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Test of Habitat and food chain and plant growth

Q1. Choose the correct answers.

1. In pitcher plant animal fall into pitcher which is shape of leaves like a jug and digested by
help of
a) Digestive juices
b) Swallowing
c) Throwing out
d) Poisoning
2. Sugar produced by plants is usually stored in different parts of plant after converting it into
a) Starch
b) Glucose
c) Maltose
d) Sucrose
3. Rice grow best in
a) Sandy soil
b) Clayed soil
c) Loamy soil
d) Potting mix
4. Plants which are insectivorous needs insects to feed on because it need
a) Water
b) Nutrients
c) Air
d) Oxygen
5. A plant having two halves which snap shut on contact with an insect is
a) Rose
b) Jasmine
c) Pitcher plant
d) Venus fly trap
6. Partially or sometimes wholly decayed animals or plants dead bodies is called
a) Humus
b) Loam
c) Clay
d) Compost
7. Plants which can twine or bend around tall trees by its stem includes
a) Vines
b) Rose
c) Money plant
d) Morning glory
8. Animals which hunt at night and can see in dark nights are
a) Cats
b) Owl
c) Fox
d) All of them
9. Aquatic animals breath in water though their
A) Lungs
B) Gills
C) Nostrils
D) Nose
10. Some desert plants have deep and log roots to reach for underground
a) Water
b) Salts
c) Minerals
d) Oxygens

Q2. Define a habitat with examples


Q3(a). What do plants need to grow well?


Q3(b) Label the diagram of photosynthesis.

Q4. Describe the term Herbivore, Omnivores, Carnivore with 2 examples?

Q5. (a). How do fertilizers help in plant growth.

Q5(b). How is an organic fertilizer different from inorganic fertilizer? State any 3 differences.

Organic Fertilizer Inorganic Fertilizer

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