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Ronell A.

Cantos Week 5

G-11 Gagnaire EAAP

Techniques in Organizing and Selecting Information


What Is New

GENERAL TOPIC: Mobile Legend Addiction

-Heroes that can be bought through battle points

-Skin Heroes that can be get through spin, events and buying trough diamonds

-5 V 5 Team

-Clearing Lanes and Tore that needed to destroyed in order to win

-Farming and Killing Lord is an advantage on the game

1. Yes
2. To identify what are the things I know about Mobile Legends that is a widely known game
3. I think to outline ideas on what I know about the topic


What I Know





What Is in

Topics: Technical Vocational Livelihood Track

Subtopics: Agri-Fishery Arts Strand, Home Economics Strand, Industrial Arts Strand, Information and
Communication Technology Strand.

Technical Vocational Livelihood Track is designed to develop students' skills useful

for livelihood projects at home. It provides a curriculum that is a combination of core courses
required for all SHS strands and specialized hands-on courses that meet the standard hour
requirement and competency-based assessment of TESDA.
The Agri-Fishery strand was designed for hands-on learning and application of skills that
are related to agriculture and aquaculture. You will be taking various subjects that are
connected to other jobs such as food processing, rubber production, animal production, or
landscape installation. The Home Economics track offers various specializations that can lead
to livelihood projects at home. This strand aims to give you job-ready skills that can help you in
finding the right employment. Industrial Arts will provide you the skills and knowledge on
carpentry, automotive servicing, driving, electronics repair, electrical installation, welding,
plumbing, and tile setting. CT strand encouraged to utilize information and communication
technological tools to contextualize, collaborate, nd create experiences for learning in this
professional strand.


What I can Do


2.Setting high standards increases productivity because people tend to live up to the expectations set
for them by superior

3.When a managerial leader believes that a group member will succeed, the manager communicates
this belief without realizing that he or she is doing so

4.When a leader expects a group member to fail, that person will not usually disappoint the manager

5.The manager’s expectation of success or failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

What Else Can I Do


2. Sleep, work, and recreational activities take second place to prayer.

4. Undertaking the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime

5. Paying tax for relief of the Muslim poor

Main Idea. Teddy Bear’s Popularity as President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt’ sportsman to shoot a
staked bear cub

2. Organizer staked a bear cub to the ground so that Roosevelt’s shot couldn’t miss and will bag a trophy
3. Roosevelt refused to shoot the bear


What I Have Learned


2.Reading Outline

3.Witing Outline

4.Words or Phrase



What Can I Achieve








What I Learned about this module is all about outlining. It’s tackles the importance of outlining
and the steps on how to create a reading outline and how to create a writing outline. I learned about
topic outline and writing a sentence outline. Topic Outline summarizes the main topics and sub topics in
words or phrase. It arranges the ideas hierarchically (showing which are main and which are sub-points),
in the sequence you want, and shows what you will talk about. As the name implies, it identifies all the
little mini-topics that your paper will comprise, and shows how they relate. While Sentence outline
presents the main and supporting ideas in complete sentence. It uses sentence for each topic and
subtopic as it is more informative compare to topic outline. It uses when the topic being discussed is
complicated and requires details.
Ronell A. Cantos Week 6

G-11 Gagnaire EAAP

Critical Writing Technic

Tips in Writing Critical Essay
1.Come up with clear argument
2.Use Textual Evidence properly
3.Use paragraphs strategically
4.Find Academic Voice
5.Revise Essay thoroughly

Literary Criticism
Literary criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of
literature. Literary criticism is essentially an opinion, supported by evidence, relating to theme,
style, setting or historical or political context.

Examples of some types of literary criticism are:

 Biographical
 Comparative
 Ethical
 Expressive
 Feminist
 Historical
 Mimetic
 Pragmatic
 Psychological
 Social
 Textual
 Theoretical
Literary Criticism Theory

Formalism is a school of literary criticism and literary theory having mainly to do with structural
purposes of a particular text. It is the study of a text without taking into account any outside

Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely
originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various
institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests.

