Reported Speech Statements Na Lekcje

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REPORTED SpeEectH 12 News Reported Speech In Dlect Speech we gv he exact wards somebody ead and ue quotation mara tn Reported Speech weg We meaning of wht someone sid but win some changes an! woul qustaion sa Diroct Speech Sha sal, Tm ed tn tre she sa, Reported Speech: She ead th) she ws ees (ie wut oduce Reported Speech wh he wets el (wen tre i prtonbxoneu as onset an say (wren teres no pescnronoun as an objec). That etons “Tm fesing, Tom: ehe aid >” She fold Tom (het ohe wa lesng “Tm lenvng."sho sat + She sad ha she was long ‘Changing trom Diet o Reported Speech Dirt Spsech Reported Spesch Present Simple He sc “Iwantto buy anew ca.” Past Simple He sad (at) he manod to by @ Prosont ‘he sid “Tm eaming Spanien” Past ‘Sho sald (rat) ene was eaming Progressive Progressive Sprsah Past Simple “imiseed the an” hess Past Perfect He sid (rat) ne had missed he Present Perfect “ive mssednetain® he aad ae ain Simple Past She si, wae saying with 8 eee oey Past Pertect Sho si (ht she had ben Present Pesiect Sho si, ihave been staying PYOGTeRAWNe saying wth a fiend Progressive wiha tend wat ‘he si, “Heal you" wouls Sie seid ha) she would el me, con He si Lean run very fat” could He sid hat) cul un very at may ‘ay ai, "We may goon might Thay si that they might go on ida ray must She sid “Imust get upeaty had to ‘She sid hat) she had og up 2 every oy. (otgaton) eat every day. i He sald “You must be tres” must (Seduction) He va al | must Be tod J mustnot ——_Shesaid, "You mustn't smcke” must not She sid tha) Ye mustn't smoke 2 (Beoititcn) need ‘She said “need tego ‘eedednad to She sid (ht) she needed to shopping te shape. eedot He sid“ nest hry: eedntddnt, He as Ghat Ne cnt hve omy have o (rose ‘She id “You ead pick me wouldnt have to She told me ca | wouldnt have uptomerow (ear to pick hr up te folowing day > would, could, might, shoul, ought o dot change in Reported Speech Dioet Sposen Reported Speech ow then todayfonignt that oyna igh tory the day beorane revue cay tomorow the nexfoewing day Test woe month ete) {he previous week (nent t/he week (month et) before nox Wook month te) {he flowing ween st) te beore niece thatmoes ere ‘hate ‘Pronouns iossesshe edocves thay change acceding othe cones No changes are made in the folowing cases ‘Yen ne reporing ver isn to Prosar, Futur o Present Pec tense He say, 1 bea lawyer when | gow up” -> He eae Ghat) he wl be a lawyer when he rons up ‘wen he sentanceoxprosces& gana uth of someting ha is unhy to change ‘She sid, "The days are longer inte sure» She ead (hal te days me Unga the sume ‘Se si," ree cates toa». Sho sai (ha) ae ples coe toca ‘The Pas Peres (Simple anc Progressive) does not change in Repeted Spesch Sho Si, "hed prepared anne in advance.” > Shes (ha) she hod prepared cone evan, 1 The Past Progressive does ot usualy change: Past tenses in time clauses do ot change “tas speaking onthe phone when the door rang” she said» She sa al de was speaking onthe fone when the doorbat ag ‘whan someting is ropa imcoely aris si “Tis cess ooks al” Mary ea + Mary ts tha) is dss loks ‘The Past Simple in eolqval spaach ean eter change or en the same. "Y gti sehoo repr yetercay” sald em» Jim Salt (hal) he goths Got is schol report the day bore ‘© Whan something, though said sar, wil take pao in the hare ot si, “Tm fying to Rome tomorow” > Ja ai hat) he hing to Rome tomer (ss today.) 1 ¥en theres a Condos! (ype 2c 3) or 8 eontnce wih ws only eters, “| wore ich, | woud travel lot: > Pete’ eas ta were ich, he would ave Kezen sald“ hadnt woken up ae. woulds have mesed tha but” Kafe said ta she han woken up ate sh wouldn't have missed the bus Susan sad" wish naw nis namo + Susan sid ha) she wished he know his name Reported Questions Reported Questions ae itoduced wth he verb ask, ingur, wonder. want o know sc. Tho awiares do does aldané question mars are not used Ths wold order he save av shares en the ns change Seo Swart ve form canoe YoeNoaueions sk |g wnaervaiiciewn —"DOVaU gma Gomman?” + wonder ete, | * ‘She wondered i spoke German. Whamcton a | ston wrdsauectiver “Wied outer» She wari ohm wer Wed SEE indirect speech: ‘here’ and ‘now’ ‘Some words may be changed in indirect speech, because the original ‘speaker's ‘here’ and ‘now’ are not the same asthe reporter's. 1 The following sentence was said in England in November 1994: T've been in tis part ofthe world since March this year.’ Does the first or second ‘this’ have to be changed if the sentence is reportes 1 in England a week late? ¢ in Holland a week late bb inEnglandayearlater? din Holland a year later Cheek your answer in the key. 2 Match the direct and indirect speech expressions. Example: DIRECT SPEECH hhere last week —nextweek now this._—_this morning. today tomorrow tonight yesterday INDIRECT SPEECH thatday —thatmorning —thatnight —that/the/last | theday before the nextday the next week / the week after | tne week before then /thatday /right away there Imagine these sentences were reported in another place a month ater, Pat in the ‘here’ and ‘now' words. "Il see you tomorrow.” She said she'd Til phone you this evening” He said he'd phone ‘Do you like it here?” She asked f liked it —_. ‘My uncle died last week.’ He told me his uncle had died “This meat tastes funny. She said _meat tasted funny. 'm leaving now.’ He told us he was leaving. | overslept this morning.’ She told him she'd overslept The train leaves at 11,00 tonight.’ Iwas told the train left at 11.00, 9) “Pete phoned me yesterday.’ He said Pete had phoned him 10. “My brother's arriving here today.” She sald her brother was arriving — e me the nextday, indirect speech: why things change gok at the text, and write down all the words and expressions that are different in Bill's and Peter's sentences. pitt (on Saturday evening) ‘I don’t like this party. want to go home eres (on Sunday morning): "Bill said that he didn’ ike the party, and he wanted to go home right away. 2. Which do you think is the best explanation for the differences? (Check your answer in the key. 1 After verbs like said, you change tenses and pronouns in English 2. The time, place and speakers are diferent 3. Ifthe main verb is past, the other verbs have tobe past too, 3 Read the dialogue. Imagine that Bill talks to a friend the next day and tells him about the conversation, using indirect speech, structures (1 said/told her that .; so she asked if...). Write down ten or more words in the conversation that would have to be changed in Bill's report. tau: You're looking good today. ans: Ob, thanks, Bll. You are sweet fai: OK. you sit down I'l get you a drink. ann There's nowhere to sit. taut: Yes, there is, Over there in the corner: avin: [don't want to sit there I's too datk.F'llsit here ‘ai: You can’t, These seats are taken, nw: No, they aren't nut: Really, Ann. Why do you always have to argue? They're taken. |AwN: Excuse me, Ae these seats taken? joe: Well this ones, but the other one's fre. ‘Aww: OK. Fsit here, then. Thanks Jos: You're weleome. What's your name ut: Hey, what about me? ‘ws: Ann. What's yours? Joe: I'm Joe Parsons. Can I get you a drink? ANN: That's very kind, Can I ave a bitter lemon? tw: Tm getting her a drink. Joe No, you're not, mate, fam. baits Tdon't believe this. Ann, what are you playing at2 ann: Really Bill don't know what's wrong with you today. ll see you around, OK? indirect speech: present situations ‘Situations that have not changed: ifthe original speaker was talking about a present or future situation thatis still present or future when the words are reported, the tenses may not change after a past reporting verb, inser speci INDIRECT SPEECH The earth is round He proved that the earth ishwas round. ‘ow old are you2" ‘What?’ ‘tasked how old you arelwere, Where does she work? Povoften wondered where she works/worked. Iewill be windy tomorrow. They said it will /would be windy tomorrow. 1 Imagine these sentences were reported soon after they were sid: change them to indirect speech in two different way 1 What day isit? Tasted what day itis. Lasked what day twas 2 What’ the dark-haired child's name? (L asked) 3 muterly fed upt (Are you den? I said) 4 Wsraining. (1told you) 5 6 You'll get your money. (Isa) ‘The weather is changing, (This article I was reaing sai) The repairs will cost £5,000. (Al old me) Is Jane coming to se us? (Lashed) 9 You're going to the north. (Pat told me that) 10 You won't pass your exam. (Thet George £5 yesterday that) 11 He hasn't got much sense of humour. (See told you) 12. They're getting married next week. (Sue rang this morning, and she said) ‘We do not keep the original speaker's tenses if we do not agree with what he/she said, or if we want to show that the ideas do not come from us ‘They were certain that the gods ved in the sky. Did you hear that? Ske said she was fourteen! He announced that profits were higher than forecast. didn’t know she was il TRU Roxey! I didn’t know you were dead!” 3. Putin the right tenses. (tee nover me) (anybody tke you) lores NS (Wat do you Tm moving round all) / ire (Coma att ake) \ine to americas) /, Were mesa (reach other ana ood gig to fond cur ey \s Fwy, Thad a really funy evening yesterday, Mary. got talking to this boy in the mb, very nice-Lecking Ye was, and £ could soo he (1 fancy) te. Ho eaid he (2 