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Opinion Writing: Using Evidence from the Text

Grade 5

Lesson Title:
Opinion Writing: Using Evidence from the Text

Lesson Overview:
The purpose of this lesson is to teach students to use evidence from the text to write a focused opinion

Materials Needed:
PowerPoint Presentation, Reference Sheet, Handout 1: Guided Practice, Handout 2: Independent
Practice, Text: Conservation

Instructional focus Addressed:

Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas
are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

Explicit Instruction (steps):

1. Explain to students that they will learn to form an opinion on a topic in a piece of text.
2. Explain to students that they will learn to reread in order to gather evidence to support their
3. Explain to students that they will use a graphic organizer to create organizational structure for
their thinking.

Modeled Instruction (steps):

1. First, review with students what it means to have an opinion. Explain to students that an
opinion is an attitude or belief about a topic. Opinions usually invoke emotion or feeling.
2. Distribute and review the reference sheet.
3. Refer to the chart on the reference sheet and demonstrate each step. Explain that we first
carefully read a chunk of text and determine the topic.
4. Distribute the text.
5. Read the first three paragraphs about energy conservation aloud.
6. Point to the “topic” box on the reference sheet and explain that the topic so far is conservation,
but the article is really describing energy conservation.
7. Refer to the next step on the reference sheet. Ask yourself, “How does this part make me feel?”

I feel worried about the environment, but excited to do my part.

8. Refer to the next question on the reference sheet.

I think people should conserve energy.

9. Refer to the next steps on the reference sheet. Go back and reread the paragraphs listing off
facts that support your statement.

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Guided Instruction (steps):
1. Tell students they will now have an opportunity to practice with a partner.
2. Distribute and review Handout 1: Guided Practice.
3. Explain to students that they will be working with a partner. They will read the article and
follow the steps to come up with their own opinions. They will read, think, and talk with their
partners, but both students will fill out their own organizers.
4. Give students time to work together. Listen in, coaching partnerships as appropriate.
5. Share out exemplar student thinking.

Independent Practice (steps):

1. Distribute and review Handout 2: Independent Practice.
2. Explain to students that they will now practice writing about the article. They will write their
opinion on the article.
3. Explain to students that there are prompts and key words on the handout to help them form an
opinion and include evidence from the text.

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