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Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis

Angel Knights: Army Acquisition and Great Snapdragon

Version 1.1
Done by Stephen Beard aka sbeard22/Quay
Table of Contents
I History
II Reason for Guide
III AngelKnights
IV Recruits
V Angel Knight for Army
VI Angel Knight for Snapdragon
VII Common Questions
VIII Contact Me!
IX Credits and Thanks

I History- 90% of people don't look at these
Version 1 (8/30/02)
-Most everything added here
-Most of the work done last night
-Sent to GameFAQS
Version 1.1 (8/30/03)
-Wow, one year an update...
-Added question section
-Fixed some gramatical errors
-Removed some really bad jokes
-Added "AngelKnights" section
II Reason for guide?
Basically I am writing this because I was so frustrated when I was
trying to make my first AngelKnight. A few people know of the topic I am
talking about. After I finally received my first AngelKnight (after two days
of trying) I grew an enormous appreciation for them. I found two excellent
uses for them: army AngelKnight and Snapdragon AngelKnights. In this guide
I will tell you the best ways I found for making them. So here we go...
III AngelKnights- How they help and how they don't
Ok, there are three main reasons for getting AngelKnights: to get all the
classes, to use them as a part of your army, and finally to use them as a
snapdragon (If you don't know what that is, go read the snapdragon FAQ it will
help you tremendously).
Don't try to get an AngelKnight becuase you think they are god like
characters, they aren't. They good characters because they can fly, have pretty
good movement, and their skills are ok if you have undead or are fighting
undead. I had one angelknight in my part and found him quite valuable. I
relied heavily on mobilty (all my fighters could warp/fly) and found that for
the normal battles it was a big plus.
IV Recruits- Fresh Troops for the Army
This is probably the most important part of making an AngelKnight.
Your recruit will dictate how long it will take for your Angel to
transcend (to a certain extent that is), if the character can even change,
and what the Angels name will be.
Ok, we are ready to recruit a character. So, go to a map point that
looks like a little tower and go into the shop. (if you don't know how to
do this then ask someone or something...but common, you can do it.) Hire a
character. Give them a name and sex (Sex doesn't really matter, from what
I have seen the starting stats are always the same or just a few points
different). Ok, now you should be looking at the new characters stats.
Don't press any buttons (if the window asking you if you want to hire it
pops up you have to start over) and go onto the next paragraph.
Now, there are two main things you need to look for in a recruit.
They are the alignment and the characters current fortune. You could
go through the whole big formula for biorhythm or just hit select and then
press "A". The screen you get will look something like this:
Born on (whenever). Sex: (male or female)
Fortune: (something) (little finger pointing at button)
-------Press a button-----------
(about two lines of text)
Now, the fortune and those two lines of text are what we want. If
they sound good (something like: Things will go more smoothly than you
thought. Just relax; Small mistakes won't hurt you. Remember to help your
friends) then you are set. Now, if you are not sure of if your fortune is
good or bad then you can go check TFergusson biorhythm FAQ. It has a very
nice graph of these.
Alright, if it has a good fortune and is lawful, then congratulations you
just found yourself a keeper. If not, then keep trying. I would suggest that
you go ahead and recruit another character and make two angels at one time.
It is a substatial effort to set the stuff up so it is worth it to make two.
V AngelKnight for Army- Quickest way I have found for a level 18 Angel
So now that you have your ready recruit(s) you are ready to make
yourself an AngelKnight ready and rearing to go fight and win battles for
you. I have found my AngelKnight to be an invaluable part of my army. They
have excellent attack, defense, stat growth, and most importantly they can
fly without using an item. This leaves them with one more equipment spot
than most of your other fighters if you like to give them flying and
teleporting items like I do.
Ok, we have our recruit(s) ready to go. How do I make him an AngelKnight
now? Its fairly simple, here is the easist way I have found.

1) First thing we want to do is get the required Certificates. Start a training

round with the two recruits, one healer, and two really strong guys (Make sure
you don't have one of the newbies on a team all alone). The recruits should
have nothing on...just a couple of level 1 naked newbies going at it with
fists. Heh. Really though this is the easiest way to get the knight's
certificate. 15 attacks by each newbie to the other's face while the healer
heals whenever necessary should make the task simple enough. Once you have the
certificates, kill the two newbies off with the strong men. Now revive them and
there you go, you have the Archangels Feather emblem.

