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+ => Learn to Read Second Grade Level 1 Workbook The Second-Grade Level 1 Workbook includes: long vowel sounds and r-controlled vowels y at the end of a word commonly used “helper words” practice pages for review before reading words in context illustrated stories with words learned in each lesson parent tips to help you instruct and guide your child Design Team Russell Ginns Amy Kraft 'T) Trochlil McGreevy Christopher Medellin Dorothy M. Taguchi, Ph.D. Senior Producer Amy Kraft Senior Director of Product Development Russell Ginns Editorial Direction ‘The Linguistic Edge Educational Advisors Sheila Mandel, Ed.M. Sonja Roseman, Ed.M. Dorothy M. Taguchi, Ph.D. Credits Story Writer Michael Artin Story Illustrations Kelly Kennedy (pages 4-5, 34-35, 56-57) Joshua Nash (pages 26-27, 48-49, 52-53) Bob Ostrom (pages 8-9, 22-23, 600-61) ‘Tamara Petrosino (pages 12-13, 30-31, 44-45) Alphabet Illustrations Bryan Langdo Design and Layout Two Red Shoes Design Special Thanks Leslie Alacbay, Amy Bevilacqua, Kelly Dickens, Adina Ficano, Judy Harris, and Robert Pugh 1 2009 Smarterville Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved. 'No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in any rettieval system or transmitted, In any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwse, without prior written permission of the publisher, Printed in China, Lesson OVErVieW soccer . First-Grade Review sc : son 10: ar, er Ui, ur Unit 1 Lesson 1: Longa : 13: eer, ear. Lesson 2: Long i 14: are, ar ... Lesson 3: Long o Koel s : Two-Syllable Words Lesson 4: Long u, Long ¢ Review .. Unit 2 Lesson 5: ee, €a Lesson 6: ow, 02. Lesson 7: Lesson Lesson 9: y Review Lesson Overview Welcome to the Hooked on Phonics” Learn to Read Second-Grade Level 1 Workbook, your guide through all the lessons in this level. Follow the easy step-by-step instructions to get your child started on the adventure of learning to read. Every lesson follows the same approa n, Practice, Read Learn meas Learn to read new words by watching the lesson on the DVD and then reading the new words in the workbook. Practice Then practice reading the new so combinations and words in the Read Now y ends with a story in the workbook or a storybook. Every story and book is composed mostly of words that u're ready to read. Each lesson your child has learned to read so fat in the program Celebrate As you know, reading is a big deal. Celebrate each time your child reads a story or book, by placing a sticker in the workbook. This also provides a helpful marker to remember where to begin next time. Tips for Success + Set a good pace, Work at a pace that’s right for your child, whether it’s once a week ot four times a week, * Don't overdo it. Fit the lessons into your child's attention span, generally between 20 and 30 minutes. + Master each lesson before moving on. New lessons build on previous ones, so make sure your child has mastered the current lesson before moving forward. + Talk about the books and stories. Engaging your child in a conversation about what he's reading helps stimulate his thinking and comprehension + Read to your child every day. The more you share the love of reading with your child, the more your child will want to read. ghout this workbook, you'll see parent tips in the blue bar along the bottom of the page. These tips ed to help you answer questions your child might have about things that are new to him, and can give you ideas on how to extend the learning at home and on the go. Use this page to determine if your child is ready to begin Learn to Read Second Grade Level 1, which builds on the lessons of Learn to Read First Grade. Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from left to right. If she ean do this easly, she's ready to begin. |) flip desk skip thing whiz crack best math %))sketch — thin pink — chip tit plum hulk — glass 3 badly them mixer ask hinted frog telling land To begin this unit, watch the Unit | introduction on the Level 1 DVD. This will walk you and your child through the sounds and words that he will be learning in this unit, Lesson 2: Start by watching Lesson 1 on the DVD, then return to this page. Have your child use his finger as a guide working from left to right, stopping at each word while he says the word out loud. Have him repeat this a few times until he’s ready to move on. | a made | mad —> made ate tape cape fate plane —> name haze gave snake brake grape ==> skate trade frame chase shape whale Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from left to right. ')name tape ate frame haze gave whale made Y) grape cape trade shape plane skate snake fate K))chase ate gave brake made name cape plane Come with me. I go fast down the path, Iwant to skate. Past the gate. Iwave to the ape. What a lam brave, so I race the ape. mistake! He wants to chase me. Ican‘t shake him! I skate into a cave. Ihave no brakes! It’s dark in the shade. And here comes the lak on yee We make the jump. You must be brave Look! Now I'm a plane! to skate with me! ‘Come Skate with Me” is also available as Shared Reading on the Main Menu of the DVD. Watch Lesson 2 on the DVD. Then return here. Have your child use her finger as a guide, stopping, at each word while she says the