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Republic Act No.

7942: Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (h) "Co-production agreement (CA)" means an
Sec. 2 Declaration of Policy. All mineral resources in agreement entered into between the Government and
public and private lands within the territory and one or more contractors in accordance with Section
exclusive economic zone of the Republic of the 26(b) hereof.
Philippines are owned by the State. It shall be the  
responsibility of the State to promote their rational (i) "Department" means the Department of
exploration, development, utilization and conservation Environment and Natural Resources.
through the combined efforts of government and the  
private sector in order to enhance national growth in a (j) "Development" means the work undertaken to
way that effectively safeguards the environment and explore and prepare an ore body or a mineral deposit
protect the rights of affected communities. for mining, including the construction of necessary
  infrastructure and related facilities.
Sec. 3 Definition of Terms. As used in and for purposes  
of this Act, the following terms, whether in singular or (k) "Director" means the Director of the Mines and
plural, shall mean: Geosciences Bureau.
(a) "Ancestral lands" refers to all lands, exclusively and (l) "Ecological profile or eco-profile" refers to
actually possessed, occupied, or utilized by indigenous geographic-based instruments for planners and
cultural communities by themselves or through their decision-makers which presents an evaluation of the
ancestors in accordance with their customs and environmental quality and carrying capacity of an area.
traditions since time immemorial, and as may be  
defined and delineated by law. (m) "Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)" refers
  to the document issued by the government agency
(b) "Block" or "meridional block" means an area concerned certifying that the project under
bounded by one-half (1/2) minute of latitude and one- consideration will not bring about an unacceptable
half (1/2) minute of longitude, containing approximately environmental impact and that the proponent has
eighty-one hectares (81 has.). complied with the requirements of the environmental
  impact statement system.
(c) "Bureau" means the Mines and Geosciences Bureau  
under the Department of Environment and Natural (n) "Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)" is the
Resources. document which aims to identify, predict, interpret, and
  communicate information regarding changes in
(d) "Carrying capacity" refers to the capacity of natural environmental quality associated with a proposed
and human environments to accommodate and absorb project and which examines the range of alternatives
change without experiencing conditions of instability for the objectives of the proposal and their impact on
and attendant degradation. the environment.
(e) "Contiguous zone" refers to water, sea bottom and (o) "Exclusive economic zone" means the water, sea
substratum measured twenty-four nautical miles (24 bottom and subsurface measured from the baseline of
n.m.) seaward from base line of the Philippine the Philippine archipelago up to two hundred nautical
archipelago. miles (200 n.m.) offshore.
(f) "Contract area" means land or body of water (p) "Existing mining/quarrying right" means a valid and
delineated for purposes of exploration, development, or subsisting mining claim or permit or quarry permit or
utilization of the minerals found therein. any mining lease contract or agreement covering a
  mineralized area granted/issued under pertinent mining
(g) "Contractor" means a qualified person acting alone laws.
or in consortium who is a party to a mineral agreement  
or to a financial or technical assistance agreement. (q) "Exploration" means the searching or prospecting
  for mineral resources by geological, geochemical or
geophysical surveys, remote sensing, test pitting,
trenching, drilling, shaft sinking, tunneling or any other (y) "Mineral processing" means the milling, benefaction
means for the purpose of determining the existence, or upgrading of ores or minerals and rocks or by similar
extent, quantity and quality thereof and the feasibility means to convert the same into marketable products.
of mining them for profit.  
  (z) "Mine wastes and tailings" shall mean soil and rock
(r) "Financial or technical assistance agreement" means materials from surface or underground mining and
a contract involving financial or technical assistance for milling operations with no economic value to the
large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of generator of the same.
mineral resources.  
  (aa) "Minerals" refers to all naturally occurring inorganic
(s) "Force majeure" means acts or circumstances substance in solid, gas, liquid, or any intermediate state
beyond the reasonable control of contractor including, excluding energy materials such as coal, petroleum,
but not limited to, war, rebellion, insurrection, riots, natural gas, radioactive materials, and geothermal
civil disturbance, blockade, sabotage, embargo, strike, energy.
lockout, any dispute with surface owners and other  
labor disputes, epidemic, earthquake, storm, flood or (ab) "Mineral agreement" means a contract between
other adverse weather conditions, explosion, fire, the government and a contractor, involving mineral
adverse action by government or by any instrumentality production-sharing agreement, co-production
or subdivision thereof, act of God or any public enemy agreement, or joint-venture agreement.
and any cause that herein describe over which the  
affected party has no reasonable control. (ac) "Mineral land" means any area where mineral
  resources are found.
(t) "Foreign-owned corporation" means any  
corporation, partnership, association, or cooperative (ad) "Mineral resource" means any concentration of
duly registered in accordance with law in which less minerals/rocks with potential economic value.
than fifty per centum (50%) of the capital is owned by  
Filipino citizens. (ae) "Mining area" means a portion of the contract area
  identified by the contractor for purposes of
(u) "Government" means the government of the development, mining, utilization, and sites for support
Republic of the Philippines. facilities or in the immediate vicinity of the mining
(v) "Gross output" means the actual market value of  
minerals or mineral products from its mining area as (af) "Mining operation" means mining activities
defined in the National Internal Revenue Code. involving exploration, feasibility, development,
  utilization, and processing.
(w) "Indigenous cultural community" means a group or  
tribe of indigenous Filipinos who have continuously (ag) "Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)" includes
lived as communities on communally-bounded and nonstock, nonprofit organizations involved in activities
defined land since time immemorial and have dealing with resource and environmental conservation,
succeeded in preserving, maintaining, and sharing management and protection.
common bonds of languages, customs, traditions, and  
other distinctive cultural traits, and as may be defined (ah) "Net assets" refers to the property, plant and
and delineated by law. equipment as reflected in the audited financial
  statement of the contractor net of depreciation, as
(x) "Joint Venture Agreement (JVA)" means an computed for tax purposes, excluding appraisal increase
agreement entered into between the Government and and construction in progress.
one or more contractors in accordance with Section  
26(c) hereof. (ai) "Offshore" means the water, sea bottom, and
  subsurface from the shore or coastline reckoned from
the mean low tide level up to the two hundred nautical
miles (200 n.m.) exclusive economic zone including the technical assistance agreement or mineral processing
archipelagic sea and contiguous zone. permit.
(aj) "Onshore" means the landward side from the mean (ar) "Quarrying" means the process of extracting,
tide elevation, including submerged lands in lakes, removing and disposing quarry resources found on or
rivers and creeks. underneath the surface of private or public land.
(ak) "Ore" means a naturally occurring substance or (as) "Quarry permit" means a document granted to a
material from which a mineral or element can be mined qualified person for the extraction and utilization of
and/or processed for profit. quarry resources on public or private lands.
(al) "Permittee" means the holder of an exploration (at) "Quarry resources" refers to any common rock or
permit. other mineral substances as the Director of Mines and
  Geosciences Bureau may declare to be quarry resources
(am) "Pollution control and infrastructure devices" such as, but not limited to, andesite, basalt,
refers to infrastructure, machinery, equipment and/or conglomerate, coral sand, diatomaceous earth, diorite,
improvements used for impounding, treating or decorative stones, gabbro, granite, limestone, marble,
neutralizing, precipitating, filtering, conveying and marl, red burning clays for potteries and bricks, rhyolite,
cleansing mine industrial waste and tailings as well as rock phosphate, sandstone, serpentine, shale, tuff,
eliminating or reducing hazardous effects of solid volcanic cinders, and volcanic glass: Provided, That such
particles, chemicals, liquids or other harmful by quarry resources do not contain metals or metallic
products and gases emitted from any facility utilized in constituents and/or other valuable minerals in
mining operations for their disposal. economically workable quantities: Provided, further,
  That non-metallic minerals such as kaolin, feldspar,
(an) "President" means the President of the Republic of bullquartz, quartz or silica, sand and pebbles, bentonite,
the Philippines. talc, asbestos, barite, gypsum, bauxite, magnesite,
  dolomite, mica, precious and semi-precious stones, and
(ao) "Private land" refers to any land belonging to any other non-metallic minerals that may later be
private person which includes alienable and disposable discovered and which the Director declares the same to
land being claimed by a holder, claimant, or occupant be of economically workable quantities, shall not be
who has already acquired a vested right thereto under classified under the category of quarry resources.
the law, although the corresponding certificate or  
evidence of title or patent has not been actually issued. (au) "Region director" means the regional director of
  any mines regional office under the Department of
(ap) "Public land" refers to lands of the public domain Environment and Natural Resources.
which have been classified as agricultural lands and  
subject to management and disposition or concession (av) "Regional office" means any of the mines regional
under existing laws. offices of the Department of Environment and Natural
(aq) "Qualified person" means any citizen of the  
Philippines with capacity to contract, or a corporation, (aw) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the
partnership, association, or cooperative organized or Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
authorized for the purpose of engaging in mining, with  
technical and financial capability to undertake mineral (ax) "Special allowance" refers to payment to the claim-
resources development and duly registered in owners or surface right-owners particularly during the
accordance with law at least sixty per cent (60%) of the transition period from Presidential Decree No. 463 and
capital of which is owned by citizens of the Philippines: Executive Order No. 279, series of 1987.
