Praxis Analysis 1

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Conner Ruschmeyer 1

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements:

In order to be accepted into my bachelors level of Education at UNLV I am required to

pass the Praxis Core Academic Exam. I am required to pass the Core Exam for Reading with a

score of 156, the Core Exam for Writing with a score of 162, and the Core Exam for

Mathematics with a score of 150.

Exam Preparation

Prior to taking the practice Praxis Exam I attempted to prepare myself by searching for

exam prep study guides online. I went to multiple websites trying different short quizzes and

study guides that I hoped would be beneficial when I decided to take the exam.

Exam Results

In Reading I scored within the 80% range. What this means is that I am likely to pass the

reading section of the exam; however, because the exam was multiple choice I could have

guessed a fair amount of the questions correctly and am not guaranteed to pass, just likely.

For Writing, I scored within the 90% range, which means I am very likely to pass and

that means I will most likely succeed in passing the writing, with a very small chance that I will

not pass on the actual exam.

In terms of Math, I scored within the 85% range. This once agains means that I am likely

to pass this section, yet there could have been some margin of error in the practice exam. This

means I will likely pass the exam but I should practice and study a little bit more to ensure I only

need to test once and pass.

Conner Ruschmeyer 2

Future Exam Preparation

In order to ensure I pass the exam when I take it, I will continue practicing and studying

utilizing websites that offer practice tests. One such example would be Khan academy that

allows me to practice reading, writing, and mathematics questions that will assist me when I sign

up for the actual exam.

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