guy, and that 
she was thinking of breaking up with him.  
"Aleluyah!", I thought to myself.  
I continued doing the technique throughout the weekend. 
Fast forward to last monday, we three sat down again to talk for a bit before starting 
My SP admitted that she was still seeing the guy and that she hadn't broken up with 
That night I got really discouraged, unmotivated.  
Had the law failed me?  
Did I do something wrong?  
I was doubting the teachings of Neville Goddard.  
I felt exhausted , drained, tired.  
So even though I tried to visualize that night, I just couldn't.  
I imagined the same scenario as before but I just couldn't go on.  
I just fell asleep.  
Next day however, I strengthened my resolve and visualized a new scenario.  
This time, it was my boss telling me that my SP was in love with me and how happy my 
SP was and I continued my visualitions as scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. 
Fast forward to today, my SP didn't go to work.  
My boss also arrived a bit later than usual because she was attending other matters, so 
I thought we wouldn't have the time to speak before work, so I went ahead and 
prepared to work.  
10 minutes before starting to work, my boss appeared and we started to have a quick 
We talked about the usual: work stuff, how we we're glad the week was finally over, 
and about other coworkers and how they're faring.  
But then she brutally changed the topic of conversation to another, about my SP 
My boss told me that she has noticed my SP looking at me quite often this week, more 
than the usual.  
She also told me that yesterday after work, she and my SP were talking on the phone 
and that it was my SP who shifted the conversation to talk about me.  
I don't remember the exact details, but according to her it went something like this: 
SP: "I find OP to be such a gentle and kind person. I find him to be really funny, and 
Boss: "...are you falling for OP?" 
SP: "...don't tell him yet." 
Needless to say, I've spent the rest of the day smiling like an idiot, even while I'm 
writing this.  
I'm getting my wish fulfilled and I'm proving to myself that Neville's method does 
indeed work. 
Whatever happens, please don't give up. Push forward! 
If you get tired, rest.  
It is normal to feel exhausted and drained.  
You might get discouraged, especially when you're starting out.  
But don't give up.  
Visualize your desired scenario while falling asleep. 
Remember this, I'm a newbie too.  
I literally found this sub about a week ago and all I did was apply the basics every night 
for a week (except for monday, because I felt exhausted). 
So even though SP is still not mine, I got a lot more on my first week than what I was 
What do you guys think, is this a success story or what? 
Did the method.  
Found out SP is interested in me.  
The method worked.  
Its ok to feel tired.  
Stop to rest, but never to give up. 
Oakoak021 -
Decided To Just Let Go last night and trust the process, then it 
So a little success story here.  
Past couple of days I have been coming to the conclusion of me having to let go.  
Last night I decided to take the next three days and focus on myself.  
I’m seeing more clearly how my sp is me pushed out.  
I was spending way too much energy even though I would lie to myself and say I 
So last night I did some SATS work totally unrelated to my SP, felt good just the 
So after no reply back to my happy birthday text a week ago, I just let go last night.  
Let go of the outcome.  
Let go of thinking of it.  
I asked God to send me a sign that I’m on the right track.  
I wasn’t specific but just needed some reassurance.  
I would be ok if nothing came but believed there would be something. 
This morning as I’m driving to work, I get a phone call from my SP, I couldn’t answer 
as I was in heavy traffic.  
But she also sent a nice text afterwards that ended with “will talk with you soon”. 
I am going to call her back now and catch up.  
I still believe I need to work on myself to make sure I have a solid foundation which I 
have been working on for months and looking back when this all started, I’m a new 
Thanks for reading, hope you’re well today! 
So I called her and her demeanor has totally changed.  
Her voice seemed soft and caring.  
This is so crazy.  
Said she misses my voice and me.  
Said she will call me when she is on her way home.  
What in the world.  
My faith is strengthened.  
Up until last night I had been doing SATS for 22 days.  
This has been one of the hardest things I have done but I see I created this to get to 
where I am now.  
Somehow my subconscious got me to where I am now to learn.  
I see patterns that I have been creating in my life, unknowingly over and over, but now 
the difference is, I have total power to change them. 
It’s funny, last time I saw her (a few weeks ago) I was wearing my wedding ring.  
I figured if I was living in the end, I would still be wearing it.  
When she saw it she asked if I was trying to manifest her back.  
Totally threw me off, like wtf, why did she ask me that??  
We have never spoken about manifestations, never hinted at it.  
I don’t have anything out in m house that would hint at that, Like what in the world.  
Why would she ask that?  
I didn’t say yes obviously but I felt like she knew what I was doing.  
Totally left field.  
I also took my ring off a few days ago.  
I don’t know if that was the right thing to do.  
Maybe when I’m at a better place I will put it back on again. 
To anyone doubting, trust the process.  
Do the work but eventually you need to trust the process.  
You can’t force this and it happens at a designated time.  
Be gentle to yourself, love yourself.  
Know in the back of your mind that everything, no matter how bleak things appear, 
are working perfectly in your favor. 
Some things I did: 
-started back weight lifting 4 months ago, my body is amazing-meditate everyday, 
mindfulness(sometimes for an hour), guided sometimes-SATS, I have an amazing 
scene I loop which signifies living in the end. 
-Gratitude journal, 10 things in am and then pm-5 mins I AM affirmations in 
mirror-random I AM affirmations throughout the day-Scripting-Listening go Neville 
Goddard, reading Goddard, even read the Bible 
-If I had a negative thought about what she was doing or anything I would replace 
with: SP is falling more and more in love with me. SP has no anger or resentment 
towards me in fact her heart is full of love for me. SP loves communicating with me. 
SP loves our marriage and is so grateful for me. 
-I remember when statements: I remember when me and SP was separated, I 
remember when SP was angry and filled with resentment towards me, I remember 
when me and SP almost got divorced, I remember when SP didn’t communicate. 
-Joseph Alai’s blog and YouTube-Agnes Vivarelli YouTube which led me to Goddard 
-Danradiostyle YouTube 
-Strict mental diet (no TV/movies, no music that brought negative thoughts, no social 
media, no news).  
Not saying I will already do this but for this season, I must focus. 
Yeah, probably did way too much work.  
Like I said, for the last few days I started cutting out a lot of stuff back. 
Lastly, I stopped caring for a text or call.  
That’s not what I want in the end.  
Before I would text every now and then but told myself I would no longer reach out 
and let things play out the way it should.  
I told myself I would stop trying to force the process and let her play her part in the 
EDIT #2:  
Last edit.  
She called me back, we spoke for a good 30 mins.  
Even spoke about seeing each other later this week.  
Told me she wants me to call her back later.  
Ok, done talking about it until I have the big success story.  
Peace and love all. 
EDIT #3:  
Here is the video that put me over the edge last night, that finally gave me the 
courage to let go. 
He has a lot of good info that resonated with me.  
I hope it helps you as well. 
PhoenixCycle1 -
How I Turned My Relationship Around with the concept everyone is 
you pushed out 
Here is my real life success story of how I ended up moving in with my boyfriend.  
It really demonstrates clearly how everyone is you pushed out. 
So 1 year into dating my boyfriend I wanted to move in with him and I had doubts...  
I doubted that he wanted to live with me.  
However, I decided to ask him to move in with me anyway and he said "No it would 
never work if we moved in together." 
I felt angry, sad and frustrated as for months every time I asked him I got the same 
answer from him.  
At one point I thought, if he says no one more time I am going to leave him and find 
someone that wants to live with me as I could never live my entire life living separately 
from my boyfriend as that is not what I wanted. 
So then one day I had enough, something had to change... and I thought you know 
what "everyone is me pushed out... and my thoughts are creating this"  
So how do I fix this?  
Then it hit me... I needed to change my way of thinking...  
So I created the intention "I intend for him to want to live with me. I intend for him to 
ask me to move in with me." 
I kept this up for about 2 weeks.  
Every time I had doubts of us moving in together I would stop myself from thinking it 
would never happen and repeat "I intend for him to ask me to move in with him. I 
intend for him to want to live with me."  
And during that time he would randomly say "This is why we could never live 
together." and I would just stay calm say ok to him and then think to myself "I intend 
for him to want to live with me. I intend for him to ask me to move in with him." 
After two weeks of doing that, one afternoon we were out for lunch together... and all 
of a sudden out of the blue he said "I think we should move in together."  

In hindsight... it seemed to easy.  

However, the hard part was keeping focused and stopping myself from entertaining the 
doubtful thoughts, although if you do keep yourself focused on what you want... you 
will get it. 
Happy creating my friends. 
Link to the Video version of this story in the comments 
createyourfuture -
Back Together With My SP 
I've read so many wonderful success stories, and now it's my turn to write one!  
I'll try to keep the break up details short.  
My boyfriend and I have been broken up for about 2 months, with some contact here 
and there.  
First I spent a whole lot of time blaming myself and trying to figure out how to get him 
back, but then I discovered the law of attraction and finally Neville's teaching, and 
things have just been progressing.  
Starting from January, we began talking more often and meeting up like once a week, 
but to be honest, I did most of the planning and reaching out.  
Then I started to learn more, discovered u/createyourfuture with Amanda, I binged 
watched her videos and started making intentions.  
I would say things like 'He IS reaching out to me more' or 'He IS planning our dates', 
and it all changed in a matter of few days.  
Now he's texting me first and calling me every day, we're setting up dates 3-4 times a 
week, he tells me really sweet things and makes me feel super loved.  
A few days ago, he asked me to be exclusive and not to see other people.  
His friends know we are seeing each other again, and he even calls me when he's out 
with them and puts me on speaker phone.  
Things are a lot better than when we first started dating. 
My plan for now is to keep intending stuff and be in a committed relationship.  
Also, a big thing for me would be to overcome my fear of abandonment, and I'm sure 
that I'll be able to do it and that he will even help me on that path. 
Just be confident in yourself, because you are the one creating the world around you.  
I'll be here to answer any possible questions and help out :) 
matatahakuna98 - 
SP Success Story - This Is Amazing 
I desperately wrote a post on here like 2 weeks ago about wanting to get my SP back 
and well, I didn’t get much traction.  
Here I am now 2 weeks later with a completely different story.  
Do the work!  
Don’t give up!  
Stay positive!  
Truly let go! 
My SP (Ex) and the love of my life were broken up for 5 months!  
We were together for almost 4 years and our breakup was bad.  
He told me he wasn’t in love with me, didn’t see a future with me and would never 
give us a second chance.  
To top it off I believe a 3rd party was involved.  
I tried everything, I was desperate..  
I started with LOA but found Neville quickly.  
Did SATS, prayed, wrote in my gratitude journey (my own thing) and genuinely just 
believed he’d be back.  
It was hard at first but then I just let go..  
I focused on myself. 

Boom.. Friday the 1st on my 30th Birthday he sent me the sweetest message and then 
invited me over for a home cooked meal.  
Ate, then went out Saturday and we had a blast.  
Spent all of super bowl Sunday together.  
Told me how much he missed me and that he did love me.. now I’m still taking it day 
by day because well I want to protect myself but I know him and I are going to get 
I know it and I feel it and it will happen but omg what a turn around. 
Guys stay faithful!!!!! 
mrsbeliever1989 - 
It's Real, Here Is Proof (Success Story + Testing it + Documenting it) 
Hey guys, just created this account to share my story and to help some of you guys.  
Everything I'm going to tell you happened in 2018, so just imagine how much you can 
manifest in your lifetime. 
You can literally have anything you want if it feels natural to you.  
Of course climbing a ladder will feel more natural than winning the lottery because 
you couldn't care less about climbing a fucking ladder.  
There are no limits.  
It has to feel natural and you have to surrender. 
First story (GETTING MY GIRL): 
The girl im in love with was with a new guy, she started ignoring me and shit because 
this guy hated me.  
Well, I told her to fuck off. 
I was frustrated at first but I just stopped checking her socials and assumed her being 
my chick.  
Because I don’t give a fuck about this guy. 
So what did I do during the day even though this new guy was fcking the shit out of 
my girl?  
Well, one thing, I didn't give a fuck because I knew creation is finished.  
I knew she was mine already and as long as I knew creation was finished there was 
NO WAY it couldn't be happening.  
During the night I fell asleep with the feeling of having a message by her saying they 
broke up and that she's sorry.  
I also blocked her on socials when she started acting like that. 
Now, here's the fucked up part:  
One night, I just couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking about her.  
I felt so bad, it was like reality just hit me.  
So after 2-3 hours laying there trying to fall asleep I said fuck it and checked my 
Her message was there, almost the exact words I assumed.  
Yea, I started crying.  
Me, this huge manly pretty motherfucker was in tears because I realized this shit is 
I still can't explain why I couldn't fall asleep at that specific night. 