Provided, That a legally organized foreign-owned  
corporation shall be deemed a qualified person for (ay) "State" means the Republic of the Philippines.
purposes of granting an exploration permit, financial or  
(az) "Utilization" means the extraction or disposition of rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary. The
minerals. right to develop and utilize the minerals found therein
  shall be awarded by the President under such terms and
CHAPTER II conditions as recommended by the Director and
GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT approved by the Secretary. Provided, That the party
  who undertook the exploration of said reservation shall
Sec. 4 Ownership of Mineral Resources. - Mineral be given priority. The mineral land so awarded shall be
resources are owned by the State and the exploration, automatically excluded from the reservation during the
development, utilization, and processing thereof shall term of the agreement: Provided, further, That the right
be under its full control and supervision. The State may of the lessee of a valid mining contract existing within
directly undertake such activities or it may enter into the reservation at the time of its establishment shall not
mineral agreements with contractors. be prejudiced or impaired.
The State shall recognize and protect the rights of the Sec. 7 Periodic Review of Existing Mineral Reservations.
indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral lands The Secretary shall periodically review existing mineral
as provided for by the Constitution. reservations for the purpose of determining whether
Sec. 5 Mineral Reservations. When the national interest their continued existence is consistent with the national
so requires, such as when there is a need to preserve interest, and upon the recommendation, the President
strategic raw materials for industries critical to national may, by proclamation, alter or modify the boundaries
development, or certain minerals for scientific, cultural thereof or revert the same to the public domain without
or ecological value, the President may establish mineral prejudice to prior existing rights.
reservations upon the recommendation of the Director  
through the Secretary. Mining operations in existing Sec. 8 Authority of the Department. The Department
mineral reservations and such other reservations as shall be the primary government agency responsible for
may thereafter be established, shall be undertaken by the conservation, management, development, and
the Department or through a contractor: Provided, That proper use of the State's mineral resources including
a small scale mining agreement for a maximum those in reservations, watershed areas, and lands of the
aggregate area of twenty-five percent (25%) of such public domain. The Secretary shall have the authority to
mineral reservation, subject to valid existing mining enter into mineral agreements on behalf of the
quarrying rights as provided under Section 112 Chapter Government upon the recommendation of the Director,
XX hereof. All submerged lands within the contiguous promulgate such rules and regulations as may be
zone and in the exclusive economic zone of the necessary to implement the intent and provisions of this
Philippines are hereby declared to be mineral Act.
  Sec. 9 Authority of the Bureau. The Bureau shall have
A ten per centum (10%) share of all royalties and direct charge in the administration and disposition of
revenues to be derived by the government from the mineral lands and mineral resources and shall
development and utilization of the mineral resources undertake geological, mining, metallurgical, chemical,
within mineral reservations as provided under this Act and other researches as well as geological and mineral
shall accrue to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau to be exploration surveys. The Director shall recommend to
allotted for special projects and other administrative the Secretary the granting of mineral agreements to
expenses related to the exploration and development of duly qualified persons and shall monitor the compliance
other mineral reservations mentioned in Section 6 by the contractor of the terms and conditions of the
hereof. mineral agreements. The Bureau may confiscate surety,
  performance and guaranty bonds posted through an
Sec. 6 Other Reservations. Mining operations in order to be promulgated by the Director. The Director
reserved lands other than mineral reservations may be may deputize, when necessary, any member or unit of
undertaken by the Department, subject to limitations as the Philippine National Police, barangay, duly registered
herein provided. In the event that the Department nongovernmental organization (NGO) or any qualified
cannot undertake such activities, they may be person to police all mining activities.
undertaken by a qualified person in accordance with the  
Sec. 10 Regional Offices. There shall be as many regional mining operations without the prior consent of the
offices in the country as may be established by the indigenous cultural community concerned.
Secretary, upon the recommendation of the Director.  
  Sec. 17 Royalty Payments for Indigenous Cultural
Sec. 11 Processing of Applications. The system of Communities. In the event of an agreement with an
processing applications for mining rights shall be indigenous cultural community pursuant to the
prescribed in the rules and regulations of this Act. preceding section, the royalty payment, upon utilization
  of the minerals shall be agreed upon by the parties. The
Sec. 12 Survey, Charting and Delineation of Mining said royalty shall form part of a trust fund for the
Areas. A sketch plan or map of the contract or mining socioeconomic well-being of the indigenous cultural
area prepared by a deputized geodetic engineer community.
suitable for publication purposes shall be required  
during the filing of a mineral agreement or financial or Sec. 18 Areas Open to Mining Operations. Subject to
technical assistance agreement application. Thereafter, any existing rights or reservations and prior agreements
the contract or mining area shall be surveyed and of all parties, all mineral resources in public or private
monumented by a deputized geodetic engineer or lands, including timber or forestlands as defined in
bureau geodetic engineer and the survey plan shall be existing laws shall be open to mineral agreements or
approved by the Director before the approval of the financial or technical assistance agreement applications.
mining feasibility. Any conflict that may arise under this provision shall be
  heard and resolved by the panel of arbitrators.
Sec. 13 Meridional Blocks. For purposes of the  
delineation of the contract of mining areas under this Sec. 19 Areas Closed to Mining Applications. Mineral
Act, the Philippine territory and its exclusive economic agreement or financial or technical assistance
zone shall be divided into meridional blocks of one-half agreement applications shall not be allowed:
(1/2) minute of latitude and one-half (1/2) minute of  
longitude. (a) In military and other government reservations,
  except upon prior written clearance by the government
Sec. 14 Recording System. There shall be established a agency concerned;
national and regional filing and recording system. A  
mineral resource database system shall be set up in the (b) Near or under public or private buildings,
Bureau which shall include, among others, a mineral cemeteries, archeological and historic sites, bridges,
rights management system. The Bureau shall publish at highways, waterways, railroads, reservoirs, dams or
least annually, a mineral rights management system. other infrastructure projects, public or private works
The Bureau shall publish at least annually, a mineral including plantations or valuable crops, except upon
gazette of nationwide circulation containing among written consent of the government agency or private
others, a current list of mineral rights, their location in entity concerned;
the map, mining rules and regulations, other official acts  
affecting mining, and other information relevant to (c) In areas covered by valid and existing mining rights;
mineral resources development. A system and  
publication fund shall be included in the regular budget (d) In areas expressedly prohibited by law;
of the Bureau.  
  (e) In areas covered by small-scale miners as defined by
CHAPTER III law unless with prior consent of the small-scale miners,
SCOPE OF APPLICATION in which case a royalty payment upon the utilization of
  minerals shall be agreed upon by the parties, said
Sec. 15 Scope of Application. This Act shall govern the royalty forming a trust fund for the socioeconomic
exploration, development, utilization and processing of development of the community concerned; and
all mineral resources.  
  (f) Old growth or virgin forests, proclaimed watershed
Sec. 16 Opening of Ancestral Lands for Mining forest reserves, wilderness areas, mangrove forests,
Operations. No ancestral land shall be opened for mossy forests, national parks, provincial/municipal
forests, parks, greenbelts, game refuge and bird with the said parties the extent, necessity, and manner
sanctuaries as defined by law in areas expressly of his entry, occupation and exploration and in case of
prohibited under the National Integrated Protected disagreement, a panel of arbitrators shall resolve the
areas System (NIPAS) under Republic Act No. 7586, conflict or disagreement.
Department Administrative Order No. 25, series of 1992  
and other laws. The permittee shall undertake an exploration work on
  the area specified by its permit based on an approved
CHAPTER IV work program.
  Any expenditure in excess of the yearly budget of the
Sec. 20 Exploration Permit. An exploration permit grants approved work program may be carried forward and
the right to conduct exploration for all minerals in credited to the succeeding years covering the duration
specified areas. The Bureau shall have the authority to of the permit. The Secretary, through the Director, shall
grant an exploration permit to a qualified person. promulgate rules and regulations governing the terms
  and conditions of the permit.
Sec. 21 Terms and Conditions of the Exploration Permit.  
An exploration permit shall be for a period of two (2) The permittee may apply for a mineral production
years, subject to annual review and relinquishment or sharing agreement, joint venture agreement, co-
renewal upon the recommendation of the Director. production agreement or financial or technical
  assistance agreement over the permit area, which
Sec. 22 Maximum Areas for Exploration Permit. The application shall be granted if the permittee meets the
maximum area that a qualified person may hold at any necessary qualifications and the terms and conditions of
one time shall be: any such agreement: Provided, That the exploration
  period covered by the exploration permit shall be
(a) Onshore, in any one province - included as part of the exploration period of the mineral
  agreement or financial or technical assistance
(1) For individuals, twenty (20) blocks; and agreement.
(2) (2) For partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, or Sec. 24 Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility. A
associations, two hundred (200) blocks. holder of an exploration permit who determines the
  commercial viability of a project covering a mining area
(b) Onshore, in the entire Philippines - may, within the term of the permit, file with the Bureau
  a declaration of mining project feasibility accompanied
(1) For individuals, forty (40) blocks; and by a work program for development. The approval of
  the mining project feasibility and compliance with other
(2) For partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, or requirements provided in this Act shall entitle the
associations, four hundred (400) blocks. holder to an exclusive right to a mineral production
  sharing agreement or other mineral agreements or
(c) Onshore, beyond five hundred meters (500m) from financial or technical assistance agreement.
the mean low tide level -  
  Sec. 25 Transfer or Assignment. An exploration permit
(1) For individuals, one hundred (100) blocks; and may be transferred or assigned to a qualified person
  subject to the approval of the Secretary upon the
(2) For partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, or recommendation of the Director.
associations, one thousand (1,000) blocks.  
