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Introduction: This worksheet will help you to preview or

review the fetal pig dissection by going through the basic
steps of dissection while you color the diagram,


1. Start at the mouth. Notice the esophagus ("A"), which is the tube that
Fetal Pig Anatomy and Simulated Dissection

leaves the mouth and throat area, and can be seen behind the trachea. It is
able to expand and contract in order to move the food along towards the
stomach. Color it light pink.

2. The esophagus travels through the diaphragm .("B") which is a muscular shelf-
lske organ that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and helps in
breathing, Color it orange.
3. After the esophagus passes through an opening in the diaphragm, it connects
to the stomach ("C") which can be found just peeking out from behind
the liver. Color it dark pink. It starts digestion and stores
undigested food.
4. Next, the stomach attaches to the small intestine ("D"), which is a long tube
that completes digestion and sends the tiny food molecules into the blood
stream and then on to the cells. Color it light purple.
5. The small intestine attaches to the large intestine ("E") at the cecum ("F"). The
large intestine absorbs water from undigested food and gets the waste, ready for
expulsion from the body and the cecurn helps digest plant materials that are
fibrous: The rectum, is at the end of the large intestine and connects to the anus
which then expels feces from the body. Color the large intestine and rectum ("G")
dark purple and the cecum white with purple polka dots!
6. Besides the cecum, there are a few organs that help in digestion that are not
part of the tract. The liver ("H"), besides detoxification, produces bile that helps
emulsify fats. Bile is stored in the gall bladder (*l"), which is nestled under the
liver. Color the liver brown and the gall bladder green. The pancreas ("J"), which
nestles under the stomach, helps with digestion by making enzymes and sending
them into the small intestine, Color it turquoise, the pancreas also produces iinsulin
which pulls sugar into cells.

7. The kidneys (*k") are found along the back of the pig; and so to see them when
dissecting, you would have to lift up all of the digestive organs and look underneath.
The kidneys filter the blood and produce urine, which is a liquid waste product
that travels down the ureters from the kidneys and into the urinary bladder ("L")
where it is stored until
the person decides to get rid of it. The urinary bladder is a hollow, muscular organ, and
in the fetal pig, it is connected to the umbilical cord. Color the kidneys a yellow-
green and the urinary bladder and ureters yellow.
8. The lungs ("M") are found in the thoracic cavity are attached to the trachea
("N") which carries air down from the nose, and mouth and into the lungs. The
trachea is hard to the touch because it is made out of cartilage. Notice the larynx
("O") above the trachea. It is your voice box, and holds the vocal cords. Oxygen
comes in with the air and diffuses across finy lung sacs (alveoli) into the
bloodstream and then travels to the heart to be pumped all the way to the cells.
Waste from the cells in the form of carbon dioxide, leaves the cells, enters the
blood stream, goes to the heart, then to the lungs, and out of the nose and
mouth, Color the trachea light blue and the lungs darker.
9. The heart ("p"), is a pump, that pumps blood to the body and lungs. Color it
red. Notice the aorta leaving it. The aorta is the largest artery in the body and
carries blood all over. Other blood vessels are not shown but some carry blood
away from the heart (arteries) and some carry blood to the heart (veins). You
may notice the blood vessels in cross section at the end of the umbilical cord
which connects the fetus to the mother's uterus when it is still inside her.
10. This diagram is of a female pig, so we will need to color the reproductive
organs. The uterus ("Q") is where the fertilized egg implants to grow into fetuses
when the pig matures. Color it grey. The ovaries ("R").produce the eggs, and
send them down the fallopian tubes.("S") to the uterus: The pig has a vagina
(*T") leading from the uterus and out of the body. Color the ovaries pink, the
fallopian tubes, and vagina grey. In this drawing you can see the vagina behind
the urinary bladder where it bends down towards the opening out of the body.
11. The spleen ("V") is found just next to the stomach on the right. It has an
immune function and removes old or dying blood cells. Color the spleen an
orange-red. Color the pig's skin and umbilical cord pink.

Fetal Pig

A. -



Questions: 1. Why is the esophagus
muscular and moveable while the trachea is
hard and unmoveable? hint: structure
depends on function.

2. Why are accessory organs needed for

digestion to succeed?

3. What is the job of the cecum and

find out if humans have one and if it
has a different name and function.

4. What organ is-attached to the

umbilical cord in the fetal pig? What
does it fill up with? Notice that it
empties into the same area that the
vagina does. We call that the
urogenital sinus, The anus has it's
own hole, called the anus.

5. Which organ helps in respiration?

What organ travels through it from one
cavity (thoracic) to the other (abdominal)?
Notice that part of the stomach is behind
the liver, in humans, sometimes part of
the stomach can push up into that
opening and cause what we call a

6. The uterus of the fetal pig female

has two horns that become the
fallopian tubes which is a little different
than the human uterus. Look at the
diagrams below and label the parts on
both diagrams: uterus, fallopian tubes,
vagina, ovaries,


‫میں نو‬in‫ه بر‬



7. The heart of the fetal pig is much like

the human heart. How many chambers do
they both have? Find a diagram of
the fetal pig heart and draw it
carefully below, labeling parts.

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