word out loud. Have her repeat this a few times until she’s ready to move on ee —> ride bite kite fine slide twine —> quite like size bike life prize —> five wise nine smile crime white Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from left to right. ) size fine bite smile prize life twine five ~) bike wise kite nine tide crime quite slide <)) white plane gave skate like trade whale ate Do you hike in mud or grime? Were you messy while you ate? Do you ride your bike in slime? Did some stuff slide off your plate? Do not hide it if you do, Did your pants get every bite? Prize White is the stuff for you! Get it out now with Prize White! It will take the grime out fast! Tt will make socks white at last! Tt will make Dad fill with pride. Tt will make Mom smile so wide Do all of your pants and socks. It is just five bucks a box. If you only have a dime, Just do one sock ata time. Warch Lesson 3 on the DVD. Then return here. Have your child use his finger as a guide, stopping at each word while he says the word out loud. Have him repeat this a few times until he’s ready to move on. | 0 hope | Lite) of) =—> hope note code slope rode globe => nose zone home vote joke pole —> drove quote stone broke chose froze Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from lefe co right. |) joke code nose broke rode hope drove note OQ cree globe home pole stone slope vote froze “) bike zone frame smile quote life brake nine Read Iwas out playing hopscotch I froze! There was a note with and jumping rope. The sun stone on it. And the note shone. was in code! What did the note say? Thad one hope. Mom! I It drove me mad! rode my bike home down the slope. L<-To fo] LS Mom gave me some cake. late the cake as I broke She said, “For some codes the code. you start at the end.” The note said, “Come home It was all a joke! for a snack.” Watch Lesson 4 on the DVD. Then return here. Have your child use her finger as a guide, stopping at each word while she says the word out loud. Have her repeat this a few times until she’s ready to move on. —=—itt —> cute use tube cube rule June —> mule duke rude tune plume flute Io Pete —?> Pete theme Eve Steve Helper Words “Helper words” are commonly used words that either can't be sounded out or have sounds your child is not yet ready to learn. These words are learned through repetition. You've already seen them in Lesson 4 on the DVD. Now repeat them with your child, Have her point to and read each word five times, or until she To make learning helper words more like a game, call ‘out a color and have her read the word on that color, Practice Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from lefé to right. |) mule tube rude cute use plume duke flute “tune cube June tule Eve theme Pete Steve “under twine any rode three how other only Read Your child is ready for the book Kate and the Talent Show. Before reading, have her look at the cover and read the title. Ask her what she thinks the book might be about. After reading, use these questions to discuss the book. Kate Pree BP Alor estCoas Discussion Questions + Who is this story about? + What are some of the different things Kate’s friends can do? + Why doesn't Kate want to be in the talent show? + What are some of the different talents chat Kate tries? ‘* What does Kate end up doing for the show? * How does the audience like Kate’s performance? BY Have your child place her finger on the arrow. As she follows the path with her finger, have her read each word she encounters until she reaches the stat. —> rule gave fine tube froze any slope flute only theme white how whale three Pete life grape under use Steve other cube size Eve ‘To begin this unit, watch the Unit 2 introduction on the DVD. This will walk you and your child through the sounds and words chat he will be learning in this unit. Lesson 5: Lesson 6: Lesson 7: Lesson 8: Lesson 9: Warch Lesson 5 on the DVD. Then return here. Have your child use his finger as a guide, stopping at each word while he says the word our loud. Have him repeat this a few times until he’s ready to move on Es ite ——» feet keep need tree queen cheek =—» teeth wheel sweet green sleep freeze 2 read ——) read pea meat leaf real each <<» dream speak clean least beach treat Practice Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from left to right. | cheek tree sleep teeth feet green freeze need “) each meat clean pea beach dream leaf read <|) sweet speak real keep treat queen wheel least Oe be a ¢ RY 2) “Sweet King.” said the queen, “will you put a pea in my bed? I want to see if I can feel it.” may not feel this,” he said. “I need something bigger.” The king thought, “She will not sleep if she cannot feel the pea. And then I will not sleep.” [> He put a grape in her bed. Then he put a peach in her bed. “Bigger!” he said. He stuck in He put in a rake, a kite, a pipe, the wheel from his bike. and a small tree. “She will feel this,” he said with pride. The queen got in her bed. “I “sweet King.” said the queen, can feel it!” she said. “That's “Icannot sleep. There is a pea in my bed. Watch Lesson 6 on the DVD. Then return here. Have your child use her finger as a guide, stopping at each word while she says the word our loud. Have her repeat this a few times until she’s ready to move on SREB —> show