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psisor pres TAMIL NADU 92AB 961526 a a ark pmnan Socom G58 = 18/o3p02 | i. er umgenb 26 (1961 aud ayonG Czteod prs GBS oH 4A-cmud srosiiss)) | Bpiped piped sGasnfuiler apsiraiiensoused, Courant Cow ipogpioy sit ops Courigus 2_gu6Gwnp ugssobd ECLECLZEDeL (ocenmamenbenPootieomaments CLITena1)-e5 jam Cupid Esras 63 Seaataumoecs (GxsresSulet Guwit) a» uesA F Bo sahanec cide wosspnd sunny 46 aNUiIemL_WI, so, 5165, ota oGmciuy, 2a Gord Os, suTaSadoupir Ee Hoomiscs, Gacinrer, GOD stoi psoufluiod auhidsaBosyp, Cpigade Cum yuIGSey gw Goucutonewresus sierd. gexflenaarsd ee i, Bpeamed, —ooBu gored Gaigs, ipebssoritouny Pent Face Prema .7 .K Ravan Som BL, vy ADVO { fi re Thiruvannamalal~'606 601. ‘ () ster. ganflaresBoned —siotepy nor LNB ZB spans oA eteitgpD — GuuusapanLs SHAuc GAMUT CoyAus6 aw Audee Guu ) Cout.tirongnes Bioybastus: BoitGonaic Biss Sess t>—en Gert» — Gana Lay Gaus, ("* Giunaiasr? BoOD Gang G ouggsaioil ob) ba 5 © Aegou Cuuuit Bid Auigcion Cyne5H 27RemPruapodsomir, gibbon CwreBuloe Oat wsiyond wnyGoow) euflens stash. 723, inetd creh, 94s GB) sist@pIEMLw EyreneoGUd o1svit/stexivassit 9884400067 | 91766111 Wsienehacd Upasoufl rssspicturesthanigaivel@amail,com Ameren aomigsaaet oleusib Whatsapp Number : 9884400067 11 wibonb sisitgpyem_us opt roma, sap @) BTbST Serbs sisi ws pud orqoren suf BOISE Hid Ceiiupd Senso cvs louie @ Sucre aes | oncpionen aud eam ] area | Cuustessh Bobs eam am LOucL Gwns3 exeiorond Bambe crest | gras Gates | (epuMUSed) a ibe subs! (PAN) ais BD PBumakGxaticd ayer Gourfures (i 2058 lofi’ 31 apgus s 1] airemccgsasir ACSPTESQBA | 2019-2020 i) | 2019-2020 | ¢5.66,36, 160 ii)__| 20182019 | @.6,58,070 fro. genflemsGausd iii) [2017-2018 | .15,62,770 iv) | 20162017 | 95.15,66,850 | v)_|2015-2016 | (p.5,06,918 2 | Bimameit ANRPROSOIM | 20182019 ) | 20182019 | .3,19.920 Bows. ii) | 20172018 .5,21,052 eres) ii) [20162017 | .3,96,183 20152016 | .3,73,634 20142015 | 3,56,243 5 Db Fat OS Corebene | Gunes: Goresere | Gunebaras | Bibi (Goutusrons | Surepra | Cures SOibssppenoveuyies/ Gurebanas | Cunobasras Fat GooL oniowsronge Gnobsras | Gnepsra Bowvindes) “| Gunesiemnes | Cumaysastas [4 | eanaem-T BXGPTOSEAR | Guraisrai Guiesete | Cuteybaras 9. 