never met) anybody 1tke ma bef, and he fel (0 have) a very unusual ind of Beauty. Oh, yer? T said. thon he asked ne LET (4 sant) a Lite home, 227 Bild no, 1 (5 be) langty, #0 we went cut for © asked him what be (6 do) for & Living, end he sald he (7 a>) sone undorcovee work for the Cra at {he moment. He said ho (8 can not) give ne hie ‘Stress becmuse ho (9 seve) around all the tine, So 5 asked hin wey he (10 think) 1 (11 wea) he felicess, Then he asked Sf he (12 can! have ay phone ‘ber. He eaid he (13 call} we totay to fie for me to go to Amarica with hin. So T asked hin uty ne 24 wane to take ne to america, and he seid be (G5 ehtak) be (16 Gat) tn Jove with ne. lero (27 24), tut de vas kind of fun. Amjamy, T told Jin r (8 have) got a boyfriend already. Bet he eld Chat (9 ne miter). te (20 be) meant for ech other, he said, and sabody (21 go) to stand tn ur way, because our Isvea (22 bo) weieten in the ‘Then ho borrowed £20 frame to pay the B22 Decause he said ho (23 Jeate} his wallet at hone, fond he went off to the eet, aad T never so hin “Tm doing some undercover work) Came) C ~- Conch oe) 1 fling in love \ ot jon. aa ‘Tenses don’t change after present or future reporting verbs, because there s no important change of tie, He says he doesn’t want to play any more, (Tdon't want.) PH tell her your idea ts great. ‘Tenses do not usually change after present perfect reporting verbs, either. ‘The government has announced that taxes willbe rise. Direct and reported speech: introduction When we want to report what someone sald, we can use ‘direct speech’ or Indirect speech, we give the exact words that the person safd, and we use quotation marks (\..' ye Direct speech: Annie said, ‘T'm hungry." In reported speech, we change some of the words that the person said and we do not use quotation marks. ‘Reported speech: Annie said (that) she was hungry, or: Annie says (that) she's hungry. ‘When we use a past reporting verb (eg Annie sald), the tense in reported speech normally changes (eg I'm changes to the past: she was). But when we use a present reporting verb (eg Annie says), the tense does not change (eg I'm stays in the present: she's). For reported speech, see 77-80, Say and tell ‘Alter tell we normally use a personal object (eg Sarah, me, us) to say who i told, We normally use say without a personal object. Compare: Say + something tell + someone + something said I was going home. | told Sarah 1 was going home, He says he can speak French, He tells me he can speak French. Ifwe want to put a personal object with say, we use to said to Sarah that Iwas going home. [na few expressions we can use tll without a personal abject eg tlla story, tell the time, tell the truth, tell ie 77 Reported statements EXERCISE 76A (Complete the sentences using the correct form of say or tll Example: Tltellyou all about my holiday when I see you. 1 Could you me how to get to Paris? 4 They the plane was going tobe late. 2 Do-you think she's us the truth? 5 Did he you that he could play ches. 43 Have you goodbye to everyone? 6 Why didn't you what you wanted 77 Reported statements Heal he was going home. a. | When the reporting verb isin the past (eg he sald you told ma), te tense in reported speech normally ‘moves bac’ 1 Verbs in the present change into the pat. seraxaa’s worn serorreD sPaBCH ‘Tm going home." He sid he was going home. “Twant to stop." You told me you wanted to stop. “don’t ike ta" ‘She sai she dln lke tea ‘Sally has finished." ‘You sa hat Sally ha finished. 1 Verbs already in the past, change into the past perfect or they do not change. “Tspoke to them.’ | Isaid had spoken to them. said [spoke | to thers ‘Wearrived late" They said they had arrived late /They said they arrived late s Verbs already inthe past perfect, do not change. “Thad seen the film befor. | Hold you had seem the llm before rr) 77 Reported statements Modal verbs Note the past forms of these modal verbs: con —» could wll > woud: ‘shall should: may —> might. sveaxan’s worns ‘ReroRTED seepcat ‘Tean swim. esa he could swim, “Twill beat home.” She said that she woula beat home. ‘Wemay go by train They told me they might go by train. ‘The past modals could, woud, should and migh donot change in reported speech "You could be right.” | eto could erg “Youshoutd see the ln,” ‘They told me I should se the film, ‘Must ether does not change ot takes the past form (of have to) had to. ‘Tmust go." | He sit he must go./He sid he had to go. Wedonot always change tenses in reported speech when we us a past reporting verb. Ifwe report something tht Is stl true now, we sometimes use the nee tense as the speaker. srrac's woins 1PORTED srescit ‘The population of