Well, whatever.  
Guess what I did?  
I didn’t answer her message.  
Next day her friend messaged me, bla bla, we started texting, who cares about this 
part anyways. 
Now, every night I fell asleep with a scene that assumed we are together.  
A week later I was meeting her and she told me to be her valentine.  
Is this actually happening? 
We kissed that day after me being friendzoned for 5+ years. 
"However, having witnessed the end, regardless of any anticlimactic sequence, you 
remain calm and secure in the knowledge that the end has been perfectly defined." 
Getting my dream girl took me 2-3 months of not giving a fuck.  
And yea, seems like it works with specific persons. 
I told myself, okay, if the law is real, I'll get 10k views on my first video starting at 
My Youtube was at 0.  
I uploaded my first video (not giving you any details or links, privacy reasons brah.)  
I did the state akin to sleep prayer technique.  
I laid flat on my back with my head on a level with my body (I don’t know why but it 
helps so much with visualising).  
I played a scene over and over hearing my friends telling me: “What the fuck 
motherfucker, your video is at 10k!”  
Played it over and over until it felt real.  
I also did this at for 3 nights in a row until falling asleep.  
Every time I checked my vid, I "saw" 10k views in my mind's eye. 
Yea, that's how long it took.  
3 days.  
I tried this after getting my girl's message, so there was no doubt it wouldn't work.  
Now I told myself nnnahhh gimme dat 20k.  
Took me another 4 days.  
Life is a joke man seriously, if I just knew this earlier, haha. 
"Meanwhile, test him.  
Go to the extreme test.  
I tell you, you will find Him never failing.  
He's your own wonderful human imagination."​ ​-Neville 
Third story (my grandpa in hospital) 
So my grandpa was in hospital.  
I did the prayer technique playing a scene over and over assuming that he's at home 
and me telling him: “Hah you're back finally!” 
I didn't even fall asleep with that scene because I just knew it would be happening.  
Well, I kinda did.  
I fell asleep with the feeling of him being at home again.  
Everytime my mum told me something bad about it I was like: “Everything's going to 
be okay. He is already back at home. It's a fact.” 
1-2 weeks later he was back, doctors told us he almost died and that it's a miracle he's 
still here.  
Well, it is a miracle. 
So, what do you need to get everything you want?  
Do the Prayer technique and play a scene over and over assuming you already 
achieved your goal. 
After that, either play the scene over and over until you fall asleep at night or just fall 
asleep knowing it's here.  
Take this feeling or scene into sleep.  
You will wake up feeling accomplished the next day if you did it right. 
You can repeat the Prayer technique if you don't feel it being natural already or just do 
it to feel good. 
This is a huge mistake. 
Don't get me wrong, you can repeat it everyday to feel good but do not repeat it 
because you think it won't happen otherwise.  
I tried this already and you will get obsessed bcuz "why the fuck ain't it here yet?".  
If you have the feeling of creation being finished you don't have to repeat it everyday, 
that would just assume the lack of having it already. 
Just fall asleep knowing it's finished and don't worry during the day. 
"When the feeling of reality is yours, for the moment at least, you are mentally impotent.  
The desire to repeat the act of prayer is lost, having been replaced by the feeling of 
You cannot persist in wanting what you already have."​ - ​Neville 
Revision WORKS!  
If something bad happened, just use revision at the end of the day.  
Rewrite it.  
I've tested it a few times and EVERY SINGLE TIME something to back up my revision 
happened the following days. (mostly on the next day) 
Just use the same technique.  
Play the scene over and over until it feels like you actually experienced that new scene.  
The 'outer world' will act like that's what happened.  
I don't know how this works but it does.  
Probably because there is no outer world.  
It's all you. 
TheLawIsFuarkingReal -
My SP Superbowl Sunday Success Story! (Part 1) 
I am still slightly in shock, guys.  
But while all this was happening last night, it felt like the most natural thing in the 
Ok, so I have been trying to manifest my man back since October 2018.  
Had a partial success in November (we were together for a week but I was not into 
Neville then, so no surprise that things went south quickly).  
We remained “friends” and communication was patchy at best.  
In December, I started to really get into Neville, but I found the idea of “everyone is 
you pushed out” hard to accept.  
I was in denial about our previous breakups being my fault.  
So, really at that time, I was doing a bit of Neville, and a bit of LOA and the classic 
Trying not to think of my man at all most days.  
But that wasn’t working for me.  
I was a mess. 
On New Year’s Eve, I decided I was going to pursue this using Neville’s techniques 
(although, I was still struggling with everyone is you pushed out).  
I made a vow to myself.  
And every night since then I have been doing SATS, imagining us back together.  
I started visualising us in bed together, in my dream house, happily married.  
Every night I would have such a wonderful sleep and wake up feeling so happy. 
Then on January 12th, my man phoned me to say he’d come back from holiday to 
find his landlord was terminating his tenancy.  
I saw this as part of the bridge of incidents and started doing SATS imaging us living 
together a lot sooner than I had previously envisioned. 
Since doing SATS every night, I have seen my man’s communication (mainly 
messaging) increase tenfold.  
Most evenings we chat.  
It’s wonderful.  
Despite this, I have had a few off days during the past couple of weeks because my 
man forgot my birthday, and twice he asked me when I was free to meet up, only to 
not follow through with actual plans for a date.  
If you guys had seen me a few months ago, you would know how hard it was for me 
to truly let go and let my man come to me the “Neville way!”  
Previously, I was always pushing and reminding my man, and asking him when HE 
was free. 
So yeah, I had some very rough days but I had an epiphany one night.  
I thought maybe everyone is you pushed out is real because I woke up one day 
feeling very frustrated by how long my manifestation was taking, and out of nowhere, 
my next door neighbour started shouting at me over something that happened in the 
summer (I won’t bore you with the details).  
That got me thinking, maybe if I’m feeling so erratic (living in the end one day, being 
frustrated the next), my man is feeling that too, so I then made a conscious effort to 
let go of my anger and frustration.  
Of course, I was only just half getting the everyone is you pushed out principle, but 
that’s how it started to make sense to me. 
Now, the other day, Bryguy’s post blew me out of the water.  
I had been following his story for a while and his success gave me so much hope.  
When he mentioned the coach (Amanda) he’d consulted to help him, I watched her 
youtube videos (​​) 
and had ANOTHER epiphany.  
And this was a big one.  
I used to wonder why if everyone is me pushed out, my man wasn’t sure of his 
feelings for me, because I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, therefore he should mirror that, 
But it’s not enough to love.  
If you have doubts about how the OTHER person feels about YOU, you won’t get 
And that’s where I was going wrong.  
I knew in my heart we would end up together, but I had so many doubts about what 
my man was thinking and feeling and that was slowing everything WAY down.  
Manifesting this way is like trying to build a bridge without the foundations. So, since 
1st February, I have been bashing EVERY doubt, fear and limiting beliefs by replacing 
it with a positive intention.  
If I start to worry that he’s still confused, I zap it and say “I intend for him to know I’m 
the only woman for him” or sometimes I’ll use an affirmation like, “He loves me!” 
But yet again, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself last night (only 
momentarily—because I bashed it!) because earlier in the week, I had intended for my 
man to ask me to meet with him on Sunday (last night) and here it was 10pm and he 
hadn’t even messaged me in a couple of days. 
Around 10:30pm he messaged me.  
A jokey/flirty message too!  
We joked back and forth for a while, then he sent me a picture of his tv—he was 
watching the Superbowl.  
We live in the UK, so the action was supposed to start in about an hour’s time and he 
planned to stay up till the end!  
He messaged ‘Shame you’re not here.’  
Then I jokingly wrote that I was on my way over.  
We went back and forth for a few minutes, then he said he wished I hadn’t been 
joking about coming over!  
I said if he wanted me to come to him, I would.  
And so 20 mins later I was on my way over!!!  
I got to his place at a quarter to midnight and so I got my wish of meeting with him on 
Sunday and more! 
It felt so natural.  
We cuddled on the couch, watched the game.  
It was a wonderful few hours.  
So there you have it, guys.  
Part 1 of my success story. 
I’ve had a few hours of sleep and partly feel like I dreamed all this up!  
I feel like this would have happened anyway (Bryguy mentioned this would happen).  
And it was when I least expected it!  
I am now going for the gold!  
I intend for my man to make a commitment to me, and for us to be living together in 
March (like we’d originally planned WAY BACK when we first got together).  
I intend to be this man’s wife! 
The lady in the photo is not me, it's Amanda the coach! 😂  
elgo3 -
How I Used Neville Goddard/Law of Attraction to start dating a 
*throwaway because my main account has a lot of details people could use to 
stalk me. 
*Disclosure: I love my boyfriend for who he is, I didn’t even know he was a prince 
when we started talking. 
I’m really a private person so this is hard for me to post but I really want to show you 
It all started with the fever around the royal wedding in May.  
I thought it was really romantic that Harry and Meghan seem truly in love and I got 
truly caught up in all of the excitement which of course Eugenie’s wedding only fuels 
the fire even more.  
I have never really wanted to be a princess (not even as a child)since it doesn’t seem 
like a real career choice.  
Besides, I love democracy and study politics at university.  
I have always wanted to return to my home country and do good there, work for the 
UN or become a diplomat (that was the plan) and do lots of charity work but the royal 
wedding really got me fantasizing what it would be like to fall in love with a prince and 
have a royal wedding. 
So just for fun, I made some Pinterest boards and began pinning pictures of tiaras, 
royal orders, gowns, palaces etc.  
I would often do this when I came home from work/Uni at night just before bed.  
Then, in a tired and sleepy state I would begin imagining that that was really me and 
really my lifestyle.  
I would fall asleep imagining myself wearing a lovely gown and tiara stepping out of a 
limousine to the roar of flashing cameras to the point it became so vivid that I could 
hear the cameras click and the feel the flash blinding my eyes.  
It was really amazing.  
In the pitch black of my bedroom at night I could see the photographers and feel the 
I did this since May. 
At the start of this month, I added someone on my recommends list on social media (I 
honestly assumed I knew him somehow since he is from my home country and that is 
how I communicate with my family back home). 
He immediately began messaging me and we chatted.  
I found him to be so charming and sweet, he would always send me little notes 
throughout the day even though we live in different time zones.  
About two weeks in (I know this is going fast) he asked me to be his girlfriend and 
revealed he was a prince! (Yes I double checked and verified his claims)  
It was so crazy!  
I remember just sitting there laughing.  
I love him so much and I was gonna be his girlfriend anyway but now he also happens 
to be a prince?  
Anyways the month is almost over and we are making plans to spend the summer 
I think this worked because I didn’t take it too seriously.  
I don’t need to be a princess (still don’t) and please remember my imagined scene still 
hasn’t happened yet.  
However, I am excited for the summer and doing tons of research as well as trying to 
become fluent.  
I don’t know what will happen in the future I am just so lucky to be dating an amazing 
guy :) 