2o8. Gurepieras | Cuneybasias Cures | Onan | Gury res | Conexion | Guresisg | Gmrosaras 3 | ania Gurebers | Ginebare: Guneypenes | Gonepings io. cepaibenb Gurgspies | Guresbora! [Quieiane | Gnebores Gunexppngs | Gurebetas ¥) | Guresere | Conor: 6 aalibpeit-3 | Cane beres Cunabara i) | Gur@perg | Cuneberas | ii) | Guresbasras | Gnasbasnas we Gebers | Snape iv)_| Gureybasrgs oben cm Gurapibssr1 Cura T Way: eughionom oul] Beombe, crit Baycuiosr EL mULon esc STL Coussit Gib. eee Soupioren outs amide sist Bsdsnor" sion GypaMamands GLUT Cove. VE ps S OE ns N. KUMARAN, 8-com., By ae commission oF OATHS GOVT. OF INDIA at Road, x (5) BlaosmanRayeien SIMS onparesassit @ Fe ar wine, i M i DL DBLAME re SODARUIG opLbeId Beroened Bsdoneo cro pro Gumepibsm Gorunent er uM@gTe wipes Siiehal cy et ~ * GHUIG Goris ves NpdoId Boormonute HeronsoCinalied 8 (ice Bosna “Cumasbgsar” stom . Disbo0451 GH) seh Bs! sro Grated onpise5asit Vi econ 1631 9CEeDIbd Gbpoiusd supose Paymawuiied aU uGPeu “Vv” GHUIG Osis Cw » sion Lg SHSHACLG, Sp 2 chen SILL eremssmuticd 0 ¥ Barenewie 2_stronen: Baneoawiss ast 5 AMPSHSarH sAlougrisanet saflabasarid) Sree fox: coors 2) | Oe PEO onidms aaa] @mominy @ | Gaoniny | aonta bub BOUL ereued eeu a aw Hoousse Cut wohorb | opsetsauconms) | Se | 9° (Waowfiag a opens | oppessis peed) | ucpereg) (b) [apee sled HAwaips Ha | (Genominy @ cd (Benominy (Qerominy Cua ‘flows ao | @ « Qgpehsasinn Goivongs) ailewnib alleuib pnasiec yt | aeneraer| ucositengs) | ue Getenss) (©) | sbupecuce aL mies | (Bonaminy @ -ed (Benen (Boner obiglcetioh eect) Gif ow rw Bo Gahenost = GHLATLond sit. | ppchisins aera) | ade sfiaub Bibs poe oC oho | catalan | ospesanc ce RUD Lifloy Gpseus6mEu) Uc Gotrongss) uc Gave) (d) | oimb GOES Fchbar0ren | (Bonomi, @ od (Gemominy (Qercminy Shorea clea re Gpfiedssinx Goreng) | sileusib ae cppeaiet: | edema omen) | Coen gnais aL Gettongs) ©) | Sipianc oxen G@orominy @ -> | @maminy | @aavcy UB wUGL Gehroronour (pb owdoogy| ileus Bw aa Bovenoo sien @pHiu5i_ond) Cppiehisain Gononsi) | ailoupid loon eaeseacyl tcenraatt : 20st) | ademas) | | Cuteousior —() ue Bui | Gaon @ od | Gmawins | (Geromin, enomlUuGb ameiipafur upser oewgib a wo aw “aud” srahicd, exiperam Gro | GpAcsiatua Osan) | adem Bei ugiay ous, panera Opfedeac: | opfedsar GU oyb oes) | uc dsimng) e OS TR sas) Poe, | ON. KUMARAN, och br Va Bi ale cie te Pho (9) | @iiaiured BLengtbenaes | AUD, jena | (Glenna) | ABor Grand Gined epanmuts/ | (Beromny B -«d aw ao | os ont gba sileugtb slumb afioumib eae TeTEM ST (QU | Cafeddacnn Getrongs) VA se es Berane SII tees oe ean = © Senos Gui anpdeasir @ wNGgsr@ Sbdpaiusd oypsaiparaoped pret pso0i1_onsw GCrypailodoncvGusos 2_pPuahsOEner, Va GCaLuret Fait Cupsicdrarwae BiusAeu “vy” GpHuID Gauls Apyssiion UGH (ii)-6G Corse CurHpprsi sien siagsoud 21d90551 Gi) Sp GHA inc Goto Sipmsendara prok gosingcbes(us GoiiConei. “Gung STs!” GCoutent gaiQdsoOuUCGshomosaid Apo “wv” wMulG sie GG a