row low mow bow — slow —> glow blow snow flow own bowl Es soap —> soap oak boat goal loaf coat —» road foam groan float toast coach v3 3 Lido Ted let Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from lefi to right. slow bow low show flow own mow blow boat groan coat toast oak road soap coach bowl loaf foam snow row goal grow float B iy There’s a glow in the east as the sun rises. The sun melts the snow. Drip, drip, drip. A creek begins to flow. A toad sits down low, stuck on the road. wer \ Oh no! The toad sees a crow. Crows like to eat toads! The toad must hide . . . An oak leaf floats past. and fast. Can he use that as a boat? a t we He steps on the leaf. He floats He reaches the trees! In the down the creek. Can he get shade, he can hide from away? Will the crow see him? the crow. Warch Lesson 7 on the DVD. Then return here. Haye your child use his finger as a guide, stopping at each word while he says the word out loud. Have him repeat this a few times until he’s ready to move on ERENT —>- rain aim paid nail wait snail <——» drain — trail chain train paint braid —> way day lay may pay say —> hay gray sway clay tray stay Starting at each number, have your child read the words going actoss from left to right. > trail paint aim wait paid drain braid rain say may tray lay stay day gray way <)) chain hay snail nail sway pay train clay Haye your child hune through this picture to find and read all ofthe text. When youre on the go, have your child find and read environmental print on signs, billboards, and packaging for fun practice in between lessons, h There is mail each day Watch Lesson 8 on the DVD. Then return here. Have your child use her finger as a guide, stopping at each word while she says the word out loud. Have her repeat this a few times until she’s ready to move on. —> fly cry dry my pry shy —> by sky try fry why spy era) Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from left to right. =} < K) by ty dry pry fry why cry sky shy my — spy try by why Q = goal leaf tune train my coat own gray FY y My dad is odd. He likes to speak in code, so I think that he must be a spy. Iplay catch with my dad, and 1 always miss the ball. Each time: Ido, my dad tells me, “You have to crack an egg to fry it.” What kind of code is this? It’s a ball, not an egg! It does not matter why I cry. Each time I do, my dad tells me, “Do not cry over spilled milk.” But I did not spill any milk! I. go hiking with my dad, and I ask, “How far?” Then he tells me how crows fly. Who knows what he means? When my dad leaves, he says, “It’s late, Ihave to fly.” Ilook up in the sky. [never see a plane no matter how hard I try. My dad speaks in code. That’s why I think that he must be a spy. Watch Lesson 9 on the DVD. Then return here, Have your child use his finger as a guide, stopping at each word while he says the word out loud. Have him repeat this a few times until he’s ready to move on, =x ==> candy puppy funny happy rocky ==> penny dizzy lucky fuzzy dusty ==> sneaky tricky Have your child point to and read cach word. Then call out a color and have him read the word written on that color. Play a word hunt to reinforce helper words. Open up some other books, and have your child hunt for these helper words, reading each word as he finds it. Practice Starting at each number, have your child read the words going across from left to right | lucky candy penny rocky funny sneaky fuzzy puppy 1) tricky put happy pretty two dusty does every “)) both dizzy shy road wait flute show paid My Giant Bunny Your child is ready for his next book, My Giant Bunny. Before reading, have him look at the cover and read the title. Ask him what he thinks the book might be about. After reading, use these questions to discuss the book. My, Giant Bunny Discussion Questions + What kind of pet does the boy pick out? Why didn't anyone else want the giant bunny at the pet shelter? What are some of the things that a giant bunny can do that other pets cannot? * Why can’ the giant bunny go camping with the family? * Whar does the family discover when they peck out of the camper after the rainstorm? What would you do with a giant bunny as your per? Remember, for more activities and ideas visit on the arrow. As he follows the path with his finger, have him read each Have your child place his fing word he encounters until he reaches the star =» happy hay trail show meat two spy why pretty coach wheel both puppy lucky by boat every slow does rocky put wait foam day _ For additional word practice, write down two words from each les Q | cards. Have your child find the pairs of words with the same vowel i To begin this unit, watch the Unit 3 introduction on the DVD. This will walk you and your child through the sounds and words that she will be learning in this unit Lesson 10: Lesson Il: Lesson |2: Lesson |3: Lesson I4: Lesson |5: feta teil sere guide, stopping at she’ ready to move on. Watch Lesson 10 on the DVD, Then return here. Have your child use her finge each word while she says the word out loud. Have her repeat this a few times un —=t— car art jar barn hard dark ——» farm — star sharp = chart smart march —Ettss—<“‘“‘CSCS =—)> her fern jerk term perk herd —»> nerve perch serve — stern verse swerve

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