Passive - Strona Bierna

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Unit 12 Passives quiz 1 When was the Eiffel Tower built? a) 1889 b) 1889 9) 1909 2 When was Kennedy assassinated? a) November 1961 b) December 1961 ) November 1963 3. Which city is known as the Big Apple? a) New York ») Los Angeles ) San Francisco 4 Who designed the first mini-skist? 2) Mary Quant ») Biba ) Yves Saint Laurent 5. Where was Christopher Columbus born? a) Portugal b) Spain ©) Italy 6 Which of the following was not written by Shakespeare? 4) Nicholas Nickleby b) The Tempest ©) Twelth Night 7 When was Australia discovered? a) the 16th century b) the 17th century ©) the 18th century 8 When was Mount Everest first climbed? a) 1953 b) 1963 9 1957 9 Who designed the frst helicopter? a) Leonardo da Vinei b) Albert Einstein Napoleon 10 When was England last invaded? 8) 1812 b) 1914 9 1066 138 ‘11 In which city will the 2000 Olympics be held? 2) Manchester, by Atlanta © Sydney 412 Where is the most wine produced? 2) italy b) Australia 9) France 13. When was McDonald's founded? 8) 1935 b) 1975 9) 1985 14 Who invented television? a) Marconi b) John Logie Baird 9) Edison 15. Which British city is said to be ‘the Athens of the North”? a) Glasgow b) Newcastle ©) Edinburgh 16 Which country sold Alaska? a) Canada b) France 9) Russia 17_Where was paper invented? a) Japan b) China ©) India 18 When was the first saellite launched? a) 1969 b) 1975 9 1957 19 Who manufactured the Model T? a) Henry Ford ) John Ford ©) Harrison Ford 20 Who directed Jurassic Park? 2) Oliver Stone b) Stephen Spielberg 9) Francis Ford Coppola LIFELINES © Oxtord University Press EEESSNITTS [ Aasitional materia Passives quiz (photocopiable material p138) | Students workin groups to answer the questions. | | Discuss the answers with the class, with students | giving thet answers as passive sentences, 09. | The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. | Go tough the ravers. | Answers » 4 12 3 4 18 16 17 18 9 20 | © Onford University Press | vr [42 | More practice with the passive HB Write the verb in brackets in the correct form of the passive in the VERB column, VERB Example: The prize by a seven-year-old boy. (win) was won _ 1 This bill is a lot! service 2 (include) a 2 Oh no! | can’t see my car: | think it (steal) ee 3. A Does Joe know he's been sacked? B No. He yet. (not tell) 4 All books should to the library before the end of term. (return) 5A Why are you staying with your sister? B Because my flat (redecorate) 6 A When it 2 (finish) B Next Friday, | hope. 7 He drove very carefully because he by a police car. (follow) 8 A Why have you left Lassie outside? B Because dogs in here. (allow) 9 A Why was your plane so late? B Because all the flights and we had to wait. (delay) 10 When they arrived home, they discovered that all their windows by vandals. (break) HI don't like by men with moustaches. (kiss) 12 A Does this shirt have to 2 (iron) B No, just dry it on a hanger. 13 A How did Manchester United do yesterday? B Badly. They by Charlton 5-0. (beat) 14a this novel into French yet? (translate) B Yes, | think so. 15 It’s a beautiful old house. When | it THOR? (build) AS Cover the VERB column. Test yourself. | Pile ber Qin We Passe f. Howeues ~ WE Cx, FA? 9.34 I Language focus: Questions in the passive a ao bee Look at these questions from the conversation Where wos the car parked? Has it akeady been found? How do we make questions in the passive? Find more questions in the passive in tapescript 5.2. Write the questions in the passive in the correct tense. 11 There was a crash on the motorway yesterday. (anyone/ Kil) No, but two people were hurt (take/ to hospital) Yes, they were, 2. My car was stolen, (find yet) Yes, Ive just got it back, (id damage) No, it hasnt 3. That man's been found guilty. (When! he/ sentence) Tomorrow. (he/ send/ to prison) Yes, {think he wil. 4 A.woman has been arrested for that murder. (charge/ yet) No, she hasn't (Geingy question) Yes, she i. 3. Make conversations for these situations. Work with a partner, following the diagram. Take it in turns to be the police officer and the person reporting a problem. A ‘Ask what the problem is — ‘Ask for more details Say what you will do Your motorcycle has been stolen. Your dog has disappeared, Someone has broken inta your car and stolen something. You've found a bag. = Explain the problem = Provide the information 5 The law Questions in the passive 8 someone's car has been broken into. Complete the conversation with the insurance company. Use the information to make questions in the appropriate tense. The answers will indicate the correct tense. Insurance Well, can I take some details of the clerk incident, please? Whe was the car broken ino? (When car/ break into) Motorist Three days ago on 4 March, Insurance .. clerk at the time? (Where! i’ park) Motorist In Gresham Street. Insurance . ? clerk (When/ damage! notice) Motorist When I came back to the car at about three o'clock. Insurance : 2 clerk (How long/ park’ there} Motorist Oh, it had been there about two hours, 1 suppose. Insurance eo clerk to the vehicle? (What damage’ do) Motorist The window had been smashed. Insurance And clerk (anything/ steal) Motorist Yes, the radio had been stolen. Insurance o clerk to the police? (incident/ report) Motorist Yes, it has Insurance ... o tt clerk (When/ report) Motorist I reported it immediately. Insurance And sven clerk (vchicle/ repair/ yet) . Motorist I took it to the garage, but it hasn’t been, done yet. Insurance $0 ... clerk (when it) repair) Motorist Tomorrow. 30 Modal verbs and the passive 7 Complete the instructions with modal verbs and the passive. = —_—— 1 Baggage St eft (must no! leave) unattended at any ime, Any unaiended baggage vo (il remove) and vows (May/ destroy). 2. Vehicles (must not! park) on the yellow lines, This entrance annem (MUSK! keep) clear at all times. | 3 The camera (should not/ leave) in direct sunlight, It (should keep) in its case when not in use. Lar 4 Essays (should/ place) in the tray. Marked essays (cans collect) on Prid : Nam EPS { ae 5 Hard hats {onust/ wear) at all times. Hats for visitors {ani cobtain} at reception 29 } A World of Wonders + Grammar: Passive (be + past participle) a) Study the examples and the rules. b) Which sentences in the passive do not include an agent? Why? 2 ee ee Visitors are taken down into a hidden world They take visitors down into a hidden world The miners carried salt Up to the surface. They have mined salt there for over 700 years. These unforgettable sights | will amaze you. Salt was carried up to the surface by the miners. Salt has been mined there for over 700 years. You will be amazed by these unforgettable sights. ‘* To form the passive, we use the appropriate tense of the verb to be + the past participle of the main verb. * We use the passive when the action is more important than the agent (the person or thing doing the action). Salt was discovered. (We are more interested in the action than the person who did it.) Changing from Active into Passive: The object of an active verb becomes the subject of a passive verb. The subject of an active verb becomes the agent of a passive verb. We usually introduce the agent with by. ubjet> verb > object > Active: Fire destroyed a chapel in 1697. Gublect> — Cagent> Passive: A chapel was destroyed by fire in 1697. a) Read the text on p. 63 again and underline the verbs in the passive, then complete the table. a A) any fous cen should Cerny A can be seen, 1b) Choose five of the passive verbs in the table and make sentences with them. 1Q Fill in the missing active or passive forms. 