2) Now that you have that taken care of, leave the training and start a new
one. This time put your two trainees on team 1 and two level 10 or so
whatever's on the other team. Also, take along a healer again just in case.
Have your newbies attack the 10s one on one from the back. In other words,
have the newbies attack the level 10 guys from the back while the level 10s
just sit there and take it because they have no choice. I mean what are they
gunna do, form a union and go on strike? Try to get a setup like this so you
have to do the least amount of moving around.
| | | | |
|-------|-------|-------|-------| The blanks should be open for easy
| 10 | | 10 | | access for your troops
|Newbie | | Newbie| |
| | | | |
Now just keep having the Newbies attack the 10s from behind until you gain
four levels. I know they will miss a lot, but just keep doing it as every hit
will gain a level. You could use lower level guys if you like, but this is
the way I like. If you don't like either of these methods, then gain four
levels your way.
3) Upgrade your two newbies to clerics. Simple.
4) You guessed it, more training. This time use a few guys somewhere between 15
and 20. Gain 6 levels as a cleric. You can do this by punching again or you can
equip them with the heal spell and heal high level characters. This will also
give you 1 full level per heal. Probably do a combination of both, heal when
you have the mp and punch when you don't.
5) Next make the clerics in to knights and gain 7 more levels. I suggest using
a couple guys of level range 20-25.
6) Ok, now you should have the requirements to become an AngelKnight. However,
check to make sure.
Requirements - 215 HP, 66 MP, 89 STR, 81 INT, 88 AGI, Lawful,
Archangel's Feather
7) (sarcasm)Ok, now the fun part(/sarcasm). Get into a battle (either story or
encounter NOT TRAINING). Take some fighters to kill the monsters, the two
knights and a priest with heal. Now, kill all the enemies except one so that
you don't have to worry about getting hurt too bad(this is why low level
encounters are the best). Once that is done, kill and revive the knights until
they turn into AngelKnights. Fun, I know. It shouldn't take more than a few
times of killing them before they change. This is why we made sure they had
good luck. My first one had bad luck and it took me about 15-20 times. Once I
figured out the luck thing, hasn't taken me more than 5 attempts and NickD said
it only took him one try. If it does, just keep trying. Still haven't changed,
check your stats again and keep trying.

