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1. Consider a low pass signal m(t). Let g(t) = m(t) cos(2πfc t) . Find the Hilbert transform of
g(t) . Assume any arbitrary shape for the spectrum of m(t)
2. For an AM DSB-FC modulator with a carrier frequency fc  100 kHz and a maximum
modulating signal frequency w=5 kHz. Determine
a. Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands
b. Bandwidth
c. Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the modulating signal is a single
frequency 3 kHz tone.
d. Draw the output frequency spectrum.
3. For an AM DSB-FC with a peak unmodulated carrier voltage Vc  10 Vp , a load
resistance RL  10 , a modulation coefficient   1 , determine
a. Powers of the carrier, USB, LSB
b. Total sideband power
c. Total power of the modulated wave
d. Draw the power spectrum
e. Repeat (i) to (iv) for a modulation coefficient   0.5

4. A 3500 Hz audio tone amplitude modulates a 200 kHz carrier resulting in a modulated
signal having a percent modulation of 85%. The total power being transmitted is 15 kW.
i) What frequencies would appear in a spectrum analysis of the modulated wave?
ii) Determine the power content at each of the frequencies that appear in a
spectrum analysis of the modulated wave.
iii) Determine the percentage of power saving when the carrier wave and one of the
sidebands are suppressed in an AM modulated wave to a depth of 100%

5. The tuned circuit of the oscillator in AM transmitter uses 50µH coil and a 1nF capacitor.
Now if oscillator output is modulated by a audio frequencies up to 8kHz, find the
frequency range occupied by the sideband. [2]

6. The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8A, if only the carrier is sent, but it increases
to 8.93A, if the carrier is modulated by a single sinusoidal wave. Determine the
percentage modulation. Also find the antenna current if the percentage modulation
changes to 0.8. [4]

7. A band width of 20 MHz is to be considered for the transmission of AM signals. If the

highest audio frequencies used to modulate the carriers are not to exceed 3 kHz, how
many stations could broadcast within this band simultaneously without interfering with
each other?
8. An AM Signal has the form u(t) = [20 + 2 cos(3000πt) + 10 cos(6000πt)] cos(2πfct),
where fc = 105 Hz. Sketch the spectrum of u(t). Determine the power in each of the
frequency components. [4]
9. An AM signal is generated by modulating the carrier fc = 800 kHz by the signal
m(t)=sin2000πt+ 5cos4000πt. The AM signal u(t) = 100 [1+m(t)]cos2πfct is fed to a 50Ω
a. Determine and sketch the spectrum of the AM signal.
b. Determine the average power in the carrier and in the sidebands.

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c. What is the modulation index.
d. What is the peak power delivered to the load. [8]
10. The total power content of an AM wave is 600W. Determine the percentage modulation
of the signal if each of the side band contains 75W. [2]
11. The normalized message signal mn(t) has a bandwidth of 10000 Hz and its power content
is 0.5 W. The carrier Acos2πfct has a power content of 200W. [10]
a. If mn(t) modulates the carrier using SSB amplitude modulation, what will be the
bandwidth and power content of the modulated signal?
b. If the modulation scheme is DSBSC, find bandwidth and power.
c. If the modulation scheme is AM with modulation index of 0.6, find bandwidth and

12. An SSB AM signal is generated by modulating an 800 kHz carrier by the signal
m(t) = cos (2000πt) + 2sin (2000πt) . The Amplitude of the carrier is 100 Volts.
a. Determine the Hilbert transform of m(t).
b. Determine the time domain expression for the LSB of the SSB AM signal. [6]

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