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Course Details

Course Name

Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) and SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items

Assessment Details

Term and Year Time allowed

Assessment No Assessment Weighting


Due Date Extension (if approved)

Re-Assessment Details

Term and Year Time allowed

Assessment No Re-assessment Fee Paid?

Assessment Type

Due Date No Extension

Student Details and Declaration

Student Name

Student ID Trainer/Assessor’s

Student Declaration:

a. I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not

been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
b. I have not submitted any part of this assignment previously
as part of another unit/course.
c. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to
complete the assessment tasks.
d. The assessment process including the provisions for re- Signature: ____x_________________
submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I
Date: __24_____/____04____/__19____
understand these processes.

Assessment Outcome - To be completed by the Assessor

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Assessor’s Name

Results Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Marks:

Re-assessment eligibility Due Date:

Yes No

This assessment First Attempt 2nd Attempt Late Penalty__________

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:





Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
and the reassessment procedure.
Student did not attend the feedback session.
Signature: ____x_______________ Feedback provided on assessment.

Date: _24___/04_____/__19___ Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____/_____/_____






Student Declaration: I declare that I have Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
been re-assessed in this unit and I have been conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible

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advised of my result. I am also aware of my assessment with this student, and I have provided
right to appeal. appropriate feedback

Signature: ____________________________ Student did not attend the feedback session.

Feedback provided on assessment.
Date: ____/_____/_____
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessment Task

Maintain the quality of perishable items

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Version Date Comments

1.0 25th May 2018 ▪ Original


This checklist is to be completed prior to commencing the assessment.

Please discuss this with the learner and circle yes or no for each question.

Is the learner ready for assessment? ☐Yes ☐ No

Have you explained the assessment process and tasks? ☐ Yes ☐No
Does the learner understand which evidence is to be collected and ☐ Yes ☐No
Have the learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? ☐ Yes ☐No

Have you discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be ☐ Yes ☐No
considered during the assessment?
Does the learner have access to all required resources? ☐ Yes ☐No



Assessment Tool Short Answer Responses

Assessment Task
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To demonstrate satisfactory completion of this Assessment Task the Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
learner must: (S) (NS)

All Short Answer Responses correctly answered

☐ ☐

Overall Assessment Task Performance Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

(S) (NS)

Assessment Task: Short Answer Responses

☐ ☐

Resources required for this Assessment Task

Trainers and Assessors are required to ensure all learners have access to:

▪ Food Act 1984

▪ Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
▪ Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
▪ AAPoly’s Food Safety Plan (Licensed Venue: 488 Swanston Street)
▪ Policies and procedures used for managing food safety.
▪ Policies and procedures used for managing work health and safety (WHS)
▪ Food Safety Forms
▪ Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
▪ Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Food Safety)
▪ Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Inventory)
▪ AAPoly’s Food Safety Plan (Licensed Venue: 488 Swanston Street)
▪ Website Resource:
▪ Website Resource: FNSANZ
▪ Website Resource: HACCP
▪ Website Resource: Victorian State Government Food Safety
Instructions for Trainer and Assessors
This assessment task has to be conducted as per the Assessment Conditions:

In class ☐ In an Industry Workplace ☐ In a Simulated Industry Environment

Instructions for the assessment

▪ Attendance must be recorded in the Attendance Spreadsheet

▪ The assessment is to be completed according to the Assessment task instructions
▪ Assessment to be conducted accompanied with the trainer, as per individual trainer
▪ If Learners are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification
from the assessor via posting the Subject Forum.
▪ Learners must call 000 in the event of a serious accident or emergency. Provide all the
information requested by the emergency service operator. Stay on the line until the
operator asks you to hang up.
▪ Learners must also call AAPoly reception (03 8610 4100) in the event of an accident or

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▪ Learners must not use any private transport
▪ Learners must only cross main roads using pedestrian crossings.
▪ Learners must obey all pedestrian crossing signs, lights and rules.
▪ Learners should respect the rights and feelings of other shoppers and to always act in a
courteous and considerate manner.
▪ Where Learners are required to approach Market Traders for information as part of their
structured activities we ask that they be instructed not to take up more than a few moments
of a Trader’s time and that you ensure that different groups of students do not to approach
the same Trader multiple time to ask the same question.
Assessment Task Duration
▪ Two (2) hours to Four (4) Hours
Learner Evidence Submission Requirements
▪ Completed and signed assessment tool



Answer the following questions. Any responses you provide will be followed up
during a practical observation in Assessment Task Performance.

It is therefore essential that you will be able to demonstrate the knowledge applied to
practical tasks.

1. What is the importance of avoiding wastage in a commercial kitchen operation?

to minimise the food cost and environmental reasons

2. Provide three (3) reasons why food needs to be protected from contamination:

protect public from poisoning

reduce wastage
save money

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3. What are the different types of contamination? How are these caused?

biological: unwanted fermentation or putrefaction of the item

chemical: contact with poisoned chemicals
fiscal: introduction in the item of unwanted item

4. What are the requirements for checking foods and perishables when a delivery
arrives? This needs to include the underpinning regulatory requirements, e.g. how
to check, recording mechanisms etc.

at delivery is required to check dates, temperatures, packaging, vehicle hygiene,

cleaning schedule records and temperature logs record

5. List the suitable storage area, provision for correct storage (e.g. sanitised
container) and typical storage temperatures for each of the commodities listed in
the table. Explain how these storage areas should be prepared prior to storing
food items following a delivery.

storage areas:
dry store - room temperature - sanitiser containers - First in, first out
fridge - 1-4°C - sanitiser containers - First in, first out
freezer - below -5°C - sanitiser containers - First in, first out

Preparation of Storage areas:

cleaning schedule, temp logs, right order of store the items.

6. What needs to be done if a delivery does not meet specifications or legislative

temperature requirements or is spoilt or contaminated? Who needs to be

inform supplier and manager in charge and don’t accept the food delivered

7. What are the humidity and ventilation requirements for dry store, cool room and
freezers? What are the requirements for monitoring and documentation?

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low humidity, free ventilation all around the room. to monitor we have log books and
tools to measure humidity and temperature.

8. What are the provisions for effective pest control and maintenance requirements?

contract with a pets control company

9. You receive a delivery of fresh, frozen and dry goods. How will you store these
items to ensure food safety requirements, prevent spoilage and ensure security of

prioritise high risk items, first in - first out, secure the goods

10. What are the labelling and coding requirements for food items? How does this
assists in effective FIFO procedures?

every perishable item in store has an expiring date and date of production, so the firs
item to be used will be the first made with the closer expiring date

11. What is the purpose of stock rotation?

prevent spoilage

12. What are the recommended methods for cleaning and sanitising floors, wall and
shelving in storage areas to ensure food safety for storage?

use soap first, remove the soap, give food sanitiser and let it dry

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13. Provide seven (7) examples of indicators which can be used to identify whether
stock is spoiled or contaminated:

use by date

14. How would you dispose of kitchen waste and potentially hazardous substances
according to environmental requirements and to prevent potential contamination
in a food production area?

for chemical disposal we need to contact the rubbish company to collect and correctly
dispose the dangerous waste


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