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Geriel I.


2 Fm 2

Reflection: The Positive Results of Pandemic in Your Life

As the ECQ or the Enhance Community quarantine started I become more

engage in spiritual activities like praying. I always after waking up and before going to sleep. I
always pray for the safety of my family and friends and thanking God for always taking care for
us and giving us blessings. I also pray for those who have been infected by the CoronaVirus for
them to recover from this virus. I also pray for this crisis to be over so we can be back to our
normal lives. Praying also help me to keep my relation with God and it also helps me to deepen
my bond with God. The social action I am involve is sending comport to my friends and family
and also encourage them that it will be alright. I am also praying for them so that we will be
safe. Also you can help by sharing right information in social media and by sharing the word of
God online. The first thing I learned in new normal is always pray and because it will give you
strength to cope with the problems that you will have. The next thing that I learned is that to
save whenever I can so that I will be prepared if something like this happen again. I also learned
to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I also learned how to adapt in new situations.

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