United Nations Economic and Social Council

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United Nations Draft Resolution 1.

District: General
27 March 2021

United Nations Economic and Social Council

Topic: Post-Recession Economic Reconstruction

Sponsors: The Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China
Signatories: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Indonesia,
The United States of America, French Republic,

United Nations Economic and Social Council,

Cognizant of the global economic recession caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic,

Realizes that every country in the world faces economic struggles of their own due to the

Recognizes the efforts that each country has been doing to revive their economies which varies in
accordance to their laws and the magnitude of the pandemic that they face,

Recognizes that the implementation of Sustainable of Development Goals No. 8 in the


Fully aware of the significant drop of demand in many economic industries such as horeca,
aviation, and travel industries in the COVID-19 pandemic,

Fully aware of the contrast in economic situation of each member states that need further

Regrets the fact that recession has happened due to COVID-19 pandemic,

Acting under the Charter of the United Nations, hereby resolves to;


1. Recommends the implementation of temporary tax reliefs, focusing on;
a. Households, especially middle to low-income families;
b. Firms, especially MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises);
c. Businesses in sectors which are most affected by the pandemic (horeca, aviation,
travel, and other industries), but not limited to other industries;
d. This policy will give temporary tax relief in the form of essential consumer goods
(rice, palm oil), and VAT (Value Added Tax) of medical supplies;
2. Recommends the implementation of tax deferral policy, focusing on;
a. Workers who are affected by the income reduction policy from the corporations;
b. This policy will give tax deferrals in the form of income tax;
c. The tax deferral can be applied for 6 months-1 year time frame;
3. Recommends the implementation of Unconditional Cash Transfer programs;
a. Unconditional Cash Transfer programs are aimed to reduce poverty by providing
help without any conditions upon the receivers;
b. This policy will focus on blue-collar workers and citizens under the poverty line;
c. This policy will be applied in the form of direct subsidies for sectors which are
most affected by the pandemic;
4. Recommends the easing of application of business permits;
a. Creating a one-way system for businesses to apply for a permit;
b. This one-way system will be digitized in the form of a website to limit physical
c. The necessary data that is needed to apply for a business will be automated, using
data analytics;
5. Recommends a set of monetary policy throughout the Central Bank with the following
a. Managing the interest rates in a considerably healthy margin in order to support
firms and households to keep the dynamic of the flow of the economic cycle;
b. Reducing the RRR (reserve requirement ratio) to ensure adequate cash
aggregately for economic activity;
c. Issuing government bonds to the citizens and global bonds to the global capital
market in order to boost domestic economic activity;


1. Recommends lowering tax rates for negatively impacted industries in order for them to
be able to lower down prices and thus increase demand;
2. Recommends the implementation of the increase of tariffs for imported goods for
countries which are able to do so in order to support national economic growth,
supporting local industries, especially MSMEs (micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises) which are important stakeholders for an economy to grow;
a. Monetary policies in the form of;
i. Lowering funding cost of the banking system so that credit for businesses
and households are low, giving an incentive for lenders to support credit
for businesses, especially SMEs;
ii. Easing standards and rules for businesses, especially SMEs to apply for
3. Encourages countries to support online shopping with the existing consumer preference,
while balancing out consumer preference of other sectors
a. Reducing taxes on gadgets and internet service provider companies so it is more
accessible to citizens, especially middle to low-income families;
b. Ensuring that citizens have proper internet access by investing in internet
c. Creating a healthy online shopping environment for its users through regulations
on data privacy;
d. Easing regulations for businesses on shipping of goods;
4. Encourages countries to push education in order to improve the level of education of the
workforce and further mitigate unemployment;
a. Holding vocational training and mentoring programs, provided by the
b. These programs will be in the form of workshops and seminars, managed by
regional governments to ensure coordination of these programs;
c. These programs will give education in important sectors needed to survive in the
upcoming fourth industrial revolution, such as basic programming and data
5. Recommends the implementation of GoodHealth: a universal standard of healthcare
systems of countries that has universal healthcare, which includes;
a. Implementing a healthcare budget which entails a minimum of 10% of the
national treasury for Developed Economy Countries and Developing Economy
Countries. This budgeting percentage is extremely flexible and can be to suit the
priorities of individual governments;
b. A good universal healthcare system is further defined as;
i. A country has a minimum of 10 hospital beds per 1000 people for
developed and developing countries, and 5 for low-income countries;
ii. A country has a minimum of 8 doctors per 1000 people for developed and
developing countries, and 4 for low-income countries.

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