1 Pollution has badly | The SphiNK nnn . by pollution damaged the Sphinx. | badly 2 Visitors should not | The exhibits... touch the exhibits, by visitors, 3. The ancient Egyptians the Pyramids. The Pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians. 4 Millions of tourists will The Louvre visit the Louvre this year. by millions. of tourists this year. 5 Gustave Eiffel designed a huge iron tower for Paris. ‘Ahhuge iron tower . for Paris by Gustave Eiffel 6 Youcan see the Great | The Great Wall of China Wall of China from space, from space. 7 Tourists sometimes Tower Bridge with London Bridge. | Tower Bridge is some- |times confused with London Bridge by tourists. 8 The Romans | The Colosseum completed the by Colosseum in 82 AD. | the Romans in 82 AD. 9 People admire Prague for its lovely buildings. Prague for its lovely buildings. The Leaning Tower of Pisa, has been photographed by millions of people. 10 Milions of people vee the Leaning Tower of Pisa. J] pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts, as in the example. SA: What are these shoes made of? SB: They're made of leather. SA: Where were they made? SB: They were made in Italy What is this ring made of? shirt - sik - China skins - cotton - England toy - plastic - Japan desks - wood - Germany shoes - leather - Italy ming. gad Frenee, | watch - silver - Switzerland jacket -wool- Spain | eX A World of Wonders J 2 B®) Choose the correct item, then listen and check. 1 America was discovered by a. Christopher Columbus in 1492, b Louis Lumiére in 1492. 2 The telephone was invented by a Samuel Colt in 1786. b Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. 3 The Mona Lisa was painted by a Paul Gaugin in 1698. b Leonardo da Vinci in 1506. 4 The Parthenon was buitt by a. the ancient Greeks in the 5th century BC. the ancient Egyptians in the 3rd century BC. 5 Romeo and Juliet was written by ‘a William Wordsworth in 1695. b William Shakespeare in 1595 6 The Blue Danube was composed by a Richard Strauss in 1876. b Johann Strauss in 1867. b) In pairs, ask and answer questions using the passive voice, as in the example. SA: Who was America discovered by? SB: It was discovered by Chuistopher Columbus, SA: When was it discovered? SB: It was discovered in 1492. Who was the telephone invented by? Put the verbs into the correct passive tense, then use the prompts (a-e) to ask and answer questions in pairs. The Louvre is the national museum and art gallery of France. In 1546, work on the Louvre 1) 2 (start) by King Francis |. The Louvre 2) = (use) as a royal palace until 1682. it3) .-. (open) to the public 2s a museum and art gallery in 173, Today many of the world's most famous paintings 4)... vv (Keep) in the Louvre, as well as sculptures, jewellery and other forms of art. It - (visi) by millions of people every year. ‘SA: When was work on the Louvre started? ‘SB: Work on the Louvre was started in 1546, When / work / the Louvre / start? What (it / use as /until 16827 When / the Louvre / open / to the public? What / keep / in the Louvre? How many people / it / visit / every year? oa0cn 7, Complete each sentence using the word in bold, as in the example. 1. Steven Spielberg directed the film ‘ET’ by ET’ was directed by Steven Spielberg, 2 The Russians launched Sputnik 1 in 1957. was. Sputnik 1 in 1987. ‘3. Millions of tourists visit London every year. visited London every year. 4 They must repair the chapel immediately, repaired ‘The chapel immediately, 5 The Queen will open the new gallery on Friday. be The new gallery on Friday. 6 They have redecorated the museum. been The museum . 7. Fleming didn't invent the TV._ invented The TV Fleming, 5 In pairs, ask and answer questions, then talk about each place, as in the example. Malate ie alto he pans ech Revo ‘SA: Where is the Eiffel Tower located? ‘SB: It is located in Paris, France. Who was it designed by? SA: It was designed by Gustave Eiffel. When was it completed? SB: It was completed in 1889, What is it made of? SA: It is made of iron. Why was it built? SB: It was built as a memorial to the French Revolution. The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, in France. It was designed by Gustave Eiffel and it was completed in 1889. It is made of iron. It was built as a memorial to the French Revolution. i ‘What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: thas been searched by customs. has been stopped for speeding, has been let down by a friend. hhas been photographed by axdocal newspaper. has been mistaken for somebody else. has been injured playing a sport. has been given a present they didn’t like has been interviewed on radio or television. has been questioned by the police. What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: has been searched by customs. hhas been stopped for speeding. has been let down by a friend. thas been photographed by a local newspaper. has been mistaken for somebody else. has been injured playing a sport. has been given a present they didn't like. has been interviewed on radio or television. has been questioned by the police. What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone whe: has been searched by customs. has been stopped for speeding, thas been let down by a friend. has been photographed by a local newspaper has been mistaken for somebody else hhas been injured playing a sport. has been given a present they didn’t like. has been interviewed on radio or television, has been questioned by the police. What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: hhas been searched by customs. has been stopped for speeding has been let down by a friend. has been photographed by a local newspaper. has been mistaken for somebody else. has been injured playing a sport. has been given a present they didn’t like. has been interviewed on radio or television, has been questioned by the police. The passive voice ‘The passive voice The passive voice POLICE THEFT POLICE THEFT POLICE THEFT JA television set) from a| A television set (0) from a| A television set (0) from a Liverpool police station while offcers| Liverpool potice station while officers} Liverpool police station while otticers| vere out fighting crime ut fighting crime PLANE DRAMA PLANE DRAMA PLANE DRAMA JA drunk who tried 10 open JA drunk who tried 10 open A drunk who tried to open Jan aeroplane door at 30,000 feet aeroplane door at 30,000 feet Jan aeroplane door at 30,000 feet (2) for the rest of a Dena 2) forthe rest of a Dena 2 for the ret of a Denmark to Thailand Aight. to Thailand