cton UGH (ie supBIaiG, Bp 2 oiton HL orsnsmuiod Senex awyiiusnomiyh DysiNebasoytd) tx.Getengs) | uc Ootonas) 21LLaven st | (ay | enpases creas. CuTebores Gurebsre | Cunabsra b) | Shans Sa Guu Gurebe1e | Gurebpres | GunbsTE! [© [abuse scutes otiactas | Onabee | Curebare | CurepsTo! Sify eset) (ify resto oom SHAT ovat. Bhs PODS 1 PB ......yb illo} ppoduseney) sce pean GQ [sao Cp apse oss |Cuiebers | Cunebare: | Cunobara _| says ein © |seen ibis amomect | Cunebere | Cmobaia | ONnebaTe apts gna cet 0} BSI g56_ SOT Gunmen Cunebere! | Conese [oy |setamnte adders gipanb| _ @ebenco | abenes ‘Babee | Crosrapepi® J Fymisoy ogy sirdao GoinuCic Geonaron — Cxud Bcvoneo ciamsony eiHAK-opd) h) | Guéo 2 cin 9) chamois, upd | Cunobere | Covaibere | Gunebara “aqb” — eiaficd, — Giosdupenpuligsit shiouytuasenenuy BiH EH HL) Beowreruviyd owiidboyb “Or OATHS iG = GOVT, OF INDIA im i (6A) usPassh (5) woh (6)Red CarGdaian Gotrononrp, stot gs (Papramsw 1750 aston rmanhar @imshiund amperes Gis ucibgad grain snoxOuxiyD manhar oneness GH GHICHIOUITEN esfyN _getoNgyReN TALC L Beads ist ottihaston —ogdund — ac AuTi — oes gusttGont. Bs Grr Gurabars Gowuroniasit, Gunso 5) ed — VB SAAT CN Goon anKypanaatianny UGHYKCLG Curaybsrg six Czar sapped) sHeurmiacond sighs slagharbsntied Ogaama stags GovsiGD. 2 SAGaN® GamsHPsbd aGAGjupsiion Conia CpGiuysHanise Eb SGan® apiAar Gaacdaenid sali sahune omfldacen CoussnGud- 2 erogpann afesds, aGyrer arfins cpmpuicd gaanias smfdsuL CamiGd xstag, s0ussu anpdos (ogedod wSPiAILG gener aUpdZann oKIaNpds PILast SigHUsLutod Curd Syn beer . 4. omiPu@watisd, saGgod sisson) UUs IGH& Gastehonsonb. i 5S. wrakuen ©_S36Hwekpw W.P.(C) No.636/2011 @sd supwOus SrinTpHowses Bis CsfaldsiuGd semass Seacwendgid Can uronGy GurpwwusTsvi. O sadSw, act HOA ZOsAGsHb wPBId statonaxs srinhgistion siorGsorwetsi a fu (Omeund upp sesuTs) Candgdasfoh Hauyksnnd Spdasnamp STs SraifgbgscitGonet. AL onpsugh Ganpgsbsafiet cfagticct: 1. a GY Crusfiggsion Cansgibasi (aa Gfanw uxigfuyd Gai aussiGd) 2 Bobored, Cprir stoi, Ggrane, soaulwG Cais prot, BLL. anaéuiet Cunt / Ppeenbd wigid Geren a2 sfief leusmacit Cava WESLOUCL Puveriaenonts UMBC gs, ubIss cae BLiKy ses WAUTSUGUID, UCQUESLHOLT Pps Reartesaiod reba w-HCaPcirng.ayb 2 sion UsSsrmes | umBEsi ysmunr MGBaer 1B. 4. “aninbpat” stoigs, Cou uronfict wast / waci(@sit) oedorg1 sismauaii/ginsmart hp BrSpaf\ ovdrogi AowsmanP omy gafluit suiotand Fano? aMpars 5H) Co uoreoss sn bAeGuUyaoi sox CurepsirGw. So picens peel e(iCmppio oh taki gcllmc\ set) Cones Opens 2sitoML aflawsivssit 6 GassiipiGactico 2 sion Gsndas / aps sySusoninfer apsobd Sem daiGugad aul ig oiougtb fonda “CaofprGasted 2 chon Gang" sigs session ankles 2 sito Sasiiio Cpt@e onimoos (pei woud Cai aiyaioorer Goths wihgAD as % STh 2 tg eS N. KUMARAN, iat ‘aN? RA counidtionterue NOTARY Pp oor, Aves Cok Br howe aoe see seat ne ee pai. ©. 