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But strange that I was not told

That the brain can hold

In a tiny ivory cell
God's heaven and hell.
The triggers that — Oscar Wilde (1854–1900)

increase the THE WRONG ANSWER

ope John Paul II wrote in a letter in 2002 that "It may be said that a society shows
negative impacts of itself just to the extent that it meets the needs of all its members, and the quality
of its civilisation is determined by the way in which it protects its weakest mem-
genetic aberrations bers".1 If this is the case, then we should be judged harshly. In most "civilised"
societies the mentally ill, mainly consisting of schizophrenics, are homeless, sleep in
linked to parks, under bridges or in dumpsters, beg muttering in the streets, or, because of their irra-
tional crimes, fill our prisons.
schizophrenia have Schizophrenia may be the cruellest disorder, afflicting "…young adults, often beginning
become insidiously and progressing until the ambitions, potentials, and hopes of early years are
disregarded in disarray. In their place lie broken thoughts, inappropriate or stunted emo-
increasingly more tions, and internal voices or other misperceptions that can make existence a living hell."2
Unfortunately, it is not rare.
common in the Schizophrenia is the commonest serious mental illness of the developed world. In the
USA, it accounts for some 24 per cent of all admissions to mental hospitals.3 Initially, the
industrialised disease is often episodic with acute phases interspaced with remissions, but it often
becomes chronic.
world, yet most In his extremely interesting book, The Madness of Adam and Eve, Horrobin4 makes this
sufferers of this
illness can be While in familial and personality terms the problem is devastating, in biochemical
terms the problem cannot be very serious. After all, the young person functioned
helped with an near normally for fifteen, twenty-five or thirty-five years before becoming ill.
Moreover, all schizophrenic patients vary in the severity of their illness, often, as
eight-step program. documented earlier, becoming near normal while the body temperature is elevated.
The fundamental biochemical problem, therefore, cannot be too serious and must be

This is an extremely intelligent and encouraging characterisation. It seems fair to ask,

however, if the problem is so biochemically simple, why have countless thousands of doc-
tors and scientists spent billions of dollars over more than 200 years in endless, unsuccess-
ful attempts to discover the aetiology of schizophrenia?
by Harold D. Foster, PhD © 2003 The logical answer to this question must be that they are trying to hammer jigsaw puz-
Professor, Department of Geography zle pieces into spaces where they do not fit. Conventional drug treatment rests, to a large
University of Victoria degree, on the "dopamine hypothesis"; that is, on the belief that excess dopamine accentu-
PO Box 3050 ates and decreased dopamine reduces the positive or hot symptoms of schizophrenia.5
Victoria, BC, V8W 3P5, Canada The evidence for high levels of dopamine in schizophrenia sufferers is poor, 6 and
Parkinsonism (the mimicking of Parkinson's disease) has occurred frequently in patients
Email: treated for this hypothesised excess. Since Parkinson's disease is known to stem from a
Website: dopamine deficiency, it seems likely that drugs causing a similar illness in schizophrenics
are creating a lack of this neurotransmitter rather than correcting an excess of it.