fight to Thailand flight CAMPER DIES CAMPER DIES CAMPER DIES [Camper Joh Barnes, 3, [Camper John Barnes, 23, () [Camper John Barnes, 23, @) after a 200mere fall into a Tocky afer 2 200mene fall imo a rocky after a 200metre fall into 2 rocky ravine with only a broken fot, Sad ravine with only 2 broken foot. Sadly ravine with only a broken foot, Sadly he §) __ when he fl ou of the oe) _ when eft out of the he 8) __ when fe fll out ofthe eeaesn eee eel ambulance onthe way to the hospital ambulance on the way tothe hospital in Pert, Scotland in Pert, Scotland in Perth, Scotland. UNLUCKY BURGLAR UNLUCKY BURGLAR UNLUCKY BURGLAR Burglar Frank Gort brake down andl Burglar Frank Gort broke down anal Burglar Frank Gort broke down and sobbed when he (5) to seven| sobbed when he (5) ___ to seven| sobbed when he (5) to seven| years in jail was his years in jail, claiming it was his years in jail, claiming it was his unlucky umber. An understanding unlucky number. An understanding unlucky somber, An_ understanding judge in San Antonio, Texas took pity judge in San Antonio, Texas took pity judge in San Antonio, Texas, ook pity and gave him eight years instead. and gave him eight years instead, and gave him eight years instead WANTED MAN JAILED. |WANTED MAN JAILED WANTED MAN JAILED Fugitive James Sanders, who escaped Fugitive James Sanders, who escaped Fugitive James Sanders, who escaped| rom jal in 1975.) in Teas rom iil in 1975, (6) ___in Texas ren alin 1875, (@) in Texas after ringing the FEI eo check if he ater ringing the FBI to check if ter ringing the FBI to check if be was still on its wanted list. was still on its wanted list was still on its wanted list. STABBED IN THE BACK STABBED IN THE BACK STABBED IN THE BACK Mr Clarence Ramsey (7) |Mr Clarence Ramsey (7) Mr Clarence Ramsey (7) seriously ‘yesterday when a seriously yesterday when a] seriously yesterday when a] man came up bend him and stabbed man came up behind him and stabbed] / man came up bind him and stabbed him inthe back. Turing round to face hrm in the back. Turning round to face| # him in the back. Turning round to face| his aracker, Mr Ramsey vas his attacker, Mr Ramsey was his attacker, Mr Ramsey was surprised to hear him say, ‘Sorry. 1 surprised to hear him say, Sory. I surprised to hear him say, ‘Sorry. 1 hougt you were somebody ese thought you were somebody ee though vou were somebody ee UNIT 12 Champagne EEE wie ais e j a: eit Oui What do you know? ‘CHAMPAGNE OR SPARKLING WINE? nly ine hh i prodced in the (Ghmpne eno Face ca bebe hampaee Sus, Sasa, th Usted South Ns sang Sine mays chp singe tba hsm pensie,bothey a nt lowed to have the Se ‘xpten ‘Chango oe ‘here | -LAGUMPAGNE AND LEGHAMPAGNE | La Champagne’ ited ae WO Wo ~ £2") meres ports ofr, Vines hae been | gowntnhisegon af ange forme tisn £0 yeas, bt un ee henry tan, aot sing wine wpe Lt hapagoe ast made inte 7 cen ‘uy. The expernents of» Bendicone fot, Dom engoon, led tothe erp neti came PIS OF GRAPE. Campagne is made fom three ‘ypesatrape the ck nt Nor {Pint Meunier and he we Chardonnay gape, Tse the ‘nly senes ch peed in Champagne. Typo ths lack gages an 0 shite ae se to male eh Pasne ‘lnc de Bans a mace From wate gapeson. champagne, Answer the questionnaire. Sere cuty te Kou yee eed | Ie tempter er sang one Tengo ake | fondutewinecindbee | CHAMPAGNE Mos carpages onntge, Vintage ‘hampap ia cane pe mich hs ben Prowaceé fromthe fens of one peu frye abou snus Sed cy of sun ae Dede oes riage years Nonornage apap ade ening te vone ars are yes. Oneafthetopchunpagns ru see thereto ending ear By i QUESTIONNAIRE [Wich spurting wine an put the ame ‘champs’ th abel® ‘What the ference beoween ta Cham! ans Te champagne’? 3 1s champagne made from white rapes ony? CHAMPAGNE T \What can you find under the vndyars ofthe ‘Champaune eon in France? Who was Dom Perignon? ‘What the deren bene vintage and non-sntage champagne? @ Undesine one ve form in each paragraph which s abou champssne production, ‘Which eee ar they? Example Only wine which i produced inthe Champagne repion of France be labeled ‘chau ‘The Passive Read the examples. Complete the grammar rules. Present Simple A bande day of snare needed fo inage year “Blane de Bloc is made from white grape only. ot Simple “The chalk elas were eu by the Roma, (Champagne was fst made the 170 century. Present Perfect Simple ‘The chalk cellars have been wed sie Reman sas Vineagechampasne is chemaune which har bee produced frm he grapes, of one parccuar ye 1 To make he passive, use the verb inthe core tnse + the pase participle ofthe vet (eg made, produced, ro). * Usthe when you wane to describe ations without describing wh dows then, : (When we want to say who dos the action in a pestve seamsace, we we the ad - How do we make question inthe passive? és Compare these no entnce. a The Roman ct the chalk cellar The chat cellars ere et bythe Roma Practice @ Complete this description of the provess of mal Present Simple passive form of the verb in brackets. mpagne. Use Fist the rapes (ck by hand and checked careful. Only perfect grapes 2(use)to make champagne. The, the grapes ores) 160 kilos of grapes Muse to produce 100 tres of juice. After hat, the juice “(eave) to ferment and become wine. Next, diferent wines (blend) to produce the house style’. Yeast and sugar ? (ada) to the wine a bottle) his results in a second fermentation, and bubbles produce). A sediment (produce) by the second fermentation. This H(gemove) in two stages first smuage, then dégorgement. The remuage 2(cary out either with ‘computer-controlled machines or by hand with the traditional remuews, The bottes of champagne | 1P (turn) at regular intervals until they are upside down, inthe next stage, cégorgemet, the neck ofthe champagne bottle freee), and the frozen sediment 'scemove). Then, a ite champagne and sugar Wad), andthe champagne (leave) to mature Finally, the bottles (abel) and the corks '5Gnsert), Then the champagne | 20(sel allover the worl! ane @uniri2 ie A/ TRIGA SSO RR REEL th @ Work in pairs. Make questions for these answers from the text. Examples How is vintage champagne made? How long has this champagne been left to mature? When were the chalk cellars cut? 1 How long They've been grown there for more than 2,000 years. When 2 Te was first made in the 17th century. What 2 It’s made from three types of grape. 4 How ? Ie’s made from white grapes only. How long, 2 They've been used since Roman times. 