94172 BB | Gurebene | Bima | Bibanar wy Gpfius Godin Baa ae treads Bion 0) NL Rcnewaul aR BL, es ea ADVOCATE COMMISSIONER OF OATHS NOTARY PUBLIC ~GOVT. OF INDIA 157-A, Vattavalam Road, hiruvalluver Nagar, ravannamaisi~606 601 ‘orang at, ‘mami, UL etal, aunt Gen UsBioy sa Wipes alent, Sm Qo) ‘espa Gye) ‘Os, eotiian Cemeomas hang Bins Sa are Gumapsivasch Gone ; rexvand roi Ei aes ‘GuTIGL@ ovosg ar amanda, ‘eb vii) | Gentes Spina (Claim, one eeear : Gon psgatese ix) Biome | —Biteonas 10 Coe z . 9,49,43,003 fb. 64,098,567 B. Semoun Gangsgrbsae caxyrsect @ieny 1. gat Gem_enoudgyohion Gorn 2. qeiGomes ploogsens5uyb HaloaNGu win GovssiOd. bipibatt, srowbyfles upiiLioney. «bt e5iCAK op. OOOOH BELL anps.Nd dog! axGd e510 9th LLL muaamomind Bxig oped 3. GaciprGaaMer aciion Gens ovupr06} ayHuioniiih apooid Dom beiGumid oxy eeu ow. ‘ollang tb elicaicomnt a yi ‘arena! Prsibesmni mn suing 3 So oe scos pate | wotdagann SRomtanca | Bee. cone 6 7 car ‘Gomes ia | Conesbaras | aime | — iam | — Babamas Sel sot aeoeay Cumenibair at Cuevas Gunes Biome Bee Biome eka Grp Cu | ais Siem | Graber | Gmebme | OreRaE | Oxebaa Gornibzpun a Gum eens rd NbN Gimeai es Guneiaae | Cure | Cunebere | Conese: smmatatt geet ais - ay mi Gmeberar | Cneiarer| Cesare | Cxear ae seo) roawas oar a | Cmeiara | Oresare | Creme dee see Be Sai Biiwes Baars Bama | Cinemas | Corebare | Oorebaas (opeSiuscuipi ot spas oom Garabene | Gxebenas | Corekara | xem A =. ol aera a 7 B:Cdrm, Bin Ni KOM oat ay iatesalsaiias 137 Ay Thiraval oneness Cones | Cmebaes | Cmerbanes | CeO ‘Cuneiere | Crater | Coresberas | Corba e Curent | Game | Bima | Bi Sete Svisea so ono | iia Cums Srey oad) Cana one, 755 ‘1 F ee Bamn ae eae Gadan | Beene |_| ads a ‘Game | Goekae | Bitow Seekcepan TY ersrtmaniter pt curebaes Baw Goreibane | Bidaa | Babee | Bae ate Bao Goresbasas | Bisdaes | aban w eae =a own 4,100 — ‘aaa N. MARIN, AT RN AD COMMISSIONER OF OATHS NOTARY PUBLIC~ GOVT. OF INDIA 1S7-A, Vettavalam Roady Thiruvalluyar i Thiruvannamalal ~ Sige a 2 Pern Coa Set Ste CnebiGl | Bites Gaim | — aaa |_| Srmbes Grtttax wasane, | (537886500 Babanes Gxebee | Bim asa | — pases Sura ae fe jeeay FOLD oryeie ae ae Bewe | xetme | aime aaa amen Spades ere eee }—— LSar@ upzed5 Sprpmunoren pny, . 