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Attachment, Detachment and Moderation in Enjoyment

Bio-magnetism is the all pervasive universal treasure having link with the body, senses,
brain, consciousness and the universal wave-field. Everyone should know the value of Bio-
magnetism and utilize it properly for their survival, enjoyment and success in life.

Harmonious flow of bio-magnetism causes pleasure, peace and ecstasy; disturbed flow
causes pain, misery, disease and ultimately death.

Five aspects of life necessary for man’s survival, enjoyment and to carry out his duties:
1. Food
2. Work
3. Rest
4. Sexual gratification
5. Use of thought-force

When one neglects, over indulges or improperly deals with any of these five, it will disturb
the polarity of the cells of the body and the mind, leading to short-circuit appropriate to the
intensity of the wrong-doing, and disturbs the bio-magnetic flow.

Attachment with men and materials is a natural link. For survival and enjoyment of life this
attachment is necessary. If awareness is developed in the character to enjoy or deal with
attachment by following limit and method, the ill effects of attachment with men and
materials will not emerge at all. Eg. The food, if it is consumed more, causes indigestion.
When you come to that point you have to draw the line and say, “Thus far and no further”.
This is the process of detachment; understanding the limit and following it in action.

It is good to practice detachment and moderation.

Imaginary Expectations

Nature has provided thousands of joy for human life. Man’s body itself is a sophisticated
mechanism, wonderfully structured as a culmination of the evolutionary process of nature.
The society of mankind is enormously resourceful by the cultural development of millions of
generations and the advancements in scientific technology.

Such being man’s eminence, why then he entertain imaginary expectations and secure in
return heart-rending disappointments again and again in life and suffer mentally and
Imaginary expectation signifies greed, inefficiency and undeveloped intellect, not knowing
the providence of nature. Almost all imaginary expectations result in disappointment.
Disappointment leads to worry, sorrow depression and conflicts with others.

Imaginary expectation is the result of unchecked ego. Ego manifests with two kinds of
psychic moods: Aggression and possessiveness.

Greed of power is aggression and greed of wealth is possessiveness. The harmful

temperamental mood of greed is built inside all Imaginary expectations.

Improper development of knowledge in material fantasy results in aggressive possessive

moods. It should be checked by introspection with awareness and discipline; these moods
will go on building up by imprints, reflection and habits.

Assess your stock of providence and start rendering HELP to others to the utmost extent
possible. You will feel rich. Expectation, on the other hand, will keep you always in


Examining one’s own self.

Man’s life is along three angles:

1. Nature
2. Self
3. Society

For a successful and happy life, one has to understand the three aspects. Introspection is a
necessary practice for this enlightenment.

In the SKY system, Introspection is classified into five subjects:

1. Analysis of thought
2. Moralisation of desire
3. Neutralisation of anger
4. Eradication of worries
5. Self realisation

Analysis of thought

For any achievement we have to follow a perfect system of approach.

There are six sources from which thoughts arise:

1. Need
2. Habit
3. Environmental conditions
4. Imposition of another person’s thought
5. Hereditary imprints
6. Divinity

As action follows thought, all the thoughts that arise in the mind are to be analysed and
introspected for a better pattern of thinking and living.

The method of analysis of thought for a week or so, a wonderfully constructive habit will
form within, by which you will be able to filter every thought as through a sieve and bring
out only the best thoughts in actions. This is the first process of introspection which will help
to shape life to a better personality.

Moralisation of desire

Innumerable desires arise in us in the course of our lifetime. Not all the desires are good and
successful and that is the reason we find ourselves in disappointment, frustration and
misery from time to time. Therefore process of moralisation of desire is a must.

Desire is actually a thought and so whenever a desire arises, one has to ask oneself the
1. What is the root of the thought?
2. Is this desire good?
3. Without fulfilling this desire, can I not live?
4. What will be the result if I achieve the desired thing or enjoyment?
5. If I can live without such enjoyment or thing, why should I create an involvement?

If the desired thing is found good then proper planning has to be done:

The desire → plan →approach →achievement →enjoyment →assessment of the benefits.

All six should go in line and coordination.

Neutralisation of anger

Anger is the worst enemy of mankind. Arise out of inordinate and unchecked desires.

It strains the relationship between body and life-force, between life-force and mind and
between individuals and society.

It raises the blood-pressure, contributes to heart palpitation, trembling of hands, burning of

eyes, ulcer, etc.

Once anger is aroused, it is impossible to control it or neutralise it. One has to prepare
oneself not to get angry at all under any circumstances, adopting a systematic psychic

When you get success in this process of neutralisation of anger, a metamorphosis of your
character will be observed which will make you happy and blissful.
Eradication of worries

Worry is nothing but a mental disease caused by wrong calculations. Worry has nothing to
do with incidents or materials, but it is only in the mind. The mind slips into the clutches of
worry when it is not able to face, understand and solve a problem.

Everyone has some problems at any given time, and these may come and go. One should
not get baffled with the problems. Problems are part of life.

Instead of worrying over a problem, be courageous and find out what best you can do to
solve the problem. If a solution does not occur to you at the moment, leave it to nature and
wait for some time. The appropriate solution will come on its own in proper time.

Analyse the problem and categorise them as given below and plan accordingly:
1. To be endured
2. To be ignored
3. To be shelved
4. To be taken up for immediate disposal

Circumstances and opportunities are giving everyone some duties according to their
personality and responsibility. Just think what best you can do with every incident and
occurrence. Whatever happens beyond your effort is to be taken as the Divine will.

Self Realisation

It is the perfection of the sixth sense and it is the peak of wisdom.

Self realisation, actualisation of the universe, realisation of truth is all same. The entire
universe can be analysed into 4 principles:
1. Truth
2. Energy
3. Mass
4. Consciousness

• Truth is the static state, which is variously called as primordial state, universal being,
absolute space, vacuum, omnipotence and omniscience.

• Energy is the moving state of the static state.

• Mass is the only association of such energy-particles.

• Consciousness is the function of the universal being, understanding, feeling,

calculating and enjoying its own beauties and values.
When this understanding comes, whatever you see is a part and parcel of nature.
Oneness in multiplicity and unity among diversity are very clearly realised. This
enlightenment will blossom as brotherhood among man-kind.

When a man realises himself, he realises the value of everyone on Earth.

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