Sec. 23 Rights and Obligations of the Permittee. An MINERAL AGREEMENTS
exploration permit shall grant to the permittee, his heirs  
or successors-in-interest, the right to enter, occupy and Sec. 26 Modes of Mineral Agreement. For purposes of
explore the area: Provided, That if private or other mining operations, a mineral agreement may take the
parties are affected, the permittee shall first discuss following forms as herein defined:
(a) Mineral production sharing agreement - is an (1) For individuals, twenty (20) blocks; and
agreement where the Government grants to the  
contractor the exclusive right to conduct mining (2) For partnerships, cooperatives, associations, or
operations within a contract area and shares in the corporations, two hundred (200) blocks.
gross output. The contractor shall provide the financing,  
technology, management and personnel necessary for (c) Offshore, in the entire Philippines -
the implementation of this agreement.  
  (1) For individuals, fifty (50) blocks;
(b) Co-production agreement - is an agreement  
between the Government and the contractor wherein (2) For partnerships, cooperatives, associations, or
the Government shall provide inputs to the mining corporations, five hundred (500) blocks; and
operations other than the mineral resource.  
  (3) For the exclusive economic zone, a larger area to be
(c) Joint venture agreement - is an agreement where a determined by the Secretary.
joint-venture company is organized by the Government  
and the contractor with both parties having equity The maximum areas mentioned above that a contractor
shares. Aside from earnings in equity, the Government may hold under a mineral agreement shall not include
shall be entitled to a share in the gross output. mining/quarry areas under operating agreements
  between the contractor and a
A mineral agreement shall grant to the contractor the claimowner/lessee/permittee/licensee entered into
exclusive right to conduct mining operations and to under Presidential Decree No. 463.
extract all mineral resources found in the contract area.  
In addition, the contractor may be allowed to convert Sec. 29 Filing and Approval of Mineral Agreements. All
his agreement into any of the modes of mineral proposed mineral agreements shall be filed in the
agreements or financial or technical assistance region where the areas of interest are located, except in
agreement covering the remaining period of the original mineral reservations which shall be filed with the
agreement subject to the approval of the Secretary. Bureau.
Sec. 27 Eligibility. A qualified person may enter into any The filing of a proposal for a mineral agreement shall
of the three (3) modes of mineral agreement with the give the proponent the prior right to areas covered by
government for the exploration, development and the same. The proposed mineral agreement will be
utilization of mineral resources: Provided, That in case approved by the Secretary and copies thereof shall be
the applicant has been in the mining industry for any submitted to the President. Thereafter, the President
length of time, he should possess a satisfactory shall provide a list to Congress of every approved
environmental track record as determined by the Mines mineral agreement within thirty (30) days from its
and Geosciences Bureau and in consultation with the approval by the Secretary.
Environment Management Bureau of the Department.  
  Sec. 30 Assignment/Transfer. Any assignment or
Sec. 28 Maximum Areas for Mineral Agreement. The transfer of rights and obligations under any mineral
maximum area that a qualified person may hold at any agreement except a financial or technical assistance
time under a mineral agreement shall be: agreement shall be subject to the prior approval of the
  Secretary. Such assignment or transfer shall be deemed
(a) Onshore, in any one province - automatically approved if not acted upon by the
  Secretary within thirty (30) working days from official
(1) For individuals, ten (10) blocks; and receipt thereof, unless patently unconstitutional or
(2) For partnerships, cooperatives, associations, or  
corporations, one hundred (100) blocks. Sec. 31 Withdrawal from Mineral Agreements. The
  contractor may, by giving due notice at any time during
(b) Onshore, in the entire Philippines - the terms of the agreement, apply for the cancellation
of the mineral agreement due to causes which, in the subject to changes as may be provided for in the rules
opinion of the contractor, make continued mining and regulations of this act;
operations no longer feasible or viable. The Secretary  
shall consider the notice and issue its decision within a (b) A financial guarantee bond shall be posted in favor
period of thirty (30) days: Provided, That the contractor of the Government in an amount equivalent to the
has met all its financial, fiscal and legal obligations. expenditure obligation of the applicant for any year.
Sec. 32 Terms. Mineral agreements shall have a term (c) Submission of proof of technical competence, such
not exceeding twenty-five (25) years to start from the as, but not limited to, its track record in mineral
date of execution thereof, and renewable for another resource exploration, development, and utilization;
term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years under the details of technology to be employed in the proposed
same terms and conditions thereof, without prejudice operation; and details of technical personnel to
to charges mutually agreed upon by the parties. After undertake the operations;
the renewal period, the operation of the mine may be  
undertaken by the Government or through a contractor. (d) Representations and warranties that the applicant
The contract for the operation of a mine shall be has all the qualifications and none of the
awarded to the highest bidder in a public bidding after disqualifications for entering into the agreement;
due publication of the notice thereof: Provided, That  
the contractor shall have the right to equal the highest (e) Representations and warranties that the contractor
bid upon reimbursement of all reasonable expenses of has or has access to all the financing, managerial and
the highest bidder. technical expertise and, if circumstances demand, the
  technology required to promptly and effectively carry
CHAPTER VI out the objectives of the agreement with the
FINANCIAL OR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT understanding to timely deploy these resources under
  its supervision pursuant to the periodic work programs
Sec. 33 Eligibility. Any qualified person with technical and related budgets, when proper, providing an
and financial capability to undertake large-scale exploration period up to two (2) years, extendible for
exploration, development, and utilization of mineral another two (2) years but subject to annual review by
resources in the Philippines may enter into a financial or the Secretary in accordance with the implementing
technical assistance agreement directly with the rules and regulations of this Act, and further, subject to
Government through the Department. the relinquishment obligations;
Sec. 34 Maximum Contract Area. The maximum (f) Representations and warranties that, except for
contract area that may be granted per qualified person, payments for dispositions for its equity, foreign
subject to relinquishment shall be: investments in local enterprises which are qualified for
  repartriation, and local supplier's credits and such other
(a) 1,000 meridional blocks onshore; generally accepted and permissible financial schemes
(b) 4,000 meridional blocks offshore; or for raising funds for valid business purposes, the
(c) Combinations of (a) and (b) provided that it shall not contractor shall not raise any form of financing from
exceed the maximum limits for onshore and offshore domestic sources of funds, whether in Philippine or
areas. foreign currency, for conducting its mining operations
  for and in the contract area;
Sec. 35 Terms and Conditions. The following terms,  
conditions, and warranties shall be incorporated in the (g) The mining operations shall be conducted in
financial or technical assistance agreement, to wit: accordance with the provisions of this Act and its
  implementing rules and regulations;
(a) A firm commitment in the form of a sworn  
statement, of an amount corresponding to the (h) Work programs and minimum expenditures
expenditure obligation that will be invested in the commitments;
contract area: Provided, That such amount shall be  
(i) Preferential use of local goods and services to the agreements and other mining rights are not impaired or
maximum extent practicable; prejudiced thereby. The Secretary shall recommend its
  approval to the President.
(j) A stipulation that the contractors are obligated to  
give preference to Filipinos in all types of mining Sec. 38 Terms of Financial or Technical Assistance
employment for which they are qualified and that Agreement. A financial or technical assistance
technology shall be transferred to the same; agreement shall have a term not exceeding twenty-five
  (25) years to start from the execution thereof,
(k) Requiring the prominent to effectively use renewable for not more than twenty-five (25) years
appropriate anti-pollution technology and facilities to under such terms and conditions as may be provided by
protect the environment and to restore or rehabilitate law.
mined out areas and other areas affected by mine  
tailings and other forms of pollution or destruction; Sec. 39 Option to Convert into a Mineral Agreement.
  The contractor has the option to convert the financial or
(l) The contractors shall furnish the Government records technical assistance agreement to a mineral agreement
of geologic, accounting, and other relevant data for its at any time during the term of the agreement, if the
mining operations, and that book of accounts and economic viability of the contract area is found to be
records shall be open for inspection by the government; inadequate to justify large-scale mining operations,
  after proper notice to the Secretary as provided for
(m) Requiring the proponent to dispose of the minerals under the implementing rules and regulations:
and by products produced under a financial or technical Provided, That the mineral agreement shall only be for
assistance agreement at the highest price and more the remaining period of the original agreement.
advantageous terms and conditions as provided for  
under the rules and regulations of this Act; In the case of a foreign contractor, it shall reduce its
  equity to forty percent (40%) in the corporation,
(n) Provide for consultation and arbitration with respect partnership, association, or cooperative. Upon
to the interpretation and implementation of the terms compliance with this requirement by the contractor, the
and conditions of the agreements; and Secretary shall approve the conversion and execute the
  mineral production-sharing agreement.
