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1. Which suffix cannot be added to the root word 'employ' to make a new word?

 ment
 ing
 less
 er

2. Choose the best substitute word for the following root/prefix: Poly-

 bad
 little
 many
 self

3. Which one of these means 'to deliver’?

 Constrict
 Construe
 Consign
 Contort

4. Choose the correct option from the following:

Zipping around the park in her little sportster, Jim began to feel, at last, like a millionaire.

 There is no independent clause

 The independent clause begins with "Jim."
 None of above
 The underlined part is the independent clause.

5. Fill in the blank with appropriate parallel structure.

 in extremely salty
 by extreme salinity
 which is extremely salty
 with salt that is extreme

6. Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.

 but
 or
 if
 and

7. Choose the correct option.

Sometimes oil __________ to the surface to form tar pits.

 spills
 seeps
 penetrates
 none of above

8. Fill in the blank with appropriate phrasal verb.

The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile,
which helps to......... waste products from the liver.

 carry over
 carry on with
 carry away
 carry through

9. Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence.

"According to a report, U.S. tariffs on the Canadian softwood industry took a heavy toll,
thousands of jobs in the forest industry were lost."

 Misplaced modifier
 Punctuation error
 Comma splice
 Run-on sentence

10. Read the sentence and choose the appropriate option.

Before the ball, the imposter ......... himself so the guests wouldn't recognize him.

 disliked
 dissembled
 disengaged
 disassembled

11. Choose the best option:

“The assignment, though lengthy and informative, witnessed the yardstick of rejection from
the tutor”, the shortest form of this sentence is:

 The assignment was rejected by the tutor

 The assignment was explained by the tutor
 The assignment was witnessed by the tutor
 None of the above
12. Choose the best answer from the given options.
James usually has his lunch at this restaurant _____ sometimes he eats elsewhere.

 as
 if
 either
 but

13. Fill the gap by choosing the best answer.

Middle Eastern restaurants often have a way of whisking you away to a far off land of belly
dancers, exotic spices and ......... drink.

 instigating
 intimidating
 incriminating
 intoxicating

14. Fill the gap by choosing the best answer.

Modern Asian restaurants in Jakarta have an ......... history.

 exude
 extended
 extracted
 external

15. Choose the best option:

The writing of ________will depend on the purpose and the subject of the essay.

 an outline
 an essay
 statement
 points

16. Choose the correct option in the following.

______________ does not make up the whole essay or composition.

 Facts
 Main Idea
 Body
 Introduction

17. Choose the best answer from the given options.

He wanted to join the navy _____ his parents did not allow him to.
 if
 but
 neither
 either

18. Choose the correct option.

A passive sentence always carries __________ form of a verb in all the cases.

 2nd form
 1st form
 3rd form
 4th form

19. Choose the phrasal verb most similar in meaning to 'refuse' from the following:

 Turn down
 Look out for
 Put out
 Turn up

20. Choose the best option from the following:

How are vowel sounds produced?

 They are produced without any obstruction in the mouth.

 They are produced by combining two vowel sounds.
 They are produced with a complete or partial stoppage of breath.
 Both I & II

21. Choose the correctly spelled word from the following options:

 Dissapeared
 Disapeared
 Disappeared
 Dissappeared

22. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
In the occurrence of events, the time sequence may be __________ .

 chronological, logical or formal

 chronological, logical or sequel
 chronological, logical or causal
 chronological, logical or periodical

23. Choose the best meaning for the underlined word.

Studies indicate that a predisposition to schizophrenia is inherited.  People who are
schizophrenic are more likely than others to have schizophrenic children.
 Understanding
 Fear
 Avoidance
 Tendency

24. Choose the best meaning for the underlined word.

By giving military aid to dictatorships in Latin America, the United States has seemed to
sanction their cruel policies.

 Create
 Remember
 Criticize
 Approve

25. Study of history is the thoughtful examination of the ………..that have shaped the courses
of human life.

 incidents
 coincidences
 resources
 forces

26. The word 'car' would be transcribed as:

 /ka/
 /ka:/
 /ca:/
 /caw/

27. Choose the best answer from the given option

“Oh, dear! I have left _____ my purse _____ keys in the other bag,” said Sean.

 neither...osr
 both...and
 either...and
 either...and

28. Choose the correct option from the following.

There's no fool like an ......... fool.

 old
 infant
 ancient
 elderly

29. Choose the correct option.

The sentence that expresses the main idea or point of a paragraph is called the

 topic sentence
 supporting sentence
 declarative sentence
 conditional sentence

30. Choose the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word.
The fallacy of this approach is that it overlooks the extent to which every large organization
is a network of small primary groups.