Made a royal wedding Pinterest, been pinning and imagining and feeling it real since 
May, met a guy who turned out to be a prince. 
royaldatethrowaway -
Success Story 
This NOT my story, but wanted to share :).  
This is an amazing example of how another person is affected by the work you are 
Today I met with my very good friend in a cafe after 5 months.  
I felt like the person I saw today was not a person whom I saw 5 months ago.  
This girl came and announced ' I am getting engaged next week.' 
I was amazed and still am.  
She is a believer and she knows that the only person who can create her life 
circumstances is herself.  
She allowed me to share her beautiful story in this group to the last detail with you,so 
here it is: 
6 months ago, this girl met a man to whom she felt immediate attraction.  
They kept seeing each other, but after a while he told her he does not feel a strong 
connection to her and he stopped contacting her.  
She felt desperate,sad and ugly (that was the last time I saw her last year).  
She believed that maybe it is supposed to be like that so she kept living a life in 
But not for long..  
After a week or 2, she awakened from a dream where she saw her and him getting 
The dream was so vivid that she decided to make it come true.  
She is a believer, and she reads a lot of books regarding conscious creation.  
This was the first time she decided to use conscious creation in practice. 
She did the following:  
She kept visualizing them together, and she FELT the strong connection during the 
whole day 24/7.  
Her friends kept telling her it is NOT possible, and they even sent her pictures of him 
being with another girl.  
So many doubts came to her mind, but she kept believing.  
She did not see another woman, it was not important.  
It must have been hard, but her stubborn faith continued.  
She even visited a fortune teller, where this woman told her, this man is NOT her 
destiny, and she should NOT focus on him because he has another girl.  
After leaving the fortune teller, she closed her eyes, began breathing deeply and was 
again back in the feeling.  
Other people who call themselves conscious creators(her close friends) told her, it is 
NOT possible to attract someone specific.  
She still persisted. 
All the time.  
During the day time she did all her activities.  
It means she was not dwelling on the idea but was living a happy life, which she 
described as a continuous BLISS.  
She felt that state naturally and was living in the 'now'. 
After 6 weeks of visualizing, praying, I AM-ing, affirming, living happily her life, loving 
every second of 'now', she 'accidentally' met her guy in the city.  
He approached her and told her, in the time they weren't in touch, he kept receiving 
signs which reminded him of her, therefore he could not forget about her.  
He was even dreaming with her even though he said he did not want to.  
When he approached her she was calm, and she knew what she wanted has to come 
to pass.  
He said his feelings towards her changed and he would like to get another chance.  
So there she is, 20 years old, engaged with someone she decided to be with ( this all 
happened during the last 3 months). 
Happy End! 
cjweeps - ​ 
Once Everything Clicked all my manifestations came flooding in 
So this post is going to be long and I apologize. 
This is actually an older account so I’m not going to leave things out as I don’t think 
people can trace this back to me. 
Last year I was dating a guy for 3 months.  
He was very sweet and we had a lot of fun but I was going through some stuff so 
things weren’t working out and he called things off.  
I wasn’t that attached to him but it happened as a ton of other things in my life were 
weighing heavy on me.  
I was overworked, friends were asking too much of me, and I had serious family 
issues going on.  
I snapped and fell into a pretty deep depression. 
I was on the loa subreddit and someone mentioned Neville and that’s how I found this 
In the past I had tried to manifest an ex back but it didn’t work so I had no faith in it 
but on this community so many people were talking about manifesting an sp.  
I was intrigued and decided to try it. 
I read multiple success stories, asked people for advice (on my other account), 
listened to the audio books, watched videos, and did meditations.  
All of this was great but it wasn’t working.  
I needed to manifest this guy back into my life to prove that I had SOME control.  
I was desperate and pretty much cried myself to sleep every night. 
At the same time I was putting in work into myself.  
Focusing on other things and hobbies and trying to get my life in order again, I had 
some pretty selfish friends at the time and one day while cleaning I mentioned out 
loud that I had great supportive friends.  
Didn’t think much on it but it was something I wanted.  
A couple days later my selfish friends cut ties with me because I was too depressed.  
I was pretty devastated at first but after a day or two it felt like this weight was lifted.  
I didn’t have to constantly be fronting them money or buying them food or letting 
them crash at my place and destroy my things.  
I could focus on myself. 
Did I manifest that?  
I wasn’t sure but the friends who stuck around were incredibly supportive of me and 
truly helped me out. 
I started feeling better.  
I was still working on manifesting my sp every day but I wasn’t crying over him as 
Then one day I read a post about manifesting free food by remembering the future.  
I decided to try it and low and behold it worked.  
I got free food AND a guy asked me out from it.  
I was feeling pretty good! 
Still no progress with sp though.  
Around this time I had deleted Instagram as I was driving myself crazy stalking his 
I knew he was on tinder meeting girls and every girl he followed I assumed was a girl 
he hooked up with.  
I needed to get off it. 
So I was off, living my life, and manifesting smaller things that would help with sp. 
He loved art so I tried manifesting more connections in the art community.  
We both loved sports so I tried manifesting that we would meet at a game.  
He lived pretty far so I tried manifesting a way for me to move closer to him. 
This went on for a bit but as time passed I was working on it less and less.  
One day I was thinking about us being together and I had a thought “Do I even want 
him anymore?”  
That’s when it hit me.  
I said WANT not NEED.  
I didn’t need him because I wasn’t even sure if I still wanted him! 
At this point I had no doubt that I couldn’t bring him back to me.  
I did one set of revisions (I revised how we ended things). 
I remembered the future a couple times, used I am statements and then occasionally 
did stats where I pictured from first person point of view him holding me as we slept 
in the same bed. 
I didn’t think about it every day but when I did think about it I was confident and 
I got invited to a sporting event and guess who I ran into… 
My sp!  
We hung out during the game and after.  
Then he called me and we talked for a couple hours.  
He apologized for how things ended but his apology followed my revisions.  
He opened up to me quite a bit and told me about how much he missed me and 
wanted to see me again. 
We’ve gone on 3 dates since then and it’s almost as if the break never happened. 
So yes this DOES work.  
Step back from it a bit and look at the situation with an abundance mindset rather 
than a view of lacking.  
If I can go from a place of severe depression to a place of confidence and faith then 
you can bring into your life whatever you want to bring in. 
One last little side note.  
The last time we saw each other, he made a comment to me about how I’m the 
author and everyone else is a side character in my story. 
Everyone is you pushed out people! 
timalleneaterofchild -
I Told You I'll Be Back with a success story, and I am. 
For three years I ruined my relationship with my SP, constant doubts, constant 
bickering, from being emotionally attached, to putting my entire happiness into his 
hands, I did whatever I could to ruin my perfect life.  
I pushed this person away, so much that he denied talking to me.  
He told me I am dead to him on multiple occasions.  
Then I decided to put an end to this.  
I asked around this subreddit, even on the LOA forum, I was not willing to give up, 
and I'm glad I didn't. 
The people who have helped me, commented, told me, I am God, everything is 
And it happened. 
Last month was my SP's birthday.  
I wished him, and got the rudest reply ever.  
He said he never wants to speak to me again, and he doesn't want to see my name 
on his whatsapp ever again.  
Without the knowledge about NG, I would have been a bawling mess.  
But no, I took it as an opportunity to flip my situation around completely and how! 
My gorgeous, beautiful SP lives in a different city.  
Next week he is coming to meet me.  
This lovable, brilliant woman, who he loves so dearly, ME!  
I've ALWAYS wanted it.  
And I got it.  
I got it by living in the end, by feeling it, feeling that he's with me, and not letting any 
negative thoughts shift my focus.  
It's a dream come true.  
Last night I was drunk and I told him, "This makes me want to kiss you" and he says 
"Oh I won't mind" ;)))) 
Last night I cried.  
Because I'm happy. 
I'm so happy that my eyes still water.  
My SP loves me.  
What else can I wish for?  
Guys, please believe in it, please feel it, please.  
Your situation is not hopeless.  
Put yourself on the pedestal.  
You are equally important as your SP. 
BELIEVE that he loves you and that he is yours.  
Tell yourself, "I did it! I did it!"  
Then drop it, know it's yours, live in that feeling, keep smiling and laughing to yourself, 
it's yours.  
How would you feel? Who will know that better? 
Thank you to all those who reached out, I'm just too excited.  
So, can I get an "I intend for OP's first kiss with her SP to be absolutely fantastic"
Lot's of love. 
pixie_dust12 -
SP Success Story (not the typical romantic one) + Few Tips 
Edit: wow, thank you for the silver! 
I'm afraid it's gonna be long, so bear with me. 
A little background story: me (29F) and my SP (49M) been friends since forever.  
I know him from my childhood and our families are good friends.  
I started catching feelings towards him 4 years ago when he kissed me on a New 
Year's Eve party but when I confessed, he said I'm lunatic and he doesn't want 
I was devastated, but eventually found the book Secret and tried to attract him.  
Of course I failed, and after a few hurtful months I finally fell out of him. 
Fast forward to September 2018, I had another crush and that's how I found Neville.  
I joined this subreddit and read a lot from Neville, watched Agnes Vivarelli, tried to 
meditate and everything just to get that man.  
I used self love meditations, affirmations, and SATS about him.  
But since he was living in another country, my limiting belief was huge, so nothing 
Until one day, I was hanging out at my SP's place.  
Keep in mind, at that time I was absolutely in love with this other man, and I had no 
intention of getting closer to my SP.  
On that evening my SP held my hand, caressed it, and kissed me again.  
He told me cute things, and all I could think about was "Wait, what's happening right 
From that evening on, I determined myself to my SP.  
I knew my time has come, and now or never I want this man.  
I jumped into Neville even more.  
I visualized and did SATS, but not the regular way before sleep.  
For me I can find myself more easily in the State Akin To Sleep immediately after 
waking up.  
I have to say, that my end goal wasn't a relationship with him, but sleeping with him 
regularly, like friends with benefits.  
One morning after I did SATS, imagining us in bed, I had this feeling what Neville talks 
about a lot.  
The feeling when you just KNOW it's done.  
After that morning I felt I don't even need to visualize or do whatever, because I just 
knew he's mine.  
But this feeling didn't last long, only a couple days. 
Of course shit happened.  
It came to my attention that he had a crush on another girl, and he openly talked 
about her to me.  
At this time I joined the Neville's students group on Whatsapp, where ​Jennifer​ opened 
my eyes about how this works.  
She explained in the most easy way: you just have to KNOW it's done.  
Don't need to do anything, no visualize, no affirmations, you don't need to do any 
tools just have faith, and know it's done (​Jennifer if you happen to read this, I owe you 
my life)​ . 
So I did what she said, and confirmed myself that he wants to sleep with me, and 
wants me all the time.  
I did self love affirmations, and affirmations regards him in general, and sometimes 
SATS but not that frequently.  
During this time he started to text me (he never did that before) and called me. 
I just knew he would text me, and he just did.  
I told myself one Tuesday he would text me today, and he did.  
I intended him to kiss me and he did and I just knew that we would sleep together this 
past weekend, and WE JUST DID!  
It happened!  
Because I knew it will happen.  
Because he is me pushed out. 
If I could tell this to my younger self 4 years back, when all I did was craving him, I 
wouldn't believe myself.  
You can see how hard I found the right path through this Law of Attraction chaos, and 
when I finally found Neville that didn't mean I could easily understood and could apply 
right away.  
It was a long process but worth the wait. 
Few tips for you who struggling: 

● Accept and believe that everyone is you pushed out (you can find a lot 
YouTube vids on this topic, I recommend: Joseph Alai, Amanda 
(createyourfuture) and Agnes Vivarelli 
● Accept and believe that imagination creates reality. Nothing is real, only 
your imagination. Your imagination is God, and you are the creator. You 
are the operant power, nothing is impossible to you. 
● You don't have to do anything to get what you want. You don't even need 
to use tools, but you definitely can. If you want to use SATS and stuff do 
that, but if you’re struggling with them don't be hard on yourself. Just know 
that you can succeed without them also. 
● PERSIST and suspend judgement. Don't pay attention to the bad things. 
When he told me about the other girl, I didn't pay attention to her. I told 
myself: he may like her, but he wants to be with me and me only. And from 
that time he never mentioned her. 

I hope I could help.  

If you have questions feel free to ask, and I recommend you ​this website​ the girl’s 
doing, really incredible job. 
kisboborjan -
An Example Of How Suspending Judgement and “ignoring” reality 
really works. You have the power to make it a bridge of events. 
Oops, I pressed post before I was done so the title’s messed up but I’m sure you get 
the jist lol. 
Once this started to “click” for me, I was going about my day for myself.  
What would feel good right now?  
And I did that.  
Whenever a thought about my SP came up, I thought: “oh yeah but that’s okay cuz 
it’s working out” and I moved on to things that made me happy again.  
Soon after this, I received a phone call in the middle of the night from him.  
This was after 2 months of silence between us. (Except for when I messaged him on 
his birthday about a month previously and he ignored it. Note this for later.)  
He said he didn’t even know why he called or what to say.  
I asked him if there was potential of us getting back together and he said not anytime 
soon, not today not in a couple months. 
At first it was difficult to not react solely to the conversation.  
Because it’s so physical, it’s hard to realize that it’s just a reflection of past thoughts.  
But IT IS.  
Time will show that. 
On the phone with him when he called I completely just let all my feelings out.  
I totally just let him know how I felt and not exactly in the calmest manner.  
At first I was really worried that I may have scared him away or said something bad. 
I reminded myself of these teachings and stated that it’s just a reflection of past 
Instead of being discouraged and believing him, I took it as a sign that it was working 
since I haven’t heard from him in 2 months.  
Very shortly after I made that shift in my day to day, he randomly calls me without 
even knowing why?  
I decided to focus on the good.  
Like how he said he was thinking about how we used to spend time in my room, 
which was something I imagined often.  
He also said thank you for saying happy birthday and that he really appreciated it.  
This is cool because back when he ignored the message, I held intentions that even if 
he doesn’t respond he appreciated it.  
This showed me that even if things at that time didn’t seem to be showing physically, 
they were still working. 
Anyway, as for the phone call, I meant the manifestation was coming, or was even 
already here.  
It was a bridge of events, and held the end goal in mind still.  
I didn’t get sucked back into the old story (for the record this is something I’m still 
working on).  
I asked myself: “What do I want?” 
“Us in a happy committed relationship”, I said to myself whenever feeling bad about 
the phone call that everything was said exactly how it needed to be, and held my 
vision in mind. 
About a week later, he asked to meet up with me and that night we “started over.”  
Even though he just said we wouldn’t get back together anytime soon.  
Hold the end goal!  
No matter what.  
THE PHYSICAL IS NOT ABSOLUTE or any indication of the future!  
Your internal self is! 
The challenge is believing it when you’re feeling down.  
Sometimes the best thing to do is let it go and shift your focus.  
Or just be okay with the fact you’re sad or frustrated right now.  
It’s okay, it can still work.  
It happens and is part of the process.  
The universe has your back.  
And yes this is an SP situation, but this goes for ANYTHING. 
Side note:  
As I said in the beginning, this was after it really started to click for me.  
If you’re not quite at this stage yet, that’s okay.  
It didn’t happen immediately for me.  
It CAN happen immediately, don’t get me wrong.  
But it’s also 100% okay if it doesn’t.  
This isn’t the entire story or “process” I did, and I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to 
write all of that out.  
So if you have any questions or need clarification on anything, feel free to ask ♥ 
I am now banned from this sub for speaking my truth..  
Just a disclaimer.  

