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Grade 3

Chapter 6 - The lost camel

I. Write the meanings of the words given below.

1. reward - prize
2. finer - better
3. beloved - loved by all
4. pleased - glad
5. nibble - eat something in small bites

II. Write the opposites of the following words.

1. wise × foolish
2. dismiss × appoint
3. beloved × hated
4. angrily × calmly
5. truth × lie
6. reward x punish

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What did the king want his ministers to do? What does this tell you about the king?
Ans: The king wanted his ministers to come up with ideas to collect more money from the people in order
to build a new palace.This tells us that the king is greedy.

2. Describe the camel in your own words.

Ans. The camel was lame in one leg, blind in one eye and was carrying a load of honey and wheat.

3. Why did the camel owner believe that the ministers had stolen his camel?
Ans: The camel owner believed that the ministers had stolen his camel because the ministers described the
lost camel accurately.

4. How did the ministers know so much about the camel? What do you think about the ministers?
Ans: The ministers noticed the following things while walking on the road.
i) They noticed unclear hoof marks of one of the legs
ii) They saw nibbled leaves on one side of the road
iii) They also observed flies on one side of the road and wheat on the other side of the road.
This helped them to know more details about the camel. This shows that the ministers are wise and observed
things around them very carefully.

5. Do you think the ministers were truly wise? Give evidence from the story to support your answer.
Ans: ​Guidelines
Yes​, I think the ministers are truly wise because they were able to ​describe the camel well​ by noticing
several things on the road.

6.​ Do you think the title ‘The Lost Camel’ is appropriate for the story ?

Ans: Guidelines
Grade 3
Chapter 6 - The lost camel

Yes,​ I think the title ‘The Lost Camel’ is appropriate for the story because​ the main event is about the camel
which got lost.

IV. Make sentences using the following words.

1. wise - ​Guidelines ​ (He made a wise decision.)
2. dismiss - ​Guidelines ​ (My friend was dismissed from his office.)
3. lame - ​Guidelines ​ (The lame dog struggled to walk.)
4. ashamed - ​Guidelines ​ (He felt ashamed of his behaviour.)
5. lie - ​Guidelines ​ (I will never lie to my parents.)
6. thought - ​Guidelines ​ (I thought he would come to my home but he didn’t.)

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