Structuralism is a mode of knowledge of nature and human life that is interested in
relationships rather than individual objects or, alternatively, where objects are defined by the set
of relationships of which they are part and not by the qualities possessed by them taken in

Reader Response
Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or
"audience") and their experience of a literary work, in contrast to other schools and theories that
focus attention primarily on the author or the content and form of the work.

Gender Studies and Queer Criticism

Gender studies and queer theory explore issues of sexuality, power, and marginalized
populations (woman as other) in literature and culture. Much of the work in gender studies and
queer theory, while influenced by feminist criticism, emerges from post-structural interest in
fragmented, de-centered knowledge building 
Ronell A. Cantos Week 7

G-11 Gagnaire EAAP


What I know

1.A 6.B 11.True

2.A 7.A 12.False

3.C 8.C 13.True

4.B 9.C 14.True

5.B 10.A 15.True

Writing a concept Paper.

What’s In

1.The article critic was introduced by identifying the graduate students’ experiences about anxiety and
stress as they face challenges on their path to degree. The research includes 32 incoming graduate
students to examine the impact of an online orientation program designed to connect new students
with resources across the university.

2.The thesis statement of this article critique is the researchers discussed an important topic, as
administrators continue to attempt to improve retention efforts in higher education where the approach
of an online orientation program could be useful for students as it would allow them to have important
information at their fingertips, regardless of if they are on campus or not.

What I Have Learned

1.N 6.E

2.E 7.E

3.N 8.E

4.E 9.E

5.N 10.E

I Learned that concept papers are summaries of projects or issues that reflect the interests,
experience and expertise of the writer or organization. Concept papers generally serve the purpose of
providing in– depth discussion of a topic that the writer has a strong position on, usually with the intent
of obtaining funding for that project from donors. The term “concept papers” and “proposal” are often
used interchangeably as they can be used for the same function. Concept paper usually ranges from
500-2000 words and is divided into several parts.

I also learned the guidelines in writing a concept paper. These are the following:

1. Cost and methodology should be reasonable.

2. The budget, methodology, and timeline should be clearly aligned.

3. Use statistics and figures when discussing the rationale for the project.

4. Use no more than five pages excluding cover page.

5. Never request funding for planning the proposal.

6. Adjust your language to the intended readers.

7. Include the overview of the budget if it is required.

8. Be sure that basic format details, such as page numbers, are incorporated.

9. Cite references.
Ronell A. Cantos Week 8

G-11 Gagnaire EAAP

What’s More

1.A 6.A

2.B 7.C

3.B 8.B

4.A 9.A

5.C 10.C

Additional Activities


1.Project Proponents

2.Project Title

3.Project Rationale

4.Proposed Budget

5. Project Objective

6. Target Beneficiaries

7.Project Duration

8.Project Description


Home Economics has a significant role to play in this. Home Economics provides pupils
with opportunities to explore real issues explicitly relevant to real-life contexts. These
experiences lead to the development of a wide range of transferable skills. Of particular value is
the contribution of the subject to the development of skills such as decision making and working
with others. In home economics, students develop an understanding of the factors that influence
the well-being of individuals and families within the home and community and of the actions
people take to enhance and sustain those environments. There are three Key Concepts for
Home Economics: Healthy Eating, Home and Family Life and independent living. Exploring
Healthy Eating provides opportunities to develop understanding required in the choice, planning,
storage, preparation, cooking and serving of food. Exploring Home and Family Life provides
opportunities to understand the importance of the family as a caring unit. Exploring Independent
Living provides opportunities to understand the importance of becoming discerning consumers
and effective managers of resources.

Assessment: An Ideal Citizen

1.C 6.D

2.C 7.C

3.D 8.B

4.B 9.C

5.D 10.B


What I Learned about this module is all about Concept Paper for the Project and Concept Paper
for Academic Research. To propose a certain tangible project structure is considered such as cover
page-details about the proponents, introduction, rationale/background, project description and project
needs and cost. While to present an idea or concept for a research, the structured considered are title
page, background of the study field, preliminary literature review, statement of the
problems/objectives, abridge methodology, timeline and references.

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