Science of Creativity: UNIT-1

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o Comes by learning and practice

o Raising questions
o Thinking different solutions
o Uniqueness
o Not distressing for failures
o Doing crazy things
o Learning to observe

-Creativity in human relations (psychological or social invention)

• Intelligence
• Sharp perceptions
• Subtle sensitivities
• Respect
• Personal boldness to explain views
• Standing for one’s convictions

Personality Development
-Individual integrity and ability to work with others
-Presents how you are determined by
o Appearance
o Behaviour
o Attitude
o Education
o Values

Karma Yoga

• Karma-Action of man with will

Action includes deed, speech and thought

• Yoga- system of life best suited for man to live in harmonious communion with

• Man is the combination of Body, Mind, life-force (soul) and Bio-magnetism

Physical body is a structure of a systematic arrangement of cells with polarity
To maintain this polarity Bio-magnetism is provided
Life-force and Bio-magnetic field of man are linked with universe

• An action affects all parts of the body, life-force, mind, the persons around and the
universal field, accordingly pain or pleasure to self and others

• A karma yogi does thing with full understanding and awareness thus maintaining
harmony in all angles.

-Karma Yoga is a system of life utilising the full potential of the body and
mind with understanding and awareness for a happy, prosperous and
peaceful life.

Karma Yoga

- is a method to cleanse impurities (Ego, sins and illusion) and enable him to reach
goal of self realisation

- helps in i) enjoy all pleasure with full satisfaction

ii) Helping others
iii) Postponing death and withstanding ageing until he reaches the goal of
- helps in understanding duty consciousness and awareness of the law of nature

Duty consciousness

• Everyone is born with no materials. Up to adolescence all material requirements

are supplied and fulfilled by the society (parents form a part of society)

• Education, Production and Protection is given by society

• Everyone got all requirements from the society as an un-demandable loan

• Duty-consciousness is the moral conscience to repay such a loan to the society by

way of service

• Rendering of service only for money results in dis-appointment, dis-satisfaction,

conflict and hurt

• Under the system of karma yoga, Duty-consciousness is spiritual enlightenment

that one should repay back to the society


Everyone is a communist and a capitalist when we understand the real nature of life
Everything comes from society and everything made, goes to society. The understanding of
this fact is Communist

Retaining of surplus for future use is capitalist (not blessed with a peaceful mind)

Universe in entirety

Divided into five stages

• Physical form (perceived by touch and sight- form of mass)

• Spirit (Energy particles disintegrated from mass)
• Wave (Spreading wave radiated by the energy particles)
• Truth (Absolute space, Total consciousness)
The native state of energy particle is the absolute space. This is the primordial
state of the universe. It is the infinite state, vacuum, the Almighty, the universal
being, omniscient.
• Mind (Peripheral state of consciousness)
- All these five stages are totally called NATURE

Wave Theory

Clash, reflection, refraction, penetration and inter-action are the natural functions of any

By these functions and according to intensity and forcing strength five results occur:

▪ Pressure
▪ Sound
▪ Light
▪ Taste
▪ Smell
In relation to spreading wave of the particle, the static force stands as an obstruction. By the
clash of two different forces, static and dynamic, a new phenomenon, MAGNETISM
This Universal magnetism fills the entire universe
In the pressure stage it is magnetism
In the sound and light stage it is electricity
In the taste and smell stage it is chemical
Waves clashing on external static power cause pressure. Waves interacting with air causes
sound. Waves interacting with gas causes heat and light. Waves interacting with liquid
causes taste. Waves interacting with solids cause smell.
-These five main results produced within the masses of the universe are classified as
All the evolutions can be visualised as the function of fractional consciousness seated in
each energy particle

All the eventual chain – results of the consciousness in the form of waves

Consciousness in its feeling, knowing, experiencing, imprinting and reflecting process is

mysteriously working from the soul up to the universe and beyond to its primordial state.
i.e. experience of visualisation from particle to universe and beyond

One can maintain this total perceptive state of consciousness by disciplining principles like
Morality, Duty and Charity.

Life Force

Life means action, energy or force

It is the unseen force functioning in all living beings
Basic and fundamental unit of force, action or energy is life

Secrete of revelations
Revelation is one of the psychic functions of consciousness which is accessible to human
mind through its intrinsically sophisticated and mechanically advanced brain

Bringing mind to a very subtle frequency and maintain awareness getting detached from
worldly things and surrendering himself to the supreme state of consciousness, the infinite
and all the secrets of universe will be revealed to him according to the need and time of the
human society

All masses of the universe are divided into: inanimate and animate

Inanimate things have first stage of consciousness – the three functioning principles
of pattern, precision and regularity (Eg Copper sulphate); i.e everything in the
universe is functioning with this consciousness without fail and without mistake and
without bias.

Animate things have second stage of consciousness – from physical to psychic realm
(Eg arrangement of atoms and molecules in mass); i.e if there is any disturbance in
the polarity of cells in human body , the flow of bio-magnetism is obstructed, gets
stagnant and gets converted into electricity. This short circuits the particular part
and disturbs the surrounding cells. When the area and duration of short circuit is
small it is referred as pain and if the area and duration of short circuit is large it is
referred as Disease.

Extension of psychic stages:

1. Feeling of pain
2. Need
3. Effort
4. Action
5. Result
6. Enjoyment
7. Experience
8. Research
9. Realisation
10. conclusion

Physical transformation of Bio-magnetism

Physical body a great universal treasure

Physical transformation of Bio-magnetism refers to conversion of bio-magnetism into

electricity and chemicals, eliminating certain degree of pressure, sound, light, taste and
smell and emitting out through respective senses and the outgoing electricity and chemicals
spreads and mixes with the atmospheric field all around the body.

• Taste conversion degree (a sweet cake and Coffee)

• Critical level for music
• Sound by rubbing stones

Self Realisation

“The purpose of the birth of man is to develop consciousness to its perfection to identify self
with the universal being”

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