London ts around 9 | He sad hat the population of London ts ‘nlion” ‘arora 9 mon ‘ive in Brighton.” ‘She told me that she lives n Brighton, Buteven when something i still true, we often change the tense in reported speech, “He id that the population of London was around 9 milion Wealways change the tense when theresa diference between what was sald and whats really tre. ‘She said hat she was 18 years ol, but infact she's only 16. Pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, ete Pronouns (g 1 me) and possessive adjectives (eg my, your) oten change in reported speech. Compare: Direct speech: Sue said, 'm om holiday with my rend’, Reported speech: Sue suid (that) she was on holiday with he rend When we talk about Sue, we say she, not and when we talk about Sues eed, ‘we say her friend, not my fiend 123 x Reported statements People use words like her, now, taday to talk about the place where they are speaking and the time they are speaking. I'we report these words in a diferent place or ata diferent time, they often change. For example: here there this thatthe then that day that night ‘the next day/the folowing day ‘the day beforethe previous day ‘the following Monday ‘the previous Monday, ‘She said she was thereon holiday. He said he would see me the next day. "The way these words change depends on the situation, For example ifsomeune ‘as speaking yesterday and they sald‘ see you tomorrow.’, we could now say He ‘tid he would se me today. That ‘We often use that to join a reported speech clause tothe rest ofthe sentence. sald that 1 was feeling tre. You old me that you would be careful ‘After say and tll( + person), we often leave out that, espectaly in an informal style. sal Tas feng tire. You old me you would be careful EXERCISE 77A, Put these statements Into reported speech, asin the examples. Examples: "Tm tired’ she sald. She sid (that) she wus tired. “Teed to borrow some money," my brother told me. My brother tai’ me that) he needed to borrow some money 1 ‘Tean’t swim very wel told her. 2 “MrMason bas gone out,’ the secretary told me 3 ‘Idon't want to go swimming,” Andrew sald 4 "We're leaving on Friday,’ we said. 5 ‘We had lunch in Tugs restaurant, they said. 6 Tl phone you later.’ Sarah told Simon. 124 78 ® In Type 2 and Type 3 conditionals tenses do not change. 2.9. a) ‘had more time, | would take up a hobby, Eric said to me, Eric told me (that) it he had more time, he would take up a hobby. ») hadn't parked my car on a double yellow tne, | wouldn't have got a ticket,’ Sam said. ‘Sam said (that) it he hadn't parked his car on 2 double yellow lino, he wouldn't have got a ticket. The verb tenses remain the sare in reported speech when the introductory verb is in the present, future or present perfect e.g. Mum says, Dinner is road.” ‘Mum says (that) dinner ts ready. The introductory verb is in the present tens: 4) when we pass on messages. 0.9. Debbio says she needs the car tonight. b) when we report the content of a letter, article, etc. while reading it. e.g. The article says that people use too much water. ©) when we refer to something someone says very offen. e.g. Mum often says that / should’ tlk to strangers. ® The verb tenses can either change or remain the same in reported speech: a) in up-to-date reporting. b) when reporting a general truth or law of nature. e.g. The teacher said, Paris isthe capital of France.” The teacher said (that) Paris isiwas the capital of France. Auth met ot stents when she went to vit 2p nworsty last month: Road thelr words, ten voor what they 4 —— Renee // The teachers f Ca Goan aS CEs 2 The 5 Neray rue wines’) Se A (Elaine) 5 “vn things. (Paul) 7 exams next month, —_< Roger) 104 3 ip Tur the following sentences into reported speech. 1. Rober said, This film is very funny Robert eald (that) the flm was very funry. 2. ‘Tm starting @ new job next week,’ she sai 3 ‘got my exam results last week, he told them 4 ‘can't afford to buy this dress,” said Sally 5 ‘Iwould buy carit! had enough money, he Said to her. 6 Frank said, ‘That's the house where | was born. 7 “That was a wondertul party,’ said Jil. 8 ‘Oranges grow in hot countries, the teacher said 9 ‘Alot of people visit museums,” he said 10 "This isa very famous statue, the tour guide told us 11 ‘Tdon't ike that jacket,” said Bob. 12 ‘Tmlost. the boy sac. (up-to-date reporting) 13 ‘I may be a lite late this evening,” she said 14 "You'd better clean up this mess,” Mum said to Clare 15. ‘Ive already done the shopping,’ she said. (up-to-date reporting) 16 ‘found this note under the sofa” said Sue. 17 ‘Iwon'tbe late again, he said to us 18 ‘fi finish work early, I call you,’ she said 19. ‘Ive been training hard recent, he told the reporters. 