(o) Such other terms and conditions consistent with the  
Constitution and with this Act as the Secretary may Sec. 40 Assignment/Transfer. A financial or technical
deem to be for the best interest of the State and the assistance agreement may be assigned or transferred,
welfare of the Filipino people. in whole or in part, to a qualified person subject to the
  prior approval of the President: Provided, That the
Sec. 36 Negotiations. A financial or technical assistance President shall notify Congress of every financial or
agreement shall be negotiated by the Department and technical assistance agreement assigned or converted in
executed and approved by the President. The President accordance with this provision within thirty (30) days
shall notify Congress of all Financial or technical from the date of the approval thereof.
assistance agreements within thirty (30) days from  
execution and approval thereof. Sec. 41 Withdrawal from Financial or Technical
  Assistance Agreement. The contractor shall manifest in
Sec. 37 Filing and Evaluation of Financial or Technical writing to the Secretary his intention to withdraw from
Assistance Agreement Proposals. All financial or the agreement, if in his judgement the mining project is
technical assistance agreement proposals shall be filed no longer economically feasible, even after he has
with the Bureau after payment of the required exerted reasonable diligence to remedy the cause or
processing fees. If the proposal is found to be sufficient the situation. The Secretary may accept the withdrawal:
and meritorious in form and substance after evaluation, Provided, That the contractor has complied or satisfied
it shall be recorded with the appropriate government all his financial, fiscal or legal obligations.
agency to give the proponent the prior right to the area  
covered by such proposal: Provided, That existing CHAPTER VII
mineral agreements, financial or technical assistance SMALL-SCALE MINING
  Sec. 46 Commercial Sand and Gravel Permit. Any
Sec. 42 Small-scale Mining. Small-scale mining shall qualified person may be granted a permit by the
continue to be governed by Republic Act No. 7076 and provincial governor to extract and remove sand and
other pertinent laws. gravel or other loose or unconsolidated materials which
  are used in their natural state, without undergoing
CHAPTER VIII processing from an area of not more than five hectares
QUARRY RESOURCES (5 has.) and in such quantities as may be specified in the
Sec. 43 Quarry Permit. Any qualified person may apply  
to the provincial/city mining regulatory board for a Sec. 47 Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit. Any qualified
quarry permit on privately-owned lands and/or public person may be granted an industrial sand and gravel
lands for building and construction materials such as permit by the Bureau for the extraction of sand and
marble, basalt, andesite, conglomerate, tuff, adobe, gravel and other loose or unconsolidated materials that
granite, gabbro, serpentine, inset filing materials, clay necessitate the use of mechanical processing covering
for ceramic tiles and building bricks, pumice, perlite and an area of more than five hectares (5 has.) at any one
other similar materials that are extracted by quarrying time. The permit shall have a term of five (5) years,
from the ground. The provincial governor shall grant the renewable for a like period but not to exceed a total
permit after the applicant has complied with all the term of twenty-five (25) years.
requirements as prescribed by the rules and  
regulations. Sec. 48 Exclusive Sand and Gravel Permit. Any qualified
  person may be granted an exclusive sand and gravel
The maximum area which a qualified person may hold permit by the provincial governor to quarry and utilize
at any one time shall be five hectares (5 has.): Provided, sand and gravel or other loose or unconsolidated
That in large-scale quarry operations involving cement materials from public lands for his own use, provided
raw materials, marble, granite, sand and gravel and that there will be no commercial disposition thereof.
construction agreements, a qualified person and the  
government may enter into a mineral agreement as A mineral agreement or a financial technical assistance
defined herein. agreement contractor shall, however, have the right to
  extract and remove sand and gravel and other loose
A quarry permit shall have a term of five (5) years, unconsolidated materials without need of a permit
renewable for like periods but not to exceed a total within the area covered by the mining agreement for
term of twenty-five (25) years, No quarry permit shall the exclusive use in the mining operations: Provided,
be issued or granted on any area covered by a mineral That monthly reports of the quantity of materials
agreement, or financial or technical assistance extracted therefrom shall be submitted to the mines
agreement. regional office concerned: Provided, further, That said
  right shall be coterminous with the expiration of the
Sec. 44 Quarry Fee and Taxes. A permittee shall, during agreement.
the term of his permit, pay a quarry fee as provided for  
under the implementing rules and regulations. The Holders of existing mining leases shall likewise have the
permittee shall also pay the excise tax as provided by same rights as that of a contractor: Provided, That said
pertinent laws. right shall be coterminous with the expiry dates of the
Sec. 45 Cancellation of Quarry Permit. A quarry permit  
may be cancelled by the provincial governor for Sec. 49 Government Gratuitous Permit. Any
violations of the provisions of this Act or its government entity or instrumentality may be granted a
implementing rules and regulations or the terms and gratuitous permit by the provincial governor to extract
conditions of said permit: Provided, That before the sand and gravel, quarry or loose unconsolidated
cancellation of such permit, the holder thereof shall be materials needed in the construction of building and/or
given the opportunity to be heard in an investigation infrastructure for public use or other purposes over an
conducted for the purpose. area of not more than two hectares (2 has.) for a period
  coterminous with said construction.
  Sec. 55 Minerals Processing Permit. No person shall
Sec. 50 Private Gratuitous Permit. Any owner of land engage in the processing of minerals without first
may be granted a private gratuitous permit by the securing a minerals processing permit from the
provincial governor. Secretary. Minerals processing permit shall be for a
  period of five (5) years renewable for like periods but
Sec. 51 Guano Permit. Any qualified person may be not to exceed a total term of twenty-five (25) years. In
granted a guano permit by the provincial governor to the case of mineral ores or minerals produced by the
extract and utilize loose unconsolidated guano and small-scale miners, the processing thereof as well as the
other organic fertilizer materials in any portion of a licensing of their custom mills, or processing plants shall
municipality where he has established domicile. The continue to be governed by the provisions of Republic
permit shall be for specific caves and/or for confined Act No. 7076.
sites with locations verified by the Department's field  
officer in accordance with existing rules and regulations. Sec. 56 Eligibility of Foreign-owned/-controlled
  Corporation. A foreign-owned/-controlled corporation
Sec. 52 Gemstone Gathering Permit. Any qualified may be granted a mineral processing permit.
person may be granted a non-exclusive gemstone  
gathering permit by the provincial governor to gather CHAPTER X
loose stones useful as gemstones in rivers and other DEVELOPMENT OF MINING COMMUNITIES, SCIENCE
CHAPTER IX Sec. 57 Expenditure for Community Development and
TRANSPORT, SALE AND PROCESSING OF MINERALS Science and Mining Technology. A contractor shall assist
  in the development of its mining community, the
Sec. 53 Ore Transport Permit. A permit specifying the promotion of the general welfare of its inhabitants, and
origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores or the development of science and mining technology.
minerals shall be required for their transport. Transport  
permits shall be issued by the mines regional director Sec. 58 Credited Activities. Activities that may be
who has jurisdiction over the area where the ores were credited as expenditures for development of mining
extracted. In the case of mineral ores or minerals being communities, and science and mining technology are
transported from the small-scale mining areas to the the following:
custom mills or processing plants, the Provincial Mining  
Regulatory Board (PMRB) concerned shall formulate (a) Any activity or expenditure intended to enhance the
their own policies to govern such transport of ores development of the mining and neighboring
produced by small-scale miners. The absence of a communities of a mining operation other than those
permit shall be considered as prima facie evidence of required or provided for under existing laws, or
illegal mining and shall be sufficient cause for the collective bargaining agreements, and the like: and
Government to confiscate the ores or minerals being  
transported, the tools and equipment utilized, and the (b) Any activity or expenditure directed towards the
vehicle containing the same. Ore samples not exceeding development of geosciences and mining technology
two metric tons (2 m.t.) to be used exclusively for assay such as, but not limited to, institutional and manpower
or pilot test purposes shall be exempted from such development, and basic and applied researches.
requirement. Appropriate supervision and control mechanisms shall
  be prescribed in the implementing rules and regulations
Sec. 54 Mineral Trading Registration. No person shall of this Act.
engage in the trading of mineral products, either locally  
or internationally, unless registered with the Sec. 59 Training and Development. A contractor shall
Department of Trade and Industry and accredited by maintain an effective program of manpower training
the Department, with a copy of said registration and development throughout the term of the mineral
submitted to the Bureau. agreement and shall encourage and train Filipinos to
  participate in all aspects of the mining operations,
including the management thereof. For highly-technical
and specialized mining operations, the contractor may, Provided, however, That if reciprocal privileges are
subject to the necessary government clearances, extended to Filipino nationals in the country of
employ qualified foreigners. domicile, the Director may grant waivers or exemptions.
Sec. 60 Use of Indigenous Goods, Services and CHAPTER XI
Technologies. A contractor shall give preference to the SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
use of local goods, services and scientific and technical  
resources in the mining operations, where the same are Sec. 63 Mines Safety and Environmental Protection. All
of equivalent quality, and are available on equivalent contractors and permittees shall strictly comply with all
terms as their imported counterparts. the mines safety rules and regulations as may be
  promulgated by the Secretary concerning the safe and
Sec. 61 Donations/Turn Over of Facilities. Prior to sanitary upkeep of the mining operations and achieve
cessation of mining operations occasioned by waste-free and efficient mine development. Personnel
abandonment or withdrawal of operations, on public of the Department involved in the implementation of
lands by the contractor, the latter shall have a period of mines safety, health and environmental rules and
one (1) year therefrom within which to remove his regulations shall be covered under Republic Act No.
improvements; otherwise, all the social infrastructure 7305.
and facilities shall be turned over or donated tax-free to  
the proper government authorities, national or local, to Sec. 64 Mine Labor. No person under sixteen (16) years
ensure that said infrastructure and facilities are of age shall be employed in any phase of mining
continuously maintained and utilized by the host and operations and no person under eighteen (18) years of
neighboring communities. age shall be employed underground in a mine.
Sec. 62 Employment of Filipinos. A contractor shall give Sec. 65 Mine Supervision. All mining and quarrying
preference to Filipino citizens in all types of mining operations that employ more than fifty (50) workers
employment within the country insofar as such citizens shall have at least one (1) licensed mining engineer with
are qualified to perform the corresponding work with at least five (5) years of experience in mining
reasonable efficiency and without hazard to the safety operations, and one (1) registered foreman.
of the operations. The contractor, however, shall not be  
hindered from hiring employees of his own selection, Sec. 66 Mine Inspection. The regional director shall have
subject to the provision of Commonwealth Act No. 613, exclusive jurisdiction over the safety inspection of all
as amended, for technical and specialized work which in installations, surface or underground, in mining
his judgement and with the approval of the Director, operations at reasonable hours of the day or night and
required highly-specialized training or long experience as much as possible in a manner that will not impede or
in exploration, development or utilization of mineral obstruct work in progress of a contractor or permittee.
resources: Provided, That in no case shall each  
employment exceed five (5) years or the payback period Sec. 67 Power to Issue Orders. The mines regional
as represented in original project study, whichever is director shall, in consultation with the Environmental
longer: Provided, further, That each foreigner employed Management Bureau, forthwith or within such time as
as mine manager, vice-president for operations or in an specified in his order, require the contractor to remedy
equivalent managerial position in charge of mining, any practice connected with mining or quarrying
milling, quarrying or drilling operation shall: operations, which is not in accordance with safety and
  anti-pollution laws and regulations, which is not in
(a) Present evidence of his qualification and work accordance with safety and anti-pollution laws and
experience; or regulations. In case of imminent danger to life or
  property, the mines regional director may summarily
(b) Shall pass the appropriate government licensure suspend the mining or quarrying operations until the
examination; or danger is removed, or appropriate measures are taken
  by the contractor or permittee.