APRIL – MAY 2004 NEXUS • 27

GENETIC PREDISPOSITION known what pink adrenaline was until 1952, when Hutcheon 21
If too much dopamine is not the root cause of schizophrenia, described how the oxidation of adrenaline created the indole
then what is? Certainly, genetics must play a significant role adrenochrome. Hoffer then experimented by taking this sub-
because 50 per cent of patients with this illness come from fami- stance himself, finding it made him paranoid.
lies with a history of the disorder.7 This preponderance cannot be In another trial, Osmond 22 was administered 300 mg of spray
explained by abnormal child-rearing, since adoption has no containing adrenochrome. Within 11 minutes, his ears felt
impact on the risk of subsequently becoming schizophrenic. plugged and his vision became abnormal. Rapidly swinging one
There is beyond a doubt, therefore, a strong genetic component arm backward and forward caused him to see this as a series of
to schizophrenia, but it cannot be as straightforward as the inheri- stationary arms. Within an hour, he decided to cycle home from
tance of certain characteristics such as eye colour, since, as the hospital and noticed that the roadside trees were expanding as
Myers8 points out, "about half of the twins who share identical if being pumped up with air. Clearly, he was hallucinating.
genes with a schizophrenic victim do not develop the disorder". Arriving home earlier than usual, he found his wife was out and
One must agree with Nicol and Gottesman's 9 assessment that he became very depressed, deciding that she must have left him
some individuals "have a genetic predisposition to the disorder and returned to her mother in a distant city. He counted all the
but that this predisposition by itself is not sufficient for the devel- suitcases. One was missing, increasing his certainty that she had
opment of schizophrenia." The schizophrenia genes, therefore, gone. Finding a pile of clothes, he concluded that his wife had
are not destiny but do enhance risk. been packing to leave and had decided to go out to purchase her
For many years, geneticists have been studying groups of airline ticket. His depression increased. Remembering the exper-
schizophrenics or individual families in which the disorder is iment, he became very angry with the person who had forced him
unusually common, in efforts to discover what, if any, genetic to take adrenochrome. (He had, in fact, been a very willing par-
abnormalities they carry. To date, four genetic aberrations have ticipant in the experiment.) Clearly, he was becoming paranoid.
been identified 10–13 that seem to occur more frequently than normal This experimental evidence suggests that intelligent, highly
in subgroups of schizophrenics. These include the low enzyme educated individuals can be made to display many of the symp-
activity variant of the catechol-O- toms of acute schizophrenia very
methyltransferase gene, the GSTM1*O quickly, simply by exposing them to
allele (required to produce a form of excess adrenochrome.
glutathione S-transferase) and possibly Put very simply, some people appear
the C677TT variant of the gene for
"We are now in the midst of to become schizophrenic because their
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. an epidemic of insanity bodies manufacture an indole,
Beyond this, many schizophrenics adrenochrome, that has effects rather
appear to have inherited an unusual so insidious that most people like the well-known psychedelic drug,
Nogo (reticulon 4, RTN4 or RTN-X) are even unaware of LSD.
variant gene from both parents.
What these four genetic aberrations its existence." HISTORY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA
seem to have in common is that they all In a recently published book, The
result in higher-than-normal exposure Invisible Plague: The Rise of Mental
to adrenochrome, a metabolite of Illness from 1750 to the Present ,
adrenaline, or in an abnormal susceptibility to its negative Torrey and Miller 23 argue that, throughout human history, the
impacts. Since all of these variants are quite widely distributed in baseline rate of insanity was approximately one case for each
the human populace, it seems likely that abnormal levels of 2,000 members of society. Using a great diversity of records,
adrenochrome carry evolutionary advantages. ranging from mental health surveys to psychiatrists' diaries, they
In several publications, including What Really Causes are able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that industrialisation
Schizophrenia,14–16 I have argued that there appear to be not one has been accompanied by dramatic increases in mental illness. In
but at least three and maybe four balanced genetic morphisms England, Ireland, Canada and the USA, for example, "the preva-
involved in this mental illness. The genetic aberrations increasing lence of insanity, as a rate per population, increased at least sev-
the risk of schizophrenia appear to promote religious sense, tech- enfold between the mid-18th and mid-20th centuries". In the
nical and artistic creativity, and leadership.17 They also seem to USA and especially in Ireland, the increase was greater.
provide a greater resistance to a wide range of cancers, especially Torrey and Miller argue that "We are now in the midst of an
that of the lung. 18 While they may be extremely destructive in epidemic of insanity so insidious that most people are even
individuals prone to develop schizophrenia, such genes are highly unaware of its existence". The invisible plague appears worst in
beneficial for humanity as a whole. Ireland, where the number of insane persons per 1,000 population
has reached almost 8.0. This seems to be about 16 times the pre-
THE NATURE OF ADRENOCHROME industrial global baseline.
In the early 1950s, Osmond and Smythies 19 realised that pink One does not have epidemics of genetic diseases, simply
(that is, deteriorated) adrenaline sprays were making some asth- because the human genome does not alter rapidly enough to cause
matics psychotic, causing them to hallucinate. them. The current epidemic of insanity, associated with both
Hoffer20 knew that similar side effects accompanied the use of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, that has developed over the
mescaline and made a list of all identified compounds that caused past 250 years is a very strong argument that the triggers that
hallucinations in those who were awake. The list is short. It increase the negative impacts of the genetic aberrations linked to
includes harmline, mescaline, ibogaine, d-lysergic acid diethy- this mental illness have become more common. These appear to
lamide (d-LSD-25) and deteriorated adrenaline. Hoffer was include anything that either stimulates the body's production of
delighted to realise that all were indoles (harmline, ibogaine, adrenaline or promotes its metabolism to adrenochrome and its
LSD) or could become indoles (mescaline). However, it was not derivatives.