1S ‘ogsiay ees 800,000) Bovanes Guneibema | Beoenes Bovey Barer |__| ‘oo ata [aman Sane — noes Grape won Gineibem es | Geena ‘Bedenes Sinton Sy | Sent econ oo aoe | SNSRe | Orsi | ates pees + —gaae| GRO etal ete | (gO 818 LO cw (1) ever | OS? Seman elias pea ® cus og BoMeuaey seid, HKG’ Cosyds Coussingus Guin DIC Lessin/LmeseB sett GOED Mourusenen BRP Breit SoMa Heir. bf GIy - ows, Bowes, 2 flieno Gusbpenir Ses Bel BUT, Guusir Meugresercnuyd, geiGowe BasHend Ogrenrsenuupd BOMB GMGL ‘Srefbaseyd) a. | Samp ‘Sea RSET | apaemadT Bia nae | orkbait | aaa ‘toni Be. |Biewemron— | oat Oh if 2 2 Fo enn ens | Some conn ietsesoes| era [ate @ oubiBlea, 1 Bes ener Berane Biman Badme Biovane Berane Basverisende, Se Srenbe Covsnqus einin a tia oon | BA tira Opsroncaeh Suid s1ebo0B4 BA © s0.0977 Dongieh a semen ca Safer gone pa eA Cee | G3,9637.200) — Bm | Bao wees + pase} eecs seit, ones unGigsre geal (loud Buisense! atone | aecmittons Pelee ey janes atin Gipson eos ato Sent) OTS aa | a Gesu ect Cinco | ¢.4,88,77,877 | ibaa res Gu@@un pio Biew | Bama | aime Beew | Baew | gama Sere me WN, KOMARAR 60h. bs 0 ADVOCATE ‘OF OATHS COMMISSIONER OF 0. NOTARY PUBLIC COV. OF INDIA ‘ Thiruvalluvar Nagar,” Thiruvannamalal~ 608 601. 10 m [W] Siete Grp A a = a ) BiGOp pipe oxen mretabe whe Ube ca Lae RakGaed owCumapgroigs, oad enprsce asuted wana GipuNpensod Gewese aiMsgsettamyn? Beveneo Gants peantenn | (B) Gv@e mctor (A) UesshiSaneton elem Lpsed yb ighGrerehedegn HAN, eho m mYBGoMA mfibatun Bovoddud es gemrenta, Graxbn “DrDeTovan pers ee z @) 20% @yudeainses pseu dnese i) Gopeoeia O76 Godse, Grr Goveokgus | coresrats Reoxs suemsulorran Lamb sigiond Pormneuihed Boomer, | "ae Seon prt a) onto He b) Balt tL ame ©) Gor sLamiset Lib a (Bie) OMG 2_chonampren Gpsrer6GFi wt ews BBE GHAR UD pronteray, pied oePoRebacerc NBbSOGbS! apeio wnsticene wpe, action wngssHoK BQDD moma oxrog1 sisbe; Viet grand oo een : Bota CaatOw) GH): = BopOsnster oN GoUlGAAaTon own cow Wel LL emicet, GO SCL amass Did OxstenG.A Lamb GOES, SUG Upsouyemncinh Berber GuMUCL “Berea generac sich pibaten staubend” |. Dwfiéainn Gauss. | eas Brieorpa Gnpesancc hast achofict) Op hues z BLapéens Gum ete STD! anepenss BeBe Ooaxhs Goramgut unbae Gprensach i) stotoran i : a = (| eset SLAM | Gxebore | Gnesere | Anois | Gxoiera | Gneamwas eae Some ee aces Doxa Bova Bian | Gem | aden | Gaiman | Beem Baan AVCar peso ‘Baa Bian | Bdan | gaan | gama | Badan | Breach Sot Gar Baime Bian | Gaean | Bima | Gama | aden orate, OBER Babess Bian | aawa | Rebmm | @adae | memo hy ata yrds. Opsrenssst Guyton gt (0) [goer uGare aca | Gxeéere | Guess | Gnekete | Gnekarer | Gnsiara | Gnome Sinmun pasngiar y= shovener? as see