20. ‘Shall I make some tea?” said Zoé. 21. ‘We must go home now,’ said the man to his children, 22. “Those are the boys who chased me,’ Sarah said, ." Lynne told her friends. 23 ‘Ym going to a party tonight (up-to-date reporting) 24 ‘lused to have iong hair Laura said 25 “There is too much violence on TV," said Grandad. 26 ‘You ought to make a decision soon,’ Andrew told her. Reported speech: A news report Look at what the people said. Complete the news report. A aclentiet: The earthquake happened at 4.13 in the ‘© orning. measured 63 on the Richter scale. The fre chick Fires have broken aut all over the clty. “© The police department: Most of the major roads are damaged. Please stay at home, F posible, Dorie “Give urlese you have #2, © ‘doctor Hundrede of patio are waiting For restart “The Mayor We wil do everything we can to art the ey Pack 0 normal. Here is the news. There has been a serious earthquake in San Francisco. A scientist said hat _ Me carthguake had happened at 413 inthe morning she said that it ‘The earthquake has caused major problems for the emergency services. The city's fire chief said that ‘Transport has been badly hit. A spokesman for the police department said He asked people . and he advised Local hospitals are full. A doctor ‘As the ty tries to deal with the damage the Mayor said that they | cia i Baan a oa aa Reported speech 1 Look at the speech bubbles and complete the dialogues, Tve passed my driving tek Pepe ar bag nce when [ can afford it. I'l use my / erent car il then. ‘Andrea said {/t#t.she had passed her dri ‘That’s good news. A B A. And she said B_ What's she going to do till hen? A She said I'm playing tennis this evening. I didn’t play this Monday because John had broken his racquet. 1s Tim coming to the cinema? 1 thought he played on Mondays. A B No, he said A B Yes, that’s right, but he said 3. A I saw Pauline the other day. She didn’t look very happy. She said Bd A. She said erm ninemsn Reported questions 2. Report what the people asked. 1 Helena Have you seen my keys, Dad? Helena asked her dad whether he had seen her key 2 Fred Had you ever been to Australia before your recent trip, Peter? Fred asked Peter 3 Sandra Where are you going, Ken? Sandra asked 4 Police How long will you be away, Mrs officer Cassidy? The police officer 5 MrHoyle — Where have you put the disks, Roberta? 6 Receptionist Would you prefer a double or a single room, Mrs Carlucci? 7 Managing — Why did you leave your last job, Director — Mr Walsh? 8 Helen Do you like living in London, Dean? 65 pepper nerrmesngpepen tenance ne Q dvcsssion In pais ascuss hala sereotye is ‘Sat your opinion ol i iaatNer you thik ere ha ‘and wornen compared 10 what changes in heroes of men wate nthe past Tink aout Sccupations who bigs up chen, who dose th housework le ‘show you tink the roles of men and women wel change the ure Then, ropert your parne'soprians othe eae Interviewing people about "Nessie", the Loch Ness Monster, ind change wha they sad Inte Reported Speech, ‘Pred sald that afriend of his had shown hin 9 picture ofthe and. aaa MeMc Alster (gor bate any | OR ————————————— GF ee a "Mrs Gibson Ge a ee sul rete posite N 7 | east ——= ee ety oa nope | | EXERCISES es Se aT Seno Ee alee et 4 Margacec a ad baby a 10. My cc wat ole few wees 280 £ etna af 1 ten ety eid 6 sae Helen ac payin Jone and 12 Fell Ana tsa ou, ‘ie eemed Boe “Latch day you tell another friend what Charlie sai. Use reported speech i Somebody says something to you which ithe opposite of what they sid before. Write table anseerbepbing I thowght You sad 1 That estarane is expensive, Is Lough you aa ean. che. 2 ks Anm is coming tothe parry tonight teeth? [thought you sid she = 3k An kes Pal 1 Does he? [th00ght one —— 1 4: Tenow lots of people. Do you? I thought you ssid you... a 1 behece next week. 3: Wil you? rm going out this evening. Are YOM — {ean speak alii Feench, Can you? = — - TThaven’ been to the cinema fo ages. 1 Haven 0 oa - 10.1. GRAMMAR FILE Reported speech (1) Read the following extract from a magazine article. What is your reaction to the proposal? 