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2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

Startup Incubators and the Role of Social Capital

Cesar Bandera Ellen Thomas
Martin Tuchman School of Management Martin Tuchman School of Management
New Jersey Institute of Technology New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ, USA Newark, NJ, USA

Abstract - A value proposition common among A company’s social capital is a measure of its
startup incubators and clusters is they provide relationships in its ecosystem, relationships that can
firms with an environment that is more supportive facilitate coordination and collaboration for advantage
than the open market, for example a high [4] [5]. Social capital has been found to correlate with
concentration of startups can be conducive to the entrepreneurial success when the startup is in an
building of social capital and tacit knowledge by innovation cluster or location [6] [7] [8], and is more
tenants who, upon graduation from such sites, indicative of entrepreneurial success than intellectual
impact the regional economy. property [9].
The positive impact of social capital on startup Clusters are geographic concentrations of
survival has been well described in the literature, interrelated companies in a particular field that
but the impact of startup incubators and clusters compete but also cooperate [10]. It has become
remains inconclusive, with some researchers accepted wisdom in the organization-of-markets
reporting that the survival rate of firms graduating literature that similar businesses will cluster in
from incubators or clusters is worse than that of physical space [10] [11] [12] due to the fact that firms
startups that never participated in such sites. The benefit from access to resources, specialized staff,
lackluster performance of graduating firms is all venture capital, suppliers, and support services [13].
the more striking given the opportunity for social Proximity also has the benefit of stimulating
capital diffusion in these high density sites, and the communication and scientific exchange of ideas [14].
importance of social capital to startup success. While logic supports the above in industries where
Empirical tests using the Kauffman Firm Survey supply chain costs are substantial (e.g., transporting
find that being in an environment in which social supplies and finished goods), the fact that we accept as
capital is readily accessible does not imply that the true geographic clusters in high-tech industries, such
startup will engage it. We also find those startups as Silicon Valley, is less clear. In this case, we would
that collaborate with other agents (universities, not expect geographic location to constrain the extent
industries, and government organizations) of social capital and the exchange of tacit knowledge.
outperform startups that do not. This result is However, in their study on the biotech industry
moderated by industry, i.e. low- versus high-tech. Stuart and Sorenson [12] found clustering plays an
important role in high-tech industries because the
I. INTRODUCTION social relationships give startups access to needed
resources. In addition, although high audiovisual
One goal of startup incubators and regional quality teleconferencing is becoming ubiquitous,
clusters is to develop robust business and social communication can still be difficult; emotion and body
networks [1] [2]. These networks can offer on-site and language are not well conveyed, participants must
off-site agents for innovation and commercialization coordinate actions more precisely, and by not
and include investors, business service providers, facilitating low-latency interaction, it can impede
university and government labs, and other startups. important spontaneous discussion [15]. Therefore,
They also can lead to the sharing of tacit knowledge understanding the relationship between social capital
and building of social capital. However, the concept of offered by co-locating geographically, social capital
social capital in entrepreneurship remains fuzzy and utilization, and firm performance for all companies is
our understanding of the processes involved in an important research question.
attaining it are limited [3]. Clustering firms tend to represent a wide range of
development phases with different needs, therefore