6 How many ? About a hundred days of sun are needed. How 2 It’s made by blending the wine reserves of different years. © Complete the information about champagne below. Write the passive form of the verbs in brackets Cham) 0 fas. Did you know. '® Since the beginning of the 20th century, more champagne (export) to the UK than to any other country, except in 1992. In that year, the highest total 2{sold) to Germany. @ Inthe 17th century, many bottles of champagne (lose) because the glass was not strong enough to resist the pressure. The problem (solve) when verre anglais (introduce). This was a much stronger glass which (produce) in Britain in the 17th century. ® Some champagne houses ‘(nit) very badly by the Russian Revolution. ‘Ten per cent of total champagne production 8Gimport) by Russian royalty and aristocracy before the Revolution. This market disappeared overnight. Champagne (sell) in eleven different bottle sizes. The smallest is a quarter bottle and it contains twenty centilitres, The biggest, which 10(call) a Nebuchadnezzar, contains sixteen litres, and is the ‘equivalent of twenty ‘normal’ 75 centilitre bottles. © Work in pairs. Student A Read Coffee Factsheet A on p. 110. Ask your partner questions to complete your Factsheet. Student B- Read Coffee Factsheet B on p. 111. Ask your partner questions to complete your Factsheet. Examples Student A How much coffee is exported by Colombia? Student B 12,523 bags. Where was the first coffee house opened? Seudent A In Venice unt 12 @ 109 an yp aye em sea 80g e262 HOPS 0g hq ponds mln gomae NOH W WPS “ae 08 -4.u0 gq osong 2 Soy saang 909 peu Y aps wince AG joney meen ann A AE AIBA ldoar yore em, VORNOASY ‘oponposd subdue rie 03989 304 UO f | mig somoy eubecunege owes + edu wae pau Yap aes a0 0 ua sr {eanpostt seb oan wom (008 | SS oes a sennoeg (ore uber 7 seg een Aamazes ALA OIL @ edu sae a anu “esse 6 (ree xa pun qe sae pga a> ae 0 Soran 24, jou assubng ox seo seus wy ggg wT ase Assun69 26 mn (ase), cbeduoye emus “ntasa HE ae 36 SUTULIRAG au AOKTS se pee gcrmouy nod pI qu aubDoy unyy, corp sapere one mero ano190 sis pur 34s 04, Sa 13 nope aéedunysanoge woseano sa ono su nN (oe é bo | ath se ‘wy ube : exgemy nen p28 Kuo“ prop pepe sates ag 8 as @ oonseig ‘pliom au 940 © Passive forms: Present Perfect and Past Simple Complete the text with Present Perfect and Past Simple passive forms, L" VENICE, East London's Docklands (build) because of intemational rade ‘And like Venice, too, this part of London (force) to deal with a major crisis in recent yeas A very different sort of crisis though. With today's large container ships, busi were built has been forced Tilbury father down river and by other large com tainer docks such as Southampton, At the begin- (take) away by ning of the 1980s the last London dock * (shut) andthe last dock workers * (make) redun dant, Without any ofthe beauty of Venice, the 33, miles of docks (leave) 10 rotor soitseemed But then, in 1981, the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC) (set up) by the government, It (give) a large part of the Dock area and * (orden to London Docklands Live Again redevelop it as fast as possible. Since then, much » (do), and most of it (pay) for by big busi- ness rather than by the government. New road and rail Tinks * (complete), the new London City Airport, mainly used by business people on short European trips, "© (construct) between to of the old docks, Thousands of new homes, offices, and shops “ (build. ‘There have been problems too. The LDDC " (criticize) for failing to plan the development carefully enough. And the developers of Canary Wha, which was fora short the building in Europe, " (bankrupt) by the huge cast ofthe project and by the arrival ofthe recession time highest of the early 1990s, Altogether though, itcan be said that the Docklands area " (save) and thatthe heat of London " (move) eastwards © Passive forms: Present Perfect and Past Simple Complete the text with Present Perfect and Past Simple passive forms. L* VENICE, East London’s Docklands i (build) because of international trade ‘And like Venice, too, this part of London (force) to deal with a major crisis in recent years, A very different sor of crisis though. With today’s large container ships, busi- were built has been forced ress (take) away by Tilbury farther down river and by oth tainer docks such as Southampton. At the begin ning of the 1980s the last London dock * (shut), and the last dock workers 5 (make) redun dant. Without any of the beauty of Venice, the 33 miles of docks rotor soit seemed, But then, in 1981, the London Docklands (eave) 10 evelopment Corporation (LDDC) (cet up) by the government. (give) a large part of the Dock area and * (onder) to London Docklands Live Again redevelop it as fast as possible, Since then, much ™ (do), and most of it “ (pay) for by big busi noss rather than by the government. N w road and. rail Tinks the new London City Airport, mainly used by people (complete), business fon short “European tips, (construct) between two of the old docks. Thousands of new homes, offices, and shops * build. There have been problems 100. The LDDC ' (ertieize) for filing to plan the development carefully enough. And the developers of Canary Wharf, which was fora short time the highest building in Europe * (bankrupt) by the huge ‘cost ofthe project and by the arrival ofthe recession ofthe early 1990s, Altogether though ican be said that the Docklands area (save) and that the heart of London 5 (move) eastwards. Present Perfect Passive, @ Work in pairs. Student A Prepare questions to ask Student B to complete » vr article Italian achievements in Venice below. Then read Inter’sscional campaign. Student B_ Prepare questions to ask Student A to complete your article International campaign on p.64, Then read Italian achievements in Venice ‘Ask and answer questions to complete both articles. Example Student A What bas Italy welcomed? Student B_Ir's welcomed international efforts to preserve Venice. Italian achievements in Venice Italy has welcomed At the same time it has accepted responsibility for Since the Special Law of 1973 the govemnme: dollars on reducing land subsidence and pollution, In both these areas it has achieved. Money has also been has spent and a lot of research has been spent on Methane gas has replaced and this done on A model of the <*f has resulted in The Special has been made in Holland and Law has also prevented have been carried out by Dutch scientists ‘on which work had already The bartiers are vital to protect Venice from stared. { ‘The prob difficult to solve. Experts have agreed on Hooding but their construction has been delayed by of has proved more ee D ‘gD ) organizations have been established in different countries. They have been working with UNESCO, n 4 November 1966 Venice suffered its worstever flood. St Mark’s Square was under 125m of water for 36 hours. The Since damage to Venice's buildings and art treasures was enormous but there was one positive result. Since that terrible flood, Italy and the world have realized that Venice is in danger of disappearing forever. This realization has led to campaign to save Venice It is one of the most an international and the Venetian authorities to help preserve Venice's art treasures, So far they have raised large amounts of money and have taken responsibility for ‘many restoration projects. Since 1966, more than 100 important churches, palaces, and other monuments have been restored. To give an example, one of these organizations, Venice in Peril, has restored the main entrance of the Doge's Palace, the Byzantine mosaics of the Basilica of Torcello, the Logetta at the base of ambitious conservation St Mark's Campanile, and