(c) In special cases, may be permitted to work by the  
Director for a period not exceeding one (1) year:
Sec. 68 Report of Accidents. In case of any incident or contractor's approved work program, and shall be
accident, causing or creating the danger of loss of life or deposited as a trust fund in a government depository
serious physical injuries, the person in charge of bank and used for physical and social rehabilitation of
operations shall immediately report the same to the areas and communities affected by mining activities and
regional office where the operations are situated. for research on the social, technical and preventive
Failure to report the same without justifiable reason aspects of rehabilitation. Failure to fulfill the above
shall be a cause for the imposition of administrative obligation shall mean immediate suspension or closure
sanctions prescribed in the rules and regulations of the mining activities of the contractor/permittee
implementing this Act. concerned.
Sec. 69 Environmental Protection. Every contractor shall CHAPTER XII
undertake an environmental protection and AUXILIARY MINING RIGHTS
enhancement program covering the period of the  
mineral agreement or permit. Such environmental Sec. 72 Timber Rights. Any provision of law to the
program shall be incorporated in the work program contrary notwithstanding, a contractor may be ranged a
which the contractor or permittee shall submit as an right to cut trees or timber within his mining area as
accompanying document to the application for a may be necessary for his mining operations subject to
mineral agreement or permit. The work program shall forestry laws, rules and regulations: Provided, That if
include not only plans relative to mining operations but the land covered by the mining area is already covered
also to rehabilitation, regeneration, revegetation and by existing timber concessions, the volume of timber
reforestation of mineralized areas, slope stabilization of needed and the manner of cutting and removal thereof
mined-out and tailings covered areas, aquaculture, shall be determined by the mines regional director,
watershed development and water conservation; and upon consultation with the contractor, the timber
socioeconomic development. concessionaire/permittee and the Forest Management
  Bureau of the Department: Provided, further, That in
Sec. 70 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Except case of disagreement between the contractor and the
during the exploration period of a mineral agreement or timber concessionaire, the matter shall be submitted to
financial or technical assistance agreement or an the Secretary whose decision shall be final. The
exploration permit, an environmental clearance contractor shall perform reforestation work within his
certificate shall be required based on an environmental mining area in accordance with forestry laws, rules and
impact assessment and procedures under the Philippine regulations.
Environmental Impact Assessment System including  
Sections 26 and 27 of the Local Government Code of Sec. 73 Water Rights. A contractor shall have water
1991 which require national government agencies to rights for mining operations upon approval of
maintain ecological balance, and prior consultation with application with the appropriate government agency in
the local government units, nongovernmental and accordance with existing water laws, rules and
people's organizations and other concerned sectors of regulations promulgated thereunder: Provided, That
the community: Provided, That a completed ecological water rights already granted or vested through long
profile of the proposed mining area shall also constitute use, recognized and acknowledged by local customs,
part of the environmental impact assessment. People's laws, and decisions of courts shall not thereby be
organizations and non-governmental organizations shall impaired: Provided further, That the Government
be allowed and encourage to participate in ensuring reserves the right to regulate water rights and the
that contractors/permittees shall observe all the reasonable and equitable distribution of water supply
requirements of environmental protection. so as to prevent the monopoly of the use thereof.
Sec. 71 Rehabilitation. Contractors and permittees shall Sec. 74 Right to Possess Explosives. A contractor/
technically and biologically rehabilitate the excavated exploration permittee shall have the right to possess
mined-out, tailings covered and disturbed areas to the and use explosives within his contract/permit area as
condition of environmental safety, as may be provided may be necessary for his mining operations upon
in the implementing rules and regulations of this Act. A approval of an application with the appropriate
mine rehabilitation fund shall be created, based on the government agency in accordance with existing laws,
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder: compensation. As much as practicable, said members
Provided, That the Government reserves the right to shall come from the different bureaus of the
regulate and control the explosive accessories to ensure Department in the region. The presiding officer shall be
safe mining operations. on a yearly basis. The members of the panel shall
  perform their duties and obligations in hearing and
Sec. 75 Easement Rights. When mining areas are so deciding cases until their designation is withdrawn or
situated that for purposes of more convenient mining revoked by the Secretary. Within thirty (30) working
operations it is necessary to build, construct or install days, after the submission of the case by the parties for
on the mining areas or lands owned, occupied or leased decision, the panel shall have exclusive and original
by other persons, such infrastructure as roads, jurisdiction to hear and decide on the following:
railroads, mills, waste dump sites, tailings ponds,  
warehouses, staging or storage areas and port facilities, (a) Disputes involving rights to mining areas;
tramways, runways, airports, electric transmission,  
telephone or telegraph lines, dams and their normal (b) Disputes involving mineral agreements or permits;
flood and catchment areas, sites for water wells,  
ditches, canals, new river beds, pipelines, flumes, cuts, (c) Disputes involving surface owners, occupants and
shafts, tunnels, or mills, the contractor, upon payment claimholders/concessionaires; and
of just compensation, shall be entitled to enter and  
occupy said mining areas or lands. (d) Disputes pending before the Bureau and the
  Department at the date of the effectivity of this Act.
Sec. 76 Entry into Private Lands and Concession Areas.  
Subject to prior notification, holders of mining rights Sec. 78 Appellate Jurisdiction. The decision or order of
shall not be prevented from entry into private lands and the panel of arbitrators may be appealed by the party
concession areas by surface owners, occupants, or not satisfied thereto to the mines Adjudication Board
concessionaires when conducting mining operations within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof which must
therein: Provided, That any damage done to the decide the case within thirty (30) days from submission
property of the surface owner, occupant, or thereof for decision.
concessionaire as a consequence of such operations  
shall be properly compensated as may be provided for Sec. 79 Mines Adjudication Board. The Mines
in the implementing rules and regulations: Provided, Adjudication Board shall be composed of three (3)
further, That to guarantee such compensation, the members. The Secretary shall be the chairman with the
person authorized to conduct mining operation shall, Director of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau and the
prior thereto, post a bond with the regional director Undersecretary for Operations of the Department as
based on the type of properties, the prevailing prices in member thereof. The Board shall have the following
and around the area where the mining operations are powers and functions:
to be conducted, with surety or sureties satisfactory to  
the regional director. (a) To promulgate rules and regulations governing the
  hearing and disposition of cases before it, as well as
CHAPTER XIII those pertaining to its internal functions, and such rules
SETTLEMENT OF CONFLICTS and regulations as may be necessary to carry out its
Sec. 77 Panel of Arbitrators. There shall be a panel of  
arbitraters in the regional office of the Department (b) To administer oaths, summon the parties to a
composed of three (3) members, two (2) of whom must controversy, issue subpoenas requiring the attendance
be members of the Philippine Bar in good standing and and testimony of witnesses or the production of such
one licensed mining engineer or a professional in a books, paper, contracts, records, statement of accounts,
related field, and duly designated by the Secretary as agreements, and other documents as may be material
recommended by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau to a just determination of the matter under
Director. Those designated as members of the panel investigation, and to testify in any investigation or
shall serve as such in addition to their work in the hearing conducted in pursuance of this Act;
Department without receiving any additional  
(c) To conduct hearings on all matters within its mineral production sharing agreement shall be the
jurisdiction, proceed to hear and determine the excise tax on mineral products as provided in Republic
disputes in the absence of any party thereto who has Act No. 7729, amending Section 151(a) of the National
been summoned or served with notice to appear, Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
conduct its proceedings or any part thereof in public or  
in private, adjourn its hearings at any time and place, Sec. 81 Government Share in Other Mineral
refer technical matters or accounts to an expert and to Agreements. The share of the Government in co-
accept his report as evidence after hearing of the production and joint-venture agreements shall be
parties upon due notice, direct parties to be joined in or negotiated by the Government and the contractor
excluded from the proceedings, correct, amend, or taking into consideration the: (a) capital investment of
waive any error, defect or irregularity, whether in the project, (b) risks involved, (c) contribution of the
substance or in form, give all such directions at it may project to the economy, and (d) other factors that will
deem necessary or expedient in the determination of provide for a fair and equitable sharing between the
the dispute before it and dismiss the mining dispute as Government and the contractor. The Government shall
part thereof, where it is trivial or where further also be entitled to compensations for its other
proceedings by the Board are not necessary or contributions which shall be agreed upon by the parties,
desirable; and shall consist, among other things, the contractor's
  income tax, excise tax, special allowance, withholding
(1) to hold any person in contempt, directly or tax due from the contractor's foreign stockholders
indirectly, and impose appropriate penalties therefor; arising from dividend or interest payments to the said
and foreign stockholders, in case of a foreign national, and
  all such other taxes, duties and fees as provided for
(2) To enjoin any or all acts involving or arising from any under existing laws.
case pending before it which, if not restrained  
forthwith, may cause grave or irreparable damage to The Government share in financial or technical
any of the parties to the case or seriously affect social assistance agreement shall consist of, among other
and economic stability. things, the contractor's corporate income tax, excise
  tax, special allowance, withholding tax due from the
In any proceeding before the Board, the rules of contractor's foreign stockholders arising from dividend
evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not or interest payments to the said foreign stockholder in
be controlling and it is the spirit and intention of this case of a foreign national and all such other taxes,
Act that shall govern. The Board shall use every and all duties and fees as provided for under existing laws.
reasonable means to ascertain the facts in each case  
speedily and objectively and without regard to The collection of government share in financial or
technicalities of law or procedure, all in the interest of technical assistance agreement shall commence after
due process. In any proceeding before the Board, the the financial or technical assistance agreement
parties may be represented by legal counsel. the contractor has fully recovered its pre-operating
findings of fact of the Board shall be conclusive and expenses, exploration, and development expenditures,
binding on the parties and its decision or order shall be inclusive.
final and executory.  