978-1-5090-1114-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

access to knowledge may be different from what is

needed, leading to a difference in social capital access Access to Startup
and utilization. In addition, while Stuart and Sorenson Social Capital Survival
[12] found that clustering plays an essential role for (density of ecosystem) (revenue)
entrepreneurs, they suggest that although
entrepreneurs may prefer to establish new firms in
H2 H3
geographic concentrations, the most productive new Utilization of
ventures are not located in regional clusters. They Social Capital
speculate this may be due to the highly competitive
environment that exists in geographically concentrated Fig 1. Conceptual framework of the study.
locations. They also speculate that the benefits from
clustering may disappear as the geographic reach of [18], and knowledge flows are particularly strong
firm’s social network expands. within the same region [19]. Technical knowledge
This is illustrated in Fahey and Prusak’s [16] spillovers from collocating was found to positively
critique of the knowledge management discipline, the influence product innovation [11] and entrepreneurs
second most common error committed by researchers can learn about potential partners and opportunities
and practitioners is “emphasizing knowledge stock to [20].
the detriment of knowledge flow” (pg. 266). The In their work on knowledge spillover theory of
density of a cluster is indicative of the large amount of entrepreneurship, Audretsch and Keilbach [21]
tacit knowledge therein, but not of its mobility within. investigate entrepreneurship context acknowledging
Our findings suggest that benefits offered by that regions with high knowledge investment
startup incubators such as clustering and the experience high knowledge spillover while regions
availability of social capital do not necessarily lead to with low investment experience low spillover. They
startup survival. This seems to confirm that while found that a high knowledge context generates new
clusters offer conditions conducive to new venture ideas whereby entrepreneurial opportunities are then
creation; they do not support their growth. Our study generated when spillover is exploited. We thus
also finds that the availability of social capital does not propose:
have a significant relationship with the utilization of
social capital. In other words, while startup incubators Hypothesis 1a: Social capital availability is positively
can offer the many benefits of clustering, it does not associated with startup success
guarantee that firms will actually capitalize on those
benefits. Finally, we find a positive relationship Battisti and McAdam’s study of graduate
between utilization of social capital and survivability, entrepreneurs [22] found that while access to networks
more so for high-tech firms. of external professionals and advisers was available
and valued, they were not relied on. Therefore, it
II. FRAMEWORK appears that access to social capital may not
necessarily lead to utilization of it. This may be
In order to better understand the role startup because although social capital is available it may be
incubators can play in startup success, we investigate difficult for entrepreneurs to locate the right individual
the relationship between a startup’s access to social in a complex network [23]. In addition, Shaw [24]
capital, the startup’s use of social capital, and startup found that although social capital can provide new
success (Fig 1). firms with access to a diverse set of resources, firms
Research found that startup density or geographic need to be motivated to access these resources and
clustering can lead to performance benefits. For patterns of utilization can be complex. Moreover,
example, Audretsch and Feldman [17] argue that one Tornikoski and Newbert [25] found that it was actively
of the greatest insights in innovation is that geography networking and receiving outside help that lead to
matters, and that “a long tradition of analyzing the emerging entrepreneurial firms.
innovative process within the boundaries of the firm We therefore propose that the use of social capital
and devoid of spatial context has given way to the is a mediating factor between access to social capital
incorporation of spatial context” (pg. 31). and success:
Theories as to why geography matters include that
the concentration of firms improves production Hypothesis 2: Social capital availability is positively
efficiency and allows easy access to needed resources, associated with social capital utilization
a highly competitive environment can encourage firms
to be proactive and quickly build needed competencies
2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