VI Angel Knight for Snapdragon
This is my favorite of the snapdragon swords. Isn't it everybody's?
They are good and you want one. Here is the easy way to do it and get the
best possible strength and agility out of it. NOTE: I am pretty sure this
gives the best, not positive. Just making this faq is enough work. If someone
wants to check it out and drop me an e-mail that would be cool.
1) First thing we want to do is get the required Certificates. Start a training
round with the two recruits, one healer, and two really strong guys (Make sure
you don't have one of the newbies on a team all alone). The recruits should
have nothing on...just a couple of level 1 naked newbies going at it with
fists. Heh. Really though this is the easiest way to get the knight's
certificate. 15 attacks by each newbie to the other's face while the healer
heals whenever necessary should make the task simple enough. Once you have the
certificates, kill the two newbies off with the strong men. Now revive them and
there you go, you have the Archangels Feather emblem.
2) Ok, now it is different. Gain 7 levels with your newbies. Use guys of about
level 10-15. Probably level 10 for a while then switch to level 15.
3) Upgrade to knight.
Ok, here is where personal preference steps in. You can train the guys
to level 50 as knights which is much easier, but then you have to worry
about killing the level 50 knight a few times to make him change. Your other
choice is to make him an AngelKnight early (much easier killing a level 23
knight than it is a level 50 knight). Also, the AngelKnight gains one more
agility per level, which doesn't matter all that much because snapping only
carries 1/5 of the agility over. Still, it does give more agility. Its up to
you. Personally, I like letting the knights level overnight.
**Level the AngelKnight- I hate trying to kill the guys off
(scroll down if you want to make the knight level 50 then transmigrate him.)
4) Ok, now you want to gain 15 levels with the knights. A lot, I know. Use
level 15 guys for a while, then switch to 20 and finally to 25. You could
shorten this by using some "Sorcerer's Cup" and "Crown of Intellect" items.
The growth for mp and intelligence of knights really sucks. Anyway, whatever
way you go just meet the requirements for the AngelKnight before you move on.
5) (sarcasm)Ok, now the fun part(/sarcasm). Get into a battle (either story or
encounter NOT TRAINING). Take some fighters to kill the monsters, the two
knights and a priest with heal. Now, kill all the enemies except one so that
you don't have to worry about getting hurt too bad(this is why low level
encounters are the best). Once that is done, kill and revive the knights until
they turn into AngelKnights. Fun, I know. It shouldn't take more than a few
times of killing them before they change. This is why we made sure they had
good luck. My first one had bad luck and it took me about 15-20 times. Once I
figured out the luck thing, hasn't taken me more than 5 attempts and NickD said
it only took him one try. If it does, just keep trying. Still haven't changed,
check your stats again and keep trying.
6) Now you have your two AngelKnights. You could snap them now, but why waste
them. It won't take that much more effort from you to get them to level 50 and
get a lot better stat gains out of them. So, go into training and take only the
two AngelKnights with only armor no weapons. (obviously they will be on
different teams). Now set the computer to take control of them. (Hit R, then
system->control setup-> move both cursors to com) The computer will now run
around hitting each other with their fist doing minimal damage and gaining xp
while they do it. You can go watch some tv or something while this is going on.
Make sure you check on the action every so often to make sure one of them
hasn't died. Its good to have an a/c adaptor for this.
7) Start a round of training, snap your AngelKnights, pick up the swords and
there you go all done.
**Level the Knights- Set it and forget it
4) Take your knights into a training round with nothing but a heal spell. Each
of them with a heal spell. Now set the computer to take control of them. (Hit
R, then system->control setup-> move both cursors to com) The computer will now
run around hitting each other with their fist doing minimal damage and gaining
xp while they do it. Plus, if they get low on life they heal themselves. Set
this to go overnight (a/c adaptor is pretty much required here)
5) Ok, by now you know my method of turning them into do it!
One thing I do suggest either having the knights beat the stuffing out of each
other, or make two other level 50s to do the dirty work for you. Good luck on
them changing quickly and I hope you took my advice about the fortune thing.
6) Once that is done start a round of training, snap your AngelKnights, pick up
the swords and there you go all done.
VII Question and Answer
Over the past year I have recieved quite a few e-mails. Some questions have
occured over and over so I am making this so that you can get a quick answer
rather than having to wait for me to respond. I respond rather quickly but
sometimes there just isn't the time.
Q. Can I turn Alphonse into an AngelKnight?
A. No. Unfortunatly as soon as he dies in a real fight (story/encounter) its
game over. NickD said what if he turned the first time. Well its a thought, but
I am pretty sure when he hits the ground its over, he won't transmigrate. I
Haven't tested this out though, if you have some free time then be my guest.
However, I am 99.9% sure he can't.
Q. Are those stat requirements with or with out equipment?
A. Without...
Q. Can you write another FAQ?
A. I swear I have gotten a few of these, not just my ego talking here. The
answer is maybe. There are usually so many FAQs for games there just isn't any
need. Also I have to really like a game to invest enough time to make a FAQ for
it. I'll let you all know if I do though. Also, if there is another TO game
released... then yea I will probably write one.
Thats it for now, send me more questions so that its not another year for an
VIII Send me an e-mail, its not that hard
Man, that was both a little fun and a great keyboarding practice for
me. Well, if you see anything that is wrong, have anything to add, want to
thank me (?) or just wanna bug me about something send me an e-mail. Make sure
you subject line is something like ------>Tactics Ogre FAQ<--------. I get a
ton of junk mail and don't scan through my junk mail box all that thoroughly.
It was good to hear from so many people, hope to hear from more. Heh, thought I
was going to forget to put in my e-mail address? Well it's at the top, but
you were almost right.
IX Credits and Thanks
If you want to use it somewhere, just tell me and make sure you give me
credit. If you don't want to fine... there is no way I can stop you, but you
will be a bad person!
Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed me this past year. I have met some cool
people and am contact with a few of you. If I used one of your questions
in my new section, PLEASE e-mail me so I can give you credit. Sorry I again
I lost all the e-mails in a format.
Thanks to Layoneil for his great Secrets FAQ that gave me my preliminary info
on the great AngelKnight Class along with the snapdragon locations.
Thanks to Terence Fergusson for his biorythm FAQ (he must have spent a ton of
time on that, make good use of it people)
Thanks to Almasy for his emblem FAQ, very helpful
Thanks to Casey Lantz for his class FAQ, also very helpful
Finally, Thanks to CJayC for his wonderful site that I use so often, am glad
to finally contribute a FAQ.
This document Copyright 2002 Stephen Beard

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