1g Helga Konrad, the Austrian minister for ‘women, has proposed that in households where | both couples work, men should be obliged by law to do 50% of the domestic work ~ which includes looking after children, as well as the care of the elderly and sick relatives. et @ Read the reactions of some people to the minister's proposal. Which do you igeee with? Which do you disagree with? “Domestic arrangements should be agreed with your husband.” ‘Each partner should do their bit according to how they're feeling, how much time they have and how much they're in love.” ‘It depends on who is earning what, how much time each partner has, and who is happy doing what around the house.” ‘Iwould be in favour of the law because housework has always been undervalued.” “When a couple begin a relationship, they set the standards by which they want to live.” “Men are becoming more domestic, perhaps because more young people have to look after themselves when they're at university. “Is this some sort of joke?" “There are a lot of male chauvinist pigs about, but the woman is usually aware of this when she enters a relationship.’ © Read the statements on page 139 from the people who gave the opinions in 2. Complete the articles by changing their direct statements into reported statements. © Work in groups. Write ten questions for a survey on the topic, ‘Are men and women equal?” Then interview a student from another group and answer his/her questions. Return to your group to compile the results. Each group presents their results to the class. La ne © Oxford University Press 10.1 ene 190 ae iT 7, (ay 4 ro! uwdnndndidwdvuvoeuai \& Ww Www Ww ow Ww oh ) 10.1 GRAMMAR FILE Reported speech (2) ou Chris March ‘When a cousle begin relationship, they set the standards by which they want tive, “Some women love cooking fr their partners and some don't, “My boyfriend works fewer hours than me, so he prepares dinner for us nearly every evening and does mare ofthe housework Murielle Dellis CChris March, a single, 28-year-old jockey from Dorset, England couldn't believe we needed such a law. She felt that when a couple ___a relationship, they _ the standards by which they ___ to lve. She said some women ___cooking for their partners and some__. She explained that_ boyfriend __fewerhoursthan___, sohe____ dinner for __neary every evening and —__ more ofthe housework ‘Domestic arrangements should be agreed with your husband "Men are becoming more domestic, perhaps because more young people have to look after themselves when they're at university” "Belgian men are good at helping out at home, especially when compared to British men, who think that cooking and looking after children are women's work.’ ‘Ann-Helene Lundhaug "Women are treated fal equally in Norway but | think they stil > ‘are you leaving today or tomo: hhe could for us, said one of the tenants. Fae ca? Tsaid, and how “They should put traffic lights here, otherwise there'll be more Bees lopcak to Mca PRET sa accidents. she ex. 5 [Fm afraid she’s out,” said the 9 “it's time we began training for our next match,” the coach €8id © 9; -are you Sorry for what you did 26 in him off a “If you leave home at six, you should be here by nine,’ he said to me; e Cathe ng to 900 “Ifit rains this afternoon it will be too wet to play the match aT Neemnen, torabirow the contain 20 28 ‘If someone fell at your feet fa ‘Tmeant to plug in the electric blanket but I plugged in the electric |“ hat to do?” said the instructor kettle by matake. I'm always doing silly things like that,” she told | 99 “Why do you think it may be & a, 30 ‘Do you know that the shoes ve 3 eee ending to doit tomorrow,” he said, “but now I don't think °° yo Yo" Vibe able to.” : ‘Bill should do very well at the university, Mrs Smith,’ said the Somebody says eT headmaster. ‘He's done very well here.” suitable answer beginning 1 “[ don't think your father likes me,’ said the young wife 1a: That restaurant is expe "You mustn't think that,’ said her husband; “it is just that he is old fy Is it? _| Phowght you #3 ‘and finds it hard to get used to new people.’ (Leave mustn't 2a: Annis coming to the p unchanged.) ts Is she? | thought you s 89 Indirect speech: questions 3 az Ann likes Paul. G@ PEG 317 3: Does she? I thought 4a: [know lots of people. Put the following into indirect speech, 1: Do you? I thought you 5 a: [ll be here next week. “Why are you looking through the keyhole?" I said. “Who put salt in my coffee?" he asked. “Which of you knows how to make Irish stew?" said the chief cook, “Why did you travel first class? I asked him. “How can I run in high-heeled shoes she enquired, “What is your new house like?’ I asked them. He said, ‘Where am I supposed to go now?’ (Omit now.) 8 "Whose car did you borrow last night?" I said to him, a 2: Will you? ‘A: I'm going out this eves B: Are you? ‘A: Tan speak a little Fe B: Can you? Thaven’t been to the ¢ Haven't you? 98 Indirect to direct speech @ PEG 307-22 Put the following into direct speech, using dialogue form: Tom: Would you like to come for a drive tomorrow, Ann? Ann: I'd love to ete. Trip to Stratford Tom invited Ann to come for a drive the following day ‘Ann accepted with pleasure and asked where he was thinking of going. _ He said he'd leave it to her. She suggested Stratford adding that she hadn't been there for ages. ‘Tom agreed and said that they might go on the river if it was @ fine day. ‘Ann wondered what was on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, ‘Tom said they'd find out when they got there ... adding that it was usually possible to get seats on the day of the play. He asked Ann if she could be ready by ten. Ann sai regret that she couldn't as she had to type a report first. ‘Tom expressed horror at the idea of working on Saturday ‘and advised her to change her job. She told him not to be ridiculous and explained that she had volunteered to type the report in return for a free afternoon the following week. ‘She pointed out that she hadn't known that he was going to ask her out. ‘Tom said he supposed it was all right but warned her not to make a habit of volunteering for weekend work. Ann promised not to. ‘Tom said gloomily that he supposed she'd be busy all morning, Ann assured him that she'd be finished by 11.00 and ‘offered to meet him at the bus stop at Hyde Park Corner. Tom said that it wasn’t a very good meeting place and that he'd call for her. ‘Ann said that that was very kind of him and that she'd be waiting in the hall Hill climb ‘Tom suggested climbing to the top, adding that the view from there ‘was marvellous... but Ann said that they'd been climbing for three hours and that she ‘was too tired to go any further. ‘She suggested that Tom should go on up while she went down and waited there ‘Tom agreed and handed her the car keys, advising her to wait in the car. He promised to be as quick as he could. ‘Ann said that if he was too long there'd be no lunch left, for she'd have eaten ital. 1 10 Put the following into i verbs say, ask and tell anc accept, accuse, admit, adv (summon), call (+ noun! deny, exclaim, point out, promise, protes threaten, warn, wish, Indirect speech: mixe MPEG chapter 31 (note plain, gi He said, ‘Don’t walk on th iss Brown, this is Miss | ‘Here are the car keys. Yo ‘Pe: won't, I promise,” I said “Would you like my torch? “No, thanks,” he said. ‘Tha 6 Tom: I'll pay Ann: Oh no, you musth’ Tom: | ins ‘Come in and look round. 1 shopkeeper ‘Ifyou don't pay please, don't tell 2 on paying’ ‘won't answer any questi “He expects a lot of sor the typists. "Yes, he does,” agreed t ‘Lwish it would rain,” sh “You pressed the wrong again. You might have a “Your weight’s gone up: ‘I'm afraid it has,” she = “Thope you'll have 2 gos card when you arrive “Hurrah! I've passed the “Congratulations!” I said, “All right, I'll wait 2 wee “Many happy returns of ‘Thanks,’ said the boy. “Your door is the shabb ‘Its,’ I said, ‘Cigarette? ~ "Thanks," I said. ‘TI sell the TV set if yo said their mother. No, don't do that! We » “TI give you £500 to kee ‘TI wait for you, I prom ‘I'm sorry I'm late,” she 07 Indirect speech: mixed types @ PEG chapter 31 (note especially 324) Put the following into indirect speech, avoiding as far as possible the verbs say, ask and tell and choosing instead from the following: accept, accuse, admit, advise, agree, apologize, assure, beg, call (summon), eall (+noun/pronoun + noun), complain, congratulate, deny, exclaim, explain, give, hope, insist, introduce, invite, offer. point out, promise, protest, refuse, remark, remind, suggest, thank, threaten, warn, wish. He said, ‘Don’t walk on the ice; it isn't safe.” “Miss Brown, this is Miss White. Miss White, Miss Brown,’ he said “Here are the car keys. You'd better waitin the car,’ he said to her “Please, please, don’t tell anyone,” she said won't, I promise,’ I said ‘Would you like my torch? I said, holding it out. “No, thanks,” he said. ‘Thave one of my own.” (Omit thanks) Tom: I'l pay. ‘Ann: Oh no, you mustn't! Tom: | insist on paying! Come in and look round. There's no obligation to buy,” said the shopkeeper. 'f you don't pay the ransom, we'll kill the boy,’ said the kidnappers. won't answer any questions,” sai the arrested man. | 10 ‘He expects a lot of work for very litle money,’ complained one of, the typists. "Yes, he does,’ agreed the other. 11 ‘Lwish it would rain,’ she said. 12 "You pressed the wrong button,” said the mechanic. ‘Don’t do it again. You might have a nasty accident.” 