oa om acre saertiheo \ KUMARAN, aco o ADVOCATE ; COMMISSIONER OF OATHS NOTARY PURLIC= GOVT. OF INDIA i * ©) Gampe DML Bonerey Lytyius oflongivanett (9) heft oui |RSS Pietures, Shri Shakthi Real Estate - 2 Mamousonit ©) Simbaenays genre © Shri Shakthir els = flamousmonir () 68) ou: Shri Shakthi Real Estate W)ombaenay, gy + Shri Shakthi Travels, (©) anmisegsriasineir OHO eYeninyib, I raMOOC Ton - 7 c N.KUMARAL e.., \a\” ADV Oo} Commission: NOTARY PUBLIC OATHS Vr. OF INDIA Brae valnce ye tt Thiruvann 608 Gor. 12 * QO) stexg1 wcdens, BGA ouporg &) 10 mein) - oye ewedxereiuscher, Steed on, Bovnir - 1989 ©) IZA eet) - 99% ayaiect Giosixbenecin cho, Besoussircanmoens) ~ 1991 roxas HUG ORH/UC UIC CH Tei L Cungcnsos ww onigeugsaioit, 2usgeray Ustiefldacbail/ ADH Bedell sHleuyriuassit, Usiterf/asstapmifV/Usdacnevdasipas Guusit wpa OY WH AIG SGRzs oMeuyressnon Dre desoyd) ‘uvalluvar Nagar amalai~ 606 601. Thiruvann. 13 . UGA - B QD) veB A-@er cy HHA (10) Homie raat Gotten oie Isruenath it arcpcbapb:- 1 [Rarcarent Gt a Ese A Ss sierb.amflena ened = | sre. 5165, erSefiuy sxGeueindy, 2015) Gob O05, surosabausir sbesir, Geonnivessny, a Gecnenen, sips ot 3 | SareBuls Gai pba wrpob BBeomchomncene acca OPED. WEN HOTT LOGI GD ne p + | Cacore Giks Satine CAT Ca fasetemicenee orexs , sufi = PereerQuet ‘eG@unens” cen epStndi oud) o | Baxoanigneien SDwALI —emppaeymored Guon; x 7 ~| Seskeafidens, ea 6 jS{ Seton Cubs epigecia Cnigp aateliom oo z BUT - woo Suires excpioten — | anita Oation Sughwor estes aul oom ellewg Gaon suhuor om: | Sambo sich | SuSeann, Pda ee (8) Gar unentr ACSPTBSGA |" 2o18a5G" | Ce @ 2019-2020 Beg. sad. geahensaisd iets ©) ampsnas ginal ANRPROSOIM 2018-2019 3,19,920 __ Beg. .Syaugh i c [nee oe | | [©Bsne 68 eobub aneiere Cures aneiea | GD) srisBopiuouirasch | Gneienes Grebe Gurebarss Cenbastect wpa mot Cimprteinetieh (GovatirGnoted chor Ganggybnch 2cin) cfosyiusoh ounuied dag eiatemLnsaryi ‘gmanai! Bbad HG prnnpzZaih-1| sink gem) “bee 3s a | Soto ong | SS Sat metenatonsd | Bear ere K | somuyb Goria . 8,49,43,003 343985551 | sda | Guage wpeay | © 2 : B | swmouns Ganges | >. 3,76,84,500 ‘Baimar ‘Brine Giwe | Gaon | Baa 1. eaiores cunsbs Sumound Gage |__| Casretpa) cibeneo 1. erwin Beae Gian Bien Gongoeng, Gasisiipins Oauigs ‘Satan Goin fax Groner sora Gunerbos |__| exigusgs cramped) a | é ieee stave Bion | Basa | Bawa | aime Cgrymunoron pin ang cane. E (@) suiora «niidus a5, 6,18,00,000 Bane Btwn | Siew | Bias | aime Gone cay — a _ : : (b) Wicks Gsipos Bsdencr Bedranen Bera (Guon gop _we6iis14) = — le OT ait Quart ysis | o. eundbe, Crab Bedrune