No one knows everything, not even the power hungry pretentious mods on this Neville 
sub, ( ​u/greeteaforever​ this ones for you ).  
Do what works for YOU, listen to YOURSELF and that will get you the furthest.  
It can not be overstated, your feelings are your compass.  
The people here are just potential guides.  
If it makes you feel bad, don’t be afraid to speak up or follow a different path.  
Plus if you get banned it’s really not that difficult to post from another account 😂 
kittyticklehips -
It Really Works! 
To everyone who’s having doubts about their manifestations, allow me to be an 
example of the power of the teachings of Neville! 
I had been trying to manifest my SP for over two years.  
We began this year on bad terms, and ended up ending our friendship.  
All hope was lost, but that didn’t stop something inside of me from believing.  
I continued, every night, to practice SATS.  
I would visualize us, in my car, making out passionately and lovingly.  
Initially what made practicing this difficult was I had never made out with ANYONE ever 
So, every night- I would practice the same scene over and over again, until I would drift 
off to sleep. 
Slowly but surely me and her started talking again.  
It was obvious that she had missed me and was definitely attracted to me.  
She offered to take me out for my birthday yesterday, and boom it happened.  
Just as I had imagined, right in my car.  
It was both of our first time making out but it’s crazy.  
It seemed so natural and familiar. 
This post is for anyone having doubts about their manifestation.  
It will happen!  
Trust the process, keep belief, and bask in the feeling of knowing its on its way :) 
My “Celebrity” Sp Story 
I was kinda hesitant to post this Because I’m a private person, but I come on here and 
see that some of you are struggling and maybe my story can help you.  
I was going after an ex long time ago and that’s how I found Neville to begin with.  
I was chasing, trying my hardest to get my ex back.  
We broke up kinda bad but I know from a fact that it is because of my thoughts. 
But I used to go out and hang with my friends at a bar and my new girlfriend is 
Instagram famous.  
She also has some songs on the radio.  
At that time I used to joke around and say that one day she will be mine.  
I also kinda noticed every time I would have a problem with my ex or get so damn 
depressed the Instagram girl would pop up on my timeline looking good and her 
videos would make me laugh.  
I used to always think: “Damn, what would being with her be like”, and I went on to 
her YouTube looking at her videos. 
I started to visualize us together just being happy and it was so effortless too. 
I just kinda felt naturally happy. 
So after while I just thought to myself: “I want to see if I could manifest her.”  
I was scripting, doing sats and working real good on my mental diets.  
To other people this would be impossible since she is 1000 miles away and she has 
millions of followers.  
How would she ever notice me etc.  
I didn’t give up.  
In fact, I didn’t have any negative thoughts about her at all.  
Every thought I had is us being together, how much her family loves me, how much 
she loves me, and how much her fans would love me.  
Every thought I had was POSITIVE!!!  
My mental diets was POSITIVE!  
I told myself I AM WORTHY!!  
This all happened within a month of me trying to get this girl. 
I told myself she deserves me and I deserve her.  
I sent her messages and did I care if she replied?  
No, because my girlfriend is busy.  
I didn’t take it as: “omg she ignored me she doesn’t want me”.  
No that’s just backtracking.  
I went on with my day. 
I already created a story about us and how it was going to be and the next thing you 
know she messaged back loving what I sent her.  
We started talking everyday, falling asleep on the phone every night.  
Everything I scripted came true.  
Everything I imagined came true.  
Every conversation I had with her in my imagination came true.  
Now she is deeply in love with me.  
Her family loves us together like I imagined.  
Everything I did came true and our love for each other happened so fast you would 
think it was part of a movie and I also manifested doing my dream job which is doing 
Now I have the option to do it with someone I love.  
We are also living together happily. 
Now as this was happening, my past thoughts about my ex was coming true.  
Now she wants me.  
Now she wants to give us another chance.  
She doesn’t know about my girlfriend during this time but that manifestation came to 
pass because I wasn’t so negative and obsessed with the outcome.  
I let go and then it happened.  
I used to say all the time that she will come back, that she knows that I am truly her 
one love to make me feel better back then and now it is happening.  
Let me ask you this; If I could manifest this person into my life, do you honestly think 
you can’t manifest anything ? 
Stop thinking about the old story. 
Really work on your metal diets that is so important. 
Stop reacting to your current reality.   
You keep giving a bad meaning to it and you will cause more of it. 
Persist persist persist !! 
Practice on other close people around you to build faith.  
For example: I intend for my brother to be kinder to me etc. 
Some of you don’t realize that you are your own worst enemy.  
Let the past go, work on you and learn how to use your mind for everything you do 
and watch how fast your world will change. 
Jayknoe - ​ 
How I Manifested My SP over and over and over again 
Now I don't know much about Neville Goddard and only little about LOA. 
I'm posting this here because my friend is a strong believer in these methods and 
finds my story compelling and uses it as hope for hers. 
SP from what I hear refers to "specific person". 
In my case, I was in a relationship with an SP so to say, and unfortunately at that time, 
it ended abruptly without a known reason. 
I was in a state of shock, confusion, etc.  
I had no real answer to why it was over.  
I was over-analyzing everything for weeks on end until I tried to let it go in my head 
and continue to live my life.  
In the midst of this, something strange happened.  
I had too many synchronicities occurring in my life, to the point where all of these 
events kept leading me back into thinking of her and about her.  
I thought I was going mad.  
When I came back to Uni, I'd see her often but it's almost if she kept purposefully 
avoiding me.  
I was heart-broken inside. 
My friend at the time got me into LOA, and she tried to get me to use positive 
affirmations, etc. 
I'd stay consistent on this but I felt it kept driving me into insanity as the more I saw 
her, the more I tried to analyze her body language, her expressions, etc. towards me, 
and I felt like I was in a maze.  
I felt like I kept going back to the whole origin of this insanity, which was the fact I did 
not know why it ended.  
The lack of closure drove me mad. 
I had a dream one night, where I was holding her, and she let go of me.  
That same morning I woke up and I got a text from her telling me she wanted to see 
When we met up, she disclosed after 4 months after the breakup, that she just had lost 
feelings for me.  
Of course I knew that answer was only the surface of what was really going on.  
Despite how my emotions were boiling inside, I kept it fun, cheerful, and positive, and 
ended the hours discussion in a mutual understanding. 
From that moment, instead of believing her answer, I trusted my intuition.  
I trusted the real reason behind the breakup and I let it go that day.  
I let go of everything.  
I only focused on the traits that I loved about her and the things that I loved about her, 
I acknowledged the purity and power of that connection we had and I trusted the 
feeling deep inside me that I knew it wasn't over between me and her.  
I was unshaken in that conviction and I carried on. 
My closest friend was awfully nosy about my situation, so I told him a pack of lies 
about what went down between me and her.  
I knew I could have just told him it wasn't any of his business, but I kind of wanted to 
believe the lies I told him. 
At 11:11 I'd open a picture of her, and tell her how much I loved her and wished her the 
It was kind of like a prayer that I gave her if that makes sense. 
Sure enough, months later, somehow, someway, we re-connected.  
She messaged me and things started to take off somehow.  
Although she was resistant at first, I never pushed a relationship with her again.  
I trusted deep down inside that it just wasn't over between me and her.  
Lo and behold, the REASON why we broke up in the first place was revealed to me, 
and it was EXACTLY the same reason I felt it was for in the first place.  
My intuition wasn't wrong.  
Ironically, the "lies" I told my friend about what went down between me and her, 
started to surface.  
In other words, the lies became a reality.  
From her dialogue to her actions.  
It's almost as if I foretold the future.  
Our connection was even stronger than ever before.  
The affirmations I wrote as recommended to me by my LOA friend, they ALL came 
true, even ones I deemed unrealistic.  
Since then we broke up again, for the exact same reason as before. 
So, I did the exact same thing… 
I wrote in my affirmations journal what I wanted with my ex. 
I sent a prayer at night to her. 
I welcomed the synchronicities that reminded me of her. 
And most of all, I trusted my intuition. 
That intuition told me things were not over between us. 
Despite whatever bad dreams I'd have, whatever negative thoughts I'd have, whatever 
events which have unfolded to put me away from her, I trusted in that deep feeling and 
deep belief of our connection, and it continues to surprise me. 
Sure enough... it happened again, and our connection grew even stronger than before. 
It got to the point we were in synch mentally ( reading each other’s minds), emotionally 
( reading each others emotions accurately), sexually/physically.  
It just became surreal, this whole experience.  
I've never connected with anyone this deep before.  
Neither has she.  
This freaks us both out.  
It's like we're alone in the world together in this magical experience.  
Now she believes there's something out there that keeps us coming back, stronger 
than ever before.  
From the day we met, from the adversities we've went through, etc.  
Everything, even from the beginning was a synchronicity.  
Our entire relationship and connection can be put down into consistent patterns.  
We could write a book about it really, but I'm sure there are many others with an 
experience like this. 
All I'm trying to say is for those who are in need of hope, take this story as an 
I truthfully believe our souls communicate with each other in some way via our 
thoughts and emotions.  
Don't pay too much heed to negative thoughts and dreams.  
I see them as a result of our fears and insecurities needing an outlet to manifest loudly 
in our minds and be acknowledged for their existence by us ( since we actively try to 
suppress it).  
As long as you stay firm and strong in your belief, and you trust you'll be with this 
person, it will happen.  
It's happened to me more than three times. 
Btw this is like some of my only posts on Reddit so I'm not really familiar with the 
culture or rules around here. 
I think I'm supposed to do a TL;DR: 
- Affirmations and story-telling 
- Night prayers 
- Strong conviction in connection 
- All of these lead me back to my "SP" over and over and over again. 
firawn -
How I Got My Sp 
Hi guys!  
I wish to share my success story with you after being encouraged by an admin of this 
Manifesting an sp is so much more than manifesting an sp.  
This journey is all about you!!  

manifesting him and I hope they don't bore you

And that is why I decided to add some of the things that I have learned while 

So here is my story: 
A couple of years ago I met somebody very special to me.  
He was all I ever wanted in a guy, plus he was crazy about me.  
It started very naturally.  
I didn't consciously manifest this part but I was at the point in life where I was 
absolutely confident and knew my worth.  
We dated for a year before breaking up.  
It started out perfectly but my insecurities eventually started showing up, as well as 
my negative beliefs about relationships. 
They didn't start showing up right away.  
There was a delay, of course. 
In my experience, bridges of incidents take a while.  
But as with any other thing, the new thoughts started showing up too.  
I won't go into detail. 
It doesn't matter.  
Suffice it to say that my insecurities took a toll on both of us and he left me.  
In the beginning I couldn't let him go.  
I needed him in my life.  
I was using him as my reassurance against my insecurities.  
I was taking things way too seriously and wasn't having any fun at all, trust me.  
Over-analyzing everything he was saying became my new hobby after the breakup.  
Then... I found someone else.  
My best friend knew I wasn't over my sp and he told me what I had already known...  
That this is a rebound.  
Nothing wrong with that but we both knew who I really love.  
I told my sp about it and he was curious to know who it was etc etc.  
He wished me luck and said he knows it must be someone special because I like 
He was super sweet just like I thought he would be.  
I didn't know about Neville yet but now I know why he reacted like that.  
That second relationship came and went in a few weeks.  
I couldn't get my sp off my mind and I didn't want to hurt this other person.  
When the breakup happened, he told me he always felt like there was someone else.  
I didn't tell him anything about my sp, just that there was nobody else physically.  
I left it at that. 
This is when I started realizing that I have a burning desire to reconcile with my 
person and I can't keep suppressing it.  
That's when I came across LOA and eventually also Neville. 
I started using sats and my sp started flirting with me again and being sweet, but... 
my insecurities were still there.  
Whenever things started going well for us and it looked like we were getting back 
together, my insecurities got in the way.  
My thoughts were not aligned with my end result.  
It didn't help much that I became obsessed with looking for different techniques all 
the time, success stories, motivational posts on forums etc...  
I went from being a doer to being a hearer!  
Nothing moved forward in months thanks to that… 
In fact, it got even worse.  
We stopped talking and he started dating somebody new.  
That really discouraged me.  
Everything I thought I knew, everything Neville teaches... it all seemed like lies.  
The problem was that I was actually familiar with all the theory but wasn't doing any 
testing at that point or changed my thinking.  
My faith was shaken. 
One day I woke up completely devastated.  
I knew that I needed to stop thinking about the third party.  
I was hurting myself.  
Being a victim of my own mind.  
Then, I messaged a friend who is a great manifester and she told me:  
“Disciplining your mind is a small price to pay to get the life you want but you 
either pay it or you continue wallowing in the shit that will manifest from 
focusing on what you don't want!“ 
I don't know why but this was that one sentence that made me change my way of 
playing this game.  
She was right.  
I created shit and instead of turning my focus to something else, I kept learning and 
exploring the forums instead of doing the work that needed to be done in order to 
change things around! 
I eventually started testing again but slowly.  
I started manifesting things for myself.  
Fixing a friendship... earning more money... becoming more independent... making my 
skin healthy again... free shopping spree because I couldn't be satisfied with a free 
coffee at that point, hahaha... my favorite sport teams winning... seeing a sport game 
live and going to a concert for the first time in my life... but it wasn't enough!  
Yes, my faith came back.  
None of these things were a coincidence.  
In fact there is no such thing as a coincidence!  
But i had to beat my insecurities to the ground.  
I started working on those.  
I became more aware of my thoughts and whenever I had an insecurity come to the 
surface I asked myself: Why am I feeling this way?  
I am such a powerful being!  
It makes no sense to feel this way.  
Everything is myself pushed out.  
I don't wanna feel this way.  
Go away.  
I don't need this shit in my life now!  
I did the same thing when it came to my insecurities about my relationship. 
I was completely focused on myself for about 3 weeks.  
Mental diet is the "technique" that made it work for me.  
It's more of a lifestyle than a technique though!  
Anyway, remember I said I couldn't stop thinking about the third party?  
All thoughts of her were gone.  
I knew she doesn't matter.  
I manifested her.  
Well, she was just like a negative thought now!  
Go away third party!  
I don't need you in my life!  
I learned my lesson about letting my insecurities get the best of me.  
Now get the hell out!  
Anyway, I only thought this maybe a few times and then I didn't have to anymore.  
It's so funny to think how they teach us that ignoring problems doesn't make them 
That's exactly what it does when it comes to people!