13 ‘Your weight’s gone up a lt!” I exclaimed. ‘m afraid it has,” she said sadly. “Thope you'll have a good journes,’ he said. ‘Don't forget to send a card when you arrive.” ‘Hurrah! I've passed the first exam!" he exclaimed, ‘Congratulations! I said, ‘and good luck with the second.” “Allright, I'l wait a week,” she said. (Omit allright) “Many happy returns of your birthday!" we sai. ‘Thanks,’ said the boy. “Your door is the shabbiest in the street,’ said the neighbour, “Thanks Tsai. ‘Til sel the TV set if you keep quarcelling about the programme,’ said their mother. "Ro, don't do that! We won't quarrel any more,’ said the children, give you £50 to keep your mouth sh, he said to me ik wait for you, I promis,” he said to me ‘Tm sorry Tm late, she said. “The bus broke down’ SM 1: Haven'e you? Fin going our this evening, Are you? Lean speak a little French, ‘an you? Thaven’t been to theycineina Hor ages, it was, cheap. unr 2+ YE snansronenn Using the words glven and other words, complete the second fiat sentence, Bo not change tne word given (Use 28 words In ttl) 1. "Drop your guna nce”the poe ace soxted athe robber ordered The palo oficer 3."You ely must et me ay forthe me ai Jane, 4 "rony could expan everthing” she sched wiehod She ‘5 "Leave me lon. Tory 38510 us 6."Lrang you ia ight Jin” sad Bran, ung Brin expsines to Jue tra he 7 "oul you ke ma to eve yout the spon” he asked me, oftered He 8. "You noednt move e England nes you” Bey tld me would |e tld ht | 9-“How much does & cost to goto Rome by ple?” he ake him 10. You'd beter not ewen too far om the shore the equa eid ous ‘edvieed§—Theleguard 11. -Yeute nt coming tone maating, se you? Mr Joy asked me. going Mr Joy aston 12,"Why dont we goto the beary to tay” ae asked me. 12, “Are you working tdey, Pele?” 2 wetner She wanted to know +4 "You should jen he toto tea, Kal” sl ne gym insu. encouraged The gym instr 15. “Have you ever tastes goulas, ety” Ben ake, ad on ashes Bey 16. “Don't tring your dino the shop” he shop owner eal ta Mary. forbade The shop owner hes 151 similar meaning tothe is gun at once to England the olowing you to-go to Rome by pane, to he mostng geutch UNIT 10 © Reported speech Read the magizine sory and underline al che examples of reported spech, Sideightsonlife cut on te shoul of inset SY) ) rum Lge Pole Wyoming Fr | and feds tthe assed Unie 10 no beer to Lodge Pale | izes ofthe soaltown (population 1378), looked atthe | Catng the loaf ito pees, oorand he window, an that | Peter he wating izes that helo trend, was to bgt | they were ooking at one of he fp though eter. He therefore | wonders of the world. Asked cided tat i would ave go | about thebkery walle replied fut through the front wal So | thatthe damage did not worry Pees 3andhissovenenthisiaw | hin. Head worst he wort tehelpers tock the nesity | onal ht was al that mater lage tole inthe wall Att they | And ebe—Thathecold make adanentfo Peters 2c 12- | abafthat would bebigenoughto BE pound masterpiece and came | fed he wholetowr, @ Reported statements ‘Write she comments of the people of Lodge Polen eprted speech, 1 Bob Kaui sid ‘Bod Kou idthat twas the biggest obect be had ever arid fs the biggest objec ve ever atid” eaded, es probly a world record” Peter told the eo, "You can come and eat. 4 Afcewards neighbour Rush McAlister sd, My pier of bread came fom the ‘pale, and few hoe from the oven” Mrs Angelina commented, My husband des crazy ting ike dha ll dhe tie She aed, "Ita keep eling bm fora mnt before he mends he wall 7 One of the Bend carrier loa builder George Kawalsh suid, "You don’ need 19 swore, Mrs Angelina: He explained, “We'e al agrend to havea wall-bailding party om Saturday" Mes Angelina answered wane a sraiht Adnking sil afer you've done te baling” al George, 20 youll nave save he p90 72 tell and say Tell and say are similar but there are differences. Look at the examples and try tosee what they are, told the assistant that I wanted: 1 said that I wanted size 8, I said to the assistant that I wanted e 8. (NOT Holdthae F wanted sine) (Wor Esai he assistant that...) {sid to her What are youdoing?" (Sor Hol her hata yoda!) Isai ‘hello’. (Nor Hold hine helo) told him to hurry up. (OT Ese hi orp un) (BONLYOUNSELE; 1 Choose the correct forms of the rules, Check them in the key. 1 After (say/tll), we normally say who is spoken to. We do nat pat to before the object 2 Alter (satel), we don’t have to say who is spoken to. Itwe do, we put ‘to’ before the object. 3. (Say/Tell) means inform’ or “instruct. It ean’t intro 4 (Say/Tel}) can't normally be used before an infinitive 2. Putin the correct forms of say or tell. 1 1__that t wasn'tready 2 me what you need, 3 Have you the doctor about it 4 Did yon something tom 5 Hedoesn't___ me anythir 6 Mary her mother she was going tothe office, 7 Why didn’t she goodbye? 8 —_him to be quit. 9 Who that? 10 that you won't forget me. "il say something, but that was yesterday Tell can be used without a personal objec n afew expressions like ela le tell the truth, tll a story, el the time.

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