 Incorrectness
 Value
 Point
 Cause

31. Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence.

"The Loggerhead Sea Turtle, whose scientific name is Caretta caretta, is known for it's
powerful jaw and great size."

 Misplaced modifier
 Parallelism error
 Apostrophe error
 Comma splice

32. Choose the best option:

Now a days grammarians divide English words into _____ categories.

 seven
 five
 two
 three

33. Coherence can be achieved in ………..ways.

 three
 four
 six
 two

34. Make appropriate choice of main verb for the words given in brackets.
I asked your brother (to go) to the store for getting medicine for me.

 Past participle
 Present participle
 Infinitive
 Gerund

35. Choose the correct option: He's from Shanghai. He's _____ .

 English
 Chinese
 Canadian
 Belgian

36. Which word is NOT a preposition in the given choices?

 Both
 Against
 For
 For

37. Fill in the blank with appropriate choice.

You don’t listen to anyone. Do __ you like.

 like
 as
 of
 in

38. Fill in the blank by choosing appropriate adverb.

You can ________ open this tin.

 easy
 simple
 easily
 painless

39. Choose the best option.

Learning to write in ……………. . is not as difficult as it seems.

 Urdu
 English
 French
 Chinese

40. Choose the correct option for underlined word.

Our blessings come from above.

 Adjective
 Adverb
 Verb
 Noun

41. Select the option which best describes the sentence. 

This is going to be the most difficult exam of your college career, you had better start
studying for it immediately.
A. There is nothing wrong with the structure of this sentence.
B. Fragment: put a comma after immediately and finish the sentence.
C. Run-on: replace that comma with a semicolon.

42. Turn the following active voice into passive voice.

1. The boys eat the pie.
2. The boys are eating the pie.
3. The boys have eaten the pie.
4. The boys ate the pie.

43. What importance does a dictionary hold to improve pronunciation of a language learner?

44. In what two ways can coherence be achieved in a paragraph?

Aimless shifting from one point of view another will destroy
coherence in a sentence. This can be due to a needless shift from
(a) active to passive (b) from singular to plural (c) from past tense
to present. e.g.
(i) He ran to the station and the train was taken by him (active to
(ii) If one tries hard, they can accomplish much. (singular to
(iii) The only words that we were able to distinguish are ‘horse’
and ‘cart’.

45. Use semicolons or commas to revise each comma splice or fused sentence into a correct
compound sentence. 

1.  A search party looked for the dog for three days, however, there was no sign of
 2. After a good lunch at the restaurant, the boys went to a movie they found the
story boring. 

3.  He didn't like cats at all in fact he was terribly frightened of them.

46. Replace each cliché expression with a single word.

in this day and age
at this moment in time
at the end of the day

47. Write three sentences of English having indefinite articles.

48. Write down opposite of each of the following words:

Deep High
Empty Full
Beginning Ending

49. Define the following terms. (2+3) 5

1. Fused sentences
2. Comma splice

. Fused sentences

Divide the fused sentence into two sentences.

- The lake is calm today it looks like a blue mirror.(Wrong
(Corrected Version)
- The lake is calm today. It looks like a blue mirror. (Corrected
2. Put a comma and an appropriate joining word (such as and, but
or so) between the two complete thoughts.E.g. (I) Computer skills
are useful in college they will help you in getting a job as
well.(Erroneous version)
Comma splice
Identify the following sentences as fused (F) or comma
splice (CS). Then mark the place between the two complete
thoughts with a slash (/). The first two have been done for you.
E.g. (a)The room is locked / no one has a key.
50. Express your views on the given topic in paragraph form. It should comprise of 80-100
"Satire is correction of people's error through delight."

51. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. (2+3)
The study of history provides many benefits. First, we learn from the past. We may
repeat mistakes, but, at least, we have the opportunity to avoid them. Second,
history teaches us what questions to ask about the present. Contrary to some
people’s view, the study of history is not the memorization of names, dates, and
places. It is the thoughtful examination of the forces that have shaped the courses of
human life. We can examine events from the past and then draw inferences about
current events. History teaches us about likely outcomes.
Another benefit of the study of history is the broad range of human experience
which is covered. War and peace are certainly covered as our national and
international affairs. However, matters of culture (art, literature, and music) are
also included in historical study. Human nature is an important part of history:
emotions like passion, greed, and insecurity have influenced the shaping of world
affairs. Anyone who thinks that the study of history is boring has not really studied

Q1. What does ‘inferences’ mean in the passage?

Q2. Which method of teaching history is supported by the author?

52. Enlist at least three purposes of writing the introduction of an essay in 'Essay Writing'.

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