He contacted me when I was out and about, focusing on becoming a better version of 
myself, for myself.  
He asked me if he could call me.  
My heart skipped a beat but I knew I had done the work.  
There are no possibilities unless you let your anxiety create them and in this case I 
only allowed one possibility to exist:  
This is the next step to reconciliation. nothing else.  
We talked and he told me all the things I wanted to hear.  
He told me he missed me and he is sorry that he didn't give me another chance.  
He said he knows I've changed and blahblahblah...  
The rest is history.  
It's been a few weeks now and we are happier than ever. 
if there is one thing I wish everybody would understand is that this journey is about 
You can rest with faith knowing that your thoughts have been heard.  
Like Jesus said: “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”  
Even though I have my person back my number one goal is still bettering myself.  
In the meantime I always remember he is me pushed out.  
I don't need to worry about him leaving or hurting me.  
I only need to keep my mental diet going and it's so easy now.  
It felt like work when I first started it but I persisted and now i am being rewarded for 
It's the best feeling in the world. 
Work on yourself because you want to become a better person, and not because you 
want to attract someone.  
They will come back.  
They always do.  
Don't date others because you think that will bring your sp back and don't force 
yourself to let go.  
Just focus on yourself.  
I see some people come to this board just to moan and complain, ask a thousand 
similar questions... don't you see the answers are in front of you?  
Look at your world!  
Become aware of your thoughts!  
Do you see the correlation?  
Nothing exists that wasn't first imagined by you.  
Bridge of incidents could be an exception to this because we never know what will 
happen in order for us to get our desires but we know what we want and that is all 
that matters.  
We don't imagine the solution but we imagine the problem not existing anymore. 
If you are just sitting here wondering which technique will work instantly, wondering if 
the time you've been separated for matters, and you are looking for the answers to 
the same or similar questions or answers for every little step of the way, comparing 
your story to other's success stories, then do yourself a favor and get off reddit.  
Get off the internet!  
You are keeping yourself stuck if you are doing these things.  
You are a hearer, not a doer.  
If you know the basics of manifesting, you don't have to keep just learning indefinitely.  
There is no amount of knowledge you need to acquire before you can get started 
consciously manifesting.  
You need to test it again and again and again and again and again.  
You will find your own unique way of manifesting.  
You will fail too of course, but there is a lesson in failure.  
See the difference in what you did when you succeeded and what you did when you 
Learn from it. 
Most importantly, stop repeating your old story!  
I see this rule on this board and yet there are people who complain when their ~poor 
me~ posts get removed.  
Take the responsibility!  
You created that shit story!  
Stop rehashing it for your own sake.  
Discipline your mind!  
Like my friend said, it's a small price to pay to get the life that you want! 
issagoodsoup -
Guys I am so sorry for yelling here but I’m fucking speechless and my brain is 
After months and months of absolute depression, you don’t even want to know - my 
SP and I are going to see each other on Saturday. 
After 4 months of no contact.  
After 4 months of not speaking. 
What did I do?  
First, I cried a lot, saw psychics, did tarot readings, and fell into a deep depression.  
Not recommended.  
Then I found LoA and specifically, Neville. 
I started doing scripting and SATs.   
Felt like an absolute psycho at first (see my post history if you’re interested - had some 
real ups and downs to say the very least. I think I literally posted once asking how to 
not feel psycho when living in the end).  
I had manifested passing an impossible exam and getting a beyond once in a lifetime 
job opportunity but was so lost as to how to get my SP back, that I didn’t believe it 
would work, so it didn’t for a while. 
Guys, you should’ve seen me the other day.  
I was on the brink of giving up.  
See post history for proof, it was not pretty.  
Then last night, I told myself I should script and visualise one last time to calm my 
I wrote: he does love me, and he does want me. He’s ready to be in a committed 
relationship with ME, because I’m good enough.  
And today.  
He texts me saying he’s sorry he cut contact and was in a bad headspace.  
I’m going out with him on Saturday. 
Everyone is literally you pushed out and that’s all I’m going to say. 
Moral of this story:  
If you want an SP or to get an ex back, trust me when I say my situation was beyond 
Like BEYOND.  
If I could do it, you can.  
TELL yourself they want you and love you and need you and trust me they will. 
I feel like I’m at my own award show so let me give some shoutouts. 
Big thanks to: 
Everyone on here who listened to me wine and still believed in me.  
I love each and everyone of you.  
Special thanks to the people who really stuck by me and even messaged me through 
some dark moments. 
Neville, m 
y man. 
Agnes Vivarelli gets a super shout out.  
In fact, this woman was literally my ride or die and probably deserves number 1.  
She taught me to love myself and what vibrating from a high frequency is. 
Amy from illuminating joy, thanks boo.  
Amanda from Create Your Future, god bless. 
It’s obviously not the end here as I’m going to manifest a committed relationship with 
my SP, but guys, I literally cried tears of joy tonight and danced in my living room.  
I am so thankful for manifesting a reunion with the honest love of my life.  
I now trust the universe gives in its appointed time when you ask and believe. 
Thank you God.  
Thank you LoA.  
Thank you everyone here.  
Just thank you from the bottom of my heart for reaching me to believe in and know the 
most special law of the universe. 
coffess_upstate -
After 9 Months of Silence SP and I reconnected 
The law works, it must.  
I have been binge watching Amanda's videos on youtube the past 2 days.  
It clicked at last that I am a creator.  
I wrote down every fear I had regarding my SP and replaced each one with a positive 
I kept repeating: sp loves me and only me, and wants me and only me. 
There was zero evidence as we have not spoken in 9 months after a HUGE fight.  
I kept telling myself that sp is a kind soul and will share his heart openly with me. 
Well, that is exactly what he did tonight.  
He shared it all and ended it by telling me he loves me.  
And ya know?  
I am not even shocked or surprised.  
It felt totally natural. 

He said exactly what I imagined.  

And now to remain fixed on the end. 
SundanceSue -
I Manifested My Friend An SP, and it was pretty effortless and fun 
So my friend has been interested in this girl for like 6 weeks now, talking about her all 
day and just how good she makes him feel.  
It was obvious she only saw him as a friend though, and he knew this, so I decided 
"Hey, why not do something about it? Since I have no doubts and I can easily forget 
about it, it should be easy right?"  
Well, I just started believing she loved him and talked with him as if I was sure she 
was in love with him.  
A few days later she started commenting on almost all of his posts and they started 
talking more often.  
One day he called me, crushed, he saw a picture of her with another man at her 
house and he didn't know who he was.  
I told him to calm down and that he's probably just a friend.  
I assumed he was nobody important and yup, the next day she's talking with him 
about it and turns out he's a good friend only.  
Well, today he calls me blissful and tells me they both confessed their feelings.  
I wasn't shocked at all.   
I just knew it was gonna work out somehow.  
I didn't do SATs.  
Hell I didn't even think about them more than 10 minutes a day.  
All I did was just affirming she feels attracted to him and only him.  
I could just shrug it off as a coincidence but I know it's the law at work :) 
So yeah, I think the reason it worked so well is because I just didn't care that much 
about it and just honestly believed they would be together.   
It took like 3 weeks, and it really helped me build my faith.  
This stuff is simple, but I think we are the ones who make it complicated.  
I just really enjoyed the feeling of him telling me they are together now.  
It just felt right :) 
Ch40s_B14cK -
writing my success story here  
Two Manifestations In One Go!...I manifested my guy back and I’m 

Sorry for a really long post

Hello everyone! 
Whenever I used to read inspirational success stories here I always used to tell myself 
I’ll be writing mine soon....and here I am, writing my success story of how I 
manifested my guy back. 
After 8 months of occasional messages exchange...wishing birthdays and New Year 

I had wanted to hear from so long!

and stuff and no talks, chats, phone conversations later, my guy called and told me all 

For almost 7.5 months I did everything I used to read here or listen to videos from all 
life manifest my guy back.  
But from the past few weeks it started to feel like a chore and I thought of taking a 
In fact, I joined some dating apps/sites and started talking to other guys.  
The first week on the dating site was miserable...whosoever I chatted with or talked 

scared them off thinking I’m some crazy female

to, I used to tell them that I’m trying to manifest my guy back....well, in a way that 

I compared everybody to my guy and at times even felt as if I’m in some way 
betraying my guy.  
Guilt would make me blabber in front of some of the guys from the dating sites.  
Eventually after 5 days I deleted my account from everywhere.  
Felt horrible for a couple of days but then picked myself back up.  
Started counting my blessings again...said my gratitude list everyday and felt a lot 
While I was on the dating site this one guy I had spoken to and exchanged numbers 
messaged me out of the blue.  
We chatted a bit and I started enjoying the conversations with him.  
We would initially just chat then started talking over the phone and then planned to 
So, the gone Thursday we planned to meet for dinner.  
I was excited....and really had one of the most amazing evenings of my life.  
We laughed a lot...we had so many common topics to talk on.  
It was truly an amazing connect.  
And guess what....right in the middle of the date, I got a random message from my 
I saw his name and message on my notification but I was so enjoying the evening that 
I ignored it.  
Went back home smiling and I think I was smiling the whole night.  
In the morning I remembered my guy’s message and I responded to him casually.  
The moment he got my message he called me....and believe you me, literally said 
everything I wanted to hear.  
He told me he has been thinking of me...he told me he wants to meet me.  
When I enquired about the girl he was seeing when we broke up, he told me that that 
thing had frizzled out and he has been single from over 4 months.  
He was curious to know if I’m dating anyone.  
He proposed that we meet and we met this gone Sunday.  
It felt good and very natural.  
I could sense his eagerness to be with me which is what I had always wanted. 
Although my own reaction surprised me a bit.  
I was overwhelmed but it was just not how I had expected… 
I had thought I’ll be overjoyed and everything but I felt so normal as if I’m meeting an 
old friend. 
In the meantime, this new guy planned to exit my life.  
He told me I’m too nice for him to date and he would prefer to date some ‘bitch’ who 
he can dump without giving a second thought.  
But well...good riddance too.  
He came into my life for a move my focus completely off my guy and I realised 
that that was his only purpose. 
I know that things between my guy and me will only get better with time because 
things are different this time.  
It’s he taking initiative just how I had always imagined.  
I realise my power and I am so grateful to a lot of people here who stood by me and 
made me stronger whenever I was on the verge of giving up or losing it.  
Thanks a ton my lovely friend ​u/purpleladybugg​ for always guiding me and being such 
a huge support.  
And ​u/breatheandbeeasy​ for helping me realise an easy way to let go without even 
realising it.  
You guys are the greatest 😘  
Thanks for reading such a long post 😀  
InGratitude21 -
Just As I Had Decided To Give Up… 
He texts me. 
I had a day full of doubt about whether this all works (as the result of me being a bit 
impatient, probably).  
I decided to take some time off from practicing SATS etc because I could feel I was 
pushing way too hard and burning out.  
But, just in case this was all working, I decided I still wouldn't entertain any negative 
thoughts about him or me, I'd just ignore any thoughts. 
Well, I wake up the next day with a text from him, after nothing for weeks.  
This stuff IS REAL.  
Sometimes I think we need to let go a little bit though. 
I'll write up the full story once we're back together.😄✨  
wearingupdown - 
Alright folks, I Did It, and here is my story (SP EX Back) 
Well, the breakup happened about 2/3 months ago.  
I found Neville the day we broke up and started an ultra hyper strict mental diet, like 
no joke I switched my thoughts all day.  
This is a person that of course said many nevers (I DON'T WANNA BE WITH YOU 
EVER AGAIN) and posted mean things about me online, and JUST YESTERDAY I 
found out she started dating someone (You can check my post history for that). 
Anyways, after my breakdown yesterday I decided to not give a fuck.  
Like I said to myself, Im gonna work on loving myself and remembering how attractive 
I am, and just like 2 hours ago she texts me, says she's sorry and never actually 
stopped loving me.  
I never ever did SATS, but I always believed she loved me and only me, EVEN after 
recieving yesterdays news, and actually she confessed she started CRYING in front to 
the guy and broke things off with him because she had to accept she loves ME, 
MEEEE like what the fuck.  
It happened so quick too.  
I didn’t expect it to happen so damn quickly.  
I never did SATS.  
I didn’t even do anything else other than intense mental diet and letting go.  
So yeah guys, this stuff works wonders.  
It, of course, feels like it would have happened anyways. 
I did all the wrong things too, so don’t worry about that lmao.  
I repeated the old story a lot, but from a perspective of IT’S PAST SO IT DOESN’T 
Anyways, now it’s time to use the law to keep her, and yeah I’m still shocked, but it 
feels natural.  
Another thing I did was having imaginary conversations with her almost every day, 
and yup, everything I imagined I would talk with her I just said it today.  
I will try to answer every single question and I can offer private help no cost, so feel 
free to PM ME!  
Finally, I would like to thank everyone that helped me on this journey.  
I can’t believe it was so easy lol.  
Honestly, I think this is the best day of my life.  
I have discovered a great power that will be able to make my life better.  
Lots of love to everyone, and good luck. 
Oh yeah and my situation was the most impossible of all the impossible situations for 
a lot of factors that I won’t discuss, but yeah, I don’t know... Get happy, get stuff. 
There's like 50 people asking for help and I wanna enjoy muh girl so i'll try my best 
but it'll take some time. 
Ch40s_B14ck -
You Won’t FUCKING Believe It. 
This post is for those who feel hopeless and defeated, same as I was a week ago. 
(And for the past 2 months lol) 
My SP broke up with me 2 months ago for his ex.  
At that point we had marriage plans and we were completely serious.  
The break up came out of nowhere.  
It felt like someone had ripped my heart right out of my chest.  
It was even worse because it felt like he didn’t care about me at all.  
He blocked me from everywhere, and wouldn’t give me closure.  
All I kept asking myself was.. is he really this heartless?  
And he made it as if we were NEVER, EVER getting in contact, let alone getting back 
So I was completely, completely hopeless.  
I was angry, sad, and all these mixed emotions.  
I wanted him but I was so angry. 

