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Name: _________________________________________

Write Your Own Myth!

• Your goal is to impress a famous publishing company with the myth you wrote so they
choose your book to publish over other the people who have also sent in their work.

• You are a writer looking to get their book about a myth published.

• The audience is a famous publishing company looking to publish a unique and creative

• You have been asked to be unique and creative when writing your myth, to convince
the publishers that they should choose your story to publish, and copies are sold

Product/Performance and Purpose:

• You will create your own myth that explains why something happens in nature or how
something came to be to present to the publishers. You should include the 8 story
elements and myth elements learned in class. Include images that go with each page of
your story and details within your story to create imagery for your reader.

Checklist for success:

o Use book creator or slides to create myth
§ (if you would like to use something else, clear it with me first)
o Must include the 8 story elements
§ (look at story elements paper completed in class)
o Must include myth elements
§ (gods, goddesses, humans interacting with natural forces, plot revolves around
one or more incidents, setting is vague, such as “long, long ago” and “far away.”
o Myth must explain why something happens in nature or how something came to be
§ (ex: how night came from the sea, how the zebra got his stripes)
o Must be at least 8 pages/slides for each of the story elements
o Make sure that font and font size are neat and easy to read
o Use at least one image on each page to go with your story
o Before submitting final draft of project, proofread your work!
o After proofreading, have an adult or older sibling to proofread your story
Name: __________________________________________

Due date: __________________________

Write Your Own Myth Rubric:

Criteria Mastering Developing Beginning

Organization My myth includes the My myth includes My myth does not

8 story elements some of the story include any of the
elements story elements

Characters and I included I included characters I included characters

setting mythological and a setting, but and a setting that is
creatures in a setting some myth elements unclear
from long ago are missing

Content My myth explains My myth explains It is unclear what my

why something why something myth explains or
happens in nature or happens in nature or what the lesson is. I
how something came how something came didn’t include many
to be. I used many to be. I included details.
vivid words and some details.
included details.

Mechanics My sentences have My sentences mostly My sentences barely

capital letters and have capital letters have capital letters
punctuation. I have and punctuation. I and punctuation. I
proofread my work proofread some of didn’t proofread or
and had an adult my work and didn’t have an adult
proofread for have an adult proofread my work.
spelling. proofread.

Neatness My font and font size My font and font size My font and font size
are neat and easy for are neat and easy for are difficult for my
my audience to read. my audience to read audience to read.
throughout parts of
my story.

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