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The site risk assessment assists you in gathering critical incident data. By identifying the hazards and the risks associated with these hazards you
will be able to develop the risk mitigation steps and strategies that allow for a safe and effective process.

Job Name: Date


Hazard & Potential Persons at risk Risk before Existing controls to reduce risk Residual risk after
Harm from Activity controls controls
Likelihood Likelihood
Severity Severity
Risk Rating Risk Rating

Likelihood Likelihood
Severity Severity
Risk Rating Risk Rating

Likelihood Likelihood
Severity Severity
Risk Rating Risk Rating

Likelihood Likelihood
Severity Severity
Risk Rating Risk Rating

Likelihood Likelihood
Severity Severity
Risk Rating Risk Rating

Likelihood 1-Very unlikely 2-Unlikely 3-possible 4-Likely 5-Very likely 6-Highly likely

Severity 1 – Very minor 2-Minor injury 3-Time off injury 4-Sever injury 5-Fatal injury 6-Multiply deaths
Risk Rating 1-7 Low Risk Risk rating 7-17 Medium Risk Risk Rating 18-34 High Risk
Improve wherever possible Further action maybe required Immediate action is required
Visible biological material present  Yes  No
Reason why it was not completed
Biotest Measurement Reading Pre-treatment reading Post treatment reading
Reason why it was not completed
Assessed by Company Date

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