  Sec. 82 Allocation of Government Share. The
A petition for review by certiorari and question of law Government share as referred to in the preceding
may be filed by the aggrieved party with the Supreme sections shall be shared and allocated in accordance
Court within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order with Sections 290 and 292 of Republic Act No. 7160
or decision of the Board. otherwise known as the Local Government Code of
  1991. In case the development and utilization of
CHAPTER XIV mineral resources is undertaken by a government-
GOVERNMENT SHARE owned or controlled corporation, the sharing and
  allocation shall be in accordance with Sections 291 and
Sec. 80 Government Share in Mineral Production 292 of the said Code.
Sharing Agreement. The total government share in a  
CHAPTER XV (b) For mineral agreements and financial or technical
TAXES AND FEES assistance agreements - Fifty pesos (P50.00) per hectare
  or fraction thereof per annum; and
Sec. 83 Income Taxes. After the lapse of the income tax  
holiday as provided for in the Omnibus Investments (c) For mineral reservation - One hundred pesos
Code, the contractor shall be liable to pay income tax as (P100.00) per hectare or fraction thereof per annum.
provided in the National Internal Revenue Code, as  
amended. The Secretary is authorized to increase the occupation
  fees provided herein when the public interest so
Sec. 84 Excise Tax on Mineral Products. The contractor requires, upon recommendation of the Bureau Director.
shall be liable to pay the excise tax on mineral products  
as provided for under Section 151 of the National Sec. 87 Manner of payment of Fees. The fees shall be
Internal Revenue Code: Provided, however, That with paid on the date the mining agreement is registered
respect to a mineral production sharing agreement, the with the appropriate office and on the same date every
excise tax on mineral products shall be the government year thereafter. It shall be paid to the treasurer of the
share under said agreement. municipality or city where the onshore mining areas are
  located, or to the Director in case of offshore mining
Sec. 85 Mine Wastes and Tailings Fees. A semi-annual areas. For this purpose, the appropriate officer shall
fee to be known as mine wastes and tailings fee is submit to the treasurer of the municipality or city where
hereby imposed on all operating mining companies in the onshore mining area is located, a complete list of all
accordance with the implementing rules and onshore mining rights registered with his office,
regulations. The mine wastes and tailings fee shall indicating therein the names of the holders, area in
accrue to a reserve fund to be used exclusively for hectares, location, and date registered. If the fee is not
payment for damages to: paid on the date specified, it shall be increased by
  twenty-five per centum (25%).
(a) Lives and personal safety;  
(b) Lands, agricultural crops and forest products, marine Sec. 88 Allocation of Occupation Fees. Thirty per
life and aquatic resources, cultural resources; and centum (30%) of all occupational fees collected from
(c) Infrastructure and the revegetation and holders of mining rights in onshore mining areas shall
rehabilitation of silted farm lands and other areas accrue to the province and seventy per centum (70%) to
devoted to agriculture and fishing caused by mining the municipality in which the onshore mining areas are
pollution. located. In a chartered city, the full amount shall accrue
  to the city concerned.
This is in addition to the suspension or closure of the  
activities of the contractor at any time and the penal Sec. 89 Filing Fees and Other Charges. The Secretary is
sanctions imposed upon the same. authorized to charge reasonable filing fees and other
  charges as he may prescribe in accordance with the
The Secretary is authorized to increase mine wastes and implementing rules and regulations.
tailings fees, when public interest so requires, upon the  
recommendation of the Director. CHAPTER XVI
Sec. 86 Occupation Fees. There shall be collected from  
any holder of a mineral agreement, financial or Sec. 90 Incentives. The contractors in mineral
technical assistance agreement or exploration permit agreements, and financial or technical assistance
on public or private lands, an annual occupation fee in agreements shall be entitled to the applicable fiscal and
accordance with the following schedule; non-fiscal incentives as provided for under Executive
  Order No. 226, otherwise known as the Omnibus
(a) For exploration permit - Five pesos (P5.00) per Investments Code of 1987: Provided, That holders of
hectare or fraction thereof per annum; exploration permits may register with the Board of
  Investments and be entitled to the fiscal incentives
granted under the said Code for the duration of the
permits or extensions thereof: Provided, further, That expenditures minus the twenty-five per centum (25%)
mining activities shall always be included in the net income from mining shall be carried forward to the
investment priorities plan. succeeding years until fully deducted.
Sec. 91 Incentives for Pollution Control Devices. Net income from mining operation is defined as gross
Pollution control devices acquired, constructed or income from operations less allowable deductions
installed by contractors shall not be considered as which are necessary or related to mining operations.
improvements on the land or building where they are Allowable deductions shall include mining, milling and
placed, and shall not be subject to real property and marketing expenses, depreciation or properties directly
other taxes or assessments: Provided, however, That used in the mining operations. This paragraph shall not
payment of mine wastes and tailings fees is not apply to expenditures for the acquisition or
exempted. improvement of property of a character which is subject
  to the allowances for depreciation.
Sec. 92 Income Tax-Carry Forward of Losses. A net  
operating loss without the benefit of incentives incurred Sec. 94 Investment Guarantees. The contractor shall be
in any of the first ten (10) years of operations may be entitled to the basic rights and guarantees provided in
carried over as a deduction from taxable income for the the Constitution and such other rights recognized by the
next five (5) years immediately following the year of government as enumerated hereunder.
such loss. The entire amount of the loss shall be carried  
over to the first of the five (5) taxable years following (a) Repatriation of investments. The right to repatriate
the loss, and any portion of such loss which exceeds the the entire proceeds of the liquidation of the foreign
taxable income of such first year shall be deducted in investment in the currency in which the investment was
like manner from the taxable income of the next originally made and at the exchange rate prevailing at
remaining four (4) years. the time of repatriation.
Sec. 93 Income Tax-Accelerated Depreciation. Fixed (b) Remittance of earnings. The right to remit earnings
assets may be depreciated as follows: from the investment in the currency in which the
  foreign investment was originally made at the exchange
(a) To the extent of not more than twice as fast as the rate prevailing at the time of remittance.
normal rate of depreciation or depreciated at normal  
rate of depreciation if the expected life is ten (10) years (c) Foreign loans and contracts. The right to remit at the
or less; or exchange rate prevailing at the time of remittance such
  sums as may be necessary to meet the payments of
(b) Depreciated over any number of years between five interest and principal on foreign loans and foreign
(5) years and the expected life if the latter is more than obligations arising from financial or technical assistance
ten (10) years, and the depreciation thereon allowed as contracts.
deduction from taxable income: Provided, That the  
contractor notifies the Bureau of Internal Revenue at (d) Freedom from expropriation. The right to be free
the beginning of the depreciation period which from expropriation by the government of the property
depreciation rate allowed by this section will be used. represented by investments or loans, or of the property
  of the enterprise except for public use or in the interest
In computing for taxable income, unless otherwise of national welfare or defense and upon payment of
provided in this Act, the contractor may, at his option, just compensation. In such cases, foreign investors or
deduct exploration and development expenditures enterprises shall have the right to remit sums received
accumulated at cost as of the date of the prospecting or as compensation for the expropriated property in the
exploration and development expenditures paid or currency in which the investment was originally made
incurred during the taxable year: Provided, That the and at the exchange rate prevailing at the time of
total amount deductible for exploration and remittance.
development expenditures shall not exceed twenty-five  
per centum (25%) of the net income from mining (e) Requisition of investment. The right to be free from
operations. The actual exploration and development requisition of the property represented by the
investment or of the property of the enterprises except change or affect substantially the facts set forth in said
in case of war or national emergency and only for the statements may cause the revocation and termination
duration thereof. Just compensation shall be of the exploration permit, mining agreement and
determined and paid either at the time or immediately financial or technical assistance agreement.
after cessation of the state of war or national  
emergency. Payments received as compensation for the CHAPTER XVIII
requisitioned property may be remitted in the currency ORGANIZATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL
in which the investments were originally made and at ARRANGEMENT
the exchange rate prevailing at the time of remittance.  
  Sec. 100 From Staff Bureau to Line Bureau. The Mines
(f) Confidentiality. Any confidential information supplied and Geosciences Bureau is hereby transformed into a
by the contractor pursuant to this Act and its line bureau consistent with Section 9 of this Act:
implementing rules and regulations shall be treated as Provided, That under the Mines and Geosciences
such by the department and the Government, and Bureau shall be the necessary mines regional, district
during the term of the project to which it relates. and other pertinent offices - the number and specific
  functions of which shall be provided in the
CHAPTER XVII implementing rules and regulations of this Act.
