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I. Each of the following questions is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the correct answer out of the
four choices.
1. Identify the noun in the following sentences. This garden is full of beautiful flowers.
A) this B) is C) beautiful D) garden

2. Select the option which identifies the verb in the sentence. Please refer to page 10 of your English book.
A) please B) refer C) English D) your

3. choose the suitable rhyming word for meet.

A) look B) with C) grain D) greet

4. The opposite word of fearful is:

A) flawless B) fearsome C) fearless D) flowers

5. what is the similar meaning of the word recycle.

A) reuse B) plastic C) unfree D) nonrecyclable

6. find out the countable noun among these options.

A) a school B) knowledge C) health D) water

7.The meaningful sentence formed using the below words is: hockey/basketball/and /he/played.
A) played hockey and he basketball B) basketball he played and hockey
C) he played hockey and basketball D) he played and hockey basketball

8.The student started his homework but forgot to ………. It on time.

the opposite of the underlined word is:
A) commence B) begin C) beginning D) finish

9. plural form of ‘I’ is:

A) he B) we C) they D) him

10. ‘my granddaughter quarantine at home’. The other gender of the underlined word is:
A) grandmother B) grandson C) grandfather D) grandparent

11. a ……….. of flowers. Fill the blank with appropriate option.

A) bundle B) fleet C) herd D) bunch

12. boys and ………. Playing in the ground. (use your common sense and select the right answer.)
A) uncle B) ladies C) girls D) sheep

13. Rani is rich kid. She likes to play ludo game.

‘She’refers to ……….
A) ludo game B) rani C) rich D) play

14. Find out the adjective words in the given sentence.

‘Himavad Gopalaswamy hill was still neat and undamaged area’.
A) gopalaswmy B) hill C) was D) neat and undamaged

15. (T E A C A N D I D). This set of letters can be rearranged to get a meaningful word is:

16. The cat is sitting ………… the table.

A) under B) in C) on D) above
1. D. garden
2. B. refer
3. D. greet
4. C. fearless
5. A. reuse
6. A. a school
7. C. he played hockey and basketball
8. D. finish
9. B. we
10. B. grandson
11. D. bunch
12. C. girls
13. B. rani
14. D. neat and undamaged
15. B. candidate
16. A. under

1. who is the current Deputy Commissioner of Chamarajanagar?
A) Mr. Bhoyar Harsal Narayan Rao B) Dr. M R Ravi
C) Mr. puttaranga Shetty D) Mr. S. suresh kumar
2. what is student helpline number among these?
A) 1098 B) 1998 C) 1990 D) 1999
3. In a line of 20 boys are standing. Chethan is in the 6 th position from one end, then what is his
position from the other end?
A) 16 B) 13 C) 14 D) 15
4. if we write ELEPHANT as NTELHAPH, then how can we write BIRTHDAY:

ANSWERS: 1-B, 2-B, 3-D, 4-B.

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