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During this upshot crisis brought on us by the pandemic resulting in the changes of our usual habits.

ongoing corona virus impact is resulted in subdued growth for the economy in 2020. Since the virus
spreading worldwide at a breakneck speed the Department of Education declared the temporary
suspension of classes. To resolve the problem of learning, the DepEd decided to open classes last
October five in the form of modular and online class which under the portion of “blended learning”.
Does this blended learning harder than traditional class? How can I put myself to the adjustment? I
know it’s hard but the SSG publicized their online orientation through Facebook live about class opening.

When the online virtual orientation get started I was not went online immediately. I know it was all
about the opening class program like the common part when school starting. But I was wrong it wasn’t
only for that orientation show off. It’s explaining about what’s happening in our world. I really
appreciate the effort of SSG in making video for us to know the method of blended learning. The DepEd
made an arrangement from the distribution of modular learnings to every schooled students, permitted
to give learnings for every single want to learn. While the school teachers are responsible for the
distribution of module to serve the best in the interest of the DepEd. But few of the video slides are dry,
blurry, and unclear due to my faint eye problem. And my difficulty in smaller letters when reading.

I am also concerned about the new rules of the new normal especially the online education material or
the online class. My problem here is the poor access to the internet especially if there is a surprise
announcement reason why the message will not read immediately and increasingly unable to keep up
with activity. This one really triggers me. I still prefer for the traditional class and I really miss wearing
my school uniform. At all the same the SSG lighten me that it’s too risky interacting to other particularly
the face to face class. I am still thankful for what I have unlike others who don’t have the chance to
continue their study because of financial capacity. This kind of new learning will be more difficult or
should I say disadvantageous for me because I must need to do my obligation first as a second child to
teach my grade four younger brother from his module.

Adjustment is a portion of the life growth slow but surely changes may realize. I will cherish this online
virtual video forever. It always reminds me how’s my generation unite to beat life struggle during
pandemic. I know this pandemic won’t take too long, what its conquered the ravages will all return to
normal. Moreover, it will remind us how to become responsible mature students in terms in self-study
and answering the module. Yes it won't be easy, but if you have life purpose nothing can’t stop you in
achieving it.

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