Berane Boao Baimw | Bama | Gama STs N. KU Ree 3 VF } ADVOCATE COMMISSIONER OF OATHS )j) NOTARY PUBLIC~ GOVT. OF INDFA Y TS7-A, Vertavaiam Roa Th uvailuver Naga Thiruvannamalal~ 606 601 * Tw oma, oe (ch. 4,85,77,877 | (cio [TO canto, Grab |b. 1141,14.423 fio || Sawada acsinch | Cagtnae at | | Gone Soom s Sis penuTD | Bapwmanuied | Be ; went, as ‘same an=9 Beane || Bammer wd | Semana eSerba1 | | Sea at sr (Guongopib) rs TT [eugene seis seo- a) 104 aGiny - Sys CoodrBlemerinsciraM, opgioursamA, Cougar - 1989 b) 124d airy - sya xyeiecir Brosdplenerinicitafl, gHepsuesitenminsne — 1991 | Cereb upiter | ucLustemcuier | ucLoumintar ape onpaipea.ct, 2 ussonoy ustiofdbscdel / Ledsmechaps sede clourmiact, uciefVacdpmil / usdsormdbmipexbseh Guwir wind upiny yor | wasp eidp ofesprimeren ovtdinonh) pe i caring CoHGsrroier CuUGOLU o_GBweMiuajrsus pra toads oie CpsNigs ovonsusernd pibismnss 2 abo ewig, Biss DO_AGWNPL —UBs~SyHAod _—_w_oltentenon1 2 ameourTongs woud Ffunengi cri, smb LisAujd GLITLWTENEeN rede stoixEsNd, ceround BHeSepg wonpdatur coroner staid — Bysourod —wifuininy —_Guruitest 2 PAuMdAGnsK. Cogud pret Iskoupionp 2 wSweNdOCosH. (a) Gun UGA A word BAHsd ociton Bowiussir 5 wxdpnd CBs pHuI Cue oer Piao, sich 621 Bowes LID apes swdwogs1 Hana apes, gFHUAedors0. (6) GuGo Us A Bod ooiton Boris 7 wind 8 wow vwesA B-Bsd 2 citon Dowrsasoh 8,9 widgud 10-God SPinT cw Lanor Gwxsoor, stones, reir snimipebsmany Biome, Derg) sisienox siipAG Uo THs uns Gabe! dso Ht sit Gumpitiyssir srenonuysedona> Se They, 2021 id ysoii® wows 19-2y ypronsign siMLmircbacuce gs 2\ > spree Oa COMMISSIONER OF OATHS Af” W8t-h, Nettavatam Roa 15 SIMD, Sse 3,00 sommes 500 GULL Conoab Bi, SOBA eysmemui oMroogy Pie MS oneRarBEH omreoyy oun MOB euipebosemsesit Upsiashanoouted PDBOUNA HO sa1dsCarchoninn. Cowhays. | SBGbUbBeS omereud Bycuituy SeuasBib sib ZGam Cpeinipshunh snedunm ALCL SILL — wNGgstey Bont “AB DAILIES sptoush BovenovCuohia, SLADCErL, “ggUBSd=De” sKboo4y “CUTE ENE! W501 “BipfiuisBoiimes’ Hoban SBUIL LU CoussiGid | Bb 2 DSCUNpiUsD dD wLLen Cri G sWOsOG1 Optom seb Spit Dumond UBL IV HAE CoussiGid. DnB opEH swOsLI phos or sags lenrisseir a SEE Aeibas samdtesshon sain Comms shaun [| enti engi | ene wet Cpe Sai. + | ICICI Bank, Indra Nagar Branch Adyar, Chennai = SB__ | 468001500875 Rs___32,127 +—_| Karur Vysya Bank, Adyar Branch Chennai - SB 1257172000000141 | Rs- 0 | ‘Axis Bank, Velacherry Branch Chennai - SB $12020063934162 | Rs. 10,900 | Karur Vysya Bank, Adyar Branofe Chennai - SB 1257135000003844 | Rs.__35,971| ¢.—| Yes Bank, Nungambakkam Branci- ‘Chennai ~ SB 000590700000983 | Rs.