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The possible action that shall rightly take by responsible individual that can prevent the
incident/problem/cases from occur

To avoid incidents caused by an accumulation of residual discharge basins, the most

obvious preventive and safety step is to ensure that the dyke is well built and constructed using
materials able to withstand the forecasted loads. Continuous management and expansion of the
sedimentation basin therefore needs special attention, especially as regards the balance between
solids and water inside the dykes and how this equilibrium, example from heavy downpours, is
jeopardized. This accident illustrates that the design and management of a mining tailings basin
must take into account extreme climatic conditions, such as heavy rainfall or snowfall, as well as
the effect of low temperatures on operations at facilities. The implementation of this measure is
particularly justified when the contents of the basin could be harmful to human health or the
environment, as is the case if cyanide can not be neutralised.
In Baia Mare, in view of the vast amounts of toxic substances in use, the emergency
plan and means used to tackle contamination at the site were insufficient. More precisely, no
solution was created to cope with increase in water level in the sedimentation basin, while
significant leaks were detected in the dyke in September and December 1999, 5 cows died after
drinking from a watercourse polluted with cyanide-related effluent. Nevertheless, the acts of the
operator complied with Romanian regulatory requirements: no implementation of an emergency
plan had been needed by the authorities of the country.
One should not wait before incidents happen to get ready, create energy for change and
implement multi-stakeholder intervention processes. Water contamination can be better handled
and dealt with when attempts are taken to avoid and plan for it, though it can not always be
Identify and map all' hot spots' and reveal information; promote remediation projects on'
mining hot spots' Raise funds based on previous experience. Promote awareness and open
discussions on important environmental issues at local, national and global levels and on the
potential development of mining sites. Other than that, promoting international efforts and
discussions on transboundary industrial risks, such as adoption of the Liability Protocol and
adjacent environmental protection agreements. Lastly, Encourage the process of updating
national mining laws and regulations, integrating social and environmental principles into trade
agreements and national investment policies in this area.

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