28 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2004

PULLING THE TRIGGER to orthomolecular treatment—experienced significant permanent
• Stress improvements in their mental health after identifying and
Stress is the easiest way to promote the metabolism of adrena- eliminating from their diets specific foods to which they were
line in the human body. Although medical interest in stress can allergic.37
be traced back to Hippocrates, it was not until the 1920s that
These clues to the aetiology of schizophrenia suggest that diet
physiologist Walter Cannon25 confirmed that response to stress is often plays a key role in triggering the disorder. This may be one
part of a unified mind-body system. Cannon was able to show of the reasons why so many recovered schizophrenics believe
that various stressors, including extreme cold, lack of oxygen and they were formerly hypoglycaemic and that they had greatly
emotion-arousing incidents, trigger an outpouring of epinephrine improved only after a major dietary change. How can so many
(adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). These enter the different foods trigger one disease? The best way to understand a
bloodstream from sympathetic nerve endings in the inner adrenal disorder is often to examine extreme cases. A few people are
glands. 26 In those stressed, the sympathetic exceedingly allergic to a particular food,
nervous system increases respiration and such as peanuts or salmon, or to a product
heart rate, diverts blood to skeletal muscles such as latex, and can die rapidly if exposed
and releases fat from storage. All these to even small quantities of it. 38–39 Allergic
changes prepare the body for what Cannon reactions can include skin rashes, itching,
called "fight or flight" and are obviously part hives, burning eyes, swollen lips and tongue,
of a response system that has evolved in an difficulty breathing, wheezing, dizziness,
effort to deal with perceived threats. In summary, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhoea. In
Unfortunately, in situations of chronic rarer cases, a strongly allergic individual
stress, the "fight or flight" response becomes stress may be suffers shock; blood pressure drops marked-
counterproductive, leading to a cumulative a trigger for ly, the throat swells and airways in the lungs
build-up of adrenaline, noradrenaline and constrict. Without immediate treatment with
cortisol. If these substances are not properly schizophrenia epinephrine, death from anaphylactic shock
metabolised, long-term stress appears to pro- because it occurs.
mote disorders ranging from headaches Interestingly, the treatment of choice
and high blood pressure to rheumatoid increases the for anaphylaxis, whether caused by
arthritis and allergies. 27 What is signifi- production of the l a t e x , 40 peanuts, or insect stings, 41 i s
cant here is that the "fight or flight" always epinephrine, a dilute solution of
response to stress is associated with an precursors of adrenaline. This is because, during an
elevation of adrenaline, oxidation of
which can lead to an excess of
adrenochrome. allergic reaction, the chronic
inflammatory response is usually
adrenochrome. It is perhaps not sur- characterised by numerous
prising, then, that chronic stress is often polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 42 t h e
linked to anxiety, poor concentration, presence of which has been shown by
depression, anger, frustration, fear and Matthews and co-workers43 to be linked
sadness. 28
to the oxidation of adrenaline to
Of course, if the individual being adrenochrome. In such an allergic
stressed carries one of the genetic aber- reaction, oxidation of adrenaline to
rations linked to schizophrenia, adrenochrome is detectable within five
adrenochrome levels are likely to be higher than normal and may minutes and continues for at least four hours.
be linked to the paranoia and hallucinations that this indole causes Of course, many people are allergic to substances that occur in
when taken accidentally or experimentally.29 water supplies or as air pollutants or as an integral part of prod-
In summary, stress may be a trigger for schizophrenia because ucts of one type or another. 44 This may be one of the reasons why
it increases the production of the precursors of adrenochrome. schizophrenia's prevalence has markedly increased during the
Industrial Revolution. Industrialisation has brought with it an
• Allergies enormous range of pollutants that have adversely affected air,
Physicians at the Moscow Psychiatric Institute used long fasts water and soil quality. By 1977, the American Chemical Society
to treat schizophrenia, greatly improving the symptoms of 64 per had registered some four million chemical compounds, 32,000 of
cent of all chronic patients who completed their program.30 This which were in commercial use. 45 It is unknown how many of
strongly suggests that there may be dietary triggers for the disor- these are potentially dangerous, although there are currently some
der. Further support for this possibility comes from the recogni- 2,450 substances that are thought to cause cancer in the work-
tion that such fasting normalises catecholamine levels in the urine place. While attempts are generally made to establish the possible
of schizophrenics.31 carcinogenicity of such industrial chemicals, their potential effects
Countries where the national diet traditionally contains large on mental health rarely appear to be considered.
quantities of cow's milk and wheat have poor recovery rates for
schizophrenics.32 This is to be expected, as some schizophrenics • Hypoglycaemia
greatly improve on gluten-free diets, 33 perhaps because coeliac Hypoglycaemia was initially described by Dr Seale Harris46 in
disease is common in their families. Indeed, Pfeiffer claimed
1924 when he discovered that sugar consumption stimulated the
that 10 per cent of schizophrenics suffer from a gluten allergy.35 body to release insulin which, in turn, drove blood sugar levels
Hoffer also discovered that, in some fasting schizophrenics, the down. Harris discovered that a high-protein, low-sugar diet—
reintroduction of cow's milk caused hallucinations.36 Indeed, 120 eaten at frequent, small meals—maintained a normal and stable
of Hoffer's "problem patients"—those who had not responded well blood sugar level, so controlling hypoglycaemia.