the Madonna dellOrto, | programmes that has Tintoretto's church and burial place, Several ever been launched restoration projects are in progress, and other | because its aims tosave projects will be completed when more money has anentire city, been raised. Kl { { ne patos es ' units @ 62 al =a —3 3 = 12.2 GRAMMAR FILE Safety on the roads @ Complete this article. Use the correct passive form of the verb in brackets. | Would you travel by plane ifa total of 50,000 people were killed in plane crashes | _bateve lott how many pope ‘Gallon the European | Union’s roads every year. That's the same as jumbo jet crashing every seventeen hours, killing everybody on board. Since the European Community .. (Found) in the 1950s, over two million “ill in road accidents. In the same period, more than people... {forty million injure). | That's more than the total population of } Spain, othe combined population of | Portugal, Belgium, and the Netherlands. But fortunately the news is not all bad and in recent years, big improvements | “aake), particularly in \ Britain and the US. | Asa result of stricter safety regulations Gntcoduce) in the Designs on making our roads safer US at the beginning of the 1990s, the number of road deaths (reduce) from a peak of $7,000 in 1969 to 39,000 in 1992, In Britain, road casualties in 1992 were the lowest since reconds (start) in 1922. That's a significant decrease because road traffic has increased several hundred times during that period, According to the European Transport Safety Council, car safety standards in Europe are 20 years behind the times. The ETSC wants very striet safety regulations which will force ‘manufacturers to design much safer cars. ‘If Stricter regulations wnnnsnnnnenna® (introduce), ear producers . ' (force) to make safety their priority’, said a Safety Council spokesman. “This is the only way that Europe's terrible figure of nearly 1000 road deaths every week "(reduce).” @ Work in groups. Make a list of measures which could help to reduce road deaths. © © Oxford University Pres Example lower speed limits ‘Which do you think is most important? Which is least important? Compare your list with other groups. PHOTOCOPIABLE 7 rane 140 : 12.1. GRAMMAR FILE q “pL: Describing a process @ Read this description, A producer is talking about the production process of prosciutto erudo, an Tralian dried meat. Number the paragraphs in the correct order. | ‘THE MAKING OF ITALIAN PROSCIUTTO CRUDO ia ‘We leave the meat in the cool room for ten or twelve months, ot longer. until it reaches maturity. By this time it has the taste and bouquet of a good prosciutto. Finally we distribute it and sell it to the customer. —1bi The salt draws the water out of the prosciutto and it loses weight as a result | Then we wipe the salt off and leave the meat to dry for a few weeks. c ‘After the initial drying process, we wash the meat and spread a mixture of pepper, salt, and fat in order to prevent excessive dehydration. After that we put it in a cool room where we regulate the temperature and the flow of atr. d. The first thing we do is choose the right meat. We use only the best meat to make prosciutto crudo. It comes from a special breed of pigs which we chose because of the quality of their meat, oe Then, the fist tage in the production proces is salting, We spread sal ll over the meat by hand. In Italy we use small amounts of salt. That is why Italian prosciutto is sweeter than others. @ Complete these sentences which describe how prosciutto crudo is made. Use the information from the paragraphs above. Example Only the best meat is used to make prosciutto crudo, 1 The meat comes from pigs which for the quality of their meat. 2 In the first stage of the production process sale all over the meat by hand, In Italy small amounts of sale «1.0 3. The water sc out of the prosciutto by the salt and weight asa result 4 Then the salt se off and the meat .. few weeks, to dry fora Next the meat ... and a mixture of pepper, salt and fat all over it, in order to prevent excessive dehydration. 6 After chat the meat . in a cool room where the temperature and the flow of air 7 The meat in the cool room for ten or twelve months, or longer, untill it reaches maturity and has he taste and bouquet of a good prosciutto, 8 Finally it and it. sun €0 the customer. Work in pairs. Think of a process you know well. Describe it. Use these expressions. P In the first stage of the process, .... _Next,...._ Then, After that, ..._ Finally, I) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 191 a oa) aa EXERCISES Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form: eawse damage hold include invite make overtake show translate write 1 Many accidents . are caused. by dangerous driving. 2 Cheese from milk, 3. The roof of the building ina storm a few days ago. 4 There’s no need to leave a tip. Service in the bill. 5 You to the wedding, Why didn’t you go? 6 Acinema isa place where films 7 In the United States, elections for President every four years 8 Originally the book in Spanish and a few years ago it into English 9 We were driving along quite fast but we by lots of other cars, Write questions using the passive, Some are present and some are past. 1 Ask about the telephone. {when/invent?} When was the telephone invented?, 2 Ask abour glass. (how/make?) How 3. Ask about Australia. (when/discover? 4 Ask about silver. (what/use for?) 5 Ask about television. (whenvinvent?) Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive. 1 It’s a big factory. Five hundred people ..are employed... (employ) there 2 Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface. 3. Most of the Earth's surface (cover) by water. 4 The park gates {lock} at 6.30 p.m. every evening. 5 The letter (post) a week ago and it {arrive} yesterday 6 The boat (sink) quickly bur fortunately everybody (rescue), 7 Ron's parents {die} when he was very young. He and his sister (bring) up by their grandparents. 8 Lwas born in London but I (grow) up in the north of England. 9. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room. 10 While I was on holiday, my camera (disappear) from my hotel room. 1 Why (Suc/resign) from her job? Didn’t she enjoy it? 12 Why (Bill/sack) from his job? Whar did he do wrong? 13 The company is not independent. It (own) by a much larger company. 14 Isaw an accident last night. Somebody (call) an ambulance but nobody (injure) so the ambulance (novneed). 15 Where (these phorographs/take)? In London? (yowtake) them? Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using ‘somebody/they/people’ etc. write a passive sentence. Somebody cleans the room every day. The ream Is cleaned every day. ‘They cancelled al flights because of fog. All People don’t use this road very often Somebody accused me of stealing money. I How do people learn languages? How People advised us not t0 go out alone. 83 424 42.4 EXERCISES What do these words mean? Use it can... or it can't... . Use a dictionary if necessary. If something is 1 washable, . can be washed. 