What did I do?  

I read so many posts, and watched a lot of youtube videos (I recommend you to watch 
Rory TheLoveChat).. this helped me pull myself together. 
I completely stopped talking to him the same day we broke up.  
I cut all contact and he was back with his ex a day or 2 after he left me and it just broke 
And the whole time I kept telling myself that she will leave him for someone else, or 
something like that. 
I told myself: ”you know what? I want him back.”  
Step 1. I started praying to God more (I’m religious), and asking God to help me get 
through this and give me strength. 
I was doubting myself a lot and crying myself to sleep every night until like.. 4-5 days 
I don’t know what happened, I was just not sad anymore.  
I prayed that night, did the 2 cups manifestation method, and I let it go.  
That’s it, no more crying about this. 
I was having imaginary positive conversations with him in my head, imagining us 
Just feeling loved by him. (Even though he told me he didn’t love me) 
He is mine, I can call him if I wanted to but I won’t because I want him to call me.  
I don’t need an apology, because there’s nothing wrong.  
We are in a happy relationship and we’re good.  
I binge watched Amanda from Create Your Future last night and I scripted at like 4:13 
AM.. and this is part of what I scripted: 
«The first time he called me was so unexpected.  
My heart was beating so fast.  
I answered, and he asked me how I was and how much he misses me, and wants us to 
get back together.  
Exactly what I manifested. » 
At 5:26 AM, this morning.. he fucking texts me.  
He asked how I was.  
And he called me and we talked for 2 hours.  
He tells me he missed me, and needs me in his life.  
He doesn’t want to lose me. 
Guys.. he told me that she was with him for a month, then told him she was already 
engaged to someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
I said she was gonna leave him for someone else. 
He told me that the whole time he was with her, all he could think of is how he lost me. 
(I manifested this) 
Also, I made myself realize that this was all my doing.  
My thoughts created the 3rd party, therefore, my thoughts can get rid of her. 
Anyways, ​TLDR;  
Got my ex back.  
I recommend TheLoveChat on youtube, and Create Your Future.  
Go no contact, completely.  
Stay positive, pray, and try to let go of the anger.  
I went through all the phases, sadness, anger, defeat, hopelessness.  
All of it.  
Just push through it guys!!!! 
ikneadhellp -
How I Manifested My SP Back! 
Hello, so I've been uploading my journey on here and I finally have gotten my success 
story, and you will too.  
I'm gonna put a list of how I was successful and how you can be as well!  
<3 DM me for any additional tips and I'll get back to you, or even if you just need a 
pick me up :) 

1. MENTAL DIET​ - this was the first thing I trained my mind to pursue, and 
man it is simple but easy?  
No, it’s very tough, but you can't let that limiting belief influence your 
mindset, you just pursue.  
I blocked everyone in relation to him, and deactivated all of my social 
I would limit myself on if I looked at his instagram (sometimes I did, but 
after about 1-2 weeks I felt no urge to and never did until we started talking 
again) I cried, I felt pain, I let every negative emotion flow through me and 
reaffirmed my current state with positive affirmations.  
I talked to my close friends and family members, and first and foremost I 
let myself heal from losing him, because we are humans, and going into a 
mental diet immediately thinking you'll be okay is unrealistic.  
You need your manifestation to come from a natural state of "oh that 
would be nice, but I'm so happy with myself I don't really need it" 
2. AFFIRMATIONS ​- arguably the most important part for me.  
In the beginning I would say " I am so loved by my SP" and affirmations 
that generally centered around him.   
It was so needy and I felt desperate so I took a break for 3 days, and just 
cried all of my neediness out and started living for me.  
My new affirmations were "I am irreplaceable " I have a healthy, loving 
relationship with myself, I am happy in learning who I am"..etc. 
3. SATS ​- if we're being honest, I don't care much for sats and only did them 
in my first two weeks of my journey, my hardest most emotional weeks.  
If I didn't do it, I don't think I would have had a different result, so if you 
struggle with sats, don't stress! 
4. SCRIPTING ​- I did this three times on my hardest days, I wrote what I had 
in present terms, and I do in my 3d world now :)  
Ignoring your 3D world and persisting in the state of having everything you 
want becomes very natural when you continue, nothing phased me on my 
3-4 weeks until I started talking to him again.  
I would revise our meetings every night, reaffirm myself, and just go on 
with life. 
5. MAKE IT PERSONAL​ - what I mean by this is, find your own regimen, 
what fits you as a person.  
I'm spiritual, so I would combine my scripting with nights of the full moon  
I burned sage to make room for the new in my life.  
I prayed to my angels to help me through my healing.  
I listened to music that reflected what I was feeling in my current state.  
I meditated and kept calm during our meetings.  
I always knew this would happen, and I was at ease through the whole 
process except after our first meeting haha but I grounded myself. 

This whole process took exactly a month!  

It feels so amazing.  
He's surprised me with multiple gifts and has plenty of dates planned.   
We have great communication and it feels so beautiful.  
I was not hung up on him throughout my journey.  
I flirted around but nothing came of anything.  
He never even attempted to move on, and he changed his number and blocked me 
on everything.  
Just persist, because if you do, you will have exactly what you want.  
Your thoughts become your reality ❤ 

UsedBite6 -
EVERYTHING Happened As I Imagined!! SP reached out and we 
reunited this weekend :) 
Guys, ​everything​ you have been reading regarding Neville Goddard's works is ​100% 
I have been aware since my teenage years that I had definitely had a hand in creating 
certain aspects of my life but there was a part of me that also held the belief that the 
outside was happening to me and my control was limited.  
This year, I rediscovered Neville Goddard's teachings and I decided to fully commit in 
applying them to my life.  
I wasn't just going to take minor manifestations or partial manifestations;  
I wanted complete evidence that I could create anything that I wanted.  
This past weekend, I got exactly that!! 
Old Story:  
I began dating my SP 3 months ago.  
It all happened organically and instigated by him.  
Looking back I definitely created him in my life and he fit the majority of criteria that I 
wanted in someone to date.  
We had such a good time; surprise dates, romantic gestures, nights out with only him 
& I, days out exploring, nights in etc.  
He repeatedly told me how he knew he had found the one and he had never felt like 
this before and hadn't had so much fun with anyone he had dated previously.  
During the end of that time we started having arguments and it culminated in one 
explosive argument that was honestly over nothing.  
We parted ways badly and stopped talking that very day.  
Again, I take ​FULL​ responsibility for this as I expected him to act like he did and I had 
held the belief that this wouldn't last and he wasn't right for me.  
Lo and behold he played that part to a tee!! 
What I Did:  
I took some breathing space and decided that I wasn't going to reach out to him.  
I took a few days to really think about what I wanted in life and ultimately, from my SP.  
I knew that we had a genuine connection and concluded that I wanted to pursue our 
relationship and edit out the arguments.  
Like many of you here, I delved deep into Neville and knew deep down that I was 
going to create my exact reunion with my SP.  
Through a combination of techniques, I feel like this is the first time I have consciously 
lived in the end and it has paid off tremendously. 

1. Mental Diet:​ As soon as I made my decision, I began to implement my 

mental diet.  
I told myself repeatedly that what happened was part of our story in us 
getting back together anytime that I thought about the old story.  
I made sure that any negative thoughts I held about him, us or past events 
were turned into positives.  
If a negative thought popped up in my head, I trained myself to not react to 
it and remained neutral in changing it into a positive.  
I really do think this is what helped me regarding the mental diet.  
If you find yourself reacting emotionally to the negative thoughts then you 
need to keep working on the diet until you get to that neutral space.  
Don't get me wrong, this is incredibly hard initially but it can be done and 
once you tackle the first stage, your brain has then been conditioned so it 
becomes a lot easier. 
2. Perception of Self:​ The time that we weren't talking, I poured my focus 
and energy into me.  
I think that a lot of advice regarding self love seems to imply that having a 
bath and slapping a face mask on is self love.  
Which by all means, it does help to pamper yourself!  
However, if you are doing this, you need to be working on your mentality 
I revelled in spending time doing whatever I wanted; going out with friends, 
exercising, eating right, shopping, reading, buying new books, spending 
time with family, clearing out my house and reorganising for a tidier space, 
days out, walks in nature, cooking, crafting...all the while reminding myself 
how much I deserve, how grateful I am for everything that I have and how 
much I enjoy my life. 
3. Journaling​:​ I thoroughly enjoyed journaling.  
I used an A5, graph notebook and easily filled a page full of writing, 
sometimes two.  
I never carried out SATS as I fell asleep too quickly.  
However, I used my own technique.  
Anytime I was daydreaming about something I would like to experience 
with my SP or a scene implying that we were back together, I noted that I 
would journal about it.  
I find that if I were to sit down and write a page with no prior daydream, I 
would just be forcing myself to write out something and I wouldn't really be 
feeling it in the moment.  
If I gave myself time to naturally create a scene then when it came to me 
journaling later on in the day, I had already seen it in my mind's eye like it 
was a memory so I could write about like it just happened.  
My scenes varied from me meeting up with my best friend for lunch, 
remarking on how good my SP & I are now that we're together again;  
if I had been out with my parents for a drink, I would incorporate how my 
SP came and met up with us;  
dates and days out that I wanted to experience with my SP; scenes with 
his family;  
redoing some of the dates we had.  
I saw it all as though it happened and gave so much detail that I truly felt 
like I was living from those scenes. 
4. Affirmations/Intentions:​ If I found myself pondering on the situation of my 
SP & I, I would think loving things such as: "SP misses me, SP knows I am 
the only one for him, SP is so happy that we are together, I am unique, I 
am one of a kind, I am sought after, I am chased by people, I am loved, SP 
regrets us ever having a break, SP thinks of me often, I'm so happy SP 
reached out" etc. 
5. Living As If​: I know a lot of people struggle with this because it feels like 
you are deluding yourself but if you do feel that you're lying to yourself then 
you need to work on that.  
I threw myself into this process and resigned myself to creating exactly 
what I wanted.  
Through this belief that I already had what I wanted, I didn't feel that I was 
living a lie or being delusional.  
Once I had made this decision to believe that I had my SP, I then went to 
the next step.  
Whenever my friends asked about the situation, I didn't repeat the old 
story, I parroted my affirmations and mental diet back to them.  
"Well I know that he's been thinking about me and I heard that he's giving 
it a bit of time before he gets back in touch to give me some space but I 
think it will be soon" or if they asked, I would give a knowing little smile or 
smirk to which they would immediately clamour for what had happened 
but I would just say, "early days, I'll let you know as soon things start to 
I also have friends that I catch up with regularly but who live far away from 
me, so it isn't as though they are directly in the situation.  
So with them, I could just speak out the daydreams I had, had! 