APRIL – MAY 2004 NEXUS • 29

Since sugar consumption per capita in the United States has impacts of high adrenochrome conversion from adrenaline are the
increased by roughly a factor of 20 since 1822,47 hypoglycaemia numerous interactions that normally occur between triiodothyro-
has become rampant in its population. 48 As mentioned above, nine, serotonin and the three major components of the antioxidant
many recovered schizophrenics feel they had previously suffered defence system. In chronic schizophrenics who have suffered for
from hypoglycaemia. Schauss 49 estimated that between 80 and 85 years, these biochemical abnormalities result in brain atrophy,
per cent of criminals in US prisons suffer from hypoglycaemia, associated with large fluid-filled spaces known as ventricles, and
often eating an excess of sugary foods and repeatedly drinking serious damage to the thyroid gland.
sugar-sweetened coffee and/or Kool-Aid.
It is well known that when blood sugar levels drop, adrenaline TREATMENT AND PREVENTION: EIGHT STEPS
is released from the adrenal glands because it is involved in the If the adrenochrome hypothesis is correct, the "ideal" treatment
metabolism of glucose. 50–51 It follows, therefore, that anyone for schizophrenia should involve eight steps, designed to reduce
suffering from the large blood-sugar swings characteristic of the production of adrenaline and slow down its metabolism to
hypoglycaemia (associated with a diet that is too rich in sugar) is adrenochrome and other toxic indoles. Such a treatment should
going to overproduce adrenaline. also attempt to reduce the further bio-
Hypoglycaemic individuals with one or chemical abnormalities that result
more of the genetic aberrations seen in from either an excess of
schizophrenia are therefore likely to adrenochrome and its metabolites or
suffer psychosis caused by Since many schizophrenics other impacts of the four genetic aber-
adrenochrome created by the oxidation are overoxidising adrenaline rations that appear associated with
of this excess adrenaline. this mental illness.
due to allergic reactions, Since many schizophrenics are
BIOCHEMICAL AND CLINICAL they need extra-special overoxidising adrenaline due to aller-
IMPACTS OF ADRENOCHROME gic reactions, they need extra-special
Besides being an hallucinogen, surroundings because of surroundings because of such sensi-
adrenochrome is a highly reactive neu- such sensitivities. tivities. Ideally, a treatment clinic
rotoxin that, in schizophrenia, under- would be like the Lange Meridian
mines at least three major biochemical Centre, which was built using Bau-
systems.52 It is an antagonist of the hor- b i o l o g i e p r i n c i p l e s . 5 3 Step two
mone triiodothyronine and can and often involves genetic and biochemical
does seriously damage the thyroid. In chronic schizophrenics, screening to identify the most likely effective treatment protocol.
this gland impairment appears to be permanent. Adrenochrome Allergy testing is also essential, as is a low-sugar diet.54 The fifth
also has a Jekyll and Hyde relationship with serotonin and so step in the treatment of schizophrenia should involve medications
impacts on tryptophan and its other chief metabolite, niacin. At that must quickly reduce the destructive impacts of excess
low levels, serotonin appears to stimulate adrenochrome forma- adrenochrome and its derivatives. They must also address the
tion, while at higher levels it retards the process. other biochemical anomalies directly related not to such indoles,
Adrenochrome also generates numerous free radicals, causing but to the genetic aberration encouraging their overproduction.
oxidative stress, eventually exhausting the schizophrenic antioxi- In schizophrenics with the MTHFR C677TT variant, for example,
dant defence systems, creating deficiencies of glutathione peroxi- the patient will also be suffering from depressed methionine and
dase, superoxide dismutase and catalase. Complicating the elevated homocysteine levels.

