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Part 1: Teacher & Student Needs

Brief Statement Philosophy of Classroom Management

The ideal classroom is a safe and positive environment where students are encouraged to
participate, learn, and achieve a goal. The physical space should be organized. In order to have
an organized classroom, students need to cooperate. Cooperation among students helps build a
sense of classroom community. Therefore, rules and routines have to be established. In
addition to having an organized environment, a wall space and an interactive bulletin board are
great elements for a physical classroom.
I believe that teachers should respect students and listen to their needs. As a result of being
attentive to communication, students are more susceptible to behave appropriately.
My personal philosophy of classroom management relates to teaching student’s self-control
rather than controlling them. I see myself as a facilitator as opposed to an assertive teacher.

Teacher Needs

In order to be effective in the classroom, I need students to communicate with each other. I
need them to try to figure things out on their own, so that they can gather knowledge through
experience. Finally, I need students to develop a growth mindset.

Students Needs

I will address students’ needs by observing and talking to them. I will develop relationships and
better understand their background, community and consequently, their needs. Students have
different needs. Because of that, I will address each one of them individually.

Part II: Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Rules & Policies

I believe that teaching students how to respect one another should be included in classroom
rules and policies.
Routines and procedures should be taught in the first week of classroom, so that students know
what is expected of them during the school year.
Policies such as setting deadlines for submitting work, raising hand when wanting to speak in
class, using technology for classroom purposes only, and limited absence days are going to be
discussed and implemented.

Enforcing the Rules and Policies

Rules will be enforced and reflected in grades.

Support System

I will seek for support for my discipline plan from administrators and parents by scheduling a
meeting with them and explaining every part of the plan as well as asking for their opinion and
approval. I will show flexibility and understanding.


To evaluate the classroom management plan, I will reflect if the explanation of the rules and
procedures were clear to students. If the classroom is not responding to the plan, procedures
will be changed.

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