__3:796 $-HIDBI Bank, Alwarpet Bray neh, Chennai - SB -0022102000020527 | Rs.27.500 %—HISICI Bank, Adyar Branch, Chenn 168013002887 [eft Adyar Branch, Chenn: ed Desposit_ [168013003261 — TX xmgned sont 2.3.8. enema 288 wggnewbed [Whsebsabees. Gaeta mate Ba eek “Tera — pares 4G fae oat err TG RTE} SS aS a Grattan Gaiman "TN-07-BQ-2345 | 2009 “[-@.28,00,000 = Goes Genre | TN-T1-RI345 [201 “5. 83,00,000/ a TNOT-CEATT | 016 © ettoo ee eects sea ~ | NSr-crH810_ [2015 5 $3,000] ees Caan CW-2 2019 &. 27,00,000 ica aa TROTCWaEe 1S Cntated Guskat "IN-O7-CX-2628 | 2020 ‘._77,00,000 7 Tanrat Cosaek TNOT-CY-2638 | 320 ‘.40.00.000 ieee 2 Ss 17 (35 axis) tel, Gonder (aud Bisvongs Gene) Congas eur Q| Ugapprs soup pe ome lens (gum) Padotng, Qutend ube i gl gl centat ne | Q i : i S| i G.3,46,32,00 Bebeneo Quon gist 5,600 | 4,100 @._60,00,000 Grateayai |. 10,00,000 Sma a bBie ._31,00,000 [fe Co cSmibyattmapera = = G._2)81,17,000 WD Saburo oes G._13,20,200 | { Gone | .3,95,37,200 | $7hy we, 18 jank, N ranch - 88 KN a 10020010372065 Axis Bank, Neelankarai Branch SB 4230101000050078 | SEALS —____ a Gil) Bawash, gw, Garsiion Lobo PCa pOeba Cuunassirasctt (Seo odond wy ailergruasenen Dretfldbcoend) aaa, enema, prio | a etuny Seo /ebgmb | Coanunoter Lins oem opin Cecmiy —] T rive 8 360 Grams G_ 15,25,320 | z Gaisten 2 4000. Grams G._2.86 400 Cuong __&. 18,411,720 Z prea 0 Spores Hoes TN-07-AQ-6711 2008 _._16,00,000 z “alr Santas Ay TIN07-CV-2628 2019 ‘®._18,00,000 Giswtésab |e 34,00,00 SN ATHS 4. OF INDIA’ mm Road, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Thiruvannamalal- 606 601. 21 APPENDIX VIC. STATEMENT OF SUMMARY OF PARTICULARS/INFORMATION FURNISHED IN AFFIDAVITS [CHAPTER III PARA 4.5 (3.1) No. & Name of Constituency : 63. Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly ‘S.No. Particulars Description 1 Candidate Name Thiru.S. Thanigaivel | 2 Father's/Methers/Husbands Name Srinivasan 3 Age 46 years 4 Educational Qualification 12™ Standared | 5 | Convicted (Yes/No), If yes, then list of section(s) | No | le Cases pending (Yes/No), If yes, then list of Yes, @enominy@ is enclosed section(s) herewith for the said details. | [7 | Assets: | Movable * Rs. 9,49,43,003/- Immovable Rs.6, 18,00,000/- 8 | Liabilities/overdues of Public Financial Rs. 16,26,92,300/- | Institutions and Govt. dues Date : 19.03.2021 S Aka Place Tiruvannamalai commiss! \ eS TN. KUMARAN, acom., ADVOCA 157A, Vettay Thiruvalluver Nag. Thiruvannamalal 60, Signature of Candidate wie ec ONER OF OATHS NOTARY PUBLIC OF INDIA bad Ove

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