4 unusable, 2 unbreakable, it 5 invisible, 3 edible, ic 6 portable, Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct form) carry cause de make repair send spend wake up Sometimes you need have (‘might have’, ‘could have" etc.). 1 The situation is serious. Something must it's coo late 2 Uhaven’e received che letter. It might .. have.been. sent... to the wrong address. 3A decision will not until the next mecting, 4 [told the hotel receptionist that [ wanted to at 6.30 the next morning. 5 Do you think that less money should on armaments? 6 This road is in very bad condition. It should a long time ago. 7 The injured man couldn't walk and had to 8 It’s not certain how the fire started but it might by an electrical fault, Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using ‘somebody" or ‘they’, L Somebody has cleaned the room. _.The ream hag, been cleaned 2 They have postponed the concert. The 3. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. The computer 4 Tdidn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn’t realise that 5. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game. When we got to the stadium, we found that 6 They are building a new ring road round the city. ite a passive sentence. 7 They have built 1 new hospital near the airport, Make sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive. (This exercise also includes the past simple ~ see Unit 41C.) 1 There's somebody behind us. (I think / we / follow) .. think we'te being follawed. This room looks different. (you / paint?) painted tf My car has disappeared. —(it/ steal!) It ‘My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody / take) Somebody Tom gets a higher salary now. (he / promote) ‘Ann can’t use her office at the moment. {it / redecorate) ‘The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK. (it/ work / again; it repair) MAU aen 8 The police have found the people they were looking for. (two people / arrest / last night) 9 A tree was lying across the road. (it blow down / in the storm) 10 The man next door disappeared six months ago. (nobody / sec / since then) 11 Twas mugged on my way home a few nights ago. (you / ever / mug?) TEST NINE Jalezy zamienié wszystkie zdania na strong bierna 'rzyklad: | bought it yesterday. It was bought yesterday by me. 1. Chris had cleaned my room and watered the flowers. My room 2. She emptied the whole bottle. The whole bottle 3. Can't you do anything about it? Can't 4. You must wear black trousers and a bow tie tomorrow. Black trousers 5. Did he mention that at the meeting? 6. | will have to check everything again Everything 7. We will never forget him. He . . : We informed Peter but he did not inform Andrew. Peter | have saved a lot of money so far. A lot of money 10. Why is he keeping your watch? Why 11. Itis high time someone told him to begin working hard. It is high time he 2. Someone turned on the radio. , The radio nod 2acHt x< TEST NINE Jalezy zamienié wszystkie zdania na strong bierna. *rzyklad: | bought it yesterday. It was bought yesterday by me. 1, Chris had cleaned my room and watered the flowers. My room 2. She emptied the whole bottle, The whole bottle 3. Can't you do anything about it? Can't 4. You must wear black trousers and a bow tie tomorrow. Black’ trousers 5. Did he mention that at the meeting? 6. | will have to check everything again Everything 7. We will never forget him. He 8. We informed Peter but he did not inform. Andrew. Peter ee 9. | have saved a lot of money so far. A lot of money 0. Why is he keeping your watch? Why ........ oe 1. It is high time someone told him to begin working hard. It is high time he 2. Someone turned on the radio. _ The radio xX eir 29 He brings milk to our door every. morning. Milk. They are painting the old building The old building . An ambulance took the poor woman to hospital at seven i The poor woman . wee ate You must not take anything from my desk. Nothing Sees eee - We called the police. They arrested the two thieves The police . Pee resemnenes searched my drawer and found my fountai pen there. My drawer sense Do they often play tennis? ie She might have typed it for him, It - They chose the blue one. They are repairing my car now. MY CBE cece cece eee eens . We have bought a new suit. They are delivering it at three. A new suit - | will find you wherever you go. NOUN OR tee jee ees eae ae . You should not throw away the ticket before the journey is over. The ticket 5 *« 13. He brings milk to our door every. morning, 14. They are painting the. old building. The old building : boo a 15. An ambulance took the poor woman to hospital at seven. The poor woman 16. You must not take anything from my desk Nothing 17. We called the police. They arrested the two thieves, The police 18.1 searched my drawer and found my fountain pen there. My drawer BucHuea5e 19. Do they often play tennis? 20. She might have typed it for him. It 21. They chose the blue one. 22. They are repairing my car now. My car ‘ 23. We have bought a new si three. A new si 24.1 wi You find you wherever you go. : ~28. You should not throw away the ticket before the journey is over. The ticket eee ee! 108 i x their day. . Normally, they provide us with it. We ....., Been es 27. They lost a lot of money on that project. A lot of money 28. Someone will serve soft drinks shortly. Soft drinks ‘ . Why didn’t you say that earlier? Why... 00.2... at 30. You must not keep dogs in this flat. Dogs 31. We always ask the. visitors not to leave any of their belongings here. The visitors 32. We can do nothing before they arrive. Nothing an 33. We will exhibit the paintings next week. The paintings oe 34, Who gave you my address? By whom . . were? 35. | have warned her. She beens vee 36. Has anyone seen my key? Has my key... beeen eee *erseead, nF 37. She usually cleans my office. She last cleaned it on Friday. My office tenes 38. He uses this pen’only on special occasions. This pen sete eee 39. You must not iron these curtains, These curtains . 109 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34, 35. 38, 39, . Has anyone seen my key? Normally, they provide us with We... They lost a lot of money on that project. A lot of money ....... ; Someone will serve soft drinks shortly. Soft drinks . Why didn’t you say that earlier? Why eee eae You must not keep dogs in this flat Dogs Dee eee ee ee We always ask the visitors not to leave any of their belongings here. The visitors We can do nothing before they arrive. Nothing We will exhibit the paintings next week. The paintings Who gave you my address? By whom .......,. | have warned her. She Has my key coe ? ~ She usually cleans my office. She last cleaned it on Friday. My office He uses this pen only on special occasions, This pen You must not iron these curtains, These curtains / 109 a 42. 43. 44 46. 47. 48. 51 52. 110 We will admit twenty five students this year. Why did you not wash the curtains before you hung them? Why beeeee You cannot disturb them, they are playing chess at the moment. They They were laughing at him all the time. He He did not introduce me to his mother-in-law. Have they bought flowers yet? We will say nothing to her. Nothing 20.0.0... 