Hypothesis 3: Social capital utilization is positively Table 1. Descriptive statistics of startup density
associated with startup success (number of firms in the same ZIP code as the
startup and with similar NAICS code)
Social capital offers a complex system of relationships KFS Mean
Year Std. Dev. Min Max
that are relevant to both low-tech and high-tech Startups Density
industries and social capital can be quickly 2004 4,830 76.65611 104.6649 1 1409
accumulated in both [26] thus we would expect no 2005 4,257 73.9354 101.557 1 1416
2006 3,747 76.3811 101.872 1 1421
differences across industry type.
2007 3,345 78.13901 101.633 1 1508
2008 2,931 76.70556 104.0773 1 1481
III. METHODS AND DATA 2009 2,659 75.72847 105.3536 1 1488
2010 2,342 77.06789 106.3266 1 1469
This study uses the confidential version of the
longitudinal Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS) of 4928 capital and tacit knowledge through collaborations
companies founded in 2004 and surveyed annually therefore a startup’s use of social capital is measured
between 2004 to 2011 [27]. The KFS dataset is by counting the collaborations that, in the opinion of
augmented with the County Business Patterns (CBP) the company founder(s), contribute to the startup’s
dataset of the United States Census Bureau such that market competitiveness. These collaborations are with
for every firm in the KFS we obtain the number of agents offering complementary resources requisite for
companies in its ZIP code with the same North commercialization, including intellectual property,
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) production, sourcing, distribution, marketing, and/or
sector code. The CBP augmentation provides this financing. This measure distinguishes the use of social
information for every year from 2004 to 2010, and it capital from merely having access to social capital
is used as a measure of the geographical density of the (i.e., density).
startup’s industry at its location. Note that the number The KFS classifies collaborative partners into three
of firms in the startup’s ZIP code, without filtering by categories: other companies, universities, or
NAICS code, would not yield an industry-specific government labs starting in the 2007 survey (Table 2).
density measure. For this study, density serves as a This data does not describe the nature of the firm’s
proxy for a startup’s access to social capital. network in detail, such as the topology of strong and
Therefore, density is defined as the number of weak ties. However, respondents self-reported that
companies in the same geographical area that work in collaboration impacted the firm’s competitive
similar markets. Density is thus measured with respect advantage [28].
to the startup, and the companies counted include the Hypothesis are tested with Stata v14.1 using
startup itself, its regional collaborators, suppliers, structural equation modeling (SEM) and event history
service providers, and competitors. For example, the analysis (EHA). Unlike traditional regression
density of software companies would be higher in a methods, SEM provides information about the
technology park than in a residential environment. consistency of the mediation model, including the
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for density, simultaneous nature of the indirect and direct effects
i.e., the number of establishments in the ZIP code of of collaboration, to the KFS data. The addition of
each startup in the KFS with the same two-digit event history analysis tests robustness of results.
NAICS code as the startup. Density does not vary For SEM, startup success is defined as revenue, in
significantly over time, but does vary significantly particular balance sheet items that reward successful
spatially. For example, every year at least 75 startups opportunity exploitation, i.e., sales revenue, loans,
are the only establishments of their two-digit NAICS grants, and equity investments. We exclude funding
code in their ZIP code (density=1), and several from the founder, friends and family because this often
startups are one of over 1000 establishments in the precedes the opportunity exploitation phase and thus
same ZIP code with the same two-digit NAICS code.
Density also varies significantly by NAICS sector Table 2. Percentage of startups (excluding non-
code. For example, agriculture, forestry, fishing and responses) that collaborate with other agents
hunting industries (sector 11), traditionally rural has Year University Company Gov. Lab
the lowest density; the number of startups equaled 11 2007 7.3% 25.5% 2.9%
and average density equaled 2.3. At the same time, 2008 5.9% 27.4% 2.7%
professional, scientific, and technical services (sector 2009 7.8% 30.6% 3.4%
54) had 1203 startups with an average density of 2010 8.0% 28.8% 3.8%
128.8. 2011 7.8% 28.7% 3.6%
Literature claims that entrepreneurs build social
2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

cannot be used as a measure of it [29]. Different 5,000

markets can require different durations for startups to 4,500

No Reponse
incubate (e.g., pharmaceutical product development 4,000
takes much more time than mobile app development) 3,500