Sec. 95 Late or Non-filing of Requirements. Failure of  
the permittee or contractor to comply with any of the Sec. 101 False Statements. Any person who knowingly
requirements provided in this Act or in its implementing presents any false application, declaration, or evidence
rules and regulations, without a valid reason, shall be to the Government or publishes or causes to be
sufficient ground from the suspension of any permit or published any prospectus or other information
agreement provided under this Act. containing any false statement relating to mines, mining
  operations or mineral agreements, financial or technical
Sec. 96 Violation of the Terms and Conditions of Permits assistance agreements and permits shall, upon
or Agreements. Violations of the terms and conditions conviction, be penalized by a fine of not exceeding Ten
of the permits or agreements shall be a sufficient Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00).
ground for cancellation of the same.  
  Sec. 102 Illegal Exploration. Any person undertaking
Sec. 97 Non-payment of taxes and Fees. Failure to pay exploration work without the necessary exploration
the taxes and fees due the Government for two (2) permit shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fine of
consecutive years shall cause the cancellation of the not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00).
exploration permit, mineral agreement, financial or  
technical assistance agreement and other agreements Sec. 103 Theft of Minerals. Any person extracting
and the re-opening of the area subject thereof to new minerals and disposing the same without a mining
applicants. agreement, lease, permit, license, or steals minerals or
  ores or the products thereof from mines or mills or
Sec. 98 Suspension or Cancellation of Tax Incentives and processing plants shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned
Credits. Failure to abide by the terms and conditions of from six (6) months to six (6) years or pay a fine from
tax incentives and credits shall cause the suspension or Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to Twenty thousand
cancellation of said incentives and credits. pesos (P20,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the
  appropriate court. In addition, he shall be liable to pay
Sec. 99 Falsehood or Omission of Facts in the damages and compensation for the minerals removed,
Statement. All statements made in the exploration extracted, and disposed of. In the case of associations,
permit, mining agreement and financial or technical partnerships, or corporations, the president and each of
assistance shall be considered as conditions and the directors thereof shall be responsible for the acts
essential parts thereof and any falsehood in said committed by such association, corporation, or
statements or omission of facts therein which may alter, partnership.
  the performance of their duties under the provisions of
Sec. 104 Destruction of Mining Structures. Any person this Act and of the regulations promulgated hereunder
who willfully destroys or damages structures in or on shall be punished, upon conviction, by the appropriate
the mining area or on the mill sites shall, upon court, by a fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos
conviction, be imprisoned for a period not to exceed (P5,000.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding one (1)
five (5) years and shall, in addition, pay compensation year, or both, at the discretion of the court.
for the damages which may have been caused thereby.  
  Sec. 110 Other Violations. Any other violation of this Act
Sec. 105 Mines Arson. Any person who willfully sets fire and its implementing rules and regulations shall
to any mineral stockpile, mine or workings, fittings or a constitute an offense punishable with a fine not
mine, shall be guilty of arson and shall be punished, exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000.00).
upon conviction, by the appropriate court in accordance  
with the provisions of the Revised Penal Code and shall, Sec. 111 Fines. The Secretary is authorized to charge
in addition, pay compensation for the damages caused fines for late or nonsubmission of reports in accordance
thereby. with the implementing rules and regulations of this Act
Sec. 106 Willful Damage to a Mine. Any person who
willfully damages a mine, unlawfully causes water to REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7076: People's Small-scale Mining
run into a mine, or obstructs any shaft or passage to a Act
mine, or renders useless, damages or destroys any
machine, appliance, apparatus; rope, chain, tackle, or Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared of
any other things used in a mine, shall be punished, upon the State to promote, develop, protect and rationalize
conviction, by the appropriate court, by imprisonment viable small-scale mining activities in order to generate
not exceeding a period of five (5) years and shall, in more employment opportunities and provide an
addition, pay compensation for the damages caused equitable sharing of the nation's wealth and natural
thereby. resources, giving due regard to existing rights as herein
Sec. 107 Illegal Obstruction to Permittees or Sec.  3. Definitions. — For purposes of this Act, the
Contractors. Any person who, without justifiable cause, following terms shall be defined as follows:
prevents or obstructs the holder of any permit, (a) "Mineralized areas" refer to areas with naturally
agreement or lease from undertaking his mining occurring mineral deposits of gold, silver, chromite,
operations shall be punished, upon conviction by the kaolin, silica, marble, gravel, clay and like mineral
appropriate court, by a fine not exceeding Five resources; 
thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or imprisonment not
exceeding one (1) year, or both, at the discretion of the
court. (b) "Small-scale mining" refers to mining activities which
  rely heavily on manual labor using simple implement
Sec. 108 Violation of the Terms and Conditions of the and methods and do not use explosives or heavy mining
Environmental Compliance Certificate. Any person who equipment;
willfully violates or grossly neglects to abide by the (c) "Small-scale miners" refer to Filipino citizens who,
terms and conditions of the environmental compliance individually or in the company of other Filipino citizens,
certificate issued to said person and which causes voluntarily form a cooperative duly licensed by the
environmental damage through pollution shall suffer Department of Environment and Natural Resources to
the penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months to six (6) engage, under the terms and conditions of a contract, in
years or a fine of Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to the extraction or removal of minerals or ore-bearing
Two Hundered Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00), or both materials from the ground;
at the discretion of the court. (d) "Small-scale mining contract" refers to co-
  production, joint venture or mineral production sharing
Sec. 109 Illegal Obstruction to Government Officials. agreement between the State and a small-scale mining
Any person who illegally prevents or obstructs the contractor for the small-scale utilization of a plot of
Secretary, the Director or any of their representatives in mineral land; 
(e) "Small-scale mining contractor" refers to an technical, and environmental connected with small-
individual or a cooperative of small-scale miners, scale mining activities.
registered with the Securities and Exchange The People's Small-scale Mining Program shall include
Commission or other appropriate government agency, the following features:
which has entered into an agreement with the State for (a) The identification, segregation and reservation of
the small-scale utilization of a plot of mineral land certain mineral lands as people's small-scale mining
within a people's small-scale mining area; areas;
(f) "Active mining area" refers to areas under actual (b) The recognition of prior existing rights and
exploration, development, exploitation or commercial productivity;
production as determined by the Secretary after the (c) The encouragement of the formation of
necessary field investigation or verification including cooperatives;
contiguous and geologically related areas belonging to (d) The extension of technical and financial assistance,
the same claimowner and/or under contract with an and other social services;
operator, but in no case to exceed the maximum area (e) The extension of assistance in processing and
allowed by law; marketing;
(g) "Existing mining right" refers to perfected and (f) The generation of ancillary livelihood activities;
subsisting claim, lease, license or permit covering a (g) The regulation of the small-scale mining industry
mineralized area prior to its declaration as a people's with the view to encourage growth and productivity;
small-scale mining area; and
(h) "Claimowner" refers to a holder of an existing (h) The efficient collection of government revenue.
mining right; Sec.  5. Declaration of People's Small-scale Mining
(i) "Processor" refers to a person issued a license to Areas. — The Board is hereby authorized to declare and
engage in the treatment of minerals or ore-bearing set aside people's small-scale mining areas in sites
materials such as by gravity concentration, leaching onshore suitable for small-scale mining, subject to
benefication, cyanidation, cutting, sizing, polishing and review by the Secretary, immediately giving priority to
other similar activities; areas already occupied and actively mined by small-
(j) "License" refers to the privilege granted to a person scale miners before August 1, 1987: Provided, That such
to legitimately pursue his occupation as a small-scale areas are not considered as active mining areas:
miner or processor under this Act; Provided, further, That the minerals found therein are
(k) "Mining plan" refers to a two-year program of technically and commercially suitable for small-scale
activities and methodologies employed in the extraction mining activities: Provided, finally, That the areas are
and production of minerals or ore-bearing materials, not covered by existing forest rights or reservations and
including the financial plan and other resources in have not been declared as tourist or marine reserved,
support thereof; parks and wildlife reservations, unless their status as
(l) "Director" refers to the regional executive director of such is withdrawn by competent authority. 
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources;
and Sec.  6. Future People's Small-scale Mining Areas. — The
(m) "Secretary" refers to the Secretary of the following lands, when suitable for small-scale mining,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources. may be declared by the Board as people's small scale
Sec.  4. People's Small-scale Mining Program. — For the mining areas:
purpose of carrying out the declared policy provided in (a) Public lands not subject to any existing right; vi 
Section 2 hereof, there is hereby established a People's
Small-scale Mining Program to be implemented by the (b) Public lands covered by existing mining rights which
Secretary of the Department of Environment and are not active mining areas; and 
Natural Resources, hereinafter called the Department, (c) Private lands, subject to certain rights and
in coordination with other concerned government conditions, except those with substantial improvements
agencies, designed to achieve an orderly, systematic or in bona fide and regular use as a yard, stockyard,
and rational scheme for the small-scale development garden, plant nursery, plantation, cemetery or burial
and utilization of mineral resources in certain mineral site, or land situated within one hundred meters (100
areas in order to address the social, economic, m.) from such cemetery or burial site, water reservoir or
a separate parcel of land with an area of ten thousand or lessor of an affected area, shall determine the right
square meters (10,000 sq. m.) or less. of the small scale miners to existing facilities such as
Sec.  7. Ancestral Lands. — No ancestral land may be mining and logging roads, private roads, port and
declared as a people's small-scale mining area without communication facilities, processing plants which are
the prior consent of the cultural communities necessary for the effective implementation of the
concerned: Provided, That, if ancestral lands are People's Small-scale Mining Program, subject to
declared as people's small-scale mining areas, the payment of reasonable fees to the operator,
members of the cultural communities therein shall be claimowner, landowner or lessor.
given priority in the awarding of small-scale mining
contracts.  Sec.  12. Rights Under a People's Small-scale Mining
Contract. — A people's small-scale mining contract
Sec.  8. Registration of Small-scale Miners. — All entitles the small-scale mining contractor to the right to
persons undertaking small-scale mining activities shall mine, extract and dispose of mineral ores for
register as miners with the Board and may organize commercial purposes. In no case shall a small-scale
themselves into cooperatives in order to qualify for the mining contract be subcontracted, assigned or
awarding of a people's small-scale mining contract. otherwise transferred.
