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WBS Schedule Pro

Notes Pane


Displays the Notes for the selected Summary Task or Task in the project. Notes are
handy for entering extensive descriptions for a task. Notes entered in WBS Schedule
Pro can be transferred to MS Project. Notes from MS Project can also be displayed in
WBS Schedule Pro, however, Notes from MS Project are read-only in WBS Schedule Pro
and cannot be edited*.

Some tips for working with Panes

When Panes share space, select the tab of the Pane you wish to view.

Click the tab of the desired Pane and drag it to the middle of the chart to make it

Click a floating Pane's title bar and drag it back over the other tabs to make it part
of the same group of Panes.

Click the Auto Hide (Push Pin) icon to dock the pane against the side or bottom of
the chart. Hover over the hidden tabs to quickly display the Pane. Click the Push Pin
to anchor it again so it is always visible.

Click the title bar of a Pane and drag it over the displayed screen location to "dock"
it at that location.

If you hide a Pane using the X, go to the View tab on the Ribbon and select the
Pane you wish to view.

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