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Keeping the physical body in a healthy condition and the mind in highly culturally
enlightened level and thereby leading a creative life so as to be a useful member of the
society throughput the span of one’s life is the chief aim and thrust of Karma yoga

An integrated practice of reorganising and restructuring the body and the mind for a newly
planned life is Kundalini Yoga

In the middle age period (15 to 40) any spiritual practice is taken to, it will give an
intellectual clarity and would become an asset to the progeny, through a favourable change
in the genetic value.

Kundalini is the life-force. Fixing the mind and meditating on Kundalini to strengthen, purify
and streamline the mind is Kundalini yoga

Three practices followed to raise life-force in older days: Breathing, Concentrating and
Physical exercise

Simple and Safe Yoga:

New and extremely safe method suitable for all people: Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY)

Within minutes of initiation, the aspirate will feel the sensation of the movement of the life-
force as a feeble pressure.

By fixing the mind sharp on the life-force, will-power and intellectual clarity will start
developing; peace of mind will come into being; reduces the conversion and conservation of

Each centre in the body has its own benefits and are linked with an endocrine gland and
ultimately with a relevant area in brain. Every action of the body gives a line or order of
imprints in the physical cells in a particular part. The cells, and molecules are lined up in
such action and they become imprints. When energy flows in that particular area of action
(Eg.Dance), the cells and molecules are lined up as already trained and the urge of action
will blossom.

There are also unwanted brain-cells and body-cells resulting in pain. Ordinary people cannot
easily change these lines of imprints. But a meditation practitioner can, with awareness and

Seven centres of meditation in body: (each centre associated with an endocrine gland)

Mooladhara - Sex gland

Swadisthana - Connecting sex glands and adrenals
Manipuraka –Adrenal gland
Anahata – Thymus
Visuddhi – Thyroid
Agna – Pituitary
Brahmarandhra – Pineal

Meditation on any chakra should be learnt and practised under the guidance of a Master in
Kundalini Yoga. Self- effort should be strictly avoided as it could lead to complications.

Yoga is not meditation alone. It means INTROSPECTION.


Benefits of blessings: What is the state of your mind when you bless a person? You are all
kindness for that person, you are all kindness for that person, you are radiating good waves
at that time- otherwise you cannot bring yourself to bless. The wave of your thought clashes
on that person and a portion of it are reflected back to you. This theory is also valid for
negative thoughts which would cause harm.

There is no time or occasion for blessing. Many person chant Mantras to keep their mind
engaged. There are mantras that do give good effect according to specific sound vibration.
After increasing the energy to a certain level, they might give a different effect. But blessings
are safe and beneficial always. They are more powerful, effective and divine than chanting

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