Sec.  9. Award of People's Small-scale Mining Contracts. Sec.  13. Terms and Conditions of the Contract. — A
— A people's small-scale mining contract may be contract shall have a term of two (2) years, renewable
awarded by the Board to small-scale miners who have subject to verification by the Board for like periods as
voluntarily organized and have duly registered with the long as the contractor complies with the provisions set
appropriate government agency as an individual miner forth in this Act, and confers upon the contractor the
or cooperative; Provided, That only one (1) people's right to mine within the contract area: Provided, That
small-scale mining contract may be awarded at any one the holder of a small-scale mining contract shall have
time to a small-scale mining operations within one (1) the following duties and obligations:
year from the date of award: Provided, further, That (a) Undertake mining activities only in accordance with
priority shall be given or city where the small-scale a mining plan duly approved by the Board;
mining area is located. (b) Abide by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau and the
Applications for a contract shall be subject to a small-scale Mining Safety Rules and Regulations;
reasonable fee to be paid to the Department of (c) Comply with his obligations to the holder of an
Environment and Natural Resources regional office existing mining right;
having jurisdiction over the area. (d) Pay all taxes, royalties or government production
Sec.  10. Extent of Contract Area. — The Board shall share as are now or may hereafter be provided by law; 
determine the reasonable size and shape of the (e) Comply with pertinent rules and regulations on
contract area following the meridional block system environmental protection and conservation, particularly
established under Presidential Decree No. 463, as those on tree-cutting mineral-processing and pollution
amended, otherwise known as the Mineral Resources control;
Development Decree of 1974, but in no case shall the (f) File under oath at the end of each month a detailed
area exceed twenty hectares (20 has.) per contractor production and financial report to the Board; and
and the depth or length of the tunnel or adit not (g) Assume responsibility for the safety of persons
exceeding that recommended by the director taking working in the mines.
into account the following circumstances: Sec.  14. Rights of Claimowners. — In case a site
(a) Size of membership and capitalization of the declared and set aside as a people's-scale mining area is
cooperative; covered by an existing mining right, the claimowner and
(b) Size of mineralized area; the small-scale miners therein are encouraged to enter
(c) Quantity of mineral deposits; into a voluntary and acceptable contractual agreement
(d) Safety of miners; with respect to the small-scale utilization of the mineral
(e) Environmental impact and other considerations; and values from the area under claim. In case of
(f) Other related circumstances. disagreement, the claimowner shall be entitled to the
Sec.  11. Easement Rights. — Upon the declaration of a following rights and privileges:
people's small-scale mining area, the director, in
consultation with the operator, claimowner, landowner
(a) Exemption from the performance of annual work The Central Bank shall establish as many buying stations
obligations and payment of occupation fees, rental, and in gold-rush areas to fully service the requirements of
real property taxes; the small-scale minerals thereat.
Sec.  18. Custom Mills. — The establishment and
(b) Subject to the approval of the Board, free access to operation of safe and efficient customs mills to process
the contract area to conduct metallurgical tests, minerals or ore-bearing materials shall be limited to
explorations and other activities, provided such mineral processing zones duly designated by the local
activities do not unduly interfere with the operations of government unit concerned upon recommendation of
the small-scale miners; and the Board.
(c) Royalty equivalent to one and one half percent (1 In mining areas where the private sector is unable to
1/2%) of the gross value of the metallic mineral output establish custom mills, the Government shall construct
or one percent (1%) of the gross value of the such custom mills upon the recommendation of the
nonmetallic mineral output to be paid to the Board based on the viability of the project.
claimowner: Provided, That such rights and privileges The Board shall issue licenses for the operation of
shall be available only if he is not delinquent and other custom mills and other processing plants subject to
performance of his annual work obligations and other pollution control and safety standards.
requirements for the last two (2) years prior to the The Department shall establish assay laboratories to
effectivity of this Act. cross-check the integrity of custom mills and to render
Sec.  15. Rights of Private Landowners. — The private metallurgical and laboratory services to mines.
landowner or lawful possessor shall be notified of any Custom mills shall be constituted as withholding agents
plan or petition to declare his land as a people's small- for the royalties, production share or other taxes due
scale mining area. Said landowner may oppose such the Government.
plan or petition in an appropriate proceeding and Sec.  19. Government Share and Allotment. — The
hearing conducted before the Board. revenue to be derived by the Government from the
operation of the mining program herein established
If a private land is declared as a people's small-scale shall be subject to the sharing provided in the Local
mining area, the owner and the small-scale mining Government Code.
contractors are encouraged to enter into a voluntary Sec.  20. People's Small-scale Mining Protection Fund.
and acceptable contractual agreement for the small- — There is hereby created a People's Small-scale Mining
scale utilization of the mineral values from the private Protection Fund which shall be fifteen percent (15%) of
land: Provided, That the owner shall in all cases be the national government's share due the Government
entitled to the payment of actual damages which he which shall be used primarily for information
may suffer as a result of such declaration: Provided, dissemination and training of small-scale miners on
further, That royalties paid to the owner shall in no case safety, health and environmental protection, and the
exceed one percent (1%) of the gross value of the establishment of mine rescue and recovery teams
minerals recovered as royalty. including the procurement of rescue equipment
Sec.  16. Ownership of Mill Tailings. — The small-scale necessary in cases of emergencies such as landslides,
mining contractor shall be the owner of all mill tailings tunnel collapse, or the like.
produced from the contract area. He may sell the The fund shall also be made available to address the
tailings or have them processed in any custom mill in needs of the small-scale miners brought about by
the area: Provided, That, if the small-scale mining accidents and/or fortuitous events.
contractor decide to sell its mill tailings, the claimowner Sec.  21. Rescission of Contracts and Administrative
shall have a preemptive right to purchase said mill Fines. — The noncompliance with the terms and
tailings at the prevailing market price. conditions of the contract or violation of the rules and
Sec.  17. Sale of Gold. — All gold produced by small- regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant to this Act,
scale miners in any mineral area shall be sold to the as well as the abandonment of the mining site by the
Central Bank, or its duly authorized representatives, contractor, shall constitute a ground for the cancellation
which shall buy it at prices competitive with those of the contracts and the ejectment from the people's
prevailing in the world market regardless of volume or small-scale mining area of the contractor. In addition,
weight. the Secretary may impose fines against the violator in
an amount of not less than Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00) and not more than One hundred thousand Department shall provide the staff support to the
pesos (P100,000.00). Nonpayment of the fine imposed Board.
shall render the small-scale mining contractor ineligible Sec.  26. Administrative Supervision over the People's
for other small-scale mining contracts. Small-scale Mining Program. — The Secretary through
Sec.  22. Reversion of People's Small-scale Mining Areas. his representative shall exercise direct supervision and
— The Secretary, upon recommendation of the director, control over the program and activities of the small-
shall withdraw the status of the people's small-scale scale miners within the people's small-scale mining
mining area when it can no longer feasibly operated on area.
a small-scale mining basis or when the safety, health The Secretary shall within ninety (90) days from the
and environmental conditions warrant that the same effectivity of this Act promulgate rules and regulations
shall revert to the State for proper disposition. to effectively implement the provisions of the same.
Sec.  23. Actual Occupation by Small-scale Miners. — Priority shall be given to such rules and regulations that
Small-scale miners who have been in actual operation will ensure the least disruption in the operations of the
of mineral lands on or before August 1, 1987 as small-scale miners.
determined by the Board shall not be dispossessed, Sec.  27. Penal Sanctions. — Violations of the provisions
ejected or removed from said areas: Provided, That of this Act or of the rules and regulations issued
they comply with the provisions of this Act. pursuant hereto shall be penalized with imprisonment
Sec.  24. Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Board. — of not less than six (6) months nor more than six (6)
There is hereby created under the direct supervision years and shall include the confiscation and seizure of
and control of the Secretary a provincial/city mining equipment, tools and instruments.
regulatory board, herein called the Board, which shall
be the implementing agency of the Department, and
shall exercise the following powers and functions,
subject to review by the Secretary:
(a) Declare and segregate existing gold-rush areas for
small-scale mining;

(b) Reserve future gold and other mining areas for

small-scale mining;
(c) Award contracts to small-scale miners;
(d) Formulate and implement rules and regulations
related to small-scale mining;
(e) Settle disputes, conflicts or litigations over
conflicting claims within a people's small-scale mining
area, an area that is declared a small-mining; and
(f) Perform such other functions as may be necessary to
achieve the goals and objectives of this Act.
Sec.  25. Composition of the Provincial/City Mining
Regulatory Board. — The Board shall be composed of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
representative as Chairman; and the representative of
the governor or city mayor, as the representative of the
governor or city mayor, as the case may be, one (1)
small scale mining representative, one (1) big-scale
mining representative, and the representative from a
nongovernment organization who shall come from an
environmental group, as members.

The representatives from the private sector shall be

nominated by their respective organizations and
appointed by the Department regional director. The

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