0.0 ee ee Someone left his wallet on the window sill yesterday; | found it, So They make these These pipes . pes of wood, He may bring it the day after tomorrow. tt They did not give all the details, they expected me to know them. All the details . They sent him to prison some ten years ago He admit twenty five students this year. 41. Why did you not wash the curtains before you hung them? Why aerou cannot disturb them, they are playing chess at the moment. They boss see AB they were laughing at him all the time. He ; 44, He did not introduce me to his mother-in-law. I 45. They printed this book in Poland. This book GBP Htave they bought flowers yet? 47. We will say nothing to her. Nothing 48. Someone left his wallet on the window | found it. Someone's wallet I yesterday; 49. They make these pipes of wood. These pipes (GO) He may bring it the day after tomorrow. It ‘GI They did not give all the details, they expected me to know them. All the details 52. They sent him to prison some ten years ago. He 110 53, Mark Twain wrote that novel, didn’t he? Mark Twain wrote that novel, didn Thi 54. He normally drinks six pints of beer a day, yesterday he He normally drinks six pints of beer a day, yesi drank four, drank four. Normally, six Normally, si - , 5. You should check your paper before you hand it to your teacher. teacher, Your paper Your paper ee . ea sypsmo4 39 "MIND ETA 2439807) EB Awa) [ED Hou "esnoy pe ynneg e931 St OFA 8 ppeou vol (0309) 0-5 wou Aq ae Aon pee _Hepiasok op pawn sasO\PURA PP MOH W CL uoBuey evo s Ap nf ON @ (wou) apy 02 ney says sha s90q YZ (carpsuen) 96 ypuady on po (6sp) seipesmow iaya vou dq Fm aU0P 111 en hg > 4a 4A OF sud Sipe osne=g {238 0s auR nok KUM Y 6 (Gerop)3]em 01 peu om put slop osneeg {aptsino ase] 39] NOK OnEy AAA WB 2y anes ARIE KDA BKOIP OH (xo) 3 ayo © hg HON @ fq 4 moUy 2ef 5200 WE sy jun [se Aa 008 (epnpuy) gp aamar po> pole (8) oq proneatuanas 8 Aq [op anu ayy duo aun sypsin0f sa “CUNO REA 20803 &7] 21 EERE NOUAA "9sN04 pro MyBNEDg e521 $1 om puna oom EE vou 24) 0-S voweND M9 FS MUL APE @ dlepsk op PUN OID PP HOH Y EL -sepuen dq DS ui palacoosp days ‘auoy pane £541 USUAK OL em on poy am pur [7 SUB iA YE 2ENE>Og a {any os Bund anok sem Kan Y 6 ‘ray ut 5) op osnesag sano aes] 32} NOK He KAY (jy) > soyod e hq.) 94 osmenag AyrjseD Ldn BHO4P OH [pons nok wan Burns nok are Kany WS (wins) wie go pun sup asojog i pIneus S409 IY» pnou) soso pores aS 1 ow son (wn) og proweot vor hg [nun seul ay, ators aaa, ‘auino> aA 249 w aassed a Jo m9} PaLsED ayy UL NPA>HIG GED" SKN SHA, A YI ce emer roroo mistmenseroe aed on iw De 0H [EE] 5 What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: has been searched by customs. has been stopped for speeding. has been let down by a friend, has been photographed by a local newspaper. ‘has been mistaken for somebody else. has been injured playing a sport has been given a present they didn't like. has been interviewed on radio or television. thas been questioned by the police. What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: ‘+ has been searched by customs ‘+ has been stopped for speeding, + has been let down by a friend. + has been photographed by a local newspaper. + has been mistaken for somebody else. + has been injured playing a sport. + has been given a present they didn’t like. + has been interviewed on radio or television + has been questioned by the police. What are the experiences of the class? Ask qu who: uns to find someone ‘+ has been searched by customs. has been stopped for speeding. has been let down by a friend, has been photographed by a hhas been questioned by the police, What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: ‘+ has been searched by customs. + has been stopped for speeding, ‘has been let down by a friend. + has been photographed by a lo has been interviewed on radi has been questioned by the pol are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone + has been searched by customs. ‘+ has been stopped for speeding, + has been let down by a friend. + has been photographed by a local newspaper. has been has been given a present they didi has been interviewed on radi has been questioned by the pol ‘What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: + has been searched by customs. + hasbeen stopped for speeding + as been let down by a friend. + has been photographed by a local newspaper. + has been mistaken for somebody else. + has been injured playing a sport. ‘+ has been given a present they didn't like + has been interviewed on radio or television. ‘+ has been questioned by the police. | edd poy sous Sas eins 6 popes posta & ‘expen 2 yonenusu psoune sass 3 SO EU BH mea 6 eneora Seen tay fe 2 Suomy aut, 290 es 51D YING REIN SE zug seqanyog ang sea 9m § am ws on, | 1 en a0 ooo a ms SPUN OE 4 ‘ng 01 aus LEH ey sh oop mp A pr TL 00440 2 oe pb sansng a zeawn . nb sone, zn sanisseg Zp la | 1 8 | The Passive 3. Choose the correct item. 4, Write the personal or impersonal form of a sentence. 7. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts | 1 itis reported that the jury has reached a vers (BAFTA) is a charity in the United Kingdom that gives The jury Brepartedto have veached aver awards for excellence in film, television, video games | > poice believe that the crime was carried out & and forms of animation. BAFTA 1) A founded in 1947 eve * as the British Film Academy, 2) ......... leading figures local gang. in the British fim industry. Every year BAFTA holds @ The crime i film awards ceremony to reward the best work of any 7 . - interational production that 3)... seen on British | 3 He is known to be working for the local coun cinema screens during the previous year. " BAFTA 4) on supported by a membership of around £6500 people from the film, television and video game - Caan oe ness of auends in various catagories, | 4 Theyre expected to arrive in the next few mi F B) senso decided by the BAFTA members who vote tt = 7 ; according to their expertise. Finally, the Best Film a so 6) ---- voted on by all members. 5 It has been reported that they have found ‘The awards ceremony takes place in February every missing documents year and the event 7) uuu attended by many ea ‘ FF famous actors and actresses, film producers and ee eee : directors. Since 2008, the ceremony 8) sean held at the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden, 6 It is thought that the students are planning 2000 people 9) unm accommodated and it is surprise for their teacher considered 10)........ the perfect setting for such a The students SA ceremony in recognition of British film, ; Although tickets to the ceremony 11) acu avalable ly to people working in the industry, normally the ; A : Sree 1) tromiast on tclewsion within a few | 5 Rewrite the following text inthe passive, hhours of the actual event. However, there Is a chance for 6A the public to get closer to the stars. For this you must queue for a wristband, and these 13) won Out on a ; first come, frst serve basis If you are lucky enough to get a wristband, you 14) wu... granted access to the public pens where you can watch the stars arriving on the red carpet Media released the film in 2010. Most critics g3 Bi the film excellent reviews. The children take ; courageous voyage on the fantastic ship Dawe 1(A)was Bh c D @we y be ria Treader and they find the Great Lion. Will they: 2A by Bowith C fom to A ing B mbean€ uecbeing D hasbeen | SXethe and of Nami from the magical creatures 3 A Isbeing B wasbeenC wasbeing D hasbeen | and its enemies? Adventure lovers will surely enjoy oe ae eet ee this film, Michael Apted will film another sequel as SAws Bs Car D were called The Silver Chair. cE 6 Aare —B being C be Dis TAS Bae Cwee D was convany fim tne w oh zt & A hasbeen B being C tobe —D wasbeing /H"hit/antasy lm The Voyage of the Dawn Teadeg Be erie B conte C canteen D conbeing\Whichisthe third sequel inthe Chronicles of Nani see ‘3 was directed by Michael Apted. 10 A be B being C tobe —D_been 11 A ismade B bemade C aremade D is tomake 2 Ahad Bhs Cis D been 13 A togive Bare given C been given D are gave 14 A tobe B were C being willbe 238 6 Circle the correct item. 1. A: Do you know who was responsible for the damage? B: No, but the matter A isinvestigated —_(€) is being investigated B be investigated —_D_ been investigated \Was your holiday accommodation nice? B: Yes, excellent, Everything we could have possibly needed . A had provided has to be provided B was provided Dis provided Is Jeremy still out of work? By NO. He wnsun. by a travel company as a rep. A tobe employed —C will be employed B hasbeen employed D_ should be employed 4 A; Have you spoken to Henrietta? B: Yes, She the results just before I rang. A isgiven Chas been given B willbe given D had been given 5A: Why has the plug ......? B: I don’t know. Sally was using the toaster last. A been taken out take out B tobetakenout —D taken out 6 A: Laura's aunt gave her a trip to New York for her birthday. B; Wow! I'd love such a fantastic birthday present, A be given € tobe given B_ been given D was given 7 A: Where did you put the notice about the event? B: On the main notice board 0 it... by everyone. A can be seen © can tobe seen B can see D canto see 8 A: Harty King is such a good swimmer! B: Yes, he many medals for his swimrning achievements this year. A is awarded has been awarded B was being awarded D awarded 9A: Hasn’t the order to the customer yet? B: Actually it has. It was sent yesterday. A be sent tobe sent B been sent D being sent 10. A: The beach is covered in rubbish. B: Ive heard it by some volunteers at the weekend. A beencleaned Cis going to be cleaned B will cleaned D tobe cleaned The Passive 7 Complete each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, Include the word in bold. 1. The dishes are still dirty, WASHED — The dishes haven't been washed yet. 2 They had just sold the last one before | got there. BEEN The last one before | got there. 3 You should throw that yoghurt out if it's past its sell-by date BE That yoghurt. ifs pas its sel-by date 4 They believe the ruins date back to the 14th century To The ruins oe w» date back to the 14th century. 5. My brother told me the joke. Toto by my brother. 6 They think that the new department store wil open in June. THOUGHT It that the new department store wil open in June. 7 Architects are making plans for the new complex at the moment. BEING Plans for the new complex. 8 They believe Michael is staying with relatives in Canada BE Michael with relatives in Canada 9) Take this medicine on an empty stornach. MUST This medicine on an empty stomach 10 The teacher made me rewrite the essay. To 1 the essay. 11. My parents didn't let me stay up late when | was young ALLOWED | stay up late when | was young, 12 Tina sent Mary a postcard. To A by Tina. 13. They expect she will recover soon, EXPECTED It recover soon, pabed BENE sy 22rd ou Guykeg uy umoaG 2 ym SLmys- 1 a4f 05 wowyo> 241 "asay apew 4u2xe sayjoy poof yuawous ay} ye anezag ‘hip hus ut huedwor 4ays1 © vado of Guso6 wy r@yseuuiadns eo) = quenersae Auedwios uiys1e “sunioy anissed asp ‘jeo14n9 2 Iw Kuedwo> snok moy ureidya ‘mojaq sassoutsng, ‘yg Jo avo Bunsers a1e nok au\Geu| IAONATIVHD 9 ‘9107 Aq (usyoae) 2 nog p)iyd Jo sius0} 510m ‘ayy 24 sadoy uonez|ueBI9 inoge] \euoneUsarL| ‘au “Gupom uda}ANOJ 0} any pabe uasp}1UI 40 4SZ im ‘Suoneu UeoLAy auu0s ur (PUY) ‘anoge| pilya yo sayed ysayBiy ayy ‘Aepoy “Sunpe aj, Jo peaisu! uaypiyp se Sar ‘1 Pue “Guyom Jo pearsul Bulkpras: 23¥2m aipyyp ~ A\ptajdwo> (woysuen) Sani uaupuyp Mumuao wuaaraulu aye) ayy Ag “sabueyd any (6uuq) ~ ‘ey UoNeaNp3 aun ‘OBL ul pue YaBuo| Aue 30m 0} (uzad you) ~ - ‘au so ae ay. 1apun u2spiiyd ‘eee Ul “sinoy uaarxis (sel) ayo Aep 6uyjiom spjius e pue ‘pasnpoid fou yonlu moy 0} Bulpioaze (Aed) ‘5 SI3)10" §ysoyy “sauoroey ut (Aojd wa} “yan0} SE unos se Uasp).4o UayR ‘uoRnjonay (ewisnpu| ay) 6uLunp uleyiig ur Ajapias (asn) ‘_dnoge| pilud sn aua pue adosn3 ui (yom) 2 k ‘uaayinoj pue any ua9NI29 pabe UaVp|!4> ‘Auewi ‘Op6L 210429 ey} J2qUIAWa1 5a) J9ABMOY “sauunoa Guldoyanap us (asn) ==, /9ys0M plluo Jo 4204 02 payusoy axe pue ‘sionposd pes-sley Ang 0} Uddy a2e 1S9N\ au) Ul S1aWNsUOD anoge} pIyD, -syoxpeag ur sqien 243 Jo ws0y ‘annpe 10 anjssed jrauo> ayp yam 3x03 a4p BI2IAWIO so9e ay. Ut sfeuuulyp ue 01 vaupyND jews BuIsn js alam fay) 9 ‘djava1 e yw spuryas ani6 A\UO IIMA S ‘warsuaquoy axoum Aajaus Kew pale> L1G plo-seak-uaarsuu yb 2961 ‘20UI5 Sully puog sewer AquaNy J3N0 ape arKay] E hom au punove yBnoua apen sey Bunoword 10u ate aidoag Z shepemou sajdde sadoin jo sow moi6 suey Ys}1Od.L -yueyoduwy 5141 496 ue asn ‘uo -anissed ayy Butsn sazuaquas anne aun ayumay ty Ciro urexa 5 MOuOUIO U 257 04 soueuona.a 9 116150 ae) $e ypuel4 au § poiano>sip sex aseasip ye9w 3019] e MsieUNLO}UN. sanow 090838 aurpeaye fauunofo1p o 1s0uL 104 Bunjeads 10} NOK sis, upon aua Bursn ajdoad aun a103eq “seaf Jo spuesnoyt Jo} Jem Uy swueydeg Z ‘lig sounbsow ajewsay ‘Aug ‘oynbsow ajeus @ hq Jena nO, L Aymapwaid s voduu) Apeaye maga ain2exs juss asn at "mojag sqion yp Jo WO} ansssed 10 anne aup asyysaruaquas ayy aya|duioy ¢ SHUM 14q sieddous /papun /sin'/aie / BURG ¥ ‘49 a4 ul pew sem Busbeyped aun asneD2q 51 7 qj fouaby spiepuens poos./sayn /ale /aun /apew /aul a 789e| 84 UO Van S710) {eM / UO / Us /wsy>ed ap / LYM / pares y ON /pauoduut /eIe7/asaay> / Woy /IeN/sem (awasnog 2/51/25984p /9IN /UL/ AAA / ApeU/ SAW ‘an6ojeip e ut sasuaques. ‘yeu 0} J9ps0 ypaus09 a4 UI spIOMaYRINd Z ios > prosae q Bujes e ‘puom aun punose samuno> Aauanas s9A0 ut sionpoid apensey 9 pasn uaag Apeasie sey > pasn Bulag Apeaure seme 126706 piom aul. § ‘spewuaaq sey > Apeaije pasn q. “lowes Aq ‘Sosel 242 ut pew sem q pew 6ureq st e sou uewoy aours puelbUg Ut ‘UIA & patuanut s! 3 pauanul sem q pauanuy Gujaq sem & yoyuaue7 pajje>J0129 ysijog e Aa cauevads3 a6enBue|jeuonewarul au, & paranonsip sent > paranoosip used sey q pairoxsipst e ‘eyo, oupuessaty Aa, quauno N93 Z umoib uaeq si > umoub Bulag st q sayoieioqe| ul Bumoub Burag st e eau ‘puRyoH ULL “sramsue 3221102 4 95004 | osseous]

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