What Happened: 
Earlier this week, I intended in my head to go for a date with my SP at a specific 
Then I dropped it and carried on with my day.  
I was crafting a new project of mine and I received an innocent message from my 
Straight away, I knew that he had an ulterior motive even though he claimed it was 
about something else in the message.  
He kept messaging me and even rang me when I didn't reply to one of his messages 
because I was out.  
He then asked to meet me at the exact place I had intended despite him never 
having gone there before in his life.  
I was civil and jokey with him but it was clear that he was making a real effort.  
When we met up, he said absolutely everything that I had intended and incorporated 
in my mental diet.  
He told me how he hadn't reached out because ​he had wanted to give me space 
after he messed up​, he had been thinking about me ​all the time​ since we broke it 
off, he was reminded how ​unique​ I was when he was around other people and they 
didn't compare to me, that he had been really ​missing me and longing to see me 
and that he knew he would ​have to reach out to get me back​.  
On the outside it looked as though I was listening to him, which I was, but on the 
inside I thought of how amazing life is that we have the ability to create our own life 
down to exact details and that I must create a post for this sub to encourage 
everyone else's faith on this sub, that they too can have whoever and whatever they 
want in life!!  
So you guys were on my mind during this meetup.  
After the drink, we stayed out going to various places and had such a fun time.  
Ever since, he has been amazing and so attentive, which was another thing I 
Unlike past times, I have not given up my mental diet and I'm sticking on it to really 
live the life I want. 
I have full faith that all of you can achieve exactly what you want.  
The thought that centred me was, I have to keep an eye on my focus.  
If I am concentrated on the absence or lack then I will only get more of that, so I kept 
my focus on my life being full and happy with all that I wanted to experience.  
I planned out my days and weeks so that I was busy yet balancing it out with making 
sure I had time alone to reconfigure myself and my mental diet. 
I also wanted to add that I think this sub is such a helpful place for people to really 
understand the power they have.  
Some people get sick of the SP posts but if it is something you desire, then that's 
absolutely fine. 
Just make sure you are reading Neville's literature and remember that you don't have 
to lift a finger in order to make anything happen between you and your SP.  
The other thing I would like to add is that this is a community here.  
I have read certain posts and comments where I think ego has consumed certain 
people that have had success regarding creating your own reality.  
Personally, I think this comes across as discouraging to others if they are fresh to 
these concepts.  
If you are new to learning about all of this, please do not take to heart people that 
want to make out as though they are magical manifestors and they are better than 
you in any other way.  
YOU​ have the power right now to change your thoughts and therefore focus on 
whatever ​YOU​ want to have.  
YOU​ are equal to anyone who has had success regarding creating what they want in 
YOU​ are going to have the same success if you commit to disciplining your mind.  
It really is each to their own, and like I said, some people have great outcomes with 
SATS, yet I used a variety of techniques to ​live from the end and know it was done.  
Again, if you feel like you're someone that would benefit from receiving coaching 
from one of the popular YouTubers or bloggers then it is your own right to do that.  
But for those who can't afford such things or don't want to go down that road. 
Please know that that is okay too.  
YOU​ are the only person that is ultimately going to make this happen for yourself and 
I am telling you that Neville's books, this sub and the main Neville Goddard sub have 
more than enough information to keep you on the right track.  
You do not need to feel pressured or obliged to pay anything or do some kind of 
magical dance in order to create your own reality.  
I can promise you that it is all about your mentality and imagination!  
Please feel free to comment or PM me if you need any encouragement or advice.  
I saw a user called Chaos Black offer this to people and just like them, I'm happy to 
help anyone who needs it.  
And no don't be ridiculous, I'm not going to ask for any money or offer to coach you 
because I think this is a great way of living to share and help other people with!  
Love to you all :) 
realitycheck0309 -
How I Got My SP Back: detailed explanation 
This is going to be my last post for a little while as I am going to stay off social media 
to focus on my new manifestations. 
So long story short, I was blocked by my SP for a couple of months.  
He only unblocked me for 24 hours during that time and blocked me again right away 
after this.  
I was keeping a pretty good mental diet at the time but it definitely wasn’t super strict.  
On August 13th, I got tired of failing and I decided I was gonna go all in and I was 
going to succeed no matter what.  
So here’s what I did: 

1. Ignored reality:  
That is mandatory.  
I didn’t pay attention to anything going on that was contradicting what I 
When I started to feel bad I would just remind myself that this was the old 
reality and it was being replaced by the one I wanted. 
2. Strict mental diet:  
When I say strict, I mean it.  
I didn’t allow any negative thoughts.  
As soon as I noticed one, I focused on my mental diet and repeated 
opposite positive thoughts until I felt better.  
Sometimes that was a couple times and sometimes it was way more than 
But I was committed and I knew I could do it.  
After 2-3 days, all my negative thoughts were gone. 
3. Affirmations/Intentions:  
I wrote a few intentions/affirmations on my phone and I would read them 
many times per day.  
Some of them were that my SP loves me and only me, he wants to be with 
me and only me, he is in a loving and committed relationship with me 
because I am the best woman on earth and he knows it.  
The more he tries to forget me the more he wants to be with me (this one 
was really helpful when I was worried about him moving on).  
I am god and I always get what I want.  
I am deserving of everything I want.  
Our love is stronger than anything and he feels it etc.  
The key is to find what affirmations work for you.  
If you repeat someone else’s affirmation but it doesn’t resonate with you 
then it’s useless.  
What do you want?  
Figure it out and create your own affirmations around it. 
I can’t stress how important this is.  
For such a long time I was doing a mental diet for a few hours then I would 
keep looking for results afterwards.  
You don’t have to look, the results WILL COME TO YOU!  
They will come automatically and you don’t have to lift a finger to make it 
happen, you don’t have to keep looking.  
You only have to change your mind, so don’t focus on your 3D world at all.  
It can’t change if you keep giving it your attention all the time. 
5. Enjoy the process:  
Living in your ideal world mentally is actually really fun and feels really 
good after a couple of days.  
When you do it for fun and you really enjoy the process, it feels natural 
really fast and the results will come even faster.  
Let go of any neediness, desperation and pressure. 
6. Don’t react to any setback:  
I had one setback two days before I got my SP back.  
It was really contradicting and I was upset for maybe an hour or two and 
after that I got back on track and repeated my affirmations.  
He tried to call me two days after that.  
Setbacks don’t mean anything at all, nothing means anything unless you 
think it does. 
7. Don’t focus on time.  
If you live in your mind it’s yours already.  
Don’t put any time limits, that’s counterproductive. 
8. Stay off social media:  
You don’t need more success stories.  
You don’t need more tips.  
You don’t need someone to reassure you.  
You don’t need to try a new technique.  
You just need to do the work and stop looking for reassurance. 

And that’s pretty much it.  

Now I just want to say that you probably won’t believe your affirmations during the first 
few days and that’s normal.  
If you believed them right away, you wouldn’t need to do a mental diet in the first 
Persist until you feel good and then you will believe after a few days.  
This is not a magic formula, this is a way to change your state of mind.  
Your 3D world will change as soon as you change your mind.  
Do the work to change your mind, not to get results.  
When you do, the results will come automatically.  
But you have to stop being a victim and you have to take control of your mind.  
Being a victim will not give you anything you want.  
You are god, so stop settling for what you don’t want and go all in.  
It works.  
You can’t fail if you really change your mind. 
cpneville -
My Success Story Finally! 
First I wanna start off by saying that up until last night, I still had some doubts and I 
definitely went through some low points and just like it put me at ease to hear others 
say it, I want someone else who is struggling to not beat themselves up.  
I didn't mean to make this so long, but I am just so happy and I really want to give as 
many details as I can. 
So last night I was feeling sick and decided to sleep early.  
While all of my other friends were out doing something, I decided to let myself rest.  
And this was a big deal because before I would beg my friends to go out no matter if I 
was feeling good or not, just so that I could hopefully bump into SP (which never 
worked, even when I went to places I knew he used to always be at) and when I 
stayed at home and they would see him, it would frustrate me and I would have to 
fight with myself to not feel as if I missed my only opportunity and that something 
could've happened if I had decided differently. 
Anyway, so this morning I woke up around 6 am and although deep down I was still 
hopeful to get contact from SP, (just like I was every morning) I had given up.  
So as I turn my wifi on, I get a notification from my SP and my phone dies straight 
The anxiety I had at that moment was everything I felt before when I had this weird 
phase of anxious anticipation.  
Lol, the Universe is actually funny. 
Apparently, he had texted me at 3 am and it was just a simple "Hey, how are you 
This was very unlike him since he would only text me when he was sure I'd answer, 
but I read the posts of SPs being unsure of what made them act out of character but 
they knew they had to do something and I remember telling myself 'SP can also feel 
that sudden urge to contact me'.  
Now a part of me really wanted to be cold just so that I could finally come off as the 
one with "power" but I remember reading that it is only the ego that acts this way and 
that actual love is always kind and warm, so I answered in a way he knew I was happy 
to hear from him.  
I knew he was asleep so I calmed myself down and went back to sleep still feeling 
sick and icky.  
He answered later in the morning asking if I was free later during the day so that we 
could catch up.  
This proved I didn't need to be on cloud nine to get my manifestations as long as my 
feeling towards them was positive.  
I knew that whatever he would say next was major progress. 
He ended up coming over to mine, and I had always visualized opening the door for 
him and how happy I'd be to see him at my doorstep again, and it happened the 
exact same way, he was even wearing his cute lil glasses! 
He ended up apologizing and saying that he is now ready for a relationship and 
because of how loving I was with him before he wouldn't want one with anyone else.  
I used to think I came off desperate and clingy because of how he'd previously react, 
but part of my new story was that now he's had time to think, he appreciates all my 
I obviously said yes, and now I am getting ready to go out with him and his friends (I 
paused doing my makeup to write this because I just had to haha). 
Right so, this whole journey being a battle is the least I can say.  
I knew and got proof that I could manifest things.  
My mental diet was good in the sense that I refused to entertain any negative 
thoughts and I truly did believe he was thinking about me and finding me attractive 
still, it was just hard to not feel defeated without seeing any results.  
I would always get my expectations up thinking something would happen, and then it 
That brings me to about a week prior where I just got so tired and frustrated. 