Endnotes analysis of cerebrospinal fluid biogenic Research Communications 281:267-271

1. John Paul II, Letter to the President of amines in schizophrenia: I. Comparisons 12. Deng, H., Liu, X., Cai, G., Sun, X.,
the Second World Assembly on Ageing with healthy control subjects and Wang, Y., Terwedow, H., Wang, Z. and Xu,
(Madrid, 8–12 April 2002), http://www. neuroleptic-treated/unmedicated pairs X. (2002), "A linkage disequilibrium study analysis", Psychiatry Research of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
2002/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_20020410_ 52(3):237-249 C677T and schizophrenia", Zhonghua Yi
assembly-ageing_en.html 7. Myers, D.G. (1992), Psychology, Worth Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 19(3):198-200
2. Torrey, E.F. (1980), Schizophrenia and Publishers, New York 13. Novak, G., Kim, D., Seeman, P. and
Civilisation, Jason Aronson, New York 8. ibid. Tallerico, T. (2002), "Schizophrenia and
3. Fishbein, M. (1985), Fishbein's 9. Nicol, S.E. and Gottesman, I.I. (1983), Nogo: Elevated mRNA in cortex, and high
Illustrated Medical and Health "Clues to the genetics and neurobiology of prevalence of a homozygous CAA insert",
Encyclopaedia, Stuttman, Westport, CT schizophrenia", American Scientist 71:398- Molecular Brain Research 107(2):183-189
4. Horrobin, D. (2002), The Madness of 404 14. Foster, H.D. (2003), What Really
Adam and Eve: How Schizophrenia Shaped 10. Park, T.W., Yoon, K.S., Kim, J.H., Causes Schizophrenia, Trafford Publishing,
Humanity, Transworld Publishers, London Park, W.Y., Hirvonen, A. and Kang, D. Victoria, BC
5. Seeman, P., Guan, H.C. and Van Tol, (2002), "Functional catechol-O-methyl- 15. Hoffer, A. and Foster, H.D. (2000),
H.H. (1995), "Schizophrenia: Elevation of transferase gene polymorphism a suscepti- "Why schizophrenics smoke but have a low
dopamine D4-like sites, using [3H] nemon- bility to schizophrenics", European Neuro- incidence of lung cancer: Implications for
apride and [1251] epidepride", European psychopharmacology 12(4):299-303 the treatment of both disorders", Journal of
Journal of Pharmacology 286(2):R3-5 11. Harada, S., Tachikawa, H. and Orthomolecular Medicine 15(3):141-144
6. Issa, F., Gerhardt, G.A., Bartko, J.J., Kawanishi, Y. (2001), "Glutathione S-trans- 16. Foster, H.D. and Hoffer, A.,
Sudath, R.L., Lynch, M., Gumache, P.H., ferase M1 gene deletion may be associated "Schizophrenia and cancer: The
Freedman, R., Wyatt, R.J. and Kirch, D.G. with susceptibility to certain forms of schiz- adrenochrome-balanced morphism",
(1994), "A multidimensional approach to ophrenia", Biochemical and Biophysical Medical Hypotheses (in press)

