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Geriel I Fajardo

Pag-IBIG Contribution Table for 2020

Monthly Employee
Employer Share
Compensation Share

₱1,500 and below 1% 2%

Over ₱1,500 2% 2%

As the Pag-IBIG contribution table shows, the employee share is pegged at

1% if his monthly compensation is ₱1,500 and below, and 2% if monthly
compensation is more than ₱1,500. The employer share is set at 2%
regardless of the employee’s monthly compensation.

Take note that the maximum monthly compensation used for computing
employee contributions is ₱5,000, which means that the maximum employee
and employer contributions are both ₱100.

To compute your Pag-IBIG monthly contribution, follow this formula: monthly

compensation amount x employee or employer share.
For example, if you’re earning ₱4,000 per month, your Pag-IBIG monthly
contribution is ₱80 (4,000 x 0.02 = 80), with your employer also paying ₱80.

If you’re earning ₱10,000 per month, for example, your Pag-IBIG monthly
contribution is ₱100, which is the maximum currently allowed. Your
employer’s share is ₱100.

What if you’re a self-employed or voluntary member? Since you don’t have an

employer in that case, you will have to shoulder both the employee share and
the employer share. So your maximum monthly contribution as a self-
employed or voluntary member is ₱200.

Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) whose employers are not subject to

mandatory coverage should contribute an amount equivalent to 2% of their
monthly income, in accordance with HDMF Circular No. 391. The OFW may
opt to pay the employer counterpart of 2%. The maximum monthly
compensation used to compute the membership savings is also ₱5,000.
 PhilHealth contribution table for employees and employers.

Monthly Basic Salary Total Monthly Contribution Employee Share Employer Share

Php 10,000 and below Php 300 Php 150 Php 150

Php 10,000.01 to Php 59,999.99 Php 300 to Php 1,799.99 Php 150 to Php 899.99 Php 150 to Php 899.99

Php 60,000 and above Php 1,800 Php 900 Php 900

As part of the full implementation of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law, the monthly
PhilHealth contribution rate for employed members will increase from 2.75% to
3% of the monthly basic salary1 starting January 2020. 

The monthly premium will continue to be shared equally between the employee and the

The monthly contribution for employees earning Php 10,000 and below is fixed at Php
300. Those earning Php 60,000 and above have a fixed monthly contribution of Php

For those in between, use this formula to compute your PhilHealth contribution: 

Employee or employer share = (Monthly basic salary x 0.03) / 2

Here’s a sample computation for an employee with a salary of Php 25,000:

Php 25,000 x 0.03 = Php 750 (Total monthly contribution) / 2 = Php 375 (Employee or
employer share)

The PhilHealth contribution of employees who are on extended leave without pay
is equivalent to that of voluntary or individually paying members.

Take note that the premium rate will further increase from 3% in the succeeding years
to sustain the National Health Insurance Fund, ensuring all Filipinos–including those
lacking contributions–will have equal access to benefits during confinement.

As shown in the table above, the rate will increase by increments of 0.5% every year
until it caps off to 5% (the maximum limit allowed by the law) in 2025.

Hence, from 3% in 2020, expect the rate to increase to 3.5% of the member’s monthly
income in 2021; 4% in 2022; 4.5% in 2023; and 5% in 2024 and 2025.

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