I affirmed that I am irreplaceable, irresistible and desirable, and I knew it worked based 
on the attention I got from other people, so I kept telling myself obviously SP is not an 
exception to this, but there was still a part of me that couldn't figure out why he was 
the only one who wasn't responding to my affirmations.  
So it led to me just giving up basically, I started to allow myself to express my 
frustrations of him not reaching out to my friends and I started to consider others as 
potential boyfriends instead. 
I remember telling the Universe "I have done everything I could at this point, everything 
I have done has worked for my other manifestations and I don't know what is getting in 
the way of this, but get rid of it because I have other things to deal with and I am out of 
energy for this."  
I truly was so exhausted of 'trying'. 
And lo and behold, I was the one who actually did "get rid of it" and "it" I now realize is 
the effort and importance I put on manifesting SP.  
I was trying so hard to do something that is natural to all of us.  
You know when you're aware of blinking, it gets tiring.  
Manifesting is just the same, it works on it's own in the background, which I knew 
already and that's why I got all my other manifestations but I put my SP front and 
centre and I was trying to do everything myself. 
At first the techniques (visualizing and constant affirming) did get me into a good state, 
but then they became this chore that I was scared of stopping.  
I thought the harder and more I did them the more sure I was going to get SP. 
Now I would like to say that I couldn't 'let go' the entire time.  
I thought I had to see him as my boyfriend and go on happily with my life, forgetting 
that I wanted him (I started with learning from Abe Hicks and youtubers that taught 
those methods, so I guess that's why).  
The only letting go I did was I decided I wouldn't do anything more about it.  
I let the thoughts come and if they were bad I would change them into something 
positive but obviously he was still constantly on my mind. 
Living in the end didn't work for me.  
My mind was too stubborn, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't pretend he was 
already mine.  
The only thing that gave me that relief was knowing it was a possibility.  
I knew it's not some impossible thing that I am trying to get.  
I was scared that I did not believe it a 100% so I would ease myself by saying that no 
matter what, this is something that actually has a chance of happening, and with all my 
work, something is bound to happen. 
And so with all that, I did get it, and now I know not to put him on a pedestal and to 
just have faith that once I put my intentions out there, it is beyond my control, but it is 
bound to happen. 
p_aralel - ​ 
Finally My Success Story! 
It feels so good posting this here because now I’m one of those that completely 
believe that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.  
Circumstances don’t matter, at all. 
To all those reading this for hope, trust me there is hope if you believe within that 
there is. 
My story:  
SP(Mr. Big) and I were fwb and the last time we met before this was almost 2.5 weeks 
ago and I didn’t think I’d see him again since he would have better people in his life 
and all that negative crap.  
We didn’t text/call at all during this time and hence I was just like, nah it’s not gonna 
Thanks to all those wonderful people here who supported and motivated me and the 
success stories that kept me going everyday to be positive, to look for the good vibes 
within, to focus only on the end result and actually feel living in the end.  
All I did was keep a somewhat strict mental diet.  
Some days I would fall down but this sub would help me get back up and I’d always 
I didn’t know if we ever would meet/talk again.  
He hadn’t replied to me.  
I began falling in love with myself by doing the smallest things that made me happy, 
by attracting free tickets, free food and just affection from friends and coworkers.  
It all made me so happy on my own that I began believing he was already mine no 
matter what.  
He had just joined dating apps and previously I thought that was the end but my 
persistence and faith made sure he became mine. 
Getting to the best part.  
Yesterday I had a pretty okayish day and still remained positive about SP, missed him 
and wished him happiness, saw a lot of signs with his name and birthdate all around 
me since 2-3 days.  
Thought it was just a part of me thinking about him and hence manifesting the signs.  
Even in the most impossible places, his name would appear.  
Yesterday night I finally took the time to cook food and watch a movie when Mr. Big 
He never calls me out of the blue and he did yesterday.  
We spoke for 15 minutes about our lives and when I would see him again and he only 
said “soon” cause his exams were on.  
At first, I was shocked.  
I couldn’t pick the call cause I changed his name on my phone as “Mr. Big” and it was 
really unbelievable seeing a call from him.  
I had to shake myself to reality.  
I was so happy after the call, I can’t even describe the feeling.  
I had imagined it happening and it happened even better than I imagined.  
I went on to tell my friends about it and tell them how happy I was when a few hours 
later I get another call from Mr. Big asking me to come over to his place.  
And I agreed.  
We had the most amazing time together and he treated me like I was his girlfriend.  
He never suggests watching anything together but he himself wanted to watch a rom 
com with me.  
He wanted to have conversations and share things with me and when it was time for 
me to leave he didn’t want me to go and hugged me a lot and made sure I believed 
him when he said “I’ll see you soon?”  
I had such such such a great time.  
Man, I can’t even describe how unreal it felt being in his bed again with him after all 
these weeks of not seeing it happening.  
If I could do this, I can really do anything.  
I can get anything I want and anyone I want.  
Just need to focus on the end result and be positive.  
Even if it’s a bad day, the universe will find a way to cheer you up. 
I hope this helps even one person.  
There is ALWAYS hope guys.  
This stuff works.  
Didn’t think I’d be saying it.  
I wish you all great luck and happiness with your manifestations.  
Thank you for sharing your stories :) 
Ah_1221 - ​ 
Me And My SP Are Close Again 
I was in such a dark place.  
I didn’t know who else to call so I called him.  
I’m so so glad.  
We spent 4 hours on the phone crying.  
We sorted through so many tough things and told each other how much we value 
each other, love each other and are crazy attracted to each other.  
We aren’t back in a relationship but for now I’m ok with that.  
If it doesn’t feel right to him I won’t force it.  
I have faith in myself and in him.  
We both admit the connection we have and its strength but we both made a lot of 
mistakes in our relationship and this was a lesson we both needed to learn.  
I am sure we will find our way back to each other as soon as it’s right and I’m glad he 
is back in my life. 
It’s also proved to me that positive assumptions do work!  
Nothing exists until you will it so.  
Everything I FELT he felt for me was right, not what I thought!  
It really is all about feeling.  
I always believed that and I lost my way recently.  
I’m glad that I found my way back 
MacDurce - 
Sp Is Back And I Finally Accepted Who I Am 
Hey guys, just here to tell you that your strong belief will always manifest, doesn’t 
matter if you have a shit day and feeling like a victim again, which happened to me 
I got my SP back yesterday when I felt like it will never happen.  
I dont wanna tell the old story but I finally understand how this reality works.  
Massive thank you to ​u/cuban​ for telling me straight up how it is and slamming doors 
to my face.  
Once I understood HOW I create, all my manifestations came to pass in 3d reality.  
I didn’t do SATs.  
I focused on the feeling of ‘ I am ‘ and what it means to me.  
Also thanks to ​u/allismind​ and his God like image.  
But mostly I wanna thank MYSELF because after 20 years of looking outside I have 
finally accepted that all is within.  
Much love. 
herefordagoodtime -
(Posted this on ​r/NevilleGoddard​ too) 
So OK, I'll keep it short because I really don't want to overcomplicate this:  
Went back to my hometown for a few days during the summer, hooked up with an ex 
I've kind of always liked but never kept consistently in touch with, came back to the 
city where I work, never heard back from him unless I texted first (once, because I 
missed the attention and, as you can guess, didn't get much of that).  
One night I did a little SATS imagining him texting me just for the sake of it.  
Then today after 10 days of not hearing from him I decided that maybe this is ​a sign 
(lol) and I honestly should never fuck him again or even entertaining the possibility of 
anything else happening between us.  
I'm moving even further away from home and this story is definitely over.  
It's been too many years and I don't even like him that much.  
He's not as hot as he used to be and I would never be happy with him.  
I like someone else better (!!!!).  
I need to grow up and leave this stuff behind, it's not such a great loss, yada yada 
Then BOOM, of course a few hours ago he texted me out of the blue just to ask if I'm 
coming back home soon because he heard someone talk about it at work. 
Could be a coincidence, could be The Law, could be magic.  
All I know is that I did SATS, then decided I didn't want or need that text or that 
person's attention at all and then I got a text (a few of them, actually).  
So up to you now. 
Hope this helps :) 
GinnyKK - ​ 
Manifesting An SP Absolutely Works… 
Sorry if this is a long post, but I felt the gut feeling to share this to anyone who 
would want to read it today! 
I'd like to start this off by stating some things.  
First, I'd like to thank everyone on this subreddit and who have been with me on this 
Second, I'm writing this with a throwaway account because I don't want my main 
account to expose my identity.  
Finally, if I myself were reading this success story from a few months back, I would be 
pissed at myself but also proud.  
This is for the reason being that I actually started on this SP journey to manifest an ex 
back (like most people).  
But I did get an SP.  
I will explain why. 
My journey started off with wanting an ex back.  
We were together in my high school years and I moved for college.  
I manifested the breakup just as I manifested us being together in the first place in the 
I was consumed with depression in my new environment and university and I hated it.  
I started overthinking that she would leave me for someone else.  
A few months later, I saw her with her new partner and it broke me.  
I wanted her back so badly.  
I desperately started to apply Agnes Vivarelli stuff, Neville stuff, etc.  
But it wasn't working.  
I was able to manifest coffee and other things but the SP wasn't working.  
I even manifested other great things, such as internship opportunities to travel to the 
place where my ex and I used to live.  
Eventually, I reflected to myself after seeing many pictures of her and her new partner.  
I looked deep within and knew that I was trying with all my might to want to manifest 
her back.  
I wanted to prove that the law would work to myself so badly that I wanted her and 
only her.  
At the end of the day, however, I realized that there was a significant part of me that 
thought "Hey, I'm still young. Maybe someone else will be a better fit for me."  
This was one of my resistances that I knew was blocking me from fully wanting her 
At this point, I was slightly disappointed with wanting to "give up" on my ex journey.  
I felt that I invested a lot into it and would be a failure if I gave up and tried to go for 
another SP.  
But I was at a point in my life where I was going to the gym again, looking good, 
enjoying life, and catching up with friends and family.  
I suddenly felt very free and focused on being happy and living in the moment.  
I started to appreciate everything I had and I let go of the need for my ex.  
I was happy with myself. 
One evening, I lay in my bed and imagined a girl.  
Similar to my ex in the ways that I loved her, but different in better ways.  
Though I knew that I could manifest my ex to be that way, I knew that I had too much 
resistance within me and kinda couldn't be bothered to deal with that.  
I imagined being with a new girl and being in a loving relationship with a new girl.  
I knew that was set.  
I downloaded dating apps on my phone and began swiping. 
I gave u after a while on the dating apps, but deleted all except one app.  
I continued enjoying life and started feeling like I wasn't desperate to have my ex back 
That's when it happened.  
I met someone new who texted me on that app, despite me not opening it for ages.  
It was a very innocent conversation.  
We met up for the first time and I knew that this was the girl I imagined.  
I thought to myself: This is the girl I'm going to be with.  
This is the one who will love me so much I'll be shocked by it.  
I know that I could have thought otherwise and that would manifest instead.  
But I eventually chose this girl as an SP.  
It was no longer general but "specific specific". 
All my thoughts about this girl came true. 
For the next few dates/hangouts, I always remained in my assumption that she liked 
me and had feelings for me.  
I wasn't desperate to be with her anymore, but I was very certain that I would be with 
Funny thing is, my ex texted me and unblocked me.  
She also started to watch my snapchat stories very quickly.  
I remember how I used to check desperately to see if she checked my posts, but now 
I didn't care.  
I know I could get her back, but after meeting this new girl I guess my mind became 
set on a different SP.  
Slowly but surely, my relationship with my SP (now girlfriend) progressed.  
She took the lead in confessing to me and asking me out.  
All I did was stay true to my assumption and live in the moment to enjoy my life.  
It all happened just as I imagined it to be. 
All I know is... this works.  
This works in the best ways possible.  
You just have to release the resistance and let things happen the way they should.  
If you want your ex or SP, go get them. 
Ask any questions below, I'll be happy to answer. 
3throw1awayy2 - 
Over 2 Years No Contact....He's Back 
Hi everyone, 
Been trying to get ex back since March 2017.  
In the beginning I was so desperate and needy, and really struggled to get out of this 
anxious state. 
I listened to every video, read every forum etc, applying (well, trying to) every 
technique under the sun but absolutely nothing! ( I should add we were completely 
1000000% no contact, no mutual friends, no social media connections etc) 
So at the start of this year I really tried to work on not making getting him back my 
whole life, which I felt it had been all this time.  
It was hard, and I had a load of doubts all the time, but I tried my best to believe in 
myself and my capabilities. 
The last month or so I started feeling indifferent to him coming back, but would still 
prefer it.  
I tried to do sats and mental diet and I was all over the place with it, really 
So, last night I couldn't sleep.  
I went on this dating app on my phone, and lo and behold he was there.  
I closed my eyes and said: “He’s going to message me”, and did a quick 2 sec visual 
on us kissing.  
It was the most vivid imaginal act I've done and I thought, yep that was it! 
Well 20 mins later....he messaged.  
We've messaged back and forth and swapped phone numbers. 
He’s messaged me first thing this morning! 
This isn't my end result but I still feel it's a success. 
I've had a lot of help on here, so thank you very much to everyone. 
Hopefully I'll update soon when I fully get what I want 
Lolz7777 - 
I Decided To Come Back and let you all know my SP and I are back 
I was pretty angry at this section of Reddit for about a month and told myself I wasn’t 
coming back because I posted that I manifested by taking action through reaching 
out to him after several months of No Contact.  
I texted him, I sat, burned some sage to get rid of negative energy and focused on us 
I watched Amanda create your future and she says if you want it just say it’s yours, 
that it is already here and I stopped hoping and I DEMANDED he text me. 
He came over we were intimate, it was AMAZING and I posted here and got dragged 
that I was basically used for sex and that my manifestation wasn’t a manifestation.  
It was a flesh thing and “good luck cause now you’re going to be manifesting every 
single step”.  
Well the people who dragged me you were wrong.  
We see each other multiple times per week, ( could be more but I need a break in 
between to keep focused on myself and my life) we go out, we are moving forward in 
a way that I never thought. 
In the very beginning when I was reading all of the negativity here about me, he 
disappeared for a day and a half.  
Then I completely quit this place and went to my meditations...  
He showed up at my door saying “ I know I know, I should not just show up at your 
door but I’m so sorry I didn’t reach out yesterday but I’m trying to work through my 
It was super random!  
He has said he is working so hard to be an even better man and he helps me with so 
many things....  
It’s crazy if I need something he’s there.  
He is so helpful.  
I don’t even have to ask.  
I told him the other day my vacuum cleaner broke and he handed me 100.00 for a 
new one just out of nowhere.  
I wanted to post this for the people who need a little boost because I was right there 
where you are.  
It took me since January of this year until 1 month ago.  
I did self love meditation, and night time visuals.  
I also did a bit of scripting and a few of those get a text from your ex visualizations.  
There is more than one way and if you reach out that is not a bad thing.  
I’m sorry, but it’s just not. 
TiffanyBlueRibbon -
My Sister Manifested Her SP 
One year later, my sister developed a crush on her colleague.  
I told her to use SATs for manifesting him.  
She used to picture herself with him before sleeping and felt gratitude as though they 
are already together.  
She used a combination of NG+LOA as she has already manifested a lot of things 
using LOA.  
They both started talking, and gradually started dating.  
On 18th of March, they both got married and they are the most beautiful couple I have 
ever seen. 
rashmi_12 -
Sp Success Story 
I decided to do revision one night this week for several relationships that ended.  
I revised the scene for each one to have never happened.  
Today I received a message from one of these people who I have not spoken to and 
have not seen in 2 years.  
I was NOT expecting anything and after the revision just let it go.  
This was a test for myself since I've been manifesting little things successfully but 
wanted to try something that involved another person/relationship I had.  
This is the only proof I need.  
The law is real. 
Pookie17445 -

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