30 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2004

There appear to be several avenues for lowering excess the remethylation (or detoxification) of homocysteine requires
adrenochrome levels. 55 These include high doses of niacin or folic acid, vitamin B12, zinc and trimethylglycine, it is likely that
niacinamide and the use of other natural methyl acceptors such as schizophrenics with this genetic aberration will require high doses
thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and ubiquinone of these nutrients.
(coenzyme Q10). Niacin is usually the treatment of choice. Adrenochrome excess and the other biochemical abnormalities
Another adrenochrome antagonist, triiodothyronine, appears to that occur in schizophrenia can eventually cause serious damage
be very effective in treating schizophrenia. As shown by to the thyroid gland 57 as well as to the brain itself. Long-term
Danziger, every one of the 80 schizophrenics who had been ill
chronic patients are therefore much more difficult to treat success-
for six months or less, who took between 120 and 1,200 mil- fully. This task might not be impossible, but it will almost surely
ligrams of desiccated thyroid daily for at least 100 days, recov- require higher doses of orthomolecular nutrients, taken for longer
ered, suffering relapses only if they later discontinued their med- periods, before improvement is apparent.
ication. These doses may seem As mentioned before, one of the
high, but it should be remembered major problems in chronic schizo-
that schizophrenics are known to be phrenia is the development of brain
very resistant to thyroid medica- atrophy. Buckman and co-workers58
tions. This is probably because all provided evidence that blood levels of
chronic schizophrenics appear to be …all chronic schizophrenics the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxi-
suffering from badly damaged thy- dase have a strong negative correla-
roid glands. appear to be suffering tion with computer tomography scan
Treatment might also involve from badly damaged measures of such brain damage.
attempts to directly raise body lev- Simply put, the less blood glutathione
els of another adrenochrome antago- thyroid glands. peroxidase, the greater the brain dam-
nist, serotonin. If serotonin is not age in chronic schizophrenics.
provided as a supplement, its metab- Obviously, one treatment strategy
olism could be encouraged by the worth trying is supplementation with
consumption of foods that are high the four nutrients—selenium, cys-
in tryptophan, such as beans, cod, teine, glutamine and tryptophan—that
pork, soybeans and cheese (provided that the patient is not aller- the body requires to produce glutathione peroxidase. 59 Injected
gic to them). In addition, every effort should be made to repair glutathione may be of value. There is also growing evidence that
the antioxidant defence system, increasing glutathione peroxidase, eicosapentaenoic acid can repair ventricle damage in chronic
catalase and superoxide dismutase activity. schizophrenics, leading to an improvement in their mental
Since there appear to be several genetic aberrations involved in health.60–62
schizophrenia, subgroups of patients also will suffer from distinct It is clear that damage is not restricted to the brain in chronic
biochemical imbalances that need correction. The sixth step of schizophrenics. All of these patients also appear to suffer from
the treatment protocol should address these. To illustrate, schizo- extensive thyroid abnormalities.63 I do not know how to repair a
phrenics with the MTFR C677TT variant of the gene encoding for damaged thyroid gland. If this is impossible, significant
methylenetetrahydrofolate will suffer from an excess of homocys- behavioural improvements can only be expected when using a
teine and a deficiency of methionine, even if treatment reduces protocol that includes continuous desiccated thyroid gland
adrenochrome levels. Beyond the provision of methionine, since supplementation.

17. Horrobin, op. cit. EducationCenter/fight.html approach to balancing body chemistry,

18. Hoffer and Foster, op. cit. 28. ibid. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, VT
19. Osmond and Smythies, cited in Hoffer, 29. Dishinger, op. cit. 36. Kail, K. and Lawrence, B. (with
A. (1999), Orthomolecular Treatment for 30. Cott, A. (1971), "Controlled fasting Goldberg, B.) (2000), Allergy free: An
Schizophrenia: Megavitamin supplements treatment of schizophrenia", Schizophrenia alternative medicine definitive guide,
and nutritional strategies for healing and 3:2-10 Alternative, Tiburon, CA
recovery, Keats Publishing, Los Angeles, 31. ibid. 37. ibid.
CA 32. Templer, D. and Veleber, D.M. (1980), 38. ibid.
20. ibid. "Schizophrenia prevalence: Wheat, milk 39. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma
21. Hutcheon, cited in Hoffer, ibid. and temperature", Journal of and Immunology (1999), "Fast facts:
22. Osmond trial cited in Dishinger, R.C. Orthomolecular Psychiatry 9(4):284-286 Statistics on asthma and allergic diseases",
(1998), Bad Behavior and Illness are 33. Vissodes, D.N., Venulet, A. and Jenner,
Caused by Biochemical Imbalances, Medici F.A. (1986), "A double-blind gluten- 40. Valeri, C.R., Altschule, M.D. and
Music Press, Owensboro, KT free/gluten-load controlled trial in a secure Pivace, L.E. (1972), "The hemolytic action
23. Torrey, E.F. and Miller, J. (2002), The ward population", British Journal of of adrenochrome and epinephrine metabo-
Invisible Plague: The rise of mental illness Psychiatry 148:447-452 lite", Journal of Medicine 3(1):20-40
from 1750 to the present, Rutgers 34. Dohan, F.C. (1980), "Hypothesis: 41. Baumgartner, A., Wokalek, H. and
University Press, New Brunswick, NJ Genes and neuroactive peptides from food Schöpf, E. (1989), "Bee and wasp venom
24. Cannon, cited in Myers, op. cit. as cause of schizophrenia", in E. Costa and allergy", Fortschr. Med. 107(21):460-463
25. ibid. M. Trabucchi (eds.), Neural Peptides and 42. Nasjleti, C.E., Caffesse, R.G. and
26. ibid. Neural Communication, Raven Press, New Kowalski, C.J. (1984), "Dextran-induced
27. Mind/Body Education Center, "The York, pp. 535-538 inflammation and its effect on keratinized
Fight or Flight Response", 35. Pfeiffer, C.C. (1987), Nutrition and gingival epithelium in monkeys", Journal of Mental Illness: An orthomolecular Periodontology 55(9):531-535

