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Instructions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Read the Report “A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People, Building a Nation” submitted on April 27,
1988 by the Task Force to President Corazon Aquino by then Senator Leticia Shahani.
(Read page 46 of your textbook). Do you agree with the findings? Explain your answer.

2. According to the report, one weaknesses of the Filipino character is lack of analysis and emphasis on form
(porma). The report states that this lack of analysis and emphasis on form are reinforced by an educational
system that is more than form than substance. What is meant by an educational system that is more than
substance? Do you agree that the Philippine education system is more form than substance? Explain your

3. Teacher observes that when students submit report, the more ornate and artistic the folder is, the less
substantial the report. Which weakness in the Filipino character is pointer to? If you were the teacher, how
do you counteract such?

4. In line with the government’s austerity program, DepEd reiterates the following policies:

a. Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful to encourage civil rights, a sense of community,
and personal responsibility. While these rites mark a milestone in the life of the learners, these
should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire or extraordinary venue;
b. Moving Up or Completion Ceremonies should be simple, involving only the learners, their parents
and the school; and
c. Non-academic projects such as attendance to filed trips, film showing, Junior-Senior Promenade,
and other school events should not be imposed as requirements for graduation or completion. (DO
# 02, s. 2019)
Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino does this DepEd Order wish to eliminate? Explain your answer.

5. In a post-observation conference, school heads cites points for improvement for the teacher observed. It
happens that there are more points for improvement than positive points. Teacher concludes the school
head is biased against her. Which Filipino weakness is revealed? What should be done?

6. What should be done in the Philippine basic education system so that it is more substance than form?

7. Cite instances where 1) extreme family centeredness, 2) lack of discipline, 3) passivity and lack of initiative,
4) colonial mentality, 5) kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality, 6) lack of self-analysis and self-
reflection are manifested in Philippine society. Explain how schools can help counteract such negative
8. Based on Senator Shahani’s report on page 50 on your book, schools have contributed to the development
of Filipino passivity and lack of critical thinking. Does this picture still hold true today? Why or why not?

9. Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino character applies to you? Have schools helped you to counteract
such weakness?

10. Research on the Curriculum Guide for Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Esp) from grades 1 to 10. Check on the
pamantayan(standards) of EsP in the grades help in eliminating the weaknesses of the Filipino character as
given in Sen, Shahani’s Report? Share your findings here.


Instructions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Based on the top ten global issues and the 17 SGDs, choose one global issue/SDG and give suggestions
on what schools must do to address the issue.
2. What moves has the Philippine government taken to ensure equitable access to education for all its

3. Poverty is ranked #4 among the top 10 issues cited by World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Survey
in 2017. Education is supposed to liberate people from poverty. The Philippines has a comparatively
higher literacy rate. Based on the Literacy Statistics, Functional, Education and Mass Media Survey
(FLEMMS) of 2013, 96.5% of Filipinos were literate, an improvement from 95.6% in 2008. How come
the Philippines has one of the highest number of educated people and yet we remain to be island of
affluence amidst a sea of poverty? Can this be traced to poor quality of Philippine education? Why or
why not?

4. Go over the K to 12 curriculum. Find out where these global issues and SGDs are integrated. If you find
one or more not integrated in the K to 12 Curriculum, identify points of integration in the curriculum.

Global Issue/SDG In what subject and topic can it be integrated?

5. Some blame the Philippine’s corruption problem on the merging of Filipino traditions with American
institutions. One Filipino political scientist told Smithsonian magazine, “Americans taught us the idea
of honesty and integrity in civil service but local culture conflicts with the democratic model. No
tradition of civil service and the prevalence of strong family and community ties, bribery and
nepotism have seeped into the system.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

6. List down at least 5 global issues most applicable to the Philippines. Research on Philippine laws meant
to address the problem.

Problem/Issue Philippine Law meant to Specific Provision/s of the

address the problem Law
7. Do I contribute to any of the global issues? Am I part of the problem? Can I be part of the solution?


Instructions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. School and community partnership enhances sense of ownership and sense of belonging. What does this
mean? How will this impact on schools and communities?

2. Can schools take the place of families in the rearing of children? Explain your answer.

3. What sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world demand that schools partners with the
community (church, mass media, business establishments, etc.) for the education children?
4. State the provisions of RA 9155, BP 232, RA 8525 and Agenda 2030 that refer to school community

5. Cite additional examples of school-community partnerships that benefit the young.

6. In what way am I involved in school and community partnership? What good have I done to school

community? What else can I do?

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