NUmber of Firms
No Revenue
and can involve different magnitudes of initial 3,000

revenue. In an attempt to normalize these differences 2,500

in the definition of success, we use the number of years 2,000

that the startup posted revenue instead of the actual 1,500

dollar amount. 1,000

Innovation and entrepreneurship are two different 500

things [30]. To distinguish successful entrepreneurs 0

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
from successful researchers we exclude from the
definition of success those intangible assets commonly Fig 2. Revenue status of KFS firms.
associated with opportunity discovery, such as issued
patents, even though such accomplishments may current time, or (6) continues to operate. Of these six
subsequently facilitate funding for opportunity states, only the third is considered a death event. A
exploitation. firm in the second state would have been labelled as
KFS also provides the income of each startup. The being in the third state at some previous time in the
revenue status of the 4928 startups is illustrated in Fig survey. A merger or sale of a company is a negotiated
2, revealing the traditional exponentially decreasing exit strategy, which we do not consider to be a death
survival curve of startups (“No Response” includes event. Firms in states 1, 5, or 6 in 2011 are considered
failed companies). right censored.
Density and revenue both fail the normality test The long-format multiply 5-times imputed version
with very high skewness and kurtosis. Moreover, the of the KFS dataset merged with CBP ZIP and NAICS
long tail of revenue impeded the structural equation code data (from which density is computed) was
modeling from converging to a solution (e.g., in 2006 analyzed. The imputed version reduces the effects of
the mean revenue was $835K but the maximum missing values and produces in a five-fold count of
revenue was $800M) and does not account for the fact firms. A life table model was first conducted to
that some businesses scale more rapidly than others by visualize the relationship between survival and social
the market they serve irrespective of social capital capital. A parametric exponential model of startup
utilization. Thus, instead of using revenue directly as survival was then conducted to evaluate the
a measure of startup success, the number of years relationships between survival, density, and
between 2004 and 2011, inclusive, in which the startup collaboration; this type of model was selected for the
posted revenue was used. ease in which the model coefficients can be
Because the dependent variable spans all the years interpreted.
of the KFS, we likewise measure a startup’s social
capital utilization over the KFS time frame, IV. RESULTS
specifically as the number of years that startup
engaged in collaboration that impacted its competitive The SEM model was run with 500 bootstrap steps
advantage. For example, if a startup considered to account for the lack of normality in the data, each
collaboration with companies in 2005, 2006, and 2007 time with a different random seed; results were
helped its competitive advantage, as did collaboration consistent. The comparative fit index of the resulting
with a university in 2004, the startup has four structural equation model is 1 and the baseline vs.
collaboration-years of social capital utilization. saturated likelihood ratio is 31 with a p<0.001.
For EHA, startup survival is commonly described Hypothesis 1, predicted social capital availably is
as exponentially decreasing with time, i.e., a risk positively associated with startup success (β = -.005, p
function that is constant over time. Therefore, startup < .10), hypothesis 2 predicated social capital
survival is fit to an exponential parametric model availability is positively associated with social capital
because this model permits straightforward analysis of utilization (β = .061, p < .05), and hypothesis 3
the effect of covariates on company survival. predicting social capital utilization is positively
The KFS records the state each firm as (1) refused associated with startup success (β = -.097, p < .01).
to participate at the current time, (2) previously Calculation of the indirect and total effects of
stopped operations permanently, (3) stopped density and collaboration-years on the number of years
operations at the current time, (4) merged or sold at the posting revenue also found the direct effect of density
current time, (5) temporarily stopped operations at the on revenue is unsupported and in fact slightly
2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

negative. However, when collaboration is added as a high-tech firms. This is supported by Singh [19] who
moderator, the effect of density on revenue is both argues for “the deliberate cultivation of interpersonal
positive and statistically significant. H1 is unsupported networks” as a tool for encouraging knowledge flow
but H2 and H3 are supported. and innovation. There are a number of reasons social
A life table analysis confirmed that collaboration capital may be available but not utilized. For example,
improves the survival rate of startups. Moreover, entrepreneurs may not have the specialized skills
companies that collaborate with more than one type of needed to capitalize on their network ties [22] or the
collaborative partner (companies, universities, or necessary social competence, i.e. the ability to interact
government labs) have improved survival. To effectively with others [31].
visualize this disparity in survival, Fig 3 plots the In contrast to building human capital with subject
survival as a percentage of companies alive in 2007 matter experts, which is expensive and difficult to
(the year that KFS begins to collect information on scale, many startup incubators have already built the
collaboration), distinguishing by the number of types social capital stock desired by their tenants. Our study
of collaborative partners. This does not distinguish indicates that incubator administrators should proceed
between the number of collaborations with partners of directly to promoting its utilization in a distributed
the same type. fashion, leveraging the startup density it has amassed,
An exponential parametric model is fit to the KFS and addressing any skill gaps. Startups that collaborate
startup death events, using as time-varying covariates with more than one type of partner have a higher
the number of types of collaborations (0, 1, 2, or 3) for survival rate.
each company for each year this is measured by the The lack of support for H1 reflects the conflicting
KFS, and the market-specific firm density for each findings of Stuart and Sorenson [12] in that high
year this is reported (and linked to the KFS) by the density environments attract the initial establishment
Census Bureau. The parametric model is a good fit of startups but are not where revenue-generating firms
and confirms the statistical significance (p < .01) of the tend to be located. This also shows that simply being
relationship between improved survivability and in a higher-density environment does not by itself lead
collaboration. to higher revenue; the startup must make an effort to
It also indicates that high-tech firms benefit from exploit the available social capital through
collaboration more than low-tech firms (p < .05). collaboration. This empirically demonstrates the
Density has a small and statistically insignificant distinction between knowledge stock and knowledge
impact on startup survival. flow” [16].

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