APRIL – MAY 2004 NEXUS • 31

The eighth and final step in the treatment of schizophrenia The Ozymandias Principles: Thirty-one Strategies for
involves treatment for the soul. Recovering schizophrenics are Surviving Change (Southdowne Press, Victoria, 1997); and
What Really Causes AIDS (Trafford Publishing, Victoria,
still one of the few groups society feels free to abuse, ostracise
2002; see review in NEXUS 10/05) and What Really Causes
and discriminate against. While it is socially acceptable to admit
Schizophrenia (Trafford, 2003; see review in NEXUS 11/02).
to cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease,
admitting to schizophrenia invites fear and derision. To recover,Harold Foster is a member of the Explorers Club as well as
schizophrenics need employment, respect and compassion. Too several academic organisations including The New York
often, they receive rejection, abuse and insult. ∞
Academy of Sciences, The Royal Geographical Society and
The Royal Society of Literature.
About the Author: He is also the editor of both the
Harold D. Foster, PhD, was born International and Canadian Western
and educated in England. He spe- Geographical Series and is a mem-
cialised in geology and geography, To recover, schizophrenics ber of the boards of the Journal of
earning a BS c in 19 64 from Orthomolecular Medicine and the
University College London and a need employment, Inte rna tion al Sc hizophrenia
PhD in 1 968 from London respect and compassion. Foundation.
He has been a con sulta nt to
University. He is a Canadian by
c ho ice, a nd h as b ee n a facult y Too often, they receive numerous organisations, including
membe r in t he Depa rtme nt o f the United Nations and NATO, and
Geography, University of Victoria,
rejection, abuse and insult. to the go ve rnment s of Canada,
British Columbia, Canada, since Ontario and British Columbia.
1967. He i s also a member of the
A tenured professor, Dr Foster has Scien ce Adv isory Pan el for t he
authored or edited some 235 publica- Healthy Water Association.
tions, the majority of which focus on reducing disaster losses Every day, Dr Foster makes a point of taking at least the
or identifying the causes of chronic disease or longevity. He recommended daily allowance of the known essential
has published hypotheses on the origins of numerous diseases nutrients.
including myocardial infarction, SIDS, cancer, diabetes, He is also currently pursuing offers for his suggested nutri-
schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral ent mixture to be produced for use in clinical trials with AIDS
sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and patients.
stroke. For a more detailed résumé, visit Dr Foster's website,
His numerous books include: Disaster Planning: The http://www.hdfoste m. Copi es of his books, T h e
Preservation of Life and Property (Springer Verlag, New York, Ozymandias Principles, What Really Causes AIDS and What
1 980 ); Re duc ing Ca nce r Morta lity : A Geo graphical Really Causes Schizophrenia, can be freely downloaded from
Perspective (Western Geographical Press, Victoria, 1986); his website.

43. Matthews, S.B., Hallet, M.B., 283(3):E578-583 psychosocial variables", Psychiatry

Henderson, A.H. and Campbell, A.K. 51. Vicini, P., Avogaro, A., Spilker, M.E., Research 31(1):1-14
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